The largest breeds of ducks. The best breeds of ducks (photo, description)

In Russia, they try to get more meat from a duck. Eggs are not valued as much as chicken eggs, and are mainly needed for breeding and offspring. The amount of meat depends not only on the quality of nutrition and conditions of detention, but to a greater extent on the breed of ducks.

The largest breeds of ducks

Meat ducks are characterized by precocity - rapid weight gain. Young growth at the age of two months already weighs 2.5-3 kg. It is this age that is considered optimal for slaughter, since with the onset of molting, the process of building muscle mass stops, internal organs begin to develop, and the plumage hardens.


Peking duck is recognized as the most popular breed of ducks in Russia. Characteristics:

  • precocity - young animals at the age of 50 days have a weight of up to 3 kg of a drake, up to 2.5 females;
  • the weight adult- at 4–5 months, the drake weighs up to 5 kg, the female 4–4.5 kg;
  • egg production - per season the bird gives up to 120 eggs, weighing 85–90 g;
  • juvenile molt - occurs at 55–60 days;
  • color - white plumage, beak and paws - orange-yellow, eyes dark blue;
  • content - unpretentious, can do without water walking, in warm time it is enough to equip a canopy, do not require a large area;
  • food - dry compound feed, wet cereal mixers, chopped grass, kitchen waste, water. During the period of juvenile molting, food intake sharply increases - 2.5 times;
  • slaughter - the most delicious and tender meat in young individuals - up to 50 days;
  • features - a very noisy and aggressive breed of ducks.

Peking duck meat is considered the most delicious, but a little fatty, especially when fed.

Gray Ukrainian

The breed can rightfully compete with the Beijing one in terms of precocity and maximum weight; it was bred by crossing domestic and wild ducks. Characteristics:

  • early maturity - by two months, ducklings weigh 2–2.4 kg;
  • weight of an adult - in the fourth month of life, a drake weighs up to 4 kg, a female - 3.6 kg;
  • egg production - averages - 140 eggs per year, but with proper care it can produce up to 230 pieces;
  • juvenile molt - 65–70 days
  • color - the body is dark brown, there are two black stripes on the head, the wings have a blue tint, a dark olive beak;
  • content - perfectly tolerates cold - at a temperature of -15 ° C it can walk on the street. The poultry house for adults can be made unheated, but with deep bedding and no drafts;
  • food - chopped grass, potato peelings, tops of root crops. In summer, the grain part of the feed should be at least 25%, in winter - 50%. You can use both compound feeds and mix cereals yourself;
  • slaughter - for the best taste of meat - up to 60 days, then after 4 months;
  • features - can be kept without water walking, gets along well with other poultry. Good hens - with proper organization, artificial breeding incubators are not required.

White Moscow

Which ducks to choose

The largest and most common breed of ducks in private farms. It was bred by crossing the Peking duck and the Khaki Campbell drake.

  • precocity - in 50-60 days, drakes weigh 3.3 kg, females - 2.8-3.0 kg;
  • weight of an adult - drake - 4-4.5, female - 3-3.5 kg;
  • egg production - 125-140 pieces per year;
  • juvenile molt - occurs from the 60th to the 70th day;
  • color - pure white plumage, reddish beak, light pink paws;
  • content - in the warm season, a canopy on the street will be enough, in the cold season it can be placed in a poultry house. It does not need additional heating, only drafts and dampness should be excluded;
  • nutrition - the diet should contain cereals: wheat, oats, corn, as well as peas, bone meal, table salt, technical fat. It is necessary to give fresh, finely chopped grass or tops;
  • slaughter - young animals - up to 50-60 days, adult birds - after 4 months;
  • features - the birds are good hens, prolific, the productive period lasts 2-3 years. A high survival rate of ducklings is up to 90%.


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The breed is famous for its tender and dietary meat, the fat content is only 15%.


  • precocity - in 60 days the drake gains up to 3.5-4 kg, the female - 2.5-3 kg;
  • weight of an adult - drake 5-5.3 kg, female - up to 4 kg;
  • egg production - 60-100 eggs per year, weight 80 g;
  • juvenile molt - at 65–75 days;
  • color - the most common are white with black stripes and black-gray with a blue tint. The beak is orange, around the eyes and nasal openings, red skin growths characteristic of the breed;
  • content - the bird does not tolerate cold, so in winter it should be placed in a warm house, you can use heating lamps. Water walking during the cold season is undesirable;
  • food - cereals, corn, chopped grass, kitchen waste, dry compound feed, wet mixers. Favorite delicacy are insects and worms;
  • slaughter - up to 65 days;
  • features - the musky duck, in comparison with other breeds, consumes feed the least, up to 6-7 kg per month.

The most popular meat crosses

Pedigree ducks can breed, so they are most suitable for breeding.

But there is a variety of breeding individuals that do not give offspring, and live in one cycle. Such breeds are called crosses, they are obtained by crossing different hybrid lines. What are the advantages of crosses over thoroughbred ducks? This bird is worth getting only for a quick get maximum number meat, for own use or for sale. This has certain advantages:

  • no need to build a heated poultry house for young animals;
  • equip separate houses for hens;
  • take care of little ducklings, which often cannot eat on their own;
  • the cross is bred in order to adapt to the climatic features of various regions, which means that you should not worry about the conditions of detention;
  • very convenient - having bought two-week-old young animals, feed them for two months and eventually get up to 3-4 kg of meat, then slaughter and you can repeat the cycle.

Among the most common crosses, the largest can be distinguished:

  • Favorite;
  • Medeo;
  • Pace.


The most common cross in farms, thanks to the tasty and low-fat meat of ducks, as well as unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention.


  • precocity - in two months they gain up to 3–3.5 kg of weight;
  • adult weight - 4.5–5.5 kg;
  • egg production - up to 110 eggs per year;
  • juvenile molt - occurs early in 50-60 days;
  • color - there are individuals with black, gray and dark blue plumage;
  • maintenance - in the warm season it is enough to organize a canopy, in the cold - a poultry house. Cover the floor with several layers of straw or sawdust. Provide ventilation, but at the same time exclude drafts and dampness;
  • food - any kind of compound feed (you can not include vitamin supplements). Give dry and wet mixes, be sure to have a lot clean water. Finely chopped grass, tops, kitchen waste - the share of greens should not be less than 50% of the total food in the summer, in winter it can be reduced to 25%;
  • slaughter - before the start of molting, then it makes no sense to keep it, the bird will pick up another 1-1.5, but the meat will be tougher.

The cross was bred by the breeding company of the same name in England. There are two types of ducks:

  • on the maternal line - individuals are more egg-laying, up to 150 eggs per year;
  • on the paternal side - faster weight gain.


  • precocity - at seven weeks the drake weighs 3.5 kg, the female - 3 kg;
  • adult weight - 4.5–5 kg;
  • egg production -110-150 eggs per year;
  • juvenile molt - occurs in 50-60 days;
  • color - white plumage, orange beak and paws;
  • content - the cross is adapted to a cold and damp climate, so it makes no sense to organize a warm house;
  • nutrition - the diet should include cereal feed - up to 30% in the form of dry compound feed or wet mash. Greens, kitchen waste - up to 50-70% depending on the season;
  • slaughter - before the start of molting.


Medeo ducks were bred in Kazakhstan, as a result of several crossing cycles of the X-11 cross with the Beijing breed, therefore, it has improved egg production and early maturity than the prototype.


