What is fiberglass reinforcement used for? Composite reinforcement, its features and installation technology. Fiberglass reinforcement compared with metal

In many areas, the metal is inferior to modern composite alloys. It is expensive, heavy and not as durable as, for example, fiberglass. Fiberglass reinforcement is already confidently competing with metal in construction. In this material from HouseChief.ru, we will consider the unique characteristics of a composite building material, the practice of its use and the selection algorithm.

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Applications of fiberglass reinforcement

Composite materials have found application in various areas of construction. Let's consider the main ones.

Application area Peculiarities
It is an equal-strength replacement for metal structures, it allows you to significantly save installation time. The reinforcement step is preserved, the joints are overlapped.
The economic benefit from replacing metal with plastic in strip foundations is up to 45%. carried out with knitting wire.
concrete floorsThe principles of reinforcement do not differ from those when using metal, the cutting of the material is carried out.
The blind area using a reinforcing composite material has high anti-corrosion characteristics, does not suffer from cracking.
armored beltThe use of composites in reinforcement significantly increases the seismic resistance of the building and protects it from damage associated with uneven settlement.
For floor slabs, it is recommended to combine fiberglass with traditional metal reinforcement in the bottom layer. The joints of the reinforcement are staggered.
road constructionComposite materials significantly increase the strength and durability of road surfaces, bridges, arches and pedestrians.
Monolithic constructionMetal parts in monolithic structures in one way or another suffer from corrosion. Composite material increases the service life of monolithic concrete by several times, prevents the formation of cracks and chips in it.

Basics of the production of fiberglass reinforcement and its structure

For the production of composite building material, aluminoborosilicate glass is used as a raw material. It is melted at a high temperature and stretched into the thinnest threads with special equipment.

Strength is achieved precisely due to the multilayer material. The basis is the inner core, fastened with a polymer resin, and fibers of the composite composition are wound around it. To accelerate the polymerization, the reinforcement is fired in tunnel kilns and then cooled under running water.

Composite Material Properties

What distinguishes fiberglass reinforcement from other reinforcing materials? Here are its main performance characteristics:

  • the mass of bars is 9 times less than similar metal ones;
  • the composite composition is immune to the aggressive effects of moisture, alkalis and acids;
  • the thermal conductivity of fiberglass is much less than that of metal - this eliminates the occurrence in building structures;
  • transportation of fiberglass is greatly simplified due to its low weight;
  • The composite material does not conduct electricity.

Fiberglass reinforcement: sizes and types

Significant parameters of this material are the weight of a running meter, the winding pitch and the cross-sectional size of the rod.

Composite reinforcement with a 15-mm winding pitch is considered the most popular in construction today. The outer diameter of the rods can be from 4 to 18 mm, the weight of a linear meter is from 0.02 to 0.42 kg.

Builders divide the fiberglass mesh into subspecies according to the area of ​​​​use. They divide it into working, assembly, distribution and special.

GOST requirements for composite reinforcement

The use of fiberglass materials in construction was legalized in 2014: GOST No. 31938-2012 on composite polymer reinforcement. GOST imposes the following requirements on this building material:

  • reinforcing filler should be at least 75%;
  • tensile strength - not less than 800 MPa;
  • tensile elasticity - not less than 50 GPa;
  • adhesion strength with concrete - not less than 12 MPa.

Pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement for private construction

And now about the pros and cons of plastic fittings in individual construction. What can be put into the piggy bank of the advantages of using a composite material for reinforcement? First of all, its low weight, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the overall weight of the structure.

Another important positive factor is the flexibility of fiberglass. It is packed in compact bays, which greatly facilitates the problem of transportation. In addition, this form of release makes it possible to reduce the amount of possible waste when cutting.

And what do reviews say about the shortcomings of fiberglass reinforcement? Or is this material so good that it has no flaws? This is not true. And the main disadvantage is the price. Despite the fact that the manufacturing technology of fiberglass is not so complicated, products from it are still expensive. The point is that demand is still outstripping supply. When it is the other way around, the price will go down. What else is worth paying your attention to - fiberglass reinforcement does not withstand pressure on a fracture.

Important points in choosing composite fiberglass reinforcement

How to protect yourself from low-quality goods? There are several dangerous points that dishonest sellers may try to hide from you:

  • inaccurate information about the diameter of the reinforcement - you must be present at the time of shipment of the goods and personally check the declared dimensions of the goods;
  • the product has been burned in the oven - check that the color of the fiberglass is uniform in each bay;
  • the product is pinched during the manufacturing process - the reinforcement should not have convex parts between the anchoring ribs;
  • other violations of the production process - do not buy goods from little-known manufacturers.

