Which birds are known for their beautiful singing

    In fact, there are quite a few varieties of birds that sing at night, it all depends on a particular region, but in my opinion, one of the best feathered soloists, whose singing at night is especially beautiful and unique, are the nightingale and garden warbler.

    In our area they keep wild weasels, so they sing day and night in their own way. Sometimes I hear roosters crowing in the middle of the night. Forest owls also sing in their own way.

    I can tell you with absolute certainty that the nightingale sweats at night, and you can distinguish his voice by clicking and whistling sounds. Most often, nightingales can be found near water bodies, where there are shrubs and trees.

    Night trills are especially spilling, listening to how birds spill outside the window in the silence of the night is a pleasure. Of the rare birds, the name of which is hardly remembered is the robin. Sings at night famous singer a nightingale and a lover of singing at night, a warbler bird. Night birds make sounds during the mating season, nightingales choose a female, sing at night.

    At night, most birds still prefer to sleep, waking up and starting their songs only at dawn. But there are several types of birds that sing in complete darkness, and which it is so pleasant to listen to on summer nights, waking up unexpectedly before dawn.

    First of all, this is the NIGHTINGALING, which is not in vain called vociferous. This little bird became famous as a famous singer and nightingale trills, knees and roulades are familiar to residents of almost all regions of Russia.

    In the European part of Russia and in some places beyond the Urals, you can hear the songs of the Black Redstart, a small bird of the passerine family, which begins its songs about an hour before dawn, and in summer it is 2-3 am.

    Blackbirds often sing in the evening or morning twilight, and their singing can also be heard exclusively in the European part of the country.

    A small relative of the thrush - Kamenka is already found in Siberia and its singing is also heard in the second half of the night.

    Another night singer is the Broad-tailed Warbler, it is also found in the European part and in the south of the Urals and Siberia. This bird is very similar to a sparrow, and belongs to the order of sparrows.

    When nightingales return from warm places and their mating season begins, the song of these beautifully singing birds can be heard not only during the day, but also at night. At night, when most daytime sounds subside, the song of the nightingale is especially audible. The only pity is that the singing of the nightingales does not last long - approximately from the beginning of May to mid-June.

    At dawn, the robin sings very beautifully; for its early singing, it is also called the robin.

    Blackbirds sing late in the evening (at dusk) and at dawn - they also sing beautifully, with a variety of sounds.

    At night you can hear the sounds of an owl, an owl. In the swamp at night, the roar of a bittern is heard (often called a bull for her voice).

    Most birds sing during the day. But there are some species of birds whose singing or their sounds can be heard even in the dark, at night.

    I would classify an owl as such a bird. E uh-huh on a dark night can scare the most daring daredevil.

    The bull in the swamp, whose sound is similar to the roar of a bull, also sings at night.

    The nightingale is a round-the-clock singer. Its trill can be heard not only in the morning or evening, but also on a quiet night.

    The robin (robin) sings in the evening at dusk and early in the morning at dawn.

    The black redstart starts its song a couple of hours before dawn, and it's still night.

    I'm sitting now: two in the morning, and some kind of bird is sweating outside the window. Usually city birds begin to sing at dawn, at three or four o'clock. It became interesting what kind of bird and why the sweat is at night.

    I found on the Internet that, apart from owls and owls, the sounds made by which can hardly be called singing, they sing at night nightingales, robin, some types warblers.

    On a forum dedicated to birds, they write that in addition to these birds, corncrakes and wagtails also sing at night. And in general, if the lighting is good (a lot of bright lanterns or a full moon), then even those birds that are usually silent at night can sing.

    In addition, it turns out that city birds began to sing more often and louder at night because during the day their singing drowns out the noise of the city and the male will not be able to show the female all the beauty of his singing, so he tries at night.

    I think that nightingales, but I will not say.

Some songbirds were domesticated by people in ancient times. The rulers different countries had their favorite feathered vocalists, and kept them in luxurious golden cages. Do you want to know which birds sing? Consider the brightest representatives among the singers.


Siskin is an unpretentious bird, with a bright sonorous voice. This singer can be turned on even to novice bird lovers. Siskin takes root well both in a separate cage and in a large cage cage with other poultry. Thanks to the non-conflict peace-loving character, ease of care and pleasant singing, this bird is a welcome pet in any home.


