What is the best strawberry to grow for sale. Strawberry production as a commercial activity. So, strawberry growing technology is a home business

Strawberries are considered the most popular berry, which both adults and children eat with pleasure. Surely everyone had to notice that in the summer it is full of it on sale, but in the cold periods of the year, when you most want juicy and fragrant berries, it is almost impossible to find fresh strawberries. Why not try to take advantage of this and start your own business? Growing strawberries as a business can bring huge profits: it does not require a lot of cash investments, and even those pay off in the first year. Strawberries are a popular product, so the risk of incurring losses is minimal. But in order to achieve the greatest success, you should carefully study all the nuances associated with this business. This includes choosing a place to grow strawberries, caring for the crop, possible difficulties, questions regarding implementation. finished products, financial aspects and etc.

The main goal of any business is profit, so it is important to study all the ways to grow berries and choose the most profitable one. It all depends on the type of soil used, which are three:

  • Open;
  • Closed;
  • Protected.

Open ground - these are ordinary beds under open sky. This method is not suitable for growing berries on a large scale, as there is a high risk of damage to the crop due to weather conditions. In addition, the ripening of strawberries in vivo falls at the beginning of summer, and this indicates high competition.

Growing strawberries in open field unprofitable if you plan to consider this occupation as a business

Closed ground - containers (bags, pots, boxes) located inside special structures or rooms in which artificial substitutes (heaters and lighting). The essence of the method is to organize an ideal microclimate. The method is unprofitable: the cost of paying for electrical energy is so high that the income from the resulting crop will be little noticeable.

It is possible to grow strawberries in bags, but in this case, expect high energy costs

Protected ground - a standard type film greenhouse. Due to the film inside the greenhouse, conditions suitable for growing strawberries are formed - there is no need for additional heating. Plants are also protected from rain and other climatic phenomena. Result: quality and quantity indicators of the crop are much higher (about 20-25%), product properties are improved (berries are easier to store and transport). The protected soil method is divided into two subspecies: planting is carried out in ordinary soil or substrate - they are peat and other substances. It is more practical to use a substrate: in this case, the greenhouse can be located in the same place as much as you like. On the other hand, this entails additional costs.

The most cost-effective way is growing strawberries in a greenhouse

Business requires a serious approach, so you need to objectively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the greenhouse method.

  • Quick return of spent funds;
  • The ability to grow strawberries at any time of the year and not worry about weather conditions;
  • High demand for products in winter period generates a lot of income and high profitability business;
  • Possibility to supply berries to supermarkets.
  • Insufficiently high palatability, in comparison with strawberries grown in natural conditions;
  • The need for artificial pollination of plants.
  • primary expenses.

Initial budget and expected profit

To establish a business, you should calculate approximate cash expenses required at the initial stage. The most profitable type of growing strawberries has been determined, so you need to take care of the territory on which the greenhouse will be located, materials for its construction, soil for plants and related tools, fixtures, etc. A greenhouse can be built not only on the basis of a film coating - this is the simplest and most affordable option. If you intend to seriously engage in the cultivation of strawberries for a long time, then you can build a glass or polycarbonate type greenhouse. The second option is the most reliable, but also the most expensive. However, in such a greenhouse, plants are not afraid of frost.

The next step is to select a specific crop variety. It is recommended to use strawberry varieties that are characterized by high yields and strong roots. Varieties of the highest quality: Elsanta, Cambridge, Kama, Volya, Red Capulet, etc.

An interesting nuance regarding the choice of varieties: you need to make sure that the amount of the crop is at a certain level. When all the plants in the greenhouse bear fruit at the same time, the ripening process turns into a long period of “idle”, so you need to stock up on different varieties of strawberries: early, medium and late ripening.

At the initial stage, as a rule, there is no need for additional staff: all work can be done independently. Hiring workers is justified if it is planned a large number of greenhouses.

A 10 m² greenhouse will be enough to start a strawberry growing business. To build a greenhouse, you need to spend about 15 thousand rubles. It is also necessary to add monthly expenses for its coverage. 1 m² of area accommodates about 100 strawberry seedlings (taking into account the possibility of planting plants in two levels). Thus, for 10 m², approximately 1000 seedlings will be required, which will cost the gardener 12 thousand rubles. Additional expenses include the costs of transportation, packaging, storage of products and are individual for each case.

From 1 m² you can get from 25 to 35 kg of strawberries, and from 10 m² - 250-350 kg. In June, 1 kg of strawberries can be sold at a price of 40-50 rubles, that is, you can earn at least 10 thousand rubles - this is the first minimum income. In winter, the cost of 1 kg of strawberries rises to 280 rubles, which means that the minimum profit will be 70 thousand rubles. The first income can be expected two to three months after planting seedlings. Thus, all expenses will pay off with the first profit, and during the year you can harvest 4-5 times.

In an equipped greenhouse, it is necessary to place containers, pots, boxes and other containers for planting seedlings rationally - this is one of the secrets successful start business. To place as much as possible more plants, it is enough to equip the room with shelves in several rows.

