Curtain design in Provence style. Balcony in Provence style. Prices for different types of bars

For the rustic home style of old France, textiles are of great importance. There should be a lot of it in a Provencal kitchen: beautiful ruffled curtains, a starched tablecloth, napkins, decorative pillows and kitchen towels. Everything is united by one motive, harmonizes with each other and creates comfort. In a city apartment, a Provencal corner will be a breath of peace, tranquility, will give a feeling of a measured village life.

The main features of the style

The photo shows the curtains in the Provence style kitchen in pastel colors with a floral pattern.

To choose the right curtains for this style, you need to know its signs. French Provence is known for its picturesque landscapes, fragrant spices, fragrant pastries and coffee, azure sea and gentle sun.

The color scheme used in the interior should be as if faded in the sun with bright splashes of floral motifs.

For the arrangement of the kitchen interior, slightly aged furniture, peeking red brick masonry, and rough plaster are used.

The photo shows Provence-style curtains in the kitchen from a simple linen fabric.

Materials for decoration and decoration are natural without pretentiousness and bright colors. Everything in moderation.

Drawing and finishing

Kitchen curtains in the Provence style are distinguished not only by their simplicity of form, the richness of ribbons, frills, bows, tassels, but also by specific patterns.

The fabric may have a striped or plaid pattern in desaturated colors. Images of small bouquets of roses, lavender and other flowers of the south of France are very popular.

The general impression that textile decor makes is simplicity and tenderness.

If you decide to use a fabric with a large pattern, this is a serious step. Will his window and kitchen hold up? Are there enough advantages in such a pattern? Will you like this fabric after a while?

As with multi-tone geometric patterns, these fabrics don't always work well with other indoor motifs, so they're best paired with plain solids or gingham or pinstripe fabrics.

When combining color and motif, use unequal proportions so that one of them dominates. A large pattern will look good with a simple border or trim that will emphasize the main color.

Conversely, a small pattern becomes invisible if it is "lost" in space or looks at a distance. This is what happens in a large room. Given the difficulty of using small patterns, it is better to hang such curtains on a small window in.

When choosing accessories, you need to give preference to only one type, you do not need to combine bows, fringe, and tassels together. It will turn out tasteless. Instead of simplicity and rustic comfort, oversaturated rococo will come out.

A characteristic feature of kitchen curtains is a simple cut. A rectangular piece of fabric with frills sewn along the edge is used. The most acceptable length is up to the windowsill.

Also characteristic of Provence are those that are hung on a transverse bar in the middle of the window. For decoration, bright tiebacks are used to match the pattern on the fabric.

It is better to choose a cornice forged or wooden.

The style accepts natural materials dressed in a natural form. Ornate forged jewelry will not work. The simpler the better.

Symphony of colors

You can use plain curtains and ornaments. You need to choose a color to match the furniture.

Lavender, olive, ash pink, sky blue are perfect.

Ensembles of white and red, beige and blue can add brightness and cheerfulness.

There may be embroidery or sewn-on decor on the canvas. Curtains look dynamic in pastel peach, beige tones with bright splashes of green, blue, lilac, terracotta shades.

For a room decorated in muted colors, the best choice would be bright printed chintz, used for curtains, napkins and tablecloths.

If there are bright floral ornaments on the furniture or in the decoration, then the curtains should be hung inconspicuous.

Decor of shelves and cabinets

Curtains for open shelves and sideboards can serve as a cute and romantic addition to the Provence-style kitchen textile decor.

Curtains attached to a curtain wire or a narrow rail at the top and bottom of the door look elegant and neat. Choose a light, solid color fabric or a fabric with a small geometric pattern, as a large pattern is "lost" when the curtain is gathered. On glazed doors, as well as on the doors of cabinets, kitchen curtains made of checkered or striped cotton look great, giving the look of a country house. A more sophisticated look has transparent curtains made of chintz or lace.

Lightweight and natural fabrics

Provencal curtains often depict the motives of rural life: it can be fruits, flowers, or even landscapes.

Curtains made from natural fabrics are perfect: linen, cotton, chintz or cambric.

You can also give preference to more transparent and light canvases.

Organza or chiffon is allowed, as they make airy, transparent curtains that are great for the character of the style. To decorate curtains in beige tones with sprigs of lavender or olive, cutwork lace or crocheted openwork stripes are used.

Curtains should look like they were sewn and decorated by hand for years to come.

Provence seems to be created for arranging kitchen furniture. A room in which each box is placed in a fabric cover, each saucer is placed on a handmade napkin, certainly turns out to be original. It is permeated with rustic naivety and French romanticism. Comfort, pleasant colors, simplicity of forms contribute to raising the mood, good appetite and communication with the family.

