How to open a car wash documents. Approvals and permits for the installation of the "mobile car wash" complex. How much money does it take to open a car wash

Today in our country, many people prefer to lead own business. At the same time, car washes are quite an attractive business, as the number of cars increases every year, which means that the demand for this business is also growing. From this article, you will learn what documents are needed to open a car wash, as well as other nuances of starting a business.

All organizational and legal aspects that accompany absolutely any business, including the opening of a car wash, require the collection of a certain set of documentation. This process usually very labor intensive and time consuming. Therefore, it is important to know, even before the start of the registration of the enterprise, what organizational and legal moments should be passed for each individual situation.

First of all, a businessman who decides to open a car wash must register it. To do this, it is necessary to determine the organizational and legal form of conduct for the business.

In this situation, there are two options:

  • OOO. This form should be chosen in a situation where the business is medium or large. But there are some nuances here, which to a certain extent can complicate the life of an entrepreneur;
  • individual entrepreneur. The option is suitable for a person who will master a small business, without entering the medium or large level. The status of an individual entrepreneur will allow you to simplify your work due to the fact that in this situation you will not need to collect too huge a package of documents to open your own business.

In addition to choosing the organizational and legal form of enterprise management, it is also necessary to deal with the taxation system. In this case, there are also several options, but it is best to stop the choice on the simplified tax system. This abbreviation stands for Simplified Taxation System. This system assumes a tax rate, which consists of only two indicators:

  • 15% of income, which was reduced by the amount of expenses;
  • 6%, which are charged from general level income.

The choice of the simplified tax system allows the entrepreneur to choose the indicator for paying taxes that he likes best. As practice shows, it is best to choose a rate of 15%, since in this case the amount of tax (total), if there is a profitability indicator of at least 60%, will be lower than the amount of the established tax at a 6% rate charged from total income.

In addition, it should be noted that tax accounting under the simplified tax system is quite simple. Therefore, this procedure can be carried out by the entrepreneur himself, without involving an accountant with the necessary skills. The system is simple and does not contain "pitfalls" like alternative positions, so it is available to almost everyone.

After all this, the next step will be the acquisition or lease of land to accommodate a car wash. This is a rather individual process, which depends on each specific situation. But here there are three options for obtaining land for organizing a car wash on it:

  • lease from the state. In this context, a region or subject of the Russian Federation is meant;
  • sublease. Considered the most the best option. This is due to the fact that with the tenant (for example, a gas station, shopping center, parking lot) will be much easier, faster and cheaper to negotiate than with government agencies;
  • acquisition of land from a private person who owns it.

The next step in the organizational and legal aspects will be the connection of the car wash to electrical networks. Providing a car wash with electricity is one of the important aspects of such a business. This can only be done by signing an appropriate contract for connection to the electricity networks available nearby.

Although today it is possible to have mobile car washes with their own generators, the best option there will be access to fixed electricity networks. This is due to the fact that generators for full-fledged work won't be enough. In addition, they can break, which will negatively affect the profitability of the enterprise.

In addition to the mains, which is very logical, the car wash must be connected to the water supply. Therefore, a mandatory moment when opening such a business is the signing of an appropriate agreement with utilities.

Please note that there is no way around this point, even if your car wash has a closed system for water circulation. This is because the water still needs to be drained. This also includes the disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW). These include cleaning filters. A separate contract must be concluded for their disposal.

In addition, in this situation, there are other nuances that arise only in specific situations and depend on in which region or subject of the country this business will be registered. Basically, these nuances relate to the documentation that must be submitted to the relevant authorities to open your enterprise.

Collection of documents

To open a car wash in our country, you need to collect the proper package of documentation. Many businessmen do not know what exactly to submit. And this naturally leads to a delay in the process of car wash registration.

The list of required documents includes the following documents:

  • license agreement;
  • a full set of certificates confirming the suitability and quality of the installed equipment;
  • a letter of refusal received for an existing car wash structure;
  • architectural coordination;
  • the conclusion of the fire service;
  • a project agreement drawn up in accordance with environmental standards;
  • expert opinion, which confirms the safety of technological processes carried out at the car wash.

This documentation package is required for both stationary and mobile car washes.

In addition, you will need other documents that are also included in the mandatory list:

  1. all documentation related to organizational and legal form open business. This list includes documents for an individual entrepreneur (or LLC), as well as for tax registration of an enterprise;
  2. land lease/sublease/purchase agreement;
  3. permission and approval certificates issued by the manufacturer of the car wash;
  4. an agreement concluded for connection to the power grid;
  5. agreement for the purchase, use and disposal of water and solid waste.

In addition, there are also additional documents that are determined by the place and region where the car wash was opened. This list may include:

  • cadastral plan for the land;
  • construction project for a car wash. It must comply with the standards fire safety;
  • permission to conduct business from the local authority;
  • conclusions issued by the architecture committee, fire supervision;
  • a contract for the cleaning of the territory, as well as the removal of garbage.

As you can see, the list of required documents for opening a car wash in our country is quite impressive. It can take a lot of time and effort to collect it. Therefore, in order to be fully armed, it is necessary to know in advance a complete list of all the papers required for each specific case and region.

Is it profitable to wash cars

Despite the fact that opening a car wash is a very laborious and lengthy process, such a business is quite profitable. Today, many car owners prefer not to wash their own car, but to use the services of car washes. This is due to the fact that such a service is available even for the middle class. At the same time, for relatively little money, the car will be completely washed and cleaned.

Such a service is relevant now and will remain so for a long time, because every year the number of car owners is steadily increasing, which is caused by the rapid pace of urbanization. Therefore, this business will really be profitable and profitable.

Now, after reading the article, you can relatively quickly, without unnecessary delay, collect and prepare all the necessary documentation.

Video "Opening a car wash"

In the video you can see the business plan for opening a car wash.

When starting your own business, the first question that arises is how profitable the chosen direction is. This criterion is fundamental in the development of a certain market niche.

Naturally, no one can guarantee the success of the event, but it is still possible to draw up an approximate picture.

Is it worth it to open such a business?

A person who decides to organize his own car wash, regardless of the reasons that prompted him to do so (an old dream, a desire to invest, a combination of circumstances, etc.), is definitely acting farsightedly. Auto mobile car wash– stable, stable and quite profitable business, which absolutely everyone can start, even with a lack of experience in entrepreneurial activity.

High profitability is explained by the fact that this type of service is used at any time of the year, although it is widely believed that the peak of attendance falls on the autumn-winter period. In the summer, of course, car washes are visited less often, but everyone visits. This is especially true for owners of more expensive cars, as well as those who wish to do, for example, a comprehensive interior cleaning.

Where to begin?

Any business, and this applies not only to a car wash, should start with writing a competent business plan that will cover all aspects of entrepreneurial activity: overall strategy, marketing, initial capital, sources of financing, payback, etc. It is necessary to calculate the costs expected income and profitability of the enterprise. Evaluate the possible prospects for the development of this commercial project. Before drawing up a business plan, you should also study the current economic situation in the car wash market in your city.

The financial and settlement section of the business plan depends on the location of the car wash and includes the following items:

  • construction;
  • paperwork;
  • land lease costs;
  • costs for necessary materials and technical equipment;
  • repair costs;
  • equipment operation.

All of these points need to be carefully considered. After drawing up a business plan, you need to decide on the form of conducting economic activity. You can just get the status individual entrepreneur, or you can register a legal entity (for example, LLC). The registration process is as follows:

  • formation of a package of documents (application of the established form, passport, TIN, etc.);
  • payment of state duty;
  • handling all documents to the registration authority;
  • obtaining permits after some time.

In addition to registering with the tax service, you must:

  • obtain permission from local authorities to open a car wash;
  • contact a design organization to develop a car wash project. The project must comply with the current sanitary and epidemiological, architectural, fire and environmental standards;
  • obtain permission from the architecture committee, sanitary and epidemiological station, fire department, labor protection and security management environment for the provision of car washing services;
  • obtain an act for permanent or temporary use of land. Only after receiving such a document, a construction order is issued.

Evaluation of competitors

The competitive environment of a company is a set of subjects and factors of the market that affects the relationship between the seller and the consumer of the service. The main competitors of any organization are considered to be the most successfully functioning firms in a particular niche.

Every major city has a large number of washing service companies Vehicle. An important, but not the most important role is played by the location of sinks.

You can increase the competitiveness of your car wash only by providing services High Quality using modern equipment as well as offering affordable prices.

To develop this market segment, it is necessary to develop a competent marketing, advertising and management policy of the enterprise. The main competitors of the opening car wash will be the most successful companies on the market that provide services for manual car washing. As for the location, it is better to open in an area where there are no large and well-established organizations.

Choosing a suitable room

The rate of return on costs and the profitability of a commercial project directly depends on the location of the facility. As for car washes, they are best located on the sides of major city roads and along busy highways. Many car washes are located at the entrances to locality, as well as at border and customs posts.

However, a discovery near a major transport hub or the denouement may not be the most good idea- customers simply refuse to maneuver between the abundance of scurrying cars. As practice shows, it is most profitable to open car washes close to gas stations, car parks and service stations.

If there is not enough money to build your own building, you can suitable premises to rent. In addition, the procedure for processing documents will be simplified (for example, it will not be necessary to obtain a permit for the construction of a new facility). When choosing a room for a car wash, you need to take into account that part of the area will be occupied by the storage of consumables and equipment.

Types of sinks

There are two types of automatic car washes: tunnel and portal. In the first case, the car is on a conveyor belt and moves relative to the washing device. Portal car wash has U-shape and three large brushes - one horizontal and two vertical. The car is in one place, and the brushes move relative to it. Both types of systems allow contactless washing, i.e., exclude the impact of alkaline compounds and are based on the elimination of contaminants using strong water pressure.

Portal car washes fit well into small spaces, since such a system is a single module equipped with brushes customizable for any type of body.

The whole washing process is fully automated, respectively, the portal car wash has more throughput than manual.

Many car owners prefer manual car washes to automatic ones, as they are afraid that the equipment during the washing process can scratch the car body. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the equipment and timely replace or repair the failed unit. Automatic car wash must be equipped with a prewash system.

Portal sinks have a lot of advantages:

  • do not take up much space;
  • suitable for all types of machines;
  • possess high performance– up to 12 cars per hour;
  • do not require big investments for education;
  • effectively cope with the assigned tasks.

In addition to brush portal sinks, there are also non-contact type systems. As for tunnel car washes, their optimal size is about 35 meters long. Smaller parameters will negatively affect the quality of services provided. The washing process is as follows: the machine is fixed on a special conveyor belt and moves forward, bypassing all the devices on the line. Such washes are the most economical in terms of time: when the car moves forward a few meters, you can start the next car.

A good tunnel car wash is absolutely safe for the car body. Negative feedback about such a system in most cases is caused by outdated equipment and the unwillingness of service owners to service it in a timely manner. The result of such negligence may be damage paintwork cars. To date, modern tunnel sinks are a complex of new technologies, where obsolete materials are replaced by soft polyethylene foam and safe textile materials.

Connect to all necessary networks, required permissions

Car washes by type of construction are capital and prefabricated. Capital represent industrial building built on a reliable concrete foundation. are brought to the object engineering Communication: electricity, water supply, heating, drainage system. Such washes are usually built in conjunction with a car service, tire fitting, cafes, etc.

Opening stationary car wash requires coordination with the department of architecture and urban planning in local administration. When developing a project, it is necessary to calculate the technical indicators of electricity and water consumption, as well as plan a water treatment system, fire safety. To agree on the location of the sink, you must submit:

  • lease agreement or certificate of registration of ownership of the land;
  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • a sketch of a sink project that includes visualization, technical description, the cost of the object, etc.

Recruitment, equipment purchase

After solving all bureaucratic issues, it is necessary to deal with the formation of personnel. The following requirements can be presented to future employees:

  • availability of knowledge about car washes (determined by the specifics of the object);
  • a responsibility;
  • sociability and friendliness - to increase the client base.

As for the work schedule, ideally plan around the clock. For stationary washing, you need to hire several washers (five or six) and one foreman. Higher education is not prerequisite, so you can safely hire students. Wages can be proportional to the amount of work performed, and to increase motivation, you can introduce material incentives for employees. The branded equipment of employees with the service logo favorably affects the image of the car wash.

Advertising your business

If you want to always have eight to ten cars in front of your car wash, you need to carefully consider advertising campaign. To save your business, you need to constantly look for new ways to expand your customer base. The car wash business does not allow for any guess work, so blurry marketing strategy or its absence will lead to money thrown to the wind.

Ideally, it is best to seek professional help. advertising agency. Most of the money will go to signs, billboards, business cards and booklets. It will be useful to place advertisements in the network, newspapers, on radio and television.

How to open a successful service - in the following video:

Opening cost

To calculate the cost of a car wash, you must first calculate the cost of rent (this cost item depends on the location) and the cost of equipment. From the equipment you will need:

  • apparatus high pressure with heated water (from 120,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles);
  • high pressure water dispenser workplace(from 33,000 rubles to 85,000 rubles);
  • compressor (from 15,000 rubles to 18,000 rubles);
  • professional washing vacuum cleaner or vacuum cleaner (from 26,000 rubles to 36,000 rubles);
  • used water purification system (from 250,000 rubles to 400,000 rubles).

Most owners of car washes prefer imported equipment. Most quoted are German, Italian and Danish equipment. Of the domestic equipment, the systems of technical treatment of used water are the most common.

Of the consumables you will need: car shampoos, polishing and dry cleaning compounds, cleaning products for rims, engines and bumpers. All this takes about 18,000-20,000 rubles a month (provided that the car wash serves forty cars every day).

Approximate calculation of income and payback period

As an example, four separate non-garage car washes can be cited. The car wash will serve 200-300 cars daily. The average check amount is about 300 rubles. The remaining income items come from the proceeds from the cafe and tire shop. Thus, the monthly turnover of the complex will be about three million rubles.

Of the costs, most of all will have to be spent on wages employees, taxes, and the purchase of consumables. A large turnover does not allow applying the simplified taxation system, which means that it will be necessary to report under the regular system. Monthly, up to one million rubles can go to the salaries of employees and taxes. It turns out, net profit will be one or two million. The payback period for such indicators will be approximately two years. The given calculation, of course, is approximate, since the activity of the service depends on the season.

Gathering documents to open a car wash and don't know where to start? Do you want to know where and how to get necessary documentation? We have prepared step by step instructions. Use it to quickly and without errors get Required documents.

Read on to find out what car wash permits are required and how to complete additional documentation.

First step: registration

The start will begin with business registration. Registration documents will be the first to open a car wash.

Organizational and legal form

The car wash is traditionally a micro-enterprise. The optimal organizational and legal form - IP and LLC.

We advise you to choose the IP. Why? Registration as an individual entrepreneur is much faster and easier. She demands less financial costs. IP has simplified reporting. In a word, this optimal choice for those with little business experience.

But opt ​​for an LLC if you open a car wash with a business partner. It is the LLC that gives the possibility of co-founding.

Car wash: what taxation

The choice of tax system is up to you:

  • The general system of taxation - does not give any privileges and preferences
  • Simplified tax system - consists of two possible rates, one of which you have to choose yourself: 6% of total income or 15% of income reduced by the number of expenses. As practice shows, the second option is more profitable
  • Business patent - this system is available only to those who are registered as individual entrepreneurs. The advantages of the patent are that it exempts from VAT, personal income tax, property tax of individuals and sales tax.


There is no need to experiment and choose when choosing a classifier code. One code is available for a car wash - 74. 70. 2. "Cleaning and cleaning of vehicles."

Stage two: we coordinate the documents for the land and premises

Next, go to the territorial district government at the location of the car wash. You must apply for a car wash site. After the municipality allocates land, you sign a lease agreement in the land committee. At the same time, you will receive it in your hands only after the approval of the project.

You will then be given clarification from the building committee regarding your further action. You will need a pre-project plan, which provides for a three-dimensional drawing of future construction.

When the committee decides that you can be trusted to build a car wash facility, you will receive a permit. After that, you must submit a complete project estimate. Develop it yourself or order it from a specialized company.

Step #3: Find out what permits are needed for a car wash?

Traditionally, permits are needed from the Fire Service and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. To obtain a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, you will have to take a large package of documents. The complete list is determined by order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 776.

In addition, you will have to obtain opinions from the Committee of Nature and the Committee of Architecture.

Great news: Certification does not apply to mandatory car wash permits. But if you want, you can go through it yourself.

Fourth stage: contracts for connection to networks

For full operation, the car wash must be connected to water and electricity networks. The connection process is accompanied by the conclusion of contracts.

The good news is that this is an optional item among car wash documents. But we recommend that you connect. Why? Thanks to this, the risk of failures in work will be significantly reduced and the cost of services provided will be reduced.

Fifth stage: execution of additional documents for a car wash

At the final stage of collecting documents for opening a car wash, you need to conclude an agreement for the removal of municipal solid waste and used water.

Don't forget about cash register equipment. You must register your cashier in tax office and get the corresponding document.

You will also have to notify the city Department of Transport and Communications about the start of work.

How to speed up the process of obtaining documents for a car wash

You have read the material and now you know in what order to proceed. Unfortunately, there will definitely be some difficulties along the way, and the process will be suspended.

To avoid this, you can as a ready-made business! Probably, she will sell already with all the documents and approvals.

Today we will take a closer look at what documents are needed to start. Most start-up entrepreneurs do not know how to properly draw up a package of documents in order to start receiving stable income without jeopardizing the success of the intended enterprise due to one incorrectly executed or missing paper.

In each territorial segment, the list of documents for opening a car wash is slightly, but different. In any case, the procedure for obtaining the necessary papers can be conditionally divided into three stages.

We are talking about registration with the tax authorities and registration in the state register as legal entity or IP. To do this, you need to contact the registration authority, write an application, submit the relevant documents ( memorandum of association, a copy of the passport, TIN, receipts for payment of state duty or authorized capital). The content of the application and the package of documents are determined by the organizational and legal form (IP, LLC, OJSC) chosen by the entrepreneur.

Permission and approval of a car wash

This is a more complex and time-consuming stage, the purpose of which is to collect the necessary documents for opening a car wash in accordance with the laws governing this area of ​​activity. Step by step, this process looks like this:

  1. Writing a letter to the district administration with a request to allocate a plot of land for the construction of this facility.
  2. Development of a sketch - a project that meets all the requirements for this field of activity. It must comply with the standards established by the fire, environmental, sanitary and architectural services. Most often, by resorting to the help of professional designers, you can avoid difficulties, since most of them offer services for coordinating projects in the relevant authorities. Such a solution will require more serious financial costs, but will significantly save time.
  3. Obtaining a warrant for the construction of an object and a permit for the provision of services. These documents will be issued only if the project is approved.

Note: You can download a ready-made car wash business plan with our partners with a guarantee of quality!

Formation of a complete package of car wash documents

In order for the documentation on opening a car wash not to cause unpleasant “surprises”, it is worth supplementing it:

  • an agreement confirming the right to use a plot of land allocated for the construction of a car wash (lease, purchase);
  • site plan with the designation of its boundaries;
  • a contract for the removal of household waste, as well as for cleaning the territory.

Do you want to service the maximum number of cars per day? Then your washers should be able to manage the sink like this:

When opening a car wash, the business is coordinated taking into account the requirements of the following organizations:

  1. With Rospotrebnadzor (SES).
  2. Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES).
  3. State supervision.
  4. Architectural management.
  5. Ecologists.
  6. traffic police.

Each of these services has its own requirements for the territory, premises / building, personnel (if any), and equipment of the enterprise.

When providing services, the organization will use the appropriate engineering networks:

  • sewer;
  • water pipes;
  • electrical networks.

The relevant services will impose certain requirements on the equipment connected to these networks, the premises (its location) and other parameters. For example, SES carefully monitors the quality of water coming from the water supply and drain, as well as the lighting in the workplace of the staff, if it is not a mobile sink. The Ministry of Emergency Situations vigilantly monitors safety when working with electrical networks, fire safety and all related equipment is under the supervision of a fire inspector.

Requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and environmentalists

This group includes the requirements of environmentalists and Rospotrebnadzor regarding:

  • lighting;
  • ventilation;
  • water quality;
  • ensuring the safety of car wash personnel and customers;
  • ensuring the safety and comfort of the population in terms of environmental safety.

Checking by SES employees of the level of noise, vibration, ultra-, infrasound and other elements is carried out on the basis of a complaint from the population. This organization has the right to take air samples. Harmful substances in it they cannot exceed the MPC established by GOSTs.

Legislative acts regulating the work of car washes

The main document that the owner of a car wash should familiarize with is SanPiN 2.2.1 / Also worth checking out:

  • with FZ 53 of March 30, 1999.
  • PP No. 554 dated June 24, 2000.
  • c Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor No. 38 of April 10, 2003.

The commission developing this SanPiN relied on these documents. In addition, the activities of car washes are regulated by:

  • FZ-96 of December 19, 1991.
  • Water Code of the Russian Federation No. 167 of November 16, 1995.

The last acts concern water as consumable for the operation of the enterprise.

The requirements for the personnel of the washing enterprise are regulated by the Decree of the Chief Physician of the SES No. 100 dated May 26, 2003.

The lighting system is regulated both by the emitted light and by the choice of equipment. The documents to pay attention to are the following:

The requirements for the ventilation system in car washes are regulated by SniPom2.01.57-85.

The design of this system is regulated by:

equipment requirements

Sanitary authorities generally require:

So, after washing vehicles, water is contaminated with detergents, mechanical elements (dirt, dust, sand, etc.), entering the sewer, it must be cleaned to the permitted degree of pollution.

AT city ​​sewer dump wastewater forbidden. Therefore, car washes

  • or use special cleaning equipment;
  • or install water recycling systems.

The choice of washing equipment is at the discretion of the owner. Popular brands today are: FloTenk, Aros, Skat, UCO, Folamingo. For any equipment (including cleaning equipment) the following is required:

  • Certificates.
  • Permissive conclusion from SES.
  • Plant passports.

But at the beginning of work and the acceptance and delivery of the shift, all equipment must be in good working order. An employee starting work must, before starting the work cycle, make sure that the high-pressure hoses and the vacuum cleaner (if such equipment is available) and the waste water tank (it must be empty and cleaned) are intact. These requirements must be specified in the safety instructions.

Personnel Requirements

The main requirement for personnel from the SES is the passage of medical examinations:

  • when applying for a job;
  • periodic.

This is due to the fact that this species labor refers to work with hazards. It is believed that such working conditions are unfavorable for employees. And their health should be monitored by a medical commission.

Water Requirements

Water is used technical. But since many car washes provide for human contact with water, not only the “outlet” water, that is, waste, is checked, but also “at the entrance”, that is, used for washing cars. And it should not be harmless to humans. Water requirements are specified in MU

Stock requirements

The owner of the car wash, or a person to whom this authority has been delegated from among the staff, must regularly check the wastewater for the content in them:

  • suspension;
  • oil products;
  • the number of colibacteria and coliphages;
  • thermophilic bacteria.

The color, smell, transparency of water and its bio- and chemical oxygen demand are also checked. The standards for these parameters are contained in MU The main water pollutants during the operation of these enterprises are:

  • oil products;
  • suspended solids;
  • detergents.

If used and contaminated water enters the public sewerage the owner of a car wash needs to ensure that the content of gases in it that can form explosive compounds (cyanides, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide) are contained in effluents at the MPC level. The limits specified in the regulations should be contained in wastewater:

  • substances prone to combustion, including fuels and lubricants;
  • compounds deposited on the pipe walls and impair performance sewer system(various detergents, mechanical debris of varying degrees of dispersion);
  • radioactive compounds;
  • chemical elements that destroy or catalyze the destruction of the sewage system;
  • difficult to oxidize by the biomethod of the compound.

In no case should wastes containing components not standardized by environmental services be discharged into the sewer. These effluents must not contain substances capable of chemical reactions emit ether (more than 20 mg/l), sulfates in excess of 500 mg/l and chlorides from 350 mg/l. When sampling water, the total dry residue cannot exceed 2000 mg/l.

Requirements for the premises, site and sanitary zone

The requirements for the sanitary zone (SPZ) are specified in SanPiN 2.2.1 / Some owners are interested in whether it is possible to revise the size of this zone in the direction of their reduction. According to the changes made by the Chief Sanitary Doctor in 2007, this is possible. But it requires justification for placing this object in a specified place and calculating air pollution.

Protective size sanitary zone determined by the degree of danger of production. There are five in total. Car washes are classified as hazard class 4-5, depending on the number of installed posts:

  • five or more - hazard class V and, accordingly, the SPZ of 100 m must be observed;
  • from two to five posts - is considered hazard class IV and, accordingly, the SPZ should be at least 50 m in size.

These are quite strict requirements, given that car washes are usually located not in the field, but within the city, among residential and office buildings.

Land for the construction of a car wash can only be used for technical purposes.

Lighting Requirements

The lighting system in a car wash should be:

  • ergonomic;
  • effective;
  • in explosion-proof execution.

The comfort of employees in the process of work helps to achieve high level customer service through quality work. This increases client flow. In the case of lighting, it is normalized:

  • natural (if any), artificial;
  • top, side and combination, with combined lighting, the coefficient of natural light intake (KEO) is taken into account;
  • the index of pulsation, uniformity of illumination is determined.

The standards are specified in SanPiN 2.2.1 / The requirements based on the European standardization system will be as follows:

  • ripple in the form of an index (IP) no more than 10%;
  • color rendering index (IC) at the level of - 80 Ra;
  • discomfort coefficient 22 UGR;
  • illumination level - 750 lx;
  • its unevenness is 0.70.

For rooms that do not overlap their own height twice in length, discomfort is not standardized; according to European standards, it is better to adhere to this coefficient, but the SES will not check it.

Due to the high aggressiveness of the car wash environment: air humidity, its saturation with water dust, suspension detergents and dirt, the operating conditions of the illuminators are considered severe. Therefore, the requirements for lighting fixtures pretty strict:

  1. Protection class not lower than the first (against electric shock).
  2. Existence of the metal explosion-proof case on lamps.
  3. The level of moisture, dust protection from IP 65.

Not a single illuminator should dazzle workers, that is, protection against glare should be provided. As an example, consider a polycarbonate monolithic diffuser. It is impact resistant and diffuses light well. When using portable illuminators, they must have swivel mounts. To change the illumination angle.

Due to the working conditions associated with the risk of electrical injury to personnel, when accepting a shift, employees must check the integrity and serviceability of the switchboard and power equipment (if any), and illuminators. It must be in working order and show no visible damage. Do not start work if the insulation of electric lighting equipment is damaged.

Ventilation Requirements

Given that humidity, gas contamination and the presence in the air of various aggressive chemical elements the room will be high, it must be equipped with ventilation not only with a supply but also with an exhaust element. All elements of this system:

  • must be protected from corrosion;
  • plastic is not used as an air duct;
  • connections are sealed, including each thread;
  • joints on air ducts are sealed with special compositions (sealants).

Air exchange during the operation of the sink in the standard mode is about 5 exchange passes of air / hour. This is less than the requirements laid down in SNiP. When calculating gas exchange for this enterprise, assimilation processes are taken into account by:

  • body excretion;
  • moisture release;
  • harmful gases.

If it is supposed special processing transport, ventilation is arranged according to the following principle, the use of a supply and exhaust mechanism:

  • with maintaining the air temperature (in cold weather, not less than + 15 ° C;
  • air supply to the "clean zone";
  • organization of exhaust with predominant removal of air from the contaminated area (up to 2/3);
  • the predominance of the hood over the supply of air masses (up to 20%);
  • air exchange rate per hour at least 10.

A standard car wash can be equipped with additional fan equipment to switch it to the vehicle sanitization mode. Ventilation system designed individually for your space. Usually the project is ordered by organizations specializing in this work. Before starting work, commissioning work on the ventilation system is mandatory.

Requirements for the design of the consumer corner

Any company, regardless of the form of ownership, must have a so-called consumer corner:

  • Stand (preferred).
  • A folder if there is no space for the stand.

The booth contains:

  1. Information about the company (name, form of ownership, TIN, address and telephone).
  2. Registration information (copies of certificates of registration and tax registration).
  3. A copy of the consumer protection law.
  4. Book of reviews, suggestions and complaints.
  5. Business hours.
  6. Price certified by the first person of the organization and the seal.

The book of complaints and suggestions is drawn up according to certain rules:

  1. The title contains: the name of the enterprise, the date of opening the book and the signature of the first person.
  2. The first page is an instruction to fill it out.
  3. The second contains information about the persons to whom you can apply with a complaint and their contact details (director, deputy, heads of departments).
  4. The third one notifies the client about the authorities supervising the activities of this company, including the address and telephone number of the Consumer Supervision Service of the Russian Federation.
  5. Further, the book is formed according to the scheme, which can be viewed

It is considered ideal if the book is registered with Rospotrebnadzor, its pages are numbered and stitched. But there are no penalties for non-registration. The absence of such a book or the refusal to issue it to the client is considered an administrative violation.

Additional Information

During the operation of car washes, waste is generated that differs in degree of hardness and danger:

  • fluorescent light bulbs;
  • rubbish after cleaning household rooms and staff quarters;
  • garbage received after cleaning the territory (estimates);
  • oil sludge;
  • sludge obtained during wastewater treatment;
  • Waste treatment plant in liquid form.

Rospotrebnadzor has the right to request contracts for the cleaning and disposal of all these types of garbage and waste from the enterprise.

Requirements of the State Inspectorate and the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The fire inspection imposes requirements on the availability of fire extinguishing equipment at the enterprise, the availability of a magazine for instructing employees on this issue, the correct development of the ventilation system, and the installation of protective fittings for lighting equipment. A separate issue is the topic of equipping a car wash with APS products.

Regulatory documents

The regulations that you need to familiarize yourself with when organizing the work of a car wash are as follows:

  • Federal Law No. 123 of July 22, 2008 (such objects do not need to submit a fire safety declaration to the Ministry of Emergency Situations). At the stage of building a car wash, it is necessary to clearly observe clause 12. of Article No. 69
  • Federal Law No. 69 of December 21, 1994 ( Special attention should be given to the rights and obligations of the entrepreneur specified in Article 37).

This is not all, but only basic documents.

Requirements for the premises

According to article 69 (clause 12) of the Federal Law No. 123 of July 22, 2008, the distance from any adjacent temporary buildings, which is usually a car wash, should be in the range of 6-15 meters. The specific distance is determined by the material involved in its construction.

According to Article 28 of the Federal Law No. 123, a car wash belongs to F5.1 in terms of functional safety.

Requirements for workers

Employees must be instructed on safety measures at the enterprise, read the instructions and follow all the prescribed rules during the working day. They need to know:

  • Where are fire extinguishers located?
  • what are their actions in case of fire;
  • evacuation plan when staying in the domestic premises and in the working area in closed car washes;
  • when accepting a shift, check the power cable for damage.

The latter will avoid electrical injury and minimize the risk of fire.

Requirements for fire fighting equipment

Standard fire extinguishers (a fire extinguisher with this verification, a hose for supplying water, a crowbar, a bucket of sand) should be present in any car wash, despite the fact that the technological process itself requires the presence of means capable of extinguishing the flame.

Entrepreneurs have many questions when opening washing enterprises to equip them with fire alarm systems and smoke detectors. legislative act, obliging all car washes to equip AUPS, no. But the relevant structures can, in the process of reviewing the project of your enterprise, determine the hazard class for it. The fire hazard class depends on:

  • Capitalism / temporality of the structure.
  • Its dimensions.
  • Floors of the building.
  • Some other aspects.

Premises with wet AUPS processes are not protected, in accordance with clause A4 of SP 5.13130, if it is less than 50 m2. If your sink has significant dimensions, it can be divided by partitions into boxes with separate entrances, then each box will fall under the specified act. You can appeal to SP.12, paragraph 4.2 (to technological processes). The washing process is almost a way to put out a fire. And the fire hazard can not go at all. But more often, the responsible structures indicate the fire hazard class B2 (with dimensions up to 50 m2), an alarm is not required. If the car wash is designed to process long vehicles, when assigning class B4 to it, it may be necessary fire alarm and installation of smoke detectors (according to SP7.13130).

Minimum requirements for fire alarms actual values protection against smoke, the limits of fire resistance and the ability of equipment to resist smoke and gas penetration are established experimentally, in accordance with the methods specified in the regulations.

Ventilation Requirements

The main requirements for this system (smoke ventilation, air mass supply and exhaust system, transit channels, flanges, etc.) are as follows:

  • high fire resistance ability;
  • all materials must be non-combustible;
  • channels and seams must, in terms of strength, meet the standards specified in the regulatory documents and be airtight.

All actual parameters are calculated and depend on the volume of the premises, the work carried out in it (washing, processing, etc.), and the traffic flow.

Additional Information

A pleasant moment for the owners of a car wash is the fact that the State Civil Code of the Russian Federation (urban planners code) allows, according to Article 51, paragraph 17, not to obtain permission from the executive authorities for the construction of this building, since it is not considered capital. The rights to this object also do not need to be registered under Article 120 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (clause 2).

All the information provided is universal and applies to any washing enterprises. However:

  • when organizing posts of the rolling stock of freight transport;
  • its sanitization;
  • arrangement of overall capital washing centers;
  • combination of shop, car wash, service.

And in some other cases, more stringent requirements are imposed on these types of enterprises. The ventilation project will be more difficult, fire safety and smoke control will be required. Additional approvals with different bodies and structures may be required, and additional regulatory acts will be applied.