Do-it-yourself valve installation on plastic windows. What you need to know about ventilation valves for plastic windows. What to Expect from the Air-Box Comfort Vent Valve

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The installation of plastic windows can lead to a violation of the microclimate in the house or office: an increase in the humidity of the environment, a lack of oxygen and stale air. It is easy to eliminate such problems with the help of supply valves for window openings.

TBM-Market has a wide range of window ventilators from leading Russian and international manufacturers. They normalize natural ventilation and stabilize air exchange in residential or non-residential premises.

Benefits of inlet valves

The valve consists of an internal controllable grate with adjustment and an external visor. The last element blocks the ingress of precipitation into the house, it is equipped with a protective mesh from small insects. The internal controlled part allows you to set the amount and direction of fresh air movement.

The features of window ventilators include the following:

  • the light zone of the double-glazed window remains free;
  • lack of drafts, as from an open window;
  • the flow of street air passes organically, in full;
  • there will be no heat loss;
  • maintaining sound insulation;
  • you can set the operating parameters, especially if these are automatic systems;
  • simple installation and use.

The ventilation valve looks like a narrow box, which is attached to the crossbar of the window opening. Internal parts, called feathers, are responsible for the flow of air from the outside. In good weather, the device allows air flows into the apartment, and in strong winds, the feathers block the entry of cold into the room. Due to the fact that the ventilation is regulated automatically, it is not necessary to open the windows for airing in the morning and in the evening.


When choosing a supply valve, you can rely on the following criteria:

  1. Release material:

  • metal;
  • plastic.
  • By type of management:
    • mechanical adjustment, where the desired level of ventilation is manually set;
    • automatic option, when the element itself determines the opening / closing period of the supply channel, depending on humidity, pressure surges in the room, the number of people in the house, etc.
  • According to the type of air flow into the room:
    • Rebate mechanism, when air flows through small holes in the shutter. It is not necessary to dismantle the window, but the throughput of the valve is low, soundproofing qualities may suffer.
    • Slotted systems, where air enters the premises through a hole up to 16mm high. Outside, the system is covered with a protective block from small insects and moisture. The inner part is represented by a regulating flap. Installation is carried out on the upper vertical or horizontal crossbar.
    • Overhead elements. Installation is not performed on an existing double-glazed window.
    • Wall mechanism, where air exchange passes through a hole in the wall and a plastic pipe. This expensive, but also effective device goes on sale already with forced heating or filters for air purification.
  • According to the installation method:
    • With built-in valves that come with PVC windows.
    • With milling, when the element can be purchased after the installation of a double-glazed window.
    • Without installation.
  • Depending on the manufacturer:
    • Russia;
    • France;
    • Germany.

    TBK-Market consultants will help you choose window ventilation to create the ideal microclimate in your home, office or industrial premises.

    The principle of operation of ventilation is based on the constant circulation of air in the apartment. However, modern plastic and metal-plastic double-glazed windows prevent free air exchange. To ensure the flow of air into the apartment in the right volume and make living in it as comfortable as possible, install a supply valve on the window - a compact, simple device in design.

    Most of the residential urban buildings are classified as economical housing, which means that the construction of high-rise buildings uses a natural ventilation scheme. It consists in the free circulation of the air inside the rooms, which is carried out due to the temperature difference in the street and in the building.

    Air path in a typical three-room apartment

    Fresh air enters through window gaps, vents, open window sashes, as well as small gaps under the door leafs, specially provided for this purpose. The spent environment is discharged through technical openings located in the bathrooms and kitchens, into the general house ventilation ducts and shafts.

    If there is a violation of the supply and exhaust scheme, the microclimate in the apartments will be disturbed, which will immediately affect the well-being of the residents. Stuffiness, high humidity and dust particles provoke the occurrence of diseases in people, as well as the appearance of mold.

    To establish air movement, various devices are used, for example, split systems or conventional fans inserted into the ventilation ducts.

    Duct ventilation is installed in the houses of the elite category

    In apartments with sealed double-glazed windows, there are simpler solutions, for example, installing an inlet valve on a wooden or plastic window. The compact device supplies air in a constant or cyclic mode, the choice of which depends on the temperature and humidity parameters necessary for comfortable living.

