Test of sociability for adults. Determination of the general level of sociability of students (VF Ryakhovsky test) test on the topic. You feel confident in any company

To find out if you have communication skills and define your level of sociability I suggest you go communication test .

Communication test

For each of the 16 questions below, give one of three answers: - yes, - no, - sometimes.

For each answer "yes" - 2 points, for each answer "sometimes" - 1 point, for each answer "no" - 0 points.

  1. You have an ordinary business meeting. Are you unsettled by her anticipation?
  2. Do you put off a visit to the doctor until the moment when it becomes unbearable?
  3. Does the need to make a report, message, information at a meeting, meeting or conference cause you confusion and displeasure?
  4. You are offered to go on a business trip to where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip?
  5. Do you like to share your experiences?
  6. Do you get annoyed when a stranger asks you to show him something, to answer a question?
  7. Do you believe that there is a problem of "mutual understanding of people different generations»?
  8. Are you embarrassed to remind a friend that he owes you money that he borrowed a few days ago?
  9. In a cafe or dining room, you were served an obviously missing dish. Will you keep silent, only pushing the plate aside?
  10. When you are alone with a stranger, are you usually the first to start a conversation with him?
  11. Are you horrified by any long line, no matter where it is: at the bank, in the store, at the cinema box office? To avoid this, are you ready to give up your intention, rather than languish in anticipation?
  12. Are you afraid to participate in any commission to review conflict situations?
  13. Do you have purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, culture, and do you not accept any other people's opinions?
  14. Having heard somewhere a clearly erroneous statement on a question well known to you, would you prefer to enter into an argument?
  15. Do you get frustrated when someone asks you to look into a particular issue or topic?
  16. Are you more willing to express your point of view in writing than oral?

Calculate the amount of points that you scored when answering questions

  • If you scored 30-32 points, you are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your misfortune, since you yourself suffer the most from this, and it is very difficult for those close to you. It is difficult to rely on you in a case that requires joint efforts. Tip: try develop communication skills learn to be social.
  • If you scored 25-29 points - you are taciturn, closed, prefer loneliness, so you probably have few friends. New job and the need to contact strangers if it does not throw you into a panic, then it certainly unbalances you. You know the peculiarity of your character, for which you are often dissatisfied with yourself. Tip: do not despair, work on yourself as much as possible.
  • If you scored 24-20 points - you are sociable, in an unknown environment you feel quite confident. New challenges don't scare you. But nevertheless, you converge with strangers with caution, rarely and reluctantly enter into disputes and discussions, and if you have a chance to argue, then there is a lot of sarcasm in your statements. Advice: These shortcomings are quite correctable, consider your conclusions, analyze such situations.
  • If you scored 14-19 points - you sociable person, You are inquisitive, ready to listen to the interlocutor, tolerant in communication with other people, defend your point of view without irascibility. Without unpleasant unrest, go to meet new people. At the same time, do not like noisy companies, extravagant antics and verbosity, it annoys you. Tip: in the various behaviors of people, look for positive sides, be more condescending, because every person is an extraordinary person.
  • If you scored 9-13 points - you are very sociable, sometimes even beyond measure. They are curious, talkative, like to express their point of view on various issues, which sometimes causes irritation among others. Willingly get acquainted with other people, like to be in the spotlight, do not refuse requests to anyone, although you can not always fulfill them. Sometimes quick-tempered, but move away quickly. Tip: Work on perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. A little effort on yourself and you will force yourself not to retreat.
  • If you scored 4-8 points - you are a “grunt guy” - sociability is in full swing out of you. You are always up to date on all matters, you like to take part in disputes, discussions, although ordinary topics can make you feel blue. Willingly speak out on any issue, even if you have a superficial idea about it. You get down to business, although you can not always bring the work you have started to the end. Advice: Fight this ailment, think over every word or decision, because for this reason managers and colleagues treat you with some apprehension and doubt.
  • If you scored 0-3 points - your sociability is painful. You are talkative, verbose, interfering in matters that have nothing to do with you. Willingly or unwittingly, you become the cause of various conflicts in your environment. Quick-tempered, touchy, often biased. Serious work is not for you! Both at work and at home - people everywhere have a hard time with you. Tip: Cultivate tolerance, restraint, respect for other people. Beware of judging problems in which you are completely incompetent.

