Electric lawn mower - rating of the best models of trusted manufacturers. Best Electric Lawn Mowers Ranking Best Electric Lawn Mower

An electric lawn mower is a necessary thing in the household of any summer resident or owner of a house with his own plot. Such lawn mowers do not poison the atmosphere with harmful emissions, like gasoline models. They are not too noisy, rarely break down and are very easy to maintain - just plug the device into a power outlet and it is ready to go. We present to you ranking of the best electric lawn mowers of 2017, selected by rating and reviews from Yandex.Market.

If you are just facing the issue of planting a lawn, we offer ours for a summer residence and a private house.

  • The price, on average, is 9,560 rubles.
  • Cutting width - 43 cm.
  • Cutting height - 25-85 mm.

Opening the top 10 most popular electric lawn mowers for suburban areas is a very light 12.5 kg lawn mower with a huge 50 liter grass box. Another advantage of this model is a folding handle with adjustable height.

Cons: you can not put a mulching knife.

  • The price, on average, is 9,390 rubles.
  • Cutting width - 34 cm.
  • Cutting height - 26-68 mm.

Relatively light (15 kg) wheeled electric lawn mower with a 37-liter grass box and 6-level cutting height adjustment. When working, it does not make much noise, it is easy to maneuver, and it is even easier to assemble, as one of the reviews says, a 10-year-old child coped with this task in half an hour.

Disadvantages: the grass catcher is quickly clogged.

  • The average price is 4,010 rubles.
  • Cutting width - 34 cm.
  • Cutting height - 28-60 mm.

The most inexpensive lawn mower on our list. It has a stylish black and gold body, a small 28 liter grass bag and 3 levels of cutting height adjustment. This model works very quietly and will not wake up either neighbors or relatives sleeping in the house if you decide to trim the lawn in the morning.

Disadvantages: there is no mulching function and the possibility of installing an appropriate nozzle.

  • The average cost is 9,390 rubles.
  • Cutting width - 37 cm.
  • Cutting height - 20-70 mm.

A good wheeled electric lawn mower with a large 40 liter grass box, easy handling, smooth cutting and powerful enough to handle even small bushes.

Disadvantages: no holder-clamp for the extension cord.

  • The average cost is 70,074 rubles.
  • Cutting width - 28 cm.
  • Cutting height - 15-60 mm.

Ideal for processing areas of 200 m². This robotic model holds a charge for a long time (about 2 hours) and does a good job of mowing grass, even in difficult areas (along the fence and along the edges). However, the package does not include a base station, so it must be purchased separately. Otherwise, the lawn mower will not cope with a plot of more than 25 acres.

  • The average cost is 79,990 rubles.
  • Cutting width - 28 cm.
  • Cutting height - 15-60 mm.

It differs from the younger version in an increased cultivated area - 600 m² and a higher cost.

  • The average cost is 119,990 rubles.
  • Cutting width - 56 cm.
  • Cutting height - 20-80 mm.

Powerful and quiet robot lawn mower with great features. It can mow up to 1200 m² of grass, has 27 levels of cutting height adjustment, allows you to install a mulching nozzle and supports control from iOS and Android mobile devices. There is a theft protection and a child lock. Every 1.5 hours, the smart lawn mower goes on its own to recharge. Such a device processes the site very carefully, and has the only drawback - a high price.

  • The average cost is 136,990 rubles.
  • Cutting width - 56 cm.
  • Cutting height - 20-80 mm.

This robotic lawnmower differs from the model in position 4 with an increased mowing area (2200 m²) and a slightly more capacious battery (4.5 Ah versus 4 Ah for the Robomow RS612). If you have a large yard, then this lawn mower would be preferable, but it is also more expensive.

And for processing very large areas (3000 m²), you can purchase the RS630 model. Its cost is from 165,990 rubles and more.

  • The average price is 4,790 rubles.
  • Cutting width - 31 cm.
  • Cutting height - 20-60 mm.

This lawn mower weighs only 6.5 kg, which means that even a teenager can easily handle it. It is very convenient for her to mow grass in small and hard-to-reach areas for large gasoline or electric lawn mowers.

The grass catcher is small - 26 liters, so the lawn mower is suitable for small areas.

  • The average price is 12,799 rubles.
  • Cutting width - 34 cm.
  • Cutting height - 20-60 mm.

The first place in the list of the best lawn mowers in terms of price and quality goes to the wheeled, maneuverable, quiet and easy-to-operate model. The mowing height can be adjusted by the user and the 40 liter grass collector is easily attached to the mower. This device is optimal for areas with grass no higher than 10 - 15 centimeters.

There were some drawbacks: there is no long electric wire in the kit and the knife gets bogged down in tall grass (more than 15 cm)

An electric lawn mower keeps your yard tidy. With its help, it is easy to remove excess growing grass, in addition, the unit has a low noise level. In this article, we will look at rating of the best models of electric lawn mowers.

The main advantages of mowers powered by electricity include:

  • simplicity and convenience in operation, small weight of a design;
  • low noise and no emissions.

Among the shortcomings, consumers note the following:

  • dependence on power supply and engine power limitations;
  • limitation of the working area, due to a certain length of the cable;
  • the likelihood of receiving an electric shock if the operating rules are not followed.

Classification of electric mowers

Electric mowers, according to the principle of operation, are divided into drum and rotary. The drum model is a 2-wheeled device used to process areas of about 500 square meters. meters. Engine power, on average, 400 W, weight of the structure - no more than 12 kg. The purchase of a mower of this type is considered appropriate if you need to process a small area with low grass. Rotary lawn mowers are equipped with 4 wheels and have more power than drum counterparts, about 900 - 1800 watts. They are most effective for working on large areas and will cope with any grassy vegetation. But, the mass of such units is about 40 kg and they do not have good maneuverability.

Their advantages include:

  • high reliability;
  • smooth processing of the territory;
  • no big loads.

The main disadvantage of such models is the impossibility of processing areas near the fences and the need to sharpen knives when large branches or stones hit.

Manual electric mowers: what are the advantages?

Mowers equipped with a manual design are mainly used for processing a small area. It is convenient to work with them both on a flat surface, and on an inclined one, and in areas with complex terrain. The main advantages of this type of units are:

  • high maneuverability, thanks to which the operator does not have to make great efforts;
  • the location of the motor in the upper part of the body, which allows you to safely mow even wet grass;
  • ease of storage, due to its compact size, and it does not require much space.

Of the shortcomings note:

  • the need to keep the mower on weight during working hours, which increases the load on the body;
  • there is no built-in grass catcher, due to which you have to manually collect the cut vegetation.

Self-propelled units are more modern models. They are equipped with a system that allows the lawn mower to move independently. The operator only needs to select the direction of travel. Self-propelled electric mowers are available with rear or front wheel drive. Front-wheel drive models are more manoeuvrable. Rear-wheel drive mowers have a center of gravity towards the rear of the body, making them popular with consumers.

The advantage of such models is:

  • small size, easy operation;
  • There is a decent amount of built-in grass catcher.

To the existing negative sides, you can:

  • in areas of a small area, their operation is ineffective;
  • high price;
  • low maneuverability, the possibility of overload and overheating.

When purchasing a lawn mower, you should consider the size of the suburban area. For small areas it is convenient to choose an electric option, for processing large areas it is better to give preference to a gasoline engine. The power supply of the electric model can be from the mains or battery. The latter option is more convenient to use for operation, but it also has a high price.

What to look for when buying a lawn mower?

The main indicators that you should pay attention to when buying are:

  • the width of the mowed strip and the height of the grass cut;
  • engine power.

The width of the mowing depends on the size of the knife. For budget models, the working area ranges from 30 cm. For more expensive options, this figure is up to 46 cm. The wider the strip of grass being cut, the more efficient the operation of the unit. Many manufacturers equip their products with an option that controls the height of the mowed grass. With a button or lever, you can adjust the height of the knife. The power of the unit is chosen based on the size of the territory. If it is no more than 4-5 acres, then a power of 600 - 800 watts is enough. For larger areas, the required power is 100 - 1600 watts.

