It means a drunk person in a dream. “Why does a drunkard appear in a dream? If you see a Drunkard in a dream, what does it mean? Why do you dream about a drunk mother, mother?

Alcohol is closely connected with culture - customs, traditions, and superstitions are associated with different types of alcoholic beverages. Why does a drunk person dream, what does this dream want to warn you against, what can await you in the near or distant future? We will try to consider this dream in more detail. If you dreamed of a drunk, the dream book will tell you what this means. But know that you didn’t have the best dream. To obtain a true interpretation, you will need to remember all the details and details of the dream.

If you dreamed of a drunk person or you yourself were drunk in a dream, this is a warning that should be interpreted according to the dream book.

Seeing a drunk person in reality is not a difficult task, but drunk acquaintances, friends, relatives or even strangers rarely appear in dreams. In order to correctly interpret such a dream, you need to analyze all the circumstances preceding the dream, who exactly was drunk in your dream, when you had the dream, and so on.

Have you seen yourself drunk?

If you happen to see yourself drunk in a dream, such a dream warns that you should refrain from frivolous actions that could have negative consequences for you. Due to carelessness and imprudence, you can get sick or injured, so you need to be extremely careful about yourself.

Being drunk in a dream is also a sign that in reality you are not entirely correct in your assessment of the environment and recent events that have occurred in your life. The dream warns you against making possible mistakes and calls you to more soberly and balancedly assess the situation that is developing in reality.

You may be mistaken about how some people treat you. The dream book advises you to take a close look at your friends and colleagues. Perhaps some of them have hidden, unseemly plans for you.

You dreamed of a drunk father

Why did you dream about a drunk relative?

Why do you dream about a drunk dad? Here you need to take into account your father's behavior in real life. If he abuses alcohol in reality, then seeing a drunk father in a dream can only indicate your fatigue from this situation and your desire to change it for the better.

  • For a man who manages a large business, such a dream tells him to take a closer look at his partners and test them for honesty. Due to thoughtless or deliberate negative behavior of a partner, both the credibility and financial position of the enterprise may suffer.
  • A young man who dreamed of his deceased father while drunk should not count on the help of others, but only need to rely on his own strength.
  • A drunken father comes to a married woman to tell her about upcoming conflicts with her husband and warns against hasty conclusions and actions. Excessive criticism and constant scandals in the family can lead to cheating on your spouse.
  • An unmarried girl dreams of a drunken father if her parents are not happy with the choice of her life partner. This dream often occurs on the eve of a wedding or engagement.

You saw a drunk mother

Why do you dream of a drunk mother? Seeing a drunk mother in a dream means that it is time to take control of your life into your own hands, you need to learn to be firm and refuse people who want too much from you.

  • If your mother is alive and she lives with your father, then most likely she is currently upset due to family circumstances or your behavior. Don’t put off visiting your mother and try to have a heart-to-heart talk with her.
  • If in a dream a mother drinks not alone, but in the company of drinking buddies, this speaks of adultery within the parental family;
  • If the mother is single, then she will have a suitor and a whirlwind romance is brewing. True, dream books say that nothing good will come of this, that mother will be disappointed and depressed.
  • If your mother is already old, then her drunkenness in your dream indicates an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Try to be close to her in the coming days to avoid accidents.

If a woman dreamed of her husband being drunk

Intimate dream book. It is very important to pay attention to the circumstances under which the woman saw her drunken husband. It is worth noting that if the husband drank in some restaurant, then this does not threaten any terrible incident in reality. But if a man has drunk and is in an aggressive state, then, unfortunately, the girl will face trouble in reality.

Maly Velesov Dream Book. If you saw a drunken husband in a dream, this means that you are too lenient towards a person close to you, and with your silent connivance, real outrages often happen.

Dream book of yogis. You are too suspicious a person. You are worried about events that are very unlikely in your real life. It interferes with rapport and doesn't make you more attractive. Most likely, you need to think carefully about the dream you saw and not tell anyone.

Idiomatic dream book. The burdens of household duties. There will be too many things you can't do. You will feel tired and exhausted. It probably seems to you that your spouse does not show proper participation in family affairs and housekeeping.

Indian Dream Book. Husband's lies. You are about to be deceived, hear lies regarding important things, most likely related to material wealth. Quarrel with a drunken husband - the lie will be exposed, then a serious conflict will follow.

Dream book 2012. Resentment, hostility towards the husband because of his laziness and inaction. Caring for a drunk, helping him - you feel that you have responsibility for the whole family, you have to do everything yourself. Seeing your husband in a drunken company of friends means the husband devotes more time and energy not to his family, but to other things.

