Dropshipping from A to Z: suppliers in Russia, what it is, how to trade. The largest dropshipping suppliers for online stores

Dropshipping- a type of trading activity that differs from the usual sale of goods in one significant advantage - significant cost savings and the absence of the need to rent retail space, as well as pay employees.

Almost every second person has the desire to create an online store, but almost no one has financial support. This problem can be solved with great ease through the dropshipping scheme. You, as the owner of an online store, even created on a banal online designer in 5 minutes, by and large, are an additional channel for selling the products of a supplier or manufacturer. By performing a fairly simple Internet marketing promotion and by advertising products on free ad sites, you can earn a fairly large amount.

It is possible to talk about the advantages of dropshipping only from the point of view of cooperation with one or another supplier, since the financial benefit - the dropshipper's net income - depends on the proposed conditions and, in fact, the final price with an extra charge.

On the territory of Russia, there are 10 most popular Russian dropshipping suppliers. After getting acquainted with the cardinal differences and the provision of dropshipping platforms by some of them, you can choose the best option for ongoing and effective cooperation.

DROPO and its functional sales platform

DROPO- one of the largest dropshipping platforms that can be integrated into the root of the online store and, as a result, fill its categories with relevant products. The latter have a detailed description, characteristics, and most importantly - all these functions are implemented and provided on the basis of the main law for controlling business on the network - 54-FZ.

54-FZ regulates the interaction of the seller with the target audience. Number of sales and receipts Money displayed automatically.

Thus, without any need to rent a warehouse, the owner of an online store can download all the necessary products and offer them to his customers. Upon making a purchase, the store only confirms the action in a dialog box or by email. DROPO, in turn, assumes the obligation to deliver the purchased goods from the supplier to the customer. They also include the settlement of disputes on the fact of the delivery of a particular product, as well as its safety and compliance with the description.

A distinctive feature of this dropshipping supplier for an online store is the ability to expand an existing product catalog. Thus, the owner of the resource can supplement the list own goods any of the necessary, thereby increasing the attractiveness of the store for the target buyer. The function of expanding the existing assortment is not accompanied by any investment in the product (accompanying and multimedia information) or the provision of a ready-made business sales infrastructure.

Cooperating with DROPO, you can make a choice of an average of 10,000 commodity items, which are divided into 10 categories. These are goods for children, air conditioners, heating equipment, hand tool and large Appliances. For electronics, and, in particular, smartphones and other gadgets, the choice is especially large. The latter are represented by more than 200 brands.

The main advantages of the DROPO supplier:

  1. Free provision of services and no need to form capital for trading activities.
  2. Provision of ready-made and legitimate cash services in accordance with the law 54-FZ.
  3. The ability to process not only bulk orders, but also purchases from the 1st unit, and in accordance with the published wholesale price.


This is the second most popular supplier for dropshipping. Cooperation with this store is especially popular due to the possibility of an independent margin on the goods sold, in accordance with personal calculations. This supplier, as well as the previous one, provides utilities for quickly uploading product items to its own website. There is a complete mirror duplication of not only the position itself, but also detailed characteristics.

If such conditions are acceptable, then, in order to start joint activities with a supplier, it is enough to fill out a short questionnaire and conduct a short telephone interview with a representative of the second largest dropshipping supplier in Russia.

Unlike the first supplier, in the aspect of this cooperation, there is a provision of a mandatory financial deposit in the amount of 20% of the purchase made by the client.

Advantages of cooperation with ALTERMODA.RU:

  • work with both wholesale and retail orders;
  • absolutely free shipping;
  • support 24/7;
  • timely updating of goods in existing catalogs;
  • the possibility of pre-ordering goods;
  • receiving an offer as a gift.


It also works according to the principle mentioned above, but with some changes in the aspect of bilateral cooperation. For the sale of goods through the dropshipping system, the following are available:

  • all kinds of accessories;
  • wrist and stationary watches;
  • gadgets;
  • toys for children of any age;
  • high-tech electronics;
  • goods for summer cottage and home;
  • Sunglasses;
  • cosmetics, etc.

To select goods in accordance with the proposed pricing policy of the online store, you need to fill out a feedback form on the supplier's website, which will allow you to get a price list with the current price.

The principle of trading according to the MEGAOPT24 rules:

  • in the client form, you need to enter only those orders for which payment from the buyer has passed;
  • according to the available details of the client, you need to transfer funds minus the actual margin;
  • expect confirmation of the formation of the order and its immediate dispatch to the specified address.

Cooperation with this supplier takes place exclusively on the following conditions:

  • sale of goods from one unit;
  • fixed commission in accordance with the accepted program of direct deliveries;
  • instant dispatch of the goods, after receiving the paid order.

"Supplier of Happiness"

Unlike the above, the dropshipping program offered is suitable for online stores that specialize in the sale of intimate products.

In the light recent changes cooperation with this supplier, we can note the maximum list of free services that apply to all customers, namely:

  • The supplier independently chooses a channel of communication with the buyer and introduces himself as an employee of the partner's online store.
  • Controls the completeness of the purchase, as well as the methods of payment and delivery convenient for the client of any of the transport companies.
  • Prepares goods for shipment.
  • It completes the package with accompanying documentation, where, in fact, the warranty card is located.
  • Accepts payment for a completed purchase.
  • Sends a bill of lading number to the customer of the partner store to control the delivery status
  • Lists the price difference between the supplier and the online store in favor of the latter.

Textile company "SITRADE"

This manufacturer, and concurrently a supplier of textile products and bed linen, offers favorable conditions for cooperation with everyone in the dropshipping scheme. Using the latter, you can access products from the catalogs published on the site.

For interested dropshippers, the company provides the following conditions:

  • publication of all necessary data on the goods of interest in a separate document; There you can also find a detailed description, quality certificates for products, as well as multimedia content for the initial acquaintance of customers of the online store.
  • assortment is updated at least every season;
  • for past collections that did not have time to be realized, the dropshipper is given a significant discount;
  • the dropshipping partner gets access to the product grid, where information about the balances of a particular commodity item is displayed in a timely manner;
  • organization of two-way communication between a partner and a representative of the supplier's company at any convenient time, through electronic messages, phone or whatsapp messages.

Special attention should be paid to the conditions that are provided exclusively to CityTrade online stores. Among them are:

  • sending the order by the manufacturer to the address of the buyer from the partner's online store in an amount of one unit;
  • geographical coverage of delivery to more than 365 cities and villages;
  • dispatch of goods on the day of the order, subject to the redirection of the latter before 15:00 on a weekday.


If trade is based on the fundamental absence of any investments, then the Mega-M electronics supplier is ready to offer its customers high-quality goods at affordable price. We are talking not only about mobile phones and laptops, but also wireless charging stations, headphones, and speakers.

In this case, the essence of cooperation is very simple - the dropshipper receives a reward as a percentage of the total number of sales for a certain period.

Note! Earned money can be received both for each individual closed transaction, and for a certain period of work, for example, a month.

"Moscow House of Furniture"

The category of furniture is extremely profitable and relevant throughout the time. Realizing this and controlling some of the fashion trends, the supplier offers everyone who wants to earn on simple cooperation.

Thanks to a well-thought-out and implemented dropshipping cooperation scheme based on furniture products from 150 Russian manufacturers, both parties benefit enormously. Anyone can establish such cooperation, but, provided that the future partner has an online store or any other resource with a visit of at least 1000 people per day. Only the marketing component depends on the latter. The description, preparation and dispatch of the goods is undertaken by the Moscow House of Furniture. This also includes warranty liability.

  1. Choose from a wide range of furniture for both home and garden.
  2. The ability to promote the activities of the online store by offering the assembly and installation of furniture, although their implementation is carried out by the supplier himself on behalf of the partner's online store.
  3. Providing ready-made solutions on a complaint, some time after the sale of the goods and the closing of the transaction.
  4. The ability to guarantee the replacement of goods or their diagnostics, relying on a similar service of the Moscow House of Furniture.
  5. Through the money back guarantee in the next 14 days, attract more large quantity target audience.


The essence of cooperation with this supplier is the sale of a mirror image of goods from its website, which combines the products of more than 100 furniture factories and unions of small workshop enterprises. For its client, Kupistol is ready to provide not only the commodity item itself, without fixing it in its own warehouse, but also all the information necessary for the end user. The latter must be on the site, as it is an integral part of the above.

Informational, multimedia data can be provided by the supplier for manual placement in XML format. There is also an option for automatic filling. desired category site.

Contrary to the milestones of the aforementioned suppliers, Kupistol operates on a commission basis, ranging from 9% to 19%, based on the category of furniture, at the end of the reporting period.

It used to be the 25th of every month. Now - every 30 days after registration in the affiliate network, subject to the availability of funds on the account.

This furniture supplier also offers partners to place on the site information about the possibility of assembling cabinet furniture, as well as its delivery to the address. As practice shows, more than 12% of the target audience pay attention to the presence of such advanced features. Assembly, delivery and warranty service of orders processed by the partner is carried out by the Kupistol online store from a registered dropshipper.

The following advantages can be noted in favor of this supplier:

  • 11 years of impeccable work;
  • the total daily order fulfillment rate is more than 200 (about 70% come from dropshipping partners);
  • rating 5 stars on Yandex.Market;
  • the total number of processed orders for the period of operation under the dropshipping scheme - more than 200,000 pieces;
  • a combination of delivery and assembly of furniture in one day, after the order;
  • The service offered by the dropshipper to the client is supported by the presence of personal services at the supplier in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.


This supplier is perhaps one of the first to start working not only with individuals, but also with legal entities. The internal scheme of cooperation with the dropshipper excludes any prepayments. The latter only needs to indicate the contact details and the desired product from the attracted client.

Markethot provides a choice of 10 categories of various products, ranging from perfumes to automotive parts. It is noteworthy that the supplier's system is also designed for cooperation not only with large or developing full-fledged online stores, but also with one-page sites.

The latter, as a rule, offer the target audience watches, leather wallets, power banks, shoes and other bestsellers. For owners of one-pagers, the opportunity is provided as a purchase wholesale lot a certain product, as well as ordering a position by the piece, upon the fact of making a purchase.

The cooperation of the supplier with the dropshipper is carried out on mutually beneficial terms. The latter can order the payment of earned funds - commissions, at any time convenient for him. After a few days, the money will go to the specified bank details.

Markethot also provides the ability to withdraw funds both to card accounts and to electronic payment details: WebMoney, Qiwi.

To start cooperation, you just need to submit an application and wait for a call from the manager, who will clarify some features of the upcoming marketing activities by the owner of the online store.


Regardless financial condition, position in society or weather conditions, people will always buy shoes. And they will do it in the place where the price and service will seem more profitable to them.

Shoe supplier outmaxshop also operates a dropshipping scheme very similar to the previously mentioned Altermoda. The dropshipper is required to find a buyer, receive money from him to his current account or bank card, and transfer the purchase price to the supplier's account, excluding his own margin.

Outmaxshop, in turn, upon receipt of payment, sends the goods to the buyer on behalf of the online store, which is part of the dropshipping scheme. In the assortment of this supplier you can find a large number of branded clothing, as well as original shoes from Adidas, Nike, Reebok.


Thus, it is quite obvious that the desire to make money on your own online store can be fully realized, without much effort. All that is required is to decide on a supplier from the above TOP-10 list and periodically update the assortment, where the commodity items, in without fail, should have a detailed description and some high quality previews.

It is also worth noting that in one online store you can combine several suppliers whose goods will be unloaded in certain categories.

In addition to the possibility of creating a multi-profile store, such a combination will allow you to alternate payments according to the billing period and at your own request. Efficiency in making a profit will positively affect the further development of the store.


(from the English drop shipping - direct delivery) is popular view e-commerce, in which an intermediary (dropshipper) sells the products of a wholesale supplier at retail prices, while the shipment to the end consumer is carried out by the supplier. Simply put, the supplier provides the intermediary with a catalog of his goods with wholesale prices. The intermediary, setting its price for products, finds the end consumer by any means convenient for it. The wholesaler ships products directly to the end consumer on behalf of the dropshipper. The intermediary receives his commission for the sold goods in the form of the difference between the selling price and the wholesale price.

This type of commerce is very similar to a commission agreement, when an intermediary, for a fee, searches for customers and sells products. The main difference is that the shipment of goods in the dropshipping system is carried out by the wholesaler. A less important difference is the ownership of the products. For a wholesale supplier, the intermediary is the end consumer, and the ownership of the item is transferred to him.

Due to its simplicity, dropshipping cooperation has gained popularity in Western Europe and America. Developed trading platforms make it possible to effectively use this system for all subjects of the transaction.

How to choose the right scheme of work?

Dropshipping cooperation does not require special knowledge, skills or abilities. The scheme of interaction between market participants looks like this:

  1. The intermediary enters into a contractual relationship with the wholesaler.
  2. The supplier sends all necessary materials(product catalog, price lists, photos, product descriptions, etc.) to a dropshipper who can help with the implementation.
  3. The intermediary places products on its own behalf on any resources convenient for it: the website (online store) of the dropshipper; social networks (facebook, vkontakte, instagram, etc.); free classifieds boards; online auctions (eBay, amazon, etc.).
  4. The dropshipper receives an order for the product and payment from the end user.
  5. The intermediary transfers the order and delivery terms to the wholesaler.
  6. The supplier sends the order to the end consumer on behalf of the intermediary.
  7. The dropshipper transfers money to the supplier according to the wholesale prices.
  8. In the case of payment for the order by cash on delivery, the supplier receives the money, after which he pays a commission to the intermediary.

Dropshipping benefits. Secrets from professionals

Dropshipping as a trading scheme has a number of advantages for all participants in the transaction. First, it is convenient for the buyer. By reducing the number of shipments (bypassing the middleman), dropshipping reduces the price for the end user and significantly saves delivery time. Secondly, dropshipping allows the wholesaler to save resources for advertising the product and finding customers. And of course, it is beneficial to the intermediary. The advantages of dropshipping trading for an intermediary should be considered in more detail:

  1. No risk. The dropshipper receives money from the buyer and only after the shipment of the products, transfers part of this amount to the supplier.
  2. The mediator does not need warehouse. Consequently, the intermediary does not bear the costs associated with the storage of goods (rent of premises, utility bills, maintenance of storekeepers and loaders, purchase of warehouse programs for keeping records).
  3. A dropshipper does not need an office and employees. E-commerce is characterized by a lack of office space, which significantly reduces fixed costs enterprises.
  4. Saving time. Dropshipping trading significantly reduces the time for receiving and sending products, since the intermediary no longer needs to do this.
  5. Starting capital is not needed. To start working as an intermediary in the dropshipping system, absolutely no initial investment is needed. The dropshipper finds a buyer, receives an advance payment and sends the order to the supplier. In addition, there are no barriers to entry in this business. Often, the wholesaler is ready to ship products starting from one unit of the nomenclature.
  6. Huge assortment. Dropshipping trading allows the intermediary to sell goods of various categories and the widest range. In addition, there is no need to process photographs and describe each unit of the product range. The supplier independently provides the materials necessary for the dropshipper in a convenient format.
  7. Entrepreneurial freedom. The wholesaler does not limit the intermediary either in the way of advertising products, or in the choice of a resource for sale, and most importantly, in the formation of the selling price. Another advantage is the flexible schedule. How much time to devote to your enterprise is an individual choice of a dropshipper.
  8. The minimally simple workflow for a dropshipper. All Required documents for the shipment of goods is issued by the supplier. At first, a dropshipper may well do without registration entrepreneurial activity which can save money on accounting and taxation.
  9. Possibility to create your own trademark. Since the supplier sends products to the final consumer on behalf of the dropshipper, the latter can register and promote his TM, selling a wide variety of goods from all over the world.
  10. Geographical position. For a dropshipper, it makes absolutely no difference where it is located. The logistics of its products are completely handled by the supplier.

Benefits of a ready-made offer

It is believed that only an experienced businessman can quickly achieve success on the Internet. The rest have to either learn from their own mistakes or pay for knowledge. In the field of dropshipping, this problem is solved in a completely different way. Here, the service of providing a previously prepared platform for launching an online store in a short time has simply appeared. The only thing left for the business owner is the creative part - how his portal, landing page or a full-fledged site with thematic articles will look like.

We offer to see detailed video on the creation of a dropshipping store on the Openmall platform. This online shopping platform is universal way creating your own platform for organizing sales on the Internet, as well as organizing dropshipping with international stores or within your country. With Openmall, you can create a fully functional online store, up to 25 products for free. This is a unique offer for those who want to try their hand at online business!

The new online dropshipping technology offers the following benefits:

  • Prepared list Chinese goods. Can work effectively even without basic knowledge foreign languages to obtain favorable agreements with suppliers. You don’t have to waste time on studying the assortment line of each of them, it’s enough to use a ready-made solution.
  • No costs. Dropshipping platforms are provided free of charge by charging a commission for paid applications in the future. The owner of the online store spends only his own time here.
  • Centralized order processing with a full-fledged call center. Such a dropshipping system functions regardless of the source of applications (landing page or ad on Avito). There is no need to take care of hiring staff, training them and monitoring their work, everything happens “as if” automatically. It remains to focus on the priority task - finding a profitable niche, and let the Internet portal itself provide income.

Sometimes you can find offers with the presence of their own warehouses of goods that are popular on the Russian market and have an increased demand. Then customers do not have to wait for 2-3 weeks (or even more), delivery will be carried out within a few days, depending on the region and the speed of processing items by mail or courier service.

Important. A ready-made platform for dropshipping allows you to completely do without any special knowledge in the field of promoting an online store.

There are many similar commercial offers. The competition in this area is great and everyone is trying to provide the maximum possible number of services. For example, a unified catalog with more than 300 thousand items with a delivery guarantee, automatic uploading of documents to a file, cumulative discounts. What exactly may be needed in a particular case is easier to understand in practice, then cooperate with the selected dropshipping partner.

Fashionable, often encountered, but for many not entirely clear term dropshipping, promises an opportunity to create profitable business without making any investment. That is an almost unbelievable chance for aspiring entrepreneurs in our time. It takes "zero" money, a little time, Internet access and a computer, a little effort and that's it!

There are many resources offering to become a team member, organize your own online store, and they already give ready template(you only need to pay a small amount), which will become a kind of showcase of goods from the base (also provided), and earn a profit. Already today!

Everything is so tempting that there is an acute desire to try immediately. Dropshipping is positioned as an option where it is easy and in the metropolis. In general, a universal "tablet" of earnings. But is everything so good in this type of entrepreneurship? Are there pitfalls? Are there real examples made rich on dropshipping? Does it really require no investment? And really, how do you get started?

Dropshipping in detail

The dropshipping scheme is simple, it involves three people - the seller, the supplier and the buyer. It is distinguished from classical trade by the direct shipment of goods to the client from the supplier, where the link of the seller himself, who accepts money, is not involved. Here you can put an equal sign between dropshipping and mediation.

If done brief digression in recent history, then the algorithm will not seem so innovative. After the collapse of the USSR and the legalization of private business, firms and firms began to appear throughout the post-Soviet space, which were engaged exclusively in mediation. They were looking for a product and a client for it, took an advance payment from the latter, bought desired products and made a shipment or holiday to the address of the buyer. At its core, dropshipping is an updated "rehash" of an old idea. The only change is in the instrumentation. Today, the intermediary has come to the aid of the Internet as a way of communication, and the policy of a separate category of suppliers has changed somewhat, they are happy to work through dropshippers and give them certain benefits.

What are the advantages?

Although there are not so many of them, they are also essential to consider the scheme:

  • indeed, for the purchase of goods, own funds are not needed, the client's money is used;
  • there are suppliers who actively use such a trading scheme.

Are there any downsides to dropshipping?

There are many more “pitfalls” here, and overcoming them can negate all the advantages of building your own business in this way:

  • To take an advance payment from a client, you need to be convincing, that is, the seller must have at least some kind of Internet resource, let it be a business card site or a one-page landing, but funds are still needed to create it. This means that zero investment will not work.
  • To find a customer who is ready to say goodbye to the "n" amount of money paid to the seller, you need to advertise the product. That is, already non-zero investments increase.
  • To find products for sale, you need to take care of finding suppliers. And here a new set of difficulties arises. It requires a product that is highly competitive in terms of demand and price, as well as loyal working conditions with a manufacturer or seller, and its absolute reliability. After all, all the risks associated with sending defective or understaffed products to the end user, as well as delays in delivery, are borne by the one who accepts the money.
  • When cooperating with foreign suppliers, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required, as well as an understanding of how shipping from other countries works, how to do customs clearance and other nuances of this type of trade.

How much can you earn with dropshipping?

The wording of this question is incorrect. Dropshipping provides an opportunity to receive a good stable income at the same time as a chance to “fly into the red”.

But, as a rule, they are engaged in novice entrepreneurs or people without this official status, who do not have start-up capital for serious projects. It can be considered as a good part-time job or additional income to the main one. In addition, it can provide an opportunity to expand its range for owners of online stores.

Actually, earnings here look like the difference in prices between the one that the dropshipper received from the buyer and the one that he paid to the supplier. If anyone here sees gold mine”, because you can set any markup, even a thousand percent, then he will take what he wants for reality:

  • the modern buyer is smart, he will not overpay at times;
  • products can be imported on an industrial scale by wholesale companies and sold in ordinary stores;
  • even if it is “exclusive” (meaning that the product is not presented in regional retail), there is high competition in the dropshipping environment, and it is not a fact that someone does not offer an analogue at a much lower price.

All this together forces dropshipping participants to make low margins in general, they can be 5-10% per unit. True, there are also higher-margin offers that are in demand. It depends on the product itself, and on its popularity, and on the reputation of the dropshipper, and how much he knows how to sell. The last criterion plays a huge role, this type of business requires a certain talent, because trading is much more difficult than any other entrepreneurial project where sales skills are minimized.

Dropshipping: reviews and opinions

Among the participants in this business system and those who tried to make money with it, there are mixed reviews about dropshipping. Someone uses this scheme with success and is satisfied, someone scolds it.

Such a “kaleidoscope” and polar reviews are connected, first of all, with great hopes that advertising resources promise, offering newcomers to try themselves in this type of business, at the same time selling related materials - supplier bases, ready-made online trading platforms, and so on.

Imagine a novice entrepreneur bought a database, in fact, a list of suppliers. He was convinced that in it he would find partners who would work with him on dropshipping, and along with this, low prices for popular goods that were in demand. In fact, a base with several hundred or even thousands of suppliers turns out to be a “dummy”. What could be wrong:

  • many sites that claim to be dropshipping partners require paid registration;
  • some companies on the list have long switched to other trading formats, but are listed in the database;
  • there are foreign suppliers on the list, work with which is hampered by many factors, for which the person who has acquired the base is not at all ready.

And the worst thing is that all contacts can be found on your own, without paying money for a useless list. And when searching, it is already necessary to screen out those who are not satisfied with any parameters, and select a supplier “for yourself”. Of course, in this case, the entire dropshipping system receives negative feedback from the failed merchant, because he was deceived in his hopes for quick and easy money.

Positive reviews can also be different. There are two main types:

  • from people who have gone through this system and received income from transactions under the dropshipping scheme;
  • exclusively advertising and custom-made, working for the same sale of databases and related services for beginners.

Finding really competent opinions and advice on how to realize yourself in the dropshipping system is quite difficult. You need to sift through a lot of sources, cut off obviously custom or from those people who have encountered difficulties due to their own fault, and form your own opinion based on truthful and informative reviews.

Dropshipping: suppliers for an online store in Russia

They work great in domestic modern realities. They adapt to local features, are modified, but allow us to say that their application is possible in general. This is what happened with dropshipping. The system of direct sales, which originated in the United States on the basis of the E-bay auction, where they began to use this trading option much earlier, has taken root quite well with us.

It is actively used by small online stores, individuals organizing "joint purchases", it is also used by large market players.

The main advantages of the system for the seller:

  • no need to spend on the purchase of goods to form an assortment;
  • saving warehouse space or work on the version of their complete absence.

For the supplier (manufacturer), it is also generally interesting:

  • it minimizes or eliminates the cost of aggressive advertising;
  • he is not looking for clients, shifting this task onto the shoulders of dropshipping partners;
  • it reduces its costs in terms of organizing services for end customers.

You should start your development as a dropshipper by looking for suppliers working according to this scheme.

Advice: those who start in the field usually have topical questions:

  1. Where to look? Naturally, on the Internet - this is the easiest way, and the organization of all relations will take place virtually.
  2. How to search? On one's own. Buying ready-made bases today is unprofitable due to the fact that all the information for which you pay money is publicly available.

Signs of a "good" supplier

It is especially important in dropshipping to find a supplier that will fully meet the goals of your business:

  • its product must be in demand in your region or among your potential customers;
  • the cost of production will allow you to make your margin and successfully implement it;
  • the supplier must already use a dropshipping system or be willing to use it;
  • it should be able to arrange shipping to your customers;
  • he must make contact, provide his warehouse balances, clearly stipulate the terms of delivery or execution “on order” of some item;
  • it should have convenient services for placing an order, receiving payments;
  • he is obliged to be responsible for the delivery of the marriage, guarantee a refund or replacement of the goods.

How to choose suppliers in certain product categories?

First, about the fundamental principles of trading on the system. In this regard, everything here is exactly the same as if you opened your retail store in the building on the next street:

  • you need to decide on your own niche;
  • be sure to take into account the target audience and its wishes;
  • find a hot product at a price that will be acceptable for the category of buyers with whom you plan to work;
  • you must be well versed in the products that you will offer customers.

Differences from retail organized in real space are inherent in a regular online store:

  • you will need a virtual marketplace (it can be of any format, from a full-fledged online store to an account on a social network or forum);
  • you must attract the consumer, which will require not only advertising, but also good design of the offered goods - both textual and graphic;
  • you need to create a system of communication with customers, where it will be important to quickly respond to their requests, as well as provide them with convenient payment services.

Features of the dropshipping system are in several nuances:

  • in fact, there is a trade in “air” here - there are no products in the seller’s warehouse, he cannot guarantee his buyer either its quality or even the conformity of the appearance of what he eventually gets to what is shown in the photos on the site or in the descriptions ;
  • not always the dropshipper is provided with reliable data about the product, its real photo and comprehensive information;
  • loss of control over the course of the transaction occurs at the stage of placing an order with the supplier, often there is no way to find out the fate of the result - whether the supplier sent the parcel, whether the deadline was delayed, whether the investment corresponds to the product that the buyer paid for;
  • all customer claims regarding quality, completeness, delivery time and others are presented not to the supplier, but directly to the seller.

Advice: when choosing a supplier, be sure to consider the latter's readiness to resolve all issues related to claims from the buyer. Get guarantees from your partner for an unconditional replacement of a marriage or a refund for it.

Ideal Dropshipping Supplier

In addition to the fact that it corresponds to all, without exception, the signs of good, in ideal is he:

  • does not indicate the cost of the goods, estimating it either according to the rules of the logistics company, or for the amount agreed in advance with the dropshipper (convenient for transactions for a large amount or when selling expensive goods);
  • does not put its advertising booklets, waybills, business cards and the like into the shipment;
  • informs the dropshipper of the bill of lading or track code so that he can track the fate of the parcel;
  • regularly advises his dropshipper on any issues, quickly responding to them;
  • does not establish a minimum lot per order, making a shipment of one unit;
  • makes it possible to use in full all materials, both advertising and information about the product, including photographs;
  • provides convenient services for unloading goods in XML or other formats.

Each product category has its own nuances that are also relevant for dropshipping. Some features of the products sold through the system directly affect how you need to build a supplier selection.

Dropshipping: baby products

In order to sell children's products, it is imperative to decide on segmentation. Here, a narrow specialization is possible, for example, by age or by product. Can focus on stationery and school supplies, choose a segment for newborns or shoes for teenagers. Thus, it is easier for the seller to work with advertising and search for a buyer.

A mandatory item in this type of trade is the certification of goods and the ability to present a document in the form of a screen to an interested client.

There are interesting offers on the market in many categories of goods for children. For example, the Terides.com company sells role-playing and wooden educational toys using the dropshipping system. The range of products for different ages and in different price categories. There is big choice toys of popular brands. The dropshipper is provided with a full cycle of related services, convenient service with personal account, price lists with and without photos, content support.

Dropshipping: Children's Clothing Suppliers

Working with clothes is always difficult in terms of sizing. There are nuances, for example, different numbers for various manufacturers may be the same size. When looking for suppliers of this category of goods, pay attention to the availability of support services that allow you to make the right choice virtually. These can be dimensional grids of manufacturers with adaptation to domestic parameters, indicating the age category or data in centimeters and millimeters.

If the supplier cares about his dropshippers, he can include a free consultation and assistance service, because depending on the fabric or model, the thing may be “oversized” or, conversely, be a little smaller. In this case, the dropshipper is invited to provide the buyer's parameters in a way convenient for him and the name of the model he is interested in, and the supplier's manager will tell you which size to buy.

At Russian manufacturer, operating under the brand name Vikki-Nikki, has all the services that facilitate selling on behalf of the dropshipper to the end consumer. The Vikki-Nikki online store of bright children's clothing, through which some of the TM products are sold, offers a unique showcase with excellent quality photos, where each model can be studied in detail. In addition, each item is divided into flat surface and real measurements were made on it in all respects. That is, you and your customers will be able to focus not only on standard sizes, but also on specific numbers. It also allows you to get a guarantee of matching the color of the clothes. Vikki-Nikki sells single models at wholesale prices, there is no mandatory minimum lot, and there is a 60-day return policy.

Dropshipping: cosmetics

Niching, that is, narrow specialization in this area, will help you quickly find your target audience and minimize advertising costs due to its focus.

Stopping on selective cosmetics, pharmacy or professional, you need to focus on finding customers in certain circles, attracting specialized resources on the Internet for this.

For the "showcase" you will need photographs of excellent quality, as well as detailed descriptions of each product, which will indicate the ingredients, composition, properties and effects of the application.

Customer reviews placed under the product cell work well, this is an effective advertising tool.

When choosing a cosmetics and perfume dropshipping supplier, you should pay attention to the range, the prices offered to give your buyer a competitive price, and the minimum order amount. But the main thing here is the ratio and reasonable balance. For example, the DomAromat company has a wide range of products from foreign brands, it is a direct supplier and provides the lowest prices in Russia without intermediary markups.

Many suppliers of cosmetics and perfumery products set various restrictions, the need for which is justified in different ways. But the minimum lot exists for almost everyone who works on dropshipping. Perfumeram, a company selling men's and women's perfumes, offers a wide range of products, luxury and budget products, a minimum order of 5,000 rubles, and confidentiality of information about the supplier. When shipped to the end customer, no information about the sender will be provided.

Dropshipping program from Odetta.ru offers Israeli Baby Teva cosmetics. If your site has gained serious momentum and has passed the rate of 300 visitors per day, then you can be offered favorable terms of cooperation.

Dropshipping: jewelry

The peculiarities of this category of goods are its diversity in terms of the materials used, which, accordingly, strongly affects the price per unit. This may affect the mediation scheme. For example, a supplier whose assortment is made up of cheap products can set a minimum order amount for a dropshipper.

If the shipment is guaranteed to be made from a unit, then with a low cost of the goods themselves, the delivery charge will look prohibitively high.

When working with clients in the cheap jewelry segment, make sure that the supplier has a service for sending consolidated parcels to your address. After receiving such a shipment, you will be able to set up a meeting with the client in neutral territory and transfer the order from hand to hand.

If the assortment is formed from expensive products that contain precious metals or natural stones, respectively, their price is relatively high, do not forget to ask the supplier for the availability of documents and samples confirming this fact.

Many offers from suppliers look attractive for online stores. One of them is from West Retail Group, the official distributor of Amore&Baci, Italian manufacturer jewelry. This is not dropshipping in its purest form, but the terms of cooperation with the supplier allow you to build effective sales. A pleasant feature is that the minimum purchase amount is within 30 thousand rubles.

Also, dropshippers engaged in bijouterie, ornaments and jewelry should pay attention to designers, craftsmen and artisans, small businesses that make original products. It is here that there is an opportunity to enrich your assortment with unique products and be the one who will receive loyal conditions for the sale and discounts in prices. There are quite a few offers of this nature. Artists, designers, arts and crafts studios, workshops - all of them can become profitable business partners.

Dropshipping: auto parts

This product category has a peculiar feature - some items require warranty service. If your potential supplier does not take on such a responsibility, then all the problems associated with this moment can fall on your shoulders.

Without serious knowledge in the field and skills in working with this group of goods, your attempts to make a business on auto parts can bring a lot of unpleasant moments, here you need to be well versed in technology.

Specialization in specific car brands, brands, nomenclature will be a big plus when developing an advertising strategy. Greater coverage of target customers will bring the effect of the money invested.

Many trade organizations that sell auto parts, components and accessories for cars offer cooperation on the dropshipping system. Federal network of Avtopolka stores, dealer of H&R, Bilstein, KYB, KONI, Avtochek and some others. But their declared conditions do not fully comply with the classic dropshipping scheme. It is more interesting in this area to cooperate with official dealers and representative offices of large manufacturers or with those enterprises that introduce their own developments in the automotive sector. For example, Orekh CJSC supplies the entire range of YaMZ to the market, and its offer includes the opportunity to purchase 1 unit of goods. In addition, the company acts as a guarantee from the manufacturer for the maintenance of the units.

Dropshipping Watch Suppliers

Probably the most difficult area among the trading categories participating in the scheme. This is primarily due to the fact that replicas of famous brands are popular with us, they completely repeat appearance branded fashion products, but much cheaper. The vast majority of replica manufacturers are located overseas, in China and other Asian countries. Therefore, in order for a dropshipper interested in this category of goods to find an ideal partner, it will be necessary to access foreign sites, where the main number of profile offers is located. This requires not only knowledge in English, but also specific conditions for conducting transactions, for example, the possibility of paying abroad and knowing the nuances of customs clearance.

There are still enough features. For example, it’s not easy to make purchases from companies from the USA; they need a special local TAX ID or a document certifying that the dropshipper represents an organization. And the final price is affected by VAT and regional taxes. If they are not included in the original figure, then you will have to pay for them at customs clearance, which will affect your profit.

Working with domestic suppliers is even more difficult:

  • they do not offer a competitive unit price;
  • establish restrictions on the minimum lot of the order;
  • do not always have popular models in stock, they have to make a purchase after receiving money from the dropshipper from the main foreign supplier, which lengthens both the intermediary chain and terms;
  • the assortment usually includes products of low quality, it is incredibly difficult to find replicas of class AAA 1k1 at a reasonable price and on acceptable terms.

If your clients prefer young European brands, then the cooperation offer from SVSTIME will be very interesting for you. The company's assortment includes stylish wrist and wall clocks, it allows the dropshipper to purchase one unit of goods, significant discounts for ongoing cooperation and other favorable conditions.

Dropshipping: sports nutrition

This product is gaining popularity and its demand is increasing. In terms of a good supplier:

  • a wide range of manufacturers and names;
  • an acceptable price, which is at least 15% lower than the average, which is offered by specialized retail outlets, such as sports bars and fitness centers;
  • informational and advertising support of the dropshipper, carried out by the provision of promotional materials and consultations.

If you want to sell sports nutrition through the intermediary system, then you definitely need to be well aware of the features of the products and be prepared for a kind of educational activity, because many people consider nutritional supplements unhealthy.

Dropshipping: Furniture

When deciding, many aspiring entrepreneurs exclude furniture from the list of potentially interesting products. Sometimes completely in vain. There are categories of these products that are in stable demand. For example, children's furniture - not a single crisis will prevent a child from being born and growing, which means various high chairs, changing tables, and then wardrobes, beds, desks and other items that need to be constantly updated as they grow and mature , will be in demand. The same applies to the dacha and garden furniture, equipment for summer cafes, office and many more positions in this category.

If you are interested in furniture as a product on a dropshipping basis, then consider:

  • choose suppliers-manufacturers, or those companies that guarantee a full service for their products and show maximum readiness to work with marriage or claims of the end client;
  • it is better to form an assortment in a scheme from ready-made products located in the supplier's warehouses;
  • when working with large block furniture or such that requires assembly and installation, enter into a dealer agreement - the next step in business development.

The agency cooperation scheme and dropshipping are offered by many large online furniture stores and furniture manufacturers. The Moscow House of Furniture can be called the capital's flagship. Interesting conditions are offered here, but only for those who have high attendance and segment orientation.

Ulmart 24: dropshipping

There is a lot of information on the Internet that the Ulmart cybermarket is a real Mecca for beginner dropshippers. You can buy at almost wholesale price and resell at one that is much higher. But not everything is so rosy. Ulmart 24 offers 3 price programs for clients, 2 of them are intended for individuals and legal entities, the 3rd one is purely for organizations of any status:

  • The first column is retail prices, targeting anyone who makes a purchase;
  • In the second - for those who have already earned bonuses, that is, they paid a one-time payment of 80 thousand or more thousand rubles for goods, or their total turnover was more than 150 thousand rubles;
  • In the third one, those prices are indicated, from which many resources are repelled, giving a calculation of the potential profit under the mediation scheme with Ulmart. However, they do not mention anywhere that these numbers come into play only after the client makes purchases in excess of 140 thousand rubles, or achieves a turnover of 400 thousand per quarter.

With all this, the retail price that a dropshipper can set for its client cannot be higher than that of Ulmart, because the latter does not have to go to the cybermarket and get his goods on the same conditions.

Dropshipping: suppliers for the online store in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Dropshipping jobs in a big city are different than those in a small town. In the second case, the competition is much less, the client is less “advanced” and cannot always find a way out for an attractive product. Demand is also formed depending on the living conditions and contingent, as well as its level of solvency. But these are all the basic parameters that an entrepreneur should rely on when choosing the product that he plans to trade.

The use of the dropshipping scheme in small towns and even many regional centers of Russia is justified by the fact that they do not yet have a strong presence of wholesalers for all types of products that would be of interest to the user.

With dropshipping to major cities the situation is getting worse every year. The competition is increasing. There is pressure on the scheme both from chain stores and from the emerging e-commerce segment, where owners are investing money and keeping the assortment in stock, ensuring instant receipt of the purchase for customers. And the same dropshippers make their “mite”, just like our conditional novice entrepreneur who wants to earn quick money using the system.

The recipe for success today in this scheme can be due to several factors:

  • unique product;
  • ideal supplier;
  • well-established and universal support services (acceptance of payments in any format, delivery of several models with a choice, fitting upon receipt, etc.);
  • carefully crafted advertising campaign.

If you're not ready for the complexities that the modern interpretation of dropshipping entails, then you might be better off turning your attention to other entrepreneurial ventures. You can, for example, earn good money on it, or look for something else that is more suitable for you.

There are a number of large online stores operating on the dropshipping scheme. BigBuy, which has already become world famous, is one of them. Becoming his partner means getting access to the widest range and competitive prices. The BigBuy platform offers pleasant conditions for dropshippers and convenient terms of cooperation.

Dropshipping today, like a few decades ago, is a simple mediation. Yes, it has been modernized, many suppliers have appeared who do not refuse to work according to this scheme and are even glad that many will sell and advertise their goods, thus saving on their own expenses required to maintain an army of managers and other employees. But, in fact, this is still an intermediary, and the end consumer increasingly prefers to turn to someone who can provide guarantees, a lower price, and all information about the product.

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Therefore, when choosing this scheme for yourself, keep in mind that it has many pitfalls and certainly does not promise easy money without investing effort.

In contact with

Upon payment by the client to you, you place an order with the supplier, who in turn sends the order to the client. Thus, you bypass the stages of purchase. The dropshipping business allows you to conduct a profitable business of selling goods with almost zero capital. Advantages of dropshipping Let's start with the fact that the dropshipping system is a well-established scheme of virtual sales for those who are ready to do it. The only thing that can be real is the income, a kind of interest rate that you have agreed with the supplier of this or that company. Let's find the advantages that allow you to vote for this type of activity.

We offer cooperation dropshipping

You don't care;

  • To start drop-shipping cooperation, you do not need to create an LLC or even an individual entrepreneur;
  • With this form of dropshipping partnership, you work for own business(which cannot be said about other affiliate programs);
  • Dropshipping beginners are provided with step-by-step instructions with screenshots;
  • Experienced partners may be given access to an updated data feed file to automate the import of goods.
  • Our drop shipping terms of cooperation are simple: - After registering and obtaining the status of "Drop shipping partner", you get access to the product at wholesale prices - minus 15%; - Further, depending on the volume of each single order, discounts automatically increase to minus 17%, 18%, 20%, 22%, and 25% (respectively, for purchases worth more than 1,000 rubles, 5,000 rubles, 10,000 rubles ., 40 000 rub.

Effective cooperation on the dropshipping system

MySlide.ru You can study and download the report-presentation on the topic Commercial offer on dropshipping.. A presentation on a given topic contains 6 slides. To view, use the player, if the material turned out to be useful for you - share it with your friends using social buttons and add our presentation site to your bookmarks! Presentations» Economics» Commercial offer for dropshipping. Slides and text for this presentation Slide 1 Slide Description: To the CEO of Babylon Vape Shop.


Dropshipping offer. Our goal Our goal is to cooperate with your company. We want to promote your product on the market for free using our brand. Slide 2 Description of the slide: How we attract traffic. Slide 3 Description of the slide: Your benefit.

Increase your profits through our online store.

Dropshipping offer

Thanks to a reliable and proven service, you will be able to fill the catalog of your online store not only detailed description, but also beautiful photos without watermarks. With Dropo, you can easily send goods from the store to the customer. In addition to the main advantages of a wide range and free use, Dropo provides settlement and cash services 54-Ф3.
And also it is impossible not to notice the dignity of acquiring even one item of goods at a wholesale price.

  • MegaOpt24.ru

MegaOpt24.ru - group wholesale sales working with dropship partners. The assortment includes a choice among gadgets, watches, accessories, children's toys, glasses, electronics.

How to make money with dropshipping

In the case of cooperation with a domestic manufacturer, a businessman receives a number of advantages:

  • no language barrier;
  • quality assurance;
  • certified products;
  • short terms of wholesale deliveries;
  • installment payment;
  • no problem with customs clearance.

There is only one drawback of drop shipping in the Russian Federation - a small number of offers, since this new method conducting business has not yet taken root in the post-Soviet space. Conclusions and reviews It is very difficult to say in advance how much you can earn on dropshipping as a business. Previously, it brought a very good income, now the profit has decreased significantly.

There are two reasons for this - the high exchange rate of the dollar and the change in customs rules. Imported goods became twice as expensive, which significantly reduced demand. The crisis also intervened, lowering effective demand.

Dropshipping cooperation

The most popular online shopping site remains Aliexpress, which brings together thousands of manufacturers of souvenirs, toys, watches, electronics and other goods. To buy cheaper than the general price, you can:

  1. Negotiate direct cooperation with the seller. In this case, payment is made through the website or directly, due to large volumes of delivery, the discount reaches 20%.
    Do not be afraid of the language barrier, a major manufacturer must have an interpreter.
  2. Search for online store specials. In this case, it becomes possible to purchase small quantities of goods with large discounts. For example, aliexpress has "Hot Products" that can be purchased at 70% cheaper.
  3. Small wholesale discount.

But with the reviews of online store entrepreneurs who have their own warehouses, they are by no means negative. According to them, dropshippers prevent them from earning, take potential client. But there have always been competitors and it is not worth focusing on them.


There is another concern according to beginner dropshippers. Delivery of goods. If the delivery is straight from China, where is the guarantee that, for example, the tablet will not break during the warranty period. If this happens, what should the dropshipper do? Such moments should be considered initially, and be prepared for anything.

The initial work that needs to be given due careful thought is the suppliers. If there is concern about a defective item being shipped, make sure it is inspected before it is shipped to the customer. Do not chase the number of suppliers, prioritize quality.

An example of a business proposal for cooperation in the dropshipping system

  • Analytics is a function thanks to which you will know what product is in demand, at what time, from what territorial area;
  • Minimum financial risks. You do not buy the goods, which means there is no responsibility for the investment, the buyer pays you the full cost, after which you carry out the operation of paying the required amount to the supplier, this can also be cash on delivery;
  • The ability to have several suppliers at the same time is welcome;
  • Always comfortable and friendly service makes it possible to choose the right product without the pressure of others, in this dropshipping is similar to the work of an online store that works for itself;
  • The assortment is of no small importance for the buyer, the more trade positions, the more customers.


Although, for a purposeful person, it will be enough to use a smart dictionary online.
  • One of the priority places to get acquainted with the future supplier is the exhibition. Both young companies and more “mature” ones often gather at this event.
  • Thus, you will maintain a worthy reputation of your customers, who will be your regular ones and leave a positive review for your online store in the future. The prospect of growth and benevolent development has never been created in a matter of days. Of course, this conclusion also applies to dropshippers. Have patience and endurance, purposefulness and firmness of position and you will succeed.

    Successful dropshippers have a huge customer base through careful supplier development and flawless shipping. Nobody argues with the condition of a long term and full payment for the goods, customers want the thing they ordered to be intact and function according to the characteristics.

    Then you know that in addition to the main model, there is an option where you do not need to purchase goods: you conclude an agreement with the supplier, and he sends the products directly to your client. You act as an intermediary and offer these products on your behalf.

    Only a brief summary will be given below. You can find all the details on the websites of suppliers. Links are inactive.

    The largest Russian supplier of toys and children's goods with more than 50 thousand items in stock. There are a number of benefits:

    • No minimum order limit
    • You can start from scratch, even without your own online store
    • Detailed training, including effective sales
    • There are no hidden fees or mandatory investments.
    • Honest financial statements and a generous percentage for dropshippers
    • Toys are a profitable niche, because they don’t save on children

    Supplier of Happiness

    The company has been operating since 2002, from the very beginning focusing on working with online stores, 5 years ago one of the first to launch dropshipping throughout Russia. To date, more than 800 online stores work with the Supplier of Happiness. In the assortment of 50.000 articles of underwear, products for adults and radio-controlled toys for children.

      accept payments from customers for your orders and transfer them to the online store;

      own courier service in Moscow;

      a large selection of delivery methods in Russia (Russian Post, PickPoint, DPD, SDEK);

      broadcast to customers their own discounts on the tariffs of transport companies.

      accept the return of orders not redeemed by buyers;

      decide contentious issues with buyers on their own;

      insure shipments;

      if you don’t have an online store yet, the Supplier of Happiness also offers a ready-to-work store FIRE on 1C Bitrix.

    Wholesale online store (markethot.ru)

    A major supplier offering a wide range of products. The catalog is really impressive: from household goods to car parts. For each dropshipping order, the store takes a commission - 150 rubles (only after processing the application).

    Clothes (vilnoshop.ru)

    Official representative of Vilno. The online store has men's, women's and children's clothing. In addition, there is a range of bags and backpacks. It is possible to work on dropshipping, for this, in the "Feedback" section, you must write to the specified e-mail.

    Clothing and footwear (smart-shoes.ru)

    In addition to the main direction, the online store sells the following categories of goods: bags, perfumes, glasses, etc. The assortment includes large brands - Adidas, Nike, Reebok, etc. If necessary, the store can provide an order processing manager and a site setup specialist.

    Smart watch (garsline.ru)

    The official dealer of Wonlex, which also allows you to work on the dropshipping system. All products are inspected before shipment, and there is a 1 year warranty (only for products from Wonlex). In addition to the usual method of work, there is an affiliate program (aka smart dropshipping system), according to which you will receive 20% of the purchase of the client you brought.

    Honest dropshipping (cdrop.ru)

    The supplier has a wide range of products, and a convenient division for one-page sites (highlights products that are most relevant to this type of store). The goods are certified, deliveries go directly from China. Sending across Russia - by mail, courier delivery is possible in Moscow and St. Petersburg (and 80 other cities).

    Sports nutrition (wildpain.ru)

    Large supplier of sports nutrition. The site provides almost the entire range of sports supplements, as well as accessories, and clothing for classes.

    Bed linen (textiloptom.net)

    The company specializes in the supply of bed linen. Of course, there are also accompanying criteria for goods: pillows, blankets, blankets, individual items. The site has been operating since 2000, which indicates the high reliability of the supplier.

    Jewelry store (blesk39.ru)

    There are 25,000 items of goods in the store catalog. Delivery across Russia (regions are indicated on the website), Kazakhstan (all regions), Belarus (all regions). Free display of the catalog, support of managers.

    Dropshipping platform (dropo.ru)

    DROPO cooperates with direct suppliers. Huge database, with goods of various categories. The database is updated every month, on average, from 1,500 to 5,000 new positions are added. There is no need to redeem the goods, everything is stored in the warehouses of suppliers.

    Wholesale online store (super-opt.ru)

    The goods are delivered in bulk from China to a warehouse located in Moscow. Without intermediaries. On the this moment, more than 3,500 partners work with the store, more than 1,000 products for dropshipping. Goods are packed and shipped 24/7.


    In the article, I have given which dropshipping suppliers in Russia (list of the best) are now the most "on hearing" and are in demand among dropshippers. It is recommended to approach the choice of suppliers very carefully: check the sellers before concluding a contract.