Bride dream book for a man. If a bride dreams without a groom. Interpretation of sleep by the color of the wedding dress

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Bride in dreams

Dreams about brides may differ in meaning: in one case you see a bride, in another you yourself are one. Depending on the circumstances of sleep and its interpretation will be different. In general, Tsvetkov is sure that the dreaming bride personifies the expectation of something, and modern interpreters promise the unexpected inheritance who saw the bride in a dream. In French dream book the bride is considered a symbol of the imminent fateful meeting and the subsequent happy marriage. Esoteric interpreters pay attention to who the dreamer was, for example, a man who saw a bride in a dream can expect benefits or some kind of good luck, and for women, such a dream portends new clothes or receiving nice gifts.

See yourself in a dream as a bride

The interpreter Freud is sure that such a dream for a woman can portend a significant change in relationships, for example, reconciliation with some dear person, which you no longer counted on. In addition, the dream book says that such a dream serves as an indication for a woman of her excessive desire to legitimize relationships. According to the interpreter, one should moderate the ardor a little and not frighten men with the desire to officially recognize the relationship. received by the bride as a gift - good sign, good luck awaits you.

In an esoteric dream book, for the correct interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to pay attention to the status of a woman in reality. Interpreters note that a girl has a dream in which she sees herself as a bride, can threaten celibacy for some reason, for example, because of the war, in which men die in huge numbers. A married woman who sees herself as a bride should be afraid for her husband, esotericists believe that there is a risk of becoming a widow due to some kind of social upheaval. For widows or divorced women, such a dream portends tears. By the way, Tsvetkov, in his dream book, is also inclined to think that dreams in which a woman sees herself as a bride indicate future sorrows and tears.

Modern interpreters interpret the dream differently depending on whether you felt happy in a dream or, on the contrary, were not happy about your upcoming marriage. A dream in which you act as a happy bride , promise immediate improvement in life and getting rid of various problems. If you were not satisfied with your role, did not want to try on a dress, then most likely some big disappointment awaits you ahead, for example, in a loved one, chosen profession.

Our dreams are always a big mystery to us. At all times, man has been looking for a connection between his dreams and reality. Thanks to the accumulated centuries-old experience, today we have various dream books that lift the veil of the mystery of our subconscious.

Today we turn to different dream books and find out why the bride is dreaming, her dress and everything connected with the wedding.

Bride in a dream

To see a bride in a dream is to be expected, and to be a bride in a dream means to remain unmarried in the near future (for a girl).

The French believe that seeing a bride in a dream warns of a happy meeting in reality and marriage for great love. In Russia similar dream to failures, quarrels and major losses.

Gypsies interpret the bride, who appeared in a dream, as a harbinger of wealth. And if a girl saw herself in a dream as a bride, then this promises her a quick marriage.

If you are already married, then the bride who came to you in a dream promises possible troubles and troubles in family life. If the bride cries from unwillingness to be married, then this suggests that you will have to live with an unloved person.

For men, such a dream speaks of hope in business, good luck and a profitable business offer.

What is the dream of the bride's dress

To see yourself as a bride in a dream is to receive a good inheritance, but the dream has such an interpretation that if your dress makes you happy, it is beautiful and it gives you pleasure to wear it.

If you don’t like the dress and it’s unpleasant to wear it, then, most likely, shattered hopes await you, and suffering brought by attachments. And in the case of a combination of a dress with a white veil, a dream can be a warning about an impending illness.

If you dreamed of tailoring wedding dresses, then this speaks of your imminent marriage. Sewing a new wedding dress - your endeavors will bring good dividends, success and recognition.

If we consider a wedding dress in the broadest sense, as just a dress, then there are also different interpretations, depending on the beauty and luxury of the dress.

So the dress that you like can talk about a possible new acquaintance and even a fan. While a dirty and ugly dress warns of a possible separation from a loved one.

The bride and groom in a dream

Images of a young bride and groom - a symbol big changes. If they are happy and satisfied, then the changes will be extremely pleasant for you and will happen in the near future.

In addition, a beautiful young couple seen in a dream is a harbinger of some kind of success and a big undertaking in your life. They saw themselves as a bride and groom - to be sad and disappointed in something in the near future.

