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Series “Psychology. Happiness according to Matthews

Book "Live easy".

Magnificently illustrated with funny drawings, this book is about how to find your place in life, enjoy your work, achieve what you want and live happily, no matter what.

Andrew Matthews is an Australian psychologist, artist, and writer. His bright, witty and profound books about a positive attitude towards life, achieving success and prosperity have been translated into 35 languages ​​and have become bestsellers in many countries around the world.

Book "Happiness here and now" about how to develop your own life philosophy that will help you enjoy life every minute, find happiness in love, make a stunning career, achieve prosperity, live in harmony with yourself and the world.

In "Happiness in Hard Times" it says about how to be happy and successful, despite any negative circumstances, personal problems and complexes.

Different aspects of life are considered: love, family, friendship, health, career, material well-being.

And for each are clear, witty, unorthodox advice.

The book Break! How to Deal with Problems » addressed to teenagers 12-16 years old, but will be of interest to their parents. In the author's natural manner, the main problems of adolescence are discussed, useful and unobtrusive recommendations are given. Inimitable humor and magnificent illustrations.

Book "Stop them!" addressed teenagers and their parents. The problem to which it is devoted can frighten and shock, but it cannot be ignored. it bullying problem, humiliation and abuse in adolescence which sometimes lead to fatal consequences. The book details What do we have to do teenagers and their parents in different situations - from "innocent" insults to persecution that threatens the life and health of the child.

Easy language and no moralizing just a frank conversation about what everyone cares about.

Book "Happiness. Short Course»- a great gift for friends and loved ones! Wise, life-affirming, witty advice and great drawings.

Be happy today and forever!

Reader reviews

“Reading this book, I felt such a surge of faith! I live alone, and sometimes I need someone to say that "everything will be fine" ... That's what I find in your books. In no case do not stop writing, your books are a huge value! Now I have four."

Joan Taylor, Australia

“I have read hundreds of books on personal growth and development. And in all of them put together, there is not as much inspiration, wisdom and peace of mind as I received from the books of Andrew Matthews. These books saved my life. In one month I have achieved more than in 40 years of my past life!”

Peter Thompson, UK

“Your books have changed my life! Everything is so simple and clear in them that everything you read about can be immediately put into practice. Now I am a happier and more confident person. Thanks!"

Simon Predwojski, Poland

“Your books have helped me miraculously even in the most difficult times. They have changed my life and the lives of many of my friends. I just love them!”

Omid Mortazavi, Iran

“Of all the books I have read, from Anthony Robbins to Stephen Covey and others, I have learned the most wisdom and happiness from your HAPPINESS IN DIFFICULT TIMES. Thank you very much".

Ngan Mun Wai, Tunku Abdul Rahman University, Malaysia

“Your books have brought light to me when I wandered in complete darkness. They have changed my life and my attitude towards life. Now your books have become for me something like the Bible ... I want to express my SINCERE, DEEPEST GRATITUDE to you for your books and the meaning that you put into them.

Moonsun Choi, Korea

“Your new book, Happiness in Hard Times, is a very powerful piece. You give examples of how people coped with the most difficult trials - from cancer and divorce to poverty and violence ... You show how the reader can stop the invasion of negative thoughts and become a very happy person ... Thank you for this inspirational book!

Andrea Klee, Germany

“Your books do wonders. I hated myself because I failed my exams. It was difficult for me to make friends. Now my life has changed, and no words can describe my happiness. Thanks".

Nguyen Duc An Hanh, Vietnam

To the millions of readers of our books around the world...

I don't know where to start, what to say and how to express our gratitude for your dedication, generosity of heart and daily e-mail flow, because a simple "thank you" will not be enough here.

Andrew and I are very touched and grateful for your letters. I want you to know that we read all your messages with gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To my dear friend Michael Rakuson, former director of Tower Books, I want to say thank you for supporting me in my decision to produce "Happiness in difficult times." You, as always, calmly and unobtrusively persuaded me to create a very timely book. God bless you, Michael.

From the bottom of my heart I thank those who responded to my request for help and told their stories. You were so kind and quick to answer my questions. You sent us thousands of messages. Each of your stories remains a source of inspiration for Andrew and me. I admire your tenacity and courage. I bow to you for making the decision to keep moving forward and pursuing happiness despite all the hardships you have experienced. This book, which you all helped us write, will help other people overcome the challenges that come up every day.

