Installation of plastic slopes. How to make slopes on plastic windows. What are the disadvantages

Replacing old frames with modern plastic windows is half the task. The next step, which is often forgotten, is the installation of window slopes. Proper execution and finishing of slopes plays an equally important role in warming an apartment as. You can invite a craftsman to carry out the work or save a little on builders and make slopes yourself.

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Types of slopes

The complexity of the work on finishing the slopes depends on the quality of the walls, the accuracy of the craftsmen when working with windows and the selected material for finishing. There are only three basic ways:

  • with subsequent decor (painting or wallpapering);
  • plastic framing;
  • cover .

Slopes are also made of wood - coniferous (most often pine) or valuable species (beech, oak, mahogany). This is a rather laborious method that requires professional work with wood. Stylish wooden slopes look in expensive interiors, where the rest of the furnishings are also made using wood. Do-it-yourself repairs can be completed if you choose a simpler material for slopes of plastic windows.

Plastic slopes

Plastering and painting slopes

This method of processing slopes is the most economical and simple. The finished dry mix, which is based on gypsum or cement, is mixed with water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer, after which the material is ready for use.


Before applying the plaster, the surface around the window is cleaned of dust, dirt, sagging or mounting foam.

The seams of corners and slopes are expanded so that the plaster adheres better to the base - a brick wall. The wall is plastered first, and only then proceed to the slopes.

Slope installation

Crack sealing

When performing slopes, the tightness of the joints of the wall and window is additionally checked. The found gaps are sealed with mounting foam, you can use tow or felt. Fabric materials are treated with a gypsum solution and fixed along the perimeter of the frame.

2-3 cm should remain to the side parts of the window opening - this gap will be filled with plaster. When the material dries, work can continue. Do-it-yourself window slopes are not very fast, but you can be sure of the quality of each stage of work.

Plastering slopes - the final stage

A little solution is laid in the groove of the slope, leveled, waited for drying and moved on to the next layer. At one time, you can apply 5-7 mm of the solution, then you need to wait for the material to dry completely. Align the layers from bottom to top.

Before applying the plaster, the upper part of the slope is fixed with a horizontal plank of wood - its edge must be perfectly even. Fix the rail to the plaster or nails, exposing the guide along.

Slopes on windows

Advantages of plastic slopes

Installing plastic slopes will take much less time than working with plaster. This option for finishing windows will cost a little more, but there will be less dust and dirt after the slopes are completed, and the process will go faster.

The plastic panels are made of the same material as the window frames. With temperature changes, the slopes and frames expand in the same way, excess stress is not created. There is no need to paint or prepare PVC panels for installation. To eliminate the "consequences" of the repair, a damp cloth is enough, and the entire installation process will take no more than 2 hours.

For slopes, plastics are suitable that are not exposed to the harmful effects of solar radiation and are strong enough, resistant to scratches and impacts. Typically, sandwich panels are selected with a top layer of plastic, an intermediate layer of insulating material and a bottom layer of moisture-resistant PVC.

How to make slopes on windows with your own hands video:

Installation of plastic slopes

Previously, fragments are cut out of the panels according to the size of the slopes. The panels are fixed on the cleaned surface with the help of "liquid nails". With a rail with a snap-in corner, the plastic is attached in the selected position. Instead of such a design, you can also use simple wooden slats, fixing them at the top and along the sides of the window opening. The panels are attached to the guides with a stapler.

The joints of the walls and slopes are made out with plastic corners. Their purpose is to keep the wallpaper intact on the walls adjacent to the window being designed. It is these parts that are most often damaged by children and pets.

Performing slopes on the windows with your own hands, it is worth observing the technological nuances. It is better to choose plastic panels to match the shade of the window, since they do not have to be painted. Before using the panels, the mounting spike is cut off from them. Panels should be cut with a special knife or jigsaw.

Mounting foam may deform during solidification. To prevent this from happening and the slopes remain smooth, they select foam with a minimum expansion coefficient. The slopes must be additionally fixed for 5-10 minutes until the foam "grabs".

Drywall slopes

Do-it-yourself slopes for plastic windows are quite easy to make from drywall. For work, a moisture-resistant material is chosen that will not suffer from accidental raindrops and condensate that accumulates on the glass. An alternative option is to use ordinary drywall, which will additionally be covered with several layers of primer or a special protective compound.

When performing drywall slopes, sometimes they put a window block with profiles on the sides - it will be the basis of the whole structure. Before mounting the block, the profile must be fixed in the window grooves. Then the system will be more reliable and tougher, and installation will be easier.

Installation of plasterboard slopes without a window block

You can do without ready-made frames by doing all the preparatory work yourself. In this case, you will need a profile in the shape of the letter "L" and fix it along the edges of the frame, creating a base for attaching drywall sheets. The material is cut exactly to size, inconsistencies can later be masked and corrected with plaster. An acrylic-based sealant is applied to the profile, then a drywall sheet is inserted. The distance between the window and the slope is laid with a layer of mineral wool, a layer of glue is applied to the near edges, and using a level, the drywall sheet is carefully pressed against the wall.

Alternative ways to install drywall slopes

It is not necessary to use a profile when making slopes. You can fix drywall:

  • on mounting foam;
  • on glue.

It is convenient to use metal frames in cases where the surface under the slopes was badly damaged during the installation of windows. Fastening drywall panels to glue or foam is carried out in the same way as fastening to a profile. In this case, the sheets are installed end-to-end or behind the frame, the seams are filled with sealant. After the work is completed, the surface is primed, covered with putty and two layers of paint.


