What the ax portends in a dream to the dreamer is the correct decoding. Why dream of an ax - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Seeing is a misfortune; working with him is a good salary; cutting a tree is disagreement

Freud's Dream Book Ax

The ax, like most tools, symbolizes the penis, and chopping wood symbolizes sexual intercourse. If a man cuts wood, then he has no health problems, and he is able to lead an active sexual life. If a woman cuts wood, then she manifests herself as a bisexual. There are both feminine and masculine features in her behavior and desires. If a man injured himself with an ax, then he is prone to same-sex love. If a woman injured herself with an ax, then she fears the upcoming sexual contact. A rusty or serrated ax symbolizes diseases of the genital organs or disorders in the sexual sphere. A broken ax symbolizes impotence.

Modern dream book Ax

An ax seen in a dream portends that only energy and struggle will bring you joy. Seeing people working with an ax in a dream promises you energetic and cheerful friends who will give you their energy and cheerfulness. If a young woman dreamed of an ax, then her chosen one would be a worthy, albeit not a rich person. A broken or rusty ax is an omen of illness, loss and poverty.

Esoteric dream book Ax

For a woman - the appearance of a real man in your life, especially if you put an ax into action. For men - the opportunity to express themselves in a purely male profession, in the military field.

Dream Interpretation Longo Ax

If you dreamed of an ax, it means that in life you are in danger, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings on this day. If in a dream you saw an ax without an ax handle, then the intrigues of your enemies will be upset and they will not be able to harm you. To chop in a dream with an ax - in reality, you are solving the current problem with unsuitable methods, so nothing changes significantly.

Miller's Dream Book Ax

Seeing an ax in a dream portends that the pleasure and joy that you will receive depends on your efforts and energy. Seeing others with an ax promises you energetic and cheerful friends and life next to them will be a pleasure. For a young woman, this dream predicts that she will have a very worthy, albeit not a rich, admirer. Broken or rusty ax - means illness and loss of money and property.

Dreams for the fulfillment of desires Ax

you will succeed in whatever you undertake. Imagine a forest where there are trees that need to be cut down. You pick up an ax and get down to business. You are very strong, and your work is argued easily and quickly. You are skilled with an axe. Trees fall one by one. After cutting down a certain number of trees, you chop one of them into logs, then peel them from the bark, and cut down some beautiful and useful things with an ax, for example, balusters for the porch. When you're done, admire it. This dream will help when you have some new undertaking. After this dream, do not hesitate to get down to business.

Muslim dream book Ax

Seeing him in a dream indicates help and livelihood. Leather merchant. This is a constantly swearing person. Seeing him also indicates anxieties, troubles, illnesses and everything that leads to mandatory punishment.

Ukrainian dream book Ax

Ax - loss of property or debts; chop something with an ax - trouble, anxiety.

If you dreamed of an ax, it means that in life you are in danger, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings on this day.

If you saw an ax without an ax handle, it means that the intrigues of your enemies will be upset and they will not be able to harm you.

Chop with an ax: in fact, you are solving the current problem with unsuitable methods, so nothing significantly changes.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

What does an Ax mean in a dream

An ax - poverty, hard work, misfortune - to work with it - a good salary - to chop a tree - disagreement.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What does Ax mean in a dream

The ax is a symbol of a tool, but also a clear threat. To sharpen an ax in a dream, in reality to prepare for some kind of risky step. You chop, and the ax flies off the ax handle, there will be unexpected interference that will greatly affect the outcome of the case. To cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, you act too rudely and straightforwardly, and this can greatly harm your business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

The meaning of sleep Ax

Seeing an ax in a dream means that you will have to break off some kind of relationship or stop some business. Sometimes it is implied that this can happen regardless of your will. Often a dream about an ax portends material losses. Working with an ax in a dream is a harbinger of great life difficulties, needs and failures. But if in a dream you see how others work with an ax, then someone will offer you to participate in some business that will turn out to be unpromising. Making something wonderful with an ax means that you will be able to accomplish a deed that everyone considered hopeless.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Ax

An ax seen in a dream in your hands marks the consciousness of absolute power over your partner, the complete subordination of his interests and desires to your own whims. You will continue to have a similar role of leader, initiator in bed.

If in a dream they swing an ax at you or you see it in the hands of another person, this is a sign of danger looming over you. Perhaps ill-wishers are weaving networks of intrigue and gossip around you, which will cause significant damage to your reputation. Be careful.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

What does it mean to see an Ax in a dream

Such a symbol of a dream as an ax can be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen, you cannot cut it out with an ax”, in this case, your subconscious mind signals to you that you are experiencing, whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or regret writing a letter, telegram, note.

An ax can symbolize the cunning, resourcefulness of a person who is able to make at least something out of nothing, as in a fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax.

They say: "He floats like an ax", and if your subconscious mind associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are unhappy with the way someone from your environment performs the tasks entrusted to him.

Sharpen an ax - in reality, prepare for some kind of risky step related to papers, be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down.

If at the time when you are chopping something, the ax flies off the ax handle, then you will have interference in your work, which will not only spoil your mood, but also affect your income.

To chop something with an ax is to achieve what you want with the help of cunning and resourcefulness.

If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, this means that acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to someone around you, so think before you do it.

A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

In a dream to see an Ax

A dream where a drunken husband is chasing you with an ax is a harbinger of his departure for a long time, which will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief and calmly clean up the house. Chopping firewood with an ax is a sign of warm friendship, chopping trees - to a fun, riotous life to your fullest.

To dream of a butcher with a bloodied ax - to dangerous disease and difficult operation. Cutting off a head with an ax is a troublesome business or a minor fine. Drop an ax into an ice hole - to sensual pleasures.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Sleep Prediction Ax

Own (or someone else's) destructive energy of evil. Wood chopping danger; end any activity. See add. Hack (in idiom. Sl.).

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Seeing an Ax in a dream

If you cut something with an ax in a dream, you have enough energy for any accomplishment. Feel free to get down to business!

Imagine how skillfully you own an axe. You can cut down any tree, make any thing.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What does sleep Ax mean

Seeing an ax in a dream, know that your success depends entirely on your efforts and energy.

If you dreamed of someone else with an ax in your hands, then you will have wonderful friends, with whom it will be a great pleasure for you to communicate.

A young woman dreaming of an ax portends the appearance of a worthy, albeit not a wealthy admirer.

A broken or rusty ax dreams of illness and loss of money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Seeing an Ax in a dream

Symbolizes reckless determination.

Deftly working with an ax: a sign that by acting quickly, decisively and accurately, you can achieve significant success.

Chopping wood: means that in the near future you have to work hard to deal with the accumulated problems and troubles. Often such dreams warn of an imminent conflict.

Any troubles that are in any way connected with an ax in your dream are a warning. The dream suggests that your peremptory and unwillingness to compromise can turn out for you. big problems. On days like this, you're better off giving in than going into open confrontation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What do dreams mean Ax

Chop something with an ax - you will be doing something offhand, recklessly, thinking little about it.

Interpretation of dreams from

Collection of dream books

Why does the Ax dream in a dream according to 31 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Ax symbol from 31 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Broken or rusty ax- dreams of illness and loss of money.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of an Ax?

An ax seen in a dream- portends that only energy and struggle will bring you joy.

To dream of people working with an ax- promises you energetic and cheerful friends who will give you their energy and cheerfulness.

If a young woman dreamed of an ax- her chosen one will be a worthy, albeit not a rich person.

Broken or rusty ax- an omen of illness, loss and poverty.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Ax - the need to show strength and / or power (or the possibility of this). The need to prepare something (prepare someone). The need to get rid of something (someone) in one fell swoop (also the desire or possibility of this).

Dream Interpretation of Azar

An ax is an unpleasant job.

Dream Interpretation Longo

If you dreamed of an ax- it means that in life you are in danger, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings on this day.

If in a dream you saw an ax without an ax- it means that the intrigues of your enemies will be upset and they will not be able to harm you.

Chop in a dream with an ax- in fact, you solve the current problem with unsuitable methods, so nothing changes significantly.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Ax - it's time to make up your mind and break an unnecessary connection with a person who has shown dishonesty towards you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The ax is a symbol of strength and power. Isn't it time to take control of the situation in your own hands?

The ax may be- a sign of fear and loss. Can it happen that your work is "hacked to death"? Are you afraid of losing something important? Take steps to prevent this, or prepare for the possibility.

With an ax you can chop off what you no longer need Is there anything in your life that needs to be cut down?

Sometimes an ax - can mean an instrument of execution, a powerful symbol of justice. Do you feel guilty or worried about something?

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Ax - hard, unprofitable work.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

An ax in a dream - symbolizes reckless determination.

Deftly work with an ax- a sign that by acting quickly, decisively and accurately, you can achieve significant success.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Ax - a complete break with the one you love will follow.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Ax - to the threat.