    Supply valve for PVC windows

    The design and nuances of installation depend on the installation location of the device. For example, wall models are most often mounted under a window, close to a heating radiator or convector. It is important that at least partially heated air enters the room. Window devices are placed directly on plastic windows - it is about such devices that will be discussed below.

    Purpose and design of the inlet valve

    Supply devices, as well as micro-ventilation systems, are designed to improve the microclimate in living rooms, offices and industrial premises. They provide a full volume of fresh air, which over time heats up, rises and moves towards the ventilation openings.

    Appliance painted in the color of the window frame

    There is one nuance that should be remembered when choosing and installing any air supply device: its operation becomes effective only when the hood is functioning properly. If the general house ventilation shafts are clogged with construction debris or the temperature outside is the same as in the house, ventilation will not be carried out. In this case, it is mandatory to install equipment for forced circulation: hoods, fans, air conditioners, split systems.

    The design largely depends on the type of valve, but most of the popular rebate models consist of the following parts:

    • outdoor unit for air intake, covered with a technical visor;
    • indoor module mounted on the frame from the side of the room;
    • a connecting channel cut into the frame and resembling a sleeve.

    There are also universal monoblock systems, which are a single element. Installation of such models is not difficult.

    Version of the model installed at the top of the sash

    What parts a particular model consists of, it is better to find out before buying. To do this, you can ask the installation diagram from the sales assistant. It is possible that the selected model does not suit the installation method, size, shape or color.

    Types of window valves

    Depending on various factors, all window dampers for supply ventilation can be combined into groups. For example, there is a classification according to the place of installation on a plastic double-glazed window. If desired, the device can be fixed at the following points:

    • horizontally on the top rail of the frame;
    • into the gap formed by two connected plastic elements;
    • at the point of contact between plastic and glass;
    • from the end of the sash;
    • on an additional element.

    Usually, devices are chosen that merge with the plastic in shade and do not interfere when opening / closing the valves.

    Place of installation - the upper plane of the window sash

    According to the design features, the products are divided into slotted, overhead and folded. The first are placed horizontally directly on the plastic surface of the valves. Thanks to the mobility of the frame, the device can be fixed without dismantling the double-glazed window.

    Overhead models in the domestic sphere are practically not used, since their installation is carried out before the insertion of window structures. Folded devices are “implanted” into the frame, having previously cut a hole. Installation has some nuances, so it is better not to fix the inlet valve on PVC windows with your own hands, but to entrust this responsible procedure to a specialist - a representative of the implementing company.

    Appearance of the rebate type valve

    In terms of performance, inflow products can be of small, medium or large capacity. Devices with minimum performance - up to 6 m³ / h - are used for small rooms that do not need volumetric air exchange. One piece is enough to equip the ventilation in the bedroom, living room or children's room up to 20 m².

    Products of the middle category with parameters up to 35 m³ / h are suitable for large rooms or rooms where active air exchange is required. Large capacity - 150 m³ / h or more - is needed for halls in which a large number of people accumulate, or for industrial premises.

    Advantages of automatic devices

    Regardless of the design, all products are divided into three subgroups:

    • without the possibility of adjustment;
    • with manual adjustment;
    • automatic.

    The first subgroup is the simplest devices resembling an insert. Through a small hole, the outdoor atmospheric environment constantly penetrates into the room. Since it is impossible to stop feeding, the productivity is low. It is good to install such devices in utility rooms or corridors.

    Mechanical models are controlled manually. They are also simple in design, but they are equipped with a small shutter or damper, with which you can interrupt the air supply. Devices are installed in a convenient and accessible place. If the temperature outside drops sharply, it is enough to close the valve. The advantages of the models are low price and simple operation, the disadvantage is the periodic lack of ventilation.

    Manual valve

    The third subgroup is recognized as the most successful, as it acts independently. Thanks to temperature and humidity sensors, the device turns on at the right time, and when the microclimate in the room becomes ideal, the ventilation stops.

    The most expensive models not only automatically change operating modes depending on humidity and temperature, but are also regulated using automation. You can program the automatic supply valve on the plastic window so that it closes during the day and turns on at night or more actively ventilates the room before the owners arrive home.

    Rating of popular brands

    Well-known manufacturers of ventilation devices do not need additional advertising, as they have been present on the Russian market for a long time and have proven themselves only from the best side. Their products are cutting edge and have a lot of advantages over less popular competitors. Let's consider some of them.

