Why does the house have condensation on the windows. Condensation on plastic windows. Good ventilation system: exhaust

Many people replacing old windows with new ones plastic double-glazed windows, sometimes they detect condensation from the side of the room. This is an unpleasant phenomenon that requires speedy decision. Because the condensate plastic windows from the side of the room contributes to the development of fungus and mold. The atmosphere in the room becomes unhealthy. Frequent ventilation in winter leads to large heat losses. Therefore, the problem must be solved in other ways. There are several recommendations that will help get rid of condensation on the windows. To do this, it is necessary to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

What is condensate

To understand how to get rid of condensation on windows, you need to understand the mechanism of its occurrence. Water settles on the glass when the temperature inside the room is higher than outside. At the same time, the humidity in the room must be high enough for condensation to form.

The greater the distance between the outer and inner glass, the less often you have to deal with the problem of getting rid of condensate on plastic windows.

According to sanitary standards If the humidity in the room is within 30-45% and the air temperature is 20-22 °C, there will be no dew on the glass.

During construction, it is necessarily calculated. It is located outside the room, but at the slightest imbalance it moves inside.

Why does the dew point shift

To prevent condensation on plastic windows from the side of the room, engineers calculate all the conditions and parameters for the location of each element of the structure. However, over time, these indicators begin to gradually deviate from the norm.

Most often, to resolve the issue of the causes of condensation on plastic windows, attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the room.

If the house was built more than a dozen years ago, its walls are under the influence weather phenomena weathered. Their insulating properties were violated.

According to research results, the cause of dew on glasses in only 5% of cases is the fault of the manufacturer.

high humidity

A problem such as condensation on plastic windows (reasons, solutions may be different) is determined by a specialist. However, it is quite realistic to try to understand the factors of dew formation on your own.

One of them is This will help determine the hygrometer. Sometimes, to remove condensation on a plastic window, it is enough to ventilate.

There should also be a good ventilation system indoors. After all, ventilate the apartment in winter in very coldy is simply unacceptable. There are also special dehumidifiers. They will help to normalize the microclimate.

On sale there are valves that carry out constant ventilation of windows without heat loss. Moreover, there are a huge number of varieties of such systems.

Violation of the convection regime

To decide how to get rid of condensation on the windows, you should consider the factor of violation of convection in the room. Even changes in the movement of air masses can cause windows to fog up.

Convection consists in raising the warm flow up, and the cold flow down. If the window were not located above the battery, it would freeze through, collecting condensate on the glass.

If something prevents the battery from heating the space above it, this is already considered a violation in the convection process. When deciding how to get rid of condensation on plastic windows, you should pay attention to the window sill. If it is too wide, the flow of warm air from the battery simply will not reach the windows.

You will either have to replace the window sill, or make holes in its plane so that the flow can move up.

double glazing

Too wide a double-glazed window very often leads to the formation of moisture from the side of the room. Oddly enough, if it is larger than 70 cm, it will interfere with other properties of the window. In this case, you will have to install good system air conditioning or change the window. That's why you should choose a normal profile.

Condensation on windows and freezing of double-glazed windows can be caused by the type of construction. Single-chamber varieties of windows in can even become covered with ice. This horrifies the owners. But that's how they act simple laws physics.

If the window has two glasses, they freeze through more than in a two-chamber one. In this case, the solution to the problem will also be replacing the window. It is better to purchase initially. Even if condensate collects on them for some reason, it will not freeze. Three glasses give more chances that the windows will not fog up.


It happens that the cause of the problem is a defect in one window. This can be seen if the same double-glazed windows are installed in all rooms, but only one of them sweats. But it will be difficult to determine how to remove condensation on plastic windows, if this problem is present in all areas of the apartment.

This cause of dew is quite rare. But if, nevertheless, the source of the problem is this, you should contact the company that installed the windows. Its representatives will inspect the double-glazed windows and, if necessary, eliminate the malfunctions. But before calling the wizard, you need to exclude the possibility of other causes.

If dew falls inside the double-glazed window, this indicates a clear installation or assembly defect. There are quite a lot of unscrupulous manufacturers today.

Elimination of heat loss to get rid of condensate

If the house where the owners live is old, it may have big losses heat. This shifts the dew point into the room. In this case, wall insulation will help get rid of the condensation problem. And it is much better if these actions are performed with outside walls.

If the apartment is cold, this may also be the answer to the question of being inside. The causes of problems can sometimes be sought in the operation of old radiators. Cast iron batteries it is recommended to rinse and clean well. You can replace them with new ones, but steel and aluminum will be less durable, although they have greater heat dissipation.

It is better to restore the old cast iron. In addition to existing heating install electric convector or underfloor heating. This will reduce condensation.