The most popular types are equipped with a built-in grass collector, which is a container (bag) made of soft or hard material. Soft bags are installed in budget models, and plastic bags are installed in more expensive counterparts. Deca - the element where the cutting parts are located, made of steel, aluminum or plastic. The most affordable are models with a plastic deck. Due to the ease of use, mowers with a steel deck have become widespread. The most expensive deck is considered to be made of aluminum, as it has properties such as low weight and corrosion resistance.

The parameters of the wheels also have a certain value. The comfort of work is provided by wider options with a decent diameter. This is especially important when processing an uneven area. When choosing a unit, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the cultivated area, its relief features, the degree of vegetation overgrowth and its variety (hard, soft, high or not). The power of the engine depends on these nuances.

Among electric lawn mowers, the leading positions in the market are occupied by units from Bosch, Makita, Al-Ko and others. Most models have a long warranty period, and in the event of a breakdown, it is easy to purchase the right part. The cost of mowers depends not only on the technical characteristics, but also on the brand. The price range varies from 5.5 thousand rubles to 20.0 thousand rubles.
In the event of a malfunction, many minor problems can be fixed independently. If the unit does not mow the grass well, then the main reason for this is blunt knives that should be sharpened or replaced with new ones. Sharpening is done with a file or sandpaper, at an angle of 30 degrees, on each side.

If the unit does not turn on, then the following reasons are possible:

  • knives stalled due to wound grass;
  • broken electric cable or drive belt;
  • the switch broke, the plug burned out.

Sometimes switching on does not occur due to a lack of voltage in the network. In some versions of mowers, manufacturers install thermal protection. In the event that the blades are blocked, as well as in case of overheating, the unit automatically turns off. The blocking is active until the drive has cooled down to a certain temperature. At the end of work, the mower must be cleaned of adhering grass and other small debris. Before doing this, as well as before starting repairs, the device must be disconnected from the power supply.

Lawn grass, just like garden crops or garden flowers, requires timely and thorough care, which electric lawn mowers can help with. A juicy, well-kept lawn will thank you for your efforts - it will give the zealous owner aesthetic pleasure and clean air.

Regular mowing of the lawn stimulates the growth of grass, and the owner of the lawn pleases with the indescribable smell of mowed grass. To make mowing the lawn easier and to fully enjoy the herbal aroma, it is better to use electric lawn mowers that do not pollute the air. Like any type of equipment, electric lawn mowers have technical specifications and parameters by which you can choose a model for caring for various lawns. Electric lawn mowers can be self-propelled and non-self-propelled. Electric self-propelled lawn mowers have a wheel drive and move by themselves, it remains only to direct their movement. At the same time, the weight of the lawn mower does not matter much: even a weak woman can easily operate a self-propelled lawn mower. Electric self-propelled lawn mowers usually have a "quick start" function and several speed modes. Control buttons are located conveniently, "at hand". Such electric lawn mowers vibrate and make less noise. A non-self-propelled lawn mower must be moved around the site independently and therefore its weight becomes of great importance for the purchaser.

The body material affects the weight of the lawn mower: the steel body is strong, but heavy and can be subject to corrosion, the body made of aluminum or impact-resistant plastic significantly reduces the weight of the entire unit, but is inferior to steel in strength.

According to the method of collecting grass, electric lawn mowers are divided into several types: with side or rear ejection of plants onto the lawn, with the function of grass mulching and with the collection of cut grass in a grass collector. Electric lawn mowers with a grass collector can have a grass full sensor so that the user can empty the container in time.

Rating electric lawn mowers 2016

The mulching function allows you to guide the grass into the cutting unit and finely chop it. This eliminates the hassle of picking plants and allows you to fertilize your lawn without overdosing on chemical fertilizers. Electric lawn mowers with a rear ejector are suitable for tall grass where the cut grass is left lying on the lawn. The side ejector spreads the cut grass over a larger area and makes the lawn neater.

Electric lawn mowers also differ in such significant indicators as the height and width of the bevel of plants. The number of passes over the lawn depends on the width of the grass bevel. Here, as they say, consider yourself. The cutting height of the grass and the range of its adjustment allow you to choose the model of the lawn mower that is most suitable for each height of lawn grass. In order not to damage the plants, they are cut off by no more than one third of the total height. It is impossible to predict how much the grass will grow during the period between cuttings, but electric lawn mowers allow you to adjust the height of the cut. Some models of electric lawn mowers have an additional device - an aerator. With the help of this device, micro-punctures of the soil are made to saturate grass roots with oxygen. If electric lawn mowers have large rubber wheels, this simplifies the control of the lawn mower and does not deform the lawn surface.

Based on the amount of upcoming lawn care work and the type of lawn plants, you can consider all electric lawn mowers, compare their characteristics and parameters in order to choose and buy the optimal model of your assistant.

All kinds of models of electric braids have been successfully sold in the markets of our country for a long time, but, despite the widespread use of these devices, there is still some confusion in the terminology.

What is an electric scythe

Manufacturers of garden equipment call the same unit differently: some - electric scythe, others - trimmer. It is known that the trimmer was originally called the unit, which mowed the grass with the help of a rotating fishing line. Now, virtually every such tool can be equipped with a reel of fishing line, but this does not mean that they are all trimmers.

We believe that electric and battery mowers with a lower electric motor can be called trimmers. Whereas an overhead tool is electric oblique. Electric scythes, depending on the available power, equipment and design, perform various functions, from cutting lawn grass to clearing shrubs on large areas of land.

Electric braid models

Electric models, in addition to low price and ease of maintenance, have a number of other advantages. This technique works with much less (than gasoline models) noise, and during its operation there are no harmful emissions. Significant disadvantages of these tools include their complete dependence on the electrical outlet and the presence of a wire that interferes with work. Also, one cannot ignore the possibility of electric shock as a result of damage to the wire insulation. Therefore, it is forbidden to work with an electric scythe during rain or any other precipitation.

Cordless Braid Models

Currently, there are models of electric braids that run on batteries. Such braids are much more expensive than usual, but very comfortable and ergonomic. Their main disadvantage is the limited capacity of the battery, which does not allow long-term operation of this tool without recharging.

Rod and motor design

One of the main components of an electric scythe is its rod. All rods can be classified according to the following criteria: rods are split or solid, as well as straight or curved. A curved bar is equipped with light, low-power braids designed to perform small-scale work. In this case, the bending of the rod contributes to the fact that the fishing line (cutting element) moves parallel to the ground. In powerful electric scythes, which cut shrubs and thin tree trunks, the bar is always straight. Such electric scythes are heavy and rather large in size.

Handle shape

A distinctive feature of any electric scythe is its handle. For example, lightweight models are usually equipped with compact J- or D-handles. Manufacturers often install anti-vibration elements at the junction of the handle with the bar.

These models are convenient when you need to change the mowing angle frequently.

Rating of electric lawn mowers

But they are not suitable for working on large areas, because such a unit has a rather strong vibration, even despite the presence of vibration isolation. Typically, such electric scythes are used in areas with difficult terrain or to work in hard-to-reach places where a conventional lawn mower cannot penetrate.

To work on large areas, it is recommended to purchase a powerful scythe equipped with T-shaped metal handles, very similar to a bicycle steering wheel. Wide comfortable handles help to easily and accurately move the electric scythe horizontally. The position of the handle is adjustable - it can be moved and / or tilted to any side by simply loosening the clamp. Such braids are heavy, and in order to work effectively and for a long time, a suspension system is used (for most household models, this is a simple shoulder strap).

