Business on the individual tailoring of women's underwear. Business features and useful tips. Business in the trade of underwear and tights

The Japanese say that we wear underwear 23 hours a day. We don’t know where the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun have already gone for another hour, but the fact remains: underwear is the only clothes that people wear all year round day and night.

Therefore, the business of selling spicy wardrobe items may seem like an island of stability to many, because there is always a demand for underwear. But opening your own lingerie store is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. The entrepreneur will begin to understand this already at the very beginning of the journey, when he will be determined with the assortment.

Where to begin?

Anyone who wants to open his own lingerie store first of all needs to decide what exactly he wants to sell. Linen can be divided into several different categories:

Women's, men's and children's;

Everyday and special occasions;

Corset and non-corset;

Budget, mid-range and luxury.

It is easy to get confused in all this diversity, and therefore, without knowing the question, it is difficult to make a choice. To decide what to sell, you need to study the market and see what competitors offer. To do this, you will have to go through similar stores in your area or the whole city, if it happens in a small village.

By the way, in a small town you can often talk to salespeople in stores and find out how things are going, see with your own eyes how many buyers are in the store on weekdays and weekends.

It is very important to avoid duplication of brands offered by competitors.

After you understand what is more than enough on the market, and what it really lacks, you need to decide what kind of assortment to sell and what the concept of your store will be.

It should be noted that most often in Russian stores women's corset underwear of different brands is presented. Although there are often mono-brand stores. Whether to work with different brands or represent one is up to you.

Personal experience

The specificity of our stores is that we did not look for a manufacturer and did not evaluate the market. We just understood that at that time there was very little quality men's underwear. And what the Gunze brand offered was very new and interesting for us. That is why the choice fell on him.

But stores are flooded with lingerie for a reason: it sells best. Women go shopping more, they are more willing to make purchases, including men's underwear. Often girls come to the store, choose something for themselves, and only then buy underwear for their husband.

That is why it is worth forming the assortment of the store from women's and men's underwear in a ratio of 70:30. But in our practice the situation is different: the manufacturer specializes mainly in men's underwear. Therefore, the picture in our stores is different. 50% of the revenue comes from men's underwear, 30% from women's, and the rest comes from sales of socks and tights.

Next, you should choose the price segment with which you want to work. Most often it is recommended to work with the middle price category: it is more stable, more people they buy it. But keep in mind that during a crisis this segment is the most vulnerable. Those who bought luxury underwear continue to buy it, but consumers of medium-priced underwear often “flow” into a more budget category.

But what you should not do is to mix different price categories in one store. Buyers who come for expensive luxury underwear, seeing cheaper T-shirts nearby, are embarrassed and leave. And those who want to choose something for themselves average price, may first of all notice something expensive and leave without realizing that their price category is also represented in the store.

When choosing a price segment, consider which city you work in. It is believed that in small towns, budget and medium-priced linen is best sold. But a more reliable indicator, after all, is not the size of the city, but the income level of its population. Residents of small oil-producing towns and cities in middle lane In Russia, they can be radically different. And where incomes are not high, it makes no sense to offer “luxury”: no one will buy it anyway.

Investment size

It is difficult to say exactly how much you will have to invest in opening a lingerie store. Investments can be as much as 2 million (200 thousand rubles, in the case of a small settlement with cheap rent and Chinese assortment) rubles, or 7 million rubles or more. It all depends on a lot of factors, primarily on the region where you will work.

It's no secret that rental rates are different everywhere. If, for example, one average rate is adopted in Tver, then in Moscow its size can be ten times higher. The place where exactly you are trying to rent a retail space also plays a role: it is one thing - a regional shopping center on the outskirts, quite another - popular untwisted shopping centers.

Please note that most shopping centers require you to pay an additional deposit.

In addition to renting, you will also need to make repairs in the room, which will also cost a pretty penny.

The second major item of expenditure at the initial stage is the purchase of goods. Nothing concrete can be said here either. A lot depends on the volume of purchase, the conditions of the supplier, the selected price segment. In addition, there are not so many Russian lingerie manufacturers, which means that you will most likely have to buy things from foreign brands. The exchange rate is constantly fluctuating, and today you can order goods for one amount, and tomorrow - the same assortment may turn out to be much more expensive.

Current expenses

Step-by-step instruction

So, in order to open a lingerie store, you first need to study the market and decide on the assortment, find a room for your business, and then proceed to search and order commercial equipment. (Equipment supplier must be sought in the process of searching for premises, and of course, it is necessary to order after finding the premises.)

Commercial equipment should be simple, light and convenient. Keep in mind that you may need to move at any time. For example, in a shopping center, a room in a more passable place may become vacant. If your equipment is designed for a particular room, it will be very difficult to successfully place it in another. Therefore, the equipment must be mobile, consist of blocks.

When choosing equipment suppliers, you need to be very careful. There is always a risk that having paid a lot of money for equipment, you will never get it.

Often, suppliers do not meet delivery deadlines.

Therefore, it is desirable to work with large suppliers who have proven themselves in the market and value their reputation. Either you can walk around the city's clothing and underwear stores and try to get information (not everyone is ready to share it), from whom they ordered the equipment you liked, or the second - find out through friends on the recommendation.

Commodity content

By the time of the purchase of goods, you should already decide on the price segment, assortment content and the list of brands with which you intend to cooperate. It is best to visit an exhibition that is regularly held in Moscow and get acquainted with the products various manufacturers, find out the working conditions and personally communicate with representatives in the Russian market.

Keep in mind that the assortment should be varied. This applies to both models and sizes. It is not only possible, but also necessary, to combine basic underwear with sets for special occasions in one store. After all, your target audience - women - buys both.

The store must have underwear of non-standard sizes for both large women and miniature ones.

Of course, not all brands provide such an opportunity. For example, we work with a Japanese brand, and its size range is appropriate. There is simply nothing for large women.

In the first months of work, it is better to order each type of product in small volumes. This will allow you to understand what is not selling very well, and refuse it at the next order. Keep in mind that the assortment needs to be constantly changed, tracking consumer demand. It tends to change: it happens that some position this year is a bestseller, and next year it is almost not in demand.

In order not to end up in a situation where all the most running dimensions and the models are already sold out, and the next delivery is not soon, you need to constantly monitor the inventory balances. The frequency of deliveries depends on many factors: the remoteness of the supplier, the conditions of the order.

It is also necessary to ensure that the linen does not become obsolete morally. Regular customers will be waiting for new products. Most brands release new collections twice a year, some more frequently. And as a new collection appears, you need to bring it to your store, especially if you work with one brand. It all depends on the terms of delivery of a particular supplier. Some only sell pre-order collections, while others, especially multi-brand wholesalers, always have stock in stock and can be ordered as needed.


In a lingerie store, you will need at least two sales assistants who will work in shifts. It is desirable that one of them also perform the functions of an administrator, so as not to hire another person for this position. Or you yourself take on the function of the administrator.

Two people - the minimum number of sellers for a standard store with an area of ​​15-30 sq.m. But if you are going to open a larger store, for example, with an area of ​​40-50 sq.m, there will again be more goods in it, which means that more sellers will be required on the trading floor.

Work in shopping centers also imposes special requirements. The fact is that they usually have a fixed working day, which sometimes is 12 hours or more. And the opening hours of your store cannot differ from the opening hours of the shopping center itself. At the same time, a 12-hour worker is too hard for sellers. That is, you need to divide it between two sellers so that one works in the first half of the day, and the other in the second. Thus, you will need at least 3 people going out in different shifts.

Sellers perform a range of responsibilities in addition to working directly with buyers. They keep cash books, are engaged in administration (accepting complaints, suggestions), keep order in the trading floor, accept and lay out goods, check price tags. But the most important thing is, of course, the ability to communicate with customers.

The staff is the most important thing in the store

Opening hours and discount system

The question often arises as to how to set store opening hours. If you decide to settle in the shopping center, the issue has already been resolved for you. But if you chose street retail, you can vary the opening hours. To get an idea of ​​what time to open and close, estimate the pedestrian traffic nearby. In those hours when people practically do not walk by, there is no point in working.

A good way to attract customers is to hold all kinds of promotions and provide discounts. As a rule, such a move helps to stimulate sales of a product that does not sell very well, and positions that remain in unpopular sizes.

