I dreamed of an incurable disease. Dream Interpretation: what dreams of illness and how to interpret the illness of a loved one in a dream

We do not choose dreams, just as we do not choose our own destiny. However, with the help of dreams, one can skillfully, if not manage events in reality, then at least partially control them, avoid troubles and make the right choice.

Even extremely unpleasant dreams are always useful - because they warn, warn, hint at important things. It is very important to pay attention to such dreams, as closely as possible, because unpleasant dreams are even more significant than joyful ones.

Why is that? Because dreams filled with joy almost always promise good events. But unpleasant and terrible dreams often warn of something that is worth knowing in order to avoid trouble.

Getting sick is an unpleasant business, and sometimes even extremely dangerous. Even in a dream, survive an illness - your own or loved one- it's a big test. But if in reality we somehow try to control this, take care of our health, visit doctors for examination, then in dreams different things can happen, and even cancer or another deadly disease may occur quite unexpectedly.

What can mean a dream that was exactly about this - illness, illness, and everything connected with this? Don't rush to get scared.

Firstly, such dreams do not always warn of danger and promise unpleasant events. Sometimes they mean very joyful things.

Secondly, it is worth knowing exactly what the disease is dreaming of, and then drawing conclusions. And here you should be especially careful - a cold and cancer, of course, will have a drastically different meanings, and your own malaise or caring for a sick loved one are also different things.

Before you begin the interpretation, remember all the details of the "painful" dream. They can be different:

  • Get sick in a dream.
  • Feel strong emotions during illness.
  • Get a cold, feel a sore throat.
  • Cough.
  • Sneeze in a dream.
  • I dreamed of fever, fever, temperature.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Sick stomach, intestines, abdominal pain.
  • Headaches or any diseases of the head, brain, eyes.
  • Diseases of the genital organs.
  • Dreaming of cancer, tumor.
  • Cure from cancer in a dream.
  • Slight malaise in dreams, dizziness.
  • Accept the care of a loved one or other people.
  • Recover in dreams.
  • A friend got sick.
  • The illness of a loved one, a relative had a dream.
  • Ailments in a child in a dream.
  • Darling, my husband is sick.
  • Illness of a stranger.
  • Take care of the sick in a dream.
  • Dreaming of cancer in a loved one.

Do not be afraid of such dreams. An illness, even severe, of your loved one in a dream does not mean at all that he will fall ill in reality. And for you yourself there is no threat of getting very sick.

Although dream books strongly advise after similar dreams take care of yourself and pay more attention to your body. What your particular case promises, why the disease is dreaming for you, we will find out below.

Get sick yourself

If an ailment struck you yourself in a dream, and not another person, this is, first of all, sure sign- You need to take better care of yourself. Not only to your own health, although this is important now, but also to the emotional state and the state of the psyche.

Such unpleasant "painful" dreams are often signs of stress, and they can lead to real waking illnesses. But it is not so easy to find out why the disease is dreaming. In addition to advice to take better care of yourself and take care of yourself, the dream book offers many specific meanings. And here the details are important.

1. As the dream book indicates, illness in a dream is a symbol of disharmony. It can be a disorder in the psyche, an imbalance in the emotional sphere, a malfunction in the health of internal organs.

Be sure to take a little rest, try to get rid of addictions, sit on a diet for a short time - and do not be too lazy to get an examination by a doctor. And most importantly - avoid stress, now they can really hurt you.

2. It is very important to remember what emotions you experienced during the discovery of the disease in a dream. It was fear, anger, confusion - it is this state in reality that seriously undermines your mental, and as a result, your physical state. If you remember what feeling prevailed in a dream, try to control it in reality, it harms you.

3. If you had a dream in which there was a story about a cold, this is a direct hint - you talk a lot, and not to the point. It is worth speaking less, not lying, not hypocrisy, and generally try to stay in silence more.

In this way, you will not only improve your spiritual and physical balance, but you will also be able to hear a lot of new and interesting things around. Try it!

4. Such a dream, in which the illness was accompanied by a cough, promises one thing - the secret one way or another in reality will soon become apparent. What are you hiding? Be careful, because the truth is always revealed, and in your case it will happen soon. Be sincere and honest!

