Heat guns on diesel fuel and features of their application. Diesel heat gun: principle of operation, review of the best models and reviews Disadvantages of using diesel heat guns for a garage

Rapid heating of the room is possible with the help of special thermal equipment. In addition to stationary devices, there are also mobile thermal stations. Their principle of operation is based on the creation of a powerful heat flux, which in a short time raises the temperature in the room to the required value. Such a need may arise during construction and repair work, to comply temperature regime in production.

by the most popular view such equipment are heat guns. Depending on the type of energy carrier, they can be gas, electric or diesel. The latter are the most popular, as they can work in offline. But when a diesel engine is running, exhaust gases and combustion products are released. In order to protect the people in the room, we have developed special kind diesel gun with indirect heating.

Structurally, it is a movable platform, in the lower part of which there is a fuel tank and a supply system to the upper cone chamber.

With the help of a pump, the fuel is metered into the combustion chamber, which is located in the main cone according to the "pipe in pipe" type. The small chamber is completely isolated from external environment, except for the withdrawal system carbon monoxide. In the process of burning diesel fuel, the walls inner chamber heat up. At the same time, the fan starts to work, which creates an air flow passing over the surface of the inner chamber. In the process of its movement, heat from the walls is transferred to the moving air and further into the premises.

The advantages of such an operational heating system:

  1. High rate of temperature rise.
  2. Long operating time without refueling - up to 10 hours.
  3. Independence from the presence of the main heat carriers - gas, electrical network with plenty of power.
  4. Mobility.
  5. Possibility of installation.

The main characteristics for these heating devices are:

  • Thermal power - 21 to 220 kW.
  • Tank volume and fuel consumption in various operating modes.
  • The area of ​​the heated room. This parameter is given without taking into account the height of the ceilings and the area of ​​window structures.
  • The volume of air flow for 1 time.

Despite their narrow focus, there are many manufacturers on the market that offer different types of heat guns that work on diesel fuel.

Manufacturers and prices


The Italian company "Biemmedue" has been producing specialty thermal equipment. On the Russian market, heat guns of this trademark represented by Oklima models.

This is one of the most compact models, which is reflected in its low power. Maximum area heating - 200 m². Comes with wheels for ease of transportation and quick movement inside buildings.


Cost - from 54 thousand rubles.

This thermal plant designed for heating a large area (up to 800 m²). Apart from high power she has good performance security. Installation method - suspended.

Technical specifications:

Cost - 102 thousand rubles.


The products of the company "Master" (USA) are one of the most popular. This is explained high quality, operational properties and ease of management.

This model can be used to heat small industrial or residential premises. The maximum area is 200 m². The design is equipped with wheels for greater maneuverability and mobility. A thermostat can be installed as an accessory.


Cost - 52 thousand rubles.

One of the most powerful diesel plants, whose work is designed for an area of ​​​​up to 2100 m². Despite the large dimensions and weight, it can be easily moved - a convenient wheelbase allows you to do this even in a limited space.

Technical specifications:

Cost - 320 thousand rubles.

Choice the best option heat gun should be based on the following factors:

  1. Rent or buy. If the frequency of its use is low, then it is best to rent a convenient model.
  2. Power. The maximum possible heating area directly depends on this parameter. it is possible by a simple ratio 1 kW = 10m ².
  3. Possibility of venting combustion gases outside the premises. It is worth considering in advance the location of the gun and the installation of pipelines through which gases will be removed outside the building.

Which have sufficient technical capacity to maintain comfortable temperature. If you need to work in a cold, unheated room, then there is an excellent option for creating normal conditions in the form of a device such as a solar heat gun.

An important advantage diesel unit to maintain heat is high performance and long life without additional refueling. In principle, these are the same fan heaters, and the device is provided a heating element which is reliably protected from external influences.

How do solar heat guns work?

The interior quickly reaches the right temperature if operated with suitable technical parameters. This device traditionally consists of:

  • heating element,
  • safety element,
  • fan,
  • Corps,
  • fuel tank.

If you follow the safety precautions, a diesel fuel heat gun allows you to warm up rooms of various sizes in a short time. Diesel fuel burns in the unit, the air is filled with thermal energy, and then the fan heater comes into operation, capable of driving air masses through the heating zone.