The goldfinch sings beautifully, looks bright and easily gets used to communicating with a person.

Oatmeal and repolov

Buntings and repolov are more shy and require more reverent treatment from a person. Experts do not advise novice lovers to start these songbirds.

Singing Birds: Elite

Nightingales, thrushes, warblers, bluethroats, warblers, kinglets, warblers are considered the most skillful feathered singers. All these birds sing amazingly beautiful day and night! Unfortunately, it is very difficult to keep such vocalists at home. Only enthusiastic and experienced bird lovers can practice these songbirds.


In pet stores, canaries are the most complete of the songbirds. These small active birds are distinguished not only by their virtuoso singing, but also by their bright appearance. Breeders from different countries brought different types singing canaries:

  • German song canary. Another name is the Harz Roller, and this name came from the words "roll out" and "rumble". The voice of the roller is low, quiet, but unusually deep. German canaries sing with a closed beak and greatly inflate their necks. The color of the rollers is yellow, variegated yellow specimens are very rare.
  • Belgian song canary. The watershlager or malinois is similar to the roller, but much more mobile and larger. The song of the Malinois is richer than the rumble of its German counterpart, even the nightingale's knees are noted in it! It is this songbird that is most popular with lovers. Belgian canary must be pure yellow by standards.
  • Spanish song canary. It is called timbrados, and it was bred a very long time ago. This canary is quite small (up to 13 cm), its singing is not as rich as the repertoire of the Malinois. Spanish canaries can be yellow, green, variegated.
  • Russian singing canary. This bird is characterized by gentle tunes of oatmeal. She is loved and willingly bred not only in our country, because no other canary has such soulful singing!

Basic rules for keeping songbirds

Songbirds require special care and attention. If you do not follow the basic rules, feathered pets are unlikely to please you with virtuoso singing.

  • Songbird cages should be appropriate for the size and number of inhabitants.
  • It is better to purchase a cage with bamboo rods and a linen top.
  • The cage must be installed in the place where it is present sunlight but no drafts.
  • Do not smoke in the room where the bird lives.
  • It is necessary to clean the cage every day, change water and food.

Our modern life, even in major city, and even more so in nature, it is difficult to imagine without the singing of birds. Most people associate birdsong with spring. But this is far from true.

Even in winter, it is worth moving a little away from the noisy highway to a small square, and you will hear the sounds of these tiny inhabitants of the forest who have adapted to life in urban conditions. Songbirds are perfectly accustomed to modern cities.

Well, if you go out of town to some forest park or just to an ordinary forest, you will see and hear that life does not stop there in winter, and for some birds these are quite acceptable conditions in which they feel quite comfortable and even sing at times.

Of course, there are not so many songbirds in winter, but nevertheless they are. It is January and frost is below 20 degrees, but in the square across the road, in full view, on a branch where red berries, not knocked down by the wind, are preserved, a bird a little larger than a sparrow perched.

Black head and tail, gray back and bright red chest, turning to the tail into a white-pinkish body, make it very conspicuous against the white background of snow-covered bushes and trees. She behaves quite briskly. With a small, plump beak, it easily picks off frozen berries and eats them in some way so that the peel and pulp from them fall on the snow in scarlet spots, and this nimble little thing gets the seeds. From time to time, she emits either a whistle or a creak, sometimes turning into a short trill. Of course, this can hardly be called singing, but these sounds do not cut the ear, but rather pleasantly enliven the relative silence of the square. This is one of the inhabitants of the forest and park areas of the city - the bullfinch.

This handsome man is a bullfinch male. But the female looks less noticeable. Her modest attire does not always betray her presence in the thick of the branches.

But in a pair of bullfinches just a feast for the eyes.

Bullfinches usually keep in small flocks up to ten. In winter, most of the time is spent sitting on the branches of trees and shrubs, the fruits that remain on the branches for the winter: mountain ash, viburnum, dog rose. They can eat small nuts and kidneys. Occasionally they fly from one bush to another. They spend the night in the thick of branches, keeping the whole flock together.