    1st place - Russian company AIR BOX

    The range of products offered is small, but among the supply ventilation valves for AIR BOX windows it is easy to find the right option, as there are manual and automatic ones, with and without milling.

    You can choose a model from three series: Comfort, Standard and Comfort C. Comfort dampers have two mounting options - built-in and mounted on the frame from above. Depending on the installation, the performance of the device changes slightly: without milling it reaches 31 m³ / h, with cutting through a special hole it increases to 42 m³ / h. Models are adjusted manually.

    After installation, the AIR BOX merges with the plastic base

    For fans of automatic devices, the Standart series is offered. Automation is limited and aimed at adjusting the speed of air street masses. If the wind increases, the moving elements move to a different position, thereby weakening the pressure. This is necessary to protect the house from drafts. But the AIR BOX Standard supply valve for PVC windows also has a very significant disadvantage - low performance. It passes only 5 m³ / h.

    Comfort S models are designed for wooden frames. Before installation, three holes must be cut in the horizontal top bar: two for inserting the device elements and the third for fasteners. Productivity of devices - 41 m³ / h.

    2nd place - French manufacturer AERECO

    Today, three Aereco window series of inlet valves for plastic windows are produced: EMM², EHA², EMM. All of them are hygroregulated. This means that when the humidity in the room changes, the devices independently change the position of the elements and reduce or increase the air flow.

    Aereco EMM construction in section

    The presence of a protective visor for the designs EMM² and EMM allows you to reduce the noise level to 37 dB. Models of the EHA² series have an advanced design and are equipped with a manual switch. The EMM modification has the ability to adjust the air jet: vertically or sloped.

    3rd place - Polish brand VENTAIR

    Supply devices successfully combined aesthetics, functionality and moderate cost. The performance of the devices is sufficient for ventilation of residential premises - up to 25 m³ / h. Adjustment of devices occurs automatically, due to pressure and humidity drops.

    The advantage of the models is that they reduce the flow of incoming air in winter or on windy days, thereby protecting against drafts and heat loss in the room.

    In addition to the listed manufacturers, products under the brands Systemair, Vents, SINAX AIR, Rehau, Fläkt Woods, Gealan, ALDES, SIEGENIA-AUBI have proven themselves well.

    Inlet valve installation instructions

    Household air inlets have a low cost, but more importantly, the possibility of self-installation. The devices are easy to mount on the window sash, while a minimum of working tools is required: a construction knife, a screwdriver. You will also need a stepladder if the installation site is high. For example, take the installation instructions for the slot model.

    Step by step procedure:

    • Step 1 - checking the configuration of the supply unit. The kit includes the device itself, three pieces of seals (one - 35 cm and two - 16 cm each), self-tapping screws for fastening to the frame.
    • Step 2 - cutting and removing the seal from the top of the sash. To do this, take the valve and, focusing on its length, cut out a piece of 35 cm.
    • Step 3 - installation of plastic parts. We take the plastic dowels from the kit and insert them into the hollow from under the removed seal.
    • Step 4 - valve installation. We remove the protective film and put the device on the sash so that the mounting holes are opposite the dowels.

    Photo hint: how to install a supply valve on a plastic window

    • Step 5 - tightening the screws. We insert the self-tapping screws into the holes one by one and use a screwdriver to twist them.
    • Step 6 - installation of seals from the kit. Instead of the removed seal, we insert two new ones 16 cm each.
    • Step 7 - install the seal on the adjacent frame. To create a gap between the seals, we change the rubber gasket and on the frame - we put the one that is included in the kit (35 cm).

    At the end of the work, close the sash, check the functionality of the supply valve. If there is an adjustment knob, move it to the left / right, achieving a change in the volume of incoming air.

    According to this principle, most of the slot-hole supply devices are mounted. However, there are models whose installation is fundamentally different. Such devices include a supply valve-handle on a plastic window. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary handle for opening and snapping the sash, but the lower part of the body is a ventilation valve.

    Handle valve before installation

    Installation is carried out similarly to the installation of a conventional handle, but an additional hole is cut for air flow.

