How to win the heart of a teacher. Essay "Teacher is a male profession." material on the topic Women are better teachers than men

Metamorphosis took place in the second half of the 20th century. The profession of a teacher in Russia has changed from a historically masculine one to not almost feminine, but simply feminine, because the number of male teachers is steadily approaching zero.

There are a huge number of reasons for this. Undoubtedly, first of all, this is the financial situation of the Russian teacher.

The problem of today's completely unworthy wages for teachers and the attitude of those in power to this issue did not appear today. Back in 1927, a prominent Russian psychologist, teacher, philosopher Moisei Matveyevich Rubinshtein, in his book The Problem of the Teacher, states with regret: , and in its preparation and in its payment and position. There is no doubt that among the professions of the intelligentsia, teaching is certainly in last place, although it should be clear to everyone what should come out of this in a real life situation. We can still repeat the old idea of ​​Plato and Hegel that we entrust our dress to the best craftsmen, and we worry less about the choice of craftsmen who should raise our children.

That this remains in force even to this day is best seen from the fact that for the most part the remnants of other professions enter the ranks of teachers, in most cases only those who have not found a place for themselves on other paths. The group of those who went there by vocation, refusing other opportunities, is unusually small, because they are ideological ascetics. In order to understand and explain this phenomenon, it is necessary to remember that the position of a servant who lives on everything ready for 10-15 rubles of salary is better than the position of a teacher.

This was the situation eighty years ago. The situation is very similar in modern Russian society. Those who exist outside the education system or exist in it outside of direct work with children (officials of education departments at various levels) should not be deceived by periodic official victorious reports that teachers' incomes are constantly increasing. It is not true. These messages do not affect the real value of these very incomes. How badly we lived, so badly we live. As we were second-class people in terms of the possibilities of existence in this world, we remain so.

At the same time, the school, paradoxically, works and somehow exists. And teaches children. Although every year it becomes more and more difficult to do this. A modern teacher has found himself in a situation where, on the one hand, the value of education as a result of activity has been lost in society, but a certificate of education is required upon reaching a certain age; when there is a clear moral and cultural decay of society; when buying a certificate of education is a real practice; when insulting teachers by students and their parents, and at the same time complete impunity for the latter, these are the realities of the time. On the other hand, the Unified State Examination, the certification of teachers in which one of the main criteria is the results of students in this very exam and the already announced right of the parents of a child who received an unsatisfactory mark on the Unified State Examination to file a lawsuit against the teacher who taught his child in this subject. And hardly anyone in that trial will ask the question that is it possible to teach a student if he has completely lost the motivation to learn, that the absence of this very motivation is a product of all those processes that take place in society?

Dear Moses Matveevich! Now if you were to look at teacher's problem , which was written about in the twenties of the twentieth century, you would be horrified! Today, we can safely state that, in the aggregate of everything that is happening, the position of a modern teacher in society is much worse than eighty years ago.

Why does the school exist today? Because there are women in it, on whom everything rests: both the maintenance of the school as an institution, and the organization of educational and extracurricular work, and most importantly, school work. Why did the men leave school and the women stay?

For now, let's leave the most important reason - the financial situation of the teacher, look at other reasons and try to answer the question: why do women work here at all.

Let's ask ourselves a school question from the subject "Social Science": what happens if the lower classes can no longer live in the old way, and the top can not manage in the old way? Riot? The revolution? And how much do you remember from the history of mankind of women initiators of riots and revolutions? This is the main reason why women are still working at school, they will continue to work, and the men left, and it is unlikely to return with the current situation in education and society.

During the period of the UTS (Uniform Remuneration System), the teacher's salary was based on the number of lessons that he conducts during the week, the cost of which was determined in accordance with the category assigned to the teacher. With the introduction of the NSOT (new wage system), the teacher's actual salary began to depend on his relationship with the administration and, in particular, with the director.

