How to open a hookah bar from scratch: the most complete guide. Equipment and equipment. Sales technology in a hookah bar

Among the Minsk hookahs, competition is slowly but surely brewing. The founders of the three largest metropolitan establishments of this format frankly told how it all began, shared business problems and even revealed the accounting department.

"Hookah No. 1" began with the fact that I began to provide hookah catering services. Somehow I came to a friend and offered him to put hookahs in his institution on Ptich. He told me: “The Bird is not needed. Here we bought a place, let's cooperate. And so the hookah bar was born.

In general, any hookah is created around a person who burns with it. We take me - we get "Hookah No. 1". We take Pasha - we get The Office.

The Office could have become our competitors if they had a different location. As for HookahLab, it's the same story. The guys tried to organize everything decently, but nothing can be done with the place. If I open a hookah bar, I set myself the task of taking some part of the audience. I was lucky in this regard. I wanted to open a hookah bar three years earlier, back in 2007 I found one place. I ran to the people I work with and said: “Let's open up!” At that time I didn’t understand anything in public catering, but I was very burned. They told me: “Don't rush. It's better to wait." It's good that you listened, because the main thing is to find the perfect place.

By and large, I just now began to understand something in public catering. In general, a hookah bar is not much different from other establishments. The requirements are similar. Another thing is that it should be a more atmospheric place than an ordinary cafe.

Hookahs are completely different. Prices designer models are just incredible. And according to the status, some Falcone is not supposed to have a hookah for 100 dollars - it should be for 3,000. When I had hookahs for 10 dollars, it could cost 150 there. And if in The Black Door it will be 400 thousand, then Blackhall Bar they are now 800 probably.

If you estimate the cost without extra charges, then the depreciation of the hookah itself and all its components will be about two dollars a month. Plus the hookah worker, tobacco, coal, foil... Total 5-6 dollars, maximum 7.

Everything else is profit. There are those who sell a hookah for 100 dollars, but make it, let's say, for three.

If we talk about problems, then the main one is tobacco. It belongs to the excise group of goods, which means that you cannot bring whatever you want. You need to buy the one that Belgostorg delivers, and these are only two types. At one time, we tried to somehow develop the topic, to ensure that excises appeared on other tobacco, but this is a very small segment of the market, no one needs it.

Problem number two is uncertainty: it is not clear what will happen to this business in principle. For example, in Moscow there was a ban on smoking in in public places. And they offered me a place to open. Hookahs remained, but in an incomprehensible form.

Such laws have not yet been adopted in Belarus, thank you. But there is a ghost of the sword of Damocles. This is a lingering problem. Smoking is bad, but it's everyone's choice. I can hang a warning about lung cancer on the wall instead of a picture. I am ready, if anything, to make the place closed to non-smokers. Ready to hang huge signs, advertise. They smoke in the hookah. If this bothers you, no problem, don't come.

Problem number three is the drug stereotype. Honestly, I'm tired of expelling people who say: “Is there anything? Not? And we have with us!”

There is another story with hookahs. It is not regulated in any way by the sanitary services. When the hookah appeared, no one knew what to do with it. Somehow, one lady from the inspectors decided that the hookah is an inhalation device, and we were asked to show the medical history of the device maintenance. A hookah is no different from dishes. We fought off the inhaler, but another doctor will come, and he has his own vision of the issue. And I can’t justify my position in any way, because the norms are not spelled out anywhere.

The popularity of hookah began to grow spontaneously. Why did this happen? I don't think anyone will say. Hookah is a good way to relax while keeping your brain sober. So people who got tired of drinking started smoking. Arabs make hookahs the way their grandparents did hundreds of years ago, while the Slavs are trying to develop. Something new has appeared in Germany, the Czech Republic - they are pulling it towards themselves. As a result, it turned out that the market is concentrated in Slavic countries. In America, now they are also seriously addicted to hookah, a huge number of establishments and industries are opening. But if you look at instagrams or facebooks of large hookah companies, you understand that in terms of cooking there is still entry level. At the same time, they have the opportunity to make tobacco - simply because it grows there. How to start producing your own tobacco in Belarus, on this moment I can not imagine.

In Belarus, about 90% of hookah lovers pray to Russia and believe that we do not have a hookah culture, although in reality this is not the case. It's just that there is money to develop this business.

The first hookah bars in Russia began to appear back in the 1990s, and they realized long ago that this profitable business. In 10–15 years, people got money, which they began to invest in their development.

As for competitors, Ants (founder"Hookah No. 1" . - Approx. created a cool institution, which popularized the hookah to such an extent that they became absolutely interested different people. This paved the way for the development of culture. And then we showed up. Now I travel a lot to other countries, I see how it is possible to develop, and I try to do it. Then HookahLab appeared - they looked at our experience and started doing something of their own.

