Expensive drugs are their analogues. List of Russian analogues of imported drugs. Blacklist of Roszdravnadzor

Sometimes patients do not know that there are cheaper analogues of expensive drugs, and the full list of them in 2017 is quite large. During an illness, a person does not care what medicines to buy, the main thing is that they help. Despite the fact that they are advised by a doctor, a person with humility goes to the pharmacy and buys expensive drugs.

Many drugs are quite expensive, however, this does not mean the quality of the drugs. The price of many drugs includes additional markups associated with marketing. How to make the right choice, and at the same time save money.

Full list of drug analogues 2017

1. Drugs that help fight psoriasis, dermatitis, simple chronic lichen, eczema.

Belosalik - the price of the drug is 350 rubles.
Akriderm SK - price 180 rubles.

2. Drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the mucous membrane.

Bepanten - the cost of a tube is 230 rubles.
Dexpanthenol - price 83 rubles.

3. Medicines to get rid of dizziness, nausea, headaches, with hearing loss.

Betaserk - 520 rubles.
Cheap analogue in 2017: Betahistine - 220 rubles.

4. Means that have an anti-inflammatory effect when stretched, torn, bruised.

Bystrumgel - 150 rubles.
Ketoprofen - 60 rubles.

5. Preparations intended for the treatment of rheumatism, reducing edema, in chronic polyarthritis.

Voltaren - 284 rubles.
Diclofenac - 28 rubles.

6. Medicines that are prescribed for ulcers.

Gastrozol - 100 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

7. For convulsions, venous insufficiency, the following medicines are intended:

Detralex - 600 rubles.
Venarus - 360 rubles.

8. For psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

Diprosalik - 280 rubles.
Akriderm - 180 rubles.

Diflucan - 400 rubles.
Fluconazole - 25 rubles.
In the full list of drug analogues in 2017, a significant difference between cheap analogues and expensive medicines is visible.

10. In acute rhinitis, the following preparations should be used to cleanse the nose:

For the nose - 80 rubles.
Rinostop - 20 rubles.

11. For treatment and prophylactic purposes for heartburn, ulcers, experts recommend paying attention to the following drugs:

Zantak - 250 rubles.
Ranitidine - 22 rubles.

12. In case of conjunctivitis, rhinitis, skin itching, you should turn to the following drugs:

Zyrtec - 240 rubles.
Cetirinax - 70 rubles.

13. Preparations intended for the treatment of herpes.

Zovirax - 250 rubles.
Acyclovir - 30 rubles.

14. For the treatment of diseases during a cold, with overwork, specialists prescribe drugs:

Immunal - 210 rubles.
Echinacea - 50 rubles.

Imodium - 300 rubles.
Loperamide - 15 rubles.

16. As a preventive measure for iodine deficiency, pregnant women are recommended to take the following vitamins:

Iodomarin - 200 rubles.
Potassium iodide - 90 rubles.

17. For mental disorders, headaches, a complete list of drug analogues 2017 offers cheap analogues of expensive drugs

Cavinton - 600 rubles.
Vinpocetine - 225 rubles.

18. With rhinitis, edema, conjunctivitis, allergies after insect bites, the following drugs will be an excellent helper:

Claritin - 160 rubles.
Lorahexal - 50 rubles.

19. The following drugs are antibiotics, they are prescribed for bacterial infections, otitis, ulcers.

Klacid - 615 rubles.
Clarithromycin - 175 rubles.

20. For colds, experts recommend paying attention to the following drugs:

Lazolvan - 320 rubles.
Ambroxol - 15 rubles.

21. In case of damage to the skin and nail plates by fungal infections, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

Lamisil - 380 rubles.
Terbinafine - 100 rubles.

22. For prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of hemorrhoids, with edema, various kinds of bruises, hematomas, injuries, it is recommended to refer to the following drugs:

Lyoton-1000 - 320 rubles.
Analogue: Heparin-akri gel - 90 rubles.

23. In case of rhinitis, puffiness, conjunctivitis, manifestation of allergic reactions in case of insect bites, the following preparations should be chosen:

Lomilan - 140 rubles.
Lorahexal - 48 rubles.

24. With conjunctivitis, retinitis, after surgery, with otitis media, you can choose the following drugs:

Maxidex - 110 rubles.
Dexamethasone - 40 rubles.

25. In case of diarrhea, indigestion, maintaining a passive lifestyle, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Mezim - 275 rubles.
Pancreatin - 27 rubles.

26. In case of inflammation, ophthalmologists use the following tools for diagnosis, in the full list of drug analogues in 2017, expensive drugs can be replaced with cheap analogues.

Midriacil - 350 rubles.
Analogue: Tropicamide - 100 rubles.

27. As an antiseptic to treat wounds, you should choose drugs:

Miramistin - 225 rubles.
Chlorhexidine - 12 rubles.

What other analogues of expensive drugs exist

28. In case of arthritis, inflammation of the joints, which is accompanied by unbearable pain, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Movalis - 400 rubles.
Meloxicam - 120 rubles.

29. A neurologist often prescribes the following vitamins to his patients:

Neuromultivit - 100 rubles.
Cheap analogue: Pentovit - 40 rubles.

30. With severe pain in the lower abdomen, colic, ulcers, with the threat of premature birth, after labor pains, experts advise paying attention to the following drugs:

No-shpa - 180 rubles.
Drotaverine - 30 rubles.

31. With angina pectoris, these drugs are among the best:

Normodipin - 650 rubles.
Amlodipine - 40 rubles.