And other drunk relatives

If you dreamed of a drunk woman, this is a hint that you are acting unreasonably and frivolously

Why do you dream about drunk relatives? We have already talked about father and mother, and now it’s time for other family members. Most dream books interpret a dream as the presence of some kind of guilt of a drunk relative towards the one who had the dream.

Perhaps you feel resentment towards him for the past, or this person did or wanted to do something that you do not yet know.

Such a dream calls for understanding and forgiveness. There is a possibility that this feeling of guilt will lead to a deterioration in the health of a relative, and you will have to care for the sick person.

  • Grandmother is a symbol of home warmth, hearth, so a drunk grandmother in a dream speaks of discord in the family and the need to resolve long-standing conflicts among relatives;
  • Grandfather in a dream is a symbol of honesty, adherence to traditions and principles. A drunk grandfather seen in a dream warns you against meeting a dishonest person.
  • A drunk brother or sister in a dream really needs your support right now; most likely, they are going through very difficult periods in their life and it is you who can help them.
  • Watching your boyfriend or girlfriend drunk, if you have not yet entered into a legal marriage, portends problems in your relationship. Perhaps your significant other is hiding something from you.

It happens that you see a drunk person in a dream who has already died. Here's what this means according to various dream books:

  • Ancient Roman dream book. Talking to a deceased person in a dream means that you feel guilty towards this person. If he is drunk, then most likely it is justified. Perhaps we should go to his grave. It also means loss of strength and health problems.
  • Lunar dream book. If a woman dreams that her deceased husband is drunk, unfavorable facts that are hidden from you will be revealed. Advice from a drunken dead person should be taken seriously.
  • Dream book for lovers. Such a dream suggests that this person could not get along where he went. The reasons, apparently, are in the wrong life here. If this is a loved one, help - pray for him and light a candle in the church.

Dream about a familiar person

What could my drunk guy friend dream about?

Why do you dream about a drunk friend? If you dreamed of a drunk person from your circle, then you need to beware of the troubles and problems that he may bring to you in the near future. T

There is also a chance that this person will get sick or grief will happen in his family. Therefore, if you see a close friend drunk in a dream, it is better to call again and find out how he is doing.

Drunk acquaintances dream of embarrassment; you may find out something unpleasant about them that they would like to hide from you.

If you are sitting at a table with a drunk person in a dream, you will have to work shoulder to shoulder with a colleague who will cause unpleasant emotions in you. It is better to keep these emotions inside, as the impression of the person will soon change in the opposite direction and the relationship will improve.

But here are the interpretations of what a drunk friend or acquaintance dreams about, according to the compilers of various dream books:

  • American dream book. This person will disappoint you and make a negative impression. Helping a drunk, taking him home, persuading him - you are in vain trying to help a person who does not want to help himself, futile efforts await you.
  • Numerological dream book of Pythagoras. This person will disappoint you and show his or her best side. Helping a drunk, leading him home means becoming a victim of the mistakes of a man you know; he will somehow let you down and not live up to your expectations. To persuade or condemn a drunk - they will not respond to your request.
  • Dream book for the whole family. Drinking together in a dream means your communication will become more confidential. Talking to a drunk person means finding out his secret in reality or gossiping with someone about him. Problems with a drunk in a dream - being disappointed in a friend or acquaintance, learning something bad about him.

And about the drunk stranger

Meeting a drunken stranger in a dream promises confusion and confusion in business. If this stranger was a woman, the confusion will concern emotional matters, which means dreaming of a drunk woman means that someone will be offended by you. Try to be more attentive and sensitive to all the people around you.

If the drunk person was a man, problems will arise at work, you risk forgetting about some important details, and thereby setting your colleagues up. The dream book advises you to be more punctual and attentive in the coming week.

How exactly did a drunk person behave?

  • Seeing a drunk person swearing in a dream means that you should be more careful in your words and expressions.
  • A dream in which a drunk person fights with others or breaks things; warns you against hasty and aggressive actions.
  • If a drunk fell and hurt himself in a dream, this means that your intemperance can bring you a lot of trouble.
  • Seeing a drunk person relieving himself in a dream is a symbol of shame. Be careful and do not get involved in dubious matters, and also communicate less with unfamiliar people in the near future.