  • precocity - at seven weeks the drake weighs 3.3 kg, the female - 2.5–2.9 kg;
  • weight of an adult - drake - 5 kg, duck - 3.9 kg;
  • egg production -140 per year;
  • juvenile molting - occurs from 60 days of age;
  • color - very similar to the Beijing breed - the plumage is white, the beak is yellow-orange, the paws are reddish-orange;
  • content - unpretentious, can be placed on small area, even in cages, walking is desirable, but optional;
  • food - dry compound feed containing millet, oats, corn, meal, milk powder, shells, salt. You can make mixers yourself by connecting different components. Include grass, tops and other kitchen waste in the diet. Plentiful drink;
  • slaughter - up to 60 days.

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Video: Super Diet for Muscovy Duck

In our area, ducks are grown, mainly for meat or meat and egg. Ducks of egg breeds are not a very profitable business, since their egg production is seriously inferior to that of laying hens.

The most popular duck meat breeds today- these are Bashkir, Beijing, Musk, Mulard, Favorite Blue, Gray Ukrainian, Moscow White, Black White-breasted.

Noteworthy meat and egg breeds of ducks- this is Cayuga, Saxon, Khaki-Campbell.

Among the egg breeds of ducks, Indian Runner ducks should be noted.

However, the name of duck breeds will give little, so we offer you a description of duck breeds for home breeding with photos.

Better breeds of domestic ducks

Meat breeds of ducks

Bashkir duck (Bashkir duck breed)

One of the most popular meat duck breeds in our latitudes today. The Bashkir duck is known for its precocity, disease resistance, unpretentiousness of keeping and extremely tender meat with a rather high fat content. And although it is considered meat, the yield of eggs from the Bashkir is also not bad.

The Bashkir duck breed was bred in Bashkortostan, at the Blagovarsky breeding plant, and quite by accident. Specialists carried out breeding work aimed at improving the productivity of the Peking White duck, when suddenly “mutant individuals” began to turn out - with an uncharacteristic color. The mutants turned out to be so productive in terms of meat and eggs that the non-standard color of the ducks was fixed, and the breed was called the Bashkir Colored duck.

Bashkir duck: main indicators and characteristics

The weight of an adult is up to 4 kg, the weight of ducklings at 7 weeks is 3.3 kg. At the same time, the yield of meat from Bashkir duck breed up to 70% of live weight

-ducks of the Bashkir breed in 40 weeks of the productive period they give 200-230 eggs with an average weight of 85 grams. The hatchability of ducklings in the incubator is 78-80%. However, Bashkir ducks themselves incubate eggs quite well.

The Bashkir breed is easily recognizable due to the wide concave beak, flattened head shape, muscular, wide-set paws. As for the plumage, they distinguish between the Khaki Bashkir duck and the Black white-breasted Bashkir duck.

-Bashkir ducks give excellent tender meat, without specific aftertaste, with a low fat content and a high yield of muscle tissue

Ducks gain weight well when walking on water bodies, are not afraid of frost and show an enviable resistance to diseases.

Peking duck (Peking duck)

If u exist the best breed of domestic ducks, then this is the Beijing duck. It has been grown in China for more than three centuries, and in Europe and America for more than a hundred years. During this time, many new, seemingly more productive breeds have appeared, but Peking ducks continue their triumphal march around the world, and the number of their livestock is steadily growing. How good are these ducks?

Peking ducks: main indicators and features

The weight of an adult male is 3.5-4 kg, the weight of an adult female is 3-3.5 kg, the weight of a young animal at one and a half months is 2.5-3 kg. It is worth noting that young individuals are kept until juvenile molting (60-70 days), after which the growth of ducklings slows down, new feathers (hemp) begin to form, worsening the appearance of carcasses and meat quality, metabolism is not aimed at building muscle mass, but at formation of internal organs. After that, feed consumption increases by 2.5 times, so keeping ducklings after juvenile molting is unprofitable.

- Peking duck gives 80-120 eggs weighing 85-90 g per year

- White Peking duck is a weighty bird with a characteristic waddling gait, an elongated raised body, a deep broad chest, and a wide long back.

This meat breed ducks famous for its extremely active metabolism. Food passes through the stomach of the "Peking" quickly, so the ducks grow literally before our eyes, and quickly gain weight. Another feature of Peking ducks is associated with an intensive metabolism - accelerated breathing, increased body temperature (42.2 degrees - the norm).

The meat of Peking ducks is tender, juicy, rather fatty (the younger the bird, the less fat), the slaughter weight is 80% of the live, the content of edible parts is 69%.

Peking ducks are voracious, always hungry, noisy, active, but at the same time they are resistant to external influences - diseases, colds.

Muscovy duck (Indo-duck)

Muscovy duck came to our area from South America, where ancient Indians raised this bird hundreds of years ago. In the countries of the former Soviet Union, the Muscovy duck (or Indo-duck, as we call it, although this bird has nothing to do with turkeys) came in the 80s of the last century. Muscovy duck got its name from specific flavor meat.

Muscovy ducks: main indicators and features:

The weight of adult males is 5-6 kg, females - 2-3 kg, young animals at 2 months old - 3.8 for drakes and 2.2 for ducks. It is customary to keep the indoutok until the juvenile molt (about 2 months), after which their body is covered with "stumps" of future feathers.

Ducks give from 90 to 100 eggs weighing about 75 grams per year. This is less compared to Peking eggs, but Indout eggs are very valuable, in demand in cooking, and can be stored much longer. Muscovy ducks start laying eggs at the age of 6-7 months. Ducks are good hens, they are often used for incubation of chicken, goose, duck eggs.

The appearance of the Muscovy duck is remarkable: in the upper part of the head there are bright warts-growths, the beak is narrow, with a hooked end, the “crown” is covered with elongated raised feathers, which bristle even more when frightened or surprised. The eyes of the Indochka can have both gray, and blue, and brown color (depending on the plumage). Neck - strong, medium length, wide and long back, well-developed chest, almost horizontally set body. The plumage is dense. The legs are short, due to which the Indians look squat. The claws on the feet are unusually sharp, especially in babies, the swimming membranes between the fingers are rounded. The plumage color can be varied: white, blue, brown, brown with white, black, white with a pattern. At the same time, the mixed color does not indicate that the breed is “not pure” - according to European standards (namely, new varieties of indouts are brought from Europe, we have breeding work there is practically no work on muscovy ducks), not only plain muscovy ducks can be purebred.

Muscovy duck meat is low-fat, dietary, very tasty, similar to game meat, but without a characteristic aftertaste. Indoutas have a very high yield of muscle mass (41%).

Peking ducks and musky drakes give a well-known hybrid - Mulard. However, any hybrid of a musky duck is called mulard (with Orpington, Rouen ducks, White Alliers). Hybrids are obtained early, with a large fatty liver, but infertile (more on mulards later).

Indians are distinguished by their calm disposition, independence. Compared to Peking ducks, the Muscovy duck breed looks “quieter” (they do not quack, but seem to hiss, which is why they are also called “mute” or “mute”) and consumes much less feed. Thermophilic. They show disease resistance. They can do without reservoirs.

Read more about Muscovy ducks

Ducks Mulardy

Moulards are sterile hybrids of Musk and, most often, Peking duck. This is a bird of one season (they bought chicks - raised them - ate), because even if the female mulard starts to lay eggs, they will be 100% barren. Mulards were able to take on the best features of their parents, thanks to which they became incredibly popular all over the world. At our dachas, mulards are grown in the summer so that in the fall the whole family has meat, and on French farms, a 500-gram liver for foie gras is mined from mulards (yes, the liver for this delicacy is not only goose).

