Breeding and rearing giant rabbits. Meat breeds of rabbits, description and benefits

The California rabbit has average value, and has a characteristic white color, with black or dark brown tips on the tail, nose and legs. Californian rabbits were bred in the United States of America through a complex cross-breeding process between three breeds: the New Zealand, Soviet Chinchilla and Russian Ermine rabbits.

Subsequently, when selecting individuals within the breed, rabbits were crossed with the most preferred parameters, which combined good performance meat forms of the Soviet chinchilla, the rapid growth of the New Zealand rabbit and the high-quality hairline of the Russian ermine breed. The result of such selection was the Californian rabbit.

The body constitution of California rabbits is quite strong, while they have a thin and light, but strong enough skeleton. The rabbit's head is light, with thin ears, no more than ten centimeters long. A well-developed muscular body, has a wide and deep chest, and a short broad back. An adult California rabbit reaches a weight of 4.5 kilograms.

Newborn rabbits of this breed have a weight of about forty-five grams, and are distinguished by high growth progress, reaching a mass of up to two kilograms at the age of two months. A month later, with proper care, the weight of the rabbit increases to three and a half kilograms, and by five months the weight exceeds four kilograms. After reaching this mark, the intensity of their growth sharply declines.

As a percentage of feed costs per unit of growth, Californian rabbits are approximately on the same line as New Zealand ones. At slaughter, the yield is about 55-60 percent.


meat - 83-85%

fat - 1.8-2.5%

The females of the Californian rabbit are quite prolific, and in one round they are able to bring up to eight rabbits. Thus, the female of this breed is able to bring about thirty cubs per year. The rabbits that are born have a clean White color, and age spots characteristic of rabbits of the Californian breed are detected somewhat later.

The minimum allowable weight for rabbits aged 8 months and older is 3.5 kg, the highest is 5.5 kg. Best weight for this breed 4.0-5.2 kg.

The physique is harmonious, well-developed muscles, well-developed fore and hind limbs, has broad shoulders and back. Allowed in adult females (more than 1 year) a small chin of the correct form. Short tail close to the body. Ears are 10.5 to 11.5 cm long. This breed has a very thick, flexible and silky coat up to 3 cm long.

The Californian rabbit is characterized by a very rapid growth. Coat color: the predominant color is snow-white. And the ears, nose, tail, fore and hind limbs up to the wrist are black (sometimes there are Havana colors - chocolate).

The Californian is one of the early maturing breeds. Puberty in rabbits occurs at 3-3.5 months, but it is impossible to let them into mating at this age, since the development of their organs has not yet ended. Rabbits of this breed usually occur at the age of 4-5 months when they reach approximately 80% of the live weight of adult rabbits. Males are allowed in the first mating at 5-6 months of age. Duration of breeding use of rabbits and males - 3 years. Each male is assigned 8-10 females. The females of this breed are high-milk and prolific, they bring from 8 to 14 rabbits.

To buy California rabbits, you can come to our farm and choose your favorite females and males. If this is not convenient for you, order delivery, which is free with us when you buy several rabbits. We complete families on different lines for breeding. Available for sale comfortable cages for breeding rabbits. Please note that all rabbits are vaccinated and pass close examination before leaving our farm.

A little about California rabbits

This is one of the most popular breeds in the world, bred in the USA since the early 20s of the 20th century. They were brought to our country in the early 1970s. To date, the breeding of this breed in Russia is reaching an industrial scale.


The color is pure white with dark ears, nose and paw tips. Pedigree rabbits have no extra dark spots, and the borders of the color are even and clear. The ears are short to 10.5 cm. The eyes are pink to red. The average weight of an adult rabbit is 4.5 kg.

Ideal for breeding!

Many rabbit breeders believe that California rabbits are ideal for breeding and this is due to the following facts:

Photos of Californian rabbits which you can buy from us

rabbit california

Californian rabbit - white color, with characteristic black ears, nose, paws and tail. The California rabbit was bred in the USA by crossing several breeds to obtain good performance and high-quality and early meat.

The weight of a 2-month-old rabbit is from 1.9 to 2.3 kg, and a month later, at 3 months of age, up to 3.4 kg. Slaughter yield of meat up to 60%.

Rabbits of the Californian breed are very prolific and milky, therefore they are good, caring mothers. Rabbits are born naked with characteristically pigmented spots.