As a rule, teachers are conscientious and obedient people. And here the game begins precisely on these two of his qualities. Teachers are piled on various duties, the fulfillment of which takes time, but the material compensation for the efforts expended is either completely insignificant, or it is completely absent. At the same time, a situation is created that the teacher is forced to fulfill these duties, otherwise he will be created conditions that he will be forced to leave the school. How this is done, any person working at the school knows. The most banal thing is that another teacher will be hired for this academic subject, and the old one will be left without a load, i.e. without salary. And this practice has existed in our schools for a long time. The reaction of most men to such a situation with extracurricular duties is completely adequate: you can’t work for free, if I receive a salary for the lessons I have given, then I will do everything else only if I want it myself, if I don’t suit you, then I’m going and leaving. The reaction of most women is somewhat different: we will make some noise in the teacher's room, share our grievances with each other, and then we will bend a little lower and drag this whole load of unpaid school work further. A man is less subject to the fear of losing his job - he will find another one, he is more mobile. But women's fear of change is exploited by education managers. Whatever comes down from above, a woman will do everything and this is not even discussed.

What keeps a woman in school? After the first few years of work at school, when she has already learned to work, it suddenly turns out that the time for the housework for a female teacher is, as a rule, more than for most non-school women. And a two-month vacation in the summer, well, nothing that the school administration sometimes breaks it into two parts, it's still not enough. And there seems to be some kind of social protection, too. And their children are nearby, studying at the same school. Well, why not, with all this, put up with a low salary and some school problems? For a woman, the main thing is the house and everything connected with it, and for this she is ready to endure a lot, and close her eyes to a lot. And more importantly, former female teachers are not welcomed by potential employers in non-school areas. So where does she go from school?

For a man, the main thing is his professional activity. And if in this activity he feels uncomfortable, sees that he is being exploited or is trying to do it, he goes to where he will receive greater satisfaction in pay, in relations with colleagues, in the possibility of self-realization. And, since the spirit of rebellion is inherent in men, so who is easier to control? The answer is obvious - women.

And when there is a question about who is easier to manage, then the value of those who are more difficult to manage, as a rule, is not taken into account.

So, for the time being, every effort has been made to remove the man from the school. What is the tragedy of this situation?

Common truth: the world is divided into two parts - male and female. And adult men and women grow out of boys and girls of preschool and school age. Who wins in the fact that in the kindergarten next to the children - women, in schools - women, in a huge number of single-parent families next to the children only women, in the system of additional out-of-school education also women? The women themselves hardly win. Especially the children are the losers.

Any woman wants to have a man next to her who is designated as a man not only in the passport and according to primary sexual characteristics, but, most importantly, that he has male self-awareness, so that he is just a man, and not an infantile semi-alcoholic. But the desire to have such a person next to many remains a pipe dream.

So where do you get normal men? Without having before his eyes a model of the behavior of such a normal man, it is simply impossible for a teenage boy to learn from experience, there is no one to copy this experience from. Plus, besides, there is a very aggressive media culture around, in which two most eye-catching facets can be distinguished that work to “educate” boys: on the one hand, it raises the cult of the male, and on the other hand, it has a very pronounced blue coating.

So we get from boys (as from the material from which men can be made) some kind of incomprehensible creatures, hardly related to what in the centuries-old Russian culture is understood as the words MAN.

Now let's see what is the tragedy of the absence of male teachers in the school in relation to the upbringing of girls.

Recall the common truth: one of the factors of harmonious maturation of a teenage girl is the opportunity to communicate with adults of the opposite sex. She must see her father at home, feel his warmth and care, before her eyes there must be a culture of relations between mother and father (husband and wife), because later she will create a family, however, like a boy. Before her eyes, there should be male teachers, because their world of communication with children is different from the female one (and this is very important for girls), because their presence involuntarily leads the girl to dress with taste, carefully apply makeup, and express her thoughts competently . Before her eyes should be adults and men and women and their public relations with each other. And, importantly, the presence of men in school is a very strong deterrent to feminized female behavior for both schoolgirls and female teachers. To what extent is this “should be” realizable in modern society?

The world is built on a fifty-fifty basis. Why, then, in the school, which is responsible for how the citizens of their country will grow up, what men and women will become, is there only same-sex female education for both boys and girls?

Another question, the answer to which should not be forgotten. What do female teachers and male teachers do more when teaching schoolchildren?

A woman is more enduring by nature, and she adapts more easily to work where it is necessary to perform the same type of operations. It's no secret to work at school, this ability necessary have. Because you have to conduct a large number of identical lessons, and check thick packs of students' notebooks, and much more, without which everyday school work, which is hidden from the prying eyes of non-school people, is indispensable. Another woman definitely needs stability, which was already mentioned above. Stability not only in the sense of receiving a stable (low, but stable) salary, but stability in the sense of the immutability of the state of affairs within the organization where she works.

