Quail business: waste-free production and high profitability. Quail breeding as a business - the benefits are obvious

Among the many business ideas, it is worth highlighting the quail business. It has a high profitability, does not require special knowledge and financial costs, and besides, the competition in the quail market is very low, which makes this species business is very attractive.

What is a quail business

The quail business consists of breeding quails and selling them to the market. At the same time, you can earn money not only by selling adult birds, but also their carcasses, eggs, and even litter.

The main points of sale of goods are restaurants, supermarket chains, poultry farms and farms. Considering that quail meat and eggs are still considered a delicacy in our country to some extent, this business is focused on million-plus cities. In small towns, it will not bring the expected income.

There are two types of quails that are popular with us - the usual, Japanese laying hen and the pharaoh or broiler.

common quail has a weight of 100 - 120 gr. and brings up to 300 eggs a year. Broilers weigh 250 - 300 gr. and lay up to 200 eggs per year. We note right away that broiler carcasses are in less demand. It has to do with the portion size. To prepare one dish, such a carcass is too large, but cutting it into two parts means spoiling the look of the dish.

Quails begin to rush at the age of 30 - 40 days, but by the year their productivity drops and the birds need to be updated. Eggs are stored up to 60 days in the refrigerator and no more than 30 at room temperature.

Birds can be slaughtered for meat from 2 to 3 months and, with proper processing, stored in the freezer from six months to 9 months.


Before you open your quail farm, you need to find a room. One of the advantages of quails is that they do not take up much space. So, to keep 100 birds, you need only 0.5 square meters. m.

The room in which the birds will be kept must be well ventilated, as the birds need fresh air. At the same time, attention should be paid to the absence of a draft.

The room should have a constant temperature, about 18 degrees, and a humidity of 70%. Lighting should not be bright. A 40 watt light bulb is enough. This is due to the fact that in bright light the birds begin to peck at each other.

If these conditions are violated, the bird will start to get sick.

Suitable for arranging a poultry house old barn as well as the garage. You can grow quails even on the balcony, if it is well insulated and sufficiently soundproofed. (so as not to cause inconvenience to you or your neighbors).

Cages are placed at a slope of 10 - 15 degrees and are equipped with a side for collecting eggs. As soon as the quail lays the egg, it immediately rolls down to the side. This makes it much easier to assemble.

Cage material - galvanized or metal grid, metal sheets, fittings, plywood.

An incubator is also needed, preferably with automatic egg turning. You can purchase a special incubator for quails, or use a chicken one for these purposes, or even assemble it yourself.

Breeding quails for sale is a non-waste production. They sell eggs, carcasses and even bird droppings. This type of business is quite suitable for an inexperienced farmer, as it does not require large investments, special knowledge and skills. A low investment threshold and simplicity make the quail business profitable and profitable for a budding entrepreneur.

Positive aspects of the quail breeding business idea:

  • high egg production of birds (the productivity of one individual is 250-280 eggs per year or 22-23 eggs per month);
  • popularity of the product among those who adhere to the principles of healthy eating (there are more and more of them in Russia);
  • favorable ratio of body weight and eggs (1:24);
  • simple conditions for keeping and feeding birds;
  • long shelf life of eggs (more than chicken, 3 times).

Important to remember! The main advantage of business is a short payback period. In 2 months, the home farm will make a profit.

But business also has disadvantages. First of all, this is work without holidays and weekends - the farm needs supervision. The second drawback is related to short term productive life of the laying hen. The bird becomes an adult early, after a year it is changed: a one-year-old quail is about to stop “supplying” eggs. Although quails get sick less than chickens and rabbits, they are sensitive to changing conditions. Drafts, unusual food, temperature changes sometimes lead to the fact that the bird stops laying eggs for 2-3 weeks, and these are direct losses for the farmer.

The main issues of organizing a quail farm

A room of 8-10 sq. m. on the territory of a private house or cottage can easily be turned into a quail farm. It is good if it is a warm room with ventilation. Birds are kept in cages, while the cages are placed in 2-3 floors. Building cages with your own hands is not difficult, it will help save on initial investment and increase profitability.

What you should not save on: on feed, automatic feeders and drinkers. For good egg production and weight gain, the bird needs a balanced feed (it is unlikely that it will be possible to prepare it at home). It is also important to properly distribute this food in order to provide them all evenly. Quails get nipple drinkers - with them the maintenance of birds is facilitated: laying hens always have access to clean water.

Useful information! The number of quails should be provided good conditions for breeding: find a quiet place, stick to the given temperature regime(18-22 °C) and humidity (at least 65%). This will require heating devices, a ventilation system, artificial lighting.

80-100 individuals are placed on 1 square meter. Thus, to keep 500 birds (experienced farmers recommend starting with this number), a minimum of 5 square meters is required. meters of free space. Taking into account the fact that the business will expand, it is better to allocate a room of 10-20 square meters.

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Profitability of quail breeding

How does the idea of ​​poultry breeding pay off? Let's count. The purchase of young animals will cost 7,000 rubles (14 rubles for a chicken). The quail will reach reproductive age in 30-40 days. In a month, the birds will begin to lay eggs, the first profit will appear. One male per 4 females is kept in the livestock, so only 400 out of 500 birds carry eggs. At the end of the second month, the entrepreneur will have 10 thousand eggs in his hands. By this time, distribution channels should be prepared. Even if you hand over eggs at a wholesale price (40 rubles for a dozen), earnings will be 40,000 rubles.