Equipment for electric scythes

The most common equipment for electric scythes is a reel with fishing line. The thickness of the fishing line is directly dependent on the power of a particular unit. The instructions for the tool always indicate the permissible diameter of the fishing line, and you should not use a fishing line that has other parameters. After all, if you install a fishing line of a larger diameter, the engine will not have enough power to spin it up to the required number of revolutions, but if the diameter of the fishing line is less than the recommended one, there will be a risk of damage to the electric motor, since due to a low load, the engine speed may exceed the maximum allowable and the engine "burn down".
The main advantage of fishing line as a cutting element is its safety. It cuts grass perfectly, but, in addition, goes around any hard obstacles. Based on this, cutting grass near fences or walls should be done exclusively with a fishing line, and only sometimes it is allowed to use plastic knives for this purpose.

However, even the thickest fishing line is not able to cope with shrubs or dried weeds. In such cases, cutters or knives should be used. Depending on their purpose, they are produced in various shapes and sizes. For example, steel cutting cutters with 4, 8 or more teeth are best suited for mowing tough dense grass, narrow long knives with several blades are best for cutting shrubs, and special short-toothed discs for trimming thin trees.

Therefore, before purchasing an electric scythe, determine the scope of work to be performed with its help.

Then carefully read the instructions to find out how the technical characteristics of this tool meet your needs.


Lawnmower type. Electric mowers are environmentally friendly, lighter, quieter, and they cost 2-3 times cheaper than a gasoline-powered counterpart. Of the minuses - the cable, jumping with it over landscape elements such as alpine slides or bypassing garden design items.

Petrol-powered mowers mean complete freedom of action, more power, and at the same time noise, exhaust fumes and the need to fiddle with fuel. Such lawn mowers, in turn, are: self-propelled, having a drive of support wheels, and non-self-propelled, which, when mowing the lawn, have to be pushed in front of you.

Engine. In the design of gasoline-powered mowers from different manufacturers, the same components are often found. The most typical example is the engine. Of all the manufacturers of lawn mowers, only Honda can boast of own motors on their machines. The rest of the firms buy power units on the side - from well-known companies such as Briggs & Stratton or the aforementioned Honda. Most often there are mowers with Briggs & Stratton motors.

Good mowing results are achieved at high engine speeds. The optimum engine speed is set by the manufacturer.

The engine power of lawn mowers ranges from 3.5 to 6 hp, which allows you to mow any lawn in any weather. However, when mowing thick, tall or wet grass, the speed is significantly reduced. In this case, the lawnmower blade tears the grass, the grass does not completely fall into the grass catcher. Therefore, when choosing a lawn mower, you should think about the power reserve, based on future operating conditions. In addition, the power reserve will not hurt if the mower is self-propelled, as the movement of the mower also takes power from the engine.

Case material (deck). The simplest and cheapest material used to make electric lawnmower bodies is polypropylene. Its characteristics (stiffness, elasticity, fatigue) are at the “so-so” level, but there is nothing cheaper than this material. More expensive models of mowers are equipped with ABS plastic bodies, which in their characteristics resemble metal, but are much lighter and cheaper.

Petrol mowers are usually equipped with metal housings.

Rating of the best models of electric lawn mowers

Those that are simpler and cheaper use stainless steel. It withstands approximately 3-4 seasons of operation (imagine what an aggressive environment is formed under the casing of the machine during operation!). The most expensive professional models have an aluminum deck. Such decks are guaranteed up to 10 years, because the chemical “resistance” of this metal is so great. In addition, the aluminum body is much lighter.

Haircut type. Existing lawn mowers can mow grass in different ways: with side discharge, with collection in a hopper (grass collector) or with mulching. And here, of course, there are some peculiarities. When the grass flies to the side, it crushes the tender growing one. As a result, numerous bald spots form on the lawns. There are two ways out here - either after the haircut, immediately grab the rake and collect the scattered, or switch to bunker devices. True, and they are not for everybody. Let's give an example: if the grass is cut by about 10 cm, then after mowing one strip with a length of about 30 m, the grass catcher with a volume of 60-70 liters will be completely clogged.

The bunker weighs a lot - from 10 to 15 kg, so it’s hard for a woman or a teenager to work with such a machine.

Mulching lawn mowers use a vari-angle blade that cuts the grass while chopping it. At the same time, no "chunks" remain - a suspension is formed, which is an excellent fertilizer for the lawn. Another advantage of such mowers is that mechanical damage to the root parts or bulbs of plants during mowing is almost completely excluded.

Cutting width. A very important parameter is the mowing width of the lawn mower. After all, the larger it is, the fewer passes the lawn mower will have to make in order to mow the grass on the site.

In addition, the mowing width directly depends on the mower deck - the larger the deck, the greater the mowing width. But in this case, it is important to remember about the power reserve of the engine in order to exclude its “overload”.

Cutting height adjustment. The simplest, cheapest and most inconvenient is manual adjustment of the cutting height, which usually involves 3-5 holes on the deck of the lawn mower located at different heights. The required cutting height is set by screwing the wheel axles into the desired holes on the deck.

Greater convenience is provided by individual adjustment. Each wheel has a lever with which the cutting height is changed for each wheel individually. And, undoubtedly, the most perfect is the central height adjustment, in which the cutting height is changed with one lever or one button.

Wheels. In cheap models of lawn mowers, the wheels are mounted on plastic bushings.

Over time, they "fall off" from the deck, and there is a problem with their fastening. Therefore, most manufacturers on their lawn mowers install wheels on bearings. They are more impact resistant, durable and reliable compared to bushings. There are lawn mowers with large rear wheels. They are easier to manage, more manoeuvrable and cause less damage to the turf.

Lawn mower blade. The cutting part of most lawn mowers is a two-bladed (rarely four-bladed) blade mounted on the motor shaft. In mowers with a grass catcher, in addition to its main function, the knife also performs a "side" - it creates a strong air flow that lifts the grass and directs it into the grass catcher. By the way, sometimes an impeller built into the lawn mower is used for this purpose. A lawnmower knife is a very important detail and, unfortunately, not eternal - it gets dull from time to time. It is natural that it is periodically sharpened. But in this case, one must be careful and not overdo it: the knife is fixed directly on the motor shaft. Manufacturers strongly recommend after sharpening to balance (balance) the knife. If this is not done, increased vibration will lead to premature wear and destruction of the motor shaft bearings.

Restrictions. Unfortunately, the capabilities of lawn mowers are limited - they can only mow a flat lawn. Hillocks or pits with a height or depth of more than 50 mm for them, as a rule, are an insurmountable obstacle: the lawn mower knife touches the ground and not only does it become dull (sometimes even breaks), the engine shaft can also be damaged. For the same reasons, you should be careful when working in weedy areas - it is better to clear the lawn of debris before mowing. Repair and replacement of the shaft is not a cheap procedure, and can cost almost half the cost of a lawn mower. So it is better for novice mowers to give preference to models in which the knife and the motor shaft are connected not directly, but through a hub made of soft material. In case of danger, it is cut off and protects the engine from damage.

Hello to all gardeners! You have sowed or laid the lawn on your site and it's time to mow it, naturally in this situation you realized that you would have to buy a lawn mower, but here's the "trouble" you have no idea how to choose it correctly. It's okay, further on in the article we will try to figure out what to pay attention to first of all when choosing an electric lawn mower, so that later you will not regret the money spent.

The main types of lawn mowers

First of all, it is worth making out such a moment that there are two types of electric mowers - lawn mowers and trimmers.

lawn mower- is a trolley equipped with an electric motor, a metal or plastic scythe and a grass catcher. Such a tool can only be used on relatively flat areas, without pits, large stones and potholes, and it can hardly cope with very tall grass.

Trimmer- This is a portable tool that is convenient to work with in small and uneven areas, and it is also used for mowing tall grass. But due to the fact that it has to be carried on the shoulder, its efficiency is very low. Since we have an article about lawn mowers, we will analyze the choice of an electric lawn mower without touching on the topic of trimmers.

It is also worth noting here that there are two types of electric lawn mowers - non-self-propelled and self-propelled.