The California rabbit can be kept both in shed conditions and indoors. Paws allow content on mesh floors.

For information on where to buy california rabbits- select the region of Russia.

Buy cages for rabbits in Moscow and the Moscow region on the Cages for rabbits page. Sale of cages for rabbits made for cash and non-cash payment

California rabbit

The Californian rabbit is very widespread. This was facilitated industrial breeding meat rabbits.

Description of the breed Californian

Color hairline - pure white with dark brown and black spots on the ears, muzzle, tail and paws.

Head: small, light, slightly hook-nosed, with short thin ears.

Torso: compact, well muscled.

body constitution strong.

backbone light, thin, but strong enough.

The appearance of the Californian rabbit breed speaks of its meat direction.

Live weight of rabbits averages from 4.5 kg. up to 5 kg. and adult rabbits - from 4.7 kg. up to 5.2 kg.


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For a farmer, the weight of rabbits is the main indicator of production productivity. Among other domestic animals, they are the fastest growing. On average, by 4-5 months, pets grow by 65%, and after about 8-10 months, eared ones gain the maximum mass characteristic of a particular species. What is the rate of development in different breeds how much rabbits should weigh at certain periods of life and what weight is considered the norm for adults - you will learn from this article.

Livestock growth dynamics

Newborn eared rabbits of different breeds can weigh a rabbit, depending on age. Being born blind and hairless, thanks to mother's milk, in the first 25-28 days of life (about 4 weeks), the weight of the rabbit increases by about 10 times. Then the growth rate slows down a bit. But the next three to four months, there is still an intensive weight gain.

By 4-5 months, the animals reach sexual maturity, gaining approximately 65-70% of the average adult weight of a rabbit. At this age, individuals weigh about 3.5 kg.

Eared give the maximum number of kilograms by 9-10 months of life. There are minor differences depending on the breed. They must be studied in order to achieve the goal for which the farmer organizes a rabbit farm.

What determines the quality of body weight gain

The productivity of a farm is directly related to the rate at which animals gain weight. This component of success can be influenced by considering the following parameters:

  • natural features of the breed;
  • hereditary qualities of livestock;
  • maternal qualities of the female;
  • living conditions created for animals;
  • quality and diet;
  • correctly carried out perinatal and infantile periods.

When planning farming activities, the owner needs to decide for what purpose the rabbits will be raised. If the direction of the economy is only meat, meat species of animals are needed.

If the farmer is planning a meat and skin direction, then the livestock for breeding must be selected appropriately. Giant breed rabbits show the best mass gain results at the lowest cost.

What are the largest rabbits

Giant rabbits grow faster than others: flandre, white giant, French ram, Californian and New Zealand white. Breeding these species is cost-effective for several reasons. The first is the precocity of these breeds and fast, in comparison with others, growth rates.

In addition, giants easily adapt to any conditions of detention, even endure adverse cold weather. With powerful immunity to a wide range of diseases, these rabbits can breed well. In one round, a giant female usually has from 10 babies.

By the age of 3 months, giant rabbits have a mass of more than 2.5 kg. An adult rabbit of giant breeds weighs 5-7 kg.

Of course, each variety of eared is characterized by its own developmental features by month. Below is a table with detailed information about how much a rabbit weighs depending on age:

Characteristics of different breeds

Certain types of eared can be used for different result in production. There are only meat ones - their weight is large, they gain it quickly and easily. If the rabbits are downy, then the indicators of weight gain are not so important. But there are also mixed breeds. They perform well in the meat direction, while successfully giving fluff or a good skin.

The minimum weight of adult meat individuals is 4.5-5 kg. The maximum weight of representatives of this species is 10-12 kg. On average, adult animals raised for meat grow up to 6-7 kg. At the same time, at the age of three months, the live weight of rabbits is approximately 40-45% of the weight. adult, which is equal to 2.5-2.7 kg.

Adult representatives of meat-down breeds weigh an average of 5 kg, reaching by three months approximately the same indicators as meat breeds - 2.5-2.7 kg.

Downy breeds are the lightest. Adults hardly reach 3.5-4 kg, at 3-4 months they barely reach 2 kg.

What can affect the growth rate

There is a relationship between the time of year and the mass of animals. Rabbit breeders have come to the consensus that the time of birth affects the growth rate of the rabbit. It has been observed that individuals born in winter or early spring develop much faster than those born in the summer-autumn period.