    Sometimes after installation additional adjustment is required. It is usually appropriate if the principle of operation of the device is not yet clear. To understand the operation of the device, you need to smoothly move the handle and monitor the result. If the air flow seems weak, the gap should be increased.

    Comfort air setting

    If the installation of the device seems complicated, it is necessary to study the instructions more closely. If after that you still have problems with installation and configuration, invite the wizard.

    Video materials about the device and installation of supply valves

    An interesting and useful video about the supply valve for AERECO plastic windows. Device overview and detailed installation instructions:

    Briefly about the value of supply ventilation from the manufacturer AIR BOX:

    DIY installation video tutorial:

    An alternative expert opinion on the effectiveness of climate control window valves. Be sure to watch the video before violating the integrity of the inner sealing contour of the window:

    Manufacturers claim that supply valves will help to establish a comfortable microclimate, get rid of drafts and condensation on the windows. Good ventilation is the key to sound sleep and excellent well-being for all family members, but one should hardly expect miracles from an inexpensive household device.

    The installation of hermetic window structures entails a deterioration in the microclimate of the room: humidity rises, there is a lack of oxygen and stuffy air. Problems can be easily solved by placing the supply valve on plastic windows - the device normalizes natural ventilation and stabilizes air exchange.

    We will tell you how to choose the right ventilator to ensure the supply of fresh air to rooms with plastic window frames. We have detailed descriptions of popular device models tested in practice. For independent home masters, we provide detailed installation instructions.

    The basis of the normal microclimate of the room is the presence of an effective one.

    The air must constantly circulate - polluted with excess carbon dioxide is removed through the hoods, and clean air comes from outside.

    Image Gallery

    The old, imperfect structures did the job effectively, providing sufficient airflow even in winter. The disadvantage of wooden frames is poor sound and heat insulation

    Trying to restore air circulation by opening a window in ventilation mode cannot be considered a good solution for the following reasons:

    • the advantages of "plastic" are reduced to zero - the efficiency of thermal insulation of the room is reduced;
    • ventilation works only when the window is open, which is especially problematic to organize in the cold season or in windy weather;
    • the air flow is uneven and uncontrolled - drafts appear.

    Some manufacturers of window systems took into account the consequences of complete tightness and improved metal-plastic structures.

    Violation of air exchange negatively affects the health and livelihoods of people. Condensation appears on the windows, slopes and walls become covered with mold - the concentration of toxic substances increases

    Special ventilation fittings:

    • ventilated profiles;
    • opening limiters;
    • partially breathable seals;
    • glazing beads with control valve.

    An inlet valve is used to ensure air flow through a previously installed window.

    The purpose of the supply valve is to supply outside fresh air to the room. Most modern apartments are completely devoid of supply air, which is designed for the operation of ventilation exhaust ducts in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. For high-quality operation of the hood, the predominance of internal pressure over external pressure is necessary, otherwise it is possible. The inflow was made through the leaks of window and door blocks, but modern designs have a high degree of tightness and do not let air in, making natural ventilation impossible.

    Supply valves provide access of outside air into the premises, normalize the work and create high-quality air exchange.

    How does it work?

    The operation of the supply valve consists in supplying outside air through a ventilation duct specially made in the outer wall or sash of a plastic window. The flow is carried out in a natural way due to the pressure difference inside and outside.

    The volume of the inlet flow is regulated by a damper that increases or decreases the clearance of the ventilation duct. Adjustment is made manually by means of the handle on internal (wall) part of the valve.

    Types and features

    The main types of supply valves:

    • wall

    From the name, we can conclude the installation location of the device. The most advanced models include breathers and wall valves, which have a much larger set of features. The most advanced models have humidity sensors (hygrometers), temperature sensors and remote control from a remote control or smartphone.

    Expert opinion

    Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

    The main feature of inlet valves is no need to open windows. This plays an important role for people with various respiratory diseases or allergies. The possibility of constant ventilation in the absence of irritating or harmful air components is important for such people, it helps to ensure the quality of the indoor air and comfort for residents.

    Expensive models with complex functionality are able to provide the highest quality fresh air supply with predetermined flow parameters. There are models with a programmable mode of operation. At the same time, almost any type of device is able to work like a regular wall valve, without being connected to the power supply network.

