The largest dropshipping suppliers for online stores. We invite you to cooperate on the terms of drop shipping - Drop shipping free! Only own drop shipping products

If you are considering growing an online business, you should also be aware of dropshipping, a business model that requires very little initial investment to get goods shipped to customers. In this article, we will answer the questions: where to find suppliers for an online dropshipping store, which of them offers Better conditions, and what are the schemes of work.

What you will learn about:

What is dropshipping

Dropshipping is a direct-to-buyer shipping service offered by some (but not all) vendors. Its essence: the online store does not need to worry about stocks in the warehouse. When the store receives an order, it contacts the supplier, who sends the goods to the customer instead of the online store.

This means that with dropshipping, an online marketplace can sell a variety of products without having any stock or inventory. This makes the service attractive to micro-businesses.

For online sellers, working with such a provider is easy. A dropshipping wholesaler will provide photos of the items they intend to sell.

Next, the online store places the images on its website or on a page on a social network. When a customer purchases a product, the store representative places an order with the wholesaler, who sends it to the customer.

Scheme of work:

  1. The buyer places an order in the online store. For example, a smartphone for 10 thousand rubles.
  2. The online store transfers the consumer's data to the dropshipping supplier, paying for the shipment of the goods at the wholesale price. For example, he gives 8 thousand rubles.
  3. The supplier sends a box with a smartphone to the client by a delivery service. The buyer receives a smartphone. The online store fixes a profit of 2 thousand rubles.
Important! Not all wholesalers offer dropshipping. On the contrary, it is difficult to find real certified wholesalers who are interested in direct deliveries.

Advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping

Dropshipping requires minimum investment. That is why entrepreneurs who want to start small are so attracted to direct shipping.

To automate the work of an online store and increase sales, try the Business.Ru system. Send orders to suppliers, accept and pay invoices directly from the service. Monitor sales results in real time and control revenue and all expenses in one report.


1. Almost no investment. There are no upfront investments. A store representative purchases items if they receive payment from the customer.
You can open an online dropshipping store with suppliers from your own home office. The owner of the outlet does not see the goods, is not involved in packaging and delivery. Therefore, there is a significant savings in the amount that would be spent on storing goods and managing the entire supply chain.
2. To develop a business, an entrepreneur or organization does not need to expand a warehouse to store goods and additional employees.
3. Low risks. outlet with dropshipping suppliers, there is no danger that some thing will be stale and not sold. Money is invested only in creating your own website and marketing to get traffic.
4. Wide selection. Using at once, for example, five wholesalers with direct deliveries, it will be possible to create a large-scale catalog for an online store. You don't have to worry about analyzing your sales history to limit your site to only the bestsellers. The store can publish any product lines, even those that are not in high demand.
5. Possibility of expansion. A dropshipping business is highly scalable based on traffic growth, marketing performance, and conversion rates.

Important! Regardless of what other sellers say, dropshipping is not a get-rich-quick scheme.
Disadvantages of dropshipping

No doubt it seems easy scheme- sale of goods of other organizations for a percentage. However, when all the disadvantages of this "simple" business are taken into account, it turns out that this is not an easy business.

You can quickly only open an online dropshipping store with suppliers, but not get a decent profit. Let's see why:

1. Low profitability. Invest less money you get less money. This means more business is required to stay afloat, let alone make a profit. After all, most of the money from the sale of goods goes to the supplier.
The store receives a meager percentage, which is often not enough to cover the cost of marketing, advertising, maintaining the site, and covering your business hours as an entrepreneur.

Most likely, the discount for buying from manufacturers and wholesalers will be less than 20%. For most products, you will have to cut your profit margins to maintain competitive prices and increase repeat customers.

In addition, the profit of an online store is largely determined by traffic, so if the store brand is built from scratch, you can fight for a long time to create client base. It is much wiser to approach dropshipping when you already have a regular traffic source;

2. High competition. Do you know that every month more than 500 people search in Yandex, how to buy a “ready-made online store with a dropshipping system”? Suppliers do their part by constantly advertising services. There are always overly optimistic businessmen who are tempted by low overheads;

Important! A low barrier to entry means more competition, with the most popular markets (electronics, clothing, baby products) suffering the most. If an online store does not have an exclusive deal with a supplier, competing sites may sell the same products at lower prices.
3. Lack of control over the supply chain. A traditional online store, when customers complain about the quality of things, the return policy, or slow delivery, can solve the problems on their own. However, in dropshipping, it all depends on the supplier of the goods. And the online store is responsible for the service to customers.