When we opened a little over a year ago, my vision was to promote the hookah theme not as just another institution, but as a kind of center where this culture develops. Now these are point foci, which over time can lead to something interesting.

In principle, in Minsk, hookah culture is quite good level, but it cannot be said that she has reached some incredible heights. Moreover, there are restrictions in Belarus. For example, tobacco is an excise product. And there are not so many excise varieties of it. In Russia, this is much easier, where you can find tobacco from all over the world.

Problem number two: people of Soviet upbringing have the wrong stereotype that a hookah is tantamount to a drug.

As a person who has worked in this business for a very long time, I am offended when people come and say: “Give us something to drink.” There were cases when visitors followed this purposefully. Some do not understand that hookah is tobacco. And not the same as in cigarettes. Hookah tobacco is smoked in a completely different way: it does not burn, but dries. A year ago, we organized an amateur hookah battle. They wrote an article about us on Onliner, and the percentage of comments that only drug addicts gathered at the event was so off scale that my jaw just dropped. When we outgrow this stereotype, we can develop differently.

Of the ten people who will come to us an hour after the opening, nine will understand the topic. In the evening, the opposite is true: 90% of people just want to spend time, they do not quite understand how to smoke a hookah properly.

By and large, the rules for a hookah bar are the same as in public catering. But in Belarus, a hookah bar is located only in the basement. We can't open upstairs in the building. For example, The Office (and we are franchised) has a rule: the establishment must be located on the highest floor of the building. In Belarus, this is simply impossible. There are also many questions related to the interior: we work with burning coal, so we cannot put, for example, carpet on the floor.

Pricing in a hookah bar is the same as in public catering: if you come to a specialized place and see a high cost, then this must be due to something. What does it depend on? First, from the hookah itself. There is different models at, respectively, different prices: relatively cheap stainless steel or designer glass, which are 5-10 times more expensive. There are different types of tobacco different price. Plus skill. I try to hire people who have bright eyes and a desire to develop. You have to pay for professionalism in any field.

I often read comments like "I better at home smoke." Guys, for God's sake! But, if you say that you will do better at home than in a hookah, I will just laugh. You can't be good at what you don't do every day.

In general, this profitable business. But Minsk is small. To open another profitable and popular hookah, you need to make incredible efforts. But in general, competition is always good.

Minsk hookah culture, in my opinion, is at the initial level, but something is already happening, and that's good. Hookah people have enthusiasm, there is a community of its own. I won’t say that everyone sticks together, but there is a sense of unity.

People who started it all work in Hookah Bar No. 1, and the modern party is already more concentrated here and in The Office.

The main problem of the hookah business in Belarus is, of course, the inability to diversify the assortment of tobacco. There are no excises, and the state does not want to deal with this.

Problem number two is the quality of the Belarusian service sector. Someone may have an association that hookahs are underground, but this does not mean that hookahs should be dirty and the floor constantly in ashes. We try to make sure everything is beautiful.

In general, it is impossible to open a specific hookah bar in Belarus. In the list of establishments we do not have such a concept. So, you need to get a license for a catering establishment. Hookahs are a product that is not subject to certification. So you write for them. technological map, prepare the acts of study, invoices and all other documents (there are a lot of them), think about how to present them in public catering, because this is a product that is sold.

In Russia, they generally came up with a different idea. After all, hookahs were banned there, now they are made in the form of closed clubs. In the format of a store where you come to taste tobacco and where you pay for the time of your stay. For a thousand rubles, they bring you two hookahs and you sit for an hour, you need to extend it - you pay for two more hookahs. It also threatens us.

I'm sure there will be pressure over time. But in any case, a year's notice will be given. That is, it cannot be that I wake up tomorrow and find out that a decree has been signed to ban hookahs.

And since hookahs are opening in Minsk, it means that it is profitable. About 13–15 g of tobacco is used per cup. That is, 77 hookahs can be made from 1 kg of tobacco. Plus coal, foil, wages...

The cost of one hookah is about three dollars, which is why people open up. I'm even sure that everyone from the hookah party would like to open their own institution, it's just that someone is engaged in another business, and someone has no money for it.

It seems to me that Minsk needs more hookahs, and good ones. There are many public. But I'm not saying that you need to open a network of institutions. It will be even better if people start opening their hookahs in the regions so that this culture can be developed.

You can work as a hookah maker indefinitely in cool bar, but somewhere in the depths of the soul, a thought necessarily creeps in: what if you open a hookah bar yourself? Using your experience and knowledge, you can do everything a hundred times better, take into account mistakes, attract your customer base ...

Everything looks simple, and now you are already collecting the last money for renting a room, but what's next? Are you ready to face the collection of documents, recruitment, meeting with security services, master plans, negligent landlords?

There are many obstacles on the way to your own hookah bar, which we decided to talk about. People who have already walked this path, stories of success and failure: everything you need to create a thriving business in a new series of articles.