Also good decision- provide seasonal discounts and have a discount program for regular customers. In general, in this area it is better to work with regular customers. They are already “warm” and know your product well.

Don't underestimate the importance of placement for a store. At the same time, it is important not only that there is a good pedestrian flow, but also that you get to your target audience. If you're going to sell luxury lingerie, choose an area where wealthier people live or places they go to. And vice versa, if your assortment is budget linen, you need to choose the appropriate area.

Still, it is best to stay in a shopping center: there is more traffic and you will be noticed faster there. But there is one catch:

if you don't have a name and you don't franchise a famous chain, no one will let you choose where you want to stand.

Most likely, you will be offered the very backyards, and you will have to choose from what is. Therefore, it is better to rush not to one particular shopping center, but to go around several, see what they offer you, compare conditions.

The area of ​​the premises will depend on the assortment of the store. On average, it is recommended to open on an area of ​​15-30 sq.m. Smaller area is undesirable:

very small store - very small assortment - very little revenue.

All documentation for the premises and all requirements, such as availability fire alarm, in shopping centers are decided by their owners. That is, if the premises are rented out as a store, then all the documentation must be issued by the landlord.

There are no strict requirements for repairs: this is still not a pharmacy or food production. Therefore, it all depends on your imagination. The only thing I would like to focus on is good lighting. Save on lighting fixtures is not worth it.

In a shopping center, as a rule, you provide your design project, and the administration either approves it or suggests changing something.


There are no special permits or licenses for the underwear trade. The main thing you need is to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur, register with the tax office and conclude a lease agreement.

Choosing an individual entrepreneur or LLC is your own business. It is much easier to register an individual entrepreneur, and it is easier to deal with taxation, but remember that in this case you are responsible for your property.

Market research suggests that lingerie is an almost perfect product, as it is the last thing women will save on. Of course, most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, faced with a choice - a new pan or a set of lacy underwear, will prefer the latter option. Why? It is logical that kitchen utensils do not affect the taste of soup, while beautiful underwear significantly raises women's self-esteem. Yes, and any adequate person understands that our life is too short, which means that you should not spend it in washed underpants.

Therefore, underwear is in constant demand, which depends little on seasonality, the economic situation in the country and other factors. It’s easy enough to enter the niche where they sell openwork beauty - you don’t need a huge start-up capital or any serious professional knowledge. Consider the step-by-step process of creating your own store, in which linen will be traded.

How to open a lingerie store from scratch?

Selling underwear as a business today is a promising line of business for a number of reasons:

  • Linen is one of those wardrobe items that everyone needs: women, men, children (therefore, demand will not be long in coming with a competent approach to business).
  • The product in question does not have seasonality and is necessary for people both in hot summers and frosty winters.
  • The markup on products usually ranges from 100-300%. Agree, not many market industries can boast of such an extra charge.
  • Underwear does not have any expiration date and takes up very little space, so there is no need for a warehouse for its storage. Also, the compactness of the product will significantly save on renting a room.

Important: underwear can be classified not only by the type of potential consumers (men's, women's, children's), but also in accordance with segments (branded, knitwear, lace, erotic, etc.).

Thus, underwear is a commodity that will always be in demand, regardless of the income level of the population. However… in order to build a business and stay afloat, it is important to approach each stage of creating your own business thoughtfully and competently. Let's discuss what steps aspiring businessmen need to take to open a lingerie store from scratch. Suppose that the beautiful half of humanity will be offered lingerie of the middle price category(from 1000-1500 rubles per set), as it is currently the most best option, because to start with the sale of elite and expensive sets quite difficult - not the fact that there are many who want to. But it also makes no sense to trade frankly cheap stuff - it's so easy to lose the respect of customers.

Business registration

If you are confident in choosing a field, then you should think about where to start? Of course, with the execution of the relevant documentation. The situation in our state, as in all others, can be easily characterized by a joke: “without a piece of paper you are an insect, but with a piece of paper you are a person.” Similarly, business conducted without registration is absolutely illegal and punishable.

Law-abiding future businessmen need to decide which format to prefer: a limited liability company (LLC) or individual entrepreneur(IP)? There is one interesting nuance here - a certain mythical idealization of IP by our society. For some reason, LLC causes unaccountable fear in people. It's as if by designing it, you are letting a blood-sucking vampire into your business day and night. It is clear that taxes, etc. are meant here. While IP, according to many, is the lesser of evils. But! Why? Individual entrepreneurs pay mandatory pension (26,545 rubles in 2018) and medical contributions (5,840 rubles in 2018) for themselves every year. Plus tax. Even in the absence of activity, mandatory contributions will have to be made. With an LLC, the situation is somewhat different - it all depends on how many people are employed and whether the organization works. If you think about the reporting that will need to be submitted, then there are no significant differences - in the case of an LLC, bookkeeping is no more complicated than IP documentation. Now the policy of the Government of the Russian Federation is aimed at reducing the number of individual entrepreneurs, so the conditions for their work are gradually tightening. For example, from the summer of 2018, the presence of a cash register for individual entrepreneurs will become mandatory. If we talk about the taxation system that will need to be chosen, then usually businessmen prefer the simplified tax system or UTII.

Important: when deciding what to issue - an individual entrepreneur or LLC, remember - an individual entrepreneur is liable for debts accumulated in the process of doing business with his property (apartment, car, etc.), LLC - only authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is currently 10,000 rubles. Then it turns out that if you are an individual entrepreneur and the business went bankrupt, leaving large debts, you can easily be left without pants in the truest sense of the word. In this situation, you are unlikely to be comforted even by beautiful underwear.

If we consider the process of registering a business in a complex way, then it includes the following:

  • Registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur (at the registration stage it will be necessary to open a bank account, select a taxation system and OKVED codes).
  • Search for premises for trade.
  • Conclusion of a contract for the lease of space.
  • Purchase of a cash register.

Important: now the requirements for cash registers are at the stage of reform, therefore, when opening a store, one should act in accordance with the new version of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 N 54-ФЗ “On the use of cash registers in cash settlements and (or) settlements using electronic means of payment.

Premises selection

Choice suitable place for trade sometimes plays a crucial role in business. This is intuitively clear to any person. How not to turn the wrong way at the very beginning of the road? Oddly enough, but the selection of premises should be based on the field of activity. For example, those who open a bridal salon , do not depend so much on the location of the point, since they usually go there purposefully, and there are not as many such companies as shops with underwear. The most romantic wardrobe items are sometimes acquired by women spontaneously - they saw a beautiful set behind the glass, and that's it, the haunting thought arose that it was just a first necessity! The most important and vital thing. Therefore, it is important that as many people as possible see your shop window and sign. When choosing a room, you should decide on the format of the store:

  • Large salon with a wide product range and different price categories - high and medium. Usually a large area is required, such as an entire building. Renting in a shopping center, which is characterized by high traffic, is also suitable. It is logical that such a scope will need to be supported by a rather large start-up capital.
  • A small store can fit in a modest area of ​​even 20 square meters. It is better to find a shopping center where there are no outlets selling underwear yet. You can also find a room on the ground floor in a building located on a busy street in the city center.
  • An online store is the easiest in terms of organization. All you need is storage space. Track orders really directly from the comfort of your home.

Important: it is worth paying close attention to competitors: if there is already a lingerie store near the place that you liked, then think about whether you are ready for a tough fight for potential buyers Or is it better to find another place? Can you offer consumers something that sets you apart from the crowd?

Formation of the assortment

So, you have registered as a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, found a wonderful place that meets all the requirements - good traffic, adequate rent, no need to make repairs, etc. What next? What to trade and where to get the goods? First you need to deal with the range. The standard offers of lingerie stores are:

  • Underwear sets;
  • Bras and panties (incomplete);
  • Underwear for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Pajamas, bathrobes, T-shirts;
  • Combinations, peignoirs, bodysuits, corsets, etc.;
  • Swimwear;
  • Leggings, leggings;
  • Tights, stockings, socks.

Remember that the bras and panties included in the set are sold separately by good brands, that is, both items of clothing have their own price, so that customers can easily choose the right size.

Important: when forming the composition of the products offered, it is important to pay attention to the model and size ranges. Demand is both basic underwear, necessary for absolutely everyone, and delicate and beautiful sets purchased for special occasions. There is a special situation with sizes, since not all women fit into the Hollywood standards of 90-60-90, which does not interfere with the desire to look good and wear beautiful and high-quality underwear. Therefore, if you want to compare favorably with competitors, then it is best to provide a choice to all customers - both miniature-thin and pleasantly round.

