The best fertilizer for tomato seedlings. Tips for feeding seedlings. Nutrients needed for greenhouse tomatoes

In Russian latitudes, it is better to grow tomatoes in seedlings. For inexperienced gardeners, tomato seedlings raise many questions: how to grow it, what kind of feeding do plants need?

One of the most important activities in the care of tomatoes is plant fertilization. Quite often, novice gardeners ask the question: is it necessary to feed tomato seedlings, because the best soil composition was chosen for it, and when to start this procedure? Here the answer is unequivocal and cannot be questioned - it's over! Even during the growth of seedlings, it is fed three times, regardless of how balanced the soil was.

The fact is that as plants grow, they “pull” all the nutrients they need from the soil. In boxes with seedlings of tomatoes, where the soil was created in accordance with all requirements, over time there will not be the elements necessary for plants. And seedlings need a full-fledged, strong and healthy, capable of long-term fruiting.

Mature plants in the garden also need constant "feeding". They give all their strength to form fruits. Without top dressing, having exhausted all the necessary elements from the soil, the tomato will give nutrients to the ovaries, using its potential. This can lead to seedlings becoming weak. Therefore, the question of whether it is necessary to feed tomato seedlings becomes rhetorical.

The tomato loves top dressing very much, without them it makes no sense to count on a good harvest.

Norms and rules for fertilizing seedlings

Feeding seedlings is an indispensable element of agricultural technology. Even if the soil was purchased from a specialized store, within two months, constantly growing and developing tomato shoots will deplete the soil, and then become weak themselves. Regarding how to feed tomato seedlings at home, there are quite a few recommendations. should be carried out in accordance with simple rules and regulations.

Rule number 1. As in any business, it is important to observe the measure in top dressing. Having gone too far with fertilizers, the farmer will not only not help the plant, but, on the contrary, will complicate its existence, if not destroy it at all.

Rule number 2. If industrial fertilizers are used, then it is better to give preference to liquid, rather than dry top dressing. The root system of seedlings is still very tender, so it will cope better with liquid "nutritious feed".

Rule number 3. If, for any reason, dry fertilizers are still used for top dressing, they must first be diluted in water and watered with a liquid solution of tomato sprouts. Dry additives dissolve in the soil for too long, during which time the seedlings may lose strength without waiting for nutrients.

Rule number 4. Before fertilizing, seedlings must first be watered with plain water. Feeding the plant on dry land is undesirable.

Rule number 5. It is better to fertilize seedlings in the morning, since evening feeding can lead to the formation of fungal diseases in the soil.

Rule number 6. Each fertilizer has its own purpose. If the gardener's arsenal does not have top dressing specially designed for seedlings, but there are fertilizers for adult plants, you need to correctly calculate the amount of applied substances.

Rule number 7. For greater efficiency of top dressing, the soil must be loose. If the soil is not “fluffy” enough, it can be loosened. This should be done as carefully as possible, superficially, so as not to harm the fragile roots of plants.

Timing of fertilizer application

In addition to the rules, you should also know when to feed tomato seedlings so that the plants constantly receive all the necessary "set" of nutrients.

You can hear a lot of opinions about how often to feed tomato seedlings after germination. Experts say that in the course of their growth, seedlings should be fed three times. It grows within two months, "three meals a day" for such a period of time is the most suitable option.

Top dressing for seedlings No. 1

There is also disagreement about when to feed tomato seedlings for the first time. However, experienced gardeners and gardeners advise the first dressing to be carried out on the tenth day after picking. A tiny seedling has already managed to take root and take root by this time, now it needs strength for further growth. Nitrophoska is best suited for the first feeding, as it contains phosphorus and nitrogen, the most necessary elements at this stage of plant development. The fertilizer is diluted in water, observing the proportion indicated on the package. As a rule, the dosage of such a fertilizer is 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 liter of water.

Top dressing for seedlings No. 2

It is carried out 14 days after the first feeding. During this period, plants need phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, nutritional top dressing is made on the basis of potassium sulfate and double superphosphate, containing these two elements in sufficient volume. In addition, they include the following elements: nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, boron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, boron. As in the case of the first feeding, the amount of fertilizer diluted in one liter of water is 1 tablespoon.

Top dressing for seedlings No. 3

The last time tomato seedlings are fed shortly before planting on the beds. Seven days before transplanting, tomato shoots are fertilized again with a solution of nitrophoska.

Alternative ways to feed tomatoes

The people have long figured out how to feed tomato seedlings for fatness without the use of industrial fertilizers. What methods have not been invented by skilled farmers to support seedlings and supply them with the necessary nutrients. Looking on the windowsill to rise faster, summer residents use many improvised means: milk, banana skins, eggshells, ammonia, potassium permanganate, iodine, ash, yeast.

Iodine for tomato seedlings

Everyone knows the properties of iodine. But few people know that it is used as a top dressing for tomatoes. Having bought iodine, you can no longer worry about how to feed tomato seedlings for the growth of healthy shoots after planting. In addition, its disinfecting properties will help rid plants of many diseases and harmful insects.

Before feeding seedlings of tomato with iodine before picking, it is dissolved in warm, settled water (10 g of iodine / 10 l of water). The effect of such a fertilizer can be enhanced by diluting another 20 g of potassium and 10 g of phosphorus in it. Top dressing with the resulting solution is carried out during watering.

