Drawing of a 3-room apartment. Modern design of a three-room apartment. Required documentation for changing the layout

Against the backdrop of an increased growth rate of multi-apartment development, the variety of housing layouts is also increasing. A special place here is occupied by a three-room apartment. In a well-organized living space, people of any age category with different tastes can coexist for a long time. With a little design skills and focusing on the trend of changing design trends, you can improve the layout of almost any three-room apartment.

Layout of apartments in new buildings

Large families are in high demand for spacious living spaces. The size and organization of the space of such three-room apartments can be varied. This housing is envisaged by the project both in brick and panel buildings.

The most relevant planning option for a new three-room apartment is a studio. It is allowed to form living space for yourself by erecting an additional partition.

In new premium-class buildings, there are an order of magnitude more square meters, so several bathrooms are often provided.

The area for the toilet, according to all the rules of modern design, is allocated near the kitchen. A sufficient amount of "square" is given under the balcony or loggia.

A modern three-room apartment in 90% of cases, upon completion of construction, is transferred to future owners without partitions. This is done in order to create for them the possibility of their own modeling of the area.

The design of typical Czech apartments, consisting of three rooms, is widely used. Their area is 64 sq. m, and the main difference is a close corridor system with storage rooms. Often such a room is converted into a wardrobe. The balcony and loggias are quite large, and due to the fact that the number of load-bearing walls is minimized, it is allowed to carry out the desired redevelopment in them.

In modern spacious apartments, various schemes for organizing space are used. The most common of them are the following:

  • "airplane" or "vest". The windows of the premises "look" at different sides of the building;
  • a variant with rooms, where two of them are made adjacent, and the third is isolated;
  • all 3 rooms are located separately.

Often now they select such layouts of three-room apartments so that each isolated room has its own bathroom and balcony. Particular attention is paid to lighting. To maximize it, the project proposes the construction of French-style balconies.

Such apartments are mostly corner.

Layout of apartments in the secondary housing stock

This includes 3 types of buildings.

These brick houses “came” to Moscow and other cities of Russia in the 50s. Apartments located in such buildings are characterized by 3-meter ceilings, separate rooms, separate bath and toilet, a large hall and openings in the form of arches.


The construction of such houses was carried out until the mid-80s. Initially, the apartments had low ceilings, a combined bathroom, and a small kitchen. "Khrushchev" also had an insufficient level of thermal insulation. Later, massive redevelopment began in them, since most of the partitions were not load-bearing.

Now the Khrushchev project is being radically changed, making a dressing room out of a pantry or transforming the entire apartment into a studio. The old flooring is completely replaced with tiles, and adjacent rooms (bedroom and balcony, for example) are combined, if this is not prohibited by the project.


This is a slightly improved version of the "Khrushchev". Among other things, mezzanines and a niche under the kitchen window are added here, designed to store food. The number of bathrooms is increasing, including separate ones. In such an apartment, the rooms are arranged according to the principle of an “airplane” or a “trailer”.

The nuances of the created modern layout

An improved layout always includes a kitchen space of more than 15 square meters. m, and a mini-sauna should be placed in the bathroom. In this case, the width of the balcony should start from 1.2 m.

Using the example of this apartment, whose top view is shown in the diagram, it is possible to form a living room with a kitchen on the first floor, and a bedroom on the second. On both floors, it is better to provide several bathrooms - both for the owners and for potential guests.

It is also necessary to take into account additional important points.

Selected style

There are enough of them. So, for example, you can combine Scandinavian restraint with a loft or use high-tech. But the most common is the classic style. It has the following shades:

  • lactic;
  • diluted brown;
  • pastel tone.

To add sophistication to such an interior, bright details are added in the form of furniture, panels on the wall.

The most successful solution is to combine the living room and kitchen in one shade.

The decor of bathrooms in modern apartments is reduced to almost nothing.