Thanks to Annie Backhouse, Adrian Elmer, Alfred Engel, Mark Kenway, Jeff McClure, Rod Mudgeway, Deanna Mulcahy, Moya Mulvey, Cherry Parker, Jerry Truran, Alison, Craig, Greg, Hong, Joe, Carmen, Frank and Maria for making share stories from your life with us.

In every conversation with such courage you opened your heart and soul to us. You didn't hide anything. You told your stories in the hope that they would make others feel better. Low bow to you all!

And thank you, our reader... This book is written to help an ordinary person overcome ordinary, everyday difficulties. This book is written for you. This book is written for your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. This book is for those you meet on your travels and for those you know who are going through hard times.

"Happiness in Hard Times" It is also intended for those who have not experienced troubles and misfortunes. It will help you look at your life from the outside. It will help you get back on the right track. It will help us to understand that a good, bright future awaits us all... and tell us how to get to it.

"Happiness in Hard Times" will be an inspiration to very, very, very many readers.

I wish you happiness, peace of mind, good health, strength and courage.

Julia M. Matthews,

publisher of the English edition

Happiness in hard times Andrew Matthews

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Title: Happiness in hard times
Author: Andrew Matthews
Year: 2011
Genre: Foreign educational literature, Foreign applied and popular science literature, Foreign psychology, Personal growth, Self-improvement

About Happiness in Hard Times by Andrew Matthews

If you seriously ask yourself, then, perhaps, there are no easy times. Times are usually tough. A series of ongoing events gradually drags us into a whirlpool of continuous problems. Whatever sphere of life you touch, everywhere there is a reason to express your dissatisfaction. The worst thing is that we are already used to it and perceive this state of affairs as the norm.

In times like these, books like Happiness in Troubled Times by author Andrew Matthews come to the rescue. The Australian psychologist, the author of many books of a similar nature, offers the reader a kind of collection of recipes for all occasions.

Andrew Matthews, based on his many years of experience in the field of psychology, incredible natural optimism and altruism, makes an attempt to help his reader change his life for the better. Namely, the concept of the author is that absolutely anyone can become happy and successful, regardless of any negative circumstances. Happiness in Hard Times is entirely based on this concept. The book deals with various areas of life - family, love, work, health, money, friendship. And for absolutely everyone, understandable, sometimes satirical non-standard advice is given. All areas of life under consideration are accompanied by real stories from the lives of real people who managed not only to overcome their difficulties, but also to reach such heights that they had not dared to even dream of before. Needless to say, such an author's approach doubly motivates the reader to take action. An important feature of Matthews' books are funny illustrations that accompany the reader throughout the book, help at the right time to be distracted from the book and perceive any life situations with ease and humor.

Matthews argues that in life, as in sports: no pain - no growth. The basic idea is that all positive changes in our lives happen through pain and because of pain. After all, each new unpleasant or painful situation pushes us to rethink some moments, and sometimes our whole life, and change.

"Happiness in Hard Times" is a true hymn to motivation and development. And also a real weapon against laziness and excuses. The author has created a real masterpiece, which is recommended for reading to anyone who wants high-quality and positive changes in their lives.

On our site about books, you can download for free or read online the book "Happiness in Hard Times" by Andrew Matthews in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from Happiness in Hard Times by Andrew Matthews

Even if you love a person with all your heart, you can't let him mock you.

Just because you bought something doesn't mean you can afford it.

We got hooked on whining and complaining like drugs. “Well, since this happened, we need to talk about it,” Mary will say. No, Mary, don't! You don’t eat everything that comes to hand, and therefore it’s also completely optional to talk about everything that happens.

In a dispute with reality, reality always wins.

We met ladies who complain: “No matter how much I go on dates, I come across only idiots”! They have all the radar set to look for rude, selfish and lazy men. And then they still go on dates with them!

We are all looking for wisdom and enlightenment. But how enlightened we are is not measured by how often we meditate at dawn or how many beans we eat for breakfast. The degree of our wisdom is much more determined by how ready we are for change and how we treat people who are completely different from ourselves.

The most important thing is not WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU, but HOW YOU FEEL about what happens to you.

The more emotionally you feel about something, the less control you have over yourself.

When you are happy, then you get everything you want.