When answering questions, put the sign “+” if you agree, and “-” if you disagree.

    I find it difficult to imitate other people.

    I could probably play the fool to get the attention of others.

    I could make a good actor.

    Other people sometimes think that I am experiencing something more deeply than it really is.

    In a company, I rarely find myself in the spotlight.

    AT different situations And in dealing with different people, I behave in completely different ways.

7. I can only defend what I deeply believe in. B. To succeed in business and in relationships with people, I try to be what they expect me to see.

9. I can be friendly with people who are not internally you.

10. I am not always what I seem. Sum up the scores using the table:

Question number

Answer option


0 - 3 points. Your communication level is low. Your behavior is stable, and you do not consider it necessary to change it depending on the situation.

4 - 6 points. You have an average level of communication. You are restrained, reckon with others.

7 - 10 points. You high level communication. You easily enter into any role and are able to anticipate the impression you make on others.

Annex 13

Test in. F. Ryakhovsky "The level of your sociability"

Rate your answers as follows: "yes" - 2 points, "sometimes" - I point, "no" - 0 points.

I. You have an ordinary business meeting. Does her anticipation unsettle you?

    Are you postponing a visit to the doctor until the last moment?

    Do you feel embarrassed and dissatisfied when you are asked to make a presentation at a meeting, meeting or conference?

    You are offered to go on a business trip to a city where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip?

    Do you enjoy sharing your experiences with anyone?

    Do you get annoyed if a stranger on the street asks you, for example, to show you the way, to tell you the time?

7. Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and sons" and that it is difficult for people of different generations to understand each other?

    Are you embarrassed to remind a friend that he forgot to return 10 rubles to you, which he borrowed a few months ago?

    In a restaurant or canteen, you were served a dish of poor quality. Will you keep silent, only angrily pushing the plate?

    Being one on one with a stranger, you will not enter into a conversation with him and will be burdened if he speaks first. Is it so?

    You are horrified by any long queue, no matter where it is: in a store, library, theater box office. Would you rather give up your intention to avoid standing in line?

    Are you afraid to participate in any commission to review conflict situations?

    Do you have your own purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, and you do not accept any other opinions on this matter?

    Having heard somewhere in the lobby an obviously erroneous point of view on a matter well known to you, would you prefer to remain silent without entering into an argument?

    Do you get frustrated when someone asks you to help sort out a particular service issue or study topic?

    Are you more willing to express your opinion or point of view in writing than orally?


32-30 points.

You are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your misfortune, since you yourself suffer the most from this. But it is not easy for people close to you. You are difficult to rely on in a matter that requires group effort. Try to become more sociable, control yourself.

29-25 points. You are closed, taciturn, prefer loneliness and therefore you probably have few friends. A new job and the need for new contacts, if it does not plunge you into a panic, then for a long time will unbalance you. You know this feature of your character and you are dissatisfied with yourself. But don't limit yourself to your dissatisfaction. It is in your power to reverse these character traits. Doesn't it happen that with some kind of complete enthusiasm, you suddenly acquire complete sociability? It just takes a shake.

24-19 points. You are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in familiar surroundings. New challenges don't scare you. And yet, with new people, you converge with caution, you are reluctant to participate in disputes and disputes. There is sometimes too much sarcasm in your statements for no reason at all. These shortcomings are correctable.

18-14 points. You have good communication skills. You are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, patient enough in dealing with others, defend your point of view without irascibility. Without unpleasant experiences, you make contact with new people. At the same time, do not like noisy companies, extravagant antics and verbosity annoy you.