Ash - affordable top dressing for tomatoes

Ash, like iodine, has disinfectant properties. It is used as a means for the prevention of fungal diseases of plants. But wood ash is also valuable because it contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium - extremely important elements for the proper growth and development of plants.

Before fertilizing tomato seedlings with ash, you need to choose and sift it correctly. You need to choose it for top dressing carefully. It must be obtained by burning only natural herbs or wood. If plastic bottles, plastic bags and other hazardous waste were put into a fire (or stove), of course, it is absolutely impossible to take ashes from such a fire.

The best ash comes from burning sunflower or buckwheat stalks. Among tree species, the best ash, the most enriched in potassium oxide, will be obtained from birch firewood.

There should not be any difficulties with how to feed tomato seedlings with ashes at home. You just need to take two liters of water and dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wood ash. The solution should be infused within 24 hours. Then the usual top dressing is carried out in compliance with the above rules.

Yeast is an effective fertilizer

The confectionery properties of yeast turn into agricultural when it comes to how to fertilize tomato seedlings with yeast to stimulate their growth.

By making a yeast concentrate, you can get a natural and inexpensive seedling growth stimulator. Its recipe is completely simple. For 10 liters of settled water (warm temperature), 10 grams of yeast and 4 tablespoons of sugar are taken. Everything is thoroughly mixed. It turns out a concentrated yeast solution. To use it as a top dressing, you also need to dilute it with water (1 part concentrate to 10 parts water).

Wheat grains can also act as a substitute for yeast. They are pre-prepared before making top dressing. Wheat grains are left in a small amount of water until they swell, then they are ground to a mushy state. After that, sugar is placed in the resulting grain gruel (proportion: 2-3 tablespoons / 1 cup of unsoaked wheat grains).

Such a wheat-sugar mixture is heated and left to infuse in a dark place for 24 hours. After that, the yeast substitute is ready, it is used in the same way as the yeast concentrate - it is diluted with water and used for top dressing.

Milk - a natural top dressing for tomatoes

Milk is an extremely useful product, everyone has known about it since childhood. It is saturated with a large number of substances, without which it is difficult to imagine the normal functioning of the human body. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen - not a complete list of all the elements that make up its composition. All of them have a beneficial effect on human health.

As it turned out, it brings exactly the same benefits to plants. Therefore, they began to use it as a top dressing for plants, including tomatoes.

The choice in favor of milk was made by the "people's farmers" also because it has a kind of "anti-sectorial" property. If you spray the leaves with milk, you can get rid of many harmful insects. They simply will not digest foliage covered with a milky shell. Insects do not have a pancreas, which is used to process lactose and milk sugar, which are part of cow's milk.

Speaking about how to feed tomato seedlings with milk, many gardeners and gardeners advise, first of all, to choose a quality product.
It is advisable to give preference to an unpasteurized, home-made product, since it contains the maximum amount of substances necessary for its use for agricultural purposes.

The question of how to properly feed tomato seedlings with milk is solved easily and simply. Water and milk are taken at the rate of 4:1 or 5:1 and mixed. As a rule, a small amount of iodine (≈14-15 drops) is added to such “milkshakes”. But you can do without it.

When using milk as a plant food, it is important to remember that this product should not be used undiluted. This can harm plants. It must be mixed with water before spraying.

Banana skins as fertilizer

An equally extraordinary answer to the question of how to feed tomato seedlings at home can be a banana peel.

It contains a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for good absorption of nitrogen. Without processing enough nitrogen, plants become frail and may wither.

Therefore, without throwing out the banana peel, you can very easily solve the dilemma: how to feed young tomato seedlings without much hassle.

To get "banana top dressing", peelings are taken, folded to the bottom of a three-liter jar and filled with water. Three days later, banana skins are taken out, and seedlings are watered with the resulting infusion.

Egg shell for seedlings

Arguing about what kind of fertilizer to feed tomato seedlings, if it is very thin, one cannot fail to mention the eggshell. Due to the increased content of calcium carbonate, as well as other elements - magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, chicken egg shells acquire valuable fertilizer properties for plants.

Top dressing is made in the same way as in the case of banana skins. Eggshells (from 3-4 pcs) are soaked in water (3 liters) for three days.

Nettle infusion

After planting seedlings in a "permanent place of residence", its strength can be maintained with the help of other plants, which sometimes themselves come to the rescue of each other. Nettle infusion is also an excellent top dressing for tomatoes.
However, caution must be exercised here. Such top dressing is not recommended to water tomatoes too often (no more than twice a month).

You can make fertilizer by taking fresh, chopped nettles (2 parts) and filling it with water (1 part). The jar is covered with a lid and placed in heat. Nettle water is infused for about a week (maximum 10 days). After that, the fermented infusion is mixed with water (proportion - 1:10) and the plants are watered. Tomato bushes are watered with such nettle top dressing at the rate of 1-2 liters per plant. Watering should be directly under the bushes.

Thus, the complex tasks associated with whether it is necessary to fertilize tomato seedlings, how to feed them and how many times are solved quite simply. The only thing you need is to follow the rules for feeding. And the choice of fertilizers remains with the farmer. Moreover, the variety of existing top dressings provides unlimited opportunities for both beginner gardeners and gardeners, and for specialists in growing tomatoes.

