How to open a cosmetics store? How a Psychologist Started a Successful Personal Perfume Business

If you understand cosmetic brands, then by studying the topic of how to open a cosmetics store from scratch, you can become the owner of a profitable business.

♦ Capital investments – 450,000 rubles
♦ Payback - 1.5 - 2 years

If the automotive business can be called masculine, then activities related to cosmetics and perfumery can be a great startup for the fair sex.

If you are well versed in cosmetic and perfume brands, then, having studied the topic in detail, from scratch, you can become the owner of a profitable business.

The launch of this startup does not require the purchase of special trading equipment or large capital investments. But decorative cosmetics, personal care products, expendable materials, perfumes will always be in demand among consumers.

How to open a cosmetics store: advertising and competitive advantages

For new stores, the main thing is not expensive advertising campaign, but a favorable location (in a place with high traffic), a reasonable pricing policy, a good assortment of goods and satisfied customers.

  1. Beautiful and large sign, which would be visible from afar.
  2. A cot placed on the sidewalk in front of the store, which will attract the attention of customers.
  3. Leaflets handed out around the opening of the market.
  4. Social networks and urban forum.

It is also very important to consider high level competition in this sector to be able to stand out from other stores.

Your competitive advantage can be:

  • promotions and sales during the pre-holiday periods;
  • discount system for regular customers;
  • selling a unique cosmetic or perfume brand;
  • friendly and qualified sales assistants;
  • low prices;
  • free gift bags if the customer purchases a gift set;
  • the ability to pay not only in cash, but also by card, etc.

How to open a cosmetics store: assortment and suppliers

Whether your store will be profitable or not depends largely on how competently you form the assortment of goods and on how favorable terms you conclude agreements with suppliers.

No matter how much you want to save money, work only with those suppliers that can provide you with a quality guarantee, otherwise during the check you may run into a fine, and if someone suffers as a result of using cosmetics purchased from you, then the punishment may be even more serious.

You can work with foreign manufacturers, and with domestic ones, the main thing is that their products are certified.

You can only work with professional brands, those that make products for the work of cosmetologists, in this case you will have to study the nuances of how to open a professional cosmetics store.

Here are some tips for forming an assortment for those who want to open a cosmetics store:

  1. Sell ​​well-known brands (both expensive and economy class) that people like and the wave suits your customers with value for money.
  2. Try to find a manufacturer of unique cosmetics and perfumes, whose products are not represented by others.
    This will become your competitive advantage.
  3. Do not clutter up your store (especially if it is a small store) with a large abundance of goods.
    You are unlikely to have time to sell it before the expiration date, and it will be difficult for the client to navigate.
  4. Expand your customer base by selling products for men, women, and children.
  5. Your store should sell not only decorative cosmetics, but also:
    • care products for your face, body, hands, feet;
    • consumables: washcloths, cotton pads, manicure and pedicure supplies, etc.

The two most effective ways placement of goods - by:

  • manufacturers;
  • purpose (shampoos, balms, face creams, hand creams, mascaras, lipsticks, etc.).

How to open a cosmetics store: registration

Interesting fact:
In the Dead Sea region, archaeologists have discovered an ancient cosmetic laboratory from the 1st century BC. On its territory were found millstones for grinding medicinal herbs, cauldrons for aromatic mixtures, amphoras with fragrant substances.

The easiest way to launch a startup from scratch is to register as an individual entrepreneur.

This form does not require a complex registration procedure and is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs.

As for the form of taxation, you can also go for the easiest way and choose - UTII, however, in this case, the area of ​​​​your premises should not be more than 150 squares.

But novice businessmen will not need a larger room, because in order to open a large cosmetics and perfumery store, you need to have a huge start-up capital for rent, purchase of commercial equipment, and so on.

When registering, select the code corresponding to your future activity in OKVED: 52.33.

To mandatory conditions starting a business also applies to:

  • opening a bank account;
  • obtaining permits for the operation of the premises from government agencies: Rospotrebnadzor, Fire, Sanitary Service, etc.

