Do-it-yourself toy farm, or let's materialize childhood dreams again. How We Study Animals: Homemade Game Home Farm Fake Animal Farm DIY

for the idea) and also, pen for horses. These are ideas, from the category - "a minimum of time and costs", but, a lot of impressions and developing benefits.

"For minimum cost"- I mean, the materials for making a farm and a corral for horses, but the toys themselves (in this case, Schleich), of course, will require financial investments, but they are definitely worth it! Because, with these figures, you can come up with a sea of ​​educational games, and they will be useful from infancy to school.

Now, more budget figures Mojo, Collecta (Gulliver) have appeared in our collection, which are also of good quality and are very well suited for creating such boxes.

Andryusha has a favorite book about a farm from the series “Baby's first books, learning new words. On the farm!"(I posted it ).

In the pages of this book, we searched for animals and compared them to our homemade farm, tried to take care of the animals, feed them, make hay, etc.

And also, on one of the pages of this book, there are such cute puppies, so we decided to settle one golden retriever on our homemade farm.

For a farm in a box you will need:

1. wide container(with high sides)

2. Salty dough(salt, flour and water)

3. Buckwheat(and other suitable cereals - millet, corn grits)

4. Chicory, cinnamon or cocoa(or brown gouache)

5. Straw, hay

How to make a farm in a box:

1. Making salt dough. In an arbitrary proportion (approximately 1 cup of flour + 0.5 cups of salt), you need to mix salt and flour, add water to a suitable consistency.

2. Coloring the dough:

  • In this mass, you can put for color either natural dye(cinnamon, coffee, chicory, cocoa) and then, in addition to color, the farm will also smell delicious.
  • Or color salt dough brown gouache.

3. Put the dough in a container and distribute evenly. Our farm land is ready!

Top, you can sprinkle with buckwheat, millet and any suitable cereal.

4. Set up a farm:

  • hay and straw

By the way, straw can be bought from a pet store or you can use any imitation straw:

- thinly cut thin paper or cardboard;

- decor from bouquets of flowers;

- branches from a broom;

- threads.

  • Fences and pens for animals

The fence can be cut out of cardboard or taken from a children's designer (we have from Lego Duplo, the "Kid" constructor). You can put suitable pebbles.

Pens can be made from food containers and colored paper, ordinary cardboard.

Since we had a lot of suitable accessories, my "homemade" was limited to creating land for the farm.

  • You can add a farm with shovels, baskets and other accessories(e.g. Play mobil, Lego Duplo, etc.) . By the way, the Sylvanian Families , there is a set of suitable accessories "Garden".

With some details, we diluted our farm, for example, we put a water source, shovels and pitchforks to take care of the pets.

This game is very popular with Andryusha, so our "farms" change regularly.

Corral for horses

This is 100% made from improvised materials, not counting the horses. We saw such a pen in one of the petting zoos and decided to play at home.

To create a pen for horses you will need:

How to make a horse paddock:

1. We measure the length and width of the roof from the box and cut off the wooden skewers of the desired size.

2. We glue 4 toothpicks in each corner, using a glue gun (so as not to wait until the parts dry), and 3 wooden skewers on them.

3. The bottom of the box, you can cover with PVA and sprinkle on top of corn grits, millet, sawdust (sold in pet stores) or make "earth", as in a farm with pets.

Horse feeder

How to make a horse feeder:

1. Glue the toothpicks with a glue gun, cross to cross, as in the photo.

2. Connect them using 1 toothpick and glue.

3. We put a ball of hay - and the feeder is ready!

We must take into account that toothpicks are sharp, so in order not to prick, you can drop a drop of hot glue on each tip with a glue gun (it will harden and prevent damage).

For comparison, here is a finished horse pen from Schleich. For collectors, of course, it is better to buy, but for one-time games, it is quite possible to make it from affordable and budget materials.

It remains to supplement this homemade composition with a house for horses!

Ekaterina Saenko

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention master class on making a plywood layout"Farm".

I want to warn you right away that the house, the corral for horses and the fence were made for us by the grandfather of our pupil. For which many thanks to him! I just betrayed these amazing buildings aesthetic appearance. See what I got.

For we need to make a layout:

Glue (PVA, Liquid nails, "Titanium");

Varnish on wood;

Newspaper, white paper, napkins;

blue fabric;

Felt (white, green, yellow);


Mouline threads;



artificial grass;

Stencil-hole puncher "leaves";

artificial turf;

figurines pets;


Sewing machine;

Manual jigsaw

So, first I painted the house and the horse paddock, made in advance, with gouache and varnished them.