If you dreamed of drinking or feasting

Why do you dream about drinking? In itself it is a good sign, promising financial well-being. If there are not very many alcoholic drinks on the table, then the meaning of sleep is good. But if the amount of alcohol is clearly too much, and the guests are already very drunk, you should be careful and not trust people you don’t know well. If drunken guests in our dream started a fight, be careful, someone has a grudge against us and wants revenge.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a wedding feast, she will soon get married, and her husband will be a rich and respected man. For a married woman, such a dream promises material well-being in the family. But, as the dream book warns, drinking in a dream instead of a festive feast indicates that the meaning of the dream will be negative in both cases.

Interpretation depending on the days of the week

The day of the week on which you had the dream has additional significance:

  1. On the night from Sunday to Monday - spontaneity can become your trump card;
  2. From Monday to Tuesday - you should get rid of selfishness, which is playing a cruel joke on you;
  3. From Tuesday to Wednesday - the feelings you have for your soulmate will remain with you for many years;
  4. From Wednesday to Thursday - you should beware of your excessive impatience;
  5. From Thursday to Friday - harmony, agreement and success will reign in your life;
  6. A dream from Friday to Saturday encourages you not to follow already laid paths, focusing on what other people did;
  7. Seen from Saturday to Sunday is a sign that there are bad rumors about us.

Interpretation of sleep in popular dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Currently, many different dream books are published, such as the dream book of the seer Vanga, the psychologist Gustav Miller and the Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. Each of them interprets a dream about seeing drunk people in a slightly different way. Some of the dream books consider what drunk people dream about as a good sign, some as a bad sign. Let's try to understand the different interpretations and try to come to a common conclusion.

Miller's Dream Book - Possible job loss

Miller believed that seeing yourself drunk in a dream has two meanings - good and bad. The good thing is that you will behave too frivolously, but at the same time your conscience will not torment you, and you will not face any troubles. But on the other hand, as this dream book warns, being drunk in a dream can foreshadow the loss of a job. If in your dream it was not you, but the people around you who were drunk, you should be more attentive to your friends. You should expect tricks and troubles from them.

Vanga's dream book - plan your spending

According to Vanga, why dream of being drunk and receiving a large amount of money that will be spent uselessly on all kinds of entertainment and unreasonable purchases. If you happen to see someone else drunk, then soon some dangerous incident will happen to you, which can cause harm not only to you, but also to your loved ones.

Freud's dream book - keep to your norm in reality

If in a dream you saw yourself drunk, this may mean real embarrassment in reality due to drinking alcohol.

If you dreamed of a terribly drunk person, then in real life you will do something stupid because you really drink too much. In the near future, try to drink less alcohol and avoid participating in noisy events. By being careful, you can avoid a loud scandal and loss of your own reputation.

For a man to see a drunk woman in a dream means that harmonious intimate relationships await him in the future. But for a woman, a drunk man in a dream is a warning that she should think about her safety and preserving her reputation.

In general, Freud suggests that if you often dream of drunk people, you may encounter this trouble in reality. It is especially bad, as this dream book says, to be drunk in a dream - this is an indication of an excessive passion for bad habits, and not necessarily alcohol.

Modern dream book - be reasonable

You were drunk in a dream - why is that? In reality you will show excessive frivolity. You should change your attitude towards life, otherwise you may lose your job. For a young woman, why dream of being drunk in a dream - she will soon commit an act that she will later regret. The dream book recommends avoiding noisy companies and young people with unknown intentions. If a married woman dreams of a cheerful drinking party that gives her pleasure, in real life it is time to take a break from everyday life and family routine. But be careful not to ruin your reputation.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo - they want to take advantage of you

If in a dream you become drunk due to a very small amount of alcohol, you attach too much importance to certain things in reality. We can talk about a relationship with a person you love, or more precisely, you think that you love him. Try again to think about what this relationship really is. If in your dream you behaved like a drunk, but at the same time your consciousness was sober, you know that someone wants to take advantage of your indecision for selfish purposes.

Imperial dream book - you are tired of society

Talking with a drunk or watching from the side - tired of society, irritation. Leading home, arguing, convincing of something - future problems associated with this person, one way or another, he or she will bring you trouble.

Love dream book - you will find out someone else's secret

You will learn shocking details of this man's life, incriminating evidence. Scolding a drunk woman means discussing with someone and condemning her. Helping a drunk woman, talking and convincing her of something - you are in vain interfering in the life of a dissolute person who does not want to change.

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov - take care of your reputation

This person's reputation will suffer. Helping a drunk get somewhere - because of your statements, the opinion of you will worsen. Talking to a drunk person means the ugly truth about you will come to light. Drinking with a friend in a dream - this woman will drag you into a compromising story.