Where exactly should you open a cosmetics store?

For the profitability of the business, the location you choose to open a cosmetics store is very important.

If you, wanting to save money, rent a room somewhere on the outskirts, then you will go bankrupt pretty quickly.

It is very important that the cosmetics and perfumery market is located in a place with high traffic of people.

Ideal locations are:

  • shopping centers;
  • markets;
  • a separate room in the city center;
  • densely populated residential areas.

It would also be nice to find a place near your potential clients, for example, - , hairdressing.

Of course, these specialized establishments will not buy cosmetics from you, but consumables in the form of cotton pads, sticks and other things - yes.

Where to open a cosmetics store?

In order to open a small cosmetics store from scratch, a trading floor of 20-25 squares is enough.

This area is enough to accommodate all commercial equipment and demonstrate your product in the most favorable light.

In addition to the trading floor, you will have to equip a service room for staff, a small storage room + a bathroom.

That is, to open even small business Requires an area of ​​at least 40 sq. meters.

If you dream of a mini-supermarket with a large selection of cosmetics and perfumes, then look at the premises of 100-150 square meters.

Attention should be paid to the interior of the future market.

If you want to sell luxury cosmetics and perfumes, then do not spare money on decorating the premises, because you will be visited by wealthy clients.

In this case, it is better to invite professional designer so that he can develop an interior concept for you.

If you decide to open an economy-class cosmetics store, then you can limit yourself to light walls and ceiling, so as not to distract attention from the product itself.

But, whatever the concept of your future business, take care of quality lighting premises so that buyers can have a good view of the products sold.

Commercial equipment for a cosmetics store

uniform requirements to what should be commercial equipment in a cosmetics store, no.

Each owner is guided by the area of ​​his premises and the concept of the market.

For example, if you open something similar to a supermarket and mark goods with anti-theft elements, then you can buy more open windows and racks.

If we are talking about a small shop with one seller, then it is better to order closed glass shelves and showcases to reduce the chances of thieves to steal.

Let's say you decide to open a small ( shopping room- 25 squares) an inexpensive cosmetics and perfumery store.

In this case, you will have to purchase such trading equipment:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:100 000 rub.
Glass showcases
30 000
Open shelving fenced off with glass showcases
20 000
Closed hanging shelves
20 000
Cash machine
10 000
Other20 000

And also take care of the equipment of the service room and bathroom for the staff.

Buy minimum set furniture can be for 40,000 rubles.

Another 10,000 rubles. will go to a rack for storing goods in a warehouse or in a service room.

That is, spending on commercial equipment for a small cosmetics store is about 150,000 rubles.

Who should be the staff of a cosmetics store?

Of course, you need sales assistants, because they are the ones who sell the goods.

How many salespeople to hire is up to you, based on the size of your store and its opening hours.

If you decide to open a small cosmetics store, then it is quite possible to get by with one seller per shift.

Since most markets are open seven days a week, you will need two vendors to work in shifts.

And every store needs a cleaning lady and an accountant (at least part-time).

You can deal with procurement and administrative issues yourself.

Costs for wages a small cosmetics and perfumery store will be as follows:

How much money do you need to have to open a cosmetics store?

It is difficult to name the final amount that is needed to launch this startup.

It all depends on how big a cosmetics store you decide to open.

For example, to become the owner of a small (25-30 squares) store, you need to have at least 450,000 rubles.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:450 000 rub.
Registration20 000
Repair of the store premises (cosmetic)80 000
Equipment150 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods150 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses40 000

But the monthly expenses (which the owner of the market must expect) directly depend on the city in which you are going to open a cosmetics store.

For example, prices for rent and wages in a small district center will be small, but in Moscow or another metropolis of the country, this amount will increase several times.

How to open a cosmetics store: a calendar plan

After you think through all the stages of launching a startup and calculate how much money you need to open it, make up calendar plan to understand exactly when you can open a cosmetics store.

Usually, such business projects can be implemented 4–6 months after the idea has arisen.