32. Painkillers that allow you to cope with various ailments: sciatica, migraine, toothache, after surgery. The best medicines are the following:

Nurofen - 100 rubles.
Ibuprofen - 12 rubles.

Omez - 165 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

34. In infectious diseases, as an anesthetic for migraine, toothache.

Panadol - 40 rubles.
Paracetamol - 4 rubles.

35. In cases of brain damage in elderly people, attention should be paid to the following drugs:

Pantogam - 320 rubles.
Pantocalcin - 250 rubles.

36. In acute rhinitis, otitis media, to cleanse the nasal passages in a pharmacy, you can find the following medications:

Rinonorm - 45 rubles.
Rinostop - 20 rubles.

37. Antibiotics to fight infectious diseases of the respiratory tract:

Summed - 430 rubles.
Cheap analogue: Azithromycin - 100 rubles.

38. In cases arising from circulatory disorders in the brain, after a heart attack, with asthma, experts recommend replacing expensive drugs with cheap drugs in the full list of analogues in 2017.

Trental - 220 rubles.
Pentoxifylline - 50 rubles.

39. Antibiotics to fight pneumonia, sepsis, diseases of the abdominal cavity, meningitis are the following drugs:

Trichopol - 80 rubles.
Metronidazole - 10 rubles.

40. For patients with varicose veins, skin lesions, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, diathesis, the following remedies are intended:

Troxevasin - 210 rubles.
Troxerutin - 120 rubles.

41. In case of an ulcer, specialists prescribe the following medicines:

Ultop - 250 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

42. In case of difficulties during movements, sprains, swelling, ruptures, bruises, doctors recommend turning to the following medicines:

Fastum-gel - 240 rubles.
Cheap analogue of the drug: Ketoprofen - 60 rubles.

43. In epilepsy, seizures accompanied by convulsions, during anxiety, to improve sleep, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Finlepsin - 250 rubles.
Carbamazepine - 40 rubles.

44. For meningitis, skin infections, for the prevention of fungal diseases, it is recommended to choose the following drugs:

Flucostat - 150 rubles.
Fluconazole - 25 rubles.

45. For purulent wounds, infections affecting the female organs, the following medicines are used for prophylactic purposes after surgery:

Furamag - 350 rubles.
Analogue: Furagin - 40 rubles.

A complete list of drug analogues 2017 allows you to replace expensive drugs with cheap analogues. This will help not only to carry out effective treatment, but also save the family budget. The most important thing is to study in advance which medicines will be an excellent replacement for expensive medicines. After that, you can safely begin treatment and expect a positive result.

Generics, this marvelous English word (generic), is called drug analogue, which is sold under a non-patent name. Thus, a generic is an interchangeable medicine that differs only in name, but has the same composition, the same active substance and has the same therapeutic effect. Our task is not to delve into the legal terminology associated with generics, but to find out what cheap analogues of expensive drugs exist.

What is the easiest way to identify interchangeable drugs? The answer is simple: find, on the same Internet, the main active ingredient of the drug and its amount (volume) in the preparation and compare the analogues offered by pharmacists and doctors.

It has long been no secret that many physicians feed on prescribed medications. Often doctor's share, which he receives from the pharmacy, is more than 30% of the cost of the drug. Thus, the popular expression “the salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves” becomes more relevant than ever.

Therefore, friends, do not chase brands, visit at least 2 doctors with your problem, of course, without talking about the diagnosis and treatment regimen proposed by the previous doctor. Do not be too lazy to read the annotation to the drug, find the main active ingredient of the drug, and you will find at least 2-3 cheap analogues of expensive drugs. Below are tables of interchangeable drugs or domestic generics.

In the table for comparing interchangeable drugs, the price of the drug was not specifically indicated, since prices are not stable and change depending on market conditions, exchange rates and other micro and macroeconomic factors. For this reason, instead of the price of a generic drug, the ratio of the price of an expensive drug and its domestic counterpart is indicated.

Table of drug analogues:

What is the medicine used for?

Expensive medicine

Analogue of expensive medicine

The active ingredient of the drug

How much cheaper is a generic



Propionic acid derivatives

The price of the drug is 7.5 times cheaper

Dermatoses, eczema



2 times cheaper

Inflammation of the nasopharynx




Vestibular disorders, ear pain




The price of the drug is 2.4 times lower

Inflammation of the musculoskeletal system




2.5 times cheaper

Rheumatism, arthritis




The price of the drug is 10.1 times lower

stomach ulcer




Below 2.3 times

Venous insufficiency of the legs


Diosmin and Hesperedin

Less at 1.7

Psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis



Betamethasone and salicylic acid

The price of the drug is 2.8 times cheaper

Meningitis, sepsis, lung infections




Medicine analogue Cheaper at 16 once

Rhinitis, Sinusitis



The price of the medicine is 4 times cheaper

stomach ulcer, heartburn



The price of the drug is 11.4 times cheaper

Allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis



The price of the drug is 3.4 times lower

Genital and simple herpes of the skin




Medicine analogue

8.3 times cheaper

To improve immunity


Echinacea purpurea plant extract

4.2 times cheaper

Diarrhea (diarrhea)



Medicine analogue

20 times cheaper

goiter treatment


Potassium iodite

Potassium iodite

Cerebral circulation disorders




2.7 times cheaper

Allergic diseases




Medicine price 3.2 times lower

Upper respiratory tract infections. Antibiotic



3.5 times cheaper

Expectorant (mucolytic)