Non-self-propelled mowers you have to push it manually, but they are much lighter than self-propelled counterparts, which means it is more convenient to drag them from site to site and to a storage location, and they cost a little less, these are their only advantages.

Self propelled tool thanks to the drive to the wheels, it moves itself, and the person only corrects the movement - this is very convenient if you need to process a large area of ​​​​the lawn.

Technical specifications

Power- this parameter is determined from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site that you need to process. For a small lawn (2 - 4 acres), a device with a power of 600 - 800 W is suitable, but if the lawn is more than 4 acres, then it is more advisable to choose a tool with a power of at least 1000 W.

Deca- the compartment of the lawn mower where the knife is located. They are of three types:

  • aluminum;
  • metal;
  • Plastic.

The aluminum deck is the best quality, it is light and reliable, but expensive. In my opinion, the best option in terms of price / quality ratio is a deck made of stainless steel, although plastic products in operation show good results. Generally speaking, the choice is yours.

grass catcher- almost all modern lawn mowers are equipped with a grass collector, they are both soft and hard.

The best electric lawn mowers - ranking 2017

A tool with a soft bag is cheaper than a tool with a hard bag. But a solid grass catcher is more practical and easier to use.

Cutting width- directly depends on the size of the knife and the dimensions of the lawn mower itself. Usually the mowing width varies from 30 cm (for cheap models) to 50 cm (for expensive machines). It makes no sense to dwell on this parameter, here everyone chooses a product according to their capabilities and desires.

Cutting height- and here it’s worth understanding in more detail, because there are several options for adjusting the mowing height:

  • Adjustment by rearranging the axle of the wheels;
  • Adjustment by button or lever;
  • Permutation of each wheel.

The most convenient way to adjust is with a button or lever, but lawn mowers equipped with such equipment are the most expensive. The devices are easier to regulate by rearranging the axis, here everything is simply rearranged the axis to another groove, got the desired height. But rearranging each wheel separately is a “dreary” and laborious process, and the cheapest models are equipped with this method of adjustment.

Additional functions. An excellent addition to the main functionality is grass mulching. This feature is good because the cut grass is not collected in the grass catcher, but is finely cut and thrown into the area, being an excellent fertilizer.

Manufacturers. Here it is impossible to say unequivocally which manufacturer is the best, but my advice to you is to choose a lawn mower from well-known manufacturers, so you will protect yourself from purchasing Chinese trash.

Video on the topic "how to choose an electric lawn mower for a summer residence":

How to choose a lawn mower for a summer residence

If the summer cottage has a lawn or fruit trees and shrubs under which grass grows, then a lawn mower will greatly facilitate mowing.

With the help of a lawn mower, you can quickly and with minimal effort give a neat and well-groomed look to the site.

By mowing the grass regularly, weeds can be prevented from spreading throughout the yard.

Why do you need a lawn mower?

A lawn mower is a gardening tool designed for mowing a lawn. In the conditions of giving a lawn mower can be used for mowing not only the lawn, but also for mowing any other vegetation.

For mowing grass in the country, two types of tools can be used - a lawn mower and a trimmer. If we are not talking about open areas, and not hard-to-reach places, then the lawn mower is much superior to the trimmer.

Here are some practical facts about the benefits of a lawn mower.

  • It is easier to work with a lawn mower, as it needs to be rolled, and not carried in hands.
  • The lawn mower has a grass catcher, so there is no need to collect the grass after mowing.
  • The grass clippings can be used as mulch to fertilize crops, or put into a composter to create fertilizer.
  • Thanks to the constant inclination of the blade, the lawn mower leaves behind evenly cut grass, regardless of its type. This gives the area a grace.
  • All lawn mowers have the ability to adjust the cutting height, which allows you to mow grass not only on flat areas.
  • The lawn mower has more productivity due to the larger blade size. Therefore, grass mowing can be carried out much faster and better.

Comparison of petrol and electric models

Lawn mowers can be divided into two types: electric and gasoline. Both types have approximately the same power, the difference is only in the power source and maintenance. These two factors are key to choosing a lawnmower, as they determine the area of ​​​​possible application.

Electric lawn mowers

Electric lawn mowers use an AC motor as the engine.

The advantage of electric lawn mowers is the simplicity of design. This type of lawn mower requires little or no maintenance. Compared to petrol models, electric lawn mowers are significantly lighter, making them easier to operate. In addition, the noise from an electric lawn mower is much less than from a gasoline one.

The disadvantage of electric lawn mowers is the dependence on the source of electricity. This limits the scope of their application, due to the impossibility of working without a source of electricity. Due to the use of an electric motor, electric lawn mowers are sensitive to moisture, i.e. It is not advisable to mow wet grass.

Petrol lawn mowers

Gasoline lawnmowers use an engine that runs on a mixture of gasoline and oil.

The advantage of gasoline models is independence from the source of energy. Lawn mowers of this type are not afraid of climatic factors and can work in any weather.

The disadvantage of petrol lawn mowers is the difficulty of maintaining the engine. Including its conservation for the winter. The need for constant refueling and checking of engine units and fluids. To this should be added unpleasant odors from the engine exhaust and high noise levels. In addition, due to the heavy weight of the engine, a gasoline mower is heavier than an electric mower, which makes it more difficult to work.

Based on the described advantages and disadvantages of electric and gasoline lawn mowers, the following tips for choosing can be given.

  • If you need to mow grass in a summer cottage, while the mowing area does not exceed five acres and there is electricity in the country, then it is better to choose an electric lawn mower. It is simpler and easier to work with, and it requires almost no maintenance.
  • In the absence of electricity or the impossibility of conducting it to the place of mowing the grass, it is necessary to purchase a gasoline lawn mower.

Main technical characteristics

In addition to the type, when choosing a lawn mower, attention should be paid to such technical features as power, grass collection method and type of grass collector, cutting height adjustment, ease of storage, ergonomic design and availability of spare parts.

Lawn mower power

The power of lawn mowers affects productivity and the ability to cut thick plant stems. For country use, you should choose a lawn mower with a power of approximately 1.5 kW. Such a lawn mower will provide a compromise between performance and weight.

If you only need to mow the lawn, then it is better to choose a less powerful model. For mowing predominantly wild plants, a more powerful model should be chosen.

Grass collection method and type of grass catcher

There are two modes of operation of the lawn mower: grass catcher and mulching. The grass catcher ensures that the grass is loaded into the container. Mulching allows grass to be shredded to fertilize the lawn. Mulching mode is available for more expensive models. When choosing, you should ask yourself how appropriate it is for the lawn and whether it is worth overpaying for it.

There are two types of grass catcher baskets: plastic and cloth.

Thanks to the fabric grass catcher, it is convenient to control its filling and empty it in a timely manner. This is good when mowing a cultivated lawn.

If you mow wild grass, then the cloth grass collector has a drawback, it quickly becomes clogged with dust and dirt, and it is very problematic to wash it. Therefore, if you have to mow not only a cultivated lawn, you should choose a model with a plastic grass collector, it will be easier to wash it.

Cutting height adjustment

This setting allows you to adjust the lawn mowing height. On cheap models, the cutting height is realized by rearranging the wheels, on expensive ones, by a special mechanism.

If the area is flat and there are no significant hillocks, then most likely the possibility of changing the cutting height will not be in demand, i.e. once setting the height over time, you will not change it. If there are places on the site where it is necessary to change the height during work, for example, protruding stones, a curb, etc.

it is advisable to choose a lawn mower with a convenient cutting height adjustment mechanism.

Ease of storage Ergonomic design

Convenience of design is very important. when buying a lawn mower, you should try how convenient it will be to roll it, turn it on.

Overview of the best manufacturers and models of lawn mowers in 2017

It is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of adjusting the height of the handle and the possibility of its inclination. Good ergonomics will make mowing grass much easier.

An important selection criterion is the overall dimensions of the lawn mower and the possibility of folding the handle. Most do not have spacious sheds for storing equipment in the country. Therefore, the more compact and easier the lawnmower folds for storage, the better.