Registration, account opening
Rent and repair
Purchase of equipment
Formation of a product line

how to choose the right cosmetics in a specialized store:

Possible income of a cosmetics store

The trade margin for cosmetics and perfumes is 30-100%.

The lower the selling price of a product, the higher the markup will be, and vice versa.

Average profitability indicators this business– 10%, that is, you will be able to recoup capital investments not earlier than in 1.5–2 years.

Prepare for the fact that in the first few months you will operate at a loss, because few customers will shop in your newly opened market.

Your task is to attract customers as quickly as possible.

In six months, it is quite realistic to reach such indicators of daily revenue: 5–8,000 rubles per day. If your store will work seven days a week, then the monthly revenue will be 150–210,000 rubles.

From this amount, 100,000 (mandatory monthly expenses) should be deducted and at least 30,000 rubles should be set aside for the next purchase.

In this way, net profit cosmetic store with a formed customer base will be 20–80,000 rubles per month.

Before the holidays (March 8, February 23, February 14, New Year) will increase exponentially.

Popular stores can collect quarterly revenue during the two-week pre-holiday period.

As you can see, the income indicators of this business are not too high, but for many entrepreneurs they are enough to get interested in the topic, how to open a cosmetics store.

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According to numerous observations, Internet commerce is not only gaining momentum and popularity. It is less expensive and easier to maintain than offline. We can agree with this statement on one condition - each business project has its own nuances and rules, non-observance of which negatively affects the results.

If you want to open a cosmetics store: how to create an assortment

The sale of beauty products via the Internet has its own differences when compared with offline trading. Expensive branded cosmetics and perfumes are quite demanding on the appropriate framing: sparkling display cases with exquisite design, attentive and smiling staff, charming aromas hovering in the air.

Naturally, the virtual site cannot provide visitors with these sensations. When deciding how to open an online perfume store and what assortment to focus on, it is better to abandon the luxury segment (at least at the beginning of work). And not only because there is no corresponding entourage, but because of the skeptical attitude of customers to the guarantees of the authenticity of the offered goods.

When thinking about how to open your own cosmetics store, the problem of various guarantees must be addressed Special attention. The presence of certificates for the goods, the possibility of returning or exchanging the purchased item, the obligation to comply with all legal requirements ... If all this is written on the site, then the client's confidence will increase significantly.

Working through the question of how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store in a democratic price segment, you can not lose sight of not only the cost of the goods, but also its quality. Once you “slip” something to the client that is very remotely reminiscent of what was declared on the virtual shelf, and you can safely count on a drop in sales as a whole.

Perfume business: how to get started on the Internet

Since the creation of the site. He will be a salesman and a store. When deciding how to open a perfume store and make an effective website, you need to take into account several specific factors.

Ease of use, simplicity of the interface will be a major plus. But there is one more point regarding this product segment - high quality photos and a clear description of each unit. It is also a good idea to open a perfume shop not “naked”, but with additions, for example, a thematic women's forum or a make-up school.

In the task of how to open a perfume shop operating in virtual space, one should not forget about real conveniences. The process of ordering and paying for the selected product should not cause the slightest questions from the buyer, he needs to be provided with a maximum of tips and options. In addition, it is worth taking care of convenient and varied delivery at the customer's choice. When following all these simple rules, the answer to the question: “Is it profitable to open a cosmetics store on the Internet?” will be a resounding "yes".

If your dream is an online perfume store, but you still don’t know how to open it, develop a project and turn it into a profitable business of your own, then you should think about training. School of Business Youth can be a good way out. Here they not only give theoretical knowledge, they teach practical entrepreneurship.

Real women's business. Or how to open a perfume shop.

Which business should a woman choose?

What would you say if I offered you to open your own perfume shop?