You can't tell your mind what not to do. The subconscious needs an image of what you want.

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Andrew Matthews

Happiness in hard times


“Reading this book, I felt such a surge of faith! I live alone, and sometimes I need someone to say that "everything will be fine" ... That's what I find in your books. In no case do not stop writing, your books are a huge value! Now I have four."

Joan Taylor, Australia

“I have read hundreds of books on personal growth and development. And in all of them put together, there is not as much inspiration, wisdom and peace of mind as I received from the books of Andrew Matthews. These books saved my life. In one month I have achieved more than in 40 years of my past life!”

Peter Thompson, UK

“Your books have changed my life! Everything is so simple and clear in them that everything you read about can be immediately put into practice. Now I am a happier and more confident person. Thanks!"

Simon Predwojski, Poland

“Your books have helped me miraculously even in the most difficult times. They have changed my life and the lives of many of my friends. I just love them!”

Omid Mortazavi, Iran

“Of all the books I have read, from Anthony Robbins to Stephen Covey and others, I have learned the most wisdom and happiness from your HAPPINESS IN DIFFICULT TIMES. Thank you very much".

Ngan Mun Wai, Tunku Abdul Rahman University, Malaysia

“Your books have brought light to me when I wandered in complete darkness. They have changed my life and my attitude towards life. Now your books have become for me something like the Bible ... I want to express my SINCERE, DEEPEST GRATITUDE to you for your books and the meaning that you put into them.

Moonsun Choi, Korea

“Your new book, Happiness in Hard Times, is a very powerful piece. You give examples of how people coped with the most difficult trials - from cancer and divorce to poverty and violence ... You show how the reader can stop the invasion of negative thoughts and become a very happy person ... Thank you for this inspirational book!

Andrea Klee, Germany

“Your books do wonders. I hated myself because I failed my exams. It was difficult for me to make friends. Now my life has changed, and no words can describe my happiness. Thanks".

Nguyen Duc An Hanh, Vietnam

To the millions of readers of our books around the world...

I don't know where to start, what to say and how to express our gratitude for your dedication, generosity of heart and daily e-mail flow, because a simple "thank you" will not be enough here.

Andrew and I are very touched and grateful for your letters. I want you to know that we read all your messages with gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To my dear friend Michael Rakuson, former director of Tower Books, I want to say thank you for supporting me in my decision to produce "Happiness in difficult times." You, as always, calmly and unobtrusively persuaded me to create a very timely book. God bless you, Michael.

From the bottom of my heart I thank those who responded to my request for help and told their stories. You were so kind and quick to answer my questions. You sent us thousands of messages. Each of your stories remains a source of inspiration for Andrew and me. I admire your tenacity and courage. I bow to you for making the decision to keep moving forward and pursuing happiness despite all the hardships you have experienced. This book, which you all helped us write, will help other people overcome the challenges that come up every day.

Thanks to Annie Backhouse, Adrian Elmer, Alfred Engel, Mark Kenway, Jeff McClure, Rod Mudgeway, Deanna Mulcahy, Moya Mulvey, Cherry Parker, Jerry Truran, Alison, Craig, Greg, Hong, Joe, Carmen, Frank and Maria for making share stories from your life with us.

In every conversation with such courage you opened your heart and soul to us. You didn't hide anything. You told your stories in the hope that they would make others feel better. Low bow to you all!

And thank you, our reader... This book is written to help an ordinary person overcome ordinary, everyday difficulties. This book is written for you. This book is written for your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. This book is for those you meet on your travels and for those you know who are going through hard times.

"Happiness in Hard Times" It is also intended for those who have not experienced troubles and misfortunes. It will help you look at your life from the outside. It will help you get back on the right track. It will help us to understand that a good, bright future awaits us all... and tell us how to get to it.

"Happiness in Hard Times" will be an inspiration to very, very, very many readers.

I wish you happiness, peace of mind, good health, strength and courage.

Julia M. Matthews,

publisher of the English edition


While cycling around the world, my friend Aden stopped briefly in an East African village to help build a bakery there.

Here is what he said:

It took us several months to build the bakery. We made bricks from ground termite mounds. Village kids came to help us every day. None of them had shoes, but one cheerful boy walked all the time in one sock ... no shoes - just a sock. He was ten years old. I called him Lone Sock.