What you need to open a hookah from scratch: how it all begins

Yes, one desire is not enough 😉

And even an impressive start-up capital is not a guarantee of success (although it will make your life much easier). You will have to understand the laws, look for a room, perhaps agree with the "neighbors" and in general it is necessary to think over the concept to the smallest detail!

By the way, in each region one has to deal with different problems. AT major cities huge competition, plus the prospect of a very large income, so the bars attract the attention of all kinds of services. Everyone will have to agree.

"AT different regions, a different attitude to our "partial" business. In some regions, inspections come every week and demand something that they themselves do not understand. They came to my friend and asked for a “license to run a hookah business” (!!!), but they couldn’t find out anything beyond a joking answer.

Checking for the employment of personnel, firefighters, etc. These people should become, at a minimum, friends, and, at a maximum, frequent visitors.”Arseniy, hookah "Cosmo House" Belgorod city.

Naturally, a responsible owner will make sure that there is nothing to complain about, otherwise there is a risk of fines, or even closure. But even if these moments are "resolved", guests will hardly like the lack of proper sanitation, poor ventilation and staff who speak little Russian.

Therefore, it is important to initially take care of all the moments. Yes, when creating the first hookah bar, it is difficult to take into account everything, a lot will come with experience, something will need to be completed or changed during operation. But a serious entrepreneur with an entrepreneurial streak will not spend money on creating a frankly disastrous bar.

If you want to open a hookah bar according to the law, you will have to work out all the requirements: from registration (individual entrepreneur or legal entity) to official employment of personnel with the appropriate level wages and installation of high-quality ventilation (which will entail high costs).

And then you have to develop the concept of the institution, plan the design, assortment, menu. Searching for premises, renting and repairing them are generally worthy of a separate book. Well, the icing on the cake will be promotion and advertising campaigns so that people other than your friends come to the opening 🙂

Where to open a hookah bar

One of the most difficult and important issues to be solved. First of all, location must be determined. In the central parts, rent will cost more, and there is likely to be a lot of competition there. The presence of 5 similar competitors within walking distance is unlikely to be a plus.

Secondly, find out the potential target audience. If you see students as your guests, take the area close to educational institutions. Sometimes the best place will become a sleeping area in which small selection places for recreation. People like to spend time after work close to home.

Thirdly, to avoid problems, choose a place where there are no playgrounds, schools, hospitals nearby. It is better if it is a separate building or an area in a non-residential building.

Huge plus: availability of parking, open area, terrace, panoramic windows(if the rented area is at a height), proximity to transport.

How much does it cost to open a hookah bar

Budget planning is the most crucial step, since miscalculations and reassessment of one's capabilities will inevitably lead to problems.

Key points to consider when budgeting:

  • Rent price, and when drawing up the contract, a fee is paid for the first and last month, or the amount for the first month + deposit (returned after the expiration of the contract, provided that there is no need for repairs). In any case, this is a double rent.
  • Staff pay. You can't hire people without a guaranteed salary, so budget the salary amount for all employees. With proper business management, in a few months you will get a good plus, and salaries for team members will be deducted from income.
  • Services of a designer, repair team, building materials . If you hire a designer, he will help you calculate the price of services and materials. And when you do everything yourself, you will have to monitor prices manually: go to construction stores, call offices.
  • Purchase of equipment. It all depends on your capabilities and desires, if you want to diversify the kitchen, but now there is no money to buy stoves - start with simple menu. You have to buy good hookahs and accessories, a coffee machine, dishes, teapots, cutlery.
  • First grocery purchase. It will certainly be different from the next ones, because you still don’t know the expense, you don’t know what the flow of clientele will be, but you need to have enough of everything! Make sure that tobacco, tea, drinks, pure water and snacks were enough.

Calculate how much all this will cost and add another 20-30% of the amount received. It can cover additional expenses which are guaranteed to appear. For example, maintenance of non-cash payment terminals, buying uniforms (sometimes this is done after several months of productive work of the bar), and so on.

In order to feel more or less confident, you need to have at least 800,000 rubles, subject to a small room, enough promotion and weak competition. It is better to enter the business with an amount of at least a million.

No one advises taking a loan to open a hookah bar, this is too risky a step that has a lot of live anti-advertising. Liabilities to creditors are often driven into a deep hole and lead to bankruptcy. It is better to calculate the costs, accumulate funds and manage on your own. As a last resort, borrow only a part necessary funds(up to 30%).

It is not uncommon to attract investors, usually there are 2-3 co-founders, whose contributions are distributed for different needs.

What is a franchise and what benefits does it provide

Naturally, using an already hyped name can be very useful. On the other hand, along with simplified promotion conditions, you get a package of obligations and relative restrictions in terms of design, menu, assortment.

Such an institution will never be completely yours. Therefore, you have to analyze the benefits of opening a franchise.