A dream about a drunk person is not a good sign. But nevertheless, everything is in your hands. You should be more attentive and restrained in the coming days, not get involved in dubious matters, trust strangers less, and avoid things that could undermine your reputation. Also, you should not drink large amounts of alcohol, so that the dream does not become the personification of a real problem.

Video “Why do you dream about being drunk”

To dream of intoxication means that you are indulging your desires for pleasure.

Dream book of lovers

Dreaming that you are drunk- means that you do not strive to limit yourself in anything, and this is negatively perceived by others and your chosen one.

New family dream book

Dreaming about being intoxicated- means that you indulge your desire for pleasure too much.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Intoxication- damage caused by alcohol.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Intoxication- a reflection of the vain search for escape from reality. A reflection of self-indulgence.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Getting drunk with love in a dream means disappointment.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Getting drunk in a dream, feeling completely drunk, means a big, serious offense that cannot be made up for.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Getting drunk in a dream means a serious accusation.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Being drunk in a dream- this means that soon you will have fun and noisily wasting time and wasting money in the company of dubious friends.

If one sip of alcohol makes your head spin- such a dream foreshadows quarrels over trifles. If in a dream you showed up to work already “warm”- your current position may soon be shaken.

A dream in which you drink alcohol in large quantities, but do not get drunk- you may be involved in matters that can discredit you.

A dream in which you are already very drunk, but you continue to drink glass after glass, unable to stop - in reality you are indulging your desires for pleasure.

If you dream that while intoxicated you are doing various outrages- this means that in reality, in achieving your goal, regardless of the means, you will harm yourself and cause grief to your closest friends.

Staggering through the streets drunk or lying under a fence, unable to get up due to severe intoxication- in reality, wealth may suddenly fall upon you.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you saw yourself drunk, in reality you indulge your desires for pleasure.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

If in a dream you become drunk after a very small amount of alcohol, it means that you attach too much importance to things that do not deserve it. We are most likely talking about your relationship with the person you love, or so you think. To put everything in its place, try telling fortunes and find out what a relationship with a partner is really worth. To do this, take a candle, light it and place it in front of you along with a mirror. Now calmly and clearly ask the candle out loud: “The mind is bright, the light of fire! Is everything as I see it?” If the candle burns smoothly and the flame does not move in any direction, then everything is in order and you don’t have to worry about the fate of your relationship with your partner. But if the flame sways, it’s better for you to break off the illusory relationship yourself. Remember that at the moment when you ask your question, you need to look directly at the mirror standing by you. If in your dream you behaved like a drunk, but your consciousness was sober, know that someone wants to take advantage of your indecision for selfish purposes.

Modern universal dream book

There are joyful drunks, rude drunks and annoying drunks. What type of drunk person was the person in your dream? Does this reflect how you would like to behave in real life? Do you think that you cannot behave this way or can you, but only under the influence of alcohol?

Being drunk in a dream also means a desire to travel to the spiritual world. How did you behave in your sleep when you were drunk? Did you control yourself? Perhaps your dream speaks of a desire to relax?

If someone else is drunk in a dream, how do you behave? Does it excite, irritate, frighten or amuse you? Do you see this as a result of constant alcohol consumption?

Perhaps your state of intoxication is part of the festive atmosphere? How does your condition affect the development of events? It talks about how you think things will turn out if you relax or release your emotions.

In dreams there is no limit to possibilities and very often a person sees himself in different situations, acquires unusual abilities or experiences indescribable sensations.

Many women are interested in learning the interpretation of sleep and getting answers to the following question: “What should I beware of if I dreamed that I was drunk?”

What if I dream about being drunk?

If the dreamer claims: “I was drunk and did unusual things in a dream,” it is advisable for her to remember the details and events, all the persons involved in the dream.

If in her dreams a woman drinks a lot of alcohol and does it with pleasure, in reality she very much indulges her whims and desires. The dream suggests that the dreamer loves herself very much and is selfish about the desires of her loved ones.

If in a girl’s or woman’s dream there were other people who were also having fun, then in reality the dreamer will have a fun time. The dream promises a lot of shopping, visiting entertainment venues, parties and relaxation. But this dream also warns that during this wild time the dreamer may push herself into a deep hole of debt due to imprudent behavior and frivolity.

Drinking and at the same time feeling bad in a dream, experiencing nausea - means troubles that will be provoked by the woman’s ill-wishers. It is possible that this dream promises problems in the workplace due to the machinations of colleagues.