Among gardening entrepreneurs, the "Dutch" method of growing berries is popular, which has proven to be more economical than traditional methods. Its essence lies in the fact that polyethylene bags are used as containers for planting seedlings. The size of one bag is from 2 to 2.5 m. Preliminarily, holes are made in the bag for plants and watering is provided. It has been established that the drip irrigation system is the most effective: leaves, strawberries do not tolerate excessive moisture, so the plants need to be watered at the very root and not too plentifully. Peat with a mixture of perlite is used as soil.

Supporters of standard methods of growing berries need to plant seedlings in soil purchased from a specialized store. You can use ordinary soil and treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate, as well as fertilize with substances containing phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and magnesium. Optimum temperature for growing strawberries is 18-20°C. Top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers occurs periodically.

An important stage in the process of growing strawberries is artificial pollination, which is mandatory in protected/closed ground conditions. Pollination is carried out during the flowering period of plants, which lasts 1-4 days for one flower, in general - several weeks, depending on the crop variety.

Pollination methods:

  • Manual method - suitable for small greenhouses, consists in the daily processing of each flower with a soft brush (for drawing);
  • Using a fan - the device is placed in the greenhouse and turns on towards the flowers;
  • Installing a hive with bees is effective on large plantations, the hive should contain a bumblebee family that quickly pollinates the plants without causing damage to them.

Harvesting, storage, sale

Subject to strict observance of all rules and recommendations in relation to the cultivation of crops, the approximate amount of crop that can be harvested from 1 m² is from 30 to 40 kg. Growing strawberries is only half the battle, as it is important not to destroy the harvested crop and sell it, delivering it to the buyer in in perfect shape. It is not recommended to pour berries from one container to another, as this negatively affects their appearance and shelf life. It is best to prepare boxes for harvesting right away and sell strawberries directly in them. You should take care of the refrigerator, the purpose of which is the storage of berries. Strawberries keep much longer in a cool environment.

The last stage that worries the entrepreneur is the sale of goods. Finding a buyer, establishing trade relations is required in advance, since strawberries do not tolerate delays. One of the best options for selling the product is to sell it to supermarkets, which readily purchase greenhouse vegetables and fruits due to their properties (long-term storage and attractive appearance). Another opportunity to profitably sell strawberries grown in a greenhouse is to offer them to industries that process berries for further use of raw materials. This is how preserves and jams, juices, etc. are made. Finally, fruits and berries good quality health-improving institutions, such as children's camps, are always welcome. The type of strawberry marketing depends on the season. Supermarkets buy berries in large volumes in winter time, in the market, strawberries sell well in summer.

In summer it is best to offer strawberries on the market, in winter - to sell to supermarkets

Business profitability

To determine how profitable the sale of a particular product is, it is enough to compare two financial indicators, in this case, the money spent on growing strawberries, that is, the cost, as well as the funds earned on its sale. The cost price includes all expenses required to open and develop the business up to the delivery of the crop to the buyer. The profitability of this business is at the highest level, especially if you try to keep costs to a minimum (use economical methods of growing strawberries, refuse to work staff, etc.). The maximum income can be obtained by selling strawberries in winter, when it is most difficult to obtain berries. This gives the supplier the right to significantly increase the cost of their products. Cultivation of strawberries can be effectively used as profitable business idea, turn it into an established process that will bring good income. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules, take into account all the subtleties and possible difficulties that may stand in the way of a novice entrepreneur.

Strawberries are a tasty and healthy berry that is eaten fresh and actively used in cooking. Its only drawback is seasonality. You can treat yourself to fragrant juicy strawberries only a couple of months a year. Supermarkets sell imported berries, but they cannot be compared with exquisite summer treats from their own summer cottage. Growing delicious, fragrant strawberries can be quite promising business bringing in a stable income.

Growing strawberries has many benefits:

  • the berry has excellent taste;
  • strawberries are undemanding to care and have a high yield;
  • berries can be sold fresh and used for homemade and semi-finished products;
  • different cultivation options are possible;
  • the business does not require large investments and quickly brings income.

Can you grow strawberries? different ways. Many hobbyists start with mini-plantations located in their own apartment. Seasonal business can be organized by growing berries in the open field, in a suburban area or a specially organized farm.

A larger harvest will be provided by our own greenhouses, which are often combined with open plantations. Each method has its pros and cons, an entrepreneur planning to grow strawberries in industrial quantities should weigh all the pros and cons in advance.

What kind of business can be opened with minimum investment and to get guaranteed profit, You can find out

The most popular ways to grow strawberries

How to grow strawberries all year round at home - technology and secrets.

How to grow strawberries all year round at home?

In the conditions of a city apartment, you can organize a miniature plantation by equipping shelving on an insulated loggia. Such an option could be An excellent learning platform for aspiring entrepreneurs.

The productivity of a mini-greenhouse is quite comparable with industrial options, the only limitation can be its small area. Strawberry bushes can be planted in pots or in plastic bags. Suitable for growing early ripening remontant varieties bearing fruit several times a year.

