Muscovy ducks: breeding indo-ducks at home. Indians: breeding and growing

To speak of an ancestor of an Indochka is not entirely correct. Introduce Muscovy duck and is now found in nature. They live in swampy places in Peru, Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina, live there in small flocks.

Wild Indians, photo

Why did the wild Muscovy duck get its name? There are two versions: the first is due to growths on the head that look like turkeys, that is, the head of a musky duck looks like a turkey's head; the second - the Indians of Latin America in ancient times were the first to tame these birds and domesticate them, and the name of the Indo-duck is an abbreviated version of the combination "Indian duck".

Why is it profitable to grow indoutok

If in other poultry the mortality of chicks is very high, then more than 90% of the chickens survive in the indoo. In order to start breeding indoutas, it is enough to remake the finished bird shed for their maintenance with minor amendments. Keeping indoutok in winter is absolutely not troublesome if you provide them with a dry floor with a thick warm grass bedding and protect it from drafts.

Indo-cats grow very quickly with proper feeding - after 2 months, the bird can already be processed into meat.

Indo-duck meat is lean, tender, almost cholesterol-free. Indians are calm and trusting birds; they do not become hysterical when a person enters their plot or barn.

They give not only tasty meat, but also healthy eggs.

The beginning of breeding indoutas, how to choose them correctly, how to distinguish a female from an indochka male

breed the new kind birds, if they were not engaged in it, it is better to buy adults. There are many species of indo-duck, they vary greatly in feather color, but the appearance of all ind-outs is the same: a powerful body with a wide chest, a shorter neck than other ducks, legs are short, with large webs between the fingers, wings are not very large, but powerful.

Regarding color: there is an opinion that multi-colored ducks are not very good, that many colors in the feather cover are an indicator of undesirable impurities. The most popular black-and-white Indian women, who have a feather on their body white color, black blotches - on the wings, tail and abdomen.

For breeding, you will need males and females, how to choose the right female and male? The male (drake) is almost twice as large as the female, the neck is longer, on the beak there is a growth resembling a turkey.

photo of male and female indochka

If you name the optimal figure, how many females and males to keep - four females per male. If there are suddenly a lot of males in the process of training with Indo-ducks, then the minimum ratio is two females and one male.

Arrangement of a barn and a site for indoutok

The first rule that must be followed when equipping housing for indouts is space, these birds do not like crowding. How much to keep indoutok, twenty or one hundred is an individual question, but there should not be more than three birds per square meter in a room.

The second important detail is that these birds do not have good contact with other domestic birds. They don't fight geese or chickens, no, they just get nervous and stop eating. So it is better to keep the indoutok separately from the rest of the bird.

Indians do not tolerate drafts well, and at the same time they need a lot of fresh air. It is easy to provide both - both the door and the window of the room should face the side of the often blowing wind: there will be no draft, and fresh air is provided.

Dampness in the poultry house is hated by Indians, especially on the floor. Muscovy duck starts to get sick and dies if the floor in the room is covered with damp sawdust and dirty. It is constantly necessary to loosen the floor covering and remove dirty sawdust. The best option for flooring is small, absolutely dry wood shavings, the thickness of the cover is not less than 5 cm.

Poultry house for indouka, photo

The area where the Indians will walk should be with sand and with a shallow trough. Very sensitive to humidity in the room, these birds still love water and splash in the trough with pleasure.

It would be nice to have grass on the site, which the Indians will nibble with appetite. There will be vegetation on the site - it means that there is where to dig for worms and larvae, which the Indians adore.

Plot for walking indochki, photo

A separate topic - what to do so that the indos do not fly outside the site? The simplest and most banal answer is that it is better to feed them, a heavy Indian duck flies with difficulty, and a large and well-fed drake will not try to take off at all.

The best remedy for bird shoots will always be a high net, it is even preferable to a fence - Indians are southern birds by origin, and the more sun falls on their site, the better.

How to feed an indochka at home: nutritional features of an adult bird and chicks

Like any poultry, the basis of the diet of indouts is cereals. Most of all, these birds love corn, any grain. With pleasure they eat boiled potatoes and fodder, well-cooked beets.

food waste from home table, fodder yeast, industrial waste such as molasses and stillage (wheat pomace in the production of alcohol), any greens and vegetables - everything will fit for feeding indoutok.

A mash is being prepared from the above, but its humidity should not be very high. The limit figure is 15-18% of water for dry components. Mixers of porridge and chopped greens are a delicacy for Indians. They love it. But every time you need to cook a fresh portion.

Only hatched chicks on the first day are fed with finely chopped hard-boiled egg mixed with milk (they do not know how to drink).

On the second day, bran is added to this mixture. In the following days, gradually grated cottage cheese, finely crushed wheat grains are added. By the end of the first week, you can add chopped meat waste to baby food and boiled potatoes. On the tenth day, indoutok is allowed to be transferred to an adult diet.

Indo-duck chicks, photo

Feeding indoutok - frequent, even when they have grown up. Very young chicks are fed 6 times a day. By the age of one month, the number of meals is reduced to 4, adults are fed 3 times a day.

Indochka laying eggs, hatching chicks

When do Indians start laying eggs? As soon as it gets warm, in March-April. Indo-wort females, ready to lay eggs, are very nervous. Therefore, during this period, it is impossible to make loud noises next to the poultry house.

It's a good idea to build a thin plywood house in each duck's house with a hole for it to climb in and build a nest.

Female Indians are very curious. There are times when they occupy someone else's nest and begin to lay eggs there. Or they sit on other people's eggs in order to hatch them, but forget about their own.

In the house, the female will not have a great view and will only take care of her offspring. If it is not possible to build houses, plastic lattice vegetable boxes with a high side will fit under the nests.

The collection of eggs must be suspended if you want the indo-cat to start hatching chicks. Gradually, the female can lay up to 20 eggs. We pick up 10 pieces, do not touch the rest - then she starts hatching. Indo-chickens hatch for a long time - more than a month.

Indo-duck eggs in the nest, photo

Important - the quality of meat, eggs and the fertility of the Indochka drops sharply from closely related contacts. Therefore, drakes need to be updated regularly, preferably every season.

If you strive to eat healthy and tasty and like to breed poultry, indo-cats will be the best option.

Indoutok meat is now in high demand in prestigious restaurants. So there will be no problems with the sale of surplus meat if the number of indouts on the farm is large.
Watch a video about Indians.

All summer residents dream not only of environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits, but also no less natural meat. The ideal option for a summer resident to resolve this issue would be the Indo-ducks, which are also popularly called "dumb" or "deaf" ducks. This type of duck is very easy to raise. They are unpretentious in food and drink and rush very well.

The weight of females is small - up to three kilograms. The drake is usually larger. The meat of a young bird is very tender and soft. Therefore, it is very suitable for preparing duck with apples. It is worth noting that indo-outs grow very quickly. Like broilers, they can be grown until late autumn, and then slaughtered for meat. If the breeding of pure breed Indows is not of interest, then females can be mated with drakes of other breeds. In this case, the ducklings grow larger, but sterile.

They usually buy a couple of adult birds. Contained in a poultry house and free range. If there is a reservoir near the house, then the indoutok is released there. These birds feed on grain and green fodder. Wet mash mixes are best, consisting of beet tops, greens, kitchen waste and grains. At the same time, they love corn grain. Barley, on the other hand, can be dangerous for the health of indouts. Therefore, it is given only soaked in water (at least 2 hours) and always at the same time as water.

As we have already said, Indians are unpretentious in food. Yes, and eat less than the usual breeds of ducks. If there is a reservoir near the house, then they will be happy to eat. various bugs, worms and other aquatic insects. It is necessary to feed adult indochkas who live with "free grazing" 2 times a day. However, the place for walking the bird should be cleared of broken glass, wire, and metal objects. Not indifferent to everything shiny, these birds are happy to eat "dangerous food" and die!

Breeding indoutok

Adults begin to lay eggs in April, and even in March, as soon as it gets warmer. It nests after laying 20 eggs. The female ducklings incubate for 32-35 days. It is advisable to use eggs for this that have had time to lie down (15-18 days), then the number of chicks will be much higher.

Regardless of where you got ducklings from (hatched by a mother hen, or bought at a hatchery), it is important to remember that day old babies do not know how to eat and drink. They will have to be taught this. To do this, you will have to finely chop a hard-boiled egg and sprinkle the backs with it.

Being by nature very curious, little Indians quickly begin to pick up moving objects and swallow them.
To learn how to drink, it is enough to gently poke the duckling's beak with your hand or play the role of "mommy" with your hand - to imitate that you are drinking some water. Literally a week later, kids can add a green mash to their food. You need to feed the ducklings:

  • daily - 5-6 times a day;
  • weekly - 4-5 times a day;
  • monthly - 3-4 times a day;
  • older age - 2-3 times a day.

Compared to all other types of poultry, this species is the most beneficial for breeding at home. Indians are not afraid of infectious diseases! And with food and drink for this species of birds, in general, there are no problems. At the same time, they rush and breed well. Therefore, even inexperienced owners can breed this bird. Try it yourself and see for yourself! Even if you can’t breed indouts the first time, the number of eggs they lay will fully return to you all the costs of acquiring and growing them.

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    Most often, the reason is the inability of drakes to fertilize. This is due to bird diseases in early childhood or inbreeding. Try to buy new inseminators, then it will be good

    As far as I remember from biology lessons, the embryo is alive for 30 days, but you can’t determine which egg was laid yesterday, and which one and a half months ago. let them lie. We had this when the spring was especially protracted. At first the sun warmed up and the birds began to rush in joy, and then it rained, it got colder and none of the ducks wanted to sit on the eggs. We did not touch the eggs, though later, when the ducks nevertheless deigned to serve their term, in addition to the ducklings, rotten talkers were thrown out of the nests.

    Unfortunately, I can not say anything, I have not come across such a thing. But I wouldn’t worry too much, because even in the process of incubation, indo-woks regularly moisten their eggs with water.

    Sometimes ducks may not lay. With what it is connected, I do not know. I have one duck every year only at the end of June that begins to fill the nest, but looks great after the brood. So don't worry, just wait a little

    I will share my personal experience. I had such that all the Indians carried eggs in one nest, and only one sat in it. How they figured out exactly who would sit in that nest, I don’t know. I was ill at that time and did not particularly care for the bird. But on time, this duck brought out 35 (!) ducklings, I can’t even imagine how she poor hatched them. The husband then transferred the kids with their mother to another paddock and they all survived and grew up perfectly, and the remaining ducks managed to bring out their broods. But we have a rule, even if they sit in the same pen, then we assign each with our brood to another pen for at least 2-3 weeks, so that “childless” birds, and especially dads, do not offend the little ones.

    Of course not. Chickens and ducks different types they cannot have birds and offspring.

    Indians can bring out 2 broods per year.

    Up to 5 years you can safely keep. Although it is better to change at the age of three. Still, a bird, like a person, the older it gets, the more it gets sick and the process of incubation of eggs can simply knock it down.

    Yes this is bad. Cracks can appear on their paws from concrete / asphalt.

    Mullards good breed. They grow very quickly, the meat is tasty, but they rarely sit on the eggs themselves. I hadn't even heard of the cayuga.

    Sunflower seeds can be given, but with a large abundance of seeds in birds, intestinal upset may begin. That is, it is impossible to transfer completely only to seeds, but it is easy to mix with wheat and barley. Seeds are especially good for young animals (teenagers), birds grow faster and gain weight better.