Eventually my curiosity got the better of me.

Lonely Sock, I asked him, tell me about the sock you wear all the time.

My mother washes it for me every evening,” he answered proudly. And I wear it every day.

Yeah, but why do you always only wear one?

He seemed surprised by my stupid question, but then he broke into a smile and replied:

Because I only have one!

Maybe you don't have a penny right now. Maybe you have lost your job or a loved one. Maybe you're not well right now. And you say: “I just can’t put my mind to it, what should I do now?”

That's what needs to be done in the first place ... that is, you need to do this and only this. Recognize that you are in this situation.

To turn the situation for the better, you must first come to terms with it. Stop blaming others, stop blaming yourself, forget the "what if". Progress directly depends on your ability to come to terms with your situation. Humility does not mean at all: “I want to stay in this situation” - it means: “What happened, happened. but now I'm starting to work on the fulfillment of my desires.

Instead of: “My husband is a boorish and redneck, and I can’t get away from him anywhere,” you need to say something like: “My husband is a boorish and redneck. This is a great lesson for me for the future! Now I know that I deserve more."

Instead of: “I lost all my savings. Oh, I shouldn't have invested all my money in the Honest Eddie Mutual Fund," you have to say, "What happened, happened. I once managed to earn what I lost, which means I can do it again. ”

Imagine that you are overweight and that you really want to lose weight. If you say:

I'm not fat or

Mom is to blame for everything, because she gave birth to me so fat, or

But my sister is even fatter than me - what will happen? Nothing, just stay fat.

But there is another option:

I am fat. I like myself, no matter how much I weigh. And now I’ll take it and lose fifty kilograms.

You accepted yourself for who you are. Now we can move forward.

Reconciliation doesn't mean give up. To accept is to realize that "this situation is just another stage of my long journey." Very often for you, this even means the following: “At this moment I have no idea why this situation should be a stage of my long journey, but I still take it for granted.


Humility is strength.


Imagine that in the last week you have:

Got yourself a tattoo on your butt

They gave a neighbor in the face,

Played a wedding

Robbed a bank

Become a kidney donor

Had plastic surgery

Gone to the monastery

In three minutes they ate a huge pizza or

Series “Psychology. Happiness according to Matthews

Book "Live easy".

Magnificently illustrated with funny drawings, this book is about how to find your place in life, enjoy your work, achieve what you want and live happily, no matter what.

Andrew Matthews is an Australian psychologist, artist, and writer. His bright, witty and profound books about a positive attitude towards life, achieving success and prosperity have been translated into 35 languages ​​and have become bestsellers in many countries around the world.

Book "Happiness here and now" about how to develop your own life philosophy that will help you enjoy life every minute, find happiness in love, make a stunning career, achieve prosperity, live in harmony with yourself and the world.

In "Happiness in Hard Times" it says about how to be happy and successful, despite any negative circumstances, personal problems and complexes.

Different aspects of life are considered: love, family, friendship, health, career, material well-being.

And for each are clear, witty, unorthodox advice.

The book Break! How to Deal with Problems » addressed to teenagers 12-16 years old, but will be of interest to their parents. In the author's natural manner, the main problems of adolescence are discussed, useful and unobtrusive recommendations are given. Inimitable humor and magnificent illustrations.

Book "Stop them!" addressed teenagers and their parents. The problem to which it is devoted can frighten and shock, but it cannot be ignored. it bullying problem, humiliation and abuse in adolescence which sometimes lead to fatal consequences. The book details What do we have to do teenagers and their parents in different situations - from "innocent" insults to persecution that threatens the life and health of the child.

Easy language and no moralizing just a frank conversation about what everyone cares about.

Book "Happiness. Short Course»- a great gift for friends and loved ones! Wise, life-affirming, witty advice and great drawings.

Be happy today and forever!

Reader reviews

“Reading this book, I felt such a surge of faith! I live alone, and sometimes I need someone to say that "everything will be fine" ... That's what I find in your books. In no case do not stop writing, your books are a huge value! Now I have four."

Joan Taylor, Australia

“I have read hundreds of books on personal growth and development. And in all of them put together, there is not as much inspiration, wisdom and peace of mind as I received from the books of Andrew Matthews. These books saved my life. In one month I have achieved more than in 40 years of my past life!”