The corners of the slopes can be covered with decorative corners.

Drywall slopes are not only profitable and easy to install. The surface of the material can be additionally decorated, which allows you to design windows in the style of the entire room. The slopes will not contrast with the design of the room and spoil the impression of the interior.

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Many are accustomed to the fact that the window slope needs to be puttied or plastered. This was done until plastic panels appeared, since then the installation of window slopes with their own hands has become much easier.

Do-it-yourself installation of window slopes - choose panels

Once windows have been installed in your house, slopes remain the main and main problem. And no matter how neatly and efficiently the team of installers works, there will always be chips and cracks on the slopes. In addition, a plastic window is much thinner in size than an old, wooden one. For this reason, after installation, a strip of unplastered wall remains, which in any case must be sealed. For these purposes, it is best to arrange plastic slopes.

It should be noted right away that the installation of panels is a very laborious process. If you have very weak ideas about this, it is best to turn to professionals for help. But if you have made a firm decision to do everything yourself, we will tell you about it in detail.

It is important to know that high-quality PVC slopes are thick enough. 8-10 millimeters of thickness is enough so that the slope does not bend and has a rigid fixation near the window frames. In addition, PVC slopes of this thickness have high thermal insulation properties, and if you use mineral wool during installation, then your home will not be afraid of the most severe frosts.

Plastic slopes are easy to wipe, for this reason they are recommended to be mounted in rooms with high humidity, for example, in kitchens, loggias, balconies, etc. Plastic products “do not collect” on themselves either mold or dampness. This is their undeniable advantage.

Plastic panels have other advantages:

  • Perfect look. Plastic slopes have a flat, uniform surface.
  • When using these products, there are no streaks or stains. And you can clean them with water and any detergent.
  • Plastic panels have a long service life.
  • Installation is carried out quickly, after installation there is a minimum of dust and debris, they do not need puttying and painting.
  • Excellent moisture resistance of the material used.
  • High vapor permeability.

How to install slopes - preparation for installation

Before starting to mount the window slope, it is necessary to check the evenness of the installation of the inserted window. This is necessary in order to immediately correct all inaccuracies (if any). If the window is installed incorrectly, then the plastic panels will clearly show all the flaws in the installation of the window unit. Before you start installing window slopes with your own hands, you need to carry out a whole range of preparatory work:

  • cut off excess foam;
  • if necessary, knock down the remains of plastered slopes;
  • check the strength of the brickwork in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window slope for integrity;
  • drill a hole for the window sill;
  • paste over the foam with vapor barrier material;
  • seal through holes (if any) with foam or cement mortar;
  • remove the protective film from the plastic windows.

The installation of plastic slopes must be approached with full responsibility and knowledge of the matter, otherwise the installation of window slopes will be done incorrectly, which will affect the heat transfer of the room and visual perception. Plastic panels are mounted only after the window sill is installed. It is important to understand that the installation of slopes and window sills are two interrelated processes.

Plastic slopes, as a rule, are installed using a U-shaped profile (starting profile). It is screwed to the edge of the window block with metal screws, the pitch of which is 1 cm. This operation is recommended to be performed along the marked line on the window profile. There is a variety of starting profiles that snap into place before the window is installed on the plastic frame. If you decide to use this type of profile, then when buying it is recommended to clarify whether the start and window profiles are compatible.

How to mount slopes on windows - practical ways

There are several options that are most often found in the practice of builders. One of them is foaming. This method is good because the foam, which is in the body of the slope, significantly increases the strength of the plastic product for deflection. Also, mounting foam is both an adhesive and heat-insulating material. Installation is quite simple - foam is applied to the wrong side of the panels, and they are installed in their place. If you do the installation of slopes with your own hands, you must remember that the main task is to correctly set the slope along the plumb line.

There is one caveat - so that the expanding foam does not deform the panels, they must be pressed against the wall for a while with something heavy.

Another method of fastening plastic panels, which is strongly recommended by the manufacturers of this product, is screwing to the profile on the outer edge of the slope. By choosing this option, you should understand that you will need to close the corner of the butt. To do this, it is necessary to cut strips of the desired width from PVC panels. With the help of a specialized rail, which has a snap-in corner, the plastic panel must be well fixed in the desired position. If you decide to use a conventional mounting rail, then in this case the panel is attached to the rail with a stapler.

After you have fixed all the panels, the top and sides of the ends between the wall and the slope must be closed with special ones. These corners will "extend the life" of your wallpaper in the window area.

The method of simple plastering slopes

Initially, the surface is primed, then a layer of plaster is applied, the corners are leveled. Rules are used to level the surface. Each new layer can be applied only after the previous one has dried. This, by the way, is the main drawback of the method - time is spent not so much on work as on waiting.

A special flat rail is installed to the top of the panel. It serves as a beacon to make the slope perfectly even. On the sides of the slopes, the slats are installed vertically. To achieve the utmost accuracy during installation, a plumb line is used. The applied solution is best leveled with a special fine. After using the plaster mixture, the final step is the application of fine putty and its rubbing after drying.

I would like to note the fact that the installation of slopes is not the type of service for which the price is so high as to save. Therefore, many prefer to hire specialists who, in exchange for your money, will save you time. You will only have to enjoy the beautiful view and cleanliness at a minimum cost. However, even the masters need control, so this knowledge will certainly come in handy.