In general, the bride and groom in a dream are a symbol of the unification of the male and female principles, and their wedding means unity, in reality this may portend new beginnings.

To see in a dream one groom who has lost his beloved is disappointing. Most likely, you are waiting for collapsed hopes and failed plans.

Dream and kiss of the bride

Kissing the bride in a dream? Be confident in your well-being and profitable financial position soon. Also, such a kiss in a dream will bring reconciliation with friends and good health.

When in a dream you saw that the bride was kissing other people around, then in reality be prepared for great pleasure and meeting new friends.

If you kiss a tired or sick bride, then in reality you will not be pleased with the actions and decisions of your friends.

What is the dream of the bride's bouquet

The flowers collected in the bride's bouquet symbolize your desire to find out (marry), however, if you make up your own bridal bouquet, then this promises a long loneliness and the inability to arrange a personal life.

Many dream books interpret wedding flowers as a sign of a very pleasant and soon acquaintance. And if this bouquet is in the hands of a stranger-groom, then in the near future you will find pleasant changes in your personal life.

people wedding dress wedding veil

Dream Interpretation Bride Expectation. For a man - the situation in business, depending on how she looks (for example, old or ugly). Ugly and poorly dressed - a long wait, hopeless, unsuccessful activity. Seeing a bride for a woman is loneliness; a state of purity, innocence, purity; deceptive hope (for a girl). Being yourself is an expectation; suffering; spiritual self-knowledge (expression: to be “the bride of Christ”, “betrothal” with krishna, shiva ...); spiritual death, past life, i.e. - major changes. For business woman to be a bride is an unsuccessful deal or a profit to wait a long time. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Bride If a young woman sees herself as a bride in a dream and puts on a wedding dress with pleasure, a legacy awaits her, which will delight her immensely. If the bride has unpleasant sensations while dressing, she will suffer from disappointments in her affections. Kissing a bride in a dream - to a happy reconciliation of friends. If she looks tired and sick, you will not be pleased with the success and actions of your friends. If she kisses you, the dream promises you excellent health. If the bride kisses others, this portends many friends and pleasures. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Bride If a girl sees herself as a bride and is satisfied with her dress, then perhaps a large inheritance awaits her. If she is dissatisfied with her outfit, then this means disappointment due to the fact that her hopes will not come true. Kissing the bride: to the reconciliation of friends. If you dream that the bride is kissing you, then you are provided with good health, and your lover - good luck. If the bride kisses others, you will have many friends and pleasures. If a girl sees herself in a dream as a bride, but she is indifferent to her fiancé, then she should expect minor troubles that can spoil her joy. Modern dream book