Provence style is one of the most fashionable interior styles, inspired by the spirit of the French hinterland. The simplicity and unpretentiousness of village life, proximity to nature attract residents of megacities, and this design is often used to decorate a kitchen, regardless of its area. And in a small kitchenette, and in a large one, it is possible to create a cozy space where it will be pleasant for all household members to be.

Each interior dictates its own requirements for the design of the room, including windows. Provence is no exception.

Features of decorating windows in Provence style

Provence loves textiles, and there should be a lot of it in Provencal cuisine. In addition to curtains on the windows, these can be curtains on cabinets, tablecloths and napkins, pillows on chairs. It is advisable to choose fabrics that are combined with each other.

The kitchen is a special place, so much attention is paid to convenience. For the kitchen, short curtains up to the window sill are most often chosen, this makes it possible to use it functionally.

The folksy style gives preference to homeliness and comfort, so the panels do not differ in a special exquisite cut, they are simple in shape, but decorated with love. Curtains in Provence style in the interior are distinguished by:

  • maximum access to natural daylight;
  • lightweight, unobtrusive design;
  • many decor details - ruffles, assemblies, bows.

Choosing fabric for curtains

Fabrics for the Provence style are chosen simple - cotton, linen, chintz. Muslin, cambric will do. These materials are practical, do not shed, do not lose their shape. Simplicity and comfort are what is important for the style of the French province. Layering, tulle, other synthetic materials on kitchen windows are not welcome.

The simplicity dictated by the style can be traced in everything - in the use of natural materials, in colors - pastel colors, small patterns are preferred. Favorite colors of Provence - blue, lavender, red, yellow green, favorite pattern - small floral.

Therefore, for curtains, it is better to take monophonic fabrics or with a small pattern:

  • bouquets or patterns of small flowers;
  • cell;
  • small patterns;

If you choose a cage or material with a large pattern, use them carefully so that they do not draw attention to themselves, but are only an addition to the overall interior of the kitchen. It is better that the patterns are not bright, and the background is light, soft, for example, beige, milky, and not white.

It is better to hang curtains in the living room or kitchen on wooden or forged cornices - they are most suitable for the style of a village house. Plastic and other modern options are best not to use.

When choosing fabric for curtains, think about the rest of the textiles. It is not necessary to use the same materials, pick up companion fabrics and “play” with their combination: you can make the “twists” monophonic by complementing them with a checkered top lambrequin.

Types of curtains for the Provence kitchen

The basic requirements of style dictate the choice of curtain models. Curtains that are simple in cut are most often used in the kitchen.

Curtains with ties

Short, up to the window sill or slightly covering it, curtain-cloths are fixed along the edges of the window with tiebacks. In the upper part of the window, they can be complemented by a lambrequin made of the same fabric or a contrasting one. Light materials are often chosen - chintz, batiste, and such curtains are decorated in different ways.

As a decor can be used:

  • lace;
  • ruffles;
  • frill.

Cafe Curtains

This is the name of the popular curtain design 30 years ago, which is a short canvas (more often two canvases) attached to a base located in the middle of the window. In the upper part on the cornice there is a lambrequin. It can be either simple, straight, or curly - short in the center, lengthening to the edges of the window.

You can decorate such curtains in different ways:

  • embroidery - small flower bouquets embroidered on plain linen will look especially impressive in the Provence style;
  • ruffles - to match the fabric or from contrasting materials;
  • frills - fabric, lace;
  • ribbons - ribbons on a short lambrequin will look spectacular, slightly picking it up and tied at the bottom with bows.

You can come up with a lot of variations, just look at the numerous photos of curtains in the Provence style. They are easy to make with your own hands, this explains their popularity in the Provence style.

Marquise, lambrequin

Despite the fact that Provence does not like synthetic fabrics, tulle, organza is often used to decorate kitchen windows. Pelmets can complement them, which, in contrast to tulle, are made of bright fabric. Colors can be different: cage, floral theme, ornaments. Plain fabrics are acceptable.

Variants of lambrequins can also be varied: straight, decorated with frills, ribbons or embroidery. Matched in the same tone to the rest of the kitchen textiles, they will complete the interior design, and the light tulle on the windows, without blocking the daylight, will still protect the windows from prying eyes.

Roman curtains

A modern and already popular type of window decoration. Such curtains are often chosen for the bedroom, but they also look harmonious in the kitchen interior. This is some kind of blinds, but much more aesthetic and functional. During the day, full or partial penetration of light into the room is ensured, and at night the window closes completely.