Important information! Experienced quail breeders advise not to buy a livestock of 500 individuals right away, but to purchase 10-20 families, which will then give birth. On average, 50 birds give offspring of 500 heads in six months. With this method of organizing a home farm, you will have to acquire an incubator, but this is beneficial - it will quickly pay off. The cost of the device is from 3 to 15 thousand rubles.

Starting costs for starting a business:

Concerning running costs, then 80% of the monthly costs of a novice businessman are the purchase of feed. One adult eats 25 g per day or 750 g in 30 days. For 500 birds, 375 kg (9,375 rubles in monetary terms) will be required. Quails buy combined feed, its price is 25-30 rubles. per 1 kg (wholesale cheaper). For 60 days, food costs will amount to 18,750 rubles.

Taking into account all calculations, the cost of home farm will amount to 46,750 rubles in 2 months (including start-up capital). After this time, the businessman reaches the breakeven point. Monthly income from the sale of eggs at the level of 40,000 rubles. will bring a net profit of 20,000 rubles. (taking into account the natural losses of products).

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Quail farm business plan

With experience gained, the farmer will learn how to grow young in an incubator, this will reduce the cost of acquiring new birds to zero and become a source of additional profit. For raising chickens and organizing " kindergarten» you will need a brooder (a special box for keeping babies) and vacuum drinkers; the cost of the finished box is 4,500 rubles.

The benefit of self-breeding quails is that a novice businessman gradually gets used to the rules for caring for a bird, creates good conditions for her, and separates males from females in time. By separating a quarter of the eggs for the reproduction of offspring, the entrepreneur will solve the issue of buying young animals.

Another condition for the profitability of the chosen type of activity is the absence of salary costs. The idea of ​​building a mini-farm is advantageous because it does not require hired hands - one person can cope with a livestock of 500-1000 pieces. Also, acquaintances and friends who will buy eggs will not require documents from the tax and sanitary service. If the livestock exceeds 1000 pieces, the cost of their maintenance will also increase. Hired staff required documenting, costs for advertising, packaging, transportation, veterinary services.

So that the profit does not go "in the red", and the costs of maintaining the farm are minimal, adhere to the following rules:

  1. combine various varieties commerce (selling eggs, raising young birds, harvesting meat);
  2. do not start by buying a large batch of birds - start several families, gradually expanding the territory of the business;
  3. look for suppliers before the hens start laying eggs;
  4. make racks, brooders, cages with your own hands - buy only what you can’t do yourself;
  5. do not save on feed: high-quality compound feed is the key to bird health.

Where and to whom to sell grown quails and eggs

Calculations show that the profitability of the business is high - provided that it is possible to establish distribution channels. Selling 10,000 eggs a month is not difficult and does not require serious marketing investments. If there are more products, you will have to hire a seller in the market or look for a wholesale buyer.

Main sales channels: market, supermarkets, restaurants. Interested in the product are health establishments that adhere to the principles of dietary nutrition (sanatoriums, rest homes, children's institutions). But working with big outlets and organizations will require documentary confirmation of the legitimacy of the business. You will also have to obtain certificates from the sanitary service.

The wholesale price of a dozen eggs is 30-40 rubles, the retail price is 50-60. There are eggs of rare breeds, their price reaches 60-70 rubles. for 10 pcs. If the entrepreneur manages to prove that his product is fresh and environmentally friendly, the price per package will rise to 100 rubles. As a rule, the goods are sold in the region of the manufacturer, because the cost of transportation and refrigeration equipment reduce profits.

It's important to know! Quail eggs are available to residents of large cities, in small villages the market is not saturated. The culture of consumption of quail meat and eggs is growing, interest in products in Russia is increasing: the market is showing growth.

Sale of meat and carcasses of quails

Breeding quails in the countryside can be a good way to earn money for a family. Unpretentious birds feel great in different climatic zones. They continue to lay eggs and breed under the most normal conditions. A competent approach and knowledge of the intricacies of the quail breeding business guarantees a stable income.

The activity of growing quails has a number of advantages. The meat of these birds has excellent taste qualities, which are appreciated by consumers. Positive feedback about useful properties quail eggs confirms the high demand.

Females start laying early, at the age of 1–2 months, and retain their productivity for up to one year. After the end of this period, one-year-old birds are sold for meat. A short production cycle allows you to get the first earnings quickly enough.

Conditions for rearing birds

Small quails do not require a wide breeding area. Necessary conditions for keeping 30 birds:

  1. A clean, ventilated area of ​​​​5-10 square meters. meters;
  2. Air temperature 18–22 degrees C;
  3. Proper diet.

The first step to start a quail business is to buy special cages. The size of such cells is from 0.8 to 1 meter in width, and about 30 cm in height. This area can accommodate from 50 to 80 individuals. To save space, it is recommended to create tiers of 4 cages, which will allow you to keep up to 320 heads per square meter.

Cell batteries should be designed in such a way that it is convenient to care for birds, remove droppings and maintain cleanliness. In addition, they must be equipped with drinkers and feeders.