Chinese dream book

You hurt yourself with an ax- portends great luck, profit.

You get an ax from a man- will soon be appointed to the post.

The ax falls into the water- portends the death of his wife.

You lose - portends ruin, monetary loss.

Traveling, walking with an ax- portends material gain.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

An ax in a dream means that you will get pleasure and joy from life thanks to your efforts and energy.

See others with an ax- portends energetic and cheerful friends, life with whom will give you sheer pleasure. A young woman has such a dream- promises a poor, but very worthy admirer in terms of his human qualities.

Broken or rusty ax- portends illness, loss of money or some property.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Dream book ax?

Ax - own (or someone else's) destructive energy of evil.

Cutting a tree is a danger; end any activity.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed of an ax- know that only energy and struggle will bring you joy.

Broken or rusty ax- an omen of illness or poverty.

You dreamed that you were chopping with an ax- You have to change your lifestyle to a more energetic one.

If you dreamed that you saw people wielding axes- in the near future you will have energetic and funny friends.

If you dreamed that you were buying or sharpening an ax- you will have to spend a lot of energy and effort to improve your financial situation and position in society.

Lose an ax - to a quarrel with a friend.

In a dream you sold an ax- keep in mind that your strength and energy will soon be needed by someone close to you.

Freud's dream book

Ax like most tools- symbolizes the penis, and cutting wood symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If a man cuts wood- He has no health problems and is able to have an active sex life.

If a woman cuts wood She comes out as bisexual. There are both feminine and masculine features in her behavior and desires.

If a man injured himself with an ax- he is prone to same-sex love

If a woman injured herself with an ax- she fears the forthcoming sexual contact.

Rusty or jagged ax- symbolizes diseases of the genital organs or disorders in the sexual sphere.

Broken ax - symbolizes impotence.

Aesop's dream book

Such a dream symbol as an ax- may be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen, you can’t cut it down with an ax”, in this case, your subconscious mind signals to you that you are worried, whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or regret writing a letter, telegram, note.

The ax can symbolize- cunning, resourcefulness of a person who is able to make at least something out of nothing, as in a fairy tale about porridge, boiled from an ax. They say: "He swims like an ax", and if your subconscious mind associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are unhappy with how someone from your environment performs the tasks assigned to him.

Sharpen an ax - in reality, prepare for some kind of risky step related to papers, be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down.

If at the time when you are chopping something, the ax flies off the handle- it means that you will have interference in your work, which will not only spoil your mood, but also affect your income.

Chop something with an ax- to achieve what you want with the help of cunning and resourcefulness.

If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream- this means that acting directly, without precautions, you will cause heartache to someone around you, so think before you act.

A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax- predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

French dream book

If you saw an ax in a dream- be careful: you are in serious danger.

Ukrainian dream book

Ax - loss of property or debts; chop something with an ax- trouble, anxiety.

Gypsy dream book

To own an ax - others respect you, however, more for your position than for your abilities.

Esoteric dream book

Ax for a woman- the appearance in your life of a "real man", especially if you put an ax into action.

For men - the opportunity to prove themselves in a purely male profession, in the military field.

Erotic dream book

An ax seen in a dream- in your hands it marks the consciousness of absolute power over your partner, the complete subordination of his interests and desires to your own whims. You will continue to have a similar role of leader, initiator in bed.

If in a dream they swing an ax at you or you see it in the hands of another person- this is a sign of danger hanging over you. Perhaps ill-wishers are weaving networks of intrigue and gossip around you, which will cause significant damage to your reputation. Be careful.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: An ax in a dream book?

Ax - you will have to work hard and zealously defend your rights, only such activity will help you feel truly happy.

More interpretations

If he is unfit for work- there will be serious problems in all spheres of life.

Video: Why the Ax is dreaming

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I dreamed of an Ax, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    it’s not clear who, just like in the movie, the saw announced between us as a game, we had an ax each and we had to kill each other, I threw and stuck the first one, I don’t remember where and how I took the ax from the opponent and also stuck it into him then ran into hand-to-hand combat and from him there was something in his hand, he stuck it in me and I woke up

    hello, this afternoon, i.e. on Thursday, I had a terrible dream, I still can’t come to my senses. I saw my mother with an ax in a dream, she chopped a person to death. tell me what it could mean? everything was very real

    I dreamed that, as usual, I was sleeping with my husband in the same bed, turning in his dream in his direction, waking up and seeing an ax in his hands. He sleeps on his back, his arms are crossed, and an ax is inserted into them. Terrified, I grab the handle of the ax to rip it out and throw it on the floor, but I can't. I throw out one, and another appears in its place, and so I threw out the ax three times. My husband didn't even wake up in his sleep.

    I dreamed it was a cat human size on the hind legs with an ax in his hands, he runs after me around the house and tries to cut me down with it, but at the same time my aunt was in the room who reacted absolutely calmly to this, I woke up in a cold sweat, thank God that they woke me up otherwise I would have gone crazy.

    I was walking with my aunt and little nephew, then we got lost, as it were, between the houses and ended up in a fence to some grandmother. They asked how to get out of here, but she was angry. Then the aunt went off to talk with this grandmother’s husband, and this grandmother began throw stones at us, but never hit us. I don’t remember exactly this moment, but I kind of woke up and then the dream continued, I cursed with this grandmother but then went beyond some kind of fence, it was a village. My aunt stayed there to talk to them , and my nephew and I went beyond the fence and there was a road. I saw a friend in the distance, but turned around and this grandmother was walking there and she hid an ax in the cancer, she had a very scary look. This grandmother headed for us, but there was a fence I I closed it with one hand because I had a nephew in the other. I wanted to scream, but I had some kind of lump in my throat, I tried but I couldn’t scream. I grabbed an ax with one hand, let go of the little one. I don’t remember where the ax disappeared, people had already gathered there, and I beat my grandmother with my hands ku, but not much. Then, somehow, in the place where the aunt stood ambulance, me I ran there. There, my aunt was carried on a stretcher, she is alive, I cried, she said something to her, she kissed me. I don’t remember anything more. Thank you in advance! :)

    I dreamed that my husband and son and I were driving for a long time in the private sector ... as if we were choosing a house to help with firewood. They chose some house with a scourged mistress, she has a grimy, nondescript daughter. And my husband began to help chop wood there, he wanted me to carry and stack them. Somehow I ended up in that house .. dirty, but a lot of light ... I went into some room, sat in an armchair ... I looked around. ..there is a bath and here on the wall I see a dead mouse, as if its back of the sofa was pressed into the wall .... it has been visible there for a long time. I can't move...I'm not feeling well! And my son comes to me ... I say don't come here, but he came anyway. I look, and his eyes fester. .

    Hello! In a dream, I see how I go up at night to my apartment, and on the floor in the corridor of the entrance lies an ax, and there is blood on it. I go home, everyone is crying, my mother was wounded with an ax. I cry, scream and ask if they called an ambulance? They answer yes. Mom is crying too.

    Hello Tatyana! Today (from Friday to Saturday) I dreamed of a former lover. He came to me and wanted to improve relations. He is now married (in reality). He was going to leave, he said that he needed his wife and son. no (not for him specifically, but in general). I answered no. Then I went to the kitchen and started cooking something in a saucepan (on the stove). He was in a women's bathrobe. I went into the kitchen, and he hands me 5 small axes. But I didn’t take them in my hands.

    I didn't see who. but someone threw an ax at me from behind and it hit me in the back, then they took me to the hospital to get help. I did not see death, but I was afraid of it. I was afraid for my daughter (she is my little one)

    I dreamed about how I drove into the yard on a bicycle, stopped and saw a dirty, scary, nasty man five meters away from me, in whose hands was an ax. My brother rode up next to me on a bicycle, and we quickly went to the entrance, while I was holding the intercom door to my brother, I see this man who raised an ax at a calmly walking old woman, swings and from fright I hide behind the intercom door when I looked at this spectacle again , I see an old woman already lying, and a man swinging at her a second time, a passerby passing by shied away. I shouted to my brother to run home faster, fear and fright took possession of me. We ran into the first apartment we came across.

    I dreamed that I cut an ax with an ax. 3 parts in one hit. On the big one (the end of the ax handle) on the small one that is in the middle of the ax, and on the middle one (the handle with the ax) And she took the ax with which she chopped and gave the rest of the pieces of the chopped ax to some women and that piece (the middle one with the handle and the ax itself ) to my mother and we went to cut down people who wanted to take over our house. The actions took place on the threshold of my house.

    i dreamed about my husband. as if he was a ghost with traces of decomposition on his body and with an ax in his head. he walked and talked to me. someone later took the ax out of his head. the husband is currently alive.