Better ventilation

If the apartment is warm, you need to check the ventilation system. Channel gratings must be well cleaned. Sometimes, in order to understand how to get rid of condensation on plastic windows, you should look at the layout of the neighbors from above. If they carried out the mine, it could simply be immured by them.

If the hood is functioning, the channels are not clogged, you can install a forced fan. It will, at the request of the owners, turn on and remove moisture as needed. For example, in the process of cooking or taking a bath, this is more relevant than at other times.

If it is not very cold outside, you can carry out ventilation.

It will also help to restore the correct microclimate in the room. In any case, condensation cannot be tolerated. This will not only lead to rapid wear of the windows, but will also have a bad effect on the health of the people living here.


If plastic windows have been recently installed in the dwelling or it is planned in the near future, preventive actions should be taken. This will increase the likelihood that condensation will not collect on the plastic windows from the side of the room.

To do this, it is necessary to establish the optimal thermal and ventilation conditions. It should reduce the ingress of moisture into the room (repair the roof, check the pipes in the basement, eliminate other leaks).

If the house is old, it is necessary to insulate the walls from the outside. Keeping the number of plants is also unacceptable. When cooking and taking a bath, forced ventilation should be used.

If the radiators are not functioning well, they should be cleaned or replaced. It is important to provide for the use of additional heaters in the winter and off-season period.

Having found out how condensation forms on plastic windows from the side of the room, you can find a way to get rid of such a problem. In each specific case, a number of measures should be taken to facilitate the disappearance of dew from the glasses. Condensation cannot be tolerated. This will lead to health problems, as well as to the rapid failure of windows. By choosing The right way, you can get rid of condensate quickly and efficiently.

dew drops on window glass cold weather is a common problem. The opinion that wet windows inside the apartment is normal is erroneous. There are specific factors, after the elimination of which everything will return to normal again.

Condensation is the result design features double-glazed window. Hermetically sealed windows, on the one hand, are comfort, warmth, absence of noise, street dust and soot, drafts. On the other hand, blocking natural ventilation through window frames, which can lead to permanent fogging of the glass. Reasons why it is necessary to eliminate condensate from the inside of the window:

  • unfavorable atmosphere in the apartment in the form of high humidity and poor ventilation can cause respiratory diseases;
  • high moisture content in the air will damage furniture, wallpaper and other materials;
  • water that has formed on the windowsills can cause the formation of mold and fungus, which are very harmful to health: their appearance in the children's room is completely unacceptable;
  • in winter time water quickly turns to ice;
  • misted windows look unattractive, collect dust and dirt.

High humidity due to condensation creates an unfavorable atmosphere in the apartment

According to building codes 2.04.05-91, the average temperature in residential premises should be 20-22 degrees. The approximate moisture content is 30-45%. Under such conditions, condensation will not form on PVC windows, it will become comfortable to be in the apartment, it will be easy to breathe. If water continues to collect on the glass, this indicates a poor microclimate, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause.

To better understand why condensation collects, let's deal with the term dew point. This is the temperature at which steam becomes water. The lower the humidity level in the room, the lower the dew point will be. The index is influenced by the following factors:

  • the density of materials in the "stuffing" of the wall;
  • temperature outside the window and inside the room;
  • humidity outdoors and at home.

At the dew point, moisture can settle inside the room both on the wall and on the windows. Accordingly, the problem is wall structure, double-glazed window or appears for external reasons.

During contact with a cool surface, the vapor becomes a liquid. Condensation forms because plastic windows are the coldest objects in the apartment. This is about winter period- it is at this time that the problem of moisture on the glass becomes relevant. There is always a certain level of humidity in the air. In the process of washing, cooking, taking water procedures, wet cleaning, this figure increases. The optimal microclimate in the room is supported by the ventilation system. It is mandatory for both private and multi-apartment buildings.

To maintain an optimal microclimate in the apartment, it is better to take care of the ventilation system in advance.

At first glance, useless, small barred holes in the kitchen and bathroom perform an important function - the air gets rid of excess moisture. If the ventilation efficiency is reduced, this will cause condensation to form. You can try to get rid of it:

  • First of all, check the operation of ventilation. To do this, take a lighter, a lit match or a candle and bring it to the ventilation grill. With a noticeable deviation of the flame towards the hood, proceed to the following steps. If the light burns directly, then the ventilation shaft is clogged, and you need to contact the utility.
  • It also happens that condensate on double-glazed windows occurs when the mine is ideally working. Check how well the room is ventilated in general - open the windows. If the kitchen is actively cooking, use electric hood. It is located above the stove. This is convenient fixture pulls out not only excess steam, but also strong odors. In winter, when you can't open the windows wide, kitchen hood is a real salvation.
  • If a lot of people live in the apartment, then it would be advisable to install an inlet valve in the bathroom and toilet. This device will force air out of the room. It will be possible not to worry about the quality of the "native" work.