A communication problem can also be fatal: when the supplier does not respond as quickly as the client wants. In e-commerce, customer service is paramount. Even the slightest infraction, such as late response, sends consumers into the hands of competitors. Bad reviews early on will end the business before it gets off the ground;

4. Issues of legal responsibility. This is not the main problem, but it is worth mentioning. Some suppliers of goods for an online dropshipping store operate illegally, without registration of activity, or using gray schemes for avoiding taxes. It happens that they use trademarks without the permission of the copyright holder. An online store that sells such a product automatically becomes an accomplice in crime.

The problem can be eliminated with the help of a well-thought-out agreement with the supplier. However, its development and signing requires additional investments (for legal support). An entrepreneur who is attracted by low start-up costs usually does not have the money to do so;

5. It is difficult to increase the average check and then keep the client. Usually, for this, marketers offer to sell additional goods (this does not always work - this supplier may not have them, and sending an order in two boxes is at least strange).

Branding would help keep the client. But fixing the name of the online store in the mind of the user will not work: your logo will not be on the box with the product.

There are also other disadvantages (these are special cases, no one is immune from them):

  • the supplier’s warehouse will run out of goods, and you will only know about it after the buyer’s order;
  • the goods will be lost during delivery, and communication with a dissatisfied buyer will lie with the owner of the store;
  • the supplier can put an advertisement of his own online store in the order (discount on the purchase), etc.
If you are just about to open an online store and have chosen to develop by dropshipping with suppliers, then you will not be able to quickly increase profits in the general case. However, if you already have an online store, regular customers, dropshipping - a good option range development.

Dropshipping cooperation schemes

Above was the scheme of cooperation on dropshipping in in general terms. If we compare the nuances, there are two schemes of work on the Russian market. They differ in payment for goods.

Scheme 1:

  • A store visitor orders a product and pays for it (or makes an advance payment);
  • Information about the order is transferred to the supplier;
  • The online store pays the dropshipper the cost of the purchase and shipping (or additional fees, if any);
  • The wholesaler or manufacturer sends the goods to the buyer at the address specified by him.

Scheme 2:
  • The client orders the goods, but does not pay for it (chooses payment upon receipt);
  • Customer information is transferred to the supplier;
  • The dropshipper sends the goods to the specified address;
  • The customer receives the goods and pays for them;
  • The wholesaler deducts the price of the goods and delivery from the received funds, and transfers the remaining amount to the account of the online store. Sometimes additional fees may apply.

When working according to the second scheme, a cash gap is possible if the dropshipper delays payment.

Number of departure


Client name

The address

departure date



Full cost



Dress art. 123

Ivanova A.V.

Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 123 apt. 123



500 rub.

1200 rub.

How to find a supplier for an online dropshipping store

You should not hope that once you find one or two suppliers, you can work in peace. Online store owners involved in business development are constantly looking for new opportunities and new suppliers. To do this, use different options.

1. Search engines. It is logical to assume that in Russia, dropshipping suppliers for an online store have their own websites, which are known by Yandex and Google. However, in practice, it turns out that sites from the first places of issue are companies that offer low-quality goods and for a lot of money. They spend a lot of money on SEO optimization, and they need to “beat off” the costs.

To search through Yandex and Google, it is advisable to be patient. Type in a more specific niche query (such as "dropshipping kids clothing suppliers for an online store") and then scroll through about 20 pages of SERPs. By clicking on the links, you will be able to compare the assortment, evaluate the market, and begin to understand wholesale prices and conditions;

2. Special catalogs. The advantages of choosing a wholesaler for direct deliveries through the catalog in a large number of offers. Popular directories (,, and others) are full of dropshipping ads.