And do you know what it is profitable business? Even if your shop is the thousandth in a small town or the hundredth in a village, you can still make good money selling fragrant products. After all, absolutely every woman has perfume. Yes, and under different outfits, on different cases and celebrations. For work - one, for a date - others, in summer - third, in winter - fourth ... Count all your bottles. I wouldn't be surprised if you have at least a dozen fragrances in your collection. And there are perfume lovers who have collected 20-30-40 or more different perfumes. Every woman knows where to buy perfume. But…

“One thing is a collection of perfumes and quite another is a perfume shop,” you say, and you will be absolutely right. You can make many arguments about how difficult, expensive and incomprehensible this all is. Where to get products? Where and to whom is it best to sell it? How much money do you need to start a business? And a thousand more different questions that get confused in our heads and often interfere with us on the way to a dream. I'll tell you about own experience in this area of ​​activity. Perhaps you like the idea of ​​opening a perfume shop?

So. Where to start? (I will not tell you that you need to open a business - this is already clear!).

The very first thing you should do is to conduct a “reconnaissance in force”, that is, decide and look around. Simply put, go out into the city and walk through perfume boutiques, stalls, tents. Observe who trades and how, who has more people crowding, what spirits are more interested in and what they buy more actively. Of course, I will not discover America if I say that the result of your observations will depend on big city or in a provincial one you are going to work, selling elite perfumes or consumer goods, etc.

If you live in a big city, it is better to open a store selling quality perfumes. famous brands. So you immediately "kill several birds with one stone." Firstly, well-known perfumes are advertised by the manufacturer, and your product is guaranteed to find its buyers. Secondly, you will not have problems with advertising booklets, packages, posters, and you will not have to invent and order all these promotional products yourself. The same applies to the mechanisms for promoting goods - they will be offered by the manufacturer. These are various gifts for customers, prize drawings, accumulative and bonus cards, gift certificates, etc. There is only one difficulty in working with well-known brands - your store must meet high standards in order for Dior or Lancôme to want to list their goods with you. To equip a store in this way, of course, is not cheap. In addition, you will have to compete with well-known perfume networks.

You can choose the easier way. Most entrepreneurs do not bother dealing with well-known "monsters", but work "in gray". That is, in the assortment with elite perfumes, various bottles from the wholesale market coexist. The state does not prohibit working on such a system. This does not mean that your store will be low-grade. You can choose from a variety of popular and price category perfume brands, depending on demand. Earnings in this case are much higher. Firstly, you are not limited by the supplier in a strictly assigned price, but determine the price yourself, and you can lower and raise it at your discretion, depending on the purchasing power in your city. Secondly, you yourself, that is, without the participation of a corporate supplier, determine the location of the store, its design and content.

When choosing a place for a store, be guided, first of all, by “passability”. Take a walk near the proposed store and count how many people pass and at what time. Estimate how many of them will pass by, and how many will become your customers. Look in a similar store, which category of women buys what. Evaluate in the ratio "price-quality". You don't have to choose separately to get started. standing shop. You will have a hard time spinning it. It is better to choose a place for a boutique in a supermarket or business center. There you will quickly earn an image for yourself on a ready-made client base. You also do not need to strive to immediately acquire a store in the property, even if you have such opportunities. It is better to start with a rented area. You can always opt out of it if something in your business goes wrong. But remember that the rent should not exceed 10% of the turnover. Otherwise, your store will be unprofitable.

Now come up with a “zest” for yourself - this is what you will be different from everyone. As a "highlight" I advise you to add perfume on tap to the assortment of the store. This is not often seen on sale, and you will definitely be different from others. In addition, the showcase with large glass flasks, different-shaped test tubes and vials looks like an alchemist's laboratory and attracts attention better than any advertisement.

You can also include Arabic perfumes in the assortment on oil based. These oriental fragrances are very popular not only among Muslim women. They are known for their exoticism, durability, and magical properties.

By the way, you can open an Arabic oil perfume shop with a very small amount of money. A set of samplers of 40 fragrances is inexpensive, and the perfume itself can be offered to order.

The name of the store should be short, memorable and immediately reflect the essence of your offer. Do not use shabby and faceless names like "Perfume cheap" or "Perfume boutique". When designing a store, do not skimp on an advertising sign. Make it big, bright, with additional lighting. Use glass equipment for showcases, with shiny metal racks and additional lighting. And the store itself should be very light and bright, so do not skimp on additional chandeliers and lamps.