Mulard ducks: main indicators and features

Adult individuals reach a weight of 7 kg, and the difference between males and females is only 0.5 kg. At the age of 1.5-2 months, mulards weigh up to 1.5 kg, at the age of 3 months (when it is customary to slaughter them) - 4 kg. At the same time, they gain mass well just on the grass.

If we compare moulards with Indian fathers, then they lack such negative qualities as slow growth, low weight, late puberty, and a highly developed incubation instinct. Pure Indians also benefit in some ways - they are quieter, cleaner, and have much more valuable red meat. Compared to the "Peking", the mulards have a milder disposition, they are quieter, cleaner, less voracious, their meat is less fat, but the Pekins are more precocious, have a weak incubation instinct, and are more prolific.

Thus, Mulardy ducks are a meat duck breed that was able to bypass the shortcomings of its parents, almost without compromising its own productivity.

Read more about mulards.

Ducks Favorit (duck breed Favorit Blue)

Ducks breed Favorit Blue were bred two decades ago at the Blagovarsky breeding plant by crossing the Black White-breasted, Bashkir, Beijing and another cross of ducks. As a result, ducks of the Favorit breed were obtained - very hardy, rather early maturing, with a completely suppressed incubation instinct and a wide color range of plumage. Favorite are considered ducks of meat breed, although they will not leave their owners without eggs either. Despite the name ducks Favorit blue do not necessarily have to be blue, which does not affect their productive qualities.

Ducks Favorit Blue: main indicators and characteristics

The weight of adult males is 4.5-5.5 kg, females - up to 4 kg, young animals at the age of 2 months - about 3 kg. Thus, fattening qualities duck breed Favorit very high. The meat is less fatty than that of Peking and Bashkir ducks

During the season, the female gives 110-150 eggs, the young are very viable, the incubation instinct is almost completely absent.

-Ducks Favorite have a long dense body, not too convex chest, medium length neck, long flat beak, medium length legs. As for the color, Favorit blue ducks can be either blue or black, light blue or dark blue. There is also a less common Favorita color - red (brown).

Gray Ukrainian ducks (duck breed Gray Ukrainian)

Another breed of domestic ducks, perfectly adapted for growing in a peasant economy: it is extremely cold-resistant, not at all capricious in food, gains weight well and rushes well. Duck breed Gray Ukrainian was bred at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Poultry Farming of the Borki state farm, and today is one of the most popular duck meat breeds.

Duck Ukrainian gray: main indicators and characteristics

The weight of an adult male is 3.5-4 kg, females - about 3 kg, ducklings at the age of 2 months - 2 kg.

- Ducks breed Gray Ukrainian about 120 eggs weighing 70-90 grams are laid per year, although with proper care they can produce more than 200 eggs per laying

The gray Ukrainian duck can eat both grass, duckweed, and mixed fodder, and grain.

-Ducks breed Ukrainian gray characterized by thin bones, well-developed muscles, strong constitution, abundant and at the same time light plumage, short strong legs, deep, long and wide body. The gray Ukrainian duck is characterized by plumage color, like that of wild mallard ducks, and it differs in females and males. There are other varieties of Ukrainian ducks - clay and white.

Moscow white duck (white Moscow duck breed)

Parents Moscow white duck are Khaki-Campbell drakes and Peking ducks. From the "mother" the Moscow Whites took precocity, rapid weight gain and loudness, from the "dad" - light bone and decent egg production. This meat breed of domestic ducks was bred in the 50s of the last century at the Ptichnoye state farm near Moscow, setting itself the goal of creating a bird with good egg production, rapid growth young animals, and most importantly - tolerance for harsh Russian winters. Judging by the prevalence of this breed of ducks in households, the poultry farmers coped with the task perfectly.

Moscow white ducks: main indicators and features

The weight of adult males is 4-4.5 kg, females - 3-3.5 kg, young animals at the age of 2 months - 2-2.5 kg

- duck breed Moscow white for the laying period gives 120-130 eggs weighing 90-100 grams. The survival rate of ducklings is high - up to 90%. It is noteworthy that females can lay eggs without compromising productivity for several years.

Appearance duck breeds Moscow White stands out among other white relatives with an unusual pink-red beak and light pink paws, which does not allow it to be confused with either Beijing or Blagovarsky, which have an orange beak. Otherwise, the duck is very similar to the Peking duck: white plumage, a wide raised body, a small head on a flexible neck, widely spaced, short legs.

These are unpretentious in nutrition, frost-resistant ducks of the meat direction, which give rather tender, not very fatty meat.

Black white-breasted duck (ducks of breed Black white-breasted)

This duck meat breed was bred at the Ukrainian Institute of Poultry Farming by crossing Peking, Khaki-Campbell and Ukrainian white-breasted ducks. Ducks of the Black White-breasted breed are good because they are quickly fattened, very early maturing, have fatty meat and good egg production.

Black white-breasted ducks: main indicators and features

The weight of an adult male is 3.5-4 kg, the weight of a female is 3-3.5 kg, the weight of young animals at the age of 2 months is 1.5-1.6 kg, at the age of 2.5 months - 2.5 kg

- duck breed Black white-breasted during the oviposition period, it produces 120-130 eggs weighing up to 90 grams, while the hatchability of chicks is 65%, the safety of young animals is 90-92%, and adult birds are 95-96%.

- ducks Black white-breasted characterized by a noticeably raised body with an inclination towards the tail, a deep chest, a long broad back, an elevated tail, black short strong legs, a concave dark beak, and strong wings. The color of the feathers is black, with a white belly and breast. Drakes of the Black White-breasted breed can be recognized by the blue-violet tint on the upper part of the neck.

Meat and egg breeds of domestic ducks

Cayuga duck (breed of Cayuga ducks)

Ducks of the Cayuga breed are wonderfully good - in appearance they are not inferior to ornamental species birds. However, this meat and egg breed of ducks, native to New York's Cayuga Lake. As a domestic breed of ducks, it has been bred since the end of the century before last. Cayuga duck breed distinguished by a calm disposition, unusual dark eggs and fantastic plumage - from blue to black with a metallic sheen.

Cayuga ducks: main indicators and features

Weight of adult males - 3.2-3.8 kg, females - 2.8-3.1 kg

egg production cayuga ducks is 100-150 eggs, egg weight - 70-80 grams. At the same time, at the beginning of oviposition, females lay black eggs (about a dozen), with time the eggs brighten to light gray or light green. Cayuga duck females are able not only to incubate eggs well, but also to carefully lead ducklings

- Cayuga duck breed characterized by a strong constitution, black beak and paws, medium length tail pointing upwards, dark brown eyes. The plumage color is black with a greenish tint, but there are also blue varieties of Cayuga.

Ducks of the Cayuga breed are best gaining weight on free pasture, while they are not at all harmful, they do not climb into gardens, eating worm bugs with pleasure. Not afraid of the cold. This is an obedient, calm breed of domestic ducks.

Saxon ducks (breed of Saxon ducks)

Dense compact ducks with colored plumage, included in the American Standard of Excellence in 2000, are Saxon duck breed. It was bred in Germany in the 30s of the last century on the territory of Saxony by a long crossing of Peking, Rouen and blue Pomeranian ducks.

Saxon ducks: main indicators and features

Weight of adult males - 3-3.5 kg, females - 2.5-3.1 kg

The female duck of the Saxon breed for oviposition gives 150-200 eggs weighing 70-80 grams. The meat of this domestic duck breed also appreciated for its excellent taste.