It is necessary to choose such units in which an effective output of diesel fuel combustion products is provided. Otherwise, the use of such devices can be detrimental to the room in which the equipment is located. It is necessary to create a safe design with the forced removal of harmful fumes that appear during the operation of this technique.

indirect heating

Thus, the purchased Aurora diesel gun must have necessary characteristics optimally suited for use in certain conditions.

If the equipment is not direct heating, then it is most preferable to use it in, since such units have a special pipe that removes exhaust gases. It is enough to fix an additional hose to the branch pipe and ensure its outlet to the street so that there is no harmful effect of fumes.

Wherein thermal energy will be almost in full be kept in the garage. This device with indirect heating is preferable to gas units, which do not always have enough safety measures to remove harmful elements. In addition, during operation, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the room, which leads to significant heat loss.

Direct heating units

You need to know how to convert a direct-heated diesel gun in order to avoid mistakes when choosing equipment. Still, such designs are most suitable for rooms in which people spend a minimum amount of time. The operation of such a heat gun is to mix the products of combustion of diesel fuel and air, which leads to a rapid accumulation harmful substances in space. If a person stays in such conditions for a long time, it will lead to negative consequences.

When choosing, it is necessary to carefully study the parameters specified by the manufacturers in order to exclude the negative impact of the equipment on the human body.

For units with direct heating, spacious warehouses, various types of construction and finishing works where rapid surface heating is required. Such a device will be useful if it is not possible to connect to electricity.

Infrared thermal equipment

There is also an electric diesel heat gun, which creates required temperature due to the heating of all kinds of surfaces in the room, and air masses this process does not concern. Such devices do not provide a fan heater, so the principle of operation is somewhat different from other models of diesel guns.

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  • heat gun on diesel fuel is used to quickly heat large rooms. It can also be deployed outdoors in frost to maintain acceptable temperatures in a certain area (for example, during construction in a building under construction in winter period). The main advantage of a heat gun over standard electric or oil heaters can be considered high thermal power, which allows you to quickly heat large rooms or create acceptable conditions in a small open area in frost. Requires diesel fuel and mains connection (for fans to operate).

    More about application

    The use of a heat gun directly depends on the classification of models, of which two are distinguished today:

    When operating the gun, it is advisable to protect it from children and try not to approach the exit point of warm air, because. this may result in minor burns.

    Design and general characteristics

    A thermal diesel gun runs on combustible fuel - gasoline, diesel, diesel fuel, kerosene, etc., which makes its use on regular basis costly. Some models consume less fuel without significant loss in performance, but they are also more expensive (for example, the Master diesel heat gun). Heat guns are divided into two types depending on the presence of a chimney system. Some models may require an electrical connection to operate, as this is necessary for the operation of the fan and the chimney (if any). The main components of the diesel gun:

    • Burner. Fires a jet of flame that heats the air.
    • The combustion chamber. Here the air is heated to high temperatures heating up the walls of the chamber.
    • Motor. Needed for some mechanisms to work. Works either from fuel, or from a network.
    • Nozzle for hot air outlet.
    • Fan. It is necessary to create air circulation near the combustion chamber.
    • Pump for pumping fuel (all liquid fuel devices have it in their design).
    • Fuel tank.
    • Fuel valve. Often works from a network.

    Features to look out for when buying:

    • Heating power. The recommended value in kW is from 3 for home use, from 20 for large rooms.
    • heating method.
    • Air flow rate.
    • Recommended fuel to use.
    • Maximum heating area.
    • Fuel consumption coefficient (kilograms of fuel per hour).
    • Type of food. In most cases, it is recommended to choose 220 V.

    Diesel heating guns have several significant differences from similar heat guns, the two most important of which are the need for combustible fuel to operate and strong design differences, which can make repairs more or less expensive. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of a thermal diesel gun for the average consumer.