Bullfinches begin nesting in April. The nest is built by the female. Usually lays 4-5 eggs.

One female incubates the chicks, without the help of a male. Perhaps that is why its color is not so catchy, so as not to attract attention.

But the male all this time feeds her and guards. The chicks are growing fast. Therefore, while they are growing, all the concerns of adult bullfinches are aimed at feeding them. A month later, the chicks grow up and learn to fly. By autumn, a new flock of bullfinches flaunts on the branches.

The bullfinch is a forest songbird, but he is very trusting of people. And in very coldy gladly accept the help of people. They are happy to eat any edible food laid out on the feeders: seeds, cereals, crackers, bread crumbs and everything that is left from your table.

Do not forget that in winter it is more difficult for these tiny birds to get their own food and therefore they fly to the city to us for help. Don't deny them this. By feeding the birds at least a few times in severe frosts, you will save their lives. And they will delight you with their unpretentious song.

Video: Songbirds of Russia -...


Singing - trills, placers, clicks and whistles that songbirds make - is one of the most attractive properties of these wonderful creatures. Melodious singing is a feature of only small passerine birds, and even some waders and chickens. We divide all songbirds into granivorous and insectivorous birds according to the ways of feeding. And although this division is conditional, it is believed that insectivores are more perfect in song. Their voices are more musical, pure and intricate, and one can agree with this statement, because the best singers - thrushes, nightingales, warblers - are mostly insectivorous birds.

On the other hand, not quite granivorous larks and fully granivorous canaries can compete with the best insectivorous singers.

Birdsong is associated with the breeding season, the highest flowering of all life in the spring. Singing is a signal that the nesting place is occupied, a way to attract the female, making it easier for her to find a male in the forest, and, finally, simply an expression of the cheerful mood of the bird.

There is still autumn singing after the molting period. In the sunny stillness of the Indian summer, when the forest is already shining through and glowing with yellowness, and over the fields a silk-gray shade floats and sits down, the singing of flying larks is heard in the heights. It happens that a thrush will scream in a forest clearing, wicket in its own way. Warbler sings softly. A warbler will respond in the gold of the bushes. Almost all the birds sing in autumn: some - a lot, others - less, others - very little, in an undertone, but the autumn quiet song cannot be compared with the selfless choking triumph of spring voices. How many times have you seen: a bird sings on top of a bush, forgot about everything. Suddenly, as if from under the ground, a small hawk will turn out. And - only feathers then in the wind. Anything happens in the forest...

Singing continues in the wild from one and a half to six to seven months, counting the autumn ones. In cages, birds sing longer (up to 8–9 months a year, depending on the species). There are no birds singing without interruption, and all sorts of stories about nightingales and larks singing " all year round”,“ Day and night ”- the usual fables of idle hunters and liars. Probably all types of hunting: fishing, and rifle, and pigeon, and ours - have their own, so to speak, written, full-time liars who catch pikes for 3 pounds, cover 100 siskins at a time, beat a dozen capercaillie with a current ...

Returning to the singing of birds, I want to say that it does not include the bird's "colloquial" language, that is, all the sounds with which birds express joy, fear, call, alertness, anger. The songs of birds are divided into "knees" or "stanzas", in turn, the knees are divided into "words". For example, the song of an ordinary yellow oatmeal, which sounds something like this: “zin-zin-zin-zin-zii” - consists of two knees, with the first of five words, and the second of one.

The more knees in the song, the purer, more verbose and more pleasing to the ear, the higher the bird is valued.

Among the knees, they distinguish: kicking - "pin", "pink", "fin"; tevkanye - “tek”, “chev”, “tev”; bell - "tin", "zin", "zvin"; peal - for example, like a nightingale - “cho-cho-cho-cho”; scattering, or fraction, - a quick repetition of one word in one tone (kenar or warbler-cricket);

clicking - short clicking sounds (nightingale, repolov);

brook - pouring indefinite knees (garden warbler);

whistles - separate beautiful strong sounds (nightingale, song thrush, oriole).

Any cutting ear, champing, crackling and creaking knees and words are called blots and half blots.

The beginning of the song among the hunters is called the “initiative”, and the last knee is the “ending” or “stroke” (for example, for a chaffinch).

