New business ideas in the field of production. Favorable goods for agriculture. The main indicator of production efficiency

Section about production: business ideas, instructions on how to start from scratch and types of goods, profitability, equipment and manufacturing technologies, risks in small business, analytics and advice in this industry. Details about what and how to open, what you need to start your own business.

It is worth noting that modern production includes not only the material, but also the non-material sphere - the production of non-material goods and (new scientific discoveries, inventions, education, art and culture, healthcare, household service, management, financing and lending, sports, etc.). But the development of non-material production and the service sector largely depends on the material one.

Business ideas for production

Articles are published here not only on how to start and open your own business, but also various current ideas that can be implemented in your existing business.

Continuation of the business idea

About business in this industry

Often the word "production", as a rule, evokes associations with factories, large workshops, the most complex machines and conveyors, a wide sales market and large quantity work force. Therefore, thinking about our business, we rarely turn the vector of our thoughts in this direction. But in vain, because very often you can stumble upon simply great ideas production in small businesses that do not require large initial investments and the connection of a significant workforce. Every day, if you wish, you can find your own business ideas, for which production is the main one. Yes, if you are good at something or you just have a thorough knowledge of how you can do something better or cheaper than others, and are looking for new business ideas, small production is just what you need.

Working for yourself is a very responsible decision. But, despite this, many people with an entrepreneurial streak have always leaned towards such a choice. After all, you can not only earn money by working for yourself, but also be useful to others by choosing among the many ideas your business in this production area.

In this section you will find many business ideas that are relevant today and you will definitely be able to choose something that suits you in spirit and material possibilities.

Business ideas - production: 7 indicators to consider when choosing + possible directions depending on the scale and type of activity + essential goods + 3 options for activities.

In Russia, only real daredevils are still aiming to start production. Although entrepreneurs with experience claim that now - just right time for this. In addition, there are many directions, the implementation of which does not require large investments.

Because of this, in the material we will consider the business ideas of production. Since the volume of one article does not allow us to analyze each idea in detail, we will briefly go through the most popular options.

How to decide on a business idea for organizing production?

Each person, having a certain amount of capital and an entrepreneurial streak, dreams of something that would bring him a good and stable income.

Over the past few years, the number of people employed in production in a particular industry has increased by almost 7%. The number of individuals whose business has been operating on the market for more than 3 years has increased by 5.3%.

This figure is considered a record for the entire period of research (since 2006). Of them seek successful results entrepreneurs who choose relevant business ideas (production, for example, which is always in demand). Also, an obligatory component of the triumph is the ability to sell, since the income of the enterprise will depend on the number of sales.

So which option from the many presented to choose?

To decide on one or another idea for starting production, you should pay attention to:

The price mechanism is also important to consider, because the cost of producing any of the products must pay off and generate income.

Before finally choosing a business idea, determine for yourself what goals you are going to pursue. You need to figure out what scale your business model will acquire.

Define the target audience, i.e. Who will you be producing for? If you focus on the consumer with high incomes, you can choose a business idea that is designed to create high-end products. Otherwise, it is advisable to consider ideas related to the production of goods from the middle price or budget segment.

Think about where it is better to open an enterprise, what will be the sales region. If you want the organization of production to be not in vain, look for suitable trade niches.

For example, in major cities on the one hand, it is easier to sell products, because there is a large number of consumers. On the other hand, there is a barrier in the form of high competition. In a rural area or a small town, it is recommended to choose an unoccupied business area, be sure to study the needs of local residents in advance.

Business production ideas and popular destinations

Great importance has the scope of activities and the area of ​​production in which the entrepreneur plans to engage.

It can be such business ideas: production in the industry Agriculture(forestry, livestock breeding, beekeeping, etc.), in industrial area(processing of raw materials), defense (production of protective equipment).

We must not forget that there are still various areas of small business, which consist in the production of intangible goods.

These include:

  • the service sector, including banking;
  • spiritual and scientific production(discoveries, inventions, art).

You can consider business ideas regarding home production. It will be beneficial if it does not require expensive materials, and the process itself is not laborious.

Women may be interested in such business ideas at home as the production of jewelry, candles, soap self made, knitting. For men, tile production, custom-made, glass engraving are suitable.