If drops of water on the glasses form intermittently, pay attention to exactly when this happens. If during cooking or taking water procedures, an extractor hood will help get rid of condensation on the windows. If the windows fog up constantly, then the problem is different.

Ventilators - useful devices widely used in residential and industrial premises. The most common is the model mounted in outer wall.The design consists of:

  • air duct - plastic pipe through which air comes from the street;
  • a ventilation grill that protects the device from foreign particles;
  • the inner housing where the filter is installed.

The suction valve is usually installed in the outer wall

Inside the supply valve there is a sound insulation insulation that prevents the wall around from freezing and reduces the noise from the street. Some models are equipped with:

  • hygroregulation;
  • air temperature sensor;
  • fan;
  • air heater;
  • remote electronic remote control.

The air wall valve provides air flow up to 30 cubic meters per hour, which corresponds to the norm for one person. The supply of oxygen from the street will increase if there is less oxygen in the room. This explains the principle of operation of the valve - it occurs due to the created pressure drop. The device itself regulates the desired flow. Advantages:

  • no need to constantly open and close windows;
  • less noise is passed through than through ajar window sashes;
  • you can adjust the amount of incoming air;
  • the device is installed anywhere, for example, near the battery;
  • it is almost invisible in the room, it can be covered with a curtain.


  • you need to make a hole in the wall;
  • installation is carried out by a master, because errors will lead to freezing of the wall;
  • not suitable for regions with severe and prolonged frosts, because the room will become cold.

If you have sufficient experience in construction work, then the installation of the ventilator can be carried out independently. This will require: a marking tool, a diamond drill rig, glue, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, PVC film, a respirator, glasses. Select the location where the device will be located. This may be an area near a window, a radiator, or at the bottom of a wall. Drill a hole in the wall with a drill at a slope of three to four degrees so that moisture does not accumulate inside. On the inner surface of the wall, make holes for self-tapping screws to fasten the ventilator body. Try an air duct. Insert the pipe into the hole, mark the desired length, cut off the excess pipe.

A hole in the wall for the valve is made using a drill

Place a noise insulator inside the pipe, insert the pipe again into the hole. Attach it to the outside ventilation grill– partitions horizontally and downwards. Assemble the inner case, close it from the side of the room decorative grille screw it to the wall. Supply valve should be cleaned once a year, preferably in summer. To do this, remove the filter with insulation and rinse them. Wipe the inside of the pipe with a damp cloth, a large number of remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.

No time to mess with installation additional systems hoods or contact the Housing Office for cleaning works ventilation shaft? Try the simplest method - open the windows. First you need to measure the overall humidity in the room. If it exceeds 60%, then the problem is in the lack fresh air.

The easiest way to get rid of condensation is to open a window

All modern double-glazed windows made of plastic are equipped with a function that allows them to be depressurized or to arrange a mini-gap. It's handy when outside strong wind or frost. In order for a micro-gap to form between the sash and the frame, you need to turn the handle 45 degrees and pull the sash towards you. It will immediately become easier to breathe in the room, but there will be no draft.

Invisible assistant - ventilation valve

What to do if there is condensation on the windows, but there is no way to constantly ventilate the room? How better to be with a nursery, where the microclimate should be ideal? Install a special ventilation valve in the window. Advantages over an open window:

  • ventilation is on closed windows– protection against opening;
  • increase in service life window fittings– no need to constantly open and close the sashes;
  • ease of use and maintenance - it is enough to clean the device from dust once a year;
  • lack of draft - convenient in case a strong wind blows, for example, at night;
  • the ability to adjust the air flow from the street.

There are three types of ventilation valves. Slotted are further divided into automatic and mechanical. Easily installed without dismantling window blocks. The machine is interesting in that it has a built-in hygro-adjustment sensor. It monitors the change in the level of air humidity, opens wider or closes itself, up to the complete sealing of the window. It is convenient to use mechanics in tandem with a household hygrometer. You yourself monitor the level of moisture and adjust the position of the valve. For folding valves in the window unit, special cutouts are made. They let in less air than the slotted type, maintain the level of sound insulation, and cost less. Overheads give maximum air flow, require special installation.

To eliminate the cause of condensation, when choosing a ventilation valve, adhere to the following criteria:

  • the device must provide about 30 cubic meters of fresh air per hour per tenant, otherwise its action will be ineffective;
  • the maximum level of transmitted noise from the street - 35 dB;
  • the design must be adapted for the winter period;
  • the ability to regulate the air flow is important, because the temperature outside is changing.

You can also choose between window or wall mounted valves. It all depends on your budget and your preferences.