    Write here your dream for interpretation.

    i dreamed that many wolves attacked to bite. I was with my child and we rode the train. The wolves got into the windows and so ... and I chopped them with an ax because I was worried about my son. It’s terrible bloody everything around ... and I with these wolf and an ax cut off his head and cut it like that

    at first, I saw long ropes with linen drying in a field where people weeded the planted beets. Then my grandmother and I sat in some house, then we left the house and saw my husband and his friend come out of the barn with a big ax

    Today, for example, I’m sitting in front of the TV set, it abruptly cuts out, I go up to turn it on again, it doesn’t turn on, and in another room something falls and a sharp cry comes from there, after that there is always such a beep (like ultrasound), and then another picture appears, I just see a red dot and, as it were, approaching it, when I’m very close, then I’m transferred back to the room where it all started and some woman of 40 years old starts attacking me, similar to an emkimos with some kind of ax . Once she kicked me off with it and I woke up, and today I managed to wake up already at the red dot, because when the ultrasound starts and the red dot, a signal goes off in my head, this is a dream and I urgently need to wake up so as not to see it and I try to open eyes

    I had a terrible dream, supposedly I was at my work and watched through the window as one psychopath chopped off the heads of two boys of about 10 years old with an ax in turn. Then he appeared at my work with a frantic desire to kill everyone who was there. Mine a colleague and I tried to enter into a dialogue with him in order to somehow distract him. Then I did not noticeably leave that place, leaving my colleague with this psychopath, with a feeling of guilt in front of her. And then I woke up, not remembering I left from this building or not. Please tell me what this whole nightmare was about.

    Hello! The dream was like this. It’s like I’m in my room and I’m trying to close the glass door and go to bed, and then through the door I see my mother and next to her a drunk man comes at me with an ax, I hold a chair in my hands to defend myself and the man throws an ax at I was right in the neck and I held the ax with my neck woke up with the words get out.!

    Good afternoon, I had a dream that an ax was stuck in my back, after which the dream changed the subject, and the girl began to hug me at that moment, my head began to feel dizzy, and everything began to cloud in my eyes. After that, the person who loves me began to calm me down, I told him badly, and in response, calm down, everything will be fine, I also said that I needed to go to the hospital, but there was no reaction, and I began to fall. Thanks in advance.

    i go into my mother-in-law's room and there I see how the daughter of my recently deceased husband lies on the floor on a mattress and she feels bad, she is all vomited and her little second son lies next to me, I took him and he pooped on my hands, I washed him and put him next to his mother, but it seemed as if my mother was drunk and my mother-in-law was sitting between two armchairs, she lost consciousness and I wanted to raise her, but suddenly I heard the voice of my own daughter, but I didn’t see her, she only heard she said that I should raise my grandmother, but at that time when I wanted to help my mother-in-law, the daughter said, mom, a woman appeared behind you, I turned around and she had a kitchen ax in her hands, but she was in a blurry silhouette, I took the ax from her and she disappeared, and when I again wanted to help the mother-in-law, I immediately heard my daughter again says mom the woman appeared again but she had a large knife in her hands I again silently take it from her and debug it to the side she disappears in a foggy silhouette I again turn to my mother-in-law to help her and suddenly again I hear my daughter saying mom she reappeared I turn around but she already has a small knife I take it and wake up sorry I just recently learned to write and I don’t know how to punctuate so I apologize

    I dreamed of an ax without a handle - brand new, sharp. I even cut myself with it. And the ax came in handy when I approached a high snowy hill - I moved down on an ax, like on a sled. Last night I dreamed of a gleaming, sharp saber, and I cut my finger on it too.

    In mine, not my son went crazy and chopped with an ax some uneven log or a stump that was in the blood. to the house. When I tried to stop her, telling her that he was afraid of blood, she said that he needed to be reassured. Meanwhile, I hid the ax on which there was blood somewhere so that my son would no longer see him. And realizing in a dream that my deceased grandmother and she took my son away, but I didn’t take my son away from her, realizing that this was not good .... I woke up. I would really like to know the answer to my dream ... I’m very worried ... Thank you in advance.

    One person I know (older than me) injured me with an ax from a light knee and my knees were lightly bloody incisions from an ax and I felt pain as if in reality and then he gave me his ax and told me to take the ax from a neighbor as if he had taken the ax at the neighbors for a while and when I took the ax to a neighbor, I noticed that the ax was very sharp ....etc.

    in a dream I received an ax, which allowed me to see enemies if the ax was in my hands, if I gave the ax to a friend, then the friend saw the enemies and I stopped seeing them and vice versa. the ax was sharp, it easily cut the found piece of wood with it.

    Good afternoon. Today I dreamed that I was in an apartment (like with my grandmother, although it was not her apartment) my friend knocked and was very surprised that I was in his apartment, but he was not angry (he was even pleased), he was drunk (doesn’t drink at all) with an ax in his hand, (an ax in the blood) seemed to want to go with him to his cohabitant, she hid (she was frightened), I asked to give me an ax, he gave it, did not even resist.

    I tried to kill my own grandmother, who died many years ago, first with the back of an ax when she leaned in front of me to pick something up. but, she remained alive. and. when she stood in front of me to her full height. I hit her on the head with an ax twice. breaking it into two parts. woke up horrified.

    At first I was walking with my neighbor near the school and then 3 axes were flying at us from around the corner, one ax was stopped by my boyfriend Pasha, we dodged the second ax, and the third one cut my neighbor Polina

    On a summer evening I walk in a red cocktail dress along the road along one-story houses. There are three axes on the road, which I pick up. Taking the axes, I decide to attach them. But I don’t remember whether I attached them or not.

    dreamed weird dream on Thursday night. Someone plunged an ax into my right shoulder blade. I feel him, that he sticks out. There is no pain and no blood. I understand that I need to get it, but I'm afraid that there will be blood or something else. And so I go with him, called an ambulance, but some incompetent doctors come. As a result, the ax itself fell off while I walked with it. What is it for? Thank you very much! Elena

    I dreamed that my mother killed my little sister and dad in the kitchen, when she killed him, he was sitting at the computer and did not even move.
    Then she started to kill me with an ax, she hit my leg, I tried to take the ax away, but broke the top, after that she beat me with a stick, it all happened in the corridor, near the front door .. and I didn’t run away ..
    I still can't understand why I dreamed about it..
    and by the way, my mom and dad were in a different guise .. and in my dream there was only one sister, I have two of them.

    I dreamed that I was walking through the forest and looking for someone talking to him on the phone, he says that some 3 more girls are looking for him and I can join them, but I don’t want to. Then I see and hear someone among trees, I think that this is the same person. The phone disappears. I start talking to him and seem to play with him, running from tree to tree. And I see it as if from a third person. but at the end I begin to see from the first and see how he, faceless, raises an ax and hits me in the head with it.

    I went to the store with a friend and she bought an ax for her husband as a gift. And I stole it and hid it to give it to my husband. Then I went to the bathhouse and hid it, and she saw it and took it to herself.

    A man I did not know wanted to attack me with a knife, and as a defense I found an ax and broke his knees with it so that he could not stand up and beat on the bend of his arms, beat not with the side of the blade and with the other side .. the man lay barely breathing

    I had a dream, I killed all my relatives with an ax. And chopped not consciously, Someone controlled my hand, I could not do anything. She screamed, she cried. When it was all over, fear remained and I decided to call the police, there was a fear of loss of freedom. But then in a dream I see another picture, as if behind a wall, that the whole family is alive, and I seem to be happy, but there was fear, but there was relief.

    Hello. Yesterday I had a rather strange dream. I saw my own cat (who never got angry with me. For seven years of her life, she never bit me) in her paws was an ax (new, pink). The cat looked at me, but did not make a sound and did not attack, but simply looked at me. I started screaming out of fear. It was night (in my dream) and my mother ran sleepy out of the room, took the cat and carried it to the bathroom. As I said, it was already night, but the bath was filled with blue water with foam. Mom put the cat there and closed it. Then she went to calm me down and then I received a text message “Let me out of the bathroom. I'm scared." I was even more scared. Within 10 minutes I received text messages from my cat. And then I woke up with a strong trembling in my body. Please tell me what this dream means, otherwise I am very shy and for the second day I cannot forget this dream. All is well with the cat. At night she came to me and started to lick

    i had a dream about how a maniac woman killed other women in front of my eyes with an ax on the head, smashing their heads and chopping off the heads of completely unfamiliar women, I saw death and fear in a dream of these women, some very dark blood.

    I talk on the news about a burned-out house and then I go there and lay flowers to one of the apartments, suddenly the door of the apartment opens and there is a boy with an ax standing there, I woke up from fright. What can this mean?