After the window is installed, it remains to finish the slopes on the plastic windows. PVC elements perform not only decorative, but also important protective functions. You can install plastic slopes on the windows with your own hands. How to install plastic slopes will be described below.

What are they needed for

A plastic trim device is the most common way to ennoble the space of a window opening. PVC slopes have a pleasant glossy surface and are combined with the material of the window profile. Plastic panels allow you to protect the mounting seam from exposure to sunlight and moisture.

Finishing the slopes after installing the window is performed using plastic

Mounting foam, with which the window system is fixed in the opening, is a water-repellent material. But if it is not protected from exposure to direct sunlight, then it will begin to break down and moisture will freely begin to penetrate into its pores, destroying it from the inside. Therefore, slopes for plastic windows must be installed as soon as possible after installing the window.. How to make slopes on plastic windows will be described in this article.

Properties of plastic slopes

Slopes for plastic windows can be made of two types of material - these can be window slopes made of PVC panels or sandwich panels.

The slope serves as a protection of the mounting foam from destruction

Both types of plastic panels are characterized by common positive qualities:

  • long service life;
  • plastic slopes for windows have a decorative appearance and are combined with the material from which the window system is made;
  • finishing window slopes inside with plastic allows you to reliably protect the mounting foam from environmental influences;
  • installation of plastic slopes is possible for finishing arched openings, as flexible PVC trim can be used;
  • you can install PVC panels with your own hands, without professional skills and special expensive equipment;
  • plastic panels for slopes can be cut with a hacksaw, but this must be done carefully, without effort, so that the PVC panel does not crack;
  • do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows occurs quickly and without the formation of serious pollution and construction debris;
  • it is easy to care for PVC panels - it is enough to wipe them sometimes with a cloth dipped in soapy water;
  • they have low thermal conductivity;
  • plastic window element has high moisture resistance;
  • Finishing the slopes of plastic windows will reliably protect them from freezing.

PVC panel products

Before installing plastic slopes with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the qualities of the material that is used to make them. One of them can be a PVC panel.

Material Description

Another name for this material is ceiling panels. They are made from polyvinyl chloride.

They consist of two plastic plates with stiffening ribs inside. For some models, locking connections are provided at the ends.

The panels may have different sizes, but during installation they will still have to be cut according to the required dimensions. While the panels can be 3 and 6 meters long, 6 meter products should be purchased. The thickness of the panels varies from 0.5 to 1.2 cm. The type of products can also be different: panels, rails or PVC sheets.

Also purchase accessories for plastic panels. The kit should include fasteners and plastic elements. Their description is shown in the figure below.

One of the advantages of any plastic panels is their wide range of colors. Colored PVC slopes can be chosen for any interior.

The color of finishing plastic can be chosen for any interior

The interior decoration will look original when sheathing window openings with plastic panels with an image or imitation of any natural and artificial material. When the windows are colored or brown, dyed products can be used. It is important that in this case window fittings are combined with them..

PVC panels can imitate a wooden surface

The panels can be plain, laminated, lacquered, have a printed pattern or an image applied by thermal printing on their surface. Installing plastic slopes will give the windows a neat decorative appearance. How to make plastic slopes will be described below.

Positive qualities of the material

Do-it-yourself high-quality finishing of slopes with plastic is obtained due to the properties of the ceiling panels.

  • the material is non-toxic;
  • have high moisture resistance;
  • they are easy to install and maintain;
  • have a small weight, so they do not create a load on the base;
  • plastic is a non-combustible material, but when melted, it emits toxic acrid smoke;
    products are resistant to temperature changes;
  • have frost resistance;
  • create an ideal flat rigidly fixed surface;
  • have a modern look and are suitable for any interiors;
  • honeycomb structure provides reliable sound insulation;
  • do not accumulate static electricity on their surface;
  • panels are resistant to household chemicals.


How to install plastic slopes on windows with your own hands in stages is shown below. Before you start finishing the slopes with panels, you need to make measurements. The inner sides are measured twice - at the window and at the wall.

  • the installation of plastic slopes on windows begins with the removal of mounting foam that has gone beyond the seam along the perimeter of the window frame. To do this, you need to use a sharp construction knife;

    Before installing slopes, remove excess foam

  • along the perimeter of the window frame it will be necessary to fasten a wooden block. In the manufacture of a bar, it is necessary to perform a slope on one of its faces. This is done so that the bar can be firmly fixed near the window frame;

    To fix the slope, a wooden block with a slope is made

  • finished bars should be installed around the perimeter of the window frame in such a way as to go a little on it. Fastening can be done using self-tapping screws or dowels;

    The bar is fixed with self-tapping screws around the perimeter of the frame

  • a plastic bar, called a starter profile, is purchased at a hardware store. Using a construction stapler or self-tapping screws, attach it around the perimeter of the window to a wooden bar;

    A starting profile is mounted to a wooden bar

  • according to previously obtained sizes, we manufacture the necessary elements. We cut the plastic carefully so as not to damage;

    Cutting the PVC panel must be done without strong pressure.

  • panels must first be installed on the side walls of the window opening. Panels must be placed in the start profile;

    The panel is inserted into the start profile

  • the part must be separated from the wall and covered with mounting foam. Then put it in place and press down a little so that the foam grabs;

    PVC panel is fixed with mounting foam

  • in this way it is necessary to finish the entire window opening;
  • in order to properly make plastic slopes, decorative corners are attached to the finished fragments. The finished product is fixed with masking tape until completely set.