    Best of all helps, like people, rice water. You can even cook rice porridge. It is only important that the birds have time to eat it before souring. Of the pharmaceutical preparations, chloramphenicol (human) helps. I usually dilute the tablet in a liter of boiled water and pour it into a drinking bowl. I drink for 3 days. Only here it is important to take into account that it is better not to eat poultry meat and eggs for 20-30 days, the remains of this antibiotic remain there.

    I have never heard of meat-and-egg breeds. But everything is possible.

    You can't move in this kind of weather. At best, they will get sick and slow down in growth, at worst, they may even die.

    Hello Ruslan! Thank you for your care, health and doing well. But there is almost no time left for the site, since all the attention is taken away by the garden and the farm. Of course, you can cross different indoutas. Their offspring must be good.

    Of course, it is possible and even necessary. On compound feed, any bird grows faster, the diet is also balanced there.

    Hello! I have almost 2 months of indo-kids at home, but for me they are very small. What can I do to give compound feed Rost?

    Hello Eva, how are you?

    And we don't get warm. The Indian ducklings are already three weeks old, and on the street at night it is 0, in the daytime it is +5 and it rains! The shed is unheated, and at home in the small car they are cramped! And I'm already tired of washing diapers! What to do? Can I relocate them or will I get cold?

    Hello Eva, the question is: what kind of Indians are there? Are there meat-and-egg ones?

    Hello Eva. Ducks swear at me, especially those that sit on eggs, what can I give?

    Hello Eva. Why do they have a rectum? Can I feed them with semis (sunflowers)?

    Hello Eva, what kind of water should be added to the mash?

    Eva Is there a cayuga duck in Dagestan? I would buy a couple of testicles.

    I don't keep ducks longer than 3-4 years. I constantly cut out the "old men", leaving the young females. And I buy drakes so that the offspring are strong and large.
    As for the cayuga duck, I haven’t even heard of such ducks, and therefore I can’t tell you where to buy ducklings or eggs ((

    Yes, Start feed can be given from the first days of life of ducklings. Muscovy duck is the second name of the Indo-duck. There are also Peking ducks that are similar in color. Here there is a difference: Beijing has absolutely no growth on its beak.

    Eva sorry one more question. how many years can you keep them. thanks. I'm also interested in Cayuga duck, where can I buy at least testicles? Thank you.

    Hello Eva. Can ducklings be given a start from the first days? how to tell indo duck from musky duck?

    Hello! Closely related mixing is undesirable, as weak offspring may appear. This can be avoided only by changing the drake. However, many people leave their own drakes for breeding. And only when they see that the incubation of eggs is reduced and the brood is weak, then they change the drake.

    Hello, the duck is mating with his daughter, although there is another male, what will happen and how to avoid this ???? Thank you

    In summer, three days under the lamp is enough, and in autumn and spring it all depends on the weather conditions and the temperature of the content.

    Of course you can, if you can handle the kids. So you got a jealous drake))

    Indians do not tolerate walking wintering. They are heat loving birds. Therefore, it is necessary to equip a warm wintering for mother and her children.

    Is it warm in the barn? The duck could freeze its paws. They are very sensitive and even at +5 they can get frostbite. Another reason may be a rupture of the oviduct, but then there would be blood and the bird would die.

    And I'd be happy to answer you, but I don't know. Never encountered this. Most likely some kind of mutation.

    I grow indowoks and am very happy with them. As for the laying hen, they are still laying, since December every day. QUESTION: a male young half a year old had a mustache on his chest, what is it? I live in Makhachkala.

    Hello. My duck laid an egg and does not stand on its paws. What to do. and a drake walks around her. Calls but she doesn't get up

    It’s already cold now, the Indian mother has brought out the chicks, I keep them at home, in the arena. Now they are 10 days old. I clean, I clean, but the smell is disgusting. Indo-ducks calmly survive the winters. And what about ducklings? Can they start adding wood lice, chop zucchini, apples, while all this is still there?

    our duck hatched ducklings and we removed the drake, he beat her very much and beat the eggs, and now the ducklings are pecking I have such a question, I can pick up ducklings from her and put her and the drake together again, otherwise he doesn’t want to eat

    Tell us, our yard is completely concreted. Is it problematic for them?

    good site! I really wonder how many days you need to keep them under the lamp?

    Hello! Please tell me how many years you can keep a duck for breeding, ours is 3 years old

    tell me how many times can indo ducklings hatch

    My duck has started laying eggs. dropped 5 pieces. but without a drake. and a rooster jumps on it. Are the ducklings hatchling if she hatches them?

    Hello Eva. I have 4 ducks. Eggs began to be laid from April 30, all 4, but 1 duck laid 2 eggs and stopped laying. And 3 ducks lay eggs every day. Please tell me why is this happening? I also have two ducks laying eggs in the same nest. How can I separate them in the future so that mothers do not sit on eggs in one nest? I read somewhere that they will not breed, they will ruin the brood if both sit in the same nest. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Good afternoon, tell me, ducks don’t rush already in May, maybe I don’t feed or care properly

    tell me, the duck laid eggs and they got caught in the rain, should they be left or are they no longer suitable for breeding? she has not sat on them yet.

    Hello. Please tell me how long the eggs can lie in the nest, my ducks have inflicted but they don’t want to sit down for a month and a half.

    Hello Please advise. My Indian duck sat on eggs for 40 days and didn’t hatch a single duckling. All talkers. What could be the reason? I am a beginner I have 7 ducks and 2 drakes

    If you don't get used to it in a week, disconnect. It happens, unfortunately.

    Hello! Please tell me how to solve my problem. I have 8 ducks and one drake bought another drake and he constantly drives him away. Will they get used to it or do they still need to be divided into different ducks? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Nahida, we provide answers to all questions. If the question is repeated, then the answer is given one. Look carefully in the comments.

    Everyone asks questions, where is the answer?

    Wait until the duck hatches all of them. This usually takes no more than a day. For a while, you can put a heater next to the nest or just tanks of boiling water wrapped in an old blanket. When all the chicks hatch, take them to the warmth with their mother. She will teach them to eat herself and will warm them up and protect them.

    Tell me please. When an Indian woman hatches eggs, and the chicks have already begun to hatch, are they taken into heat and taught to eat? But when to return them back to the duck, or do they need to be grown separately from the duck ???

    Of course, it's cold for breaking eggs. But still, do not rush to drive the duck. Sometimes chicks appear much later and this is most likely due to heating. At least a small part will hatch, but it should. The question is: will they survive?

    Hello. Indochka sits on eggs, today is about 35 days. The eggs are fertile. Half of the eggs are completely dark - the gap is only in the air chamber. And half with spots in the middle of the egg. In a flock, on average, plus 10. Is it worth it to wait or drive the duck? Tell me please.

    I personally keep mothers until 5 years old. If the bird is alive, rushes well and sits well, why beat it? Her daughter may turn out to be wayward or even without a maternal instinct. Now, if it becomes bad to rush in the spring, it means that the bird has worked, then it can be used for meat. Although why not put it on the meat in the fall? In the summer they eat so little.

    Tell me, my Indians are 3 years old, next summer already 4. They are good mothers. Such a question is how many years it is advisable to keep them. Leave them or for meat?

    Who could tell me exactly when, at what age to score a musky duck, so that there would be no stumps. You are welcome!

    Hello Nikolay.
    In birds, this happens when there is uneven growth or an unbalanced diet, for example, a lot of calcium in the diet.

    Hello Anna! Ducks don't lay their own eggs. Although there is little that could happen ....

    Good afternoon. I've had an Indian for 3 weeks on eggs. In the last days, they began to notice broken eggs, and today I saw 1 drowned egg. Tell me, can ducks get rid of them themselves?

    Why do Indians have lowered wings?

    hello, who used nano-layer bird litter? share

    I'll give you an indo. 89282268212 Just don't need it, because they sold the house in the village. Or maybe just put it on the meat? sorry, purebred.

    Hello Ewa, I read all your answers and this time a question arose about coccidia, I read about them in the Institute, but not everything is clear how this manifests itself in birds and how to carry out prevention. Thanks in advance.

    Hello Olga Yurievna!
    If the bird feels normal, then it makes no sense to treat it. Indian women are notable for the fact that they do not need treatment, and vice versa, sometimes they do not tolerate veterinary drugs well. The only thing that can and should be done is to periodically solder from coccidia. I use Baycox for this purpose for all types of poultry. When there is a suspicion of poisoning, you can add to the mash Activated carbon. Knead tablets at the rate of 3 pills per 1 head and add to bran or crushed grain, mix thoroughly, and then moisten with water.

    Good afternoon! My Indians are almost three months old. One has some health problems. The beak is warm (the rest is cold), the body temperature is higher than that of others. I began to limp. So, like active, appetite is good. With what it can be connected?

    Hello, Alexander! I don't know what area you live in and how soon you get cold. Calculate for yourself, if your birds have time to turn 2.5-3 months before the first frost, then they will survive the winter in an unheated barn. The main thing is that even in extreme cold in the room the temperature does not fall below minus five. If frosts can come to you before the birds grow up, then it is better to sell the chicks.

    Hello Eva! I have such a question, the Indian woman should bring them out from August 7 to August 10 whether they will freeze in my barn in the fall, my barn is not very warm or is it better to sell them to someone warm barn? Thank you

    Hello, Alexander! Sorry for the delay in reply. But, unfortunately, she herself was sick. Goiter catarrh is treated by washing: either furatsilin (1 tablet per glass of water), or a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate. Turn the chick down with its beak, clear the goiter of accumulated mucus and, returning the bird to its normal position, inject 20 ml of a disinfectant solution. Repeat this procedure 4-6 times a day. Continue treatment for a week. Already on the third day the bird will feel better. But do not try to give her hard grain to eat, only aggravate the condition. While sick, plant and give wet mash or soft cereals, cooked immediately before eating, so that they do not have time to turn sour. You can also mix Brovaseptol or Brovafarm into the feed. This is an excellent remedy for combating any infections in poultry. Only then you can’t eat her meat for 30 days. I, to be sure, can even withstand 60 days.

    My monthly ducklings sit on their paws what to do thanks for the answer

    There are suspicions of goiter catarrh in a two-month-old duckling. Share advice on what to do and if there is suddenly a foreign object inside, how to remove it?
    Thank you. Sincerely, Alexander.

    Hello, Alexander! I would not recommend taking ducklings in August. The strongest chicks are spring ones. Well, in extreme cases, born before mid-summer. Further, for some reason, the chicks turn out to be more inhibited in growth. I have August ones and they may not grow in six months. Only to next summer are aligned. But if it was brought by its own duck, then there is no problem, but they eat little. But I wouldn't buy it. If you really want ducklings, then in August you can still take broiler mulards. They grow faster and in 3 months they will be 100% ready to eat. But then again, summer mulards are painful ((

    Hello, I'm a beginner, if you take ducklings in early August, they will have time to grow up by the end of autumn, I'm from Belarus. Thank you.

    Hello, Natalia! My principle is that food should be available at all times. But if, in addition to ducks, you also have other “freeloaders” (sparrows, pigeons, starlings and other birds ready to eat babies), then proceed as follows: fill the feeder full and remove it after 20-25 minutes. After 3-4 hours, repeat the procedure. At the age of one month, ducklings need 4 full grain feedings. Don't be surprised if they occasionally refuse to eat. It's okay if they have free access there is juicy grass. Of course, there are feeding norms ... but I have never had the same brood. Some eat grain as if they were frantic, others turn their noses up from the grain, and pluck all the blades of grass clean. So it's easier to find the norm empirically.