13-9 points. You are very sociable (sometimes, perhaps even unnecessarily). They are curious, talkative, like to speak out on various issues, which sometimes causes irritation of others. Willingly meet new people. Love to be the center of attention, do not refuse requests to anyone, although you can not always fulfill them. It happens, flare up, but quickly move away. What you lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If you wish, however, you can force yourself not to back down.

8-4 points. You must be the shirt guy. Sociability beats out of you. You are always aware of everything

affairs. Like to take part in all discussions, although serious topics can give you migraines and blues. Willingly take the floor on any issue, even if you have a superficial idea about it. Everywhere you feel at ease. You take on any business, although you can’t always bring it to the end. For this reason, managers and colleagues treat you with some apprehension and doubt. Consider these facts!

Less than 4 points. Your communication skills are painful. You are talkative, verbose, interfering in matters in which you are completely incompetent. Willingly or unwittingly, you are often the cause of all sorts of conflicts in your environment. Quick-tempered, touchy, often biased. Serious work is not for you. People at work and at home have a hard time with you.. Yes, you need to work on yourself and your character. Cultivate restraint, tolerance, treat people more respectfully, and finally, think about your health - this lifestyle does not go unnoticed.

Annex 14

Sociability is a basic human quality that makes it easy and simple to establish relationships with people. It also helps to quickly achieve success in any life sphere. In order to understand whether you are sociable or not, you can take a survey.

Communication test with answers

Today you can find countless tests on the net that are designed to reveal the sociability of any person, but the test from V. F. Ryakhovsky is especially popular. Its advantages are obvious: the passage takes little time, the test is quite simple, the questionnaire with answers contains a complete, detailed presentation of the results.

Have some time? Take a short test to determine the degree of sociability. This will allow you to understand what is preventing you from achieving better results in your personal and business life. The total points are summed up, and it will be seen which category the person belongs to. It's time to learn about your communication skills.

Communicative qualities open a direct path to building relationships with people in any area of ​​life. Thanks to communication, you can quickly find mutual language with each, make useful acquaintances. In other words, sociability is an important quality inherent in active people. Are you one of those?

Success and fame - all this appears due to sociability. Yes, and at work, at home, you will need the ability to convince people that you are right. If you have high communication skills, then you are guaranteed a fun and active life. And to determine the level of sociability, it is enough to pass our online test with answers.

Popular tests for determining the communicative qualities of a person

Per recent times A lot of popular tests come out of print: tests for all occasions, tests that promise to determine your character, temperament, find out your fate in 15-20 minutes and generally determine what you are capable of and “what kind of bird are you?”. Most of these popular tests come from the same almanac or encyclopedia. psychological tests in another. And the compilers of these publications can no longer determine the original authorship of most of the test methods placed in them. Obviously, this comes from the "stagnant" time, when testing was recognized as a bourgeois science, and the distribution of tests was persecuted.

As a conclusion, the following are some popular tests that are directly related to the subject matter of this book.

Your communication style

We rarely get to look at ourselves from the outside, and yet everyone has a favorite manner of communication, what is usually called style. This test can help determine this style. With it, you will find out if you are correct enough in relation to employees, family members, friends and how they communicate with you.

For each of the 20 questions below, there are three possible answers. If none of the options suits you, move on to the next question. After the questionnaire, the Key for evaluating the test result is placed. Do not attach very serious importance to the data received, consider them rather as information for reflection.

1. Do you tend to look for ways to reconcile after another official conflict?

a) always

b) sometimes

c) never

2. How do you behave in a critical situation?

a) boil internally

b) remain calm

c) lose control

3. How do your colleagues think of you?

a) self-confident and envious

b) friendly

c) calm and independent

4. How would you react if you were offered a responsible position?

a) accept with some apprehension

b) agree without hesitation

c) give it up for your own peace of mind

5. How do you behave if one of your colleagues takes without permission

paper from your desk?

a) give him "on the first number"

b) force return

c) ask if he needs anything else

6. What words will you meet your husband (wife) if he (she) returned (returned) from work later than usual?

a) "What's holding you back so much?"