The functionality of Roman curtains lies in the fact that they provide the opportunity to vary the access of sunlight to the room - you can only slightly shade the window, lowering the curtain, you can completely close half of the window or completely the entire opening.

Three roman options - classic, cascading and frameless - provide a choice of the option that best suits the style of the room.

It is easy to sew such curtains on your own, choosing natural fabrics and colors according to the color scheme of the room.

To decorate a window opening in a Provence-style kitchen, you don’t need much. It is enough to pick up light fabrics, show imagination and your needlework skills, and the kitchen will become cozy. Embroidery and ribbons, lace and ruffles, do-it-yourself decorative elements will decorate the curtains for the Provence style kitchen.

Photo of curtains in Provence style

Curtains in Provence style not only create comfort, but also form a recognizable romantic design in a rustic spirit.

Combined window design: Roman blinds and short curtains in Provence style

Provence with its tranquility, regularity, fragrant lavender, picturesque nature and bright sun is reflected in the motifs of the curtain pattern in the spirit of southern France. Hence the characteristic style-forming color scheme - muted, as if burned out, aged.

Characteristic features of the style

1. Floral, wild flowers, fruits, countryside, plaid or pinstripe print.

Combine different patterns

At the same time, it is important that the drawing is unobtrusive, soft, and does not focus attention. In Provence, the main thing is overall harmony without contrasting transitions.

2. The presence of decorative elements - ribbons, ties, beautiful tiebacks, fringe, tassels, flounces, borders, embroidery, cutwork lace, bows, braid.

It is better to choose Provence-style curtains for the kitchen with only one decorative element. So the interior will retain its lightness and will not be overloaded.

3. Natural fabrics of certain types - cotton, linen, chintz. But I can also meet curtains made of chiffon or organza.

Curtains in Provence style from organza Cotton fabric curtains

4. Muted and dusty colors. The recognizable palette of Provence is beige, creamy, blue, ash pink, olive, lilac, blue.

To create a style, such country curtains in a cage are suitable

5. Lightness, airiness, good drapery of curtains on windows, doors and other pieces of furniture.

6. Mostly short length of curtains, often reaching only to the window sill or to the middle of the window. If long curtains are needed, then it is better to choose light, translucent fabrics.

7. Typical fastening methods - on loops, clothespin hooks, a telescopic cornice on the wings or on an ordinary fishing line stretched horizontally.

Curtains in the style of Provence can be sewn independently. For a simple and understandable DIY sewing master class, see the video:

Textile decoration in Provence is used not only in the design of window space, but also in the decoration of chests of drawers, sideboards, showcases with services, etc.

8 photo ideas for window decoration in Provence style

Monochromatic light curtains

Light curtains made of fabrics such as chintz, cotton or linen will let in light and are the best fit for a Provence-style kitchen. This shade is versatile and especially good for small kitchens.

Long curtains are suitable for decorating a balcony block.

To make such curtains look more interesting, it is enough to accompany them with a decorative element - a colored tack with tassels, for example.

From airy organza or chiffon

Another good option for a kitchen with a small area or already having an active decor. For the Provence style, short curtains are especially successful, fixed to a fishing line horizontally stretched along the window.

Cafe Curtains

Hung on a window sash on a thin cornice or attached to a fishing line with clothespins, such textiles immediately convey the atmosphere of the countryside.

This is the most typical element in country style design, of which Provence is a variation.

For such short and light options, almost any pattern is suitable - floral, landscape, checkered or striped.

stained glass

These are, as a rule, short curtains attached from above and below to the cornice directly on the window sashes. They are easy to move and can be assembled with a beautiful hourglass-shaped ribbon.

Combined design with organza stained glass curtains and cotton curtains

Long curtains are also possible for decorating an exit to the courtyard in a country house or in a country house, or for decorating an exit to a balcony in an apartment.

Roman with assemblies

In order for such curtains to acquire the romance necessary for Provence, it is necessary to make a lifting mechanism in the form of ribbons. In some stores you can find ready-made options with manual length adjustment.


Lace curtains look unusual and can be the result of your own creativity if crochet is your hobby.

With lamrequin

Not too pompous, simple cut, with a simple drapery and slightly gathered. It can be combined with light monophonic translucent curtains or tulle from translucent fabrics. Lambrequin can also act as an independent element in the design of the window.


Linen does not drape well, but it is very wear-resistant and does not require careful ironing. Linen fabrics look good in Roman and roller blinds.

Linen with the addition of synthetics is softer and can drape. Such a semi-natural fabric will look great in regular curtains or cafe curtains.