The name doesn't always matter. If the conditional bar "Shisha" is popular in Moscow, this does not mean that they have heard about it at all somewhere in Taganrog. Also, a well-known cafe in Belarus is unlikely to immediately become popular in Russian cities.

Therefore, if the popularity of the "Brand" is not too great, it is not logical to follow a promoted name, the geography of popularity plays a role.

But there are advantages that are much more profitable. For example, special delivery conditions from a supplier (discounts, wholesale, a special taste only for your franchise, branded accessories, etc.), design proposals for design and any other goodies that are difficult to get without promoted colleagues and sponsors.

What documents are needed to establish a bar officially

“I want to open a hookah bar, but is it legal to do so?” This question often worries potential owners of smoky bars, and for good reason, since the legal framework for such a business is weak and does not have clear boundaries / requirements.

Documentation is a very sensitive issue, since at this stage there is no clear regulation in the legislation on the maintenance of hookah bars. Now the procedure is the same as for founding a regular catering business, which is why the business is called "partial".

They register in a variety of variations: individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, some act as individuals, but you won’t be able to feel the difference until you try it yourself. The fact is that each of the types of entrepreneurship has its own benefits and its own responsibility. For cafes in small town and in megacities a different look will make sense entrepreneurial activity.

Therefore, with the question of competent registration, it is worth contacting a qualified lawyer for advice.

Among other documents there will be plans for reconstruction, redevelopment, ventilation, plan fire safety eventually.

More about the legalization of the hookah business in the video of our friend bRend-chef and co-owner of NO NAME BAR hookah bar (Moscow/Khimki) Maxim Maksimych:

Since August 2017, a law banning hookahs and vapes has been actively discussed, which can significantly complicate the procedure. So far, it is at the draft stage, it is unlikely to be accepted in the form that it is now. Keep updating your knowledge about legislative framework before you decide to start a business in 2018.

Additional "paper" will be needed if you want to sell not only food and hookahs, but also alcohol. You will have to issue a license to sell alcohol - it is expensive and quite difficult. In addition, there will be a new item of expenditure for the battle of dishes, and maybe security. It depends on what kind of guests will come to you 😉

Details about opening a hookah from the mouth Brand chef and co-owner of NO NAME BAR hookah bar (Moscow/Khimki) Maxim Maksimych in video:

Main problems + bonus: a real story of failure

If you have read up to this point, then you already know a lot of pitfalls. Ventilation, service checks, advertising, problems with "neighbors" if a hookah-bar opens in a residential building - this is not full list obstacles.

“Advertising is not allowed because of the anti-tobacco law, there may be difficulties with neighbors in the rented premises, checks by Rospotrebnadzor”Ksenia Mayorova, administrator of the hookah bar "el Sotano", Kolomna.

It is really difficult to predict everything, but having secured yourself in all directions, unforeseen situations will not be able to shake your confidence.

  1. If you know, how much money you need, add a little more to this amount- a financial pillow will be an ideal tool for dealing with emergency situations.
  2. In advance test the soil among suppliers, compare prices, including delivery, discuss preferential terms for wholesale and find the most profitable options.
  3. Make a smart business plan. And if you don’t know how to do it, or don’t want to make a mistake, get ready for additional expenses for the services of specialists in the field of planning.
  4. Responsible selection of personnel. It can be difficult for a young bar to “pull” cool specialists, but even young employees with little experience are different. Choose those who have a "fuse", a general idea, or their own vision of the work. A huge bonus will be a hookah man with his client base.
  5. Consider all advertising options, which can be implemented within the framework of the anti-tobacco law.
  6. Don't skimp on fire safety good ventilation and compliance sanitary norms . The relevant services can close the bar in no time due to problems in these areas. In addition to closing, serious fines can be issued.

Now you know how to properly establish a hookah bar, and in order not to make other people's mistakes, read the story of a person about the unsuccessful opening of an institution: "

People who live in megacities often suffer from stress and depression. Therefore, at the end of the working day, each person needs to have a good rest and compensate for the expended strength and energy. One of the ways of such relaxation is smoking a hookah. It relaxes and seduces with its enchanting aroma. It is for this reason that opening an institution with hookahs will be an excellent business idea, and with a competent approach to organization, it will be able to bring good money. This article will consider and study the hookah business plan.

Benefits of hookah business

  1. Popularity among consumers. This type of activity is in trend today and at the same time it is not “hackneyed”. So this niche is free and needs enterprising people who are able to implement new ideas.
  2. Fast payback. This is due to relatively small capital investments, low cost of monthly Supplies and high incomes.

hookah smoking

Disadvantages of hookah activities

  1. The institution is entertaining, so it will work mainly at night.
  2. It is necessary to stylize the interior as an oriental picture, and this may be difficult. But if you have money, you can hire professional designers.