Different types of rabbits develop in different ways. But on average, from about the 80th day of life, the cost of feed begins to increase significantly.

Representatives of absolutely all varieties of the hare family stop growing, gaining maximum weight after 10 months. As a rule, only fertile females and breeding males are kept until this age. The rest of the individuals end their existence by 4 months.

How does rabbit milkiness affect growth?

The growth rate of rabbits is affected by the milkiness of the female. If the rabbit has enough quality milk, if she responsibly approaches the process of feeding the offspring, then the intensity of the weight gain of the rabbits will be very high. And not only during the lactation period, but also after separation from the mother.

Summer okrol gives more complete milk to the rabbit than spring. In the first birth, the female's milk production will be lower than in subsequent ones. Top performance can only be manifested in the third lactation.

The best indicators of milk production are in the Californian breed and the Soviet chinchilla. The worst are the New Zealand whites.

The milkiness of rabbits can be determined in comparison with other individuals of the species. Visually, in females with the best indicators, the girth of the chest is larger by about 7%. And the trunk is longer by 2% with a body weight reduced by 700-800 g.

Relationship between health and weight gain

An important factor for rapid weight gain is the health of rabbits. The physical data of the eared differ from other types of farm animals. normal temperature the body of lagomorphs can vary from 37 to 41 degrees, dropping in winter and rising in the summer heat.

Pets of rabbit farms feel comfortable at temperatures environment from 15 to 22 degrees. But they can withstand frosts down to -30, and heat +30 degrees.

Dampness and drafts can provoke diseases, which will adversely affect the growth of livestock. Therefore, provide your pets with acceptable living conditions, a balanced, complete diet, clean cages and a calm psychological environment.

Subject to all these conditions, the health of the eared will be in order. They will quickly gain weight, and the cost of care and quality nutrition will quickly meet your expectations. In the article "How long do rabbits live" you will learn all the details about the life expectancy of eared.

Please write in the comments what breeds you prefer to breed on your farm. How fast do they grow.

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Today, rabbit breeding is considered a profitable and profitable occupation. These animals can be raised with an emphasis on meat production, obtaining fluff, or you can choose a breed suitable for both at the same time. But meat species are most in demand among farmers: everyone knows the benefits of dietary rabbit meat. In addition, you can choose a breed that will give the greatest yield of a valuable product. In the article, we will consider exactly those breeds of rabbits that are most profitable to grow for meat: we will get acquainted with the best representatives of these species today, learn how to cross animals for better results, how to care for and feed rabbits.

Characteristics of domestic breeds, for breeding for meat

As already mentioned, rabbits can be raised for different purposes. There are breeds specifically for meat that have a decent weight and fatness, downy species, which are distinguished by thick soft wool, and combined breeds that can equally successfully produce both meat and down. But the meat and fur output of the combined breed will in any case be less than that of monobreeds aimed at the production of one valuable product.

Meat breeds of rabbits are distinguished by the following important characteristics. Highly rapidly rabbit growth. Animals quickly gain weight, becoming quite heavy and well-fed in a short period of time. At the same time, the young "meat" rabbits are born healthy and of a decent size. Their survival rate is quite high.

The weight of the animals is quite decent: on average, a meat rabbit weighs about 5 kg, but some specimens reach 9 kg. Rabbits of meat breeds are distinguished by excellent health. They rarely get sick, easily endure unfavourable conditions content, cold

Breed overview

So, today experts single out several meat breeds of rabbits that deserve the most attention. Consider these types of animals in more detail, find out what are the features of each breed.

This is our domestic breed, widely known abroad. It was bred by selective crossing: scientists tried to get a breed capable of equally successfully producing high-quality fluff, and at the same time having a lot of weight.

What the chinchilla breed looks like can be seen.

This pet is especially suited to our climate, as it is originally adapted to it. Soviet chinchilla can be safely grown in almost any corner of our country. Animals are highly prolific, have a broad-boned physique, a small head, and soft blue fur.

The weight of an adult specimen is, on average, 5 kg. Slaughter yield - 60%.

white giant

This is the most popular breed among breeders. meat rabbits. Animals very quickly gain weight, besides, they are distinguished by a calm, friendly character. This is one of the oldest artificially bred breeds - the birth of the first white giant occurred in the 19th century.