    • Heat guns on burning fuel are very productive. Warming up occurs quickly, after which the device releases warm air.
    • Energy consumption is reduced to a minimum (in some models it is not required at all).
    • Most models are compact, which allows them to be quickly folded and unfolded, transported.
    • Easy to operate. It is only necessary to fill in the fuel and select the operating mode.
    • On some models, a rheostat is provided, which allows you to automatically stop the operation of the heat gun when the desired temperature is reached.
    • Medium-sized rooms warm up almost instantly, larger ones take a few minutes.
    • The gun can function for a long time without refueling.
    • During operation, the device does not heat up above 35 degrees, which prevents overheating and undesirable ignition.
    • The heat gun is not dangerous for people when correct use and the presence of ventilation or a chimney.


    • Diesel heat guns make too much noise during operation. However, in some places the noise from the work is not so noticeable.
    • Most modern models heat guns do not have a backup battery to power the motor and fan, so for normal and safe work you need to connect the device to the mains.
    • It is necessary to control the amount of fuel in the tank and refuel in time.
    • It is not recommended to come close to the hot air outlet, because some models are unsafe and you can get a slight burn.
    • High maintenance cost, because it is necessary to regularly purchase fuel and lubricate some parts.
    • Buying and repairing diesel heat guns is expensive.

    Popular Models

    List of heat guns according to an acceptable price-quality ratio.


    The Ballu BHDP-20 heat gun is suitable for fast heating of large rooms. It is characterized by mobility (can be carried with one hand) and the ability to adjust the temperature of the outgoing air, convenient repair if necessary. The price ranges from 12 to 18 thousand rubles. The main characteristics of the model:

    • It has a direct type of heating, so it is not recommended to use it in poorly ventilated rooms.
    • Power 20 kW.
    • The maximum area for heating is 200 m 2 .
    • Fuel consumption 1.6 kg/h.


    More compact and cheaper analogue of "Ballu BHDP-20". Its characteristics have been significantly reduced, and the price has been reduced by 2-5 thousand rubles and fluctuates around 9-15 thousand. Characteristics:

    • Type of heating direct.
    • Power 10 kW.
    • Air flow rate 590 m 3 /h.
    • The maximum area is greatly reduced and is only 83 m 2 .
    • Suitable fuel - diesel, gasoline.
    • Fuel consumption has become lower - 0.95 kg / h.


    BALLU BHDN-20 is a more massive version of the BHDP-20 heat gun. The model is equipped with a larger fuel tank. The device can be moved using wheels. The price varies in the region of 25-30 thousand rubles. Characteristics:

    • It has an indirect type of heating, with smoke extraction, which makes possible job in non-ventilated rooms and prolonged stay of people during operation of the device. However, you will have to think about creating a chimney so that the outgoing smoke goes outside.
    • Power of work is 20 kW.
    • Air flow rate 590 m 3 /h.
    • The maximum heating area is 166 m 2 .
    • It is recommended to fill with diesel or gasoline.
    • Fuel consumption 1.6 kg/h.


    When choosing a thermal diesel gun, you need to take into account the characteristics of the room that it will heat. If you need to heat a large, well-ventilated room or a specific area on the street, it is better to use a direct heating gun. If the room is poorly ventilated and / or there will be people in it during heating, then it is better to use models with an indirect type.

    22 June 2015 Alexei

    The diesel heat gun is a device with a very high level efficiency, used for various purposes, one of which is the heating of objects for various purposes. For greater convenience, more than one type of such equipment is offered today.

    Learn more about the application

    The diesel model exists in two versions, each of which is designed to solve a certain kind of problem:

    • Device with indirect heating;
    • Heat gun of direct heating.

    The first option is used more widely, for example, for heating civil, industrial, warehouse, agricultural and domestic premises. This is due to the fact that the design provides for a chimney, through which the combustion products of the fuel are removed. That is why this type of heat gun is used in residential areas.

    We watch the video, their types and the rule for choosing equipment:

    But the indirect heating device is used only in industrial, agricultural and warehouse facilities. And then, only if the organization of effective ventilation system. A heat gun in this design is more efficient due to almost 100% efficiency, but even when using such equipment in non-residential premises, it requires regular ventilation.

    The design and subtleties of functioning

    The gun runs on liquid (diesel) fuel, which, with regular operation, makes this unit unnecessarily expensive. But as a substitute, some prefer to use kerosene. Depending on the design, the design of such equipment is somewhat different: a direct-heated diesel heat gun does not have a chimney outlet, while a direct-heated device is equipped with such an element, which determines its operation in residential premises.