Medicine analogue

Cheaper by 21.3 times

Antifungal, skin diseases



3.8 times cheaper

Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins


Heparin-acry gel-1000

Heparin sodium

The price of the drug is 3.5 times cheaper

allergic rhinitis



The price of the drug is 2.9 times lower

Conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis




2.75 times cheaper

Help the pancreas, flatulence



Medicine analogue

Cheaper by 10.2 times

Antiseptics for disinfection



by name

Medicine analogue

18.8 times cheaper

Rheumatoid and gouty arthritis



3.3 times cheaper

Vitamins: neuritis, neuralgia, radicular syndrome, sciatica




The price of the drug is 2.2 times cheaper

Spasm of smooth muscles (renal colic, colitis)



6 times cheaper

High blood pressure, exertional angina




Medicine analogue

Cheaper by 16.3 times

stomach ulcer



3.8 times cheaper

Antipyretic, fever, muscle aches, chills



Medicine analogue

10 times cheaper

Hypokalemia, hypomagnesia



Potassium, magnesium aspartate

Analogue of the drug

12 times cheaper

Organic brain lesions



Hopantenic acid

2.2 times cheaper

allergic rhinitis




The price of the drug is 3.3 times cheaper

Antibiotic. Infections of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs



4.3 times cheaper

Violation of peripheral circulation, cerebral circulation



Less than 4.4 times

Broad spectrum antibiotic. Sexually transmitted infections. Intestinal amoebiasis, CNS infections




8 times cheaper

Hematomas, varicose veins.




1.8 times cheaper

Peptic ulcers of the stomach and exacerbations caused by taking NSAIDs



The price of the drug is 5.7 times less

Arthritis, arthrosis, inflammation of the musculoskeletal system




Less than 4 times





The price of the drug is 6.3 times cheaper

Meningitis, sepsis, other systemic infections caused by Cryptococcus fungi




6 times cheaper

Cestitis, purulent wounds, urethritis, pyelonephritis, purulent arthritis, keratitis, burns, infection prevention before urological procedures


Antibiotic analog

8.8 times cheaper

Antibiotic, ENT and upper respiratory tract infections




2.7 times cheaper

High blood pressure



The price of the drug is 1.6 times cheaper

Diarrhea (diarrhea)




An analogue of the drug costs 130 times cheaper

Mucolytic (expectorant)




The cost of a generic is 2.2 times less


Aspirin UPSA

Acetylsalicylic acid

Acetylsalicylic acid

The price of the drug analogue is 3.2 times less

Sedative, sedative



Phenobarbital, peppermint

The price of an analogue is less than 3.5 times

Vascular obstruction


Heparin sodium

The price of the drug is 1.5 times cheaper

Antiulcer, heartburn, gastric bleeding


Bismuth citrate

The price of the analogue of the drug is 5.6 times cheaper

Vasoconstrictor nose drops



The price of the analogue of the drug is 14.3 times cheaper

Cough remedy

Acetin, Acetylcysteine


3.4 times cheaper

Remedy for intoxication (enterosorbent)

activated carbon

medical coal

The price of the drug analogue is 3.7 times lower

Hepatoprotective agent


Enerliv, Essliver

Soy phospholipids

4.2 times cheaper

In conclusion, I note, do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor, preferably several, about taking this or that medication.

We are all used to the fact that each drug has its own analogues or generics. It is often possible to find a replacement for an expensive imported drug among many domestic drugs or medicines manufactured in "third world countries". Interchangeable drugs (table attached) are, in fact, drugs that are based on one active substance.

Why are originals so expensive?

Often, when buying a common cold remedy at a pharmacy, you have to spend a rather large amount. So the question arises: "Are there any interchangeable drugs? What are we paying big money for?"

But not everything is so simple. There is a fairly convincing rationale for setting prices for many drugs. Of course, not all of them are completely effective, but they deserve preference compared to their counterparts.

What's the matter? There is such a phrase in "Do you want those that are, or those that are being treated?" Of course, analogue drugs are not placebos. Many of them improve the quality of life and help improve the health of people who are not able to spend on this fortune. However, it happens that medicines made from cheap raw materials do not bring the expected effect. It all depends on the manufacturer and his integrity.

The principle of pricing expensive and cheap drugs

If you go into details, explaining the difference in the action of drugs with the same active substance, then it is worth noting the very essence for analogy. Not every flour can be used to bake a bun! It seems to be wheat flour, and only pancakes come out of one, and any muffin comes out of the other.

So, in the composition of cheap raw materials used for the production of inexpensive drugs of local manufacture (or in the countries of the "third world"), in addition to the main active substance, there are some impurities. Poorly purified chemical raw materials can eventually give a small negative result, which most often affects as a side effect or an allergic reaction.

Expensive refined raw materials are used for the production of medicines with a higher pricing policy.

Import substitution

Now the question of import substitution often arises. However, not every original medical product can be replaced by an analog one. Alas, a number of drugs have no equal in treatment. For example, drugs for the treatment of oncological diseases, hereditary diseases and diseases of the joints are unparalleled among analogues, such as Alflutop.

There is a so-called Vyshkovsky index, which determines the degree of benefit of drugs and their popularity. Guided by this index, you can determine for yourself the choice of the necessary drug from the entire mass of analogues. It sometimes happens that an analogue is more popular and more effective than its original "brother".

What is an analog drug?

Analogues or generics are drugs that do not have a patent that do not differ in composition from the patented development. However, all these drugs differ from the original drugs in the qualitative and quantitative composition of additional substances.