Rabbits have an elongated body, a strong build, a developed, dense chest, and a small head compared to the body. The weight of an adult is, on average, 5.5 kg, but can reach 8 kg.

Find out what the composition of the feed should be.

The rate of weight gain is not too high, however this shortcoming compensated by the excellent health of animals, their rare unpretentiousness and endurance. Animals are very prolific, and the slaughter yield in this case is one of the highest - about 83%.

gray giant

These animals are also loved by domestic rabbit breeders due to their unpretentiousness and very fast weight gain. The gray giant has a muscular, strong body, animals are very mobile, females have a highly developed maternal instinct. The slaughter yield in this case is also high - 83%.

Poltava silver

This is a domestic meat breed of rabbits. The silver rabbit was bred in the middle of the 20th century in the Poltava and Tula regions. Animals of this breed have a wide massive body, a decent size of the chest, a small head. Rabbits are very tenacious and hardy. The average weight of an adult rabbit is 4.5 kg, the maximum reaches 6 kg.

Animals are fertile - on average, a standard round ends with the birth of 8 cubs. After birth, the rabbits quickly gain weight: according to this criterion, the Poltava Silver breed is the best.

Vienna blue

This is an Austrian breed of animals, they were bred by crossing Moravian rabbits and meat flanders. Outwardly, these animals are medium-sized, however, they gain weight very quickly. They are grown not only for meat, but also for the purpose of obtaining soft, high-quality fluff.

You will find information on “rabbit breeding for beginners”.

The average weight of an adult is 4.5-5 kg. At one time, the female gives birth to about 9 cubs. It should be noted that immediately after birth, the young grow rapidly, and at the same time very rarely get sick with something. In addition, Viennese blues have genetic resistance to weather changes, so they can be grown regardless of the climate.


These animals were bred in France in the 20th century. Rex rabbits are not very prolific, and have average weight. So, an adult weighs about 4 kg. Their body is not too knocked down and strong: thin bones, a narrow chest. The young are not gaining weight too quickly: by 4 months, the cub weighs about 2.5 kg. For one birth, a rabbit is born, on average, 5 babies.

However, all the disadvantages of productivity are compensated high quality animal meat. It is truly dietary: soft, tender, tasty and low in fat. The skin of the breed is also valuable, it goes to the production of luxurious high-quality products.


This is a Belarusian breed of rabbits. Animals are distinguished by good fertility - the rabbit brings about 8 cubs at a time. The weight of an adult specimen is 4-5 kg.

Animals have a strong skeleton, a downed body, muscular limbs. At the same time, they also have a very beautiful valuable skin with an interesting pattern.


This is a purely meat, highly productive breed of rabbits. Along with cultivation for slaughter, they are also used for breeding purposes, improving other breeds with the help of genes.

Animals quickly gain weight, and by two months the rabbit weighs 2 kg. And the maximum weight of an adult can reach 25 kg - you can imagine what kind of giants they are.

Flanders rabbits have a long body with a slightly humped back. In addition to their huge size, they also have very beautiful fur: thick and lush. The color of the skin can be different: from gray to yellow, and all the many variants of these colors. Slaughter yield - 80%.


This is also a breed of giant rabbits, like the flandres. But in this case, the maximum weight of an adult is still less - 15 kg. The fur of animals is thick and knocked down, the color is from black to blue and sandy. The slaughter output depends on the feeding and conditions of detention: under favorable circumstances and proper care - 83%.

How to choose

When choosing a rabbit of a meat breed for the purpose of further breeding, several important parameters must be taken into account. In particular, adult size, physique, and how quickly the animal gains weight matter. In addition, you also need to take into account:

  • the fertility of the animal;
  • resistance to diseases, features of immunity;
  • features of care, diet;

If it is possible to keep rabbits in warmer, more gentle conditions, then you can stop at breeding highly productive flanders or rizens.

Crossing features

To get a new highly productive breed of rabbits, the best specimens are selected for crossing. Most often, tribal representatives of their species participate in the selection.

To improve the productivity of meat breeds, flanders are usually used, since these animals are distinguished by the largest weight of all.

Crossing can be divided into two types: introductory and industrial. If the first is intended to eliminate any shortcomings in animals (for example, low weight, low fertility, low slaughter yield), then industrial crossing is aimed at improving the quality of already existing positive traits.

Animal care

Consider the main points for caring for rabbits of meat breeds: after all, their productivity and rapid weight gain depend on it.