Fogging can occur due to the constant penetration of cold air inside. It greatly cools the glass, below them a crust of ice forms. How to get rid of condensate in this case? The places where the glass comes into contact with the frames are smeared silicone sealant. This procedure is suitable for both plastic and wooden windows.

Condensation can also occur due to the constant ingress of cold air into the room.

Special seals can be applied to the areas where the joints of the valves are located. For this, self-adhesive types are suitable. The fight against condensate on plastic windows is only advisable when it appears on them. inside. If the windows sweat from the street, this indicates the high quality of window glass.

The classic location of heating radiators in houses and apartments is under the windows. This arrangement is well thought out, because the windows are the coldest part in the house. They often cause drafts and lower temperatures in winter. Radiators located at the bottom give thermal curtain that rises up to the ceiling. This prevents the penetration of cold into the room. The direct action of hot air from the heating pipes prevents the windows from fogging up.

If you have wide window sills, they create a barrier to the heat that radiators provide. The windows get supercooled and water droplets appear on them.

In a wide window sill, you can make a ventilation hole

This is not a reason to abandon a wide window sill. Holes can be easily made in plastic or wood, thanks to which the flow of heat upwards will be restored. Buy suitable gratings in the shop building materials. Select desired design, size and color. Keep in mind that the strength of the window sill should not suffer, so it is better if the holes in it are narrow. The appearance of some models of lattices allows them to be used as decoration. There are adjustable types on sale that make it possible to block the hole in warm time of the year.

According to the size of the purchased gratings, cut holes in the window sill with a jigsaw or a fine-toothed saw. The markup should correspond not to the upper, but to the lower part of the lattice, because the first will close the cutout like a lid. First drill the corners, then use a hacksaw. Insert the grids into the holes, if necessary, fix them with self-tapping screws. If moisture still remains after the procedure, proceed to eliminate other possible causes.

Do windows fog up on the side of the slopes? The reason lies in their insufficient insulation. Cold turns steam into water. can be easily upgraded. To do this, remove the PVC panels from the slopes. They are easily pulled out if you pick them up and pull them out of the profiles. Carefully seal the space between the opening and window frame so that the inside of the slope is filled with mounting foam. Cut off the remaining material along the slope of the slope. Before the procedure, clean the surface of dust and moisten. Take large hollow places with mineral wool - it will serve as a heater. Put plastic panel slope into place.

If the windows fog up from the side plastic slopes, you should remove the panels and foam the space between the opening and the window frame

In case of drywall slopes design cannot be reused. To solve the problem, you will have to dismantle the old structure, insulate according to the instructions and install a new one. If the windows are single-chamber, it will not work to get rid of fogging. The reason is in the double-glazed windows themselves. In most cases, they are not able to provide sufficient thermal insulation due to insufficient air gaps. The problem is solved by forced heating of windows or by replacing them with new ones. quality windows PVC from several chambers.

Waiting for guests, and you need to quickly give a shining look to misted windows? Use auto chemicals. This is any anti-fogging spray designed for windows in a car. First rinse the window, dry and apply the product. After active kitchen chores, steam will not come out immediately. The windows will remain clean and beautiful for the entire time of receiving guests.

If you need to quickly get rid of condensation before guests arrive, you can use an anti-fogging spray for cars.

Another extraordinary way for those who love experiments. One of the materials is suitable for it: nichrome thread, conductive film, foil. Attach any of the materials around the perimeter of the window and run a current of 12-24V through it. A little heating will save you from two problems at once - fogging and freezing.

We get rid of moisture with minimal cost

Deal with moisture without extra costs candles or a fan will help. These methods will appeal to those who prefer natural and simple methods. They are convenient if the windows fog up only periodically. Place burning candles on the windowsill near the windows - thick ones are better, because. they burn longer. Fire will cause natural convection - excess moisture will gradually go away. Do not forget about safety measures, do not leave candles unattended at night. If you don't have time to figure out why condensation is forming, take an ordinary fan and put it on near the window so that the air stream is directed at the glass. It can be positioned to handle multiple windows at once. Use the device at minimum power.

A commonplace cause of wet glasses are indoor plants, if there are a lot of them on the windowsill. Any plant is a source of evaporation of moisture, which is released from the ground in a pot and from the surface of the leaves. The way out of the situation is simple - reduce the number of flowers on the window, leaving the least moisture-loving species. Move plants that need to be watered frequently. If you are an amateur grower and you like your windows to be decorated with lots of green "friends", improve the ventilation in the window area.

Fogging windows is a common occurrence, and you should not wait for it. It is enough to carry out simple preventive measures so that it does not appear:

  • keep comfortable temperature regime in room;
  • provide a natural supply of fresh air;
  • insulate the building from the outside;
  • dry the basement, repair the roof;
  • install convection baffles on radiators.