That's all! You can open!

Remember that success in any business depends not only on the amount of money you have and the originality of the idea. But also from the energy invested in the business. That is, in fact, from your will to win. Good luck to you!

All women want to be beautiful, young and well-groomed. To help them, hundreds of shops with the necessary cosmetic products. modern woman I am ready to spend at least 15% of my income on the purchase of cosmetics and perfumes. Many are ready to save even on food, but provide for themselves necessary funds beauty. Therefore, the business on these goods is consistently popular and has a constant demand. To launch a win-win business with minimal risks and clear efficiency calculations, you need to write a business plan for a cosmetics and perfumery store, an example of which we will present in this article.

Project Summary

Cosmetics and perfumes are sold everywhere, even in the smallest cities of the country. However, only girls and women with high incomes spend large amounts, so it is better to open such a store with a population of at least 500-800 thousand inhabitants, where there is a sufficient number of target audience. It is planned to open a cosmetics and perfumery store in major city Russia. Despite the strong competition in almost all areas, demand is high, so we will create a store that will combine a good assortment, excellent quality of goods, a high level of service and a favorable location outlet.

The store is open daily, from 10:00 to 21:00, without days off and breaks. Once a month - the last Monday of the month - the technical day for inventory.

Our store will provide offers for the most common cosmetics among the main target audience, as well as more than 30% of the range of natural cosmetics.

The main target audience of the store:

  • Women from 25 to 45 years old (40%).
  • Girls from 16 to 24 years old (30%).
  • Women from 46 to 60 years old (20%).
  • Men from 30 to 50 years old. (ten%).

It should not be forgotten that men often go to such stores to buy their beloved women with or without reason, and also buy hygiene products and perfumes for themselves. Basically, they buy perfumes, but every fifth male buyer can also buy some cosmetics (creams, hygiene products, kits).

Our cosmetics and perfumery store will target middle- and high-income customers.


  • Online stores of cosmetics and perfumery.
  • similar stores.
  • Hypermarkets with departments of cosmetics and other goods.

Each of the competitors can and should be fought. It is important to know the competitor "in person", to analyze the range and prices, advantages and disadvantages. Then draw up your successful company policy and marketing strategy not difficult.

Main business risks:

To take into account all financial and marketing risks, you will need to draw up a business plan for a cosmetics and perfumery store with calculations, which will take into account all the main costs, investments in rent, interior, advertising, the cost of commercial equipment and the amount for the first purchase. This is necessary in order to calculate the profitability and payback period of the store opening project.

Registration and registration

To open a store, you will need to register with the tax authorities. Because we have one single founder, work with legal entities we do not plan, it will be enough to register an individual entrepreneur.

We will choose a simplified taxation system based on the “income minus expenses” system.

OKVED: 47.11 and 47.91.1, in case of online sales.

We do not need to spend a lot of time on reporting, to hire a separate accountant for this. All documentation will be maintained by the entrepreneur himself.

The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles.

You still need to get permission from the Fire Inspectorate.

For everything about everything, no more than 2-3 thousand rubles will be needed.

Search for premises and commercial equipment

When opening a cosmetics store important point is precisely the location of the outlet, tk. in 90% of cases, women make such purchases impulsively. Therefore, we rent premises in a large area of ​​the city, always in an actively traveled place, close to public transport stops and next to other stores with a similar target audience.

For our store, average in terms of parameters, 30 sq. m. The main space is a trading floor; 10 sq. m - a bathroom and a mini-warehouse for goods. The cost of such premises will be about 30 thousand rubles.

Indoors will need to be done redecorating in the amount of 150 thousand rubles. Every month it will be necessary to pay utility bills of 5 thousand rubles.

Equipment is required to place goods. These are racks, shelves, showcases, furniture and equipment for staff. Shop equipment to minimize costs, we will buy used ones in good condition.

