We build a business on malfunctions, or how to open an auto parts store. How to open an auto parts business. How to start an auto parts company

Transport has always been in demand, so even in a crisis, a car is in demand among buyers. Starting your business in the automotive industry does not necessarily mean opening a car dealership. This is a more costly option for future profits. Immediately desire - I want to act from a lower segment of the automotive market. How to open an auto parts store? You need to follow the instructions, and a clear strategy can stabilize income in the near future.

We make out the activity

There are several options for registering a business. If we consider an auto parts store from scratch, then a less costly and troublesome format is an individual entrepreneur. A beginner will need to collect required list documents:

  • Submission of an application for registration of IP.
  • Passport entrepreneurs and TIN.
  • Certificate of payment of state duty.
  • Obtaining permission from the SES and the fire service.

Legal business registration will prevent risks for the entrepreneur.

Decide on the format of the store

After legalizing the business, you should decide on the specialization of the outlet. Huge selection options:

  • Profile store (sale of spare parts only from a specific manufacturer).
  • Universal direction - the outlet specializes in goods for all brands of cars.
  • Large salon, including service stations.

Where to begin? To make a choice will help: analysis of competition, prices for goods, and demand for products in the city where the IP was opened.

Important: a retail outlet with a narrow focus (“Gazelle” or “Volga”) should only work with an established customer base.

Room and location

The success factor largely depends on the location and premises for the outlet. Criterias of choice:

  1. Start a business in a high traffic sector.
  2. Narrowing the circle of competition.
  3. Availability of car parking.

The size of the premises for an auto parts store should not be less than 50 square meters. m., here the area for the warehouse zone is also taken into account. The lease of a retail outlet minimizes the costs of an entrepreneur; a business from scratch does not involve the purchase of premises due to small capital.

Important: If something is missing in the room, you should contact the designers.


A popular cooperation in the car market is one or two purchasers of goods. Preference is given to official representatives who supply only high-quality parts for cars. You should start your search with intermediaries of these companies. Main selection factors:

  • Dealer reputation.
  • Product quality.
  • Feedback from other customers.
  • Experience in the automotive aftermarket.
  • Profitable price.
  • Long-term cooperation.
  • Possibility to return defective parts.

Attention should be paid to the narrow supply profile. This will provide worthy competition to other stores (selling rare oil for cars or unique accessories).

Tip: An additional item in the store adds profit, thanks to a significant markup on parts. To correctly distribute the cost of spare parts, you need to analyze the prices of competitors. Where to start, it is better to study the current catalogs of other stores.

Purchase of equipment

Your business provides for taking into account all the nuances, so you will need equipment for a retail outlet. Rental of kits for the premises is possible from the representatives who supply the goods. Scroll:

  • Showcase.
  • Shelving.
  • Cabinets.
  • Racks.
  • Cash register.
  • Computer and printer.

The equipment is placed according to the area of ​​the room. The store must have access for the buyer, so everything is distributed with comfort in mind.

Important: the equipment must correspond to the size of the room; without this requirement, the work of the store will become inconvenient.


How to open an auto parts store without employees? At the first stage, such a step is simply impossible. It is expensive to be an accountant and a salesperson on your own, so you need to select several consultants. Here, the selection of personnel requires a separate approach:

  1. The future employee should be well versed in cars.
  2. Some experience with spare parts.
  3. Friendliness.
  4. The presence of tolerance.
  5. Persuasiveness.

These qualities will help you avoid conflict situations with clients. An entrepreneur must be 100% confident in his employees, it is better to hire staff with probationary period. The organization of an auto parts store from scratch will not work without an accountant and a security guard.

Important: any retail outlet requires well-coordinated work, therefore a personnel control system is introduced (installation of surveillance cameras and monetary motivation of employees).