    The slopes are fixed with masking tape until the foam is completely dry.

By installing slopes on plastic windows, platbands can be fixed at their corners. How to make slopes with a platband, shows the step-by-step instructions below.

Scheme of installation of a slope with a platband

Sandwich panel products

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic slopes can be carried out using a multilayer material coated on both sides with decorative plastic. By installing plastic slopes with your own hands using sandwich panels, you can not produce additional thermal insulation.

Sandwich panels have high thermal insulation properties

Installation of PVC slopes when using this material occurs quickly and with a minimum amount of debris. The use of slopes made of pvc panels of this type ensures the protection of the window from freezing.

Sandwich panels have the following characteristics:

  • PVC provides reliable heat and sound insulation;
  • finishing window slopes with this material increases the energy efficiency of the window system as a whole;
  • if you correctly make slopes from the panels with your own hands, then the window opening will acquire a neat appearance;
  • do-it-yourself window decoration with plastic is carried out quickly and efficiently;
  • even an unprepared person can make slopes of plastic with insulation.


Sandwich panel can be attached in the same way as PVC panel. How to make such a finish yourself is shown below.

Slope with sandwich panels

How to trim window slopes with plastic without a starting profile is shown step by step below.

Slopes are important final details of a window design. Such details make the window more aesthetic and neat, but their installation sometimes turns into a real problem. Today we will consider in more detail how it is possible to install plastic slopes.


Slopes play an important role in the overall window design. These parts are made from a variety of materials, from natural wood to cheap drywall. However, plastic slopes are rightfully recognized as one of the most popular and frequently encountered. They can be found in many dwellings.

Practical plastic slopes are chosen by many consumers, as they are versatile and easily fit into many interior styles. Such details look harmonious in most ensembles, as they have a discreet and neutral look.

However, it is worth paying attention to such a feature of PVC slopes - in conditions of temperature changes and when the house shrinks, they can acquire cracks. Many homeowners face these problems.

But plastic slopes are also distinguished by the fact that they are represented not only by classic snow-white, but also by multi-colored specimens. Thanks to a wide range, you can choose the best option for a window design of absolutely any color and shade. With a well-chosen set, the entire interior as a whole will look very attractive.

Do not think that plastic slopes can only be installed with plastic window structures. In fact, windows made of other materials, such as natural wood, can also be completed with such elements. The main thing is to choose slopes that match the frames in color and style.

Installation of plastic slopes can be done by hand.

Of course, for some craftsmen, this work may seem too painstaking and complicated, but if you follow simple rules, the result will definitely not disappoint the home master.

Advantages and disadvantages

Currently, slopes made of plastic are in great demand. They can be found in many city apartments, private houses and even office premises, which once again confirms the versatility of such details.

Plastic slopes are chosen by many consumers, as they have many positive qualities.

  • The main advantage of plastic slopes is that they are not subject to decay, as, for example, natural wood options.
  • High-quality slopes made of PVC materials are durable. Their service life is the envy of most other designs on the market.
  • According to experts, the installation of such slope options only seems difficult to many homeowners. In fact, to carry out such work, you do not need to have special knowledge and rich experience - you can easily handle everything on your own if you follow the instructions.

  • Plastic slopes are undemanding in matters of care. They do not need to be treated with protective compounds or cleaned from frequent contamination with expensive means. You can clean up such parts with a regular soap solution or a universal cleaning compound, which is sold in most modern stores.
  • With such elements it is permissible to use flexible platbands.
  • Plastic is not afraid of aggressive household chemicals. For this reason, it can be cleaned with strong cleaners that can damage other materials.
  • High-quality slopes made of PVC materials are not afraid of dampness and moisture. Under its influence, these materials do not begin to rot or lose their attractive appearance.

  • With the help of plastic slopes, you can seamlessly hide any defects in the joints.
  • To install such materials, it is not necessary to first level and finish the surfaces of the bases.
  • Many consumers say that they opted for plastic products because they are inexpensive, but at the same time they look attractive.
  • The range of plastic slopes today gives customers the opportunity to purchase the perfect option for any shade.
  • Plastic slopes are not subject to freezing.
  • Slopes made of plastic do not have a sharp and unpleasant odor.

  • Such plastic structures will not cause allergic reactions in households.
  • Most high-quality plastic slopes do not contain hazardous and toxic substances. However, when buying such parts, it is still worth asking for quality certificates to see for yourself.
  • Plastic elements have good thermal insulation qualities, which is noted by many consumers who have installed such parts.
  • Plastic slopes do not need to be tinted regularly, refreshing the appearance.

Of course, these elements also have disadvantages, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with if you want to supplement the window structure with such details.

  • If you plan to install plastic slopes, then you should stock up on free time and patience - this work takes more than one hour. In addition, the design of such elements can take quite a lot of finishing materials (for example, plaster mixture).
  • After installing plastic slopes, as a rule, there is a lot of garbage left, which will take a lot of time to clean up.
  • Plastic is not a very durable material. It can be damaged even if it is accidentally hit. And also, do not press too hard on the plastic slopes either during installation or after it. This can cause serious damage to such parts.
  • In the process of shrinking the house, plastic slopes can acquire ugly cracks, which are unlikely to get rid of.
  • If you purchased colored plastic panels to decorate window structures, then you should be prepared for the fact that over time they may lose their original color brightness.