    Hello Anatoly! You can treat the eye of a duckling with liquid from a veterinary pharmacy. Unfortunately, I don't remember what it's called. Had to use it 1 time. After that, we decided that we could let it go. As they say, “what survived is all ours”)) The night temperature is rather low for the chicks. Indo-woks are very thermophilic, although they can tolerate cold very well in adulthood. I think that another month is not worth the risk. In general, look at the size of the bird. When the birds look like half of the mother, they turn into teenagers and nothing threatens them.

    I have 10 ducklings, the mother hen is gone, they are 3-4 weeks old, they live on the street in a cage during the day, we take them to the bath in a box at night. We live in the Urals, at night the temperature drops to + 7’C. At what age can you be transferred to the street for a full day. And one more duckling has one eye watering, the fluff around it is slick, the membrane (eyelid) is either closed or open, the appetite is in order. Does the eye need to be treated? If so, with what, how many times, etc.?


    Hello! If the nest is large, then 2 indo-kids can sit. They interfere with each other, but they can breed. True, it is better to share. since one can bring out her chicks earlier, and the second will begin to consider them her own and leave the nest. To prevent two birds from nesting together in the future, make more nests in the dark corners of the house. Citrus boxes are best suited for this purpose. They are small in size, and therefore only one bird sits in them.

    good day, Elena!

    Chicks nibble feathers, most often due to a lack of calcium, high light or a small area. To increase calcium in the diet, add ground eggshells to the mash. The easiest way to prepare a mixer is as follows: a liter jar of bran (seeds) + 0.5 liters of corn grits + 2 tbsp. tablespoons of ground eggshell + a little water, so that the mixture resembles thick porridge. You don't need to cook. But the main thing, remember, for an Indian is greens. Walking with grass for chicks is necessary for growth. Moreover, in the greens there are all the vitamins and trace elements for proper development and bird formation.

    Hello, Natalia!
    1. Indians sit on eggs perfectly. It does not matter whether they were born in an incubator or hatched by a mother hen.
    2. It is rational to leave 5 females + 1 male for offspring. This amount is enough to get at least 25-30 ducklings again. It is possible and more leave, but the proportion of 5:1 should be observed.
    3. They will not start rushing in January, no matter how much you would like. Unless they lay a couple of single testicles. Temperature matters to birds. environment and daylight hours. Therefore, under normal conditions, bird egg production is highest in spring and autumn. Some individuals can perfectly rush in the summer. But if you don’t need later offspring, take the eggs. If some kind of failure occurs and the bird still decides to rush in January, take the eggs. Too early chicks are not very adaptable to life) March-April is the ideal time for incubation.

    Hello, Ewa, I am a beginner poultry farmer, a lot of questions, they took 24 indo-kids, on July 12 they will be a month old, the first question is this - if they are left for offspring, will they sit on eggs or only through an incubator? The second question is how much is rational to leave? third, according to preliminary estimates, they will begin to rush somewhere in January, what to do with the egg to take them all? I also want to say thank you very much for your experience and answers.

    Good afternoon. Ducklings pluck each other's feathers. They are a month old. What is missing and what to feed? Thanks

    I have a question.
    Two ducks sat in the nest.
    They sit together. When one goes out to swim, the other takes her place. Tell me, do I need to remove one of them?
    Thank you.

    Hello Alexey. At the age of one month, ducklings no longer need a mother. But see for yourself when it is more convenient for you to wean them from the duck.

    Can you please tell me when it is possible to separate ducklings from their mother? The option about the ducklings reaching the size of the mother is not suitable :)

    Hello Madina! If they are warm, there is food and enough water, then nothing needs to be done. Weak individuals will not survive anyway. Even if you pump out, then they will lag behind in development and will definitely find something to die from. If the chicks hatched in your incubator, then you can pick up the weak ones, put them on a warm heating pad and watch. Sometimes it happens that the birds themselves recover, otherwise they may be trampled by a crowd of brothers. But if the chicks from under the duck were born, then the mother herself knows how to take care of them. You can't interfere.

    Compound feed can be given from the first day. Only it should really be for waterfowl chicks, and not a universal QC for adult stock. And yes, if it's warm in your area right now, let the birds out on the grass. They pinch her literally from the first days. Although you can not feed them for 3 days, as they have leftovers nutrients from egg yolk.

    Hello Vsevolod! An Indian woman can accept babies, but she can’t accept them. It all depends on the bird itself. I had birds that even considered chickens thrown up for their little ones. But last year there was such a duck that beat its own chicks that hatched a few hours later. I had to throw these offended ones to the mother with older ducklings. But nothing, she accepted them.

    the duck brought out two ducklings and left the nest, is it possible to buy ducklings and plant them in her, will she accept them or not

    I have hatched Indian ducklings, one in the morning threw her head up, turned her heads and died, and a few more so throw her head back, do you need to do something or not, and you can give them compound feed

    Hello Lana! It's very hard to force. But you can try, of course. Try changing the hay, moving the box, putting in a couple of eggs that have rolled out. By the way, before you touch the eggs, rub your hands with hay or grass so as not to leave your smell. I hope this will help your birds understand where else you can make a house.

    As for the theft of eggs, I can’t tell you anything. Never observed this. When the rats started, it happened that the eggs disappeared. But for ducks to carry each other's eggs ... there has never been such a thing in my practice.

    Can. Muscovy duck drakes do not offend babies. But still you need to follow his behavior for a day or two. Sometimes you still have to put the guy away. Especially if the company no longer exists. n will "stick" to the mother and can trample the kids. Generally, I keep my ducks with broods separately. But many owners do not bother with the topic of separate keeping and grow a normal number of birds.

    An Indian is a great mother. Often, she does not stop nursing babies until they reach her size. But there are exceptions to every rule. I've had Muscovy Ducks that have abandoned their babies after a week or two. So, I hope you are lucky and your duck will be a good mommy.

    Hello Irina! I never help chickens, ducklings, or goslings to peel! Why? Because only weak individuals cannot cope with the shell. It is very difficult to grow a strong bird out of them. Of course, when I just got the incubator, I also tried to help the birds ... it's a pity. BUT, as a rule, chicks that were helped at hatching do not live even up to a month.

    Hello Zinaida! Give them a hard-boiled egg (be sure to finely chop it). You can also buy complete food for waterfowl. Still not bad kids eat corn grits and wheat bran. You can mix in a ratio of 1 to 1 and moisten a little with water. Yes, and they should have enough water, since they can start swimming at the age of three days in warm weather)

    Tell me what to feed a two-day Indo jock. And if the weather is wet outside, you can go outside with them. Thanks in advance.

    Hello, please tell me how to hang them in an incubator, do I need to help them hatch and what temperature should the temperature be?

    Good afternoon. Tell me, after what time does an Indian give up babysitting with ducklings?

    Tell me please, is it possible to keep a drake and a duck with ducklings on the same paddock?

    Hello Eva. We have four nests in the duck house. Three ducks sit on eggs (16 eggs in each nest), and they don’t want to sit on the fourth nest with eggs, although some ducks sit in nests where mothers are already sitting. How to make ducks sit on the fourth nest? Can other ducks steal eggs from nests?

    the duck must be kept separately from the drake, and how much?

    Hello Valentine! There is no definite answer to your question. It all depends on the purity of the breed, the quality of care and feeding. So, for example, my indoo can already be safely slaughtered at 4-6 months, which we successfully do so as not to feed all winter in vain. But I also know of cases when, by the age of two, the duck did not gain proper weight. This is due to a poor pedigree (closely related crossing) and half-starved content.

    How much do you need to grow an indouka before slaughter?

    Hello Irina! Unfortunately, the close relationship leads to a minimum of fertilized eggs. And even if the brood size suits you, due to close kinship, defects and developmental delays are possible. Children of close relatives, like people, do not differ in good health. Invite one of the neighbors to exchange drakes. And you and your neighbor will only benefit from this!

    Andrey, hello! Unfortunately, sometimes such cases occur. This is due to the "women's health" of the bird. Most often, too young and elderly birds suffer from irregular egg-laying. Most likely this year you will not wait for offspring. Although sometimes stable egg-laying in ducks begins in the second half of summer. Here you will have to decide whether to leave offspring or not.

    Hello Kolya! There can be many reasons. For example, closely related mixing (the male is the brother or son of these ducks). In this case, even if ducklings hatch, the offspring will be very weak, if not completely unviable. The second option - someone scares the hens. This may be a car signal, screams, loud sounds made by other animals. In this case, the bird is stressed and can leave the nest for a long time, which is detrimental to the embryos. A poor diet also negatively affects future offspring. There are other reasons as well. But I would start by replacing the male! And yes... I don't understand why you keep 1 male for 3 ducks? Based on my experience, I will say: this is very small, you need at least five females, and even six are better.

    Hello Lena! Unfortunately, if a bird has tasted its egg, it will continue to "cannibalize". The only way out is to cut the bird until she has trained her brothers. In general, most often this happens due to a lack of calcium in the body.


    I have two flocks of ducks. Each flock has one duck and three ducks. In each flock, two ducks have already served, but the ducklings have not been brought out, tell me what is the reason

    Good afternoon, tell me, I bought a newbie in the fall, there were seven ducks and one male, and now they began to lay eggs, but not all of them, I pick up the eggs and write the number, but I was told a lot of fertilized females will not need another male because they are native. Please let me know, I'll be grateful.

    Hello Alfie! We now keep our ducklings on the grass from the first day of life. But we are hot enough. During the day it reaches 27-30 degrees in the shade. If the brood is early spring, then we send the birds outside after 3 days. Just 3 days are needed for the resorption of the yolk. It is best to feed babies with starter feed until the age of one month. This allows the chicks to get stronger. But along with compound feed, we add raw millet and raw corn grits. In addition to water, we also set up drinking bowls with whey.

    Good afternoon! What to feed 2 week old ducklings? Now I am giving starter feed with grass, today I added boiled (5 minutes) millet. What else can be given and in what form? When should you switch to another food? When can I walk them on the grass? Tell me please, what is the difference between indo-outs and mulard? In terms of content, taste, etc.

    Hello Olga! Sometimes this happens ... but do not rush to get upset. It is likely that the birds will still sit down. In the meantime, pick up the eggs and mark their date with a marker. When the duck starts tearing down, put testicles that are suitable for the date. Just don't store them in the refrigerator so as not to kill the germs.

    I have ducks rushing but a lot of testicles do not sit down, what should I do?

    Hello Maria! This is a very strange phenomenon. Never encountered this. Doesn't it look like a peck? Maybe they plucked and pinched each other's pen: If yes, then add ground chalk to the diet. eggshell and darken the place of night rest. And, unfortunately, I can’t imagine another reason ... only mechanical damage((

    Eva help, my Indians, they will be 3 months old on May 22, bleed in the tail part of the body. what it is

    Unfortunately, Marina, I don't see these eggs and it's hard for me to say something. There can be two options: the first is that the eggs are unfertilized and the so-called talkers have formed; the second is that life is born in the egg, and the shell is too light and thin, so you can see the circulatory network through it.

    Hello Tatiana! Everything depends on weather conditions. If it is warm and the bird has wrapped the eggs well in fluff, then it can walk for an hour.

