Do-it-yourself crate for a metal tile. Lathing for metal tiles: the correct step and quantity calculation. Scheme of lathing for metal tiles from manufacturers

The modern construction industry offers a huge number of roofing materials to choose from. However, the most popular of them is still a metal tile, which combines functionality, practicality, and is relatively inexpensive. It is also used in the renovation of dilapidated houses, and in the construction of new private cottages. Installation of a metal tile is very simple, but only if the crate is properly made.

Arrangement of the crate

The boards that are harvested for the crate most often have completely different thicknesses and sizes. For example, a purchased package of boards, the thickness of which on the package is 3 cm, will consist of boards, the thickness of which will range from 2.5 to 3.5 cm.

And there is nothing wrong with that. Of course, you can buy special calibrated boards, but their price will be many times higher than usual. In general, in order to avoid problems when installing the crate, you should sort the purchased material in advance.

Sheathing boards will not be perfectly sized, and gauge boards are very expensive

It is very simple and fast to do this: no special skills are needed for sorting, and an error of 0.1-0.2 cm is insignificant. If this is not done, then the difference between the thickness will also mean a subsequent difference in the level of the installed lathing, which will lead to difficulties in laying tiles and uneven roofing.

Calculating the step, at first glance, may seem like a difficult task and requiring, if not professional knowledge, then at least a little bit of experience. But if you follow some rules and a certain technology scheme, everything should work out the first time.

The rules that pay attention to when calculating the step of the crate:

  1. The step depends on the specific type (brand) of corrugated board;
  2. The instructions from the manufacturer must indicate the distance between the planks. To determine this indicator, measurements are taken from the edges of both boards from above and below, and if the manufacturer for some reason did not provide instructions, everything can be measured independently;
  3. The distance between the primary elements is always the smallest;
  4. The step also depends on the angle of the roof itself, as well as on the protrusion of the coating from the very first parts of the bars;
  5. The calculations may be affected by the absence or presence of a gutter system on the roof of the house;

    When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the presence or absence of a drainage system, as well as its type.

  6. If the gutters are attached to the frontal board, then 3 cm can be added to the protrusion of the lathing bar. It affects the calculation of the pitch and the diameter of the gutters of the gutter system. For example, if this parameter is 9 cm, the protrusion of the bar will be less than if the gutter diameter is 12 cm.
  7. Measurement of the width of the roof (we are talking about its ledge) must be carried out either from the head board, or from the cuts at the rafters, if there is no such board. At the same time, how much you need to release the sheet of metal from the building to get the desired result will also depend on the roofing inclined angle;
  8. To determine the exact distance between 2 primary bars, you need to take or right and lo, or rafter (size - in the range from 130 to 150 cm), and put it on the rafter, and then calculate the distance between the wave edge and the lowest on the roof (1 and 2, to make it clearer). Of course, after this it is necessary to make an appropriate mark;
  9. The level is extended onto the coating (to its length), and the square is adjacent to the “front” (or the rafters in its absence - this has already been noted above), mark the point and the level to it, which is not difficult;
  10. From the edge of the main board, a line is drawn vertically to the above marked level. Marked;
  11. The thickness of the lowest plank should be at least 10% larger than all the others, as this will not allow the roof to sag subsequently;
  12. All other components of the crate are measured only from the edge of the secondary board (top, of course). All marks are made equal, according to the level of the profile itself. Every two rafters up, you need to make repeated marks (this is reinsurance, if suddenly the board turns out to be uneven);
  13. After laying 3-4 slopes, the rest of the crate can be safely laid on the slope: when installing subsequent rows, taking them from there will be much easier and more convenient than doing it going down;
  14. Boards going in a row should be as tightly attached to the ends as possible.

    Calculating a step under a metal tile is somewhat more difficult to do than under a corrugated board

An error in the calculations can be fatal: an incorrectly laid lathing will lead to the fact that it will simply be impossible to mount the roof. Be sure to consider this!

Landing points

To ensure a high rate of tightness of the metal roofing to the walls of the building and the chimney, a so-called apron is used. For the manufacture of this apron, the lower junction bars are used.

Such planochki are fixed on the pipe (along the edges of the walls) and mark the uppermost edge. Along the marked line with the help of a “grinder”, it is necessary to break through the strobe, which is immediately cleaned of dust and washed with water. Some builders also process the strobe hole with a primer, but this is a useless and pointless exercise. Better save.

Connection points must be securely sealed.

The apron begins to be attached from the bottom of the pipe. The bar is bent or cut to the desired size and inserted using self-tapping screws. In the same way, it is mounted on the rest of the machines, while you should not forget about overlaps of 13-15 cm in size - this will help to avoid roof leaks in the future.

The edge of the bar, which is inserted into the stub, must be sealed. A sheet of metal (flat) is laid under the lower part of the apron, which is designed to drain water that has fallen on the roof (its official name in the construction environment is a tie). A side is bent along the edge of the tie.

At the very top of the apron (internal) and tie, sheets of tiles are laid. You can do this with your own hands. After that, you can already proceed with the installation of an external aesthetic apron (or decorative - it doesn’t matter) and mounting the planks adjacent to the top. A decorative apron also adjoins directly to the wall, but is not mounted in a cut-out strobe, but directly to the wall itself.

Do not forget about the fire gap - this is an important element of safety

Lathing installation

Mounting the crate after the above tips will already be much easier:

Additional elements to increase the durability of the roofing

Installation of any type of roof requires an incredibly large number of different additional elements: on a complex roof, their total number can reach several hundred or even thousands!

It is worth giving an example of the most important additional elements that significantly affect the durability of the roofing:

  1. Eaves and ridge tiles (bituminous flexible roof is always mounted without it);
  2. Drainage system;
  3. Snow retention system.

In fact, snow retainers are ordinary “fences” that you can design yourself.

Eaves and ridge tiles contribute to the complete sealing of the elements of the roof, corresponding to its name (ridge and cornice, as you might guess from the name). If it is not provided for in the configuration, then these elements are covered with a simple shingle (shingle is an ordinary roofing sheet with several “tiles”).

However, the lining carpet in this case is used thicker and wider. In the described tile, by the way, the adhesive layer is much larger than that of the shingle. This is another important advantage of it.
The best option for a drainage system is PVC pipes with gutters located along all edges of the roof. Such a system is simple but organized. But unorganized - this is when water falls straight to the ground from a pitched roof.