For successful fruiting, you need good lighting, properly organized watering and top dressing. It is recommended to alternate complex and organic fertilizers. At home, you can grow not only adult fruit-bearing bushes, but also seedlings for replacement. It is cheaper to grow your own young bushes from seeds than to buy them from greenhouse owners.

Productivity home greenhouse high enough. With correctly selected varieties, it will be up to 4 kg of berries per 1 sq. m.

Promising and cost-effective and interesting offers in the article at the link.

How to grow strawberries in open ground: step by step instructions

For growing strawberries in an open way, you can use country cottage area or rent land from the countryside. Strawberries ripened in the open air have a particularly bright taste and aroma.

In addition, you can save on the construction of greenhouses, lighting and heating. Of the minuses of the method, the seasonality of the business can be noted. In the open field, strawberries will bear fruit for only 2 months a year.

For open plantations, classic and remontant varieties of domestic and foreign selection are suitable: Crown, Tribute, Pineapple, Queen Elizabeth, Sakhalinskaya, etc. It is worth choosing varieties suitable for dense planting, this can significantly increase the profitability of the plantation.

How to grow sturgeon yourself at home and what you need for this, you can read

The production process is simple. The land is plowed up and divided into high ridges, the space between them is closed with a film. Fertilizers are applied to the soil.

In one place, strawberries are grown for no more than 2 years, after which the plantation will have to be moved, and other crops will be planted on the vacated land.

Strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business: where to start?

Those who decide to seriously engage in the strawberry business should organize greenhouses that significantly extend the strawberry fruiting season. In greenhouses, berries can be obtained until October, besides, they are ideal for growing seedlings..

They can be combined with open plantations, this will provide an opportunity to increase production in the season without spending extra money on additional greenhouses.

Strawberries in the greenhouse all year round as a business requires significant investment. The premises are built from a metal frame or other suitable materials, welded racks are placed along the walls.

Strawberries can be grown in the ground, but hanging Dutch technology can save space and increase profits per square meter.

In this case, pots or bags are filled with a light soil mixture with large quantity sand and peat, a strawberry bush is planted in each. Suspended technology will save plants from pests, gray rot and other diseases characteristic of this crop.

After the construction of greenhouses, it is necessary to equip them with lighting, organize an irrigation and ventilation system. Self-pollinating remontant varieties are suitable for growing in a greenhouse; classics can be grown in open ground. For successful growth, nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil, which can be alternated with organic matter.

By specifying the production of agricultural products as the main activity, you will receive significant tax benefits and the possibility of obtaining very favorable loans necessary for business development.

Business plan for growing strawberries with calculations

As an example, consider the following step-by-step strawberry growing business plan for a small strawberry greenhouse. The size of the future plantation is 120 sq. m. For her equipment you will need:

  • metal profile;
  • film for greenhouses;
  • tubes and containers for mounting a drip irrigation system;
  • incandescent lamps;
  • planting containers;
  • planting material.

Greenhouse equipment will cost 50,000 - 60,000 rubles. It is worth considering that the useful area occupied by the racks will be about 80 square meters. m.

Monthly maintenance of the greenhouse (watering, heating, lighting, fertilizers) - 15,000 - 17,000 rubles. With the work on the plantation, 1 person will quite cope. Most often, the owner of the business is engaged in the maintenance of one small greenhouse.

Productivity from 1 square. m - 4.5 kg of berries per month. From 80 sq. m usable area per month you can get 360 kg of berries. With an average price of 600 rubles per kilogram, the profit will be 216,000 rubles per month.

The greenhouse will fully pay for itself in the third month of operation and will reach a stable profit.

How to sell strawberry products?

The main problem of the strawberry business is the sale of finished products. Grown strawberries need to be sold as soon as possible, the tender berry quickly loses its attractive appearance. Most often, start-up entrepreneurs sell their crops on the market. If you have all the necessary certificates, you can rent a place or get your own permanent counter.

Another option is to hand over products for sale to already working sellers. The advantage will be time savings, the disadvantage is the need to share profits with the seller. In addition, when handing over for sale, unsold products will return to you, and it will no longer be possible to sell them.

It is possible to sell berries through stationary stores. They are ready to consume large volumes of products, but the low purchase price greatly reduces the profitability of the enterprise.

A much more profitable project is the sale of crops to restaurateurs. By concluding or, you will provide yourself with permanent distribution channels. Proper sorting of products is very important.

Catering needs berries of different varieties, from small and fragrant, going to mousses, creams and sauces, to large and dense, suitable for decorating desserts and garnishing. Don't limit yourself to restaurants locality, with good demand, you can organize the delivery of products to neighboring cities.

A promising option is to organize the processing of our own products. You can freeze berries and sell them all year round under your own brand, make jams, jams, marmalades, marshmallows.

Finished products can be taken to stores, sold on the market or at specialized fairs. Many entrepreneurs sell homemade products through social media and own online stores.

How to open an online store from scratch for free and what documents are required for this, you can find out

As an additional business, you can sell seedlings own production. Strawberries are one of the most popular and beloved berries. The grown bushes of promising varieties are in constant demand among summer residents and gardeners.