    Hello! Tell me, please, we keep the ducks for the first year, the duck sat on the eggs, descends once a day, but you always have to drive it back, it goes reluctantly into the nest, how long can the eggs be without a brood hen?

    I have a chicken sitting on my eggs and several eggs turned blue. What should I do?

    Yes, all birds can lay eggs without the participation of males. The egg will just be infertile. After all, it is the same egg. It also matures in mammals without the participation of a sexual partner.

    Hello Sergey! It all depends on the behavior of the bird. Try to leave. Since goose blood flows in the blood of these birds (the Indian is a Madagascar goose), the behavior of males in them often resembles the habits of geese. And they, as you know, are amazing fathers and leaders who take care of their offspring. But sometimes there are exceptions, and the drake can “beat” the offspring. Therefore, it will be necessary to determine whether it is possible to leave the male with the mother and children empirically.

    is it possible to leave the drake of the indo-duck with the duck and ducklings.

    Can a duck lay an egg like a chicken without a drake?

    Hello, Natalia! Indians do not need much space. one and a half square meters enough for a dozen chicks. And if your area is already warm in early May, then you can do without a brooder. For Muscovy duck chicks, fresh air, will and grass are more important. Therefore, the main thing is to provide them with walking. You can also forget about veterinary drugs. Birds don't get sick. Well, maybe some kind of vitamin supplement, like Chiktonik, for example. However, if you feed starter feed containing vitamins and minerals, then you can do without complex vitamins.

    Hello Mila! The egg seems to be too big. But in my practice, I have not come across this. Maybe try vaseline to lubricate the oviduct and that part of the egg that you can touch?

    It's hard for me to say anything about this. Probably worth taking her eggs and not expecting her to become a mother someday. As they say, the family has its black sheep...

    Hello Eva! We plan to take 10 ducklings at the age of 3-4 days in early May. Could you tell me, please, what size to build a brooder? And maybe buy some veterinary drugs just in case, so that they are at hand?

    The female Indo-duck cannot lay an egg for the third day and feels bad, what to do, help? Thank you.

    Help with advice. My Indian woman laid 5 eggs and hasn’t been laying anything for 3 days, did she leave them? I don’t know what to do anymore, a month ago she laid 4 eggs and left. How to be?

    Hello Farida. Yes, it is normal. The duck will scoot down just before it sits down. It's just too early. Or maybe not kick fluff at all and that's okay too. The bird has a better sense of how to build a nest, so don't worry.

    Hello, my duck has already laid 9 eggs directly on the hay. But I haven’t plucked the fluff out of myself. Is this normal or not? The duck is 1 year old. Thank you in advance.

    Peter, to be honest, I don’t even know. Surely a certain number of eggs will be fertilized, because, in my opinion, each egg slowly develops, fertilizes. and only then covered with a shell. But how many will be fertilized, I find it difficult to answer. This is a question for biologists...

    a week ago the drake disappeared, the duck has now begun to rush. will they be fertilized

    If there are ducks that did not sit on eggs, it is not necessary to deposit. He will not pester future mothers. But if the ducks sat down and there were no more “girls”, then it is better to separate the drake so as not to embarrass them.

    Sergey, you don't have to do anything. As soon as 1 duck sits, the rest will start to rush to the second nest and so on..

    And is it necessary to plant a drake when the ducks sat on the eggs?

    Tell. what to do. when do indochki rush to the same nest?

    There can be many factors. Maybe they have survived and are now gaining strength. Maybe their diet, living conditions, etc. have changed. Anything can affect a bird's egg production. And do not forget, the Indochka rushes well, but not all year round. Even chickens need a break, let alone a bird whose closest relative is a goose.

    Hello Lena! It's OK. Start taking her eggs from there, and she will “in revenge” start looking for a new nest)) If the chickens don’t rush there, let them hatch. When the chicks hatch, drop down.

    It is better to buy adults. But, unfortunately, not all owners are decent people. Therefore, they can slip an already old couple or a duck that does not sit on eggs, or it’s still unclear what. So it turns out that it is better to take the kids and raise them yourself.

    I have an Indo-datka began to rush in an elevated nest for chickens. what should I do? although I made nests for them on the ground.

    Please tell me why the Indians suddenly stopped rushing?

    Tell. I am newbie. Should I buy Indian children or adults? If adults, the family consists of how many pieces? Thank you.

    Hello Svetlana! Of course, you can take risks. The only question is whether the duck will not completely abandon the nest, having found a foreign smell in it. If you decide to try, please, unsubscribe about the result of the experiment. It will be useful for our readers to know this.

    Hello Damir! It all depends on the ducks themselves. If they are not closely related crossing, eat well and walk a lot, then at 4-6 months they can already be cut. If the diet leaves much to be desired, the birds are locked in sheds, and were born thanks to the crossing of siblings descended from the same ancestors, then the bird can gain its weight for a year and a half.

    thanks to everyone for the advice. I learned a lot of useful things.

    we breed indoutey 1 year. very unpretentious and quiet bird. It does not require a lot of expenses. I advise everyone.

    I have a question. How many monthly indos do you need to buy in May in order to slaughter them for meat in mid-September (unfortunately, the conditions do not allow them to be kept further)? Thanks for the answer

    Good afternoon. Tell. The Indian mother laid and sat down to incubate only 7-8 eggs on March 5th. Is it possible in 18-20 days (March 23-25) to put chicken eggs on it so that the timing of the hatching of ducklings and chickens coincides? I just heard the opinion that chickens of the Adler Silver breed rarely sit down to hatch. Thanks in advance.

    Hello Alena! It is easy to distinguish day old Indo-ducklings from ordinary ducklings. Since the Muscovy duck is the closest relative of the goose, the Indo-duck chicks are somewhat similar to goslings. Firstly, they have a dark, not pink beak, and secondly, the same grayish-pink legs. In ordinary ducklings, they are yellow or orange. Also, in classic breeds, the back of the chicks is painted black or brown, and the abdomen is pale yellow. Soon we will post an article “questions and answers about indoutok” on the site, where you can also see pictures.

    Boris, hello! I apologize for not answering you right away. For some reason your message ended up in spam. Hope it's not too late to answer you :)
    1. It is possible to keep in the winter in a conditionally heated room. The main thing is that the temperature does not fall below minus 5. At this temperature, frostbite of the paws occurs in the bird. Yes, the bed should be deep.
    2. Summer pasture without a paddock too perfect solution. But you will need a canopy and a low perch so that the birds can hide from torrential downpours. Light rain doesn't bother them.
    3. "Malyavochnik" is also better to arrange in the fresh air. Chicks grow better if they are able to move freely, graze grass and swim in the water.

    Hello Yuri! Yes, you can keep laying ducks in cages if you are only interested in the egg. As you understand, without walking relatively wild bird will not feel comfortable and will not acquire offspring. But he can get fat on grain feed. Think for yourself. But I don’t like this mockery of a bird ...

    Hello Ekaterina. It is advisable to lay the eggs separately. That is, either the eggs of the indote, or chicken. A chicken incubates chicks for only 18-22 days (depending on the breed), and an Indian duck from 30 to 35 ... sometimes it can even spend 42 days on eggs. As you can see, the incubation period does not match. If you stir up the nest in the middle of the incubation process, then the Indochka may even throw eggs. The same thing will happen if her chicks hatch after 18 days. She will not wait for her ducklings.

    Is it possible to put chicken eggs to the eggs of an indo duck, can she hatch them?

    Leave the male which is stronger and breed the economy.

    hello. Can you tell me if laying ducks can be kept in cages.

    Hello Eva! Question: Is it possible to keep ducks in a heated (conditionally) room during the cold season, without the possibility of going outside? And with the onset of spring, keep them in the "summer pasture", where to equip booths - houses and a pond for swimming? The fact is that the rabbitry is freed, which is equipped in the northern "barrel" - a trailer for shift workers. And this barrel is located on the habitable part of the site, where there is no place for ducks to graze. I plan to fence off summer grazing with a net on a piece of land adjacent to the rear of my site. (uncomfortable). There will be shade protection from the sun, as mature spruce trees grow along the fence. A "painter" for chicks can also be arranged in a barrel. Here, I ask for advice ...

    Eva, congratulations! Thank you. that you support the site. Here are the questions: Sorry, if I'm trying to upload, there's just no one else to ask for advice. So it happened…. In short, in my northern barrel (this is such a cylindrical trailer used to be used for shift workers of northern latitudes, so that, apparently, it would not be crushed by the permafrost), a rabbitry is currently equipped. Cages in 2 tiers, drinkers, there, light, heating, etc. But these hares got me, by God! Having studied your and other reviews about these wonderful ducks, I was puzzled by the idea of ​​breeding these birds. I began to think about how I could use this barrel for ducks. And then he was taken aback - the barrel is in the middle of the lawn in the cultivated area. The height from floor to ground level is about 1 meter. But behind the site, I have another 6 acres of stupid space where no one walks or drives. It would be logical to arrange the duckling there. Tell me, can I create a type of summer pasture on the back, with a pond and covered booths, so that everything is fenced with a chain-link. And for the winter period, relocate ducks to a barrel? Well, those that he left for the tribe? Wow, Eva, if you could help me in the direction of my ideas. I would be very grateful ... If anything, I can send the drawing-explication of the site. by soap. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Boris, Maloyaroslavets.

    Please tell me how to distinguish daily indo-chicks from simple ducklings?

    Hello Boris! I also wish you and all readers a Happy New Year! Wish good health and fulfillment of all desires!

    As for your question, it depends on the number of roosters. Of course, if you have 5-6 "screamers", then it is better to transfer ducks to separate room. But if there is only one rooster or at most it has only 1 relative, then you can keep the whole bird together. Our chickens and ducks live in the same poultry house, and this does not prevent them from breeding at all. Ducks get used to the fact that their "cousins" periodically sing. Here you can compare with people. None of us runs away from home because one of our closest relatives is talking loudly or singing songs at the top of our lungs. But if you transfer chickens to ducks in a barn after the birds sit on their eggs, then future mothers may leave the nests. We also try to run away from home if a serious repair is being started in a neighbor's apartment)))

    Happy New Year, Eva! Here the question arose: everywhere they write that a duck sitting on eggs needs peace and quiet. At the same time, many keep ducks along with chickens. And the roosters crow all the time... How critical?

    Hello Tatiana!
    It's hard to say something. I have never experimented. She collected all the autumn eggs and did not allow the ducks to sit in the nests. However, the duck will bring the children out. The question is will they survive. It all depends on the conditions of detention. Kids will need warmth, light and ... greenery. You can, of course, try to feed them with compound feed, give vitamins. But, in my opinion, it is too difficult, and the loss of young animals cannot be avoided. If she sat down in February, then one would not have to worry, but so ... in the winter ... I don’t even know.

    Hello, tell me, please, can an Indian duck breed ducklings if she sat down on eggs on December 1. The duck from last year, in the spring was an excellent mother. laid eggs, kicked fluff, walks squeaks like a mother when she goes out to eat. We live in the southern region, and so far there have been no frosts. But they will peel in early January! what do you advise? thanks for the answer.