The main thing for the prosperous existence of the animal is its home. Make sure that each individual has enough space: rabbits do not like to live in close quarters and crowding. It is important to avoid extreme heat and high humidity in the room: such conditions are not suitable for rabbits.

As for the diet, for rapid weight gain and the successful development of animals, it is necessary to give them the following food:

  1. Root crops in the form of potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots. All this, of course, in its raw form.
  2. Compound feed is also necessary for animals: high-quality cereals are very important for the proper nutrition of rabbits.
  3. Give animals and vitamin supplements so that the coat shines and the animals do not get sick.
  4. Can be added to the diet meat and bone meal: This mixture is very nutritious, contains many important minerals, calcium.
  5. Do not forget about salt - rabbits need this substance.
  6. In summer, you can give animals freshly cut grass, and in winter, switch to hay.


This video will tell about best breeds rabbits.

So, we examined the features of rabbits of meat breeds. As you can see, today there is a choice, and quite a decent one: you can focus on animals of domestic breeds, or decide to breed no less attractive foreign specimens. In any case, the meat breed of rabbits will be distinguished by high productivity, rapid growth, decent killer exit, moreover, fertility and unpretentiousness: the benefits of breeding these animals are obvious. How many years these animals live will help to understand.

When breeding rabbits for the purpose of obtaining meat products, any livestock breeder should know how much and at what age the pets will gain maximum weight. In order to understand how much a rabbit weighs, you need to know the characteristics of the breed.

Large, medium and small farms that breed rabbits must always correctly assess the performance index of their pets for the success of their business. The weight of animals depends on the following parameters:

  • breed features;
  • the rate of development and growth of young animals;
  • nutritional features;
  • main content parameters.

All these nuances affect the weight of the rabbits by months. A table for accounting for this parameter has been developed for each breed. It usually contains averages. Therefore, it is possible that the maximum weight of a rabbit may differ from the indicators stated in the table for any age. The farmer himself can regulate the pet's body weight by giving the animals a certain feed.

Let's look at the weight versus age parameter for giant breeds. The popularity of these varieties is due to the excellent performance of animals by weight. Moreover, many breeds can be fed with inexpensive feed, while obtaining the maximum weight of animals and an excellent yield of meat products.


Today, livestock farmers very often grow in their farms such a large breed as the Flander. These rabbits are considered direct descendants of the Patagonian species. Outwardly, such a rabbit resembles a small puppy. The exterior of the Flanders is characterized by the following features:

  • thick paws;
  • sluggishness;
  • big ears.

A rabbit of this species can give birth to 16 cubs at a time, or even more. However, on average, this figure is 7-9 rabbits. Babies grow quickly and by 3 months weigh about 3 kilograms. Despite the fact that newborn rabbits weigh 62 g.

In the future, the table of their mass, depending on the month, will look like this:

  • 1st month - 815 g;
  • 2nd - 1.6 kg;
  • 3rd - 2.7 kg;
  • 4th - 3.6 kg;
  • 5th - 4.7 kg;
  • 6th - 5.5 kg;
  • 7th - 6.3 kg;
  • 8th - 7 kg.

As you can see, the young of this variety demonstrate excellent growth dynamics. The main thing is to properly feed and care for growing animals.

white giant

Another large variety is the White Giant. This variety is a descendant of the Flanders. Them distinctive features- snow-white coat color (there is not a single spot) and red (sometimes pink) eyes. This breed was obtained in Belgium at the beginning of the 20th century.

Domestic breeders brought new variety White giant, which perfectly tolerates even harsh weather conditions. Therefore, the breeding of these fur animals can be carried out in regions with harsh climatic conditions.

For one round, the female brings up to 14 babies. The set of their weight per day is as follows:

  • newborn rabbits - 60 g;
  • 30 days - 745 g;
  • 60 days - 1.3 kg;
  • 90 days - 2.4 kg;
  • 120 days - 3.3 kg;
  • 150 days - 4.1 kg;
  • 180 days - 4.8 kg;
  • 210 days - 5.2 kg;
  • 240 days - 5.7 kg.

As you can see, a 6-month-old rabbit weighs a little less than Flanders. Using a variety of feeds, you can slightly spur the growth of young animals. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve a significant increase, since the features of the rock in terms of mass can only be exceeded slightly.

french ram

Large breeds of rabbits also include a variety of French ram. Animals, despite their pretty appearance, are grown for the purpose of obtaining fur and meat. Direct relatives of this species are the English Fold and the Flemish Giant.