    Diesel model device

    Diesel compact heat gun of various types consists of the following elements:

    1. Burner.
    2. The combustion chamber.
    3. Motor.
    4. Nozzle.
    5. Control Panel.
    6. Fan.
    7. Fuel pump.
    8. Fuel tank.
    9. Electrovalve.

    diesel gun direct heating delivers into the room, together with the heated air, also the products of combustion of the fuel. As a result, with a poor-quality ventilation system in such a room, you can very quickly “burn out” from a large number harmful substances.

    The equipment, when turned on, starts the pump, which is responsible for supplying fuel to the combustion chamber. At the same time, the fan starts to move, due to which heated air is supplied to the outlet of the device.

    Overview of advantages and disadvantages

    Diesel heterogeneous compact heat gun has radical difference from analogues, which consists, firstly, in the use of liquid fuel, and secondly, in the design. The benefits include:

    • High level of performance, depending on the performance of the device, the efficiency of the device can reach 100%;
    • Diesel heterogeneous thermal high efficiency the gun is compact and lightweight, which is very convenient when it is necessary to transport the device and transfer it directly inside the object;
    • The diesel gun is very easy to operate: just press the button to start;
    • For ease of use, the design provides a rheostat to stop the operation of the unit when the desired temperature is reached;
    • A diesel gun of various types can be called economical equipment;
    • Considering high efficiency, it is quite natural that with the help of this device you can almost instantly warm up the room;
    • A diesel gun of various types is very reliable and can function for a long time without the need for additional fueling;
    • During operation, the diesel gun of different types does not heat up to high values temperatures - a maximum of 35 degrees, and also does not pose a danger to humans, if the exhaust gases are properly organized.

    Despite the long list of advantages, a diesel compact heat gun of various types also has some disadvantages, however, like any other type of equipment. The disadvantages include:

    • Noise effect, however, the vast majority of analogs work accompanied by noise of different levels;
    • The need to use a dedicated power source to power components such as a fan and pump;
    • A diesel compact heat gun of various types needs fuel control and periodic refueling;
    • The cost of the device is noticeably higher than analogues, more expensive maintenance is also noted.

    The high price of such equipment is not always a significant drawback, since the device will pay for its costs as it is used.

    Overview of popular models

    Resanta TDP-20000

    A diesel gun of various types of indirect and direct heating is quite expensive. The device of this type of medium price category- This is the Resant TDP-20000 model.

    Its cost is 20,000 rubles, while the user receives a high-performance unit with a power of up to 20 kW with direct heating and the ability to connect to a single-phase network. The design provides for a fairly capacious fuel tank - 24l.

    The overall performance of the device corresponds to a hot air supply rate of 620 cc. m.

    Approximately at the same price, a direct heating option is offered - ELITECH TP ​​22DB worth 19,500 rubles. The device runs at 357cc. m, produces a power of 22 kW. Fuel consumption is 1.7 l/h.


    An alternative solution is an indirect heating diesel gun of the QUATTRO ELEMENTI QE-25DN model at a price of 44,000 rubles, which is noticeable more expensive than analogues. The volume of the tank is 50 liters, the power is 25 kW, and the performance level corresponds to a speed of 330 cc. m.

    Given the size of the fuel tank and the high degree of efficiency of the device, it is obvious that such an option would have quite big weight(40 kg).

    As you can see, an indirect diesel heat gun will cost more, but the user can use the unit in different areas and for various purposes. However, the heating rate will be lower due to design features.

    Customer opinion

    The diesel compact heat gun of indirect heating, as well as the analogue of direct heating, despite the manufacturer's statement, works quite quietly. Of course, the noise level in each performance may vary, but in general there is a relatively quiet move. You can find out how quickly or slowly fuel is consumed from the reviews. But at the same time, the intensity of the device’s operation affects the combustion rate. Accordingly, for some buyers, a diesel compact heat gun of indirect heating works for a long time without refueling, while for others - a short period.

    We watch the video, an overview of the models and their application:

    It happens that users mark too strong smell and the appearance of soot during operation. However, priorities should be set here: either get a device with a high level of performance, or choose a technique that is less aggressive in operation (meaning the release of combustion products into the room), but at the same time more harmless to humans.