An analogue is a kind of copy, but not a fake! After the expiration of the license for original medicines, manufacturers quickly copy the composition of the drug, replacing some of the ingredients with cheaper ones. As a result, pharmacies in abundance offer their customers cheaper drugs. And the companies that developed the original, did a lot of work on testing and research, end up losing. Big turnover from sales of analogs brings fabulous incomes, but at the same time helps people with low incomes survive in a cruel market.

It is this fact that forced the manufacturers of original medicines to start manufacturing analogues themselves in countries with cheap ones. At the same time, companies monitor the quality of all products. Conflict situations from the use of analogues should not adversely affect the reputation of the original. Therefore, analogues produced at eminent pharmaceutical factories are preferable.

Copies and fakes

In addition to analogues, there are also copies of drugs that are truly real. Thus, in Belarus they tried to launch an analogue of Tamiflu into production, while raw materials of dubious quality were purchased in China. The result was that the produced drug does not have any therapeutic effect.

The most dangerous drugs for health are fakes (these are not interchangeable drugs at all, the table of which is in the article)! These drugs are produced at local pharmaceutical factories, outside school hours, but more often this is done in unsanitary conditions and without observing elementary hygiene rules and standards, in basements and sheds. "Medications" come by detour to pharmacies, get to sick people and cause irreparable harm to health. It is these drugs that are a threat to the doctor's reputation and a huge damage to the industry.

Below is a table of foreign drugs of original production, taking into account the Vyshkovsky index, in conjunction with their analog, cheaper "brothers". These are more than 48 pairs of interchangeable drugs that are frequently prescribed.

Interchangeable drugs

Before you are interchangeable drugs (table).

Purpose, quantityOriginal

Cost in rubles


Cost in rubles



"TeraFlu"330 0,0331 "Flucomp"195 0,0077


tablets, 10

"Nurofen"109 1,0231 "Ibuprofen"38 0,9



"Sumamed"500 3,1332 "Z-factor"228 0,1906


tablets, 10

"Coldrex"150 0,6943


100 0,0065


tablets, 10

"No-shpa"140 2,355 "Drotaverine"40 0,0323


liquid, 15 milliliters

"Exoderil"616 0,625 "Naftifin hydrochloride"330 0,0816


rectal suppositories,

"Panadol"75 0,3476 "Cefekon D"51 0,3897



"Spazmalgon"150 0,6777 "Renalgan"88 0,005



"Spazmalgon"285 0,6777 "Geomag"122 0,044


tablets, 10

"Erius"1000 0,8003 "Desloratadine"330 0,0273



tablets, 1

"Diflucan"500 1,0307 "Fluconazole"130 0,8797


tablets, 10

"Aspirin"139 0,5482 "Acetylsalicylic acid"8 0,0592


"Clotrimazole"72 0,8676 "Canison"57 0,391


vaginal tablets

"Candide"85 0,8676 "Clotrimazole"55 0,3489

from diarrhea

tablets, 6

"Imodium"240 0,3179 "Loperamide"58 0,0102


painkiller pills, 10

"Movalis"550 1,6515 "Meloxicam"45 0,7007
bone metabolism corrector, 10"DONA"1350 0,9476 "Glucosamine maximum"470 0,391
enzyme remedy tablets, 20"Mezim forte"270 1,5264 "Pancreatin"28 0,6564
enzyme agent, 10"Festal"107 1,5732 "Normoenzyme"40 0,044
antidiabetic pills,30"Diabeton MV"280 0,6647 "Gliclazide MV"128 0,0527
for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, tablets, 3"Viagra"1500 0,7319 "Dynamico"395 0,3941


"Immunal"285 0,6658 "Echinacea Vilar"178 0,0109
venoprotective"Detralex"1460 1,7879 "Venarus"650 1,0866
antihistamine tablets, 10"Claritin"188 0,7079 "Loratadine"12 0,1017
antidepressant"Heptral"1800 2,1899 "Heptor"950 0,643



"Zovirax"850 0,7329 "Cyclovir"72 0,1117
antibacterial, tablets, 10"Trichopol"65 0,7738 "Metronidazole"19 0,7432
tablets, 10"Capoten"155 1,5296 "Captopril"9 0,5245
PN inhibitor tablets, 30"Omez"200 2,5697 "Omeprazole"55 0,7745
antihistamine tablets"Zyrtec"236 1,5075 "Cetirizine"80 0,0503
secretolytic, syrup"Lazolvan"230 1,864 "Ambroxol"132 0,0141
anti-inflammatory pills, 20"Voltaren"320 0,4561 "Ortofen"11 0,0726
contraceptive pills, 21"Janine"870 0,307 "Silhouette"650 0,1476
antiseptic, liquid"Miramistin"330 1,6511 "Hexicon"116 0,9029
B vitamins, injections"Milgamma"1100 2,808 "Trigamma"99 0,0334
antacid, tablets"Zantac"300 0,2345 "Histak"41 0,0293
antifungal, cream"Lamisil"700 0,7227 "Terbinox"63 0,012
improving blood microcirculation, tablets"Trental"300 1,55 "Pentilin"136 0,0366
hepatoprotector capsules, 30"Essentiale Forte N"555 2,2309 "Phosfonciale"435 0,0943
diuretic tablets, 30"Lasix"50 0,6781 "Furasemide"28 0,0148
antiemetic solution for injection"Cerucal"250 1,1001 "Methocopramide"71 0,2674
antimicrobial antibiotic ointment"Levomekol"97 0,8167 "Levomitil"45 0,0268
anti-inflammatory pain reliever, gel"Fastum Gel"460 0,2459 "Ketoprofen"97 0,0221
anticoagulant, gel"Lyoton 1000"800 0,2965 "Heparin-Akrigel"210 0,0657
nasal drops"Otrivin"178 0,2831 "Tizin Xylo"111 0,0751
immunomodulators tablets, 20"Groprinosin"1400 0,5692 "Inoprinosine"1200 2,917
tissue regeneration stimulator"Bepanthen"370 0,7003 "Pantoderm"240 0,1216
sedative drops"Valocordin"281 0,3382 "Korvaldin"144 0,0318
antibiotics tablets, 16"Flemoxin Salutab"490 3,4917 "Ospamox"200 0,107

This is the so-called list of interchangeable drugs. It is not complete, of course, since new analogues are constantly appearing, old medicines that have become irrelevant disappear. In principle, each large pharmacy has its own table - analogues of expensive drugs.