The list presented above refers to women's needs, if desired, you can immediately include men's and children's underwear in the assortment. Although some entrepreneurs prefer to wait a while, tracking profits, and only then expand the product line if things go well.

Supplier selection

It is important to responsibly approach the choice of a supplier, otherwise you risk losing the money invested. You can, without thinking, buy a wagon and a small cart of goods that simply will not be in demand, remaining gathering dust on hangers. What, as a rule, do women want to receive in most cases? It's simple - beautiful, modern and high-quality underwear. It is probably difficult to find a company whose product line would fully meet the needs of a businessman, so be prepared to search for several counterparties. Before concluding an agreement, make sure that the other party is honest - now you can easily find out about taxes by last name.

Typically, the store is filled with goods in the following ways:

  • Order goods directly from the factory;
  • Cooperation with wholesale suppliers;
  • The range is supplied as part of a franchise.

If we talk about the latter option, then the franchise allows a novice businessman to relax and surrender to the hands of professionals, since usually the product line has long been formed and tested by time. You don't have to think about which bra models girls like the most. However, one must understand that most often the work on a franchise involves the presence of a solid start-up capital. If you have such opportunities, then you can pay attention to the brands V.I.P.A and INCANTO.

Of course, not many people have the money for a franchise, so there are options for purchasing from the factory and from wholesalers. It is logical that the second option is more convenient - you can purchase several brands of underwear at once, however, in the first case, prices will be lower. Typically, entrepreneurs prefer an integrated approach. How to choose a supplier? There are no particular difficulties if you analyze the market and demand, that is, to understand which brands are popular with women. If we talk about the optimal ratio of price and quality, then we can take note of the following brands of underwear:

  • Milavitsa - Belarusian underwear, different modern design, high quality, practicality and beauty. Marketing researches say that this brand is one of the most recognizable and popular in Russia.
  • LAUMA LINGERIE is Baltic underwear made from high quality fabrics. A nice feature is a large range in size ranges.
  • Infinity is a brand with a wide range of products: women's, men's, children's underwear, swimwear, hosiery, accessories, etc.
  • Intri is a Russian company that produces high-quality underwear, made taking into account the anthropometric data of our population.

Of course, the list is endless - now there is just a sea of ​​​​underwear manufacturers that meet all needs. Foreign brands are also popular with customers, for example, Victoria's Secret is an American company that delights women with unusual model designs and a variety of choices.

Important: starting trading, do not immediately rush into all serious, collecting contractors, brands of underwear and betting on quantity. It is best to choose two or three suppliers. After a month, you can analyze the result of the work and understand what is most in demand. Then the assortment should be adjusted.

Purchase of equipment

Businessmen understand that any trade is impossible without advising equipment. Let's think about what items can be attributed to the essentials when opening a lingerie store?

Firstly, it is important to present the goods favorably: as a rule, this is done in several ways - linen is placed on hangers, displayed in showcases, laid out on shelves. Think over ergonomics, take care of customers even at the stage of “came in just to look” - people should be comfortable viewing the assortment, picking it up, etc. Showcases should be given Special attention, since women choose primarily with their eyes, so it’s easy and simple to interest them - lace, bows and flowing fabrics attract beauties like a magnet. The best option for shop windows are mannequins that imitate a full-length human figure. Of course, they are much more expensive, but underwear also makes a much greater impression on them, causing a desire to immediately try on and buy beauty. When placing goods, do not forget about the basic rules of merchandising, since with proper hanging of underwear and a logical layout of other goods, the amount of profit increases significantly.

Secondly, it is necessary to create the most convenient conditions for customers. How? Bright and spacious fitting rooms with large mirrors. It should be borne in mind that girls who choose new clothes need to hang their things somewhere, as well as put a bag. Many people ignore these simple needs, but bare “booths” with a single hook, on which you can’t even hang a jacket, look like it will fall off, and quite logically repel customers with a muddy mirror.

Thirdly, do not forget about those who often accompany beautiful ladies, and are also often a sponsor in the purchase of lingerie sets. Yes, it’s boring for men to stand and wait for the woman they love to try on a pile of lace, so a mini-sofa or a banquette will come in handy, where a person can sit, waiting for his companion to make purchases. A table on which you will lay out catalogs with new collections of underwear, as well as auto magazines and a couple of business ones, will not hurt either. Everyone remembers the saying: “he who pays orders the music”, which means that if you create comfortable conditions for men, then next time they will prefer your store, because while the wife will rush between the ruffles of different colors, the husband will sit quietly on couch while reading a magazine or dreaming about opening a draft beer shop.

In summary, we will compile a list that reflects the minimum equipment requirements:

  • Racks for goods;
  • Showcase in the checkout area;
  • Hangers for underwear;
  • Mannequins;
  • Mirrors;
  • Curtains for fitting rooms;
  • Hangers for fitting rooms;
  • Sofa for those waiting;
  • Coffee table;
  • Equipment required for a cashier;
  • The working area of ​​the cashier is a table, a chair.

Personnel attraction

Even if the underwear you offer is the most beautiful in the world, it won't sell on its own. We need people who are competent in the process of trading. How to select staff? What to pay attention to? It is intuitively clear to many that it is better to invite girls as sellers so that clients do not feel embarrassed. Not everyone is ready to approach a young man (even if he is a seller) and ask him about the sizes of bras and panties. And where to find a miracle man who understands these subtleties? In other words, to begin with, it is worth hiring two women consultants. You will also need two cashiers and an accountant. The latter can not be taken on a staff, but simply use the services of a visitor. If your business involves a very small format, then try to get by with two sellers working in shifts, hoping that they will also perform the functions of a cashier. A cleaning lady is also needed - in shopping centers it is possible to conclude a contract for cleaning, then there is no need to allocate a working unit. Some businessmen use the option when sellers clean the premises at the end of the shift for an extra charge.

Important: staff must be friendly, polite and competent. It will be great if the seller has basic knowledge in the field of psychology, as it is sometimes difficult to find an approach to some buyers without understanding people. It is very important that the consultant is really well versed in the world of lingerie and related products, since many clients need help in choosing. Men who want to buy gifts often cannot do without a consultation, as they sometimes do not even know the names of many cute little things that make up the assortment of a lingerie store. That is why, as a seller, choose a person who understands brands and models, sizes and colors. But it is worth understanding that knowledge alone is not enough, the main role is played by an individual approach to each buyer.

Conducting an advertising campaign

Now the idea that "advertising is the engine of trade" is not in vain firmly planted in human brains. Certainly, high level competition simply does not give entrepreneurs the opportunity to sit still, doing nothing to attract buyers. When opening a new store, you can not ignore advertising or save on it, as there may not be a second chance. And it’s best to start “from the stove”, that is, come up with a name that will be easy to remember and well perceived by women. The scope for imagination is huge - you can focus on the theme of the store ("Strap", "Openwork Paradise"), on catchy names ("Angelica", "Victoria"), on playfulness ("Adult fairy tales", "Temptation"), etc. d. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to study the competitors and not dwell on similar names. A bright and conspicuous sign is also a must - to design it, the best option would be to turn to good designer, because she is the “face” of the store, forming the first impression about it. Next, you should think about advertising campaign, which most often includes the following points:

  • Official site or groups in social networks. Of course, you can do both. Now only the completely lazy do not sit on the Internet, so the presence of a group, for example Vkontakte, is a huge plus if you really deal with the page: update photos, sign prices, answer questions, post information about modern fashion trends in the world of lingerie. Of course, the group will need to be advertised, but the cost of this will quickly pay off, since advertising on the Web allows you to attract a large number of new clients.
  • Advertising on radio and television. Here it is worth considering the specifics of your city, since in some places television commercials bring excellent results, and in others - zero. To decide, consult with experts after learning about audience coverage and statistics.
  • Business cards, leaflets, booklets. You can distribute them in different ways - by agreement, leave them in other stores (for example, in wedding salons), distribute them in a shopping center or on the street, put them in mailboxes, etc.
  • Gift certificates. This is a must for any lingerie store, as many people buy certificates as a gift, not being able to make their own choice or being afraid to guess wrong with the present. Order beautiful, designer postcards with different denominations - let the certificate be a work of art, and not just a cardboard box with numbers and a seal, because in the first case it is more pleasant to give it and receive it.
  • Discount cards. When applying for a card, you can ask customers for a phone number or e-mail, so that later they can send mailing lists with information about the arrival of a new collection or about discounts.
  • Promotions, discounts, gifts. In honor of the opening of the store, you can immediately give a discount to all customers. Or give a present. For example, when buying a set of underwear - stockings as a gift. And do not forget about promotions for a minute - the mentality of our women is such that they want new underwear, but at the same time there is also a desire to save money, which means that the magic word "discounts" often deprives beautiful ladies of the opportunity to think adequately: you need everything at once, but discounts ! As a result, it is good for both women and undoubted profit for businessmen.

