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Text GOST R 56828.12-2016 Best Available Techniques. Classification of water bodies for technological regulation of wastewater discharges from centralized sewerage systems in settlements







Classification of water bodies for technological regulation of wastewater discharges centralized systems sewerage of settlements

Official edition


GOST R 56828.12-2016


About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Center for Standardization of Materials and Technologies *" (FGUP "VNII SMTya")

2 INTRODUCED technical committee according to standardization No. 113 "Best available technologies"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 25, 2016 N9 1497-st


The rules for the application of this standard are established in Article 26 of the Federal Law "On Standardization of e Russian Federation". Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in the information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet ()

© Standartinform. 2016

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST R 56828.12-2016



Classification of water bodies for technological regulation of wastewater discharges from centralized sewerage systems in settlements

Best Available Techniques. Classification of water bodies for the process of regulating wastewater discharges of

centralized sewerage systems of settlements

Introduction date - 2017-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to economic activities associated with the transition to the best available wastewater treatment technologies using centralized wastewater systems in settlements and urban districts.

The standard is intended solely to provide a choice of the best available wastewater treatment technologies. using centralized water disposal systems of settlements and urban districts, carried out taking into account the status and type of surface water bodies into which wastewater is discharged. and/or the actual ecological hydrological situation in these objects.

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of basic concepts, comprehensive criteria and the procedure for classifying water bodies into categories in order to determine the corresponding BAT.

The standard is intended for:

State executive authorities, local governments, whose powers include the tasks of monitoring, control, examination, protection of water bodies from negative impact wastewater from settlements and urban districts:

Legal entities. subject to state accounting and regulation as nature users. whose activities are related to the discharge of wastewater from settlements and urban districts;

Scientific, design and other organizations providing services in the field of protection of surface water bodies from pollution by wastewater from settlements and urban districts.

This standard is intended for use in the preparation of all types of documentation related to the protection of surface water bodies from pollution by sewage from settlements and urban districts.

2 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

2.1 water bodies: Water management areas (sections of watercourses) defined in accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts, as well as the seas or their separate parts (straits, bays, including bays, estuaries and others), water bodies (lakes, ponds, flooded quarries, reservoirs) or their parts, as well as swamps.

2.2 formal signs of classification of water bodies (hereinafter - formal signs): The name or type of a water body, or the presence of specially protected objects in it, determined in accordance with the current legislation.

2.3 Quantitative attributes of the classification of water bodies (hereinafter referred to as quantitative attributes): Quantitatively expressed hydrological and hydrochemical criteria.

Official edition

GOST R 56828.12-2016

3 Designations and abbreviations

ITS 10-2015 - Information and technical guide on the best available technologies "Wastewater treatment using centralized wastewater systems in settlements, urban districts", approved by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 15, 2015 No. 1580.

4 Classification of water bodies for technological regulation

wastewater discharges from centralized sewerage systems of settlements

4.1 For the purposes of applying ITS 10-2015, the following classification of water bodies is used:

4.2 The classification of water bodies according to clause 4.1 is carried out as follows

Watercourses, reservoirs and swamps, wholly or partly located within the boundaries of the following specially protected natural areas(PAs): state nature reserves, national parks, as well as integrated and hydrological state nature reserves.

Water bodies containing streams flowing in the lower reaches, but no further than 50 km along the channel, through the above protected areas.

Water areas of the seas and reservoirs within 50 km from the boundaries of the above protected areas.

Lake Baikal.

Water bodies declared as zones of ecological disaster, zones of emergency situations and retained this status for more than a year or had previously had such a status for more than two years.

Waters of Azov. Baltic. Black. the Sea of ​​Japan and the Caspian Sea, located within the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. as well as certain parts of other seas declared zones of ecological disaster, zones of emergency situations or previously had such a status;

Waters of all seas located within the boundaries of the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. not classified in category B:

Other objects classified in this category on formal grounds.

The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the hottest summer month is more than 6 mg/l;

Summer low-water flow (for watercourses) not less than 5 m 3 / s,

Category D., which * / can be conditionally characterized as water bodies with a low content of nitrogen and phosphorus, includes water bodies that are not classified as category A. as well as category 8 on formal grounds, characterized by a concentration of phosphorus phosphates in water below 0.05 mg /dm 3 and the sum of concentrations of ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen is less than 0.3 mg/dm 3 . having:

The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the hottest summer month is more than 7.5 mgO/dm3;

Summer low-water flow (for watercourses) is not less than 10 m 3 / s.

Reservoirs and swamps, as well as watercourses that incorporate flowing water bodies (ponds, reservoirs). corresponding quantitative characteristics of category G. should be classified as category C.

To assign objects to categories C and D according to the quantitative characteristics specified in paragraph 4.2.1. their values ​​should be taken according to the available data of state control or production monitoring of these objects, focusing on the worst of the average season for the analyzed period of time, with the exception of the data of the spring (flood) season (only for watercourses and reservoirs).

As the analyzed value, a period of 5 years should be taken - for those quantitative traits for which observational data are available and 3 years - for those quantitative traits for which observational data were not available at the time of adoption of this standard.

GOST R 56828.12-2016

The minimum number of measurements must be at least 3 during each season.

For streams, the data should be analyzed for the quantitative attributes listed in 4.2.1. obtained for the point as close as possible to the lower boundary of the water body along the water flow.

For reservoirs with several control points, data obtained at the point as close as possible to the place of discharge of the highest wastewater flow should be used. discharged into this reservoir.

If there is a pronounced trend towards an increase in the average seasonal (at least for one of the seasons) content of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds indicated in 4.2.1 by more than 35% over 3 years of observations. the water body should be assigned to a higher category than is determined by the measured values ​​of the relevant parameters (with the exception of category A), i.e. to B instead of C, etc.

In the absence of data constituting quantitative characteristics, for the application of this standard, they must be obtained by monitoring them in a water body. Control can be carried out by order of the territorial authority federal body the executive branch authorized to perform the functions of providing public services and managing federal property in the field of water resources, the authority of the constituent entity of the Federation, another interested person (water user) or groups of such persons. or by a person authorized by the above-named persons, and must be carried out by an accredited independent laboratory.