And now is the time to consider how to open a hookah from scratch in order to compare costs with possible income and calculate the payback of the project.

Preparatory activities

The first thing you need to decide if you want to open a hookah bar is the place where the project will be implemented. The easiest way to do this is on the territory of a popular restaurant. The optimal business plan for a hookah bar is formed with the proviso that the bulk of customers are wealthy people with “above average” income. After determining with this moment, you can proceed to the arrangement process inner space. It is important to satisfy the basic needs of the institution and the aesthetic needs of visitors.

What documents are required to start

Do not forget about legislative positions, since it is important to collect the necessary permits and other documents for the successful opening of an institution. A license is not required, but if you plan to sell alcohol in addition to renting hookahs, you will need to obtain a special license.

The next step on the way to successfully implementing a hookah business is to obtain a form of ownership. For this type of activity, an individual entrepreneur or LLC should be opened.

It is necessary to have a certain list of documents:

  • constituent papers in accordance with the form of ownership that has been adopted;
  • certificates;
  • licenses when planning the sale of alcohol;
  • permission from the fire and epidemiological service;
  • documentation of an external nature, it includes contractual relations;
  • internal varieties of documents are various orders related to the appointment of leaders, documentation of an organizational nature.

In order not to overstep the bounds of the law, an entrepreneur must choose between two main establishments: the sale of alcohol and the provision of hookahs without tobacco, or hookahs with nicotine, but without the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Basic requirements for a hookah room

There are several areas and aspects that you should definitely take into account when opening a hookah establishment.


Not only the number of visitors, but also the status of the contingent depends on what it will be. The minimum area must be 100 sq. m to accommodate dozens of guests. However, it is worth noting that the determining factor is not only the area of ​​​​the institution, but also its design. After all, people come to such rooms to relax and enjoy. East style, as it is impossible by the way. After all, it is he who is a kind of directed means of additional aesthetic influence on the client. Also, the location of your room plays an important role. It should be in the city center or walkable area closer to the outskirts.

Hookah room design option


When considering a business plan for how to open a hookah room, you should also pay attention to the equipment. After all, it includes not only hookahs and "accessory" materials. The most important role is given to the ventilation system. For its organization, it is necessary to attract specialists, since it is problematic and costly to cope with this task on your own. Well, of course, it is worth buying hookahs from 5 pieces, coal with tobacco, mixtures equipped with various flavors, replacement pipes, bowls, hoses, flasks, including spare parts. Please note that during operation you will have to spend money on consumables, which include cleaning tools, foil, tongs, mouthpieces.


Competently selected specialists are 90% of the success of your institution. Indeed, after the first visit to the hookah room, the visitor should want to visit it again. Therefore, the defining moment is the quality of customer service. Specialists who will work in the state should not only be proficient in the hookah business, but also be able to keep up the conversation, be distinguished by good personal qualities. It's safe to say that employees set the reputation of the institution, so their choice should be made thoroughly.


The key point is to create a title that should be concise and capaciously reflect the essence of the work. This is not all that is needed to open a hookah room. Currently as effective tool to attract a client audience are social media. Therefore, it is worth getting a group and constantly uploading news, information about promotions, bonuses, and discounts to it. Keep in mind that the type of advertising should be tailored to the characteristics of your target audience. And it can be representatives of youth or stately people of age. In the first case, social networks are suitable, and in the second, good outdoor advertising.

An important role in the design of corporate identity is played by marketing on the Internet. Therefore, it is important that the institution has its own website. It should be beautifully designed and user-friendly. The resource must contain detailed information about the establishment and what services it provides, as well as other information designed to arouse the interest of potential visitors. In this regard, design development activities should be entrusted to professionals. The same applies to the promotion of your resource.

More great importance customer encouragement plays, especially if they are regular. It is important to draw up a competent hookah business plan in advance and think over the organization of the company in order to potential clients We were looking forward to the opening of the institution with impatience and interest and knew about this fact even before the first working day. Do not spare the budget for promotions and other events, they will pay off several times already in the first week of their work.

Calculations of the expenditure part for opening a hookah room

Expenses are classified, namely, they are starting, paid immediately, and monthly, which are carried out on a regular basis.

Starting costs for opening a hookah room

The project pays off, especially if you equip the institution as part of a successful good restaurant, and not just implement it as a "smoking room". Using the first method, you will create a bridge to the world of the mysterious East, and your visitors will be truly happy.

Starting investments for opening a hookah room consist of several areas:

  • interior design - 100,000 rubles;
  • purchase of furniture - 100,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 50,000 rubles;
  • other expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Thus, the total amount of initial investments amounted to 300,000 rubles, which is quite a bit. Here's how much it costs to open a hookah bar from scratch. But it is also important to understand that the entire expenditure part is not limited to these expenses, there are also periodic costs, which will be discussed later.

Monthly expenses for the maintenance of a hookah establishment

Every month you will have to lay out a certain amount of money for the maintenance of your institution.