If you open a lingerie store not only for the desire to make money, but because you are interested in this area, then there will be no problems with advertising - it will be instinctively clear what to do.

Business plan for a lingerie store

Of course, it’s nice to fantasize about opening your own business based on lace and negligees, but without competent calculations, you risk getting a closed store and a lifetime supply of panties and socks for every taste. It’s great when people starting a business have desires that coincide with opportunities, but this doesn’t happen so often, so when drawing up a business plan for a lingerie store, you should focus on your start-up capital. Consider the main expenses that are primarily needed when opening a retail outlet:

That is, the initial investment is approximately 610 thousand rubles. In addition, the following monthly expenses will be required:

In addition to the above, each quarter the LLC will need to pay income tax (for example, 6% if the tax regime of the USN "Income" is selected). Do not forget that the assortment will have to be updated periodically, which will require additional funds.

Let's discuss the payback of the business - suppose that the store is located in a shopping center with good traffic, and the markup on the goods is about 250%. Then:

  • on average, 10 purchases can be made in one day;
  • average check - 1200 rubles;
  • gross profit for one month: 10 * 1200 * 30 \u003d 360,000 rubles;
  • the cost of goods is 144,000 rubles.
  • tax payment - 360,000 * 0.06 = 21,600 rubles;
  • monthly expenses - 110,000 rubles;
  • profit - 84,400 rubles.

Thus, the initial cost will pay off in about seven to eight months. After that, the business will begin to please you with a constant income.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

400 000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

From 6-7 months




A lingerie store may not be the most original business idea, but it is unlikely that it will ever lose its relevance. From the point of view of marketers, lingerie is an ideal product on which the beautiful half of humanity will save at the very least.

Lingerie, like other toilet items, tends to wear out, go out of fashion, lose its relevance, or simply annoy its owner. Modern Russian women with an average income and above prefer high-quality, beautiful and expensive models. Thus, the demand for underwear is only increasing every year, and even the unfavorable economic situation in our country does not have such a pronounced effect on it.

There are several price segments on the lingerie market: lower, middle, high, luxury lingerie. In the bottom price segment mainly "non-branded" products of Chinese and Korean production are presented. It accounts for about 95% of all products of the lower price segment. The middle segment mainly represents products manufactured in China by order of Russian and European companies. Linen in the high price segment and luxury linen is produced mainly by Western companies (among which Italian companies predominate), including limited collections.

It should be noted that the culture of consumption in our country is still at a very low level. This also applies to underwear. More than half of the buyers are mistaken with the choice of the size they need, but at the same time they are ready to spend much more on underwear. more funds than they could objectively afford. In addition, the stereotype about the dangers of underwear made from fabrics with the addition of synthetic fibers is still widespread.

Profitability of opening a lingerie store

If you are just taking your first steps in this business, experts recommend starting it by studying the market (Russian and regional), as well as the range of your direct competitors. On the one hand, in lingerie, as in clothing, it is important to follow trends in this fashion area, regularly update the lineup and take into account customer demand. On the other hand, due to certain Russian specifics, not all global trends "take root" among domestic consumers. Therefore, at the very beginning of your work, you should not take risks and buy extravagant models just because they are not represented at other points. It is quite possible that there are certain reasons for this.

Although the lingerie business itself is rated as promising, the market itself is already close to glut. This is due to the history of its formation and development in our country. In Soviet times, beautiful underwear was considered a huge shortage. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the domestic market was flooded with foreign-made underwear, which was bought up by Russian women in huge quantities and at any price, regardless of its quality.

Not surprisingly, after more than twenty years, the market is on the verge of saturation. Many representatives of the largest manufacturers note a significant noticeable decline in sales of their products. However, this applies not only to the Russian market, but to the entire industry as a whole. Russian consumers, unlike Western ones, buy new underwear after the old one is demolished, which does not happen so quickly. It also has a significant impact on sales volumes.

There is also a directly opposite point of view on the degree of saturation of the lingerie market. The main argument in this case is the inability domestic manufacturers meet existing demand. But even an increase in production does not guarantee big sales. Till Russian manufacturers linen is difficult to compete with Western companies. To do this, it is necessary to invest a lot of time and effort in personnel training, develop domestic production materials and pay attention not only to quality and design, but also to consumer education.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Another trend can be noted in the Russian lingerie market, which affects the middle price segment, where products of well-known Italian factories are presented. Stamps average cost(within 1000-1500 rubles per set) are very popular among our compatriots, so the number of outlets selling such underwear is increasing every year. The problem is that underwear of the same brands is sold both in stalls in the markets and in specialized stores. In the face of fierce competition, both have to constantly reduce product prices.

At the same time, there is no unified pricing policy that would allow at least partial control of the upper and lower price levels. Thus, the difference in the cost of the same set in the same city, but in different stores, can reach 500 rubles. In Italy, as a solution to this situation, a limit is introduced on the number of outlets in one district. In our country, this option will not "work".

Opening a lingerie store

So, what does it take to open a lingerie store? First, decide on the organizational and legal form and "specialization" of the store. In the first case, there are two main options - to register as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company. For a small store, the IP option is preferable.

You can also choose to sell expensive lingerie, mid-priced lingerie or cheap lingerie, custom-sized lingerie, corset lingerie, erotic lingerie, etc. Experts recommend that aspiring entrepreneurs give preference to mid-priced lingerie with an optimal price-quality ratio. Such underwear is always in demand. To place it, you do not need a lot of space in the warehouse or on the showcase (while expensive underwear requires placement on special mannequins). It is sold with a tangible trade margin, which is about 100%. The markup on expensive underwear will be three times higher, but the costs will also be much more tangible. In addition, keep in mind that high-end and luxury underwear will only be sold in major cities.

The next step is to choose the format of your work. You can open, for example, an online lingerie store. In this case, it is not required big investments rent of commercial space or salaries to salespeople. However, it is impossible to do without start-up capital. There is also a problem with the choice of linen: women prefer to choose it live, and not from a photo in an online store. Some stores offer the service of trying on several sets of linen at the customer's home. If none of them suit her, she only pays for shipping. When you make a purchase, shipping is free.

A lingerie store can also be in the "traditional" version. In this case, the smallest investment will require a retail outlet located in a crowded place and on a busy street or market. The cost of renting a small "patch" is relatively low. However, the assortment of such a point is cheap linen. Chinese made, so her profit will also not be very large.

A more cost-effective, but at the same time costly option is a separate mid-range and high-end lingerie store in a high-traffic shopping center. Minimum area such a store should be from 10 sq. meters. Give preference to a closed room where it is possible to place linen mannequins, racks and counters, mirrors and cash register. Whether a fitting room is needed in a lingerie store or not is an open question. Of course, it is important for the customer to make sure that the set of underwear she has chosen fits perfectly, especially since the purchased underwear is not legally subject to exchange and return.

Ready-made ideas for your business

However, if the customer, after trying on, refused to buy and the goods are returned to the counter again, this will be a gross violation. sanitary norms. Someone negotiates with the checking authorities, someone calls the tried-on, but not bought things “samples”, which supposedly will not go on sale again. What is the best thing to do in this case, to equip a fitting room with the ability to try on the kit you like or not, is up to you. Commercial equipment for the store with total area 10-15 sq. meters will cost about 50-60 thousand rubles. This includes the purchase of hanging mannequins, racks, hangers, mirrors ...

