Advanced technologies in furniture production. Modern furniture production technologies. Bulk printing of concrete furniture

In the article you will find a description of the production process and a list of materials used.

Furniture is an integral part of the design of any room, from residential square meters to prestigious office centers. As practice shows, furniture from a domestic manufacturer is in extraordinary demand among all segments of the population. In this article we will talk about the stages of production of furniture sets and their components.

Production begins with the selection of the necessary material. As you know, the main part of the furniture is wood in various forms. In some cases, this may be a carved work from a single piece of wood. As a result of such art, we get a solid nightstand with inserted drawers. But this happens very rarely, and the main emphasis of manufacturers falls on prefabricated structures.

The fundamental part of furniture production is the dissolution of wood and the pressing of sawdust. As a result of such work, we get MDF, chipboard and fiberboard. And this, as you know, is the main part of any furniture set. For example, are made exclusively from chipboard and MDF. Of course, the production of furniture is not limited to the use of wood, so metal and plastic elements and inserts are not uncommon.

The accessories are also an important part. This concept includes: various kinds of fasteners, hinges, handles, duffel hooks and guides for drawers. The overall level of furniture depends on the quality of such elements, so special attention is paid to their production. As a rule, furniture fittings are manufactured together with furniture, that is, at one factory, but there are exceptions when additional elements are ordered at another factory.

Pay attention to how is produced. The latest technical equipment and modern technologies allow us to achieve high quality furniture. This makes it possible to guarantee the durability and ultimate reliability of such products. If you meet a guarantee for the products offered in a furniture store, you can purchase it without any doubt.

Summing up

Most manufacturers try to save on materials and technologies in order to offer the lowest price for their product and thereby increase sales. Remember, a low price is an indicator of low quality! Accordingly, such furniture will quickly fail. Don't skimp on your comfort. It is better to spend a sane amount once and be sure of the quality and durability of the purchased products.

/ from

To create a cozy and original atmosphere in a modern apartment or house, today there is everything - the unbridled imagination of architects, designers and constructors, new materials and advanced technologies that allow you to do unimaginable things with familiar materials.

The general trend for furnishing in recent years can be considered the desire for maximum functionality. Of course, in the salons you can buy traditional wooden furniture, large and space-consuming, made in a wide variety of styles. Tradition always has a place, someone will still want to live "a little in the past." It has a certain charm. But thought and technology do their job, and as a result we get unusual furniture solutions.

In the days of genetic engineering, when it is not difficult for a person to introduce insect genes into a plant, it is worth combining, say, a dressing table and a refrigerator. Such models already exist. A small refrigerator built into the table is used to cool face masks and store cosmetics. Ladies will appreciate.

Peculiar symbioses in furniture, in general, the news is almost a century old. Recall, for example, the notorious Soviet sofa beds. But modern furniture, of course, has gone incomparably far from these first decisions.

The current one can be called, paraphrasing, nothing more than a "sofa-everything." Some models combine the elements and functions of a sofa, chest of drawers, shelves, coffee table and can be transformed into a double bed, an armchair or several comfortable seating puffs.

By dividing the elements of the sofa into separate sections, you can use various combinations, thus changing its appearance. The movable components of the sofa are easily transformed. Each new assembly of this design involves a combination of armrests, backrests and other auxiliary elements for sleeping and sitting, which can turn and spin at different angles. So, for example, the folding backrest of some transformer models also serves as an extra bed, and a specially lowered armrest easily turns into a comfortable seat with a table.

Innovative technologies in the production of kitchen furniture

It is equipped with many new devices, ranging from kitchen cabinets that open at the touch of a button, to transforming tables equipped with an electric drive and changing the size at the request of the owner. Moreover, most of them are produced according to the measurements of the customer's living space, selecting the most convenient and popular options. Special mechanisms serve to retract the door, thereby contributing to its silent and quick closing. No less practicality and functionality will delight customers with innovative tandemboxes instead of classic shelves, allowing you to place about 50 kg of various utensils on them. Some types of kitchen furniture have built-in cutlery trays, convenient linear delimiters, vertical functional dividers, and drawers with a double bottom.