Opinions and reviews of professional builders on the use of composite reinforcement in the foundation

The use of composite reinforcement is no different from the metal laying procedure. Reviews of experts on the use of fiberglass reinforcement for testify that the composite material can be used for any type of foundation. Such reinforcement will last at least 80 years. External and internal reinforcement is acceptable. External, according to builders, is necessary in situations where there is an unfavorable environment around the foundation, for example -.

Discrete reinforcement means laying fiberglass meshes inside the structure. Can be used as additional reinforcement or combine these two methods of strengthening the foundation.

If there is a choice: which reinforcement is better, metal or fiberglass?

As already mentioned, builders' reviews of plastic fittings confidently move metal in many positions. The thermal conductivity of fiberglass is 0.35 versus 46 W / m for metal. Fiberglass products are superior to metal in elasticity and plasticity, and they are almost three times stronger. So can fiberglass rebar be used as the only reinforcing material?

However, steel has not yet given up completely. A comparison of fiberglass and metal reinforcement suggests that steel is more resistant to bending, that is, it does not break under maximum load. This makes it indispensable in the production of floor slabs and other objects subject to deformation. So do not write off steel products.

The price of composite reinforcement from well-known manufacturers

The cost of plastic reinforcement is based on its diameter and is measured in linear meters:

  • products of the Armaplast brand known for their quality with a diameter of 6 mm will cost 6-7 rubles per linear meter;
  • the price of fiberglass reinforcement 8 mm - 10-12 rubles;
  • fiberglass reinforcement 10 mm, price per meter - 14-16 rubles;
  • fiberglass reinforcement 12 mm, price per meter - 18-20 rubles.

Fiberglass reinforcement Armaplast

Manufacturer prices shown - keep in mind that retailers will have an additional markup.

What do we get as a result? Without a doubt, composite materials are the future of construction. Reviews of specialists about fiberglass reinforcement indicate that this material extends the life of structures, has many excellent characteristics, and surpasses ordinary steel in them.

The development of composite reinforcement was carried out in the last century, but it has become expedient to produce and use it only recently.

This was facilitated by the availability of raw materials and the introduction of new technologies in the manufacturing process. Often such products are called fiberglass or basalt plastic.

Basically, different definitions are given due to the difference in the combinations of the raw materials used. But this does not affect the quality and durability of products. It differs from steel counterparts in appearance.

Composition and features

The material is a building bar similar to steel rebar, but made from the following components:

- glass;

- basalt;

— carbon;

- aramid;

- polymer additives.

Glass products of light color with a yellowish tint. Basalt and carbon rods are black. The periodic section, as in metal products, ensures the strength of the reinforced concrete structure. Some manufacturers include colored pigments in the composition. This fact does not affect the properties and characteristics.

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Types of composite reinforcement

The classification of types of composite reinforcement directly depends on the main component in the composition.

ABP (basalt product) produced using basalt fibers and resins of organic origin, which act as a binding element. A distinctive quality of the species is resistance to aggressive substances and environments (alkalis, salts, gases).

ASP (fiberglass product) obtained by mixing fiberglass and thermosetting resins. The advantage of this type is high strength with low weight.

AUP (carbon fiber product) is based on hydrocarbons. It has high strength, but due to the high cost, this type has not received wide demand.

AKK (combination product) made on the basis of basalt and fiberglass. Differs in high indicators of wear resistance and wide scope.

Advantages of composite reinforcement

Composite reinforcement has rapidly gained popularity in the construction market. This is due to its technical performance and durability. Advantageous qualities include:

- does not corrode;

- moisture resistance;

— long operational period;

- strength indicators exceeding metal counterparts;

- low thermal conductivity, excluding the formation of cold bridges in the concrete structure;

Read also: Moisture-resistant drywall Knauf: advantages, features of use

- dielectricity, which excludes interference during the passage of radio waves;

- convenient transportation due to low weight and the ability to transport the product in bays;

- affordable price.

Scope of composite reinforcement

The material is actively used in various construction works:

When laying the foundation of buildings, especially in those that are operated in an aggressive environment;

In reinforcing structures of foundations and load-bearing walls;

In private construction;

For reinforcing the roadway;

To strengthen the slopes of embankments;

For the manufacture of a connecting structure during the construction of buildings;

For strengthening the soil in mines, etc.