Breeding quails at home involves the purchase of additional equipment. In an artificial environment, females lose their ability to incubate eggs, so an incubator is required for the appearance of young. The cost of purchasing it depends on the capacity and functional features. On average, the cost is from 3 to 7 thousand rubles. Professional incubators with a capacity of up to 3000 eggs will cost the owner of the farm about 80 thousand rubles.

After the quails hatch, they are moved to a special cabinet - a brooder, where they are supported required temperature and light.

Particular attention should be paid to the illumination in the room where the birds will be kept. Installed in Room light bulbs should be at least 35 lux. Additionally, 20 lux lamps are mounted above the feed trays. Exceeding the brightness of the light will cause the birds to show aggression.

Quail breeding as a business involves intensive manual labor. One person can serve up to 600 heads daily.

Before deciding whether it is profitable or not to keep quails, you need to calculate the cost of feed. Ready-made mixtures are sold in stores that are used to feed chickens, but it would be more economical to make your own mixture from cereals:

  1. Wheat from 25 to 30%;
  2. Corn 25%;
  3. Barley and grain of other crops 5% each;
  4. Food additives up to 5%.

For each age, birds require different portions:

Beginning home business, the owner must know which breeds of quails are most profitable to breed. Some species are not suitable as a source of income, and are decorative. The main breeds that are used for breeding:

  • Japanese quail;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Estonian quail;
  • French breed.

Are you interested in this type of business?


Quail breeding business plan

Calculations for opening a quail business for 600 individuals will be approximately as follows:

  1. Leased premises area 20 sq.m. 12-15 thousand rubles (this item of expenditure is removed if you have your own premises in the household plot);
  2. Purchase of young quails 20–25 thousand;
  3. Purchase of equipment (cages, incubator, brooder) 30 thousand rubles;
  4. The cost of food is 3-5 thousand rubles.

Start-up capital required for the first initial stage, will amount to 65-75 thousand rubles.

Monthly maintenance costs household are made up of utilities, transportation finished products, purchases of feed. The average amount of fixed costs is about 15,000 rubles.

Profitability will help determine whether it is profitable to keep a quail farm. In order to correctly assess the profitability, it is necessary to divide the proceeds into three options for the sale of products: eggs, meat, live poultry.

Revenue from the sale of eggs

The average female can bring an average of 20 eggs per month. Some of them should be postponed for
increase in bird heads, about 1/3. The cost of a quail egg on the market is 5 rubles. The ratio of females and males on a farm of 600 individuals is 50% to 50%. Every month, one female eats 900 grams of grain worth 20 rubles.

  • Income amount: 300 females * 20 eggs * 5 rubles = 30,000
  • Feed costs: 300 females * 20 rubles = 6000

Sale of meat

The average weight of a quail carcass is 250 grams. The average cost of quail meat on the market is 100 rubles. Up to 100 carcasses are sold monthly.

100 rubles * 100 pieces = 10000

Sale of live poultry

Additional income can be brought by the sale of young or grown quails. The cost of one bird is 80 rubles, up to 50 heads can be sold monthly.

50 birds*80 rubles=4000

Profit and payback

Financial calculations show how much you can earn from the quail business. The proceeds from the sale of eggs, meat and live poultry will amount to 44,000 rubles. The amount of fixed maintenance costs is 15,000 rubles. Thus, earnings per month from 600 heads will be 29,000 rubles. The return on investment will occur within 3-4 months.


Many people say that it's time to start your own business. 25% of people go further than talking. Maybe it's time to move from words to deeds?

As a test, it is worth doing what people need daily. Spiritual food, clothes, appearance- this is all secondary, but you always want to eat. So let's talk about food.

Today, there is no more crowded niche than the production and sale of food products. In order to determine the direction in which it will be profitable to start your business, it is recommended to go shopping and explore what is in demand, but little is offered. And a novice businessman will understand that quail breeding is something that is in great demand, but is offered in limited quantities.

Why quail? Their main value is eggs, their benefits are so great that they will overshadow all similar products combined. Connoisseurs say that only paws and beak are not used anywhere in quails - everything else goes into business.


contain a large number of vitamins, are not allergic, activate the immune system, rejuvenate the skin. They are recommended to be eaten without restrictions as a dietary product.

suitable for stuffing pillows

it's dietary useful product, rich in vitamins, helps to actively work the gastrointestinal tract. If quails are bred specifically for meat, then it is especially in demand due to its high nutritional qualities.

the most valuable organic fertilizer that can be used on the land

The bones of the bird that the family ate for lunch can be ground to a state of flour in a mortar and used as a calcium supplement for other quails.

The foundation of an enterprise is the right business plan

It is not enough to know about the advantages of birds in order to run headlong to buy a batch of chicks for breeding. For the successful implementation of the planned plans, a business plan is needed, which will become a guide to action for a successful start.

The business plan does not have any specific structure; it should contain fundamental points and reflect the sequence of actions.

1. Goal setting

The goal of our future business is the production of quail meat and eggs. You can consider the problem on a narrower scale: the production of eggs, but the question remains open: where to put the meat? Therefore, as a trial ball on the first batch of poultry, it is appropriate to produce both eggs and meat.

2. Monitoring of start-up capital

A mature decision to breed quails will require an initial investment of 80,000 - 90,000 rubles. In six months, you can reach a net income of 30,000 rubles.