Peter Thompson, UK

“Your books have changed my life! Everything is so simple and clear in them that everything you read about can be immediately put into practice. Now I am a happier and more confident person. Thanks!"

Simon Predwojski, Poland

“Your books have helped me miraculously even in the most difficult times. They have changed my life and the lives of many of my friends. I just love them!”

Omid Mortazavi, Iran

“Of all the books I have read, from Anthony Robbins to Stephen Covey and others, I have learned the most wisdom and happiness from your HAPPINESS IN DIFFICULT TIMES. Thank you very much".

Ngan Mun Wai, Tunku Abdul Rahman University, Malaysia

“Your books have brought light to me when I wandered in complete darkness. They have changed my life and my attitude towards life. Now your books have become for me something like the Bible ... I want to express my SINCERE, DEEPEST GRATITUDE to you for your books and the meaning that you put into them.

Moonsun Choi, Korea

“Your new book, Happiness in Hard Times, is a very powerful piece. You give examples of how people coped with the most difficult trials - from cancer and divorce to poverty and violence ... You show how the reader can stop the invasion of negative thoughts and become a very happy person ... Thank you for this inspirational book!

Andrea Klee, Germany

“Your books do wonders. I hated myself because I failed my exams. It was difficult for me to make friends. Now my life has changed, and no words can describe my happiness. Thanks".

Nguyen Duc An Hanh, Vietnam

To the millions of readers of our books around the world...

I don't know where to start, what to say and how to express our gratitude for your dedication, generosity of heart and daily e-mail flow, because a simple "thank you" will not be enough here.

Andrew and I are very touched and grateful for your letters. I want you to know that we read all your messages with gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To my dear friend Michael Rakuson, former director of Tower Books, I want to say thank you for supporting me in my decision to produce You, as always, calmly and unobtrusively persuaded me to create a very timely book. God bless you, Michael.

From the bottom of my heart I thank those who responded to my request for help and told their stories. You were so kind and quick to answer my questions. You sent us thousands of messages. Each of your stories remains a source of inspiration for Andrew and me. I admire your tenacity and courage. I bow to you for making the decision to keep moving forward and pursuing happiness despite all the hardships you have experienced. This book, which you all helped us write, will help other people overcome the challenges that come up every day.

Thanks to Annie Backhouse, Adrian Elmer, Alfred Engel, Mark Kenway, Jeff McClure, Rod Mudgeway, Deanna Mulcahy, Moya Mulvey, Cherry Parker, Jerry Truran, Alison, Craig, Greg, Hong, Joe, Carmen, Frank and Maria for making share stories from your life with us.

In every conversation with such courage you opened your heart and soul to us. You didn't hide anything. You told your stories in the hope that they would make others feel better. Low bow to you all!

And thank you, our reader... This book is written to help an ordinary person overcome ordinary, everyday difficulties. This book is written for you. This book is written for your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. This book is for those you meet on your travels and for those you know who are going through hard times.

It is also intended for those who have not experienced troubles and misfortunes. It will help you look at your life from the outside. It will help you get back on the right track. It will help us to understand that a good, bright future awaits us all... and tell us how to get to it.

Will be a source of inspiration for very, very, very many readers.

I wish you happiness, peace of mind, good health, strength and courage.

Julia M. Matthews,

publisher of the English edition


While cycling around the world, my friend Aden stopped briefly in an East African village to help build a bakery there.

Here is what he said:

It took us several months to build the bakery. We made bricks from ground termite mounds. Village kids came to help us every day. None of them had shoes, but one cheerful boy walked all the time in one sock ... no shoes - just a sock. He was ten years old. I called him Lone Sock.

Eventually my curiosity got the better of me.

Lonely Sock, I asked him, tell me about the sock you wear all the time.

My mother washes it for me every evening,” he answered proudly. And I wear it every day.

Yeah, but why do you always only wear one?

He seemed surprised by my stupid question, but then he broke into a smile and replied:

Because I only have one!

Maybe you don't have a penny right now. Maybe you have lost your job or a loved one. Maybe you're not well right now. And you say: “I just can’t put my mind to it, what should I do now?”

That's what needs to be done in the first place ... that is, you need to do this and only this. Recognize that you are in this situation.