Dreaming Bride To dream of a bride in a wedding dress and with flowers portends deceived expectations and unfulfilled dreams. Seeing the bride's wreath is a happy resolution of an uncertain and predicament. Kissing a bride in a dream promises reconciliation of the warring parties. The bride, who, having drunk at the wedding, kisses all the guests in a row and not in one circle, such a dream portends a lot of good friends to those who see him, with whom you can always have fun in close company. Seeing yourself in a dream as a bridesmaid at her wedding, which the newlywed kisses with tears of happiness in her eyes, is a great feeling throughout the coming day. Kissing a bride in a dream, in whose place you could be, means that you will not be pleased with the success of your friends and will not be pleased to communicate with them. For a bride to see a dream in which she loses her newly-made husband in the midst of a wedding, portends many unforeseen and highly undesirable circumstances that, in real life overshadow her upcoming marriage soon. If a bride dreams that a young husband gives her a precious necklace and bracelet on her wedding day, this portends that she will have doubts about his fidelity during a drunken and stupid wedding. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Bride If a girl dreams that she is a bride and enjoys putting on a wedding dress, this portends her to receive an inheritance and a profitable marriage. However, if it is unpleasant for her to wear a wedding dress, this means that she will be disappointed in love. If you dream that you are kissing the bride, this means that you will make peace with your beloved. If the bride kisses you, your chosen one will receive an inheritance and become rich. If a real bride dreams that she is unhappy with her husband, this means that the first days of her life with her husband will be overshadowed by troubles. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Dream Interpretation Bride Bride in women's dreams: often reflects her own image, albeit with a different appearance. In men: a symbol of inner femininity or preoccupation with marriage. For women, to see yourself or another bride: expectation, loneliness. For a man to see someone else's bride: a warning about the opponent of his bride at the wedding: danger. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Bride A young woman who sees herself as a bride in a dream will receive a good inheritance. But this is only if she gladly put on a wedding dress. If at the same time she had unpleasant sensations, she would be disappointed. The one who kissed the bride in a dream will have a happy reconciliation with friends. A dream in which the bride kisses you promises you excellent health. If a real bride sees in a dream that she is indifferent to her fiance, then she will have to endure disappointment in him. A woman who sees in a dream that she is a bride, and her loved one is a groom, will soon have changes in her personal life. Perhaps she will make peace with someone with whom she no longer hoped to renew a relationship. She just should not insist too much on formalizing the relationship. By tempering her ardor, she will achieve more. If a woman in a dream saw her daughter as a bride, then in reality she subconsciously compares herself with her, and the comparison is usually not in favor of the mother. It is bitter for her to realize that she has grown old, has lost her former attractiveness, and her character has not changed in better side. She wants to be in the place of her daughter and have the same success with men. A man who sees his partner or even his wife in the guise of a bride is not sure of his male power. In reality, he always expects failure, and in a dream he returns to the time when success was guaranteed. If a man saw his daughter in the image of a bride, then he will have a pleasure walk, from which he will get great pleasure. Maybe it will long-awaited meeting with someone whom he had not seen for a long time, but very much desired it. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Bride To be a bride for a girl: you have to remain unmarried, possibly due to the war. For a married woman: she will remain a widow due to social troubles, danger hangs over your husband. Widow, divorced: to tears. Seeing a bride for a woman: updates, expensive gifts. For a man: profit, luck. Groom his bride: improvement in life circumstances associated with marriage. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Bride THE BRIDE - waiting. For a man - the situation in business, depending on how she looks (for example, old or ugly). Ugly and poorly dressed - a long wait, hopeless, unsuccessful activity. Seeing a bride for a woman is loneliness; a state of purity, innocence, purity; deceptive hope (for a girl). Being yourself is an expectation; suffering; spiritual self-knowledge (expression: to be “the bride of Christ”, “betrothal” with Krishna, Shiva ...); spiritual death, of one's past life, that is, major changes. For a business woman, being a bride is an unsuccessful deal or a long wait for profit. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Bride Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Bride If a young woman sees herself in a dream as a bride and puts on a wedding dress with pleasure, then an inheritance awaits her, which will greatly please her. If the bride has unpleasant sensations when dressing, she will suffer from disappointments in her affections. Kissing a bride in a dream: to a happy reconciliation of friends. If she looks tired and sick, you will not be pleased with the success and actions of your friends. If she kisses you: a dream promises you excellent health. If the bride kisses others: this portends many friends and pleasures. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Bride In the dreams of women, they often reflect their own image, although with a different appearance. For men, it is a symbol of inner femininity or preoccupation with marriage. Women - to see themselves or another bride - expectation, loneliness. For a man to see someone else's bride - a warning about an opponent; his bride at the wedding - a danger. Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Bride A young woman who sees herself in a dream as a bride will receive a good inheritance. But this is only if she gladly put on a wedding dress. If at the same time she had unpleasant sensations, she would be disappointed. The one who kissed the bride in a dream - a happy reconciliation with friends is ahead. A dream in which the bride kisses you promises you excellent health. If a real bride sees in a dream that she is indifferent to her fiance, then she will have to endure disappointment in him. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Bride For women: You will receive an unexpected inheritance, a “white streak” will come in your lifeif you see yourself in a dream as a bride who rejoices in her outfit. You will be disappointed in your chosen one or in your chosen profession (if you are studying, you will change your place of study), if in a dream you were reluctant to try on a wedding dress. If in a dream you, congratulating the bride, kissed her on the cheek, then in reality you will make peace with the person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time. If you see yourself as a bride and kiss others, your future life will be full of pleasure, you will have many friends. If a bride kisses you in a dream, for many years you will not complain about your health. It is possible that your chosen one will receive a rich inheritance. Kissing a bride dissatisfied with the ceremony means envy towards relatives and friends.
For children: THE BRIDE - major changes for the better are expected in your life.
Dream interpretation for the whole family