Costs consist of several items:

  • room rentalsmall room up to 100 square meters will cost you 30,000 rubles per month (for a large million-plus city);
  • staff salary will be 50,000 rubles per month, provided that the staff will consist of 2-3 people;
  • purchase of consumables, which include coal, foil, mouthpieces, mixtures, tobacco - this requires about 20,000 rubles a month.

Thus, it turns out that indicator total amount costs will be 100,000 rubles per month.

Relax zone hookah room

Probable earnings and profits

The average check for staying indoors and smoking a hookah is about 700 Russian rubles for one hookah table for a city with a million inhabitants (not Moscow). Daily income is 5,000 rubles on average. Hence it follows that monthly revenue - 150,000 rubles.

Payback calculation

To calculate the payback of the project, you need to know the indicator net profit, which is equal to the sum of income minus the sum of expenses.

Net profit \u003d 150,000 - 100,000 \u003d 50,000 rubles.

To calculate the time during which the costs will justify themselves, and the business will start working exclusively for profit, it is necessary start-up costs for hookah bar equipment and other points divided by net monthly profit.

Payback period = 300,000 / 50,000 = 6 months.

It turns out that the business will work in "plus" six months after the opening of the hookah room.

What conclusions can be drawn

It should be noted that the “hookah sphere” is one of the most quickly paid back business projects among competitors.. In order for the payback period to be as low as possible, and the business to make a profit, it is necessary to carefully consider advertising campaign and arrange the interior of the room accordingly. If these moves are planned and implemented, the glory of your establishment will quickly spread throughout the city and the hookah business plan will work. But to implement this project, it is worth acquiring certain skills and acting in stages.

In general, hookah room acts as a very cost-effective idea. Especially if you try to equip the hookah in part restaurant business with a good area and give the interior an oriental zest, you can not bad get both a stream of lovers of a delicious snack, and a stream of lovers to relax with the bewitching aroma of a hookah.

Until recently, it was considered unprofitable. But, with the adoption of the law banning smoking in public places, this thought visits everything. large quantity entrepreneurs. The reason for this is the lack of filling this niche in business circles and the growing profitability of this service. This primarily concerns the owners of cafes, restaurants, clubs.

The main part of the smoking population, visiting entertainment establishments or places of rest, certainly use hookahs. Step-by-step instruction, business plan, all the nuances for opening a hookah from scratch are given below.

Distinctive sides

The main advantage of the hookah business is its specificity. Not all restaurant owners have introduced smoking a fragrant mixture into the menu. Many cafes and restaurants weren't allowed to smoke before the smoking ban. The same establishments that allowed smoking discovered new article income, and significant.

Is it profitable to open a hookah bar from scratch?

A feature of the hookah business, in addition to its demand, is the payback for short term. With the right simple business plan, spending a small amount Money, business can pay off in 3 months.

Suppliers of equipment for hookahs themselves can help a novice businessman. By agreement between the supplier and the owner of the establishment, the first prepares rooms for hookahs and receives 60% of the income for this, and the second sells it, taking the remaining 40% of the profit.

Despite the low cost of hookah accessories, the price for using such a service in all entertainment places is high, exceeding the cost by several times. Therefore, doing such a business is very profitable and timely. The competition is not great.

You can open an enterprise in a new building, select employees, and purchase everything you need for smoking. It will not be superfluous to recreate a cozy homely atmosphere or an oriental theme. Then the investment will be serious, up to 200 thousand rubles. Because people will not only smoke, but also eat, drink alcohol.

If you set up a smoking room in already operating establishments, then a small amount, up to 50 thousand rubles, will be enough to purchase mixtures, tobacco, and coal. It is better to buy them directly from the East, it will be cheaper and the quality is higher.

What do you need to open a hookah from scratch?

In addition to renting premises, hiring staff and other attributes, you must obtain permission to sell alcoholic beverages, if it is implied. You also need to register an IP (Individual Entrepreneurship) or LLC (Limited Liability Company). After that, collect a package of documents. These include:

  1. Documentation LLC or IP.
  2. Certificates for hookah smoking accessories.
  3. License to sell alcohol.
  4. Permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the Fire Service.

It should be noted! If it is planned to sell strong drinks in a hookah bar, then you need to register it as "LLC".

According to current legislation smoking in places common use you can’t, so you should choose how the hookah bar will work:

  • Using a mixture with tobacco, but without alcohol;
  • With the sale of alcohol and hookahs without tobacco.

You can start your own business with very little money. The premises do not have to be bought or rented. Any restaurant, cafe with halls for the smoking contingent will do. You will need to make a deal with the owner. It can be both on a reimbursable basis, for a small fee, and on a gratuitous basis. In the latter case, the owner allows you to take 1-2 tables to attract potential customers.