The option is cheap, but the foundation will “undermine” and collapse at a rapid pace, due to which the operational life of the building itself will be significantly reduced. Naturally, this option can only be used for temporary housing.

Gutter systems are divided into several different types

Snow retention systems are just as essential as gutters. They are designed to ensure that snow falls from the roof evenly and in a clearly defined direction. In fact, the whole system is metal wide strips, which are usually matched to the color of the roof itself (and sometimes with the help of contrasts you can make a small design of the whole house: for example, black metal tiles, and snow-retaining metal strips - white).

It is simply physically impossible to make a high-quality roof without additional elements: it is categorically impossible to save on this, since the life of the house itself will be reduced for many years. Of course, not a single owner of suburban real estate wants this.


You can watch a video on how the crate is mounted under the roof of a metal tile.

One of the tasks of the roof lathing is to strengthen the spatial structure of the roof with its rigidity. The article contains information about the types of crates, their properties and features. After getting acquainted with the proposed material, you will know how the base device for tiles, slate, ondulin and other finishing coatings differs.

The main elements of the roofing system Source

Crate: purpose and features

The roof as part of the structure plays a dual role - it protects the living quarters from the vagaries of the weather, while being an important decorative element. The construction market offers a wide range of roofing materials that are equally good at coping with these two tasks. In order for the roof covering to lie correctly and reliably, a lot of preliminary work is done to prepare the base; one of its important parts is the crate.

It is customary to call a crate a structure that is mounted on top of the rafters (the main, supporting roof system) and is characterized by the following properties:

    Strengthens the roof structure, distributing the load from the roofing material and thereby extending the service life.

    May look like lumber gratings(stacked in various ways into a discharge) or continuous flooring, the design is given by the type of roofing material.

Arrangement methods Source

    Solid crate without fail, it is needed in those sections of the truss structure that receive the maximum (or, in the winter season, additional) load. As a rule, reinforcement is required for cornice overhangs, valleys, ridges and other places where slopes join.

    Made from boards(preferably edged and grooved), lumber, board materials or quality plywood. In recent years, a ventilated metal crate of a profile type has become widespread (special thin-walled girders with holes).

    Roof sheathing should be distinguished from counter-lattices. The function of the latter is the formation of a ventilation gap for the waterproofing layer. The counter-lattice is stuffed onto rafters protected by a hydro-barrier material.

Roof with a counter-lattice Source

Types of structures

The roof structure provides for one of two types of lathing - solid or sparse; which one to prefer, in each case is decided after choosing the finish coating. Features of these species are characterized by the following parameters:

Solid crate

Moisture-resistant sheet material (FSF or OSB) is laid with a gap not exceeding 1 cm. Such an indentation tab allows you to compensate for changes in the linear dimensions of the material during operation (expansion occurs with increasing humidity and air temperature and vice versa).

For the arrangement of a continuous crate, it is preferable to choose sheets rather than boards. The advantage of this choice is a perfectly flat surface, free from the drops that are inevitable when using boards. The solid base also has some disadvantages:

    Cost. Plywood and board material (OSB) are more expensive than boards, so the construction of such a base will increase the construction budget.

Solid plank board Source

    The appearance of condensate. Dense laying makes it difficult for air to circulate under the roof. If the ventilation gap is not provided, moisture will inevitably begin to linger in the roofing cake, which will adversely affect its quality and destroy the insulation (if provided).

    Need. A solid base is a technological necessity for shingles. For a metal tile, it is more logical to arrange a sparse crate, it will be more practical and economical.

sparse crate

Regardless of the design features of the roof, the optimal lumber for a sparse structure (for most roofing) is:

    Bar section 5x5 or 6x6 cm.

    Board for roof lathing 2-4 cm thick.

    Quality. A necessary condition is the choice of wood of at least grade 2. Knots and other imperfections in low grade lumber can eventually cause parts to break under the weight of the snow. Another condition is that well-dried wood should be purchased. Raw lumber will certainly begin to deform, and fasteners (nails, self-tapping screws) will loosen and begin to fall out.

Sparse crate Source

The step of the lathing, mounted in a row, is selected taking into account the selected finishing coating; it varies within fairly narrow limits. Such a base is suitable for laying ceramic tiles, corrugated slate, metal tiles.

About materials

In suburban housing construction, when constructing a base for a finishing coating, the following materials and their combinations are considered suitable:

Sheet (panel) materials

With their help, you can quickly prepare a large area, the resulting base is perfectly flat. When installing the roof, the following materials are used:

    fiberboard(fibreboard). A board material obtained from wood fiber raw materials in several ways (may contain resin additives). Products are marked by density and hardness.

    Chipboard(chipboard). The product is obtained by hot pressing a mixture of chips and resin. Slabs can have one or more layers and varying flexural and deformation strengths.

The use of sheet materials saves time Source

    OSB(oriented strand board). Multilayer material; in each layer, chips mixed with resin are arranged in different orientations. This manufacturing feature provides high practical reliability, due to which OSB sheets more often than others serve as the basis for the finishing coating.

    FSF. Obtained by gluing sheets of veneer (thin sheets of pine or birch wood). This type of plywood is characterized by high water resistance and wear resistance, which allows it to be successfully used in roofing installation.

Advantages of using sheet materials:

    The best option for soft roofing materials.

    budgetary price.

    Plates raised to the roof easy and quick to mount.

The disadvantages include the following features:

    Slabs, like any wooden material, need pretreatment antiseptic and flame retardant.

    Installation of the roof sheathing is carried out in dry weather, otherwise the moisture-impregnated sheets are most likely deformed.

    Plates not very comfortable lift to the roof.

Installation of OSB board Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer roof repair services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Board and timber

Lumber, which serve as the main raw material for arranging the crate. Their characteristics are subject to the following conditions:

    Optimal choice. Edged or tongue-and-groove board; it is desirable to choose products from coniferous wood with a moisture content not exceeding 20%. An economical option is a slab, which is laid flat side up.

    Rrecommended to use products notwider than 15 cm- wider ones are more susceptible to warping.

    Basic fastening rule: when organizing a continuous crate, a gap of 3-5 mm is left; for a sparse crate, the fastening step is calculated in advance.