A man, by nature, is more lazy to perform the same type of operations, but he is more adapted to changes, he needs dynamics, otherwise it becomes boring. Either he begins to realize himself in extracurricular activities with children (both inside and outside the school), or over time he begins to try to change the status quo, so that the system he created works for him, and he has time for more interesting things. for his own occupation, or begins to look for other ways to realize himself (leaves for administrative work, science, commerce, etc.).

So what do men and women focus on?

Women take as a basis what they, after all, have to teach: this is the knowledge that the student must have at the end. That is, work for the result prevails. It is good if the students are successful and the result takes place.

Men, in my opinion, are more adventurous, more inclined to focus on the process, and to a lesser extent on the result. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that what is happening here and now is more interesting than what will happen tomorrow (you still have to live until tomorrow!). One must enjoy work, otherwise, why work then (and even for such a salary!). On the other hand, men are more relaxed about the requirements of educational standards and do not make them an end in themselves. Perhaps this works to a lesser extent for the result, because the work of today's school is still judged by the results of passing the Unified State Exam, but still it works for the development of the child, at least not from the standpoint of learning, but from the standpoint of education, from the standpoint of educating him mental culture.

Another interesting thing is this. Working in the "here and now" mode does not completely negate the ability of men to strategically assess the development of the school. Why? Yes, simply because it is more interesting for them to look into the future and work in the mode of change, to see and feel the dynamics. A normal man is by nature a creator, he needs an activity aimed at the future.

By removing men as a class from schools, a completely manageable mass of teachers has been obtained in schools, which can be reproached for the fact that teachers do not work well, motivating this with low results of the Unified State Examination, on which various unpaid duties can be endlessly blamed (with the transition to per capita funding, such positions have been removed from many schools as a speech therapist, psychologist, social teacher, and if the work of a psychologist and a speech therapist is simply not done, then the duties of a social teacher will automatically fall on the class teachers), who, in the end, can simply be paid less, and they will throw out dissatisfaction in teacher's, and will still work. And constant persecution (by whom?) through the media: Teachers are to blame..., to blame..., to blame! That we are incompetent! That we are not professionals! No, they are both competent and professional. Why do we have to endure all this?!

I would not call the current situation, when school teachers are practically of the same sex, the problem of the feminization of the school. School women can hardly be called feminists. Women who have dedicated themselves to raising children cannot be feminists either by nature or by definition. And the problem is simply indicated - the problem of same-sex female schooling of boys and girls. And this is a social problem of our entire sick society, and not a problem of the school. If you make an excursion into history, think about the original purpose of men and women, then the current trends in the development of society are simply terrifying. Everything is not just turned upside down, but it is done in a completely perverted form. The school in this case is nothing more than a hostage to this problem, which has been created for decades by the men in power themselves, who have always had an attitude towards school education as something secondary. It is this “secondary” work that women carry on their shoulders. And what they are already physically unable to cope with (because society is sick), they are also reproached as incompetence and lack of professionalism.

Where is the solution to this problem? Certainly not in the total computerization of the school, which is now receiving a lot of attention, and on which there are many hopes, and not in innovative pedagogical technologies, which are now very much says . And in attracting smart, literate, interesting teachers (both men and women) to the ranks of teachers, who, in addition to the school subject, can give something more. In that the Russian teacher for a rate (and not for two and not for two and a half rates) receives a salary no less than the average in the industry. The fact that teachers simply do not interfere with work and teach children. Then in school education, and then in society, a lot can change for the better. Otherwise, the impasse in which we are now. And no innovative programs and reforms will save the school until a TEACHER appears in it, who will not feel like a second-class person.

Essay: "Teacher is a male profession."

To be a good teacher

you have to love what you teach

and love those you teach.

V. Klyuchevsky.

The teacher... The teacher is a man... What is he like? What should it be? When you think about these concepts, a chill runs down your spine. Many would answer: "This is not a male profession." I believe that teaching is a male profession. After all, the outstanding Soviet teacher A.S. Makarenko, who worked in an educational colony for juvenile delinquents, managed not only to show this, but also in reality proved that a teacher is a male profession.