    I know that for 3 ducks one drake, and not for 9 ducks 1 drake

    Hello! I have been keeping these amazing ducks for more than 5 years. I want to share my experience. A duck usually weighs 2 kg, but in extreme cases 3 kg, and a drake 5-6 kg. Just like people, you need a balanced diet in the morning - in the afternoon and in the evening to give food. For 3-4 ducks, 1 drake. In some cases, not for 5-6,7,8, or 9 ducks for one drake, because he chooses only 3 or 4 ducks and the rest will not sit on eggs. Ducklings need to be fed with husks, bran, ground corn, even with pomiami from the kitchen. In no case do not feed them constantly with compound feed, because it can contain anything I feed only when I am in a hurry to go somewhere. In the first days, I can’t give them full kupatsa only at 2-3 weeks because he still doesn’t have virobatalsa that fatty catorium don’t let him drown and die. That’s all with you, Yana, goodbye!

    Thanks Eva for the advice. Very detailed, thoughtful and persuasive.

    Hello Svetlana! There will be enough space for three, but in the spring you will need to think where to put the young animals), and then, when the kids grow up, they will also complain about the lack of space)) So that the paws do not get frostbite, the floor in the shed needs to be covered with straw or hay, and periodically put up the bedding. If it is relatively dry, then you can not change it all winter. If they spill water, you will have to clean and pour dry bedding. The bird does not need walking in winter, so you can not cover the yard with straw. Indians winter well indoors. The only thing they may need is lighting. If there is no window in the barn, hook on a housekeeper bulb so that the bird does not go blind in 4 months (until severe frosts pass). As for eggs, it does not matter to my family that they are not egg. And we make scrambled eggs from them, and scrambled eggs, and add to pastries. Only in boiled form we do not like the duck egg, there is a specific aftertaste. although the son and husband can sometimes boil themselves if they really want to))

    The husband was presented with two young indo-outlets and a drake. Very funny. They look at us like they understand something. We will keep until spring and wait for the offspring. How much space do three ducks need to stay? I have a low shed for them 1m by 1m. And a small, very small courtyard in front of this shed: 1 m by 1 m 90 cm. Do I need to cover the patio with straw in winter. I re-read your advice, Eva, and realized that their paws can freeze in winter ... And I am also interested in the question of the taste of Indoch eggs. They say that they are not very tasty and are suitable only for baking. Is it true? And how do you use these eggs?

    Ducklings 3rd month

    Eva, please tell me why do ducklings walk with spread wings, hanging down to the ground?

    Hello Dmitry!

    To be honest, I don't understand your question. How is it that the wing does not fall? Are the wings raised? So they are very tiny, how can they not fit the carcass? At least I've never had anything like this in my life. So I can't suggest anything

    Hello Artem! Muscovy duck is a thermophilic bird. Therefore, she, of course, is afraid of frost. Even at minus 5, her paws freeze over, and she dies. Therefore, your task is to provide a warm, dry place of detention with deep litter.

    As for the weight of an adult bird, it all depends on the purity of the breed. If closely related mixing is present, then the weight can reach up to 1.5 kg (gutted carcass). If the drake changes every year, then the weight of the duck is 2.5-3 kg. The drakes are larger: "perednya" - about 3 kg, "purebred" - up to 5 kg.

    Please tell me why the Indians do not lay down the wing.

    tell me if ducks are afraid of frost and what average weight adult Indian

    Hello Anton!

    Adult Indochets, as well as their close relatives (geese and ducks), can be fed with barley. However, I don't use it. Still, the sharp spikelets strongly clog the goiter, and the bird's digestion is disturbed. In addition, my musky ducks live with chickens, and the latter is extremely contraindicated for barley due to the fact that the sharp edges of the spikelets injure the stomachs of the bird. In addition, I send young animals at the age of 1-1.5 months to an adult herd, and unground barley is also contraindicated for them. That is why we use barley only for feeding Vietnamese pigs. The bird, on the other hand, receives wheat, corn, millet, and other grain-free grains. True, there is a recommendation to feed young growth with germinated barley. It seems to be in it the number of B vitamins at times more. I didn't experiment. Lots of birds. There is simply nowhere to germinate in such volumes.

    Hello Eva! Thanks for your site! I have a question - is it possible to feed barley to indoutok? Thanks in advance!

    My duck laid twenty-nine ducklings and sat on eggs for thirty-seven days.

    Hello Julia! I'm sorry I didn't answer right away - I was leaving. I hope your birds have started to eat and everything is in order. On the first day (and even on the second or third), birds generally do not need food. The rest of the yolk is absorbed in their tummies, that is, the babies have food. But you have to teach them how to eat. Tap the feeder with your finger, as if eating grain, the kids should react. If they do not react, there is another option: slowly pour food on the backs of the brothers. Indian ducklings are very curious, they will start to grab food. Then, in front of their eyes, pour the food into the feeder in a thin stream, they will run up like cute ones.

    Feed for crumbs is best given balanced. There is a mass of feed for waterfowl marked "start", that is, intended for nutrition in the first two weeks. True, then they will need to be gradually transferred to crushed grain, that is, a little bit to introduce new food. If there is nowhere to buy compound feed, it is better to stop at corn grits. Babies respond well to it. You can also give finely chopped greens and a boiled egg. For bird stomachs, it is better to choose herbs such as knotweed or yarrow. You can add dandelion, shir, quinoa. But it is better to forget about nettles in the first days of life, and you should also not give grated carrots, beets, zucchini. Vegetables can weaken immature organisms.

    Hello Nuri!
    In a month they are really fluffy, only feathers are felt on the tail. When compared with ordinary white ducks, then a month-old indo-duck is the size of a week-long white duck. In addition, the growth of Indians is very dependent on the presence of green fodder - grass. If they walk on the grass, they will grow right before our eyes. If you plant them on grain or compound feed (and in the incubator they ate just that), then the cubs will grow slowly. So slow.

    Hello. A week ago, we bought incubator indouts. The seller said that they are a month old, but they are so small and fluffy. I can't believe there are so many of them. Can you please tell me what they should be? Thanks in advance.

    Good afternoon, yesterday I bought ducklings in the market, but they don’t go? what to do, how could they be fed?

    Thank you very much! And I was hoping that something could be done.

    Hello Larisa.
    Unfortunately, the duckling can no longer be helped. True, someone suggests giving the bird whey to drink, someone recommends giving roughage on the contrary. But no matter how many years I struggle, I have not found a single effective way. Even today, one two-month-old duckling died. It's a shame... but that's life.

    Hello! Please tell me when the duckling swallowed a bee, how can I help him?

    Thanks for the answer. So let's wait some more. the duck sits all the time and does not come out. When we try to look at her nest, we get nervous.

    In principle, offspring can still be expected. I once hatched a duck on the 45th day. However, don't expect too much. It is easy to identify talkers: they change color through the shell, some kind of green or blue shines through. You can also break 1 egg and see what's inside. But I, already taught by past experience, would not be in a hurry, but would do this procedure only in a week.

    Please tell me, the duck has been sitting on the eggs for the 39th day already. Will there be ducklings from them or not. How to check and how much longer to wait

    I think it's not worth taking the chicks from the quoit. The chicken will lead them like her own children. The only question is that from time to time the mother will be hysterical, since the baby will be happy to thrash around in all the puddles, which is unacceptable by chicken standards. Otherwise, there should be no problems in a “non-standard” family.

    Tell me how and when to solder indo-chicks and whether it is worth picking them up from their mother, since they were hatched by a crotchet

    Hello Olga! Yes, if the eggs turn blue, there will be no sense from them. But I would not be in a hurry to drive the bird from the nest. Not all eggs turn blue, do they? So no, but there will be a brood. If all the eggs are gone, then safely drive. Until the bird smells the squeak of chicks, it will sit. Indians are wonderful mothers and do not leave nests themselves. Yes, keep in mind that if you have a few more ducks sitting in the same room, then this failed mother needs to be resettled somewhere for 2-3 days. Otherwise, she can drive another duck and sit instead on her eggs. Or even worse - the birds will fight for the nest.

    Hello! Help me please!!! The Indian duck sat on the eggs. Today, 31 days, 3 days ago she noticed that the eggs were blue. The duck continues to incubate, does not throw anything out of the nest. But as I understand it, there is no sense in incubation, these are talkers. What should I do? Force to remove the duck or still wait for it to leave the nest?

    It's a pity, of course. But nothing can be done. Sometimes our pets die, and sometimes, on the contrary, they only breed and multiply, which I sincerely wish you))

    All the same, our duckling died, I go after them, like after children, it's a pity))

    Hello Anastasia! Never encountered anything like this. Usually, Indian women do not get sick, and if they get sick, they die ((It is quite possible that your duckling ate a wasp or a bee. If she stung him in the goiter, then “write wasted.” If he just pricked his paw, then he will rise and everything will be All right. The only thing I can advise you is to put the sufferer away from the flock. Otherwise, stronger birds will trample him and definitely inflict injuries incompatible with life. I hope that everything will work out, and your bird will stand on its paws. Therefore, I beg you to tell me, how his illness will end. Or maybe you will know the reason. Then I will be all the more grateful for the information. It will definitely be useful to readers of our magazine - owners of indo-outs.

    Hello! Tell me please, today my almost 2-month-old duckling began to crawl on his tummy and practically does not get up on his paws. The paws are compressed. What could be the reason and how to raise it to its feet?

    Ewa thanks for the advice. I'll try the dog hair version.

    Xenia, hello! Of course, pick up both the cubs and the mother. Most likely you have got into the habit of a predator. Or a rat came, or a fox, or a marten, or a robber cat. However, it doesn't matter. Your task now is to inspect the barn for cracks and holes. If available, close them to the maximum. Eggs should not be stolen by a predator. The girls sitting on the eggs can not be touched.

    Another option, it helps against wild predators, including rats, is to turn on the light around the clock + put some dog hair under the doors. This is how we saved the goslings a few years ago ... There was simply nowhere to take them away.

    Although there may be another option. If there are small holes, then the kids could simply run away. This is how I got my first Indian. After 3 streets came at a daily age! Then no one kept them on our edge of the village)) So it remained. And then, after looking closely at the bird, we bought the company)

    and it got colder here, we breed for the first year, I’m so nervous, we have four ducks and one drake, two ducks sit in the same countryside, but at different nests they became mothers at the same time and now I don’t understand where whose, there are still eggs and one sits on them the other with ducklings, and two more ducks are sitting in the same nest.

    Please tell me, ducklings (Indo-duck) began to appear in our country last night, we counted 18 pieces near the duck, 5 were still separately, we took them away, and today 9 left near the duck, what happened where the rest? Can we pick them all up ??

    Hello, Natalia! I hope that the case will end with a big increase)) Although I very much doubt that something will come of the remaining 13 eggs. If it was their destiny to turn into chicks, it would have happened within a week of the firstborn hatching. By the way, I wish your kids good health and impressive gains!

    And predators - yes ... We do not suffer from cats. Our cat is such a predator herself that she will tear any cat) Thanks to her, they forgot about mice. It’s a pity we have a small one, it can’t cope with every rat ... And we cover the “nursery” paddocks with a net from birds. If the offspring is too large, then we simply build a temporary “chalabuda” and stretch the old tulle from above over the kids. Hawks see the grid and do not even encroach. Another disgusting thing is the ferret. But he is a beast of the night and afraid of the light. Therefore, we try to close up all the cracks in the sheds to the maximum and leave the lights on at night. Light bulb in the poultry house "housekeeper". She only "eats" 9 watts per hour. In general, it doesn’t hit the pocket hard. Yes, and I'm calmer, rats are also afraid of the light. And I'm tired of taking them out. The neighbors have both cows and white pigs - in general, there is enough manure in which these scumbags like to frolic.