Rules for harmonious design

  • the color of the curtains should overlap with the color scheme of the entire interior;

It is also important to take into account the features of the room: in a kitchen with a lack of sunlight, with windows facing north or on the shady side, warm-colored curtains will help compensate for the lack of warmth. Cool blue or light blue will balance the room with south-facing windows.

  • the motifs of the curtain pattern should be traced in other details. For example, repeat the image of flowers on the fabric of cushion covers or buy a tea set with a similar image;

  • drapery should also echo other textile designs. The nature of the folds, the method of fastening are important;

  • the cornice must also meet the stylistic unity - be made of natural wood, forged with a simple round or ornate tip.

Buy curtains made of fabric with the addition of synthetics. Such material is more wear-resistant, will retain an attractive appearance longer.

Atmosphere of a 19th century French village - This is a distinctive feature of the Provence style. Curtains play an important role in giving the room the spirit of the French province. Properly selected curtains will fill the room with warmth, comfort and freshness.

Subtleties of choice

Let's take a look at a few tips that will help you choose the right window textiles.

As can be seen from the numerous photographs of curtains in the Provence style, they are characterized by simplicity of cut, which is fully compensated by the variegation of colors. The most popular floral pattern, pastoral scenes, small stripes or cells.

For window textiles, only natural materials are used - cotton or linen. An exception may be the kitchen room - you can hang semi-synthetic curtains there.

Curtains in the style of Provence have a soft color that imitates matter that has faded under the sun's rays. White, cream and ashy shades are best suited. You also need to take into account the harmony of the curtains with other textile decoration of the room.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to which side the window faces, for which the curtain is chosen: if to the south, it is better to choose cold colors, to the north - warm shades.

In a small room it is better to hang a concise version of the curtains. For the kitchen, a win-win option is rolled curtains or “Romans”. In a small living room and bedroom, it is preferable to choose curtains with moderate drapery.

Types of material and palette

Fabrics for Provencal style curtains should be exclusively natural. It can be cotton, chintz or linen textiles. For kitchen curtains, a material consisting of a mixture of natural and artificial fibers is allowed.

Such curtains will have higher strength and durability, as well as retain all the advantages of natural fabric. In addition, they are the most resistant to sunlight, easy to wash, iron and do not shrink when washed.

When choosing a material, remember that the curtains should seem airy and light. In some cases, windows can be decorated with openwork curtains or hand-embroidered curtains.

It is important to choose the right color palette for window textiles. Here are some tips:

  • curtains in narrow stripes, small checks, as well as with floral motifs in warm natural tones are ideal for white walls: olive, soft cornflower blue, lavender;
  • walls with floral patterns require plain curtains;
  • it is better not to use white curtains, they do not contribute to the creation of a warm home environment.

Provence does not allow brilliant overflows of fabric, so silk, satin and satin curtains must be abandoned.

The spirit of the French village in the kitchen interior

Provence style has become quite popular in the design of kitchens. Curtains of this style have the following features:

  • The best length of curtains is up to the windowsill.
  • Most often they consist of a pair of rectangular cuts of material.
  • Decorative elements are various ruffles, frills and ties.

Cafe curtains can be used in the kitchen. In this case, only the lower half of the window opening is closed. Pickups of the same color are used as decoration.

It is better to opt for curtains, the colors of which contain floral and floral ornaments, berry and vegetable motifs. Curtains with images of roosters will look unusual.

Striped or gingham curtains are also allowed. A large pattern is only suitable for large kitchens.

For a cornice, it is better to use light wood, pastel-colored plastic that imitates natural wood, or a string.

Curtains are attached to hooks, decorative clothespins or ties.

Provence curtains in the interior of the living room and bedroom

In the living room and bedroom, you can hang curtains to the floor, and not just to the windowsill. Moderate drapery, ruffles and lace are suitable as decoration.

Light curtains can be combined with thick fabric curtains.

Another option is to use decorative tiebacks and a smartly decorated lambrequin. The main thing is not to overdo it in the design. Remember, simple cut and elegance are at the forefront.

Laconic curtains should be hung in a small room - they will not overload the interior. The best option is curtains in the Austrian or London style.

Curtains in country style will look great. For a country interior, cafe-curtains or airy curtains with tie-backs are suitable. You can also use only tulle curtains to decorate windows.

The design of curtains in the style of Provence can be very different. But all of them will bring the unique flavor of the French province into the room and create a unique atmosphere of home comfort.

Photo of curtains in Provence style

The name of the style "Provence" is translated as "province", "village", and it seems to embody the romantic and so simple hinterland of France. The Provence-style interior is all about dusty colors and laconic smooth shapes, a lot of textiles and various decorative elements that turn the kitchen space of your home into the most comfortable place in the world.