The last thing you should pay attention to is the availability of free sale of consumables and spare parts, as well as the availability of a service center. At the same time, it is important that this is available not only when buying a lawn mower, but also in the future, because you buy a tool with the expectation that it will work for more than one year.

Nothing determines the rating of the best models of electric lawn mowers like reviews from customers and specialists from service centers. Thanks to a well-chosen list of functional models, each buyer will be able to select for himself the most suitable option both in terms of technical characteristics and cost.

Varieties and device

The rating of lawn mowers consists of models that differ in functionality and design. In addition to all types of equipment, they are divided into types according to the working width, bevel height, power indicator of the power unit and chassis. There are two main types of devices - rotary and drum. Let's take a closer look at each.

Drum Electric Lawnmowers

The undercarriage of the drum electric lawn mower consists of two wheels. Models with a similar design, as a rule, are used on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than five acres, since the power of the power unit of even the best lawn mowers does not exceed 400 watts.

The device weighs up to 12 kg. This is considered a great advantage, since the operator will not feel this mass during operation. Bevel height adjustable from 12 to 42 mm.

Rotary lawn mowers for summer cottages

These are devices with a traditional four-wheel chassis and a primitive design. In this case, the power of the power unit is 900-1800 W, which is slightly less than gasoline models, but at the same time more than drum technology. This indicator is enough to process a plot of up to 12 acres.

The mowing height varies between 18-75 mm, the device weighs approximately 40 kg. The list of functionality of the best lawn mower includes regulation of the height of the bevel, mulching, collecting grass in a grass box or throwing it in different directions. The rotary device can be used to work in large areas, but only in this case it is necessary to sharpen the knives more often.

Based on this information, it becomes clear that the choice of an electric lawn mower depends entirely on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lawn area that is planned for processing.

To determine which lawn mower is best suited for certain tasks, it is recommended to use the rating of electrical appliances. The TOP of the best models of 2017-18 is compiled using user reviews, test drive results and comments from specialists from the service center.

Bosch Rotak 43

The Bosch Rotak 43 weighs 12.7 kg. The design is equipped with a 4-wheel chassis with plastic discs and a deck. The power unit has a capacity of 1.8 kW.

The working width is 430 mm, the height of the bevel varies from 20-70 mm, it is adjusted with a 6-level regulator. The grass is ejected into the grass catcher or towards the rear. The reliable electric lawnmower works from the electric network. Price - 14450 rubles.

Makita ELM 3311

This model is often found in the reliability ratings of the best electric lawn mowers. The 4-wheel machine is designed to work on an area up to 400 m2. The package includes a 27 liter soft grass collector, but the grass can also be ejected in the rear direction.

There are three levels of bevel 20-55 mm, while the working width is 33 cm. The device weighs 11.5 kg, its power is 1.1 kW. The price of electric lawn mowers for summer cottages is 7000 rubles.

VIDEO: Overview of Makita ELM 3311

Monferme 25177M

Electric self-propelled machinery mows the grass at 5 levels, at a height of 20-70 mm. The design contains fasteners for installing mulching nozzles. The electric power unit operates on battery power.

The design includes a folding handle with adjustable height, a durable plastic case made in a modern style, a four-wheel undercarriage with wheel diameters of 15 and 18 cm. The self-propelled model weighs 17.2 kg and costs 29,990 rubles.

Interskol GKE 40 1200

Direct drive lawn mowers are equipped with a full-fledged running gear, which consists of 4 wheels. An electric motor with a power of 1.2 kW is powered by a network cable. The device weighs 15 kg, but even such a small mass is not felt during operation.

Interskol GKE 40 1200

Grass is ejected into the soft-type grass catcher or backwards. There is a mulching function here. This is the best electric mower in terms of functionality and cost of 8900 rubles.

VIDEO: Overview of Interskol GKE 40 1200

Viking MA 235 Set

A wheeled mower with a working width of 33 cm is used for processing areas with an area of ​​up to 200 m2. In the configuration there is a 30 l rigid grass collector, but the grass can be ejected to the rear. The low-noise model at 89 dB mows the grass at a height of 25-65 mm, the cutting mode is adjusted manually. The electric motor is battery powered.

Viking MA 235 Set

Electric mower overview:

VIDEO: Review of Viking MA 235 Set

Robomow RC306

This is the most modern robotic lawnmower. It works without an operator according to a given program. The mowing width is 28 cm. Such a device is capable of processing up to 600 m2 of area. There is no grass catcher here, so the waste is thrown back. There is also no mulching function.

Bevel height is adjustable from 15 to 60 mm, there are 27 bevel levels. The 200W motor is powered by a battery. You can control the device using gadgets with IOS or Android OS. The kit includes a base station.

As an additional functionality, it should be highlighted:

  • anti-theft system;
  • precipitation sensor;
  • tilt, lift controller;
  • options for cutting corners or edges of the lawn;
  • five programmable sections;
  • ECO mode;
  • child lock function.

The design has a brushless power unit with a capacity of 82 m2 per hour, as well as a rechargeable battery of the modern brand LiFepo 43 Ah and 26 V. The model weighs 10.3 kg, its dimensions are 46x63x21 cm, and the price is 80,000 rubles.

VIDEO: Overview of Robomow RC306

Viking MB 6 RH

Self-propelled three-wheeled lawn mower. Petrol engine, power 6 hp The mowing height is adjustable in 4 positions from 5.5 to 15 cm. The cut grass is thrown to the side, the machine does not have its own grass collector. Track width 53 mm. Piano wheels, floating. This makes it possible to process areas with different configurations.

The robust and manoeuvrable machine is designed to work in tall grass, for which purpose the rear wheels of increased diameter and a freewheel mechanism with a turn around its axis are provided. Facilitates the work of the operator, the ability to adjust the height of the unit, adjustable steering wheel, which leans left and right. The system of protection of the engine from mechanical damage has been thought out - the operation of the knife is instantly blocked if it encounters an obstacle (stone, branch, etc.).

There are a lot of pluses for such a machine, but there are also minuses. The first and main thing is the absence of a grass catcher and, accordingly, the mulching function. The machine itself is heavy - almost 70 kg. Does not cut low grass well. Price 93000 rub.

Makita PLM4621

The Makita PLM 4621 lawn mower is designed for mowing tough tall grass. Although the machine is not professional, it has a detailed functionality. The maximum processing area is 1.5 thousand square meters. Engine American TM Briggs & Stratton. This is a guarantee of long-term operation and the absence of any problems with the engine.

The volume of the grass collector is 60 liters, there is a mulching function. You can set up either collection and chopping to be used for mulching later. You can immediately direct the discharge of the mowing onto the lawn.

Among the indisputable advantages - easy start of the engine with the help of a starter cable, automatic adjustment of the number of revolutions equalizes the power at different bevels - dry or wet grass. Also worth noting is the high neck for filling oil, a quick change of the air filter without tools and the presence of a silencer.

VIDEO: Overview of the Makita PLM4621

Champion LM5345BS

Self-propelled four-wheeled machine, designed for processing areas up to 10 acres. Soft grass catcher included.

Champion LM5345BS

There are 3 modes of operation:

  • beveling grass into a bag;
  • side discharge onto the lawn;
  • mulching and further use for tillage.

Motor B&S Series 675 (made by Champion) single-cylinder, brushless. Large rear wheels provide easy movement on sites with different configurations and height differences. The height of the bevel is adjustable in the range of 1.9-7.6 mm. Works well with low growing grass. Weight with empty grass catcher 40kg. Dimensions 48x57x94 cm. The price of the car is 33120 rubles.

STIGA Combi 48 ES

Electric self-propelled unit, designed for a maximum processing area of ​​up to 500 sq.m. The track width is 58 cm, the height is adjustable in the range of 2.7-8 cm. Works well with short and medium grass. Not suitable for high cutting.