-Saxon ducks look plump and tight. They have a strong skeleton, a slightly inclined fit of the body, the torso of the correct form. The main color of females is yellow-green. Males are distinguished by a dark blue, "metallic" head, neck and throat, a reddish-red chest and the rest of the neck, separated from the head by a ring of white plumage, the belly is light gray, the wings are "metallic" blue.

Ducks Khaki Campbell (breed of ducks Khaki Campbell)

This is a light, mobile breed of meat and egg ducks, bred at the end of the 19th century in Britain. Parents duck Khaki Campbell- Indian runners, Rouen ducks and Mullards. This breed is loved for its good adaptation to almost any habitat - whether it be cold northern regions, tropics or deserts, which does not prevent them from demonstrating excellent egg production. The meat of this bird also deserves attention - it is tender, low-fat.

Ducks Khaki Campbell: main indicators and characteristics

Weight of adult males - 2.5-3.3 kg, females - 2.2-2.5 kg, young animals at the age of 3.5 months - 1.3-2.2 kg

- Khaki Campbell ducks for oviposition, which occurs at the age of six months, they give 250-350 eggs weighing 65-85 grams. Hats from Khaki Campbell are not good

The Khaki Campbell duck breed is characterized by a streamlined body, small head, dark orange legs, and light bones. The color can be either classic Khaki or white, variegated and dark.

This breed of domestic ducks prefers open content - pastures, ponds. Despite the peaceful, obedient nature, ducks Khaki Campbell very energetic, easily excitable, need a large open space. Only then will they be able to reach their potential.

Egg breeds of ducks

Duck Indian Runner (Runner)

It is, of course, exotic. But exotic is productive, it's not in vain duck breed Indian Runner is the only recognized breed duck egg direction. These ducks come from South-East Asia, they came to Europe at the end of the century before last, and at that time were kept in zoos. Amazing Creatures, more reminiscent of running bottles than ducks, are very active, noisy, require large open spaces, do not like cold weather and lack of water. But after all, Indian Runners are not often bred for eggs - they are a show breed. And, you see, there is something to exhibit.

Ducks Indian Runner: main indicators and characteristics

The weight of an adult male is 2 kg, females - 1.75 kg. Runner meat is considered a delicacy.

In a year female Indian Runner can carry up to 350 eggs, but is usually limited to two hundred. The bird lays eggs all year round and they taste very similar to chicken. Ducks of the Indian Runner breed are excellent parents (and the ducklings themselves are an unsurpassed sight)

The Indian Runner duck breed is characterized by a straight, vertical body position, long legs, a long neck, thanks to which they are able to move quickly (it’s not for nothing that they called them “runners”). The color of the feathers can be completely different - black, white, brown, trout-colored, with a pattern of wild ducks, brown-speckled, etc.

-Indian Runners without constant access to water, productivity is drastically reduced. The ideal option for them is the possibility of free range with a pond. This is an agile, naughty breed of domestic duck that can destroy a garden if you forget to close the gate. In winter, Indian Runners in our area need additional insulation- the only way they can please you with eggs all year round.

As you have seen, there are a lot of duck breeds, and not all of them are named here. Be that as it may, the best breed of duck should not only satisfy your meat and egg needs, but also be suitable for your area, opportunities and climate. But even if among the breeds of domestic ducks you will not find the one, the only one, perhaps you should pay attention to the best breeds of geese.

The duck family is considered the most numerous on the planet. Among its representatives there are ducks that stand out sharply against the general background. For example, such a bird is a swan - the most big duck in the world.

Duck taxonomy has always been the subject of heated debate among ornithologists. Today, there are several genera in the duck family. Ducks are called shelducks, river and diving ducks, mergansers, musky ducks, etc. In total, there are over a hundred species. Ducks are widely distributed throughout the world. At least 30 species live on the territory of our country.

Characteristics of ducks

ducks have small size, streamlined body shape, wide beak and short neck. Their plumage can have different colors. The legs of these birds have swimming membranes. The male duck is denoted by the word "drake".

On land, ducks are rather clumsy, but in the water they behave like tireless divers and experienced swimmers. The depth of their diving exceeds 6 m. They fly well and are able to rise to a height of about 6 km. Representatives of the duck family are waterfowl migratory birds. During migrations, they cover considerable distances. The birds fly away at the same time, but different flocks head in different directions.

Modern ornithologists refer swans, geese, diving and river ducks to the family Anatidae or Ducks. According to the new taxonomy, the whooper swan is the largest duck in the world. Its weight can exceed 17 kg. Whooper lives in northern regions Eurasia. It is very similar to the mute swan. They differ only in the shape of the beak and the manner of holding the neck. The whooper has a straight neck, while the mute has an S-shaped neck.

Habits of a large swan

The screamer swan prefers remote places where there are no people. The swan couple keeps together all their lives. Even during wintering, the birds do not leave each other. Swans carefully guard their nesting area from other birds.

The largest among ordinary ducks

If we consider an ordinary river duck, then mallard stands out among such birds. it the biggest duck in the world and very numerous. It is the most common and well-known among ducks. The length of the drake is 62 cm, and the female is 57 cm. The weight of the individual is 1-1.5 kg. But on the eve of the flight, the birds feed heavily, then their weight reaches 2 kg.

The mallard can be seen in wild nature and in cities. Birds that live near people have formed unusual populations of the urban type. Such mallards live in settlements year-round, having chosen partially salty and fresh water bodies. They are indifferent to human presence. Some ducks become almost tame. The mallard can be recognized by its green neck and head (on the male). The breast, back, crop and ventral side of the bird are painted gray. The female is brown in color with dark spots. The wings of such ducks are decorated with a blue-violet spot.

Many experts call the eider the largest duck in the world. Its weight is sometimes 3 kg. The down of this bird is famous for its excellent thermal insulation qualities. It is still harvested in the wild today. The drakes of this species are distinguished by their black and white plumage, and the females are rather modestly colored.

Interesting facts about ducks:

1. The feathers of these birds do not get wet, remaining dry even after diving. This is due to the fact that almost all waterfowl have a coccygeal gland. It produces a special fatty substance, which birds regularly distribute throughout the body. So they create a special cover that does not allow the feathers to get wet.
2. During the molting period, duck representatives lose their flight feathers and fly with difficulty.
3. Ducks have a complex structure of the genitals. In males, the penis has a spiral shape, and its length can be equal to the size of the drake's body. In females unusual shape ovaries are different. The more complex it is, the more unusual the phallus of the male.
4. Choosing a partner in the wild, the duck is guided by the color of his beak. A rich yellow pigment indicates the drake's sexual health.
5. The neck of a duck has a huge number of vertebrae - more than a giraffe.
6. Only females can quack. Echo duck quacking has no.

As a conclusion, it can be noted that it is possible to single out the very, very duck only relatively, since in each species there are large individuals. Bird habitat is of great importance. For example, a mute swan living in a city pond can gain up to 22 kg if people feed it.

As for the artificially created duck, its height is 16.5 m. This is a giant bird made of rubber, created by the artist from Holland - Florentijn Hofman. The duckling is an unusual sculpture or art object that swam in the coastal waters of cities such as Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, Osaka, Sydney. This is the largest human-made duck in the world.

Kira Stoletova

The domestic duck is a waterfowl, not very large bird, whose ancestor is the wild mallard. Some modern breeds trace their ancestry to the Muscovy duck living in America. Ducks were first domesticated 3000 years ago in Southeast Asia, about 2500 years ago they were tamed in Greece and Ancient Rome. The domestication of birds in different parts the world proceeded independently. Now several dozen breeds with various names have been bred. Breeding these birds remains popular as they are productive and easy to care for.