The control program shall ensure that the full amount of data relating to quantitative traits is obtained in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

If the specified control is not carried out by order of the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized to perform the functions of providing public services and managing federal property in the field of water resources, then the control program must be agreed with this body.

Interested water users, in order to ensure the possibility of classifying water bodies when these water users receive an integrated environmental permit, are recommended to analyze the availability of observational data related to quantitative characteristics. and. in their absence, timely organize the necessary control.

4.2.3 Procedure for categorizing a water body

The assignment of a water body to the category is carried out on the basis of documents confirming that the object belongs to the categories according to 4.2.1, by the federal executive body authorized to perform the functions of providing public services and managing federal property in the field of water resources, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Assignment of water to the object is made at the request of an interested organization that carries out water disposal using centralized water disposal systems of settlements. city ​​districts either by an organization authorized by it, or at the initiative of those specified in 4.2.2. bodies of state power and is carried out in accordance with the regulations of the federal executive body authorized to perform the functions of providing public services and managing federal property in the field of water resources.

The assignment of a water body from the category should be reviewed (changed or confirmed) in the following cases and within the following timeframes:

Not later than 6 months after a change in circumstances related to formal features, for example, the creation national park, which did not exist before, or classifying a water body as an ecological disaster zone (emergency zone):

Not later than 7 years after the previous assignment of the object to the category:

Not later than 2 years after the entry into force of changes to this standard that change the number of categories and the signs of referring to them.

4.2.4 The procedure for informing about the assignment of water bodies to categories.

Notification of the assignment of water bodies to the category is sent to the organization that initiated the procedure for classifying the object, if any. 8 all information, including substantiating data, the text of the order and the notification, is posted no later than 10 days after the issuance of the order in the public information system on the official website of the federal executive body authorized to perform the functions of categorizing water bodies in accordance with applicable law, and is also sent to the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization and must be posted by this body on its official website.

GOST R 56828.12-2016

UDC 606.2: 006.354 OKS 13.020.01

Keywords: best available technologies, classification of water bodies, wastewater treatment

Editor MA volosa/poee Technical editor c. Yu. Fotieva Proofreader Y. I. Perishna Computer language of A. S. Tyrtyshny

Handed over to the set 28.t0.2016. Signed and stamped 02 11.2016. Format 60 * 84 V". Arial headset. Success oven l. 0.93. Uch.-ed. paragraph 0.74. Circulation 27 »k*. Zek. 2719.

Prepared on the basis of the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

Published and printed by FSUE kSTANDARTINFORM*. 12399S Moscow. Grenade ler.. 4. www.90stinfo.1u

The psychology of men, what is it, how does it work and what are its features? How can a modern woman understand the men around her, how to understand a particular man, his desires, behavior, logic? And most importantly, how to get along with him, so that both she and him feel good, comfortable, comfortable with each other? Let's look at all these issues together so that you have an idea of ​​​​what is the peculiarity of male psychology and it is better to adapt to it in order to achieve the desired goals. A man, like a woman, by the way, is not such a mystery that needs to be solved for a long time. You just need to be attentive to each other in order to notice important patterns that explain the behavior of both sexes. This is what we will do in this article.

The psychology of a man, of any man without exception, is with us, first of all, the psychology of a winner, conqueror, hunter, earner, alpha male, and even to what extent a barbarian. All this goodness is in every man, it is part of his nature. Although sometimes these qualities are very deeply hidden, but they are sure to be in it. And all this male inside is manifested in the outside world, not because of his desires, but to the best of his abilities. Someone is broken from childhood, so he grows up weak and insecure, while someone develops all these qualities, supplementing them with intelligence, and takes a worthy place in life. We, men, are all molded from the same text, only the proportion of different ingredients in it is different. Men can want a lot, but at the same time, they can not do much, that's the point, that's their problem when they are not satisfied with themselves. After all, wanting and being able are, as you know, different things. But the main thing for a man is to want and strive for what he wants, because in this case he feels like a fighter for his interests, and not a thing that is being exploited. Therefore, a woman needs to understand what a man wants from life in general and what drives him. For some, this is one achievement, for someone else. This understanding will allow her to adjust to the interests of a man and thus win him over. Without understanding the instinctive needs of a man, realized in one or another of his desires, a woman will never be able to understand him, and therefore will not be able to build a relationship with a man that is somehow acceptable to her and him. Most women rely in relationships with men on their physical attractiveness and sexual activity of men, it is no secret that men are very greedy for sex, for the most part, which many women successfully catch them for. But the ideological adjustment to a man is completely different. This is a special kind of interaction between the sexes, which allows a man and a woman to establish a very strong bond with each other.

Some women perceive men as rather primitive creatures who always want the same thing, who resort to help physical strength, to solve their problems, who are sometimes too stubborn and proud to listen to someone else's advice, and so on. However, despite such apparent simplicity, and not typical of all men, the behavior of a man can be very complex and confusing, which is why it will not be easy for even the most cunning and intelligent woman to figure out his intentions. Therefore, a woman's self-confidence in relation to understanding the behavior of a man can let her down. You can never generalize men, relying only on your experience with them. She is not all the same, even if they want the same things. Therefore, when a woman uses the same approach to different men, she greatly limits herself in choosing a partner. Because she will alienate many from herself, or even not notice some interesting men who will not be interesting to her, just because she does not understand them. The primitiveness of a man can be illusory. Even if he is attracted by the physical beauty of a woman, her behavior, manners, attitude towards him, this is far from always a sign that only for this he will be ready for anything for her.