  • Many PVC slopes contain toxic components that can harm the health of households. As mentioned above, for this reason, before buying, it is recommended to study quality certificates, which record all information about the product.
  • In case of damage or deformation, it is unlikely that it will be possible to return the plastic slopes to their original appearance.
  • Such slopes quite often exfoliate from windows, since not all constituent elements can adhere to plastic with high quality and reliability.
  • According to many people, plastic slopes look too simple and formulaic in tandem with windows and doors. With their help, it is unlikely that it will be possible to give the interior a rich and elegant image.
  • In rare cases, mold and fungus appear on plastic slopes.

Especially often such problems arise in dwellings where there is no high-quality insulation.

As you can see, plastic slopes have quite a few pluses and minuses. Of course, many problems with such details can be avoided if they are correctly installed and the living space is provided with good thermal insulation. It is equally important to purchase such components in trusted outlets so as not to stumble upon low-quality goods.


There are several types of plastic slopes. Let's get to know them better.

From PVC panels

Such types of slopes are most common. They are very popular because they have a democratic cost and are installed in a short time. However, we must not forget that cheapness in this case may indicate the poor quality of materials, so you should not expect too much from PVC panel structures.

Slopes made of PVC panels have one serious drawback - they are characterized by low strength.

Damage to such materials is not difficult, and it does not require much effort.

Sandwich panels

They are more modern and progressive materials. Such slopes have 2 protective layers, which, in turn, line the insulating layer. Such details are good because they do not require additional insulation.

Today in stores you can find sandwich panels of various modifications. Such materials can have different performance characteristics and cost, so consumers with any requirements and budget can choose the right product.


External slopes in window construction are no less important than internal ones. These details have a beneficial effect on the service life of windows, as they provide good protection from the outside.

Plastic external slopes have several important advantages:

  • they insulate both windows and walls to a certain extent;
  • provide the room with additional sound insulation;
  • make the window unit more durable and resistant to wear;
  • with external plastic slopes, the window unit looks more aesthetically pleasing and neat.

For exterior window decoration, you can use both sandwich panels and PVC parts.


No less practical are universal slopes made of plastic. A similar detail comes with a trim and a decorative overlay. At the same time, the front side of the universal slope is covered with a special protective film, thanks to which this element is less susceptible to damage during transportation and installation.

Universal slopes have many advantages. Here are the main ones:

  • ease of installation;
  • attractive appearance;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • affordable cost.

In addition, plastic slopes can have different textures - rough or glossy. Of course, consumers are more likely to choose the second option, since such parts are less whimsical to maintain.


Popular PVC panels have different sizes. Similar parts are an extrusion panel with a length of 10 mm. The width of this part is 250 mm. It also has a casing with a cable channel cover attached to it. If necessary, an expander can be used when installing such parts.

As for sandwich panels, they are produced in the following dimensional frames:

  • 1500 x 3000 x 10 mm;
  • 2000 x 3000 x 10 mm;
  • 1500 x 3000 x 24 mm;
  • 1500 x 3000 x 32 mm.

The thickness of the front plastic is 0.7 mm, and the working surface is 0.5 mm.

The rigidity of the entire structure as a whole will directly depend on the thickness of the slope, even if the height of the window is modest.

Traditional plastic panels differ from PVC parts in that they have a fixed 90-degree bend angle, which is far from always convenient. PVC trim with cable channel can be installed at any angle.

Starting profiles are the constituent unit of plastic slopes. They are as follows:

  • I-profile;
  • F-profile;
  • L-profile.

I-profile for installation directly on the wall, to which it is planned to attach slopes in the future. To do this, you can use simple screws. This type of profile is shaped like the letter "I", so its installation, as a rule, is not difficult.

Such profiles are used not only when installing plastic, but also plasterboard slopes. In addition, they can be used to mount various decorative elements.

F-profile has the shape of the corresponding letter, so it is installed quite quickly and easily.

This part can also be mounted with plastic slopes and sandwich panel parts.

L-profile is most often used when installing plastic slopes. It is installed perpendicular to the direction of the window. These parts have a normal turn.

In addition to the starting profile, plastic slopes also have the following components:

  • slope panel;
  • platband;
  • corners.

Required Tools

If you decide to do the installation of plastic slopes with your own hands, then you should stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • starting profile;
  • a block of wood;
  • external and internal corners made of plastic;

  • platbands;
  • glue;
  • high-quality insulation;

  • waterproofing tape;
  • sealant;
  • mounting foam;

  • putty knife;
  • dry putty;
  • clean and dry container;

  • jigsaw;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;

  • construction gun for "liquid nails";
  • self-tapping screws.

Purchase only high-quality and branded goods so that you do not have any unnecessary problems in the process of work.

Do-it-yourself installation

If you have stocked up with all the necessary devices, then you can proceed directly to the installation of plastic slopes. Consider step by step how to do it right with your own hands, without involving experienced craftsmen.

There are 2 ways to install plastic slopes near window structures. So, if the mounting seam in the base is too large, then the work must be done in a certain way.

  • First you need to remove all excess mounting foam. A clerical knife can easily cope with this task. However, you should not remove too much foam, as the cut should be flush with the frame.
  • And also you need to remove the plaster, which is in poor condition and ready to crumble.

It is not necessary to remove absolutely the entire layer of the finish - it is enough to remove only the damaged elements.