Short intermediate "half-words" inserted by the bird between stanzas are called "push".

Sometimes following friend after another, identical groups of knees are called "spindles".

Here, perhaps, are all the special words with which amateur hunters parse the song of a bird.

Usually lovers argue - which songbirds are considered the best. Opinions and tastes may be different, but I, without intending to impose my own, will put the song thrush in the first place, then the nightingale, field lark, steppe lark-dzhurbay, black-headed warbler and wood lark-yula.

These birds make up the big leagues. Perhaps the canary should also be attributed to them, for the singing of which I am not a fan. Of course, they mean excellent birds - “concert”, as lovers say. It is known that not every nightingale, lark or thrush sings beautifully. Among them there are bad or mediocre singers, the whole song of which consists of 3-4 tribes. Most often, these birds are young, not trained in real singing. The propensity for beautiful singing in birds is as individual as, say, in people. It depends on innate qualities, learning, age. Birds also have their own Carusos, Chaliapins and Kozlovskys.

Songbirds of the second category - singing well, but not able to compete with the first:

from granivorous - repol;

from insectivorous - blackbird, white-winged lark, warbler, forest pipit, garden warbler, great tit, hawk warbler, shrike shrike.

The birds of the third group, which are characteristic of a very sonorous, beautiful, but poor-kneed, monosyllabic song, include:

from granivorous - lentil, chaffinch, dubrovnik oatmeal, remez oatmeal;

from insectivores - the oriole, the thrush-mistle, the white-browed titmouse, the titmouse and the chickadee, the redstart, the willow warbler.

The fourth category includes birds that sing in cages a lot and willingly, their voices are pleasing with their cheerful chirping, liveliness, separate beautiful knees, but there is less musicality here, the tones are confused. The song has blots, chirps, crackles.

This includes most of the so-called "simple" birds, namely: goldfinch, siskin, crossbills, greenfinch; from insectivores - robin, blackbird, starling, bluethroat.

Hardy in cages, unpretentious, trusting and affectionate to people, the birds of the fourth group are loved by thousands of hunters.

And finally, there is a fifth group of birds that sing weaker than others. Let's name the well-known tap dance, bullfinch, finch, grosbeak, waxwing, white and green titmouse, grenadier tit, nuthatch, pika, kinglet, plysok and chased.

The advantages of birds of the fifth category include the extraordinary flowery plumage of many of them. These are decorative birds - the decoration of our forests. What is worth, for example, the outfit of the white tit prince - this amazing creature with blue wings and a blue tail! And the catchy outfit of an important bullfinch! And the coloring of the finch, flaunting a satin, turning into blue black head and a brick chest! How magnificent is the pink plumage of the waxwings, the saffron and yellowness of the long-tailed puffballs, the colored spots in the color of the hawfinch!

Interestingly, in a group of singers upper class there is not a single brightly colored bird. And the nightingale, and the lark, and the song thrush are distinguished by the strict modesty of the pen, emphasized by the noble elegance of all contour lines. Despite the lack of bright tones of plumage, our best singers are very beautiful. This is the elite of the bird world.

It does not follow from what has been said that from the very beginning, an amateur hunter should at all costs strive to get a bird of the highest class of the song. All categories are good in their own way, all have their advantages and disadvantages. The novice amateur should remember that great singers are, as a rule, savage, difficult to tame, requiring careful, thrifty, skillful handling, and great selection. Loudly, excellently singing and, moreover, not a wild song thrush or skylark - a great and rare value. Almost the same can be said about all singers of the highest class.

Hold different birds. Understand, love, test them and gradually you will reach the heights of hunting knowledge. There are no other ways.

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The source of sounds is the membranes vibrating during the passage of air between the last cartilaginous rings of the trachea of ​​the bird and the half-rings of the bronchi.

When the birds sing
Birds sing especially often when establishing a nesting territory, less often after hatching, and usually stop singing when the young become independent and territorial behavior fades away. Some resident birds sing throughout the year.

When we speak to the birds in their language

Knowing the language of birds, special for each species, a person can, if necessary, use the disturbing cries of birds recorded on tape. To scare them away. This is what they do, for example, when they want to free the runway of the airfield from the flock located on it. seagulls or drive out of the vineyard those who feed on it starlings.