    Good afternoon!
    I dreamed that I was in some kind of white raincoat (I don’t have one), with a bag in one hand and an ax in the other, ended up in the Moscow metro. Moreover, I always tried to hide the ax behind my back, because. with him in the subway they might not be allowed to pass, the people standing next to him might get scared and start to panic. Then, in the subway, in some pharmacy I bought pads. The ax was terribly in the way all the time, but for some reason I knew that I should not let go of it, I needed it as a guarantee of my safety, as protection.

    i dreamed that in one hand I was holding an ax, and in the other a rooster, some kind unknown man wants me to cut off rooster's head, and the bird itself lays its head on a stump, but I'm sorry to tears and I let it go to the chicken coop

    With a large ax, from the beginning, I killed the crocodile chasing me in big house. Then he chopped a dry tree with the same ax, the tree branched into two trunks, one trunk had a large hollow, when I chopped the trunk, it turned into a human body, which I chopped further.

    i was on some kind of farm, and my task was to kill a pig, there was a fence, and I drove the pig under the fence, and standing on this fence cut the pig in half, but I don’t remember where the insides went, inside it was clean, meat and bones

    Hello Tatiana. I had a dream yesterday. began with me standing as if at home. in front of him, I turn so that the house is on my left shoulder, and there is nothing behind. 2 meters ahead of me, a little to the left closer to the house is my friend (I know her, but I don’t remember who she is).
    at the moment when I got up, turned around (the house stood on my left shoulder) and walked a little forward closer to the familiar but straight, it was as if they cut off my head (with an ax) at that moment I felt a cold on my neck. it was as if I heard the sound of a sword or an ax. I wonder what that means, everyone says differently. thanks in advance)

    Unknown to me, the dead grandfather came to life from the coffin and started a fire. But we put it out. He could not approach us and with some thoughts made the ax fly after me. But the ax flew right into my hand, didn’t cut it, but I just held it
    . And in my other hand I held another one of these ...

    First, in front of my eyes, they wanted to kill an old blind grandmother with a hammer, then they took an ax.

    I chose an iconostasis for myself in the temple vault, it turned into a very beautiful cross when I opened it and I chose a knife more like a small hatchet, also very beautiful

    it was on the market. I was dragged by a fat woman with an ax to her barn. There she took me by the hair, tilted me and I lay my head on a stump where meat is usually chopped. An unfamiliar woman swung and cut off my long hair

    Hello Tatyana, I had a dream that I knew some man (in a dream) and my mother and grandmother wanted to marry me to him, but I didn’t want to because he was very cruel and when I stood in the yard we they told him about something bad that I climbed up to fight him, but then I stopped abruptly because I was sooooo scared, and he wanted to throw an ax at my back, but he threw it at my leg, namely in the calf, it hurt me a lot, but then he left. After leaving, that man switched to another girl (in a dream she seemed to me a relative) and I was worried about that girl)) thanks for your attention, I'm waiting for your answer

    in a dream, he chopped off the girl’s head with an ax the first time it didn’t work out the second he chopped it off, but she was a threat, she was not alone and there were 3 of us. woke up in a sweat

    In my dream, a stranger was chasing me. I was sure that he wanted to kill me and harm my family. At first, I seemed to break away from him, but he somehow found out where I live, he came and started to break the door after he broke it, I grabbed an ax and started chopping it, struck a few blows and at the end cut it in half only across

    I dreamed that I was walking through a field of daisies and calling my loved one, but other guys appeared instead of him, and then they started throwing kitchen axes at me ... I never got my boyfriend

    I hear in a dream the sound of a broken door. I get up and go to the door. I see her broken, but covered. I see the light that breaks through staircase. The door is all chipped. I guess that behind the door is an alcoholic neighbor with whom we are in conflict. Out of the corner of my mind I tell myself not to come closer. But I get closer and open the door. Really a neighbor. In the hands of an ax. Waited me. Swinging an axe. It seems that I can run away and defend myself. Own ax at hand. But I submit to a strange desire to submit. I'm falling. First kick to the leg. I have time to think that I didn’t warn anyone what and where it was. And not to leave my cat. I can dodge. I don't dodge. I accept blows doomed. I'm dying. I wake up from the realization that after all, everything can be done differently. I want to sleep and change everything.

    I am a girl, I am 23 years old, today I had a dream that I was in the body of some young man who cuts one person with an ax, then another, does it terribly, dismembers, etc. .. and I see it all with his eyes. Then I already find myself in my body and for some reason I am very afraid to tell my parents about what he did. In the end, I tell everyone in shock. and I woke up. This young man is unknown to me. in a dream I saw him for the first time

    I dreamed that my mother cuts off the heads of babies and folds their heads on the ambassador and the body throws out an ax in one hand in the other baby and everything happens in the market and no one is embarrassed by this and my mother is happy with this

    I dreamed my ex-husband. It's like we lived together. He was on the phone with another woman (lovingly). It was as if I went to bed, and he comes into my room thinking that I am sleeping with an ax. I immediately realized that he wanted to kill me and picked up some kind of stake. He removed the ax and began to convince me that he just brought the ax. Then we went for a walk with him. everything happened at night. And he kept trying to run away from me, and I was chasing him. And then I suddenly seemed to hear that our daughter went out of the house into the street and cried loudly. I ran to her, completely forgetting about my husband. And he ran after me.

    In a dream, they found some very serious one in me, incurable disease. And in order to cure it, it was necessary to make a shallow incision in the middle of the back with an ax and, as it were, open the skin. I saw my back from the side during this. She was all clean, white, without a single scratch, but blood was clearly expressed against her background. And I had to be silent about such methods of treatment. I met with my friends and they gave me a friendly pat on the back, but I had to suppress a scream of pain. What could this all mean?

    he chopped his legs right down to the ass with an ax to his wife, she smiled and laughing said now you hold on, you couldn’t cut the hip bone, she helped with her hand, I also told her Nastya don’t interfere, there was no blood and there was light from the wound

    I was walking in the yard, I was attacked by a man with a knife (similar to a small ax), I fell and crawled through the snow. He was almost there, and I wanted to ask. But she gathered her last strength and broke away. When I crawled away, I got up and ran. I ran away, but I knew for sure that he was looking for me. When he attacked me, he was angry, he wanted to kill me, I remember that for sure

    So. I sit and watch something on the site, some forum with a discussion of the files downloaded on it, and I don’t remember, there is still some kind of sleep interval, some guy told me something that they say the file is viral, look here , what happened to my screen because of this, and I wrote some message on the forum and turned it off, then a sharp change in the situation, I'm standing in the shower, in a sweatshirt, a scream is heard from the room and as if something was thrown on the floor, and steps, pounding on the walls, and then a nasty voice sings a song, something about me. (approximately what I heard was “it’s bad to study ...” I don’t remember further if this is connected with my studies, I don’t know.) He seemed to be with an ax, long, curly hair and wearing a mask, he looked like a pseudo-maniac from the UNTIL DAWN game. And then the noise of the water began to increase, then decrease. And then I sit down on my knees, like, cry, and wake up, that's all. Geez what the hell is this.

    Hello, Tatyana! From Sunday to Monday I had a dream. I saw a lot of strangers on the bus. Some kind of mess ensued and an unfamiliar gypsy pushed me on the head with the tip of an ax, but a wound formed without blood (I later saw a scar from the ax in my head and another person (man), woke up in a cold sweat and still this dream does not get out of my head. What did he dream about?)

    dreamed of a huge building gray gloomy at all strangers adults in a room like a bedroom and a lot of beds, everyone was sleeping and then a man comes in, very tall, completely unfamiliar, I wake up, look at him and he, waving an ax at me, grit, die, I start yelling and yelling not only in a dream, but also at the whole apartment and woke up

    The husband went to the house of his relatives, and there his father was with an ax and everything was covered in blood. The father rushed at him with an ax, the husband, not understanding anything, began to back away, asking his father what he was doing? But he silently continued to attack him with an ax in hands. The husband left this house and left. His father died a long time ago 11 years ago. Yes, in this house, where the husband went and where his father was with an ax, all the walls were covered in blood. What does this mean?

    I dreamed of an escape, but it is not clear from where, either from prison, or from the forest. I didn’t run alone, but I don’t remember my fellow traveler, it seems that it was my husband. When they ran out through the gate, they ended up in some village. It was so dirty and people were unfriendly, we hid in some shed with firewood, and at night we were awakened by the sound of a chopping ax. We looked out, and in the middle of the night the owner of the house was chopping something with a huge ax, and it was clearly not firewood. After that I woke up.

    I came to the sea with my family, on the sea (on the beach) they handed out axes to everyone, next to dreams in the water (to the waist) stood a girl with very pale (some kind of white) skin, with an ax, looked at us all and sang (it was what then the melody, the song was not cheerful, there were no words heard, she sang in a voice, she didn’t even know what to call it).