    Fasteners. For fastening to the rafters, nails are used; their length is selected as twice the thickness of the board (beam).

    For a construction with a wide truss pitch (more than 80 cm) board for the roof is more practical and reliable replace with beam(with dimensions from 5x5 cm). For a counter-lattice, a 3x5 cm beam is taken.

Ways of fastening the board and timber Source

    Lumber is not only dried, but also processed to protect against rot and insect pests.

The advantages of using lumber are their budgetary cost, environmental friendliness and low weight, which makes it easy to climb them to the roof. The negative points of use are:

    The need for professional styling skills.

    Mandatory additional processing to protect against mold and insects.

    Possibility of deformation in wet conditions. To exclude this possibility, laying the battens and roofing is carried out in dry weather.

Video description

About the intricacies of mounting the roof in the following video:

Metal for framing

A metal profile crate is recommended for structures with a slope length exceeding 6 m, as well as for buildings with an increased level of fire hazard. The metal structure can only be sparse; it is assembled from pipes of a suitable section, channels and I-beams; made of steel (stainless or galvanized). The elements are fastened with self-tapping screws or welding (the latter is possible if the truss structure also consists of metal elements). The metal crate on the roof has many advantages:

    Dimensional accuracy. The use of a metal frame minimizes the mistakes that even professional builders make when installing a complex structure (for example, an attic floor).

    Extended Applications. The design is suitable for arranging roofs of a large area (with long slopes), including for industrial buildings.

Using a hat profile Source

    Increased strength. The characteristic affects not only the service life, but also the resistance of the system to wind and snow loads.

    Deformation resistance with changes in temperature and humidity.

    Corrosion resistance. Construction details are covered with modern polymer compounds that reliably protect the metal from moisture.

    Assembly of the structure is allowed in all weather conditions.

The obvious disadvantage is the cost of the metal crate and the complexity of the installation work - its arrangement will require the involvement of specialists with metalworking and welding skills.

Video description

About the calculation of the crate step in the following video:

Calculation of the cost of the crate

The calculation of the crate is included in the overall calculation of the roof; it is carried out on the basis of the initial data - roof parameters, design features of the truss system, construction materials and roofing. There are a number of calculators on the internet that will give you an average estimate of the cost of a project (the more complex the roof, the closer the numbers will be).

To calculate the crate, it is proposed to enter its characteristics: the width and thickness of the board, as well as the distance between the boards. But for this you need to have preliminary calculations, which take into account not only the cross section of the board or beam, but also other parameters, including the type of crate.

In order for the planning of the required amount of materials to be accurate, it must be carried out by a specialist who is able to take into account all the variables and the specifics of the roofing materials. The quality of fastening of the finishing coating depends on how accurately the calculation is carried out and the step of the bearing part is chosen.

An important part of the roofing pie Source

The influence of roofing on the lathing device

The correct roof sheathing is always designed taking into account the properties of the selected finish; it also sets the type of bearing part and defines the installation rules.


Asbestos-cement slate (sheets of flat or wavy shape) has been one of the most popular roofing for decades, due to its low cost, ease of processing and durability. The step of the crate when calculating the slate roof is selected individually, it is affected by the thickness of the sheet and its linear dimensions; it varies from 50 to 75 cm. The cross section of the beam ranges from 5 to 8 cm. Regardless of other parameters, the following rule is observed during installation: three beams serve as a support for each sheet. This is enough to maintain the rigidity of the roof under any load (movement of a person or snow cover).

Video description

About the installation of plywood under soft tiles in the following video:

metal tile

The structure for a roof made of metal is manufactured and assembled according to the same rules as for slate. Only the dimensions differ: the cross section of the bars is 5-6 cm. The choice of the distance between the bars is influenced by their thickness and the angle of the roof, usually it does not go beyond 30-40 cm. The step between the last two elements is reduced by half.

Laying metal tiles on a prepared base Source

Roof tiles

Piece roofing material, according to the manufacturing method, is divided into natural (ceramic), cement-sand and polymer-cement varieties. Tiled flooring is deservedly valued for its external aesthetics and wear resistance. When erecting a roof, the main complicating factor is the weight of the material (depending on the grade, the weight of 1 m 2 reaches 50-60 kg).

This feature makes it necessary to build a reinforced truss frame and the same strong crate; this takes into account the angle of inclination of the roof and the recommendations of the manufacturer (the value of the covering length). Usually bars with a cross section of 5-6 cm cope with the task, the step falls in the range from 32 to 38 mm.

Laying ceramic tiles Source

seam roof

Roofing from sheet or rolled galvanized steel is considered one of the most hermetic ways of arranging a roof. For a folded roof, both solid and sparse crates can be used:

    solid. It is selected if the structure has a complex shape or the roof slope is in the range of 3-14°.

    sparse. Selectable for roofs with a standard shape or with an angle greater than 14° and saves on materials.

For rebate coverage, an important step is the calculation of the pitch. Exceeding the allowable value will lead to the appearance of coating deflections; the roof will take on a wavy appearance, which is not good both from an aesthetic and functional point of view. To install the crate, a board 3.2 × 10 cm or a bar 5x5 cm is chosen, they are mounted in increments of 20 to 40 cm. A continuous crate is arranged along the intersection lines of the slopes and along the edge.

Laying seam roof Source

Soft roof (flexible tiles)

Soft coatings have an acceptable cost and a relatively short service life. The peculiarity of using a soft roof is simple installation work (due to the low weight of the material) and the installation of a two-layer continuous crate. Such a bearing part must fulfill two conditions:

    Provide strength, which should be enough to support the weight of a person and the expected precipitation in this region. A board that satisfies these conditions should not be thinner than 4 cm.

    Ensure Reliability(protection against leakage). To make the surface as smooth and without cracks as possible, it is recommended to choose edged (higher quality) and tongue-and-groove lumber, as well as plywood. When laying, it is necessary to achieve the tightest fit of the elements.

Laying a soft roof Source

Ondulin (Euroslate)

The parameters of the roof sheathing for ondulin are also determined by the angle of inclination of the slopes:

    Tilt angle less than 10°. Solid flooring is installed.

    Tilt angle 10 to 15°. A sparse crate of bars with a section of 4-5 cm is mounted; laying is done in increments of 4-5 cm.

    Corner exceeds 15°. Step increases to 6 cm.