Radius cabinets

Recently, radius cabinets have been relevant. They can be of various shapes - radial and semicircular, curved. Such furniture is made to order and fits perfectly into a particular room. It allows you to place a fairly large number of things as efficiently and compactly as possible.

Corner radius wardrobe

Such cabinets do not have any restrictions in their form. They can repeat the curves on the floor and ceiling, as well as successfully close unnecessary corners. These designs are multifunctional. Here you can build a large number of different shelves and drawers, and on a rack with many hangers, you can compactly place both outerwear and casual clothes. Moreover, in the corner cabinets there is a place for shoes, books, household appliances and other things.

Radial wardrobe

Radial cabinets are the best option for. The round design is conveniently placed in any corner, occupies a minimum of space and ennobles the overall interior. This art of design attracts with its beauty, novelty and exclusivity.

At the same time, there is a trend in furniture fashion, which is alien to any rationality. Designers who develop the so-called shapeless furniture and fanciful complex models strive, on the one hand, for comfort for a person, and on the other, for the assertion and supremacy of aesthetics in the interior. That is, the main thing is to be beautiful and unusual, and how comfortable it is to sit on a carpet chair or store things in a transparent chest of drawers are secondary issues.


In this article:

The furniture business can be developed in two ways - to sell furniture already made by someone or to produce your own. But it is much more profitable to combine these two streams into one channel. And the easiest option for organizing your own furniture production is the opening of a workshop for the production of cabinet furniture.

What is included in the category "cabinet furniture"

Cabinet furniture is a piece of furniture that has a "box" design and is designed to be placed along the walls. This category includes: tables, racks, cabinets, cabinets, walls and other types of furnituremade from separate hard parts.

The production of cabinet furniture is regulated by the following standards:

  • GOST 16371-93: Furniture. General specifications.
  • GOST 19882-91: Cabinet furniture. Test methods for stability, strength and deformability.
  • GOST 28105-89: Cabinet furniture and tables. Test methods for drawers and half drawers.
  • GOST 13025.1-85: Household furniture. Functional dimensions of storage compartments.
  • GOST 28136-89: Cabinet wall furniture. Strength test methods.
  • GOST 26800.4-86: Furniture for administrative premises. Functional dimensions of cabinet compartments.

Analysis of the market for cabinet furniture

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the production of cabinet furniture is the most demanded type of furniture business, which occupies about 25% in the niche of all furniture production. Today's consumer is well aware of what cabinet furniture is and why it is needed. At the same time, even the brand or the company's long stay on the market is not important - offer a lower price with decent quality - and your buyer is yours.

If you arrange consumer requirements in the form of a pyramid, then the bottom and most “weighty” tier will be the price, then the materials used, build quality, original design, and only then the manufacturer’s brand. Therefore, despite the huge competition in the cabinet furniture business, there is a place for everyone who can understand the desires of the consumer and predict fashion trends.

Who is a potential buyer?

According to the analysis of age characteristics, the target audience of cabinet furniture buyers is divided into two groups:

  • young people under the age of 30 who purchase furniture for the first time;
  • the older age category (40-50 years old), who buy new furniture to replace the old one.

The most demanded "representatives" of cabinet furniture are kitchens and walls for the hallway and living room.

Raw materials for the production of cabinet furniture

Cabinet furniture can be made from chipboard, MDF, solid wood. To reduce the cost of production and the final cost of the product, companies often combine these materials, for example, replacing expensive furniture panels in the wall area and partitions with chipboard or laminated fiberboard.

The easiest option to start production is to make furniture from double-sided laminated particle boards (LDSP). Why?