The level of tomato harvest largely depends on agricultural technology in the cultivation of vegetables, which becomes important even when growing seedlings. It is especially necessary for plants to provide them with all the necessary nutrients in a timely manner, as a result of which top dressing of tomato seedlings at home is of particular importance.

Brief description of culture

Tomatoes are perennial bushy plants, which are one of the most common vegetable crops in our country and around the world. The fruits of the vegetable are large juicy fleshy berries, characterized by high taste and commercial qualities. Among the propagation methods, the seedling method is the most common. During the cultivation of seedlings, it is extremely important to provide young seedlings with fertilizers.

The need for top dressing

Before feeding tomato seedlings at home, you need to make sure that it is really necessary. The deficiency of a particular substance can be determined by external signs:

  1. Nitrogen. With a shortage of this element, the foliage in the lower part of the plant begins to turn yellow. This is because the plant is moving nutrients from there to the more promising upper part of the seedling. At the same time, growth processes slow down. Sometimes yellowing of the foliage with nitrogen deficiency is confused with a similar symptom with an excess of moisture and growing in cool conditions, but in this case all the leaves change color, not just the lower ones.
  2. Phosphorus. The lack of an element causes the formation of a purple tint on the underside of the leaf blade. Until the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, it is not recommended to take decisive steps to solve this problem, if this does not interfere with the normal growth and development of seedlings.
  3. Potassium. Deficiency of the element negatively affects the state of the root system of seedlings. By the time the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, they do not have time to grow roots in sufficient volume. Subsequently, this negatively affects the growth and development of tomatoes.
  4. Iron. The element is extremely important for plants in the first phases of vegetation, its deficiency later manifests itself in the form of an insufficient level of immunity. You can determine the lack of iron by light spots on the leaves, on which streaks of green color are clearly visible.
  5. Calcium. This component is responsible for the normal formation of the stem. The deficiency of the element makes the stem thinner, makes it stretch in length.

Top dressing dates

The effectiveness of fertilizers largely depends on the correct selected period of fertilization. A rough plan for how to fertilize plants consists of the following items:

  1. First- when the first leaves appear on the plant.
  2. Second- 2 weeks after the picking of seedlings.
  3. Third- after another one and a half to two weeks.
  4. 4th- a few days before landing in open ground.

Important! Seedlings must be planted in nutrient soil, which will allow the seedlings to fully develop.

Top dressing when picking

Picking causes plants to experience serious stress, but nevertheless, this is a necessary measure. Timely application of fertilizer allows you to painlessly transfer it.

The first time you need to feed a week and a half before picking. It should be aimed at strengthening the immune system. Two weeks later, fertilizer is applied again. Thanks to this, the seedlings will regain strength and resume the growth of the root system and the aerial part of the plant.

Feeding tomato seedlings at home

Seedling feeding scheme

At the first stage Nitrogen and phosphorus are especially important for life development for plants, so it is necessary to focus on these elements. It is recommended to carry out root dressing with minerals, trying not to get on the foliage.

At the second stage top dressing is repeated if the development of seedlings proceeds normally. If there is a stretching of seedlings, then it is recommended to refrain from fertilizing with nitrogen. It is also necessary to technically increase the length of daylight hours and set the temperature at +18°C.

At the third stage, which usually falls on the period after picking, foliar top dressing is carried out using organic fertilizers. This will strengthen the seedlings and contribute to an increase in the vegetative mass.

At the fourth stage it is allowed to carry out top dressing both foliar and root methods. In the first case, the treatment is carried out in the mornings and evenings, so as not to provoke the appearance of sunburn on the leaves. You can use both mineral and organic fertilizers, but the main emphasis should be on the saturation of plants with potassium, due to which the formation of flower ovaries occurs.

Seedling feeding scheme

Feeding methods

Feeding tomato seedlings at home involves two main methods of application:

  • root;
  • foliar.

The first method involves dissolving the nutrient in water and applying it by watering the seedlings under the root. This method is especially important at 1-2 stages of plant development, when it is desirable not to moisten their foliage, since seedlings during this period are especially susceptible to the influence of fungal diseases.

Additional Information! In order not to provoke a burn of the roots, it is necessary to moisten the soil first.

At 3-4 periods of development of tomato seedlings, root feeding using a spray gun becomes a priority. The foliage by this time is already quite well developed and has the ability to absorb nutrients, as a result of which the effectiveness of such top dressing increases dramatically. In this case, under the influence of sunlight, burns may appear on the foliage, so it is better to transfer the procedure to the morning or evening.


The list of drugs and substances for feeding tomato seedlings at home is very wide and includes mineral, organic fertilizers, as well as a number of folk remedies. The described preparations can also be used to feed seedlings of other cultivated plants - peppers, cucumbers, etc.



The most common type of fertilizer. They contain essential nutrients for plants. The most common among them are:

  • carbamide (urea)- nitrogen concentrated fertilizer, the action of which is aimed at ensuring the full growth and development of the root part of the seedlings;
  • ammonium nitrate- nitrogen fertilizer, contributing to the full growth and development of shoots and leaves;
  • superphosphate- a fertilizer that saturates the plant with phosphorus and other essential nutrients, intensifies metabolic processes and stimulates the normal development of a strong and strong root system;
  • potassium sulfate is a chlorine-free potassium fertilizer, the use of which allows the plant to build up a strong root system and increase immunity, intensify the development of flower ovaries, increase the quantity and quality of the crop.
  1. Mix 1 g of urea, 3 g of potassium sulfate and 8 g of superphosphate.
  2. The resulting mixture is diluted in 2 liters of water.
  3. The solution is stirred until all ingredients are completely dissolved.
  4. The resulting substance is used for root dressing.