We form an assortment

High profitability and low segment of entry into the business from scratch, the auto parts market includes a lot of competition. An entrepreneur must choose the specialization that will always be in demand. Let it be a small assortment of auto parts, but this strategy will allow you to stay afloat for a long time. List of goods that will be sold in any market conditions:

  • Headlights, bumpers, engines.
  • Side doors and mirrors.
  • Signal accessories.
  • Pendants.
  • Racks.

The assortment for a retail outlet necessarily includes several areas:

  • Spare parts for trucks of Russian and foreign manufacture (the occurrence of wear due to commercial work).
  • Auto Japanese manufacturers (right-hand drive). These rare parts are purchased from suppliers in minimum size, and it is better to make the service "to order".
  • Details for cars(Russian cars are often repaired).

Tip: in addition to the main product, you need to introduce anti-freeze products, winter and summer tires, special solvents

Marketing moves

Advertising plays a significant role in business from scratch, in order to move forward, a quality strategy should be developed. Trade point auto parts sales does not require colorful signage or unique logos. The best option is an attractive name, and an interesting call for buyers. Attracting customers is impossible without additional tools:

  • Distribution of brochures and leaflets.
  • Internet posting.
  • Providing free consultations.
  • Discounts for regular customers.

Normalization of income depends on sales, in order to establish a balance in the store, you need to attract your circle of customers.

Work on the Internet

Everyone who starts his own business immediately allocates a separate sector of income. In a situation with an auto parts store, the right decision is to open an online store. This income will be an effective link in the work common system. And in order to study in more detail all the nuances of creating an online store, we recommend that you read the article. Activity Start Options:

  • Site creation.
  • IP registration.
  • Organization of the Internet catalog.
  • Convenient order form.
  • Work with official representatives.

An online store selling auto parts is a relevant niche and does not require large expenses.

Important: having resorted to creating a store on the network, you should choose optimal system payment for goods.

business financial plan

It is important to know that in order to open your own business, you need start-up capital:

  • Equipment rental - from 50,000 thousand rubles.
  • Cosmetic repairs of the premises - from 60,000 thousand rubles.
  • Initial purchase of goods - from 1,500,000 million rubles.
  • Advertising - from 45,000 thousand rubles.

Initial costs for opening an auto parts store - from 1,800,000 million rubles.

The monthly amount in favor of conducting activities includes:

  • Staff salary - from 50,000 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of space - from 50,000 thousand rubles.
  • Utility payments - from 15,000 thousand rubles.
  • Payment of taxes - from 10,000 thousand rubles.

Costs each month - from 125,000 thousand rubles.

The payback of the project includes: mark-up - 25% for expensive goods, 100% for car accessories. Approximate profit for a store in a busy place is 180,000 thousand rubles. You can recoup the costs of your business after 12 months.

Driving on Russian roads leaves no one indifferent. Trouble lurks on all sides. Car owners have to purchase parts and elements more often. Meanwhile, the number of cars owned by the population is growing, and in 2017 the fleet of passenger cars totaled 39.35 million units. In other words, these figures look like this: there are 249 passenger cars for every thousand Russians. Every fourth is a compatriot behind the wheel. The condition of the roads and the number of cars are two strong reasons to think about opening own business selling auto parts.

How to start a business selling auto parts: assessing the risks

Any business requires a clear action plan and a comprehensive analysis of the subject. We take a piece of paper, divide it into two columns and write down the clear benefits, studying the pitfalls.

In the role of explicit virtues may perform:

  • stable daily income;
  • opportunities to attract new customers (the number of cars in the population is growing every year);
  • high marginal profit (per certain types goods markup is up to 80%);
  • grace periods of taxation;
  • organizing a parallel online business (opening an online store with home delivery).

Underwater rocks:

Your list will look different. The main thing is to meticulously study each item, check the numbers with a pen and a calculator, think about how to get around the pitfalls, perhaps turn the pros into cons, and optimize costs.

What auto parts are in demand?