b) "Where do you hang out late?"

c) “I have already begun (began) to worry”

7. How do you behave while driving a car?

a) try to overtake the car that "showed you the tail"

b) you don't care how many cars have overtaken you

c) rush at such a speed that no one will catch up with you

8. What do you think your views on life are?

a) balanced

b) frivolous

c) very hard

9. What will you do if things don't work out?

a) try to put the blame on someone else

b) calm down

c) be more careful

10. How do you react to a feuilleton about cases of promiscuity among today's youth?

a) it’s time for young people to ban such entertainment

b) it is necessary to create an opportunity for them to have an organized and cultural holiday

c) and why are we messing with it?

11. How do you feel if the position you wanted to take went to someone else?

a) and why did I spend my nerves (spent) on this?

b) it is clear that this person is more pleasant for the boss

c) maybe I can do it another time

12. How do you feel when you watch a scary movie?

a) feelings of fear

b) you are bored

c) genuinely enjoy

13. How will you behave if you are late for an important meeting due to a traffic jam?

a) you will be nervous during the meeting

b) try to cause condescension of partners

c) get upset

14. How do you feel about your sports success?

a) try to win

b) appreciate the pleasure of feeling young

c) get very angry if you lose

15. What do you do if you get bad service in a restaurant?

a) endure, avoiding scandal

b) call the head waiter and make a remark to him

c) go with a complaint to the director of the restaurant

16. What would you do if your child was bullied at school?

a) talk to the teacher

b) make a scandal to the offender's parents

c) advise the child to fight back

17. What kind of person are you?

a) normal

b) confident

c) punchy

18. What would you say to a subordinate you ran into at the door?

a) sorry, it's my fault

b) nothing, nothing

c) Can't you be more careful?

19. Your reaction to a newspaper article about hooliganism among young people:

(a) When will concrete action finally be taken?

b) more severe punishments should be introduced!

c) you can’t blame everything on the youth, the educators are also to blame!

20. Which animal do you like the most?

b) domestic cat

c) bear

Key to the test

(scoring points for the answers of the subject)

Calculate the total score for the test.

You scored between 35 and 44 points. You are moderately aggressive, you are successful in life, because you have enough sound ambition. Treat criticism kindly, if it is business-like and without pretensions.

You scored 45 points or more. You are overly aggressive and unbalanced, often overly cruel to other people. You hope to reach the managerial “top”, relying on your own strength. Achieving success in any area, you can sacrifice the interests of others. Be ambivalent about criticism: you accept criticism “from above”, and you perceive criticism “from below” painfully, sometimes carelessly. You can pursue criticism from below.

You scored 34 points or less. You are overly peaceful, which is due to insufficient confidence in own forces and opportunities. This, of course, does not mean that you bend under any breeze. Still, more determination won't hurt you! Be tolerant of criticism "from below", but be afraid of criticism "from above".

Your character

Identify your leading finger, eye, and palm first.

1. Leading finger. If, when interlacing the fingers into the lock, the left finger (L) is on top, then this is due to the emotional warehouse of the personality, but if the right one (R) - then with the analytical one.

2. Leading eye. Stretch out your hand with raised thumb. Look with both eyes, fix its position. Then close your left eye, open it again and close your right. Your finger will "shift" to the side at the moment when you look at it with your dominant eye. The leading right eye corresponds to a firm, persistent, sometimes aggressive character, the left eye is softer, more compliant.

3. Napoleon's pose. If, when interlacing hands on the chest, it turns out to be left hand(in most cases), then this indicates the ability to coquetry, if the right one is innocence. The hand that is on top will be the leading one.

4. Applause. If strikes are made right hand, then it is leading, if left - vice versa. When making blows with the right one, one can speak of a more decisive character, with the left - about indecision, the desire for an excessive justification of one's actions, transferring goals to the means of achieving them. Sometimes they applaud with both hands, but even then you can determine what kind of applause for this person more convenient - right or left.