Indeed, from time immemorial, male teachers have been educators of children. And they were excellent educators, teachers and mentors. Especially for boys, male education in school is very important because both mother and father should raise the child. In our society, they are used to saying: "a teacher is a second mother", therefore a teacher - a man should be a second father.

Male teachers in the school are also needed by the fact that in our Tuva the "Code of honor of the men of Tuva" is being implemented and is being implemented, which is being implemented on the initiative of the Head-Chairman of the Republic of Tyva Sh.K. Kara-ool. This situation additionally inspires me in my work in educating real men of Tuva, the future of our Republic.

Children today live in a rapidly changing world. And this world needs development. The little man is overloaded with information. This leads to shifts in his mind. To change the understanding of good and bad. Bad becomes good, good becomes bad. How to reverse this situation? Which method should the teacher choose? What kind of teacher should be for this?

It is important to understand that the teacher at school is not to teach, but to be with the children, so that they become better, so that they grow, so that they grow up with our direct participation. This is my deep conviction. A teacher should be an example for his students. Having worked for 5 years at the school, I gained precious experience in dealing with children. I know for sure that the child should be accepted as he is. And love him like that. All children are good. There can't be bad kids. If the child is aggressive, the adult is to blame. A positive assessment, the ability to consider the good in each student and show it to others, raise his authority, create an atmosphere of success - this is the main task of a teacher-teacher, a male teacher.

Being a computer science teacher is easy and fun. After all, in the conditions of modern technologies, every child is closely familiar with the computer and thus with great interest and desire to learn something new, they literally run to computer science lessons. The lessons help me to open up more brightly and open up my students. In order to surprise and interest today's schoolchildren, modern approaches are needed. In my teaching activities, I use the technology of critical thinking, problematic, design-research, health-saving technologies based on a student-centered approach.

You can be a highly educated person, use modern technology in the classroom, but not be a real teacher. A real teacher must be a Human. A male teacher is a Person with a rich inner world, a fair mentor, capable of reviving the souls of children, endowed with Reason, Kindness and Love.

Informatics teacher MBOU Teve-Khainskaya secondary school Tyulyush M.D.

Admit it, which of you in your school years did not fantasize about a stormy romance with a pretty young teacher? Which of you at university lectures has not made eyes at mature bearded teachers? And having become a mother of a first-grader, you must have been surprised to find that charming male teachers are still found in schools. Today we will try to figure out how to attract the attention of these intelligent representatives of the male breed.

Benefits of a relationship with a teacher

With an educated man it is so nice to appear in society. In the opera, he will not pester you with the question of when the girls in tutus will finally start dancing. And before going to bed, he can please your ear by reading poetry or manipulating three-digit numbers.

Where else can you find a man with almost three months of paid summer vacation?

The questions “who and what school will take the child” and “how to monitor progress” disappear by themselves.

If he is not a physical education teacher, then fan-beer gatherings with friends are alien to him. Outside school hours, it's all yours.

He works in a total female environment of students and colleagues, so be sure that any "leaps to the side" will be reported to you in a timely manner and not without pleasure.

Disadvantages of a relationship with a teacher

He works in a total female environment, so regular “jumps to the side” are, alas, provided to you.

If you are not ready to put up with the existence of middle-class representatives, the function of the "breadwinner" will have to be taken over.

As a rule, teachers are people of fine mental organization, who are above the "trash can problem".

Be prepared for the fact that in the evenings he will often check stacks of tests.

In the handset, you will periodically hear the heavy breathing of students in love with your spouse.

Where to look

And you don't even have to search. Teachers are present at certain stages in the life of every woman. There are several options: either you are a high school student (a university student), or a mother of a schoolchild, or you yourself are a teacher, director, secretary, cleaner in the same place. In any case, our conversation is already substantive, if you have an “object for exercises” in mind.

Representatives of the profession of a teacher have a lot of subspecies: romantic philologists, pedantic teachers of the exact sciences, mysterious chemists-physicists, homely labor teachers and eternally fit athletes - in general, for every taste. It is clear that, depending on their specialization and measures of influence, different ones are applicable to them. But they all have one thing in common - they are available and open for communication. In addition, they are patient, attentive and caring. Almost disappearing.

How to look

If you belong to the group of students...
then do not make the main mistake - do not try to look like your mother or an art teacher with whom your subject smokes during recess. That is, do not need high heels, deep cleavage (especially if there is nothing to demonstrate in this area), complex hairstyles and makeup.