    The reason may be different. For example, an unbalanced diet, a small room, excessive lighting, lack of water. My chicks only pinched each other because of the small area. When transferred to a spacious fence, they stopped rowdy. And adult ducks have never engaged in cannibalism. But the neighbors have had this happen more than once. I think the most affected need to be removed, and then look for the cause.

    What else I would like to say why we still decided to raise ducklings on our own. Rats are not the only enemy to eggs and chicks. They are very well "helped" by local cats, and all sorts of predators fly in from the air.

    Hello. Last fall, for my birthday, I received a gift in the form of 2 ducks and 1 drake. As the time came in spring, the drake ruffled them. The ducks began to rush into one nest. Approximately 29 eggs were laid. one of them sat on the nest, and the second found a place and continued to rush to its nest. Inflicted another 14 eggs and sat down. In time, only 16 ducklings hatched at the first duck. We took the newborns, and the duck left the nest and never returned there. 13 eggs were left unattended. I told my husband that there would be no use for them, but my husband still put them in another nest. We are waiting for the end of the matter.
    By the way, these 16 ducklings are already 25 days old, they came out perfectly on their own, without a mother. In the meantime, the mother has already laid 15 eggs in her nest again.

    My ducks started pecking at each other until they bleed, what should I do?

    Let them grow strong, to the delight of the owner)

    I have three ducks hatched at 15-18 ducklings.

    Good afternoon, Irina!

    Eggs can be placed in the nest in which a live duck rushes. Only it is desirable to do this so that she does not see. In this case, the drake can not be removed. Indo-women males are docile. He will not drive his "wife" from the nest. But one can only hope for a miracle. Unfortunately, not every duck sits on eggs. However, if the birds rushed to different nests, then we can hope that they will sit down. Cuckoo ducks usually toss their eggs to expectant mothers rather than storing them separately. So my hopes would be very high. I don’t see the point in buying an incubator for 25 eggs. Yes, and for newborn ducklings, which are without a mother, quite serious care will be required. As for the death of a duck, I can advise you to reconsider the yard for wires, carnations and other iron trifles. These birds, like magpies, drag everything shiny ... but only in their beaks. Also, the cause of death could be a swallowed wasp or bee. Not often, but it does happen. I wish you success and sincerely hope that your duck will soon sit on the eggs.

    Good morning, if you can call it that.
    Today we lost a duck, she managed to lay 10 eggs, I don’t understand what could happen. There is also a second duck, which had already laid 15 eggs at the end of May, hoping that the second (dead) would incubate, but now I don’t know what to do in this case. My husband and I are new to this business. Can purchase an incubator, or already somehow make the duck sit down, while removing the drake ???
    I would be very grateful for your advice. Thank you

    Hello Nina!
    I am against cooked poultry feed. Firstly, any porridge quickly turns sour, especially in summer. And this is bad for the stomachs of the bird. Secondly, nature created birds, but did not teach them how to cook porridge, which means that raw grain is more beneficial for their body than boiled. But this is purely my opinion. Maybe you can give boiled millet to ducklings ... But why, if ducklings from the first day of life perfectly cope with raw?

    can ducklings be given boiled millet?

    Hello, Natalia!
    While sitting, no one needs to touch. But when they hatch, it is better to move the mother with the children to another place. In principle, birds will not offend children. But anything is possible. For example, last Friday, one negligent mother brought out 5 ducklings. Since she did not cover the nest with down until last day, we did not know that in that nest we should expect the addition of offspring. Indeed, during the morning and evening feeding, the bird was always with its relatives. And there were only five eggs there. But I come to the fence in the evening to feed my flock, and a bunch of kids are sitting there. They sit on the sidelines, neither chickens nor ducks touch them. Mommy and her relatives run up to me - she knows that I will feed. I fill the feeders, pour water and decide to see what happens next. The little ones, seeing the excitement near the feeders, are also moving in that direction. Nobody pecks them ... but it's coming! That is, at some point it seems to the drake that “the food is sweeter” in another feeder, and he decides to change his place of deployment, and under his feet he has a freshly dried chick. But the negligent dad does not think to turn at least a couple of centimeters. He comes to the baby "where he hit" and moves in his direction. And this happened again with several chicks. Here my heart failed. I collected a "pot-bellied trifle" and rattled it into another barn. After a while, the satiated mother began to hysteria in the fence. My husband and I caught her and put her to the children. It’s been almost three days already, and at least the kids have something ... Maybe they are not afraid of being attacked, but I was uncomfortable watching such a picture.

    Hello! In one common shed, a duck and a chicken sat on eggs. Tell me how to proceed? Somewhere in a week, chickens should appear, and in 10 days, probably ducklings. Do they need to be separated? I'm afraid to touch the nests, and I'm very afraid of fights. Although now everyone lives together and peacefully. Can other adult birds harm young chicks?

    Hello, Elena!

    In general, no animal needs boiled food ... except for pigs. Therefore, I would refrain from feeding indoutok porridge. If you think that they are not eating enough, it is better to purchase a balanced duckling food. Just introduce it gradually, and then just as gradually transfer to crushed grain. But activity could decrease not only because of nutrition. The heat might not work well for them. Watch the birds how they behave in the early morning. Or maybe they just grew up. The older the chick, the lazier it is. There are practically no diseases in these beautiful creatures. You can only spoil the digestion of malnutrition and all. Yes, and worms are sometimes found ... But it's easy to fight this scourge. Feed prophylactically with some kind of "antiglistin" and that's it.

    Hello Artem! Ducklings can not be planted. Indians are very good parents. As they look after their children, so no bird nurses the chicks. The drake, too, should not offend the kids. But this is where you need to look. Sometimes males get jealous. Then it is "daddy" that is better to put away.

    Is it possible to feed boiled oatmeal to ducklings?
    They have become less active.

    Hello. I have three Indochka drakes and two females. I made a nest for them one from the table and the second from the box. I have no experience in breeding ducks, I read on the Internet that you need to make several nests and the ducks will choose for themselves which nest they like best and chose both nests that I made from the table and began to rush there. I wanted to make such a nest, and I think, let both rush in this nest (I don’t know if it’s right?) They laid eggs and sat down to hatch. They come out to eat and drink in turn (more precisely, one comes out twice a day and the second once) and constantly change places in the nest.
    Ten days later, the time for hatching ducklings should come up. I have a question, can ducklings not be separated from their mothers? Or is it better to drop? I myself believe that the mother herself should nurse them.

    Hello Alexey!

    Yes, it happens that the duck lacks the instinct of incubation. However, this can only be judged after the duck reaches adulthood. That is after two years. And now it's too early to worry.

    We had such a case. Last year, for some reason, ducks actively began to rush not to nests, but to the floor in the corner of the house. We decided not to touch the eggs, we thought that this was one “too picky” madam who decided to hatch away from her relatives. However, several ducks chose the place at once, because a month later we counted more than 30 eggs there, stacked like a slide. Immediately hands did not reach to pick them up, but after a couple of days (I want to note that it was the end of June) a bird perched on this hill. Moreover, it is very interesting that in that place of the poultry house we have an earthen floor, she made a hole, covered it with fluff and also covered the pyramid on the sides with fluff. They didn't bother her. They waited and waited, but after the prescribed 35 days, the chicks did not appear. Again, either because of laziness, or because of being busy, they did not dare to throw away the eggs and drive the Indochka from the impromptu nest. After 10 days, they remembered these eggs and decided to clean everything in the morning. But what was our surprise when on the 45th day (!) We found that the ducks began to peel. And our madam hatched 23 ducklings. Therefore, this year I do not touch the eggs at all. Wherever they want, let them put it there. As they want, so let them sit. When they want, then let them sit down.

    Here I am again for advice. tell. the duck has been making eggs for a month now. just still not going to sit up. more than 30 eggs have already gathered. maybe so that the duck will not hatch?

    I once had a duck at the end of June, and she brought out the ducklings, nursed them, and by the spring both she and the kids began to rush)

    I have 5 ducks and 2 drakes they are not yet a year old, but now it is already May, but they still don’t rush, I don’t even know what to do. Will they sit down at all?

    It is hard to say. Most likely nothing bad happened. The first day the ducks themselves often get up, and the rain is not terrible for the eggs. Ducks wet them when they hatch. But if there is an opportunity to replace eggs, change. The duck will sit until it sits. So she won’t notice an extra couple of days.

    I also breed indoutok. Yesterday the duck lay down to incubate eggs and at night it started to rain, she got wet all over. In the morning I dragged the eggs to a dry place, but the duck did not lie down. I had to put the eggs back in the same place after dinner. the duck immediately laid down on the eggs. Now I think she can hatch the chicks or not, who knows, tell me.

    Soft eggs can be with an unbalanced diet. Most often calcium deficiency. In this case, it is better to either purchase special feed for ducks, or introduce cottage cheese, crushed eggshells, chalk, and whey into their diet. Another reason is inbreeding. This is extremely rare. And nothing can help, you need to replace the ducks, since the reason is that the egg does not have time to form, but is already coming out. Also, sometimes young ducks lay eggs without shells. But this happens to them no longer than a week, then everything is getting better. In general, try to increase the proportion of calcium, maybe it will help.

    Firstly, there is a possibility that a rat has got into the house, which devours eggs. Secondly, an unbalanced diet can lead to the cessation of egg laying. Moreover, both the lack of food and its overabundance reduces egg production. Another option is stress. In general, see what is closer in your case and solve the problem. If the reason is nutrition, review their diet and after a week the egg laying will be restored, the same thing, if the cause is stress, remove the nests to a more secluded place, put a couple of wooden blanks and the ducks will begin to rush. Do not take the eggs if you want the bird to sit on them!

    I wouldn't risk it. At least 1.5 months should be ducklings. But this is my opinion.

    Hello everybody. I have a duck and a drake. THE DUCK IN SPRING WAS SITTING TO EVAPORATION, BUT THERE WAS ONLY TALKERS. The day before yesterday I bought week-old ducklings. Question? Is it possible to release ducklings in a pen with adults in a couple of weeks, or they will offend them.

    I have 18 indouts and 5 drakes. in early March, only 3-4 days rushed. And then they stopped, I don't know what happened. It's already May, and there are still no eggs. Help, advise what to do?

    Why do ducks have soft eggs than to feed

    I don't think anything will happen. But if you are very afraid, take the eggs, just do not put them in the refrigerator. Instead of duck eggs, you can put wooden ones so that the duck does not worry. The quantity does not matter, I put only 3 "blanks". When you see that the bird has already sat in the nest for incubation, change the wooden ones to ordinary ones. This is easiest to do while feeding. While she is absent "to have a bite", quickly make a replacement)))

    and then I have to put the eggs back? nothing will happen to them?

    I'm just afraid that the male may break or crush the eggs. He sometimes likes to sit in this box.