The business ideas of seasonal production deserve attention as a form of additional income.

Among them are:

  • production of mini-ponds, artificial reservoirs;
  • resort business;
  • production of holiday souvenirs, etc.

Recall that the type of production also affects the choice of an idea:

Ideas for business: production, what is cost-effective today?

If a novice entrepreneur wants to minimize risks, it is worth taking a closer look at the options that will be in demand in any political situation and economic environment.

These include:

No. 1. Food business: an idea for organizing the production of dumplings.

The production of dumplings is quite interesting idea for business. Despite the high competition and saturation of the market, a purposeful entrepreneur can still take his position.

In addition, the implementation of the idea for the production of dumplings will bring a good profit. It does not depend on seasonal fluctuations, because semi-finished products are bought and consumed all year round.

Even in such a business, the technology and production base are simple.

The products themselves can be produced for various consumer segments: budget, medium, premium. But almost half of the market is occupied by dumplings, which low- and middle-income citizens can afford to buy.

Depending on this classification and weight, prices for the packaging of frozen semi-finished products range from 40 to 550 rubles.

In the production of products, high-quality raw materials are used:

  • minced meat (pork, beef, chicken, pork and beef, turkey);
  • premium flour;
  • clean water, salt, spices.

To start the production of dumplings, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, obtain certificates of conformity, 2 OKP declarations. Approvals are also required from fire department, Rospotrebnadzor, SES.

You need to have at your disposal a room with an area of ​​​​200 square meters. m., it is allocated to perform technological process, storage of finished products and separately for staff.

About 15 people work in a large workshop, and 4 people are enough for a small enterprise. Among them are directly employees, a technologist, an accountant, a sales manager, a storekeeper, a driver, laborers, etc.

Production proceeds in 5 stages:

We will not dwell on them in detail.

To run such a business, you need a set of equipment:

  • flour sifter,
  • dough mixer,
  • dough sheeter,
  • meat grinders,
  • grinders and more.

When buying, pay attention to the configuration, cost and power. Popular equipment is JGL-120, JGL-135 and analogues.

Most challenging task when implementing the idea for the production of dumplings is the sale of goods. Since there are many competitors on the market, you will have to have significant advantages, offer more reasonable prices, hold promotions, discounts.

Regarding financial indicators, one can observe something like this:

Starting investments will amount to about 2,622,000 rubles, and profit - from 319,422 rubles. At good sales the cost of doing business will pay off within 8-12 months. Profitability - 12-20%.

No. 2. Small business ideas: production of wood concrete blocks.

From considering the business idea of ​​producing dumplings, let's move on to the manufacture of building materials. Let's give an example, since this direction is economically viable.

A business for the production and sale of wood blocks with a small budget can be opened first at home. Raw materials are relatively cheap, so the cost of production will be low.

Attractive this idea and low levels of competition. Arbolite blocks, especially during the construction season, they buy for insulation bearing walls, soundproofing. This is an environmentally friendly product that has many advantages.

In order for production not to be unprofitable, it is necessary to buy good equipment, hire qualified workers, comply with all technological rules. Prices should correspond to quality, but there can be no question of a large margin.

With the right marketing and sales policies, the production of wood blocks in accordance with state standards and building codes, the business owner will be successful.

They produce blocks of two types (structural and heat-insulating type), various sizes. The weight of one block can be from 16 to 60 kg. Only sufficiently durable products will bring profit to the enterprise.

For the production of building materials, at least 3 raw materials are used:

  • wood chips,
  • concrete,
  • various supplements.

The wood is taken dry or prepared for use on its own, after which the risk of fungus and rot is significantly reduced.

Sawdust or wood chips are purchased from logging companies. It is made from aspen, maple, ash, etc. Also used larch, straw, kenaf. Cement is desirable to use in production top notch, M400, for example. The exact proportions of the recipe are set by the technologist.

In a certain sequence, the technology is observed and quality control is organized:

The business idea for the production of wood concrete blocks cannot be realized without technical equipment:

  • wood cutting machines,
  • hammer mills,
  • wood chipper,
  • vibrating table,
  • kyubels,
  • vibropress and others.

Powerful equipment will allow you to achieve significant production volumes in a month - 300-500 square meters. m. More expensive, but convenient is the automatic line.