Features of domestic ducks

Domestic ducks are rather large birds with an elongated neck and body, a small head, and short webbed feet. Their four rear tail feathers are bent upwards, like those of wild mallard drakes. Males practically do not differ from females, the drake can be slightly larger than the duck. The feathers of the purebred varieties are mostly white, but many colored poultry are also found.

How much does a domestic duck weigh? The average body weight of these birds is 3-4 kg, the yield of meat products reaches 70%. During the season, a duck can carry from 60-70 eggs to 250-300 pieces. In general, domestic birds carry 100-150 eggs per year. Meet the duck and her appearance You can learn more by looking at photos and videos.

Domestic varieties have lost the ability to fly, but have not lost the ability and desire to swim, therefore, in many farms they continue to be kept near water bodies. There are breeds that can be kept in a cage or with very limited range. Some industrial manufacturers practice the joint breeding of ducks and fish, so that the birds have the opportunity to swim in the reservoirs.

Use of ducks

In European countries, duck is mainly cultivated for meat. Some breeds in France are used to obtain fatty liver foie gras, although it has more low quality than the one given by the goose. In Asia, ducks are also raised for eggs, as they are often used in traditional local cuisine. In Indonesia, some countries in Southeast Asia, ducks are used to clean up rice fields after harvest from pests and rice debris.

In addition to meat and eggs, valuable down and feathers can be obtained from ducks. They retain heat very well and are used to make blankets, pillows, winter clothes.

Domestic ducks gain weight very quickly, so their breeding does not lose its relevance. For example, broilers can be sent for slaughter as early as 50-52 days of life with a weight of 3-3.5 kg. Previously, these birds in the household took second place after chickens. Now they have given way to the turkeys, although in many Asian countries retain leadership.

duck breeds

Most ducks that are bred in private farms are not purebred, although in industrial and semi-industrial conditions they prefer to use breeding birds. Breeds of ducks with different names have three directions:

  • meat;
  • egg;
  • meat and egg (universal);
  • decorative.

The most popular large meat variety of ducks in the world is the white Peking duck. It is the ancestor of many varieties of broilers and other meat varieties. Muscovy ducks are also widely used in breeding. They do not have such fatty meat as Beijing ones, it tastes a bit like game. When crossing Peking and Muscovy ducks, a breed of mulard hybrids was bred. They are sterile because the parents belong to different types. Other breeds whose ancestors were white Peking ducks:

  • white broiler ducks Cherry Valley;
  • blue duck Favorit;
  • gray or color Bashkir;
  • Moscow white.

There are also local breeds that have been bred in Europe since ancient times. These include:

  • swedish blue;
  • gray Ukrainian;
  • black white chested.

A special place is occupied by Indian runner ducks, which belong to egg-laying breeds. In America, the Cayuga black duck is known, which lays the same black eggs. Decorative ducks have become popular in Europe not so long ago, although they have been bred in China for centuries. The decorative direction includes a beautiful colored mandarin, white crested. Sometimes cayugs are bred as ornamentals.

Breeding and keeping domesticated ducks does not present any particular problems, therefore it is accessible even to beginners. In small private farms, preference is given to free range, preferably with a reservoir. On a pond or on a river, birds can get their own food on their own, which significantly reduces costs. If there is no natural place for swimming, you can equip a small pool in the yard.

Industrial content can be of two types: cellular and limited range. They try to keep the broodstock even at industrial enterprises in a spacious room or in an open enclosure in order to maintain fertility.

  • Temperature. At high temperatures the quality of the pen is lost, with low or sharp drops, the risk of colds increases. In winter, the temperature in the poultry house should be maintained within 7-14°C, in summer - no higher than 12°C.
  • Humidity. With high or low humidity, birds do not gain weight well, lose fluff and feathers. Optimal Performance - 65-75%.
  • Lighting. In addition, lighting should be provided in winter so that the ducks recover better and rush. Duration daylight hours should be 9-12 hours in winter, and 12-14 in spring (during the laying period).

How to find out that the conditions for keeping ducks and caring for them are unsatisfactory without instruments? If the temperature is too low, the birds huddle together, huddle together. When ducks are hot, they stick out their wings, often breathe with open beaks, drink a lot of water and strive to climb into drinkers. If the house has high humidity, you will see that feather loss is much higher than before. When the humidity is low where the ducks live, their thirst increases.

Requirements for the premises

Building a house for ducks is not difficult, you can use the description of the chicken coop project. If you plan to keep 10-15 heads in the household, they will be able to live with other birds. Keeping and breeding larger livestock requires a separate room. One duck requires 0.5 m² of area. Most often, the house is made a little larger so that the herd can be increased.

A duck house can be built from any material, but wood is the best. From the inside, it should be covered with plaster, plywood, cardboard, and also insulated. This will ensure dryness in the barn, protect the birds from the cold in winter. Be sure to provide ventilation in the poultry house. There should be 100 cm² of windows per 1 m² of area. In conditions industrial farms install supply and exhaust ventilation.

The floor in the poultry house is raised 15-20 cm above the ground, it is best to make it from boards. Be sure to lay a litter about 30 cm thick on the floor. Content on bare boards is unacceptable, as ducks can catch arthritis, colds, and the death of birds will increase dramatically. They make bedding from peat, straw, sedge, dry reeds or other improvised material. We must not forget about lighting. The light bulb is hung not too bright, at 60-100 watts, depending on the area.

Ducks. Breeding from A to Z.

Mulard ducks. decided to try. all the truth. What How By what???

Subtleties of breeding Muscovy ducks.

A duck hole is made from the southwest or southeast side. Its width should be 40 cm and height - 30 cm. Above the manhole, with outside, you can equip a small canopy to protect the ducks from rain and drafts. If the ducks cannot freely walk in the yard, they make an aviary. One individual must account for at least 3 m² of its area. Be sure to put in the aviary a large container of water in which the ducks can swim. When it is possible to release ducks into a meadow and a pond, there is no need to equip an aviary.


The poultry house for ducks is equipped with feeders, drinkers and nests for eggs. The feeders are made of wood, the thickness of the board should be at least 2 cm. For wet mixers, you can make a metal feeder or tin a wooden one. For one bird, you need to calculate an average of 10 cm² of feed container. A bar is nailed on top of the feeder, which will prevent the ducks from climbing inside and trampling on food. Separately equip the feeder for mineral additives, it can be divided into several compartments.

Drinking bowls are made of metal, it is easier to keep the water clean in them. One duck per day should consume at least 600 ml of liquid. The volume of drinkers for the herd is calculated based on this need. The walls of the drinkers should be about 20 cm so that the birds do not climb inside. In summer, feeders and drinkers are placed in the aviary or in the yard. How to make feeders and drinkers correctly, you can look at the photo and video.

Nests are installed in dark, remote places of the poultry house so that other birds have less contact with the duck and she is not frightened. It is best to put them near the walls, providing free access. The dimensions of the nest are 40 × 50 × 50 cm. A small threshold 5-10 cm high is equipped near the front wall so that the eggs do not roll out and the litter does not spill out. Straw, dry leaves, sedge or the same material that is used for bedding in the house are placed inside. One nest is equipped for three birds.