Dream Interpretation Bride If a woman dreams that she is the bride of the man she loves, this portends that her personal life will change. Perhaps reconciliation with a loved one will follow. It is likely that the cause of the quarrels is your attempt to legitimize the relationship. However, now is not the time for that, so be patient. If a woman dreams of her daughter in the image of a bride, this means that she often compares herself with her daughter, unconsciously jealous and envious of her. In your heart, you regret that youth has already passed and dream of being in the place of your daughter. A man who dreams of his partner or wife dressed as a bride doubts his masculinity and worries that he will fail in sex. He dreams of returning to the days when he was young and full of energy. If a man sees his daughter in the image of a bride in a dream, this means that he will have a wonderful rest in the near future. Perhaps he will even meet with his former partner, for whom he suddenly inflames passion.

According to the most common interpretation in dream books, the bride means the power hidden inside each, as well as the essence of nature and life. It symbolizes new beginnings new life, projects and fertility, it is also emotions and hopes.

If you are a bride, then the events that the dream speaks of are directly related to your life, but someone else in a white wedding dress usually hints at certain changes in your life. When there are many brides at once, this demonstrates that things are taking a serious turn - new trends in your life will have a significant impact on her.

The happier the bride (whoever she is), the more positive the meaning of sleep can be considered. Even if some other details indicate negative interpretation, the joy of the bride smooths them out or promises compensation for unpleasant events. It also matters whether the bride is young or old. The younger and more beautiful in a dream a girl in a wedding dress, the more successful the planned event will be. But the bride-old woman indicates that there is very little time left, and if you do not take up an important matter, you risk being late.

If you see someone else's bride in a dream, then you will have to participate in other people's undertakings, even if you did not start them, nevertheless, it will be a good thing. For a young girl, seeing a bride means that she will soon meet a person who is worthy of becoming her chosen one.

When someone's bride is in a dream, it's always good. If you saw the bride kissing you, then this indicates that you have good health, even if something is wrong with him now, it will soon improve. If you kiss the bride, then this promises an improvement in material well-being.

See yourself as a bride

When you see yourself in a white wedding dress in a dream, this portends significant changes and a new round of development in your life. Perhaps a good legacy. It's important to be happy. If you saw yourself as a bride, not feeling joy or even being very upset by this fact, then you won’t have to expect anything good from the changes, disappointment lies ahead.

When in a dream you marry your beloved, but feel indifferent to this event, then in ordinary life you will soon be disappointed in it.

Seeing yourself in a dream and being dissatisfied with your dress means that some of your hopes will not come true. But if you, being beautifully dressed with a veil, admire your reflection in the mirror for a long time, this may mean illness.

But the dream in which you are the bride is far from always meaning something. It may be that marriage is your strong desire, and then the dream simply reflects your thoughts. And if you are already married, then you may longingly recall the freshness of feelings that reigned in your relationship for the first time, and dream of returning to this atmosphere. If so, then the dream with the bride, most likely, does not carry a special meaning, except for reflecting your current desires.

Unusual, vivid events that occur in a dream almost always predict the dreamer some future event. A dream in which a sleeping person saw a bride can have both a positive and a negative interpretation - it all depends on specific situation.

If a girl who has a dream acts as a bride herself, then significant changes in her personal life await her. She will find ways to reconcile with her beloved, who is in a quarrel with her, or together with her boyfriend she will move on to a new stage in her relationship. If a loved one no, then such a dream can mean receiving an inheritance or a large amount of money. It could be a lottery win, an unexpected bonus at work, or even a cash gift from relatives.

If the bride looked untidy: her dress was dirty, torn - this can be interpreted as future minor troubles, for example, gossip and sitting in office activities, household squabbles, bad luck. A black or dark dress on a bride for a married person predicts complications in married life. You need to be ready to deal with emerging problems with your husband or wife, and also try not to confront your own maturing children.