STIGA Combi 48 ES

Large-diameter rear wheels for optimal maneuverability in any terrain, despite height differences and complex configurations. The engine power is 1.8 kW, there is no battery included, it works only from the mains. A serious minus is very loud work (95 dB).

VIDEO: Overview of the STIGA Combi 48 ES

Before you buy an expensive unit for the care of the estate, it is necessary to analyze the proposed equipment for reliability and efficiency in operation. Let's use the information - electric lawn mower: rating of the best models of 2016, compiled, according to customer reviews, according to the analysis of specialists, according to the demand for specific models from consumers.

Rationale for choosing a power tool

Tools for mowing grass - a trimmer, a brush cutter, a lawn mower have a similar application, but differ in the nature and volume of operations performed. A lawn mower is a massive tool, on the frame of which a drive and four wheels are mounted. Often, a device for collecting or chopping grass is mounted on the platform. The cart can be self-propelled front- or rear-wheel drive. The cutter is powerful, closed, the knot is called a deck.

Working with the lawnmower carries a risk of injury. When mowing, it can suddenly throw away a stone with acceleration. The clothes of the worker must ensure safety. Repair of any complexity, cleaning of knives or clogged ejection should be carried out with the device de-energized. There should be no children or animals near the workplace.

The lawn mower processes clean, even lawns without thickets of shrubs. To mow in uncomfortable places, work in corners, you must use a trimmer or

Specifications of electric lawn mowers:

  • power - 0.75-2.0 kW;
  • swath width - 30-45 cm;
  • mowing height - 30 -60 cm.

Depending on the material of manufacture of the frame, deck, the presence of a grass collector or chopper, electric lawn mowers for summer cottages differ in prices.

The choice of an electric lawn mower is justified if the network is available and the connection is available. The working area of ​​the electric tool is 60 meters from the junction with the power cable. The advantage of models in comparison with a gasoline drive:

  • less weight;
  • easy start and management;
  • less noise during operation.

Significant disadvantages are the constant control of the stretching cord and the limited mobility of the mechanism.

The right choice of lawn mower manufacturers

Among the many companies offering their products to the villagers, the same brands are heard year after year, their products are bought, ignoring other models. By demand, trading companies make ratings and order the best goods. The electric lawn mower has ratings - the best models of 2016 according to the sale in IM, according to the Yandex market resource, according to customer reviews in July 2016.

When choosing a tool, it is useful to look at reviews of models. It is not necessary to praise models only from well-known manufacturers. So, we managed to open an inexpensive American lawn mower Skil 1170. It has a platform on 4 wheels, on which is placed a 1.4 kW engine, a 30-liter hard grass collector. The lawn mower provides a mowing of 33 cm, the total weight of the device is 9.5 kg. According to reviews, the model has no comments. Unlike well-known models of famous companies, the price of this electric lawn mower for summer cottages does not exceed 4.5 thousand at retail.

Not always preference is given to well-known brands. Much lower at a price you can buy a quality product with a low rating. The same product on different trading platforms differs significantly in price. Take advantage of the moment when there are discounts for a country tool during seasonal sales.

However, this is a good exception to the general laws of brand development. Companies included in the list of leaders value their reputation, constantly updating their lineup. Therefore, from year to year, these companies spend money on development, their models are not cheap. If you look at the rating of the best models of electric lawn mowers according to Yandex Market, the first six positions in terms of price-quality ratio are 1st, 2nd, 6th by Bosh models. According to the results of the rating of the popularity of the manufacturer of lawn mowers according to the Guide-bargaining version for July 2016, the first place was given to Bosch products. The cost of rating models is moderate from 10 to 14 thousand rubles.

The Bosh Rotak 32 lawn mower has taken a leading position in the ranking of the best models. The price of the product is 4500 rubles, which is not typical for the brand. The lawn mower is equipped with a 1.2 kW engine, has excellent handling and performance. Reviews about the model are only positive.

Taking into account the long warranty period for equipment and the presence of an extensive network of service centers, a Bosch lawn mower of any configuration will be a profitable purchase.

  1. , their products were voted by 36649 buyers.
  2. Makita received 25175 acknowledgment reviews.
  3. AL-KO - 24521 positive reviews.
  4. Husqvarna – 18717 grateful customers.
  5. MTD - 17736 reviews.

Compiling the reliability rating of electric lawn mowers, the algorithm of equipment failures during the warranty period was used, the most typical failures on certain models. As a result, a well-known manufacturer with its model Makita ELM 3710 got into the anti-rating. Absolutely for all products of this brand, the rear wheels protrude from the body and break. During winter storage, the engine bearing rusts, despite conservation.

When choosing an electric lawn mower for a summer residence, you need to remember about fakes. When buying, you should be alerted by the external sloppy or handicraft execution of the platform and documents of dubious quality. Cheap Chinese tools are unreliable and dangerous.

Al-Ko lawn mowers

The German company Al-Ko has been developing and creating garden equipment for more than 50 years. The line of equipment for mowing grass includes Al-Ko gasoline and electric lawn mowers and even robotic lawn mowers. A variety of tools are designed for mulching lawns with grass or collecting it in containers. The company has been manufacturing lawn mowers in Austria since 1966, continuing the family tradition. In order to meet demand and develop production, lawn mowers are also assembled in China.

The Al-Ko electric lawn mower is easy to operate and is in demand among the villagers. In the ranking of the best electric lawn mowers, the AL-KO Classic 3.82 SE ranked third. Characterizes the tool:

  • power - 1.4 kW;
  • swath width - 38 cm;
  • mowing height - 20-60 cm;
  • grass catcher volume - 37 l;
  • case - plastic;
  • weight - 13 kg.

The tool is made in Germany with a guarantee for 3 years. The price of the product is 5000 rubles. The lawnmower is convenient for working on small areas. Wheels recessed into the body allow mowing close to the fence.

The model AL-KO 112547 Silver 34 E Comfort is marked in the Yandex market rating, where it is given the 4th position. The mowing power is 1.2 kW, the mower width is 34 cm and the cutting height is from 28 to 68 cm. The product costs an average of 11.5 thousand rubles.

Characteristic features of MTD tools

MTD equipment is always distinguished by well-thought-out functionality. The Cleveland-based company is renowned worldwide as a manufacturer of quality gardening tools. The first rotary lawn mower was produced by MTD in 1958. Lawn mowers created subsequently are rotary.

The models differ:

  • wheel height;
  • beveled strip width;
  • the volume of the basket for storing the stake.

All models are equipped with durable protected motors with forced cooling. The body of the MTD lawn mower is made of resistant polypropylene. The wheels have a three-dimensional tread and are stable on uneven terrain. The handle is adjustable for the height of the mower and folds for transport. The garden vacuum function contributes to a clean cut of the grass. The grass reservoir can be removed and then the cutting is ejected backwards.

As an example of a budget option, you can consider the MTD 46 lawn mower. The model attracts the buyer with its functionality and reliability. This is a powerful unit equipped with a B&S 450 E-Series OHV engine. Technical data:

  • power - 2.5 kW;
  • swath width - 46 cm;
  • basket volume - 60l;
  • case - steel;
  • weight - 34 kg.

The manufacturer's listing price is $120.

From the category of the most powerful electric mowers, the company offers the 48 ESP HW model. The unit works with a 48 cm strip grip and has a grass chopping unit with nozzles. The cutting height is adjustable in 6 versions, the grass bag is designed for 75 liters. Minimum mowing at 2.5 cm from the ground. Motor power of 1.8 kW allows you to work from the network. The lawn mower has a self-propelled mode of operation. Such a unit costs 23 thousand rubles.

How to choose a reliable electric lawn mower for a summer residence

There are more than a hundred models of electric lawn mowers, and the summer resident needs to choose the only one, and for many years. First, you need to define the source data. Ownership is critical to choosing the type of brushcutter. For the happy owners of a country estate with elements of landscape design, powerful diesel or battery technology is needed. The electrical cord limits the service area. You can use a network connection to process an area of ​​​​4-6 acres.