Roll materials

Soft roll materials (the most popular - roofing felt) are easy to install; they make it possible to cover a large area in a short time, both on flat and sloping roofs. As a reliable basis for flexible roll coatings, it is preferable to equip a continuous crate with a distance between elements not exceeding 1 cm.

Laying ondulin Source


Typical mistakes made during the design and installation of the crate are divided into two groups:

    constructive. Often, when installing the battens, they do not take into account the angle of inclination of the roof and choose the wrong step size. It would also be a mistake not to use the manufacturer's recommendation and set an increased step. The consequence of such a decision will be a sloppy appearance of the roof. If a metal tile is chosen as a finishing coating, the joining of individual sheets will be disrupted, which will eventually lead to leaks.

    Mistakes when choosing materials. The desire to save often leads to the opposite effect. It is not recommended to purchase raw or uncut lumber (with bark). In such wood, carpenter beetles feel especially good.

In order for the roof of your house to be a reliable structure that protects from rain, snow and wind, all design and installation work must be done by professionals who will do everything quickly, efficiently and issue a guarantee.

The use of corrugated board allows you to equip a high-quality, functional roof. To ensure the reliability and durability of the coating, it is important that the crate under the corrugated board is correctly calculated and correctly mounted.

Profiled sheet features

Decking is a fairly light and durable roofing material made of steel sheet. The rigidity of the profiled sheet depends on the thickness of the metal, as well as on the depth and configuration of the profile, the width of the corrugation. The step of the lathing on which this material is attached directly depends on the characteristics of a particular brand of corrugated board, the angle of inclination of the roof, and the expected operational loads.

The greater the height of the profile, the higher the maximum load that the profiled sheet can withstand.

The device of the lathing for corrugated board requires the use of wooden beams or boards laid close or in a row perpendicular to the rafters. This design provides the necessary strength of the roof, its resistance and uniform distribution of external loads.

It is mounted during the construction of roof systems made of wood or metal, as well as on roofs with a slight slope, made of reinforced concrete slabs. The installation of a wooden crate under the corrugated board is carried out using staples, nails, self-tapping screws, dowel-nails, depending on the material of the truss frame or the roof base.

Principles for calculating the lathing for corrugated board

Like most roofing, the profiled sheet is attached to the crate. The step of the crate for corrugated board is specified in building codes. The SNiP specifies the requirements for this parameter, based on the angle of inclination of the roof slope:

  • with a minimum roof slope for the installation of corrugated board, a continuous crate is required, or a crate with a pitch not exceeding 400 mm (the choice depends on the thickness of the metal and the grade of the material used);
  • with an average slope, the wooden base can be mounted in increments of 300 - 650 mm;
  • if the roof has a large slope angle, the step can be up to 1000 mm;
  • individual grades of corrugated board with high rigidity can be mounted with a lathing step of up to 300 or 400 mm if the slope angle is more than 8 degrees.

When designing a roofing system, you should decide in advance on the material of the finish coating. Manufacturers of corrugated board in the accompanying documentation indicate the requirements for laying a particular material. It is recommended to carry out the calculation of the crate for corrugated board, in accordance with the parameters specified by the manufacturer (they do not go beyond the requirements of SNiP).

In private construction, corrugated board with a profile 35 mm high from a steel sheet 0.6-0.7 mm thick is often chosen. Such material can be mounted on a purlin in increments of up to 1.5 meters, while the roof is designed for a load of up to 600 kg per square meter. On such a roof, you can fearlessly move during cleaning or repair, but it should be noted that this structure of increased strength is somewhat more expensive than a roof made of corrugated board of less rigidity.

If it is planned to use corrugated board with a profile height of 21 mm or less, the step of the sheathing under the corrugated board should be minimal, or a continuous sheathing is mounted. This roofing material is not designed for high loads, it requires a solid base to avoid deformation of the sheets.

A profiled sheet with a profile height of 44 mm or more is practically not used in private construction, since this material is intended for arranging the roof of industrial buildings.

Preparation of material for the crate

To calculate the amount of lumber required, you need to know the length and width of the slope, as well as calculate the step. In addition, it should be noted that two boards should be mounted at the ridge and cornice to ensure the necessary strength of the roofing. Reinforcements are also required for junctions with chimneys, dormer windows, ventilation ducts, etc. Another 10% should be added to the result of the calculations, since during the installation process the lumber will have to be cut to the required size and some will go to waste.

The cross section of the bar should be at least 50 × 50 mm. Also, the crate can be made of edged or unedged boards with a thickness of 50 mm. It is required to use well-dried lumber. It is recommended to use bars and boards made of spruce, pine, beech, alder. The material may not be jointed, but attention should be paid to the straightness of its surfaces.

Boards and beams should not be warped, if necessary, the surface of the elements should be corrected.

The crate for corrugated board is operated in conditions of high humidity, so there is a high risk of damage to wooden elements by fungus and microorganisms. To prevent wood decay, lumber must be treated with antiseptics. It is also necessary to fire-prevention treatment of roof elements. Today, special formulations for fire and bioprotection are produced, which allow both types of processing to be carried out at a time.

It is allowed to process a ready-made crate, but the roof structure will be much more effectively protected if it is assembled from elements pre-impregnated with a high-quality fire-retardant compound.

Lathing installation

How to make a crate for corrugated board? First of all, you should pay attention to the structure of the roofing pie of the pitched roof, if corrugated board is used as a finishing coating. On top of the rafters, it is required to lay waterproofing from roofing material or a special waterproof membrane. Roofing from a profiled sheet requires high-quality ventilation, therefore, along the rafters, on top of the waterproofing, it is necessary to fill the bars with a section of 50 × 50 mm - the counter-lattice makes it possible to create the required ventilation gap.

The crate is attached to the counter-crate. To do this, boards or bars are stuffed parallel to the eaves strictly horizontally. To simplify installation, it is recommended to pull the rope, fastening it along the edges of the ramp and checking its horizontalness, it is better to use a wooden template. The crate is attached to the wooden bars of the counter-lattice with staples or nails; if metal elements are used, self-tapping screws should be used. It is attached to the concrete base of the roof using dowels.