Ducks rush at night or in the morning, so eggs should be collected after the birds go for a walk in the aviary or in the yard. Ducks are very shy, so the laying should be checked as carefully as possible. A frightened bird reduces or completely loses egg production.

feeding ducks

Domestic ducks are waterfowl. In nature, they ate mainly grass, duckweed, snails, succulent stems of algae, so their diet should have approximately the same ratio of grain and greens with root crops. Be sure to give products that are of animal origin. The most commonly used meat, meat and bone or fish meal. The diet of a domestic duck includes:

  • cereals (corn, wheat, barley, oats);
  • legumes (peas, beans, lupins, lentils);
  • waste from agricultural production (cake and meal of oil plants, beet cake, brewer's yeast);
  • succulent feed (grass, duckweed, tops of plants, vegetables, silage);
  • mineral supplements (chalk, shells, fine gravel).

The ratio of feed on the menu depends on various factors. If it is planned to keep and fatten for meat, add to the diet large quantity cereals. The broodstock that is involved in the breeding of ducklings must not be overfed, even if it is a meat breed. Obese ducks do not lay well, and drakes poorly fertilize eggs.

In summer, ducks that are on free pasture, get the main food themselves. Swimming in reservoirs, they eat algae, duckweed, mollusks, snails. In this case, you can give ducks 2 times a day to eat. Before slaughter, they switch to three meals a day. In winter, the basis of the diet is cereals and silage. In industrial enterprises, compound feed is used. Be sure to add herbal flour, vegetables, vitamins to the winter diet. In winter, ducks are given 3-4 times a day.

Breeding ducks

Formation of the broodstock

In order for duck breeding at home to be successful, you need to properly form the broodstock. Ducklings are picked from birth. First, they pay attention to the strongest and most mobile, then they monitor the weight gain, those who recover best are selected for the maternal herd. The last selection is carried out at 150 days, weight in kg, appearance, activity and mobility are assessed.

It is best for the mother herd to take ducklings that were born in July or August. If multiple selection is practiced, January, May and September chicks can be taken. There should be 8 females per drake, although in the wild one drake lives with one duck. The mother flock is separated from other ducks that are intended for meat.

Content parent stock and caring for it is an important part of successful breeding of ducklings. Birds should live in a separate aviary or poultry house. It is important to maintain cleanliness in the nests, the litter is changed daily. On the eve of oviposition, daylight hours are gradually increased, so that ultimately it lasts 16 hours. The average productivity of ducks from the maternal herd is 2-3 years. A good drake can live up to 8 years.

Egg incubation

The domestic duck is a wonderful mother hen, this applies to almost all breeds. The Beijing type can even incubate eggs of other species, such as geese. Worse maternal instincts are developed in hybrid broilers, and mulards are generally barren.

When the female begins to rush, you need to take eggs from her, carefully fold and store at 13 ° C. The eggs are turned daily to prevent the embryo from sticking to the shell.

If the duck has stopped walking, plucks fluff from its chest to insulate the nest, and sits there for a long time, then it is ready to hatch. You can put a test egg under it. The female must sit on it for at least 10 hours a day. Incubation lasts 26-28 days, during which time the mother hen needs to be provided with normal care, rest, access to water, and normal feeding.

When there is no hen, artificial incubation can be carried out. Use a standard incubator for this, as for chicken eggs. In the first days the temperature should be 38°C, then it is gradually reduced to 37°C. After the 20th day, periodic cooling is practiced (2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes). The incubator should have good ventilation, moderate humidity within 60%. Duck embryos require more oxygen than chicken embryos. You can periodically irrigate the shell with water at room temperature, because in nature the duck periodically goes to the pond to look for food, then sits down on the masonry again with wet feathers.

Rearing of young animals

Domestic duck is mainly a meat bird, so most ducklings are raised for meat. It is very important for young animals to provide good care, normal temperature and feeding in the first days. In the first days, the temperature in the room is maintained at a level of 28-30 ° C, then it is gradually reduced. Lighting should be around the clock in the first week, then it is reduced daily by an hour.

The egg yolk will feed the chicks in the first 18 hours, but already during this period they should learn to eat regular food. First, they are given food rich in proteins. In the first 20 days, the protein content in the feed should be about 20%, then it gradually decreases to 11-15%. They feed little ducklings with boiled eggs, curds. From the second or third day they can be given porridge, cottage cheese. It is important in the early days to show the ducklings how to eat. To do this, pour food on their backs, carefully put in their beaks.

At the end of the first week, chopped greens are added to the food. From day 10, ducklings can be released outside so that they learn how to get food on their own. Chicks can swim from birth, so it's good to provide them with access to water. If they grow with a duck, she will begin to bring them to the reservoir during the first day.

It is very important to carry out the selection of chicks already in the first days, if the plans are to create a broodstock. Ducklings are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • uniform pigmented and fluffy plumage;
  • soft tummy, umbilical cord without bruising;
  • the eyes are convex, shiny;
  • the wings are tightly pressed to the body;
  • weight not less than 50 g.

In the future, you need to monitor the behavior of the chicks, the rate of weight gain. Ducklings are carefully examined for defects. Birds that are intended for rearing for meat are kept separately. Already from the 20th day their enhanced fattening begins. You can release ducks to the pond, then the weight will begin to arrive more slowly, but the feed consumption will be less. If the ducks live indoors or on limited range, they are fed 3-4 times a day with a predominance of grains and legumes.

Ducks are sent for slaughter in 60-70 days, before the start of molting. If you miss this moment, you will have to wait about 120 days, which will entail an extra feed consumption. Broilers can be sent for slaughter and butchered already at the age of 50-52 days. By that time, the bird weighs an average of 3.5 kg (the average live weight of ordinary birds at this age is only 2-2.5 kg, or even less). Many people prefer to take these breeds for cultivation, since their productivity is higher.

Breeds of ducks are divided according to their productive qualities into meat, meat and egg and egg breeds.

meat type ducks are the most widespread. They are characterized by high fecundity, early maturity, very good viability, tasty and nutritious meat and satisfactory egg production. These include: Peking duck, gray Ukrainian duck, black white-breasted duck, white Muscovy duck, Rouen duck. Meat ducks have big size and weight, able to give in a short time a large number of high quality meat. From each duck during the year, at least 50 ducklings must be bred and raised. The more ducklings get from one duck, the more economically advantageous it is. With abundant feeding and good care ducklings at the age of 50-60 days reach a weight of 2-2.5 kg and are quite suitable for slaughter.

Ducks meat-egg type characterized by medium weight, good meat qualities and relatively high egg production. This type includes orpington duck, khaki campbell duck and mirror duck.

Egg ducks not widely used, firstly, because of the low mass, and secondly, chicken is much more profitable in this regard. Most common ducks indian runners. Ducks of the egg-laying type are much lighter than ducks of the meat and meat-and-egg types. They are more mobile and in terms of egg production are not inferior to chickens of egg-laying breeds.

Meat breeds of ducks

Peking duck breed

Peking duck breeds are among the best among meat breeds. Peking ducks were bred by Chinese poultry farmers more than 300 years ago in the western foothills of Beijing. Later, Peking ducks began to be bred in the northeastern, northern, eastern and southern parts of China. In the second half of the 19th century, Peking ducks were brought from China to America and Europe, from where they quickly spread to all European countries. In our country, Peking ducks are one of the most common breeds.

These birds are precocious, fatten well and endure cold winters. Peking ducks have a large, wide, elongated head, with a convex frontal part. Beak orange-yellow, somewhat concave, medium size. The legs are low, thick, reddish- orange color, placed closer to the back of the body. The eyes are large, shiny, deep-set, dark blue. The neck is thick, of medium length. The plumage is white with a yellowish-cream tint. The wings are strong, rather tight to the sides. The body is long, raised. The chest is wide and deep. The back is long, broad, sloping from the shoulders to the tail. The tail is slightly raised.