But to say that some of the shortcomings of a man are not characteristic of most of them is also impossible. For example, it can be safely argued that men are incredibly stubborn creatures by nature, not because they are stupid, as some women believe, but because they are somewhat suppressed. the male ego makes him think of himself as an intelligent, strong being who can solve various problems. and if life confirms this and a man really succeeds in many things, then in general he feels comfortable and stubbornness does not climb out of him. But if he is depressed, either by belittling him by other people, including women, or because of frequent failures and, as a result, dissatisfaction with himself, then this makes him a very stubborn person, because his ego begins to protect his male selfishness. Stubbornness harms a man more than it helps, but it harms him in real affairs, and helps in his illusory idea of ​​himself. This is his psychological protection, without which he would be discouraged. For a woman, this means that you don’t need to argue with a man, you don’t need to prove anything to him, thus showing your mental superiority over him if he does not perceive logic. This is a useless and extremely tedious task, which will not succeed for a woman, even if she is at least a thousand times right. But, if this dispute has already occurred, it is extremely beneficial for her to start acting on the contrary, that is, she needs to imperceptibly take the position of a man in a dispute so that he automatically takes her position and thereby begins not only to contradict himself, but also to act in the way the woman needs. The point is to let the man save face so his ego doesn't get hurt. You can suppress a man, but why, then to get a vegetable that will not be capable of anything? we bring up a lot of such people, and then they express dissatisfaction with the absence of any kind of core in such a man. And where does he come from, this core, if a man was not allowed to be a man, if all the time he was shown his insignificance and pity, and the intellectual superiority of other people over him, including women. Do not forget what I wrote at the beginning, that a man is a warrior, this is a creature that must win, solve problems in order to feel who he is by nature. By killing these desires in a man, you kill his very masculine essence in him.

When a man begins to create problems for a woman, she needs to try to understand what exactly this man cannot realize, namely, as a man. Because often this is the cause of the problem of a man. When everything is fine with him, he succeeds in his affairs, he, of course, can create problems all the same, for example, novels with other women, but without terrorizing his woman, without suppressing her. So most of the problems of a man, which he extends to his woman, are connected with his dissatisfaction with his masculine qualities and with himself in general. He compensates for this with pressure on loved ones, on those who are weaker, on a woman, on children. Do not be surprised if your man treats you badly if he cannot prove himself as a man in the world around him. For example, at work they wipe their feet on him, and at home he makes his chest a wheel. Being a quiet and executive little dog in public, he will play the role of a lion at home, since the masculine principle is like a volcano, somewhere and sometime he will definitely need to open up. It is very difficult for those men who are forced to work for tyrant bosses who every day eat them up morally. The psyche of such men is seriously disturbed, and they become depressed and unpredictably aggressive with those who are weaker than them. And if a man is also forced to obey a female bitch, then his internal state will be simply terrible. Where will all this spill out? That's right, at home. A rare man can control himself and not be a tyrant in relation to his own family, in relation to his woman, whom he appreciates, respects and loves, despite all the difficulties in his life. But such strong in spirit men, few. It is easier to throw off all your negativity on those who are not able to defend themselves from it, which many men do. What the female psyche can withstand, the male psyche can withstand with difficulty. Here's what's important to understand. In particular, the male psyche can hardly withstand submission to those who humiliate, suppress a man, forcing him to feel worthless.

Therefore, if a woman loves her man and wants him to treat her well, she does not need, for the same money, status or something else, to force him to work where he does not like to work, to do what he does not like to do, to deal with those whom he hates and who are disgusting to him. If a woman is an exploiter who loves not a man, but herself, she will not care how he feels. But then he can show cruelty to her when he has such an opportunity and need. Take care of the psychological comfort and health of your man, dear women, and then he, your beloved man, will take care of you. After all, we all want to live in comfort, so that no one and nothing irritates or suppresses us, therefore, both a man and a woman must strive for this comfort. Psychological comfort in our time, the pleasure is quite expensive. For the sake of it, it is sometimes necessary to give up other benefits, mainly material ones. Because everything has its price. How many times I talk to people, so many times I tell them this.

A man is a man, he also has a need for self-expression, he needs to show himself, he needs to succeed in something, to succeed in something in order to see his strength. Indeed, by nature, a man solves simple problems: finding a partner, copulating with her in order to leave offspring, and then caring for this offspring, which comes down mainly to finding food and protecting against various threats. Just in modern world this task has become more complex shape. People deceive nature, creating the illusion of their viability. They engage in protected sex in order not to produce children, but to get pleasure, succeed in meaningless activities, gain illusory power over others, and so on. Probably, this is right, to act not exactly as nature calls, but more intelligently, after all, we are people, not animals. But still, we have the same urges. Here, in particular, a man should take place in life, no matter how and in what, if only he sees himself successful. And he must feel it, he needs satisfaction with himself. Then his psyche will not suffer. And since we live in a civilized world, in it a man should not hunt mammoths, but strive for power and money in order to feel strong. Another thing is how he strives for them, to the detriment of other joys or in harmony with them. There is a very difficult dilemma here. Strength is what a man needs. It gives him the assurance that most of his instinctual needs will be satisfied. So the psychology of men is arranged in such a way that it forces them to strive, first of all, for power, because for a man, unlike a woman, any submission to anyone is unacceptable. He can do it, our psyche is able to adapt to any conditions, but it is difficult for a man. But here he himself, to subordinate everyone to his will, loves very much. You can talk as much as you like about the differences between a man and a woman, a large number of books have been written on this topic, and even more articles, but the most important thing that is characteristic of the psychology of men, all without exception, is their innate craving for power and dominance over others. A man must feel like a winner, must feel the best and strongest in order to be completely satisfied. So most of his actions must be viewed through the prism of this need, along with the need for sex.

