Quail breeding as a business. On the commercial prospects of breeding quails

In Russia, quail has long been considered exclusively royal food. A little later, this bird began to appear on the noble tables, and under the USSR it was the exclusive advantage of the highest party ranks. Today the situation has not changed much. Not every store will be able to buy this game. So the potential for growing quail as a business is really huge.


Before you need to thoroughly study all the pros and cons. Quail breeding as a business starting from scratch is no exception. Therefore, it is imperative to calculate the profitability, study all the reviews, and only then begin to collect documentation and equip the sites.

Let's start with eggs: their production is three or four times more profitable than chicken counterparts. Actually, with the right approach, profitability can reach one hundred percent. However, we will proceed from the average and stop at the "golden mean".


Breeding quails in order to obtain meat in terms of profitability is two times lower. On average, this is twenty or, at most, twenty-five percent. But there are many other benefits as well. For example, a short one allows you to pay back a quail business, reviews of which are sometimes very useful, in just six months. For reference, it is worth noting that, for example, in pig breeding, this indicator is much higher - at least one and a half or even two years.

At the same time, such profitability of quail breeding is due to the fact that the birds reach maturity very quickly. And this means that for meat growing the production cycle lasts from two to three months, in addition, egg production can be achieved in the same period. So quail breeding as a business due to its turnover will develop very quickly. Even as a rough estimate, in six months you can go through as many as three rearing cycles for meat and reach peak egg production.


Quail breeding as a business, according to those who are already engaged in this business, is profitable and not difficult. Especially if you take into account the relevance, short terms of return of costs and, of course, profitability. Many years of experience of professionals indicates that quail breeding will only make sense if the initial number of livestock is six hundred. But in this case, with the favorable growth of birds, their high fertility and proper care, the number of quails per year can be increased by as much as ten times. But this requires certain prerequisites: knowledge of the characteristics of growing these birds, the complete exclusion of any surprises, such as low-quality feed, infections, etc.

I must say that it is necessary not only to choose a special room, but also to properly equip it: it must have lighting and heating. An important factor for the fertility of these birds is a constant temperature: twenty degrees is considered optimal with a humidity of up to seventy percent. In addition, the room must be well ventilated and free of drafts. All these are very important conditions for such production as quail breeding.

Business plan

Growing this bird at home requires a relatively small investment. At the same time, the lion's share of the costs goes to the purchase of equipment, as well as livestock and as premises for industrial scale, as a rule, use small hangars. Actually, quails are grown in them. The business plan in this case assumes the following costs for the implementation of the project based on six hundred heads (in rubles):

  • in the absence of own premises, the cost of rent (20 sq. m.) - from 10,000;
  • purchase of quails - up to 21,000;
  • cell batteries - up to 8,000;
  • incubator - 6,500;
  • feed - up to 3,000;
  • company registration - 1,000.

As a result, with an average calculation, you will have to spend about fifty thousand rubles, which, under favorable circumstances, will fully pay off in six months.

Prerequisites for business

Quail must be kept dry warm room. At correct placement multistory cells on an area of ​​twelve square meters it will be possible to keep up to a thousand birds. This requires the presence of the following mandatory factors:

  • the first and most important: a constant temperature within twenty degrees, since any sudden voltage drop can cause stress in quails and, as a result, loss of livestock;
  • maintaining optimal indicator humidity and provision of ventilation or air conditioning of the room: experts do not advise saving on the latter aspect - it is better to buy a good air conditioner;
  • complete absence of drafts;
  • soundproofing - the quail is considered a very nervous bird, so sudden and sharp sounds cause him stress, which entails the cessation of egg production and a slowdown in weight gain.

Industrial premises

Quail breeding as a business has its own nuances. And this is especially true not at home, but if the room in which it is supposed to grow this one, then it must be divided into several rooms. In one of them it will be possible to store and prepare the feed mixture, in the other there will be incubators, in the third - chicks will be kept.

In one battery it will be possible to raise no more than two hundred and fifty chicks. Price this equipment ranges from 2700 to 3300 rubles.

I must say that if quail breeding as a business is supposed to be carried out at home, then the future businessman, with certain skills, can make a battery feeder on his own. To do this, he will need plywood with metal sheets, welded galvanized mesh and fittings.

For rearing chicks, boxes are required, the dimensions of which should be as follows: length and width - sixty-five each, and height - twenty-five centimeters. They will need to be equipped with lighting lamps that will simultaneously warm up and maintain the required temperature regime.


Few people know that breeding quails both at home and in industrial conditions leads to the fact that females lose their instinct to incubate eggs. And this means that the future farmer will definitely need an incubator. Artificially supported incubation of eggs involves the use of a space in which there will always be a temperature of 37-39 degrees. An incubator for a small livestock can be made independently. To do this, you need drawings and diagrams. If the future farmer does not have experience in the manufacture of such devices, then he can purchase them in a specialized store. Market price incubators varies from 3300 to 6500 rubles, depending on their size, functionality and the ability to set temperature and humidity conditions.

Sales problem

Actually, the tasks associated with the sale of products are a priority for any business. And quail farming is no exception. Those who do this in a non-industrial environment may initially organize a so-called "home" distribution network for their products. It is as follows. Acquaintances and friends begin to sort out fresh quail eggs, and so orders are gradually formed for another product - for meat.

Breeding in industrial conditions implies a different scale of sales, and hence profit. As a rule, eggs and quail carcasses are sold through deliveries to markets, supermarkets and smaller food stores, restaurants, boarding houses, kindergartens and schools, as well as many other organizations.

Work force

If home cultivation requires only one pair of hands, then to ensure uninterrupted and high-quality breeding on a large scale, several people will need to be hired. The duties of such workers include preparing feed mixtures, feeding birds, collecting eggs, cleaning and cleaning the premises or incubator, monitoring temperature and humidity.

alone, without outside help, it is recommended to conduct such a business with a population of up to six hundred birds, then you need to count in mathematical progression: up to 1200 quails, one employee will be required, up to 1800 - two, etc.

Breeding quails in the countryside can be a good way to earn money for a family. Unpretentious birds feel great in different climatic zones. They continue to lay eggs and breed under the most normal conditions. A competent approach and knowledge of the intricacies of the quail breeding business guarantees a stable income.

The activity of growing quails has a number of advantages. The meat of these birds has excellent taste qualities, which are appreciated by consumers. Positive reviews about useful properties quail eggs confirms the high demand.

Females start laying early, at the age of 1–2 months, and retain their productivity for up to one year. After the end of this period, one-year-old birds are sold for meat. A short production cycle allows you to get the first earnings quickly enough.

Conditions for rearing birds

Small quails do not require a wide breeding area. Necessary conditions for keeping 30 birds:

  1. A clean, ventilated area of ​​​​5-10 square meters. meters;
  2. Air temperature 18–22 degrees C;
  3. Proper diet.

The first step to start a quail business is to buy special cages. The size of such cells is from 0.8 to 1 meter in width, and about 30 cm in height. This area can accommodate from 50 to 80 individuals. To save space, it is recommended to create tiers of 4 cages, which will allow you to keep up to 320 animals per square meter.

Cell batteries should be designed in such a way that it is convenient to care for birds, remove droppings and maintain cleanliness. In addition, they must be equipped with drinkers and feeders.

Breeding quails at home involves the purchase of additional equipment. In an artificial environment, females lose their ability to incubate eggs, so an incubator is required for the appearance of young. The cost of purchasing it depends on the capacity and functional features. On average, the cost is from 3 to 7 thousand rubles. Professional incubators with a capacity of up to 3000 eggs will cost the owner of the farm about 80 thousand rubles.

After the quails hatch, they are moved to a special cabinet - a brooder, where they are supported required temperature and light.

Particular attention should be paid to the illumination in the room where the birds will be kept. Installed in Room light bulbs should be at least 35 lux. Additionally, 20 lux lamps are mounted above the feed trays. Exceeding the brightness of the light will cause the birds to show aggression.

Quail breeding as a business involves intensive manual labor. One person can serve up to 600 heads daily.

Before deciding whether it is profitable or not to keep quails, you need to calculate the cost of feed. Sold in stores ready mixes, which are used to feed chickens, but it would be more economical to make your own mixture of cereals:

  1. Wheat from 25 to 30%;
  2. Corn 25%;
  3. Barley and grain of other crops 5% each;
  4. Food additives up to 5%.

For each age, birds require different portions:

Starting a home business, the owner must know which breeds of quail are the most profitable to breed. Some species are not suitable as a source of income, and are decorative. The main breeds that are used for breeding:

  • Japanese quail;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Estonian quail;
  • French breed.

Are you interested in this type of business?


Quail breeding business plan

Calculations for opening a quail business for 600 individuals will be approximately as follows:

  1. Leased premises area 20 sq.m. 12-15 thousand rubles (this item of expenditure is removed if you have your own premises in the household plot);
  2. Purchase of young quails 20–25 thousand;
  3. Purchase of equipment (cages, incubator, brooder) 30 thousand rubles;
  4. The cost of food is 3-5 thousand rubles.

Start-up capital, which will be required at the initial stage, will amount to 65-75 thousand rubles.

Monthly maintenance costs household are made up of utilities, transportation finished products, purchases of feed. The average amount of fixed costs is about 15,000 rubles.

Profitability will help determine whether it is profitable to keep a quail farm. In order to correctly assess the profitability, it is necessary to divide the proceeds into three options for the sale of products: eggs, meat, live poultry.

Revenue from the sale of eggs

The average female can bring an average of 20 eggs per month. Some of them should be postponed for
increase in bird heads, about 1/3. The cost of a quail egg on the market is 5 rubles. The ratio of females and males on a farm of 600 individuals is 50% to 50%. Every month, one female eats 900 grams of grain worth 20 rubles.

  • Income amount: 300 females * 20 eggs * 5 rubles = 30,000
  • Feed costs: 300 females * 20 rubles = 6000

Sale of meat

Average weight quail carcass is 250 grams. average cost quail meat on the market - 100 rubles. Up to 100 carcasses are sold monthly.

100 rubles * 100 pieces = 10000

Sale of live poultry

Additional income can be brought by the sale of young or grown quails. The cost of one bird is 80 rubles, up to 50 heads can be sold monthly.

50 birds*80 rubles=4000

Profit and payback

Financial calculations show how much you can earn from the quail business. The proceeds from the sale of eggs, meat and live poultry will amount to 44,000 rubles. Sum fixed costs for maintenance -15,000 rubles. Thus, earnings per month from 600 heads will be 29,000 rubles. The return on investment will occur within 3-4 months.


How to make money on quail breeding, which is necessary for organizing a quail farm. How much can you earn doing this business and how to sell finished products: eggs and meat. Detailed guide with calculations and a business development plan.

The quail farming business is attracting more and more interest from entrepreneurs. After all, such an activity guarantees a stable and high income, thanks to the good performance of birds.

In a year, one bird brings up to 300 eggs, which is 1,500 rubles in monetary terms. (at a price of 5 rubles / piece). That is, the profit from one hundred quails is about 150,000 rubles. per year (12,500 rubles per month). The more livestock, the higher the earnings.

But eggs are not the only products of the business.

Quail meat is a valuable product on the domestic market. Its calorie content is very low (up to 230 kcal / 100 g), it is rich in proteins and contains vitamins such as A, K, H, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12, which are well preserved during cooking. The market value of 1 carcass is 150 rubles.

As in quail breeding, what is necessary for this and what is its profitability will be described in detail below.

Profitability: is it profitable or not to breed quails?

First of all, let's talk about numbers. Since this information is primarily of interest to any entrepreneur.

So, how much can you earn on the sale of quail meat and eggs?

An example will be a bird farm with 1000 quails. They produce about 25,000 eggs per month. average price one egg in the market - 5 rubles. That is monthly profit will amount to 125,000 rubles.

About 200 quails can be slaughtered every month. The cost of one carcass 150-200 g is about 150 rubles. Revenue from the sale of meat - 30,000 rubles. monthly.

It turns out that the farm income of 1,000 quails is more than 150,000 rubles. for 1 month. From this amount, taxes, salaries to employees and the cost of keeping birds must be deducted. But even after all the spending net profit will be 80,000 - 100,000 rubles.

The figures are conditional. The final cost of production depends on the specific region and country, and the income from the scale of the farm.

« Quail business- it is the most profitable and fastest. Because the bird is developing very quickly. Already a two-month-old quail is a mature bird.

Armen Barseghyan - head of the agricultural cooperative "Snezhok"

From the experience of experienced entrepreneurs involved in quail breeding, it is known that the initial investment pays off in 4-5 months. Profitability of business - about 400%.

Start-up capital

Now it’s worth talking about how much money you need to open a quail farm. After all, this is the second thing that interests the future farmer.

For ease of calculation, a small farm for 100 birds will be taken as an example.

To start a business you will need:

  • Cages for keeping birds - 10,000 rubles.
  • Drinkers and feeders - 6,000 rubles.
  • Incubator for 200 eggs - 20,000 rubles.
  • Lighting fixtures and heaters - 25,000 rubles.
  • Young quail 100 pieces - 5,000 rubles.
  • Feed - 7,000 rubles.
  • Ovoscope - 1,500 rubles.

Total initial costs - 74,500 rubles.

Monthly expenses - about 10,000 rubles. These include the purchase of food, packaging materials for finished products, utility bills and advertising.

That is, to organize a small bird farm for 100 quails, you need to invest about 80,000 rubles.

What breeds of quail are best to breed?

Before buying young animals, you need to decide on the breeds of birds that will be bred on the farm. The most popular now are quail:

  • Japanese.
  • Pharaoh.
  • Marble.
  • British white.
  • British black.

Japanese quail is well suited for eggs, carrying 300 eggs for six months. After 5-6 months, productivity decreases, and the bird is slaughtered for meat.

British breed and pharaohs are ideal for selling meat. The carcass of a female is on average 230 g, and a male is 200 g. The egg production of a female per year is more than 200 eggs.

Regardless of the quail breed, the bird is resistant to various diseases and not sick with bird flu.

As for the purchase, it is necessary to purchase young animals under the age of 2 months. Optimal age for breeding 2-8 months. You can buy young quails at farmers' or bird markets, as well as through ads on the Internet or print media.

What else do aspiring entrepreneurs need to know?

Before moving on to farm organization and poultry breeding technology, it is worth paying attention to a few important points that the future farmer should know.

Firstly, it is better to start a business with 100-500 quails. Then the investment will be minimal. At the same time, it will be possible to quickly gain experience in this area and at the same time develop a good client base.

Secondly, there is no 100% guarantee that all quail breeding tips from the Internet or literature will fit the case of an entrepreneur. At the initial stage, the bird must be observed and paid attention to its behavior, nutrition, growth and egg production.

Thirdly, one must be mentally prepared for the fact that birds do not have holidays and days off. Therefore, the entrepreneur will have to work daily - and manually. But hiring workers can save you from this.

It is also worth noting that the quail farming business requires registration. You can register as an individual entrepreneur, LLC or private household plot. But before that, it is advisable to consult a tax or a lawyer.

For the sale of finished products, you will need a quality certificate and documents authorizing the sale of meat and eggs, which are issued by the sanitary service.

“The first thing to advise an entrepreneur who decides to breed quails is. Do not try to hire anyone for this. Future Entrepreneur To be successful, you must do your own research. The first step is to see if there are quail eggs in the stores in your city. If the population of the city is 10,000 people, then all the shops can be bypassed in 1 day. If the city is large, then it is enough to bypass your area.

Next, you need to find out the reasons why people buy quail eggs and how much they buy them. To do this, it is enough to ask ordinary people. Just do not approach with words like “We have a marketing survey. Answer a couple of questions." Act simply as an ordinary buyer. Ask casually. No need to try to remember everything that buyers say - it must be written down and analyzed. This will help in the future to make the same buyers a profitable offer.”

Vasily Bogdanov - Chief Editor magazine "Marketing and Management"

Organization of a quail farm

The entire organizational process begins with the preparation of the premises. Since the bird itself is small, the place for keeping it can be modest. Moreover, modern cages for 100-900 quails are very compact - up to 600 birds can be placed per 1 m 2. Planting males to females is carried out in a ratio of 1:4 or 1:2.

The main requirements for the premises:

  • Air humidity is about 60%.
  • Air temperature - 18-22°С.
  • The presence of air conditioning and heating system.
  • Artificial lighting - 35 lux (working for 18 hours daily).

Failure to comply with the temperature regime and humidity leads to a serious decrease in egg production. The same goes for poor ventilation.

Cages should be placed so that the birds are not located in a draft. Otherwise, the same decrease in egg production will occur, and in more serious cases, the death of young and adult quails.

Structurally, the cages consist of several tiers (up to 5), and the size of each cage is about 30 cm. This allows you to freely and comfortably collect eggs and feed the birds.

The market price of cells starts from 10,000 rubles. There are models that cost more than 60,000 rubles. Therefore, if there is a desire and a little free time, then the cells can be built with your own hands. However, before making a final decision, you need to calculate whether it is more profitable - buying cages or building them yourself.

Feeders and drinkers are placed outside the cages and must have closed structure so that debris and litter do not get into them. The best option for drinking bowls is nipple.

Quail breeding technology

The main feature of quail breeding is that breeds for laying eggs and for meat cannot be mixed together. That is, they need to be kept separate.

The rest is pretty simple:

  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the indoor climate.
  • Timely feed, water the birds and take their eggs.
  • Carefully select eggs for the incubator.

The last point is worth talking about in more detail.

Not all eggs go into the incubator. They must be carefully sorted out and looked at so that they are of normal size, shape, color, there are no various defects and double yolks inside (this is checked on an ovoscope).

The following requirements apply to the incubator:

  • After placing the eggs in the incubator, the first 12 days it should maintain a humidity of 60% and an air temperature of 37.7 ° C, after which it must be lowered to 37.2 ° C for 2 days (humidity should also be lowered to 55%).
  • On day 16, the temperature in the incubator should be 37ºС, and the humidity increased to 70%.

The incubation period of eggs can be up to 20 days.

“In the room where quails are grown, it is necessary to observe a clear microclimate corresponding to a certain age of quails. To do this, there is a system of underfloor heating, special infrared lamps, which are controlled by automation, as well as fans and supply shafts that regulate the flow of clean air.

Sergei Baklykov - Deputy Head farming

When the first young come out of the eggs, he needs to provide comfortable and safe conditions. Since even the slightest draft will lead him to death. In the first week, the temperature in the room should be 36-37ºС, in the next - 32ºС, and in the third - 25ºС. On the fourth week, the young are sent to cages with adult birds.

Bird feeding

An adult quail consumes 30 g of feed per day. Accordingly, it is not difficult to calculate how much it is needed. For example, if the farm has 1000 birds, then 3 kg is required daily. stern.

Quails need to be fed at a specific time. That is, if initially they were given food at 8 am, then every day it should be given at 8 am. Changing the diet will negatively affect the egg production of birds and their health.

In summer, in addition to the main food, birds should be fed with chopped fresh grass and root crops. In winter, you can feed with millet, wheat, fishmeal. The basic rule for any time of the year is that quail food should be balanced and contain a large number of vitamin. Also in the feeders must be chalk or gravel. All these measures are aimed at obtaining high egg production.

“Quails need a balanced feed. Most often, it has more than 20 items of ingredients to make a complete egg. From simple seeds or wheat, birds will not rush. ”

Tatyana Chaplyuk - poultry farmer

Marketing of products: eggs and meat

The main points of growing quails are sorted out. Now we need to consider in detail the options for marketing products and advertising.

You can sell finished products both through wholesalers and independently. Most entrepreneurs choose the first option, as there is no need to search trading place and stand in the market in rain and snow, waiting for a buyer.

You can offer quail eggs and meat:

  • Small private grocery stores.
  • large retail chains.
  • Restaurants, cafes and other establishments Catering.

In addition to the main product, young animals can be sold to the same entrepreneurs from other regions of the country.

You can distribute product information in the following ways:

  • Publication of advertisements in print media or online publications.
  • Advertising on TV or radio.
  • Via your own website using .
  • Through social networks by creating your own page.
  • Distribute flyers (suitable for retail).

There are a lot of tools for promoting your own products now. The main thing is to initially decide on the maximum possible budget for advertising. Since most often a novice entrepreneur has a limited budget and the main funds are spent on the purchase of equipment, renovation of premises, etc.

In the future, when the farm will have 3,000-5,000 birds, it is advisable to hire a marketing specialist who will take on all the tasks of selling and developing a client base.

From the above information, it can be seen that the quail farming business is a very profitable business. However, it requires a lot of time and about 100,000 rubles. at the start. But all this justifies further high profits and the possibility of constantly scaling the business.

Many today are interested in the question: quail breeding - profitable business or not? This case has many features and nuances, each of which will either succeed or incur significant costs.

Profitability and benefits

Before taking any decisive steps, it is necessary to carefully weigh everything, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages. The quail business is considered quite profitable, in case right approach and the correct organization of all work, you can achieve profits of up to 100%. Compared to chicken, the production of quail eggs is several times more profitable. As for breeding for meat, the advantage is twofold.

The production cycle is short enough so that the payback period can reach up to 6 months.

Birds reach maturity at as soon as possible. For both meat growing and egg production, it is literally 2-3 months from scratch. It is these short periods that determine the rapid development of this business. The peak can be reached after 3 cycles, which is 6-9 months.

The average price for eggs in the market is 15 rubles, and food - up to 5 rubles. The latter are especially popular due to the increased content in it useful substances, as well as the complete absence of cholesterol.

It is quite profitable to sell bird carcasses - they cost about 250 rubles apiece. The cost of food is minimal. Relatively little space is required for your own farm, layers do not need to be walked, so you can organize all production in small outbuilding at home.

Premises and equipment

Considering that birds take up very little space, you can organize a business in enough compact room. The main requirement is a calm environment. It is very important to be away from the city noise, as the birds are extremely shy. Maintain the optimum temperature for breeding (+18-22 degrees Celsius) and humidity (65%), which requires appropriate equipment and control and accounting systems.

A sharp change in these parameters can lead to a drop in egg production or even the death of the bird itself. Cages should not stand in a draft - it can lead to the same problems.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of fresh air - most often this is done using an air conditioner. The volume of incoming air must be maintained at a rate of 2 cubic meters in winter and 5 cubic meters in summer, based on 1 kg of live bird weight.

For the heating system, you need to install an air conditioner or heater. The latter must be equipped with a system that allows maintaining the selected temperature in automatic mode.

Many experts also recommend purchasing an additional generator. It will help not to be afraid of freezing or suffocating quails in cases where power outages occur. You can set such a generator to automatically start, which will allow you to maintain permanent job all systems.


The first place to start is to buy cages. Most often, the Japanese quail breed is taken for breeding. Up to 120 birds can be housed per square meter of cage space. At the same time, the height of the cage is only 30 cm, which will not allow the birds to jump. To increase the available space, the cells are placed on top of each other, creating up to 5 tiers.

At the same time, it is important to ensure the convenience of caring for the birds, as they will need to be fed, watered and, over time, collect eggs. To the maximum, up to 600 quails can be bred per square meter, but in practice it is unrealistic to achieve such indicators. The reason is simple: too densely populated cells will not allow you to monitor the condition of the birds individually.

It is not at all necessary to buy specialized cages for keeping quails, they can also be made independently from improvised materials - plywood and grating, which will significantly save initial costs.

In any case, you should choose or make your own models that have a slight slope at the bottom, due to which the eggs will roll on their own. The cells themselves must be closed type- this will prevent food and litter from getting into them. As for drinkers, here optimal solution will become a drip option.


Breeding quails leads to the fact that over time, female birds simply lose the instinct to incubate eggs. Thus, the need for an incubator becomes urgent, that is, the incubation of eggs must be supported artificially.

Optimum temperature for this - 37-39 degrees Celsius, noticeably higher than room temperature. It is very important that the temperature in the artificial incubator is maintained constantly.

You can also make such a device yourself according to the schemes, which you can find on the Web without much difficulty. Another option is to buy ready solution in the shop. On average, the prices of incubators vary from 3 to 6.5 thousand rubles. The size, functionality and the presence or absence of the possibility of setting the temperature and humidity conditions have an impact on the price.


The light in the room should be turned on for 18 hours a day, while the intensity is also important - it should be less than 35 lux.

You will also have to provide for additional light bulbs that are mounted above the feeders, with a brightness of up to 20 lux. If these parameters are exceeded, the birds become overly aggressive.

Breeds for breeding

It should be noted that not all quail breeds are suitable for breeding for meat or eggs. There are also exclusively decorative and laboratory types.

japanese quail

Also called common. According to experts, best option for breeding for eggs. In a year, one can bring up to 310 eggs. Moreover, the carcasses of this breed are also suitable for sale for meat, their average weight is about 200 grams.

As a result, in cooking, one carcass goes exactly for one serving of the dish. Another undoubted advantage is their endurance - they rarely get sick. Thus, this type of quail is the most profitable in financial terms.


Mostly meat breed. The average carcass weight is about 320 grams, the average number of eggs from one female is 200 per year. However, they require much more care.

They owe their popularity to a rather spectacular view, as well as large carcasses, which, however, are not to everyone's taste.

French and Estonian

These species are quite similar to each other. The average number of eggs is 300 per year, the average carcass size is 300 grams. The least demanded among others, since few people like the presentation of carcasses.

Of course, you can breed quails and other species, but they are rather decorative and it is unlikely that you will be able to get a more or less good income with their help.

Difficulties with implementation

Perhaps the main problem associated with this business is the problems with the implementation of the finished product. Growing quails on own farm allows you to get two main products: eggs and carcasses for meat. The competition in this area is not too high, but at the same time there are considerable difficulties in finding a buyer.

Today people prefer chicken eggs. Accordingly, there are no large manufacturers in this market, most of the product comes from small companies and private traders. So, where to sell the finished product?

If it's about big business, in which thousands of quails are involved, the only option is cooperation with supermarkets and large stores. Achieving an agreement with small shops is by no means an option, sales in this case will be very low.

Perfect option- conclusion of an agreement with a supermarket. The main task in this case, it becomes a search for arguments in favor of your particular product. It is far from always possible to convince the administration of this or that trading network of this. You will also need to obtain a lot of relevant permits from government agencies that would confirm the safety of products.

Sale of carcasses

Egg production in females drops sharply in the second year of life. As a result, it is simply not profitable to maintain it. The most obvious option would be slaughtering for meat with feather cleaning.

It is quite difficult to do this yourself, so you will not be able to do without the purchase of an appropriate centrifuge. It will help to reduce the time-consuming process to just a few minutes, and the processing goes immediately up to 10 carcasses.

The implementation of the sale of quail meat through large stores is a difficult task, it is much easier to donate meat to restaurants, cafes and similar establishments. Oddly enough, the Pharaoh meat breed is the least suitable for this. It is taken very reluctantly because of the size of the carcass - it is simply not suitable for a standard portion. In this regard, the Japanese breed wins again.

Work force

With the growth of business, you will certainly have to attract additional workers to cooperate. Only the team can provide smooth operation on a large scale. Employees of the enterprise will be engaged in the production of special feed mixtures, direct feeding and collection of eggs. They will also clean the cages and the incubator, as well as a whole range of related work.

According to experts, doing business alone is possible if you are going to keep quails in the amount of no more than 600 birds. In the future, one employee will be required, and when there are over 1200 birds in the cages, a second one will have to be hired, and so on.

Brief business plan

AT in general terms, expenses (600 quails) are as follows:

Only half of the young acquired at the beginning will be female quails. Males will subsequently go exclusively for meat, which somewhat reduces their value. On the other hand, all initial costs will eventually be beaten off, since you will no longer have to buy most of the above. In addition, over time, the number of birds will begin to grow by itself, increasing the scale and profitability of the enterprise.


On the early stages you can get by with a fairly modest initial investment and arrange quail breeding at home in order to test the model, doing production only for yourself and your friends.

After a little run-in, you can scale up by increasing production volumes. True, for this it is advisable to agree in advance with buyers in the face of large stores.

Video: quail breeding as a business.

Quail breeding will be an excellent business for anyone who is ready to engage in the production of agricultural products in somewhat cramped conditions. In order to create a quail farm, you do not need vast lands and spacious buildings. You can keep quails not only in rural areas, but also in a city apartment, selling healthy food products without any special logistical costs. The main thing is to make detailed business plan breeding quails without missing a single detail.

Why quail?

The relevance of this business idea is now due to the current situation in the food sector. Western sanctions, introduced and possible, showed everyone how much the country's economy depends on imported products. Now it is local products that are becoming popular, own production agricultural products and the sale of farm food.

Unlike all other areas of livestock and poultry farming, quail breeding will allow you to get finished products in the shortest possible time and quickly enter the market, taking advantage of preferences and consumer demand for "their" goods. In addition, starting a small quail breeding farm will not require such expenses as building a cowshed or even a chicken coop for a similar number of birds, and feed consumption is much less than when keeping traditional types birds - chickens, ducks or geese.

Conditions for keeping quails

Breeding quails for the purpose of selling meat and eggs involves the choice of meat or egg breeds. You can take birds of both directions, the main thing is not to cross them and keep them separately.

To accommodate quails, any room with proper ventilation and warming. total area for placement of 100-300 birds in cage batteries can be from 10 sq. meters. It needs to put cages (metal or wooden with a mesh floor), each of which can contain from 10 to 50 birds. The height and width of each cell can be only 20-30 cm, and the length is limited only by design features. Drinkers and feeders in cages can be stationary; you can either make them yourself from tin or plastic pipes, and purchase ready-made ones.

It is important to observe the optimal temperature conditions in the premises so as not to disturb the productivity of your farm.

The temperature of keeping quails is suitable at 18-25 degrees Celsius, no less, because otherwise the quails may stop laying eggs. They are susceptible to both drafts and sharp drops temperature. The light regime is also important - it is necessary to illuminate the room for at least 17-20 hours a day. You also need to take care of maintaining low humidity - no higher than 50-60%.

Quails begin to rush as early as 1.5 months, at the same age they gain weight up to 90-100 grams, and after a couple of weeks you can start slaughtering them for meat. Egg incubation lasts 16-20 days. Total for the year of the female egg breeds lay up to 250-300 eggs, the advantage of meat quails is that by 2-3 months they gain weight of 150-200 grams or more. By the way, the life expectancy of quails in cells can reach 10 years.

How to feed quails?

What to feed quails? In order to avoid problems with egg production and weight gain in birds, it is recommended to use specialized compound feeds designed specifically for quails - not very large and with a set of all the necessary nutrients.

How to sell products?

Quail products must be positioned correctly. The meat and eggs of this mini-bird are not just food, but dietary products that must be consumed in order to improve health.

For example, the composition of quail eggs has a positive effect on male power, and quail meat is suitable for feeding children with food allergies. In addition, the meat of these birds has a high nutritional value, high calorie content and medicinal properties. It is recommended for regular use in cardiovascular diseases and diseases. gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the postoperative period, with oncological diseases. Quail is also useful for pregnant women, children, representatives of the older generation and weakened people. Vitamins of group B contained in quail meat prevent the development of rickets and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

The organization of the marketing of quail products depends on the chosen strategy of promotion to the market - with mass production you need to find a wholesale buyer who will become an intermediary, or independently go to retail chains or catering establishments, including on the basis of sanatoriums and medical institutions.

In this case, you will need to acquire not only veterinary certificates, but also a certificate of conformity from Rostest, develop specifications, as well as receive an individual barcode for labeling products.

But if the volume of supplies is small, and the existing production does not allow regular production of quail meat and eggs, then it is worth considering another way to find customers. Start with " word of mouth» and notify all your friends, relatives and colleagues about the presence of such useful products. The target audience will be young mothers with children and elderly people who care about their health. Then you can go the following way:

  • place information about the products offered in local media;
  • create your own website with the functions of an online store;
  • develop a page in social networks;
  • create ads on popular web resources for communication of local residents;
  • spread out the flyers mailboxes in your area.

In order to initially brand your products, you need to develop a logo and come up with a recognizable name, print business cards with contacts for receiving orders, make stickers for egg containers and labels for packaging carcasses. By the way, you need to take care of ordering the egg boxes themselves, and you can pack the meat yourself in vacuum bags.

Profitability of the quail business

To begin with, it is worth evaluating the costs of starting production. The list of the main costs for organizing a quail farm for 100 birds:

  • cages for keeping quails (10 pieces) metal with pallets - 2,000 * 10 = 30,000 rubles;
  • drinkers, feeders - 250 * 20 \u003d 5,000 rubles;
  • incubator for 250-400 eggs - 10,000 rubles;
  • purchase of young animals for the formation of the main livestock of 50-100 pieces - 5,000 rubles;
  • poultry house equipment (lighting, heating) - 20,000 rubles.
  • Total start-up costs required - 70,000 rubles.

You can save on the arrangement of the premises itself and the purchase of cages, doing everything with your own hands in suitable premises- garage, shed, barn or even on the balcony. You can start with a smaller number and gradually increase it. Complete replacement cages, feeders and drinkers will not be needed soon - they are made of high-strength plastic and tin, so they will last for several years.

After the farm starts its work, and the first batch of quails grows up, constant expenses for other items of expenditure will begin:

  • feed (special compound feed for quails, vitamin supplements) - 7,000 rubles;
  • the maintenance of quails in household services (utility payments) - 1,000 rubles;
  • packaging of finished products (for meat and eggs) - 500 rubles;
  • advertising (announcements, business cards) - 500 rubles.
  • Total expenses - 9,000 rubles per month.

How much can you get from selling quail meat and eggs? For a month, 100 quails will carry about 2500-3000 eggs, but they can be slaughtered for meat at 200-300 pieces per month. The cost of eggs in different regions reaches 2-5 rubles apiece, and a carcass weighing 100-200 grams will cost the buyer an average of 50-100 rubles. In total, you can earn an income of up to 45,000 rubles.

Net profit will be 45,000 - 9,000 \u003d 36,000 rubles. This is provided that you organize your business as a private household plot without registering a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur. When scaling the business, revenues will also increase - the more quails, the more revenue from the sale of eggs and meat. Therefore, if you have a room of 100 sq. m., where you will place about 1000 birds, you will be able to receive at least 300-350 thousand profits per month.

The profitability of the project is 400%. For every 10,000 rubles invested, you can receive 40,000 rubles a month. The costs will pay off in two months, and then the profit can be spent on the further development of the quail farm.