The kiss of a girl in a clean, snow-white dress, if a young man sees her in a dream, promises him excellent health for many years. If it is not she who kisses, but her, then this also does not mean anything bad and predicts a meeting with forgotten friends and other people with whom the dreamer has not had contact for a long time, but would very much like to establish them again. Her numerous kisses with the guests who came to visit are interpreted as finding like-minded people with whom it will be possible to work fruitfully or just have a nice chat.

The bride, sobbing or with her eyes reddened from tears, means resistance to the relationship that has developed in real life with an unloved person. In this form, the subconscious mind is trying to prompt the dreamer to think about ending communication with an unsuitable life partner and finding a truly good couple. You should also not enter into a marriage of convenience - nothing good will come of it.

If the bride was pregnant, this means that the girl or guy who saw her in a dream is apprehensive about the possibility of having children, but the desire to have offspring must still overcome the fear of getting into an interesting position. The girl will become a happy mother, and the guy will become a caring dad.

And there is always a dream for sad news when a girl dressed in a snow-white wedding dress is buried. It means the unfulfillment of the most cherished desires, the inevitable arrival of sorrows and troubles. It is necessary to pull yourself together and firmly meet the troubles, trying to cope with their consequences.

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The veil has always played a protective function. She was called upon to hide her owner from the eyes of envious people and evil spirits. Often the veil symbolized the innocence of the bride, and the ritual of its removal was the beginning of family life.

The history of the veil and its meaning

The veil at the dawn of its appearance was made of dense, opaque fabric. She completely covered the girl's face from prying eyes and even from the gaze of the future husband. Later, the veil began to be sewn from lace and transparent silk. She stopped "hiding" the bride and was called to add grace to her. In some nations, this wedding attribute indicated the power of a man over a woman.

AT Ancient Rome the veil was red and emphasized woman's love and obedience. Yellow- the choice of a beautiful part of humanity in Ancient Greece. It took a lot of time to sew the product, because it had to be exquisite and very long. It was believed that such a veil could bring peace and prosperity to family life couples.

In Russia, initially the function of a veil was performed by an ordinary scarf, which covered the face of the bride. A woman during the marriage was considered as if "dead", so not one alive soul shouldn't have seen her. Later, the scarf was replaced with a more attractive attribute, which was kept in the house after the wedding. They took out the veil only at the birth of the first child, it was fixed over the cradle and they believed that part of the wedding attire would protect the baby from trouble and give a restful sleep.

The veil in Europe appeared thanks to the Crusades. The snow-white veil enveloping the bride was a symbol of her "death" for the former family and the transition to her own. Over time, fashion has made its own nuances and adjustments, multi-colored wedding accessories, veils embroidered with silver and gold have gained popularity. In the Middle Ages, the length of the veil emphasized the high wealth of the bride's family. Often the veil “followed” the girl for several more meters.

Veil removal traditions

The bride's face was revealed only after the official ceremony. AT without fail it also had to be open at the wedding, which testified to her openness to God. In ancient times, a veil taken off by a husband or mother-in-law showed a girl’s readiness to obey new family. If the bride herself removed the accessory, she declared her desire for an equal relationship with her husband.

According to Russian custom, the veil was removed before the newlyweds left the hall and given to their girlfriend. Today, this custom has lost its relevance and has been replaced by the throwing of the wedding bouquet.

AT modern world the veil remained an exceptionally beautiful wedding attribute. It is often rented, sold, given away or thrown out altogether, forgetting what kind of personal energy it carries with it.

The bride in a dream is very beautiful, but, unfortunately, this is not always considered a favorable omen. For example, the Jewish dream book focuses on the fact that envy will wake up in your soul after such a dream, which, as you know, is a bad feeling. And in the Ukrainian dream book it is indicated that to see yourself in yourself in wedding dress, means soon seriously ill. That is why it is important to understand what the bride is dreaming of in order to, if possible, be able to react correctly in reality.

In order to correctly decipher the dream in which the bride appeared, you need to remember all the smallest details of the plot of night dreams. Interpretations are significantly different in the event that you saw yourself in a wedding dress or the bride you saw was unfamiliar to you.

See yourself as a bride

According to Miller's dream book, if a girl sees herself in a dream as a bride, then the interpretation of the dream depends entirely on how much the dreamer liked her image.