    It happened in a tall building. I dreamed of an unfamiliar man, non-Russian. And he had an ax in his hands. He chased me everywhere to kill me. As a result, he threw an ax at me, but the ax flew tangentially and injured my neck on the side. there wasn’t, only a red line. I left the building to ask for help, but the people around didn’t help. Then I see that I’m more or less okay. And I’m holding a good boy in my arms. And again this man appears, only with a knife- butterfly. And again he throws at me. The knife stuck into me, but not deeply. I pulled it out and with a boomerang at this man, the knife hit right in the heart.

    I dreamed of a big garden where I hung on a tree, then a snake appeared there, it crawled over me and did not bite, but on the contrary showed sympathy. After I got down from the tree, there were a lot of people and they laughed at me. Then I started throwing axes at them, 4-5 pieces, and as soon as he was about to fly to someone, he immediately fell to the ground, and those who laughed ran away.

    Hello! Please decipher my dream! I dreamed that my son and I woke up in a luxurious apartment, and in a dream it seemed to be ours, my friends were there, and then vampires attacked us, and I don’t remember how we started to run away. Then we went into some empty house, where our acquaintances lived, as it were, a man with a little daughter, they were not at home, and after we were inside, his daughter somehow got into the house and I cut her throat with an ax, which I took like from that chic and like her apartment, when she cut a little blood came out on her neck, I killed her because she seemed to be a vampire too and seemed to be worried about us, and all her friends (I don’t remember who exactly it was and from whether mine real life these “friends”, but in a dream I considered them friends) were shocked why I killed her and they seemed to say it was necessary to check if she was a vampire first! Then we hid her body behind the sofa, when her father came later, we had to dodge! I don’t remember what happened next, I only remember that the ax was light, like new and sharp! I don’t remember that I ever dreamed of axes, and I had one of them, what could that mean, and I haven’t watched films with vampires for a hundred years! please help explain. I woke up a dream from Tue to Wed. Thank you in advance!

    Hello. I don’t remember the whole dream, but I really remember a piece, after which I woke up. The guy and I sat in wooden house with unfamiliar grandmother. Then she left the house for a while, and when she returned, I was definitely sure that she would want to take the ax and this should not be allowed. I started not to let her on the threshold of the house, brandishing this ax, and yelling that I would not give her the ax. At first she persuaded me to give it to her, that she would simply put it on and that she did not need it at all. And then she just started to break, but I didn’t let her, they swung, But I knew for sure that she couldn’t hit her hands with an ax. And she immediately woke up.

    The former common-law husband went to the house, he left on the other side, my son and I held him, he slept on me so we rolled on rollers. We come home on an icy hill there, I play with my son, my husband tries to drag us by the hand, his son sank down, I rolled down, I suddenly had a servant in the church behind him, father, so we climbed up on the porch, the father asks his son who inflicted these wounds, the husband says yes, he runs after his mother. then the priest said that you can’t do this, an innocent child, and I immediately started so my husband beat us both, so the litter began. The child stood near the refrigerator, then the husband and the father on the side, I stood at the door. The husband was screaming, holding a small ax in his hands.

    I’m sitting on a hill and I see how my grandfather passes by, and behind him three men start beating him, then some kind of grandmother runs after him and starts shouting help. . Suddenly this grandfather screams, where are you, daughter? And I woke up.

    In life, I will not be able to decide which of the two men I should be.
    In a dream with one of them, we wanted to look at the moon, which was closer to the earth that day, but we didn’t try that way - it was not visible. Trees, branches, houses, etc. interfered.
    We came to a house where we thought we could see the moon on the lawn. We went to the porch, looked around. A guard saw us and wanted to drive us away, but an elderly lady stopped him. We explained what we wanted and she let us into the site. Elderly ladies were sitting there and everyone started talking to us, only they didn’t let us onto the lawn. Therefore, we had to carefully climb along the porch on the boards in order to somehow see the moon. The young man was in front of me, stopped and waited for me to reach him, and I, being already next to him, did not notice the ax stuck in the board at my feet. Hit him and he fell. Not only did he fall for some reason with the blade down, so he fell literally one millimeter from the young man's leg. I managed to apologize and immediately woke up.

    I have a dream about how my ex-husband arrived on a somnoy gazelle and he got out of the car first, didn’t wait for me, and I collect my packages in a hurry and there’s a lot of bread and food, mostly bread, I come home in the middle of the yard, he cuts a baby girl with an ax and I find out that he wants to cook food and his cousin says how many times I told him not to do this again, but he didn’t listen and I felt bad there

    good afternoon, I dreamed that some unknown girl came and knocked on the door of my house, opening the door she said "This is a gift for you from Sasha" and threw an ax at me, but it flew past me.
    Sasha is mine ex-boyfriend who periodically appears in my life, I still love him. Why all this

    we met with ex-man on the way to the clinic, I was taking my son to treat his teeth. On the way, we met an old friend, she decided to help me take my son to the doctor, who treats his teeth. And we, with my ex-man, were given a waiting room from the clinic. There was a flock of a bed in it, from which for some reason he began to cut down parts of the boards. On it, we had to make love. But my ex-acquaintance gave me a lift, in a wheelchair, with cotton swabs behind her cheeks. And she said that they removed two teeth. I took my son from this stroller, he was shaking with fear, pressed him to me and began to calm him down. This is where the dream ended.

    Hello. My dream is like this.
    our family had some new neighbors, well, almost neighbors, and they were a little bit strange. They offered our family a game, something similar to roulette, with murder but not with a gun, strangely enough, but with an axe. Mom agreed, she went so joyful, happy. But there is the essence of this game, a certain number of strokes is given, and if you kill a person, you win. And my stepfather karoch started this game. How strange, but he began to strike first at the wooden house, that is, to cut the wall, when he cut through it, he went up to his mother. He thought for a long time whether to chop it or not, but then my younger brother took that ax and struck several blows on the ground, after which I took that ax and lay down to hug my mother and cried. Lord, how many tears I had, it's a kapets, it's horror. In parallel, in a dream, my older cousin runs after his own dad, all in tears. I was all in tears. Then this brother came up to me and offered to go with him to another locality because he was invited by his girlfriends. We went. And at the end of the dream we met friends and how strange everyone went down the street by the handles

    My husband and children and I had no place to live and we went to a terrible house supposedly of my sister there we found things, but my sister was not there, I remember vaguely the beginning, I don’t remember who, but they found it on the street or at home expensive toys and the child’s phone, I called their owner on this phone to take the find, they reacted strangely, I remember, but I don’t remember how, as a result, a lot of people came to us and tried to take more of our things, began to explain to them that these were already our things, and their in that package, I vaguely remember it, but I remember the ending of the dream in detail, we are in a room in which there is also access to the street, I ran into the room because I was confused, for some reason my husband called from this room and said slurred things, I I ran in and heard his phrase, we all love you very much, and he grabbed me and continued to mumble, some big man came in the door, with a gray beard, dressed in a sheepskin coat or something, although it was warm outside before that, and at that moment it was like like a blizzard (by sound), he had an ax in his hands, not an ordinary one, not a new one, but a big one, there was a bed near the door against the wall, my son and daughter were sitting on the bed, he started walking towards them, I began to break free and scream, begging them not to do this, the husband continued to say something and keep m Enya, that man lightly threw an ax in the direction of my son and I saw my son lying face down on the bed in the sheets everything was red, the man and my husband were saying something to each other, I fell, my husband continued to hold and this man went in my direction grabbed my leg, swung and I woke up, he was going to chop off my feet.

    On the night of my birthday, I had a dream: I was sailing on a ship with friends whom I do not know in reality, but in a dream they were my friends. But a storm began, a real storm was pouring rain, our ship met with another, and from that ship they threw 2 axes at me in the neck of the back (I don’t know how to say), and then I found myself, suddenly, in some kind of room similar to a church, but it was far from her, so it seemed to me in a dream. In my hands, I don’t remember how, there was a piece of paper in which I looked. Then a man appeared from behind the carpet, who said: "Do not read, it will not help." Moreover, I stood quite normally, it only showed a little, otherwise there was no pain when I had 2 axes stuck in my back. He took me to white door right in this church, not a church, in short, he turned out to be a German doctor, pulled axes out of me, and the operation was going on when I was standing. Right now, complete nonsense will go, although it was even more delusional before ... The doctor takes out an ax and is very surprised, there is a lot of salt in my wound (such a large sea similar to ice in supermarkets, where the fish lies on ice), he takes it out (I stand ) and sees under the salt in my previously 3 hefty seals (well, as I understood it in a dream, there was a storm, so it skidded by accident). It takes out all the seals, the wound was without blood (like a fish butchering a currency on a fillet, something like this, 30 cm in length (from the neck and further on the back) I don’t understand anything at all (when I started writing I felt crazy) nonsense nonsense, but still ... He sewed one for me, the second wound was smaller and he didn’t sew it up, he said: “It’s not for us that you need to go to America.” I think, ok. I’m going to America by ship and then I wake up. Can you explain what delusions was going on with me?Today is my birthday.