Learn a song from parents
Starlings, tits, warblers and many sparrows, parrots, hummingbirds learn the song of their species by imitating their parents. If they are deprived of communication with relatives, they will not be able to hone and form a song. Of those who learn a song, and do not inherit, some do not reproduce other people's voices (for example finch), while others easily weave other people's sounds into their songs ( parrots, warblers, warblers, shrikes). The starling, for example, repeats the sounds of even such distant species as the mallard or the common crane.

Inherit a song without learning

Chicken, birds of prey, owls, waterfowl inherit sounds without learning.

Capable of simultaneously outputting two melodies

Some birds, such as the red-backed warbler, are capable of playing two melodies at the same time.

Variety of sound demos

Almost all birds use some form of vocal display to announce their presence. They can be reduced to a kind of croaking from a pheasant or a roar from penguins. Some birds make sounds not with the larynx, but with other parts of the body, making specific movements for this. For example, woodcock (Scolopax rusticola), flowing over a forest clearing, taking off in a spiral into the sky, “croaks” due to sharp flapping of its wings, and then, during a steep zigzag descent, “chips” with its voice. Some woodpeckers use a drum roll instead of a song, beaten out with a beak on a hollow stump or other object with a good resonance.

Second larynx for singing

Birds have a special, second larynx for singing, and their vocal cords have a special arrangement.

A song that is inaccessible to the human ear
There are songbirds, for example, grosbeak, which are capable of making such high-pitched sounds that the human ear does not perceive them.

Pranks of parrots
Parrots easily memorize entire songs and arias. And mimic parrots are excellent. Once, imitating the horns of a steam locomotive, they caused a real mess at the station, and during the war they instilled fear in people by emitting the whistle of a flying bomb.

Birds adapt to the acoustics of megacities

If the male bird blue tit (Parus coeruleus) wants to be heard in a noisy city, he sings not louder, but higher: chirping in high tones overcomes the dull city noise better than low tones. Using microphones, the researchers recorded the singing of 32 male blue tit in different noise levels. Frequency analysis showed that the melodies of birds living in "calm" places contain many low tones. Singing, sounding in noisy places, on the contrary, contain a large number of high tones. Thus, birds can attract a partner in an environment overloaded with various noises.

If a bird is deprived of sound communication

If a bird is deprived of sound communication, it will simply die.

Sings 2305 times a day
During the peak breeding season, some birds sing almost continuously throughout the day. One zonotrichia (Zonotrichia albicollis) sang 2305 times a day. However, it is more common for most species to sing at dawn and in the evening. Mockingbird and nightingale can sing on moonlit nights.


Sing even in your sleep

Unlike humans, birds are able to learn their singing language day and night, practicing their melodies even in their sleep. The singing of birds comes directly from their brains while they sing, as well as while they are napping or "rehearsing" their song during sleep. The study was conducted on the example zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)- varieties of finch.

The song lasts no more than a second
Unique Ability zebra finches to sing around the clock only one song, which lasts no more than a second. When the chick reaches one month of age, he first tries to imitate the song he remembered when his father sang it. The zebra finch can perfectly repeat the song sung by birds of its species after about a month of practice. With each new awakening from sleep, the growing chick continues to practice, singing his song thousands of times a day. He also mentally practices his melodies during sleep, which was discovered during the research. The zebra finches use 6/1000th of a second long individual nerve signals in the brain that cause this singing, even during sleep.

Garden warbler: sings softer than a nightingale

little voice garden warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum, a small grayish-green pichuga can be heard from thickets of nettles, raspberries, currants, and even just in weeds. The bird performs its long melodious song in a nightingale manner, but in more gentle tones. And in terms of a variety of trills, good singers of this species, perhaps, have no equal, since these are mockingbirds. They whimsically include borrowed knees in their singing, which they give their own sound.

The male bird sets the pace like a pendulum

Synchronization of South American melodies stove-makers Furnarius rufus cause simple laws physics, not musical talent. The stovepiper is a bird the size of a thrush, common in Brazil and Argentina, and in the latter it is considered the national bird. Stove-makers are known for their oven-shaped nests.