Features of structural reinforcement with composite reinforcement

When reinforcing the structure with a composite material, there are no difficulties. Masters in the usual way calculate the diameter of the rods and the parameters of the cells, taking into account the bearing capacity of the structure. The frame is made using a binding wire or electrical plastic clamps. To make wire connections, you will need a special hook and an automatic type knitting machine. Clamps are attached manually. It is also allowed to connect the reinforcement elements with plastic clips. It is impossible to use a conventional welding machine on a dielectric material.

Which appeared on the construction market relatively recently, has both advantages and disadvantages, which the consumer must be aware of. Despite the manufacturers' assurances that these products are a full-fledged replacement for metal fittings, their use can not be considered justified in all situations.

What is fiberglass reinforcement

The so-called composite reinforcement is a fiberglass rod around which a carbon fiber thread is wound, which serves not only to reinforce the structure of such a product, but also to ensure its reliable adhesion to the concrete solution. This type of reinforcement has both pros and cons, and its use should be approached very carefully.

Plastic clamps serve as elements for fixing carbon-fiber reinforcing bars to each other. It is convenient that the use of welding is not required to connect the elements of such fittings, which is undoubtedly a big plus.

Assessing the feasibility of using fiberglass reinforcement, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of its use in individual situations. This approach will ensure the high efficiency of this material as a means of strengthening building structures for various purposes.

If you do not take into account the characteristics of fiberglass reinforcement and do not compare them with the parameters of similar products made of metal, you can cause serious damage to the future building structure or finishing elements. That is why, before proceeding with the selection of elements for reinforcing concrete structures, it is necessary to understand in which cases the use of certain products is more appropriate.

Main advantages

Among the advantages that distinguish carbon fiber reinforcement, it is worth highlighting the following.

  • An important advantage of fiberglass reinforcement is its low specific gravity, which makes it possible to use it for reinforcing lightweight structures made of cellular concrete and some other building materials. This allows you to significantly reduce the weight of structures that are reinforced with it. Meanwhile, the weight of a conventional concrete structure when using fiberglass reinforcement will decrease slightly, since the building material itself has an impressive mass.
  • Low thermal conductivity is also one of the advantages of fiberglass reinforcement. When such reinforcement is used in concrete structures, cold bridges are not formed (which cannot be said about metal reinforcing elements), which significantly improves their thermal insulation parameters.
  • The high flexibility of fiberglass reinforcement allows it to be shipped to the customer in coils, rather than cut into individual bars. Thanks to the compact form of packaging, it is much easier to transport such fittings, for which you can use the trunk of any car, and this greatly reduces the cost of delivering the material to the construction site. The use of reinforcing elements, which are shipped not in cut bars, but in coils, also makes it possible to reduce material costs by reducing the number of overlaps. This positively affects both the strength characteristics of the future concrete structure and its cost, which is especially important when performing construction work.
  • Such an advantage of fiberglass reinforcement as its durability inside a concrete structure is considered quite controversial. Reinforcement made of metal, being in an isolated state, is also not exposed to the negative influence of external factors, which ensures the durability of its use.
  • CFRP reinforcement is a dielectric material, which is an advantage of products made from this material. Electrically conductive metal reinforcement is more susceptible to corrosion, which negatively affects its durability.
  • Compared to metal reinforcing elements, fiberglass products are not exposed to chemically active environments. This advantage of fiberglass reinforcement is especially important in cases of construction of buildings in winter, when various salt solutions are added to the concrete, which accelerate the solidification process.
  • Being a dielectric, carbon fiber fittings do not create radio interference inside the building, unlike metal bars. This advantage is important when there are many reinforcing elements in the concrete structure. Otherwise, the use of composite reinforcement will not become a minus, but it will not be so relevant.

Fiberglass reinforcement also has disadvantages, which potential consumers should also be aware of.

Main disadvantages

The disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement are associated with its following characteristics.