5. If you sneezed in your dreams, this is good sign. The dream interpretation here promises joyful changes, pleasant events from the outside, and in general, in general, a good future. Change will bring great happiness if you are not afraid and resist it!

6. It is curious why a disease accompanied by a fever is dreaming, high temperature in dreams, even fever. In this case, the interpreter warns: beware of quarrels and conflicts, even small ones. They can lead to very unpleasant, irreparable consequences for you. Be calmer, more patient and wiser.

7. Did you have heart disease in the dream? This is a clear sign - you should be more attentive to your own emotions. If there are strong feelings- they should be shown.

After all, hidden unmanifested emotions “stagnate” in you and lead to unpleasant consequences. You should be more open, sincere, and talk about your feelings - at least to those closest to you, at least to those whom you trust.

8. An unpleasant dream about the stomach, intestinal disease, abdominal pain - indicates that the dreamer has a lot of aggression, anger or fear.

Moreover, all these emotions should also be thrown out in some way, because their accumulation can also lead to real, serious ailments in reality.

9. As the dream book says, a disease associated with the head, brain or eyes in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you are not confident enough in anything, and often rely on someone else's opinion.

Moreover, this may concern not only small matters, but even worldview. It is worth having your own point of view, not adopted from anyone, but found on your own, as a result of serious intellectual mental work.

10. Diseases associated with the sexual sphere are dreamed, as a rule, to show the dreamer that he does not pay enough attention to the sphere of pleasure. Maybe you're missing the fun?

It is sometimes worth pampering yourself with an exquisite and very delicious food, dance, after all, do what will bring you great pleasure. Without this, imbalance sets in and you can get really sick.

11. Of course, it is scary if you dream of an incurable disease, such as cancer. This does not portend trouble, and even more so a real illness, but a serious dream.

You are probably not living the way you would like, choosing the wrong path. It's time to reconsider your life, your own behavior, and think about what is worth radically changing.

12. But if in dreams the cancer receded, and healing occurred, this is a wonderful sign. Great happiness and very significant good changes await you in reality.

13. A slight malaise in dreams is a symbol of future changes in everyday affairs. What exactly will be the changes - will tell you your emotional condition in a dream. If you did not feel fear or other negative emotions- be calm, the changes will be positive.

14. If in a dream someone took care of you during an illness, in reality you are probably very dependent on people. And you can't be completely independent. This is worth changing.

15. Recovery is a great sign. You will certainly get rid of troubles soon, and any problems will go away.

Who is sick?

Another thing is if it was not you who fell ill in a dream, but someone else. It can be a stranger or a person close to you - one way or another, the dream has importance. To understand why another person’s illness is dreaming of, a dream book will help. But here it is just as important to remember all the details.

1. If this happened in a dream that your friend or acquaintance fell ill, this is a clear sign that your real friends in reality really lack your attention. Perhaps you have gone to work and are too busy, but you should not forget your friends so as not to lose them completely.

2. Illness in the dreams of a person close to you - an unpleasant dream, but not a fearful one. He also says that you should pay more attention to loved ones. To show at least a little, but care - it is very important for them now. Don't forget your family!

3. Do not be afraid if your child gets sick in your dream - nothing threatens him in reality. On the contrary, he will be healthy and happy, but you should worry less about him. Your attention and care are excessive, you are too afraid for his health. Such oppressive attention can only hurt.

4. If your loved one was sick, pay attention to the state of your relationship. Perhaps in your union there are hidden understatements, hidden grievances or claims, and this all destroys relationships, spoils them from the inside.

5. stranger, sick with something in your dreams, promises you great news - your problems will soon be solved, they will pass without a trace. Moreover, all this will happen through the efforts of another person, and you will only have to breathe a sigh of relief and rejoice!

6. If in anxiety bad dream cancer or another deadly disease has overcome one of your loved ones - changes are coming in your relationship with this person.

7. But taking care of a sick person in a dream, no matter who, is a sign that your business will improve very soon.

Of course, such dreams are not the most pleasant thing to experience. But a disease in a dream is just an image, a symbol, and one should not be afraid of it.