When the male and female start the song, the male sings about six notes per second and gradually picks up the tempo. The result is a "very mesmerizing" song. The song of the male, according to the researchers, "sets" the pace of the song of the female, just like a pendulum, which is triggered by the vibration of the beam from which it hangs.

The most common combination is one female note to three male notes, but other proportions are also found: 1:4, 2:7, 3:10. At this rate, it is practically impossible for human musicians to create complex counterrhythms. But birds don't do this consciously - they just let their muscles vibrate in unison.

The canary that spoke

Canaries (Serinus canaria) do not usually reproduce other people's sounds, especially human speech. But Pinci's canary at I.G. Dvuzhilnaya turned out to be unique - she wove the hostess's voice into her song. Among her chirping, the words suddenly break through: "These are the birds ... Pinchi-Pinchi ..." According to Professor A.S. Malchevsky, this happened due to the fact that the voice of the mistress of the bird was very high. And ordinary human voices are too low in timbre for canaries. In general, the bird does not care whose voice to reproduce - a mallard or a man. In any case, this is the voice of the environment.

Harz canaries

German amateurs created the famous Harz, or Tyrolean, canaries with a peculiar song that echoes Tyrolean folk music. This melody is called the pipe chant, since the singers were originally taught with the help of various organ pipes, whistles and pipes.

Canaries in Russia

In Russia, the breeding of canaries has become a favorite, entertainment and help of the Tula artisans, artisans of the city of Pavlov on the Oka, and workers of the Kaluga linen factories. Yesterday's peasants, cut off from their native fields, wanted the indoor singer to remind them of their native nature. And they achieved this, they brought out a canary with a peculiar “oatmeal” tune, which includes in its song the melancholy trills of oatmeal, sonorous fervent knees of tits, flute whistles of waders, silvery overflows of forest lark and other domestic birds. The Russian canary should have the largest possible set of diverse knees of the song, connected by smooth transitions.

They perform their songs in a range of sounds inaccessible to human hearing

Your name weavers received for the peculiar art of building nests, which are made in the form of hanging balls or hammocks from leaves fastened with plant fibers. Some of these birds build ball nests in hollows, under eaves, or in tree branches. Many weavers are distinguished by the richness of plumage, a variety of shapes and sizes. Most small weavers have a low murmuring voice. Some types, for example blackheads and white-headed munia (Lonchura maja), perform their songs in a range of sounds inaccessible to human hearing, and one can only guess that they sing, noticing the trembling neck of the singer and his characteristic current “dance” on the perch.

Boa Boa Special Victory Song

Tropical birds from the forests West Africa after the expulsion of strangers from the territory controlled by them, they sing a special "victory song" in a duet. 18 pairs of birds were selected boa boa(boubous) and played them a recording of four of their own "songs", often performed by birds during the struggle for territory, to simulate the situation of the invasion of the invaders. Most of the couples stayed where they were while everyone else stopped singing and started backing away. Then the scientists turned off the tape recorder, creating an "audibility" of the end of the invasion. The "winners" sat in silence for a couple of minutes, after which they began to perform a unique melody in a duet, which was longer than the other 12 "songs" from the repertoire of birds. The same motif was repeated an average of 40 times. Researchers have suggested that this is a special victory "song".

twelve tribes

Kursk nightingales There are 12 knees in a trill. Here are some of them: gurgle, fangs, shot, roll, film, gander, push.

What birds can be taught to talk
Not only they demonstrate extraordinary speech abilities. There are a lot of talented imitators of human speech among tits, crows, sparrows, magpies, jackdaws, canaries, flycatchers, starlings. True, due to their less close contact with a person and, probably, not so developed "intelligence", speech looks poorer and more monosyllabic. It is extremely difficult to communicate with a feathered one. Birds are capricious, capricious, unusually sensitive and vulnerable. Not all birds have the same "linguistic" abilities, but almost every young bird can learn its name and a few more words. In birds, the main "tool" of communication in nature is precisely sound. The most capable individuals remember and reproduce up to 600 words, pronounce entire sentences, and also imitate the sounds of human laughter, crying, coughing, whistling, kissing and sneezing ...