But you can’t be the best in everything and always in this life. Someone must lose sometime, someone must be a loser, even if not always and not in everything, but defeats in this life are inevitable. And they must be accepted. It is more difficult for a man to do this than for a woman, therefore it is female support in moments of failure that is most important to him. A man is more determined to fight and it is more difficult for him to accept defeat. Unless, of course, he is not used to them. And this is a very bad habit. We must understand that if a society has successful people, winners, which means that there will definitely be losers and losers in it. This is an obvious law of life, and I hope you will not challenge it. Therefore, men have always been divided and are divided into two categories: winners and losers. not necessarily, someone always wins or loses, and both can happen to anyone. And psychological condition men will always match one of these two options. So it was, so it is, and so it will be. And with this, men need to be able to live, and women need to understand this and support a man when luck is not on his side, so that he does not fade away the desire to continue striving for her. And a man simply, according to the idea of ​​nature, should strive for all kinds of “conquests” in his life, in order to at least do everything in his power to achieve success in certain matters that help him take care of himself and those who are dear to him. . And the more areas in his life in which he succeeds, the better he will feel. it will reflect on the woman the way she behaved with him all this time. Some men begin to allow themselves too much, having become successful, others remember and appreciate those who helped them in hard time. The help of a woman is especially valuable and it is in the form of support.

The most important thing in which a man wants and should take place is, of course, his position in society, in which he has both money and some kind of power, and at the same time self-respect. A good position is always a guarantee of access to various benefits, which is important, again, from the point of view of nature, for the survival of the individual. So such an important task, no collecting butterflies and matchboxes cannot be replaced. In the pack, one should not be in the last roles. Without becoming, and without feeling like the best, strongest, smartest, most successful, in general, the very best, a man will not be able to come to complete inner satisfaction, to a state of bliss. Well, okay, let not the most-most, but one of the most-most. We just always want more, but we can be content with what is available. So around this goal, to be the best, to be a winner, almost all the desires of a man revolve, all his instincts are tuned in precisely to this, to win, to achieve success and superiority. Sex is a separate column, because it can be obtained without such achievements, but usually such achievements imply access to sex. What problems can a strong male have with a partner. These are the driving forces in a man. In this we differ little from animals. It's just that our intellect is able to solve such problems more diversely and efficiently. Everywhere the winners get more than the losers, both in the animal world and in the human one. True, we have some features, thanks to life in society. For example, in nature, weak males cannot leave behind offspring, because nature does not need weak individuals, while in humans, weak males can produce children in in large numbers, in fact, having completed the task of procreation, but only in part, because the offspring still need to be taken care of in order to guarantee its survival. But in human society, this task can be shifted onto the shoulders of other people, both those who are ready to raise other people's children, and the state, which financially supports both single mothers and orphans. That is why some men can only be impregnators, and not full-fledged fathers. Society has somewhat modified our instincts, or rather, the form of their manifestation.

Considering the peculiarities of the psychology of a man, smart women use them for their own purposes, by giving their beloved man such qualities that he does not possess, but wants to possess, and most importantly, he can possess if he tries hard enough. For example, a woman can see in her male mouse, a big and strong lion, capable of, well, let's say, start earning more, or obey her mother less, wiping her snot after him, or she can see in him a macho, from whom she simply delighted that he gave her his attention. In other words, endowing such a being as a man with the qualities that a woman would like to see in him, we will help him acquire these qualities, if, of course, this man wants to be a man and if his woman is dear to him. Men are very proud creatures, if this pride is not suppressed in them. Therefore, if they are hinted that they can be better than they are, they will agree with this and want to correspond to such ideas of a woman about herself. Of course, it is impossible to use the same methods on all men, for, in the good sense of the word, manipulating them, after all, the psychology of a man can be formed under the influence of a variety of factors. Some men are able to survive any humiliation without reacting to them in any way, because they are used to them and turn to their pride and vanity, even in an indirect way without hurting their ego, just useless. But it is necessary to warm up his strong qualities in a man. Although sometimes this leads to the fact that a man becomes conceited and begins to become impudent and belittle his woman. But this is already the result of his bad upbringing, when a person is simply accustomed to being a pig that does not appreciate a good attitude towards himself. This applies to women as well.

Speaking about the manipulation of men, from the point of view of the interests of a woman, it is worth saying that there is no point in striving for this all the time. In general, manipulation is a weapon that is better not to use unless absolutely necessary. And in the case of men, it must be used carefully so as not to disgust him. You see, dear women, the psychology of the behavior of men with women is built on the feeling of their superiority over you. A man likes to think that he is better than you, especially in a mental sense. Therefore, if a man constantly feels his inferiority from relations with a woman, by the fact that she is constantly right in something, but he is not, that much has to be done the way she wants, and not him, and so on, then he will begin these fear and avoid relationships. Well, many men do not like to feel stupider than women, they do not like to feel the power of women over them. And when you manipulate a man, even if very successfully, you create this feeling of inferiority in him. Cunning is needed, but not in excess, not for the sake of exploiting a man, but for the convenience of interacting with him. Therefore, do not get carried away with your little female tricks, because this is such a tool that should not be used often, it creates discomfort for a person on a subconscious level. And besides, what kind of relationship is this, when you twirl a man all the time, as you please, is it really pleasant for you to live with such an easily controlled person who does not have his own Self? I don't think.

Some women do not know how to understand the psychology of a man and believe that it is somehow not quite right, because men do not behave as they say. And the whole problem is that men, for the sake of intimacy with a woman, are ready to tell any fairy tales they want, in which many of them have succeeded well. women want to believe in these fairy tales, because they are beautiful, but such fairy tales, as a rule, do not come true in reality. Everything is simple in relation to a man to a woman, he often seeks only intimacy with her, guided by a natural program to spread his genes, everything else is just words. Women are often mistaken when they think that many men need it for a serious relationship. While they, women, are young, beautiful, it is natural that many men pay attention to them, but only a few are ready for something serious with a woman, while most need them only as a toy. A man in this sense is very simple, he wants to have everything that he likes, but this does not mean that he is ready to have something all the time. No, he won a trophy and went on to make other conquests. This is clearly seen in the affairs of a man, his seriousness is manifested in them, and not in words.

Let's now turn our attention to how the average man looks at a woman in order to understand who he sees in her. Initially, from early childhood, most men are instilled with the idea that he, a man, has some kind of superiority over a woman, and this statement, frankly, is not without meaning. If we approach this issue from a position of strength, and in our world it is strength that decides everything, then yes, a man has superiority over a woman, it is by this indicator that he is simply physically stronger than a woman. And many men take advantage of this, imposing their will on women, which is not uncommon even in our civilized society. But, of course, nature created a woman not so that a man would offend her in any way, not so that he would apply his power to a woman, commit violence against her, but on the contrary, so that he would protect and protect her, protecting, thus, their own future. After all, a woman is a mother, she gives to this world new life, it is she, a woman, and not a man, who creates the future, even if she does it with the help of a man, but nevertheless, a much greater responsibility for the continuation of our race lies with the woman. A woman embodies the meaning of this life, concluded first of all, in life itself, in its maintenance and continuation. Thanks to her, our species exists. Therefore, given all the importance that a woman represents for this world, a woman is able to make a man feel responsible for her. Therefore, to intercede for a woman for a man is a feat and a great honor. Protecting women and children is, in my opinion, not a cultural, but a biological task for a man. Therefore, a woman does not need to compete with a man, in a physical confrontation, not even in an intellectual one. All she needs is to appeal to the pride of a man, to his noble qualities, so that he will help her. The strength of women in cunning, that's what has always made them strong. And this strength is more important than physical. It is also important for a man to be cunning in order to win more often, but he often acts more straightforwardly, because of his male character, more often resorts to the help of physical strength, more often uses psychological pressure, because for him this is an easier way to achieve what he wants. This man is weak. Because of this, he is less diplomatic. How many wars men have unleashed in our history, and not all of them were obligatory.

Male psychology in my understanding is always associated with struggle and intransigence. A man challenges this world, he is not ready to agree with what a woman in many cases agrees with. Men change the world, women decorate it, everyone does what they can and should. And in order for there to be harmony between the sexes, I believe that people should respect and tolerate each other's desires and needs, not trying to impose their desires and vision of the world on another. Even people of the same sex are too different to try to be the same, and in the relationship between a man and a woman, this is a particularly acute topic. There must be some difference in interests, desires, tastes. Allowing each other to differ from themselves, people will certainly come to mutual understanding. A man will achieve victories in his fields, a woman in hers. Everyone will be satisfied and there will be no reasons for conflicts between the sexes.

I salute you, my friend, brother, brother…. Of course this applies to men. But dear ladies, of course, I welcome you too. Why am I doing this. I am a family man, my wife and I are running this blog. Of course, as in all families, we have problems, disagreements, screams and swearing. Now, of course, everything has settled down, but, men will understand, it is not known for a long time or not. The psychology of women in relationships is a special topic, let's figure it out together.

And in order to make my family happy, I took up the issue of the psychology of a woman in a relationship, they say, now I’ll find out their secret and that’s it, I’ll live like in a fairy tale. It wasn't there))) Reading men's magazines, blogs, articles, I saw that many men do not want women to read them. And when women write at least about men, at least about women, I have never seen anything like it. At first, I didn’t even pay attention to it, and then I thought that women should read such articles. Below you will understand why.

It all started with the fact that I had to read a lot, turn to psychologists and so on. As a result, a certain baggage of knowledge has accumulated that will suit absolutely everyone, everyone and at any time. You can call it a secret. But in fact, everyone knows about these things, but they neglect them. I already wrote about the psychology of men, I recommend reading: ““

In my opinion, anyone who wants build relationships and live soul to soul, will understand, dig, try to understand. If you are reading these lines, then you are trying to understand and understand. This is good. You need to start from the beginning. Namely, what do women want? Love, fidelity, care and understanding. These are the four main components. What do we want, men? Same - love, loyalty, care and understanding.

What's the fun? Where is the logic here? Most psychologists talk about the fact that we are all different (men and women) and begin to point out these differences, sort them out and do something with them. And did not try to determine what converges? Exactly what you are similar? From my point of view, it is easier to work on what will bring spouses together, and not repel them. Do you agree? If not, I will gladly listen to all your comments at the end of the article.

Observing the attitudes of other people from the side, I came to a banal conclusion. All disputes and swearing is due to misunderstanding between spouses. Guys and ladies, in order to understand and improve relations, you need to clearly understand this! We are each other we do not understand! Not always of course.

Let's figure out why this happens. It's simple here. Everything comes from ancient times. What was the man doing then, in the distant past? Everything is right - fed and protected the family. Nothing has changed in the modern world. The priority is to provide for and protect the family. What about women? Everything is exactly the same as thousands of years ago - she cooks food for us, educates the future generation, supports the family hearth and much more.

Above, I wrote about the fact that we want the same thing from each other. But why then is there a discord in the relationship? Yes, because we look at these things differently. Initially, We were given different attitudes by nature, which means that we think differently. The psychology of women in relationships is different. It turns out we want the same thing, but we see it differently, here you have it misunderstanding.

Women's psychology for men

Most men have this situation: you come home tired (many psychologists give this example for some reason), you want to relax, you sit on the sofa or armchair, turn on the TV and watch your favorite show, drink something else and chew. In general, you do not want to be distracted and annoyed by conversations. And the wife at the same time sits down next to him and begins to tell all the "gossip of our yard." Of course, the man starts to get pissed off, and the woman starts to get pissed off that you don't listen to her yet and snort. Everything is here, it started ...

What happened? Really the woman wanted you pleasant do. Yes Yes. She showed attention to you, wanted to warm you with your care and attention. And what about Us - we just need to rest, without extraneous conversations and noises. This is trite, but here it is a misunderstanding.

In general, the psychology of a woman is different from ours. They are more emotional and contradictory, sensual and proud, curious and greedy. The emotionality and sensuality of a woman are very contradictory to the logic and accuracy of men. Here is the main inconsistency of psychology.

What are the men to do about it? In a male company, you often hear, they say, yes, I’m holding her with a firm hand, with my fist on the table, and that’s it, well, or something like that. Well, what of that? Is it a happy family? Guys. In my opinion, if your wife respects and loves you, it will never come to this.

Women are very emotional and this must be accepted. Of course if you want happy family. Personally, my opinion is that if you want a woman to understand you, understand her, because you both made a meaningful choice to live together and go through life together as spouses. Spouses - in other words, in one team. Guys - endure, then you will have more useful bonuses in the family))).