The choice of interior items

They are selected in the same style. So, for example, if rounded racks are initially purchased, then the lamps should be the same, and the openings should be arched.

You can diversify the decor with unusual things, for example, a round bed or a mirror, as if made of small squares, decorate the entire space with small Japanese paraphernalia. In this case, there is no need to clutter up the apartment with furniture. On the contrary, in order to visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour home, it is better to abandon bulky items.

In the nursery, it is required to select all things based on the age of the child. One bunk bed will fit perfectly into it and save space for games instead of two ordinary ones.

It must be borne in mind that if the family has a person working at home, then he will need a personal account. It can be one of the rooms, since 3-room apartments are quite spacious, and on average their area is 56-80 square meters. m. It is also possible to separate part of the space in the bedroom for work with a screen.

Bathroom is better to choose a non-standard shape. This will allow you to have additional space for installing a shower and a washing machine.

How to choose a property with a layout

It is necessary to determine the required functional area of ​​​​the premises.

The apartment plan below shows the size option suitable for a family of 3-4 people. Here is a large entrance hall with wardrobes for clothes and shoes. Each room is isolated. The kitchen room and a separate bathroom (if necessary, it can be made one) are located on the left side of the apartment, and on the right side there are 2 bedrooms of different sizes. In the very center there is a living room, which, if desired, can be made part of the kitchen.

Thus, in order to correctly choose the future housing, you need to pay attention to:

  • the size and location of the rooms;
  • number of windows;
  • the presence (absence) of a balcony (loggia), their number and dimensions;
  • the remoteness of the apartment from the garbage chute and the elevator;
  • development of the region's infrastructure.

If the apartment meets the necessary requirements for all the above points, then this is a great option. If for a long time you can’t find anything suitable, then you can arrange the space for your needs on your own, taking into account all the above nuances.

Few of our compatriots today can boast that the area of ​​housing fully satisfies them. Even people who were lucky enough to buy or inherit spacious three-room Moscow-style apartments often think that a lot could be optimized. For example, the kitchen may be too small, the corridor too long and dark, and it would not hurt to get another room that could be allocated for an office or an additional children's room.

Functional layout of a 3-room apartment

Well, you can just sit, regret and sometimes complain to friends and acquaintances that the apartment does not satisfy you for a number of reasons. Or you can just try to do something. And in this case, the redevelopment of a three-room apartment is the only way to turn a standard room into your dream home.

Of course, before you start drawing drawings on your own or resort to the help of specialists, you should decide what you want to get as a result.

Expand your kitchen? Change the appearance of the corridor? Get an extra bedroom that could be given to a growing child or elderly parents who decide to move in with you? Think carefully about whether you even need to start repairs in your apartment? After all, once you start, you won’t be able to quit halfway through. And the work can stretch for many weeks and even months; it will be a really hard test for both your nerves and the family budget.

When the decision is finally made, you can begin to make a plan. Of course, if you can afford it, then it is better to entrust the work to specialists. Indeed, often the redevelopment of an apartment is accompanied by the transfer or even demolition of walls.

original plan of a 3-room apartment
redevelopment option for a three-room apartment with the demolition of the walls of the corridor

Only experienced specialists will be able to take into account all the nuances, ensuring that as a result you get a completely safe and comfortable home. They will take into account which walls in the apartment are load-bearing (which means that it is worth working with them only as a last resort), and which ones are self-supporting. Consider the material from which the house is built.

Of course, they have plans for various houses with all the characteristics: wall thickness, permanent loads, load-bearing structures, and so on. Therefore, they will be able to do all the work with the highest quality, regardless of which house your apartment is in - 83 series or 137 series.

layout of a three-room apartment in houses of series 137

The transfer or demolition of capital walls is a very important process. And it can be performed only after obtaining permission from the relevant authorities.