Being like an adult woman, you will look ridiculous. In addition, it is stupid to compete with them in the same weight category - they will crush you. Play your field. Your trump cards are youth and freshness, which you are now diligently trying to retouch, and in 10 years you will not be able to recreate for any money. Remember: teachers, like most men, prefer naturalness and naturalness to all the delights of fashion. And at your age, you can just afford to limit yourself to lip gloss and mascara from the entire arsenal of cosmetics (in one layer, not three!).

Yes, and the fashion trends of this season are created as if especially for you: flowers, ruffles, short skirts, multi-colored golfs, shoes with round toes - you can wear all this boldly (unlike an art teacher), without the risk of looking like a fruit cake with whipped cream . But camouflage outfits and tattoos with piercings will impress your classmates, who you don’t care about. Men (well, except for latent homosexuals) prefer to see women in the image of Demi Moore from the movie "Ghost" or "Striptease", and not from "GI Jane". They are seduced by femininity, even if only nascent.

If you are a mother or a colleague...
then you yourself already know your strengths, which you need to skillfully emphasize. The main thing is not to overdo it with femininity. If you think that your essence cannot be fully manifested without a hat with a veil and gloves to the shoulders, wait for the appropriate occasion - going to the theater with the children or prom. And it is better to come to school meetings in casual clothes and with moderate makeup. You don't want to impress, excuse me, a fool who does nothing in life except shopping, and therefore has a lot of time to create her refined image. Even if you are sitting at home and suffering from doing nothing, bring a slight negligence into your image, as if you ran to the meeting after a series of important matters and were slightly out of breath and disheveled. Educated men can forgive a lady everything except stupidity and worthlessness. In addition, without earning fabulous money, teachers in a potential spouse expect to find an economically equivalent partner. And the ladies who live on the content (even if they have an ex-husband and the father of her children), they deeply despise.

What to talk about

If you are a mother, and there is nothing smart to say, then it is better to keep silent at all (see the previous paragraph). At least you seem mysterious. And if you have correctly implemented the first part of the program for creating an external image, your chosen one may want to unravel you. In addition, teachers are men who are used to speaking themselves, and you, as a diligent student, need to listen to them carefully. By the way, they can really tell a lot of interesting things. And if you still decide to join the conversation, do not hesitate to ask him questions, to be interested in his opinion on world events, scientific theories, books and concerts. Enlightenment is the vocation of male teachers. Otherwise, why else would they go to work in a school - not because of the money, though ... Although, I hasten to dispel the delusion of many ladies that teachers are poor as church mice. With a normal seniority and a decent workload, a teacher is able to earn no less than some middle manager. Plus holiday pay for the whole summer.

If you are a student, it is advisable to speak during the lesson and on a given topic. It is unlikely that anything can win over your idol more than success in studying the subject he teaches. To completely close his attention to yourself (at least within the class), show interest: ask where to find additional information on the subject, take a difficult topic for an essay or scientific work - you can turn to your “subject of sighs” more often with questions. Become a joy to your teacher, let him feel that he did not waste his time on obtaining a pedagogical diploma. And be sure that, having discovered such zeal on your part, he will periodically become interested in your progress. In my school, for example, one teacher for students who undertook to write extracurricular work, appointed additional consultations before or after lessons in his laboratory. He spared no time for bright heads, and even tea and buns. For some students it was a great opportunity to talk with him in private, not only about scientific work...

How to behave

Adequately. The key word for both students and their mothers.

Young seductresses should carefully consider why they risk the reputation and career of their adored teacher. There are many examples of love that originated in the school years between teachers and their students. Some of these novels, overcoming the resistance of colleagues and parents, have grown into a stable strong feeling and happy families. But there are other options, when girls, just out of curiosity, overcome by hormones, test the moral foundations of adult men for durability. And when teachers lose their vigilance, everything ends with scandals, dismissals and other troubles.