The production area must have large area(from 400 sq. m). it work zone, a place for warehousing and storage of products. On the territory it is necessary to comply with certain temperature regime– 15-20°С.

Separately, you should take care of the site for the procurement of raw materials. If you find suitable premises close to the sawmill, you can reduce the item of transport costs.

The staff usually consists of 3-5 people, depending on the automation of production.

Clients in the sale of finished products will be:

  • building bases and firms;
  • private traders;
  • contractor organizations;
  • large retail outlets, etc.

It is better to find wholesale customers and conclude supply contracts with them. When advertising your business, an entrepreneur needs to use all available methods, including the Internet. If you organize a showroom to demonstrate product samples, you can increase your customer base.

Such small business ideas (production of building materials), as a rule, require large start-up investments. So it is with arbolite blocks.

Number 3. Sewing children's clothing is an idea for a business in the light industry.

Tailoring is a popular business idea, since the final results of production are necessary and accessible to the average population. Clothing production is considered a material-intensive industry and ranks second in terms of gross output in light industry.

Today, many people are interested in this idea, since there are tendencies towards the individual nature of the finished product. Now the production of tailoring is present in every economic region of Russia, but most of all it is in the Northwestern Federal District and the Central Federal District.

Therefore, in other districts where there is a lack of production volumes, you can open a small or medium-sized enterprise, an atelier.

It is interesting ! In the 20th century, there was no factory production, as such. Basically, products were made to order in city workshops or at home. Only 3% of all things were made by large factories.

For garment production characteristic:

  • most of the spending goes to expendable materials, and especially on raw materials;
  • deficit in domestic raw material base, so there is a dependence on imports;
  • the use of predominantly female labor;
  • the possibility of creating unique products, personal collections;
  • a variety of forms of doing business;
  • a wide range of consumers, etc.

We want to draw your attention to such a business idea as. it a win-win if the products are of high quality and in accordance with the expectations of the customer.

Why children's? Statistics show that adults, under the influence of fashion trends, update their wardrobe relatively often, but even more often young parents do it for their children.

This state of affairs is due to the fact that children are constantly growing, wear out faster and render their outfits unusable. Demographic situation the country is improving, and the government only contributes to this.

Consequently, the production of clothing for children is relevant and profitable. The business is promising. It can be started with minimal cost if you create a small atelier at home.

It is worth noting that a variety of options for the assortment range opens up before the entrepreneur. You can engage in the production of pajamas, underwear, T-shirts, sew outerwear.

In addition, babies need sliders, socks, bodysuits, overalls, envelopes, caps, etc., boys and girls - in school uniform, blouses, skirts, blues, seasonal clothes.

Organizational aspects of the production of children's clothing

Entrepreneur during the marketing research it is necessary to find out what assortment the population of his region needs, and to focus on this. After market analysis, registration and certification, you will have to look for premises, purchase equipment, establish relationships with suppliers and purchase raw materials.

If you implement a business idea for sewing children's clothing, then you need to focus on urban centers, since its assortment is not as stable as, for example, work uniforms.

To implement the idea in the studio format, 30-40 sq. m, the sewing workshop occupies about 70 sq. m. The location should be thoughtful. It is better to open a business near kindergartens, schools, hospitals, shopping centers.

After spending repair work and equipping the premises with all necessary engineering networks, it's time to apply to the relevant authorities for obtaining permits and approvals for doing business.

The fabric should be chosen natural and high quality in different colors:

If the production will be home, all the work will fall on the entrepreneur. To implement a business idea on a workshop scale, you will need to hire 6-9 people. Three of them are seamstresses.

The company also needs a designer, fashion designer, accountant, sales manager.

Before implementing the idea of ​​​​tailoring children's clothing, an entrepreneur must make financial calculations and reflect them in a business plan.

The average figures are:

Top 8 production business ideas.

How to develop your business? Real business projects.

Before plunging headlong into a particular business idea, it would be right to take into account such fundamental factors:

  1. The financial capabilities of the entrepreneur and the amount of capital investment, fixed costs needed to organize a business.
  2. Experience and knowledge of the industry.
  3. Consumer preferences regarding the products to be produced.
  4. The amount of tax deductions.
  5. The complexity of the process.
  6. Free niches.
  7. Exchange rate, cost of production.
  8. Business stability, its dependence on seasonality.
  9. Mobility of production, its prospects and long-term.