Growing strawberries as a business is best to start with a small greenhouse or open beds. After making sure that investments and expenses are in line with the business plan, you can consider expanding and processing production. At this stage, you will need hired personnel who will not burden the budget of the enterprise, but will contribute to its prosperity and profitability.

More information on how to grow strawberries different ways for sale, you can get in the following instruction video:

The existing statistics on the consumption of berries in the country show that Demand for strawberries is growing by about 20% annually. The berry has excellent taste and contains a lot.

Modern technologies and varieties bred by breeders make it possible to grow strawberries in closed ground. Get a harvest. These features of strawberries allow to turn its cultivation into profitable business . Product profitability in winter can be up to 300%. Such profitability is difficult to obtain when growing other agricultural crops.

Business plan for commercial breeding strawberries each entrepreneur makes their own with considering individual characteristics each specific project.

It should include:

  1. Description of the cultivation method chosen for breeding the strawberry variety, its yield, distribution channels, etc.
  2. Cost estimate for organizing a business.
  3. Marketing analysis of the market.
  4. Harvest plan.
  5. Forecast on business profitability and project payback period.
  6. Description of possible risks.

Commercial cultivation of strawberries can be profitable if a number of conditions are met. These include minimum seating area requirements. They should be at least 10 sq.m. To obtain a stable income from sales all year round, it is necessary choose the right variety. He must bear fruit 3 times a year including the winter period.

Important! For implementation through retail chains state registration required legal entity or IP.

To organize a business you will need:

  • initial capital for the purchase of planting material, fertilizers, equipment and the construction of a greenhouse;
  • land well lit by the sun;
  • knowledge of the technology of growing strawberries;
  • plan for selling berries.

How much can you earn selling strawberries?

income depends on various factors. The selling price of the product depends on the region of sale. In the southern regions of the country, the cost of a berry 30-40% cheaper. Choice of plant variety proper care and top dressing affect the yield of strawberries.

The practice of growing and selling shows that from 1 weave of strawberries you can get 30-50 thousand rubles income for 1 harvest. These figures can be guided when planning commercial cultivation. Rational use greenhouse area and properly selected varieties allow you to collect 1 sq.m up to 90 kg per year.

Harvest in closed areas 10 sq.m will be 900 kg. The average selling price is approximately $4. The annual sales revenue can reach up to 36 thousand dollars. The cost of cultivation will be approximately half of the proceeds received for the products.

Cultivation requires diligence and the presence of a certain baggage of special knowledge. You can get them on special courses or on your own with the help of specialized literature.

Important. Ground berry brings less revenue compared to grown in a greenhouse.

This is due to the cost difference. Prices for strawberries during the period of mass harvest are much lower than in winter. Low incomes are offset by lower growing costs during this period. Most high costs of organizing a business fall in the first year.

This is due to the need:

  • greenhouse construction;
  • business registration;
  • purchase of planting material.

Embedded costs paid back within 1 year. The best option commercial cultivation is its cultivation in open and closed ground. The sale of planting material can become a source of additional income.

How much money is required to start?

Quantity required financial resources depends on the size of the planned business. The cost of organizing it depends on three main factors:

  • landing area;
  • growing method;
  • need for hired labor.

The cost of organizing the process in a greenhouse is higher than in open ground about 30-50%. You need to buy land near the proposed place of sale. This will significantly reduce the transport costs for the delivery of strawberries to the sales network.

Suitable for agricultural land. Their cost is much lower than other categories. In such areas you can build temporary buildings. They can be placed refrigeration equipment and inventory. When purchasing greenhouses, it is worth giving preference to greenhouses intended for industrial breeding.

Equipment for industrial cultivation

Growing strawberries outdoors requires a small amount of equipment. It consists of:

  • components for creating a drip irrigation system;
  • agrofibre or mulching film for covering beds;
  • care equipment.

The equipment of greenhouses depends on the chosen cultivation technology. In any case, you will need to purchase:

  1. Equipment for space heating. The temperature should not be below 22°C.
  2. Lighting. The best lighting option is sodium lamps with a power of at least 400 watts.
  3. Irrigation and humidification systems. Relative Humidity air should be in the range of 75-80%.
  4. Refrigeration equipment.

When growing in a greenhouse in bags, hanging equipment is purchased along with the container.

Which OKVED is suitable?

When registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, their type of activity is determined, which is assigned an OKVED code. Growing strawberries is agricultural production.

Registration KFH is mandatory when grown on areas of more than 1 hectare.

On plots of a smaller area, private household plots are being carried out. Income from the sale of products grown on a personal farmstead is not taxed. The general OKVED code for agricultural crops is 01. The clarifying subparagraph 01.13.21 applies to strawberries.

Growing in greenhouses all year round

The greenhouse way of organizing a business significantly increases its profitability. Among the advantages of growing strawberries indoors:

  • year-round harvest;
  • more effective use landing areas;
  • high profitability.

Need use specially bred varieties breeders for closed ground. The main problem with this method is pollination. It is carried out artificially with a soft brush.

In industrial greenhouses for pollination of plants, you can install small bee hives or select remontant varieties for planting that do not require artificial pollination.

