Sale of construction equipment business plan. Selecting a store location. How much does it cost to open a hardware store

In any locality Russia always has and will need to build facilities for various purposes. They wear out over time and need to be repaired. This means that without building and finishing materials in our life is indispensable. Hence the conclusion - the sale of such goods is a sought-after and profitable business.

Reconomica will share with you today dear readers, the experience of a successful entrepreneur who combined production building materials with the sale of not only our own, but also similar products of other companies.

The main tool for the development of this business was the organization of an office for receiving orders from consumers for similar products. You will learn about the positive and negative aspects, the benefits and prospects of this business.

Greetings. My name is Mark. I am 37 years old. I am from Astrakhan. Now I am engaged in the sale of tiles, tiles, decorative mosaics and many more related products for the construction, renovation and decoration of premises.

I do not have a store, but an office for receiving orders. The trade turnover is from one and a half to two million rubles a month, from March to November inclusive.

Sales go with the onset of the construction season and until its end. I will briefly describe how I came to this type of activity.

My first steps in the construction business

It all started with the manufacture of paving slabs, I organized this business in 2014.

Production of paving slabs.

The production was not going well. There was only enough money to rent a room, wages workers and paying taxes.

Initially, he worked practically without profit. Orders were constantly available, but it was almost impossible to earn money on them.

There was a need to increase the volume of production of products and reach serious customers. This step required huge investments in production. There were no such opportunities.

The choice of the direction of the subsequent development of the case

The future path of business development was vague. It was necessary to either urgently decide something, or stop entrepreneurial activity.

How did the idea come about

My friend, who was working at that time in a managerial position, in production company, which specialized in the manufacture of bricks and concrete products. He showed me the way forward.

Finding ways to promote business

I thought that production is built first, and then the produced goods are sold, and the business flourishes. Maybe this happens on paper, in fantastic business plans, but not in reality. First you need to trade someone else's goods and replenish client base, and when there is a steady demand, you can open your own production, if it is profitable.

Opening without market knowledge and experience is a path to failure.

Proof of this is the multitude of small businesses that opened and closed while running up large debts.

First mistakes

I was like that too. I read an amateurish business plan in some social network. Everything seemed easy and simple. But in fact, he almost said goodbye to the invested money and was ready to sell his car in order to pay off the accumulated debts.

Business is a science and a way of life. This craft can be mastered. The main thing is the correct setting of the goal and finding a short way to it.

Initially, I wanted to try a business with which I was unfamiliar. Business does not tolerate amateurism. Especially in the manufacturing sector. Getting out of the current situation was long and difficult. It is very good that there was an experienced person who told me what to do next.

Stages of opening and developing a sales office

Choosing a trading place and its goals

Even if there is no one to sit there, the sales office should be in order to:

  • receive clients;
  • present products;
  • conclude contracts.

Conditions for renting premises

On the territory where I rented a production workshop, there was a free room. Its area was 150 m², the rental price was 15 thousand rubles. per month, no utilities. total amount payments amounted to approximately 18 thousand rubles. per month. I reluctantly took this step.

Equipping the office with everything you need

For a full-fledged trade, you need:

  • furniture;
  • racks;
  • a computer;
  • Printer;
  • various office supplies.

I spent 70 thousand rubles on the furnishings and equipment of the office.

The furniture was the cheapest. The printer was also included in this price, the computer had to be brought from home. The trading room was large, but there were no other options.

The equipment of a full-fledged office is a costly business.

Later, the area of ​​this office was not enough.

Methods for demonstrating products on the trading floor

The first thing he did was to exhibit his products. Since there were many places paving slabs laid out in all sorts of ways. Combined two, and even four different colors tiles of the same model, which could be laid in different colors.

Showing samples of paving slabs is a necessary attribute of sales.

Thus, he could not show his products in the conditions of the workshop.

Expanding the range of building materials

So I became a representative of a mini-factory for the production of building materials.