    Wall damper supply ventilation

    Wall valves allow you to get the maximum effect of ventilation of the premises. They are installed on the surface of the outer wall in a convenient place, they are often mounted above central heating radiators so that the supply air is heated and does not reduce the temperature inside the rooms. The valve device consists of three main elements:

    • outer decorative hood or ventilation grille

    • air duct installed in the through hole of the outer wall

    • the main block of the supply valve, in which a filter is installed, sometimes a fan and other equipment

    Wall valves operating on the principle of natural flow, suitable only for relatively warm regions of the country. Cold air in frosty weather will create conditions for the formation of condensate, icing on the case and the wall around the device. In addition, cold air can chill the room, which will require increased heating costs.

    The typical delivery volume of one valve is about 30 m 3 /h, which corresponds to the hourly rate for one person. This must be borne in mind when purchasing a device for an apartment. More advanced and expensive models are capable of supplying a much larger volume of flow, have a lot of additional functions - heating, multi-stage filtration, different speed modes.

    For plastic windows

    Supply valves for plastic windows are devices installed on the upper rung of the sash. Air is supplied through a hole in the frame. Outside, a decorative cap with a grate is installed to prevent the penetration of small debris, poplar fluff or insects. A housing with a dust filter is installed on the inside.

    The supply of fresh air is carried out in the direction from the bottom up, which eliminates the possibility of drafts and allows the cold outside air to be somewhat warmed up from the heat of the heated inside air cushion.

    The disadvantage of such valves is cold bridge formation at the point where the supply air is released into the room. It is served unheated, greatly cools the body, which contributes to the formation of condensate and hull icing.

    Window valves for fresh air ventilation

    Window valves, in addition to those already considered, have another implementation option. A rubber seal is cut off on the outer part of the window sash. The valve is mounted on the upper part of the sash, attached with three screws to the plastic quarter. Air is supplied through a gap formed by the absence of a rubber seal.

    The device is very simple, but does not require drilling or milling of plastic flaps, and replacing the seal, if necessary, is not difficult. The device allows ventilation with simultaneous filtering of the incoming air flow, although such a valve cannot compete with more advanced models of wall installations in terms of the quality of preparation.


    Domvent wall valves are designed for installation in a through hole in an external wall. The design of the valve is designed for installation above radiators. Air supply occurs in the longitudinal direction (parallel to the plane of the wall), which allows the flow to be heated by the heat of the battery. Such an installation completely eliminates the wetting of the walls, icing or the supply of too cold air. The only exceptions are regions with very cold winters (-40°C or so). An additional function of the Domvent valve is noise isolation, which reduces the level of external sounds to almost zero.

    The design of the damper consists of an external grille with a mosquito net, an air duct and a main unit located inside the room above the heating radiator. High-quality air filtration ensures the absence of allergens, fine dust, wool particles and other harmful or unwanted elements.

    KPV 125

    A complete analogue of this model is the KIV-125 valve. The supply valve of a conventional design without additional elements, designed for natural ventilation of the premises. Made from insulating materials reduces the risk of icing in winter time. This noticeably distinguishes KPV 125 from window valves that are prone to icing or condensation.

    To control the damper, there is a special knob, by turning which the opening or closing of the lumen of the ventilation duct is achieved. If the valve is too high, the adjustment is made using a special cord attached to the handle.

    The design of the damper is practically the same as the base model - an external ventilation grill, an insulated air duct, a main unit with a filter and a control handle. The appearance of the device is quite attractive and neat. The valve has a compact size and does not stand out on the wall surface, ensuring high-quality performance of its tasks.

    Which valve to choose - rating

    The choice of wall valve is influenced by various factors:

    • the needs and needs of the premises

    • climatic conditions of the region

    • room sizes, number of people

    • preferences and wishes of residents

    • financial opportunities

    Among the many design options, it is customary to refer to the most high-quality and advanced installations breathers of the Tion family. They lead in terms of price-quality ratio, user reviews unanimously give them the palm in all positions.

    For normal ventilation of premises without the need for additional functionality, you can use ordinary window or wall devices that do not need a power supply, are easy to install and maintain.

    It should be borne in mind that the cost of supply ventilation units starts at 16,000 rubles, which significantly limits their use. The final choice is usually driven by a combination of opportunity and necessity.