  • The surface of the bases must be cleaned of any dirt and dust.
  • Treat all substrate surfaces with a primer. It is desirable to give preference to formulations with deep penetration with antiseptic components in the content.
  • Next, you should install a wooden rail. It must be fixed along the outer perimeter of the window opening. To fix this part, it is better to use dowels and screws.
  • It is recommended to make the structure in such a way that it is installed on both a vertical and a horizontal section, so that the posts do not have any contact with the top part.

  • This is followed by one of the most important procedures - trimming the mounting foam to form a groove into which the plastic panel will be installed in the future. Please note that each element should be immersed by about 0.8-10 mm.
  • Trimming should be done near the frame so that the fit is as tight as possible.
  • After completing all of the above steps, you need to cut the details.
  • You can cut the plastic with a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw. At the same time, notches may remain along the edges of the slopes, which can be removed with sandpaper.
  • Now you can make a preliminary installation.

In this way, you will be able to determine if there are any defects and problems in the resulting design.

  • If you are using double-sided plastic, then it is worth marking the wrong side and lightly sanding it. So you can achieve better adhesion of materials.
  • Parts should be installed one by one in the right places. They must first be inserted into the prepared groove. Then all the elements are carefully aligned using a level.
  • The outer edge of the panels must be moved aside and spot-filled with mounting foam. But be as careful as possible, as its excess can warp the material.
  • Fix the parts together with masking tape.

It should be glued to the joints and along the perimeter of the walls.

It will take about a day for the resulting structure to dry completely. After that, you can proceed directly to finishing activities - the slopes are treated with sealant and adjusted with corners that are planted on glue.

There is another way to install slopes, which differs in many ways from the above. With this technology, fastening of all parts is much faster and easier using the starting profile.

First, the bases are prepared for the future installation of slopes - it is necessary to clean all surfaces and remove all defects from them. Next, you need to apply a primer mixture to all areas of the base.

  • Then you need to install wooden slats. They need to be mounted next to the frame. Fasteners must be done in such a way that the bar slightly enters it.
  • Please note that with this method of installation, the rail must first be processed at an angle. For this you can use a planer. The bevel must be equal to the angle of the slope. Of course, you can also use a saw, but with such a tool you simply won’t be able to achieve perfectly accurate indicators.
  • Each component part should be adjusted strictly individually and fixed on dowels. It is not recommended to use simple self-tapping screws, as they will not be able to provide the maximum reliable fastening of materials.
  • Next comes the turn to install the start profile. It must be attached to the screws to a pre-installed and fixed bar. For such work, it is recommended to use hard material to make the slopes stronger and more reliable.

Do not use soft and cheap profiles, as they can easily and quickly bend.

  • Take all necessary measurements. In this case, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to measure the planes starting from the frame, and not from the edge of the profile. Transfer the resulting parameters to a separate sheet, and then draw up the details. Transfer all measurements to the panels themselves, and then cut them.
  • Then you can proceed to the direct installation of plastic slopes. They should be fixed with mounting foam. It needs to be poured in small volumes.
  • Note that next to the window frame, the voids will be larger than at the edge. That is why the foam should be distributed so that swelling does not take place anywhere.
  • Next, fix the panels using adhesive tape glued to the walls. After that, the finishing of windows with plastic slopes is completed. It remains only to apply the lining.

When installing the side parts of the window slopes, the insulation material should be optimally distributed. If the walls in the dwelling are already insulated, then this step can be skipped.

In this case, it is permissible to proceed with the installation of decorative corners only after the entire structure has completely dried. Dock the outdoor modules and cut the corners at 45 degrees. Seal all joints with sealant.

Plastic slopes look good in tandem with doors. To install plastic door slopes, you will need to carry out the following work.

  • First you need to mount the frame. To do this, you will need to measure the doorway and file the slats based on the measurements taken.
  • Drill holes for dowels according to the marking and fix the rails.
  • For uneven bases, wedges or thin bars can be used.
  • Then you need to cut the panels. At the same time, carefully measure the angles of inclination.
  • Cut 3 blanks - 2 side parts and one for the lintel. Attach these details to the walls to notice the flaws.
  • The starting slope must be attached to the wall in the doorway.

  • Trim all corner joints, and then mark a fold line on the back of the workpiece.
  • Make a vertical cut with a knife in the cavity of the panel, without affecting the front side of the part.
  • Re-attach the slope to the base, correct it, and attach it to the frame with small screws.
  • Now you need to fix the prominent edge. To do this, you need to determine the border of the panel, step back from it 2 cm towards the opening and outline a vertical strip.
  • Based on the markup, you need to drill 6-7 holes, and then hammer wooden wedges into them.

  • Press the edge of the slope against the wall and screw it.
  • Now you can install the second slope, and then sheath the lintel with plastic.
  • The top edge of the workpiece should cover the ends of the side protruding parts.
  • Now you need to cut the material at an angle and glue the joints.
  • Internal seams must be sealed.

Door slopes made of plastic can also be installed in a frameless way. For this you should:

  • treat the foundations with soil;
  • cut plastic panels, based on the measurements taken;
  • apply glue to the workpiece and press the part to the surface of the base;
  • edges and corners can be adjusted until the glue is completely frozen;
  • then glue the side slopes and close the lintel;
  • at the end of the work, you need to fill the seams with sealant.

How to finish?