Such a search has a drawback. You will have to study more than a hundred proposals to determine the top five more or less suitable ones;

Important! In cooperation with foreign manufacturer you must have communication skills in English (you can use an online translator, but it sometimes does not translate colloquial and abbreviated words). There are other difficulties of working with a foreign supplier: long delivery times and unstable quality of things.
3. Sites of joint purchases. On specialized forums, you can also find information about a dropshipping supplier for an online store;

4. Exhibitions. Manufacturers come to exhibitions and fairs, who practically do not engage in promotion on the Internet. The advantages of going to exhibitions are that you can immediately see the goods, and agree on working conditions personally. Disadvantages - in the cost of paying for the entrance to the exhibition, as well as paying for travel to the event, accommodation, etc.

(from the English drop shipping - direct delivery) is popular view e-commerce, in which an intermediary (dropshipper) sells the products of a wholesale supplier at retail prices, while shipment end user carried out by the supplier. Simply put, the supplier provides the intermediary with a catalog of his goods with wholesale prices. The intermediary, setting its price for products, finds the end consumer by any means convenient for it. The wholesaler ships products directly to the end consumer on behalf of the dropshipper. The intermediary receives his commission for the sold goods in the form of the difference between the selling price and the wholesale price.

This type of commerce is very similar to a commission agreement, when an intermediary, for a fee, searches for customers and sells products. The main difference is that the shipment of goods in the dropshipping system is carried out by the wholesaler. A less important difference is the ownership of the products. For a wholesale supplier, the intermediary is the end consumer, and the ownership of the item is transferred to him.

Due to its simplicity, dropshipping cooperation has gained popularity in countries Western Europe and America. Developed trading platforms make it possible to effectively use this system for all subjects of the transaction.

How to choose the right scheme of work?

Dropshipping cooperation does not require special knowledge, skills or abilities. The scheme of interaction between market participants looks like this:

  1. The intermediary enters into a contractual relationship with the wholesaler.
  2. The supplier sends all necessary materials(product catalog, price lists, photos, product descriptions, etc.) to a dropshipper who can help with the implementation.
  3. The intermediary places products on its own behalf on any resources convenient for it: the website (online store) of the dropshipper; social media(facebook, vkontakte, instagram, etc.); free classifieds boards; online auctions (eBay, amazon, etc.).
  4. The dropshipper receives an order for the product and payment from the end user.
  5. The intermediary transfers the order and delivery terms to the wholesaler.
  6. The supplier sends the order to the end consumer on behalf of the intermediary.
  7. The dropshipper transfers money to the supplier according to the wholesale prices.
  8. In the case of payment for the order by cash on delivery, the supplier receives the money, after which he pays a commission to the intermediary.

Dropshipping benefits. Secrets from professionals

Dropshipping as a trading scheme has a number of advantages for all participants in the transaction. First, it is convenient for the buyer. By reducing the number of shipments (bypassing the middleman), dropshipping reduces the price for the end user and significantly saves delivery time. Secondly, dropshipping allows the wholesaler to save resources for advertising the product and finding customers. And of course, it is beneficial to the intermediary. The advantages of dropshipping trading for an intermediary should be considered in more detail:

  1. No risk. The dropshipper receives money from the buyer and only after the shipment of the products, transfers part of this amount to the supplier.
  2. The mediator does not need warehouse. Consequently, the intermediary does not bear the costs associated with the storage of goods (rent of premises, utility bills, maintenance of storekeepers and loaders, purchase of warehouse programs for keeping records).
  3. A dropshipper does not need an office and employees. E-commerce is characterized by a lack of office space, which significantly reduces the fixed costs of the enterprise.
  4. Saving time. Dropshipping trading significantly reduces the time for receiving and sending products, since the intermediary no longer needs to do this.
  5. Starting capital is not needed. To start working as an intermediary in the dropshipping system, absolutely no initial investment is needed. The dropshipper finds a buyer, receives an advance payment and sends the order to the supplier. In addition, there are no barriers to entry in this business. Often, the wholesaler is ready to ship products starting from one unit of the nomenclature.
  6. Huge assortment. Dropshipping trading allows the intermediary to sell goods of various categories and the widest range. In addition, there is no need to process photographs and describe each unit of the product range. The supplier independently provides the materials necessary for the dropshipper in a convenient format.
  7. Entrepreneurial freedom. The wholesaler does not limit the intermediary either in the way of advertising products, or in the choice of a resource for sale, and most importantly, in the formation of the selling price. Another advantage is the flexible schedule. How much time do you spend on your business? individual choice dropshipper.
  8. The minimally simple workflow for a dropshipper. All Required documents for the shipment of goods is issued by the supplier. At first, a dropshipper may well do without business registration, which can save money on accounting and taxation.
  9. Opportunity to create your own brand. Since the supplier sends products to the final consumer on behalf of the dropshipper, the latter can register and promote his TM, selling a variety of goods from all over the world.
  10. Geographical position. For a dropshipper, it makes absolutely no difference where it is located. The logistics of its products are completely handled by the supplier.