Duck breed Bashkir Tsvetnaya

Work on the breeding of the Bashkir colored duck breed was carried out at the Blagovarsky breeding farm. By selecting and breeding "in themselves" mutant individuals of the Peking duck.

Ducks of the Bashkir colored breed have plumage color - khaki and black white-breasted.

Bashkir colored ducks were created by selecting and breeding "in themselves" mutant individuals that arose spontaneously in a herd of Peking ducks. characteristic feature Bashkir colored ducks are high productivity, adaptability to the conditions of keeping in peasant and homestead farms, excellent indicators of the meat qualities of the carcass; in comparison with the Blagovarsky duck cross, there is a lower fat content in the carcass (by 1.8 - 3.9%) and a high yield of muscle tissue (by 2.9 - 4.1%).

Duck breed Black White-breasted

Black white-breasted ducks are characterized by black plumage on the head, torso, belly and upper neck. Drakes have an upper part of the neck with a blue-violet tint. The lower part of the chest is white, the legs are black. The legs are low, of moderate thickness, black, located much closer to the back of the body. The beak is slightly concave, of medium length, completely dark or slate. The eyes are black, shiny, rather large. The wings are developed, strong and tight to the sides. The mass of a drake is 3.5-4 kg, ducks - 3-3.5 kg. Egg production - 110-140 eggs per year. Live weight of ducks - 3-3.5 kg, drakes - 3.5-4 kg.

Black white-breasted ducks have white skin, and the meat has good palatability. Black white-breasted ducks are distinguished by high egg production for a number of years.

Duck breed Moscow White

Moscow white ducks are bred by the method of reproductive crossing of hakecampbell ducks with Peking ducks.

White Muscovy ducks have a large, long head; long, wide, white-pink beak; dark blue, high-set eyes; long, moderately thick neck; wide, deep and protruding chest; long, wide back; long, wide, set almost horizontal torso; short, moderate thickness, light orange legs. The plumage is white, without admixture of a yellowish-cream shade.

The mass of drakes is 4 kg, ducks - 3-3.5 kg. Egg production - 100-150 eggs per year. Egg weight - 85-90 g. High egg production of the bird persists for a number of years.

The meat of the white Moscow breed of ducks is very tender and tasty. Ducklings at 50 days of age, with proper fattening, have good fatness.

Duck breed Swedish Blue

Breed of ducks of the meat direction of productivity. Swedish blue ducks are widely distributed in Germany. Animals are quickly tamed and gullible. Ducks are well adapted to the cold, so they can be bred in the northern regions. Ducks of the Swedish breed are quickly fattened and undemanding to feed.

The plumage of Swedish blue ducks is silver gray. The head is oval, elongated. The beak is flat, yellow-green in color with a black tip. The back of the ducks is wide, long, without any bulges. The tail is straight, short. The legs are orange in color, the wings are long, lying tightly along the sides.

The weight of Swedish Blue ducks is 3-3.6 kg.

Duck breed Gray Ukrainian

The bird has its hallmark strong constitution (complexity) and thin bones, well-developed muscles, dense and abundant plumage. 3 main varieties of Ukrainian ducks have been bred: gray, clay and white.

The head of Ukrainian Gray Ducks is small, slightly elongated, with shining eyes and a strong beak; the legs are short, strong and wide apart, the body is rather wide, deep and long. The drakes have a dark gray head with a brilliant greenish tint, an olive beak, a dark brown neck, a light gray lower part of the body, gray-brown wings with shiny blue mirrors, which are bordered on the sides with black and white stripes.

The live weight of Gray Ukrainian drakes is 3.5, ducks - 2.5-3 kilograms. The average egg production is 120, the maximum is 250 eggs per year.

Musk duck breed (Indo-duck)

Musk breeds of ducks got their name because of the musky smell of skin and plumage. They come from a wild musk duck - a forest bird, originally from South America. And in the domesticated state, musky ducks do not leave their original habits: they avoid water, often fly up to various elevations (trees, barns, etc.).

Muscovy ducks have a massive body, the front of the head is covered with red skin, near the base of the beak there are pink-red fleshy growths, which makes the duck look like a turkey. For this, they are sometimes called indo-ducks or warty ducks.

There are several types of coloring of musky ducks: black and white, blue and white, black, white, blue.

Muscovy ducks are less precocious than regular domestic ducks. Oviposition begins at the age of 8-9 months and lasts 4-5 months. The ducks then molt and the second cycle begins. During the first cycle, the duck lays 70 eggs or more. The color of their shell is white, with a slight grayish tinge. Drake is usually 2 times more than duck in live weight.

The mass of a drake is 3.5-5 kg, ducks - 2-2.5 kg. Egg-carrying capacity - 90-100 eggs per year. Egg weight - 70-80 g. Muscovy ducks are good hens.

Mulard duck breed

The Mulard duck breed is ideal for both industrial fattening and home breeding.

Mullard ducks(from the English mallard "mallard") - an interspecific hybrid obtained by crossing musk duck drakes with domestic ducks of the Beijing White, Orpington, Rouen and White Allier breeds. Mullard ducks, not found in the wild due to the different geographical range of the common mallard (Eurasia) and the wild musky duck ( South America), are bred only at the initiative of a person to correct the shortcomings that these breeds have. Ducks Mulard meat breed. It is ideal for both industrial fattening (because its liver, like goose liver, is used for such a gourmet dish as Foie Gras), and for breeding at home.

This breed is very suitable for those who do not like fat. duck meat, because the percentage of fat is only 3%. Which, in terms of its characteristics, is comparable to goose meat, but at the same time, the feeding period of the goose is 6-8 months, and the fattening period of Mulard is 4 months.

The reasons that led to the breeding of Mullard ducks. So, the economic disadvantages of musk ducks can be considered: slow growth, late maturity, thermophilicity, a strong incubation instinct, a small live weight of females (about 1 kg). They begin egg-laying at the age of 180-210 days, and it proceeds in cycles that last for five months every 90 days. However, they are considered more clean, silent, their meat differs more high quality, and these ducks are more productive in the sense that the feed is converted to muscle rather than fat.

Rouen duck breed

Received in France in the vicinity of the Normandy city of Rouen due to the domestication of wild ducks, long-term selection and selection by live weight. The bird has a massive, horizontally set body, deep chest, broad back. The color of the plumage is similar to its own wild ancestor. Ducks have a dark brown head with two light brown stripes from the beak to the neck on both sides. The upper part of the body is light brown; legs are dark orange; the head of the drake is of a brilliant dark green color, the beak is greenish-yellow, black at the end, the neck is green with a white ring that is not closed at the back, the chest is red-brown to the shoulders, from the shoulders the entire lower part of the body is gray.
Rouen ducks are distinguished by a significant live weight of 3-4 kilograms, some individuals reach 5 kg; distinguished by excellent tender meat with high palatability. The egg production of Rouen ducks is 80-90 eggs.

Aylesbury duck breed

One of the oldest breeds of English origin. Created in early XIX century in Aylesbury, Buckingham. The breed was presented to the public for the first time at an English exhibition in 1845. The bird has a horizontally set body, pure white plumage, the beak of Eilsbury ducks is pale flesh, the eyes are dark lead blue, the metatarsus and fingers are a brilliant light orange. The weight of drakes is 4-4.5, ducks - 3.5-4.0 kilograms. The laying time lasts 6-7 months, during which the ducks lay up to 100 eggs. Ducklings in the age group of 50-60 days reach a mass of 2-2.5 kilograms. At present, some duck farms in England use lines of Eylesbury ducks as a paternal form when crossed with rows of Peking ducks as a maternal form in order to obtain four-line hybrids. Some effeminacy of Eilsbury ducks and their somewhat lower egg production compared to Peking ducks determined their smaller distribution.