In the case of window slopes, it is necessary to degrease those places where the panels are in maximum contact with each other and the window sill. After that, the seams and cracks should be covered with a sealant (preferably acrylic). Remove traces of glue and sealant with a cloth soaked in acetone. The space under the windowsill is best finished with plaster.

The slopes themselves, if desired, can be painted, plastered or “closed” with a decorative stone. It all depends on the preferences of the owners.

Of course, before applying decorative materials, all surfaces should be cleaned of building dust, if any.

  • Before attaching wooden bars when installing plastic window slopes, it is advisable to treat them with antifungal protective agents to protect them from early decay. The same applies to door structures.
  • When trimming a window opening with plastic slopes, it is necessary to use glue and sealant very carefully. You do not need to pour them in large quantities.
  • It is recommended to install plastic slopes in a well-heated room, since such parts become softer when heated. So, it will be much easier to work with this material.
  • Detailing can be done in different ways - transfer measurements to the material or make a stencil, but whichever option you choose, you need to take into account that you will need an extra 10 mm to insert into the groove. In addition, it is necessary to carefully measure the thickness of the necessary parts, as they will form a common perimeter.

  • If you are going to sheathe insulation along with slopes, then it should be selected in such a way that it fits the width of the gap and does not conflict with the materials around it.
  • Please note that the insulation of window slopes will be useless if you did not lay out the insulation around the perimeter, but installed it in separate fragments.
  • Door plastic slopes should be selected in accordance with the shade and texture of the door. For example, panels imitating this natural material are ideal for wood / wood-like canvases.

If you plan to install the F-profile, then you should consider that it can only be attached to completely cleaned surfaces.

Beautiful examples

  • Laconic PVC slopes in tandem with plastic windows of the same color will look bright and expressive if you surround the window opening with textured wallpaper in orange, coral or red. Dilute such a bold contrast with live plants in pots on the windowsill.

  • Plastic slopes made in the color of wood with a natural pattern look very beautiful and expensive. Such elements will be in harmony not only with wooden windows, but also with wood-like plastic structures. Surrounding surfaces can be finished with materials in pastel colors to create a cozy atmosphere.

Plastic windows have firmly entered our everyday life. Increasingly, they are installed not only in city apartments, but also in wooden houses, in cottages. Such windows are practical, easy to open and close. With their use, there is no need for constant updating of the coating, painting of frames. Among the advantages of such windows in the first place is the absence of drafts and, conversely, the possibility of micro-ventilation of the room. But in many apartments and houses there are still old wooden windows.

When installing new frames, excellent material for greenhouses is formed, which we talked about.

With the replacement of old windows with new double-glazed windows, it becomes necessary to update the slopes. Plastic is ideal for this purpose - it looks neat, easy to clean, optimal in terms of price and quality. All work can be ordered from a window installation company, but if you want to save money, making plastic slopes with your own hands is also quite realistic. Consider the key points for the manufacture and installation of plastic slopes at home, as well as their advantages and features.

Why plastic?

Plastic is easy to care for

In addition to plastic, drywall and plaster are also used. These three materials share the "prize" places according to the possibility of application for the purpose of finishing slopes. Plastic has a number of advantages over plasterboard and plaster slopes, which make it a more suitable material for decorating metal-plastic windows:

  1. Ease of maintenance. Plastic slopes can be cleaned with detergents, although, due to the smooth surface, a damp cloth is often sufficient to maintain cleanliness.
  2. Moisture resistance. It is known that modern double-glazed windows are prone to the formation of condensate, which can quickly ruin drywall and plaster. Plastic, on the other hand, is not susceptible to the formation of fungus and mold, therefore, even in conditions of high humidity, it retains a presentable appearance longer.
  3. Fast repair. If necessary, plastic panels are easy to replace, while you immediately get a decorative coating that does not require cleaning and painting.

Another undoubted plus is simple installation, which even a person without special skills can handle. The main thing is not to violate the technology and properly prepare the surface of the opening for the installation of slopes, their service life and ease of operation will depend on this.

And it’s unnecessary to talk about the choice of colors: in modern hardware stores there is a choice of panels for every taste, and there is an option for rooms of any style.

Preparatory work

Before installing slopes, it is necessary to perform a set of preparatory work, namely:

  • seal the holes between the window and the opening with cement mortar (if any);
  • cut off excess mounting foam and remove the remnants of old slopes;
  • make sure the integrity of the brickwork around the perimeter of the window;
  • paste over the foam with vapor barrier material;
  • clean the surface of the window opening from dust;
  • apply an antifungal composition;
  • remove the shipping tape from the plastic window.

Important! Before installing the slopes, you need to drill a hole for the window sill and install it, if this has not been done before.

Carefully remove excess foam

Choosing materials

To make slopes with your own hands, you will need high-quality plastic with a thickness of at least 8-10 mm. The length and width of the panels are selected depending on the size of the window opening. It is not advisable to save on material, since cheap products change color over time, and it is also possible for stiffeners to show through the plastic, which will negatively affect the appearance of the slopes.

Sandwich panels

Panels for the manufacture of slopes are of two types - PVC plastic and sandwich panels. The former are cheaper, but inferior in strength and quickly fade in the sun. Such material is easy to accidentally pierce or crush. Sandwich panels, especially two-layer ones, on the contrary, cope well with the load, do not sag and have increased UV resistance. In addition, they provide additional thermal insulation, although this does not mean that such slopes do not need to be insulated.