Important in any business systems approach. You will make your home cozy if you try the basic methods in the complex.

Master of Architecture, graduated from the Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

Plastic windows perfectly fulfill their function: they perfectly retain heat, isolate street noise and keep the temperature in the room. But a frequent occurrence is the appearance of condensate on the glass in the cold season. Why do plastic windows sweat in winter and how to fix such a problem?

Causes and consequences of fogging windows

The cause of fogging windows is hidden in physical properties water. Being in a gaseous state, it is imperceptible, but when the temperature drops, the so-called dew point is reached, that is, water vapor passes into a liquid. It is in this case that condensation forms, which settles on plastic windows.

The reason for the deposition of moisture on the glass - high humidity

If the windows began to fog up from the inside, there can be only one reason - this is a defective double-glazed window. This element of the entire system must be sealed, and if this condition is violated, water vapor enters, where it settles on the inner glass when cooled. This problem is eliminated by replacing the double-glazed window, the frame can be left.

However, most often condensation forms on the outer surface of the window. Why do plastic windows sweat in winter and how to eliminate such a factor? There can be several answers to this question:

Subsequently, fogging leads not only to a violation of the view through the glass. Often this process provokes the occurrence of worse phenomena:

  • Freezing windows and the formation of frost on them.
  • High humidity is the cause of mold, rot and fungus.
  • Water and low temperatures gradually destroy the foam in the gap and break the tightness of the entire system and the house.

Constant fogging of windows can lead to mold growth

What to do with such negative influence And how to eliminate the causes of fogging windows?


If your windows are leaking, you need to establish the cause of the phenomenon. It happens that the situation arises as a result of placing a large amount on the windowsill indoor plants, which evaporate a large amount of moisture.

Window adjustment

You can make sure what is the cause by making a simple inspection of the entire window. The first thing to do is to check the correct adjustment of the flaps and the degree of their locking.. This is done in the following way:

  • You can feel a strong draft by running your hand along the window.
  • Set fire to a match or candle, if the light fluctuates, then the tightness is broken.
  • Paper is placed in the sash and locked. You can pull out the sheet without any effort.

If deficiencies are found, proceed with the adjustment. The sash is set vertically and horizontally with screws located on bottom loop.

To adjust the sashes, tighten the bolts located on the bottom hinge

The degree of pressing is regulated by eccentrics at the ends of the window, as well as by tightening the pressure plates.

Transfer to winter or summer mode carried out with the help of eccentrics

Do not forget about the seasonal adjustment of windows. To do this, the regulators turn the marker inward for the summer, and towards the street in the winter.

window sills

Often windows cry because of not proper circulation air during the cold season. The reason lies in the wide window sills, which block the access of warm air masses to the surface of the double-glazed window.

In this case, to normalize the circulation in the window sill, you need to drill several holes that will ensure normal access of heat to the glass.

Holes in the window sill allow warm air heat glass

You also need to pay attention to the grilles covering the heating radiators, perhaps they also interfere with air exchange.

slope finishing

If the window was installed with violations of technology (leaky gaps, the frame has moved), then you should contact the installer. Installers are obliged to fix such a problem free of charge.

An independent attempt to seal the gaps may not correct the situation, since the double-glazed window was initially installed incorrectly.

Finishing and insulation of slopes prevents fogging of windows

Another thing is with slopes. If finishing has not been done, it must be carried out immediately, otherwise it will lead to total destruction mounting foam in the gaps. In order for the windows not to cry, it is best to additionally insulate them using heat-insulating material (mineral wool, polystyrene or foam plastic).


Quite often, windows cry due to poor-quality or worn fittings. All mechanisms must function normally and smoothly lock the sash with normal pressure.

Damaged seal must be replaced

The seal must be carefully inspected. It should be elastic, without tears and cracks. If there is damage, and elasticity is lost, proceed to replace it.


The ventilation of the room must be approached very carefully. This is especially true for rooms with increased level humidity (kitchens, bathrooms), where windows sweat most often in winter.

After all, plastic windows completely seal the room and make it difficult for air to enter from the street. You can solve the problem of air exchange in the following ways.

Check existing ventilation for blockages. This can be done by lighting a candle near the channel exits. If the light does not deviate, then the hood does not work. The grids are removed and cleaned until normal functioning is restored.

However, apart from exhaust system ventilation must also be present. This issue is resolved by setting ventilation valves on the windows.

Fresh air ventilation can be ensured using a valve built into the handle

Today there are modern supply systems, installed in the window handle, they do not spoil appearance and provide an adequate supply of fresh air.