3. Market analysis for the production of quail meat and eggs from competitors

Analysis is essential to avoid wasting time producing eggs in a crowded market. Today, this niche is about 1/3 filled, so it may happen that in your area of ​​​​residence you will not have any competitors at all.

4. Action plan to complete the tasks

Premises for rent

Quails are considered small poultry, they can be placed in large numbers on small area, so at the initial stage you need to find a small area. The main requirements: it should be warm and light.

Making or buying poultry cages

Quails can be kept both in specially equipped cages and in adapted or self-made fenced spaces. At the same time, one must remember the ability and constant desire of quails to fly, for this reason the space for them must be closed, but with air access and well ventilated. The place where birds are kept should be well lit and warm. For optimal lighting it is appropriate to use additional incandescent lamps, they will provide light and heat at the same time. You should not save on the maintenance of quails, they will more than pay for their maintenance.

Video - How to make a quail cage

Video - Making quail cages

Buying feed

Quails are finicky and difficult to keep. For food they need wheat, corn, pearl barley, sunflower cake. Parsley, greens and carrots are eaten by quails in abundance and endlessly. It must be remembered that they eat very often, and you should not limit them to this, otherwise it will affect their egg production and meat quality.

As food additives, it is necessary to add low-fat chopped fish waste, salt, and rye to the diet. Birds love to swim in dry sand, small pebbles are necessary for better digestion of food in the stomach, calcium in the form of ground shells is for strength eggshell, protein - to increase productivity. A dry diet requires a lot of water, so the birds must be provided with a continuous drinking regimen.

Acquisition of a bird

All types of quails are divided into decorative and commercial breeds. The ability to distinguish them from each other externally and by characteristics will help you choose the one that can make your business successful.


it is distinguished by high egg production - 300 eggs per year from quail. Their meat is also used as a delicacy. Bird weight - 200g. This breed reaches production figures in a month and a half. They rarely get sick, almost all birds reach the point of being used for food or laying eggs.

quail meat breed, an option that is ideal for breeding at the start of a business. Weight - 320 g. Productivity - 200 eggs per year from one quail. This species is readily accepted in restaurants and supermarkets.

they carry 300 eggs a year, weight - 300 g. They are superior to other breeds for the price of meat, since its quality is indeed a real delicacy

There are several more breeds of quails, in the production of which you can get both eggs and meat, but their productivity is much lower, so it is preferable to use the named specimens at the start.

  • Registration of official status.

Any business can exist only if it is legal. Therefore, before resolving issues of product sales, it is necessary to register the status individual entrepreneur. With this status, you will have Free access to consumers.

Business advertising will be needed after the products appear that need to be sold. In the future, when the production of eggs and meat will be put on stream, it will be possible to create your own website and advertise products on a larger scale.

Building a customer base

Numerous clientele will not appear at the wave of the hand, it must be created gradually, starting with a narrow circle of people. Categories of people who will definitely want to become your customers:

  • Relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances. You won't get a lot of money from them, but they will play a role word of mouth which tells about the products better than any advertising;
  • A grocery market where you can sell products for sale or do it yourself. For trading on the market, certification of goods is not required; for this, it is enough to pass sanitary control in the laboratory of the market;
  • Super- and hypermarkets, fresh markets, restaurants, for which delicacies are one of the main sales products.

On the commercial prospects of breeding quails

A separate paragraph of the business plan must provide for all the estimated costs of business development, investments, prospects for payback and income. An approximate breakdown of expenses will help aspiring entrepreneurs to have an idea of ​​​​what awaits them:

  1. If you take chickens for breeding, they will cost less, but they will have to be grown to a productive age, which will take money and time. If you start with the purchase of uterine quails, then only funds will be spent on them. A thousand young birds will cost about 30 thousand rubles.

  2. To buy factory cages, you will need about 50 thousand rubles, but this price is approximate, since it depends on the design of the cages, capacity, manufacturer, manufacturing materials. At first, you can make cells with your own hands, this will save a lot of money.

  3. It will take about 6,000 rubles a month to buy food.
  4. Payment for lighting and heating of the premises depends on its area. To pay for the cost of electricity and heat from lamps in a room of 15 sq.m, costs of approximately 3,000 rubles will be required.

  5. Purchase of an incubator - 5000 rubles.

Thus, adding up the estimated costs, we get the amount of 94,000 thousand rubles. There is a guideline, the run-up of expenses can be both up and down, but, based on the resulting figure, you can plan your actions more specifically.

Breeding quails is not only a profitable business, but also quite troublesome. An experienced producer will qualitatively cope with the number of quails from 1000 to 2000. Therefore, in the future, you will have to hire workers if the businessman gets a taste and he has a desire to expand the scale of production.

About the income side of the business

The ultimate goal of discovery own business is its income.