    Alexey, personally from my own experience I will say that you don’t need to pick up eggs! If you start collecting, the bird is looking for a new nest, the safest, in her opinion)) Domestic bird) does not understand that it was the owner who temporarily took the eggs, but thinks that the nest was destroyed by a predator (for example, a rat), and therefore chooses another place. In addition, sometimes a musky duck, with the loss of an N-th number of eggs, may experience stress and stop rushing for a week or even more. So I advise you not to take anything away. But, you see, the author, who wished to remain anonymous, still recommends collecting eggs ... so you will have to make the decision yourself))

    Tell me please. decided to breed ducks for the first time. The duck has started laying eggs. do i need to take the eggs? if so, when should she be put to hatch?

    you need to take the eggs from the duck

    To do nothing. This is fine. Then one will sit down, and the second will continue to rush, but in a different place. The main thing is that there is still a second nest. You can also put a couple of wooden eggs in it “for bait”.

    if there are two ducks in one nest, what to do

    Maybe she's been under stress. Maybe in a cold snap. Maybe she is simply not fit for motherhood (sometimes this occurs). In general, it is difficult to judge. Watch. It is possible that after a while she will begin to rush again and sit down. We have one duck last year only by July realized what it was born for, and only in August brought ducklings)))

    we have one duck sat on the eggs, and the second laid 15 eggs and stopped laying, not a single egg for a week already. tell me what happened?

    The reasons may be different. For example, an unfertilized egg, or supercooled, or underheated, or, in general, it is the result of closely related mixing, or a bunch of other reasons ... Don't be upset if there are less than a third of such eggs, but if more than half, it's time to think about changing the drake or buying an additional inseminator. This is the simplest solution to the problem. Hope it helps you :)

    Question. Why do ducklings sometimes not hatch from some eggs?

    We have Indians in the village, for a long time already. Very unpretentious, they eat greens well, every year each duck has 18-25 ducklings. Good mothers, there are no problems with rearing. Very quiet. I advise everyone.

    Will definitely work!

    Actually, it's not desirable. But if there is no other way, try. But in my opinion, it is better to buy some kind of grain: wheat, corn ... but not barley.

    Is it possible to feed indochka with compound feed for rabbits? There is no other way to get

    Azamat, it's better to put the boxes yourself. Lay soft hay or small straws in them. Fill the box halfway. Birds will make a recess in the hay themselves. However, do not be surprised if some female decides to rush somewhere in the corner. In this case, you do not need to touch the eggs (you do not need to shift them), otherwise it may stop rushing. When she has applied enough, she will sit on them. I had such a couple of indo-kids)) But the bulk of the birds still prefer to lay their eggs in the nests prepared for them. Yes, one more thing: the boxes can be of any size, but they must be placed on the ground, and not on a dais.

    Tell me, will they make nests themselves or should I put boxes? I'm new to this business, I bought them not long ago. Of course, it will. If the birds lived together, then they perceive each other as relatives.

    We have a duck sitting on an egg. but chickens also live in the sheds. will she sit?

    The main thing is that the water in the barn does not freeze and there are no drafts. The rest of the birds on a deep litter will endure. And yes, pour water for them only so that they have enough to drink, and they bathe in the summer.

    And yet….., I want to buy monthly chickens, what conditions do they need, the barn is not very warm!

    He crossed black and colored indo with a pure white drake, black and white ducklings hatched - will they have offspring?

    I advise everyone these birds are unpretentious, resistant to diseases, but I will give you one piece of advice: do not keep them in the same pen with other birds, otherwise there may not be big skirmishes between them sometimes

    Hello! I live at the dacha from May to September, I really want to have indo-outlets, but I'm afraid there is not enough time for the offspring from my ducks (I guessed it!) To grow up. Is it worth starting?

    Lesya, if it's warm in the barn, it's okay. Your ducklings will grow up. For the first time, you can put a lamp or a heating pad on them, so that there is surely a sufficient temperature.

    I have a duck village on August 21, there are already a few days left. What to do with the ducklings, it’s already cold.

    Probably, these are structural features of the larynx and duck greed affects. When they "eat air", they push food and liquid down the throat, speeding up its movement. Why does this happen more often when they are in the "choir"? Probably they are afraid that they will not get water)))

    I don’t know the breed of ducks, it seems like I bought indo-chickens, But for some reason there are no growths on their beak for three months, Who will tell you when the growths on their beaks should appear,

    Eggs were taken, leaving 1-2 in the nest, so that the bird could see where to rush. The ducklings have never been touched. The bird really knows what to do)

    some say eggs (while they are rushing), and then the ducklings from under the duck (until the rest hatch) must be taken away, others do not touch anything - the wild bird itself knows what to do - but what is right?

    Love, most likely, there are rats in your barn. They do not touch a large bird, but they can drag eggs.

    Valeria, there will be no sense anymore ((And in general it’s strange that she sat for 40 days and at least brought out someone. Usually, on the 35th day, all ducklings hatch. The rest of the eggs just need to be thrown out ((

    Hello. Yesterday, the Indo-duck, who spent a little more than 40 days, finally brought out the long-awaited first duckling, today she brought out the second one, got up from the eggs and went out for a walk with them. The eggs lay without a duck for about an hour and a half, when she discovered that the duck was with ducklings, took the ducklings and touched the eggs - they were cold. Then I drove the duck into the nest and she sat down, began to hatch further. Tell me, will there be any result or is it already useless?

    I had Indians sitting on eggs for 40 days, and it turned out that there were no eggs and no traces. Ducks sat with chickens in the same barn, what could happen, where did the eggs go? doing for the first time.

    Last year, the duck herself came to the yard with little ducklings (the search for the owners was unsuccessful and the guests stayed with us). Now we have a duck and a drake. The duck has stopped laying eggs. they prepared an aviary for her dog (Sonya - that was the name of the duck, she lived there last year with ducklings), but the question arose of WHAT TO DO WITH Stepan - that was the name of the drake-? Ducks, indeed. very smart. And the duck is an excellent mother!

    And now I have 2 indo-kids sitting on eggs for almost 3 weeks and a few are going to sit in my 3 families, everyone is rushing!

    I also don’t have any problems with indo-ducks, only in autumn they can fly away, the wings need to be trimmed, this autumn I have one indochka flew away and a few almost flew away, ate caught, and 4 ducks flew in ...

    Certainly. better breed. The Indian mother sits twice a season and hatches 10-15 chicks. Next autumn-winter you will be provided with dietary meat. And the birds eat a little. In general, a very profitable bird)

    yesterday they brought three birds as a gift, two males and a female, now I’m thinking about breeding or eating

Muscovy ducks (Indo-duck) photo In this publication I would like to talk about such a bird as the Muscovy duck (Indo-duck). After reading it, the reader will learn a lot about this species of birds, namely: what it is, its origin, exterior and productive qualities. We will analyze the issue of growing musk ducklings at home. A few words should also be said about their feeding, keeping and breeding. In general, the article turned out to be very voluminous. At the end of the article there will be several photos of indouts.

- This separate view domestic birds. They are often referred to as "indo-ducks" and many poultry farmers believe that musky ducks are a hybrid of a domestic duck and a turkey. However, this is not a correct assumption. The name "Indo-duck" most likely came from some of the external similarities of these birds.

There are wild muscovy ducks, they live in Mexico. They were domesticated a long time ago, but they appeared in the USSR relatively recently - in 1981. Since that time, they have spread very widely across the territory of Russia, and many poultry farmers have been attracted by the Indian. Muscovy duck got its name due to its appearance - on the head there is a kind of growth, supposedly with the smell of musk.

A little should be said about the exterior signs of the Muscovy duck. Birds have a very dense and wide body, rather elongated. The back is wide, very elongated. The chest is very wide, round, convex. The head is quite large, the top of the head is slightly convex outward, the drakes have feathers on the top of the head. The beak is not very long, narrows and slightly curves towards the end, the color depends on the color of the plumage. The eyes are rather large and dark. Main salient feature Muscovy ducks is the presence of peculiar growths on the face. In drakes, these growths are much larger than in females. The neck is of medium length, curved. The wings are long, massive, very powerful, very close to the body. The belly is quite long, but inconspicuous. The tail is very long, rounded with stiff feathers.

The main purpose of breeding and keeping muscovy ducks is the production of meat and it is generally accepted that muscovy ducks are breeds of orientation. Muscovy ducks are very large birds. The average live weight of adult drakes is 5-6 kilograms, and that of females is 3.5-4.5 kilograms. This bird has excellent fattening qualities, has very tasty tender meat.

Muscovy ducks are used for crossing with other ducks to obtain mulard ducks. Growing indo ducks takes longer than raising normal domestic ducks. This factor can be considered a disadvantage.

Muscovy ducks reach sexual maturity at the age of 180-210 days. At this time, the females begin to rush. Egg production is 70-100 eggs per year.

Musky duck drakes are very widely used in poultry farming to obtain meat hybrids.

Raising Muscovy Ducks

Small musky ducklings can be kept in a small box, but always heated. In the first days of life, little ducklings just need warmth. Also, a lamp should be fitted above the box, since light is also necessary for them. The bottom must be covered with bedding: straw or sawdust.

Newborn ducklings themselves do not know how to eat or drink, so they need to be taught. They only peck at things that move. Therefore, the first feeding must be done as follows: pour a little hard-boiled egg on the back of the ducklings. Thus, when one duckling moves, it will attract the attention of another duckling and he will peck the egg particles from the back. On the second day of life, the ducklings themselves begin to eat and drink.

Muscovy ducklings have a very peculiar digestion. In this regard, ducklings have liquid droppings. You should not be afraid of this and sin on an upset digestive tract - this is a feature of the body.

The only feature is the timing of growing musky ducklings for meat.

Determine the timing of growing musky ducklings for meat can be determined based on biological features this bird. The body of musky ducks is designed so that a more productive and rational slaughter will be at the age of 13 weeks. This period is justified by the passage of the molting period, by which time the cost of feed will pay off as much as possible. With proper feeding and keeping conditions, ducks by this age, on average, will weigh 3-3.5 kilograms.

Muscovy Duck Feeding (Indo Duck)

When feeding indoutok, it must be remembered that the diet must be balanced. Mineral feed should be included in the diet of Muscovy ducks.

One Indian woman drinks an average of one liter of water per day. Therefore, access to water must be constant.

Muscovy ducks should be fed three times a day.

It should be borne in mind that the length of feeders and drinkers should be calculated at least 4 centimeters per head.

It must be remembered that ducks are herbivorous birds and constantly give them grass. In the daily diet, it should be at least 10%.

In principle, the correct diet for feeding musky ducks is no different from the diet for feeding ordinary ducks. Below is a table that indicates the correct diet for feeding musky ducks.

Features of keeping musky ducks

Muscovy ducks tolerate cold conditions well, but cannot live in damp conditions. The room for the indo-out should be organized so that it has good ventilation. Regularly in the process of keeping it is necessary to change the litter (straw or sawdust).

Also, ducks do not tolerate crowding. Indoors, per 1 sq.m. there should be no more than three birds.

They should be released for free range no earlier than 10 o'clock in the morning, since ducks usually rush before this time.

Indians they fly very well, so one wing should be cut off.

Breeding indoutok

In this part of the article, several tips will be written regarding the breeding of musky ducks, which at first glance may seem elementary, but this is only at first glance.

In order to prevent inbreeding among musky ducks, which will lead to various mutations and pathologies of the bird, drakes should be periodically updated in your livestock.

In order for the birds to lay stably and give good hatching eggs, from 180 days of age, daylight hours should be gradually increased so that by the beginning of laying it reaches 15-17 hours. It should be remembered that daylight hours should be added gradually, since a sharp increase can lead to cannibalism. The recommended light intensity is 2-3 watts per 1 sq.m.

The laying periods of eggs in indoutas proceed in cycles. One cycle lasts for 5 months, followed by a three-month interval. As a rule, during the interval, ducks molt.

The instinct of incubation of eggs in musky ducks is very well developed, however, as a rule, it manifests itself only when the poultry farmer does not collect eggs from the nest for several days, and the duck, after laying 10-14 eggs, sits in brood hens.

The fertility of eggs directly depends on the season of sexual activity of the drake in the herd. For example, in April-June, the fertility of eggs reaches its peak and is 95-100%, and at the end of summer it will not exceed 60%.

To receive more meat, you can cross the Indo-drake with a female Peking breed. The result is excellent meat hybrids that are not capable of reproduction. It is best to cross in the spring, when the drakes have the greatest sexual activity.

The difficulty in breeding that any poultry farmer may encounter with artificial incubation of eggs is that poor hatchability is manifested, and this difficulty does not arise during natural incubation. This is because the egg of the indochka is initially covered with a dense shell membrane, and it, in turn, practically does not let air through. When incubating eggs with a mother hen, the duck constantly interacts with the egg - with its paws and with the whole body, removing this shell, improving gas exchange and the embryo begins to develop normally.

Muscovy duck photo

As promised in the announcement, at the end of the publication we post photo of Muscovy ducks. In the photo, a beginner poultry farmer or a person who has just decided to breed indoutok will clearly see the peculiar exterior of this bird. - peculiarly beautiful birds so check out their photos.

Muscovy ducks (Indo-ducks) photo

Muscovy duck (Indo-duck, Barbary duck) is a woody variety of these waterfowl, which in ancient times was domesticated by the Aztecs in Latin America. Then it was brought to Africa, Europe, and gradually it spread throughout the world. Indians came to the former USSR in the early 80s of the twentieth century. Now the breed is experiencing a new wave of popularity among poultry farmers, and for successful breeding, the farmer must know the basics of proper care and feeding of pets.

Indo-duck is a popular type of poultry

Characteristics of appearance and habits

Representatives of the musk breed look original. The appearance of these birds is characterized by:

  • wide chest;
  • short neck and legs;
  • long muscular wings that fit snugly to the body;
  • long sharp claws that are located on the limbs.

Color - monophonic (white, brown, blue) and mixed (wild, combinations of other colors).

Indians are calm, hardy and hardy. They are unpretentious to the conditions of care and feeding. They are kept in a barn and in winter time. They do not get many of the infections that are common among waterfowl. When kept at home, these birds do not even need a pond. On the farm they keep away from other inhabitants of the poultry yard, they are silent by nature.

Indian do not like the company of other birds


Weight of adults (in kg):

  • drake - 5-6;
  • ducks - 2.5-3.

Birds give red dietary meat, lean (fat is 24-26 percent). It is appreciated by gastronomes, tender and juicy, without a specific smell and taste. The percentage of muscle tissue is higher than in other breeds: it reaches 54%. The carcass yield for drakes is 700-800 grams, for ducks - 350-400 grams.

The eggs of this breed are large, the protein is dense, and the size of the yolk is larger than that of other domestic varieties. They are characterized by the best taste qualities among duck egg products. Egg production - from 90 to 120 pieces per year, egg weight - from 75 grams.

Indo-wets are used to make a homeopathic remedy called oscillococcinum. It is used as a cure for colds.

This breed is a good hen, they are used to hatch chicks from duck, chicken, goose eggs. Indians mate with other breeds and produce offspring. These hybrids are called mulards, they are sterile. They are characterized by precocity, weight by the time of slaughter reaches 4 kilograms, and the fat content of meat is 30 percent. In Europe, mulards are fattened to produce foie gras.

Drake indouka can weigh up to six kilograms


Indians are omnivores. At home they are fed:

  • cereals (oats, wheat, corn and pre-soaked barley);
  • vegetation (finely chopped herbs, beet tops);
  • vitamins and mineral supplements (crushed shells, chalk, eggshells);
  • salt, which is dissolved in water and mixed with wet food.

The herd is not given hot food or water (even in winter). It is important that the livestock ingest the gravel to improve digestion. In winter, when the flock does not go outside, poultry farmers pour fragments of granite into the feeder.

In winter, the indoutok is kept in a barn

When caring for indo-ducks, cleanliness is important. Poultry farmers make sure that there are no pieces of glass and metal in the walking areas. Birds are interested in shiny objects, swallow them and may die. Logs are placed in the premises instead of perches. In winter, you can bring spruce branches.

In both winter and summer, it is important that the duck house is ventilated and there is no crowding (no more than 3 heads per square meter). Farmers regularly disinfect the premises for keeping and breeding Muscovy ducks. This breed has a weak secretion of the sebaceous glands, so in winter the birds are not allowed to swim. At low temperatures, the plumage will freeze, and this threatens the death of the livestock.

Indians can swim only in summer


For breeding indoutok in a herd, three or four females are kept per drake. Ducks are ready to breed at 196-200 days of age. Puberty of males occurs later - at week 20, so it is better to choose drakes one and a half months older than ducks. Early oviposition is detrimental to bird health. Limit their diet and don't make the barn lights too bright.

After a rest period in winter, females lay their eggs in late March. Ducks start laying eggs early in the morning. It continues until 3 pm. Its peak is at 10 am. The breeding stock is made up of young stock of spring-summer hatching.

Representatives of the musky variety sit well on the eggs and then lead the hatched chicks.

Emergence from eggs occurs at 32-35 days. During the season, the female releases up to 2-3 broods, each of which has 20-22 young heads. During this period, it is better to separate it from the rest of the herd, create calm conditions and privacy. With such a content, it is necessary to provide conditions for feeding and watering.

During the season, one duck can bring out about 60 ducklings.

Conditions for the young

After the chicks are born, the poultry farmer chooses:

  • Leave the young with their mother. This is done if the duck is already experienced and knows how to lead the chicks. The survival rate in this case will be 100 percent.
  • Pick up ducklings. This is what they do when they plan to send a brood for fattening, and then for slaughter.

In order for the brood to grow up healthy and with good productive indicators, farmers monitor compliance with the care conditions:

Indians do not tolerate overcrowding

Raising chicks for slaughter

After weaning from the female, intensive fattening of the young livestock begins. Feeding of young animals includes dry pellets (for broiler type or other varieties), vitamins. Chicks are given boiled and finely chopped eggs. Cereals are gradually added to this food. On the 4th day they offer chopped cooked meat waste, on the 10th - boiled potatoes.

Food is varied, which is especially important in winter. The diet includes a source of vegetable protein - legumes (peas, vetch). They also offer animal protein - meat and bone, fish meal, dairy products (cottage cheese). With balanced feeding, Indian women gain up to 2-2.4 kilograms by two months.

The choice of time for slaughtering the young is associated with the growth of the chicks and the change in plumage. After birth, the duckling's body is covered with fluff, which is then replaced by small covering feathers. By the 45th day of life, plumage growth ends and juvenile molting begins. During this period, the young are slaughtered so that it is easy to pluck later.

Breeding indoutok is a promising occupation. With unpretentiousness and low maintenance costs, this breed is characterized high rates by productivity.

Indo-ducks, or, as they are also called, musky ducks, are very popular among poultry farmers. They quickly gain mass, differ in tasty meat and breed quickly enough. Their eggs are rarely eaten and are more often used for breeding. But in order to successfully breed these birds, you need to know about the egg-laying of the Indochka.

Indians are meat breeds. At the same time, these birds carry many eggs and have proven themselves well when bred at home.

These birds are rapidly maturing birds and reach sexual maturity by six months. Ideally, ducks begin to lay at 6-7 months of age, if all the conditions for comfortable keeping are met. Under unfavorable conditions, the egg-laying period can be pushed back up to 9 months. Birds love warm environments. In cool conditions, it will be more difficult to wait for laying eggs. The age of the duck plays an important role in laying eggs. Adults begin laying in late winter or early spring, while juveniles begin their season later. Masonry lasts an average of 2 months. For a breed of meat poultry, they have good egg production: more than 130 eggs can be brought per season, each weighing up to 75 g, white or bluish in color, oval in shape with slightly flattened edges.

The relationship between age and egg production of a bird

The age of birds is always reflected in performance:

  1. At the age of six months, during the period when ducks begin to lay, the clutch is 7-8 pieces.
  2. At 7-9 months, the number of eggs increases dramatically: from 15 to 20 pcs.
  3. At 10-11 months, the highest phase of egg production begins. Quantity grows to 25 pcs.
  4. After a year or older, laying quickly decreases to 15-16 eggs, and the duck is used for fattening for meat.

Indians, like any bird, start to rush well, being in a warm room, where the temperature is not less than + 8 ° C, since their legs are very sensitive to cold, and they do not have a dense fat layer under the feathers. The duck should not be overfed and of moderate weight. The plumage should be smooth and silky, there should be no molting. The beak and paws of a healthy individual have a bright orange color.

Gallery: Indian women (25 photos)

Breeding indoutok (video)

Rules for feeding indoo

Every day, the diet of birds should contain the following components: alfalfa, clover, meadow plants, tops of domestic root crops, wheat, barley, vitamin supplements.

To breed ducks with high egg production, you must follow all the rules of keeping:

  • quiet and peaceful place;
  • warm, ventilated rooms;
  • for each laying hen a separate nest;
  • complete nutrition;
  • proximity of food and water to the nest;
  • capacity for bathing laying hens;
  • insulated floor in the cool season;
  • if necessary, increase daylight hours.

Indians, like any bird, start to rush well, being in a warm room, where the temperature is at least + 8 ° C

Characteristics and reproduction of birds

Drakes are large and reach a weight of up to 4.5 kg, a duck weighs no more than 3 kg. Breeding is carried out in a ratio of 1:4 (4 females and 1 drake) - this is considered the most productive option. The drake should be older by a couple of months as they mature later. Chickens grow very fast, gaining good weight. Poultry meat is not fatty, has a taste of game. The great advantage of a duck is its restraint: they are not noisy and do not make loud noise, which is an important factor when breeding at home.

Muscovy ducks with good care live up to about 15 years, but it makes no sense to grow them up to that age. At 5-6 years old, it is no longer suitable for cooking, but is bred because of dietary meat. Those who wish to breed them for the soul, we can say that they are very calm, beautiful and have a long lifespan.

Muscovy ducks have proven to be very good mothers. They have a very developed instinct for raising offspring. Under good conditions, two broods of ducklings can be produced during the summer. They hatch for 30-32 days, and what is good, all the cubs are born at once. They have black-brown plumage the same as their parents. In the paddock there must be a container with clean water in which the bird bathes with pleasure. After bathing, the Indochka, climbing into the nest, washes off the film from the eggs, which helps to maintain natural gas exchange. With each newly laid egg, the expectant mother plucks the fluff from the abdomen, as if covering it with a duvet, so the entire masonry is always warm, even if the hen has gone away for a while. Babies incubate all, almost to the last, without leaving the nest.

There are times when a duck starts to rush, but does not want to sit on the masonry.

The subtleties of breeding musky ducks (video)

Reasons for the lack of eggs

The most common are the following factors that negatively affect a sharp decrease in the number of eggs in indochkas:

The reason for the decrease in egg laying may be pests that settle in the litter in the nest and disturb the bird.

Rodents can play a huge harm when breeding indoutok. They destroy eggs, kill little ducklings and carry various infections. It is very difficult to fight them. And yet, considering all the indicators - breeding indoutok is a very profitable enterprise. Although egg production is not high, but increasing the livestock with the right content is a completely doable task.