For use in root and foliar dressings, the following preparation is prepared:

  1. Mix 600 mg of ammonium nitrate, 1.5 g of potassium sulfate and 4 g of superphosphate.
  2. Dissolve the mixture in a liter container with water.
  3. After complete dissolution, the fertilizer is ready for its intended use.


Fertilizers of this category are characterized by their relative cheapness and availability. Most of these substances contain a significant amount of nitrogen, so their use is especially justified at the initial stages of plant development. The most common fertilizers in this category include:

  1. Bird (primarily chicken) droppings. 1 kg of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water and infused for 3-4 days, after which the fertilizer is ready for use.
  2. Cow dung used in a semi-decomposed state. 1 kg of mullein is diluted in 10 liters of water and infused for a day, after which fertilizer is obtained for root and foliar feeding.

Folk remedies

When choosing how to feed tomatoes at home on the window, many gardeners often choose products from this category. They are often found in everyday life and are suitable for those gardeners who do not want to expose the bushes to chemistry. The most common of them are:

  1. Ash. 30 g of the substance is diluted in 2 liters of hot water and left to infuse for a day, after which the liquid is filtered and used for spraying and watering.
  2. Iodine. The tool can not only saturate plants with nutrients, but also increase their resistance to fungal diseases. A drop of the substance is diluted in 3 liters of heated water. The resulting fertilizer is recommended for use in the last two stages of seedling development.
  3. Yeast. The substance is used at 2-3 stages of growing seedlings. 10 g of the substance is diluted in a bucket of water, insisted for a day and immediately used for top dressing, trying not to store the finished fertilizer for too long.
  4. Ammonia. Top dressing with this substance is carried out 2 weeks after picking, as well as on seedlings. To prepare fertilizer in a bucket of water, dilute one and a half tablespoons of the substance.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. The tool is used for root dressing. 20 drops of a 3% preparation are diluted per liter of water, after which the fertilizer is ready for use.

Diseases and pests of tomato seedlings

Tomato seedlings can be damaged by the following categories of diseases:

  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • bacterial.
  • late blight;
  • white leaf spot;
  • rot;
  • alternariosis (dry rot);
  • blackleg;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • olive spotting (cladosporiosis);
  • powdery mildew.

Viral diseases include:

  • mosaic;
  • streak (striation);
  • aspermia (seedlessness).

Bacterial diseases include:

  • brown leaf spot;
  • bacterial mottling;
  • bacterial wilt;
  • black bacterial spot;
  • stolbur;
  • bacterial cancer.

The fight against these diseases involves the treatment of seeds before planting and spraying with appropriate fungicides.

Note! Viral diseases are practically untreatable. If they are present, it is necessary to get rid of the affected seedlings as soon as possible so that the virus does not have time to infect healthy plants.

Chemical preparations and mechanical collection are carried out against pests of tomato seedlings, which include:

  • Colorado beetles;
  • bear;
  • whitefly;
  • spider mites, etc.

Feeding tomato seedlings ensures the normal development of plants. In the future, this leads to a high and high-quality crop.

Everyone who has been growing tomato seedlings knows how important timely feeding is. It would be a mistake to think that ordinary soil is enough for tomatoes to get all the necessary nutrients. After all, tomatoes during growth consume quite a lot of nutrients. This is especially true for growing at home.

Of course, at the initial stage, the sprout will receive everything necessary from the seed. But the volume of soil per plant in this case is very limited, so timely fertilizer is indispensable. In our article, read the answers to the question of how to feed tomato seedlings at home.

Why is nutrition needed?

Early stages of growth very important in plant formation. At this time, the root system is laid, resistance to pests and diseases is formed. Properly grown seedlings that have received all the necessary nutrients will produce a healthy and strong plant. Its yield will be high, and the fruits will be strong and of high quality.

At the first stages of growth, tomatoes have enough nutrients contained in the soil. But very soon the plants begin to show signs of vitamin and mineral deficiency. Here are the main ones:

Therefore, timely feeding of tomato seedlings is so necessary. When grown indoors, the plant cannot get its nutrients from somewhere else. If you notice one or more signs in seedlings, urgent feeding of tomato seedlings is required.

When to feed

Feeding tomato seedlings at home should be carried out at least twice, before and after picking. It is useful to apply fertilizer after planting in open ground.

Feeding seedlings with copper

Easy to prepare nutrient solution. Dissolve a tablespoon of the product in a bucket of clean water. After that, the solution is ready for use. In diluted form, it can be stored for an unlimited amount of time. You can even leave it for next year. Just pour it into a tightly closed bottle and put it in a dark place.

Feeding after picking

During picking, the tomato sprout experiences considerable stress. The roots of the plant are damaged, so it needs a little rest. Therefore, feed tomato seedlings no earlier than two weeks after picking. Apply a solution of urea to the soil. Next time you can feed with the usual complex fertilizer.