Lack of attention

When I personally have a head full of constant thoughts, such as how to make more money, do this, that, the third ... At least at work, at least at home, I see that my wife pouts at me constantly, often, breaks down on me and so on. For a long time I did not understand what was happening. It’s easier for men, we say everything directly. We don’t like something, they came up and said that’s all. There are no women. She will never tell you anything directly. But when I tortured my wife, I did not even immediately understand what she had been telling me for several years in a row.

Lack of attention- this is a big, fat feature, the psychology of women in relationships has many facets. As described in the example above, men need to relax after a working day quietly and calmly, and a woman climbs with her questions, advice and gossip. But she wanted to pay attention to you, because she believes that this is right, as she judges by herself. Since she needs attention, then you should be pleased with it.

This is worth paying attention to. So it turns out I have butter oil))) In general, everything is easier for men again, We talk in a day, half as much as women. Mostly about the robot, about business or about yourself. Women, on the other hand, prefer to wash someone's bones or talk about the eternal - about love.

Here is another feature that men need to pay attention to. The fact is that women are engaged in raising children, offspring. This too is rooted in antiquity. It's at the level of instincts. So it turns out that a woman always surrounds her child with attention and care. Expressing concern means pay attention. The psychology of women in relationships behaves in exactly the same way. She pays attention to her companion, thus she feels her importance, satisfaction comes, because she warms you with her attention. In return, she wants the same.

Yes Yes. Women need to pay attention, it is difficult, but necessary, the psychology of women in a relationship requires this. Difficult only for initial stage, it gets easier. But dear women, if you are reading these lines, understand that a man does not will not be able to give give you as much attention as you need. This must be understood and accepted.

The phenomenon of female psychology

In our society, there is such a certain psychological model of relationships as: a strong man - a weak woman. I think a lot of people agree with this.

And again, all this has been going on since ancient times. A woman in search of her life partner selects him according to the criterion of a strong man. Indeed, without a strong and firm hand, it is hard for her in life, she needs support in life. It turns out this model: strong - weak, giving - taking.

This is such a candy-bouquet period in life. But when they get married, the relationship pattern changes. The psychology of women in relationships takes a different variant. In psychology, this phenomenon is considered as conflict two I: a weak I with a strong I. Once again, I note that this is almost always manifested precisely in marriage.

For men, this makes life very difficult. But these are the same natural instincts! After all, now the woman has become the keeper of the hearth, which means she needs to be strong.

Psychologists talk a lot about this. More often difficult language. I'll say it easier. Now your spouse has, as it were, two personalities: I am strong and I am weak. At the same time, a weak self requires a strong man next to it, and a strong self requires a weak one. This is of course not mental illness and not a disease at all. I immediately remembered how men sometimes call a woman “sick” when she tries to prove something incomprehensibly, show or do something. Perhaps this is some of their "I".

How to determine what state your companion is in right now impossible! Such is the psychology of women in relationships. Even the best psychologists won't tell you that. There are many variables, many shades. From one state to another, they pass instantly, it happens. Maybe a few changes in one day, maybe not a single change in a month.

How to influence it? I don't think so. You need to be yourself and enter into understanding. By and large, these states may not manifest themselves at all, and may not affect our lives.

In fact, all this is the main secrets, the psychology of women in a relationship is as follows. We can consciously understand them, but we will not be able to accept them logically. This is how we are men. But you need to know this, just to understand each other.

Some features that poison the life of a man

  1. Some idealism. It so happened that psychologists note that the psychology of women in relationships has undergone some kind of idealization. Simply put, the minds of women were influenced by fairy tales about Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and so on. This is how it is told that a man should be handsome, strong, rich, and so on, a kind of super-man. What they say if this is not so, then after the wedding everything will work out. But in real life girls face a different reality.
  2. Urgently sort out the relationship. I think everyone has experienced this. I don’t understand this at all: you talk to your wife normally, then her mood changes, and dramatically. And he himself is in shock, and when you find out what you need to figure out, you generally go deep out, because in fact this problem is not worth a cured egg, but a woman needs to figure it out. And right now, it is to find out the relationship. Men are a special kind of attraction. One of the options. Your companion, therefore, lacks attention.
  3. Storm of emotions. I already wrote about it above. Women need emotions, but if you cannot constantly stir up a storm of positive emotions in your soul mate, then get ready for a waterfall of negative emotions. This is how the psychology of women in relationships works, and not only.
  4. Napoleonic manners. In female psychology, this item sometimes becomes higher than morality. Women are ready for anything to achieve their goals. There seems to be nothing special, but meanness sometimes knows no bounds. And you don’t need to think that if your life partner is quiet and modest, then nothing like this will happen. No and no again. If you yourself have not completed something, you have not come to something, a woman will achieve this by any means. Of course, if it is important and necessary (in her opinion)

Secrets to Strengthen Family Ties

Now let's summarize the above. If you men want a good family, if you want your wife to be less brainwashed, it is advisable to keep a few simple tricks in your head. For some, these are secrets, for some, some instructions, for me, this is an experience that needs to be applied.

  1. Love, loyalty, care and understanding. Four points that are needed not only for women but also for you. If you really love your spouse, then be faithful, care for her, and try to understand her. At least pretend that you are listening to her, it’s just difficult to understand women in general.
  2. Give Attention your halves. The bigger, the better.
  3. Give women positive emotions. And even if you seriously messed up, let her know that you realized this and please her. No need to swear and be sad, on the contrary, give positive emotions.
  4. Need to know that women have two states: I am strong and I am weak. I am weak mostly before marriage, then I am strong.
  5. Trust and respect- the basis of the relationship! This is what any relationship is built on, especially family ones. If this is not the case, then everything that I wrote above does not make any sense. And even if you are trying to understand family relationships, save them, and so on, but there is no trust and respect in the family, then nothing and no one will help. Pay attention to it.
  6. Conversation. I marked it separately. The fact is that the psychology of women in relationships is different from male psychology. Therefore, understanding is needed in the family. And it will be only when there is a conversation. Talk, talk, but do not turn the conversation into a showdown, this is important.