Business ideas of production are, together with the service sector, almost the most profitable direction. Each area has a lot of its own distinctive nuances. Therefore, first study them and choose the right approach. Knowing all the nuances and having the amount necessary for the initial investment, you will definitely reach a good income.

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It is profitable to organize a mini-production. The absence of the need for large financial investments, the purchase of a minimum amount of equipment and the relatively simple entry into the market allow you to make a profit in a short time.

The only caveat is that the choice of the idea of ​​​​mini production for a small business should be approached carefully.

Today, the domestic labor market has a rather difficult situation. It is not easy to find a well-paid job in your specialty, and it is even harder to stay in it.

Therefore, the proportion of those who have decided to open their own business is steadily growing. On the provision of a certain list of services or trade to the population, it is possible to promote small business, which will bring a stable income.

However, far-sighted entrepreneurs with business experience rely on the prospects of activities and the possibility of expanding it in the future by opening production workshops. We will figure out which mini-production for small businesses will be in demand in the conditions of Russian reality, where to start organizing it, and whether it is really impossible to do without huge cash injections.

Where to begin?

Always start over. Consider business ideas for small businesses. Before developing a business plan, calculating all the costs in it, working out strategies for entering the business into priority markets and analyzing the mistakes of competitors, you should decide on the type of activity.

Choosing the right niche is not easy, because you should take into account a lot of nuances:

  • the competence of the owner in the created case;
  • business popularity;
  • the needs and specifics of the region;
  • the number of competitors;
  • available resources and capacities;
  • distribution channels.

Having decided on a niche, think about how you can surprise consumers, what will make you stand out from the crowd of competitors. A "zest" in activity or a clear difference from analogues will provide a greater turnover.

What is profitable to produce

It is reasonable to produce the products that will always be in demand. It is better if it does not fall into the seasonal category (for example, umbrellas).

Profitable production for small businesses can be organized on medications, children's goods and food. Demand for these goods is stable and never falls.

But if you need to get a lot of permits for the first, and people can save on the second by borrowing things for babies from relatives and friends whose children have already grown up, then the food will always be sold out.

The question is that it should be in the line of main products and be designed for a consumer with an average income.

For example, a pie shop or bakery near an office center, a pastry shop in the city center or near a park, a meat or sausage shop near markets have every chance of becoming successful business for its owner.

It is promising to create a mini-production for the production of semi-finished products (pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, meatballs, pizza, vegetable mixtures, etc.).

Small workshop for the production of dumplings

Another area that consistently generates income is the production of items related to the provision of funeral services. Unfortunately, people die all the time, and the funeral process takes place using generally accepted paraphernalia. Therefore, the manufacture of wreaths, monuments, fences can bring a solid profit.

Be sure to take into account the specifics of the place (district, city) where you are going to organize production. The profitability of the company directly depends on this.

Always dreamed of opening your own production, but no money? Then - your real chance to become a manufacturer. Spheres of production, examples with descriptions, benefits of use.

You will find everything about opening an online store from scratch for free in the topic.

Deciding on an idea for a business is half the battle. After all, no one can guarantee you success. In this regard, a well-thought-out business plan can insure you. Here detailed instructions to create a business plan from scratch. Algorithm of drawing up, structure of the plan, advantages of planning.

Opening production: key questions

So, the scope of activity is defined and you are ready to start your own business.

It remains to solve matters with organizational issues.

Attention should be paid to the following issues:

  1. Business plan development. This is an important document in which you need to prescribe as many details as possible to bring your idea to life. The most difficult are:
  • The financial part, since it is necessary to form a budget, allocate costs, predict profitability.
  • Marketing part requiring detailed description steps to promote a product / service, competitor analysis, pricing policy.
  • The production part, in which it is important to determine the necessary equipment without buying too much and replacing expensive equipment / tools / equipment with analogues of lower cost, but of decent quality.
  1. Team. When planning the opening of a mini-production, it is better to look after the team in advance (perhaps from a circle of acquaintances, neighbors, former colleagues etc.). You need to enter the market quickly, so an unskilled staff that is not ready to work above the norm at first can “thwart plans” even for an enterprise doomed to success.
  2. Available / owned capacities. If you have a garage, ground floor apartment or country house, it is advisable to save on renting premises to accommodate production. For example, you can place a car repair shop in a garage, produce candles and handmade soap in an apartment, and make building materials in a country house.
  3. Registration. Every business must operate legal grounds. You can do the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC on your own or entrust it to a special company. Do not forget about various permits, licenses, as well as documents from the SES, fire inspection (if required).
  4. Equipment. You should not save on quality, but on the name it is quite possible. Branded equipment is usually much more expensive. You can replace it with less hyped counterparts. The only thing is to purchase equipment for production when organizing a small business from trusted suppliers. Do not be lazy to make inquiries about a particular seller and, in fact, the product. Study carefully specifications, rules and operating conditions, as well as check the availability of certificates and warranty documents for the purchased equipment.
  5. Start-up capital. The amount of funds required will be visible in the business plan. If there is not enough money, you can try to search for an investor (among the social circle, on specialized exchanges, with large shareholder companies). In general, the organization of a mini-production can take from 20 to 200 thousand rubles. on average depending on the type of activity.

Even taking into account the complexity of the organization, the creation of a mini-production is considered very promising. You don't need to have huge capital to do this. Some activities are easy to organize in own house or a garage, while others have a low cost in principle.

Cinder blocks. This production idea is good for those who live in the private sector. After all, all the tools can be stored in the yard or garage. What will you need? Concrete mixer, vibrating machine, construction wheelbarrow and shovel.

Equipment costs will be about 55-100 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the tools. A day, producing several hundred units of products, you can earn good money (about $ 100-200).

Styrofoam. The size of the desired room is about 150 square meters, purchase necessary equipment will cost 1.5 million rubles. As for the revenue, you can count on an annual profit of about 1 million 500 thousand rubles.

2. Breeding laying hens

very cost effective and profitable production. For large-scale production at least seven thousand chickens a year, investments in the amount of 400-500 thousand rubles are needed, and the business itself will pay off in 8-12 months.

The largest costs are for the purchase of cages and an incubator. For a very small-scale production of several dozen chickens, about ten thousand rubles will be needed.

This is a great and easy business for a budding entrepreneur. Chickens are unpretentious in care and rarely get sick.

3. Casts and sculptures

Casts of children's hands and feet, compositions of lovers' hands, small sculptures-gifts are very popular now. Their production can take from half an hour to several days, depending on the complexity, and the net profit of one unit of goods starts from 500 rubles.

If a use forms for the most popular sculptures, then the profitability of the business increases several times.

4. Making cottage cheese

Highly profitable option small businesses, especially if there is an opportunity to sell products in large cities with good demand for home products. For production from scratch you need separate room and special equipment (electric pasteurizer, curd bath, etc.), the purchase of which will cost 1.5-2 million rubles, plus the cost of raw materials and the preparation of a production facility.

We get a minimum starting capital of 3 million rubles. However, the net profit with a monthly output of 13-16 tons will be about 200-300 thousand rubles, which means that investments in the business will pay off in 1.5-2 years.

5. Greenhouses

Assembly of greenhousesprofitable option business at home. The most commonly used materials are polycarbonate and wood.

For a small production, a few people are enough, and the cost of equipment is in the range of 200 thousand rubles. The profitability of this business usually exceeds one hundred percent.

It will not be difficult for a novice entrepreneur to organize this business, since assembling greenhouses is a relatively simple process that anyone can master.

6. Bag production

Demanded and most importantly - profitable production from scratch will be the release of packages. Equipment can be bought as very simple (about 400-450 thousand rubles), and assembling a complete production line- already within 1.3-1.5 million rubles.

You can produce plastic, garbage, paper bags, etc. Net profit with well-established sales reaches 150-200 thousand rubles a month.

7. Vegetable oil production

This is not the cheapest, but a very profitable option. For production, a separate room with an area of ​​at least one hundred square meters is required.

Capital investments in equipment, premises and personnel will amount to about 1.5-2 million rubles, and such a business will pay off in six months or a year.

8. Manufacture of nails

There is a lot of competition in this segment, but the profitability of the business is also very high. And most importantly, the costs of opening such a mini-production are small: from 100 to 500 thousand rubles. You can even place production in an ordinary garage.