It is known that plants receive nutrition not only through the root system, but also through the leaves. Therefore, in order to feed a tomato, it is not always necessary to water it. Sometimes it's enough just spray the leaves. Feeding tomatoes in this way is very useful. You can alternate the application of fertilizers to the soil with the foliar method. Nutrients are absorbed most quickly from the leaves in the early morning, at the time of dew. The most popular fertilizers for spraying:

  • Fitosporin (the solution is prepared according to the instructions);
  • Urea solution. Urea is an excellent source of nitrogen for seedlings. An aqueous solution is used for top dressing. Spraying is used to prevent overdose;
  • Superphosphate (dilute a tablespoon of fertilizer in 10 liters of boiling water. You can spray it a day after dilution);
  • A solution of potassium nitrate;
  • Potassium monophosphate (a teaspoon of the drug per 10 liters of water);
  • Boric acid solution. It helps speed up fruit set. In addition, after treatment with boron, tomatoes become sweeter, and the risk of pest infestation is reduced.

To feed the plant, it is not necessary to always use industrial fertilizers. There are many popular recipes, according to which you can prepare a natural and useful substance. These include:

The following recipes for feeding seedlings for tomatoes are more complex. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Fertilizer with iodine content

In order for the seedlings to grow strong and hardy, as well as good ovaries, it makes sense to feed them fertilizers containing iodine. You can use ready-made complex preparations, or you can prepare top dressing for tomato seedlings yourself. To prepare the solution, dissolve a couple of drops of an alcoholic solution of iodine in four liters of water. Fertilize tomatoes by spraying their leaves with a spray bottle. One such irrigation will be enough for tomato seedlings.

Yeast top dressing

How to feed seedlings to accelerate their growth and increase resistance to diseases? The simplest way would be fertilizer with common yeast. A couple of decades ago, this tool was very popular. To fertilize plants, they used any yeast, and even bread. Then, with the advent of a large number of complex fertilizers, this tool was undeservedly forgotten. But yeast is rich in trace elements, and also activates the development of microorganisms living in the soil. They accelerate the development of the root system, help seedlings grow, and also improve resistance to diseases.

Preparing a yeast solution is easy. Take one hundred grams of any yeast, and dilute them in warm water. To improve fermentation, you can add a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Infuse the solution until fermentation takes place. After that, dilute it again: one liter of concentrate per five liters of clean water. It is better to use fertilizer two weeks after planting seedlings in open ground.


Long known and very effective organic fertilizer - cow dung. You can bring it into the soil fresh only in autumn. In spring and summer, its solution is used to feed seedlings. To do this, half a bucket of mullein is poured with water and left to ferment in the sun. After a few days, the solution is diluted with water at a ratio of 1:10. Now he is ready to fertilize the seedlings. Before planting in a permanent place, it is enough to pour tomatoes with fertilizer once.

Ash as a mineral supplement

You can feed seedlings ordinary ash. From this, it begins to grow and develop better. After all, the ashes contain potassium and phosphorus, which are necessary for tomatoes and are perfectly absorbed by them. The only limitation is that ash cannot be applied simultaneously with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. These two top dressings must be spaced apart in time for at least a month.

To prepare the infusion, mix a tablespoon of ash with five liters of water. Fertilizer should be insisted for a day, after which you can apply it under the roots.

Tomatoes are one of the most common vegetable crops. Someone grows tomatoes without much difficulty, while someone is fighting for every bush of this plant. The question arises: what does the harvest depend on? In this article, we will talk about how to feed tomato seedlings so that the tomatoes develop well and give a good harvest.

Why you need to feed

For normal development and a high yield of vegetables, during the summer they must be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. There is an opinion that without the use of mineral fertilizers, organic vegetables are obtained. But it is precisely because of the lack of fertilizers that the yield is low. Unfortunately, the soil no longer has a sufficient amount of substances that ensure the normal growth of the plant. Such plants are most often attacked by pests. If top dressing is done on time, then you can significantly increase your yield. It is advisable to fertilize plants at an early stage of development when any changes are visible.

Every gardener wants to get a high yield. In order to understand what your plants lack and fight against nutrient deficiencies, you need to know the symptoms of a lack of elements:

  1. With a lack of nitrogen, the plant develops yellow leaves, which eventually wither and fall off. In this case, the main thing is not to confuse with excess moisture.
  2. With a lack of phosphorus, the plant may acquire a slightly purple color.
  3. Magnesium deficiency manifests itself in plants in the form of brittle leaves.
  4. With a lack of iron, the top of the shoot begins to turn yellow, and the leaf may turn white. In this case, foliar fertilizer is carried out with iron sulphate, in a proportion of 5 grams per 10 liters of water. Foliar top dressing is recommended to be applied at low soil temperatures.
  5. Calorie starvation manifests itself in the form of wrinkled leaves. Watered with sodium chloride solution.

When and what to feed

You can fertilize tomatoes with a wide variety of preparations, which may include the following components:

  • One of the common and effective fertilizers is superphosphate, which contributes to the good growth of nightshade. In most cases, it is available in powder form.
  • Complex fertilizers. These are mixtures that include potassium and nitrogen.
  • In particular, organic fertilizers are used as top dressing for tomato seedlings.

Like any organism, tomatoes need a balanced diet, which includes macronutrients such as potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and microelements - iron, copper, manganese.