Equipment estimate:

Name price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
High glass shelving 5000 3 15 000
Low display cabinet for cosmetics 4 000 2 20 000
Showcase island for perfumery 5 000 2 10 000
Reception desk for cash desk 5 000 1 5 000
Armchair, laptop for cashier 20 000 1 20 000
Lighting ( spot lighting, shop window lighting) 20 000 20 000
Cash machine 5 000 5 000
Alarm system 5 000 5 000
Total 100 000

Assortment and first purchase

You need the right assortment to succeed and grow your revenue. It can be determined only after analyzing competitors, studying information on the Web, and communicating at women's forums in the city. The goal is to determine what women use, what they lack and what brands they prefer.

It is very important to make a successful first purchase. there is a high risk that half of the units will remain on the shelves for a long time. To do this, we analyze demand, draw up top positions that will be sold with the maximum guarantee, and buy a little bit of everything. With increased demand for certain items, it is better to promptly re-order goods than to buy unnecessary brands.

  • Makeup products (lipstick, mascara, shadows, etc.).
  • Face and body skin care.
  • Cosmetics for women 30+.
  • Hair care.
  • Body care in summer/winter.
  • Cosmetics for men.
  • Perfumes for women/men.

Estimated first purchase of goods:

Name Amount, rub.
Foundation 1 9 000
Foundation 2 15 000
Powder 1 9 000
Powder 2 6 000
Blush 8 000
Base for shadows 3 000
Shadows 6 000
Pomade 6 000
Mascara 1 12 000
Mascara 2 8 000
Eyeliners 9 000
Eyebrow pencils 4 500
Lip pencils 6 000
Tonics 9 000
Moisturizing cream 9 000
Nourishing cream, BB cream 10 000
Body cream 8 000
Anti-aging cream 1 16 000
Anti-aging cream 2 15 000
Anti-aging cream 3 20 000
Hand cream 1 3 000
Hand cream 2 5 000
Anti-cellulite cream 16 000
Face masks 15 000
Perfume for women 1 15 000
Perfume for women 2 50 000
Perfume for women 3 40 000
Perfume for men 1 15 000
Perfume for men 2 49 000
Total 396 500

This is a small fraction of what should be in a cosmetics and perfumery store. Categories of goods were combined, because face or hand cream alone should be at least 5-6 trademarks, as well as lipsticks, mascaras and various creams. As for perfumes, for women there should be at least 20-25 options to choose from, for men - at least 15 fragrances.

The second purchase should be more deliberate, based on an analysis of demand, the level of need and individual orders clients.


For the active operation of the store will require a small staff. The entrepreneur himself, together with one hired sales assistant, can also sell goods. In the future, another consultant will be needed, and the entrepreneur will act as a store administrator.

The cost per employee at the start of the business will be about 20 thousand rubles. It is imperative to prescribe the motivation for the seller, which will be based on sales.

The seller's work schedule will be 2/2 in accordance with the store's opening hours.

Accounting, purchase and delivery of goods will be carried out by the entrepreneur independently, as well as an advertising campaign.

Marketing and Advertising

In a competitive environment, even at the stage of creating a business, an analysis of competitors and the target audience will be required. Therefore, marketing and analytics should not be shelved. In addition, do not forget about monitoring competitors at least once a week for similar products and brands.

To open a store, you will need to spend funds on the following tools:

Every month it will be necessary to spend about 40 thousand rubles on promoting groups in social networks, flyers, promotions. Discounts and promotions must be agreed with suppliers, periodically hold promotions together with manufacturers.

You can use the following suggestions:

  • When buying 2 sets of eau de toilette, the third - with a 50% discount.
  • Loyalty card ( storage system discounts, depending on the volume of purchases).
  • Birthday/birthday girl 20% discount on any eau de toilette.

Expenses and income

Here we look at the picture of costs and income, calculate the potential profitability for the 3rd-4th month of the store, determine the sales plans, on the basis of which the requirements for the sales assistant will be formed. We also calculate the profitability and payback period of the initial investment.