Lingerie store profitability rate

The level of profitability of a lingerie store directly depends on the volume of its sales, and the latter, in turn, is affected by the assortment and location of the outlet. Traditionally, its range of 90-100% consists of models of women's underwear. An insignificant part of it (no more than 10%) can be an additional assortment - men's or children's underwear knitwear. In both cases, there are advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, women tend to buy underwear not only for themselves, but also for their husbands and children. Men, of course, will not go to buy their underwear in a store where the female assortment prevails. On the other hand, in specialized stores with men's underwear, the beautiful half of humanity also make purchases. Another issue is that women who are passionate about choosing underwear for their loved ones can simply forget about other members of their family. For these reasons, even if you prefer a mixed assortment, the proportion of men's and children's underwear should not be strong and large.

But even if your range is limited exclusively to women's models, it will not be easy to find it if you do not have experience in this field. In the middle price segment, Latvian underwear brands Rosme, Lauma, Juria, Roksa, Belarusian Milavitsa, Polish Atlantic and Key, Italian Comet, Lormar and Papillon, Korean Rosa, Rycier, Lolita and Val, as well as some brands of German, French and Russian underwear. But you need to choose not only manufacturers, but also models and sizes. Sizes 75-85 B-D are considered the most popular. But in stock in your store there should be underwear of all sizes, but the number of models of one size may vary. If you do not have experience in wholesale purchases of underwear, then it is better to form an assortment for the model range at first, focusing on your direct competitors.

Do not forget that most customers take underwear in sets. Only about 20-30% buy all items separately. It is most convenient to buy at the wholesale bases of your city. So it will be easier for you, if necessary, to buy the missing size or item for complete set. The purchase of the initial batch of goods will require a minimum of 250-300 thousand rubles. You can get by with less investment, but be prepared for frequent trips to wholesalers. The most popular are kits costing from 350-400 to 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Buying more expensive underwear in large quantities does not make sense.

Lingerie for the store can also be bought directly from manufacturers. Prices in this case will be lower, but the choice of models is not great, because wholesalers have wide selection multiple underwear trademarks. In addition, the minimum quantities of goods from manufacturers will be greater than from wholesalers. Not all small shops "pull" such working conditions.

On the other hand, underwear is an optimal product that does not take up much space for transportation and storage. There are practically no illiquid assets here: fashion trends have little effect on the demand for underwear (especially in our country). Sales of lingerie practically do not depend on the season: the demand for it is consistently high. But still, it is best to protect yourself as much as possible and open several small points around the city at once. In this case, you reduce the likelihood of going “to zero” in an unfavorable season. However, it's not just seasonal. Underwear sales are influenced not only by the economic situation or fashion, but also ... by the location of the store. Experienced entrepreneurs note that the same product may be in different demand in different areas of the same city. Therefore, the opening of two or three points at once allows you to "correct" these differences.

Features of recruitment

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of staff who will work in your store. Preference for obvious reasons is given to girls. However, additional requirements are imposed on potential employees - the ability to determine by eye the size that will suit the customer, choose desired model(which differ anatomically), including for a specific occasion (under the dress specific model, for a romantic evening or daily wear). If the store is located in a shopping center, then a minimum of two sales assistants will be required who will work every other day, seven days a week.

Ready-made ideas for your business

A separate direction for their own business is wholesale sales. Unlike retail, in this case, you should not rely on underwear brands that are popular in our country. It is unlikely that you will be able to compete with already existing firms. Try to find a new manufacturer or manufacturers whose products are not yet so popular on the Russian market. With an optimal combination of price and quality, there will be no shortage of customers. But the initial investment will be much higher than with retail. For the purchase of a consignment of goods for wholesale sales it will take from 1.5-2 million rubles, not including rental costs storage facilities and advertising campaign.

The most effective means of attracting customers is outdoor advertising, advertising on radio, print media, etc. The advertising budget is usually about 10% of the total turnover.

The minimum starting capital for organizing your own lingerie store is about 400 thousand rubles. This includes the rental of premises, the purchase of commercial equipment and the first batch of goods, as well as initial advertising costs. The payback period for such a business is from 6-7 months.

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How to sell underwear correctly and what sales technique will give the best results in your store? You will get answers to these questions on this page. Here you will find all the main rules for selling lingerie. You will learn about speech preparations, scripts and sales scripts. How to make and apply them.

Be patient, there will be a lot of information. Perhaps what you read here will fundamentally change the way you approach lingerie sales.

To get started, just think: why do people who come into your store, do not buy underwear and leave?

Thought?... Well thought?

Here are the standard sellers' explanations for why they can't sell lingerie to customers.

  • Buyers don't need anything right now.
  • We are all expensive
  • Went in just to warm up.
  • This girl was killing time
  • The buyer was angry, not in the mood, etc.

This truth happens sometimes, even quite sometimes, or even very rarely, or even even more rarely.

These are just excuses, behind which there is nothing, nothing at all: no knowledge, no understanding, no skills, no skills, no result.

This is not the fault of the sales people, they are ordinary people, they have not gone to sales training, they do not know what to do in this or that situation, they do not want to read a lot of books for training and generally learn something. It's true.

Here are some of my options for why visitors leave your store without buying underwear.

  • Nothing in the store attracted attention
  • Necessary, but no money to buy something
  • I do not like what the seller offers
  • Don't like the seller (unconsciously)
  • No trust (unconsciously)
  • I need a cheaper option, but they offered an expensive one
  • Get used to buying elsewhere
  • I'm more comfortable with the underwear I'm currently wearing.
  • I really liked the product in another store
  • Wants, but feel sorry for the money (toad strangles)
  • Doesn't believe what the seller says (deliberately)
  • Wants to bargain (sports interest, but in your store they don’t like sports)
  • Wants to save
  • Doesn't understand the value of the product
  • Didn't expect it to be so expensive
  • Wants to buy, but leaves to compare with other stores/departments
  • I'm not sure what to buy right now, etc. etc...

Why all this?

Yes, people have many real reasons refuse to buy. Moreover, most of these reasons are created by the seller through his actions or inaction.

But not every salesperson is talented. Tell you. He's not a psychic to read people's minds. How should he act?

Yes, he is not a psychic, but special talent is not required from him. In thousands of successful companies, from fast food companies like McDonalds to automakers like Mercedes, salespeople use sales scripts (speech blanks) to work with customers. They have a set of templates and apply them in their work. Almost every successful lingerie network company like Incanto has a corporate sales book (scripts).

Due to written sales scripts, well-known lingerie stores practically do not suffer from staff turnover, because they can train new salespeople as quickly and easily as possible. They just need to select the right people capable of such work and that's it. No complicated learning. Everything is simple. The only thing to do is to control the execution of sales scripts, especially at first. You can do this yourself, while in the store and listening to what and how your sellers say, or with the involvement of a mystery shopper (for hire or a friend / girlfriend). As easy as pie!

Help your salespeople, yourself and your business. Write it yourself or order the writing of sales scripts and speech blanks that are suitable for your store. Each individual store needs to write its own sales scripts. There are no universal sales scripts for everyone at once.

The fact is that each lingerie store sells goods of different price categories, each store has its own competitive advantages, different positioning, customers of different income levels and positions, etc. All this should take into account the sales script. If your outlet is located in a gated complex with a bus station, then you need an aggressive sales script. If you get the main profit from regular customers, then this will be a different script. If you sell fashionable and bright youth collections from the inexpensive segment, then this is one situation. If you sell expensive classic lingerie, then another. In general, I think the train of thought is clear.

You need your own unique phrases, your own set of stages and structure, your own catchy words, your own meanings, etc.

You can’t take a sales script from one application and use it in your own conditions, in a completely different context. The result may be the opposite of what was intended. Writing a sales script is a delicate matter that requires understanding and patience.

To write competent and working sales scripts, you need to understand how to make it very difficult for a buyer to refuse you.

In general, there are two types of failures: logical and emotional.

There are few logical reasons to refuse a purchase, and they are clearly formulated in a dozen phrases.

But there can be many emotional rejections, as well as emotions, but the main emotional component that kills the sale is the lack of trust.

The professionalism of the seller lies in the ability to inspire confidence and other necessary emotions in the buyer. The rest will be much easier to do.

Often the buyer acts instinctively without thinking. And the two strongest instincts are flight and rejection. There is also the instinct of self-affirmation, which finds its use if the buyer refuses you. He becomes the master of the situation and is emotionally saturated, while the inexperienced salesman goes into an emotional minus.