Approximate performance perspectives:

  • 500 quails in a month will bring 9000 eggs. By selling the first batch, without raising the price to the real one, for 30 rubles for a dozen, you can get 27,000 rubles, you can get 5 thousand rubles for the meat of extra males. We subtract 6,000 from the income received for food and 3,000 for heating and lighting. According to rough estimates, net income will be 18,000 rubles;
  • large eggs can be started to incubate, increasing the number of females. In the fourth month of work according to the plan, incomes will begin to increase steadily from the sale of eggs and meat of extra males. The costs must be repaid in in full at the end of 5 months. Until this period, you should not think about expanding the scale of the business. This period will be quite enough to finally make sure that your decision to breed quails is correct and to understand that the business of breeding them requires labor and patience, golden mountains are not immediately and quickly foreseen.

Video - Quail breeding. Business plan

Perhaps everyone has heard about the benefits of quail eggs and meat. The demand for these products and low competition make many start-up entrepreneurs think about this type of activity as a business. Once having tried keeping birds for their own needs, people begin to consider quail breeding as their main business. Of course, in an unstable economic situation, it is not easy to start any business activity. But, if we consider all the disadvantages and advantages of this idea, then a quail farm can be the best investment.

Considering any business project, you should immediately pay attention to its relevance and prospects. After all, it is on these indicators that further success depends.

This type entrepreneurial activity characterized by fast payback and high profitability. In addition, small initial investments allow novice businessmen to pay attention to this project.

The business idea for breeding quails can be implemented in two ways:

  • egg production and laying hen breeding;
  • breeding birds as a meat supply.

The choice of direction is largely determined by the competitive environment and the scale of the business. Therefore, the most important point in the implementation of this project will be the analysis of the competitive environment and the market.

The best option is to combine these two areas within one farm.

Quail meat has a special delicate taste and is valued all over the world, thanks to a rich set of trace elements. The meat of this bird has long been valued in Russia, but earlier it was preferred to get it on the hunt. Later, quail breeding became one of the areas of the agricultural industry.

Dietary poultry meat is considered one of the most easily digestible and contains up to 22% proteins in a purified form. The high content of useful vitamins (A, H, K) and low calorie content make this product a frequent menu in the diet of children, athletes and those who follow their figure.

But, despite the apparent advantages of the product, the competition in the market is not high enough, which opens up great opportunities for novice entrepreneurs.

Cons and pros of the project

Breeding birds has many advantages and disadvantages, but each of them can have its own regional differences. We tried to average the indicators of the bird breeding process and demonstrate the standard pros and cons.

  • good payback;
  • low costs;
  • fast development;
  • low concentration of competitors;
  • high demand for products.

Lack of competition is perhaps one of the key points pointing to great prospects. Given the increased popularity of natural products and the general orientation of the whole world towards the right diet food, the demand for eggs and quail meat has increased significantly. At the same time, it is not able to fully satisfy the market potential that is present on the market today.

Quail business

In this regard, the idea of ​​breeding quails is very promising. In some regions of our country, it is completely difficult to find farms that breed birds on a professional basis.

  • short life expectancy;
  • bird disease (influenza, salmonellosis, pullorosis, etc.).

On the large-scale production As a rule, laying hens are kept up to 11-12 months only as production of eggs for sale. Their eggs are no longer suitable for incubation. In the conditions of a small farm, for 250-300 heads, it is very unprofitable to keep the parental flock separately only for the production of eggs. Therefore, experts recommend replacing birds every 8-9 months. By this time, the next generation should have grown up, ready to produce eggs for sale and incubation.

As for poultry diseases, at the slightest ailment, farmers get rid of a weak individual so that it does not infect the rest of the herd.

Breeding technology

Breeding quails for the sale of meat and eggs is a great alternative to traditional chicken products. Unlike chickens, quails do not need to build a large chicken coop. For them it is necessary to equip cages.

Based on calculation 1 square meter for 50 quails.

One of the key requirements for keeping birds is to ensure optimal temperature conditions and sanitary norms rooms (cells). For high fertility, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature in the range of 18-20°C.

With a strong drop in temperature (up to 15 ° C), the bird can significantly reduce productivity and stop laying eggs altogether. If you allow a critical drop in temperature to 7-8 ° C, then it may die altogether.

In hot conditions, she begins to lose plumage and also reduces productivity. Therefore, maintaining a constant temperature in the cells is one of the primary tasks. To ensure normal conditions of detention, it is also necessary to provide a ventilation and cooling system. AT winter period– heating of racks-cages.

Cell selection

The next step is to select the right cell. Ideally, of course, to purchase specialized equipment for the farm, but with minimum investment, you can make your own cage.

How to choose the right cage? First of all, it must be made of galvanized mesh or metal. Universal fixtures they won’t fit here, since the distance between the bars should be clearly calculated for the size of the quail’s head. Birds should freely stick their heads between the bars in order to take food or reach for water, but at the same time not leave the cage, not get stuck.

The height of their "house" should not exceed 20 cm, behavioral factors should be taken into account here. Quails are prone to jumps and high ceiling can cause head injury.

You should also provide for the presence of a tray for rolling eggs. Unlike chickens, these birds rush straight to the floor.

To maintain sanitary cleanliness, you need to put a container for litter in the cage.

As for the volume of the quail habitat area, there are clear numbers here that should not be violated. For every 10 heads, 20 square centimeters of space must be provided. Interestingly, for chickens, a decrease in free space not only does not affect egg production, but, on the contrary, leads to an increase. And in the case of quails, you can get the opposite effect.

Feed Requirements

For the normal development and effective productivity of females, it is necessary to purchase high-quality feed from trusted suppliers.

by the most a simple step is the purchase of ready-made feed. For broiler chicks, compound feed labeled PK-5-2, PK-1, PK-6 is suitable. It contains required amount protein that affects the egg production of the female.

Feeding should be strictly on the clock - three times a day. Depending on the breed, the daily feed intake is 22-30 grams.

To increase productivity and weight gain, it is recommended to add nutritional supplements to the main feed. It can be vegetables, fresh herbs, vitamins.

If you thoroughly understand agriculture, then it can be analyzed that almost all compound feeds for birds have a similar composition. The difference is the grinding of grain and food additives. The difference also lies in the periods of introduction of a particular feed.

Given the precocity of quails, it has great importance purchase of starter feed, saturated with nutrients. This allows a small chick to increase in size by almost 15 times in 30 days.

Novice poultry farmers need to figure out how to organize the feeding of chicks. You can get a healthy brood if you make a balanced diet. Attention is also paid to the conditions of detention. What to feed quail in the first days of life, you will learn by reading this article.

When little chicks appear, the farmer has a new concern - special nutrition for babies. Feeding is very similar to feeding chickens. In the early days, you can give a hard-boiled egg, which must be carefully chopped so that the chick does not choke. After 12-14 days they can be transferred to a full-fledged adult nutrition, taking into account the characteristics of the breed.

The starter kit includes:

  • grain (wheat, corn, barley);
  • cake;
  • yeast;
  • broken shell, salt;
  • meat and bone meal or fish.

Mandatory requirements for feed are nutritional value, balance, fine grinding.

Newly hatched chicks need to be provided with up to 25% protein in the feed for 30 days. Starting from the second month, this figure drops to 16%. For laying hens, it is about 20%.

As for the feeding process, it is important to choose the right drinkers and feeders for small birds. Given their low weight, the edges should be low.

To minimize costs, you can save on the preparation of compound feed with my own hands. This can almost triple the cost of the diet. An additional advantage will be that you will independently add the necessary microelements and additives, depending on the state of health of the birds and the conditions in which they are kept.

Quail food can be factory-made and cooked on your own, but one thing is important - the correct composition. In our article you will find recipes for compound feed, varieties of ready-made compound feed. And also find out which compound feed is better: store-bought or prepared on your own?

Choosing a breed

Initially, this bird was wild, but as a result of long-term selection, it gradually acquired the status of a domestic bird. Today, experts have about 40 different types, each of which has its own characteristics in terms of content and productivity.

Experts classify quails for breeding according to the following criteria:

  • meat breeds;
  • meat and egg;
  • egg.

Whichever option you choose, they are all productive and carry well anyway. Another thing is that for the sale of meat it is better to select special breeds, such as Pharaoh, who quickly gain weight.

The choice of quail breed - major step in planning, because all further success and profit will depend on this.

Looking ahead, it should be noted the most common breeds in Russia:

  • Marble rock;
  • Tuxedo;
  • Estonian quail.

Japanese is especially loved among domestic farmers, as it is the least whimsical to the conditions of detention and is characterized by increased immunity.

meat breeds

A feature of this species is a rapid weight gain. With proper care and a balanced diet, which must contain useful trace elements and vitamins, birds of this type gain up to 300-500 grams of weight.

It is one of the most common meat types. It is not very productive and carries about 180-200 eggs per year. Adult individuals reach up to 300-330 grams of weight, which explains their great popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Texas (American)

Because of its white plumage, this bird is often referred to as the Texas Albino. This breed is one of the best for breeding as a meat supply, as adults reach a weight of 400 grams. As for productivity, females do not differ in great egg production, however, like all broilers. They produce up to 200 eggs per year.

The downside can be called a large amount of feed consumption, which significantly reduces profitability.

egg breeds

If in business the main focus is on the sale of eggs, then, of course, it is better to give preference to the purchase of birds of this species. They are highly productive and allow you to get up to 300-350 pieces per year.

At the same time, females begin to rush already from early age, from 1-1.5 months, which increases the productivity of the business process.

The most popular breeds in this form are:

  • Estonian;

Meat and egg breeds

As the name implies, this is enough universal variety, which is often purchased for the household. If you are planning to establish a more specialized production, then experts still recommend purchasing egg and meat breeds separately.

The most popular in this form are English White Quail, English Black, Tuxedo. As a rule, the name of the breed determines the color of the plumage.

Eggs or meat?

The meat of these birds is considered dietary and one of the most useful, as it contains a large amount of protein and a low percentage of fat. In addition, it practically does not contain cholesterol, which makes it indispensable in the menu of pregnant women, children, people suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

Daily consumption of quail meat normalizes cholesterol, strengthens the immune system.

As for eggs, it is because of them that farmers often begin to breed quails. Unlike other domestic birds, quail eggs can be eaten raw without fear of getting sick. infectious diseases. This is explained high temperature bodies of females (about 42°C), which eliminates the possibility of poisoning and reproduction of bacteria.

A feature of birds is rapid puberty and early laying of eggs. For example, if the laying age of a chicken starts at 8 months, then here it is reduced to 1-1.5 months.

Interesting! The benefits of quail eggs are proved by the fact that, for example, in Japan, pediatricians recommend that each student eat 2 eggs before class. This has a beneficial effect on nervous system and improve the perception of information.