In the lower part of the slope, parallel to the eaves, the main board of the crate is attached, its thickness should be greater than that of the other elements. The thickness of the board is selected based on the height of the profiled sheet, as well as the length of the fasteners used, with which the outer side of the roofing sheet is fixed. At the ends of the roof slope, it is necessary to install wind boards. Their surface should be higher than the other elements of the crate, to the height of the corrugated board profile.

The installation of the crate under the corrugated board is then carried out in the direction from the bottom up. Each bar is attached to each rafter by one nail. To fasten the board to each rafter, two nails should be used along the top and bottom edges to avoid the board turning out with damage to the roofing under high loads. Dock the elements of the crate along the length should be on the rafters, securing each of the ends with nails or staples. On one rafter leg, the crate of adjacent tiers should not be joined.

Sheathing for corrugated board: step, device, how to make, calculation, video

The device and step of the crate under the corrugated board. How does the brand of corrugated board affect the choice of pitch and section of the crate. Video on editing technology

How to make a roof sheathing for corrugated board - we take into account the step and installation rules

With the help of a profiled sheet, you can build a beautiful and fairly reliable roof. In this article, we will talk about how to make a crate for corrugated roofing and calculate the amount of material for it.

Characteristics of the profiled sheet

They make corrugated board from durable sheet steel, so that the output is a fairly reliable roofing material. The thicker the steel, the stronger and more durable the corrugated board is. In addition, its characteristics are also affected by the profile shape and wave height.

The step of the crate for the profiled sheet should be chosen based on the individual characteristics of the material of a certain brand, the slope of the roof slopes, as well as the possible loads on the roof.

As the height of the corrugation increases, the maximum allowable load on the material also increases.

Installation of the crate under the corrugated board is carried out from a planed board or beams, which are attached perpendicular to the direction of the rafters. The crate can be either lattice or solid - it all depends on the type of roofing material. This stage allows you to evenly distribute the load on the roof, as well as increase its service life.

In the case of the construction of shed roofs, as well as when creating a frame for a roof from metal or wooden rafters, a crate is always mounted for the subsequent laying of roofing material.

The roof lathing is fastened under the corrugated board with the help of self-tapping screws, staples, dowels and nails - it all depends on the material from which the rafters or the roof base are made.

How to calculate the roof sheathing

The step of the lathing for corrugated board is determined by building codes.

According to SNiP, there are the following restrictions:

  • If the slope of the slopes is very small, most likely, a continuous crate for corrugated board will be required, or its step should be no more than 40 cm - the distance between the boards depends on the grade and thickness of the material.
  • The slope of the slopes of medium size suggests that the step of the runs under the profiled sheet can vary within 30-65 cm.
  • On roofs with a sufficiently large slope between the boards of the crate, there may be gaps of up to 1 meter.
  • Some brands of profiled sheet are characterized by increased rigidity. For fastening such material on roofs with a slope of 8º, the crate can be fastened in increments of up to 3-4 meters.

It is worth choosing the material for covering the roof in advance, since the instructions for it indicate the rules for its installation. It is advisable to adhere to the standards recommended by the manufacturer, according to which the calculation of the crate for corrugated board is made.

Quite in demand for overlapping private houses is a profiled sheet with a wave height of 35 mm and a steel thickness of 0.6-0.7 mm. In this case, the crate is fastened with a gap of 1.5 meters between the planks, and the calculated load on the material is about 600 kg per 1 m 2. Therefore, in order to clean or repair such a roof, you can walk on it fearlessly. However, such a hard material is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it.

In the case of using material with a corrugation of 21 mm or less, the shed roof lathing under the corrugated board must be laid with a minimum step, or be solid. This is due to the low values ​​​​of the allowable load on the material.

The most durable will be a profiled sheet with a thickness of more than 44 mm. However, it is used mainly in industry, but not in private construction.

How to make preparation

In order to determine the dimensions of the crate for corrugated board, you should measure the width and length of the slopes and calculate the pitch. Please note that additional strength to the frame on the eaves and ridge can be achieved by laying a double layer of boards. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the places where dormer windows, ventilation ducts, chimney and other structures will be located. To the calculated amount of material for the crate, you must add 10% for waste.

The thickness of the lathing under the corrugated board should be at least 50 mm, in this case, a cut or unedged board or timber with a section of 50 × 50 mm is suitable. To prevent damage to the roofing material, the wood for the batten must be dry. The optimal wood species are alder, beech, spruce and pine. It is important that the board is as flat as possible.

While working, pay attention to the surface quality of the lumber - they should not be deformed or bent.

Since during the operation of the roof, the wooden parts of the frame can be damaged by fungus or microorganisms, before further installation of the roofing material, the truss system and the crate must be treated with antiseptic agents. Additionally, wood should be treated with fire retardants. Currently on sale you can find compounds that combine these types of protection.

Of course, it is best to carry out the processing of lumber even before the installation of rafters and battens, so you can be sure that all surfaces are carefully protected. However, it is also possible to apply a protective coating on an already installed frame.

Fastening the crate under the corrugated board

In order for the roof to be reliable and durable, it is necessary to install the correct crate under the corrugated board. Before starting work, special attention should be paid to the structure of the roof pie. To protect the rafters from destruction under the influence of moisture, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing layer of roofing felt or a water-impervious membrane on top of them. A 50 × 50 mm counter-lattice, placed over the rafters, will create ventilation gaps so that the roof frame is blown through and does not start to rot.

The main crate is attached to the counter-lattice. It consists of bars or boards nailed parallel to the roof eaves. For convenience, you can pull the rope so that you can control the horizontal installation of the boards. However, it is still better to use a wooden template.

To fix a wooden crate, it is customary to use nails or large building brackets, but in the case of a metal frame, self-tapping screws will be required. If the base of the roof is made of concrete, you will need dowels.

First, at the lowest point of the roof slope, the main board of the crate is installed strictly parallel to the edge. In thickness, it surpasses all other elements of this design. This parameter is determined by the height of the wave of the corrugated board and the length of the fasteners with which the roofing material will be fixed on the crate. The end parts of the roof will require the installation of wind boards (read also: “Why do I need a wind board for corrugated board and how to install it correctly”). In height, they will exceed all other details of the crate by the size of the corrugation of the profiled sheet.