If a woman drinks alone in a dream, but the process of drinking alcohol itself is not disgusting to her, she will soon be involved in organizing some event and her help will be a significant contribution.

If the dreamer feels very drunk in a dream, because of which she cannot move or get up normally, this is a good dream. A dream predicts unexpected financial enrichment or receiving a particularly valuable item as a gift.

To indicate a serious illness, there is a dream in which a woman is forcibly forced to drink alcohol and at the same time she feels unwell. After this unpleasant dream, you need to carefully monitor your health, as there is a risk of exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Drinking alcohol in the company of your lover or spouse means quarrels and misunderstandings that can destroy relationships. The more alcohol you drink in a dream, the more global your personal problems will be.

If a drunk woman danced with a stranger in a dream, in the future she will meet a new acquaintance with an unreliable and cunning man. The new acquaintance will use the dreamer in every possible way to achieve his goals.

Drinking vodka with friends means becoming the object of unpleasant gossip that will be spread by females. This dream also warns that the dreamer does not need to share mysteries and secrets with her friends, since revelations in the future may become public knowledge. It's best to keep all your secrets to yourself.

Forcing other people to drink in a dream means in reality behaving extremely imprudently, committing acts that will be condemned by loved ones and acquaintances.

Drinking wine with strangers means that in reality the dreamer will have to cry a lot. If people behave decently, there will be tears of joy, if strangers are rude, you will have to cry because of grief.

What does it portend?

If in her dream a woman has to drink with her enemy or the person she hates, there is no need to worry. This is a good dream, predicting a calm and financially stable life. Drinking vodka or wine with enemies means defeating their evil intentions and stopping being the object of their persecution.

Drinking alcohol with relatives, gathered at one table, means that the dreamer will soon have to help her relatives. After this dream, you should not be surprised if people related by blood ask the woman to solve their problems.

A drunken and fighting dreamer means profit. If you had to take part in a fight in a dream, in reality you can expect an improvement in your well-being.

Singing songs in a dream during a feast means crying at a funeral. This dream promises the death of a fairly close friend.

If a woman drinks naked in her dream, in reality she needs to be wary of bankruptcy or being fired from her job with subsequent financial problems.

Being drunk in a dream and seeing a dog means the appearance of a faithful friend who will soon provide invaluable help and help you out of a difficult situation.

If a woman in a dream not only drinks a lot, but also makes toasts, in reality she will have to defend her point of view. The conflict will be provoked by a stranger, but the dreamer needs to clearly adhere to her position and not succumb to the influence of others.

A dream in which the dreamer sees herself drunk can predict both bad and good events, despite the fact that a drunk person evokes pity and disapproval. If a dream is not a thing, then there is no need to pay attention to it. If you have to see the same dream several nights in a row, it is best to find out its detailed interpretation.

Such a dream can predict trouble for you or someone you saw drunk in a dream. Usually, drinking alcohol in large quantities predicts that a drunk acquaintance is immersed in illusions, is in a dependent position, and is worried about some reason. In some situations, severe intoxication predicts illness.

However, the dream book interprets visions in which you see a stranger drunk or a group of people. Pay attention to how they behave and what is happening. Since mass drunkenness can mean deception, aggressiveness or great delusions. This is what a drunk person dreams about most often.

The one you know

Seeing your friend drunk, who actually drinks only on holidays, means trouble for him, tears and frustration. It is possible that at the moment he is very worried about some reason and may start drinking. Such a dream can represent various problems in his family, relationships with others, or his beloved girlfriend, wife. Especially if she is very demanding and has a tough temperament.

Seeing a woman, friend or acquaintance drunk in a dream often means that she will also start drinking due to grief or trouble. In another case, the dream book writes that she may get sick, most likely with heart disease, or soon you will learn about grief in her home or family.

Seeing your mother drunk in a dream means her unreasonable actions. Most likely, she herself does not understand what she is doing. The dream book writes that after such a dream she may get sick or do something stupid, because of which her loved ones will suffer. If in a dream she behaved aggressively, destroyed things and behaved inappropriately, then in reality she may be very worried and regret many of her actions.

Seeing an elderly grandmother or grandfather drunk is a sign of their illness. Sometimes the dream book writes that in old age they may lose their minds. But most often, a bluish alcoholic tint predicts heart and lung diseases. Try to encourage them to pay attention to their health and not ignore attacks.