With the provision of a normal level of ventilation, the problem of high humidity is also eliminated..

thermal insulation

Single-chamber double-glazed windows are used in most non-residential premises, where thermal insulation is not so important. If such a double-glazed window is installed in the living room, then it will not provide proper heat conservation.

Thermal insulation of glass with film will not solve the problem of cold

You can fix the problem by insulating the slopes and applying an energy-saving film to the glass. But these measures will not ensure the preservation of heat in full.

Humidity level optimization

As mentioned above, this phenomenon can be eliminated by ensuring the normal ventilation of the rooms. However, if this does not help, then you can mount dehumidifiers under the windowsill. Such cartridges are inexpensive, and their efficiency is quite high..

Recent renovations can contribute to the increase in humidity in the room. Big square plastered surfaces evaporates a huge amount of moisture, which ventilation cannot cope with. This is a temporary phenomenon and as the walls dry, the humidity level returns to normal.

As a rule, these are the main reasons that windows cry in winter. When they are eliminated, the situation will normalize and there will be no problems with fogging.

Condensate on PVC windows, which accumulates after installation, an unpleasant fact that customers face. The reasons why this happens are sometimes quite difficult to determine.

It is not clear what caused the condensation to occur. In order to get rid of trouble once and for the rest of the time, it is necessary to know and understand the physics of this phenomenon. Having established the cause and got rid of it, you can enjoy the coziness and comfort in your home, which is created thanks to new plastic windows.

The physics of condensation, fogging windows

The reason that causes fogging of windows lies in the ordinary physical process that accompanies the transition of a liquid from one state to another during a decrease in temperature. This process is called moisture condensation. Air contains moisture in the form of vapour. high temperatures, and when lowered, it is able to hold much less liquid, and therefore it settles in those places where the temperature has the lowest value.

Since during a cold snap the glass surface has the lowest temperature in the apartment, condensation forms there. With high humidity, condensation on PVC windows can lead to a serious problem, which will result in wetting building structures which can lead to fungus. If the inside of the glass is too cold, this condensation can turn into frost.

Condensation on the windows, what to do?

The main cause of fogging is air humidity. Complete dehumidification of the air is almost impossible, and harmful. Normal human activity requires maintaining humidity at the level of 50-60%. This moisture content is maintained by constant ventilation. It is also necessary to control the temperature of the air inside the room. The higher it is, the less the window freezes and the less likely it is to form ice.

If you wonder why there was no condensation on the old windows, but there is on new plastic ones, then it is worth remembering that wooden frames are not so dense and are quite capable of passing air, and with it moisture. Therefore, it did not accumulate on the glass or between the frames. Plastic windows are so tight in closed position that all moisture in the form of steam remains in the room and settles on the coldest place - glass, turning into condensate. Natural ventilation during the installation of old wooden frames was laid down during the design, which is not used now.

Modern plastic or wooden windows with a tight porch are deprived of natural ventilation. To avoid oversaturation of the room with moisture, it is necessary to ventilate the room in compulsory order. Why condensation collects on plastic windows becomes clear already in the first, cold days. modern windows PVC are equipped with delicate ventilation systems, which allows you to timely reduce the humidity in the room. Air exchange in this case is carried out using the built-in micro-ventilation or air valve.

The problem of fogging or freezing occurs when, during construction or repair, a wide window sill is installed along with windows, which is subsequently cluttered with a mass of flowers. The flow of warm air from the batteries is blocked, which subsequently leads to condensation on PVC windows and their further icing. I would also like to note that flowers in poorly ventilated rooms are also a source of high humidity, which aggravate the process of fogging windows.

It should be noted that an important criterion for proper and stable air exchange is the presence natural system ventilation, or a high-quality working hood. Violations in the ventilation system or its absence can nullify all attempts to organize this process correctly. The result will be increased humidity in the room and condensation on the windows.During construction or renovation, Special attention pay attention to the issue of the device or reconstruction of the ventilation system.

The level of freezing of a window also depends on the double-glazed windows from which it is constructed. It is the double-glazed window that is the weakest element from the point of view of thermal physics, so choosing it you need to be the most careful. Currently, for the northern regions, 2-chamber double-glazed windows are used, consisting of three glasses, which include energy-saving glass. This fact has a significant impact on reducing the risk of condensation on PVC windows.

Features of a double-glazed window that affect the formation of condensate and ice

If you observe the distribution of condensate on the glass surface, you will notice that it is most of all on the edge of the double-glazed window, since this is the coldest place. Aluminum spacer frame freezes the fastest. In the case when you cannot organize normal heat exchange and sufficient ventilation in your apartment, you should pay attention to this fact. heightened attention and, order window frames with double-glazed windows, where the spacer frame is made of polymer material. This will minimize the chance of condensation.