Let's say there are two great parts stores in your area. What to do? The answer is simple. Create your own unique trade offer. Look at the cars around, think about what their owners need.

Here are some interesting directions for reflection:

  • sale of spare parts for motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles;
  • utility service and road equipment. Kamaz, tractors, heavy trucks;
  • right hand drive Japanese cars(rare parts can be brought to order);
  • sale of accessories and related products;
  • highlights of your service - "coffee as a gift", "ordering spare parts via the Internet", "courier delivery". What else?

If you are rushing between spare parts for Russian cars and foreign cars - stop, watch, talk with car enthusiasts. Definitely, with regard to auto parts, the demand for domestic models is higher, their market share is 58% of sales.

The owners need to repair the Lada and Niva more often, but their parts are also cheaper. Trade in spare parts for "foreigners" is more profitable, but it is important to correctly determine the manufacturing concerns, find profitable suppliers, and think over the possibilities of unifying parts.

In parallel with the process of analytical activity, start working with paperwork, finding premises and possible suppliers. Act according to the plan, quickly and decisively.

What you need to open an auto parts store from scratch: registering a business

There are two forms of organizing an auto parts business. When opening a small retail or online store, it is enough to register as a . With a package of documents, contact the tax service, and within 5 working days you will receive a certificate of registration.

Documents required before you open an online auto parts store, you need a little:

  1. application for state registration of an individual;
  2. receipt of payment of the state fee for registration of IP;
  3. application for the transition to a simplified taxation scheme;
  4. a photocopy of the passport (the main spread with a photo and information about registration at the place of residence).

In the event of a partnership retail network and attract borrowed capital register an LLC (limited liability company). Here you will have to tinker longer, the package of documents will be more solid. First, it will be necessary to go through the procedure of registering a legal entity, to issue founding documents and only after that - apply to the tax authority with an application for registration of an LLC.

Important: In addition, you will have to conclude contracts for the lease of premises, for the supply of spare parts, for garbage disposal. The fire inspectorate must obtain a conclusion on the compliance of the premises with fire safety requirements.

What does it take to open an auto parts store?

Room search

Select the premises based on the characteristics of the business and infrastructure of the area. Make sure there are no similar stores nearby.

Important: pay attention to the places of accumulation of cars, evaluate the surrounding areas. Petrol stations, large shopping centers, roadside cafes- each of these places can be a great starting point. Minimum area- 50 m².

There are no strict requirements for the building, consider only a few recommendations:

  • whether the possibility of equipping a warehouse and utility rooms is provided;
  • availability of communications (heat, electricity, water, sewerage, telephone);
  • parking place for 4-5 cars.

Auto Parts Store Equipment

Essentials list commercial equipment for auto parts store: shelves, showcases, racks, small parts storage boxes, table, cash register. This is necessary minimum, in the process of work it will become clear what else to buy.

Do you need a computer and a printer, additional shelves and racks ... It may be necessary to organize a recreation area for customers with comfortable sofa and a coffee machine.

Product range

Determine the amount you are willing to spend to purchase the item. With modest financial capabilities, it is difficult to open a point where almost everything is sold. Therefore, start with a narrow specialization, and gradually expand the range in the process of activity. Monitor, identify the most popular parts (bumpers, headlights and brake lights, side mirrors, pillars, suspensions) and purchase them first.

How to find auto parts suppliers?

As a rule, large auto parts stores cooperate with 2-3 suppliers, preference is given to official dealers. Information about them can always be found on official websites.

Having concluded a contract for a small consignment of goods, carefully study the delivery time and the clause on the return of low-quality products. After all, defective parts are found even from trusted suppliers. Separately discuss the terms of discounts when buying wholesale lots.

Sometimes free shipping is a nice bonus.

At the next stage, decide on the products that will become the highlight of your store, favorably distinguish you from the crowd of competitors. Such items can be original accessories, modern gadgets, car care items.