Firstly, there will never be any problems with the supply of such raw materials - laminated chipboard is produced in plenty by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Secondly, for the same reason (broad offer), it is possible to agree on favorable delivery terms (with deferred payment, discounts for large lots, etc.). Thirdly, the use of laminated chipboard significantly reduces the cost of production, since it reduces one stage - veneer or laminate veneer in the manufacture of furniture, which requires additional investment and makes sense only with large volumes of production.

For the selection of raw materials, it is necessary to be guided by the following indicators:

  • thickness of chipboard boards (16-18 mm for external walls and 12 for internal partitions);
  • density - compliance with GOST 10632-89;
  • emission class according to 16371-93 - E1.

For the back walls of furniture, fiberboard (GOST 4598-86) can be used.

Features of the technological process for the production of cabinet furniture

There are several options for the technological process of manufacturing cabinet furniture. They can be divided into chains of various lengths:

  • a complete technological process - from the manufacture of material for the hull base (chipboard, MDF, furniture board) to the finished product. This is the best option for mass and serial production, which can significantly reduce the cost of materials, but is very costly from the point of view of small businesses;
  • medium - the manufacture of furniture, where the raw materials are finished sheets of chipboard, fiberboard, MDF - in fact, only cutting and assembly;
  • short (assembly only) - the production of cabinet furniture is carried out from custom-cut chipboard, chipboard, MDF. This is the most popular option for starting a small business from scratch, which involves working on a specific order without buying expensive cutting equipment. Then, after developing an appropriate customer base and receiving serial orders, you can also think about purchasing your own cutting and edge banding machines in order to "lengthen" the process chain and expand production. This explains the relative ease of entering the furniture manufacturing business - in fact, it can be plan in any sequence of the production cycle.

The manufacturing technology of any cabinet furniture is divided into five main stages:

  • Drawing up a project of the finished product in various planes;
  • Cutting the necessary materials for the details of future furniture;
  • Drilling nests for fasteners;
  • Facing trim edges (laminated edge, veneer, PVC film);
  • Assembly of the finished product.

A detailed description of the technological process depends on the automation of production and the percentage of the use of manual and mechanized labor. The most progressive (and, accordingly, expensive) production is considered to be equipped with automated machines (CNC). The operator only needs to enter the dimensional data into a special computer program, design the desired product and give the “start” command.

In just a few minutes, the CNC machine will cut out the necessary walls and partitions of future cabinet furniture from clearly fixed materials, drill holes according to the development plan. It remains only to veneer the edges and assemble the finished furniture. But it is profitable to buy such lines in the presence of constant serial orders. It does not make sense to reconfigure the machine for each piece of furniture on an individual order. Therefore, let's consider for example the "golden mean" - the work of a semi-automatic line of several machines with partial use of manual labor.

To start such a production, you will need the following equipment:

1. panel saw with manual feed of materials;

2. edge banding machine for straight edges, concave and convex elements;

3. drilling and filler machine for making blind and open holes for fittings, hinges, dowels;

4. grinder;

5. screwdrivers;

6. perforator;

7. cutting tools (milling cutters, drills, knives).

Description of the production technology of cabinet furniture

1) After the development and approval of the sketch by the customer, a model of the future product is created using a computer program , which can be installed on a regular laptop.

For example:

  • Cutting- a program for choosing the optimal cutting of sheets of chipboard, chipboard, MDF with the least loss;
  • PRO 100- a program for visualizing a sketch of a model in 3D, drawing up a design, constructing and calculating the necessary materials, parts and accessories for assembly.

But manufacturers of automatic and semi-automatic machines offer other types of programs already installed on their equipment, such as "UCANCAM V9", "ArtCAM", etc.

2) A plate of the material from which the product will be made is fixed on the machine, sawn into separate parts in accordance with the cutting charts.

If furniture is made from fiberboard - this is where the preparatory work ends - the parts are sent for assembly. If we are talking about furniture made of chipboard or chipboard - rough blanks are subject to mandatory machining of sawn edges;

3) Furniture parts made of chipboard come to the edge banding machine, where with the help of glue and pressure press slices of plates are faced with a laminated edge , PVC film, melamine or other edging materials;

4) Depending on the equipment of the machine, holes for fasteners are done:

  • semi-automatically- on filler machines;
  • manually, using rotary hammers and electric drills, using drawings with additive diagrams.

6) After the holes are added, the product is ground along the edges (to smooth, remove the overhangs of the edging material in height and length) and sent for assembly;

7) Control Assembly using a hand tool helps to identify shortcomings and inconsistencies and eliminate them in the finished product. After that, the furniture is disassembled (if necessary), packed and sent to the finished product warehouse.

Estimated business plan for organizing the production of cabinet furniture

1. Project goals

The company plans to open a furniture shop for the production of cabinet furniture of the middle price segment.

Range: cabinets, tables, shelving, bedside tables. The production will be organized on the principle of an incomplete cycle: raw materials in the form of chipboard and fiberboard boards, as well as accessories, will be purchased from suppliers for further cutting according to patterns into finished panels, processing and assembling furniture according to the developed drawings.

2. Financing

To launch production, it is planned to attract the own funds of the founders of the LLC, which will reduce the payback period and give an advantage in the formation of pricing policy.

3. Target group of buyers:

  • intermediaries - specialized furniture stores, repair and design studios;
  • end consumers (retail) - people with an average income who prefer to renew furniture every 3-4 years;
  • final consumers (wholesale) - state enterprises and state institutions, office centers, hotels.

4. Ways of implementation:

A) through a warehouse-shop in which samples of work will be exhibited and an office equipped to receive customers;

B) direct deliveries of furniture batches to private companies and government agencies; C) through dealer networks (including in other regions).

5. Advertising campaign

Advertising will be built with the expectation of the target group of consumers, for which the following will be used: media (advertising in the press of the relevant subject), the creation and promotion of your own website on the Internet, placement of advertising banners on websites dedicated to interior design and renovation of premises. It is planned to allocate 60,000 rubles per month for advertising purposes.

6. Organizational issues

For the legal registration of the business, it was decided to create a Limited Liability Company (LLC) on the general taxation system. This form makes it possible to work with both large wholesale suppliers and consumers, as well as retail buyers.

The following documents are required to register a company:

  • information about the name of the enterprise;
  • decision of the founders (protocol) on the opening;
  • information about the director and accountant;
  • details of the account opened for the contribution of the authorized capital (if the contribution is in cash), and the current account for conducting business activities;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty;
  • charter, indicating the amount of the authorized capital (at least 10,000 rubles) and such types of activities:
    • 36.12 Manufacture of furniture for offices and shops
    • 36.13 Manufacture of kitchen furniture
    • 36.14 Manufacture of other furniture
    • 51.47.11 Wholesale of furniture
    • 52.44.1 Retail sale of furniture
    • 52.44.5 Retail sale of wood products, cork and wickerwork
    • 52.61.2 Retail sales carried out directly by means of television, radio, telephone and the Internet.

7. Requirements for the premises for the production of cabinet furniture

  • First floor,
  • availability of all communications,
  • three-phase electricity 380 W,
  • access roads and loading docks,
  • lack of moisture and high humidity.

It is planned to rent a room of 500 m 2 at a price of 240 rubles / m 2, broken down into 3 parts:

  • an office with an exhibition hall with an area of ​​50 m 2 ;
  • workshop for the production of cabinet furniture, with an area of ​​350 m 2;
  • warehouse of raw materials and finished products - 100 m 2.

Total - 120,000 rubles / month (1,440,000 rubles / year).

8. Staff

To work in one shift (21 working days / month, including holidays and weekends), the following staff is required:

  • director - 40,000 rubles / month;
  • accountant - 35,000 rubles / month;
  • customer service manager - 20,000 rubles / month;
  • designer-designer - 25,000 rubles / month;
  • master of production - 30,000 rubles / month;
  • shop specialists - workers with knowledge of the main types of furniture machines and the features of working with chipboard, fiberboard and MDF boards (5 people for 20,000 rubles / month);
  • auxiliary workers - (2 people at 12,000 rubles / month).

Total: 12 people.

Estimated Wage Fund - 274,000 rubles / month.

Payroll taxes (37.5%) - 102,750 rubles / month.

Total salary expenses - 376,750 rubles / month.

9. Main and auxiliary equipment

Total cost - 423 950 rubles

10. Performance

It is planned to release products in the following volumes:

  • pedestals - 100 pieces / month,
  • tables - 100 pieces / month,
  • cabinets - 100 pieces / month,
  • racks - 100 pieces / month.

11. Calculation of the cost of production

According to the calculated data of the table of consumption of materials for output

and prices for materials

The cost of production will consist of the following material costs:

  • consumption of materials,
  • electricity,
  • advertising,
  • salary,
  • depreciation,
  • rent.

Pedestals - 18,354 (material costs) + 207.59 (electricity) + 94,187.5 (payroll + unified social tax) + 21,197.5 (depreciation) + 45,000 (other costs: rent, advertising) = 178,946.59 rubles /month.

Tables - 27,550 + 207.59 + 94,187.5 + 21,197.5 + 45,000 = 188,142.59 rubles / month.

Cabinets - 44,647 + 207.59 + 94,187.5 + 21,197.5 + 45,000 = 205,239.59 rubles / month.

Shelving - 19,210 + 207.59 + 94,187.5 + 21,197.5 + 45,000 = 179,802.59 rubles / month.

Total: 752,131.36 rubles / month.

12. Price

Calculation of the wholesale selling price per unit of production (cost per unit of production + profit margin):

Cabinets - (178,946.59 rubles: 100 pieces / month) + 25% = 2,236.83 rubles.

Tables - (188,142.59 rubles: 100 pieces / month) + 25% = 2,351.78 rubles.

Cabinets - (205,239.59 rubles: 100 pieces / month) + 25% = 2,565.49 rubles.

Racks - (179,802.59 rubles: 100 pieces / month) + 25% \u003d 2,247.53 rubles.

13. Revenue and profit

Revenue: 2,236.83 * 100 pieces + 2,351.78 * 100 pieces + 2,565.49 * 100 pieces + 2,247.53 * 100 pieces = 940,163 rubles / month.

Cost: 752,131.36 rubles / month.

Balance sheet profit: 940,163 - 752,131.36 = 188,031.64 rubles / month.

Income tax (20%): RUB 37,606.33/month.

Net profit: 940,163 - 752,131.36 - 37,606.33 = 150,425.31 rubles / month.

14. Financial analysis

Expenditure part

  • material costs - 752,131.36 rubles;
  • capital costs - 423,950 rubles.

Total: 1,176,081.36

15. Product profitability

(Balance Sheet: Cost) * 100% = (188,031.64: 752,131.36) * 100% = 25%

With the manufacture of 400 units of cabinet furniture per month, the payback of the project will be 8 months.

The process for, and indeed any other prefabricated furniture, includes processes from processing blanks and cutting wood to assembling and packaging finished products. Based on modern technologies, the final product is ultimately provided with such indicators as aesthetics, ergonomics and quality.

In the process of manufacturing high-quality and sought-after furniture, a very important place is occupied by the use of modern, high-precision wood-cutting and grinding equipment, as well as tools from recognized manufacturers at various stages of production.

It should be noted that furniture equipment is improved and modernized every year, which allows using the latest technologies in various designs. Furniture made from solid wood has always been expensive, so in order to reduce the cost of finished products and make furniture more affordable and competitive, materials from wood waste began to be used. At the moment, particle boards are increasingly taken as the basis for the material for the manufacture of furniture - wood particles obtained from woodworking waste, subsequently crushed, dried, impregnated with urea-formaldehyde resins and subjected to hot pressing.

Stages of furniture assembly:

1. Open straight. Cutting facing or laminated chipboard sheets with high precision, excluding chips. Panel saws carry out cutting and sawing of chipboard, fiberboard, as well as plywood, laminated chipboard, plastic and other types of materials. In turn, drilling and filler machines are used to make blind and through holes when processing dowels and various fittings.

2. Open curved. Cutting facing or laminated chipboard sheets along the contour, excluding chips.

3. Applying a facing material to the edge of a straight workpiece. The edge is processed at the same time as the workpiece is fed.

4. Facing of curved blanks. Application of facing on a curved edge with subsequent trimming of the material. Hot press with flat plates is used as facing of flat products with veneer and decorative films

Furniture is an integral part of everyday life. Furniture and other interior details shape our existence, create comfort and coziness, give practicality and aesthetic pleasure.

Furniture production technologies are millennia old. Many processes have remained unchanged, something has become a thing of the past, giving way to a new one.

The greatest success in the use of materials, the creation of new technologies and processing methods has been achieved in the past few years.

What can be called new technologies in furniture today?

New technologies of "air" furniture

Perhaps the most unusual design options for home interiors can be called samples of "airy" furniture. This technology uses a rather old principle that has been successfully implemented in the production of air mattresses for several decades. The difference is only in the complexity of designs, the intensity of their use and the scale of production.

By the way, the designs of the past had one very significant drawback, which significantly reduced their service life - they were made of PVC (even earlier - from dense rubber) and had welds. With prolonged or improper use, these seams could quickly fail and begin to let air through. In addition, such products had restrictions on the weight of the seated person and were not repairable.

Modern models have a warranty period of more than ten years, they are produced by a seamless method, they are easy to clean and repair. Besides. You can independently adjust the level of elasticity of your furniture by adjusting the air pressure inside each of its elements.

New technologies for the use of universal chipboard in furniture

Perhaps the most popular material for the manufacture of furniture structures today is laminated chipboard. The material itself is also well known to any professional and consumer.

Chipboard is a cheap analogue of natural wood and veneer. Thanks to various surface painting technologies, such furniture can imitate stone, wood of any species, plastic, ceramics and even metal. At the same time, the laminate layer reliably protects any product from moisture, ensuring environmental friendliness and durability of your home environment.

New furniture technologies make it possible to widely use laminated chipboard not only for the production of economy-class furniture, but also for the assembly of sets that have a higher consumer class.

Technical tricks in furniture production technologies

Unfortunately, most of the technical innovations that are actively used in the manufacture of upholstered and cabinet furniture were invented outside of Russia, but this does not prevent them from being actively used in domestic furniture production.

Among the most notable and popular new furniture technologies:

  • The use of a high-precision laser for a strong fixation of the facing edge, increasing moisture resistance and significantly improving aesthetic characteristics.

  • The use of nesting technology, developed about 20 years ago and based on the economical cutting of large-sized fiberboards. This technology significantly saves time for preparing parts and allows you to obtain finished components with a high level of accuracy.

  • Design novelties that are achieved by modern technological means include a variety of types of surface aging. This can be textured structuring, spectacular brushing, patination with the help of special compositions. For this, both mechanical and chemical processing is used. The aged surface looks especially advantageous in the products of the Provence stylistic trend that is fashionable today; as well as imitation of rough processing to give the interior a brutal gothic look.

Continuing the theme of imitation of antique furniture in modern production, it is worth paying special attention to new furniture technologies that allow you to combine elements of various styles and trends in a single interior.

Eclecticism gained popularity due to the widespread collection of ethnic and subcultural souvenir items.

To make the "trophies" of avid travelers look organically in a single space at home, many collections use modular technologies that allow you to combine elements depending on the variety of colors of the interior background and individual accents.

New and modern technologies in furniture at exhibitions

You can see all the most advanced new furniture technologies and the results of their application at specialized furniture exhibitions regularly held at Expocentre (for example, exhibition "Furniture" held every autumn). Here you can learn in detail not only about foreign technologies, but also about the developments of domestic manufacturers used in the manufacture of furniture for home and office.

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