In conclusion, I will say that knowing such secrets, it can be rational to seem or be weak, then the feminine strong I will be satisfied. BUT men, not to become henpecked- you need to feel or see this line correctly. Of course, you need to make some concessions, but be on your guard. After all, I despise weak men, even strong women themselves.

That's all for today, good and prosperity to you, success in family relationships, for now.

And finally a good video:

Psychology of a woman in a relationship with a man. updated: May 22, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel

Do people seem to be similar, regardless of gender? This is far from true. Male psychology is a different story! Representatives of the stronger sex often play by their own rules, lead a strategy that is sometimes incomprehensible to them. Women should be careful about understanding guys. The more correctly and competently the girl behaves, the more pleasant and harmonious the relationship of the future couple will be.

Life without mistakes is impossible. Representatives of the stronger sex, for the most part, do not recognize flaws. A man will apologize if he is not right in front of a lady, however, he will gladly dump all the blame for the rest, albeit minor cases. It so happens that it is not only difficult to tell the truth, but also to admit it. Anyone becomes guilty - from neighbors to colleagues or casual acquaintances.

The main intention is to be good guy, live up to all expectations, even if he is to blame. It is not necessary at such moments to point out to a man his mistakes and shortcomings, otherwise he will justify your worst expectations.

The psychology of men is built in such a way as not to admit they are wrong. Therefore, a woman can insist on her own or assess the situation from his point of view. The second option will allow you to remain happy, accepting the partner’s truth, as a result of which he will strive to realize his hopes.

Psychology of men in love

Mostly guys do not get acquainted with girls for the sake of At least they do not put them in a priority initially. Men are quite satisfied with regular meetings without obligations. An additional confirmation of this is that “I want to get married” is heard much more often than “I want to get married”.

Active attempts to put a stamp in the marriage passport are perceived by the majority of the stronger sex as aggression in terms of restricting personal freedom. Individual space for many men belongs to the shrine. Only after a while they understand the full depth of feelings, sensations, letting the beloved into the soul and heart.

Experts advise to master the male territory smoothly, slowly, like a cat on soft paws. Any abrupt statement or active demonstration of the rights to the territory act as a stop signal. This applies not only to “casual female acquaintances”, but also to those that the guy is used to. To attract the chosen one, you should “hill up” the selected object carefully, with caution. It is impossible to take such a fortress by storm.

Throwing "dust"

The psychology of guys in relationships with girls is often determined by boasting, but everyone does it in their own way. A beautiful wife becomes a source of pride, new car, number of books read, etc. Women's admiration for men becomes a kind of incentive to accomplish deeds. They feel special, and wings grow behind their backs. Simple guy, ready to deal with any problem.

Male psychology in relation to admiration from the female sex is based on a subconscious level. That is, any representative of the stronger sex wants to surprise a girl. This need is manifested in the desire to "throw dust" in the eyes, rivalry with colleagues or friends. "Alpha male" likes to brag about achievements, waiting for approval from representatives of the better half of humanity. In this, men are like children. Therefore, you should not “chop at the root” of fantasy and a sense of greatness. No matter how unattainable the dream may seem, it can come true if you sincerely believe.


Men's psychology in love and relationships is different from women's perception. Ladies get satisfaction from the very process of communication. For guys, it's a way to get some information. Hearing a man perceives as it is. Veiled phrases and complex allusions are not the best option to reach the hearts of the stronger sex. The simpler and more straightforward the phrase is built, the higher the likelihood of mutual understanding.

The chosen one expects from her gentleman that he will guess about her desires, almost reading minds. However, confusing allusions and ornate phrases only complicate the situation, is it difficult for a man to understand what they really want from him? Such a misunderstanding is often a reason for women's disappointment. In male psychology, the response is manifested by irritation, irascibility. Guys feel dissatisfied, but do not understand why they cannot directly express their desire?

The logical mindset of men is built in such a way as to speak clearly and concisely, and to receive specific answers to questions. Ladies who explain their own needs as accessible as possible simplify the task not only for the chosen one, but also for themselves.

Emotional disguise

Built on containment of emotions. In a harsh world, a real hero must be able to "keep up the mark", without splashing out his feelings on others. A guy who has problems at work is an extremely gloomy and withdrawn creature. All he needs at this moment is peace and solitude. Well, he does not want to reveal his soul to the household, including his beloved wife.

Ladies at such moments come up with all sorts of bad reasons for themselves. Having tuned in to the worst case scenario, the girls are offended, withdraw into themselves. As a result, the man has an additional problem. The second version of the development of events is an interrogation with prejudice. A woman is trying by any means to find out what caused the sadness and sadness of her chosen one.

In the psychology of men, there is a certain lever that is triggered by a reaction to resentment, betrayal or other strong emotion, only after digesting and perceiving an unpleasant situation. In this case, the ladies have to endure, and then receive a well-deserved reward in the form of a cheerful, ready-to-communicate person.

herd instinct

The psychology of guys is formed on the basis of the herd instinct. The desire to unite in the company is quite normal. The main signs of the unification of the stronger sex in groups:

If a woman is not satisfied with the long absence of a chosen one nearby, you can simply infiltrate his environment, according to her interests. An alternative way out is the normal perception of the absences of a loved one, which makes it possible to calmly go about their business. To properly enter the company of a loved one, you should remember some settings:

  1. Recognize that your chosen one has a great team.
  2. Love the place where comrades gather.
  3. Find in yourself the opportunity and desire to get acquainted with the environment of your loved one.
  4. Accept the fact that his friends are now yours.

Syndrome of the "dying swan"

Male psychology should sometimes be treated very reverently. As life experience shows, there is no creature more defenseless and requiring attention than a sick representative of the stronger sex. This comes from childhood, when the boy is taught that if he is sick, the planet revolves around him. Everyone takes care of a person, they allow a lot and lisp.