You can grow it in three ways:

  • directly in the ground;
  • in pots;
  • in polyethylene bags.

The most productive and less troublesome way is to use hydroponics. In list the best varieties for cultivation in closed ground: "Sonata", "Florin", "Kama" and "Elsanta". For an even harvest it is advisable to plant varieties with different terms maturation.

Three types of greenhouses can be used. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Type selection

The cost depends on the type of construction.

The soil

Soil quality plays an important role. Optimal soil for a berry, it is considered that which consists of 2 parts of turf and 1 part of humus.

This mixture is enriched with:

  • ash;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • ammonium nitrate.

When landing, they dig to a depth from 18 to 20 cm. Digging depth of black soil should be 25-30 cm. Before the start of digging, organic fertilizers are scattered on the surface of the earth. It is best to use chicken manure. Compost or peat is introduced into the soil at the rate 1 bucket per 1 sq.m.


Grows well in moist soils. Water it as it dries, but at least once a week during growth. During flowering and fruiting, watering is carried out at least 2 times a week.

Important. Soils in the bodies dry out much more slowly than in the open ground.

You need to water at the very root. Watering depth should be at least 30 cm. After it, the soil is loosened. Due to this, the roots are saturated with oxygen. The amount of watering depends on various factors. Each type of soil has its own relative humidity standards.

They make up:

  • for sandy soil during flowering and fruiting - 65-70%;
  • for clay soils during the growing season - 80%;
  • for sandy soils after harvesting - 60-65%.

Organization costs

The cost of organizing a business depends on the chosen method of cultivation.

Strawberry fruits are very tasty and healthy, which explains its popularity among consumers. However, having a number positive characteristics, strawberry has its drawbacks - it is seasonal plant, more precisely, seasonally bears fruit (in May-June). But this does not mean that it is not in demand during the rest of the year, which any enterprising person can take advantage of - by creating a greenhouse and growing remontant commercial varieties of strawberries in it, he will be able to receive considerable profit from this type of activity all year round. Also, which is important, he will be provided with a "storehouse of vitamins" all year round.

Another argument for the expediency of the "strawberry business" is the ever-increasing demand for strawberries: according to statistics, in Russia, strawberry consumption increases by 30-50% annually. This indicates the extraordinary prospects of strawberry farming.
Thus, it follows that the cultivation of strawberries is a business that is quite affordable, fairly easy to implement and, what is important, promising.

The seasonality of this crop determines that the most favorable (in terms of making a profit) for growing strawberries is the period from September to May, since the rest of the time the market is overflowing with strawberries grown on open ground, which significantly reduces its price. Consequently, the greatest profit in this type of activity is provided by holding greenhouses, the business plan for the creation and maintenance of which is presented below.

Business plan for growing strawberries

This strawberry growing business plan will help you understand the issues of organizing a strawberry growing business idea and tell you how to make money on strawberries.

As already mentioned, this business plan will consider the cultivation of strawberries from September to May, so great attention should be paid directly to the organization of the growing place and production technology.

So, strawberry growing technology is a home business

Among the many technologies for year-round growing strawberries, we will choose the most popular and proven - growing strawberries using a sodium lamp high pressure. The advantage of this technology is that it can be applied both for large-scale industrial business, and for a home business - strawberries in both cases will grow beautiful and rich in vitamins.

1. Choosing a room for growing strawberries.
For these purposes, any room is suitable. This technology does not require the creation of a separate special greenhouse or alteration of an existing room - it is quite easy to wisely build it where you need it.

The microclimate in the room must comply with the following parameters:
temperature - 22-25 ° С,
humidity - 75-80%,
ventilation is moderate.

2. Adjustment of lighting.
Correct lighting- this is the key to effective business, so this issue should be approached very carefully.
Lighting is responsible for photosynthesis and all other processes associated with the growth and ripening of strawberries and, since when strawberries grow in open ground, these functions are performed Sun rays, the artificial lighting of your greenhouse should be as close to natural as possible, which is what the above-mentioned high-pressure sodium lamps will provide us with. Neither energy-saving, nor fluorescent, nor metal halide lamps will give us the desired effect, since only high-pressure sodium lamps in their spectrum (red and blue spectrum) are most similar to daytime sunlight.

Each lamp must be equipped with a luminaire with a reflector to ensure the most even distribution of light. This, by the way, will help us save energy. It is worth remembering:

  • the power of each lamp should be 400 watts;
  • each of the lamps should illuminate no more than one square meter;
  • lamps should be at a height of no more than one meter above the level of the beds;
  • lighting time should be about 12 hours per day (according to the summer sun exposure).

Thus, 1300 kW of electricity will be spent per square meter per year, which is in monetary terms when paying utilities will be 2000 - 2500 rubles. It turns out quite expensive. However, do not forget that from the same square meter you can collect about 45 kilograms of strawberries per year, which you can sell for 20,000 rubles a year.

3. Designing racks and containers for strawberries.
According to the described technology, strawberries are grown not in beds, but in containers, for which it is necessary, first of all, to put up racks.