At proper care representatives of this breed can weigh enough to guarantee an excellent yield of meat products. To gain a hundred or more grams per day, young animals must eat right. On average, rabbits gain about 4.5 kg.

How much do rabbits weigh, you can find out based on the following data:

  • newborn babies - 60 g;
  • 1st month - 695 g;
  • 2nd - 1.4 kg;
  • 3rd - 2.6 kg;
  • 4th - 3.5 kg;
  • 5th - 4.3 kg;
  • 6th - 4.4 kg;
  • 7th - 5.3 kg;
  • 8th - 6.3 kg.

As you can see, eared breeds of this breed grow and gain weight quite quickly. At the same time, the French ram is highly prolific. At a time, the female is able to give birth to 12 or more babies.

California rabbit

A large breed is the California rabbit, whose homeland is the US state of California. Animals have a cute appearance due to their unusual color. The ancestors of Californians are Chinchilla, Ermine (Himalayan) and New Zealand breeds.

On average, representatives of this species gain 4-4.7 kg. But in individual cases animals can weigh 5 kg or more. Remember that feeding certain types feed will give a different weight gain.

The set of young weight by months will look like this:

  • newborn rabbits - 50 g;
  • 60 days - 1.9 kg;
  • 90 days - 2.7 kg;
  • 120 days - 3.1 kg;
  • 150 days - 3.6 kg;
  • 180 days - 4 kg;
  • 210 days - 4.8 kg.

Weight indicators may vary depending on the conditions of the animals.

The breed was obtained by crossing the Chinchilla Rabbit with the White Giant. This is a meat-skin variety. Young growth is characterized by a high growth rate. At the same time, the species is characterized by precocity.

Weight gain is as follows:

  • newborn babies - 0.75 kg;
  • 2nd month - 1.8 kg;
  • 3rd - 2.7 kg;
  • 4th - 3.6 kg.

Adults weigh about 5 kg. The female usually brings up to 8 rabbits per litter. Animals are unpretentious in terms of breeding and calmly endure the harsh climate.

Knowing what weight of a rabbit will be obtained by months with a specific diet, it is quite easy to determine optimal timing slaughter in order to obtain a high yield of meat.

Elite breeding young giant rabbits of the Flanders-Belgian giant breeds of special selection with a stable immune system, adapted to cold climatic conditions content on outdoors. A full cycle of preventive vaccination against major diseases was carried out. The breed compares favorably with high fertility (12-14 rabbits in a litter). The live weight of adult rabbits reaches 7-12 kg. Price 2000 rubles

Rabbits breed Flanders, Belgian giant

About weight and physique.

Minimum weight Flanders 6.5 kg, normal weight 7 kg. The maximum weight exceeds 10 kg. Ideal body length 72 cm.

The physique is harmonious, the line of the back is straight, the back is rounded. The chest is well developed, the hind legs are strong and well set, the front legs are straight. The head is large on a short neck. Ears - very large, fleshy, reach from 16 cm to 20-23 cm, which is almost 1/3 of the body length, have a width of 10-12 cm (width of a male palm), rounded at the ends, and are the hallmark of this breed.

Weight at the age of 3 months-3 kg; 4 months-4 kg; 5 months-5kg; 6 months-6 kg; 7 months-7 kg; 8 months-8kg.

The color scheme is different: game gray, hare gray, dark gray, iron gray and hare colors, as well as black, blue, bluish gray, chinchilla colors and yellow.

With a gray-hare coloration, the back is reddish-gray, the belly, inner side legs down side tails are white. The undercoat is bluish. With dark gray (kangaroo) coloration, black and gray guard hairs are evenly distributed throughout the body. The belly is lighter, the undercoat is dark blue. The outer hair is colored in zones: the lower zone is bluish-gray, the middle is brown, the tips of the hair are black, the undercoat is bluish-gray. In black rabbits, the entire skin is evenly covered with black hair. The abdomen is slightly lighter. The undercoat is dark blue.

Signs and qualities of the breed:

Ears - straight, long and dense;

The head is big;

Chest - deep and wide;

The body is long;

The back is straight, sometimes arched;

History of origin.

The Belgian Giant is the largest rabbit breed in the world.