Fastening boards for roof lathing for laying corrugated board is carried out starting from the lowest point towards the ridge. The bars are nailed to each rafter with one nail - that's enough. But for reliable fastening of the boards, two nails will be required for each rafter, because due to the greater width than that of the bars, they can turn out, which will lead to deformation of the roofing material. Along the length, two adjacent elements must be joined on the rafter leg using nails or staples. Please note that joining elements of adjacent tiers should not be performed on the same rafter.

Roof sheathing for corrugated board: how to make a calculation, installation step, thickness and dimensions of the correct sheathing

Roof sheathing for corrugated board: how to make a calculation, installation step, thickness and dimensions of the correct sheathing

Sheathing for corrugated board - the basis of the roofing system

At first glance, it may seem that the main element of any pitched roof is the rafters. But this statement can be safely argued. The main function of the truss system is to transfer the load to the supporting building structures, that is, the walls and foundation of the building.

External loads acting on the roofing system are very high. These are hurricane winds, and heavy rains, and heavy snowfalls. But all of them, first of all, affect the roofing attached to the crate. Therefore, it is the roof lathing under the corrugated board, in fact, that is the main element of the roof structure.

It is the destruction of the crate under the corrugated board due to errors in the calculation or poor quality of installation that leads to sagging of the roof, violation of hydro and thermal insulation, and even to the collapse of the roof. A greater disaster, especially if it happens in cold, inclement weather, is hard to imagine. Therefore, the device of the crate under the corrugated board must be carried out with special care and accuracy.

What material to use for the crate under the corrugated board?

A crate for a profiled sheet is called a special frame, which is designed for fastening steam and waterproofing, insulation and roofing. The crate is made of wooden or metal structures.

Metal lathing for corrugated board is used more often for roof frames of industrial buildings and, much less often, for cold non-insulated roofs. This is due to the greater bearing capacity, strength and durability, compared with wooden options.

The rafter system and the crate of individual residential buildings are usually made of wood. A wooden crate for corrugated board is much cheaper than a metal one and, importantly, much easier to install.

For the device of the crate, a wooden beam measuring 40x50 or 50x50 mm is usually used, or a cut board with a thickness of at least 20 mm. In the latter case, as a rule, a board of 30x100 mm is taken.

Its strength depends on the size of the lumber used for the manufacture of the crate. These dimensions are determined when calculating the bearing capacity of the entire roofing system. So, for example, the dimensions of a wooden beam for a lathing significantly depend on which step of the rafters and the step of the lathing for corrugated board are chosen. The larger it is, the thicker the timber or board should be.

Lathing under the profiled sheet - types and design features depending on the slope

There are two main types of lathing used in the construction of residential buildings - it is solid and sparse. The device of a continuous crate is already determined by its very name - boards or bars in it are mounted close to each other. Usually, to save material, a continuous crate is made from a board.

In a sparse crate, the bars are installed perpendicular to the rafters at certain intervals. These gaps are the so-called step of the crate under the corrugated board. It depends on the height of the wave or the trapezium of the corrugated board, which determine its own bearing capacity.

For example, the pitch of the crate for C21 corrugated board should be at least 300 mm with a relatively small slope of 7-8 °. At the same time, the greater the angle of inclination, the greater the step and the less bearing capacity the corrugated board should be. In particular, the crate for S-21 corrugated board with a roof slope of more than 15 ° should be in increments of 650 mm, which is more than twice as large as in the previous case.

The table below shows the data on the required distance between the boards for the most popular brands of corrugated board and for two slope options.

The calculation of the crate for corrugated board is made on the basis of the planned slope and grade of the profiled sheet. In addition, the coefficients of wind and snow loads for areas with special operating conditions are taken into account without fail. In particular, for areas with frequent and strong winds, it is recommended to significantly reduce the step of the crate, up to a twofold reduction.

It should be borne in mind that the crate for the profiled sheet is only the top layer of the roofing pie, to which the corrugated board is directly attached. In addition to it, there is also the so-called counter-lattice.

It is made of timber 30-40 mm thick and serves to create a ventilation gap under the roofing sheets. The bars of the counter-lattice are fastened over the vapor barrier laid on the rafters along the rafter legs, and the crate itself is already attached to them.

Lathing for corrugated board - installation features

Installation of the crate under the corrugated board has its own characteristics, which are regulated by building codes. Before construction, they must be studied without fail, because after reading these standards, you will know how to make the crate under the corrugated board reliable and durable.

So, according to the requirements of building codes, all wooden roof structures must be subjected to antiseptic treatment. This is especially important for the crate. If the rafter system is located in a ventilated under-roof space and, moreover, is additionally protected by waterproofing, then the crate for roofing corrugated board is separated from the surrounding air only by the profiled sheet itself.

In addition, humid outside air constantly circulates in the under-roof ventilation gap. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the antiseptic treatment of wooden crate structures.

This is all the more important due to the fact that the roof lathing under the corrugated board is not available for inspection during impossible periodic revisions of the truss system. From the inside, it is closed with a layer of vapor barrier and insulation, and outside - with a profiled sheet. Therefore, it will be possible to see only the results of its destruction from exposure to moisture. At the same time, the elimination of such consequences will require an expensive overhaul of the roof.

It is also important to take into account the peculiarities of installing the lathing in the region of the roof ridge, on the cornices, gables and junctions with smoke and ventilation ducts through the roof.

At the top of the roof, at the junction of the rafter legs, the boards for the profiled sheet are nailed close to each other. In places of passages of chimney and ventilation pipes, additional boards or bars are installed. Aprons are already attached to them, providing additional tightness of the roof in these places.

Before making a crate for corrugated board on gables and cornice overhangs, it is imperative to prepare and install the so-called wind boards. They reinforce the crate and protect the roof from possible separation during strong gusts of wind. Wind boards should be thicker than the boards of the rest of the crate.

When starting to install the crate, it must be remembered that for its fastening it is necessary to use nails, the length of which is 3 times the thickness of the board or crate beam. Only in this case, the attachment points are guaranteed to withstand any wind loads.

Fastening the profiled sheet to the crate

The fastening of the corrugated board to the crate is carried out with special roofing screws with a sealing rubber gasket. On the slope of the roof, the self-tapping screw is screwed into the lower wave or trapezium of the profiled sheet. This ensures the tightest fit of the coating to the crate and minimizes the possibility of leakage at the attachment point. In places where the ridge is attached, it is attached to the crate through the upper wave of the corrugated board as shown in the figure.