Seeing a drunk acquaintance in a dream, who drinks and even drinks, means a quarrel with him. Or news about him. If you have a good relationship, then the dream book writes that you will soon learn about his hooligan behavior or a scandal in which he will be involved. Meeting an unpleasant drunk acquaintance means problems for you.

Perhaps he will also have something to do with them. Usually drunk and unpleasant people dream of quarrels and conflicts with him. But if he behaves aggressively, chases you and attacks, expect danger. Try to be careful and avoid going where there are a lot of drunks. It is especially bad to see him with a knife or dangerous object.

Husband, man, lover or friend

The dream book examines drunkenness in the dreams of lovers or married couples in detail. A slight degree of intoxication after a glass of champagne or wine means a state of falling in love, which prevents you from seeing the shortcomings and real character traits of your beloved. The same thing means a dream if the girl drank a little, but was not too drunk.

What does it mean to see the joyful excitement of a drunk loved one in a dream? Most often it is simply a desire to do something interesting for a loved one, intoxication with feelings and passion. However, it can interfere with seeing a person’s real strengths and weaknesses, and then lead to great disappointment. Therefore, to dream of familiar lovers who are a little drunk or even very drunk shows that, apart from their desires and each other, they do not notice anyone at all.

If, after a quarrel or separation, you dream of your loved one drinking or even drunk, he has big problems. Most likely, he is simply enjoying life, not noticing that he has hurt his significant other, walking or actually drinking. If you yourself were to blame for the quarrel, then a drunk guy or former admirer dreams that he is really worried about what happened, drinks out of grief or is mentally ill.

But in any case, he does not see his shortcomings and does not understand what caused the conflict. Continual drunkenness to the point of insensibility, when a loved one has lost consciousness or is simply sleeping, means a real danger to his life and health, alcoholism or a suicide attempt. In any case, he will execute himself.

Mass phenomenon

Seeing a crowd of people drunk is a sign of mass deception and illusions.

Most likely, they will believe some kind of mass propaganda or deception. In some cases, the dream book writes that they may believe scammers and lose a lot of money or join a sect in which they simply zombify people with forbidden psychological techniques.

If your loved one, friend or relative drinks with a group of people, this is a sign of trouble. Most likely, he will soon fall under bad influence or lose money due to deception and scams. If your loved one gives water to others, especially people of the opposite sex, you should be careful.

It is possible that he is very handsome and likes others, wants to make a good impression on them or use his charm for selfish purposes. Or he introduces you into some kind of illusion and deception in order to get what you want. So you should be careful with him so as not to fall into the cunning trap of a heartthrob.

The subconscious often gives us clues in the form of dreams. Sometimes they are strange and incomprehensible. What if you saw your relative drunk? Or did your ex-boyfriend or a stranger appear before you in this form? Let's figure out what such a dream could portend.

Women's dream book

Seeing drunk people means treating others frivolously, which can bring some complications in the future. You shouldn't trust other people.

To dream: a drunken ex comes to you - a painful parting with him, an experience.

Ukrainian dream book

A dream about being drunk is a harbinger of illness and emotional distress. Seeing yourself drunk means danger lurks.

Aesop's Dream Book

This dream book has a more pragmatic view. The image of a drunk means a weak-willed person who is mired in problems and cannot solve them on his own.

A drunk person in a dream wants to attack you - there are problems in business ahead, failure of plans, after which you will become despondent.

A drunk man under a fence - an unexpected encounter

In a dream, a drunken husband or other relative - the vision means that the dreamer is helplessly trying to shift his own problems onto others.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Sleeping with a drunk - evil deeds will entail difficult emotional experiences and lead to the loss of his reputation.


Seeing yourself drunk means reckless actions will lead to troubles in your personal life and at work. An unmarried woman will see a drunk man - this means that she is destined to marry a dangerous man and be unhappy in her marriage.

Ukrainian dream book

According to the dream book, a drunk husband is a harbinger of deception. A woman needs to be on her guard.


Seeing a person drunk means that in your environment there is a dishonest person who has enriched himself through deception and serious crimes.


A drunk acquaintance is an unexpected and unpleasant meeting. You'll have to go to a celebration with some unpleasant people. Also, a person who is drunk may be experiencing trouble or illness. Therefore, a dream about a drunk ex says that hard times have come for him.

Miller's Dream Book

Being drunk in Miller's dream book is a sign of deception on the part of colleagues, which can lead to loss of work. A dream warns a young girl about doing something wrong.

Modern dream book

Drinking strong alcohol in a dream means immoral behavior, theft, loss of a job. But if you drink wine, success in love, trade or literature awaits you in reality.