There are a lot of all sorts of legends and rumors about the origin of this unique breed. Retelling everything and looking for the truth in these stories is not our goal.

Therefore, let's start with the version that is accepted in Europe and, of course, conditionally it is official. The breed has been known since the 16th century as the "Gensky Giant", with an average weight of 5-6kg. Belgium (province of Flanders). In 1880-85, there is no exact date as to how the "Belgian Giant" was brought to Germany. After years selection, the main principle, which was the selection of rabbits by weight and size, in 1937, the rabbit took its current form and was renamed "Deutsche-Riesen" - German language.

"German Giant"

The minimum weight is 5.5kg, the normal weight is 7kg, there is no maximum weight, more than 10kg is not uncommon. Ideal "height" 72cm, fleshy ears with a minimum length of 15cm. The color scheme is recognized: game gray, hare gray, dark gray, iron gray and hare colors, as well as black, blue, bluish gray, chinchilla colors and yellow. The color "German giant", gray, is widespread.

The white giant rabbit originated in 1904 in Germany and was officially recognized in 1930 as an economic joke. Because white albino somewhat smaller than the color options.

Weight and physique

The minimum weight is 5 kg, the normal weight is over 6.5 kg. There is no maximum weight, more than 10 kg. The ideal “height” is 72 cm. The body is large and elongated, a strong skeleton corresponding to its size. Large, fleshy ears with a minimum length of 15 cm.

Now that the story has become clear to us, it remains to clarify how to correctly name the breed of rabbits. For myself, I stopped in the name "Belgian Aubre" for several reasons:

1. Rabbits were brought to us from Czechoslovakia, (belgicky obr), tribe. evidence, vet. references, evaluation sheets go under this name.

2. It doesn't matter what you call "Zhiguli" or LADA - still VAZ

3. I give the names of the "Belgian Giant" (I think the most Russian name),

Flemish Giant- English language"Flemish Giant"

"GEANT DES FLANDRES" - on French"Giant of Flanders".

Do not argue with a person who claims that he has a “Riesen” and a “Flandre” is a completely different breed ...

The dependence of the weight of the rabbit on age

I recently found this board:

Live weight of rabbits by months

Breed of rabbits _____________________________________________________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Rabbit giant (Flandre) 750 1600 2600 3600 4600 5400 6000 6500 7000

German White Giant 700 1600 2600 3600 4600 5200 5800 6300 6500

Re: Rabbit weight vs age

for California and New Zealanders, the minimum requirements should be as follows (this is the standard):

white giant

Rabbits are distinguished by high live weight - an average of 5.1 kg. with fluctuations from 4.3 kg. up to 8.3 kg. Body length - 59–60 cm. Chest girth - 37–39 cm. Body shape is elongated; the backbone is thin, strong; the head is large; the ears are wide, long (15–18 cm), the back is straight; the chest is deep, but not wide, with a large dewlap; sacro-lumbar part is long, often not wide enough; the croup is rounded, with protruding hips; legs are long, straight, not thick; eyes are red, like all albinos; the hairline is long, fluffy, shiny, elastic, but uneven and less dense than that of the chinchilla, downy hair with a slight crimp. The coat is pure white, without marks and admixture of black hair. The pure white color of the hairline and red eyes are due to the albinism gene. The density of the hair is good, there are 23 down hairs per one guard hair. Rabbits give skins of large size, which are used in their natural form or dyed to look like the fur of valuable fur-bearing animals.

The characteristic features of the breed are the high milk production of rabbits (they produce 200–220 g of milk per day), not inferior in this indicator to the Soviet chinchilla breed. Thanks to this, rabbits can be grown like broilers: their live weight at 2 months of age reaches 1.8 kg in household plots.

The fertility of rabbits is 7-8 rabbits, maternal qualities are good. The skins of the white giant are large in size, used in their natural form or dyed in various colors.

Rabbits Giants per breed

Belgian Giant (Flandres)- the largest breed of rabbits. Their normal average weight is 6-7 kilograms, and record holders weigh 9-12 kilograms or more. Rabbits of this breed have a powerful, muscular body; strong, thick paws; straight ears. Due to their huge size, Belgian Flanders rabbits are demanding on the conditions of detention - they need spacious cages with stable floors.

The famous breeder of giant rabbits from Germany Karl Szmolinsky and his champion Robert, weighing 10.5 kg.

Comments (38)


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