Seller or buyer. Who will win?

When selling, do not give the buyer reasons to refuse you, work with objections competently and you will come to victory with him.

Which stages of working with a buyer cause difficulties for sellers and are described by scripts:

  • Starting a conversation
  • Establishing contact
  • Identification of needs
  • Selection of options
  • Sale of fittings
  • Up sell (selling a more expensive product) and cross sell (upselling)
  • Work with objections
  • Completion of the sale

Rules you need to know when writing and using sales scripts.

  • Do not argue with the client if you want to sell something to him, do not prove the rightness or superiority.

The buyer will get negative emotion and go into a defensive position, and you will not sell even a great set of underwear at the lowest price.

An example of how to always agree with a client, even if he makes impossible demands:

You can sell this kit for 50% off, this price suits me.

Usually- Of course not. It's impossible.

Need- Of course, I would give you a discount and more if we charged 200% on top. I really like you, but...

Remember, you are working for the result. For the result, you need to do everything right, even if you don’t like it for some reason.

  • Get the client to talk more.

Each additional word of the seller is the risk of rejection. Reduce risks to a minimum.

Often a person already wants to buy something, but then some extra phrase sounds from the seller, which causes additional doubts for the client, and he refuses to buy.

Understand, people love, especially women, to be listened to. If you have started a conversation with a buyer, let him talk more, then your chances of success will increase. You only need to conduct a dialogue in the direction you need, and sales scripts will help you with this.

  • Use the wording you instead of me.

Usually I can offer you something...

Need- You can choose something...

Everything is clear here, people do not want to hear about you, they want to hear about themselves.

The primary task of the seller is to inspire confidence on the part of the buyer. If there is no trust, then any cool sales techniques may not work.

Trust is caused by both non-verbal and verbal (speech) techniques.

To build trust, you first need to establish contact.

How to understand that the contact is established.

If the buyer answers questions, asks for an opinion, smiles, speaks more than you, accepts compliments, calls you by name (for this, sellers must have badges), then this indicates a connection has been established.

How to take a good position in a conversation.


Quite often, sellers express their opinion, thereby indicating their position on the subject of conversation. But your opinions may not coincide, and then an internal conflict occurs in the client’s head.


1) - You have chosen an uncomfortable bra, look better at this one.

I trust my choice and want to try on what I chose.

2) - Show me that robe over there.

I think you won't like it when you try it on.

I know better.

If your opinions are the same, then there will be no conflict.

Opinions should only be expressed when a good rapport is established, or if the buyer asks for your opinion, or if you are having an aggressive quick sale.

The more opinions you express, the higher the chance of disagreement with the opinion of the client.

The stronger you stand on any position or defend your case, the more the client resists. Sometimes you won't hear it, it will happen in his head.

How to do.

To designate a position, you need to correctly formulate questions, not answer the buyer’s questions unambiguously, if his opinion is not clear, and use words that reduce categoricalness (this happens, maybe not quite like that, most likely, sometimes).

If your position is not clear, then there are no contradictions, nothing to argue with.

Usually:- It doesn't suit you.

Need:- I think we can consider more interesting options.

Sometimes, it is possible to smear the rigid and categorical position of the client.

I need a bust at a price of up to 700 rubles. (And we, for example, have the cheapest busts for 800 rubles)

It is clear, as far as I understand, you are focusing on the economy segment. (Trying to push the price range)

If you want to advise something, then first ask permission, especially at the beginning of the conversation.


What to do if the client refuses the received offers and wants to leave.


I don't like what you showed. Uninteresting models. I'll go next time.

Of course you don't like it. Usually, underwear becomes interesting when trying on. I propose to try on these two sets and in the process I will be able to pick up a couple more interesting models.

When working with a buyer, we work with objections up to 3 times in a row. It takes persistence.

If we receive a final rejection, then at parting we must try to create a basis for possible sales in the future.


Thanks for visiting us. Next weekend we will receive a new product, and there will be interesting models for you. I can text you if you want...

Not worth it.

I understand you. If you're still here next weekend - come to us. I will be glad to see you.

own depreciation.

Own depreciation is typical for insecure sellers, it is read by the buyer at an unconscious level. It will be very difficult for you to sell if you devalue yourself, because it will be easy for the buyer to build a line of behavior for refusal, he will have every reason for this.

Signs of own depreciation:

  • shifty eyes and inability to keep the eyes of the buyer
  • excuses and fawning with appropriate intonations
  • sorry for no reason
  • fussiness and uncertainty in speech and movements
  • high pitched voice

How to treat.

You just need to initially not accept insecure sellers. Force to learn speech blanks and possible answers to objections. work out various situations sales scripts as a basis for confident behavior.

Buyer depreciation.

It is mainly expressed intonationally (when something does not suit the seller) and in the hidden sense of expressions. It happens unconsciously, sellers often do not notice it themselves.


Actually, we only sell expensive French lingerie (tonality dyed).

So will you take something or not (with intonational coloring)?

I have been working for ten years, and this is the first time I hear about what you are saying.

Etc. etc.

How to treat.

At sellers - slaps, depremium, dismissal.

At home - train self-control, track the causes of such situations and emotions, give an intellectual assessment of your emotions, you can come up with any suitable punishment for yourself.

Attracting and retaining attention.

Attracting and retaining attention usually happens when a customer enters a store. Also, this need may arise later, when the buyer has already been in the store for some time. In this case, three factors must be taken into account: logical, emotional and temporal.

A person must understand why they attract his attention, see some benefit (logical or emotional) in this.

Attracting and retaining attention must occur at the right time. In general, it is ideal to make an impact on the buyer when he is not distracted by external stimuli for a long time and can completely switch to you. That is, if a person is talking on the phone or explaining something to a child or something else, then at this time you should not interact with him.

Soft script example ( minimum pressure): Buyer only comes in a very large lingerie store.We catch the eye of the buyer. With attention to him, we say:

Hello. I'm a local lingerie guide. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them, just let me know. Make yourself at home.

After a person enters the store, we keep him in sight (we look through). You don’t need to follow him, you need to constantly look at him too. If the buyer has given a signal (a look, a question, he is considering something for a long time, trying to attach a bust to clothes, etc.), then we proceed to the next stage.


Hello. Today, you can buy brands 1, 2 and 3 from us much cheaper than in branded stores. We are often recommended as the most bargain shop. If you need me, just let me know.

This example is given for a department in a large shopping center with large quantity branded lingerie departments. Competitive advantage for the buyer is low prices on the running positions of those brands that are sold in the same shopping center.

The range of these brands is not too large. Other (unique for malls) brands are represented in more a wide range and their prices are higher.

The competitive advantage for the store itself is the maximum profit from one sale, by dragging customers to other more marginal brands and numerous upselling options.

How to write and apply sales scripts yourself.

We write a list of problematic issues and situations. We write options for getting out of them.

Problematic issues should be identified at each stage, without gaps.

Learn from the experience of your successful sellers, and on this basis write sales scripts for the rest. Then you will have fewer problems with implementation, because. most lagging sellers (or new ones) are confident that best sellers know some secret that helps them to do the result. Use this to effectively implement scripts by citing the sales leader as an example.

Play out the scripts you have written within the team live, before implementation. Edit if necessary.

Your speech blanks must be tested before use. They need to be learned by heart, word for word, like poems in school, with expression.

If sellers do not learn scripts, they will think about how they can remember the text in a conversation with the buyer, instead of doing the sale. This will be noticeable and cause negativity on the part of the buyer.

The higher the status of the store, the more mandatory the use of high-quality scripts.

Stage - The beginning of the conversation.

Includes the following sub-steps:

  • greeting self-presentation
  • The meaning of the appeal
  • Obtaining a principal interest
  • Program setting
  • Withdrawal of future objections
  • Reception "Own game"

How to start a conversation with a buyer.

Technique "False Waste"


- (We approach, we smile) Hello, my name is ... I am a consultant ... (the client tenses). If you need advice, please contact me, I'll be here nearby.

(The seller turns around, about to leave, the client relaxes, sometimes calls the seller back. If there is no call, the seller takes a step in the opposite direction, after which he turns around and asks)

By the way, if you are interested in this particular bra, then it has several modifications. Tell me, do you already have some options to choose from?