For the convenience of lighting and maintenance of strawberries, the following parameters were developed:

  • for racks: width - 1 meter, height - 1.5 meters (selected depending on the height service personnel, so as not to bend during maintenance), the length is arbitrary;
  • for containers (trapezoidal shape): width at the bottom - 15 cm, at the top - 20 cm, height - 20 cm, length equal to the length of the racks;
  • distance between containers - 20 cm.

Thus, we get three rows of containers of 20 centimeters each and with 20 centimeters between them (total - 1 meter - the width of the rack).

Shelving material - metallic profile(will ensure maximum strength and durability), for containers - arbitrarily, your choice - plastic, wood, plywood (you can either do it yourself or buy ready-made containers of the right size).

4. Compost preparation.
To provide efficient business, strawberries should produce a good harvest all year round. In this, in addition to lighting, high-quality compost or, simply speaking, organic fertilizers will help us a lot.

The compost should consist of 80% light sandy loam and the remaining 20% ​​humus. Sandy loam is loose rock. But the humus deserves special attention. Manure becomes humus only after three years, and, at the same time, it should have a uniform color and should not smell like ammonia. The origin of the manure is absolutely irrelevant.

By mixing both "ingredients" we are faced with the problem of compost disinfection. Disinfection (in other words, pasteurization) of the soil will save your plants from many diseases, and you, accordingly, from large financial losses.

5. Pasteurization of compost.
The pasteurization process involves significant heating of the compost, which will kill negative microorganisms. Preparing the container closed type(preferably big size to reduce the time spent on pasteurization), fill it with prepared compost, pour it with plenty of water and put it on fire for 12 hours. The resulting slurry must be stirred periodically. It is also necessary to maintain the heating temperature at the level of 55-60°C.

6. Equipment for drip irrigation system.
Drip irrigation is more acceptable and less expensive than surface irrigation.

Compost is poured into each container up to half its height (10 cm). Then tubes are laid on the compost with holes made in them, based on the approach of one hole to one spine. Next, we install a water tank above the level of the racks and connect pipes to it.

Now, as needed, open the faucet, and your strawberries will get all the moisture they need. Also, a drip irrigation system can be used to provide plants with nutrients.

When all the preparatory work is done, you can proceed to the direct cultivation of strawberries.

7. Choice of strawberry variety.
It is rather difficult to say which kind of strawberry is the most profitable - every year their number grows very much. However, the developed actual features will largely help us choose the best strawberry variety:

  • the variety must be a remontant species with a neutral day;
  • the formation of berries and ovaries must occur continuously;
  • berries must have good size and uniform color
  • berries should have good taste and aroma.

8. Organization of "active life" of strawberries.
As already mentioned, the fruiting period according to the presented technology is 9 months - from September to May.

Thus, in order to harvest the first crop in September, we need to prepare a mother plantation in April, that is, strawberry bushes. This can be done in two ways: growing strawberries from seeds or through seedlings.

However, just buying planting material is not worth it, since now few people monitor its quality, and you can burn out a lot on this.

If you have been dealing with strawberries as a business for more than a year, then you can make a mother plantation from own seedlings strawberries. However, beginners should worry about growing strawberries from seed.

To begin with, the seeds are planted in well-moistened soil in boxes. From above, the seeds are lightly covered with a thin layer of earth. Humidity and light saturation have already been described above.

Seed germination is 40-50%.

Watering should be drip, as the surface can wash away upper layer soil.

When the seedlings have sprouted and taken root, it must be dived (seated) in a checkerboard pattern in squares of 5x5 cm. After 1.5 months, by repeated picking, we plant strawberries in squares of 10x10 cm or in rows (spacing - 10-20 cm).

As a result, by the end of June we get required amount uterine bushes (100 bushes per 1 sq. M. Racks) of strawberries close to budding.

If you already have strawberry seedlings, then in April it is enough to graft the tendrils of bushes onto free plots of land in containers, and by the end of May you will already have young strawberry bushes - rosettes.

Unfortunately, remontant strawberry only bears fruit for two years, so strawberry beds require constant updating.

The resulting mother bushes are planted in containers at the end of July - it’s good if they are gaining color by this time.

During the flowering period, the bushes must be pollinated. This can be done either manually (using a soft brush) or by establishing a bee evidence in the greenhouse (the greenhouse area is from 1 hectare).

!Important. Strawberries are a delicate and perishable product, therefore, firstly, get a freezer (you can extend the presentation of strawberries up to 14 days), and secondly, try to rearrange and touch strawberries as little as possible (best of all, what you have collected is to sell ).

Having got acquainted with the technology of growing strawberries, which is the first point of our business plan, we move on legal registration our income from strawberries.

Legal business registration

Since we want to create a serious competitive enterprise, we should worry about its compliance legislative norms. It is clear that at first you can work without state registration of your business, but as soon as you see that strawberries as a business (see video) bring you a stable significant income, be sure to register your farm.

The most suitable form of strawberry farming is self-employment, and you need to fall into the category of agricultural producers. Assignment to this group will provide you with a low tax rate- you will have to pay a single agricultural tax (USHT), which is only 6%.