But what exactly needs to be done is to seriously think about the advice that the dream book gives. And if you decide that something should be changed in own life- act bolder! Author: Vasilina Serova

Contrary to all opinions, getting sick in a dream is very useful. Why? Because you can learn a lot of interesting things about own fate. The dream book will tell you why this or that dream is dreaming and give recommendations for action.

Symbolic meaning

The dream book advises not to perceive the disease from dreams as a fait accompli. Being seriously ill in a dream does not mean at all that in reality you will feel the same way.

However, some visions in which one has to suffer from a particular illness give reason to reconsider one's behavior and even see the future.

So getting sick with chickenpox with ulcers is a great danger, but if the rash is small, then the troubles will be insignificant. Why dream of getting chickenpox and being cured of it? Problems will be successfully solved.

Luxurious life

Why, for example, dream of having cancer. This terrible disease in night dreams has a completely opposite interpretation and most often promises a long life.

According to other information from the dream book, having cancer means that in reality a difficult task lies ahead. If you dreamed that you passed the test of cancer and were cured, then in reality a rapid rise from poverty to a luxurious life is expected.

Sometimes less serious ailments in dreams promise much more trouble. So sick with chickenpox with blisters - to unexpected difficulties, but if you dreamed that the wounds were only festering a little, then minor problems await you.

Unexpected news and fame

In confirmation of the symbolism of dreams in which you had to get sick with something, the dream book offers a number of unusual interpretations. For example, it is hard to get sick with a fever - to a quarrel, jaundice - to envy, flat feet - to wrong deeds. But the plague, cholera and other infection promises noisy glory and joy.

I dreamed that you were numb - you would learn someone else's secret, deaf - an extremely irritable situation was coming, contracted the flu - to fear, and found lichen on your head - to sudden wealth.

Why dream of paralysis? He personifies a conflict with a representative of the opposite sex, your eyes hurt - you stubbornly do not want to notice something, but sneeze loudly and strongly - to unexpected news.

For fun and goodness

The dream book gives interesting interpretations to dreams in which diseases of the upper respiratory tract and throat occur. So to get sick in a dream with a sore throat means to consider your main occupation boring and useless, bronchitis - to minor obstacles in business due to the illness of a relative, a runny nose - to the appearance of old enemies.

And if in your night dreams you suffered from asthma and even woke up from suffocation, then serious changes are coming in your life. If you dreamed that the child was very ill with croup, then there would be great fun ahead.

To secrets and impermanence

And why dream of having a cold, because this is such a common disease. Could it also have some meaning? Of course, the dream book offers a number of decodings for this dream.

Contemplating yourself sick in a dream is not a pleasant pleasure. But this does not always mean a bad omen. There are many interpretations, consider the most accurate and popular.

What does it mean to see a sick person in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

A dream in which a sick person appears means that excessive care and guardianship is shown over the sleeping person, while revealing his hidden negative sides. If a seriously ill person dreamed, this is a sign that all difficulties and problems are temporary and will be quickly resolved. If you saw yourself sick in a dream, it means that your body is fighting diseases, while showing great perseverance. If in a dream you helped the patient, you will be promoted and career growth. Your efforts will be appreciated.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

A dream about a seriously ill child, whom you carefully care for and give medicine, means that you will successfully get out of all the troubles, difficulties and problems.

English dream book

If a young man saw himself sick in a dream, he should think well about his friends. Perhaps he fell into a bad company, so he needs to break off all relations with her as soon as possible. If he does not, let him prepare for big troubles and problems. An encouraging interpretation is given in English dream book: people who are sick in reality, who saw themselves the same in a dream, can rejoice at the coming recovery from a painful illness.

Eastern dream book

If a person saw himself sick, this indicates that he will commit a shameful act. If friends or relatives were sick, they need to be given more attention and support.

Muslim dream book

If someone sees himself sick in a dream, this is a favorable sign: such a person expects success, fulfillment of desires, a safe and peaceful life for a long time.

Combined dream book

A dream in which sick people were on grass scorched by the sun or fire is direct evidence of an impending environmental catastrophe. If the patient recovered in a dream, then problem situations will be successfully resolved in your life. If a loved one or relative has died, expect problems in your personal life.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

If you saw yourself sick in a dream at a doctor's appointment, expect trouble at work or at home. If in a dream you do not know what disease you are suffering from, in reality, expect disturbing events. Seeing yourself sick in a dream is a sign that the dreamer needs to relax and get distracted from everyday affairs. Moral fatigue and nervous tension can play a cruel joke with such a person.