To turn the situation for the better, you must first come to terms with it. Stop blaming others, stop blaming yourself, forget the "what if". Progress directly depends on your ability to come to terms with your situation. Humility does not mean at all: “I want to stay in this situation” - it means: “What happened, happened. but now I'm starting to work on the fulfillment of my desires.

Instead of: “My husband is a boorish and redneck, and I can’t get away from him anywhere,” you need to say something like: “My husband is a boorish and redneck. This is a great lesson for me for the future! Now I know that I deserve more."

Instead of: “I lost all my savings. Oh, I shouldn't have invested all my money in the Honest Eddie Mutual Fund," you have to say, "What happened, happened. I once managed to earn what I lost, which means I can do it again. ”

Imagine that you are overweight and that you really want to lose weight. If you say:

I'm not fat or

Mom is to blame for everything, because she gave birth to me so fat, or

But my sister is even fatter than me - what will happen? Nothing, just stay fat.

But there is another option:

I am fat. I like myself, no matter how much I weigh. And now I’ll take it and lose fifty kilograms.

You accepted yourself for who you are. Now we can move forward.

Reconciliation doesn't mean give up. To accept is to realize that "this situation is just another stage of my long journey." Very often for you, this even means the following: “At this moment I have no idea why this situation should be a stage of my long journey, but I still take it for granted.


Humility is strength.


Imagine that in the last week you have:

Got yourself a tattoo on your butt

They gave a neighbor in the face,

Played a wedding

Robbed a bank

Become a kidney donor

Had plastic surgery

Gone to the monastery

In three minutes they ate a huge pizza or

Jumped from a very high bridge.

Yes, you have had an eventful week.

Question: What unites all of the above events?

Answer: These are all things you could do to make yourself a little happier. True true! In fact, I asked you a tricky question, because the list could include generally anything. After all, the desire to feel better is the motivation all your actions, and all actions of any other person too.

You don't have to take my word for it. Go ask psychologists, otherwise read Plato, Aristotle or Freud. People are constantly arguing about the meaning of life but, in general, they agree that we do what we do because we want to become happy and remain so in the future.

You ate a whole pizza in three minutes and you think: “It feels great, and now I want to feel happy.” You hired a personal fitness instructor and ate nothing but green salad for six months. Your goal: "I want to like my ass because then I will be much happier." They quit drinking. Why? "If I quit, I'll feel better." And it doesn't matter if you donated money to the Red Cross or punched a neighbor in the nose, your motivation was the following: "I will feel better if I do this."

“I give money to charity because I want to help people,” says Mary. Of course, Mary, but would you make these contributions if it was tormenting you? “I hit my neighbor because he attacked me with a shovel,” says Fred. And rightly so, Fred! You had to make a decision as quickly as possible, and you thought: "In the very short term, I will be very happy if I manage to break Larry's nose before he hits me with garden tools."

Different people do different actions but they all have the same goal: If I do that, I will feel better.

To please your father, you studied for four years as an accountant and now you say to yourself: “I did this for his happiness". No, it's not like that. You did it because you felt better doing what you did. what does he want rather than trying to what you wanted.

Sacrificing yourself for your children, getting married or going through a divorce, getting a tattoo or wearing a monastic robe, you do it all with one single higher purpose. Even jumping off a very high bridge is also an attempt to feel better. "I'll be much happier dead than alive."

Is the pursuit of happiness selfish?

A stupid paradox. We are all chasing happiness (we do it automatically), but some people wonder if this quest is selfish. As a result, they feel a certain amount of guilt…and therefore become unhappy.

The pursuit of happiness is not selfishness. IT IS MUCH MORE SELFISTIC TO LIVE IN DISAPPOINTMENT! Happy people are more attentive to their neighbor and care more about others. Unhappy busy only yourself, and Happy people make better friends, love better, and work better.

They are not happy. They just THINK they're happy

Scientific studies have shown that a happy person is more likely to:

Become a volunteer and cook free soup for the homeless,

Help a complete stranger carry bags of groceries home or

Lend money.

And if you're unhappy, you're more likely to:

Complain endlessly about heartburn

Steal government money from the boss or

Kick passing dogs.

So let's for the sake of all close and simply familiar people (as well as for the health of the dogs living in your quarter) clearly understand for ourselves: what happier you will be, the better it will be to live for all of us!

Difficult times can be understood as periods complete lack of money. Difficult times can be understood as periods of life no friends, no job and no hope. And what we need most is hope. I can reassure you that a person can climb out of any hole. If life doesn't bring you any joy today, it's quite possible that in just a couple of months you will be able to look back and realize that these difficult times have helped prepare you for something much better.

Most of us enter life with the following beliefs:

Mistakes are bad

Happy people have the most carefree lives

The smarter you are, the more success you will have

It is impossible to be happy without a partner.

It is not necessary that all of the above statements are true.

I can not anymore!

Life sometimes becomes very difficult. So how do you hold on when complete hopelessness sets in? In this case, you need to deal with problems according to the principle of rock climbing.

Climbing a rock and getting stuck on some narrow ledge, you suddenly realize that you can only focus on the current moment! If life is in danger, you completely forget about the future. All thoughts and efforts are directed to the next step. And then the next one. And so centimeter by centimeter. In the end, this is how you get to a safe place.

The same strategy works in everyday life. And in case of difficulties, she generally becomes only possible. “But how do you stay positive when you can’t even pay your rent? you say. “How do you keep going when you are in mourning, when you are alone, or when you are seriously ill?”

When the worst happens, there is no way to worry about how to live. rest of life and even - rest of the month. But to live from day to day, as a rule, is still possible. And if 24 hours in a row seems like an unbearable burden for you, just live in pieces of five minutes. Solve problems one by one. Take a small step and you will feel a little more confident ... Take another step, then another. And in the end, it turns out that the biggest difficulties are left behind.

If you constantly worry about the fact that:

a) must be done within the next month or

b) may go wrong next year, -

then you can freak out! Focus on the current moment.

Isn't it stupid, when going on a one-day trip, to carry with you a supply of water and food for the rest of your life? So why is it strange then that some people complain about the difficulties of life, constantly carrying a load of worries and anxieties for a quarter of a century to come? We are built to live 24 hours at a time. And no more.

The next time you feel desperate, ask yourself:

Do I have enough air to breathe?

Will I have enough food for today?

Will everything be fine with me in the next five minutes?

Once you've lived those five minutes, set a goal to live the next five. Do not try to swallow time in large chunks. Then there will be no heartburn.


All that can be done today is to live as best you can before you go to sleep. And leave thoughts about tomorrow for tomorrow.

History of Hong

I met Sushma in 1982 in Singapore. I was 33, she was 18. Her father was Indian and her mother was Chinese. She was wonderful. I traveled all over the world for 15 years. I had girlfriends and mistresses, but I never even thought about the wedding. But less than five minutes after we met, I knew for sure that she would become my wife, and by the end of the year we were married.

At that time I was selling electronics in Spain and Sushma went there with me. In March 1987, our only son, Jordi, was born. We lived in Europe until he was four years old. When I had to move to Nigeria for work, we decided it would be safest (and most beneficial in terms of Geordie's education) for him and Sushma to return to Singapore.

And so, when I was in Nigeria, on May 23, 1991, at two in the morning, my friends called me. Sushma got into a disaster. her car hit a tree on the Bukit Timah Highway. Hoping for the best, I urgently packed my bags to return to Singapore, but just a few hours later they called me again and said that Sushma had died.

I've lost my mind. I sobbed and cried for weeks. I cried because I lost my wife. but most of all I mourned the fate of our four-year-old son. How will Geordie live without his mother? How can I raise him alone?

First of all, I made a promise to myself that for the sake of my son I would not marry again until he was quite an adult. I decided that Geordie should continue to live and study in Singapore. All school years he lived there with his grandparents, and on vacation he came to me in Africa or Europe.

He and I began to travel the world like two closest friends. We traveled to Germany, Austria, South Africa and Brazil. He was my best friend, and interlocutor, and like-minded person. Together we discovered a world that he could never have known from textbooks and books.

Another phone call

I moved to Bali in 2001 to start a new life and start the business that I work in today. Geordie loved to come there for the holidays. By the summer of 2006, he finished school and moved to live with me. He dreamed of a motorcycle, and I gave it to Geordie in honor of graduation.

On September 20, at two o'clock in the morning, I received a call from the police. Geordie had an accident. When I arrived at the hospital, he was already blue. He died within ten minutes. He was 19.

First wife, then son.