In addition to registration, you also need to take care of product certification, as more or less serious buyers may be interested in the origin of strawberries. Thus, you need to get:

  • a certificate containing information regarding the strawberry variety;
  • certificate with information about the fertilizers used;
  • a license allowing the sale of berries;
  • declaration of conformity GOST R., confirming the high quality of products and their compliance with all regulatory documents and technical regulations;
  • Phytosanitary certificate (mandatory document for all agricultural products).

Having received all the above-mentioned documents regarding the grown products, you can think about ways to sell them.

You can sell strawberries in the following ways:

a) by opening your own trading place.
To begin with, you should rent a small (6-8 sq. M.) trading place. The cost of rent + payment for electricity will cost you 5000 - 6000 rubles (per month). The rented place should be equipped with a refrigerated display case and chest freezer- 40,000 - 45,000 rubles (one-time). Also, if you do not want to stand and trade yourself, you will have to hire an employee - 10,000 - 15,000 rubles.
Thus, the content itself outlet it will cost you 15,000 - 20,000 rubles monthly + 40,000 - 45,000 rubles once. With this method of selling strawberries, consider these costs when calculating the expenditure side of your business plan.
Disadvantages of independent implementation: the need for constant monitoring and adjustment of the sales process, the need to find a good seller, the need for a constant availability of products.

Marketing tricks for effective implementation:

  • firstly, the buyer, approaching the point, should already see the product, and the product should look beautiful and attractive (use different racks, lay out products in a variety of ways, etc.);
  • secondly, the buyer should be able to try the offered products, so do not hesitate to offer strawberries for testing and advertise them as the most delicious and healthy;
  • thirdly, do not hesitate to talk about the technology of your production with the obligatory indication that you are a local farmer, and your products are grown with my own hands without the use of chemicals.

b) through grocery stores.
When choosing a partner store, the focus should be, first of all, on the size of the store and its attendance. It is clear that shops located on the godforsaken outskirts of the city will never be able to sell the volume of strawberries that supermarkets in the city center sell without problems. Next, you should find out if the store of your choice has strawberries, and whether they are local or imported. Naturally, it is better that there are no strawberries before your appearance in the store or only imported ones.

Minus stores: low cost of buying a product – wanting to earn money, stores, putting it unrealistic high prices on products sold, also minimize the purchase cost.

c) through wholesale networks and markets.
A fairly good option for selling strawberries, but it is acceptable, for the most part, for very large producers.

Expenditure part of the strawberry business

The presented business plan provides for the opening of a strawberry plantation with a size of 120 square meters. m. It should bring you 12 kg of strawberries every day. At the same time, one person is enough for harvesting and packing the crop, that is, you.

So, the expenditure part of growing strawberries should include:

  • the cost of 80 sodium lamps with a power of 400 watts;
  • the cost of rubber tubes and containers for drip irrigation system equipment 80 sq. m.;
  • the cost of seeds for growing uterine bushes in the calculation of one hundred bushes per 1 sq. m.;
  • the cost of material for the manufacture of containers and racks;
  • monthly electricity bill.

It is rather difficult to indicate certain figures, since they depend on the region, and on how much you equip your plantation from improvised means, and how much they are purchased, etc.

Profitable part of the strawberry business

Our plantation of 120 sq. m. contains 80 sq. m. m. usable area (the rest - aisles). 1 sq. m. per month will be able to produce 4.5 kg of strawberries. Therefore, in a month you will have 360 ​​kg of strawberries.
average cost kilograms of strawberries 450 - 500 rubles (we take into account only the cold season).

Thus, from 360 kg of strawberries at 450-500 rubles each month we will have 162,000 - 180,000 rubles.

The payback period of the initial costs is 2-3 months, the period from the beginning of planting to the first harvest is 2-4 months, so after an average of six months growing strawberries for sale, you can ensure absolute financial independence.


The page publishes only useful reviews for others, which indicate that the person had experience in this matter.

The strawberry growing business is considered profitable. Sweet berries are in demand all year round, especially in winter. Breeders have bred remontant varieties that bear fruit 5-6 times per season, and new growing technologies make it possible to harvest even indoors.

Important information! 80% of the market today is occupied by imported strawberries. If it is profitable to carry berries by plane from the Dominican Republic to Moscow or Irkutsk, you should think about plans and ways to implement a profitable idea in your homeland. Experts estimate the annual growth of the strawberry market at 25-30%.

What you need to know before starting a strawberry business

There are differences in the cultivation of strawberries for themselves and for sale. On 3-5 acres of free soil, berries are grown for home use, but there is no need to talk about a serious income from the sale of strawberries. To make money on this business, they develop an area of ​​​​20 acres or use new methods of obtaining a crop: in bags, boxes, film or polycarbonate greenhouses.

A good plan to make money on domestic berries requires detailed study. This is not necessarily a one-time summer income, you can earn income all year round. A profitable strawberry business is the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  1. the selected variety is adapted to the local climate and gives the maximum yield in given conditions;
  2. varieties are selected in such a way that sweet goods ripen at different times;
  3. berries are suitable for transportation (a plan for the collection and marketing of products has been thought out, suitable containers and equipment have been prepared).