If a person saw himself sick in a dream, this does not mean that everything will be bad. There are also exceptions. Ringworm on the dreamer's head means great wealth. If you saw yourself in a dream covered with abscesses, do not be alarmed: this promises income and huge profits.

Also interesting: why dream

If you saw in a dream that you were sick, you really are in for a slight malaise or unpleasant conversations.

I saw a sick relative in a dream - get ready for an unforeseen event.

In general, any dream of illness means that you must be very attentive to your own person.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga advised not to perceive the appearance of the disease in a dream as something tragic. According to the biblical interpretation, the disease is sent to people as a punishment for committed sins and to purify thoughts and feelings. Therefore, such a dream can be taken as advice to reconsider your position and life values.

If in a dream you saw yourself suffering from a serious and incurable disease, then you should understand that in reality you have committed an ugly act. Perhaps it's time to repent, because in your heart you clearly condemn yourself.

Seeing in a dream that a person close to you is sick, real life give support to him or someone who needs your attention.

A dream in which many people die from a serious and incurable disease is a dream of an environmental disaster that you may become a witness to.

If in a dream you were recovering from a serious illness, then in reality you will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation.

A dream about the death of a loved one from a serious illness means damaged relationships and personal problems.

D. Loff's dream book says that curable diseases in a dream indicate a benevolent attitude towards the outside world. We want to believe in our kindness and significance, and the disease and the cure for it just make it possible to feel power over the lives of other people.

A dream about illness indicates a wrong lifestyle, especially if you become crippled as a result of illness.

If in a dream you got infected from someone, then in reality you have a negative attitude towards the influence of this person on your life. Illness associated with intimate life, dreams of those who are concerned about the moral side of their behavior. The disease can also reflect the fears lurking in you, both related directly to your life, and more global.

Before interpreting this dream, you need to answer a number of questions: is there anything unusual in the disease you dreamed about, how does it manifest itself - constantly or only in the presence of specific people? Are you trying to hide your disease and its consequences, or, on the contrary, are you boasting about them? When you answer these questions, it will be easier for you to understand your relationships with others.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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If you saw in a dream that you were sick, you really are in for a slight malaise or unpleasant conversations.

I saw a sick relative in a dream - get ready for an unforeseen event.

In general, any dream of illness means that you must be very attentive to your own person.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga advised not to perceive the appearance of the disease in a dream as something tragic. According to the biblical interpretation, the disease is sent to people as a punishment for committed sins and to purify thoughts and feelings. Therefore, such a dream can be taken as advice to reconsider your position and life values.

If in a dream you saw yourself suffering from a serious and incurable disease, then you should understand that in reality you have committed an ugly act. Perhaps it's time to repent, because in your heart you clearly condemn yourself.

Seeing in a dream that a person close to you is sick, in real life, support him or someone who needs your attention.

A dream in which many people die from a serious and incurable disease is a dream of an environmental disaster that you may become a witness to.

If in a dream you were recovering from a serious illness, then in reality you will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation.

A dream about the death of a loved one from a serious illness means damaged relationships and personal problems.

D. Loff's dream book says that curable diseases in a dream indicate a benevolent attitude towards the outside world. We want to believe in our kindness and significance, and the disease and the cure for it just make it possible to feel power over the lives of other people.

A dream about illness indicates a wrong lifestyle, especially if you become crippled as a result of illness.

If in a dream you got infected from someone, then in reality you have a negative attitude towards the influence of this person on your life. An ailment associated with intimate life is dreamed of by those who are concerned about the moral side of their behavior. The disease can also reflect the fears lurking in you, both related directly to your life, and more global.

Before interpreting this dream, you need to answer a number of questions: is there anything unusual in the disease you dreamed about, how does it manifest itself - constantly or only in the presence of specific people? Are you trying to hide your disease and its consequences, or, on the contrary, are you boasting about them? When you answer these questions, it will be easier for you to understand your relationships with others.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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