Prescribing medications

When prescribing medications for treatment, the doctor should, first of all, start from the social status and income of the patient. Rich people are used to paying for the speed of results, for the quality of treatment, for the brand. The rest combine the quality of drugs with their cost. You can not drive the patient into a corner by prescribing an expensive original - he will not buy it anyway.

Treatment is carried out by "grandmother's advice" or not carried out at all. If an inexpensive analogue is prescribed to such a patient, there is a possibility that the appointment will be fulfilled. This will happen because the cost of drugs will not frighten the patient to the extent that the price of an expensive original will frighten him. That is why the table "Analogues of expensive drugs" will be very useful.

I would like to add to all of the above: never buy drugs from your hands. In this case, there are no guarantees that this is a medicine, and not a poison or a "dummy". In a pharmacy, to confirm the quality of medicines, you can ask the pharmacist to provide accompanying documents if there is any doubt about their production, as well as get acquainted with the available analogues or substitutes. "Interchangeable drugs: table" here will just come in handy.

Blacklist of Roszdravnadzor

Roszdravnadzor has defined a black list That is, their interchangeable drugs (table), which are analogues of well-known world brands, should not be used in treatment. It has been established by testing that the medical preparations produced at these factories are of dubious quality. Among them: "Belmedpreparaty", "Tatfarmkhimpreparaty", "Biochemist", "Herbion Pakistan", "Farmak", "Sagmel Inc", "Dalkhimfarm", "Biosintez" and others.

In conclusion, I would like to add that before purchasing a medicine, you should read the attached instructions for it, which indicates all its advantages in treatment and a number of side effects. For this there is a table of foreign drugs. When choosing an analogue, you should consult with your doctor.

The choice of medicine is the choice of the patient. Be healthy!

Very often, the prescribed drugs of promoted imported pharmaceutical companies are expensive, so patients in search of a more economical option are looking for analogues of the drugs prescribed to them, quite often this is a cold and flu medicine, probiotics or vitamins and microelements. They are also often looking for analogues to medicines widely advertised on TV, antihistamines, nootropics, and what advertising calls “a cure for VVD.”

In this case, it is better to select full analogues or generics, that is, drugs that also contain the same active ingredient in the same amount. For example, we are looking for analogues and find such a tool as Aspartame, the price of which is an order of magnitude lower than for Panangin. If such a remedy cannot be found with the consent of the attending physician, you can pay attention to substances similar in their effect, but containing another active substance.

Since they are usually looking for not just analogues of drugs - cheap analogues of expensive drugs, it is hardly profitable for pharmacy workers to recommend such a replacement. Therefore, those who need such a replacement should refer to our article, as well as replenish their knowledge by reading the Medical Directory of Drugs and their analogues. We will not be able to talk about all the drugs and their analogues within the framework of this article - a complete list is a multi-volume work. Therefore, we will focus on those that today often appear in commercials and those that patients are most often interested in.

Scene in a pharmacy (cheap analogues of expensive drugs)

Examples of analogues of drugs from different groups

Most often, when receiving a doctor's prescription, we buy not the cheapest drug in a pharmacy. The topic of the article does not provide for an analysis of the reasons for this situation, let's just say that analogues of RF drugs cost twice, and sometimes an order of magnitude less, than imported analogues. Most often, the effect is satisfactory, and the cost savings are on the face.

However, buying a cheap analogue, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect. That is, by buying a more expensive product, we get the result promised by the instruction. And by purchasing a cheap option, we get a much weaker effect, although the active substance and its concentration are identical to the expensive one. At least, this follows from the feedback of patients.

The reason for this phenomenon can only be explained by conducting an appropriate study. It is possible that in some cases the situation can be explained by a psychological factor (trust in foreign pharmaceutical companies is higher), in others by a counterfeit drug. Perhaps there are other reasons as well.

Probiotic preparations

Given the frequency of antibiotic use for the treatment of certain bacterial infections in humans, animals, their treatment of plants, it can be argued that the intestinal microflora is exposed to substances that are harmful to it quite intensively. It is not surprising that you have to take probiotics Linex, Symbiolact or eubiotics Enterol and Bioflor.

These are high-quality probiotics that contain not only bifido- and lactobacilli, but also enterococci (Symbiolact). Eubiotics may contain either saccharomycetes (Enterol), Escherichia coli (Bioflor) and other preparations that contain certain microorganisms needed by the intestines.

Accordingly, the price of these drugs is not the lowest. Linex costs from 250 rubles. It is not surprising that patients are looking for analogues with a more affordable price for Linex. Unfortunately, there are no cheap full analogues for this tool. The most acceptable are analogues of tablets:

  • Lactobacterin - from 113 rubles;
  • Gastrofarm from 75 rubles.

The remaining drugs are comparable in price to Linex or are more expensive.