Hookahs can be taken for free, rented, bought. You can contact suppliers, agree on taking them for sale while providing samples for use. After promoting the business, you can offer the seller more favorable conditions for yourself.

When establishing business relations between you and the owner of the institution, documents can not be drawn up at first. You will simply pay extra interest to the owner for conducting your funds through his enterprise. 10% is considered optimal. Later issue an IP with UTII ( Single tax on imputed income).

You will work yourself, so you will know the matter from the inside and you will not have to pay money. In the future, when the turnover grows, it will be possible to hire a person. It is better to accrue salaries as percentages of sales, due to the small number of customers. Over time, it will be possible to pay salary and interest.

Business plan

To open a hookah bar with an area of ​​40 m 2 in an already operating restaurant, you will need:

This is a calculation on the basis of which you can calculate the costs of a future institution.

Selection of premises, decoration, equipment

A small hookah bar will not bring good income, because seats will be few. It is advisable to start a business in a spacious room or on the basis of a running restaurant. After a hearty meal, visitors will want to relax. Here you should offer a cup of coffee, tea or other drinks, offer a hookah. A mandatory purchase in a hookah room will be high-quality hoods, a well-thought-out ventilation system. A useful, sought-after addition will be a Wi-Fi zone. It is imperative that the facility has a working bathroom.

Many people associate smoking mixtures with the East, so it is advisable to complete the interior in Asian style. These are poufs, low sofas, a lot of soft pillows and a riot of colors. The situation should be supplemented with pleasant motives, subdued light.

In the expenditure item, other expenses are as follows:

Consumables for them will be foil, mouthpieces, burners, tongs, brushes for cleaning.

With regard to advertising, the staff was briefly described above. After untwisting the place, inexperienced sellers should be replaced by a professional hookah man who understands the intricacies of hookah technology. The reputation of the institution primarily consists of customer service. Competent, able to win people over, the hookah man will support the conversation, tell you which variety is better. The overall pleasant atmosphere will attract visitors.

Expected income and profitability

In addition to costs, the business plan calculates the expected income. The net income of a room of 40 m 2 will be about 30 thousand rubles. At proper organization advertising, creating cozy place for recreation, quantity positive feedback will increase in geometric progression. Thus, the profitability of the hookah will increase.

This business idea is very profitable for business start-ups, owners of bars, cafes, restaurants, suppliers of hookah equipment and its components. This is due to the fact that in addition to a quick payback, an important difference from other areas in trading is an ultra-high markup, up to 1000%.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Form "LLC";
  2. Find a place;
  3. Buy everything you need;
  4. equip the room;
  5. Hire staff;
  6. Conduct an advertising campaign;
  7. Collect income.

Hookah bars will conquer everything large areas because this market segment is still underdeveloped. Distinctive features such a case are low cost, quick payback, growing demand.

To date, hookah rooms are considered one of the most promising areas of business. In many regions, this niche is still free, so any newcomer can easily take his place in this market segment. In this article, we will consider a hookah bar business plan with calculations and tell you how to open such an institution with a small initial investment.

How to open a hookah?

First of all, let's make exemplary business plan how to open a hookah room. As a rule, such establishments work in conjunction with restaurants, bars or nightclubs. Separate hookah rooms are rare.

In order to open a hookah from scratch 2016, you need:

  • Prepare the necessary documents;
  • Rent a room that meets the established standards;
  • Make repairs;
  • Find suppliers of equipment and quality raw materials;
  • Buy furniture;
  • Hire and train staff;
  • Perform financial calculations;
  • Run an advertising campaign.

It is most profitable to open a hookah bar from scratch in 2016 on the basis of your own establishment Catering. In this case, you can significantly save on advertising. To let visitors know that you provide such a service, you can place flyers with relevant information on the tables and on the bar counter. If you are starting your business from scratch, ask about a hookah room and try to implement this small project. To attract customers, offer various promotions. For example, if a guest made an order for a certain amount, he can visit a hookah room with a 30-50% discount.


Before opening a hookah business, you need to obtain all the necessary permits. Such activities are not licensed, but you must have quality certificates for smoking mixtures that are used in the establishment. So, let's take a closer look at what documents are needed to open a hookah bar:
  • IP registration certificate. If you plan to sell alcoholic beverages in an institution, you will have to register an LLC;
  • License to sell alcohol and tobacco products;
  • Permission from SES and fire inspection.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs who come up with the idea, I want to open a hookah, refuse this idea, because they believe that it is illegal. In fact, in order to legally open a hookah bar, it is enough to complete all the above documents and you can safely get to work. Such institutions are not prohibited by law.

You should also remember that visitors can bring their own drinks or food to the hookah lounge. They must carry a receipt confirming that the item was purchased elsewhere. This is important point, which should not be overlooked. If you familiarize your customers with the rules, you can not be afraid of unexpected checks by regulatory authorities. The availability of checks from customers must be checked by the administrator.