Technique "Look"

Teach salespeople to catch the customer's eye when they enter or later when the customer is looking around the store. As soon as eye contact is established, the seller evaluates it as a reason to start a conversation and gives a feedback with a smile, facial expressions, gestures (I see you, I’m already running) and hurries (not in a wreck) to the buyer.

After that, it will be more difficult for the buyer to refuse consultations, because. there was a reason - this is eye contact and emotionally positive feedback from the seller.

Technique "Butler"

An employee standing at the entrance (administrator) greets the buyer with a smile and informs him that he will send a personal consultant now.


Hello. We are glad to see you, come into the hall, see everything you like. I will now send a consultant to you, and if you have any questions, he will be happy to answer them.

After the seller's approach, the probability of not accepting the consultation will be much lower, because. the buyer himself enters the administrator zone. Having also caught a glance, the administrator uses it for a response: smile + text. The phrase "I will send" does not require any answer right now, unlike the phrase "Help you?" In this case, a program of action is set. It will be much easier for the seller to approach the buyer and start a conversation.

Technique "Continuing the conversation"

The buyer walks around the trading floor. At the moment when the buyer stops, or considers something, puts a bra on himself (as if trying on), the seller comes up and starts talking (as if he continues the dialogue that has already begun). After voicing the initial information, the question to the buyer must follow.

Reasons and reasons for using the "Continuing the conversation" technique.

Technical data.


This bra has detachable straps and silicone back. What kind of clothes do you choose a bra for?



This lingerie is from the latest collection and very interesting lace is used in it. What size are you wearing?


Use with caution, not for all clients.


This model is chosen by status people who value prestige. Tell me how important this is to you?



This model participates in the action for regular customers. Do you have a loyalty card?

Quantity limit.


This collection is a limited edition and only a few sets remain. I think your size will be. Tell me, are you planning to buy underwear today?



Judging by customer reviews, the underwear of this brand is very comfortable to wear and does not deteriorate during washing. Tell me, are you already familiar with this brand?

Your opinion.

Use with caution, because. opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the buyer.


This bra will go well with your light-colored blouse. Do you have a lot of light tops in your wardrobe?



Great choice, you can immediately see what you have good taste. What exactly attracted you to this dressing gown?

Sense of humor.


All sizes of this model will be sold out soon. Why are the best ones sold out? (with proper intonation)



How good do you think you will be in this bra?

After the conversation has been started, any suitable techniques and techniques can be used.

Greeting and self-presentation.

What can be used:

  • Bright statistics - We are glad to see you in a store with a 30-year history, you can find out from me everything you want about all 15 lingerie brands that are presented to you)
  • Non-standard comparisons - I'm just doing the selection of underwear for magnificent forms, I will be your personal stylist.
  • Mention of famous brands (You can buy from us 1, 2, 3...)
  • Indication of the highest benefits of the buyer from working with us (We dress all the most fashionable girls in the city, I will pick up the perfect lingerie for you as quickly as possible)

You can use turns like this:

  • when women want to find something special, they first come to us;
  • When my friends want to buy underwear, they immediately call me.

Meaning of appeal.

The meaning of why you are addressing a person must be said. Many people think that this is understandable. This is clear to you. And buyers very often do not understand what they want from them, hence the possible negative reactions.

The meaning of the appeal is best served neutrally, without emotional overtones. By pronouncing the meaning of the appeal, we do not devalue ourselves and do not devalue the buyer.


1) - I approached you, because as soon as I saw you, I immediately realized that it could suit you perfectly;

2) - You can ask me any questions if they arise.

Program assignment.

The program is set in order to remove the client's initial fears and describe what will happen and how, naturally, in the order we need.

What may be the initial fears of the client in order not to communicate with the seller:

  • suddenly I don’t like anything, I don’t want to be obliged to the seller (happens unconsciously)
  • I don't want to buy anything now, so I don't want to communicate
  • I don't want to be screwed over again
  • again those annoying appraising looks
  • I don’t have much money, and again they will offer me all the most expensive
  • they will bother me again, I know everything myself, I want to choose my own set, etc.

An example of an aggressive sales script:

Hello, I'm a lingerie consultant. You can... (client interrupts)

I don't plan to buy now. I just went to have a look and take a look.

It's already good. Even if you leave without a purchase, I will be glad to work with you. I just love to chat and pick up underwear. Let's pick up underwear for you at a comfortable price and go to the fitting room so that you can see how it suits you. What do you think?

Usually the seller, if he is interrupted and the conversation is interrupted, starts to mumble and quits working with this visitor. But in this case, we have an aggressive script that assumes that the seller does not let the client go until the very end (push element), until he makes a purchase or makes a final refusal.

If objections are not handled and fears are not removed from the very beginning, then the likelihood of a sale is reduced. Moreover, in this case, we remove fears with the same words that they were voiced. After setting the program, the probability of fitting increases, which in turn increases the likelihood of a sale.

Obtaining a fundamental interest.

The principal interest is the point from which the development of the sale begins. If you get rejected during the sale process, you can always return to the fundamental interest and develop the sale again. This is your safety hook below which you will not fall.

Ways to obtain a principal interest:

  • Reliance on the fact of the visit.


How nice of you to visit us. I assume you want to pick up some underwear. By the way, what exactly do you choose?

  • Reliance on the benefit of the client.


You probably want to find something special for yourself. I can pick up your underwear like a professional stylist. What do you say?

  • Reliance on the fact that a person already walks and chooses underwear.


You still go and choose underwear. Let me advise you. Moreover, it will be much more interesting with me. Waiting for a response

After one of these phrases, you need to pause. The length of the pause should be determined by eye, according to the degree of customer loyalty, according to all external manifestations.

The less loyal the client, the shorter the pause.

After the client's response, we can use his response as insurance against possible objections.

During the conversation, you can return to your insurance.


Well, you agreed that I would help you with the choice. Let me finish the job.

2) - I don't like these models, I'll probably go.

You said you were looking for a classic, sleek bust under your blouse. I have a couple more options for you. Don't quit halfway through what you started.

Removing future objections.

This is a very powerful tool. The meaning is simple. You pre-vaccinate against the most frequent customer objections.

Example (removing the hidden objection "Expensive").

We have underwear in different prices. If the price of something seems high to you, just be honest about it, we will pick up something else.

The complexity of the objection is expensive, lies in the fact that many simply do not voice it and close themselves from buying under other pretexts. Therefore, it is better to avoid such a situation in advance so that a person voices it when it occurs.

You can also work on the preliminary removal of any other frequent objections, such as: I will think, I will come to you later, etc.

Reception "Own game".

You set your own rules (clear selection criteria), limit the buyer's room for maneuver to make it harder for him to refuse your offer.


Understanding that you could look at underwear in other stores and probably already understand what you need, tell me what should be the ideal option for you to choose it?

No, I went to see you first. (a person can answer and yes, it doesn’t matter to us)

Perfectly. And yet, what should be the ideal option for you to choose it?

We need to get clear boundaries (criteria) from the buyer that need to be met (price, quality of materials, exact color, certain type of bra, etc.) If you pick up something within these parameters, then it will be much more difficult to refuse.


From the big personal experience I can say that after the implementation of scripts, sales grow from 20 to 200%. It's not a joke, it's real. It all depends on your current level of sales and the professionalism of the sellers. The lower it is, the higher the results can be.

You can learn more about how to sell underwear correctly, how to write sales scripts correctly and what speech blanks to use can be found on the course.

If you want to order a collection of speech blanks and sales scripts, then fill out the form right now.

Every person at least once in his life thought about how to make more money. Starting your own business can help with this. This article contains tips for opening your own lingerie store. This is a beautiful business that a woman will especially like to do.

Why is underwear better?

Everything is very simple: this product does not deteriorate, there is practically no fashion for beautiful and high-quality linen, it has a small weight, which is convenient when transporting if the store moves to another room. This type of business will require relatively small initial investments - about six hundred thousand Russian rubles.

Of all categories of consumers, it is women who pay the most attention to clothing, including underwear. The weaker sex, as you know, does not spare money for the purchase of high-quality underwear. All this testifies to the prospects of opening an appropriate outlet.

The all-Russian market for the sale of underwear and clothing is developing rapidly. In 2011, the amount of sales in the women's macro segment was about 90 billion rubles.

Women's underwear takes 98% of the total selection. The remaining 2% is children's and underwear. This type activity brings profit regardless of the time of year.