They are commonly referred to as allergy medicines. To date, there are first-generation antihistamines (, Diazodin, Dimedrol) and second-third generation (Claridon, Rupafin, Trexil, Telfast).

The first generation of antihistamines sins with serious side effects, the main of which is increased drowsiness. This significantly reduces the performance of an allergic person, it is especially difficult to take them for those whose work is associated with risk (drivers, construction equipment operators, and others), and Diphenhydramine is also addictive.

Representatives of the next two generations are devoid of such a disadvantage. But the cost leaves much to be desired. It is difficult for this group of drugs to find complete analogues of cheap drugs - analogues of expensive drugs, as a rule, are not complete and belong to first-generation drugs.

For those who are looking for a medicine from cheap analogues, we can recommend looking at the analogues of expensive medicines with a table with prices:

For analogues at a cheaper price, you can also find. For example, Chloropyramine in tablets costs about 64 rubles. Preparations of the second or third generation cost from 200 rubles, for example, Claritin is about 204 rubles.

"Anti-cold" drugs

Most often, when a pharmacy asks for a cure for flu and colds, they mean drugs that reduce the symptoms of a viral infection (cough, runny nose, sore throat, temperature). That is, medicines that contain antipyretic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components, and sometimes vitamin C and antihistamine. But antiviral agents, as well as immunomodulators and immunostimulants, can also be attributed to the same category.

A striking and advertised example of such a "cure for the common cold" is Theraflu. Such a quick remedy for colds and flu costs about 338 rubles. Can you find something cheaper? Of course, see the analogues of drugs table of "anti-cold powders":

You can replace this drug with such incomplete analogues of drugs as Antiflu at a price of 113 rubles or Coldrex at 116 rubles. They are slightly different in composition from Theraflu, but give about the same effect. When choosing analogues of cheap drugs, in case of a cold, you should know that in most cases it is enough to take a banal one at a price of 16 rubles and ascorbic acid at 15 rubles per pack.

If the disease is of a viral nature, it is impossible to rely on antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, they only eliminate the symptoms, but do not prevent the virus from developing. This role is played by antiviral drugs, such as Rimantadine, Kagocel and others. Kagocel costs about 220 rubles and has no analogues. One of the cheapest is Rimantadine. Rimantadine for Kagocel analogue at a price of 50 rubles. But we attributed it to analogues only conditionally.

Vitamin preparations and trace elements

This is a large group of drugs that pharmaceutical companies pack in beautiful boxes and give intriguing names, all at a fairly high price. Although there are products that have the same effect, at a much lower price. Most often, for such drugs, patients are looking for cheap analogues of drugs:

  • Neurobion;
  • Aginovitis and others.

The list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs will be as follows: there is a Russian analogue for Multigamma. An analogue of Iodomarin (124 rubles) is Potassium Iodide (94 rubles). Neurobion, which costs about 340 rubles, can be successfully replaced at a price of 230 rubles.

Antihypertensive drugs and drugs that improve heart function

If at a young age we do not notice how our "motor" works. Then with age, the heart, an organ that does not know sleep and rest, begins to malfunction, tachycardia, arrhythmia appear, and pressure rises. There are many resources available to help this important organ. For example, we provide medicines and their analogues with a table with prices:

Name of the drug Price/rubles Analog/Substitute Price/rubles
Panangin 122 Asparkam 33
Eltacin 170 No
non-ticket 500 Nebivolol 157
115 (not analogue) 5

Panangin is the original drug of the Gideon Richter company, it is available in the form of a dragee, the shell of which makes it convenient for swallowing. For Panagin, the analogue is. This is a tablet form, swallowing it is less comfortable. In addition, the drugs differ only in the manufacturer and price.

Advertising positions Eltacin as a remedy for VVD, perhaps the only and absolute one. This is not entirely true. It is a metabolite drug. It is designed to normalize metabolic processes in the heart muscle and reduce tissue hypoxia. It's an antioxidant. Its main purpose is to help the myocardium in chronic heart failure; to combat the syndrome of vegetovascular dysfunction, it is prescribed to children aged 12 to 18 years as part of complex therapy. It contains amino acids:

  • Glycine;
  • cystine;
  • Glutamic acid.

For Eltacin, many sites call Glycine an analogue of this medicine (46 rubles). As can be seen from the composition of the drug - Glycine is only a component of it. Eltacin costs about 170 rubles. There is no complete analogue of this tool.

Nibilet is a third-generation cardioselective beta-blocker with vasodilator properties. This means that the drug reduces the oxygen demand of the heart muscle, has an antiarrhythmic effect, and it can be used to achieve a stable hypotensive effect. It costs about 500 rubles. Replacing the drug with cheaper analogues is possible.

For the drug Nebilet, analogues of this medicine are also produced by Croatia (Binelol for 382 rubles 14 tablets), and India (Nebivator for 370 rubles 14 tablets), and Russia (Nevibol, Kanopharm for 286 rubles 24 tablets).

Cheap analogues and generics of popular products

It is difficult to present a complete list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs for 2016, but we still selected a fairly wide list.

It is more convenient to look at cheap drug analogues with tables. They are recorded in tables using a variety of principles. Sometimes they are grouped according to the pathologies in which they are used. Sometimes by drug groups, in some cases by frequency of requests. In some cases, it is very difficult to single out a classification criterion. We offer several options for tables that can be used when selecting drug analogues.

Video: Expensive drugs and their cheaper counterparts

WHEN 10 rubles = 200 rubles? (Be sure to tell your friends).

When buying medicines at a pharmacy, many turn to the seller with a request "it's cheaper for me." But, the problem is that it is profitable for the seller to sell at a higher price. Even if he picks up the drug "cheaper", it's safe to say - it will not be the cheapest analogue of an expensive medicine.

Besides, when you buy an expensive drug, saying to yourself “come on, it’s not a pity for the health of money”, do not forget that with your rash choice you kill a cheaper manufacturer. Your money will be received by the expensive manufacturer and its network of intermediaries who have shipped this medicine to you. Everyone will be here, from suppliers of expensive components and chemicals, to an expensive advertiser and owner of a TV channel, driving the name of this drug into your head. Those who tried to compete fairly to sell raw chemicals at a small profit, not to bother you with advertising, not to deceive you with marketing promotions, they won't get your money. And therefore in your future all medicines will become even more expensive- the place of cheap manufacturers will be taken by the current expensive ones, and super-expensive ones will come in their place. This is the truth of life. Plan your future yourself. Connect friends and acquaintances. The list below will help you.

The lists of lexerst analogues given may be inaccurate. Therefore, before buying, check with a pharmacy specialist or your doctor if it is possible to replace the drug with a cheaper one and what consequences this will entail.

Belosalik (380 rubles) and Akriderm SK (40 rubles)
Bepanten (250 rubles) and Dexpanthenol (100 rubles)
Betaserc (600 rubles) and Betahistine (250 rubles)
Bystrumgel (180 rubles) and Ketoprofen (60 rubles)
Voltaren (300 rubles) and Diclofenac (40 rubles)

Gastrozole (120 rubles) and Omeprazole (50 rubles)
Detralex (580 rubles) and Venarus (300 rubles)
Diflucan (400 rubles) and Fluconazole (30 rubles)
For the nose (100 rubles) and Rinostop (30 rubles)
Zantac (280 rubles) and Ranitidine (30 rubles)
Zirtek (220 rubles) and Cetirinaks (80 rubles)
Zovirax (240 rubles) and Acyclovir (40 rubles)
Immunal (200 rubles) and Echinacea extract (50 rubles)
Imodium (300 rubles) and Loperamide (20 rubles)
Iodomarin (220 rubles) and Potassium iodide (100 rubles)
Cavinton (580 rubles) and Vinpocetine (200 rubles)
Claritin (180 rubles) and Lorahexal (60 rubles)
Klacid (600 rubles) and Clarithromycin (180 rubles)
Lazolvan (320 rubles) and Ambroxol (20 rubles)
Lamisil (400 rubles) and Terbinafine (100 rubles)
Lioton-1000 (350 rubles) and Heparin-acrygel 1000 (120 rubles)
Lomilan (150 rubles) and Lorahexal (50 rubles)
Maxidex (120 rubles) and Dexamethasone (40 rubles)
Mezim (300 rubles) and Pancreatin (30 rubles)
Midriacil (360 rubles) and Tropicamide (120 rubles)
Miramistin (200 rubles) and Chlorhexidine (10 rubles)
Movalis (410 rubles) and Meloxicam (80 rubles)
Neuromultivit (250 rubles) and Pentovit (50 rubles)
No-shpa (150 rubles) and Drotaverine hydrochloride (30 rubles)
Normodipin (620 rubles) and Amlodipine (40 rubles)
Nurofen (120 rubles) and Ibuprofen (10 rubles)
Omez (180 rubles) and Omeprazole (50 rubles)
Panadol (50 rubles) and Paracetamol (5 rubles)
Panangin (140 rubles) and Asparkam (10 rubles)
Pantogam (350 rubles) and Pantocalcin (230 rubles)
Rinonorm (50 rubles) and Rinostop (20 rubles)
Sumamed (450 rubles) and Azithromycin (90 rubles)
Trental (200 rubles) and Pentoxifylline (50 rubles)
Trichopol (90 rubles) and Metronidazole (10 rubles)
Troxevasin (220 rubles) and Troxerutin (110 rubles)
Ultop (270 rubles) and Omeprazole (50 rubles)
Fastum-gel (250 rubles) and Ketoprofen (70 rubles)
Finlepsin (280 rubles) and Carbamazepine (50 rubles)
Flucostat (200 rubles) and Fluconazole (20 rubles)
Furamag (380 rubles) and Furagin (40 rubles)
Hemomycin (300 rubles) and Azithromycin (100 rubles)
Enap (150 rubles) and Enalapril (70 rubles)
Ercefuril (400 rubles) and Furazolidone (40 rubles)

258 rubles Voltaren Diclofenac 33 rubles
480 rubles Diflucan Fluconazole 20 rubles
370 rubles Zovirax (cream) Acyclovir 19 rubles
202 rubles Immunal Echinacea (drops) 40 rubles
236 rubles Iodomarin Potassium iodide 69 rubles
222 rubles Lasolvan Ambroxol 16 rubles
390 rubles Lamisil Terbinafine 282 rubles
360 rubles Lioton 1000 Heparin-acry gel 1000 95 rubles
106 rubles No-shpa Drotaverine 10 rubles
68 rubles Nurofen Ibuprofen 6 rubles
190 rubles Omez Omeprazole 26 rubles
156 rubles Panangin Asparkam 11 rubles
234 rubles Finlepsin Carbamazepine 40 rubles
185 rubles Flucostat Fluconazole 20 rubles
190 rubles Kapoten Captopril 11 rubles
97 rubles Aspirin Upsa Acetylsalicylic acid 4 rubles
179 rubles Fastum-gel Ortofen 25 rubles
71 ruble Mezim-Forte Pancreatin 31 ruble
54 rubles Panadol Paracetomol 24 rubles
150 rubles Echinacea extract Doctor Thais Echinacea extract. Russian version 23 rubles
266 rubles TheraFlu Influnorm 145 rubles
691 rubles Movalis Meloxicam 145 rubles
2024 rubles Xenical Orsoten 1161 rubles
212 rubles Claritin Clarotadin 95 rubles
642 rubles Detralex Venarus 329 rubles
1500 rubles Viagra Sildenafil 540 rubles
1902 rubles Heptral Heptor 878 rubles
484 rubles Azimamed Azithromycin 96 rubles
230 rubles Bepanten Dexpanthenol 83 rubles
520 rubles Betaserc Betahistine 220 rubles
150 rubles Bystrumgel Ketoprofen 60 rubles
950 rubles De-nol Gastro-norm 220 rubles
280 rubles Diprosalik Akriderm 180 rubles
80 rubles For nose Rinostop 20 rubles
600 rubles Cavinton Vinpacetin 225 rubles
615 rubles Klacid Clarithromycin 175 rubles
140 rubles Lomilan Lorahexal 48 rubles
110 rubles Maxidex Dexamethasone 40 rubles
350 rubles Midriacil Tropicamide 100 rubles
225 rubles Miramistin Chlorhexidine 12 rubles
100 rubles Neuromultivit Pentovit 40 rubles

320 rubles Pantogam Pantocalcin 250 rubles
850 rubles Preductal MV Deprenorm MV 300 rubles
45 rubles Rinonorm Rinostop 20 rubles
220 rubles Trental Pentoxifylline 50 rubles
80 rubles Trichopol Metronidazole 10 rubles
650 rubles Triderm Akriderm GK 300 rubles
210 rubles Troxevasin Troxerutin 120 rubles
210 rubles Ursofalk Ursosan 165 rubles
250 rubles Finlepsin Carbamazepine 40 rubles
350 rubles Furamag Furagin 40 rubles
270 rubles Hemomycin Azithromycin 100 rubles
130 rubles Enap Enalapril 80 rubles
390 rubles Ercefuril Furazolidone 12 rubles
240 rubles Fastum-gel Ketoprofen 60 rubles
95 rubles Flemaksin salutab Amoxicillin 11 rubles
347 rubles Tiberal Metronidazole 4 rubles
154 rubles Notta Novo-passit 65 rubles
135 rubles Aspirin-cardio Cardiac 35 rubles
280 rubles Zantak Ranitidine 50 rubles
1120 rubles Losek maps Omez 177 rubles
190 rubles Otrivin Rinostop 20 rubles
2770 rubles Plavix Zilt 900 rubles
100 rubles Sanorin Naphthyzin 7 rubles
270 rubles Ultop Omeprazole 50 rubles
46 rubles Imunoteys Echinacea Extract 3 rubles
400 rubles Para-plus from lice Hellebore water 25 rubles
350 rubles Belosalik Akriderm 180 rubles
850 rubles Viagra Dynamico 270 rubles
100 rubles Gastrozole Omeprazole 44 rubles
240 rubles Zirtek Cetirinax 70 rubles
300 rubles Imodium loperamide 15 rubles
370 rubles Sumamed Azithromycin 60 rubles
39 rubles Ketorol Ibuprofen 6 rubles
106 rubles No-shpa Spasmol 28 rubles
190 rubles Adalat SL Nifedipine 28 rubles
137 rubles Amlotop Amlodipine 40 rubles
337 rubles Arifon Indapamide 10 rubles
337 rubles Arifon Indap 98 rubles
137 rubles Betaloc Zok Metoprolol 14 rubles
68 rubles Vasocardin Metoprolol 14 rubles
85 rubles Valocordin Korvaldin 53 rubles
299 rubles Verogalid ER Verapamil 18 rubles
80 rubles Cordipin Cordaflex 72 rubles
650 rubles Normodipin Amlodipine 40 rubles
382 rubles Escordi Cor Amlodipine 40 rubles
94 rubles Endit Enalapril 80 rubles
273 rubles Azivok Azithromycin 96 rubles
41 rubles Acyclovir-Akri Acyclovir 19 rubles
128 rubles 5-NOC Nitroxoline 12 rubles
242 rubles Zitrolid Azithromycin 96 rubles
268 rubles Ribamidil Ribavirin 169 rubles
790 rubles Rulid Roxigestal 246 rubles
84 rubles Allertec Cetirizine 64 rubles
152 rubles Ventolin Salbutamol 125 rubles
338 rubles Salamol Eco Salbutamol 125 rubles
108 rubles Halixol Ambroxol 16 rubles
113 rubles Ambrosan Ambroxol 16 rubles
275 rubles Nootropil Piracetam 17 rubles
400 rubles Phenotropil Piracetam 17 rubles
58 rubles Virolex Acyclovir 19 rubles
112 rubles Diclak Diclofenac 33 rubles
282 rubles Terbinafine Fungoterbin 274 rubles
460 rubles Actrapid NM Humulin NPH 425 rubles
500 rubles Vinblastin-Teva Winblastin-Lance 500 rubles
335 rubles Sermion Nicergoline 174 rubles
107 rubles Oftan dexamethasone Dexamethasone 40 rubles
49 rubles Okumed Timolol 18 rubles
90 rubles Vermox Mebendazole 22 rubles
100 rubles Hypothiazide Hydrochlorodiazide 31 rubles
810 rubles Leponex Azaleptin 190 rubles