    If she is satisfied with her outfit, then soon we can expect to receive an inheritance; If she does not like the wedding dress, then in reality her chosen one will disappoint her.

Sometimes in dream books there is an interpretation of the bride's dress on oneself, as a fact of waking celibacy for some reason. If a married woman sees herself in a dream in a wedding dress, then she needs to worry about her husband. There is a high probability that, due to some social upheavals, she may turn out to be a widow. For single widows and divorced women, wedding attire can portend tears and disappointment.

Wedding dress

In Freud's dream book, a wedding dress on a dreamer is interpreted as a change in relations with a loved one. Most often, such a dream portends reconciliation after a quarrel or quarrel. In addition, such a dream focuses the girl's attention on the fact that she shows an excessive desire to legitimize the relationship. Namely, her chosen one is not yet ready for this. You should heed this warning and do not force the man to formalize the relationship. Everything has its time.

Emotions in a wedding dress

AT modern interpreters dreams are deciphered depending on what sensations and emotions a woman experienced when she saw herself in a wedding dress. If you were happy in night dreams and rejoiced holiday event, there will soon be a significant improvement in the quality of life in general. But if you didn’t like your role as a bride, then in reality you will be very disappointed.

Beautiful bride - dream book

The French believe that if you dreamed of a beautiful bride who is admired, then this portends a happy meeting with your future soul mate in reality. Soon such a dream predicts marriage mutual love. But according to Russian traditions, such a dream is always unfavorable and portends significant life losses. Gypsy people interpret the appearance of a beautiful bride in a dream as a harbinger of wealth. But if the bride, seen in a dream, cries and looks unhappy, then this may portend a marriage not for love and that she will not have to live with her loved one.

Why do many brides dream

Often the question arises why many brides dream of. Such a dream is a harbinger of the fact that in real life the dreamer will have to spend a lot of time communicating with the opposite sex. For a man, such a dream portends that he will soon get a job in women's team. dreaming with large quantity brides according to the interpretation modern dream book portends that in real life a situation will arise, the resolution of which will require quick wit and ingenuity.

Actions of the bride in a dream

Other interpretations of the appearance of the bride in a dream may be as follows:
    A pregnant bride portends that you will be able to decide difficult problem, but because of this, you will have to be very nervous. The runaway bride predicts that there will be trouble at work. The dancing bride indicates that you need to take care of additional sources of income.
When in a dream you dance with someone else's bride, this indicates that in the near future you will have to deal with other people's problems.

Interpretation of sleep by the color of the wedding dress

Great value for correct decoding dreams has the color of the bride's dress:
    A red dress predicts that you will decide to participate in a risky event and the risk will be fully justified. A black dress portends problems and great grief in the family, which may even be associated with the death of a husband, but for unmarried girl it is a sign of celibacy. The yellow dress warns of the betrayal of the chosen one. The blue dress emphasizes the fact that the girl has something to hide from her chosen one.

Dirty torn dress on the bride

It is very bad to see a dirty and torn dress on the bride. Such a dream can portend both minor household troubles and serious problems at work. You should prepare for the fact that you will be incited, and you will find yourself in the center of gossip and intrigue.

A frequent question that interests dreamers is why the bride kisses in a dream. If you dream that you are kissing the bride in a dream, then you can be sure of your stable financial condition. Also, such a dream can portend reconciliation with friends and good health. And if you see how the bride kisses other people in night dreams, then this indicates that you will soon have new true friends.

The indifference of the bride to the groom

If, according to the plot of the dream, the bride demonstrates complete indifference to her groom, then this indicates that the planned event will not bring you the pleasure you expected.

Why does a bride dream without shoes

If a bride without shoes appeared in night dreams, then this focuses on the fact that this life span not favorable for finding a job and buying real estate.

Bride and groom - the meaning of sleep

If in a dream the bride appeared next to the groom, then this portends great life changes. If the newlyweds are very beautiful and look joyful, then they can be a harbinger of a grandiose undertaking that will certainly be successful. If you see a plot in which the bride and groom are riding in a horse-drawn carriage, then this indicates that time is fleeting and it is impossible to stop it.