Fun experiments for kids at home. Interesting and exciting safe experiences for kids at home. "Bait" for ice

Today, there are a huge number of educational games for children. But conducting various experiments in a homely atmosphere will leave an indelible impression on the younger generation. With a minimum set of items, it is possible to perform many experiments that in the mind of the child will be perceived as a focus.

Experiments for children "Invisible ink"

To create this magical experience for kids, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • Drinking water - 0.5 tablespoon;
  • Cup;
  • Double-sided cotton swab;
  • Blank sheet of paper.

Actions to commit a secret message are carried out in the following order:

  1. Squeezed lemon juice and water are poured into a glass. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  2. One side of the cotton swab should be used as a writing instrument. It is dipped in a lemon solution of water and the necessary text is applied to them on a blank sheet of paper.
  3. After the secret information has completely dried, the sheet with the message must be heated. For the experience, you will need an included table lamp.
  4. Under the influence of a lighting device, encrypted letters will begin to appear, such an experience at home for your child will be an amazing knowledge of chemical laws.

Experiments for children "Inflating a balloon with a lemon"

As necessary items for conducting such an experiment you will need:

  • Glass empty bottle;
  • Balloon;
  • Scotch;
  • Clean glass;
  • Baking soda - 1 dessert spoon;
  • 1 glass of pure water;
  • Food vinegar - 3 large spoons;
  • Juice of 1 lemon;
  • Funnel.

Such a test is carried out in several stages:

  1. Prepared soda is added to a bottle of water.
  2. Vinegar and lemon juice are mixed in a glass. Then, using a funnel, the acidic mixture is poured into a bottle with soda and water.
  3. With quick actions, put the ball on the neck of the bottle. And immediately wrap the edges with tape. This is necessary so that the air does not come out.
  4. The ingredients put into the bottle create the necessary chemical reaction. Their end result is the selection carbon dioxide, which by its properties creates pressure inside this structure.
  5. It is this forced action that inflates Balloon.

Experiments for children "Space rocket launch"

For this experience and creating a natural release of the lethal vehicle, you will need the following items:

  • colored paper;
  • Bottle with pressed cork;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Drinking water - 0.5 cups;
  • Funnel;
  • Juice squeezed from one lemon;
  • Baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Toilet paper, small size;
  • Threads.

The launch of the rocket model is carried out in a strict sequence of actions:

  1. The cork will serve as the body of the spacecraft. It should not close the neck of the bottle too tightly. Glass containers are a kind of platform for starting.
  2. Using scissors and colorful paper, you need to form wings for the rocket. Fix with glue. The result should be a mock-up of an aircraft that easily enters the neck of the bottle.
  3. Using a funnel, water and lemon juice are poured into a glass container. Then the resulting mixture is mixed and waits for its finest hour.
  4. Baking soda is poured into a piece of toilet paper and wrapped with threads. The glomerulus should turn out to be of such a size that it can easily get into the prepared bottle without much effort.
  5. A place to launch a spaceship must be thought out in advance. Since its rapid flight can destroy the chandelier on the ceiling.
  6. Next, drop a lump of soda powder into a bottle of solution. And put a model of a rocket on the neck. But at the same time, the entry of the lethal vehicle into the launch turbine should not be too tight.
  7. After a few seconds of waiting, you can almost see a real space launch, a great experience for children.

Experiments for children "Toothpick command"

During this experience, the child may well feel like a magician. In order for this miracle to happen, you need to arm yourself with items such as:

  • Toothpicks;
  • shallow cup of water;
  • Rafinated sugar;
  • Dishwashing liquid.

With the help of a minimum set and a few actions, you can conduct an experiment:

  1. Spread the toothpicks on the water, in the form of sun rays.
  2. Then, slowly lower a piece of refined sugar into the water into the center formed.
  3. With this action, you can draw the toothpicks to the center of the bowl and the sugar lump.
  4. And if the sugar is removed from the container, and a small drop of detergent is applied to this place, then the rays will begin to move away to the edges of the cup.
  5. The focus of these actions is that sugar, by its properties, sucks in air, thereby attracting nearby objects. A soap solution, on the contrary, repels.

Experience for children "Floating egg"

In order to make the egg float, you will need the following components:

  • Raw chicken egg;
  • Container with clean drinking water;
  • Salt - 1 pack.

First, let's try to lower the egg into raw water. It just sank. Now we take it back and pour salt into the water. That is, we create a strong brine. The next step is to try to make the egg float in salt water. And it really is on the water surface and does not sink. This is due to the fact that salt creates an increased density of water, so this experience is obtained for children.

Experiments for children "Ice fishing"

As a catch, in this experiment for children, there will be a small ice cube. It will be fished out of a glass of water, but the hands will remain dry. The list of required materials is described below:

  • Glass with clean water;
  • Frozen ice cube;
  • A few grains of salt;
  • Thread, no more than one meter long.

When conducting this experiment, it is necessary to carefully monitor everything that happens so as not to miss important details. The procedure for performing the necessary operations is:

  1. A small piece of ice is lowered into a prepared glass of water.
  2. The thread is placed with one end on the edge of the glass, and the other on the ice cube.
  3. Salt granules are sprinkled on the ice where the thread is located. And the time is ticking. The waiting time is 5-10 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, with gentle movements over the edge of the thread, you can get an ice cube. It will be attached to the string.
  5. This is due to salt, which melts the ice. And then pure water only freezes the thread to the ice piece.

Experiments for children "Cold water boils"

In order to see boiling bubbles in cold water, participants in the experiments will need components such as:

  • A glass filled to the top with cold water;
  • Pharmaceutical gum;
  • Handkerchief.

You need to perform all the tricks of the experiment in the sink and in the appropriate order:

  1. The handkerchief is abundantly moistened with water and squeezed out.
  2. A handkerchief is placed on a glass of water and secured with an elastic band. Moreover, the core of the scarf should touch the water surface.
  3. Turn the prepared glass upside down and hold in one hand. With the other hand, apply light blows to the bottom of the glass. From these actions, the water begins to “boil”, that is, to boil.
  4. This is due to the fact that the fabric of the handkerchief does not allow water to pass from the glass. And upon impact, vacuum air is formed, which enters the water, your child will be delighted.

Experience "Creating a musical instrument"

When creating a musical flute for children at home from improvised materials, you will need items such as:

  • plastic straw;
  • Scissors.

The future tool needs to be flattened a little on one side and cut off its side edges. At equal distance from each other, three holes are cut on the surface of the straw. You just need to blow air into it slightly and alternately close the holes. The flute is ready to play music, an excellent experience for developing ear, imagination and logic modeling.

Experience "Bird in a cage"

To perform this experiment, it is necessary to prepare materials:

  • Scissors;
  • White cardboard;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Compass;
  • Colour pencils.

Compliance with all stages of this experience will lead to an unforgettable experience of creating a cartoon. To construct it you need:

  1. Using a compass, draw a regular circle on the cardboard and cut it out.
  2. On the sides of the circle, pierce a pair of holes with a needle and pull the threads through them. The length of the threads on both sides should be about half a meter.
  3. On the outside of the cardboard you need to depict an empty cage. And on another small bird that could fit in this cage.
  4. Then, taking the threads from both sides, it is necessary to twist them with rotating movements.
  5. When stretching the twisted ends, they will unwind. And at this moment the child will be able to see the bird that is in the cage.

Experiments for children "Turning a square into a circle"

The focus of this test is the visual effect. For its implementation, materials are needed:

  • Cardboard;
  • Ruler;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • Pencil.

When performing the transformation trick, it is necessary to cut out a square of the correct shape from cardboard. Then, using a ruler, find the middle of one side. Attach one end to it measuring device, and bring its other end to the corner of the nearest side. Along the formed line, using a felt-tip pen, it is necessary to apply about 30 points.

On a cardboard square, find its middle and pierce it with the sharp tip of a pencil. Cardboard paper should rotate on the pencil without much effort. When the square is rotated, you can see the resulting circle. Although these are just dots on the cardboard, they simply move in a circle and create a circle effect.

Experience "The Mighty Power of Breath"

Any child considers himself strong and courageous. And in order for his confidence in this to be fixed, it is necessary to conduct a similar experiment. For its implementation you will need:

  • Hangers for clothes;
  • Thick thread;
  • Book;
  • Clothesline.

The implementation of all stages of the experience will lead to excellent mastery results. The implementation of these activities is:

  1. At a pre-selected place, it is necessary to pull the clothesline.
  2. With the help of threads, a book is tied to the shoulders. It should not be in close contact with the hanger, that is, there must be free space between them.
  3. The hanger hook must be hung on a clothesline. The design for the experiment is ready.
  4. Being at a short distance from the device, you need to blow on it with all the available strength. The result of these actions will be only a slight wiggle of the book mechanism.
  5. And if you change the tactics of breathing from the same distance, then the result will not be long in coming. With a slight increase in exhalation of air, the design will begin to deviate. And after you can also slowly blow on the device. That is, the effect of mightiness consists in the lightness and consistency of the breath.

Experiments for children "Record weight"

The materials needed for the experiment for children are used:

  • Small tin cans - 2 pieces;
  • Paper;
  • Glass jar, about 1 liter.

The experiment consists of the following steps:

  1. Cans of tin material are placed opposite each other, at an approximate distance of about 30 centimeters.
  2. A prepared sheet of paper is laid on top of them. It creates the appearance of a bridge.
  3. On this laid paper bridge, you need to carefully place the jar. The result of such actions will be the fall of the glass container.
  4. If a paper sheet is folded into the shape of a typical accordion and placed between two tins, then a bridge will also be obtained. But only with enhanced action. Because if you put a jar on this structure, it will not fall, since the bridge does not even bend.

Whichever of these experiments is carried out in the society of children, they will certainly remember its effect for many years to come.

Video "Experiments for children at home"

Entertaining chemical experiments prepare children for studying chemistry at school. Most of the experiments carried out at home are not dangerous, informative, spectacular. Some experiments are provided with a written description that will help explain to the child the essence of the ongoing processes and arouse interest in chemical science.

When conducting chemical experiments At home, the following safety rules must be observed:

Simple experiments for the little ones

Chemical experiments for young children, carried out at home, do not require any special substances.

colored bubbles

For one such experiment you will need:

  • fruit juice;
  • sunflower oil;
  • 2 effervescent tablets;
  • decorative transparent container.

Stages of experience:

You can create bubbles with a stronger shell yourself by mixing water and dishwashing detergent in a combination of 2: 1 + a little granulated sugar. If glycerin is added instead of sugar, the bubbles will reach very large sizes. Adding food coloring to the soap solution will produce colored luminous bubbles.

night light

At home, with the help of simple substances, you can make a night light. This will require:

  • tomato;
  • syringe;
  • sulfur heads from matches;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • bleach.


  1. Sulfur is placed in a bowl, poured with bleach, insisted for a while.
  2. Draw the mixture into a syringe, cut off the tomato from all sides.
  3. To start a chemical reaction, hydrogen peroxide must be introduced. This is also done with a syringe in the place where the petiole was.
  4. When in a dark room, the tomato will emit a soft light.

Carefully! There is no longer such a tomato.

sizzling balls

You can make your own sizzling balls for baby bathing.

During operation, hands must be protected with gloves.


floating worms

For the next experiment you will need:

  • 3 worm jelly candies without sugar sprinkles;
  • soda;
  • acetic acid;
  • water;
  • glass glasses.

Stages of work:

  1. The first glass is half filled with acetic acid.
  2. Pour warm water into the second glass and dilute 60 g of soda.
  3. Put the sweets into the solution, leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Take the sweets out of the soda solution and place them in a glass of essence.
  5. The surface of the sweets will immediately be covered with bubbles, they will continuously rise to the surface and sink to the bottom of the glass. This is because the baking soda first fills the pores of the candy, then reacts with the vinegar to release carbon dioxide, which lifts the candy to the top.
  6. When in contact with air, the bubbles burst, the candy sinks to the bottom and again becomes covered with bubbles and rises.

Experiments for older children

Chemical experiments for children at home can be more complex and interesting.


So, any student will be able to simulate a volcanic eruption at home:

colored foam

For the experience of creating colored foam you will need:


  1. The glasses are placed on a tray, half filled with soda, dyes are added.
  2. Vinegar mixed with detergent, pour into glasses.
  3. Colored foam will come out of each glass. You can pour the vinegar mixture into glasses several times until all the soda comes out.

Malachite egg

Coloring experiment chicken egg in the color of malachite long, but interesting:

  1. To do this, the contents are removed from the egg: 2 holes are made and blown out.
  2. For weight, a little plasticine is placed in an empty egg.
  3. Dissolve a spoon in 0.5 liters of water blue vitriol(It can be purchased at a hardware store).
  4. Dip the egg into the solution, the shell must be completely immersed in the solution.
  5. After a few days, gas bubbles will appear.
  6. After a week, the shell will acquire a light blue-green color.
  7. After a month, the color of the shell will become saturated malachite.


Making fireworks with your own hands:

  1. Magnesium shavings are very crushed.
  2. The sulfur heads of the matches are separated from the wood. You will need 2-3 boxes of matches. Crushed magnesium is mixed with sulfur powder.
  3. Take metal tube and seal tightly one of the holes with plaster.
  4. Pour a mixture of magnesium and sulfur into the tube. The mixture should not occupy more than half of the tube.
  5. The tube is wrapped several times with foil. A wick is inserted into the free hole.
  6. You can blow up such fireworks only in deserted places.

Coloring water blue

To color a colorless liquid blue, you need:

  • alcohol solution of iodine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vitamin C tablet;
  • starch;
  • glass glasses.

Performing the experience step by step:

  1. A tablet of vitamin C is ground into powder, dissolved in 55 ml of warm water.
  2. Pour 5 ml of the resulting solution into a glass, add 5 ml of iodine and 55 ml of heated water. The iodine should be colorless.
  3. Separately, 18 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 5 g of starch, 55 ml of water are mixed.
  4. The iodine solution is poured back and forth into the starch solution several times.
  5. The colorless liquid will turn dark blue. Iodine loses its color when it reacts with vitamin C. Starch turns blue when mixed with iodine.

Simple experiments on the properties of metals

Chemical experiments for children at home can be carried out with metals.

For simple experiments you will need:

  • the fire;
  • pieces of various metals;
  • foil;
  • copper sulfate;
  • ammonia;
  • acid.

To experiment with copper wire, a small piece of metal is twisted into a spiral and strongly heated over a fire. Then immediately lowered into a container with ammonia. The reaction will take place instantly: the metal will begin to hiss, and the black coating formed when exposed to fire will come off. Copper wire will shine again. It is better to do the experiment several times, then the color of the ammonia will turn blue.

For the next experiment, solid iodine, crushed aluminum, warm water will be required. Iodine is mixed with aluminum in equal proportions. Water is added to the mixture. The powder begins to burn, emitting purple smoke.

Another experiment will include:

  • chrome-plated paper clip;
  • galvanized steel nail;
  • pure steel screw;
  • acetic acid;
  • 3 tubes.

Stages of experience:

  1. Metal objects are placed in test tubes, filled with acid, left for observation. In the first days, hydrogen evolution is observed.
  2. On the 4th day, the acid in the test tubes with coated metal objects begins to turn red. In a test tube with a steel screw, the acid turns orange, and a precipitate appears.
  3. After 2 weeks, in a test tube with a paperclip, the acid turns red, but only in the upper layers. Where the paper clip is located, the acid is colorless. After removing the staple, you can see that it appearance not changed.
  4. Acid in a test tube with a nail is colored with a smooth transition from red to pale yellow. The nail hasn't changed.
  5. In the 3rd test tube, layered coloring of the liquid and a precipitate are also observed. The screw turned black, the upper microlayers of metal collapsed.

Conclusion: unprotected iron is subject to corrosion.

For the next experiment, you need to prepare a blue solution of copper sulfate (dissolve a few crystals in water, stir). Put non-rusty nails in a test tube, fill with a solution. After a while, the solution will turn green, and the nails will turn copper-colored. This happened because iron displaced copper from the liquid, the displaced copper settled on metal objects.

To conduct the Hydrogen Glove experiment, you will need:


  1. Salt solution and copper sulfate solution are simultaneously poured into the flask. When mixed, a sea-green liquid is obtained.
  2. Make a lump out of foil and place it in the hole of the flask. Hydrogen immediately begins to evolve violently.
  3. Put on a rubber glove on the neck, it instantly fills with gas.
  4. On contact with fire, the glove ruptures and the gas ignites. The liquid in the vessel gradually acquires a dirty gray hue.

The most spectacular chemistry experiments for children

Chemical experiments for children at home are very diverse, and some are very effective.

colored foam

To make a large amount of colored foam you need:

bleached brilliant green

For the bleaching experiment, you will need:

  • brilliant green solution;
  • glasses;
  • bleach;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • tablets activated carbon.


  1. Water is poured into 6 glasses, a drop of greenery is added to each.
  2. The 1st glass is set aside for comparison, bleach is added to 2, ammonia is added to 3, and peroxide is added to 4.
  3. Ammonia instantly discolors the liquid.
  4. Small bubbles appeared in a glass of bleach, the solution became colorless.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide will discolor the liquid gradually, over about 15 minutes.
  6. Vinegar added to the solution will make the liquid brighter.
  7. After 30 min. the liquid is bright.
  8. Activated charcoal brightens the solution.

pharaoh snake

Conducting an experiment called "Pharaoh's Serpent" will require:

Stages of experience:

  1. The sand is impregnated with alcohol and formed into a cone.
  2. A recess is made at the top.
  3. Soda is mixed with sugar, poured into a recess.
  4. Ignite the soaked sand.
  5. The mixture will turn into black balls, soda and sugar will begin to decompose.
  6. After burning alcohol, a snake will appear, consisting of the products of burning sugar.

Pharaoh snake made of sugar and soda:

Fire without a spark

To get a fire without a spark, potassium permanganate, glycerin and paper are needed.


  1. Place about 1.5 g of potassium permanganate powder in the center of a sheet of paper, cover with the free edge of the sheet.
  2. Apply 3 drops of glycerin to the paper in the place where the powder is located.
  3. After 30 seconds, potassium permanganate will begin to hiss, smoke and give black foam. The exothermic reaction will heat up the paper and it will ignite.


To make a small firework at home, you need to pick up a small refractory dish with a long handle.


  1. On a paper sheet, you need to pour a crushed tablet of activated carbon, the same amount of potassium permanganate and the same amount of iron filings.
  2. Fold a sheet of paper in half to combine the powders (powders should not be stirred with spoons or spatulas: they can ignite).
  3. Carefully pour into a refractory dish, heat over the included burner. After a few seconds. the heated mixture will begin to emit sparks.

Chemical kits for children

Chemical experiments for children at home will help to conduct special sets of substances and tools.

Set for experiments "Volcano"

Designed for children from 14 years old, allows you to independently reproduce the eruption of a small volcano.


To conduct the experiment, you first need to make the volcano itself, sand or gypsum is suitable as a material. When the mountain has frozen, a special powder is poured into the recess and set on fire. The substance begins to burn spectacularly, throw out sparks, and ash appears.

The advantages of such an experiment include a visual representation of flammable substances. Disadvantages: the presence of harmful substances, can be used only 1 time.

Price: 440 rubles.

Chemistry set

The kit provides for the cultivation of crystals at home.

The set includes:

  • ammonium crystal;
  • dye;
  • polypropylene container;
  • gloves;
  • colored glass base;
  • mixing tool;
  • instruction.

Stages of work:

  • Crystalline powder is poured into the container, mixed with 150 ml of boiling water.
  • Stir until complete dissolution.
  • The base of the crystal is dipped into the liquid.
  • Cover with a lid for 60 minutes.
  • The substance is poured into the cooled water to form a crystal, the lid is closed.
  • After a day, remove the cover.
  • Wait until the top of the crystal appears above the water.
  • The water is drained, the crystal is taken out and dried.

The experience is very interesting for children, it is practically safe, but it will take at least 4 days to complete it.

Set cost: 350 rubles.

Set for chemical experiments "Traffic light"

Set includes:

  • sodium hydroxide;
  • glucose;
  • indigo carmine;
  • 2 measuring cups;
  • gloves.

Experience Sequence:

  1. Glucose (4 tablets) is dissolved in the 1st glass, using a small amount of boiling water for this. Add 10 mg sodium hydroxide solution.
  2. In the 2nd glass dissolve a little indigo carmine.
  3. In the resulting blue liquid, a solution of glucose with alkali is poured.
  4. When the solutions are mixed, the liquid will turn green (oxygen contained in the air oxidizes indigo carmine).
  5. Gradually the solution will turn red, then yellow. If the vessel with the yellow solution is shaken, the liquid will turn green again, followed by red and yellow.

The experiment is spectacular, interesting and safe. The disadvantages include insufficiently detailed instructions.

Set price: 350 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of home experiments

Name of experience Advantages Flaws
pharaoh snakeAvailability of materials, entertainmentnot safe
Growing crystalsComplete security, visibilityThe experiment is quite long
VolcanoVisually demonstrates the interaction of substancesLengthy preparations for experience
Experiment on the interaction of metals with various liquidsefficiency, safetyRequires a lot of time to
home fireworksSpectacle and availability of substances usednot safe

Most chemical home experiments, when properly conducted, do not harm the health of the child, but it is better to conduct them under the supervision of adults. All necessary substances found in every kitchen.

Experiments will reveal to children the secrets of the interaction of substances and arouse interest in understanding the world.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: chemical experiments for children

Home miracle laboratory: chemical experiments for children:

Do you think that today's children spend more time playing on their phones than necessary? Worried about your child becoming addicted to gadgets? Believe me, almost all parents are faced with this. Children and adults cannot imagine life without digital technologies, what can you do. We live in such an era. Many modern children begin their first acquaintance with the world through sterile Computer techologies and virtual perception.

When your baby is busy with a smartphone, tablet or computer, it worries you less. The child is passionate, he does not run, does not make noise, does not annoy you. You can rest easy and go about your business. Really, great? Certainly, if you are going to raise a half-blind disabled person with mental disabilities.

Many experts compare digital addiction with alcohol and drugs. To prevent this, the editorial "So simple!" collected for you 9 simple and entertaining experiments especially for preschoolers.

Experiments for children at home

With the help of the usual tools at hand that everyone has in the house, your baby will learn how to conduct real scientific experiments. Imagine how delighted he will be when he sees chemical reactions and tricks of physics! He will like it much more than cartoons and video games.

rainbow milk

You will need

  • fat milk
  • plate
  • food colorings
  • liquid soap or detergent
  • cotton buds


  1. Pour milk into a bowl. Drop a few drops of food coloring different color.
  2. Dip a cotton swab into the detergent and touch it to the surface of the milk.
  3. Watch an amazing reaction: the milk will begin to move, overflow and play with colors.
  4. Explanation

    The colors are set in motion by the interaction of detergent molecules with milk molecules.

refractory ball

You will need

  • 2 balls
  • candle
  • matches


  1. Inflate the first balloon and hold it over the candle to demonstrate that the balloon bursts from fire.
  2. Fill the second ball with water, tie it up and bring it back to the candle.
  3. It turns out that the ball does not burst and calmly withstands the flame of a candle.
  4. Explanation

    The water in the balloon absorbs some of the heat from the candle and keeps the walls of the balloon from melting, so it doesn't burst.

lava lamp

You will need

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • food colorings
  • vegetable oil
  • jar


  1. Fill the jar with water about a third of the volume and dissolve the food coloring in it.
  2. Pour vegetable oil to the top of the jar. Observe that the oil does not mix with water, but remains on top.
  3. Add 1 tsp. salt and watch the amazing reaction happen.
  4. Explanation

    Oil and water have different densities. Oil is lighter than water, so it's on top. The salt makes the oil heavier, so it sinks to the bottom. If you replace salt with any effervescent tablet, the effect will be simply enchanting!


You will need

  • tray
  • plastic bottle
  • plasticine or clay for modeling
  • food coloring
  • vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l. baking soda
  • 1/4 st. vinegar
  • 1/4 st. water


  1. Cut a plastic bottle in half.
  2. Blind a plasticine or clay volcano around the bottle.
  3. Pour in 1/4 tbsp. water, add food coloring, soda, pour in vinegar.
  4. Watch the "volcanic eruption".
  5. Explanation

    Molecules of vinegar and soda enter into a chemical reaction, and the active release of carbon dioxide begins. Therefore, the mixture foams and is pushed out of the bottle. If you sculpt buildings, vegetation around the volcano, put figures of animals and people, then you get a real home “cataclysm”!

invisible ink

You will need

  • milk or lemon juice
  • brush or pen
  • paper
  • hot iron


  1. Dip the brush in milk or lemon juice.
  2. Write something on a piece of paper. Wait for the lettering to dry.
  3. Heat up a sheet of paper with an iron and watch how the inscription appears.
  4. Explanation

    Milk and lemon juice are organic matter and are able to oxidize, that is, react with oxygen. When heated with an iron, this ink turns brown because it "burns" faster than paper. The same effect gives vinegar, orange and onion juice, honey. Even if the kid does not know how to write yet, he can draw a secret letter.

floating egg

You will need

  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 5 tsp salt


  1. Gently lower the egg into the first glass of water. If it remains intact, it will sink to the bottom.
  2. Pour hot water into the second glass and add 5 tsp. salt. Dissolve the salt, wait for the water to cool slightly, then dip the second egg.
  3. Watch the second egg float on the surface instead of sinking to the bottom of the glass.
  4. Explanation

    The density of an egg is much greater than the density of water. But the saline solution is more dense than the egg, so it remains to float on the surface.

Rainbow at home

You will need

  • deep transparent plate
  • sheet of A4 paper
  • mirror
  • torch


  1. Immerse a mirror on the bottom of a transparent plate. Pour water.
  2. Point a flashlight at the mirror.
  3. Catch the reflected light with a sheet of paper and observe a bright rainbow.
  4. Explanation

    The beam of light is not actually white, but consists of several colors. When the beam passes through the water, it is decomposed into its component parts in the form of a rainbow.

Walking on eggs


  1. Cover the floor with garbage bags, put 2 egg trays on them. Make sure all eggs are turned with the pointed side up.
  2. Invite the child to take a walk on the eggs. By placing his foot correctly, he will be able to walk on them without breaking a single one. Do not trust? Try it too!
  3. Explanation

    As you know, the egg shell is very strong, despite the fragility. With uniform stress, the pressure is distributed over the shell so that it is able to withstand even a large weight without cracking.

candle pump

You will need

  • plate
  • candle
  • cup
  • food coloring


  1. Dissolve food coloring in water.
  2. Light a candle and put it on a plate.
  3. Cover the candle with a glass. Watch how the water is drawn into the glass.
  4. Explanation

    Candles need oxygen to burn. When it ran out inside the glass, the candle went out and internal pressure decreased, and the pressure outside the glass forced the water inside.

It's so easy with the help of improvised means you can carry out exciting chemistry experiments for kids. Introduce your child to productive and informative games that will develop his curiosity, thirst for knowledge and interest in the outside world.

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The ability to see a miracle in everyday objects distinguishes a genius from other people. Creativity is formed in early childhood, when the baby inquisitively studies the world around him. Science experiments, including water experiments, are an easy way to get your child interested in science and a great family activity.

From this article you will learn

What is good water for home experiments

Water is the ideal substance to explore physical properties items. The advantages of the substance familiar to us are:

  • availability and low cost;
  • the ability to stay in three states: solid, vaporous and liquid;
  • the ability to easily dissolve various substances;
  • the transparency of the water ensures the visibility of the experience: the baby will be able to explain the result of the study himself;
  • safety and non-toxicity of substances necessary for experiments: a child can touch everything that interests him;
  • no need for additional tools and equipment, special skills and knowledge;
  • You can conduct research both at home and in kindergarten.

The complexity of the experiments depends on the age of the child and the level of his knowledge. It is better to start experiments with water for children with the simplest manipulations, in senior group preschool or at home.

Experiments for toddlers (4-6 years old)

All little children enjoy the process of pouring and mixing liquids of different colors. The first lessons can be devoted to acquaintance with the organoleptic properties of the substance: taste, smell, color.

Children of the preparatory group can be asked how they differ mineral water and sea. In the kindergarten, the results of research can not be proved and what is happening can be explained in accessible words.

Transparency experience

You will need two transparent glasses: one with water, the other with an opaque liquid, such as tomato juice, milk, cocktail tubes or spoons. Immerse objects in each container and ask the kids in which of the cups the tube is visible and in which it is not? Why? Which substance is transparent and which is impenetrable?

Sinking - not drowning

You need to prepare two glasses of water, salt and a raw fresh egg. Add salt to one of the glasses at the rate of two tablespoons per glass. If you put an egg in a clear liquid, it will sink to the bottom, and if in salty water, it will be on the surface of the water. The child will develop the concept of the density of matter. If you take a large container and gradually add fresh water to salt water, the egg will gradually sink.


On the initial stage it will be enough to pour water into the mold with the child and send it to the freezer. You can watch together the process of melting an ice cube, speed up the process by touching it with your fingers.

Then complicate the experiment: put a thick thread on the ice cube, sprinkle the surface with salt. After a few moments, everything will grab together, and the cube can be lifted up by the thread.

An exciting sight is melting colored ice cubes placed in a transparent container with vegetable oil (you can take a baby one). Droplets of water sinking to the bottom form a bizarre pattern that is constantly changing.

Steam is also water

For the experiment, the water must be boiled. Pay attention to the children how steam rises above the surface. Hold over a container of hot liquid, such as a thermos, mirror, or glass saucer. Show how droplets flow from it. Make a conclusion: if you heat water, it will turn into steam, when cooled, it will again turn into a liquid state.


It's not an experience, but rather a focus. Before starting the experiment, ask the kids if water in a closed container can change color from a magic spell. In front of the children, say a conspiracy, shake the jar, and the colorless liquid will become colored.

The secret is that water-soluble paint, watercolor or gouache is applied to the lid of the container in advance. At the moment of shaking, the water washes away the layer of paint and changes color. The main thing is not to turn the inside of the lid towards the audience.

broken pencil

The simplest experiment that demonstrates the refraction of an image in a liquid is to place a tube or pencil in a transparent glass filled with water. The part of the product immersed in the liquid will appear deformed, which is why the pencil looks broken.

The optical properties of water can also be tested in this way: take two eggs of the same size and immerse one of them in water. One will seem larger than the other.

Freeze expansion

Take plastic tubes for a cocktail, close one end with plasticine, fill with water to the brim and cork. Place the tube in the freezer. After a while, pay attention to the baby that the liquid, freezing, expanded and forced out the plasticine plugs. Explain that water can break the container if it is exposed to low temperatures.

Dry wipe

At the bottom of an empty glass, place a dry paper napkin. Turn it over and lower it vertically into a basin of water with the edges down to the bottom. Prevent liquid from getting inside by holding the glass with force. Also in the vertical direction, remove the glass from the water.

If everything is done correctly, the paper in the glass will not get wet, this will be prevented by air pressure. Tell the children the story of the diving bell that people use to sink to the bottom of a pond.


We lower the tube into a glass filled with water, bend it in the lower third. Immerse the glass completely upside down in a container of water so that part of the tube is on the surface. We blow into it, the air instantly fills the glass, it jumps out of the water and turns over.

You can tell the children that fish use this technique: to dive to the bottom, they squeeze the air bubble with their muscles, and part of the air comes out of it. To rise to the surface, they pump up air and float.

Bucket rotation

To conduct this experience, it is advisable to call for help from the pope. The procedure is as follows: a strong bucket with a strong handle is taken and filled with water up to half. A more spacious place is chosen, it is desirable to conduct an experiment in nature. The bucket must be taken by the handle and rotated quickly so that the water does not spill. When the experiment is over, you can watch the splashes pouring from the bucket.

If the child is old enough, explain to him that the fluid is held by centrifugal force. You can test its action on the rides, the principle of which is based on a circular motion.

vanishing coin

To demonstrate this experience, pour water into a liter jar and close the lid. Take out a coin and give it to the baby so that he makes sure that it is the most ordinary one. Let the child put it on the table, and you put the jar on top. Ask your child if he sees money. Remove the container and the coin will be visible again.

floating paperclip

Before starting the experiment, ask your child if metal objects sink in water. If he finds it difficult to answer, throw a paper clip vertically into the water. She will sink to the bottom. Tell your child that you know a magic spell to keep the paperclip from sinking. Using the flat hook bent from the second piece, slowly and carefully place a horizontal paperclip on the surface of the water.

So that the product does not completely sink to the bottom, first rub it with a candle. Focus is achieved due to a property of water called surface tension.

non-spill glass

For another experiment based on the properties of the surface tension of water, you will need:

  • transparent smooth glass beaker;
  • a handful of small metal objects: nuts, washers, coins;
  • oil, mineral or vegetable;
  • chilled water.

Before carrying out the experiment, you need to grease the edges of a clean, dry glass with oil. Fill it with water and lower the metal objects one by one. The surface of the water will no longer be flat and will begin to rise above the edges of the glass. At some point, the film on the surface will burst, and the liquid will spill. Oil in this experiment is needed to reduce the connection of water and the surface of the glass.

Flowers on the water

Required materials and tools:

  • paper of different density and color, cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a wide container of water: a basin, a deep tray, a dish.

The preparatory stage is the manufacture of flowers. Cut the paper into squares with a side of 15 centimeters. Fold each of them in half and double again. Randomly cut out the petals. Bend them in half so that the petals form a bud. Dip each flower in prepared water.

Gradually, the flowers will begin to open. The speed of unraveling will depend on the weight of the paper. The petals are straightened due to the swelling of the fibers of the material.

treasure hunt

Collect small toys, coins, beads and freeze them in one or more pieces of ice. The essence of the game is that as thawing occurs, objects will appear on the surface. To speed up the process, you can use kitchen utensils and various tools: forks, tweezers, a knife with a safe blade. If several children are playing, you can arrange a competition.

Everything has soaked in

Experience introduces the child to the ability of objects to absorb liquids. To carry it out, take a sponge and a plate of water. Dip the sponge into the bowl and watch with your child as the water rises and the sponge becomes wet. Experiment with different objects, some have the ability to absorb liquids, and some do not.

Ice cubes

Children love to freeze water. Experiment with them with shapes and colors: the kids will make sure that the liquid repeats the shape of the container in which it is placed. Freeze the colored water into cubes, first insert toothpicks or tubes into each.

From the freezer you will get a lot of colorful boats. Put on paper sails and lower the boats into the water. The ice will begin to melt, forming bizarre colored stains: this is manifested by the diffusion of the liquid.

Experiments with water at different temperatures

Stages and conditions of the process:

  1. Prepare four identical glass glasses, watercolors or food coloring.
  2. Pour cold water into two glasses, warm water into two.
  3. Color warm water black and cold water yellow.
  4. Put a glass of cold water on a plate, cover the container with warm black liquid with a plastic card, turn it over and place it so that the glasses are symmetrical.
  5. Carefully remove the card, try not to move the glasses.
  6. Cold and warm water will not mix due to the properties of physics.

Repeat the experiment, but this time put a glass of hot water down.

All experiments in kindergarten are carried out in a playful way.

Experiences for schoolchildren

Tricks with water for schoolchildren should be explained already in the elementary grade, introducing them to the simplest scientific concepts, then the young magician will easily master both physics and chemistry in the 8th-11th grade.

colored layers

Take a plastic bottle, fill a third of it with vegetable oil, a third with water, and leave another third empty. Pour the food coloring into the bottle and seal it with a cap. A child can see that oil is lighter than air and water is heavier.

The oil will remain unchanged, but the water will be colored. If you shake the bottle, the layers will shift, but after a few moments everything will be as it was. When the container is placed in the freezer, the oil layer will sink down and the water will freeze on top.


Everyone knows that water cannot be held in a sieve. Show the child a trick: grease the sieve with oil and shake. Carefully pour some water along the inside edge of the sieve. Water will not flow out, as the oil film will hold it. But if you run your finger along the bottom, it will collapse and the liquid will flow out.

Experiment with glycerin

The experiment can be carried out on the eve of the New Year. Take a jar with a screw cap, a small plastic toy, glitter, glue, and glycerin. Glue a toy, Christmas tree, snowman to the inside of the lid.

Pour water into a jar, add glitter and glycerin. Close the lid tightly with the figurine inside and turn the container upside down. Thanks to glycerin, the glitter will swirl beautifully around the figurine if you turn the design over regularly. The jar can be given as a gift.

Making a cloud

It's more of an ecological experiment. If your child asks you what clouds are made of, do this experiment with water. Pour hot water into a 3-liter jar, about 2.5 centimeters. Place ice cubes on a saucer or baking sheet and place on a jar so that the neck is completely closed.

Soon, a cloud of mist (steam) forms inside the container. You can draw a preschooler's attention to condensation and explain why it's raining.


Often, both children and adults are interested in how such a atmospheric phenomenon like a tornado. Together with the children, you can answer this question by arranging the following experiment with water, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare two plastic bottles 2 liters, adhesive tape, metal washer diameter 2.5.
  2. Fill one of the bottles with water and put a washer on the neck.
  3. Turn the second bottle over, put on the first and rewind tightly upper part both bottles with tape so that water does not spill out.
  4. Turn the structure over so that the water bottle is on top.
  5. Arrange a hurricane: start rotating the device in a spiral. The flowing stream will turn into a mini-tornado.
  6. Observe the process taking place in the bottles.

A tornado can also be arranged in a bank. To do this, fill it with water, not reaching the edges by 4-5 centimeters, add dishwashing detergent. Close the lid tightly and shake the jar.


You can explain the origin of the rainbow to the baby as follows. AT sunny room set a wide container of water, put a sheet of white paper next to it. Lower the mirror into the container, catch it Sunshine, point it towards the sheet so that the spectrum appears. You can use a flashlight.

Lord of matches

Pour water into a plate and let it float on the surface of the match. Dip a piece of sugar or soap into the water: in the first case, the matches will gather around the piece, in the second, they will float away from it. This is because sugar increases the surface tension of water, while soap decreases it.

Water flows up

Place white flowers in containers of water colored with food coloring, preferably carnations or pale green plants such as celery. After a while, the flowers will change color. You can do it easier: use not flowers, but white paper napkins in the experiment with water.

An interesting effect will be obtained if one edge of the towel is placed in water. certain color, and the other - in another, contrasting shade.

Water from air

A fascinating home experience clearly shows how the condensation process takes place. To do it, take a glass jar, fill it with ice cubes, add a spoonful of salt, shake it several times and close the lid. After 10 minutes, water droplets will appear on the outer surface of the jar.

For clarity, wrap it in a paper towel and make sure there is enough water. Tell your child where in nature you can see the process of water condensation: for example, on cold stones under the sun.

paper cover

If you turn a glass of water over, it will spill out. Can a sheet of paper hold water? To answer the question, cut out a flat lid from thick paper that exceeds the diameter of the edges of the glass by 2-3 centimeters.

Fill a glass about halfway with water, place a sheet of paper on top, and gently flip it over. Due to the air pressure, the liquid must remain in the container.

Thanks to this joke, the student can earn popularity among classmates.

soapy volcano

You will need: detergent, soda, vinegar, cardboard for the "volcano", iodine. Pour water, vinegar, dishwashing liquid and a few drops of iodine or other dye into a glass. Make a cone out of dark cardboard and wrap the container with the ingredients so that the edges touch. Pour baking soda into a glass and the volcano will erupt.

candle pump

This entertaining trick with water demonstrates the power of the law of gravity. Take a small candle, place it on a saucer and light it. Pour some colored water into a saucer. Cover the candle with a glass, gradually the liquid will be drawn into it. The explanation is in the change in pressure inside the tank.

Growing crystals

The result of this experience will be beautiful crystals on the surface of the wire. They need a strong salt solution to grow. You can determine whether the solution is sufficiently saturated by adding a new portion of salt. If it does not already dissolve, the solution is ready. The purer the water, the better.

To clear the solution of debris, pour it into another container. Dip a wire with a loop at the end into the solution and put everything in a warm place. To get patterned crafts, twist the wire as required. After a few days, the wire is overgrown with salt "snow".

Dancing coin

You need a glass bottle, a coin and water. Place an empty bottle without a cap in the freezer for 10 minutes. Put a coin soaked in water on the neck of the bottle. Less than a minute cold air when heated, it will expand and begin to displace the coin, causing it to bounce on the surface.

magic ball

Tools and Materials: Vinegar, baking soda, lemon, glass, balloon, bottle, duct tape, and funnel.

Process flow:

  • Pour water into the bottle, add a teaspoon of soda.
  • Mix three tablespoons of vinegar and lemon juice.
  • Quickly pour the mixture into the water bottle through the funnel and place the balloon on the neck of the bottle containing the water and baking soda mixture. The reaction will come instantly: the composition will begin to “boil” and the balloon will inflate, as air will be forced out.

To ensure that air from the bottle only enters the balloon, wrap the neck with electrical tape.

Balls in a frying pan

If a little water is poured onto a hot surface, it will disappear (evaporate). When adding another portion, balls resembling mercury are formed in the pan.

burning liquid

Seal the working surface of the Bengal sticks with adhesive tape, leaving the tips, set fire to it and lower it into a transparent vessel with water. The sticks will not go out, thanks to their chemical composition in water, their fire burns even brighter, creating the effect of a burning liquid.

Water management

The power of sound is another means of changing the direction of fluid flow. The result can be observed using a powerful speaker. Under the influence of music or other sound effects, the water takes on a bizarre fantastic shape, forming foam and mini-fountains.

rainbow water

The cognitive experiment is based on changing the density of water. For the process, take four small cups of water, dyes, a syringe and granulated sugar.

Add dye to the first glass and leave for a while. In the rest, dissolve successively 1, 2 and 3 teaspoons of sugar and dyes different colors. An unsweetened liquid is poured into a transparent glass with a syringe. Then, water is also gently released to the bottom with a syringe, where 0.5 teaspoon of sugar is added.

The third and fourth steps: a solution is produced with an average and maximum concentration in the same way: closer to the bottom. If everything is done correctly, in a glass you will get water with multi-colored layers.

colorful lamp

A cool experience delights not only children aged 5-6, but also younger students and teenagers. Water and sunflower oil are poured into a glass or plastic bottle in equal parts, dye is poured. The process is started by dropping an effervescent aspirin into the water. The effect will be enhanced if this experiment is carried out in dark room providing illumination with a flashlight.

Ice formation

For the trick, you will need a 0.5 liter plastic bottle filled with distilled water without gas, and a freezer. Place the container in the freezer, after 2 hours, remove it and hit it sharply on a hard surface.

The water will start to turn into ice. The experiment is explained by the composition of distilled water: there are no centers responsible for crystallization in it. Upon impact, bubbles appear in the liquid and the freezing process starts.

This is not all manipulations carried out with water. Substances such as starch, clay, shampoo change its properties beyond recognition. Children of 6-7 years old can do almost all the experiments themselves in the kitchen or experiment under the supervision of their parents by watching a video tutorial or explanatory pictures.

More cool experiments are shown in this video.

If necessary, you need to offer advice or help to the little chemist. It is even better to do all the research together: even adults will discover many amazing properties of water.

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Entertaining experiences and experiments for schoolchildren
How to curb the seething energy and indefatigable curiosity of the baby? How to make the most of the inquisitiveness of the child's mind and push the child to explore the world? How to promote the development of a child's creativity? These and other questions certainly arise before parents and educators. This paper contains a large number of various experiences and experiments that can be carried out with children to expand their understanding of the world, for the intellectual and creative development of the child. The described experiments do not require any special training and almost no material costs.How to pierce a balloon without harm to it?
The child knows that if the balloon is pierced, it will burst. Stick on the ball on both sides of a piece of adhesive tape. And now you can safely pierce the ball through the tape without any harm to it.
"Submarine" No. 1. Submarine from grapes
Grab a glass of fresh sparkling water or lemonade and toss a grape into it. It is slightly heavier than water and will sink to the bottom. But gas bubbles, similar to small balloons, will immediately begin to sit on it. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will pop up.

But on the surface, the bubbles will burst and the gas will escape. The heavy grape will again sink to the bottom. Here it will again be covered with gas bubbles and rise again. This will continue several times until the water "exhales". According to this principle, a real boat floats up and rises. And the fish have a swim bladder. When she needs to dive, the muscles contract, squeezing the bubble. Its volume decreases, the fish goes down. And you need to get up - the muscles relax, dissolve the bubble. It increases and the fish floats up.

"Submarine" №2. Egg submarine
Take 3 jars: two half-liter and one liter. Fill one jar with clean water and dip a raw egg into it. It will drown.

Pour a strong solution of table salt into the second jar (2 tablespoons per 0.5 l of water). Dip the second egg there - it will float. This is because salt water is heavier, so it is easier to swim in the sea than in a river.

Now put an egg on the bottom of a liter jar. Gradually adding water from both small jars in turn, you can get a solution in which the egg will neither float nor sink. It will be held, as if suspended, in the middle of the solution.

When the experiment is done, you can show the trick. By adding salt water, you will ensure that the egg will float. Adding fresh water - that the egg will sink. Outwardly, salt and fresh water do not differ from each other, and it will look amazing.

How to get a coin out of the water without getting your hands wet? How to get out of the water dry?
Put the coin on the bottom of the plate and fill it with water. How to take it out without getting your hands wet? The plate must not be tilted. Fold a small piece of newspaper into a ball, set fire to it, throw it into a half-liter jar and immediately put it down with the hole in the water next to the coin. The fire will go out. The heated air will come out of the can, and due to the atmospheric pressure difference inside the can, the water will be drawn into the can. Now you can take the coin without getting your hands wet.
lotus flowers
Cut flowers with long petals from colored paper. Using a pencil, twist the petals towards the center. And now lower the multi-colored lotuses into the water poured into the basin. Literally before your eyes, the flower petals will begin to bloom. This is because the paper gets wet, becomes gradually heavier and the petals open.
natural magnifier
If you need to make out any small creature, such as a spider, a mosquito or a fly, it is very easy to do this.

Plant the insect in a three-liter jar. Tighten the neck at the top cling film, but do not pull it, but, on the contrary, push it so that a small container forms. Now tie the film with a rope or elastic band, and pour water into the recess. You will get a wonderful magnifying glass through which you can perfectly see the smallest details.

The same effect will be obtained if you look at an object through a jar of water, fixing it on the back of the jar with transparent tape.

water candlestick
Take a short stearin candle and a glass of water. Weight the lower end of the candle with a heated nail (if the nail is cold, the candle will crumble) so that only the wick and the very edge of the candle remain above the surface.

The glass of water in which this candle floats will be the candlestick. Light the wick and the candle will burn for quite some time. It seems that it is about to burn down to water and go out. But that won't happen. The candle will burn out almost to the very end. And besides, a candle in such a candlestick will never cause a fire. The wick will be extinguished with water.

How to get drinking water?
Dig a hole in the ground about 25 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter. Place an empty hole in the center of the hole. Plastic container or a wide bowl, put fresh green herbs and leaves around it. Cover the hole with clean plastic wrap and cover the edges with earth to prevent air from escaping from the hole. Place a stone in the center of the film and lightly press the film over the empty container. The device for collecting water is ready.

Leave your design until the evening. And now carefully shake the earth off the film so that it does not fall into the container (bowl), and look: there is clean water in the bowl.

Where did she come from? Explain to the child what is under the action solar heat grass and leaves began to decompose, releasing heat. Warm air always rises. It settles in the form of evaporation on a cold film and condenses on it in the form of water droplets. This water flowed into your container; remember, you pushed the film a little and put a stone there.

Now you have to come up with interesting story about travelers who went to distant lands and forgot to take water with them, and start an exciting journey.

Miraculous matches
You will need 5 matches.
Break them in the middle, bend them at a right angle and put them on a saucer.
Put a few drops of water on the folds of the matches. Watch. Gradually, the matches will begin to straighten out and form a star.
The reason for this phenomenon, which is called capillarity, is that wood fibers absorb moisture. She crawls further and further along the capillaries. The tree swells, and its surviving fibers "get fat", and they can no longer bend much and begin to straighten out.

Washbasin chief. Making a washbasin is easy
Toddlers have one feature: they always get dirty when there is even the slightest opportunity for that. And the whole day to take a child home to wash is quite troublesome, besides, children do not always want to leave the street. Solving this issue is very simple. Make a simple washbasin with your child.

To do this, you need to take a plastic bottle, on its side surface about 5 cm from the bottom, make a hole with an awl or nail. The work is finished, the washbasin is ready. Plug the hole made with your finger, pour water to the top and close the lid. Slightly unscrewing it, you will get a trickle of water, screwing it up, you will "turn off the faucet" of your washbasin.

Where did the ink go? transformations
Drop ink or ink into a bottle of water to make the solution a pale blue. Put a tablet of crushed activated charcoal there. Close the mouth with your finger and shake the mixture.

She brightens up before her eyes. The fact is that coal absorbs dye molecules with its surface and it is no longer visible.

Making a cloud
Pour hot water into a three-liter jar (about 2.5 cm). Place a few ice cubes on a baking sheet and place it on top of the jar. The air inside the jar, rising up, will cool. The water vapor it contains will condense to form a cloud.

This experiment simulates the formation of clouds when warm air cools. And where does the rain come from? It turns out that the drops, heated up on the ground, rise up. It gets cold there, and they huddle together, forming clouds. When they meet together, they increase, become heavy and fall to the ground in the form of rain.

I don't believe my hands
Prepare three bowls of water: one with cold water, another with room water, and a third with hot water. Have the child dip one hand into a bowl of cold water and the other hand into a bowl of hot water. After a few minutes, have him submerge both hands in water at room temperature. Ask if she seems hot or cold to him. Why is there a difference in hand feel? Can you always trust your hands?
water suction
Put the flower in water, tinted with any paint. Watch how the color of the flower changes. Explain that the stem has ducts that carry water up to the flower and color it. This phenomenon of water absorption is called osmosis.
Vaults and tunnels
Glue a thin paper tube slightly larger in diameter than a pencil. Insert a pencil into it. Then carefully fill the tube with the pencil with sand so that the ends of the tube come out. Pull out the pencil - and you will see that the tube is not crumpled. Sand grains form protective vaults. Insects caught in the sand come out from under the thick layer unharmed.
All equally
Take an ordinary hanger, two identical containers (these can also be large or medium disposable cups and even aluminum cans for drinks, however, you need to cut off the top of the cans). In the upper part of the container on the side, opposite each other, make two holes, insert into them
any rope and attach to a hanger, which you hang, for example, on the back of a chair. Balance containers. And now, pour either berries, or sweets, or cookies into such impromptu scales, and then the children will not argue who got more goodies.
"Good boy and roly-poly". Obedient and naughty egg
First, try placing a whole raw egg on the blunt or pointed end. Then start experimenting.

Poke two holes the size of a match head at the ends of the egg and blow out the contents. Rinse the inside thoroughly. Let the shell dry well from the inside for one to two days. After that, close up the hole with plaster, glue with chalk or whitewash so that it becomes invisible.

Fill the shell with clean and dry sand about one quarter. Seal the second hole in the same way as the first. Obedient egg is ready. Now, in order to put it in any position, just shake the egg slightly, holding it in the position that it should take. The grains of sand will move and the placed egg will keep its balance.

To make a "roly-poly" (tumbler), you need to throw 30-40 pieces of the smallest pellets and pieces of stearin from a candle into the egg instead of sand. Then put the egg on one end and heat it up. The stearin will melt, and when it hardens, it will stick the pellets together and stick them to the shell. Cover the holes in the shell.

The tumbler will be impossible to put down. An obedient egg will stand on the table, and on the edge of the glass, and on the knife handle.
If your child wants to, have them paint both eggs or make funny faces on them.

Boiled or raw?
If there are two eggs on the table, one of which is raw and the other is boiled, how can you determine this? Of course, every housewife will do it with ease, but show this experience to a child - he will be interested.
Of course, he is unlikely to connect this phenomenon with the center of gravity. Explain to him that in a boiled egg the center of gravity is constant, so it spins. And in a raw egg, the internal liquid mass is like a brake, so a raw egg cannot spin.
"Stop, hands up!"
Take a small plastic jar for medicines, vitamins, etc. Pour some water into it, put any effervescent tablet and close it with a lid (non-screw).

Put it on the table, turning it upside down, and wait. The gas released during the chemical reaction of the tablet and water will push the bottle out, there will be a "roar" and the bottle will be thrown up.

" Magic mirrors" or 1? 3? 5?
Place two mirrors at an angle greater than 90°. Put one apple in the corner.
This is where it begins, but only begins, a real miracle. There are three apples. And if you gradually reduce the angle between the mirrors, then the number of apples begins to increase.
In other words, the smaller the angle of approach of the mirrors, the more objects will be reflected.

Ask your child if it is possible to make 3, 5, 7 from one apple without using cutting objects. What will he answer you? Now put the above experience.

How to wipe the knee green from the grass?
Take fresh leaves of any green plant, be sure to put them in a thin-walled glass and pour a small amount of vodka. Place the glass in a saucepan of hot water (in a water bath), but not directly on the bottom, but on some kind of wooden circle. When the water in the saucepan has cooled, remove the leaves from the glass with tweezers. They will discolor, and the vodka will turn emerald green, as chlorophyll, the green dye of plants, has been released from the leaves. It helps plants "eat" solar energy.

This experience will be useful in life. For example, if a child accidentally stains his knees or hands with grass, then you can wipe them off with alcohol or cologne.

Where did the smell go?
Take corn sticks, put them in a jar that has been dripped with cologne, and close it with a tight lid. After 10 minutes, when you open the lid, you will not feel the smell: it was absorbed by the porous substance of the corn sticks. This absorption of color or odor is called adsorption.
What is elasticity?
Take a small rubber ball in one hand, and a plasticine ball of the same size in the other. Drop them to the floor from the same height.

How did the ball and the ball behave, what changes happened to them after the fall? Why does the plasticine not bounce, but the ball bounces, perhaps because it is round, or because it is red, or because it is rubber?

Invite your child to be the ball. Touch the baby's head with your hand, and let him sit down a little, bending his knees, and when you remove your hand, let the child straighten his legs and jump. Let the baby jump like a ball. Then explain to the child that the same thing happens with the ball as with him: he bends his knees, and the ball is pressed a little when it hits the floor, he straightens his knees and bounces, and what is pressed in the ball straightens. The ball is elastic.

A plasticine or wooden ball is not elastic. Tell the child: "I will touch your head with my hand, but don't bend your knees, don't be elastic."

Touch the child's head, and let him not bounce like a wooden ball. If you do not bend your knees, then it is impossible to jump. You can't straighten your knees that haven't been bent. A wooden ball, when it hits the floor, is not pressed in, which means it does not straighten out, so it does not bounce. He's not resilient.

The concept of electric charges
Blow up a small balloon. Rub the ball on wool or fur, and even better on your hair, and you will see how the ball will begin to stick to literally all objects in the room: to the closet, to the wall, and most importantly, to the child.

This is because all objects have a certain electrical charge. As a result of contact between two different materials, electrical discharges are separated.

dancing foil
cut into aluminum foil(a shiny chocolate or candy wrapper) in very narrow and long strips. Run the comb through your hair, and then bring it close to the sections.

The stripes will begin to dance. This attracts to each other positive and negative electric charges.

Hanging on the head, or is it possible to hang on the head?
Make a light top out of cardboard by putting it on a thin stick. Sharpen the lower end of the stick, and stick a tailor's pin (with a metal, not a plastic head) deeper into the upper end so that only the head is visible.

Let the top "dance" on the table, and bring a magnet to it from above. The spinning top will jump and the pin head will stick to the magnet, but, interestingly, it will not stop, but will rotate, "hanging on the head."

Secret letter
Let the child make a drawing or inscription on a blank sheet of white paper with milk, lemon juice or table vinegar. Then heat up a sheet of paper (preferably over a device without open flame) and you will see how the invisible turns into the visible. The impromptu ink will boil, the letters will darken, and the secret letter will be readable.

Descendants of Sherlock Holmes, or In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes
Mix the soot from the stove with talc. Let the child breathe on a finger and press it against a piece of white paper. Sprinkle this place with the prepared black mixture. Shake the sheet of paper so that the mixture covers well the area where the finger was applied. Pour the rest of the powder back into the jar. There will be a clear fingerprint on the sheet.

This is explained by the fact that we always have a little fat from the subcutaneous glands on our skin. Everything we touch leaves an indelible mark. And the mixture we made sticks well to fat. Thanks to the black soot, it makes the print visible.

Together is more fun
Cut out a circle from thick cardboard, circling the rim of the teacup. On one side, in the left half of the circle, draw a boy figure, and on the other side, a girl figure, which should be located upside down in relation to the boy. Make a small hole on the left and right of the cardboard, insert the elastic bands with loops.

Now stretch the elastic bands in different directions. The cardboard circle will spin quickly, the pictures from different sides will be combined, and you will see two figures standing side by side.

The secret thief of jam. Or maybe it's Carlson?
Grind the pencil lead with a knife. Let the child rub his finger with the prepared powder. Now you need to press your finger to a piece of tape, and stick the tape to white sheet paper - your baby's fingerprint pattern will be visible on it. Now we will find out whose prints were left on the jar of jam. Or maybe it was Carloson who flew in?
Unusual drawing
Give your child a piece of clean, light-colored cloth (white, blue, pink, light green).

Pick petals from different colors: yellow, orange, red, blue, light blue, and also green leaves of different shades. Just remember that some plants are poisonous, such as aconite.

Spread this mixture onto a cloth placed on a cutting board. You can both involuntarily pour petals and leaves, and build a conceived composition. Cover it with plastic wrap, fasten it on the sides with buttons and roll it all out with a rolling pin or tap on the fabric with a hammer. Shake off the used "paints", stretch the fabric over thin plywood and insert it into the frame. The masterpiece of young talent is ready!

It made a great gift for mom and grandma.

Educational experiences for children

Does your kid love everything mysterious, mysterious and unusual? Then be sure to conduct with him the simple, but very interesting experiments described in this article. Most of them will surprise and even puzzle the child, give him the opportunity to see for himself in practice the unusual properties of ordinary objects, phenomena, their interaction with each other, understand the cause of what is happening and thereby gain practical experience.

Your son or daughter will certainly earn the respect of their peers by showing them experiences as tricks. For example, they can make cold water "boil" or use a lemon to launch a homemade rocket. Such entertainment can be included in the birthday program for children of preschool and primary school age.

invisible ink

half a lemon, cotton wool, a match, a cup of water, a piece of paper.

1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a cup, add the same amount of water.

2. Dip a match or a toothpick with wound cotton wool into the solution lemon juice and water and write something on paper with this match.

3. When the "ink" is dry, heat the paper over the included desk lamp. Previously invisible words will appear on paper.

Lemon inflates a balloon

For the experience you will need:1 tsp baking soda, lemon juice, 3 tbsp. vinegar, balloon, electrical tape, glass and bottle, funnel.

1. Pour water into a bottle and dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in it.

2. In a separate bowl, mix lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of vinegar and pour into a bottle through a funnel.

3. Quickly put the ball on the neck of the bottle and secure it tightly with electrical tape.

See what's happening! Baking soda and lemon juice mixed with vinegar react chemically, releasing carbon dioxide and creating pressure that inflates the balloon.

Lemon launches a rocket into space

For the experience you will need:bottle (glass), wine bottle cork, colored paper, glue, 3 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tsp. baking soda, a piece of toilet paper.

1. Cut out of colored paper and glue strips of paper on both sides of the wine cork so that you get a rocket model. We try on the "rocket" on the bottle so that the cork enters the neck of the bottle without effort.

2. Pour and mix water and lemon juice in a bottle.

3. Wrap baking soda in a piece of toilet paper so that you can stick it into the neck of the bottle and wrap it with thread.

4. We lower the bag of soda into the bottle and plug it with a rocket cork, but not too tight.

5. We put the bottle on a plane and move to a safe distance. Our rocket with a loud bang will fly up. Just don't put it under a chandelier!

Scattering toothpicks

For the experience you will need:a bowl of water, 8 wooden toothpicks, a pipette, a piece of refined sugar (not instant), dishwashing liquid.

1. We have toothpicks with rays in a bowl of water.

2. Gently lower a piece of sugar into the center of the bowl - the toothpicks will begin to gather towards the center.

3. Remove the sugar with a teaspoon and drop a few drops of dishwashing liquid into the center of the bowl with a pipette - the toothpicks will “scatter”!

What is going on? The sugar sucks up the water, creating a movement that moves the toothpicks toward the center. Soap, spreading over the water, drags particles of water with it, and they cause the toothpicks to scatter. Explain to the children that you showed them a trick, and all tricks are based on certain natural physical phenomena which they will study in school.

mighty shell

For the experience you will need:4 halves eggshell, scissors, narrow sticky tape, several full cans.

1. Wrap duct tape around the middle of each eggshell half.

2. Cut off the excess shell with scissors so that the edges are even.

3. Put the four halves of the shell with the dome up so that they make a square.

4. Carefully put a jar on top, then another and another ... until the shell bursts.

The weight of how many jars could withstand the fragile shells? Add up the weights indicated on the labels and find out how many cans you can put in order to complete the trick. The secret of strength is in the domed shape of the shell.

teach an egg to swim

For the experience you will need:raw egg, a glass of water, a few tablespoons of salt.

1. Put a raw egg in a glass of clean tap water - the egg will sink to the bottom of the glass.

2. Take the egg out of the glass and dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in the water.

3. Dip the egg into a glass of salt water - the egg will remain floating on the surface of the water.

Salt increases the density of water. The more salt in the water, the more difficult it is to drown in it. In the famous Dead Sea, the water is so salty that a person without any effort can lie on its surface without fear of drowning.

"Bait" for ice

For the experience you will need:thread, ice cube, a glass of water, a pinch of salt.

Bet a friend that you can use a string to pull an ice cube out of a glass of water without getting your hands wet.

1. Dip the ice into the water.

2. Put the thread on the edge of the glass so that it lies at one end on an ice cube floating on the surface of the water.

3. Pour some salt on the ice and wait 5-10 minutes.

4. Take the free end of the thread and pull the ice cube out of the glass.

Salt, hitting the ice, slightly melts a small area of ​​it. Within 5-10 minutes, the salt dissolves in water, and pure water on the surface of the ice freezes along with the thread.

Can cold water "boil"?

For the experience you will need:a thick handkerchief, a glass of water, pharmaceutical gum.

1. Wet and wring out a handkerchief.

2. Pour a full glass cold water.

3. Cover the glass with a handkerchief and fix it on the glass with a rubber band.

4. Push the middle of the scarf with your finger so that it is 2-3 cm immersed in water.

5. Turn the glass over the sink upside down.

6. With one hand we hold a glass, with the other we lightly hit its bottom. The water in the glass starts bubbling ("boiling").

A wet handkerchief does not let water through. When we hit the glass, a vacuum is formed in it, and air through the handkerchief begins to flow into the water, sucked in by the vacuum. It is these air bubbles that give the impression that the water is "boiling".

Straw pipette

For the experience you will need:straw for a cocktail, 2 glasses.

1. Put 2 glasses side by side: one with water, the other empty.

2. Dip the straw into the water.

3. Hold the straw on top with your index finger and transfer it to an empty glass.

4. Remove your finger from the straw - water will flow into an empty glass. By doing the same several times, we can transfer all the water from one glass to another.

The pipette, which is probably in your home first aid kit, works on the same principle.

straw flute

For the experience you will need:wide straw for a cocktail and scissors.

1. Flatten the end of a straw about 15 mm long and cut its edges with scissors.

2. From the other end of the straw, cut 3 small holes at the same distance from each other.

This is how the "flute" came about. If you lightly blow into the straw, slightly squeezing it with your teeth, the "flute" will start to sound. If you close one or the other hole of the "flute" with your fingers, the sound will change. And now let's try to pick up some melody.

Rapier Straw

For the experience you will need:raw potato and 2 thin straws for a cocktail.

1. Put the potatoes on the table. Clamp the straw in your fist and with a sharp movement try to stick the straw into the potato. The straw will bend, but it will not pierce the potato.

2. Take the second straw. Close the hole at the top thumb.

3. Drop the straw sharply. She will easily enter the potato and pierce it.

The air that we squeezed with our thumb inside the straw makes it elastic and does not allow it to bend, so it easily pierces the potato.

bird in a cage

For the experience you will need:a piece of thick cardboard, compasses, scissors, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, thick threads, a needle and a ruler.

1. Cut out a circle of any diameter from cardboard.

2. We pierce two holes on the circle with a needle.

3. Through the holes on each side we will draw a thread about 50 cm long.

4. Draw a bird cage on the front side of the circle, and a small bird on the back side.

5. We rotate the cardboard circle, holding it by the ends of the threads. The threads will twist. Now let's pull their ends in different directions. The threads will unwind and rotate the circle in the opposite direction. It looks like the bird is in a cage. An animation effect is created, the rotation of the circle becomes invisible, and the bird "turns out" in a cage.

How does a square turn into a circle?

For the experience you will need:rectangular cardboard, pencil, felt-tip pen and ruler.

1. Put the ruler on the cardboard so that with one end it touches its corner, and with the other - the middle of the opposite side.

2. We put 25-30 dots on a cardboard with a felt-tip pen at a distance of 0.5 mm from each other.

3. Pierce the middle of the cardboard with a sharp pencil (the middle will be the intersection of the diagonal lines).

4. Rest the pencil vertically on the table, holding it with your hand. The cardboard should rotate freely on the tip of the pencil.

5. Unroll the cardboard.

A circle appears on a rotating cardboard. This is just a visual effect. Each dot on the cardboard rotates in a circle, as if creating a continuous line. The point closest to the tip moves the slowest, and we perceive its trace as a circle.

strong newspaper

For the experience you will need:long ruler and newspaper.

1. Put the ruler on the table so that it hangs halfway.

2. Fold the newspaper several times, put it on the ruler, hit hard on the hanging end of the ruler. The newspaper will fly off the table.

3. And now let's unfold the newspaper and cover the ruler with it, hit the ruler. The newspaper will only rise slightly, but will not fly away anywhere.

What is the focus? All objects experience air pressure. The larger the area of ​​the object, the stronger this pressure. Now it is clear why the newspaper has become so strong?

Mighty Breath

For the experience you will need:clothes hanger, strong threads, a book.

1. Tie a book with thread to a clothes hanger.

2. Hang the hanger on a clothesline.

3. We will stand near the book at a distance of approximately 30 cm. We will blow on the book with all our might. It will deviate slightly from its original position.

4. Now let's blow on the book again, but lightly. As soon as the book deviates a little, we blow after it. And so several times.

It turns out that such repeated light blows can move the book much further than once strongly blowing on it.

Record weight

For the experience you will need:2 tins of coffee or canned food, a sheet of paper, an empty glass jar.

1. Place two tin cans at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

2. Put a sheet of paper on top to make a "bridge".

3. Put an empty glass jar on the sheet. The paper will not support the weight of the can and will bend down.

4. Now fold a sheet of paper with an accordion.

5. Put this "harmonica" on two tin cans and put a glass jar on it. The accordion does not bend!

Science tricks for kids

snow flowers

Prepare for experience:

- a straw
- soap solution

When a cloud forms at a very low temperature, instead of raindrops, water vapor condenses into tiny needles of ice; needles stick together, and snow falls to the ground. Snow flakes consist of small crystals arranged in the form of stars of amazing regularity and variety. Each asterisk is divided into three, six, twelve parts, symmetrically arranged around one axis or point.

We don't need to climb into the clouds to see these snow stars form.

It is only necessary to go out of the house in severe frost and blow a soap bubble. Immediately, ice needles will appear in a thin film of water; they will gather before our eyes into wonderful snow stars and flowers.

living shadow

Prepare for experience:

- mirror,
- candle (lamp)
- paper,
- scissors

If you stand between a light source and a wall, your shadow will appear on the wall - a black silhouette, without eyes, without a nose, without a mouth. And you can make it so that the shadow also has eyes, and not simple, but huge, like a monster, and a nose of any shape, and a mouth that will either open or close.

To do this, it is enough to stand in the corner of the room near the wall on which the mirror hangs. A lamp or a candle must be placed so that the "bunny" from the mirror falls on the wall, which serves as a screen, exactly in the place where the shadow from your head falls; an illuminated rectangle or oval will appear in this place, depending on the shape of the mirror.

But the mirror can be covered with a sheet of paper, and eyes, nose, and mouth can be cut through that sheet; they will immediately appear as bright spots on the shadow that your head casts on the wall.

If you prepare two sheets with different cutouts, fasten one firmly to the mirror, and then put the other on top of the first one, then remove it, the eyes will begin to move on the shadows, and the mouth will either open or close. This is a very simple and fun trick.

Hanging without rope

Prepare for experience:

- wire ring
- threads,
- matches,
- salt solution

Soak the thread in a strong salt solution and dry it; repeat this operation several times.

Now that your secret preparations are over, show your friends the thread, it looks no different from any other.

Hang a light wire ring on this thread. Set fire to the thread, the fire will pass from top to bottom, and to the surprise of the audience, the ring will hang calmly on a thin lace of ash!

Your thread has really burned out, leaving only a thin tube of salt, strong enough to support a ringlet if the air is calm and there is no draft in the room.

Note: when you do this trick, both the doors and windows in the room should be closed so that there is not the slightest draft. The slightest movement of air is enough for the fragile threads to break and the ring to fall to the floor.

Source: Tom Tit "Science Fun".

"Liquid" tricks

live fish

Cut out a fish from thick paper. The fish has a round hole in the middle. BUT , which is connected to the tail by a narrow channelAB . You can also use our template Print the fish on the printer, stick it on cardboard and cut it out with scissors.

Pour water into the basin and place the fish on the water so that down side all of it was moistened, but the top remained completely dry. It is convenient to do this with a fork: putting the fish on the fork, carefully lower it into the water, and sink the fork deeper and pull it out.

Now you need to drop a large drop of oil into hole A. It is best to use a bicycle oiler for this or sewing machine. If there is no oiler, you can dial the machine or vegetable oil into a pipette or cocktail tube: lower the tube with one end into the oil by 2-3 mm. Then cover the upper end with your finger and transfer the straw to the fish. Holding the lower end exactly over the hole, release your finger. The oil will flow straight into the hole.

In an effort to spill over the surface of the water, the oil will flow through channel AB. The fish will not let him spread in other directions. What do you think the fish will do under the action of the oil flowing back? It is clear: she will swim forward!

Restless grains

It's easier than ever to make an object move by pushing it with your hand. Is it possible to make rice grains move without touching them? Do this experiment and you will learn at least one way.

- chilled can of beer
- cup
- 6 grains of rice

1. Lay out the necessary items on the table.
2. Open the can and pour the beer into a glass.

Let's start the science magic:
1. Announce to the audience: "I have a few grains of rice that just don't want to go to bed. They're always on the move and can't stop."
2. Pour the grains into a glass of beer.
3. Wait a few seconds and see what happens.

Note: Instead of rice, you can take finely chopped spaghetti. Break them into 1.25 cm pieces and dip them into the beer.

After a while, the grains of rice in the glass will begin to float up and down.


This is because a can of beer contains a gas called carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide in the can is dissolved in the liquid and is under pressure. When you open a can and pour the beer into a glass, you release this gas. The density of carbon dioxide is lower than that of the liquid in the jar, so its bubbles rise to the surface.

When you pour rice grains into a glass, gas bubbles "stick" to them from the surface. The density of grains combined with bubbles becomes lower than that of beer. The grains covered with bubbles rise to the surface of the liquid. There, the carbon dioxide bubbles burst, and the density of the grains again becomes higher than the density of the beer. Freed from gas bubbles, they again go to the bottom. There, the gas bubbles again "stick" to the surface of the grains, and everything repeats from the beginning. This continues until the beer no longer releases gas. Pretty soon, carbon dioxide ceases to be released, and the grains calmly sink to the bottom.

density tower

In this experiment, objects will hang in the thickness of the liquid.

- high narrow glass vessel, for example, an empty clean half-liter jar from canned olives or mushrooms
- 1/4 cup (65 ml) corn syrup or honey
- food coloring of any color
- 1/4 cup tap water
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil
- 1/4 cup medical alcohol
- various small items, e.g. a cork, a grape, a nut, a piece of dried pasta, a rubber ball, a cherry tomato, a small plastic toy, a metal screw

1. Carefully pour honey into the vessel, so that it occupies 1/4 of the volume.
2. Dissolve a few drops of food coloring in water. Pour water halfway into the vessel. Please note: when adding each liquid, pour it very carefully so that it does not mix with the bottom layer.
3. Slowly pour the same amount of vegetable oil into the vessel.
4. Fill the vessel to the top with alcohol.

Let's start the science magic:
1. Announce to the audience that you will now make various objects float. You may be told that it is easy. Then explain to them that you will make different objects float in liquids at different levels.
2. Gently drop small objects into the vessel one at a time.
3. Let the audience see for themselves what happened.

Different objects will float in the thickness of the liquid at different levels. Some will "hang" right in the middle of the vessel.

This trick is based on the ability of various substances to sink or float depending on their density. Substances with a lower density float on the surface of denser substances.

The alcohol remains on the surface of the vegetable oil because the density of the alcohol is less than the density of the oil. Vegetable oil remains on the surface of the water because the density of the oil is less than the density of water. Water, on the other hand, is less dense than honey or corn syrup, so it stays on the surface of these liquids.

When you drop objects into a vessel, they float or sink depending on their density and the density of the liquid layers. The screw has a higher density than any of the liquids in the vessel, so it will fall to the very bottom. The density of pasta is higher than the density of alcohol, vegetable oil and water, but lower than the density of honey, so it will float on the surface of the honey layer. The rubber ball has the smallest density, lower than any of the liquids, so it will float on the surface of the topmost, alcohol layer.

hard as stone

Sometimes what you expect doesn't happen. Do this experiment to confuse your friends.
Please note: This experiment requires adult assistance.

- 2 plastic cups with water (total 250 ml of water)
- microwave
- tacks
- adult assistant

1. Put one cup of water in the freezer for at least 2 days to make sure the water is completely frozen.
2. Place both cups on the table.

Let's start the science magic:
1. Invite an adult to be your assistant.
2. Ask the audience: "What do you think will happen if you put a cup of water and a cup with the same amount of ice in the microwave for 2 minutes?" They will probably answer that the ice will melt and the water will heat up.
3. Place both cups in the microwave.
4. Turn on the oven at maximum power for 2 minutes.
5. When they pass, have your adult assistant use oven mitts to remove both cups from the microwave.

Tips for a learned wizard:
For the trick to work better, the ice must be very well frozen. If you have a freezer at home, it is better to use it, because it is usually a lower temperature than in the freezer compartment of a conventional refrigerator.

The ice will remain frozen, and the water in the second cup will almost boil.

In solid water - ice - the water molecules are very densely packed. They can only wobble slightly in place. In liquid water, the molecules not only vibrate in place, but can also rotate around their axis and each other. When water is heated, the molecules become even more mobile and begin to collide with each other.

AT microwave oven food is heated due to an increase in the speed of rotation and movement of molecules. However, those molecules that can only slightly vibrate are weakly affected by microwaves. Therefore, when ice and water are together in a microwave oven, the microwaves increase the temperature of the water, but have almost no effect on the ice.

If you put ice in the microwave for a longer time, it will melt. The ice begins to melt and turn into water not due to microwaves, but due to an increase in air temperature in the oven chamber. Since microwaves act on water, the small amount of it that manages to get out of the ice warms up and melts the ice that is nearby. This process continues and eventually all the ice melts.

This is how a microwave oven is used to defrost food. This happens at a lower power output, and, accordingly, temperature. The temperature in the chamber causes some of the food to thaw and the water it contains becomes liquid. This water is heated by microwaves and heats up the frozen food. This gradual process continues until all food is thawed. Usually, its outer parts get very hot and begin to cook before it is completely thawed inside.

broken pencil

This experience is based on the properties of water and light.

- cup
- tap water
- pencil

1. Fill a glass approximately 2/3 full with tap water.
2. Place a glass of water and a pencil on the table.

Let's start the science magic:
1. Hold a pencil in front of you. Announce to the audience: "Now I will break a pencil just by putting it in a glass of water."
2. Dip the pencil vertically into the water so that its tip is approximately halfway between the bottom of the glass and the surface of the water.
3. Hold the pencil at the back of the glass, away from the audience.
4. Move the pencil back and forth in the water, holding it vertically. Ask the audience what they see.
5. Get the pencil out of the water.

Viewers will think that the pencil is broken. From their point of view, the part of the pencil that is under water is slightly offset from the part that is under water.

This effect is due to refraction. Light travels in a straight line, but when a beam of light passes from one transparent substance to another, its direction changes. This is refraction. When light passes from a denser substance, such as water, to a less dense one, such as air, refraction occurs, or a visible change in the angle of incidence of the beam. Light in substances of different densities propagates at different speeds.

The light reflected from the pencil, passing through the air, seems to the audience to be in one place, and through the water - in another.

vanishing coin

Here is another experiment in which water and light produce a mysterious effect.

- 1 liter glass jar with lid
- tap water
- coin
- assistant

1. Pour water into the jar and close the lid.
2. Give your assistant a coin so that he can make sure that this is really the most common coin and there is no catch in it.
3. Have him put the coin on the table. Ask him: "Do you see the coin?" (Of course, he will answer yes.)
4. Put a jar of water on the coin.
5. Say magic words, for example: "Here is a magic coin, here it was, but not there."
6. Have your helper look through the water
side cans and say if he sees the coin now? What will he answer?

Tips for a learned wizard:
You can make this trick even more effective. After your helper can't see the coin, you can make it reappear. Say other magic words, for example: "As the coin fell, so it appeared." Now remove the jar and the coin will be back in place.

When you place a jar of water on a coin, the coin seems to have disappeared. Your assistant will not see it.

This focus is achieved due to the reflection of light from the wall of the jar. Reflection is the bouncing of light from a surface back.

Entertaining experiences in the kitchen

We make cottage cheese

Grandmothers, who are over 50 years old, remember well how they themselves made cottage cheese for their children. You can show this process to a child.

Warm the milk by pouring a little lemon juice into it (calcium chloride can also be used). Show the children how the milk immediately curdled into large flakes with whey on top.

Drain the resulting mass through several layers of gauze and leave for 2-3 hours.

You've made a wonderful curd.

Pour syrup over it and offer the child for dinner. We are sure that even those children who do not like this dairy product will not be able to refuse a delicacy prepared with their own participation.

How to make ice cream?

For ice cream you will need: cocoa, sugar, milk, sour cream. You can add grated chocolate, waffle crumbs or small pieces of cookies to it.

Mix two tablespoons of cocoa, one tablespoon of sugar, four tablespoons of milk and two tablespoons of sour cream in a bowl. Add cookie and chocolate crumbs. Ice cream is ready. Now it needs to be cooled down.

Take a larger bowl, put ice in it, sprinkle it with salt, mix. Place a bowl of ice cream on top of ice and cover with a towel to keep heat out. Stir ice cream every 3-5 minutes. If you have enough patience, then after about 30 minutes the ice cream will thicken and you can try it. Delicious?

How does our homemade refrigerator work? It is known that ice melts at a temperature of zero degrees. Salt also delays the cold, does not allow the ice to melt quickly. Therefore, salt ice keeps cold longer. Yes, the towel does not allow penetration warm air to ice cream. And the result? Ice cream is beyond praise!

Let's beat down the butter

If you live in the summer in the country, then you probably take natural milk from a thrush. Do experiments with milk with the children.

Prepare a liter jar. Fill it with milk and refrigerate for 2-3 days. Show the children how the milk has separated into lighter cream and heavy skimmed milk.

Collect the cream in a jar with an airtight lid. And if you have patience and free time, then shake the jar for half an hour in turns with the children until the balls of fat merge together and form oil lumps.

Believe me, children have never eaten such delicious butter.

Homemade lollipops

Cooking - an exciting activity. Now let's make homemade lollipops.

To do this, prepare a glass with warm water, in which to dissolve as much granulated sugar as it can dissolve. Then take a straw for a cocktail, tie a clean thread to it, fixing a small piece of pasta on its end (it is best to use small pasta). Now it remains to put the straw on top of the glass, across, and lower the end of the thread with pasta into the sugar solution. And be patient.

When the water from the glass begins to evaporate, the sugar molecules will begin to approach and sweet crystals will begin to settle on the thread and on the pasta, taking on bizarre shapes.

Let your little one taste the lollipop. Delicious?

The same lollipops will be much tastier if jam syrup is added to the sugar solution. Then you get lollipops with different tastes: cherry, blackcurrant and others that he wants.

"Roasted" sugar

Take two pieces of refined sugar. Moisten them with a few drops of water to make it moist, put in a stainless steel spoon and heat it for a few minutes over gas until the sugar melts and turns yellow. Don't let it burn.

As soon as the sugar turns into a yellowish liquid, pour the contents of the spoon onto the saucer in small drops.

Taste your candies with your children. Liked? Then open a candy factory!

Changing the color of cabbage

Together with your child, prepare a salad of finely chopped red cabbage, grated with salt, and pour it with vinegar and sugar. Watch the cabbage turn from purple to bright red. This is the effect of acetic acid.

However, as the salad is stored, it may again turn purple or even turn blue. This happens because acetic acid is gradually diluted with cabbage juice, its concentration decreases and the color of the red cabbage dye changes. These are the transformations.

Why are unripe apples sour?

Unripe apples are high in starch and contain no sugar.

Starch is an unsweetened substance. Let the child lick the starch, and he will be convinced of this. How do you know if a product contains starch?

Make a weak solution of iodine. Drop them in a handful of flour, starch, on a piece of raw potato, on a slice of an unripe apple. The blue color that appears proves that all these products contain starch.

Repeat the experiment with the apple when it is fully ripe. And you will probably be surprised that you will no longer find starch in an apple. But now it has sugar in it. So, fruit ripening is a chemical process of converting starch into sugar.

edible glue

Your child needed glue for crafts, but the jar of glue was empty? Don't rush to the store to buy. Weld it yourself. What is familiar to you is unusual to a child.

Cook him a small portion of thick jelly, showing him each of the steps of the process. For those who do not know: in boiling juice (or in water with jam), you need to pour, mixing thoroughly, a solution of starch diluted in a small amount of cold water, and bring to a boil.

I think the child will be surprised that this glue-jelly can be eaten with a spoon, or you can glue crafts with it.

Homemade sparkling water

Remind your child that he is breathing air. Air is made up of different gases, but many are invisible and odorless, making them hard to spot. Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that make up the air and ... carbonated water. But it can be isolated at home.

Take two straws for a cocktail, but different diameter, so that the narrow one by a few millimeters fits snugly into the wider one. It turned out a long straw, made up of two. Make a vertical hole in the cork of a plastic bottle with a sharp object and insert either end of the straw there.

If there are no straws of different diameters, then you can make a small vertical incision in one and stick it into another straw. The main thing is to get a tight connection.

Pour water diluted with any jam into a glass, and pour half a tablespoon of soda into a bottle through a funnel. Then pour vinegar into the bottle - about one hundred milliliters.

Now you need to act very quickly: stick the cork with a straw into the bottle, and dip the other end of the straw into a glass of sweet water.

What's going on in the glass?

Explain to your child that the vinegar and baking soda have begun to actively interact with each other, releasing carbon dioxide bubbles. It rises up and passes through a straw into a glass with a drink, where bubbles come to the surface of the water. Here is sparkling water and ready.

Drown and eat

Wash two oranges well. Put one of them in a bowl of water. He will swim. And even if you try hard, you won't be able to drown him.

Peel the second orange and put it in the water. Well? Do you believe your eyes? The orange has sunk.

How so? Two identical oranges, but one drowned and the other floated?

Explain to the child: "There are many air bubbles in the orange peel. They push the orange to the surface of the water. Without the peel, the orange sinks because it is heavier than the water it displaces."

About the benefits of milk

Oddly enough, the best way to learn why you need to drink milk is to do an experiment with bones.

Take the eaten chicken bones, wash them properly, let them dry. Then pour vinegar in a bowl so that it covers the bones completely, close the lid and leave for a week.

After seven days, drain the vinegar, carefully examine and touch the bones. They have become flexible. Why?

It turns out that calcium gives strength to bones. Calcium dissolves in acetic acid, and the bones lose their hardness.

You want to ask: "What does milk have to do with it?"

Milk is known to be rich in calcium. Milk is useful because it replenishes our body with calcium, which means it makes our bones hard and strong.

How to get from salt water drinking water?

Pour water with your child into a deep basin, add two tablespoons of salt there, stir until the salt dissolves. Place washed pebbles on the bottom of an empty plastic cup so that it does not float up, but its edges should be above the water level in the basin. Stretch the film from above, tying it around the pelvis. Squeeze the film in the center over the glass and put another pebble in the recess. Place your basin in the sun.

After a few hours, unsalted, clean drinking water will accumulate in the glass.

This is explained simply: the water begins to evaporate in the sun, the condensate settles on the film and flows into an empty glass. Salt does not evaporate and remains in the pelvis.

Now that you know how to get fresh water, you can safely go to the sea and not be afraid of thirst. There is a lot of water in the sea, and you can always get the purest drinking water from it.

live yeast

A well-known Russian proverb says: "The hut is red not with corners, but with pies." We don't bake pies, though. Although, why not? Moreover, we always have yeast in our kitchen. But first we will show the experience, and then we can take on the pies.

Tell the children that yeast is made up of tiny living organisms called microbes (meaning that microbes can be good as well as bad). When they feed, they emit carbon dioxide, which, mixed with flour, sugar and water, “raises” the dough, making it lush and tasty.

Dry yeast is like little lifeless balls. But this is only until the millions of tiny microbes that dormant in a cold and dry form come to life.

Let's revive them. Pour two tablespoons into the pitcher warm water, add two teaspoons of yeast to it, then one teaspoon of sugar and mix.

Pour the yeast mixture into the bottle, pulling a balloon over its neck. Place the bottle in a bowl of warm water.

Ask the guys what will happen?

That's right, when the yeast comes to life and starts eating sugar, the mixture will fill with bubbles of carbon dioxide already familiar to children, which they begin to release. The bubbles burst and the gas inflates the balloon.

Is the coat warm?

This experience should be very popular with children.

Buy two cups of paper-wrapped ice cream. Unfold one of them and put on a saucer. And wrap the second one right in the wrapper in a clean towel and wrap it well with a fur coat.

After 30 minutes, unwrap the wrapped ice cream and place it unwrapped on a saucer. Expand and the second ice cream. Compare both portions. Surprised? What about your children?

It turns out that ice cream under a fur coat, in contrast to what is on a silver platter, almost did not melt. So what? Maybe a fur coat is not a fur coat at all, but a refrigerator? Why, then, do we wear it in winter, if it does not warm, but cools?

Everything is explained simply. Fur coat stopped skipping to ice cream room heat. And from this, the ice cream in a fur coat became cold, so the ice cream did not melt.

Now the question is also natural: "Why does a person put on a fur coat in the cold?"
Answer: To keep warm.

When a person puts on a fur coat at home, he is warm, but the fur coat does not let heat out into the street, so the person does not freeze.

Ask the child if he knows that there are "fur coats" made of glass?

This is a thermos. It has double walls, and between them - emptiness. Heat does not pass through the void. Therefore, when we pour hot tea into a thermos, it stays hot for a long time. And if you pour cold water into it, what will happen to it? The child can now answer this question himself.

If he still finds it difficult to answer, let him do one more experiment: pour cold water into a thermos and check it in 30 minutes.

Thrust funnel
Can a funnel "refuse" to let water into a bottle? Let's check!

We will need:
- 2 funnels
- two identical clean dry plastic bottles of 1 liter
- plasticine
- jug of water

1. Insert a funnel into each bottle.

2. Coat the neck of one of the bottles around the funnel with plasticine so that there is no gap left.

Let's start the science magic!

1. Announce to the audience: "I have a magic funnel that keeps water out of the bottle."

2. Take a bottle without plasticine and pour some water into it through a funnel. Explain to the audience, "This is how most funnels behave."

3. Put a bottle of plasticine on the table.

4. Fill the funnel with water up to the top. See what will happen.
A little water will flow from the funnel into the bottle, and then it will stop flowing altogether.

Water flows freely into the first bottle. Water flowing through the funnel into the bottle replaces the air in it, which escapes through the gaps between the neck and the funnel. In a bottle sealed with plasticine, there is also air, which has its own pressure. The water in the funnel also has pressure, which is due to the force of gravity pulling the water down. However, the force of air pressure in the bottle exceeds the force of gravity acting on the water. Therefore, water cannot enter the bottle.

If there is at least a small hole in the bottle or plasticine, air can escape through it. Because of this, its pressure inside the bottle will drop, and water will be able to flow into it.

dancing flakes

Some cereals are capable of making a lot of noise. Now we will find out if it is possible to teach rice flakes to jump and dance.

We will need:
- paper towel
- 1 teaspoon (5 ml) crispy rice flakes
- balloon
- wool sweater


2. Sprinkle cereal on a towel.

Let's start the science magic!
1. Address the audience like this: "All of you, of course, know how rice flakes can crackle, crunch and rustle. And now I'll show you how they can jump and dance."

2. Inflate the balloon and tie it up.
3. Rub the ball on the wool sweater.
4. Bring the ball to the cereal and see what happens.

The flakes will bounce and be attracted to the ball.

Static electricity helps you in this experiment. Electricity is called static when there is no current, that is, the movement of charge. It is formed by the friction of objects, in this case a ball and a sweater. All objects are made up of atoms, and each atom contains an equal number of protons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge. When these charges are equal, the object is called neutral or uncharged. But there are objects, such as hair or wool, that lose their electrons very easily. If you rub the ball on a woolen thing, some of the electrons will pass from the wool to the ball, and it will acquire a negative static charge.

When you bring a negatively charged ball close to the flakes, the electrons in them begin to repel from it and move to opposite side. Thus, the top side of the flakes facing the ball becomes positively charged, and the ball attracts them to itself.

If you wait longer, the electrons will begin to move from the ball to the flakes. Gradually, the ball will become neutral again, and will no longer attract flakes. They will fall back onto the table.

Do you think it is possible to separate the mixed pepper and salt? If you master this experiment, then you will definitely cope with this difficult task!

We will need:
- paper towel
- 1 teaspoon (5 ml) salt
- 1 teaspoon (5 ml) ground pepper
- a spoon
- balloon
- wool sweater
- assistant

1. Spread a paper towel on the table.
2. Sprinkle salt and pepper on it.

Let's start the science magic!

1. Invite someone from the audience to become your assistant.
2. Mix salt and pepper thoroughly with a spoon. Have a helper try to separate the salt from the pepper.
3. When your assistant is desperate to share them, invite him to sit and watch now.
4. Inflate the balloon, tie it off and rub it against the wool sweater.
5. Bring the ball closer to the salt and pepper mixture. What will you see?

Pepper will stick to the ball, and salt will remain on the table.

This is another example of the effect of static electricity. When you rub the ball with a woolen cloth, it acquires a negative charge. If you bring the ball to a mixture of pepper and salt, the pepper will begin to be attracted to it. This is because the electrons in the pepper grains tend to move as far away from the ball as possible. Consequently, the part of the peppercorns closest to the ball acquires a positive charge, and is attracted by the negative charge of the ball. The pepper sticks to the ball.

Salt is not attracted to the ball, since electrons move poorly in this substance. When you bring a charged ball to salt, its electrons still remain in their places. Salt from the side of the ball does not acquire a charge - it remains uncharged or neutral. Therefore, salt does not stick to a negatively charged ball.

flexible water

In previous experiments, you used static electricity to teach cereal to dance and separate pepper from salt. From this experience you will learn how static electricity affects ordinary water.

We will need:
- faucet and sink
- balloon
- wool sweater

To conduct the experiment, choose a place where you will have access to running water. The kitchen is perfect.

Let's start the science magic!
1. Announce to the audience: "Now you will see how my magic will control the water."
2. Open the faucet so that the water flows in a thin stream.
3. Say the magic words to make the water jet move. Nothing will change; then apologize and explain to the audience that you will have to use the help of your magic balloon and magic sweater.
4. Inflate the balloon and tie it up. Rub the ball on the sweater.
5. Say the magic words again, and then bring the ball to a trickle of water. What will happen?

The jet of water will deflect towards the ball.

The electrons from the sweater during friction pass to the ball and give it a negative charge. This charge repels the electrons that are in the water, and they move to the part of the jet that is farthest from the ball. Closer to the ball, a positive charge arises in the water stream, and the negatively charged ball pulls it towards itself.

For the jet movement to be visible, it must be small. The static electricity that accumulates on the ball is relatively small, and it cannot move a large amount of water. If a trickle of water touches the balloon, it will lose its charge. The extra electrons will go into the water; both the balloon and the water will become electrically neutral, so the trickle will flow smoothly again.