If you want to avoid fines and therefore are interested in how to open a hookah according to the law of 2016, you need to remember that during promotions you cannot combine a hookah with food and drinks, that is, an advertisement "order dinner and get a hookah as a gift" according to representatives Consumer supervision is considered a serious violation. Despite the fact that in fact, the law is not violated, it is not so easy to prove it.

Location and premises

To avoid any problems, before renting a room, you need to ask how to open a hookah according to the law. The most important thing is that there are no complaints to the control and inspection bodies. In this case, your institution will work for a long time and quietly.

Aspiring entrepreneurs often ask the question, is it possible to open a hookah bar in a residential building? If you are renting a room in high-rise building, there may be complaints from neighbors, so it is better to place such an institution in a non-residential premises with a powerful ventilation system. A special smoke removal system should be installed in the hookah room and good hood. These are the main requirements that the fire inspection imposes on the premises.

Hookah business is designed for regular visitors. To attract customers, you need to create a comfortable cozy atmosphere in the institution. It is better to divide the hall into several separate zones, that is, to make small separate rooms. This will allow you to create in a hookah special atmosphere which will fully comply with all the requirements of the current legislation. The area of ​​one zone should be approximately 10 square meters. meters. It is desirable to make several more spacious rooms in which large companies can gather.


In the hookah you need to create a fabulous atmosphere Eastern countries. You can choose any topic. The most important thing is that customers feel comfortable and pleasant. Some owners of such establishments, in order to recreate the Arab surroundings, make rooms in the form of tents. If you open a hookah on the basis of a restaurant or cafe, both establishments must be designed in the same style.

Aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have creativity and do not have experience in interior design, can seek help from professional designers. They will develop technical plan, which will indicate correct location furniture and interior items. After that you can do interior decoration premises, purchase of furniture and decorations.


The most important thing you need to open a hookah bar is, of course, the equipment:

  • Hookahs;
  • Tobacco and coal;
  • Interchangeable bowls;
  • Additional hoses and tubes;
  • Spare flasks;
  • Ruffs for cleaning flasks;
  • Burners;
  • Mouthpieces;
  • Tongs, foil;
  • Powder fire extinguishers;
  • As for furniture, you need to purchase comfortable soft sofas with cushions and small tables.

Cafe hookah services

The main feature of the hookah bar outdoors or indoors lies in the fact that here you will not find the usual menu that is offered in ordinary catering establishments. You can have a delicious meal in any cafe or restaurant. The main accent in any hookah room is a unique cozy atmosphere, a variety of hookahs and ways of their preparation. People who want to smoke a hookah and relax come to such establishments, so the hookah menu should include:

  • Hookahs on juices, cocktails, water and even milk;
  • Tobacco for hookahs of different types and flavors;
  • Free Wi-Fi;
  • Various board games(chess, backgammon, etc.);
  • Gaming consoles;
  • Free sweets;
  • Tobacco and hookahs for sale.


We figured out what it takes to open a hookah bar. Now let's talk about how to choose the right staff for the institution. The success of such a business largely depends on quality service. Employees of the hookah room should have information about different types tobacco and its aromas, as visitors will often turn to them for advice. In addition, staff must be able to properly fill hookahs. The profitability of the institution directly depends on their skill.

Most often, hookah lovers choose an institution that they visit constantly, according to service personnel, so recruiting employees by ad is too risky. If you want your business to flourish, try to find real professionals with experience in this field.

Financial investments and profit

To quickly return the initial investment, you need to properly manage the budget. Make a clear hookah business plan with calculations and strictly adhere to all its points. Let's try to roughly calculate how much it costs to open a hookah bar from scratch.

Basic expenses:

  • Paperwork - 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • Room rental - 30-35 thousand rubles per month;
  • Staff salaries - about 85 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment and accessories - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Payment of utility bills - 15 thousand rubles;
  • Furniture - 130 thousand rubles;
  • Repair of the premises - 70 thousand rubles;
  • Consumables - 10 thousand rubles.

Now we can estimate how much money is needed to open a hookah bar. To start, you will need about 400 thousand rubles.

How to open your hookah How to open your hookah

The cost of a hookah is an average of 500 rubles. If your establishment consists of ten zones with attendance of 20-30 people per day, it will bring 280 thousand rubles a month. The cost of one hookah, taking into account the salary of the staff, is 250 rubles, respectively, you will receive 140 thousand rubles of net income. The idea of ​​opening a hookah room is great option for those who are interested, .

Payback and profitability of the business

We roughly calculated how much money is needed to open a hookah bar and how much profit such an establishment will bring. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to determine the payback period of the project. With a successful combination of circumstances, a hookah bar can pay off in just 3 months. As you can see, if you provide a competent approach, such a business can not only function legally, but also bring a decent income. Own hookah is a great option,