Changing the habitual performance of Napoleon's pose and applause is extremely rare. The transition from the “left” test to the “right” corresponds to a serious mood, from the “right” to the “left” - more emotional.

Interpretation of test result

Designate the corresponding letters (letter index) the result of each of the four selected aspects. For example, you got LPLL. See what that means with the interpreter below.

1. PPPP - orientation to generally accepted norms, a conservative type of character, which ensures the most stable type of behavior.

2. PPPL - insecure, conservative, with a weak type of temperament. common feature- indecisiveness.

3. PPLP - such a person has the ability to coquetry, determination, sense of humor, activity, energy, temperament, artistry. When communicating with this type, humor and determination are necessary, since he does not perceive weaker types.

4. PLPP - a business type of character that combines an analytical mindset and gentleness (the main feature most often found in women). Slow addiction, caution. Such people do not go to the conflict in the forehead. Calculation, tolerance, slowness in the development of relations, some coldness prevail.

5. PPLL - rare and independent type character. Close to the third type, but softer, more indecisive, less energetic. Some contradictions between indecision and firmness of character. High degree of contact, but slow addiction.

6. PLPL is the weakest type of character. Very sharp. Defenselessness and weakness are associated with the ability to go into conflict and at the same time be subject to various influences. Extremely rare in men.

7. PLLP - propensity for new experiences and the ability not to create conflicts. Some inconstancy, the ability to flirt on an analytical background with a special softness. similar types character is characterized by emotionality, slowness, languor. Simplicity and rare courage in communication, the ability to switch to a new type of behavior.

8. PLLL is an unstable and independent character, the main feature is analyticity in combination with other “left” tests.

9. LPPP is one of the most common types, with very good adaptation to different conditions. The main feature is emotionality combined with insufficient perseverance, which manifests itself mainly in the main life issues (marriage, education). High susceptibility to foreign influence. Easily contacts with almost all other types of character. In men, emotionality is lowered, elements of phlegm are observed.

10. LPPL - even less perseverance, gentleness, compliance with cautious influence, naivety. Requires a particularly careful attitude towards himself - the type of "little queen".

11. LPLP - the strongest type of character, difficult to convince, this requires a strong, diverse influence. Able to be persistent, but sometimes she turns to obsessing over secondary goals. Strong personality, energy, ability to overcome difficulties. Some conservatism due to insufficient attention to someone else's point of view. Such people do not like infantilism.

12. LPLL - a strong, but unobtrusive character, almost not amenable to persuasion. The main feature is internal aggressiveness, but slow addiction and mutual understanding.

13. LLPP - friendliness and simplicity, some dispersion of interests.

14. LLPL - the main feature - innocence, gullibility, gentleness. A very rare type. It almost never occurs in men.

15. LLLP - emotionality combined with determination (main feature), energy. Some dispersion leads to the fact that such characters may have emotional, quickly made, ill-conceived decisions. Therefore, in dealing with them, additional "brake mechanisms" are important.

16. LLLL - owners of a full set of "left" tests - people who are characterized by the ability to take a fresh look at things (anti-conservatism), the greatest emotionality, individuality, selfishness, stubbornness, security, sometimes turning into isolation. The ability to smile dazzlingly is associated with "left" tests and, above all, with the left dominant hand.

Your communication skills

For each of the 16 questions below, choose one of the alternative answers: "Yes", "Sometimes", "No".

1. You have a business meeting. Are you unsettled by her anticipation?

2. Do you put off going to the doctor until it becomes unbearable?

3. Do you feel embarrassed and dissatisfied with the assignment to make a report, message, information at any conference, meeting or similar event?

4. You are offered to go on a business trip to a city or village where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip?

5. Do you like to share your experiences with anyone?

6. Do you get annoyed when a stranger on the street asks you to show him the way, tell him the time, answer any other question?

7. Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and sons" and that it is difficult for people of different generations to understand each other?