Then these models (house, paddock) I glued it to the plywood with titanium glue.

Getting Started tree making. I used the papier-mâché technique. I drew stencils of trees on thick cardboard and cut them out.

Next, we glue our frame of trees with newspaper, white paper and napkins using PVA glue. I waited for complete drying and started painting the trees, then glued the leaves made with a stencil hole punch to the crown of the trees, varnished them.

We glue the corral for pets. We paint it with gouache and varnish it, and then glue it to plywood.

We sew a lake from blue fabric and stuff it with padding polyester. We manufacture decorative ornaments (water lilies made of felt) and glue it all to the plywood.

We glue the trees to plywood and cut out an artificial lawn in the shape of plywood, to which we tie dandelions from floss threads. Cutting a path from at home, leading to the lake, we fill it with millet, which we cover with varnish. All this is also glued to the plywood with glue.

We make reeds and cover the lake with pebbles. This is the beauty I got! Children love to play!

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In accordance with the federal state educational standards of preschool education, all educational areas are permeated with the solution of the problems of the program of early professional self-determination of preschoolers.

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We carry out systematic work to familiarize children with the world of professions. Our kindergarten is located in a rural area, so we pay special attention to agricultural professions.

This layout will help expand children's ideas about the variety of agricultural professions, introduce them to the profession of a farmer; systematize children's ideas about pets; to acquaint with the branches of animal husbandry; develop curiosity, memory, attention, speech; develop a love for animals.

The layout is intended for use in working with children individually, with a subgroup and in independent activities. This layout will be useful for children of middle, senior preschool age, teachers and parents. It helps to arouse children's interest in the proposed activity, activates the desire to look for ways to resolve the problem situation together with the teacher; develops cognitive abilities and elementary ideas about human economic activity in rural areas; will help children understand the importance and necessity of each profession in agriculture. Will teach children to distinguish by appearance and name the most common pets and their significance in human life.

The layout consists of a house, a mill, a garage, a pen for piglets, a poultry house, a well, a corral for cows, horses and sheep, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse, and a pond.

The layout is made of waste material:

Shoe box
- gouache
- glue transparent moment
- colored corrugated paper,

wooden skewers
- cardboard (packing box)
- ice cream sticks
- sisal
- scissors
- Pets
- coffee

Self-adhesive film for furniture

“Where do the animals live? »

“Who eats what? »

The game "Who is superfluous?"

Purpose of games: systematize children's ideas about pets; expand the vocabulary of children, cultivate a love for animals.

Game progress:

Arrange the animals.

Feed the animals.

Children complete tasks and tell how they did it.

"Industries of animal husbandry"

Target: to acquaint with the branches of animal husbandry; to form ideas about agricultural professions, to introduce the profession of a farmer; give an idea of ​​the benefits that animals bring; develop curiosity, memory, attention, speech.

The task is to list the branches of animal husbandry and tell what benefits the farmer receives in each branch: - a cow gives milk to the farmer - milk is also given by a goat, horse, camel; - guards the castle house and ... (dog); - wool is given by goats and ... (sheep, camels); - meat is given by pigs and ... (cows, sheep), etc.

Help the farmer choose the tools he needs for the job.

Story - role-playing game "Farmers".

Purpose: to form ideas about agricultural professions, to introduce the profession of a farmer;

Story - role-playing game "Veterinarian".

Introduction to the profession of a veterinarian;

Raising a good attitude towards animals;

Raise respect for the work of a veterinarian.

Hello, dear readers of the Domovenok-Art blog! I think there are very few people in the world who are indifferent to toys (even as adults). After all, we were all once children, and many of us not only received toys from adults, but also made them ourselves. As a rule, such toys were more expensive than all the others.

When children appear in the house, there is an excellent occasion to remember past skills. You can make, for example, interesting cardboard toys with your own hands. Which? Ask the children what they want, their fantasies do not hold. So our idea generator (he is already known to regular blog readers, the author of the idea is our son Sasha) fantasized himself toy farm. True, in our country this is not just a toy, but almost a simulator for a real farm (he is developing such a business plan here, but no one will talk about it :)).

How to make a toy farm with your own hands? For an answer, we climbed into the Internet, however, most of the options for farms did not suit us. And then we stumbled upon an unusual cardboard toy - a small farm model. True, this thing was sold in an online store. But who will stop us from making our own analogue?

And so our own was born. And now I will tell you how to make such a toy at home.

We will need:

  • corrugated board;
  • stationery knife;
  • paper for the printer and the printer itself;
  • glue stick;
  • double sided tape;
  • scissors.

DIY toy farm, master class

The preparatory stage for creating a toy farm with your own hands

The hardest part of making this cardboard toy is to unfold the truss. Therefore, especially for you, I have already solved this problem and offer my ready-made developments. Here we will have 2 buildings: the toy farm itself and the farmer's house. The scan is presented in PDF format, intended for printing on A4 sheets.

Since the truss is a fairly decent size, it naturally doesn't fit everything on one leaf, so some sheets have a pretty decent amount of overlap. This is done in order to accurately match all the details. So don't be surprised.

I numbered all parts of the toy farm, and their locations are marked on the general diagram. In the same place, the places that should be glued together are marked with letters.

The farmer's house is a separate object, you will find parts of it at the end of the document.

So let's print the templates. We find sheets No. 1 and 2. Cut out the objects and dock them (be sure to look at the overall scan), where necessary, cut, and then glue. Now we glue the part from sheet No. 3 to this blank according to the same algorithm. And so on. Until you have the whole circuit.

In the scan you will see a free-standing roof (letter A). We cut it out and glue it to the corresponding part (it turns out layering on a completely different part of the farm, which is why it was not possible to place it on the scan itself).

Now we carefully glue our thin scan onto the corrugated cardboard using a glue stick. We took what we could find, i.e. laminate packaging. I had to glue several sheets together. It is better, of course, that the corrugated board sheet is solid.

This is what our scan looks like glued to cardboard.

Making a cardboard toy

Further, the work will be almost jewelry, because. we need to carefully cut through all the windows, doorways, and also cut out the toy template itself from cardboard. As a result, we get the same sweep, only already dense.

Now let's work on the folds. With the help of a creasing (in Russian, an object for bending. How to replace it, I showed) we walk along the lines of our future toy farm, bending first inward, and then along the resulting fold - outward (with a corner towards us). Dashed lines - fold inward.

It's time to assemble the toy farm. I did this with double-sided tape, because. I didn’t want to soak the already delicate corrugated cardboard (and faster). We start with the elements under the letter B, then C, and so on. Find 2 identical letters and connect them.

Where the roof of the chicken coop enters the roofs of neighboring buildings, you may have to file (or rather cut) a little more triangles of these buildings. It all depends on the thickness of the cardboard.

Building a farmer's house

Well, everything is much simpler here, although we designed a two-story house, well, to put the whole farm family there. The principle of assembly is similar. The whole roof did not fit on the A4 sheet, so I placed it on the sheet, where the balcony is also printed. We just cut out these pieces and stick them on our house. We glue all the details to the cardboard, cut out the windows, doors (I did not cut out all the window openings so that the structure was stronger, because we also need to insert a balcony).

We will fix the balcony in the slots indicated in the figure. When assembling the house, we first cut through all the places, and then fasten the house with double-sided tape. The floor at the balcony will pass through the entire house and stick out from the outside by 5 mm. There is no need to paste here. But it is better to fix the side parts of the balcony from the inside with the help of specially left ponytails.

This is how the farmer's house turned out. I like! But that's not all 🙂

After all, we took care of safety: we made a fence for a toy farm with our own hands. We make the fence in an elementary way: we glue 2 strips of corrugated cardboard for strength, draw teeth, cut it out, with the help of a felt-tip pen we finish the necessary elements: boards, nails, etc. From the bottom of each fence at a distance of 2 cm from the edge, we made centimeter grooves as thick as the walls of buildings, and cut holes in the buildings themselves (at a height of 1 cm), into which we installed the fence.

Now you can take a breath. See what happened!!!

Toy farm. General view inside
Cardboard farm. Side view
Toy farm. Goats live here farmer's house
Cardboard farm seen from the street

Here we have such a toy farm with our own hands. I didn’t even think that the project of this cardboard toy would turn out to be so large-scale, but we are all very pleased with the result, and especially the children, who have now settled their animals, workers there. In general, everything is like on a real farm :). Yes, you can see it in the photo.

How do you like this toy? Have you or your children ever had unusual toys made of cardboard or other materials, most importantly, made by hand? Share your stories, it's very interesting. And don't go too far. Another exciting one is on the way.

I hope you enjoyed today! See you soon! Your brownie Elena.