Important to remember! The taste qualities of the berry are directly related to its ripening period and tolerance for transportation. The earlier it ripens, the easier it is to move, the less moisture and sweetness it has. Therefore, sweet late varieties are grown for themselves, for sale - early, resistant to adverse conditions climate. The taste of the latter is usually worse, but the presentation is better.

Growing strawberries outdoors

Home method of breeding berries on open ground dependent on the weather, so the main task of the gardener is to protect the seedlings from rain, drought, cold and pests. To this end, they not only meticulously choose varieties, but also stock up on film to keep warm, mulch cover to protect against weeds and diseases, mineral fertilizers for feeding, chemical protection against diseases. Including additional materials in the plan will require financial costs, but will significantly increase yields and income.

ExpenditurePrices, rub.
1. Rent of 1 hectare of land, per month10000
2. planting material10000
3. Mineral fertilizers2000
4. Growth stimulant1000
5. Additional materials (protective film, agrofibre)2000
6. Watering, per month5000

The maximum profit from a strawberry plantation will be received by those who follow the full cycle of work: independently germinate seeds, harvest planting material from adult plants, independently (without intermediaries) pack, store, and export for sale. Surplus strawberry seedlings (remaining after a dive) give a good income. In this case, it is not necessary to resort to the help of hired personnel. As a last resort, during the harvest period, businessmen hire seasonal workers to pick berries.

It is interesting! If it is possible to grow a sweet product without “chemistry”, eco-product stores will be happy to take it. True, in this case, you will have to obtain a certificate from Rosselkhoznadzor and a declaration of conformity in the SES.

The Dutch Way of Growing Garden Strawberries

Recognized as good and profitable home-based business on strawberries, organized indoors (Dutch way). For this, a house, a barn, a garage is suitable - an area of ​​\u200b\u200b10 square meters. m. is enough to start a business, because strawberry plantations are located on 3-4 "floors". The use of boxes or bags with substrate and humus instead of soil allows you to grow ripe juicy berries for sale all year round.

This is a costly way to get a crop, because sunlight will have to be replaced artificial lighting, natural heat - to receive from domestic heating appliances. In addition, you will have to take care of artificial pollination. But the price of a kilogram of strawberries in winter is from 300 rubles. In addition, the business does not depend on the time of year and the vagaries of the weather. In the summer (at this time the crop is harvested from the open ground), work is going on indoors. Germinate seeds, prepare planting material, equip a mini-farm. Instead of soil, the Dutch method involves the use plastic bags filled with peat and perlite. Slots are made in it in a checkerboard pattern, where seedlings are planted. It is advised to do this at the end of summer, in order to harvest in October.

Internet business project from home

In a 10 sq. m. grows 300 kg of strawberries. Sale at a price of 150 rubles in the summer will bring 45,000 rubles. In the winter season - at least 80,000 rubles. Since the berry ripens all year round, the income is received several times.

ExpenditurePrices, rub.
1. Premises (rent), per month10000
2. Racks (shelves)35000
3. Lamps (sodium), 100 pcs.15000
4. Irrigation system40000
5. Seedling10000
6. Utilities, per month15000

Important! If the premises are own, the entrepreneur will make the shelves with his own hands and come up with good plan automatic watering, this will significantly save start-up capital. Also, there will be no need for salary expenses - one person can quite manage on a compact strawberry plantation.

The nuances of growing strawberries in a greenhouse

A good way to generate income is to combine both options by growing berries indoors in a greenhouse. For serious commercial enterprise erect glass structures or polycarbonate greenhouses, but the most affordable option is metal or wooden frame film coated.

Since the film will not protect against frost, the task of the greenhouse is to accelerate the ripening of berries, to bring them to the market before competitors. It will also save plants from weeds, vagaries of the weather and reduce losses from diseases and pests. Building a greenhouse for 10 square meters will cost 30,000 rubles, and a complete organization greenhouse business with a working area of ​​1 ha will result in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. But the profitability of growing berries in a greenhouse is more than 100%.

Important advice! The cost of 1 kg of goods is the smaller, the larger the working area. On a plot of 20 hectares, a kilogram will cost 10-20 rubles, on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 1 hectare, the cost increases to 50 rubles. For the profitability of an open field business, choose a plot of 0.5-1 ha, in a greenhouse - 20-30 acres.

Issues of advertising, marketing and transportation of crops

The strawberry business has an obvious disadvantage: it is a perishable commodity; you can’t take it away over long distances, you can’t hold it in a warehouse for a month. So the question of where to start a business is decided not with the purchase of seedlings, but with the search for someone who will sell the crop. For the preservation of the berry, a prudent businessman will take care of the scales, plastic container and refrigerator. As for transport, its purchase is relevant if it is planned to sell the goods independently. If the manufacturer plans to sell on the local market, documenting business is not so important. But when delivering to the supermarket, you can’t do without it. The mini-farm must be registered as an official business; in addition, certificates are obtained for the berry in a special laboratory or SES.