Having made the necessary calculations and following all the above recommendations, you will be able to independently mount a really reliable crate for corrugated board, which will not require any additional investments during the entire life of the roofing.

Lathing for corrugated board - step calculation, installation, fastening

Need to make a crate under the profiled sheet? Do you want to know how to choose the right sheathing step for corrugated board? How to fasten the profiled sheet to the crate? And how to make the installation of the crate under the corrugated board? Visit the website and read!

Sheathing for corrugated board

When installing a profiled sheet, an important component is the crate. To withstand heavy loads and properly distribute the weight of the roof, it must be strong, as well as the rest of the truss system.

The crate for corrugated board is carried out by installing boards or bars on a support, followed by installation and performs a number of basic functions in the construction of a roof. Firstly, this is a quick installation - the panels are attached to the rails with brackets. Secondly, mold and fungus do not appear on the crate, and it is not necessary to impregnate it additionally.

crate for profiled sheet

Roof sheathing for corrugated board can be made of various materials, as a rule, it is wood or metal. For industrial buildings, a metal frame is installed.

Since the angle of inclination of the roof is small, the load on it, respectively, is much greater. Wooden crate is used mainly for private houses. Its thickness can be different, it all depends on the pitch of the crate and the expected load on it.

Metal crate for corrugated board

Metal profile lathing is used when using a profiled roofing sheet with a thickness of 0.7 mm or more and often for flat roofs.

Profile elements are connected with self-tapping screws. If a pipe or a corner is used as rafters, the elements are connected by welding. The joints must be treated with a primer or enamel in order to prevent corrosion.

Lathing installation

The main board of the crate, which runs along the eaves, is chosen much thicker than the rest of the boards. In addition, additional boards are attached to those places where it is planned to remove the chimney, fire hatch and ventilation. The crate is installed after installing the waterproofing layer under the corrugated board and ventilation output. Its thickness will depend on the height of the profiled sheets and the length of the fastener that holds the outside of the profile.

It is recommended to make the step of the crate under the corrugated board from 50 centimeters or more. The step size depends on the thickness of the material and the section of the profile. At the ends of the roof, wind boards are placed, which should be higher than the crate by the same distance as the height of the corrugated board profile.

In addition, roof loads such as snow, wind, and slope angle also affect the batten spacing.

Having decided on the purpose of the roof, what loads it will have, you can choose the roofing material, because depending on this, the roof will last more or less a long time. And the mass of loads on the corrugated board depends on the height of the profile, the larger it is, the greater the weight the material can withstand.

We fix the crate

The fastening of the corrugated board to the crate is carried out with zinc-coated self-tapping screws, additionally using a rubber washer.

Fastening is preferably done in the lower part of the sheet with a number of self-tapping screws from 5 to 7 pieces per 1 square meter of coverage. Further, the profiled sheet is interconnected with special rivets, the color of which is matched to the color of the roof (or you can simply paint them later).

With the correct installation of the crate, the weight of the roof will be distributed evenly, it will not sag and will withstand all the surprises of the weather.

Profile profile parameters

An important rule when choosing a material: the higher the height of the profile, the greater the load the profiled sheet can withstand.

In private construction, the profile of corrugated board is chosen with the calculation of 35 mm in height and 0.6 - 0.7 mm in thickness. Such a profile allows you to produce a sheathing for corrugated board in increments of up to 1.5 meters and withstand loads up to 600 kg per sq / m.

And although such a roof will cost a little more, it has its advantages. The strength of such a roof will make it possible to walk on it absolutely fearlessly.

Calculation of the crate for corrugated board

The base is calculated based on the sheet grade (wave height), sheet thickness and roof slope.

For corrugated board with a low profile height - 21 mm or less - the crate is made continuous or with a minimum step. Given that such material is not designed for heavy loads, the strength of the structure will no longer be so great. Decking with such a profile is installed on a roof with a large angle of inclination and requires a minimum load.

A profiled sheet with a profile height of 44mm is suitable for industrial buildings.

The cost of lathing for corrugated board

The price depends directly on the section, width and length of the beam (profile). Today, a m3 of hardwood timber will cost 5,000 rubles, a cut board is a little more expensive - from 5,500 rubles per cubic meter.

The crate for corrugated board is one of the main elements in the construction of the roof. After completing all the necessary operations for installing the crate, you can proceed with the installation of the coating itself.

Sheathing for corrugated board: step, calculation, fastening

Roof sheathing for corrugated board can be made of various materials, as a rule, it is wood or metal. Consider the basic rules for the construction of the crate

Metal tile "Monterrey" due to its high quality and the widest range today is one of the most popular. But it will function properly only on a properly mounted base. Let's see how and from what materials the crate for the Monterrey metal tile is made.

Lathing device

Metal tiles are rigid roofing materials, so a solid crate, which takes a significant amount of wood, is not required for it. However, it is important to lay the bars or boards with the correct step, the value of which depends on the geometric parameters of the sheet.

The steel from which this roofing material is made, as well as other metals, has a high thermal conductivity, so it is important to ensure that there is a well-ventilated ventilation gap under the metal tile. The resulting draft will quickly bring out the steam coming from the living quarters, preventing it from condensing on cold metal.

Without a ventilation gap, the appearance of moisture on the lower surface of the metal tile will be inevitable, and this leads to disastrous consequences: raw wood begins to rot, steel corrodes in places where the protective coating is damaged.

To create a ventilation gap, the design of the crate is supplemented with a counter-crate. These are boards that are nailed to the rafters (along) over the waterproofing film laid on them. And only then, parallel to the eaves and across the rafters, the crate itself is stuffed, which serves as the basis for the metal tile. The thickness of the boards of the counter-lattice is 20 mm, the width usually corresponds to the width of the rafter leg.

The ventilation gap will protect the roofing material and wooden structures of the truss system from the negative effects of condensate

Taking into account the fact that the waterproofing film is laid with a sag of 1.5–2 cm, the ventilation gap will be 35–40 mm. In order for it to be well blown, it is necessary to leave holes under the eaves (they are called vents) and under the ridge. If the slope has a large length or a complex configuration, special devices are additionally installed on it to release air - aerators.

In an insulated roof, the same gap should be between the insulation and waterproofing, except when a superdiffusion membrane (vapor-permeable material) is used as the latter. To minimize the amount of steam entering the metal tile from the living quarters, the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film from the side of the rooms.

Lathing step under the metal tile "Monterrey"

In addition to the steps imitating the surface of ceramic tiles, there are transverse waves on the metal tile sheet, which give it rigidity. It is to their length that the step between the elements of the crate should be equated.

The wavelength of the Monterrey metal tile is 350 mm - this parameter determines the step of the crate

Having at hand a crate scheme, you can easily calculate the required amount of materials

Calculation example

The calculation of the amount of lumber for the installation of a sparse crate is made taking into account the step between the boards. To facilitate the task, you can use computer programs, but it is also easy to do it manually.

We take as a basis the following initial data:

  • gable roof area - 80 m 2;
  • slope width - 8 m;
  • slope length - 5 m;
  • step - 350 mm.

Let's determine the number of bars (or boards) on one slope: 5: 0.35 = 14 (pcs.). To calculate how many linear meters of a board are needed for a crate on one slope, multiply its length by the number of laths: 8 x 14 = 112 m.p. Therefore, the entire roof will require 112 x 2 (number of slopes) = 224 m.p. The standard length of the board is 6 m.p., which means that 224 will be needed for the crate: 6 = 37 (pcs.). The volume of one board 150 x 6000 x 25 (W x D x T) is 0.15 x 0.025 x 6 \u003d 0.0225 m 3.

Usually the required amount of lumber is given in cubic meters, we will not deviate from the generally accepted rule. To convert running meters into cubes, you need to multiply the number of boards by the volume of one of them: 37 x 0.0225 \u003d 0.8325 m 3.

The calculation method is somewhat different in the case of a continuous crate:

  1. The section of the roof on which it is planned to mount a continuous crate is measured, and by multiplying the obtained length and width, its area is calculated. Suppose, due to mathematical manipulations, we get a result equal to 40 m 2.
  2. In the same way, we calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone board. For example, lumber 150 mm wide and 6000 mm long and 25 mm thick will occupy 0.15 x 6 \u003d 0.9 m 2.
  3. In total, 40: 0.9 = 45 boards are needed to cover our site.
  4. The cubic capacity of all reticles will be equal to 0.0225 x 45 \u003d 1.0125 m 3.

How to make a crate for a metal tile "Monterrey"

The following recommendations will help to mount a high-quality and reliable crate:

Each element of the crate is nailed to the rafter leg with two nails having a diameter of 3–3.5 mm and a length of at least twice as long as the thickness of the attached board. Be aware that nails with a large diameter can split the wood. You can also use galvanized self-tapping screws with the same diameter, but this method of fastening will cost more.

Start laying the metal tile should be 2-3 days after the installation of the crate, when it is completely settled. If you start laying immediately, the lumber can move under the weight of the roofing material.


  1. Strips of waterproofing material are laid on the rafters and attached to them by means of rails of the same thickness.

    Laths for attaching waterproofing can be cut from a board that will be used to make battens

  2. On top of the rails, the first row of the crate is attached: it is the carrier for the gutters and cornice strips.
  3. After that, the next row of the crate is mounted: the step is measured from the edge of the first row to the middle of the second.
  4. In all subsequent rows, the step is marked along the middle lines of the boards.

    The second row of the crate is marked from the outer edge of the first

  5. The junctions with pipes and walls are reinforced with additional strips: additional elements (corners, ridge, salaries, aprons, etc.) will subsequently be attached to them.

In the process of work, it is necessary to control the position of the rows for deflection, wave and other distortions: wedges or slats are placed to eliminate them.

Video: installation of a batten for a metal tile

The functioning of any roofing material largely depends on the correct laying of the base. This also applies to the Monterrey metal tile. If you follow our advice when installing the lathing, the roofing will last at least 50 years.

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Metal tile currently occupies a leading position in popularity among domestic developers. Such roofs are found not only on private buildings, but also on commercial premises, factory floors, schools and government agencies. The device of the lathing largely depends on the type of roof.

The purpose of the crate is to ensure long-term and safe operation of the roof, based on these tasks, the right solution is chosen. The design features of the roof are especially taken into account, and they have two options.

There are cases when a counter-lattice is also built for cold types of roofs, but this has nothing to do with technological necessity. This is done in two cases: with the desire of hired builders to earn more and with a lack of knowledge.

Prices for metal tiles

metal tile

Features of the crate for metal tiles

There are two types of crates; during a specific choice, one must understand their purpose.

Table. Types of lathing for metal tiles

Lathing typePurpose and brief description
To equip the crate, slats or boards are used, the distance between the axes of symmetry is 300–400 mm. Specific values ​​depend on the wavelength. In most cases, it is 350 mm, but some manufacturers make roofing materials with a pitch of 300 mm or 400 mm.
The crate has sections with a step-by-step arrangement of rails and with solid boards. Solid flooring is used in places of valleys, skylights, chimneys and other architectural elements and engineering structures. Solid flooring is needed not for fixing sheets of metal tiles, but for fixing waterproofing membranes.

What determines the type of crate

Each experienced craftsman thinks over the type and parameters of the crate even before the start of construction work. This approach makes it possible to minimize the likelihood of errors, speed up the process of building the crate, increase its reliability and durability.

Sheathing materials

The cost of the structure largely depends on the materials used; when making the right decision, it is possible to reduce the estimated cost by 25-30%. What can be used to make a crate under?

Table. Types of lumber for mounting the crate

Type of lumberPerformance characteristics
The most expensive option, used very rarely. The only advantage is that the process of manufacturing the crate and installing metal tiles is somewhat simplified. The large width makes it easier to screw in the screws.
Used most often, in all respects the best option. The dimensions of the rails are approximately 40 × 50 mm, the height of 50 mm provides effective natural ventilation of the under-roof space of insulated roofs.
The boards must be sanded, otherwise they are damaged by pests and after a few years they lose their strength indicators. At a cost of about 30% cheaper than rails. Unedged boards, depending on the width, can be independently sawn into several rails. Such a crate is made for cold roofs that do not have a counter-crate.
The cheapest option. Lumber has two mandatory conditions: the same thickness and the absence of critical damage. Used lumber will be used on non-critical buildings and outbuildings.

It is desirable to impregnate all lumber of the crate with antiseptics. But professional roofers skip this stage, they guarantee the tightness of the roof, which eliminates the possibility of putrefactive processes.