8. Do you hesitate to remind a friend that he forgot to give you 10 thousand rubles, which he borrowed a few months ago?

9. In a restaurant or canteen, you were served an obviously poor-quality dish. Will you keep silent, only angrily pushing the plate?

10. Once alone with a stranger, you will not enter into a conversation with him and will be burdened if he speaks first. Is it so?

11. Any long line terrifies you, no matter where it is: in a store, cinema box office, etc. Would you rather give up your intention than stand in the tail and languish in anticipation?

12. Are you afraid to participate in any conflict resolution committee?

13. Do you have purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, culture, and do you not accept any other people's opinions?

14. Having heard somewhere in the lobby an obviously erroneous point of view on a matter well known to you, would you prefer to remain silent and not enter into an argument?

15. Do you get annoyed by someone's request to look into this or that service issue or educational topic?

16. Are you more willing to express your point of view (opinion) in writing than orally?

Key for scoring

For each answer "Yes" - 2 points; for each answer "Sometimes" - 1 point; for each answer "No" - 0 points.

Interpreting test scores If you score 30-32

You are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your misfortune, since you yourself suffer the most from this. But it is not easy for people close to you. You are difficult to rely on in a matter that requires group effort. Try to become more sociable, control yourself.

If you scored 25-29 points

You are closed, taciturn, prefer loneliness, so you probably have few friends. A new job and the need for new contacts, if it does not plunge you into a panic, then it unbalances you for a long time. You know this feature of your character and are dissatisfied with yourself. But do not limit yourself to dissatisfaction. It is in your power to reverse these features of your character. Doesn't it happen that with some strong enthusiasm you suddenly acquire complete sociability? It just takes a shake.

If you scored 19-24 points

You are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. New challenges don't scare you. And yet, with new people, you converge with caution, you are reluctant to enter into disputes and discussions. There is a lot of sarcasm in your statements sometimes without any reason. These shortcomings are correctable.

If you scored 18-14 points

You have good communication skills. you are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, are quite tolerant in communicating with others, defend your point of view without irascibility. Feel free to meet new people.

At the same time, do not like noisy companies, extravagant antics and verbosity annoy you. If you scored 9-13 points

You are very sociable, sometimes even beyond measure. Curious, talkative, like to speak out on various issues, which sometimes irritates others, willingly meet new people. Love to be the center of attention, do not refuse requests to anyone, although you cannot always fulfill them. It happens, flare up, but quickly move away. What you lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If you wish, however, you can force yourself not to back down.

If you scored 4-8 points

You must be the shirt guy. Sociability beats out of you. You are always aware of everything. Love to take part in discussions, although serious topics can give you a migraine or even a blues. Willingly take the floor on any issue, even if you have a superficial idea about it. You take on any business, although you can not always successfully bring the matter to the end. For this very reason, managers and colleagues treat you with some apprehension and doubt. Consider this fact.

If you scored 0-3 points

Your communication skills are painful. You are talkative, verbose, interfering in matters that have nothing to do with you. You undertake to judge problems in which you are completely incompetent. Willingly or unwittingly, you are the cause of various conflicts in your environment. Quick-tempered, touchy, often biased. Serious work is not for you. Both at work and at home, people have a hard time with you. You should work on yourself and your character. First of all, cultivate tolerance and restraint, a respectful attitude towards people, and finally, think about your health - this lifestyle does not go unnoticed.

Who you are? Captain? Steering? Passenger?

The character of a person, as you know, is manifested in actions, in relation to people, in the choice that each of us makes in a given situation. If you want to know yourself better, answer each of the 15 suggested questions: "Yes", "No", "Don't know". This, of course, is not an exam, but it is still important that you, when answering, do not dissemble in front of yourself.

1. I always feel responsible for everything that happens in my life.

2. There would not be so many problems in my life if some people changed their attitude towards me.

3. I prefer to act rather than reflect on the reasons for my failures.

4. Sometimes I feel like I was born under a "lucky star".

5. I believe that alcoholics themselves are to blame for their illness.

6. Sometimes I think that for many things in my life those people are responsible, under whose influence I became the way I am.