AT trading floor exhibited the bricks made by them, and posted catalogs of the rest of the products, which, due to their large dimensions, could not be placed in the office.

Display of samples of bricks and other products in the sales office.

Samples of floor slabs and foundation block I placed near the gate of my workshop.

Product promotion activities

The next question concerned information support of trade - marketing.

The office was on the road. The administration allowed advertising banners to be placed on the building. I made two stretch marks measuring 1 by 4 meters to hang them on different sides building. Their cost was 8 thousand rubles.

And they also made a remote stand, which was located in front of the entrance to the building. Its price was 2 thousand rubles.

From 4 thousand to 7 thousand rubles were spent on the promotion of products in Avito, newspapers, the production of leaflets and business cards. per month.

How to make money selling third-party construction products

As a result of the increased demand for their products and the inability to satisfy the needs of consumers with the available production capacities, it was necessary to urgently make some kind of decision.

Reasons for contacting other manufacturers

There was no money to expand production, and I didn’t really want to increase it.

AT warm time year, the rent could still be paid, but in winter, when there are almost no orders, and production room need to be heated, the cost of rent significantly hit the pocket.

The solution was to negotiate the sale of tiles from other manufacturers .

My advantages when choosing a partner

On the modern market The problem of any manufacturer is the sale of products. In such an environment, with fierce competition, manufacturers that do not have their own distribution channels become hostages of sellers.

If I have a good client, then the company provides a minimum wholesale price for products.

The producer always has a need for cash- these are debts for wages, rent, debts for supplied raw materials, or just a person has a loan in a bank.

The manufacturer is always happy to sell, even with a minimal markup on the product. I took advantage of this position.

Very often on sales earned more than the manufacturer.

Positive shifts in business give impetus to further growth

When organizing any business, you need to constantly move forward. Otherwise - stagnation.

Significant progress in trade since the conclusion of the partnership agreement

It turned out to be easy to find a manufacturer for cooperation. They signed an agreement with him. The list of presented products far exceeded my output of goods. A quarter of the room was occupied by an exhibition of their products.

I started looking for suppliers who can provide exhibition samples, stands, catalogs and other promotional items for free.

Finding new ways to increase sales

And also revealed certain style work in such auctions. It was necessary that the manufacturer or wholesaler, whose products I represent, release the goods from the warehouse at the sales price in their office.

Not everyone agreed to such cooperation, but still there were entrepreneurs who wanted to expand. They also had conditions - if I represent their assortment, then I no longer work with anyone.

Samples of reinforced concrete products in an open area.

Retail Space Optimization

The trading floor began to be filled with samples of various goods. Then he divided the trading zones. On the production area arranged the most dimensional specimens - reinforced concrete products.

Roofing samples.

They were joined by samples of wood, roofing, mesh, metal products - everything related to construction.

Samples of rolled metal.

I divided the office space into three parts - an office and two halls. The first hall served to display products for construction and landscaping, the second hall presented materials for interior decoration and bathrooms.

Trading room with samples of finishing materials.

Empty places in the trading floors were filled with goods that fit the theme. For example, the trading floor was replenished with two stands - one with LED lighting, the second represented the manufacturers of swimming pools for personal plots, saunas, baths.

Temporary setbacks are inevitable

Not all positions were profitable. Some goods or services have never been sold. For example, I have never accepted an order for the manufacture of a pool or a fountain. Bathroom mosaics sold very poorly and took up a lot of space, but bright and beautiful stands with such samples had a positive effect on buyers.

Not everything is for sale, but some products create a good atmosphere on the trading floor.

How much does the trade in building materials bring

I will briefly talk about the profit received from the sale of building and finishing materials.

Sizes of allowances for goods

On the goods sold, he cheated from 10 to 30%. The highest margin is for paving slabs and building materials.

And also tile, porcelain stoneware, tiles and countertops made of natural stone. The average markup was 20%.

What does income depend on?