After weighing all the pros and cons of each breed, it is important to clearly define for yourself for what purpose you plan to breed birds. After all, it is the choice of format and method of sale that will determine the purchase a certain kind birds.

As for calculating the benefits from selling eggs and meat, you need to clearly calculate the income at the planning stage.

If you trade only eggs, then the poultry house is unlikely to pay off quickly.

Let's count. The average quail lays about 20 eggs per month. One egg in the market costs 5 rubles. Monthly income from one bird will be 100 rubles. With a livestock of 500 pieces, the income from the farm only from the sale of eggs will be 50 thousand rubles. But this is only income, not net profit. Take away transport costs, utility bills and staff salaries from here and you will get not such a large amount.

And if you add all sorts of risks in the form of laying hen infections, stress that negatively affects productivity, then this income can even be halved.

Another form of business is the sale of eggs for incubation.

As a rule, farmers hand over only culled quails or excess males. Raising chicks for the sake of selling meat is not profitable, since meat is not very expensive. And given the light weight adult It's hard enough to make money from it.

In addition, it is necessary to keep a separate specialist who will pluck feathers and butcher carcasses. It is impossible to manage with such a number of carcasses on your own.

Sales of live poultry

This option is very common for the poultry house. Quails can be sold at any age. And the bird costs the same as the finished carcass. As a result, with less labor costs, you can get more profit.

Business plan: where to start?

As in any other type of entrepreneurial activity, you should not immediately invest all the money in the purchase of live heads. Experts recommend starting with 300-500 quails and gradually increasing the farmstead in the future.

The purchase of a certain number of heads significantly affects the expense item, which will change the payback period. We give average values ​​of 500 heads.

It is also important at this stage to correctly determine the format of the business, because you can breed birds for the sale of live heads, eggs or cooked meat. In addition, you should immediately decide whether you will buy adults or take care of hatching chicks yourself using an incubator.

organizational plan

This section of the document allows you to plan activities step by step. Thus, the document becomes a desktop tool that allows you to complete tasks in a timely manner and calculate risks.

Business registration

The first step in doing business, of course, is the registration part. It is necessary to obtain a business permit and a license to sell products.

Choose on your own the most suitable form of business for yourself - LLC or IP and submit documents for registration.

With a small turnover, it will be enough to register an IP and a form of payment for the Single Tax. Registration will not take long.

For the sale of products, it is necessary to issue certificates in the veterinary service. Without this, you will not be able to conclude contracts with major suppliers and sell products to restaurants, cafes and shops.

Required premises

As mentioned above, in terms of content, these birds are not very whimsical. Therefore, choosing the right room is not difficult.

Here, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the size of the livestock and on technical details to maintain the optimum temperature.

Content Requirements:

  • temperature - from 18 to 25 ° C;
  • humidity - within 68-70%.

What kind of personnel is needed for breeding quails?

The success of any business depends not only on the proper organization of the premises, but also on the selection good specialists. To breed birds, you need to hire several people to work.

Of course, at the first stage, to minimize costs, you can independently perform all the duties of caring for the birds. But for large-scale farming, you can’t do without assistants.

You need to take a person who will clean the cages, remove garbage, pour food and pour water.

It is also important to constantly monitor the health of birds, the process of incubation. In addition, there should be a person responsible for marketing products, negotiating with suppliers, etc.

For a farm of 400-500 birds, two people will be enough.

The approximate staffing looks like this:

  • bird care specialist;
  • driver/courier.

Quail farm equipment

Immediately consider a ventilation system that will drive fresh air from the street. In no case should there be drafts in the room, so the option of natural ventilation should be immediately excluded.

Primary requirements

Another feature of the content of these birds is the creation of subdued light. And in wild nature and when kept at home, birds do not like bright light. Therefore, give up powerful lamps, give preference to economy lamps with shades.

This, by the way, is another plus that speaks of the profitability of the business. After all, keeping chickens or ducks, on the contrary, requires bright lighting, which significantly increases the cost of electricity.

With a number of livestock of 500 pieces, in winter it is necessary to consider a heating system. This point can only be omitted if farming designed for a thousand or more pieces. Then the bird warms itself, and there is no need to artificially heat the farm. You just need to take care of high-quality insulation walls and roofs.

The main components in the farm equipment are cell batteries.

One battery consists of 5 cells and contains an autonomous feeder, drinker, egg tray, which roll out.

The cells are arranged at a slight slope, which ensures a quick collection of eggs.

One battery can hold up to 250 individuals. They can be ordered at ready-made, or you can save money and do it yourself from metal fittings, mesh and plywood.

Incubator for breeding chicks

The next point of purchase of equipment will be an incubator for breeding chicks. There are a large number of products on the market today various models domestic and foreign manufacturers. For home use, of course, the simplest model is also suitable, where you mechanically You will set the temperature, humidity, turn the eggs.

Breeders are increasingly thinking about breeding quails. And the first step to success is breeding full-fledged chickens in home incubators. You can buy a quail incubator or make your own. We will talk about this in this article.

For large production, it is better to give preference modern models with an automatic mode of turning eggs, maintaining temperature, humidity and the ability to work on an autonomous battery during a power outage.

So, to organize a medium-sized quail farm, you will need:

  • incubator - 10 thousand rubles
  • cell battery - 10 thousand rubles.
  • brooder (nursery for chicks) - 2 thousand rubles.

The presence of a brooder makes it possible to greatly simplify the care of chicks and increase productivity in the flock. In our article you will find the basic requirements for a "crèche" for chicks and how to make a brooder yourself.

If you plan to expand the scale and service in the future, you can immediately purchase:

  • grain mill for self-manufacturing stern;
  • automatic feather plucking machine;
  • vacuum cleaner (increases the period of sale of meat);
  • refrigerator and freezer.

Starting purchase of birds

After the premises have been selected and all repair and construction work has been carried out, staff has been selected and equipment has been purchased, the stage of purchasing birds begins.

Having decided on the number of livestock and the breed of birds, it is important to find a good and trusted supplier. Experts do not recommend taking all the livestock from one seller at once. It is better to divide the purchase into 2 parts and see which of the birds will be the strongest and most prolific. If necessary, you can always buy the number of pieces you need.

The suitable age of quails for purchase is not older than 12-18 months. It is at this age that the young female reaches puberty, which means she is ready to lay eggs.

If for the purchase of chickens, ducklings and other birds there are recommendations on the season for purchase, then things are easier with quails. The productivity of females does not depend on the season, but the necessary conditions for incubation of eggs, the farmer creates himself.

Quail in the nest

An important point: before purchasing livestock, the seller must definitely consult about the type of food that the birds were previously fed, and try not to change it. Changing the place of residence, and even more so the diet, can dramatically affect the health and reduce the productivity of females.

If you plan to transfer the birds to your own food, then this should be done gradually, not earlier than a month after the resettlement.

Marketing plan

This section is milestone planning. It is he who allows you to adequately assess the position in the market, analyze the competitive environment and correctly determine pricing.

Sales channels

Even at the stage of finding premises and purchasing equipment, it is important to determine distribution channels. Depending on the business model (sale of meat, eggs, chicks), it is necessary to consider who will buy products in bulk.

Given the active performance of quails and a short shelf life, you must be sure of an established market.

How to look for clients?

  1. Analyze the market and identify the main competitors in the region near you.
  2. Study their products, prices, form of sale.
  3. Form a commercial offer and send (or personally distribute) to the heads of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, shops. Visit fairs, markets, etc.

Financial plan

This is one of the most time-consuming sections of documents, which reflects the entire financial essence of the project. Here it is necessary to correctly assess risks, calculate expenses and incomes, determine the break-even point, payback and profitability of the project.

When describing the costs in detail, it is important to understand that the bulk will fall on the purchase of materials for the construction of the farm, repairs (if a ready-made premises is purchased).

Also, this should include the purchase of birds, feed, wages to staff and the cost of registering a business.

When calculating profit, you should correctly determine the cost of production. Do not forget that it includes not only the purchase of the bird itself, but also its maintenance, food, utility costs, transportation, wage specialists, etc.

The same is true with profitability. It is important to separate the one-time costs, which include the purchase of equipment, construction or repair of the farm. And there are fixed costs in the form of salaries, utilities, advertising, etc.


All farm maintenance costs can be divided into two types:

  • capital (one-time);
  • monthly.

Based on this, we make an estimate.

Capital expenditure

Monthly expenses

Calculation of profitability and profitability

We consider the proceeds from the sale of eggs:

Above, justifying the idea of ​​breeding quails for the sake of selling eggs, we said that one bird carries about 20 eggs per month. But not all eggs from females will be sold. To increase the farm, approximately 1/3 should be set aside for incubation.

Thus, the income from the sale of eggs will be 200 quails * 20 eggs * 5 rubles = 20 thousand rubles.

The female eats 900 grams of feed per month for 20 rubles. 500 females * 20 r = 10 thousand rubles will go to feed.

We consider the proceeds from the meat trade:

1 carcass weighing 250 grams costs 100 rubles.

100 carcasses sold per month.

100 * 100r = 10 thousand rubles.

Conclusion: Based on the prepared document and the calculation of the financial part, the average payback period will be 5 months. The poultry house will bring income in the amount of 35-40 thousand rubles.

In order to increase the volume and expand production, you can invest in new equipment and expand services, the sales market.

  1. You should not immediately invest all the money in the purchase of young animals.
  2. Buy eggs for incubation and young animals should be from trusted suppliers, preferably two or three.
  3. Breeding quails, you should not bet only on the sale of eggs or meat. A universal approach will increase profitability.
  4. To minimize personnel costs, some specialists can be invited from outside if necessary. The main part of the work will have to be taken over at the first stage.
  5. Selection the right equipment. Given the miniature size of the birds, the cages should not be tall.
  6. Maintaining a constant temperature regime within 18-25°C.
  7. The farm does not require large sizes and can easily accommodate in a barn, a room. The only caveat - you need to provide for ventilation and inflow fresh air but avoid drafts.

Summing up: is it profitable to breed quails?

Summing up, it should be said that quail breeding is quite a profitable business. Birds do not require special care, do not take up much space and at the same time are highly productive.

A business can be built in several directions, and over time there are options for expanding activities to the maintenance of large incubators, your own smokehouse, etc.

The average payback period is up to six months.