7. If I catch a cold, I prefer to treat myself rather than resort to the help of a doctor.

8. I believe that other people are most often to blame for the absurdity and aggressiveness that are so annoying in a woman.

9. I believe that any problem can be solved, and I don’t really understand those who always have some kind of life difficulties.

10. I love helping people because I feel grateful for what others have done for me.

11. If there is a conflict, then, thinking about who is to blame, I usually start with myself.

12. If a black cat crosses my path, I cross to the other side of the street.

13. I believe that every person, regardless of circumstances, should be strong and independent.

14. I know my shortcomings, but I want others to treat them condescendingly.

15. Usually I put up with a situation that I am not able to influence.

Interpretation of test results

For each “Yes” answer to questions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and “No” to questions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, give yourself 10 points. 5 points for "I don't know" answers. Calculate the total points.

100–150 points. You captain own life, feel responsible for everything that happens to you, take on a lot, overcome difficulties without exaggerating them, without elevating them to the rank life problems. You see a problem in front of you and think about how it can be solved. What at the same time you feel what is happening in your soul is a mystery to those around you.

50–99 points. You are willing to be helmsman, but you can, if necessary, transfer the helm to the right hands. When assessing the causes of your own difficulties, you are quite realistic. Flexibility, prudence and sensitivity are always your allies. There are situations that do not concern you in any way, you do not bear any responsibility for them, and yet, if necessary, you still take responsibility for yourself. And you usually know when to do it. You know how to live in good harmony with other people, without violating the inner harmony with yourself.

Up to 49 points. Do you often visit passenger in your life, easily obey external forces, saying: circumstances, fate, etc. have developed. You blame anyone for your difficulties, but not yourself. True independence seems unattainable and impossible to you. Nevertheless, you know how to peacefully coexist with others, without attaching importance to what kind of people they are and how they treat you.

How confident are you

Check the statements you agree with.

1. Most people seem to be more aggressive and confident than me.

2. I am hesitant to date and accept dates because of my shyness.

3. When the food served in a restaurant does not satisfy me, I complain to the administration.

4. I avoid hurting other people's feelings, even if I've been insulted.

5. If the seller took great effort to show me a product that does not quite suit me, it is difficult for me to say “No” to him.

6. When I am asked to do something, I demand that the necessity of it be explained to me.

7. There are times when I am looking for a strong argument.

8. I try to get ahead, like most people.

9. To be honest, people often take advantage of me.

10. I enjoy making conversation with new acquaintances and strangers.

11. I often do not know what to say to people of the opposite sex who are attractive to me.

12. I would prefer to apply in writing to be hired or enrolled in educational institution than go through an interview.

13. I feel hesitant when it comes to making a phone call to an institution or organization.

14. I am embarrassed to return a purchase.

15. If a close and respected relative annoys me, I would rather hide my feelings than show irritation.

16. I avoid asking questions for fear of looking stupid.

17. In a quarrel, I am sometimes afraid that I will worry, and I will start to shake.

18. If a well-known and respected lecturer expresses a point of view that I consider to be incorrect, I will force the audience to listen to my point of view as well.

19. I avoid arguing with clerks and salespeople about price.

20. When I do something important and worthwhile, I try to let others know about it.

21. I am frank and sincere in my feelings.

22. If someone spreads gossip about me, I tend to find him as soon as possible to talk about it.

23. I often find it difficult to say "No".

24. I tend to hold back the manifestation of my emotions, rather than arrange "scene".

25. I complain to responsible persons about poor service in a restaurant, hotel, and other places.

26. When someone compliments me, I sometimes don't know what to say in response.

27. If people talk a lot in the theater or at a lecture next to me, I ask them to speak more quietly or talk somewhere else.

28. Anyone who tries to climb in line ahead of me can be sure that he will receive a rebuff from me.

29. I speak my mind quickly.

30. There are times when I just can't say anything.

Interpretation of test results

Give one point for statements 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29 that you agree with.

Also give one point each for statements 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14.15, 16.17, 19, 23, 24, 26.30 that you did not mark (i.e. . with which you disagree).

Count up total amount points.

Less than 10 points. You are a shy person and lack self-confidence. It is difficult for you to express your feelings and desires, and therefore others can impose their society on you, push you aside when receiving, for example, any benefits, sometimes without even noticing it, infringe your rights in some way. At the same time, you tend to have outbursts of aggressive behavior towards people who are dependent on you.

10–20 points. You have an average level of confidence. You can fight back against those who try to infringe on your interests or do not honor obligations, but for this you still need to feel a little turned on. Otherwise, you prefer to endure and silently get angry, not daring to enter into a conflict. You have the ability to quickly learn to behave "in a manner confident person”, participating in socio-psychological trainings.

Over 20 points. You have a high level of confidence. You are characterized by calmness, the ability to control yourself in any situation, the ability to express your feelings and desires without offending others and without entering into conflicts with them. You will not tolerate infringement of your rights, restore them, if necessary, not with explosions of uncontrolled aggression, not with complaints and requests, but, as a rule, with decisive and at the same time correct, socially acceptable actions.

What kind of leader are you

Answer "Yes" or "No" to the questions below.

1. Do you willingly take on managerial tasks that do not have typical schemes solutions?

2. Was it difficult for you to give up the management techniques that you used when working in a lower position?

3. How long did you favor the previously headed unit by moving up?

4. Do you strive to develop a universal management style suitable for most situations?

5. Are you able to give a holistic assessment of your subordinates (leaders of a lower rank), qualifying them as strong, average or weak leaders?

6. Do you find it easy to go beyond personal likes or dislikes in appointments?

7. Do you think universal style there is no control and you need to be able to combine various styles depending on the specifics of management situations?

8. Do you find it easier to avoid conflict with your superiors than with your subordinates?

9. Do you want to break the stereotypes of management that have developed in the unit you lead?

10. How often do your first intuitions about a person's qualities as a leader turn out to be correct?

11. Do you often have to attribute failures in management to objective adverse factors (lack of housing, interruptions in logistics, etc.)?

12. Do you often feel like effective work you don't have enough time?

13. Do you think that if you had the opportunity to visit the sites more often, then the effectiveness of your leadership would increase significantly?

14. Do you give strong leaders subordinate to you much more authority and independence in resolving issues than weak ones, although both of them have the same official status?

Interpretation of test results

The number of points scored is determined by the table:

0–5 points. By nature, you are more of a specialist than a leader. If you have the opportunity to move, for example, to the position of chief specialist, chief engineer, etc. - do not hesitate!

6-10 points. It cannot be said that you are a strong leader, but if things are going well in the team you lead, then it is better not to undertake radical reorganizations. No need to agree to move to another team. You should listen more to the opinions of superiors and the team, pay more attention to personnel and future issues, make more use of collective forms of decision-making, strive to create and strengthen traditions in the team.

11–15 points. You belong to the type of "manager-organizer", you know how to concentrate your efforts on more important problems. These include the problems of effective selection and placement of personnel, the problem of developing and coordinating an actually implemented optimal plan, the problem of material and technical supply. Your strength lies in the fact that you never go along with current affairs, separate the main from the secondary, know how to achieve the solution of fundamental problems at all costs, without stopping before conflicts and penalties. Things in the unit you lead, as a rule, are going well. One piece of advice can be given to you: do not run current affairs. When entrusting them to their deputies, from time to time control the execution.

16–20 points. You can pull a lagging unit out of a breakthrough, but it's hard for you to work with turnover. You are looking for critical situations, striving for restructuring and transformation, focused on a business career. Possessing the necessary managerial abilities, you do not always successfully adapt, as you are hindered by excessive categoricalness in assessments and judgments, as well as, possibly, excessive harshness in relations with higher leaders.

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