Suppose you have already built or renovated your home, and you have condensation on the windows. How to get rid of it? There is a fairly simple way to get rid of it. Whatever modern instructions not attached to installed windows, most the best way was and remains - ventilation. This will make it possible to maintain the humidity in the room for required level. Depending on what level this moment there is humidity, it is necessary to take breaks between ventilation and be regulated. Using such methods, you will not depend on the mechanisms that are used in the design for these purposes.

How to get rid of condensation on plastic windows

A decrease in air temperature leads to the fact that condensation forms on PVC windows. This situation leads to the fact that water can collect and mold can appear. The reason for this situation is the difference in temperatures between the street, inside the package and the room. Moisture in the air of the apartment in the form of steam, under the influence of a sharp drop in temperature, settles in the form of condensate on the window glass and naturally flows down the frames with water. downgrade atmospheric pressure also plays a role in this process. However, this fact cannot be influenced, unlike other indicators.

Condensation on plastic windows, the causes of which must be identified in the first place, is easily solved by ventilation. Next, a survey of the premises and the construction of windows is carried out. There is currently modern design plastic window blocks, consisting of double-glazed windows, equipped with air conditioning elements. In order to prevent condensation, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  • It is necessary to increase the temperature in the room, this will move the dew point away and condensation will not form;
  • Insulate the slopes and walls next to the window, both inside and out. This should be done immediately, during the installation of PVC windows.
  • Do not install wide window sills, as they block the flow of warm air from the batteries. It is worth installing warm curtains over the windows, which will keep the heat in in winter;
  • Calculate correct amount double-glazed windows of your windows, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour place of residence;
  • Arrange constant and sufficient air conditioning;
  • Follow up proper thermal insulation window unit during installation;

During extreme cold, it is necessary to turn on additional heaters that will help increase the air temperature in the room and thereby delay the occurrence of condensation. However, it is worth remembering that this will be an insufficient measure if you do not first follow correct installation PVC window frames. They must be insulated around the perimeter from the inside and outside. This will make it possible to keep warm, but this will not be enough if in this case will not be organized correct system conditioning with forced exhaust or naturally.

An additional condition in order to avoid the occurrence of condensate may be the correct design of the thickness of the window block and the number of double-glazed windows. If your home is in northern regions, where severe and cold winters, then it is necessary to consider the option of 2-chamber window blocks. Condensation on plastic windows, which can be caused by a large temperature difference, is also removed using equipment above the windows warm curtains. This method will increase the temperature in the room and stop the appearance of condensate. Warm air, descending from top to bottom, will protect your window from the introduction of cold air.

Such problems are encountered in cases where not very high-quality materials are used in construction. window blocks, after installation of which, the thermal regime in the apartment is not observed, and the access of cold air lowers the temperature inside the room and leads to the formation of condensate on PVC windows. Having found out the reasons and analyzed the situation, you can easily get rid of this trouble with ordinary ventilation. In this simple way, you can maintain the heat balance of your home and feel comfortable and cozy.


The owners immediately pay attention when condensation forms on the plastic windows. . This unpleasant phenomenon not only spoils appearance windows, but also quite harmful, since excess moisture causes mold, can accumulate on the windowsill or soak into finishing materials that are unstable to moisture. Our article will tell you how to get rid of this phenomenon and its causes.

Why is condensation dangerous?

Condensation on windows is an unpleasant phenomenon. It spoils the appearance of the structure, preventing you from looking at what is happening outside the window, it can stain the curtains, soak into them. In addition, excessive moisture leads to the formation of both on the plastic itself, since it has microscopic pores into which dirt and fungus can clog over time, and on finishing materials located in the neighborhood - for example, on the plaster of slopes or wallpaper on the walls.

Mold will not only spoil the appearance of the room, and you will have to make repairs or constantly wipe the window from moisture to get rid of this possibility, but it is also dangerous for human health, especially if allergy sufferers or asthmatics live in the room.

Why does condensation form?

Condensation on the side of the room may form along different reasons, which must be installed, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of the problem that will appear every time there is a temperature drop on the street.

The most common causes of condensation on plastic windows are as follows:

  • Lack of ventilation in the room with high humidity. With wooden windows this problem does not arise, because they have the ability to breathe: passing moisture through themselves, they take it out into the street. The plastic construction does not have this ability, because it is absolutely tight. That is why, in order to cope with the problem, you will either have to ventilate the room as often as possible, or install a special valve on the windows for ventilation. In addition, you can check if the one provided in the apartments is working, and if not, restore its work. It should have good traction. You can check this by holding a piece of paper to vent. He should cling to him without falling to the floor.

Proper ventilation in the apartment

  • Condensation on plastic windows may appear due to being too wide. Due to the fact that such a window sill prevents proper air circulation from heater to the window, and the window is the coldest part of the structure, since outdoor cold directly affects its glass, drops may appear on the glass surface. This is especially noticeable if there are a lot of pots with plants on the windowsill, which, as a result of their vital activity, affect the appearance of condensate. In addition, moisture can spill out of the pots, and the earth also creates excessive dampness. In order for condensation to stop forming, the pots should be at a distance from the glass, and the window sill should be wide enough to allow warm air to rise unhindered and dry the glass.

For wide window sills need additional ventilation grilles for warm air access

  • If it consists of two glasses and has only one chamber, it cannot resist enough low temperatures and freezes quickly enough if the temperature is exceeded by 15-20 degrees. Because of the difference temperature indicators between the room and the street and the insufficient thickness of the window, the condensate will turn into frost, which, when warmed, will melt and end up on the windowsill. This problem can be solved only by replacing the double-glazed window with a thicker one, for example, a two-chamber one.
  • Errors were made while installing windows. In order for a double-glazed window to function correctly, it must be competent installation. Violations can be made during the installation process, for example, depressurization will occur, the distance between the wall and the window frame will not be sealed, the ebb is correctly installed, and their installation is done correctly. Sometimes such problems can be corrected, for example, by removing the ebbs and slopes, making the joints airtight (for this you can use mounting foam and sealant), re-installing the ebbs, but now observing the technology. Moisture, thus, will not accumulate and appear on the glass.

Plastic window failure

  • Another reason why condensation forms on plastic windows - This is a skewed window setup. If the structure has not been leveled, it may not close tightly. Because of this, the gaskets that are between the sash and the frame do not provide a sufficiently tight fit for the structure. Moisture passes through these cracks, can get cold air, as a result of which not only condensation will appear in the room, but also a draft or its rapid drying out is possible.
  • The use of low-quality fittings that cannot ensure a snug fit of the sash to the structure or allow you to adjust the sash. Replacing such fittings, as a rule, quickly solves the problem.
  • Use of low quality . If the seal is worn or initially does not differ high quality, it will allow moisture and cold air to pass through, as a result of which you will notice the appearance of condensation. You can get rid of it by replacing the seals in the windows.
  • Depressurization of a double-glazed window. If the double-glazed window has cracks or any defects, it was disassembled and dry air or gas escaped from there, it will accumulate condensate, including between the glasses. This problem is solved only by replacing the double-glazed window with a new one.

Knowing why condensation forms on plastic windows , you will be able to solve the problem by getting rid of its cause, so carefully study your window before starting to fight this phenomenon.

What to do if condensation appears between the panes?

Condensation at the bottom of the plastic window appears most often. However, sometimes you have to deal with such a phenomenon as the accumulation of moisture inside the double-glazed window. Most often, condensation appears between the panes when the double-glazed window is depressurized. This is due to several reasons:

  • The window was produced with violations of technology, purchased from an unverified manufacturer that produces defects.
  • During transportation, installation or operation, the double-glazed window was damaged, as a result of which cracks, chips could appear, the sealing layer of the sealant was removed, as a result of which the gas located between the glasses, or compressed air came out.
  • The double-glazed window was dismantled by the owner, was assembled back, but the gas escaped, while the double-glazed window was not hermetically sealed (after disassembly, double-glazed windows often lose their properties and need to be replaced).

The problem is only solved. You can do this both independently and by inviting a specialist. Do not be afraid of this procedure: it is done quite simply, does not cause difficulties, while a new double-glazed window, as a rule, is inexpensive and changes quickly enough - in less than an hour if the work is done by a professional.

How to get rid of condensation?

The question is how to remove condensation from plastic windows , set by any owner plastic construction which suffers from this phenomenon. There are several ways to deal with this phenomenon. First of all, you need to carefully study window construction and adjacent objects and parts of the structure. This will help establish the most probable causes the appearance of condensate, getting rid of the root cause, you will forever defeat the problem.

  • Ventilate the room with sufficient frequency. This will help make the air less humid. Airing should be done at least three times a day for 10 minutes, in winter you can reduce this procedure to 5 minutes.
  • It is better not to keep flower pots on the windowsill or move them as far as possible from the glass.

  • It is necessary to ensure that the curtains do not fit tightly to the heating devices located under the window. They can interfere with air circulation, causing windows to sweat.
  • An important role is played by the width of the window sill, therefore, if it is chosen incorrectly, you will have to replace the structure with a suitable size. Otherwise, condensation will appear constantly in winter.

Understanding why condensation forms on plastic windows , you can easily get rid of it. degree of effort and financial costs depends on what is the root cause of its occurrence. In any case, fixing the problem will be much cheaper than possible consequences that she can evoke.