Such a business will pay off in about a year, or even less. For stable profit it is necessary to produce about three tons of nails per month.

9. Pellet production

It is best to establish such a production near the sawmill. Capital investments for such a business are about 1-2.5 million rubles (equipment, premises and raw materials), but such a business pays off within eight months, and its profitability exceeds one hundred percent.

10. Production of dumplings

Focusing on albeit small, but still industrial production, we take into account that it requires a room of about 100 square meters. m. Lines for the production of dumplings are relatively inexpensive.

The price of equipment starts from 80 thousand rubles. The total initial costs, depending on the scale of production, will amount to 1-3 million rubles. The business will pay off in about a year with income 250 thousand rubles per month.

And this is not all for beginners. In each region and locality, you can find your own, underemployed and profitable niche to open a mini-production. We wish you successful and good business!

The best way to get rich is to become a businessman. Which business to choose, will be prompted by the circumstances and your skills. Until now, production has brought good benefits, and today it is easy to organize it even on a small scale. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to have a huge start-up capital. Thus, you can set up, for example, or , and also implement a set of . And having adjusted own business, you can easily quit your boring job and.

Advice: experts usually do not advise leaving the previous place of work for the sake of a business idea before its implementation or at the initial stages. At the very least, when you start growing your business, keep working until you're sure you don't need it anymore.

Open your production - ideas

Of course, one cannot build one's own business out of nothing, including without an idea. Think about what you can do best with your hands. And if no thoughts arise, the Internet will always tell you what you could do.

Production of paving slabs

Manufacturing paving slabs- the idea is not new. Some novice businessmen adapt their own garages and summer cottages for such production. And they do it right, because the equipment does not take up much space, so you can significantly save money on renting or buying industrial premises. Equipment that will be required:

  • concrete mixer;
  • Press;
  • Melting and heating unit (for polymer tiles);
  • Forms.

Depending on what type of tile you will produce, a standard set of equipment costing about 1.5 rubles can be supplemented. Tiles can be made both classic from concrete and outlandish from plastic bottles, crumb rubber, polymer sand. Based on the choice of the type of tile, you need to purchase raw materials.

Workshop for the production of plastic windows

Who said that mini-production cannot be organized using plastic windows? A workshop of small capacity can produce about 10-15 products per day, and the payback of such production will not be long in coming due to its relevance.

For the manufacture of plastic windows you will need:

  • PVC profiles;
  • double-glazed windows;
  • Special fittings;
  • Rubber seals.


  • Milling machine;
  • welding machine;
  • PVC cutting saw;
  • Machine for stripping welding;
  • The engraver for processing of grooves under a sealant.

Total costs will be required in the amount of about 500 thousand rubles.

Production of corn sticks

Corn sticks are defined as breakfast cereal and are popular with people of almost all ages. In addition, it has no seasonality. Therefore, the manufacturer can count on year-round profit. You can sell this product as a separate outlet and through supermarkets and shops.

The production line of the workshop will cost a businessman from 400 thousand rubles to 4 million rubles, depending on its level of productivity, which can also be chosen at your discretion.

Raw materials needed for production:

  • Corn grits;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Oil.

In addition, there will be expenses for packing, maintaining cleanliness and so on.

Kono-pizza production

Although the popularity healthy food does not fade away, fast food lovers do not become less. However, no one says that fast food must necessarily be harmful. And you, as a manufacturer, can take care of it.

Kono-pizza is a relatively new product originally from Italy. In fact, it is an interpretation of the traditional Italian pizza, only on a small cone-shaped flatbread with various toppings.

To make pizza you will need:

  • An oven for making and baking a cone;
  • Convection oven.

Equipment costs - no more than 100 thousand rubles. But here it is important to think about how to sell products. If you want to release it under your own brand and sell it yourself, the expenses will be much less.

Raw materials for production:

  • Mix for yeast dough(or separately flour + yeast + eggs + olive oil);
  • Products for the filling: cheeses, olives and olives, mushrooms, ham and more.

Do not forget about maintaining cleanliness and packaging costs.

Production of oil-adhesive putty

Putty production is a fairly simple process that does not require huge costs, and well paid off. At the same time, such a product is highly profitable and always relevant. It is used for repair and finishing work.