An electric lawn mower requires less maintenance than a combustion engine model. There is less noise from the power tool, it is much lighter in weight and in control. However, the power, the working width is greater for diesel lawn mowers. The prices of electric lawn mowers for summer cottages are lower than gasoline ones.

Having settled on an electric lawn mower, you need to choose a model with a power of more than 0.9 kW, even in easy-to-care areas. Do not take a model made entirely of polymers. How the material behaves during winter storage is unknown.

Thinking of making a purchase, do not rush:

  • examine the site, do you have a flat area that requires systematic mowing;
  • choose a lawn mower with the necessary parameters from the catalog;
  • carefully study customer reviews for the product;
  • look for a favorite model from European manufacturers, knowing in advance that it will cost more.

When choosing a tool, the choice is made with an adequate ratio of price and quality. Reviews should be taken critically. Sometimes not entirely reliable information is published due to competition. It is not worth making a conclusion about the unsuitability of a model based on one review. The best adviser can be a service center specialist. Only there they know the most vulnerable points of electric lawn mowers.

Guide to choosing an electric lawn mower - video

Caring for summer cottages and personal plots is a labor-intensive and rather troublesome task. Every year more and more gardeners and gardeners prefer automated tools, including lawn mowers - indispensable machines for efficient and fast lawn treatment.

Until recently, the lawn mower market was dominated by petrol models. But with the development of technology, they have been replaced by more economical and environmentally friendly electrical devices. However, even the deafening popularity is not able to insure a potential buyer from a mistake in choosing and subsequent disappointment. To prevent this from happening, carefully read the rating of the best electric lawn mowers, which is based on numerous user reviews, the popularity of models, a thorough comparison of characteristics, as well as the opinion of authoritative experts.

Best Inexpensive Electric Wheeled Lawnmowers

The equipment of electric lawn mowers with wheels is made in order to increase mobility and ease of control, which is also the main advantage. The disadvantages include the fragility of some variants of such a design, which often leads to a breakdown of the chassis and the need to replace wheels or shafts.

The main difference between inexpensive models of wheeled electric lawn mowers and expensive analogues lies in the technical characteristics: budget options process relatively small areas, have lower engine power and dimensions, which affects the bevel parameters. However, in terms of reliability and durability of use, they are in no way inferior to "elite" competitors.

4 Huter ELM-1100

The lowest price on the market
The country:
Average price: 3 670 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

A small and inexpensive "fighter" with an overgrown lawn, which impressed consumers with quiet operation, maneuverability and productivity. The body parts of the wire mower are made of plastic, which significantly reduced the weight of the unit, but at the same time had a negative impact on reliability. Fortunately, the Huter ELM-1100 is equipped with a 1100-watt motor, which led to increased performance, coupled with a high degree of mobility. The width of the cutting part of the blades was 34 centimeters, and the adjustment height was limited to three modes within 28-60 millimeters.

To collect grass, the Huter ELM-1100 has a 28-liter rigid grass collector, but if you wish, you can adjust the grass ejection to the rear. According to the results of the review, we can say that the model managed to bypass serious individual shortcomings, inheriting only an inconvenient power cord from the mains.

3 AL-KO 112856 Classic 3.82 SE

High quality cutting
The country:
Average price: 5 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

As part of the budget series, AL-KO 112856 Classic 3.82 SE stands out with a good set of key qualities. The corded lawn mower is equipped with a 1400-watt motor, the rotor of which provides a rotation speed of 3200 rpm. A good result even by the standards of the “price / quality” segment, however, the noise from rotating parts reaches 84 dB, which is in no way compatible with the concept of comfortable operation. The width of the beveled strip is 38 centimeters, and the height of the blade projection is adjustable in three levels from 20 to 60 millimeters. The cut grass is ejected either to the rear or into a rigid grass collector with a capacity of 37 liters.

The main drawback of the lawn mower affects the design. The ventilation louvres of the engine are located in the bottom of the machine, which is why the manufacturers have imposed a strict restriction on a one-time bevel (no more than 500 sq.m.). This measure helps prevent overheating of the power unit and significantly extend the life of the mower.

2 GARDENA PowerMax 32E

The best equipment. Attractive design
The country: Germany (made in China)
Average price: 8 290 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

In second place is the GARDENA PowerMax 32E four-wheel lawnmower, which impressed users with its appearance. Indeed, the design of the model is not bad, but it is much more important to evaluate the internal characteristics and functionality that awaits potential buyers under an outwardly catchy plastic case.

And even here, the Gardena electric lawn mower is in perfect order. The mowing width is 32 centimeters, and the height is manually adjusted, in the range from 20 to 60 millimeters, using a five-level handle. The cut grass falls into a rigid grass collector with a volume of 29 liters, or is thrown back. Power is supplied from a 1200 W motor, and the knife rotates at 3400 rpm. The total weight of the model does not exceed 8.5 kilograms.

1 Makita ELM331

The best specifications. Best mowing area (400 sqm)
The country:
Average price: 7,530 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Makita ELM3311 electric lawnmower is the best in this category, combining excellent performance, an attractive price and laudatory reviews from numerous users. Outwardly compact, it is made of plastic and equipped with a soft grass catcher with a volume of 27 liters. The width of the bevel strip of this model is greater than that of the nominees, and is 33 centimeters. The height of the blade, on the contrary, is less, but by an insignificant five millimeters, and is regulated by a handle in three levels. The uninterrupted operation of the Makita lawn mower is ensured by an electric motor with a speed of 2900.

The mowing area recommended by the manufacturer is no more than 400 square meters. Such a measure will extend the life of the lawn mower by several years and avoid unplanned expenses for the purchase of new equipment.

Video review

The best wheeled lawn mowers with an electric motor: price - quality

Often the ratio of price and quality becomes a predetermining factor in the choice of equipment. The same is true for lawn mowers. A high price is not always a guarantee of quality, just as quality does not always correspond to the declared price. It is noteworthy that more expensive models of electric lawn mowers are often equipped with a central cutting height control. This height can be changed manually, using a lever, without stopping the electric motor, that is, inseparably from the work process.

4 Greenworks 2500407 G-MAX DigiPro

The largest cutting width (45 cm). Best Blade Height Adjustment Range (28-76mm)
Country: China
Average price: 22,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

An advanced model of electric lawn mower, more than anyone else in terms of value for money. Finished in traditional Greenworks colours, this model features a strong motor powered by a 40-volt battery. It is not known for certain what the speed of rotation of the blades is, however, their geometric parameters more than win back the efficiency. The cutting width is 45 centimeters, and the height can be adjusted in seven levels, from 28 to 76 millimeters.

Among other things, Greenworks 2500407 G-MAX DigiPro is equipped with a soft grass catcher with a volume of 50 liters. However, the grass can also be dumped past it: either sideways or backwards. The presence of a special mulching nozzle in the kit is also pleasant, which allows you to ennoble the soil without breaking away from the inevitable process of mowing the grass.

3 Makita ELM3711

Best price
The country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 8 240 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.2

The third place in the rating of electric lawn mowers is occupied by the Makita ELM3711 model, the cost of which is the most attractive for a potential buyer. Otherwise, it is characterized by rather average characteristics, which, nevertheless, will be enough for comfortable and efficient work.

The width of the grass mowing strip is 37 centimeters. The height of the blades and, accordingly, the bevel, is set manually using a special three-level lever. The cut grass falls into a soft 35-liter grass collector or is thrown back. Manufacturers of this model do not recommend mowing lawns larger than 500 square meters at a time, as this is bad for engine life and can lead to a shortened life. The total weight of the electric lawn mower is 14 kilograms.

2 AL-KO 112858 Silver 40 E Comfort Bio Combi

The best equipment. Professional lawn mower for gardeners
The country: Germany (made in China)
Average price: 11,490 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The large but powerful AL-KO 112858 Silver 40 E Comfort Bio Combi electric lawn mower is in second place in the ranking, just a little short of the “best” title, mainly due to high ratings and brilliant performance of the competitive model.