Accessories are usually sold at a higher markup, so keep this in mind when looking at vendors.


At first, you will have to constantly be in the store, acting as a director, sales assistant and purchasing manager. New staff needs training in your business standards and regular supervision.

Minimum necessary set employees consists of two salesmen and an accountant. Gradually, as necessary, expand the staff: a purchasing manager, a cleaner of premises, a warehouse worker.

Sellers must quickly navigate the assortment, know the nomenclature, it is desirable to have their own car to give professional advice. If the buyer is unsure of himself, a competent employee will assist in the selection of spare parts, offer analogues and related products. Experience and a desire to learn make a good sales consultant stand out.

Sale of spare parts: approximate costs when opening a store

No one knows the exact amount of investments your business will require. You can only make preliminary calculations.

Here approximate calculation of expenses when opening a store with an area of ​​50 m²:

Total: the minimum amount is 1,350,000 rubles. Maximum - 2,000,000 rubles. This is the necessary start-up capital to open an auto parts store.

If the amount seems unbearable to you, take up the analysis again, look for ways to optimize costs. For example, make repairs with your own hands, buy used equipment, remember that the best advertising is the recommendations of friends and acquaintances, attract customers with excellent service.

Is it profitable to open an auto parts store?

Chickens are counted in the fall, so making profit calculations in advance is a thankless task. However, profitability parts business is approximately 18%. Payback investments - an average of 1-1.5 years.

Now you theoretically know how to open an online auto parts store from scratch - that means you have started. After a deep analysis of opportunities, risks and costs, make an informed decision about starting your own auto parts trading business. Try and be successful.

If you want to be profitable and stable business, then we recommend that you open an auto parts store. Spare parts are always needed - the number of cars in Russia is growing, and the quality of roads is constantly falling. At right approach to business, you can quickly recoup all the investments made and even create a whole chain of stores.


Despite the outbreak of the crisis, there were no fewer cars on the roads. Few people switched to public transport - people continue to drive private cars as before. Some employees have even increased the number of trips - more meetings and consultations are needed to maintain the desired level of sales of goods.

Even those who have been directly affected by the crisis do not put the car on a joke - they simply reduce the number of trips. But if something happens to the car, they will definitely repair it. And for repairs, spare parts are always needed. Let's figure out what start auto parts business and what is needed for this.

How to start

First of all, study your competitors. Surely in your locality there are shops selling spare parts. Visit them, consider the range of products and prices, opening hours and location. Think about how to get local service stations and car repair shops interested in buying parts from you. Perhaps you can offer them preferential prices or short delivery times.

The auto parts store is quite profitable and interesting business. Initially, you will not have many customers - out of habit, people will go to buy spare parts in trusted stores. But if you trade competently, sell only high-quality spare parts and arrange various promotions, then you will quickly fill yourself with client base. And yet — people buy parts all the time. There will be no such principle as in an electronics store when a person makes one purchase every 2-3 years. The car is constantly in need of spare parts.

Types of spare parts stores

Shops selling spare parts fall into two broad types:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. classic stores.

Classic stores are also divided into several types. Some are engaged in the sale of spare parts exclusively on order, the second have their own warehouse and showcase, and others sell only spare parts for certain types cars.

For a small parts store, it is usually enough to register a regular IP. This will allow you to save on taxes and quickly submit reports without unnecessary headaches. If you want to open a large store, conclude contracts for the supply of spare parts to well-known service stations, etc., then it is better to choose an LLC. This will allow you to get more customers, but will increase your tax rate.

Your store should have everything from oils to tires

Requirements for the premises

Any cost of starting a business can be divided into two types:

  1. Permanent (salaries, taxes, rent, purchase of goods, repairs).
  2. One-time (purchase of premises, equipment, registration and furniture costs).

One of the main expense items will be the building for your store. If you plan to open a full-fledged establishment, then you need to find a room with a size of 50 m2 (preferably at least 80 square meters), which should be divided into a warehouse, shopping room and staff room. It is best if the premises are located near a car wash or car services, near garage cooperatives, near a major highway or in residential areas. The building must have running water, sewerage, electricity, ventilation and fire alarm. The best option there will be a room with two entrances: customers will come through the main one, goods will be imported through the back one. There should be at least a minimum amount of parking in front of the building itself. From the equipment you will need strong racks, showcases and racks.

For accounting, you will need a computer with appropriate software, internet, telephone and furniture.

Online store

An online store allows you to organize a business with minimum investment. To do this, you only need an office (you can even work from an apartment). You will save on:

  1. Rent.
  2. Personnel.
  3. Public services.

Many novice businessmen open an online store and resell spare parts by buying them in classic stores. This is the wrong approach that will not bring you serious profit. It’s more correct to buy the most popular goods on your own and ship immediately after placing an order, rather than running around the city looking for the right part.

An online store can significantly expand the list of your customers.

Some warehouses allow you not to buy goods, but to take them for sale. This is great option for online stores.

let's consider how to open an auto parts store from scratch and take goods for sale without investing in it.

You will need a website that you can order from freelancers or create yourself on numerous free engines. Then you will need to promote it in search engines for given key queries. After that, you will have real visitors who will place orders, and you will send them goods. To take it for sale, you need to agree with suppliers . Usually they give goods for sale, subject to a monthly return of a certain amount to them. If you go for it, you can significantly save on investments.

But usually an online store is opened not as a separate business, but as an addition to an existing one. When you have an active parts store, you will open your website in order to attract a large number of customers.

Staff and assortment

You will need:

  1. Shop assistant.
  2. Administrator-accountant.
  3. Loader-cleaner.

On the early stages you can perform the role of administrator and accountant. In this case, you only need a seller, who can also become a loader. But in the future it is necessary to hire people for this work.

To select an assortment, you need to decide what exactly you will sell. Perhaps you will focus on domestic cars. Or for trucks. Or any specific brand. You should always have in stock all spare parts and consumables:

  1. Motor oils and other technical liquids.
  2. Ball joints, gaskets, various rubber bands, etc.
  3. Optics.
  4. Tires, wheels.
  5. Glass.
  6. Spare parts for chassis repair (shock absorbers, springs, struts, etc.).
  7. Candles, screws, wipers, pumps, first aid kits, etc.

In order to successfully compete with competitors, it is necessary to set prices by 5-10 percent less by organizing high-quality delivery of spare parts on order. You should have both original spare parts and “analogues” in your assortment - people often buy cheaper goods.

A separate building will allow you to open an additional business - a car wash or tire fitting


Where to find suppliers? On the Internet, in newspapers, in the media. You need to choose several quality sellers who will not only offer the right assortment, but also guarantee that delivery times will be met. If you constantly miss the deadlines, then the number of customers will drop sharply.


You can promote the store even before it opens. Run advertising campaign with leaflets, banners, streamers. Focus on a good range affordable prices, discounts, minimum delivery times. Hold various promotions and contests, make yourself a good sign, create groups on social networks and topics on local forums. Offer a discount to regular customers, make small discounts for pensioners and students - you need to bet on regular customers.


In this article, we present only an example auto parts store business plan , since everything is highly dependent on location and many other factors. To open a standard store with an area of ​​80 m2, equip it and fill it with goods, you will need about 2 million rubles. Profit for the year with the right approach will be at least 1.4 million rubles, that is, the store will pay off in about 15 months and after that it will begin to bring you additional profit.

In order to raise income, you can organize a car wash or service station near the car dealership. This business has excellent prospects for development, and the profit will be constant and high!

In contact with

The auto parts business has high profitability up to 25% and the payback period of the initial investment within 1 year. Every year there is an increase in the number of cars in Russia and the CIS by 10-15%, and the auto parts market is growing accordingly. First of all, the number of foreign cars is increasing. The number of sales of parts through online stores is also growing. In the article, we will analyze how to open an auto parts store from scratch and with minimal investment and give an example of a business plan with calculations.

Analysis of the auto parts market in Russia and the CIS

Subdivide the secondary and primary market of auto parts. The primary market is the sale of parts for the direct production of a car, the secondary market is the sale of parts through services and stores.

In Russia, according to the analytical agency AUTOSTAT, the share of the primary market is 24%, the secondary market is 76%. Auto parts for domestic cars are leading in the secondary market. So spare parts for domestic cars account for 58%, and for foreign cars 42%.

One of the factors increasing competition in this market is the unification of parts, when the same elements are used for different brands. There are mergers and acquisitions of small companies by larger ones. One of the negative market trends is the increase in the number of counterfeit parts (from 30 to 50%). In addition, the share of gray imports of original parts is large.

According to the marketing agency DISCOVERY Research Group, the share of buyers (aged 20-50 years) of auto parts through online stores is 15%, while in the UK it is 70%. The growth rate of annual sales of auto parts via the Internet is ~25%. This makes the development of Internet commerce promising for the Russian Federation and the CIS. The figure below shows the top 10 global manufacturers of automotive components.

According to PwC analysis

Advantages and disadvantages of auto parts sales business

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of an auto parts store.

Advantages disadvantages
A large number of potential clients, stable growth of cars (foreign cars) in big cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk Complex warehouse and commodity accounting a large number small details. Additional storage costs
High margin on auto parts ensures high margins A high proportion of defective parts can lead to high costs and reduce the reputation of the store
Minimum initial investment Lots of big stores

How to open an auto parts store: a business plan

Business form

Auto parts store taxation

When an entrepreneur switches to special taxation regimes, all other types of taxes are not paid. To switch to preferential taxation regimes, the annual income of an individual entrepreneur should not exceed 60 million rubles.

The retail sale of auto parts is one of the activities that are subject to UTII (single tax on imputed income). It should be noted that switching to UTII individual entrepreneur obliged if the region adopted a law on the use of UTII. The tax period is a quarter. The declaration by the owner is submitted quarterly by the 20th day after the end of the quarter, paid before the 25th. The tax rate is 15%. If there are more than 50 employees, then it is necessary to report via the Internet. It should also be noted that if the activity of an entrepreneur also implies a type of activity using the simplified tax system, then he must keep separate records! In the event of further expansion of activities and an increase in sales, it will be necessary to become a VAT payer. The reporting form will be - 3 personal income tax.

Stages of opening a store

It is necessary first of all:

  • search for contacts of suppliers of the required brand;
  • buy or rent a room;
  • register as a private entrepreneur;
  • hire workers.

Before you open an auto parts store, it is important to familiarize yourself with some legal issues. Register as entity not necessary.

Choosing a location and premises for the store

Site selection is key important point success in this business . Consider the main aspects of choosing a place and premises:

Supplier selection

Typically, auto shops enter into an agreement with two or three major suppliers, mostly with officials. The necessary information for finding dealers is available on the Internet. You should read all reviews related to a particular supplier. In the case of frequent complaints about marriage or low-quality products from a particular supplier, it is better to look for another one. Poor quality products will ruin your store's reputation.

After choosing the main suppliers, you should decide on specific products that will allow you to stand out from your competitors. It can be original high quality accessories or rare oil. Usually the highest margin is for accessories, so this item is worthy of attention. It is important to expand, if possible, the range of auto parts to attract more buyers.

Some suppliers deliver goods for free when ordering a certain amount. This for you at first is an important additional bonus, because transport costs add 2-5% to the cost of goods. Agree on the possibility of returning defective products, because marriage occurs even with trusted manufacturers.


You need to prepare for the first time every day to be in the store, playing the role of a purchasing manager and a salesperson. It is necessary to supervise and train new staff in the standards of your business. Often the buyer, coming to the store with some spare part, does not know its purpose and name. The seller must learn to quickly navigate and select either an analogue or the same spare part. Therefore, the staff must be experienced and have a great desire to work.

With the acquisition of experience, the sales staff is able to resort to various tricks, how to sell bypassing the cash register, using the "left" product. You need to prevent this immediately and decisively. A surveillance camera can help here to monitor the shopping areas, as well as rewarding employees with decent wages, depending on the revenue received by the store. Create comfortable conditions work to make it more profitable to work honestly. In the case of repeated theft, it is better to fire one or two guilty employees.

Cost calculation for a 50 m² store

Before, how to open an auto parts store area of ​​50 m², you need to take into account the following costs:

  1. Documents when applying for legal assistance - 4000-10000 rubles. Save on this is not necessary, take care of your health and time.
  2. Commercial equipment - per 1 m² total area taking into account the warehouse - 1000 rubles. In our case - not less than 50,000 rubles. Savings of 20-30% are possible when using used furniture (for example, for a warehouse that is not accessible to the visitor's eye).
  3. The initial purchase of goods is not less than 2,000,000 rubles.
  4. Repair of the premises - about 50,000 rubles.
  5. Advertising at the opening (flyers, billboards) - 50,000 rubles.
  6. Signboard - 50,000 rubles.

Total 2210000 rubles. This is the required starting amount to open a store.

Let's calculate the necessary amount of expenses to support the business, regardless of profit:

  1. Salary of workers (4 people) - 80,000 rubles. The amount depends on the region and is taken conditionally.
  2. Room rental - not less than 50,000 rubles. If the premises are in Moscow or in the center of a metropolis, then the amount will increase significantly.
  3. Taxes - 10,000 rubles.
  4. Utility expenses - 20,000 rubles.

Total - 160,000 rubles per month.

Income calculation

The markup for accessories is up to 100%, and for expensive spare parts - from 30%, the average markup is 50%. Having goods worth 2,000,000 rubles in a 50 m² store in a busy place, you can earn more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Let's calculate the income of an auto parts store:

  • Revenue - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Cost price - 660,000 rubles;
  • Monthly expenses - 160,000 rubles;
  • Net profit - 180,000 rubles / month.

So, the profitability of the business is 18% ( net profit/ revenue).

We calculate the payback period for long-term investments: we divide 2,210,000 rubles by 180,000 rubles, we get a little more than 12 months.

Due to the low threshold of entry into the business and its high profitability, the auto parts market is characterized by very tough competition. Therefore, it is important to choose your specialized niche in which you will need to excel. high quality service. Examples of such niches:

  • right-hand drive Japanese cars (rare parts, can be brought to order);
  • foreign trucks and domestic production(heavy wear and tear due to commercial use);
  • domestic passenger cars (often break down).

The most popular products, regardless of niche:

  • engines;
  • bumper;
  • side doors;
  • stop signs;
  • headlights;
  • side mirrors;
  • hubs;
  • racks;
  • pendants.

To simplify the work of a sales manager, you can use special programs. The manager will have access to information from a single source. Saving his working time will be 30-50 hours per month. The payback of such a program is 1-2 months. One of the good options for such a program is Auto Business Assistant.

For a motorist, the most valuable qualities in a seller are the competence and ability to help in the selection of the necessary part, to adequately assess its quality. The customer will become more loyal with the possibility of returning a defective part. When selling, it is important to give him a guarantee, which is provided for by law. It is important to create a feeling in the client that he has acquired the best best price, and in which case the money will be returned to him.

Not the best option is the lure of penny discounts or low prices. This will alienate those customers who believe that good things don't come cheap. In addition, your authority, accumulated over the years, may suffer.

So, after assessing all the risks and costs, you can start your interesting, but difficult business auto parts trade. Income will gradually increase over the years if everything is done correctly.