A distinctive feature of the French "Provence" is the use of natural materials to create furniture and decor items, and especially elegant and light fabric textures can complement and diversify the interior of the kitchen. Use pastels as the main colors, giving priority to "powdery" shades and muted colors with a "burnout" effect. Kitchen accessories in the Provence style are always natural colors and discreet forms with additional delicate decor.



Curtains in the style of "Provence" for the kitchen differ from accessories of another interior direction and have their own merits, which we will discuss in the section.

  • A simple cut is the main criterion for choosing French-style curtains. Let it be two short pieces of high-quality fabric and pleasant colors, you can add ruffles, tassels, bows, fringe or something else (except for rhinestones, of course) as a decor, it is important not to overload the curtains with fashionable designer “tricks” and just make a couple ties at their bottom.

By the way, along with the simplicity of the cut, the Provence style uses more “interesting” options for curtains with several layers, each of which does not have a too outstanding length.

  • Natural fabrics are exclusively used for sewing curtains for the kitchen in the Provence style: cotton, linen, velvet, their combination, but it is impossible to use cheap synthetics for interior decoration in a sophisticated French style. "Provence" implies something natural and only natural, easy to care for and concise in its image, everything that is available to rural residents of the most romantic corner of Europe.
  • The colors of Provence curtains can be different: there are both plain models with ruffles or bows, and curtains with small prints: stripes, flowers, “light” geometry. A large drawing in "Provence" is rather an exception that can easily destroy the gentle presentation of your room. Using a small pattern and light shades will be the right decision when choosing curtains for the kitchen.
  • The length of the curtains in the interior of the Provence kitchen usually does not exceed the window sill or may be slightly lower. In this interior direction, long curtains are rarely used as part of the kitchen; curtain models often resemble cafe curtains - short rounded flaps on the windows.


Color spectrum

The main rule for the color of Provence curtains is tenderness and unobtrusiveness. "Provence" in itself is soft and romantic, so all items of the provincial French interior should be in harmony with each other and create something light and airy. As for the kitchen, pastel-colored textiles with small floral patterns or with wide vertical stripes are often used, which create a contrast to the main background. Often there is a small cell or any other pattern that is original in its execution and unobtrusive, soft, made on a plain natural basis.

Curtains in the kitchen are used not only as a window dressing: this piece of furniture is often hung on open shelves, chests of drawers or drawers, which allows you to create an original design of the room and hide their contents from prying eyes.

In "Provence" there is a place for a large pattern on a textile basis - curtains. With such a bold choice, think about the right combination of curtain pattern and the overall concept of the kitchen; if the pattern is contrasting and does not look like a traditional "rustic" format, take care of the length of the curtains - it should be minimal and barely cover the windows so as not to overload the overall design of the room. By the way, to give a special charm, forget about the proportions and feel free to combine the length and width of the curtains: let one pair be shorter than the other.

The style of "Provence" and "country" is original in that it allows you to combine incongruous, or use interior items for purposes other than their intended purpose. Small curtains will be relevant for open shelves or sideboards: they will add charm to your kitchen and allow you to protect kitchen utensils from view. It is easy to make such curtains with your own hands: attach a couple of pieces of Provence-style fabric to a thin wire and fix the design on a dresser or sideboard - a high-quality and designer thing is ready.

It is amazing how laconic a light plain fabric or material with an unobtrusive floral print looks on a vertical glass surface: it is easy to decorate a glass dresser or countertop with a natural fabric, creating another closed storage space in your own kitchen.


To create the most romantic and fashionable style in the interior of the kitchen, we must not forget that there are various ways of attaching curtains. Each type of fastening will make the interior even more elegant or original:

  • Cornice. Fastening curtains to a cornice is the simplest and most inexpensive method, of course, it depends on the material of the fastening model and its dimensions. The cornice is easy to install - parallel to the window thanks to additional elements. The material of the cornice is natural wood of various shades, because you remember that in Provence the priority and exclusive materials are natural. The color of the fastening is selected depending on the color scheme of the kitchen furniture and the curtains themselves; it is reasonable to assume that for white curtains, a white curtain rod will do.

There is a place to be a metal cornice in the interior of "Provence". Let this piece of furniture be simple and concise, thin in volume and of high quality in execution. Traditionally, French-style curtains cover the main part of the cornice, but their length usually does not reach the floor.

  • Hook fastening(again, the cornice is used as the basis). You can fasten the curtains with the help of hooks, which will become closer to the method of fastening to provincial life and will allow you to give the interior originality and softness.

  • loops. They will look good as fasteners not only for window curtains in the Provence style, but also for small curtains on open shelves and chests of drawers in the kitchen.