Which option to choose is up to you, but if there are no financial restrictions, it is better to give preference to more practical sandwich panels. You will also need auxiliary materials - a starting strip of plastic (in the shape of the letter P), an F-shaped profile, a wooden lath 10-15 mm thick and a cement mixture.

If you plan to insulate the window, you need to purchase mineral wool and mounting foam. To fix the material, stock up on small (4.5 mm) and large (95 mm) self-tapping screws, dowels, staples and a construction stapler. To seal the seams, it is desirable to take white silicone.

Choosing tools

Prepare the necessary tools

The manufacture and installation of plastic slopes are carried out using the following tools:

  • drill with mixing nozzle;
  • perforator;
  • building level;
  • mounting knife;
  • saw on wood;
  • metal scissors;
  • sealant gun;
  • putty knife;
  • Master OK;
  • hammer and screwdriver.

Manufacturing technology of plastic slopes

How to make plastic slopes with your own hands? Let's consider the procedure. First of all, measure the dimensions of the upper and side window slopes with a tape measure - height and width. The starting strip of plastic is marked in size and the details are cut out. They will serve as the basis for the plastic panel.

The next step is the manufacture of slope panels. To do this, first cut a piece of plastic corresponding to the size of the upper slope, and then two sidewalls. In the future, they are installed in the grooves of the starting strip. It is important that the resulting frame meets the following requirements:

  • side elements have the same angle of rotation (checked with a square);
  • the gap between the starting profile and the plastic is at least 2 cm;
  • the panels do not protrude beyond the window opening (if necessary, they are cut with a mounting knife);
  • the absence of irregularities at the joints of the plastic (you can hide the flaws by mounting the trimmings of the starting strip on top).

The structure of the plastic slope

Then edging is made. The material for them is an F-shaped profile, adjusted to the dimensions of the slopes. For a snug fit, its joints are cut at an angle of 45º.

Particular attention should be paid to foaming voids in slopes. Mounting foam is distributed between the slope surface and plastic in small transverse strips. Filling the space completely is not recommended, because when solidified, the foam increases in volume and can warp the plastic panels. The process of fixing the slopes will be described in more detail below.

To make high-quality plastic slopes with your own hands and avoid mistakes during their installation, we recommend that you follow these tips:

  • Get high-quality plastic of the same shade for slopes with a window frame.
  • Do not forget to cut the mounting spikes from the PVC panels before installation.
  • Use a special knife or electric bolt saw to cut plastic.
  • Before installing the slopes, the surface of the window opening should be treated with a primer and an antifungal compound.
  • Use mounting foam with a low coefficient of expansion when installing.

Plastering will give the window a finished look
  • Foam should be applied at temperatures above -12°C.
  • Lay thermal insulation materials under plastic panels to prevent heat from escaping from the room.
  • If there are traces of masking tape on the plastic surface, it is easier to remove them with a cotton swab dipped in acetone.
  • Cover the cracks and plaster the surface under the windowsill. This will give the window a finished look and get rid of drafts.

If the work was done incorrectly, moisture begins to accumulate on the surface of the double-glazed window and window sill, and frost forms in winter. When these signs appear, the slopes should be redone to prevent the destruction of the window structure.

Installation of plastic slopes

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic slopes consists of several successive stages. You can start installation after 1.5 days after installing the window unit.

Important! Before starting work, the surface of the window is tightened with a film fixed with masking tape to prevent its contamination.

First stage

First you need to level the surface of the window opening vertically and horizontally. To do this, it is better to use frost-resistant mounting foam, applying it to the slopes in horizontal stripes at regular intervals. The voids are filled with insulation, wait 20 minutes and remove excess foam.

Second phase

At this stage, wooden slats are attached around the perimeter of the opening. The bars are fixed with long self-tapping screws (95 mm), having previously drilled holes of the required diameter in the places of the fasteners. In this case, the slats are positioned so that they do not protrude beyond the edge of the opening. To screw in the screws, a drill with a special nozzle is used, and the verticality of the fastening must be checked with a building level. Thus, you will get a rigid frame, on which the plastic will subsequently fall.

Installation of the rack frame

Third stage

The next task is to fasten the starting U-shaped strip to the rails. It is placed along the outer edge of the opening, fixing every 30-40 cm with short self-tapping screws. In order to avoid deviations in verticality and horizontality, markings are applied to the wall before installation with a pencil and a profile is attached along this line.

Advice! Pay attention to the density of the joining of the starting strip with the inner edge of the window. The fit should be as tight as possible.

This dusty work is completed. The protective film on the window is no longer needed, it can be removed.

Fourth stage

The turn of fixing the F-shaped profile has come. Before installation, it is marked out according to the height of the opening and the excess is cut with scissors for metal. The profile is attached to the beam with staples of a construction stapler. It is fixed only by one of the two parallel ribs, and the second will hide possible defects at the joints of the plastic panels with the opening and each other.

Mounting the F-profile

Fifth stage

At the fifth stage, we install plastic panels in the grooves. At the same time, additional window insulation can be performed. We take pre-prepared panels, insert them into the U-shaped strip and fix them in the F-shaped profile, having previously placed a layer of heat-insulating material under the bottom.


The final touch is to cover the joints with white silicone or sealant. This will hide minor flaws in the fit of the panels. Before applying it, the joints of the plastic are thoroughly degreased, a sealant is applied, and then the excess composition is removed with a rag soaked in acetone. This completes the installation of plastic slopes with your own hands, and you can enjoy the result of your labors. Happy repair!