Starting costs


In the first few months there will be single sales by passing potential buyers. Starting from about the third month, the store will be visited more often not only for impulsive purchases, but also a base of regular customers and those who came on the basis of a review will be formed.

Indicative plan for sales from the 3rd month of the store:

Name Purchase price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
Foundation 1 300 20 6 000
Foundation 2 500 10 5 000
Powder 1 300 20 6 000
Powder 2 600 10 3 000
Blush 400 10 4 000
Base for shadows 300 10 3 000
Shadows 300 15 4 500
Pomade 300 20 6 000
Mascara 1 400 30 6 000
Mascara 2 800 10 8 000
Eyeliners 300 30 4 500
Eyebrow pencils 300 15 4 500
Lip pencils 300 20 6 000
Tonics 300 10 3 000
Moisturizing cream 300 10 3 000
Nutritious cream 500 10 5 000
BB cream 500 10 5 000
Body cream 400 10 4 000
Anti-aging cream 1 800 10 8 000
Anti-aging cream 2 1 500 7 10 500
Anti-aging cream 3 2 000 5 10 000
Hand cream 1 150 20 1 500
Hand cream 2 500 10 5 000
Anti-cellulite cream 800 5 4 000
Face masks 150 50 7 500
Perfume for women 1 1 500 10 15 000
Perfume for women 2 5 000 10 25 000
Perfume for women 3 8 000 5 40 000
Perfume for men 1 1 500 10 15 000
Perfume for men 2 7 000 7 49 000
Total 277 000

Excluding the share of suppliers, our income will be about 200 thousand rubles a month.

After deducting monthly payments and taxes, about 90 thousand rubles a month will remain.

Return on investment will be about 50%.

The payback period of investments will be about 8 months. Taking into account the fact that the business will not reach the indicated profitability immediately, we should expect a return on investment in 1 year.


Retailing cosmetics and perfumes in a major city is very profitable business. Despite the high level of competition, there is every chance to make good money, actively develop your business, because this area has a high level of demand. The project for the year is to open 2 more such stores throughout the city. In addition, in order to increase sales in the future, an online store will be created with the delivery of products in the region. Profits will increase several times over.


Decide which of the popular perfume lines you will promote in your business and find a wholesaler. It must not only provide you the best prices on the quality of perfumes, but also to be respected and reliable. Then you need to determine what number of clients will be optimal for you. This will depend on the established wholesale and retail prices, as well as overhead costs.

Determine whether it would be better to open a physical store or your perfume online. It is easier to start a business on the Internet, but customers prefer to see the finished product immediately and immediately pick up their purchase. Thus, you may want to consider partnering with a local boutique whose perfume line you can successfully promote online. Then your initial costs will be minimal, and the credibility of the company will be high.

Work out the suppliers. At this step, the most important thing is to calculate the logistics that are most beneficial for you. You can order goods from abroad, or on the territory of Russia, being an intermediary between - and the buyer. Naturally, it is undesirable to advertise your suppliers, otherwise you risk losing customers and reputation. Choose those suppliers whose prices and delivery time are minimal, and whose reputation is positive.

Use social networks and a circle of friends for the initial promotion. Create groups and communities, invite your friends and acquaintances, act as actively as possible. Enter a system of cumulative discounts for invited friends who made an order. The more active you are at this stage, the more orders you can expect in the future.

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Choosing a good perfume is very not an easy task. After all, you need to choose a smell that would suit you and not cause negative emotions those around. It's even harder to choose the right one. perfume rather than purchase a fake.


Counterfeit perfumes can be detrimental to health. You risk getting burned or allergic. Indeed, manufacturers do not hesitate to add harmful chemical components to such "spirits". A fake can most often be found in markets, on stalls or in non-core stores in the right departments. In such places, in no case should you buy perfume. Especially if they also have too low price.

Now perfumes made under license are also widely used. Having developed new flavor, France licenses it to other countries. Such perfumes are not considered counterfeit. However, it should be noted that the price should be somewhat lower than that of the same product made directly in France.