Duck breed Favorit Blue

This breed was bred at the state breeding farm Blagovarsky. big duck beautiful gray-blue color, early maturing. The meat is not fatty, which distinguishes it from the Bashkir and Peking duck. Easy to keep and breed with high egg production.

The Favorit breed is characterized by high viability of young and adult birds and high fattening qualities; when fattening by 2 months, the duck is gaining - 2.7-3.6 kg of weight.

The drake has a mass of 4-5.5 kg, duck 3.5-4 kg. Seasonal egg production - 100-140 eggs, egg weight - 85 gr.

Ducks Favorit Blue, this is a breed of meat direction. Today, blue ducks are common in industrial production, as well as they are bred by specialized and homestead farms.

Crested duck breed

Crested ducks in Europe and Russia have been known for over 300 years. Crested ducks are a breed of decorative and meat orientation, it does not bring great economic benefits. The crested breed of ducks occurred as a result of mutations that occur when crossing local ducks living in Europe, there is an assumption that the crest on the head appeared as a result of crossing with the Chinese crested duck. Crested ducks are very beautiful, active and very mobile, they have always been an adornment of any poultry yard.

The crested gene is cumulative and it appears only in 80% of cases in parents with tufts, and if one of the parents is without a tuft, then, as a rule, the tuft resolves in the offspring. Considered than larger size crest, the smaller the individual and therefore in the European standard the weight of the Crested duck is indicated less than that of the Peking duck.

The productive qualities of crested ducks are very low. The average weight of adult Crested ducks is 2-2.3 kg, and that of adult Crested drakes is 2.5-2.8 kg. The egg production of Crested ducks is not high, in total - 50-60 eggs per year, some record holders among Crested ducks lay 120 eggs. The weight of the egg is 60-80 gr.

Meat and egg breeds of ducks

Duck breed Mirror

Mirror breeds of ducks with light brown, almost white plumage. Wings of males and females with a dark blue mirror sheen. Drakes have a blue-green tinged head and neck. In mirror ducks, the chest is wide, rounded, slightly protruding forward; the body is wide, long; neck of moderate length, straight set; the head is small, long; beak dark grey; legs are low, strong, orange in color, slightly set back; the tail is short and narrow. The mass of drakes is 3-3.5 kg, ducks - 2.8-3 kg. Egg production - 130-120 eggs per year.

Cayuga (Cayuga) is an American meat and egg breed of ducks originating from Lake Cayuga, New York State. The breed was recognized as early as 1874.

The plumage is black with a green metallic sheen, like that of beetles. The eyes are dark brown, the paws and beak are exclusively black. There is a blue one.

The weight of drakes is 3.6 kg, ducks 3.2 kg. In a year 100-150 eggs weighing 70-80 g. The color of the first 10 eggs (at the beginning of laying) is black, then the eggs lighten and become grayish or greenish white. Incubation period 28 days. The duck sits very well on the eggs and leads the ducklings (10-15 pieces).

Orpington duck breed

The breed of ducks was obtained in England by the poultry breeder W. Cook, who created a breed of chickens of the same name. Orpington ducks are obtained by crossing Aylesbury, Cayuga and Indian Runner ducks. The bird has a long, wide body, a full broad chest, a rather long neck and abundant plumage of a reddish-yellow, fawn color. The live weight of drakes is 2.6-3.5 kilograms, ducks - 2.5-3.2 kilograms. Orpington ducks are very good foragers, carrying up to 150-160 eggs. The live weight of ducklings in the 8-week age group is 2 kilograms. Currently, this breed is common in England, France, Italy and other countries. Very often (in France) used for hybridization with Muscovy duck as a mother form.

Saxon ducks are a breed Meat and egg direction. These birds were bred in Germany through long crossing and selection "in themselves". An excellent breed for breeding it on a household plot and a home farm.

The Saxon duck is a very beautiful duck with colorful plumage. Ducks are very well-fed, the physique is dense. The Saxon ducks have a well-shaped body, with strong bones, the body position is slightly inclined. In the drake, the color of the head and the region of the throat and neck is dark blue with a metallic sheen, the chest and the rest of the neck are reddish-red, separated from the color of the head and part of the neck by a white ring. Wings - blue with a metallic sheen. The lower part of the body and belly are light gray in color. In a duck, the main color of the plumage is greenish-yellow.

The Saxon duck breed is quite productive. The weight of adult Saxon ducks is 2.6-3.1 kilograms, and drakes - 3-3.5 kilograms. The meat has excellent taste. Ducks carry large eggs - 70-80 grams. The average egg production per year is 150-200 eggs.

The Saxon breed of ducks was bred in the city of Chemnitz - a city in Germany, in the federal state of Saxony in the 30s of the twentieth century by Albert Franz. When breeding ducks of the Saxon breed, Rouen ducks, Peking ducks of German breeding and blue Pomeranian ducks were used.

Duck breed Khaki Campbell

Ducks Khaki Campbell (Khaki Campbell) English meat and egg breed of ducks, bred in the late 19th century by the famous poultry breeder Adele Campbell. She crossed the fawn-white Indian Runners with the Rouen duck, then crossed them with the Mullards. The breed was introduced in 1898. Later, Mrs. Campbell crossed them again with fawn and white Indian Runners to secure the beautiful fawn coloration she called Khaki.

The color of the plumage is found in three variants: fawn, dark and white. In fawn, the color of the drake is sandy or light brown. The neck and chest are brown-bronze, the beak is dark, the head is black and shiny. The duck is all fawn.

The weight of drakes is 2.5-3.3 kg, ducks 32-2.5 kg. In a year 230-350 white eggs weighing 65-85 g. The incubation period is 28 days. Duck is not the best mother hen. Maturity 6-7 months. The meat is tender and tasty. At the age of 16-18 weeks. reach 1.25-2.25 kg of live weight. The slaughter yield is high 89% due to the thin backbone.

Khaki Campbell ducks are very mobile and are great foragers in ponds and pastures. The character is calm and obedient, peaceful. They fly badly.

Egg breeds of ducks

Duck breed Indian Runners

Indian runners are common in Southeast Asia, which is considered their homeland. Indian runners got their name for their very high mobility: when moving, runners do not roll over from bon to side, like other ducks, but run fast.

Duck Indian runner. The only duck related to the egg form. This breed has an exotic appearance and is characterized by a straight, bottle-shaped torso. In some countries, it is bred in order to obtain marketable eggs. The originality of the shape of her torso attracts visitors to exhibitions. The duck is very mobile and shy. The color of the plumage is white, black, brown, brown-speckled, blue, trout, colors and patterns of wild ducks.

Although this bird is not too heavy, they have tender and juicy meat. This duck is considered a delicacy. But the main value of this breed of ducks is egg production. They rush all year round with optimal feeding and care. They do not tolerate cold well, so in winter they are kept in insulated rooms. During the year, the female lays about 200 eggs, record ducks - up to 350.

Eggs are similar in weight and taste to chicken eggs, so runners are often kept instead of chickens. The drake should reach a weight of 2 kg, the female - 1.75. Runners are excellent parents, especially since they require all the conditions for breeding the same as ordinary ducks. Little ducklings runners are an interesting and cute sight, it is a pleasure to watch them!

Duck Recipes
Features of incubation of duck eggs