It is recommended to prepare a place for planting vegetables in the fall. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that these colorful vegetables do not like overfeeding. When the period of planting tomatoes from the greenhouse into open ground comes, it is recommended to sprinkle it a little with a little ash. When introducing this substance into the soil, you need to understand that ash is a rather caustic substance and the main thing is not to overdo it. Of course, it will not provide a complete fertilizer, but it will help if the seedling stems are too thin or slow down a little in growth.

Feeding tomato seedlings with urea has a positive effect on their growth. In order for the roots to take root well during transplantation, you can add one tablespoon of urea with the addition of superphosphate to each hole, and in no case should you forget about good watering.

It is best to carry out the first dressing of tomato seedlings on the 10-14th day after picking.. Among gardeners, the following mixture for seedlings has proven itself well: for 10 liters of water we take 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of urea and 15 g of potassium chloride. The second feeding is repeated after two weeks. It is good to use completely soluble substances, dissolving them no more than 50 g per 10 liters of water.

You can feed nightshade with another rather interesting tool. I think we all have pieces of bread. As you know, it contains yeast. Therefore, the bread remaining throughout the year, in order to avoid mold, is dried in the oven and stored, and in the summer it is used as fertilizer. Already dried leftovers are soaked in warm water and left overnight. The resulting slurry is used during the loosening of the earth, adding it under the roots. You can also dilute the bread mass in a large amount of water, and use the resulting mixture for irrigation. After such fertilizer, the yield increases by 1.5 times, the endurance of plants increases, and root formation increases. This is the so-called growth stimulant.

An effective preparation for spraying tomatoes is the most common skimmed milk. To do this, take half a glass of milk and dilute it in 1 liter of water, and in the morning the plants are sprayed with prepared solutions. Such a seemingly harmless and simple spraying will help get rid of pests that cause leaf curl. This solution is sprayed with varieties of folk selection.

There is a method of fertilization that inveterate gardeners are fond of - this is fertilizing the soil with chicken manure. In addition, bird manure is considered an organic fertilizer, the composition of which is rich in chemical elements, namely: phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium. Such a fertilizer will affect your crop no worse than any other complex mineral fertilizer. The advantage of it is that it is practically free.

With a lack of calcium, you can use an infusion of eggshells. To do this, a three-liter jar is filled 2/3 with eggshells and insisted in a warm place for 3-4 days, then diluted in a ratio of 1:3 and watered.

As it turned out, it is not so easy to grow these delicious vegetables in your garden, and not just grow, but get the desired harvest. Therefore, it is necessary to have at least elementary knowledge and follow the rules of agricultural technology.

Video "Secrets of growing a large crop of tomatoes"

To grow a good crop of tomatoes, it is enough to know a few simple rules for growing and caring for these plants. Watch this video and find out.

How to feed tomato seedlings

A hot time has come for all summer residents, regardless of their area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence. I live on Baikal. A lot of garden crops have to be planted in the ground with seedlings, this also applies to tomatoes.

To the question: “How to feed tomato seedlings?”, I will give an answer using the experience of my mother - she is an experienced summer resident who not only grows seedlings for herself, but also to sell roots for 3000! She has already moved her seedlings to a heated greenhouse, carefully closes it at night, but does not plant it yet.

She begins to feed the seedlings from the moment the leaves are “baptized”, but the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, because. you can get a good green mass, but there will be no fruits. If the leaves are dark green in color, and the stems are dense, with a purple tint, then top dressing is not needed at an early stage.

When the seedlings grow for a long time on the window in a small amount of soil and top dressing, the leaves from below begin to turn yellow and crumble, this indicates that the tomatoes lack nitrogen, which is transferred from the lower leaves to the upper ones. (Attention! With an excess of nitrogen, all leaves turn yellow.)

If the plant is deficient in phosphorus, then on the underside of the leaves, their veins, stems become purple.

The lack of potassium, which tomatoes need in large quantities, is manifested by the wrinkling of young leaves, and later by the uneven ripening of the fruit.

Chlorosis, or in other words, a lack of iron, can manifest itself in tomatoes that are around the clock in a lit room, and we also know from biology that the main growth and processing of nutrients occurs at night. In this case, spray the leaves with a weak (0.1-0.5%) hypotonic solution.

In general, tomatoes love top dressing. The first - do 10 days after the pick. The second, in two weeks, and so on, until the seedlings are planted in the ground. How to feed tomato seedlings, each hostess chooses for herself. It can be complex fertilizers, of which there are many on sale now, or it can be a solution of superphosphate, potassium sulfate, urea per 10 liters in grams 35-12-4. Don't forget to water your seedlings before feeding.

Feeding seedlings - how to feed, when and why

The role of feeding seedlings in its cultivation is underestimated by many gardeners. But in vain! Top dressing strengthens the immune system of plants and helps it withstand stressful conditions. Before fertilizing, the soil in the containers must be lightly watered with ordinary water so that the nutrient solution does not burn the roots. This is especially true for seedlings grown in small containers, such as cassettes.

To feed the seedlings, you can use various special solutions in low concentrations - organomineral fertilizers, trace elements. Now on sale there are many different drugs that can be used to feed seedlings. These are, for example, Uniflor Growth, Kemira Lux, Agricola for various garden plants, and others.

Last season I used the preparation "GUMI Kuznetsova" to feed the seedlings. Very satisfied. It can be used for soaking seeds before sowing (1 drop per glass of water), for dipping roots when picking seedlings (2 teaspoons per 5 liters of water), for feeding (spraying) seedlings (2 teaspoons per 10 liters of water). This is an organomineral fertilizer, a natural elixir of fertility. Water or spray the seedlings with this solution once every 10-14 days.

You can make your own complex fertilizer for feeding seedlings from the main fertilizers, which, for sure, every gardener has.

Below is a table of the order of feeding. Doses are given in grams per 1 liter of water.

CultureThe sequence of dressingsAmmoniac nitrateSuperphosphatePotassium sulfate

I usually have a lot of seedlings and, of course, 1 liter of fertilizer solution for watering is not enough. Therefore, I don’t bother too much, I don’t measure out such tiny doses - I measure fertilizers with teaspoons or tablespoons.

Ammonium nitrate in 1 teaspoon - 5 g, and in one tablespoon - 15 g, in a matchbox - 20 g.

Superphosphate granulated in 1 teaspoon - 6 g, and in one tablespoon - 17 g, in a matchbox - 23 g.

Potassium sulfate - in 1 teaspoon - 4 g, and in one tablespoon - 13 g, in a matchbox - 17 g.

As can be seen from the table, it is necessary to carry out 3 top dressings for the entire period of seedling development - from the emergence of seedlings to planting in open ground.

The first feeding is carried out with the advent of the first true leaf.

The second - 10-14 days after the first.

The third - one or two days before disembarkation. This is the so-called hardening top dressing.

Growing seedlings is an exciting process that will give you a lot of emotions. Feel free to take on this exciting business, experiment and share your experience with us!

Is it necessary to feed pepper seedlings? Is additional nutrition of seedlings justified at the initial stages of development? Why waste energy and time on operations that you can do without? Such questions are increasingly of interest not only to beginner vegetable growers, but also to those who have been growing this crop for a long time.

To feed or not?

Numerous publications intended for gardeners and owners of personal subsidiary plots offer very contradictory answers. A significant part of the authors believe that seedlings should be grown in relatively poor soil in order to avoid stretching and overgrowing. Overfed with fertilizers, especially nitrogen, seedlings begin to rapidly develop above-ground parts, often reaching unacceptably large sizes long before the planned transplant. And the lack of light, inevitable in the first spring months, provokes an unnatural elongation of the stems, which significantly reduces the quality of future plants.

Other experts give directly opposite recommendations, advising to feed pepper seedlings with nutrient solutions every 10-15 days during the entire growing period, until planting. They say that without this, it will grow weak and unviable, will take root for a long time and bloom poorly.

Involuntarily, you will think about who you need to listen to. Especially if your own experience in growing seedlings was not particularly successful or non-existent.

According to most gardeners-practitioners who annually receive their own seedlings of peppers, it all depends on the choice of soil - the substrate in which the seedlings will develop. If the composition of the nutrients in it is correctly selected, that is, the soil is intended for growing this particular crop, top dressing may not be needed at all. Or a minimum number of them is required. But those who want to grow seedlings in artificial soil, for example, according to the method of Dr. Mitlider, need almost daily additional fertilizer with solutions of strictly verified concentration.

How to feed

When using soil labeled "For Peppers and Tomatoes", seedlings usually require no more than 2 - 3 dressings. The first of them is advised to do immediately after unfolding the second real leaflet. The second - 14 - 15 days after the first. And the third top dressing, if needed, is carried out two or three days before moving to a permanent place.

In the case of a two-time top dressing, the first start two weeks after the emergence of seedlings. At this time, three or four true leaves are already formed on the seedlings. The second - four days before transplanting into a greenhouse or greenhouse. Their purpose is to strengthen seedlings, increase the ability to withstand stress and quickly recover after transplantation.

What to feed

For the first feeding of peppers, mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are used. There may be several recipes here.

1. Solution of potassium nitrate:

- saltpeter - 60 g;
- water - 20 l.

2. Ready-made composition of "Kemira-Lux":

- composition - 40 g;
- water - 20 l.

3. A mixture of mineral fertilizers:

- ammonium nitrate - 2 teaspoons;
- superphosphate - 3 tablespoons;
- potassium sulfate - 3 teaspoons;
- water - 1 bucket.

4. Complex mixture of GUMI Kuznetsov:

- GUMI - 2 teaspoons;
- water - 1 bucket.

The second dressing, in addition to nitrogen and potassium, should contain phosphorus and other elements. The following fertilizers are most suitable for her:

- "Kristalon" at a concentration of 20 g per bucket of water;
- "Kemira-lux" - 30 g per bucket;
- a mixture consisting of 60 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium sulfate per bucket of settled water.

You can use the same mineral mixtures as for the previous top dressing, increasing the doses of all elements by about 2 times and pouring a little wood ash into the cups.

Opponents of chemical fertilizers are usually advised to infuse nettle, at a concentration of 1:10, in combination with ash.

For the third feeding of pepper seedlings, complex fertilizers are suitable - Nitroammofoska, Gomel, Uniflor-growth, Agricola. All of them must be used in accordance with the instructions.

With a clearly slow development and too light leaves, you can add a solution of urea to the substrate at the rate of a teaspoon of the drug per six liters of water. Or use Ideal fertilizer in the concentration prescribed in the instructions.