If the turnover that passed through my office amounted to 1 million rubles, then I have approximately 200 thousand rubles of profit left.

From there, taxes, deductions, rent, advertising costs and the salary of the seller, accountant are deducted.

Half of that amount remains. If at the height of the season it is possible to sell for 2-3 million rubles, then the costs are the same, and the profit increases. I wrote my turnover above. It is not difficult to calculate how much the business brings me net.

But do not forget that January and February are months of almost no revenue. However, it is necessary to pay money for rent, and pay salaries to employees of the enterprise. And for this, in a busy season, you need to work hard.

My trading method

Some, after reading the article, may think that I am an ordinary speculator, and buyers do not receive anything when purchasing goods through my sales office. If that were the case, then the customers wouldn't come here.

Advising customers on products

I relied on advice to consumers regarding the characteristics of the purchased building materials. In addition, he did not accept low-quality goods for sale.

Consumers did not have to run after salespeople and ask for illiterate advice about the product I was selling, since I knew everything and could answer any question for customers.

Software application

He also mastered computer 3D modeling, and made projects for the repair of premises for free with the calculation of consumable material.

For example, the program calculated the number of bathroom tiles accurately, and customers did not have to purchase extra material, such as tiles and glue.

design service

Also, my salesperson provided designer services and helped buyers decide on colors, sizes and finishes.

This is very hard work.

The impeccable reputation of a businessman is an important component of a successful business

Reputation is another benefit. For three years of work, I did not let anyone down, so wholesale consumers established business relations with me.

Seemingly, construction firms you can go to manufacturing plants yourself, where you can buy goods in large quantities.

But, apparently, there are problems that prevent such actions.

When words do not disagree with deeds, this is a reputation that is also paid.

In addition to the above, it is very important that the ordered goods are correctly packaged, counted, checked and delivered on time.

Future plans

Now I plan to open a wholesale warehouse office, working on the same principle. There are many manufacturers who want to sell their goods. Now I want to deal with big companies throughout the European part of Russia. I am sure that success will surely come.

The production of building materials in Russia demonstrates sustainable development. In the manufacturing industry of the country, this direction occupies the fourth or fifth position, sharing it with light industry, but skipping forward mechanical engineering, electric power industry, food industry.

However, fluctuations in demand for building materials are subject to the same factors that affect GDP growth rates. Recent years have been characterized by a negative trend - a slowdown in its growth. After the "take-off" of GDP growth dynamics in 2011 (4.3%), the rate of its increase began to decrease in 2012 (3.5%), and in 2013 this trend intensified (1.7%). The slowdown in development has a corresponding effect on the sale of building materials in general.

Building materials stores are part of the construction infrastructure

The question of how to open a building materials store is very relevant, because small miscalculations are fraught with high costs. The challenges of the economic crisis are forcing businessmen in this industry to build their relationships with suppliers more clearly, analyze consumption pragmatically and carefully compare their market strategy with the situation.

On the other hand, the desire of people to improve their living conditions, build new trade and industrial buildings for various business forever. Therefore, entrepreneurship in the form of a building materials store continues to be promising. Although it should be recognized that the profitability of this direction of trade is not the highest among the alternative ones. Its effectiveness is largely determined by well-placed management that corresponds to the business plan.

What should you think about before opening a building materials store? What factors determine how much profitable business? Answering these questions, we can identify several positions, the proper execution of which contributes to commercial success: the location of the store, the features of the premises, the level of cooperation with suppliers, the degree of advertising support for the goods supplied, the qualifications of the staff, and, finally, general level organization of work.

An important role in the efficiency of the sale of materials for construction is played by a well-balanced business plan for a building materials store. What outlet appropriate to open? Let's figure it out. According to statistics, about one and a half thousand hardware stores operate in Moscow. Among them, four typical forms can be distinguished. But this will be discussed later. Let's start with the question of where the store should be located.

Place for a building materials store

The most important organizational factor influencing the success of the sale of building materials is the convenience of shipping goods to buyers who arrive on their own vehicles, including trucks. (As you yourself understand, a building materials store is not a bakery: you can’t take away a purchase in a shopping bag by whistling.)

The above is most critical for construction supermarkets. However, it cannot be said that mini-stores are insensitive to the convenience of shipment. Potential customer visits will be maximized if your building materials business is versatile and close to major highways, the store has convenient access and a well-planned parking area for customers' vehicles.

Having found a good place, we will decide on the type of room.

Premises for a building materials store and its equipment

The premises for a building materials store should be selected carefully. Its layout should be convenient for maintenance and sales. It is desirable that the condition of the building does not require overhaul. Mandatory requirements it should be recognized that there is no dampness, good ventilation, and illumination.

Inexpensive should not only be trade software for a hardware store. The "rule of the genre" is an economical repair. A neat finish with modern, inexpensive building materials is preferable for a store. $10 per square meter of painted drywall walls is fine. The saved funds are better directed to the main activity, they will be useful for purchasing goods from suppliers.

Work with providers

The trade in building materials is fueled by wide-range deliveries. How to start formulating the principles of interaction? A reasonable tactic on the part of the store is important here.

A supermarket for full filling with materials used in construction must cooperate with 90-150 suppliers. And all of them are vitally interested in 100% prepayment. However, the entrepreneur (shop owner) "hacks" their intransigence by gradually persuading them to work with him for realization.

This activity involves a two-stage combination. To begin with, the entrepreneur seeks to purchase goods at a discount or with a deferred payment. Then, clearly and steadily following partnership principles, he agrees to receive building materials for sale.

There is simply no other way. You will not work for a long time on 100% prepayment with all suppliers. In addition, the latter, realizing the stability of the work of the building materials store as their partner, are also interested in the efficiency of its finances. In a word, compromises are possible here.


Mini-shops occupy an area of ​​up to 100 m 2 . Up to 20 items of goods are presented on their trading floor, the total number of articles is up to 200. Among them, there are often highly specialized ones. For example, wallpaper or selling ceramic tiles. Even large entrepreneurs, but newcomers to this business, not wanting to risk big money, begin to gradually pour their capital into the industry, having “trained” first at a mini-shop and trained the backbone of staff for the future supermarket on it. Therefore, the question of how to open a building materials store from scratch is relevant.

Trade is considered the domain of start-up entrepreneurs. “This is the simplest and therefore the most common type of small business,” argues Moscow-based sociologist Arkady Semyonov. - Take, for example, building materials store. According to selective surveys, where would you start your business, from the list of ten ideas proposed, many preferred the trade in goods for the repair and decoration of apartments. It turned out that this is even more interesting than a car service or ".

And in fact, almost all people, with very rare exceptions, one way or another at least once in their lives bought wallpaper for an apartment, self-tapping screws for fasteners, taps for plumbing. Moreover, due to the constant fuss and queues, one gets the impression that almost all stores of this profile are successful. Is this really so and what needs to be done to open a successful retail outlet with goods for repair, we decided to find out.

Optimists and pessimists

Judging by the information and discussions in Runet, the theme of your building materials store is popular. Here are some posts worth checking out:

“... I would like to hear the opinion knowledgeable people: How profitable is opening a building materials store? - the forum member bulavka is interested.
“If there is an opportunity, then there is even nothing to think about, open up, develop, prosper! This type of business will always be in demand,” another forum member shahter78 is convinced.
“I have been in the subject for a long time,” a certain Dmitry Ivanovich doubts. - There are enough problems, of which the most important - attractive price. How to achieve it - I do not know. Repairmen - the people cunning. Looking for cheap places. They dig the ground with moles. If you raise the price a little, customers will be blown away by the wind. And trading cheaper than competitors is at a loss.”

Expert economists, in particular Mira Kolomiytseva, who specializes in small business, considers the last statement a kind of cry from the heart. “Numerous publications on the topic of “own building materials store” have nothing to do with reality,” she says. - For example, some authors link starting amounts with retail space, they say, these are key indicators. Abstract figures are given, the observance of which allegedly guarantees the success of the undertaking. In particular, 500 thousand rubles are needed as working capital for a point at 100 square meters. Meanwhile, it is disorienting for aspiring entrepreneurs.”

According to Kolomiytseva, people have a false impression of a calm business that will bring income in any case. Meanwhile, the store should be "correctly configured" in terms of assortment with taking into account the prices of the nearest wholesale distributors.

It is about a kind road map, which should be drawn up before the start. “Customers don't like the narrow specialization of a building materials store,” says Valery Andreev, a businessman from Rostov-on-Don. - As a rule, they come with a list, according to which they buy. Therefore, the assortment should be as thoughtful as possible. I know one entrepreneur who stood at the cash register in a large chain supermarket of building materials and imperceptibly took into account who buys what and how much.

In this assortment, on the one hand, duplicating positions should be excluded, since it is too expensive to maintain. On the other hand, transport and storage costs are optimized. “It is necessary to establish a clear system of interaction with distributors,” advises Anna Smirnova, director of a small building materials store. - Good personal relationships are important here. In this case, it may be possible to access the wholesalers' changing prices via the Internet.

Cost arithmetic

Anna Smirnova, relying on personal experience, says that the store should have convenient transport accessibility. It can be a sleeping area, and even an industrial zone, and the territory along the main entrance-exit from the city or village. “Repair of premises can be the most budgetary, but you will have to fork out for equipment,” Arkady Semenov is sure. “Psychologically, it is important for people to buy in a familiar working environment, and certainly not in a barn.”

Therefore, it is necessary to install a height of up to 3 meters and a width of 1 meter, as well as several glass showcases that can be locked with a key. Surely you will need a turnstile for buyers, a packing table and about ten chrome-plated carts for purchased building materials.

Of course, each store should develop its own business project, but the basic indicators should still be taken into account. We present them in a simplified table.

Items of expenses for opening a store

Position Amount, rub. Note
working capital 5-7 thousand per sq. m of space But not less than 600 thousand rubles
Commercial equipment (racks, showcases) 2-3 thousand per sq. m of space -
Rent and salary 2-3 thousand per sq. m of space 1 manager per 50 sq. m

Summing up, we can say that opening a building materials store will require a businessman detailed planning and precise implementation of the plan. Experts believe that the "break-even point" will be passed within a year from the date of opening, while the profitability of the business should be at least 15%.

Compared to the Western market retail building materials with Russian, we can conclude that in Russia it is just beginning to develop.

Development is active. The annual growth rate is about 20%. It's easy to explain. Man constantly built something, builds and will build. grow up big cities, the countryside is developing, etc. For all this you need a large number of building materials. Therefore, the production and trade of this group of goods will always be popular. Many entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open hardware store from scratch. This is quite a promising segment of the market. With a properly calculated business plan and subsequent competent management, a building materials store will bring its owner a good and stable income.

Stages of opening a hardware store from scratch

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Register a building materials store

This can be done as an IP ( individual entrepreneur), and as an LLC (limited liability company).

If it was decided to register a store selling building materials as an individual entrepreneur, then the following documents will need to be submitted to the tax office:

  • paid receipt of the state duty for registration of IP (800 rubles);
  • an application in the form P21001, certified by a notary;
  • if accounting will be kept according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in the form No. 26.2-1;
  • a copy of all pages of the applicant's internal passport

Consideration of a set of documents for opening an IP is a week.

With a positive decision to open an IP, the entrepreneur is issued:

  • extract from the USRIP (single register of IP);
  • notification of tax registration;
  • notification of registration in the territorial SFC individual(Pension Fund);
  • from Rosstat a certificate of issuance of statistics codes.

After registering as an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to make a seal (from 500 rubles) and open a bank account (from 2 thousand rubles).

If it was decided to register a store selling building materials as an LLC, then the following is provided to the tax office:

  • application form 11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • if there is only one founder, the decision to establish, if there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;
  • paid receipt of the state duty (4 thousand rubles);
  • notarized photocopies of passports of all founders;
  • if accounting will be kept according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in the form No. 26.2-1.

The term for consideration of the application by the tax authority is one week.

In the event of a positive response to the application tax office gives out:

  • LLC registration certificate;
  • registered charter of LLC;
  • certificate in the form 1-3-Accounting;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • notification of registration with the Pension Fund of Russia (PF);
  • certificate of registration in TFOMS (territorial fund of obligatory medical insurance);
  • notification of the issuance of statistics codes from Rosstat.

It will take a few more days to register with the FIU, the FSS and Rosstat. It will take two days to make the seal of the organization. Opening a bank account takes an average of three days. Authorized capital an LLC must have at least 10 thousand rubles.

After your business selling building materials is registered, the next step is to buy a cash register and then register it with the tax office. This process will take about two weeks. Stores that sell cash registers, services are often provided for its accelerated registration with the tax office. If you use the services of this organization, then all documents will be ready in a maximum of 3 days.

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Renting premises for a building materials store

The competition in this market segment is quite high. Large chain stores also operate on the building materials market, which sell not only building materials as an intermediary, but also have their own production, whose products are subsequently sold in their stores at the best market price. Therefore, opening your own business in the format of a supermarket with a large retail space is not very profitable. It is better to give preference to opening a small store selling building materials in the “near home” format. When choosing a location for such a store, the requirements will be as follows:

  • The leased area should be from 40 to 100 sq. m;
  • the store should be located in a residential area of ​​houses or on the ground floor of a residential building and be within walking distance for customers;
  • in neighboring houses there should not be competing stores selling building materials;
  • the rented premises must fully comply with all SES requirements and the Fire Inspectorate.

When compiling a business plan, we write down that the monthly expenses for rent will amount to about 30 thousand rubles. A more accurate amount will depend on the location of the store and the leased area.

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Purchase of necessary equipment for a building materials store

To open a store in the “near home” format, you do not need to purchase any special equipment. It is quite possible to get by with a standard set of showcases, racks, podiums, counters, etc.

The cost of purchasing equipment will be approximately 100 thousand rubles.

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Recruitment for a building materials store

A building materials store must be open seven days a week. Opening hours - 9.00-21.00. Therefore, based on this graph, the store will need at least 2 salespeople. They have to work in shifts, according to the schedule two in two, for 12 hours. It is very important to find competent sellers. Since, in order to help the buyer in choosing a particular product, to advise him, you need a specialist who will understand building materials.

The cost of wages for salespeople will be 40,000 rubles a month (the salary of 1 salesperson is 20,000 rubles).

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Product range and supplier selection

The assortment of a small hardware store within walking distance should consist of 300-400 items. The most important thing should be the goods that you may need at any time. For example, the wallpaper has gone, and wallpaper glue not in the house. Because of this, it is unlikely that anyone will specifically go to the construction supermarket.

An example of an assortment of a small building materials store:

  • various building mixtures;
  • expendable materials;
  • mounting adhesive;
  • various wallpaper adhesives;
  • mounting foam;
  • nails, bolts, etc.;
  • various tools for construction work;
  • related products.

In the process of work, the necessary assortment of goods will become clearer.

To select suppliers of goods, you need to study wholesale firms that operate in a particular region. Some of them have their own production. The choice is very large. Production and sale of building materials in recent times have become very popular view business. Experts advise giving preference to those firms whose contracts state that they agree to replenish the range of goods at any time.

We write in the business plan that it will be necessary to spend about 700 thousand rubles to create a commodity stock when opening a store selling building materials from scratch.