  • Mixer;
  • Kraskoterka;
  • Control scales;
  • plastic barrels;
  • Packet sealer.

And the necessary raw materials are even less: natural chalk, drying oil, methylcellulose. Thus, for the production of oil-adhesive putty, only about 150 thousand rubles of starting capital will be needed.

Small production - business ideas

All more people today seeks to earn money in addition to the official salary at the main place of work. In addition, the financial crisis is pushing for this. But what if you can't do big investment into production? Small scale business ideas come to the rescue. Some of them do not require start-up capital at all, and some ideas can be implemented right at home, then in this case it is much easier.

mini bakery

This is not to say that a mini-bakery will require a minimum investment from you. However, the profitability of such production is quite high - it pays off in a year or two. It all depends on the scale of production, the location of the point of sale and, of course, on the quality of the products. fresh bread, buns and other pastries are very popular (taking into account the fact that store products can hardly be called very tasty and always fresh). As for investments directly, the first thing to think about is the premises. If you already have one, then you should redecorating and make sure it meets standards. Their activities must be officially registered with the relevant authorities. After that, you can buy products such as milk, flour, yeast, etc. The equipment will cost a total of about 200 thousand rubles. It:

  • Bakery oven;
  • Proofing cabinet;
  • dough mixer;
  • flour sifter;
  • Exhaust umbrella;
  • Refrigerator;
  • Scales;
  • Washing equipment.

In addition to the standard baking set, you can make confectionery to order, which is very fashionable and relevant today. Then the profit can be increased by several units.

cheese factory

Producers of natural cheese are most often rural residents, which is not surprising. After all, fresh and high-quality raw materials for production in this case are much easier and more profitable to obtain. However, organizing production is not so simple. Since cheese is not a simple food product, but with the use of milk and starter cultures, production especially must comply with SES standards.

A mini-cheese factory worth about 300 thousand rubles is suitable for. This amount includes the cost of the device itself, as well as delivery and installation. Do not forget about other expenses ( wage shop workers, cleaning the premises, purchasing packing material, utility bills, etc.).

mini forge

Beautiful metal fences, patterned original benches in the courtyards of cottages and houses, lampposts - all this is the work of craftsmen - blacksmiths who are ready to make products of almost any type and size to order. For expensive houses, openwork ones are best suited. Forged Products for decoration and protection.

Even a novice businessman can be engaged in blacksmithing. In addition, the purchase of equipment will not require more than 200-250 thousand rubles, and it can even be placed in your own garage, which will significantly reduce the cost of renting a room. Great competition should not be expected, since the production niche is quite free. And in order to attract customers, it does not hurt to create your own website, place advertising banners and ads in newspapers and on specialized Internet bulletin boards. It is also possible to collaborate with construction firms and interior design studios.

Products are released, as a rule, for about 200% of the cost, so the business idea pays off very quickly.

Construction nails production

Another type of production that can be deployed in the garage, since there are no special requirements for the premises. Equipment (production machines) can cost 300-800 thousand rubles. It all depends on the scale and whether it was previously in use. In addition to equipment, you will also need raw materials in the form of a special wire. Moreover, each type of nails uses its own. The price of such wire is approximately 30-40 thousand rubles per ton, and finished products can be approximately for a price 1.5-2 times higher than the cost.

Advice: production in the garage perfect option for a budding entrepreneur. Indeed, in this case, you practically do not have to deal with the premises. The main thing is that it is warm, dry and connected to electricity. In addition, in the garage you can simply place a tire shop by purchasing only. And in order to officially register the activity, a lot of paperwork is also not needed.

The most cost-effective production for small businesses

Many businessmen say that in order to succeed in business, you must either be the best at what you do or choose business ideas that no one else has implemented. On the one hand, it is. But on the other hand, such a rule works to a greater extent for the average and big business. In a small business, it is important not only the quality of products, but also taking into account some important factors. Among them is a lesson in the mind and soul, the selection of the most original idea, choosing a niche with little competition, responding to the needs of potential consumers. Compliance with all factors as a whole practically guarantees a successful and profitable business, not only in production, but in all areas. So, one desire to become an entrepreneur will not be enough. In addition, it is important to think about in which niche you need less costs and financial investments.