    Installation: installation rules

    The installation of window valves consists in drilling (milling) a through hole in the upper horizontal partition of the window sash. Alternatively, it may only be necessary to remove a piece of rubber seal, which significantly reduces interference with the window structure. The valve body is installed on the frame and fastened with screws, after which the device is ready for use.

    Expert opinion

    Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

    Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

    Installing wall valves is much more difficult. The main stage of installation is drilling the outer wall under the plastic duct. The hole diameter is about 12 cm, which requires the use of a special tool. Typically, a diamond drill is used, installed in an electric drill on a special feed rail. It provides the specified position of the tool and feeds. The channel should have a slight outward slope of 3-5° to drain condensate or rainwater. The work is difficult, it is not recommended to do it yourself.

    After the hole is made, the installation is carried out and insulated. At this stage, it is important to ensure the thermal insulation of the tube in order to prevent cold from entering the apartment. Then the indoor unit is hung, tightly attached to the wall. After that, it remains only to connect the device to the power supply and set the required operating mode.

    Plastic windows over the past 10 years have gained great popularity due to their good heat and sound insulation characteristics and relatively low cost. But many users have a problem when, with natural ventilation, double-glazed windows work ambiguously. If you use micro or macro ventilation, the room will either not have enough fresh air, or there will be strong drafts. There is a solution to the problem - a supply valve on plastic windows. The device is capable, without violating the tightness of the double-glazed window, to ensure good circulation of oxygen in the room without opening the window frame.

    Varieties and method of application

    Window valves are divided into several types, depending on the method of operation and installation method. The following varieties are found on the construction market.

    Slotted inlet valve

    This option can be automatic or mechanical type. Fresh air is supplied through a small connector with dimensions of 17-40x1.2-1.6 cm. There may be 2 blocks in the design - an external intake type and a regulating internal one.

    There are also combined devices. The main advantage of slotted valves on windows is the ease of installation. For the installation of this device, it is not required to violate the integrity of the blocks.

    The valve on the plastic window forms a passage for fresh air thanks to the seam openings in the window block.

    This option is characterized by a reduced degree of throughput, an increased level of sound insulation and low cost. Also, the advantages include the absence of the need to dismantle the frame to install the device.

    Overhead window fixture

    The overhead supply valve, which is installed on the window, is distinguished by a large air inflow and global disadvantages. The device helps to reduce the soundproofing and heat-insulating features of the window block, it cannot be mounted on finished windows.

    As a rule, the overhead ventilation valve on the frame is used in industrial premises.

    Making the right choice

    In order for the supply valve to plastic windows to be able to create the most suitable microclimate in the room, when choosing it, it is necessary to pay attention to functionality. Use the recommendations of experts to eliminate the error:

    1. To ensure the necessary characteristics of air exchange, it must operate on the inflow of street air with parameters of more than 30 m 3 / h per 1 person.
    2. The device should not impair the soundproofing properties of the window. The optimal indicator is 30-35 dB.
    3. Possibility of application in the winter season. To prevent the device from freezing during frosts, a “thermal break” is provided in its design. A special plastic part is responsible for this function, which is mounted inside the case.
    4. Setting methods. There are variations on the market with a mechanical, automatic or combined method of regulation.
    5. The method of installation of the structure. Some variations can be mounted in a finished window, others are installed at the production stage of window frames.

    It is not recommended to opt for a product that does not provide for adjustment. This function is very important for creating the most optimal microclimate in the room, regardless of its purpose.

    VIDEO: How to ventilate a room with fully closed PVC windows

    Installation methods

    Installation of the supply valve on plastic windows is carried out in two ways - with or without perforation.

    How to install a flow element with additional perforations:

    1. Prepare the necessary parts and tools. To work, you will need a drill, a jigsaw, sandpaper, a 0.5-1 cm drill, a knife, a hermetic filler, a ruler.
    2. Create markings on the top sash of the frame, this is done from the inside and outside of the window.
    3. According to the drawn template, make several through holes with a size of 0.5-1 cm. They will be the basis for a larger perforation, therefore, according to this marking, drill holes to 1 cm parameters. Clean the edges with sandpaper.
    4. The valve mounting part is installed on the overlay cover of the sash using self-tapping screws. But the element is pre-treated with a hermetic agent.
    5. On the surfacing of the window frame, grooves are milled based on template parameters. The outer area of ​​the frame is equipped with the outer part of the air inlet and a special visor, it is provided in the package. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws, after which it is processed with a hermetic agent.
    6. The inside of the device is installed on the bar using latches and clips.