The packaging of real perfumes should be very carefully sealed in a thin cellophane film. It should not show traces of glue and creases. If you see the inscription "parfume" on the box, then do not even stop at such perfumes. They are not made in France or even in Europe. Therefore, this is correct "parfum", but in - "perfume". In addition, the box must have the inscription "Made in ...". If simply "France" is indicated, or any countries, for example, "London-Paris-New-York", then this perfume also forged.

Try shaking the box a little. If they are made by their legitimate manufacturer, then the bottle inside should not hang out. If you buy perfume in an elite expensive store, then they have without fail There should be a demo bottle. Consider the bottle. She must be perfect. The glass should be transparent, without any defects, let alone air bubbles. The color of the perfume should not be bright chemical shades. Their consistency may be slightly oily.

And last but not least, look at the label. In no case should it be glued to the bottom. The name of the perfume, together with the serial real manufacturer, is applied directly to the side of the glass.

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If you follow a few simple rules by applying eau de toilette or perfume, their fragrance will last longer.


Use toilet water only on a clean and damp body immediately after a shower, then the fragrance will last a long time.

Do not mix different perfume compositions on the body. The smells of shampoo, deodorant or other cosmetics with perfume may not be combined and produce a negative effect.

Apply a drop of perfume to areas where the veins are close. In these places, the skin is the warmest - temples, wrists, elbows, carotid artery.

On clothes, the scent of eau de toilette or perfume lasts for a long time. Best of all, the smell retains knitwear, wool and fur. But do not forget that it can leave stains on the fabric, and sometimes discolor it. Therefore, it is better to apply perfume on inside clothes.

Do not use the same fragrance for more than a month, as it can become boring and disgusting. Very often the scent you liked in winter period, in warm weather may seem uncomfortable.

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Male Choice perfume- the process is pleasant, but long and painstaking. You will need to listen as sensitively as possible to your own feelings and go to the store more than once to find exactly the scent that you need.


Decide which occasions and seasons you're looking for: whether it's a summer party perfume or a winter scent for daytime use in the office. These parameters will need to be called to the sales assistant in the perfume shop.

Deciding on several options perfume that may interest you, go to a specialized one. Choose salons that have managed to create a good reputation for themselves and are not associated with scandals and rumors about fake products.

Try a few selected scents. First, apply them on a paper strip. Sniff no more than three options in one trip to the store perfume- after that, the perception will become dull.

Drop your favorite copy for yourself, but do not rub. During the day, “listen” to the smell several times. First 10-15 minutes after application to hear the top notes. Then after 40 minutes, when the "heart" of the fragrance opens. Finally, evaluate the smell at the end of the day. If you still like it and do not cause irritation, you can perfume.


Do not rush to buy men's perfume that you liked on another person. The same composition on each person is revealed in a new way.

Useful advice

If you want to harmonize with your soulmate, take a closer look at her perfume. It is possible that the manufacturer also produces a male version of this fragrance.

The absence of the smell of perfume a few hours after application causes bewilderment and annoyance. In order for a thin trail to remain from a perfume, it is necessary to choose the right perfume.

Choosing a perfume according to the time of year

Many people, when choosing perfumes, are guided only by the fact that they like the smell or not. Not everyone thinks that perfume should correspond to the season. For example, in winter, fresh, citrus and light aromas are inappropriate only for the reason that at this time they are poorly felt. Perfumes with similar smells should be used in the summer. In winter, eau de parfum is best. Sweet fragrances are also suitable for summer, and autumn has the smell of fruits and flowers.

Choosing a perfume according to skin type

It happens that perfumes disappoint with their instability just because they do not suit the type of skin. In this sense, the owners of dry skin are the least fortunate: aromas do not stick well on it. The reason lies in the fact that due to lack of moisture, the skin absorbs the contained oil, and this leads to the fact that the perfume quickly evaporates. Perfumed water in such cases is preferable, and its smell should be more saturated and tart.

How to apply perfume correctly

The smell of perfume will help keep some tricks:

Putting perfume on clothes would be a mistake. There will be a mixing of perfume smells and washing powder, which can change the flavor beyond recognition.