Moments like these are perfect for showing off. Cooking chicken broth, tea with jam, or just a kind word can breathe maximum life and health into the “dying swan”. And if you spice up the situation with a spicy outfit or an interesting movie, the return will not be long in coming. Men's psychology is different from women's, but everything is in the hands of the couple. If you make concessions, understand your partner, happiness will not be long in coming.

How to understand a man?

Guys set a goal - to assert themselves at any cost. The psychological barrier depends on the tasks set and the level of relations at the professional level. Problems at work or difficulties at work often take the clarification of personal or family relationships into the background. The representative of the stronger sex tries by any means to achieve what he wants, the correct behavior of a woman motivates him more than any other factors. The support of a lady is like air, without which it is impossible to breathe and assert oneself in this life.

Tips for girls who want to understand male psychology:

  • don't meddle in your business young man if he doesn't ask for it;
  • do not make harsh statements criticizing his actions, any support will be appreciated positively, in contrast to reproaches and "attacks";
  • support your partner in difficult situations;
  • never show your superiority to your husband or boyfriend.
  1. Smile more often and listen to the man carefully.
  2. Laugh at jokes and let your partner talk about himself.
  3. Share the interests of the guy, do not be afraid of him, make gifts.
  4. Be mysterious, do not forget to praise your chosen one.
  5. What do men like in women? Psychology shows that unobtrusiveness, control over emotions, gratitude are the main criteria for success.
  6. Don't impose, be different.
  7. You should not be patient with waiting, as well as drag your loved one to the shops.
  8. Be positive, wear not only business style in clothes.
  9. Swear less, work on your makeup
  10. Take the first step.
  11. Work on your walk.
  12. Be helpful and let him respond in kind.
  13. Do not often remember the past, do not focus on the guy's mistakes.
  14. Get carried away with intellectual processes, do not put yourself above it.
  15. Show sincerity, combined with some intrigue.

Love or sex?

The psychology of men in relationships with a girl is determined by the dominance of intimate relationships. Love for guys is also important, but it does not come first, especially after a short acquaintance. Such behavior is due to the fact that instincts take their toll, polygamy exceeds the most intimate and positive intentions, even among intelligent and modest representatives of the stronger sex. The problem is expressed in the desire for spontaneous sex or the dominance of a woman. At the same time, the spiritual part and the sexual appeal are not always connected into one whole.

Male psychology in love: how to understand it? First, guys in a relationship need the opportunity to take care of their crush, and get a similar response from her. Secondly, a man appreciates devotion, mutual manifestation of caresses, physical and moral understanding.

Age crises

A person goes through several age stressful situations(crises). The psychology of guys adapts to such a transformation “downstream”, putting up with what is happening, or starts a new round, developing personal qualities. A lady must understand the changing nature of a man. Life is not a smooth "silk" way, often "hit in the teeth" and on the nerves. Nevertheless, all peak changes in the partner's behavior are predictable and understandable.

Male psychology for women is not as scary as it seems. The representative of the stronger sex is full of contradictions and difficulties. He is more enduring and stronger than the girl, however, his energy is exhausted faster. Also, guys are more susceptible to diseases and are more difficult to experience them. All these factors, coupled with bad habits and stress, shorten life. According to statistics, the representatives of the stronger sex live 10-15 years less than women.

Features of the psychology of a man who is in love:

  • he will not offend the lady, do something to spite her;
  • the partner is looking for exclusively positive moments in the chosen one, her environment;
  • the most frequent communication with a loved one is practiced personally or through calls and messages;
  • are not just instinctive in nature, but are permeated with love, respect, understanding;
  • they meet their beloved girl from work, kiss in the morning, bring coffee to bed, show other signs of attention;
  • lovers demand heightened attention to your own person.

What should women do?

A male psychologist will tell any girl (regardless of her age) that a partner requires an appropriate attitude, even if he does not always deserve it. Not all representatives of the stronger sex are only interested in sex. Many of them are more vulnerable than their halves, they react painfully to betrayal and deceit. However, this is not a reason to humiliate your beloved. Guys want to feel exclusive, becoming the object of adoration or admiration for their passion. Often they do not appreciate the strong qualities of the chosen one, but the manifestation of maternal care and affection.

The behavior of a woman largely depends on the cultural, emotional and physical perception of a loved one. Each person requires a personal approach, and a loving young lady can easily find him. Respect, affection, manifestation of feelings, odes and poems - conquer not only women's hearts, but also the souls of men. It is not necessary to pay attention to the standards accepted in society. Sometimes a nice smile, sexy lingerie, or shared memories can do the impossible.

How to act?

Not always a male psychologist inspires confidence among the fairer sex. According to experts, guys are more clearly and more adequately aware of what they want from a relationship with a chosen one. And ladies do not always define their desires. However, they often suspect a partner of intrigue or treason.

To get rid of obsessive thoughts that interfere with harmoniously building relationships, we recommend that you contact a specialist, for example, a psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin, who deals with various psychological problems.

Safety is an important part of a man's needs. He worries not so much about himself as about his wife, children, loved ones. The implementation of the function of a savior and protector is one of the main ones in the male harsh world.

Another tip for ladies:

  • do not be too fastidious and caustic;
  • find common ground with the chosen one;
  • let him feel like a hero;
  • listen and understand him;
  • do not show your leadership explicitly;
  • listen to each other.

A significant role in psychology for men is played by the ability to maintain not only personal self-esteem, but also the respect of others. It is only worth losing your favorite job, family or other motivating factor, the most powerful "macho" sometimes becomes a lost and weak creature. A blow to self-esteem or sexual potential is one of the most common reasons that lead men out of their usual “rut” of comfort and success.

What is the result?

If ladies tend to love and take care of their neighbor, men need to conquer certain horizons without internally losing freedom. Scandals and quarrels between couples cannot be ruled out. The main thing is to understand each other and know how to act in a given situation. Many psychotherapists note that temperament, the nature of the relationship between a woman and a man depends on upbringing. This is especially true of incomprehensible situations between mother and son. Most resentments and misunderstandings develop during childhood as well as during puberty.