Linen varies in price category and its range. The main income comes from underwear of average cost, I advise you to pay attention to this when opening a store.

You can open your own store, but more cheap option- to rent premises, since about 15 m2 is enough for this, which will not be so expensive.

The possibility of opening a supermarket in stores will allow you to save not only on advertising, since there are always a large number of buyers there, but also on the preparation of various kinds of documents.

The rent is approximately fifty thousand per month, depending on the location of the store. At the same time, they often require payment for several months in advance, which must also be taken into account.

It is best to choose a place with high traffic to open such a store, that is, one where as many customers as possible per day can look at the goods, for example, near the market, metro.

Listed below are the basic steps for starting a lingerie store business:

  1. Study the competitors, that is, similar stores that are in the city. Find out at what price they sell the goods, and what is the margin. It is better to avoid neighborhood with inexpensive discounters - supermarkets.
  2. Purchase commercial equipment. You will need a showcase, which will cost 17 thousand rubles, fitting rooms - 10 thousand, and panels for about 16 thousand rubles. A cash register is a necessary attribute of a store, which, together with registration, will cost 20 thousand.
  3. Look also for suitable mannequins, hangers and other little things. Everything in a store should be beautiful and pleasant - from lighting to wrapping paper. Fragrant bags with herbs, spectacular decorations will not be superfluous either. Together with linen, high-quality detergents and bleaches can be sold.
  4. The assortment of goods is an important component of the store. Inexpensive Italian knitwear, beautiful lace sets, tights with different densities are in great demand.
  5. Think about the markup that will be set. Special articles on the Internet can tell you how to calculate the markup correctly.
  6. It remains to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or a "Limited Liability Company", register a cash register there, and also conclude a lease agreement.

The choice of assortment is up to you, either you sell already well-known brands that are already familiar to customers, or you help a start-up company to develop its brand.

But it's safer to start with established brands, although you can add new brands as you work.

When choosing an assortment, remember:

  • in the assortment should be not only various models, but also various sizes, color spectrum;
  • possible change in demand when the season changes;
  • about 15% of linen should have a higher price, which will interest buyers;
  • the main demand is (about 70%) sets of linen. The remainder buys them piecemeal;
  • remember that when ordering a batch of linen, you must order different sizes of the same model;
  • if your store has well-known brands, then it will be a great success;
  • Pantyhose are an exceptionally important commodity, as they are constantly in demand.

As for the purchase of goods, it is possible:

  • organize direct deliveries from the manufacturer;
  • buy goods from wholesalers;
  • franchise use.

The easiest way is to buy from wholesalers, but it is advisable to check that they have all the necessary documents.

Since the product is compact, its transportation will be quite economical, since it can be transported by car.

The markup on underwear prices is about 100%, and on prestigious underwear it reaches 300%, which allows entrepreneurship to be very profitable.

It is necessary to purchase equipment that includes lighting, showcases and more. You can also use mannequins to show the most attractive models.

Ways to attract customers are as old as the world, but they are always effective:

  1. Gift certificates for different amounts, which are very popular on the eve and during the holidays;
  2. There is also an option with discount cards. If you can please the client, then consider that you have a regular client who will advise you to his friends, thereby making free advertising;
  3. All kinds of promotions, discounts up to 50%, also the formula "1 + 1 = 3";
  4. Advertising is not the last place placed in the media and social networks. Also, bright shop windows and signs will help attract customers.

As a result, I would like to emphasize that, despite the movement of fashion, there will always be a client who will purchase the clothes she likes.

As in any other type of entrepreneurial activity, a lot will depend on your organizational skills. You can achieve success in the field of trade if you are a purposeful person, agile, have an analytical mindset. Be the leader. We wish you success in achieving your personal goals.

And for a better understanding of the topic, read an interview with the owner of such a store:

Beautiful, original women's underwear appeared in open sale relatively recently, in the early 1990s. Prior to this, the fair sex was content with factory-made products, of excellent quality, but not very attractive in appearance.

Everything else "forbidden" was seen only in foreign magazines and sometimes, never on television. “Yes, and why is there beauty?

The bra is still not visible! ”, - many women thought that way.

Today, the shelves in shopping centers are teeming with variety. colors and unusual tailoring of lingerie, separate specialized stores and departments have appeared where you can choose and even try on a “sexy” set, underwear for sleeping or playing sports, T-shirts and shorts for home, as well as everyday busts and swimming trunks.

For every taste and color! Such a store was opened by Yana Reznichenko and successfully runs her favorite business there. In this interview, she will tell you what the lingerie business is.

- Yana, tell us why you decided to start selling lingerie?

This question should be asked to my mother! She would have told better, I probably already decided in my childhood that I would sell underwear. Mom told me that if, where I get to bras, then that’s it - I don’t need another toy. I tried on myself and on dolls and used them as pillows for dolls. Funny and remember! But already at about 11 years old, I asked my mother to buy me a bra! And I embroidered butterflies on it myself. So she decorated almost all her busts.

Since then, I can wear the same blouse for several years, if it is also one of my favorites, but I buy underwear for myself almost every week. Here I am such a "clothes"! I think it's understandable why I chose underwear!

And in general, the lingerie business is similar to a flower shop: the store is ablaze with various bright colors of intimate clothing, and the customers always leave there satisfied and happy! This is what attracts me the most in my work.

– What was the most difficult thing for you at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey? When did your store open?

– It was difficult to get money to rent a room and decide on a place! To do this, at first I sold underwear in the market, wore nurses and doctors to hospitals, to various social services for women.

So there were a lot of orders. Thus, I earned some pretty penny and took out a loan. I must say that in 2004 they gave me a loan without any problems, I found a guarantor, I will not name him, this is mine good friend and got busy.

- And what, if not a secret, did you need the initial capital?

- I chose a small room, first bought a very small amount of goods to see what is in greater demand. I can’t say the exact amount, about 20 thousand UAH, plus the amount was added several more times. The good thing is that the money invested paid off pretty quickly. I then got the goods at a good purchase price. What is called lucky!

– What is the specificity of such a business?

- Probably, in its profitability: the product itself is light and compact, does not deteriorate and practically does not go out of fashion. Well, there are, of course, certain trends, today there are already various underwear shows, and collections from famous designers and artists. But, what, for example, went out of fashion this year, can easily be bought next year. But basically, my goods are not stale, they are dismantled quickly.

– Do men often come to you?

- Basically, of course, on the eighth of March, on Valentine's Day - exclusively male buyers. Well, most of them are women. Men often do not guess with the size. Basically, they take one or two sizes larger bra and small panties.

Our men really want to see big breasts in their lovers! But I always tell buyers that it is possible to change the kit, provided that the price tag is in place and a conscientious attitude towards the item is carried out. By the way, I would like to advise everyone - always wash new underwear, after purchase, you should at least lower the set into water with a small amount of powder and rinse well afterwards.

“Today there are so many shops and lingerie outlets around. How do you get along with your competitors?

- In fact, women love buying lingerie so much that there are enough customers for everyone. Sometimes my clients will buy from someone, they like a set, and they will definitely come to me and buy something. You just need to give people a choice.

I understand that I won’t be able to cover everything at once, today I have a better product, and tomorrow my competitor’s. So what's the point of getting upset about this now!? We often with the familiar girls who are engaged in lingerie together go for the goods.

But we have a completely different assortment, because we ourselves are different and the customers are all different. This is how regular customers are formed, I have my own, others have theirs! But I am friends with the so-called competitors, their clients even come to my store often to “measure themselves” in the fitting room.

- What can you wish for aspiring entrepreneurs?

- Choose what you understand well, what your soul lies in! Everyone has
your “horse” in some of the industries, you just need to see and reveal this zest and then everything will work out. Very often people spend years and years of money and strength and time in something that does not bring them spiritual satisfaction.

And because of this, business is not going well, customers are not coming, everything is bad ... And the whole point is that a person started his activity in the wrong industry.

One can be happy to sell seeds in packs and “shovel in” money, while the other can sour over gold jewelry and have no income, because he can’t look at gold, he never loved it and doesn’t wear it himself, it just turned up like that, friend suggested, decided to try. ... Be attentive to your inner desires and goals! Good luck everyone!

- Thank you, Yana, for the positive and interesting information, may your store always have both goods and customers, like in a luxurious flower front garden!