Benefits of a ready-made offer

It is believed that only an experienced businessman can quickly achieve success on the Internet. The rest have to either learn from their own mistakes or pay for knowledge. In the field of dropshipping, this problem is solved in a completely different way. Here, the service of providing a previously prepared platform for launching an online store in a short time has simply appeared. The only thing left for the business owner is the creative part - how his portal, landing page or a full-fledged site with thematic articles will look like.

We offer to see detailed video on the creation of a dropshipping store on the Openmall platform. This online shopping platform is universal way creating your own platform for organizing sales on the Internet, as well as organizing dropshipping with international stores or within your country. With Openmall, you can create a fully functional online store, up to 25 products for free. This is special offer for those who want to try their hand at online business!

The new online dropshipping technology offers the following benefits:

  • Prepared list Chinese goods. It is possible to work effectively even without basic knowledge of foreign languages ​​in order to obtain profitable agreements with suppliers. You don’t have to waste time on studying the assortment line of each of them, it’s enough to use a ready-made solution.
  • No costs. Dropshipping platforms are provided free of charge by charging a commission for paid applications in the future. The owner of the online store spends only his own time here.
  • Centralized order processing with a full-fledged call center. Such a dropshipping system functions regardless of the source of applications (landing page or ad on Avito). It is not required to take care of hiring staff, their training and control of work, everything happens “as if” automatically. It remains to focus on the priority task - finding a profitable niche, and let the Internet portal itself provide income.

Sometimes you can find offers with the presence of their own warehouses of goods that are popular on the Russian market and have an increased demand. Then customers do not have to wait for 2-3 weeks (or even more), delivery will be carried out within a few days, depending on the region and the speed of processing items by mail or courier service.

Important. A ready-made platform for dropshipping allows you to completely do without special knowledge in the field of promoting an online store.

similar commercial offers lot. The competition in this direction is great and everyone is trying to provide the maximum possible number services. For example, a unified catalog with more than 300 thousand items with a delivery guarantee, automatic uploading of documents to a file, cumulative discounts. What exactly may be needed in a particular case is easier to understand in practice, and then cooperate with the selected dropshipping partner.

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine "site"! In this article, we will talk about dropshipping in detail: what it is, what is the working principle of dropshipping cooperation in sales, how to find dropshipping suppliers for an online store.

After reading this material, you will know:

  • What is dropshipping and how does it differ from related areas of online business;
  • What are the advantages of this sales system and what significant disadvantages should you pay attention to;
  • What are the features of work on this system, what needs to be taken into account at the beginning and during the entire work;
  • How and where to look for dropshipping suppliers for online stores in Russia and abroad;

Here you will also receive a clear step by step instructions Starting a dropshipping business for beginners + detailed description of all popular dropshipping companies.

So here we go!

What is dropshipping and how to start dropshipping cooperation, which suppliers work in Russia and the world under this system, what goods they supply and on what conditions - this publication is devoted to all this

This term came into our speech from in English . The original word consists of two parts: drop and shipping, which literally means "direct delivery" .

This type of business can be implemented on the Internet by a novice entrepreneur without large financial investments. About that, we have already told in one of the previous articles.

Dropshipping is a trading system, which is based on sales through an online store, however, the owner of the trading platform does not purchase goods, but orders them directly from the manufacturer for the client's money.

Dropshipping- this is not a strange foreign word that hides some kind of deception, this is a proven model of earning good money, which can subsequently be reinvested (invested) in your own business and, as a result, organize an extensive and super-profitable business.

To do this, you will have to study the possibilities of marketing and, deal with various types of Internet resources, you may even be deceived. (and more than once), fail or catch her by the tail before succeeding, but he will bring a really decent level of income and a desirable lifestyle.

Don't be afraid and don't leave it for later - get down to business!