It happens that individual plants begin to noticeably lag behind in growth and development. Such specimens can be fed additionally. The simplest nutrient solution for them can be prepared from sleeping tea. It is enough to collect half a glass of dry used tea leaves, pour into a liter bottle and pour hot water. After five days, the resulting infusion should be drained, filtered and, without diluting, used for irrigation.

Feeding rules

When feeding seedlings of peppers, you must remember:

- this plant does not tolerate fresh manure;
- you can not feed the seedlings immediately after picking - at least two weeks must pass;
- feeding solutions should be at room temperature or slightly warmer;
- feed, as well as water, you need to be very careful, trying so that the drops do not fall on the leaves and stems;
- This operation is best done in the morning or evening.

how to feed tomato seedlings

✿Elena m✿

What is missing from seedlings?

You must constantly monitor the development and growth of plants planted by you and notice all changes in time, especially those that are unnecessary for them (those that retard growth, development), and quickly take action.

After all, this is often caused simply by a lack of some kind of nutrient, an excess of moisture in the soil, cold soil in pots, pests that have settled on the underside of the leaves, a disease that begins. If the plants lack nitrogen, they look stunted: the stalk is thin, the leaves are small, pale green, turn yellow from below and die. And, conversely, with an excess of nitrogen, they fatten: the stem and petioles are thick, the leaves are large, dark green.

With a lack of phosphorus, a red-violet hue appears on the leaves (more often on the underside), on the lower leaves, chlorosis is a discoloration of the tissue between the veins. If the ends and edges of the old (lower) leaves turn yellow, then this is a clear sign of a lack of potassium. In tomato seedlings, the leaves can curl down.

How much fertilizer to give each plant?

Young tomato seedlings need phosphorus. This plant does not absorb it well from the soil. If the situation is not controlled in time and fertilized with phosphorus, the seedlings will slow down growth, and their leaves will turn dark purple.
Fertilizing the soil with nitrogen, you need to be extremely careful. With an abundant supply of these elements, the seedlings are stretched, and this leads to a delay in flowering and fruit set.
Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, the soil must be prepared in the fall. For each square meter, one bag of rotten woody leaves should be poured and immediately loosened. And in mid-April, it is enough to apply 10 g of nitrophoska to the same place, then dig again. This procedure makes the soil sufficiently moist and the tomatoes will not suffer from drying out.

Many indoor plant lovers grow their pets themselves, because it is not always possible to find the right house plant in the store. In addition, buying flower seeds will be much cheaper than an adult plant. But all this is not so important. The main thing is what a fascinating process it is - growing an indoor flower! And what a pity it is when the seedlings of a flower die. Having lost my seedlings of indoor plants several times, I decided to approach the issue of growing them more responsibly. As it turned out, of great importance during cultivation is proper feeding of seedlings.

What elements are needed for feeding seedlings

If the condition of the plant does not cause concern, you can use universal fertilizers for top dressing. In fact, the main elements that are necessary for the growth and development of a plant are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is good to feed young seedlings with a mixture with a predominance of nitrogen salts.

But there are situations when you need to know which microelements your seedlings lack. This can be seen from her appearance.

Lack of nitrogen leads to slower plant growth, the leaves become small and pale. The stems of such a plant are thin, slightly branching.

Phosphorus deficiency. Plant growth is significantly retarded. Plants become weak, leaves turn yellow at the edges and fall off. Reduced disease resistance and cold resistance of seedlings.

Potassium deficiency. In addition to the fact that plant growth slows down, their resistance to fungal diseases decreases. The edges and tops of the leaves turn brown and die.

A lack of calcium leads to the death of young leaves and stem tips, weakening the growth and development of roots. First, young leaves become light in color, then light yellow spots appear on them. The edges of the leaves are bent down and they fall off.

Lack of magnesium. The leaves of the plant become "marble", spotted, turn pale between the veins. Gradually they turn yellow, curl and fall off. The growth and development of the plant slows down.

A lack of boron leads to a halt in the growth of stems, roots, and the death of the apical point of growth. Young leaves become dark in color, their edges are bent down. Plant shoots become brittle.

For fertilizing with nitrogen, ammonium, salts of nitric and nitrous acids are used. With a lack of potassium, nitric and potassium phosphate are used. The plant can obtain the necessary phosphorus from mixtures containing salts of phosphoric acid or superphosphate.

Basic rules for feeding seedlings

Having correctly chosen the necessary fertilizer, you also need to competently carry out top dressing of seedlings. Let's learn how to do it right.

Feeding seedlings is recommended to be done every 7-10 days. Feed seedlings only during the growth period. Plants that are not yet rooted should not be fed.

It is best to fertilize early in the morning on a sunny day, but never fertilize plants in hot weather. It is very important that the fertilizer does not get on the leaves and stems, as this can cause the plant to burn.

For fertilizing seedlings, fertilizer of low concentration should be taken. Commercially available mixtures are used as top dressing. The sachets indicate for which plants and in what quantities they are needed.

A few hours before top dressing, the seedlings are well watered. This protects the roots from burns and contributes to the uniform impregnation of the fertilizer with the entire clod of earth. But remember that excessive fertilization harms the development of the plant.

Also, I learned that it is very good to alternate fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and biofertilizers with growth stimulants based on humic acids.