It is definitely better to entrust this work to specialists. Yes, you will have to pay for their help. But as a result, the necessary documents will be collected in a matter of days. Otherwise, the process of collecting them may well drag on for several weeks or even months. Employees of offices will send you from one office to another, demanding more and more certificates and permissions. For those who have undergone this procedure, it is remembered only in terrible dreams.

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Studio apartment layout

You can choose the project that suits you:

  1. Standard project. It has a relatively low price. But it cannot always fully satisfy the requirements of the owner of the apartment, as it was developed at the request of another customer.
  2. Unique project. It will cost you quite a lot, but here you will be free in your fantasies. Your apartment can be transformed beyond recognition. A standard 3-room apartment in a five-story panel building can turn into a luxury apartment that meets all your requirements.

Which option to choose? Decide for yourself!

How to demolish a wall in an apartment.

Starting from the kitchen

So, the schemes are drawn and the plans are ready. You can get to work. Most often, in three-room apartments, the room allocated for the kitchen is subjected to redevelopment. Indeed, simply can not meet the requirements of many people. But it is here that you have to work diligently to prepare a delicious dinner for the whole family. And during dinner, especially if there are 5-6 people at the table, it becomes especially crowded in the kitchen. So, you need to expand the room.

If the exit to the balcony is in the kitchen, as is usually the case in the houses of the 121 series, you can consider yourself lucky. It is due to the balcony that you can significantly expand the kitchen.

Yes, you will have to glaze it with high quality, insulate it, conduct heating and dismantle the door with the window frame, connecting the balcony to the kitchen.

In addition, now it will not be so convenient to use the balcony, because it is quite difficult to reach the distant ropes, leaning out of the window. However, an additional 2-3 square meters to the kitchen area (the standard kitchen area is about 6-7 square meters) fully pays for any costs and slight discomfort.

Now you have a fairly spacious room. The stove, refrigerator and cabinets can be moved to the balcony: there will be the main working area. But in the kitchen itself, you can install a large table or even a kitchen couch, because now there will be enough space for this.

By the way, if there was a wide, massive concrete window sill between the kitchen and the balcony, which is often found in houses of the 75th series, it does not always make sense to dismantle it. Dismantling is associated with big problems: this difficult work can take a whole day.

standard layout of an apartment in houses of the 75 series

Taking out construction debris and carefully leveling and masking the walls is an additional chore. Therefore, many people make a very good decision: use the windowsill as a kitchen table. You can install a small table top on it and decorate it accordingly, or you can simply paste it over with washable wallpaper or oilcloth so that the new table looks harmoniously in the interior of the room.

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How to make two from one room

But it should be borne in mind that in most cases this wall is a carrier. In some cases, for example, in large-panel nine-story buildings of the 90 series, you may not obtain permission at all for any action aimed at modifying and weakening this wall. Therefore, you can only make a small cosmetic alteration of the premises to suit your needs, this is shown in more detail in the drawing.

small redevelopment of a three-room apartment without a significant change in the location of the premises

It is enough to break this structure, which carries a load of hundreds of tons, so that the whole house simply collapses. True, the higher the apartment is, the less will be the load on the wall.

Therefore, for the redevelopment of an apartment on the 7th-9th floor, permission is easiest to obtain. In other cases, you will have to sweat seriously.

In any case, if you are demolishing a load-bearing wall or simply making an interior window in it, you will have to compensate for the load-bearing capacity of the structure using a metal profile.

All panel apartment buildings belong to one or another series. The difference between one series and another is not so great, almost all apartments are of the same type and have only a few layout options.

The famous "Khrushchev" (series 1-447), the later P-44 or 83 series - they all have almost the same arrangement of rooms, which has the only goal - compactness.

Small discrepancies are not significant, since they do not create a significant difference.

5 floors

Panel 5-storey houses belong to earlier series, who directly replaced the "Khrushchev". The main difference between the layout was the absence of walk-through rooms.. In addition, all rooms now had doors, i. for residents there was an opportunity for privacy, solitude.