Everything inside me seemed to have died. My whole world collapsed. I, as if in a fog, walked through the forest for four whole days. But everywhere I went, I saw Geordie everywhere. To try to heal my spiritual wounds, I went to Thailand. But Geordie appeared to me there too. I returned to Bali, and for the forties we ordered a church service in his honor.

Month after month passed, and very slowly I began to come back to life. Maybe thirteen years in Africa helped me cope with this loss. "This shouldn't have happened!" the European says. “It has already happened. Life goes on,” says the African. I could say to myself, "Why did I let him ride a motorcycle?" But would it help me?

If sadness can somehow fix the future, do it! But living in constant sadness will not improve the future.

I do not regret anything. My son and I did everything we could together. I gave him everything I could. And how do I live now? I am a painter. I create. I make sculptures. I love animals. I love meeting new people and having fun with them. And in material values, I do not see any value.

You never know what your reaction to a tragedy will be. It's kind of like imagining a tiger jumping in through your window. You say: “If a tiger suddenly jumps into my window, I will do such and such!” But when this tiger appears in reality, you will do something completely different.

Every morning I wake up with a resolution to live the day happily. What, pray tell, after everything I've been through, can hurt me today? What can unsettle? Life is very much like a movie. It's not the timing that matters, but the quality.

There is no secret to happiness. You just have to decide to be happy.

Hello dear readers! Today I would like to talk about a happy life, about how to live in order to be happy. After all, many people drive themselves into the framework of misfortune, hope for a miracle, wait for magic. In fact, everything is within us. If you can understand a few simple things, then you can be happy no matter what the circumstances.

What is happiness

Let's start with the definition of happiness. For someone, being happy means being rich or successful, having a yacht and a castle in Europe, becoming famous, being revered by a large circle of people, and so on. I want to reveal to you a terrible secret - all this has nothing to do with human happiness.

Having achieved wealth, you only reach a certain goal. There comes a moment of satisfaction, and then. The goal has been reached and it is no longer needed. Either a new task is set, or there is a fear of losing the wealth achieved. Thus, we understand that happiness is not in wealth. The same is true with success. A person achieves a certain success. The goal has been reached. Satisfaction. Fear of losing your success.

People change things often. Being happy does not mean rejoicing at another thousand rubles in your wallet, it does not mean rejoicing in a new relationship.

Do not confuse the emotions of joy, satisfaction with happiness. Happiness is something that is always inside the person himself.

It is always with you, you just have to let it out. It does not depend on your financial condition, it is not affected by your relationships with others, it does not care about your achievements and successes. All these components help you experience emotions of joy, pleasure, as well as negative emotions: fear, disappointment, pain and bitterness.

What prevents a person from being happy? It is the substitution of concepts and the unconsciousness of happiness within oneself. If you can separate your emotions from happiness, even when you are sad, you are on the right path to a happy life.

If you can separate your happiness from the husks of fleeting emotions, then you will be happy for the rest of your life.

The working process

For some comrades, happiness lies in a successful, well-paid job. Don't associate happiness with job satisfaction. Quietly continue to work and do not associate the office with your internal state. , work is often accompanied by stress, rush jobs, reporting, burning deadlines, and so on. Are you going to let all of this affect your personal happiness?

Work is your way of earning money for your maintenance. Work is your opportunity to realize your potential. Here you have to be focused, self-confident.

If you are not sure that your work is your calling, then I recommend that you read my article "". But remember that calling also does not in any way affect your happiness. Thanks to the vocation, you can achieve great success in a certain business, it brings pleasure, satisfies your desires and needs. No more.

Remember that work is just a part of your life. A part cannot affect the whole happiness. It does not consist of a piece of work, a piece of family, a piece of communication, and so on. Happiness is very complete. It is all, entirely, within you. It's worth just looking at it.

Personal life

Another misconception: my happiness depends on the other person, if I'm lonely, then I'm unhappy. The most, in my opinion, a terrible misconception. Human happiness cannot depend on who he lives with. Today with one, and yesterday with another, and ten years will pass and there will be a completely different person next to me. So what happens? Every time your happiness is determined by a new person?

Fifth advice- read the article "". There you will find a sea of ​​tips that may interest you.

Tell me, what is happiness for you? How do you imagine your happiest day? What helps you overcome difficulties in life? Do you have a secret cure for depression?

I hope you discover the secret of happiness within yourself and never be unhappy in your life!