  • The disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement include, in particular, the fact that it does not withstand exposure to high temperatures. At the same time, it is difficult to imagine a situation where a reinforcing cage inside concrete can be heated to a temperature of 200 degrees.
  • A rather high cost is a conditional disadvantage, given the fact that fiberglass reinforcement of a smaller diameter can be used to reinforce concrete structures in comparison with metal products.
  • CFRP reinforcement does not bend well. This disadvantage limits its use in the creation of reinforcing frames for concrete structures. Meanwhile, it is possible to make bent sections of the reinforcing cage from steel elements, and then build them up using fiberglass rods.
  • Reinforcement made of fiberglass does not withstand fracture loads well, which is very critical for concrete structures. Accordingly, their reinforcing frame must successfully withstand such loads, which reinforcement made of composite materials cannot boast of.
  • Unlike a metal reinforcing cage, fiberglass products have less rigidity. Because of this drawback, they do not tolerate vibration loads that occur when they are poured using a car mixer. When using this technique, the reinforcing cage is subjected to significant mechanical loads, which can cause its breakage and violation of the spatial position of its elements, therefore, rather high requirements are imposed on the rigidity of such concrete structures.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement, it is difficult to say how much better or worse it is made of metal. In any case, the choice of this material should be approached very reasonably, using it to solve the problems for which it is really intended.

Fields of application of fiberglass reinforcement

Reinforcement made of composite materials, the laying rules of which are easy to learn from the corresponding videos, are used in both capital and private construction. Since capital construction is carried out by qualified specialists who are well acquainted with the nuances and disadvantages of using certain building materials, we will dwell on the features of using such material in the construction of private low-rise buildings.

  • Reinforcement made of composite materials is successfully used to strengthen the foundation structures of the following types: tape, the height of which is greater than the depth of soil freezing, and slab. The use of carbon fiber reinforcement to strengthen foundations is only advisable when the building is being built on good soil, where concrete foundations will not be subjected to fracture loads that fiberglass elements may simply not withstand.
  • With the help of fiberglass reinforcement, walls are strengthened, the laying of which is made of brick, gas silicate and other blocks. It should be noted that as a connecting element of walls, composite reinforcement is very popular among private developers, who use it not only to strengthen the masonry of load-bearing structures, but also to ensure their connection with facing partitions.
  • This material is also actively used for bonding elements of multilayer panels. The structure of the latter includes a layer of insulation and concrete elements, which are interconnected using fiberglass reinforcement.
  • Due to the fact that the reinforcement of the type in question is free from such a disadvantage as susceptibility to corrosion, it is often used to strengthen various hydraulic structures (for example, dams and basins).
  • In cases where it is necessary to effectively increase the rigidity of glued wooden beams, they are also reinforced with fiberglass reinforcement.
  • This material is also used in road construction: it is used to strengthen the layer of asphalt pavement, which is subjected to increased loads during its operation.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that the use of fiberglass reinforcement can be quite effective, given its shortcomings and associated limitations, which are specified by the manufacturer.

Can fiberglass reinforcement replace metal analogues

Despite the fact that reinforcement made from composite materials is a fairly new material in the construction market, you can already find many recommendations (and even videos) on its use. Considering these recommendations, we can conclude that it is best to use fiberglass reinforcement to strengthen walls erected from bricks and building blocks, as well as to connect load-bearing walls with interior partitions.

The construction industry is one of the fastest growing and changing in the modern world. As soon as one appears somewhere in the bowels of a specialized university, the business immediately picks up the idea. Fiberglass rebar is one such material that has literally revolutionized the construction industry. A successful combination of science and engineering has made it possible to create a special material for construction and installation work, which bypasses traditional ones in quality and characteristics.

A key role in the composition of the building material is played by special fiberglass fibers, which are impregnated with a special polymer composition. The material is produced in the form of rods with a diameter of 4 to 18 mm. The length can reach 12 meters. The main "feature" of the material is its multi-layered and special polymer "impregnation".

Note! Fiberglass rebars are usually supplied in coils that look like a large coil of thick cord or wire. However, if the diameter of the product is greater than 10 mm, it is sold only in bars.

In the literature and GOST, two abbreviations are mentioned, indicating the same material: SPA or ASP. Both abbreviations are equivalent.

The rod consists of two layers:

  • 1 layer - inner core. It is based on fiberglass fibers, located strictly parallel to each other (it is no coincidence that we compared the reinforcement with a rigid wire), or in the form of a “pigtail”. These threads are thin, but surprisingly strong, they are soldered to each other with a special polymer composition. It is these fibers that provide the main characteristics of the product.
  • 2 layer - outer. The “shell” can be a fine-grained abrasive, specially sprayed, or fibers, this is the so-called reinforcing winding.

The main characteristics for this material are most often called:

  • diameter - the indicator affects the calculation of the ultimate strength of the product for bending and stretching;
  • the weight. By the way, this indicator favorably distinguishes fiberglass from other products, in particular metal fittings;
  • winding step. The characteristic is relevant for ASP with a relief coating.

Interesting fact! Fiberglass is 9 times lighter than metal rods.