There were corridors from which the entrance to the rooms was carried out. At the same time, separate bathrooms appeared - a bathroom and a toilet, combined into a single block, but having a partition between them with separate entrances.

9 floors

The increase in the number of floors set the task of equipping the houses with elevators, for which it was necessary to expand the stairwells. Besides, the emergence of 9-storey panel houses required the presence of garbage chutes, also requiring a certain volume, as well as utility rooms.
All these innovations have caused the need to change the layout of apartments. Adjacent balconies appeared, connected by 4 into one block, wider stairwells caused the expansion of the corridors.

Reference! The changes were not so significant.

Since in any case, binding to the dimensions of a typical reinforced concrete panel did not give much room for imagination. Most of the series of 9-storey houses are modernized projects of 5-storey houses.

Is it possible to reschedule?

Redevelopment in a panel house is quite possible, but with some reservations. The fact is that there are load-bearing walls that are the supporting structures of the building.

There are conventional partitions (so-called self-supporting) that can be changed or removed without compromising the strength of the structure. Any changes in the layout of the rooms should not affect the load-bearing walls.

In general, there are methods of redevelopment with intervention in their condition - tying newly made openings with a channel, strengthening, etc., but all of them are doubtful in terms of structural strength, and if the apartment is on the lower floors of a multi-storey building, then they are completely undesirable.

So the best option is not to touch the load-bearing walls, especially since most of the options for redevelopment of typical apartments do not require this.

Important! Independent transfer of capital walls is prohibited! The redevelopment must be coordinated accordingly and carried out by professionals.

Besides, changes should not in any way infringe on the rights of residents of other apartments. For example, the transfer of heating radiators on the balcony is prohibited, since the design of the house does not provide for heating balconies, resulting in an extra consumption of thermal energy, which is not enough for residents of apartments located further down the riser.

Their batteries will become colder, and You can get a fine for illegal redevelopment with an order to return everything as it was. It is forbidden:

  1. dismantling or removal of ventilation ducts.
  2. Combining bathrooms without hydro and sound insulation measures.
  3. Combining balconies, loggias with rooms or kitchens.
  4. Works with load-bearing walls without reinforcement.

Also, you can not transfer gas (kitchen) and a bathroom to any other part of the apartment.

Apartment Options

At first sight, There are a lot of options for redevelopment of the apartment..

But the restrictions on changing the state of the bearing walls and the general expediency of the whole action reduce the number of possible options to a minimum. You will not succeed without technical knowledge about the layout of apartments.

Most often, some expansion of the area is carried out due to the partial or complete removal of partitions, or, conversely, the creation of partitions that separate the sleeping area from the living room (for example, in one-room apartments). You can consider some options.


For one-room apartments the most relevant way is to demolish the partition between the kitchen and the room, causing its area to expand significantly. The disadvantage of this change is that the kitchen becomes part of the room., all odors, steam and other related parts are visible.

Another change is to install a partition across the room, resulting in a small bedroom and living room.

Reference! This decision is caused by the lack of space and the need to provide rest for family members (especially if there is a child).

Besides, the toilet and bathroom are combined into a single room. The main reason is the need to install a large bath and place a washing machine, which are impossible in conventional bathrooms.


To make redevelopment in such an apartment, you need to know what the layout of a 3-room apartment in a panel house is.

In this case a common solution is the demolition of some partitions to get more common space. Combine:

  • two adjoining rooms into one larger one;
  • kitchen with a room;
  • bathroom - bathroom and toilet in one room.

Most cases of redevelopment of three-room housing are due to the desire to expand the space of the apartment, to make it visually more voluminous.

Important! Combining gasified kitchens with rooms is prohibited! It will be necessary to install a partition (sliding, accordion, etc.) or turn off the gas and replace the stove with an electric one.


The main problem of four-room apartments is small rooms.. Most of the four-room apartments are the same three-room apartments, in which one of the rooms is divided in half. Therefore, in addition to the usual events - combining a kitchen and a room, a bathroom, etc. - merged adjacent rooms.

They connect two, sometimes three rooms to get one, larger size and capacity. Such a decision, most often, is dictated by the need to place furniture, household appliances, exercise equipment, the dimensions of which are not suitable for typical apartments. However, the opposite is often the case.

Coordination and registration

To agree on the redevelopment, you will need to create a work plan with sketches before and after work. The plan is created by a special organization. The cost of creating a plan is different for each type of layout.

The plan is approved by the architecture department, followed by a visit to the BTI to issue a new technical passport for the apartment. Once you receive your passport, you can start work.

Important! Inconsistent redevelopment will significantly complicate the sale or inheritance of the apartment.

The redevelopment of apartments is a measure that is partly forced, but at the same time creative, requiring imagination and the ability to see something new and original in the familiar.

Large household appliances, furniture, photos of apartments decorated with plasterboard structures seen on the net - there are a lot of reasons that encourage you to get to work. Compliance with technical requirements and coordination in the relevant organizations will help to avoid problems in the future.

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Apartment redevelopment. What is possible and what is not?

Three-room apartments are for the most part quite spacious, but this does not mean that the original layout in them cannot be improved. You just need to know at least the minimum subtleties of design and design approaches in order to avoid gross mistakes. Each case requires an individual solution.

Building types

The panel houses of the early series ("Khrushchev") were distinguished by the inconvenient arrangement of small rooms, thin walls, a very low ceiling and a combined bathroom.

Newer houses (“new panel”) are buildings built in the 1970s-1990s. The living quarters have increased, as have the kitchen areas (up to 9-10 sqm).

Housing with an improved layout until recently was considered everything that is more comfortable than the "Khrushchev" series. Now it is no longer enough to have a loggia and exclude walk-through rooms. Only such an apartment is considered improved, the parameters of which are better than those indicated in the SNiP. These are necessarily spacious rooms, and made with the correct proportions. Not uncommon - living rooms of 20 and 30 square meters. m, the area of ​​bedrooms is 12-15 sq. m.

In addition to size, great importance is also given to lighting - the balcony is made according to the French type.

A three-room apartment with an improved layout cannot have a kitchen of less than 15 m2, additional sanitary facilities must be organized. They are as far away from the kitchen and dining areas as possible. Bathrooms in a new building can be either combined or separated; this will not affect the classification of real estate. Bathrooms are being made spacious enough to fit even a miniature sauna. There must be a terrace, loggia or balcony at least 120 cm wide.

Speaking about the layout of apartments, it is necessary to mention the difference between them in houses with five and nine floors. Nine-story buildings are attractive for those who want to live higher and have a good view from the window.

But the peculiarity is not only in this - such buildings are mostly more comfortable than five-story buildings. Initially, taller houses were equipped with elevators and garbage chutes.

Brick buildings could be made in different ways, depending on the time of construction and on the project.


In addition to the type of building, it is necessary to take into account the project for which it was completed. In Khrushchev's apartments, the standard rooms were walk-throughs, the largest of them was located next to the pantry, from which, in turn, one could only go to the bedroom. Series 1-335, as well as K-7, are distinguished by the small size of the kitchen space, the miniaturization of the hallways. The height of the ceilings in the houses of the 335th group is 255 cm.

At K-7, it can reach 259 cm, balconies were not provided. In series 1-447, the plan does not always provide for balconies; corner apartments are often left without them. The main construction material is brick.

From 1960 to 1975, three-room apartments in brick five-story buildings usually had a total area of ​​44 square meters. m, residential - 32 m2, and the share of the kitchen remained 5.5 or 6 sq. m. Series 1-464 implied the use of only combined bathrooms, the total area ranged from 55 to 58 square meters. m, the share of residential premises accounted for from 39 to 45 square meters. m.

In 3-room apartments of modern houses, unlike the old five-story ones, the sanitary facilities are separate. Living spaces, kitchens and bathrooms have become larger. It is rare to find a three-room apartment, where there would be no balcony or loggia. There are a variety of sizes - and 70-76, and 80-100 square meters. m and more.

Apartments in nine-story houses of the 80th series, built since the mid-1970s, implied the presence of kitchens with an area of ​​​​7.5 square meters. m, while only one room is separate, the other two are walk-through. Since the late 1980s, the area of ​​the kitchen has reached 9 square meters. m, all rooms become autonomous from each other. The difference between the 83rd and 90th series lies solely in the configuration of the balcony - triangular in the first case, straight or slightly beveled in the second.

The 90A series, which appeared already in the 2000s, features 14 sq. m, plus equipment with two balconies at once.

In the old housing stock, the Czech layout of a 3-room apartment is quite common. It is typical for housing located in houses from 9 to 12 floors high, built no earlier than 1970 and no later than 1990. The ceilings are low, do not even reach 250 cm, there are two balconies - straight and oblique. Such buildings were built from brick, and from reinforced concrete, and from expanded clay concrete. The area of ​​​​the apartment is usually 60-64 square meters. m.

A vest, or a scheme with the organization of windows on both sides of the house, is much more interesting than the classic version, in which light penetrates only from one or two points. To increase the practicality of such a dwelling, it is necessary not only to install modern double-glazed windows, but also to transform the window sill into a miniature built-in table.

No matter how much you want to bring originality and fresh mood, it makes sense to always think about choosing a classic style. It is economical and relatively neutral, rarely requiring the use of unique materials and custom designs.

But at the same time, in the classic design, you can find interesting moves. So, massive ceiling cornices and decorative beams and columns will look good. In the "vest" a combination of loft and Scandinavian style can look very attractive.

Color and decoration

Design techniques help to eliminate visual flaws in the layout of a three-room apartment relatively easily. To fix the problem of insufficient space in small rooms, a stylistic solution in light shades is capable.

The most advantageous positions among them are occupied by:

  • Milky white;
  • Light beige;
  • Desaturated brown.

To further emphasize the discreet appearance of such a design, single bright blotches are attached to it; it is very good to use decor with floral and plant plots. In addition to wall panels, they can be incorporated into furniture or even decorate light sources. Family photos will look great on the long wall of the hallway. The end result is that the room is well saturated with light and does not look boring at all.

It makes sense to decorate the living room with a uniform light background., then it will turn out in the rest of it to combine tones that are usually considered incompatible. A good idea is to combine the color of the kitchen and the living room (the color of the lower kitchen facades, the walls of the guest room and the shelves for books may match).

Some designers deliberately make the grout between the tiles on the backsplashes and the upholstery of the pouffes where the guests will sit indistinguishable in color. The common white color due to the soft green shades mixed with it improves mood and helps to relax emotionally. Among other combinations, it is useful to use matching patterns on the curtains in different rooms, while the curtains themselves can have a different color and even be made of dissimilar materials.

It is advised to paint the kitchen with light paint or cover it with not too dark finishing panels. Bathrooms in classic and modern apartments are practically not decorated, this allows you to hint at the strictly utilitarian task of such premises.


The selection of interior items is also important, since they can mask many of the flaws in the layout of the room.

Semi-circular corner shelving is stylistically combined with perfectly round lamps and traditional arched openings.

Particular attention should be paid to the decorative side of the nursery and its layout: consider how you can put all the required furniture and not clutter up the territory.

Do not try to put as much furniture in the bedroom as possible, let it be lighter and lighter, you can even emphasize the walls next to the sleeping places with light-colored wallpaper. Built-in wardrobes are optimal for the hallway, because they allow you to hide unnecessary items from prying eyes, free up space.

The best interior options

Modern three-room apartments can be combined with the most daring accessories that break the usual patterns in a radical way. The mirror, as if assembled from squares, forms the illusion of a door leaving no one knows where; the ceiling of the living room can not only be raised, but also partially lowered in order to install hidden lighting devices and mask the cornices on which the curtains are hung. The original idea is the fundamental rejection of the main lamp, the preference for hidden lighting fixtures in any part of the room. If you want to emphasize your commitment to exotic Japanese style, just place bamboo sticks behind a low sofa. And these are just a few examples of how to create an original design in the simplest ways.

To add visual integrity to the atmosphere in typical rooms, fixing mirrors above the dressing tables helps. Directly opposite, you can put a TV and a work area, which are visually connected by wall shelves. But space can be both united and divided. In corner three-room apartments, partitions placed in the gap between window openings can be useful for this purpose. So instead of the usual three rooms, four will come out with minimal effort. Registering such a change is also easy.

Today, during the global development of cities, there is a fairly large selection of various types of housing with a variety of types of layouts.

You can find large apartments with spacious balconies, and apartments with two separate bathrooms, and even premium housing, which is represented by two-story copies.

Thanks to such a wide choice, everyone can choose the type of housing they need.

The most popular type of housing arrangement is still the layout of a 3-room apartment designed for large families.

The best apartments are represented by "three rubles" of free planning. These are the most comfortable and stylish living meters of the area.

If the whole space is planned correctly, then people of different generations with completely different tastes and character will be able to comfortably get along on 130 m². This is the improved layout of 3-room apartments.

Layout of 3-room apartments in new houses

As a rule, today in new houses the bathroom is located next to a small room. That is why it is advisable to make a bedroom out of this small room.

The main thing is to decide which element in the bedroom will become an accent. It can be both a closet and a bed.

However, if the wardrobe can be placed in the living room, then the bed will certainly become the center of the room.

All dwellings in new buildings have a fairly large area, so the layout of a 3-room apartment with rather large dimensions is, first of all, a free arrangement of space.

In the bedrooms of large apartments, you can place not only the necessary bed and storage system, but also many pieces of functional furniture. Here you can create and implement all design ideas.

For those who do not like everything standard and familiar, you should pay attention to the arrangement of the bedroom with a round bed.

This bed looks very stylish and fashionable. You can complete an unusual interior with unusual lighting or a plasterboard oval structure on the ceiling.

The development of a design project for a 3-room apartment begins with the wishes of the owners. The layout of the 3-room apartment and its design is carried out in light shades with some color accents.

This interior has a very calm and cozy atmosphere. Children's rooms must be equipped based on the age needs of each child.

Advantages of modern apartment layouts

The most familiar layout of a 3-room apartment in a panel house was the type of passage space.

Here, the largest room is located near the pantry, through which you can get into the bedroom.

To expand the space, many demolished the pantry and built a completely new wall partition. The result was 2 rooms and a large dark corridor.

Modern "treshki" have become much more convenient and comfortable, because they already have separate bathrooms and living rooms, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen space and the bathroom has increased. Almost every apartment now has a balcony or loggia.

The usual 3-room Khrushchev, the layout of which is also easy to carry out, which results in a comfortable apartment for living. It is advisable to zone the space here, using the color and texture of materials.

Today, the layout of apartments in new houses has become convenient. The usual ceilings of 2.5 meters have grown, now their height is 3 meters.

You can also find instances with individual layouts or studio apartments that do not have internal walls, which makes it possible to create unique individual interiors.

If it was not possible to find suitable housing, you can do the redevelopment yourself, following simple tricks and principles.

The first thing they pay attention to is the functional purpose of the room. So from the usual bedroom you can make a bedroom-living room or a work area. Then, using zoning techniques, the room is divided into sections and designated.

Any finished living space is not always a livable end result.

Therefore, thanks to the photo layout of a 3-room apartment and the advice of professional designers, anyone can create the home of their dreams.

Photo of the best planning ideas for a three-room apartment