    In a dream, an angry man is chasing me, I run from him, I hide behind bags of sugar or flour, then I go out and he meets my face. blood but not much, but only by touching the palm earlier. Other people see and calm me down and drive him away. And before that, at the beginning of the dream there were budgerigars one yellow the other green and they hatched cute little parrots and I save them from the evil blue parrot and I say to him they pinch my beak and he tries to pinch me and swear clearly through a closed beak in a human way. I tried to put him in a cage to close, but he expressed through the bars and climbed to kill other parrots. but I saved them. we could run to other rooms from the evil one and I was left alone and began to hide.

    Hello, today 04,12,18 I had a dream in which I am an important person, running away from my pursuers with guns, running across the river and hiding behind a tree. The atmosphere was reminiscent civil war 1918 - 1922 .. When I looked out from behind a tree, a young fighter began to throw axes at me, which flew like a boomerang, two axes hit the tree and the third hit left hand in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe biceps, and cut his arm in half, there was no blood, pain too .. began to recede, asked his comrades for threads with a needle to be sewn up, or at least himself .. but no one had it .. By the way, on new bed, in the hostel I constantly have such dreams, then someone dies, then they hurt me, then they persecute me 🙁

    The whole class of us got on the bus (there was a cool one too), I talked to her, but then she abruptly said “I have to go” (she was wearing a red cape and red high-heeled boots) she went down with some man by the handle from the mountain, then he went the other way, and she went under the bridge. The bus drives forward a little bit and everyone saw how it surfaced (and no one ran to pull it out)

    My girlfriend and I were decorating the orphanage in honor of the upcoming holiday. In the middle of sleep, it turns out that instead of a brush right hand both I and she have an ax, but no one noticed this. Then we needed an ax, we decided to take it from the neighbors. As we walked, woodcutters threw axes at us, and they were the only ones who noticed our “hands”. All the figures of the ax were ordinary, that is, not rusty.
    I called my brother to ask where to get an ax, he asked a lot of stupid questions about the ax (although in real life very smart man). This is where the dream ended.

This is ancient tool labor, which from time immemorial has helped man. Without it, they could not cut down a tree, chop wood and build a house. But just as this tool is beneficial, it can also be harmful. Killing with it is not uncommon even today, not to mention what happened before.

Therefore, the appearance of this object in a dream can have both a positive and a negative variant. It is worth paying attention to the details in a dream with his presence in order to answer the question of what the ax is dreaming of as accurately as possible.

What tool did you dream about?

A new tool in a dream indicates that you need to start working, and then the efforts will be crowned with success and lead to the desired result.

Seeing an ax in a dream can mean both a favorable event and a formidable warning. In the wrong hands, the ax dreams of the approach of a serious illness. It is worth paying attention to health. In his hands - portends victory in a difficult struggle.

A blunt instrument symbolizes difficulties that can only be overcome with the support and help of loved ones.

Rusty - to the breakup of the family. In personal relationships, disagreements and misunderstandings arose, which lead to a split.

Unfinished business and a negative result in current affairs symbolizes a broken tool.

In the hands of a dreamer

Did you dream about sharpening a tool? Such a dream speaks of an approach to an event on which great hopes are placed. Preparing for important business It will be completed. The main thing is to pull yourself together and boldly strive for success, while not forgetting to make the necessary efforts.

To fulfill desires and achieve goals, one dreams of working with an ax: chopping firewood, chopping trees, etc.. But all these favorable predictions will come true only thanks to hard work and ingenuity.

Chop with an ax or bones in a dream - a warning about caution. Blindly going to the goal can harm another person.

To kill a person with an ax in a dream - such a plot is interpreted ambiguously. If the victim of the murder is an enemy or competitor of the dreamer, this is a good omen. seen this dream will be able to achieve the desired result with the help of cunning and resourcefulness.

But to cut off the head of a loved one or a stranger is to bring on hard times. You will have to face misunderstanding from the environment. Lying and hiding secrets will lead to serious problems. In this case, it is worth thinking about why this could happen, and carefully analyze what is happening around.

Murder means to commit a grave sin. Be prudent in your actions.

In the wrong hands and not only

However, an ax in a dream can be not only a weapon in the dreamer's hands. Often the instrument is dreamed of in the wrong hands: men or even women.

Answering the question of why a man is dreaming or with an ax, dream books assure: in reality, in the near future you will have devoted comrades and true friends. If a butcher dreams with a tool in his hands, the vision warns of approaching diseases.

A sharp tool holds close person? A waking friend will help deal with current problems. But if this character tries to kill the dreamer, he should expect a "stab in the back" in real life.

A stranger with a gun dreams of a warning: you should be more careful with finances. Not now the best time for investments and investments.

If an ax was stuck in the back, expect an unexpected blow that will bring a lot of problems. At the same time, the absence of pain suggests that everything can be overcome with little effort, but if it is felt, overcoming obstacles on the way will be difficult and may entail losses.

A severed head will result in loss of support. Such a murder with an ax dreams of the loss of support, which has been relied on for a long time. It will become very difficult to put your actions and thoughts in order.

A donated ax announces new acquaintances that will bring a lot of pleasant, but at the same time thrills. Find an ax in a dream - to problems and the collapse of hopes. You are waiting for the "black stripe".

Who dreams of an ax?

The ax in the hands of a woman speaks of the appearance of a worthy, but not too well-to-do materially narrowed.

A married woman dreams of an ax for the appearance of a lover in the near future.

A dream in which a husband chases his wife with this tool portends the spouse’s imminent departure for a while.. This will provide an opportunity to take a break from relationships that are in recent times began to get more difficult.

For a man to see himself with an ax in his hands means to realize himself in a purely masculine business. Chop wood or - meet old friends and relax in nature.

If a man dreams of a girl with an ax - in reality he will meet an extraordinary fan. If in a dream she tries to kill, in real life this person will cause many difficulties.

Famous dream books about the cleaver

Denise Lynn

The dream of an ax suggests that it is time to take matters into your own hands. This is a sign of fear and loss.. Make sure you don't lose your job or miss out on something important.

If there is something in life that is worth getting rid of, but you just can’t decide on it, cut it boldly. Getting rid of the unnecessary will lead to the emergence of a new, beneficial and joyful.

The ax, as an instrument of execution, makes you think about actions. Feelings of guilt or doubt lead to confusion.


An ax in a dream symbolizes feelings about the work done.. Whether everything was framed correctly, whether the letter was written in vain, whether certain actions were needed.

It is also a symbol of a sharp mind. The dreamer is perceived as a person who "can make candy out of nothing."

To sharpen the tip of an ax is to commit a risky act that concerns documents. It is worth being careful, because those who support may turn out to be enemies.

If you are attacked in a dream - beware of the catch when signing contracts.


The more the dreamer makes an effort, the more he will be rewarded. This is warned by the appearance of an ax in a dream.

A tool in the hands of other people will tell about happy and friendly relationships..

A young girl dreams of an ax to meet an attractive boyfriend who is deprived of financial wealth.

A broken tool will lead to losses, a rusty one to poor health.

Longo, white magician

The ax speaks of problems that can only be avoided if all meetings are postponed in the near future.

Sharpen a tool - decide on a risky act.

A flying ax handle will warn of interference that can create difficulties in an important matter.

To be a butcher in a dream is to act too aggressively. Such behavior will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Whatever the ax may dream of in a dream - hard work, fulfillment of desires, losses, or even death, the main thing to remember is that in order to achieve the ultimate goal and avoid many problems, you will need to make an effort!

American dream book

Ax - hold the power firmly in your hands.

With an ax - you can chop off what you no longer need.

Assyrian dream book

If a person in a dream holds an ax in his hands and destroys a house, a temple, a sanctuary with it, this dream portends intercession for him from above.

Small Velesov dream book

Ax - quarrel, debts, hard work; hack - fight, anxiety.

The latest dream book

Ax - you are threatened.

Russian folk dream book

The ax is a symbol of a tool, but also a clear threat.

To sharpen an ax in a dream - in reality to prepare for some kind of risky step.

You chop, and the ax flies off the ax handle - unexpected interference will arise that will greatly affect the outcome of the case.

Cutting meat or bones with an ax in a dream - you are acting too rudely and straightforwardly, and this can greatly harm your business.

Family dream book

Seeing an ax in a dream - know that your success depends entirely on your efforts and energy.

If you dreamed of someone else with an ax in your hands, you will have wonderful friends, with whom it will be a great pleasure for you to communicate.

A young woman dreaming of an ax portends the appearance of a worthy, albeit not a wealthy admirer.

A broken or rusty ax - dreams of illness and loss of money.

Modern dream book

An ax seen in a dream portends that only energy and struggle will bring you joy.

Seeing people working with an ax in a dream promises you energetic and cheerful friends who will give you their energy and cheerfulness.