Dear readers of the site magazine, if you have thoughts (opinions and comments) on the topic of publication or experience in doing business using the dropshipping system, then leave your comments and feedback on the article below. Thanks in advance!

Dropshipping (drop shipping) is a method of selling goods via the Internet, in which delivery is carried out by the seller's supplier. Normal scheme: retail store buys or takes the supplier's products for sale, brings them to the warehouse, then sells them and delivers the goods to the buyer on their own. Direct delivery: the stage of purchasing a wholesale batch and delivery to an intermediate warehouse is excluded from the scheme. The store sells and transfers the money to the supplier who makes the delivery. The product reaches the consumer directly from largest dropshipping supplier, bypassing the retail warehouses of intermediaries.

Everyone wins:

  • The supplier increases the volume of products sold without the cost of finding new customers.
  • The store is very convenient - it does not risk the money that it would spend on wholesale lot, and must not contain a warehouse.
  • The consumer receives the goods at a lower price, which excludes the mark-up for the retail warehouse and the work of the courier.

Important! By reducing freight transport, products are less damaged. This is important when trading fragile items - dishes, appliances, toys.

Top Online Electronics Suppliers


The Russian Internet service "MEGA-M" offers a wide range of smartphones, tablets, accessories, car electronics from the USA, China, Korea and Japan at the cheapest prices. The range is updated daily. Gadgets are sent to the consumer on the day of purchase. The store delivers goods to any corner of Russia. Dropshipping cooperation consists in deducting interest to the seller after each transaction or once a month.


Giant Chinese hypermarket with a focus on gadgets, presented in 12 languages, including Russian. It also sells clothing, sports and leisure items, cosmetics, etc. Dropshipping offer: the retailer sets the prices in the online store, DX sends the goods to the buyer without his logo or any other identification marks, shipping is included in the price. There is an option for single orders - it is no different from a regular purchase on DX. For bulk orders, you need to download the catalog, connect it to your store, and create a delivery request in an Excel file.

The largest suppliers of clothing, footwear and accessories


The company is a supplier of branded shoes for online stores: Converse All Star, New Balance, Adidas, Nike, Reebok, Vans, Puma, Timberland, etc. It works on a dropshipping system. Main advantages: minimum order from 1 pair, there is an unloading of goods from the site (in excel, csv, VK-OK groups), there is a price list with the current availability of goods (updated once an hour), excellent photos of goods, fast technical support via Whatsapp / Viber, fast delivery of goods.

The company has been in the e-commerce market for 15 years, since 2014 it has been actively developing the dropshipping direction. On the this moment More than 800 online stores work with Dropshipping Supplier of Happiness.

Regardless of the number of goods in the order, the cost of the dropshipping service is 150 rubles per order.

  • accepts payment for the order from buyers and transfers to the online store;
  • own delivery service in Moscow;
  • a large selection of delivery methods in Russia (Russian Post, PickPoint, DPD, SDEK);
  • accepts back goods not redeemed by buyers;
  • full financial statements in your personal account.
  • you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC;

DROPO is an aggregator for online stores with 35,000 positions:

  • The platform offers the cheapest prices for various categories of goods from different suppliers due to high turnover;
  • Partner can export to popular CSV and XML formats for automatic download to the online store;
  • The seller trades at his own price;
  • The order is sent via Personal Area on the Dropo website;
  • The aggregator completes the order (including the combined order) and delivers it to the client;
  • The client pays for the order upon delivery;
  • Dropo pays the online store the difference between the wholesale and retail price;
  • Cooperation is fixed in the contract, payments are received on the seller's settlement account.

Important! The Dropo platform provides Additional services: creating an online store and filling out product cards.

Light in the box - international company with offices in China and the USA. The main goods sold are clothing, electronic gadgets and accessories, things for home and garden, as well as custom-made evening and wedding dresses.

Operating procedure:

  • The seller is registered in the direct sales section of the largest dropshipping supplier.
  • Places an order on the site, indicates the address of the client, makes payment.
  • LightInTheBox delivers the order without indicating its contacts and the price at which the seller received the products.
  • The site provides, at the request of the seller, product photos and detailed information about her.
  • The seller can become a member of the VIP program and get a better offer.
  • The LightInTheBox website has the ability to track orders.