If you are really in love with your teacher (unmarried, hopefully), ask under the plausible pretext of a personal audience and, making sure that there are no extra ears, just tell about your feeling. If you did not make a mistake in choosing and did not fall in love with a uniform bastard (alas, these are found among representatives of any profession), an adult man will find a way to delicately respond to your confession. Or he also feels sympathy for you and then your happy future is only a matter of time (for example, until graduation). Or, if you mistakenly took his professional interest in you for a personal one, he, without offending you in the best of feelings, will explain why such a relationship has no future. What you definitely shouldn’t do is be obsessive and fall into childishness - write notes, confess your love in essays and spread your feelings to everyone in a row. All this can turn against your object of adoration.

If you are a mother, then you have an equally vast field for maneuvering. You can always ask the teacher to talk about the progress and behavior of your offspring. And if your child is unlucky, consider yourself lucky: you will be regularly called “on the carpet” even without any effort on your part. And since male teachers are patronizing by nature, it will not be difficult for you to arouse their sympathy and hint how hard it is for a woman to raise a child alone. Ask the teacher to personally call you if he notices another decline in his studies. And who knows...

It is very good if your subject likes to go hiking with children and go on short trips. In these cases, 2-3 more parents are always required to help. All you have to do is clear a path for yourself to take one of these privileged places. Participate in school life, become an "irreplaceable mother." Well, and at all kinds of discos and graduation parties, where moderate libations are allowed and dancing is welcome, you generally have all the cards in your hands. Indeed, in such situations, you are just a woman, and he is just a man, who at the same time already have something in common: your lazy son or your smart daughter.

Bogdana Shpontak

Ecology of life. Children: At one time, separate education was canceled in Soviet schools due to the fact that with it it was not possible to use the makings of the female mind. As a result, girls receive an underestimated level of education and are unclaimed in society.

At one time, separate education was canceled in Soviet schools due to the fact that with it it was not possible to use the makings of the female mind. As a result, girls receive an underestimated level of education and are not in demand in a society ruled by men. But it turned out that co-education has a negative effect on the child's psyche. Boys are especially affected. So says Galina Kozlovskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head. department of the Mental Health Center.

Women's and men's bodies are built differently. They have a different metabolism, different characteristics of behavior. A woman, for example, is characterized by tenderness, grace, softness, and pliability. On the contrary, a man is inherent in gambling, determination, sharpness, prowess, and so on. Joint education makes sexual orientation mixed. Feminizes men and masculine women. Girls have a desire to play a male, dominant role, and boys agree to a secondary, follower role.

Another problem is that the school is now mostly taught by women. And this has a very negative effect on boys. They are forced to adopt the female type of behavior.

Therefore, it is very important that male teachers teach in boys' classes. After all, even in a family, a boy can scold his mother, not listen to her, but unquestioningly obeys his father. We see a similar pattern in schools. For example, the teacher is torn, and the boy has written on his bored face: “Who are you to yell at me?” And a male teacher often does not even need to raise his voice - the boys obey him anyway. If, in addition, he conducts lessons in an interesting way, the students generally look into his mouth and follow him. So separate education (provided that men come to teach in the boys' classes) can contribute to a significant improvement in school discipline.

One of the most common pedagogical mistakes is the attitude to the obedience of the child, to the fact that he was inconspicuous, silent, did not interfere. But boys are usually very different. They are more noisy, mobile, active. Being in a situation of pedagogical pressure, when they need to sit for thirty-five to forty minutes in a monotonous position, not to turn around, not to talk, they experience stress.

They shout at the boy who is spinning in the lesson, he is nervous and from this he learns the material even worse. He writes a note in his diary. He comes home, where he, too, is waiting for this punishment. Then the parents are reprimanded that they are raising the child incorrectly and that in general he is mentally underdeveloped. The boy begins to study with tutors. As a result, he rests even less and earns school neurosis. In 90 percent of cases, it is observed in boys.

With separate training, this stress can be avoided. For example, make lessons for boys shorter, competently alternate physical and mental stress. Even in the middle of the lesson, give them the opportunity to move around. Indeed, now many children suffer from motor disinhibition due to minimal brain dysfunction. And again, it's more often boys.

And in mixed classes, children are required to walk along the line even during breaks. This is completely unacceptable! A normal boy who has finished a lesson just needs to jump along the corridor, fight, tinker with his comrades. And the girls begin to imitate them, adopt boyish habits. They don't really need it though. They should have a different type of behavior - more sedate, modest.

There is one more aspect.

In the primary grades, girls learn better due to accuracy, greater concentration, better handwriting, etc. In boys, against this background, a complex of failure is formed.