If a young woman dreamed of an ax, her chosen one would be a worthy, albeit not a rich person.

A broken or rusty ax is an omen of illness, loss and poverty.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Ax - the need to show strength and / or power (also the desire or possibility of this). The need to prepare something (prepare someone). The need to get rid of something (someone) in one fell swoop (also the desire or possibility of this).

Dream Interpretation of Azar

An ax is an unpleasant job.

Dream Interpretation Longo

If you dreamed of an ax, it means that in life you are in danger, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings on this day.

If in a dream you saw an ax without an ax handle, it means that the intrigues of your enemies will be upset and they will not be able to harm you.

To chop in a dream with an ax - in reality, you are solving the current problem with unsuitable methods, so nothing changes significantly.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Ax - it's time to make up your mind and break an unnecessary connection with a person who has shown dishonesty towards you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The ax is a symbol of strength and power. Isn't it time to take control of the situation in your own hands?

The ax can be a sign of fear and loss. Can it happen that your work is "hacked to death"? Are you afraid of losing something important? Take steps to prevent this, or prepare for the possibility.

With an ax you can chop off what you no longer need - is there something in your life that should be cut down?

Sometimes an ax - can mean an instrument of execution, a powerful symbol of justice. Do you feel guilty or worried about something?

Dream interpretation for a bitch

An ax is hard, unprofitable work.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

An ax in a dream - symbolizes reckless determination.

Deftly working with an ax is a sign that by acting quickly, decisively and accurately, you can achieve significant success.

Chopping wood in a dream means that in the near future you will have to work hard to deal with the accumulated problems and troubles. Often such dreams warn of an imminent conflict.

Any troubles that are somehow connected with an ax in your dream are a warning. The dream suggests that your peremptory and unwillingness to compromise can turn into big problems for you. On days like this, you're better off giving in than going into open confrontation.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Ax - to violence.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Ax - a complete break with the one you love will follow.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Ax - to the threat.

Chinese dream book

You inflict a wound on yourself with an ax - portends great luck, profit.

You receive an ax from a person - there will soon be an appointment.

The ax falls into the water - portends the death of his wife.

You lose - portends ruin, monetary loss.

Traveling, walking with an ax - portends material gain.

You sharpen the tip - portends joy, good luck.

Giving a man an ax portends misfortune.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream where a drunken husband is chasing you with an ax is a harbinger of his departure for a long time, which will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief and calmly clean up the house. Chopping firewood with an ax is a sign of warm friendly relations, chopping trees - to a fun, riotous life to your fullest.

Seeing a butcher with a bloodied ax in a dream is a dangerous illness and a difficult operation. Chopping off a head with an ax is a troublesome business or a minor fine. Drop an ax into an ice hole - to sensual pleasures.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Ax - poverty, hard work, misfortune; working for them is a good salary; chopping a tree is disagreement.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

An ax in a dream means that you will get pleasure and joy from life thanks to your efforts and energy.

Seeing others with an ax portends energetic and cheerful friends, life with whom will give you sheer pleasure. Such a dream for a young woman promises a poor, but very worthy admirer in terms of his human qualities.

Broken or rusty ax - portends illness, loss of money or some kind of property.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Ax - own (or someone else's) destructive energy of evil.

Cutting a tree is a danger; end any activity.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed of an ax - know that only energy and struggle will bring you joy.

A broken or rusty ax is an omen of illness or poverty.

You dreamed that you were chopping with an ax - you had to change your lifestyle to a more energetic one.

If you dreamed that you saw people wielding axes, in the near future you will have energetic and cheerful friends.

If you dreamed that you were buying or sharpening an ax - you will have to spend a lot of energy and effort to improve your financial situation and position in society.

Lose an ax - to a quarrel with a friend.

In a dream, you sold an ax - keep in mind that your strength and energy will soon be very needed by someone close to you.

Freud's dream book

The ax, like most tools, symbolizes the penis, and chopping wood symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If a man cuts wood, he has no health problems, and he is able to have an active sex life.

If a woman cuts wood, she manifests herself as a bisexual. There are both feminine and masculine features in her behavior and desires.

If a man injured himself with an ax, he is prone to same-sex love

If a woman injured herself with an ax, she fears the upcoming sexual contact.

A rusty or serrated ax - symbolizes diseases of the genital organs or disorders in the sexual sphere.

Broken ax - symbolizes impotence.

Aesop's dream book

Such a symbol of a dream as an ax can be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen, you can’t cut it down with an ax”, in which case your subconscious mind signals to you that you are experiencing, whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or regret writing a letter, telegram, note.

An ax can symbolize - cunning, resourcefulness of a person who is able to make at least something out of nothing, as in a fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax. They say: "He swims like an ax", and if your subconscious mind associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are unhappy with how someone from your environment performs the tasks assigned to him.

Sharpen an ax - in reality, prepare for some kind of risky step related to papers, be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down.

If at the time when you are chopping something, the ax flies off the ax handle, it means that you will have interference in your work that will not only ruin your mood, but also affect your income.

To chop something with an ax is to achieve what you want with the help of cunning and resourcefulness.

If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, this means that acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to someone around you, so think before you do it.

A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

French dream book

If you saw an ax in a dream, be careful: you are in serious danger.

Ukrainian dream book

Ax - loss of property or debts; chop something with an ax - trouble, anxiety.

Gypsy dream book

To own an ax - others respect you, however, more for your position than for your abilities.

Esoteric dream book

An ax for a woman is the appearance of a “real man” in your life, especially if you put the ax into action.

For men - the opportunity to prove themselves in a purely male profession, in the military field.

Erotic dream book

An ax seen in a dream - in your hands marks the consciousness of absolute power over your partner, the complete subordination of his interests and desires to your own whims. You will continue to have a similar role of leader, initiator in bed.

If in a dream they swing an ax at you or you see it in the hands of another person, this is a sign of danger hanging over you. Perhaps ill-wishers are weaving networks of intrigue and gossip around you, which will cause significant damage to your reputation. Be careful.

Online dream book

Ax - you will have to work hard and zealously defend your rights, only such activity will help you feel truly happy.

If it is unsuitable for work, serious problems will arise in all areas of life.

Dream Interpretation Ax

Why does the Ax dream in a dream from a dream book?

Did you dream that you see an ax? There will be a need to work hard to achieve justice. Only active work in reality will allow you to find happiness.

Where did you see an ax in a dream?

Why dream of an ax in the back

According to Felomena's dream book, an ax in the back symbolizes spontaneous trouble. In real life, there is a chance of becoming a victim of deception, meanness because of people who were trusted.

I dreamed of an ax in my head

If in a dream you had to look at an ax in someone's head or you yourself struck with a weapon - in reality you will try to achieve your goals by infringing on the opinions of others.

Who had an ax in a dream?

Interpretation of a dream about a man with an ax

A man with an ax dreams of those who in reality good health, excellent condition of the body. It's time to direct the acquired good to the appearance of your own heir.

What actions were carried out with an ax?

If in a dream you are cut with an ax

If you dreamed of being cut with an ax, you need to be on the alert. Perhaps soon a relative will have a serious illness. The coming days are also unfavorable regarding personal life.

Run in a dream from armed with an ax

The meaning of sleep, where you run from a man armed with an ax, lies in the presence of an unfulfilled desire in life, which does not give him rest.

What did you do with an ax in a dream?

Why dream of holding an ax

Did you hold the dreaming ax with your hands? According to the dream book, you are a leader in life, commanding respect, they take an example from you, give great importance your point of view.

I dreamed about hiding an ax

Seeing in a dream how you hide an ax means the possibility of a family scandal. You will be the initiator or the culprit of the disagreement, and you will have to prove your case with great persistence.

What ax did you dream about?

Dream about a wooden ax handle

You dream about how a wooden handle broke on an ax - get ready for unpleasant events that are coming in reality. Such undesirable changes can affect all spheres of life.

Ax in the blood according to the dream book

Had a dream that the ax was stained with blood? The dream notifies you that you can achieve considerable success and secure a more than worthy future for yourself. The main thing - do not be afraid to act, make every effort to achieve your goals.

How do other dream books interpret?

Ax in the back

Dream Interpretation Ax in the back dreamed of why in a dream an Ax in the back? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Ax in the back in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Dream Interpretation - Back

If you dream that someone has turned his back on you (he is standing with his back to you), then this person is far from being indifferent to your problems and worries. Such a dream often warns of betrayal and portends sadness and disappointment. If in a dream you see your own back, then you have to go through hard times and overcome many obstacles. A wounded, scratched or abraded back in a dream indicates that your life will not be strewn with roses. But the back is smooth, even, beautiful in a dream means that your life until old age will be calm and secure. Feeling back pain in a dream is a sign of great worries and difficulties. Seeing spots on your own or someone else's back in a dream is a harbinger of shame and humiliation. Exposing your back to someone in a dream - to monetary losses. If in a dream someone pushed you in the back, then you should not sit back and get down to business without delay so as not to miss your lucky chance. See interpretation: lower back, stranger.