The recommended mowing area of ​​the AL-KO lawn mower is limited to 600 square meters, which is guaranteed to be enough to clean up small and medium-sized areas. The grass cutting width is an impressive 43 centimeters, and the height has a precise six-level central adjustment, and varies from 28 to 68 millimeters. The advantage of the model is a capacious grass collector with a volume of 43 liters, as well as a nozzle for mulching supplied in the kit. Due to the size and bulkiness of the design, its weight is 19 kilograms, which can be attributed to minor shortcomings.

1 Bosch ARM 37

The best specifications. User Choice
The country: Germany (made in China)
Average price: 9 637 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The undisputed leader, as well as the preferred choice of buyers, is the Bosch ARM 37 electric lawn mower. Looking at the overall price and technical characteristics, it is simply impossible not to agree with hundreds and thousands of satisfied users.

The height of the bevel of this model is varied by a five-level central regulator in the range from 20 to 70 millimeters, and the width of the passage strip is 37 centimeters. The cut grass can be ejected to the rear as well as collected in the 40 liter hard grass box. During operation, the lawn mower produces up to 91 dB of noise, which is quite loud and can cause some discomfort. An electric motor with a power of 1400 watts is responsible for the functioning. With such characteristics, the weight of the Bosch model is only 12 kilograms, which can also be attributed to key advantages.

The best self-propelled electric lawn mowers

Since laziness is the engine of progress, electric self-propelled lawn mowers have become a significant step towards automating the processes of mowing backyard territories. In fact, their management comes down to banal escort along straight sections and turns to pass the next lane. They are as simple as possible to use, unpretentious in maintenance, and in no way inferior in terms of characteristics and equipment to other types of models.

4 Husqvarna LC 347VLi

Possibility of smooth speed control (3-4.5 km/h)
Country: Sweden
Average price: 43,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Self-propelled rear-wheel drive lawnmower from among the novelties of the season, which caused a lot of excitement around its appearance. The new model has brought modernization both in terms of appearance and operational conditions. The self-propelled mode has a smooth speed control (in the range of 3-4.5 kilometers per hour), hitherto installed only in premium models. The cutting width is 47 centimeters, and the blade projection height can vary from 20 to 74 millimeters. The lawnmower is powered by a 36V lithium-ion battery - there are no power wires to speak of. It is possible to install a mulching nozzle, which (if necessary) will have to be purchased separately.

Among the shortcomings of the Husqvarna LC 347VLi, one can single out a high noise level (about 94 dB) and not the most ideal dimensions. If for men the management of 26 kilograms of the weight of a lawn mower is within the power, then women are unlikely to be able to cope with it.

3 Monferme 25177M

The best lawn mower for women. Battery operation
The country: France (made in China)
Average price: 29,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The third place in the ranking goes to the Monferme 25177M self-propelled lawn mower. Given the functionality, this is a good model that has good competitive characteristics, which means it deserves to be included in the list of the best.

The main difference from other nominees is the possibility of battery operation. It is convenient and practical, especially if the work is carried out in large areas. In addition, the body of the model is made of plastic, which allows you to slightly lighten the design, but negatively affects the reliability characteristics. The width of the grass bevel with a working blade is 40 centimeters, and its height is set by a five-level regulator in values ​​from 20 to 70 millimeters. The grass collector is soft, its volume is 50 liters. The total weight of the structure, largely due to the lightweight body and components, does not exceed 17.4 kilograms.

2 STIGA Combi 48 ES

Best cutting blade width (48cm)
Country: Sweden
Average price: 22,600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The STIGA Combi 48 ES self-propelled electric lawnmower has settled on the second line of our rating. In terms of functionality and cost, it loses quite a bit to the leading model, but even such minor differences can affect the final formation of the top list.

The cutting width of this model is large and is 48 centimeters. But in terms of height, things are a little different. The blade position is adjusted by a five-level regulator in the range of 27-80 millimeters. The built-in motor powering the lawn mower is 1800 watts. The disadvantage is the high noise level emitted during operation, the value of which is 96 dB. The self-propelled lawn mower is equipped with a 60 liter grass collection box, as well as a direct discharge function.

1 Makita ELM4613

The best indicators of reliability at a low price
The country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 22,540 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

In the first place is the best self-propelled lawn mower Makita ELM4613, which perfectly combines quality, technical aspects and low cost compared to opponents.

Manufacturers took care of the operational capabilities of the model, in connection with which the area recommended for a single bevel was 1000 square meters. The mowing width provided by the Makita self-propelled lawn mower is 46 centimeters. The height of the blade is adjustable with an eight-level regulator between 20 and 75 millimeters. The worked out grass accumulates in a 60-liter grass collector or is thrown back into the field. The engine is responsible for the operation of the device, the power of which does not exceed 1800 W, and the number of revolutions per minute is 2800. The body is made of steel, so the reliability indicators of the lawn mower are also high.

The best electric lawn mowers - robots

Robotization of the process of functioning of equipment allows you to exclude the human factor from the process, as well as significantly save time. Thanks to this technology, you can easily entrust the routine work of mowing the grass to a “smart” lawn mower and devote your free minutes or hours to other, more important things. As for the shortcomings, the intelligent system often fails, because it is quite “raw”, and the processes of stabilization and improvement of the automatic control parameters continue to this day.

3 Husqvarna AutoMower 315

Balance of the main technical characteristics. Low noise (58 dB)
Country: Sweden
Average price: 130,100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Husqvarna AutoMower 315 belongs to the category of serial middle peasants, combining balanced technical characteristics with not the highest price in the line. Suitable for mowing grass in small garden areas, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich (cumulatively) does not exceed 1500 square meters. Equipped with adjustable blades, providing a lawn trimming height in the range from 20 to 60 millimeters.

According to consumers, the robot has satisfactory performance in terms of power. The total operating time from a full battery charge is 70 minutes, and the recharging process takes no more than one hour. According to the laws of robotics, when the Husqvarna AutoMower 315 has a low energy reserve, it must return to the base on its own ... however, this function does not always work. Thus, the working process of the lawn mower requires periodic monitoring, and cannot be considered fully automated.

2 AL-KO 127406 Robolinho 4100

Best battery life (180 min)
Country: Germany
Average price: 104,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A high-end robotic lawn mower with a 3-hour battery life. Similar results were achieved thanks to the use of a 4.4 Ah lithium-ion battery, compact and lightweight. As for performance, manufacturers recommend using the AL-KO 127406 Robolinho 4100 for one-time mowing of areas up to 2000 square meters. Such restrictions were introduced in order to prevent premature breakdowns of the robot and increase the duration of its operation.

From the rest of the variety of parameters, it is worth highlighting the mowing width of 32 centimeters, as well as the ability to adjust the height of the blades within 30-60 millimeters above the soil level. To the great regret of the masses, garden robots still require considerable purchase costs, and the AL-KO 127406 Robolinho 4100 is another clear confirmation of this.

1 Bosch Indego

Best price
The country: Germany (made in the UK)
Average price: 83 340 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Often, the price parameter becomes decisive in choosing a product, and the characteristics corresponding to it fade into the background. However, in the Bosch Indego model, there is a relative order with both. That is why it takes the leading position and receives the title of the best robotic lawn mower.

The lawn mower is equipped with an intelligent "Logicut" system, thanks to which the device remembers the shape of the site, finds detours and mows the grass in parallel lines. In addition, Bosch Indego can independently enter the base to recharge the battery. So the process of caring for the site is fully automated.

The device is miniature, so you should not expect a wide bevel from it - this figure is only 26 centimeters. The height of the rise of the blades and the bevel of the grass is also less than that of the second applicant, but not by much, and is equal to 60 millimeters. The recommended mowing area is limited to 1000 square meters, but this will be enough even to maintain the lawn on a large plot of land. That is why this Bosch model has earned customer loyalty and is rightfully at the top of the rating.

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