    To avoid the appearance of soot, it is recommended to use only fuel suitable for a particular device. For such devices as a diesel heat gun of indirect and direct heating, this is diesel fuel and kerosene. In the case of using diesel fuel, soot may appear. Thus, to obtain highly efficient equipment, it is enough to correlate the parameters of the room and the characteristics of the selected device.

    If the power of the unit does not match the volume of the room, the performance may noticeably decrease. When choosing a device, it is important to pay attention not only to power, but also to the air flow rate. This parameter is noticeably higher for direct heating versions. Accordingly, the user should first decide what is more important: heating efficiency or fresh air output at a slightly lower feed rate.

    As a rule, with the onset of the cold period of the year, the problem of heating premises for various purposes sharply arises.

    And this applies to both private residential buildings, and industrial premises different type. In such cases, the heat supply from the central heating system is expected. But what about when central heating still not working or not at all in the room?

    In such situations, one usually tries to use alternative sources heating, which can safely be attributed to such a type of units as heat guns.

    Modern market heating equipment has enough wide range of heat guns various kinds. But special place this range is occupied by diesel.

    To have an idea about this type of thermal units, in this article we will talk about what diesel heat guns are, what characteristics they have, and also where they can be used.

    What are

    Diesel heat gun is a kind of heating unit, whose main purpose is to quickly and economical heating such non-residential premises as production workshops, agricultural storage facilities, construction sites And so on.

    A distinctive feature of this type of heat guns is that the thermal air flow is formed as a result of the combustion of liquid diesel fuel.

    Advantages of application

    The use of diesel heat guns for household purposes carries a number of positive and indisputable points, which are undoubtedly associated with the following advantages of this type of unit:

    • excellent performance characteristics;
    • simple maintenance;
    • depending on the type, the power of diesel heat guns varies from 20 to 230 kW;
    • enough economical consumption diesel fuel;
    • the ability to work offline for more than 10 hours;
    • good functioning of the unit at low temperatures;
    • perfectly heat large areas.

    Based on the positive aspects of the diesel heat gun, we can safely say that it is effective device for space heating.


    Diesel heat guns are usually divided into two main options:

    • direct heating units;
    • indirect heating units.

    Consider the principle of operation of each of these types of heat guns.

    direct heating

    The principle of operation of a diesel heat gun is as follows:

    As you can see, the principle of operation of a diesel heat gun with direct heating is quite effective and understandable.

    But the unit of this type has one significant drawback: together with the air heat flow, the combustion products of diesel fuel also enter the room.

    In this regard, the following requirements are imposed on the use of diesel heat guns:

    • the use of this type of unit in residential buildings is prohibited;
    • the room where the heat gun works must be equipped with a good ventilation system;
    • with the help of this type of unit, it is allowed to perform all work operations, without exception, in open areas.

    indirect heating

    The principle of operation of a heat gun with indirect heating is almost the same as the previous type.

    However, this type of unit has a significant advantage: the exhaust products of combustion are removed outside the premises through a specially equipped chimney. Thus, heat guns with indirect heating can be effectively used in residential premises, provided that proper ventilation is provided.

    Converting direct heating to indirect

    In order to understand this issue, you need to turn again to the design of these types of heat guns.

    If in units with direct heating, combustion products come out with warm air, this means that the combustion chamber is of an open type.

    In a heat gun with indirect heating, emissions are removed using a nozzle, so the combustion chamber is presented as a closed heat exchanger. Consequently, the process of converting a direct heating heat gun into an indirect one consists in replacing the combustion chamber, as well as equipping the unit with an outlet pipe.

    But here there clearly arises an obvious question about the effectiveness and cost of such a method of technical alteration of a heat gun, which remains open.

    The lineup

    Despite the fact that heat guns are rather narrow-profile equipment, nevertheless, on modern market these units are represented by many manufacturers.

    After analyzing the products of manufacturers of heat guns, we have identified a number of the following most popular models:

    Thus, we introduced you to all the characteristics of diesel heat guns, indicated the features different types, and also gave a list of the most popular heat guns. We hope that the above information will greatly help you when choosing a heat gun.

    Watch a video in which a specialist talks about the device and types of diesel heat guns: