Effective structure of the sales department. Optimal organizational structure of the enterprise

Determination of an effective organizational structure for enterprise management


Any organizational system is subdivided into two subsystems: a materially supporting subsystem, which processes the resources at its disposal into goods and services, and a management subsystem, whose task is to manage and control the activities of the organizational system. The latter is called the control system, which has its own structure that provides conditions for a rational division of labor and mutual cooperation. Within the framework of this structure, employees-managers have their own tasks, areas of responsibility. At the same time, they enter into a relationship of leadership-subordination, control, cooperation. These structures reflect and ensure the division of labor within which the process of enterprise management is carried out.

While the task of implementing the developed and adopted strategy is faced by all departments of the enterprise, acting as a whole, the management of the enterprise will have to carefully consider the organizational aspect of management - how to properly and effectively coordinate the work of all elements of a complex business mechanism.

The object of study of this work is the branch of OJSC Rostelecom TTsMS-15.

The subject of the research is the organizational structure of the branch management.

The problem of the enterprise is the lack of profit growth.

In this work, the goal is to determine the effective organizational structure of enterprise management. At the same time, the author considers the structure as a way of distributing powers and responsibilities and how powers and responsibilities are transferred within the organization.

Based on the purpose of the study, the following tasks are set in the work:

Study and analysis of world and domestic practice of designing and improving the organizational structure of enterprise management;

Conducting an analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise;

Consideration and analysis of the existing organizational structure of enterprise management;

Making proposals for improving the organizational structure;

Calculation of the economic efficiency of the proposed measures.

In a broad sense, the task of the manager is to choose the structure that best suits the goals and objectives of the organization, as well as the internal and external factors affecting it. The “best” structure is the one that allows you to effectively interact with the external environment, efficiently and effectively distribute and direct the efforts of employees and satisfy customer needs and achieve the goals of the organization.

Scientifically substantiated formation of organizational structures of enterprise management is an urgent task modern stage adaptation of economic entities to a market economy. Under the new conditions, it is necessary to widely use the principles and methods of designing a management organization based on a systematic approach.

Without the development of methods for designing management structures, it is difficult to further improve management and increase production efficiency, since:

    firstly, in the new conditions, in a number of cases, it is impossible to operate with old organizational forms that do not meet the requirements of market relations and create a danger of deformation of the management tasks themselves;

    secondly, it is impossible to transfer the laws governing technical systems to the sphere of economic management. An integrated approach to improving the organizational mechanism was previously largely replaced by work on the introduction and use of automated control systems (ACS) - an extremely important work, but not the only one in the development of management at all levels. The very same work on the creation of automated control systems is often carried out in isolation from the improvement of the management structure, is not sufficiently connected with organizational factors;

    thirdly, the creation of a structure should be based not only on experience, analogy, habitual schemes and, finally, intuition, but also on the scientific methods of organizational design.

1 World and domestic theory and practice of designing and improving the organizational structures of enterprise management

1.1 Organizational structure of enterprise management. Concept and types

An organizational structure is an integral system, specially designed in such a way that people working within it can most effectively achieve their goals.

The organizational structure determines the relationship (subordination) between the functions performed by the employees of the organization. It manifests itself in such forms as the division of labor, the creation of specialized units, the hierarchy of positions, internal organizational procedures and is a necessary element of an effective organization, since it gives it internal stability and allows it to achieve a certain order in the use of resources.

Organizations can be classified into three main types of building an organizational management structure:




Linear-functional schemes of organizational structures historically arose within the framework of factory production and were an appropriate "organizational" response to the more complex production and the need to interact under changed conditions with a large number of institutions external environment(mass consumer, financial institutions, international competition, legislation, government, etc.). The basis of this scheme (Figure 1.1) is the linear divisions that carry out the main work in the organization and serve them with specialized functional divisions created on a “resource” basis: personnel, finance, production, etc.

Figure 1.1 - Linear-functional organizational structure

Analysis of this structure in shows the following advantages:

High level of competence of specialists and their qualifications,

This form is effective for the implementation of worked out plans and is valid with the stable activity of the enterprise,

Allows you to easily manage subordinates.

Inefficiency in a difficult market situation, because initiative and effective transfer from the bottom up are difficult,

Decisions are made at the top level, as a result of which efficiency is lost,

Poor coordination of activities of functional units,

The promotion and reward system is based on the ability of a specialist to perform tasks within a functional unit, and not on a contribution to the final result.

In search of a way out of the situation of inefficiency in the activities of linear-functional structures, a number of American companies in the 1920s carried out decentralization of management by creating so-called divisional structures (DuPont, General Motors). In the 1960s and 1970s, this became the dominant approach for large US firms. The essence of this approach is the allocation to the management apparatus as the main structural element not of a functional service, but of a completely autonomous production department in the economic sense - a large plant or group of enterprises - producing a certain type of product. These departments were entrusted with the entire responsibility for the development, production and marketing of more or less homogeneous products.

Figure 1.2 - Schematic diagram of a divisional organization

In general, the divisional scheme in building an organization allows the latter to continue its growth and effectively manage different types of activities in different markets. The heads of production departments, within the framework of the product or territory assigned to them, coordinate activities not only along the line, but also according to functions, and thereby develop the required qualities in themselves and thereby develop the required qualities of general management in themselves. Thus, a good personnel reserve is created for the strategic level of the organization. Dividing decisions into levels separates their adoption and improves their quality.

However, it must be remembered that within the production departments there is a tendency to "shortening" goals. Due to the growth of the administrative apparatus due to the creation of branches, overhead costs increase. The centralized distribution of key resources in case of their lack can lead to the development of interdepartmental conflicts. In large divisional organizations, an interdepartmental career is difficult, and with a mechanistic approach, a person is generally lost and his resource is not used in an effective way.

To a certain extent, the shortcomings of the divisional system were resolved in practice with the transition to organizations built with the inclusion of elements of the matrix scheme: project management, temporary target groups, permanent complex groups. The matrix scheme is simply not feasible within the framework of a mechanistic approach. It requires a transition to an organic approach that provides great opportunities in the design of horizontal, informal and indirect links, which are largely attributes of the matrix organization.

The matrix structure is always a combination of two organizational alternatives - functional and product (project). Thus, two formal schemes of structures in the matrix organization appear. The main task of management is to maintain a balance between the two structures.

Employees of the matrix structure have dual subordination to both the project team leader and their functional managers.

This approach provides - the development of innovative technologies, efficiency, initiative, etc. The disadvantages of such a structure are greed, spending, power struggles.

1.2 Reasons for changing the organizational structure of enterprise management

Bringing the structure in line with changing conditions is one of the most important tasks of management. In most cases, decisions to adjust structures are made by the top management of the organization as part of their core responsibilities. Significant organizational changes are not carried out until there is a firm belief that there are serious reasons for this that cause them to be necessary. You can name some situations, individually or in combination, when the costs of adjusting the structure or developing a new project are justified.

Unsatisfactory functioning of the enterprise. The most common reason for the need to develop a new organization design is the failure to apply any other methods to reduce cost growth, increase productivity, expand ever-shrinking domestic and foreign markets, or attract new financial resources. Usually, first of all, measures such as changes in the composition and skill level of employees, the use of more advanced management methods, and the development of special programs are taken. But in the end, leaders highest level come to the conclusion that the reason for the unsatisfactory performance of the enterprise lies in certain shortcomings of the organizational structure of management.

Top management overload. Some businesses manage to function satisfactorily only at the cost of overworking a few top managers. If obvious measures to change the methods and procedures of management do not reduce the burden, do not lead to any lasting relief, then a very effective means of solving this problem is the redistribution of rights and functions, adjustments and clarifications in the forms of organization.

Lack of perspective orientation. The future development of the enterprise requires more and more attention from top managers to strategic tasks, regardless of the nature of the enterprise and the type of its activity. And at the same time, many senior leaders still continue to devote most of their time to operational issues, and their decisions, which will have an impact in the long term, are based on a simple extrapolation of current trends into the future. The top manager (or a group of them) must be aware that his most important responsibility is to enable the enterprise to develop and implement a strategic program with the fullness that the legal and economic independence of the enterprise allows. Ensuring this capability is almost always associated with changes in organizational forms, as well as the introduction of new or fundamentally changed decision-making processes.

Disagreements on organizational issues. Every experienced senior manager knows that stability in the organizational structure of an enterprise, as a rule, indicates not so much internal harmony as successful resolution of conflict situations. The existing structure, whatever it may be, creates barriers to effective work, makes it difficult to achieve the goals of some departments or divisions, does not clearly reflect the meaning of some functional roles, allows for an unfair distribution of power, positions and powers, etc. When there are deep and enduring disagreements about organizational structure, and especially when senior management has doubts about the optimal form, the only way out is to study the structure carefully. A change in leadership often prompts a decision to reorganize. One group of leaders can operate effectively within a particular structure. The group that comes to replace them may find this form completely inconsistent with its approach to the problems of the enterprise.

These circumstances, which experience has shown to usually precede a large-scale study of the organization, are symptomatic of a number of causes, some operating within the enterprise and others completely outside its sphere of influence.

Growth in the scope of activities. Even with a stable product range, stable production processes and marketing, with a continuous increase in the size of the enterprise, there is a need for significant structural transformation. It is possible to adjust to the growth of the scale of activities through small changes in the structure. However, if the core structure remains unchanged, coordination will be difficult, managers will be overwhelmed, and the functioning of the enterprise will deteriorate.

Increasing diversity. Expanding the range of products or services, entering a variety of markets, additional development of new production processes bring completely new moments to the organization. As long as these heterogeneous elements are relatively small, they can be adapted to any part of the existing structure. But when they take on huge dimensions - in terms of resources used, needs, risk, future opportunities, then structural changes become inevitable.

Association of business entities. The merger of two or more enterprises, even of the same nature, necessarily introduces some changes in the organizational structure. Problems of coincidence of functions, redundant personnel, confusion in the distribution of rights and responsibilities require an immediate solution. Merging with smaller units usually affects the structure to a lesser extent, but if such a merger occurs for a sufficiently long time, changes in the basic structure become inevitable. If two or more large enterprises merge, then major structural changes should be expected.

Change of control technology. Scientific achievements in the field of management are beginning to have an increasing impact on organizational structures and processes (progressive methods of information processing, operations research and planning, design and matrix forms of construction, etc.). New positions and functional units appear, decision-making processes change. Some industries - mass production, manufacturing, transportation and distribution systems, some financial institutions - have actually changed dramatically due to advances in control technology. In these sectors, enterprises that lagged behind in the application of modern management methods found themselves in unfavorable conditions with fierce and ever-increasing competition.

Influence of technology of production processes. The impact of scientific and technological change on organizational structure has been the most researched and widespread aspect of organizational change in recent years. The rapid development of industry research, the growth of scientific institutions, the ubiquity of project management, the growing popularity of matrix organizations - all this testifies to the spread of the influence of the exact sciences on industrial organizations.

external economic environment. Most industrial enterprises are in a constantly changing economic environment. Some changes are made abruptly, because of which the previously normal functioning of the enterprise suddenly becomes unsatisfactory. Other changes, which are slower and more fundamental, are forcing enterprises to switch to other areas of activity or to move to new means and methods of managing activities in their former area. In any case, the most likely result will be a change in the main tasks of management, and hence a new organizational structure.

1.3 Analysis and design of the organizational structure of enterprise management

Each of the circumstances noted above leads to changes in the structure and may equally indicate the need to revise the main strategy of the enterprise. Neither strategy nor structure can be established independently. However, priority is given to the tasks, goals, allocation of resources and the main programs that make up the strategy of the enterprise. This is due to the fact that most of the serious problems at large enterprises are of a strategic rather than organizational nature.

The inability to survive and function effectively is most often the result of:

Unreasonable strategic decisions are made;

Enterprises try to continue operations at a volume that is no longer economical;

It is not possible to establish the release of new products or products that are not marketable and not where they are needed;

Firms with a single market are not able to diversify production.

The redistribution of tasks, rights and responsibilities, information flows increases the efficiency of the organization by increasing productivity and at least temporarily restrains the growth of costs, increases profitability. Improvement in organizational forms often contributes to the development of new and better strategic decisions.

If a structure cannot exist without a strategy, then a strategy cannot be successful without a corresponding structure. In almost any large enterprise, examples can be found where the implementation of well-conceived strategic plans was hindered by an organizational structure that delayed their implementation or favored resolving secondary issues.

Thus, the structure is inextricably linked with the strategy. At one time, a static approach was practiced in the development of the organization's design and corrective changes. The tasks of the current activity of the enterprise were determined, which were then aggregated by ascending levels in the form of a traditional pyramid. Now, no organizational chart of a large enterprise can be based only on current activities. It must necessarily reflect any possible changes in the main task of the enterprise, goals and strategic programs of top management.

This relationship between strategy and structure underlies all recommendations for adjusting and changing the organization of enterprise management. The analytical process of studying the strategy of the enterprise is an integral element of adjustments in the structure, regardless of whether the production is diversified or homogeneous, private or public. The analysis methods used generally consist of five steps.

The first stage consists in clarifying the task of the enterprise, areas of uncertainty and the most probable development alternatives. An accurate and definite answer to the question about the tasks of the enterprise to a large extent determines the overall structure. It is almost always possible to give a clear and unambiguous answer to a question like this for many organizations or parts of them. In the case of the formation of completely new enterprises, the definition of the task may be limited to the establishment of design parameters.

The second step in organizational structure analysis is to identify variables that significantly affect task performance. At this stage, a deep analysis of the economic and production structure of the enterprise and its main components is necessary. It also needs an analysis environment in which the enterprise operates or is planned to operate. The exploration of these two closely related areas (external and internal) leads to key decisions that can determine the success of an enterprise.

At the third stage, the goals and programs for the development of the enterprise are studied. It is important to make sure that the current goals are consistent with the main task of the enterprise, and programs are aligned with the key factors for successful operation. This is essential because goals and plans have a direct impact on the organizational structure by prioritizing and prioritizing. decisions taken. Any organizational project involves inevitable changes. It is possible to have a different relationship between production efficiency and innovation, between market size and technical quality, between short-term and long-term planning. The programs of the enterprise, its strategy are the fundamental basis for making such decisions when designing an organization.

At the fourth stage, it is assessed how the structure of the organization meets the tasks, goals and factors on which the success of its functioning depends. To do this, it is necessary to carefully study the existing formal structure, identify all its strengths and weaknesses, find out what shortcomings in the formal structure compensate for informal elements and how effectively.

A difficult but inevitable moment in the analysis of the organization is the assessment of the human resources of the enterprise. Sometimes a serious shortage of workers in certain specialties cannot be filled by sufficiently rapid training of workers within the enterprise or recruitment from outside, which cannot be ignored in the distribution of functions within the existing structure. The researcher also studies the basic management processes - planning, resource allocation, operational control - in order to establish how much they contribute to the achievement of the task, goal and strategic programs. The probability and validity of changes in the processes themselves are considered. Organizational and environmental analysis provides a tremendous amount of information that must be evaluated so that a decision on structure can be made, which is the final step in the analytical process.

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  • During the starting period of any commercial enterprise As a rule, the owner of the business is engaged in sales. And this is quite natural: it is he who is most interested in the “survival”, formation and development of his enterprise, and so he takes on the functions of attracting customers.
    If the commercial project owner fails to form an initial client base, the further fate of his company is not even worth talking about - we can assume that such a company does not exist. If there are customers, and their number is steadily growing, the volume of work also increases. This means that there are many administrative issues that need to be addressed, and to do this systematically, and not from time to time. The manager alone cannot cope with all these tasks, therefore, an increase in staff will be needed: not only employees will be needed to receive, process and fulfill orders, but also managers who will be assigned the functions of attracting new customers. The company will face a new goal of creating and organizing a sales department.

    Creating a sales department is the most important task for a company owner

    Common Mistake many novice businessmen - leaving behind the duties of heads of departments involved in sales. As a result, the situation, as a rule, develops as follows: at the very least, the clients attracted earlier allow the company, as they say, to stay afloat and even make profits for some time. Only now, the founder of the business does not have enough time not only to attract new customers, but also to maintain and strengthen relationships with old ones. Customer loyalty decreases, and after some time they stop working.
    As they say, a holy place does not remain empty: where you do not have time to act, competitors appear. Very often, local companies that are actively expanding, or regional representative offices of federal firms, act in their role. Practice shows that their staff must have an enterprising and ambitious person who is responsible for coordinating the effective work of a full-fledged sales department, and his earnings directly depend on the number of attracted customers and the orders received from them.

    Having assessed the situation, such a manager applies a repeatedly proven and really effective scheme. For starters, there is Company N, which is not overly concerned with meetings and face-to-face contact with customers, an ideal target for an attack by a more energetic and enterprising competitor. Simultaneous appeals to customers N, offering more favorable conditions, using the potential of personal charm - and the task is solved: 30–50% of customers have switched to you, the sales plan has been exceeded, bonuses have been received, and the prospects for further development are obvious.
    What happens at this time with the company N?
    The fact that she lost 50% of her customers means that the turnover did not just fall - it collapsed, and, most likely, losses are inevitable. It is almost impossible to restore the lost client base when more active and successful competitors are already operating on the market. The owner of the business, who is still the main seller, is unsuccessfully wasting time and effort on the fight against chronic lack of money, which means that he has no time to replenish the ranks of customers again. Remember the aphorism of the notorious Kozma Prutkov: "You can't embrace the immensity." In this case, these words most accurately define the essence of what is happening. Things pile up, fatigue accumulates, and as soon as an entrepreneur relaxes a little, gives up, you can say goodbye to business.

    The conclusion is clear: the organization of the sales department, delegating to its employees the authority to find and attract customers and the system control of such a unit - these are the measures that should be taken CEO, if he is really a far-sighted businessman, aimed at the development of his enterprise.
    Organization of the sales department: advice from practitioners
    Organization of the work of the sales department is a complex process that develops according to its own laws and requires compliance important rules. Some businessmen try (at first, as they claim) to limit themselves to hiring one or two employees. They argue something like this: “Let's see how things go. If they do, then there are enough of them. If not, we'll take others." We want to warn you right away: half-measures will not provide the desired result.
    Practice shows that the minimum stable number of staff positions in a unit is five ordinary employees plus a general manager (head). This is the organizational structure of the sales department that has been repeatedly proven in practice. Every person who has tried himself as a businessman (whether successfully or not) will say that appealing to potential client is not at all equal to receiving an order: on average, there is 1 concluded transaction for 25 contacts. In addition, not every person who starts working as a manager succeeds, and as a result, many leave.
    That is why it is necessary to take such a number of employees that corresponds to the average statistics, or better - more, so that natural screening does not interfere with the work of your company. Trying to limit himself to a minimum number of employees, the owner of the company becomes like an "optimist" who, jumping over the abyss, expects that he will first overcome a fifth of the distance, and only then ...

    Conduct an express audit of the sales department on your own according to 23 criteria and identify sales growth points!

    Go to audit

    Conduct an audit

    Through proper organization sales department, consisting of specialists who have undergone special training, can achieve the planned results in the shortest possible time and bring real profit to the company.
    The typical structure of the sales department is as follows: the bottom rung of the hierarchical ladder is occupied by 5 (or more) ordinary managers who are subordinate to the head of the department. The latter, in turn, reports to the commercial director of the enterprise, who is accountable only to the executive and general directors. The presence of two department heads - commercial director and the head of the department - allows you to most effectively provide planning, control and other administrative functions. In addition, such a structure uses the potential for interchangeability: if any of the chiefs is absent, the department does not remain "decapitated".

    You can go even further and improve the typical structure of the most important division of a commercial enterprise: add one more employee to the staff - an administrator. As a rule, this is a young or middle-aged woman who is prone to administrative work, able to perform routine work with documents. In principle, this is a secretary with an extended range of duties: preparation and execution of all required documents for all managers (typical commercial offers, contracts, invoices, invoices, acts of work performed, etc.); timely introduction of changes and additions to the electronic client database, etc.
    Is the administrator a valuable employee? Seriously?
    Yes, seriously, and there are a number of good reasons for this!
    Firstly, it frees up time for managers to work directly with clients, and at the same time deprives them of the opportunity, under a plausible pretext, to shirk their immediate responsibilities.
    Secondly, it saves the company from problems with incorrectly drawn up or illiterately executed documents, lost or damaged databases.
    Order is the main thing that is added to the work of the sales department if it has an administrator.

    Finding a suitable administrator is much easier than finding a sales manager. The salary of such an employee is much less than that of businessmen. Hence, another article of savings: the time freed up from paperwork for qualified highly paid managers is spent more rationally. It turns out that the cost of maintaining the administrator is more than compensated by additional contracts.
    An administrator can be useful even with a minimal staff of the sales department, consisting of two or three managers and a boss. It is most beneficial to have this unit in large companies, where up to ten managers or more work, and there are also two or three department heads.
    The typical structure of the sales department, supplemented by an administrator, will look almost the same as the one above, with a slight difference: both managers and administrator are subordinate to the head of the department.
    © Konstantin Baksht, General Director of "Baksht Consulting Group".

    The best way to quickly master and implement the technology of building a sales department is to visit K. Baksht's sales management training "Sales System".

    Distinguish between the effectiveness of organizational processes and the quality of the organization itself. Efficiency depends on the properties of the organizational structure, its methods of work and the influence of the external environment. Efficiency is manifested only as a result of the work of the organization.

    The purpose of designing organizational structures is to highlight the directions of development of the organization that seem to be the most effective. One of the tasks in the design process is to develop a mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of the organization, the selection of assessment tools. To solve this problem, the features of management, the conditions for the functioning of the organization, the limitations of management are studied, the factors of efficiency and indicators for evaluating the interaction between departments and levels of the hierarchy are identified. The importance of this task lies in the fact that the organizational structure does not exist separately from the overall workflow, but influences it. Therefore, the overall effectiveness of the organization depends on the effectiveness of the organizational structure.

    When designing an organizational structure or when restructuring a company, it is necessary to:

    • determine in advance the criteria by which the effectiveness will be evaluated;
    • based on the criteria, form a set of indicators for which the assessment will be made;
    • lead the whole mass of indicators to unified system to analyze the interdependencies across levels of the hierarchy.

    Evaluation criteria, tools and methods of performance analysis that are used in practice may be different. Efficiency criterion is a generalized indicator, the rule on the basis of which the the best solution or best process In the organisation. Performance criteria show the most important parameters of the organization and allow you to design a system of performance indicators to enable subsequent analysis and control.

    Performance Evaluation Indicators

    They are divided into three groups:

    1. Expressing the final results of the activity. Among them: profit growth, production growth, reduction of production costs, profitability growth, improvement of product quality, reduction of production time, introduction new technology and technologies.
    2. Expressing the control process:
    • performance. It is defined as the number of products per employee-manager; or the ratio of the growth rate of production per managerial worker to the growth rate of production per production worker.
    • adaptability, flexibility. They are determined using a scoring system based on expert ratings. They characterize the ability of management to change the style of behavior depending on the needs of the organization and the demands of the external environment.
    • efficiency. It is determined by time indicators (time spent on converting resources into products).
    • economy. It is determined by the level of costs for the control apparatus. It is estimated according to the following indicators: the share of costs for the maintenance of management in the cost of production; share of the cost of wages managers in the cost of production; change in the amount of profit per employee-manager; share of managers in total strength personnel.
    • reliability. It is characterized by uninterrupted functioning of the control apparatus. The reliability coefficient is calculated by the formula:
    • K \u003d 1 - Kn / Ktotal, where

      Kn - the number of unrealized solutions,

      Ktot is the total number of decisions in the organization.

  • Expressing the rationality of the organizational structure, the level of technology and coordination.
    • link factor. Determined by the formula:
    • Kzv \u003d Pzv f / Pzv o, where

      Pzv f - the number of links in the organization at the moment,

      Pzv about - optimal amount links in the organization.

    • duplication factor. Determined by the formula:
    • Kd \u003d Koz / Kn, where

      Koz - the number of jobs assigned to subdivisions in fact,

      Kn - the number of works determined by the standards.

    • degree of centralization of functions. Determined by the formula:
    • Kc \u003d Rfc / Rf, where

      Rfts - the number of decisions on the function at the top levels of management,

      RF - total number function decisions at all levels of the hierarchy.

    • coefficient of efficiency of information flows. Determined by the formula:
    • Ki \u003d Te / Din, where

      Te - the number of cases of effective use of information (measured on the example of documents),

      Dinput - the total amount of information at the input (measured in documents).

    • coefficient of controllability levels. Determined by the formula:
    • Ku \u003d Uf / Un, where

      UV - the scale of controllability is real,

      Un - the norm of controllability according to the standards.

      Other evaluation metrics may be used, depending on the specifics of the industry, the size of the organization, hierarchy levels, etc.

    Organizations create a structure in order to ensure the coordination and control of the activities of their departments and employees. The structures of organizations differ from each other in complexity (i.e., the degree of division of activities into various functions), formalization (i.e., the degree of use in advance established rules and procedures), the ratio of centralization and decentralization (i.e. the levels at which management decisions are made).

    The structure of the organization reflects its block diagram. The unification of the organization into a single whole is associated with the use of information systems and communication mechanisms that complement it. block diagram. The diagram of any organization shows the composition of departments, sectors and other linear and functional units. It is the behavior of the personnel that determines the effectiveness of the functioning of the organizational structure to a greater extent than the formal distribution of functions between departments. the organizational structure of any commercial firm should be considered taking into account different criteria.

    The peculiarities of the national management culture leave no hope that everything will work itself out. Practice shows that the most advantageous economically calculated projects and business plans can be successfully failed. There is only one reason - mediocre organization and management.

    However, experience shows that even in adverse economic conditions, but with a reasonable organization of business, much can be achieved.

    The organizational structure, even if it is ideally debugged at some point in time, already at the next moment requires correction and adjustment, otherwise changes in external or internal conditions functioning lead the organization to disproportions. If such a correction is not carried out in a timely manner, imbalances accumulate and negative manifestations intensify.

    The effectiveness of the organizational structure is supported by constant regulation, adaptation of its configuration and proportions to a variety of changes in external and internal (structure-forming) factors, which include:

    1. Prices and demand for goods and services, raw materials, materials, cost work force, taxes;

    2. Bank interest rates;

    3. Administrative legislation;

    4. Production technology, including equipment;

    5. Number, qualification, education, abilities of employees;

    6. Production areas, all kinds of standards and much, much more.

    The effectiveness of the organizational structure should be assessed at the design stage, when analyzing the management structures of existing organizations for planning and implementing measures to improve management. A comprehensive set of criteria for the effectiveness of the management system is formed taking into account two areas for assessing its functioning:

    1. according to the degree of compliance of the results achieved with the established goals of the production and economic organization;

    2. according to the degree of compliance of the system functioning process with objective requirements for its content, organization and results.

    Efficiency criterion for comparison various options the organizational structure is the possibility of the most complete and sustainable achievement of the ultimate goals of the management system at relatively lower costs for its operation. The criterion for the effectiveness of measures to improve the organizational structure is the possibility of a more complete and stable achievement of established goals or a reduction in management costs, the effect of the implementation of which should be normative term exceed production costs.

    Rules (signs) of construction:

    1. Optimality - reducing the number of steps and levels of control when

    establishing rational links between steps, levels and links


    2. Adaptability - the adaptability of the structure to changes in the external environment.

    3. Efficiency - the speed of response to management decisions, and

    as well as their fast and accurate bringing to the managed system.

    4. Reliability - the reliability of the transfer of all information from control system

    to the controlled and back.

    5. Profitability - minimizing the cost of maintaining the management apparatus, with

    Elements and signs of the effectiveness of the organizational structure.

    An organizational structure is a holistic system, specially designed in such a way that people working within it can most effectively achieve their goals.

    Signs of an effective organizational structure:

    1. The structure is in line with the organization's strategy.

    2. The structure corresponds to the environment of the organization.

    3. Absence of contradictions between the elements of the organizational structure.

    The concept of organization and its functions.

    For the effective functioning of management, an organization must be created in which the activities of managers are carried out.

    The concept of organization has undergone a number of significant changes over time. On the initial stage the organization was presented as the structure of any system. When "management" as a science stood out as an independent field of knowledge, the word "organization" became associated with a consciously defined, given structure of roles, functions, rights and obligations adopted in the enterprise (in the firm). Those. "organization" should be understood as an enterprise, firm, institution, department and other labor formations.

    From the whole variety of definitions of the concept of "organization", the following can be distinguished.

    1. Organization as a process by which the structure of a managed or managing system is created and maintained.

    2. Organization as a set (system) of relationships, rights, duties, goals, roles, activities that take place in the process of joint work.

    3. Organization as a group of people with common goals. To be considered an organization, a labor formation must meet the following mandatory requirements

    1) the presence of at least two people who consider themselves part of this group; *""

    2) the presence of at least one socially useful goal (i.e. the desired end state or result), which is accepted as common by all members of this group;

    3) the presence of group members who deliberately work together to achieve a goal that is meaningful to all.

    In this way, organization is a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common

    goals or goals.

    The main function of the organization- adaptation, growth, development. Dichotomous classification of functions: external and internal functions.

    Internal functions - this is a self-organizing process related to the system of payment, power, authority in a given organization, psychological climate, discipline, corporate cultural values, in a word, organizational culture.

    External functions determine the activity of the organization in the market, technological, informational, legal, cultural environment. The survival of the organization is the result of the interaction of two functions: external and internal.

    Functions of organizations(P. Drucker).

    1. Marketing.

    2. Innovation.

    3. Organization of human activity.

    4. Providing sources of financing.

    5. Provision of physical resources.

    6. Maintain social responsibility.

    7. Providing income and profit.

    A Google account includes three levels, on each of which we configure certain parameters:

    Note. Separate campaigns:

    • On the Display Network and on Google search, these are two channels with different places placement, audience relevancy criteria, and ad formats;
    • By region due to different levels of competition and, as a result, different principles budget management.

    Our task is to improve the accuracy of target audience coverage, to avoid extra costs and track campaigns. A logical and understandable account structure will help with this.

    To create it, say, for an online store, you can build on the structure of the site. In the case of a service business, it is worth creating campaigns for each separately, for example, “room renovation”, “kitchen renovation”, “bathroom renovation”, “hallway renovation”, etc.

    The first step to an effective account is proper keyword planning. First, let's talk about the specifics of how AdWords works with keywords.

    Why is the number of queries for each keyword important?

    An analogue of the "Few impressions" status in Yandex is the "Few requests" status in Google. The difference is that it is not ad groups that receive it, but keywords, regardless of whether they are grouped or not.

    These words are mentioned in the search at least 5-10 times a month. Perhaps they are incomprehensible, too narrow in meaning, or grammatically incorrect, and therefore irrelevant. The system evaluates the number of requests for them for Last year all over the world and only after that blocks.

    • Increases the efficiency of displaying ads;
    • Optimizes the number of keywords in the system.

    What to do with such keywords? Option two:

    • Wait a week until the next Google check - traffic will suddenly increase and the system will activate the word. This is appropriate if the product is new or there is a rare word in the ads;
    • Delete and pick up more effective options by using .

    Consider the frequency of keywords when compiling a list for an ad group.

    Why and how to group keywords in Google AdWords

    So, we realized that it is worth taking a more careful approach to the selection of keywords and based on their frequency.

    In AdWords, keys are set not for specific ads, but for groups! But for a group, the number of keys is not limited. If Google finds and blocks irrelevant phrases in it, impressions will be different.

    The main difficulty in building an account is in the distribution of keywords into groups so that they characterize one specific need.

    When a user writes in the search "Entrance wooden door", he hopes to see the most accurate offers. An ad titled "Apartment Improvement" won't garner many clicks, as it's too general a wording for the "Wood Entrance Door" need.

    Distribute requests by category (entrance doors, interior doors, ceilings, floor coverings, sliding wardrobes, etc.) is not enough to fully meet the need. It is necessary to divide "deeper" - into subcategories. For example, for entrance doors it is:

    For each, we make a list of keywords that are close in meaning. Options for the subcategory "Entrance metal doors":

    • "Metal entrance doors";
    • "Buy metal entrance doors";
    • "Entrance door metal price»;
    • "Installation of metal entrance doors";
    • "Metal entrance doors + to the apartment";
    • "Metal entrance doors inexpensively";
    • "Metal insulated entrance door";
    • "Buy an inexpensive metal entrance door";
    • « steel door»;
    • "Iron Entrance door»;
    • Buy a metal door";

    Note. Put conversion requests with the words “buy”, “order”, “with delivery” in separate ad groups or even campaigns - you should set higher rates for them.

    How do we group keywords? If there are few semantics, you can do it manually. For a large volume, we carry out clustering using such paid tools as Key Collector, Rush Analytics, PPC Help, Megalemma. Like any automatic method, they do not provide 100% accuracy of data processing, so it is worth checking the results for semantic correspondence.

    So, we have the keyword groups ready. Now we create an ad group for each list.

    What are ad groups in Google AdWords?

    It is difficult to say in advance which message will 100% attract the target audience. That's what ad groups are for. How it works?

    The recommended number of ads in a group is 2-4. Each contains a description of the different benefits of the product, but one title. Google shows everything one by one in order to accumulate enough statistics on clicks or conversions, and determines the most effective one based on CTR. Then shows them to the target audience more often than others.

    As in the case of keywords, it is better to create separate ad groups for different categories, and better - subcategories, products. We will look at how to do this in the next section.

    • Add at least one keyword to your ad title. When a search term matches it, the user is more likely to click on the ad;
    • additional way increase the relevance of the title to the request, and therefore, the clickability. It is suitable if you have many models of the same product and need to quickly launch a campaign. Great option for e-commerce.

    The functionality allows you to automatically add words from the query to the ad text. For example, let's say you sell Samsung smartphones and you have the corresponding keyword - "Samsung smartphones".

    A user who enters "Samsung Galaxy S7 Smartphones" sees an ad: "Samsung Galaxy S7 Smartphones. Always available. Free shipping. Call!" On request "Smartphones Samsung Galaxy J5": "Smartphones Samsung Galaxy J5. Always available. Free shipping. Call!"

    Also, dynamic insertion is an indispensable thing for ad groups with more than one key phrase in the title.

    • Try to choose the right group and campaign at the time of creating the ad. If you have multiple campaigns and groups set up in your account, and you move your ad to a different location, you'll lose your stats and possibly reduce ad performance.

    At the ad group level, you set your targeting, bids, and keywords. How to do it - see below.

    How to create an ad group in Google AdWords

    1) Select the appropriate menu section:

    2) Click the add button:

    4) Set ad group settings:

    • A name that reflects the content of the group, for example, "Entrance metal doors search";
    • The bid that will be used when your ad is shown for those keywords. It's called CPC;
    • Key phrases.

    Note. You can also set bids for individual keywords in an ad group. They override the default bids for the ad group.

    To edit an existing group, select it in the list and click the pencil icon next to it: