Entertaining tricks and their secrets. Tricks for beginners, or how to learn miracles? Simple but interesting tricks and their secrets

Unusual tricks have always attracted people's attention and made them dream of mastering this difficult art. However, many people are left on the path to their dreams by the involuntary reverence that every person experiences before professional illusionists. Indeed, repeating many tricks without props, talent and many years training is practically impossible. However, there are many simple tricks, which can be easily mastered by a beginning illusionist.

Magic beads

Everyone knows that if you cut the thread on which the beads are strung, the glass balls will crumble. Is this true? The magician asks one of the spectators to lend him beads. Shows the decoration to everyone, holding it by the lock. After which he cuts the thread with scissors, and the beads are poured into a glass. It would seem that the decoration is damaged beyond repair, and the guest is upset.

However, the focus is not yet complete. The illusionist rolls up a little bag from a sheet of paper, pours the contents of the glass into it and throws a thread after it. A wave of the hand - and completely intact beads appear from the paper parcel, even the cut lock is back in place! Meanwhile, the magician straightens the paper bag, and everyone sees a sheet of ordinary blank paper.

This trick invariably causes delight and amazement of the audience and, at the same time, its secret is very simple. For it you will need the simplest beads with a lock and a trained assistant. Take a thin thread or fishing line and thread it through each bead, next to the main thread. Tie a large knot at both ends. You will find in your hands a necklace that looks ordinary, but it now consists of two threads, one of which can be cut without danger.

To perform the trick, you will need to take the beads by the upper knot of the fake thread, holding them low above the glass, carefully cut off the lower knot. Any beads still held by the main thread will instantly slide into the bowl. You will still have a fake thread in your hands, and the sound of beads on glass will serve as additional confirmation of the death of the necklace.

After this, all you have to do is roll up a triangular bag out of paper and, after pouring beads and thread into it, pull out the undamaged beads back.

This is important! A fake thread dropped into a bag can give you away, so you need to learn how to quietly hide it in your hand, only pretending to push it into a paper parcel.

How to remove a shirt through a jacket

This spectacular trick, during which the magician takes off the shirt of a spectator invited to the stage without even touching the jacket he is wearing over it, has long become a classic of the genre. However, its secret is very simple, and you can easily do it at home.

You can't do this trick without the help of an assistant. The person who will be randomly selected among the guests must dress in a special way in advance: throw the shirt over his shoulders without putting his arms through the sleeves, and button the collar and cuffs. Once a jacket or any other long-sleeved clothing is put on top, it will be impossible to guess what your assistant’s unique “wardrobe” is. During the performance, all you have to do is unbutton the buttons and pull the sleeve to remove the shirt.

Turning a scarf into an egg

For a holiday with friends, the trick of turning a silk scarf into an egg is perfect. The magician shows everyone the handkerchief and, shaking it, pushes it into his clenched fist. Then he waves his hand, pronounces a spell and unclenches his hand. To the amazement of the audience, the handkerchief is no longer in his hand. Instead, the usual one lies in the palm of your hand. chicken egg. The magician breaks the egg with a dramatic gesture, and among the cracked shell everyone sees a piece of colored fabric miraculously appearing.

Transforming a scarf, like any tricks for beginners, can be easily repeated at home. To do this you will need:

  • 1 egg;
  • a sharp knife with a thin tip;
  • a bright scarf made of thin fabric;
  • sandpaper or nail file.

First, you need to prepare the props, the role of which will be played by the egg. Make a small round hole in it and drain the yolk and white through it. Dry the shell and carefully sand the edges of the hole with sandpaper. It is in this egg that the scarf will be hidden during the trick, and it is important that the shell does not break prematurely, catching on the fabric. Beforehand, the shell can be kept for several hours in saline solution to make it more durable.

When everything is ready, you can start the trick. Hide the egg in your fist so that it is not visible to the audience and, showing everyone the handkerchief, carefully push it through the hole into the shell. So, sim-salabim! The handkerchief in your hand turned into a chicken egg.

This is important! Externally, the egg looks whole, but a hole in the side will instantly reveal your secret. Therefore, you need to hold the egg so that your thumb constantly covers it.

You can watch this trick in this video:

You can order this egg

Scarf through the neck

Ask your friends what happens if you wrap a scarf around your neck and pull the ends sharply. “Nothing healthy,” you will hear. However, nothing is impossible for a magician, and you can demonstrate to your audience how an ordinary scarf, cinched around your neck, passes harmlessly through your body and remains in your hands.

The key to this trick lies in the special way of tying the scarf. Throw the fabric over your shoulders so that it runs along the back of your neck and hangs down on both sides of your chest. Grab each hand opposite end scarf: right for left, and vice versa. Now it all depends on how quickly you can complete the “tying”. Bring the right end behind your neck to the left, leaving a small loop. With your other hand, at the same moment, throw the second part of the scarf, also covering the neck on the left, so that the fabric presses down and hides the loop that was created before.

Now your neck is wrapped in a scarf, which only appears to be pulled tight. A slight pull is enough, and the fabric, having slipped, will remain in your hands without causing any harm. Here is a video where the same trick is shown only with a rope, the same with a scarf.

Of course, knowing the secret is not enough to successfully perform a trick. Remember that the more mysterious and unusual you behave, the more willing the audience will be to believe in your supernatural abilities.

Unlike other methods like playing musical instruments, it is easier and cheaper; a deck costs much less than the same guitar. You don’t need to have an ear for music, you don’t need to have an innate ability to sing, a sense of rhythm, you just need desire to learn and manual dexterity.

How to start training?

Magician's tools

I think you're wondering - how to learn to do tricks with cards? Video training would be a great option.

There are hundreds of card-themed channels on YouTube. They will help you start with complete zero, you need everything buy a deck and play the video. If you don’t want to watch, you can learn from text lessons, it all depends on your preferences.

Today, if only he wishes it. To study simple illusions it may only take a couple of hours , even taking into account the fact that up to this point you knew absolutely nothing in this area. I note that in order to master the initial skills of playing the musical instrument Usually it takes about two months, at least one for sure.

Important: Video lessons with maps, like text ones, have one minus . Your viewers can easily expose you by finding the technique on the Internet. As you can see, the availability of material has its drawbacks. Although it is worth mentioning the existence of unique materials.

Which focus should I start with?

I suggest starting with focus "Maps Through Glass" famous illusionist David Copperfield it is distinguished by its high simplicity and extreme effectiveness.

Since you are completely new, you probably don’t know what it looks like. And it looks like this:

  • Spectators and the illusionist gather near the glass door of a supermarket or car.
  • The magician takes an unpacked deck and offers to choose any card, the one who chooses signs on it, and then returns it.
  • The illusionist dries it from the marker, puts it with everyone, shuffles it and returns them.
  • Disagrees with the audience different sides glass
  • The assistant smears the deck on the glass, and he takes out that same card directly from the glass.

At first glance, it looks like magic, but in reality everything is extremely simple. To perform, you must have mastery of technology "false shuffle" and "palming" .

It won’t be difficult for you to learn it using video lessons with maps. In the process of learning the technique of performing some tricks, you will learn various techniques that will definitely be useful to you for others. The first thing you need to master is, of course, the “false shuffle”; it is used in most tricks.

How to choose lessons?

The easiest way to learn card tricks is through video lessons.

On the Internet large number material. Big difference There are no lessons to learn from, any videos are almost the same.

  • Choose videos with good quality shooting.
  • If you are going to study on YouTube, then it is better to choose channels of people with a large number subscribers and posts. These parameters may indicate the authority of the author, and there is also a possibility that there will be videos on the channel that teach the whole movement, which the author used specifically in this illusion.

If you watch several different videos teaching the same trick, you may notice differences in the authors’ techniques. Here you will have a question: “what is the right way”? Doesn't exist single correct option, everyone has the right to exist. Learn the option that you like or the one that looks more impressive.

Important: If you have already decided to start learning, then remember right away - you don’t need to perform one trick several times in a row, otherwise you could be exposed.

Bottom line

Card fan

Such tricks are easy to learn, do not require much time compared to other options, any innate abilities are not so important, it is important to bring your technique to automatism.

They can be displayed anywhere, without the need to spend a lot of money on inventory.

To all this you can add everything in common, even from a simple illusion.

Who doesn't love magic tricks? Everyone loves magic tricks - both adults and children. Because a trick is a little magic that, if desired and skillful, you can do yourself. Of course, this matter is not as simple as it seems at first glance, so to begin with, the tricks should be as simple as possible. But that doesn’t make them any less effective! We have put together magic tricks that you can show to kids or help your child master them himself - especially for little magicians! The most important thing in this matter is to learn the magic spell: “hocus pocus alle op!” All! Now everything will definitely work out!

Piggy bank book

And this is not a simple piggy bank, but a magical one - there are more and more coins in it! We put five coins on the page of the book, close the book, and do not forget about the spell. We open the book - ten coins already fall out of it! Everything is elementary: five coins need to be hidden in advance in the spine of the book. Now the main thing is that the coins do not fall out ahead of time.

Obedient tie

Even kids can do this trick. A young magician appears before the audience. But something is wrong with his suit. Oh yes - he forgot to wear a bow tie! But this is a fixable matter, a wave of the magic wand - hello oops! – and the tie is already in its place! The secret is simple: we sew a thin elastic band to the tie, and hide the tie itself under the armpit. We thread the other end of the elastic through the buttonhole on the collar and pull it under the shirt to the waist, securing it. Now all that remains is to take the magic wand in your hand, wave it - the elastic band is released, and the butterfly “flies” to its place!

Magic spoon

Calmly stir sweet tea or compote with a teaspoon. And suddenly - hello oops! – the spoon is already hanging on our nose! Miracles! In fact, everything is simple: the spoon really sticks to the nose because of the sugar (after all, our tea was sweet, and even more so the compote!). Of course, you need to glue the spoon with the concave side. Plus a little sense of humor and acting skills - a funny trick is ready!

Magic lid

We hand out 3 plastic bottle caps to the audience. One of them should be different from the others in color. Let the audience, without our knowledge, hide the lids in a box with three compartments, each lid in its own (the box is made of 3 boxes glued together). We pick up the box and unmistakably determine where the lid of a different color is located! How? Very simple. In advance, you need to put a weighting agent in this lid - a circle of lead, equal in size to the bottom of the lid. At the moment of guessing, carefully take the box with the lids with your fingers by the middle - the heavy lid will outweigh it slightly. If the drawer remains in balance, then the desired lid is in the middle compartment. And, of course, the caps should be given to the spectators one at a time so that they do not have the opportunity to compare their weight.

I can read minds!

The child takes a book at random from the shelf and asks the audience to tell the page number. Then he leaves the room. The magician's assistant reads out the top line of the page chosen by the audience. A young magician enters and repeats it without hesitation! He really can read minds! In fact, everything is simpler: our magician and sorcerer simply knows how to read. Behind the door lies the same book as the one that the child took “at random” from the shelf. And he himself read the required top line behind the door!

Lord of Rice

The magician is holding a plastic margarine box filled with rice. The child covers it on top with exactly the same box - bottom up. After magical manipulations and reading the spell, the box opens, and lo and behold, a miracle - there is much more rice! It doesn’t even fit in the box and spills out onto the table! The secret of the trick is in the specially prepared box with which we covered our rice. It has a “double bottom” - the lid from it needs to be cut off and carefully glued as a bottom approximately in the middle of the box. Now the most important thing is not to mix it up and at the end of the trick, pour the rice into the right box, the one with a false bottom.

Sleight of hand

For this trick we will need a bracelet, rope and a scarf. The assistant tightly ties the hands of the young magician, after which he gives him a bracelet and wraps the magician’s hands with a scarf, holding the ends of the scarf. After a couple of moments, the scarf is removed, the magician raises his hands - and the magician’s bracelet is put on a rope! The thing is that there are actually two bracelets: the second one is already put on the child’s hand and hidden under the sleeve of the jacket. All that remains is to quietly drop the bracelet onto the rope and hide the second bracelet!

Candy made from... confetti?

For this sweet trick you will need a wide bowl filled with confetti to the middle and a couple of paper cups, not just ordinary ones, but with a secret. Here it is, this secret: one of the cups should have a lid, on which we glue confetti thickly and thickly. Then it's a matter of technique. We put candy in a glass with a lid and bury it in the bowl of confetti. The child shows the bowl to the audience. So that everyone can see that there is no deception here, he scoops up confetti with another glass and pours it back into the bowl with enough high altitude. Then he scoops up the confetti again (but in fact takes another glass, and hides the first one in the bowl), covers it with a handkerchief, reads a spell, removes the handkerchief - in front of us is a glass filled with delicious candies! The main thing is to carefully remove the lid along with the scarf - this is the second secret of our trick.

Non-bursting ball

Take the inflated one balloon and a long sharp knitting needle. A swing, a precise movement - and the needle is inside the ball, but the ball is intact! This is possible with a little preparation and a series of training. You need to stick a piece of transparent tape on both sides of the ball, and the magician’s task is to learn how to hit exactly the marked places. It's not that easy and requires some dexterity. But the effect produced by the trick is worth the time and effort!

Fruit transformation

There is an orange in the palm of the young magician. The magician covers it with a handkerchief, casts a magic spell - and now there is not an orange on his hand, but an apple! And here’s the solution: you need to peel the orange in advance. And put a small apple inside it. The peel is removed with a slight movement of the hand along with a scarf.

Coin - acrobat

Let's invite our viewers to pick up a coin from the table without touching it. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to do this. Meanwhile, it is enough to blow sharply on a coin from a distance of about 5 cm - it will jump, and you need to keep your hand very close in order to have time to pick up the coin. The trick is charming, but requires practice.

I know your date of birth!

This trick, of course, is beyond the power of children. But you can surprise children and adults with them at some holiday. The magician asks the spectator to multiply his date of birth (number) by 2, add 5 to the result, multiply the amount by 50. Then add the number of the month of birth and call the resulting number. The presenter accurately names the viewer's date of birth! And first in his mind he subtracts 250 from the number named by the viewer. The result is a three- or four-digit number. One or two first digits of which is the date, and the second two are the month of birth.

Slippers and rug

The magician brings a rug onto the stage and shows it to the audience from all sides. He covers his feet with it (and at this time he quietly removes the slippers from his feet). The rug is removed and the slippers are revealed! But that's not all: While the magician bows, the slippers go backstage on their own (they are pulled by assistants on a fishing line)! This is an embarrassment! Let's go get the slippers!

Endless thread

The magician has a white thread on his jacket, the magician tries to brush it off, but he doesn’t succeed. He asks the audience to remove the thread. The kind spectator pulls the thread, pulls, pulls, but it never ends! Soon the viewer becomes entangled in threads. In fact, in inside pocket In the jacket there is a pencil with a long thread wound around it, and the end of the thread was pulled out with a needle. And we need a pencil for secrecy - even if attentive spectators suspect something, a pencil in your pocket will not give away the secret - it’s not a reel!

Magic water

There is one optical illusion: if you put a glass on a coin, it will be visible through the walls of the glass, but if you pour water into the glass, the coin will no longer be visible, unless, of course, you look at it from the side, but if you look exactly from above, it will be visible. This can become the basis for a focus. For example, you can glue a coin to the bottom of a glass. The magician shows the audience a glass of water - nothing is visible. And now (after the magic words) we look at the glass from above - a coin has appeared in the glass!

Weightless glass

For the trick we need three glasses and a sheet of paper. We place two glasses on the table not far from each other. The magician informs the audience that a sheet of paper placed on the glasses can easily support the weight of the third glass and invites the audience to try to check this. Of course, no one believes. But in vain! This is possible if you fold a sheet of paper like an accordion. For greater effect, you can pour water into the top glass.

Trained button

Pour soda into a glass and put a small button in it. Now we turn to the button: “swim up!”, then: “swim down!” The button is obedient! And here there is no secret at all, the law of physics: gas bubbles, gathering around the button, lift it to the top, at the top they burst, and the button sinks again. All that remains is to calculate the time for your teams.

Unblown candle

Here again are amazing laws of physics and no magic. We try to blow out the candle through the funnel - we blow into its narrow end. If the candle is located exactly in the middle of the funnel, nothing happens, but if the flame is located at the edge of the funnel, the candle goes out immediately. The fact is that the air we blow out is scattered and distributed around the edges of the funnel. Therefore, no air flow remains in the middle, which is why the candle does not go out.

Video: tricks and their secrets

Simple trick with cards - video

Someone who is able to surprise the public with different spectacular tricks, always extremely popular. And if exquisite magic sometimes requires the use of special props and sophisticated technical techniques, then you can create simple magic without resorting to such difficulties. How to make a trick that is simple and interesting at the same time? Below are a few such tricks.

Vanishing Pencil

Performing a trick

Show the audience an ordinary pencil. Take a scarf and throw it over your hand with the object raised in it. Grab the tip of the pencil through the scarf. Quickly and elegantly remove the scarf. The pencil has disappeared!

The Secret of Focus

At the moment when the pencil is hidden from view under the scarf, you need to quickly and unnoticeably lift index finger the same hand. At this time, the pencil easily slides into the sleeve. Spectators are sure that the magician is holding on to the tip of the pencil and are perplexed when, after removing the scarf, it is not in place.

Pierced finger

Performing a trick

Raise your thumb on your clenched fist. Cover it with a scarf. Take the prepared needles one by one and boldly, or, on the contrary, wincing from terrible pain, pierce your finger through the scarf. Then, in front of shocked spectators, pull the unsafe objects out of your finger. Remove the scarf. Everyone will see that the finger turned out to be invulnerable.

The Secret of Focus

Before performing the trick, you need to hide a small carrot in your fist. At a certain moment, you need to deftly replace your finger with a “dummy” under the scarf. Now you can be sure that you will not experience any painful sensations.

Apple from orange

Performing a trick

Imagine to the eyes of those around you an ordinary orange. Cover the bright fruit with a scarf. One, two, three... The handkerchief rises, and in the palm... an apple!

The Secret of Focus

At the beginning of the trick, the audience sees not a real orange, but a carefully removed peel from it, which is put on an apple suitable size. When removing the scarf from the miracle fruit, you need to discreetly grab the orange shell.

Bleeding letters

Performing a trick

Show the audience clean hands. Write “any” word on a piece of paper. Burn it. Rub the ashes in your palms. Show everyone one hand. On the palm of your hand, to everyone’s surprise, the same written word will clearly appear.

The Secret of Focus

In reality, the word on paper should not be any word, but pre-conceived, and it must be applied to the palm of your hand with a mixture of protein and water in advance. At first, the writing on the hand that has had time to dry will be invisible, but the ground ashes will stick to the inscribed letters, which the audience will see.

bent spoon

Performing a trick

Everyone sees a spoon in your hands. Press it to the table and bend it forcefully. The audience will be convinced that the spoon is bent. But you pick it up - no changes have occurred!

The Secret of Focus

Initially, viewers think that only a spoon is in their hands. In fact, they mistake the tip of the pen for a coin. During the display, the spoon does not bend - it top part, which is not visible, must be slowly lowered in the palms until it stops. The coin remains motionless all this time, which creates the illusion of bending. At the end of the trick, everyone's attention will be directed to the spoon, and it will not be difficult to hide the coin.

Mind Reading

Performing a trick

To demonstrate many tricks, certain equipment is required. But you can do a trick without using any objects, for example, one where you guess the intended number. Ask a friend to think of a number from 0 to 5. Let him multiply it in his head by 2. Add 5 to the result. Multiply by 5. Add 10. Multiply everything by 10. Ask how much it turned out. Before your friend has time to finish speaking, you will already name the number you had guessed earlier.

The Secret of Focus

You need to subtract 3 from the first digit of the result, this will be the intended number. For example, it turned out to be 750, the first number is “7”, which means that the guess was “4”.

Starting with such primitive tricks, you can then move on to more complex tricks and earn a reputation as a skilled magician and sorcerer!

A few more simple and fun tricks:

How to do magic tricks?

Surely anyone has ever been amazed by the performance of an illusionist who can make an object disappear, appear out of nowhere, or even fly. Almost every child associates a magician with a rabbit from an empty top hat. Everyone who watched the magician's deft tricks wanted to know their secret and learn how to at least simple tricks. In this article we will try to tell you how to learn how to do simple tricks with cards and coins.

Basic rules of a good magician

  • Never reveal the secret of your trick. This way the viewer’s interest in your tricks will quickly fade away. Allow the observer to make suggestions regarding the technique of the trick, but do not argue with him.
  • Each trick must be carefully rehearsed. To do this, choose a mirror to help you. Try the trick a few times. If you never make a mistake, then the trick is ready to be performed in public. Remember to think carefully about your gestures and speech.
  • When performing a trick, you should not tell the viewer what is going to happen next. A quick-witted viewer will immediately recognize the technique of the trick. This is why it is not recommended to perform a trick twice.

Card tricks

Let's look at several methods of tricks with cards. You can surprise your children or friends with such tricks by mastering them without leaving home.

Guessing the spectator's card

To begin, the spectator must choose any card from the deck, remember it and put it back. And the magician, after performing some manipulations, needs to find it. The whole secret of the trick lies in the key card located next to the card chosen by the spectator. The magician has the opportunity to spy on this card while the spectator returns his card back to the middle of the deck. The card should face up.

Then the deck is demonstratively shuffled and after shuffling the magician, looking through the shirts, looks for key card and accordingly finds the one that the viewer pulled out.

A map appears out of thin air

This trick requires maximum dexterity. It consists in the fact that the magician shows the audience a completely empty palm, and then makes a wave and a card appears in his hand.

The main secret of the trick is good finger training. After all, the corners of the smaller edge of the card are pinched between the index and middle fingers, the little finger and the ring finger. This way, with your palm straightened, the card will not be noticeable.

We demonstrate a clean palm so that the card pinched from behind is not visible. Then sudden movement bend four fingers towards the palm, and thumb fix the card on top. We straighten our fingers and see that the card remains in the palm of our hand.

Using this technique, you can do the opposite trick with the card disappearing. True, you will have to train harder for such a trick.

Coin tricks

A coin is an item that is found in almost every person’s pocket. Learning various tricks with coins is not difficult if you devote enough time to practice.

Coin in a glass

For this trick you need a glass, a coin and a 50x50 cm scarf. The coin should be glued to the bottom of the glass. Pour water into a glass and show it to the audience. After this, cover the glass with a handkerchief and then quickly remove the handkerchief. Invite someone in the audience to look into the glass. This way the viewer will be able to see the coin underwater, which was not visible from the side.

Bouncing coin

For the trick, you will need a two-liter bottle and a coin that matches the diameter of the bottle neck. Leave the bottle in the freezer for five minutes. After the bottle is removed, place a coin soaked in water on the opening of its neck. The coin will bounce when it comes into contact with frozen plastic.

Working with an assistant

Place the coin on the table, covering it on top with a 30x30 cm scarf. Then you need to ask the audience to come up to you and check for the coin under the scarf. After this, transfer the handkerchief from one hand to the other so that the coin disappears and the audience, convinced of its presence, should be surprised. Take the coin from the pocket of the spectator, who should actually be your assistant. It is the assistant, who came last to check the presence of the coin, who quietly takes it away.

Coin in the center of the scarf

Sew two identical scarves together, sewing a coin into the center. Let the viewer choose big coin from the offered handful. Place the coin in the center of the scarf spread on the table. Then turn the scarf over and put an elastic band on it, squeezing the area under the coin. Start stretching the scarf at the corners so that the elastic eventually comes off. The coin should not fall, because when you turn the scarf over, it ends up in your hand. The pre-sewn coin should remain in the scarf.

We have given several fairly simple tricks that will not be difficult to perform even for children. If you have a desire to learn how to do more complex tricks that require increased dexterity and attention, video lessons can help you with this. Training videos can be found on Youtube.com; you need to enter a query in the search box, for example, “learning to do magic tricks.”