    In this case, the procedure will be as follows:

    1. In the process, you will need a Phillips screwdriver, a knife, a pencil, a ruler.
    2. A small section of the seal is removed from the frame overlay, equal to the size of the supply element. A special gasket from the device kit is glued to this area.
    3. In the grooves of the sealing material, 3 plugs are mounted with an "umbrella" in the downward direction. The valve itself is mounted on top of the window frame on the sashes with brackets.
    4. Sealing material is glued in the connector between the brackets.

    This option involves working through the resulting gap between the device and the seal.

    How to set up and care for the structure

    Supply ventilation valves for PVC windows provide for automatic or mechanical adjustment. In the first case, the device is supplemented with an automated sensor that is responsible for hygroregulation. During a decrease in the level of humidity, the flow of oxygen will decrease, naturally, when it rises, it will increase.

    As for the mechanical, or rather the manual method of control, here you can make some mistakes. In case of incorrect determination, frosting of the structure or hypothermia of the room will occur. Therefore, it is necessary to study the instruction manual before use.

    It is required to clean the device from dust once every six months. Wet microfiber wipes the visor and body. This is enough for the device to perform its functions properly.

    It is not recommended to use aggressive chemicals for cleaning. Also, do not use strong water pressure. If repairs are planned in the house, the ventilation device must be covered.

    Self-installation of the supply element is not provided for by the operating instructions for windows. If you create any holes in the window frame, the manufacturer's warranty will be void.

    Based on user feedback, it should be concluded that an air valve on plastic windows is a necessary and practical addition that allows you to improve the microclimate in an apartment or house.

    Overview of popular brands

    Despite the abundance of offers on the market and the huge number of manufacturers of plastic windows, few are engaged in the production of supply valves. Of those that are presented today in Russia, we can distinguish:

    • rehau
    • Aereco

    Let's consider each of them in more detail.

    German valves manufactured by Siegenia are of good quality, but large in size. When installed, they cover part of the window, which is generally uncomfortable.

    An order of magnitude better and smaller in size are Rehau products - the valves are automatically regulated, they work silently, they can be used in windows of various sizes - from standard to small attic.

    Aereco from Homearea is considered the undisputed leader in this segment both in terms of quality (I will give special priority to frost resistance) and price - compared to analogues, these supply valves are cheaper. But the most interesting thing is that the work is carried out automatically depending on the humidity in the room with full preservation of the soundproofing properties.

    The entire range of Homearea products is moisture sensitive and adjustable in relation to the humidity in the room. Aereco is attached in two ways, depending on the air supply - vertical or horizontal. Works in comfortable formations - easy ventilation and automatic.

    For ease of choice, the manufacturer has developed 3 product lines at once:

    • Comfort provides for different installation methods - with and without milling;
    • Comfort-S for windows without sash for ventilation;
    • Regel-air for different types of windows and aimed at passive ventilation of the room.

    The Regel-air climate valve is a universal type adapted to all varieties. The advantage over analogues is invisibility when the sash is closed - it is mounted in a hidden way - and the complete preservation of sound insulation at the time of direct ventilation.


    As noted earlier, Aereco supply valves manufactured by Homearea (France) are the best in their segment. The principle of operation of such a device is based on a change (increase or narrowing) of the through hole, taking into account the humidity in the room and temperature.

    Air-Box Regel-Air costs 480-510 rubles in different stores, good discounts are provided for wholesalers - a batch of 100 pieces can be bought exactly 2 times cheaper.

    Air-Box Comfort and Comfort-S will cost 940-980 rubles. (wholesale price 420-450 rubles), but here it is definitely recommended to buy a visor with valves, the cost of which is from 100 rubles. and higher.

    Rehau valves cost about 50 euros, Siegenia - 35-40 euros.

    If you noticed that condensation began to appear on the windows, it's time to buy supply valves. When choosing the appropriate option, be sure to consider the degree of frost resistance, the presence of automatic ventilation and the installation method. If everything is done correctly, a healthy microclimate in the house or in the room where you work will be ensured!

    VIDEO: How to make the simplest supply ventilation in the house