Dream Interpretation - Back

A stupid dream in which you walk on the back of a crocodile suggests that you will resist the pressure of circumstances with all your might, but in the end you will fail in an unequal combat with your fate. A dream where you are crossing a river on the back of a horse portends the fulfillment of your aspirations, a happy turn in business. If in a dream you, like Dr. Aibolit, fly on the back of an eagle, it means that you have to go either on an exotic cruise or on an ethnographic expedition somewhere on the south side of the equator. Carrying a satchel or backpack behind your back means that you will be awarded some kind of reward. If in a dream they put banks or mustard plasters on your back, you will find yourself in a very piquant situation, finding yourself in a purely male society. A tanned black back is a sign of hard work and unquestioning obedience. White pale back - to loss and disappointment. If someone disrespectfully stands with his back to you, express regret about the failed transaction. A dream in which you are hit on the back with batogs or bicycle chains - in reality, show obstinacy and disobedience.

Sharpen an ax

Dream Interpretation Sharpen an ax dreamed of why in a dream Sharpen an ax? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to sharpen an ax in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Such a symbol of a dream as an ax can be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen, you cannot cut it out with an ax”, in this case, your subconscious mind signals to you that you are experiencing, whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or regret writing a letter, telegram, note. An ax can symbolize the cunning, resourcefulness of a person who is able to make at least something out of nothing, as in a fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax. They say: "He floats like an ax", and if your subconscious mind associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are unhappy with the way someone from your environment performs the tasks entrusted to him. Sharpen an ax - in reality, prepare for some kind of risky step related to papers, be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down. If at the time when you are chopping something, the ax flies off the ax handle, then you will have interference in your work, which will not only spoil your mood, but also affect your income. To chop something with an ax is to achieve what you want with the help of cunning and resourcefulness. If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, this means that acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to someone around you, so think before you do it. A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Seeing an ax in a dream means that you will have to break off some kind of relationship or stop some business. Sometimes it is implied that this can happen regardless of your will. Often a dream about an ax portends material losses. Working with an ax in a dream is a harbinger of great life difficulties, needs and failures. But if in a dream you see how others work with an ax, then someone will offer you to participate in some business that will turn out to be unpromising. Making something wonderful with an ax means that you will be able to accomplish a deed that everyone considered hopeless.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

A dream where a drunken husband is chasing you with an ax is a harbinger of his departure for a long time, which will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief and calmly clean up the house. Chopping firewood with an ax is a sign of warm friendship, chopping trees - to a fun, riotous life to your fullest. Seeing a butcher with a bloodied ax in a dream is a dangerous illness and a difficult operation. Cutting off a head with an ax is a troublesome business or a minor fine. Drop an ax into an ice hole - to sensual pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

The ax is a symbol of a tool, but also a clear threat. To sharpen an ax in a dream, in reality to prepare for some kind of risky step. You chop, and the ax flies off the ax handle, there will be unexpected interference that will greatly affect the outcome of the case. To cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, you act too rudely and straightforwardly, and this can greatly harm your business.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Seeing an ax in a dream, know that your success depends entirely on your efforts and energy. If you dreamed of someone else with an ax in your hands, then you will have wonderful friends, with whom it will be a great pleasure for you to communicate. A young woman dreaming of an ax portends the appearance of a worthy, albeit not a wealthy admirer. A broken or rusty ax dreams of illness and loss of money.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

To see an ax - the pleasure and joy that you receive depends on your efforts and energy; to see others with an ax - energetic and cheerful friends, life next to them will be a pleasure; for a young woman - this dream - you will have a very worthy, albeit not a rich admirer; broken or rusty ax - illness, loss of money and property.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

If you dreamed of an ax, it means that in life you are in danger, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings on this day. If you saw an ax without an ax handle, it means that the intrigues of your enemies will be upset and they will not be able to harm you. Chop with an ax: in fact, you are solving the current problem with unsuitable methods, so nothing significantly changes.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

A symbol of strength and power. Isn't it time to take control of the situation in your own hands? An ax can be: a sign of fear and loss. Can it happen that your work is "hacked to death"? Are you afraid of losing something important? Take steps to prevent this, or prepare for the possibility. With an ax you can chop off what you no longer need: is there something in your life that should be cut down? Sometimes an ax: can mean an instrument of execution, a powerful symbol of justice. Do you feel guilty or worried about something?

Dream Interpretation - Sharpener

who in a dream holds a whetstone in his hand or sharpens something with it, he will renew relations with a person he previously loved.

Dream Interpretation - Sharpen a knife

If you sharpened knives in a dream, the dream warns that what you have planned can ruin your career. Imagine that you are not sharpening, but blunting a knife. He can't cut at all.

Hit a person with an ax

Dream Interpretation with an Ax to hit a person had a dream, why dream of hitting a person with an Ax in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to hit a person in a dream with an Ax by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Such a symbol of a dream as an ax can be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen, you cannot cut it out with an ax”, in this case, your subconscious mind signals to you that you are experiencing, whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or regret writing a letter, telegram, note. An ax can symbolize the cunning, resourcefulness of a person who is able to make at least something out of nothing, as in a fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax. They say: "He floats like an ax", and if your subconscious mind associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are unhappy with the way someone from your environment performs the tasks entrusted to him. Sharpen an ax - in reality, prepare for some kind of risky step related to papers, be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down. If at the time when you are chopping something, the ax flies off the ax handle, then you will have interference in your work, which will not only spoil your mood, but also affect your income. To chop something with an ax is to achieve what you want with the help of cunning and resourcefulness. If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, this means that acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to someone around you, so think before you do it. A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Seeing an ax in a dream means that you will have to break off some kind of relationship or stop some business. Sometimes it is implied that this can happen regardless of your will. Often a dream about an ax portends material losses. Working with an ax in a dream is a harbinger of great life difficulties, needs and failures. But if in a dream you see how others work with an ax, then someone will offer you to participate in some business that will turn out to be unpromising. Making something wonderful with an ax means that you will be able to accomplish a deed that everyone considered hopeless.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

A dream where a drunken husband is chasing you with an ax is a harbinger of his departure for a long time, which will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief and calmly clean up the house. Chopping firewood with an ax is a sign of warm friendship, chopping trees - to a fun, riotous life to your fullest. Seeing a butcher with a bloodied ax in a dream is a dangerous illness and a difficult operation. Cutting off a head with an ax is a troublesome business or a minor fine. Drop an ax into an ice hole - to sensual pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

The ax is a symbol of a tool, but also a clear threat. To sharpen an ax in a dream, in reality to prepare for some kind of risky step. You chop, and the ax flies off the ax handle, there will be unexpected interference that will greatly affect the outcome of the case. To cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, you act too rudely and straightforwardly, and this can greatly harm your business.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Seeing an ax in a dream, know that your success depends entirely on your efforts and energy. If you dreamed of someone else with an ax in your hands, then you will have wonderful friends, with whom it will be a great pleasure for you to communicate. A young woman dreaming of an ax portends the appearance of a worthy, albeit not a wealthy admirer. A broken or rusty ax dreams of illness and loss of money.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

To see an ax - the pleasure and joy that you receive depends on your efforts and energy; to see others with an ax - energetic and cheerful friends, life next to them will be a pleasure; for a young woman - this dream - you will have a very worthy, albeit not a rich admirer; broken or rusty ax - illness, loss of money and property.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

If you dreamed of an ax, it means that in life you are in danger, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings on this day. If you saw an ax without an ax handle, it means that the intrigues of your enemies will be upset and they will not be able to harm you. Chop with an ax: in fact, you are solving the current problem with unsuitable methods, so nothing significantly changes.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

A symbol of strength and power. Isn't it time to take control of the situation in your own hands? An ax can be: a sign of fear and loss. Can it happen that your work is "hacked to death"? Are you afraid of losing something important? Take steps to prevent this, or prepare for the possibility. With an ax you can chop off what you no longer need: is there something in your life that should be cut down? Sometimes an ax: can mean an instrument of execution, a powerful symbol of justice. Do you feel guilty or worried about something?

Dream Interpretation - Ax

Ax - loss of property or debts; chop something with an ax - trouble, anxiety.

Dream Interpretation - Ax

An ax seen in a dream in your hands marks the consciousness of absolute power over your partner, the complete subordination of his interests and desires to your own whims. You will continue to have a similar role of leader, initiator in bed. If in a dream they swing an ax at you or you see it in the hands of another person, this is a sign of danger looming over you. Perhaps ill-wishers are weaving networks of intrigue and gossip around you, which will cause significant damage to your reputation. Be careful.