Applications and types of fiberglass reinforcement

The use of fiberglass reinforcement is quite wide. Due to the possibility of using not only rods, but also a reinforcing mesh, it is used in the construction and erection of various, sometimes very complex geometries. Moreover, the dimensions of the finished structures can be very different.

In addition, fiberglass reinforcement can be used in:

  • road construction and pavement reinforcement;
  • strengthening masonry and other block-type building materials;
  • reinforcement and;
  • strengthening and fencing structures, poured.

Advice! In the dacha economy, fiberglass reinforcement is useful in the construction of outbuildings, aviaries, as well as greenhouses and greenhouses. It can be used as support structures for tying plants, as a base for decorative trellises.

Options for using SPA in construction and gardening.

Production and requirements for fiberglass reinforcement

Like any technically complex production, the creation of high-strength reinforcement is a labor-intensive and expensive process. It is necessary to use high-precision equipment to create a special mixture.

All the main elements of the SPA production line are shown in the diagram:

Pros and cons of composite fiberglass reinforcement

Fiberglass reinforcement is considered the most promising material used in the construction of reinforcing structures and frames. Benefits include:

  • high resistance to corrosion;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability;
  • light weight;
  • 3.5 times stronger than metal;
  • universality;
  • tensile strength;
  • does not conduct current;
  • not afraid of frost;
  • seamlessness;
  • does not require welding.

Among the disadvantages:

  • little elasticity,
  • low thermal stability.

What to look for when choosing

Due to the large number of sizes, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of use and the load on the material. That is why, immediately when buying, pay attention to the following points:

  • variant of the design of the top layer and the quality of the winding of the reinforcing tape;
  • diameter and absence of chips and damage on sections;
  • Colour. It must be uniform. The shade must match the description in the documentation;
  • availability of documents of compliance with GOST.

When choosing a spa, it is best to initially find out the reputation of the manufacturer of this material, for which you need to read the reviews on the Web and in other sources of information.

Which reinforcement is better: metal or fiberglass

Perhaps, if we compare these two materials, the usual metal material loses significantly in quality, but wins in price. In this case, you should pay attention to the scope. And also study the comparative characteristics.

Characteristic Metal fiberglass
Tensile strength, MPa390 1300
Coefficient, W / m 2 × K46 0,35
Density, kg / m 37850 1900
Elasticity+ +
Plastic+ -
Corrosion resistance- +
Dielectric properties- +

Leading manufacturers

There are about 10 proven manufacturers of fiberglass reinforcement that have managed to prove themselves in this market segment. Moreover, enterprises exist in almost all major geographical areas: the central part of Russia, as well as Siberia, the Urals. Let's name the largest of them:

  • SPC "Spetspolimer", NPK "ARMASTEK", Moscow Plant of Composite Materials. (Moscow and Moscow Region);
  • Leader-Composite (St. Petersburg and Leningrad region)
  • "Yaroslavl Plant of Composites";
  • "Uralteplostroy", LLC "UZKT", LLC "Elpromtekh", LLC NPF "UralSpetsArmatura" (Yekaterinburg);
  • "Volga Armature" (Saratov).

Price review and user reviews of composite fiberglass reinforcement

The cost of the material is calculated based on the price per linear meter. The final cost is affected by both the quality of the raw material, its composition and the number of layers, as well as the diameter of the proposed workpiece. Let's present the average data for September 2018 in rubles.

Manufacturer Brand Diameter, mm Type of outer layer Cost, rubles/p. meter
PC "Composite"ASK8,0 coiled11,9
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
ASP8,0 sand coated13,9
10,0 23,9
12,0 38,9
ArmatSoyuzSPA4,0 coiled6,9
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,5
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,9
16,0 60,9
18,0 94,9
"Armplast"ASK4,0 coiled5,5
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,47
16,0 60,52
18,0 94,32
20,0 117,6
22,0 138,99
25,0 180,17
28,0 223,10
32,0 292,74
36,0 312,80

If we talk about the features of using the material and reviews about it, experts note the high quality of the material and sufficient with it. Due to the high wear-resistant qualities, fiberglass reinforcement has gained its fans both among professional builders and among home craftsmen.

However, there are those who are suspicious of the material.

Feedback on the use of fiberglass reinforcement:

Read more at Drom.Forum: https://forums.drom.ru/house/t1151870250-p3.html

And if you have your own opinion regarding the use of this material in construction, its advantages and disadvantages, share your opinion with other readers of the site.