Industrial farms for breeding indoutok. Documents for sale and business registration. Purchase of birds and their diet

Owners of private houses and summer cottages Plenty of business opportunities in the area Agriculture. One of the profitable areas of small business is the cultivation of ducks as a business. The meat of these birds is in demand among consumers, and the famous foie gras delicacy is prepared from their liver. Ducks can be grown even on small area land without creating an artificial pond (although having one would be an advantage). For breeding, it is worth choosing meat breeds: Peking, Indo-duck (the second name is musky), white Moscow, gray Ukrainian duck, etc. Most often, the inodoote or Beijing is bred, the first is less fat, and the second has higher egg production.

Creating conditions for growing ducks

Breeding inotok as a business does not require the use of too large areas. To grow 50 individuals, 100 square meters of land will be enough. The same is true for Beijing and other meat ducks. Moreover, such a site is enough for the separate keeping of chicks and large birds in cyclic breeding. A poultry house for ducklings, as well as a walking area for them, will take about 60 square meters, and a poultry house with a walking area for large birds will fit on 20-30 square meters. If you plan to breed ducks in the cold season, then the poultry houses should be heated, it is also worth taking care of ventilation and bedding.

In a small walking area, you should not place a mini-pond or standard drinkers. Animals will fight for access to water, and the enclosure itself will be very dirty. Modern meat ducks can easily do without bathing. It will be necessary to make feeders and drinkers for birds. The best option there will be the use of drip or nipple drinking systems, they can be purchased or made independently. During the first two weeks of life, special conditions must be created for ducklings:

  • air temperature 28-30 degrees Celsius with a gradual decrease to 22 degrees;
  • round the clock lighting;
  • clean and dry bedding (hay and soft cloth).

In addition, little ducklings initial stage it will be necessary to forcibly water and feed, since they themselves do not yet know how to do it. After two to three weeks, the ducks can be placed in a poultry house with a paddock.

Important! On average, meat ducks are grown for 2 months, during which time they gain about 2-2.5 kilograms of weight.

Buying chicks or hatching?

In order for the breeding of musky ducks as a business to be more profitable, it is worth starting your own broodstock. Actually, this rule is true for other meat breeds. To raise 250 ducklings per year, two mother families consisting of 3-4 ducks and one drake will be required. In addition, you will need to buy a universal incubator in size corresponding to a one-time batch of eggs planned for laying. It should be borne in mind that duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs and an incubator for 100 chickens can accommodate about 60-70 duck eggs.

For the broodstock, it will be necessary to organize a separate poultry house with a paddock, where nests will be placed for laying eggs. The Peking duck is able to produce about 160-180 eggs per year, the Indian duck - 90-120 eggs per year. It should be borne in mind that the latter has the longest incubation period of all bred breeds, which is 34-35 days. Chicks can be bought without resorting to the organization of incubation, but this will significantly increase the cost of the bird.

Feeding and additional expenses

Growing ducks in a small area without grazing involves feeding them with compound feed. On average, feed consumption is planned at the rate of 10 kilograms per 1 duck (the calculation is valid for a two-month cycle). If you plan to breed 250 heads per year, then you will need 2.5 tons of feed. In large volumes, it is advantageous to purchase it directly from feed mills or livestock farms. However, ducks are unpretentious in food, often they are fed with food waste, a mixture of bran and greens, meal, fodder yeast, fodder molasses, grain, legumes, etc. Breeding indo-cats as a business saves on feed as they eat less for the same weight gain as other breeds. In addition, you will need to bear the following costs:

  • for electricity and / or gas (depending on the heating system);
  • fare;
  • for the purchase of top dressing (chalk, eggshell, shells of molluscs);
  • for the purchase or procurement of bedding.

With stream poultry rearing, it makes sense to purchase a plucking machine that will speed up and simplify the preparation of carcasses for sale, as well as a freezer for storing meat.

Implementation and profitability

When duck farming turns into entrepreneurial activity, then there are not enough buyers "in the form" of neighbors, acquaintances and friends. Therefore, it will be necessary to establish a more voluminous distribution channel. This may be the sale of carcasses to establishments Catering or in the market. If you have the opportunity to sell duck meat in the market, then this will be the most profitable option, since the cost of meat here is higher than in wholesale sales. However, in this case, it will be necessary to issue a number of veterinary permits and stamp the carcasses.

Important! When preparing the carcasses, do not cut off the legs and ask the veterinarian to stamp one of them, so the blue ink of the veterinary clearance will not spoil the presentation of the duck.

The amount of capital investments for each entrepreneur will be individual, depending on the availability of initial conditions and other factors. After the initial investment pays off, the average return on duck farming can be 50%-70% or more. If you sell the carcass in parts or in ready-made(for example, after smoking), then the net profit will be even greater.

Gastronomic preferences of people are different. For some, taste matters. appearance dishes, others pay attention to the benefits. Disagreements arise even over one type of product, such as meat. Pork, beef, poultry, game. Farmers try to meet any demand. But poorly filled niches still remain. Duck, turkey or goose are not often found in the supermarket, although the number of consumers is growing. There is another species in the bird family - the indo-cat, it is of interest to poultry farmers and has received positive characteristics at gourmets. This gives a novice farmer a reason to draw up a business plan for breeding indouts in order to assess the profitability of the direction and calculate the initial investment.

For clarity, we propose to study our example, in which we present a business plan for breeding indouts with calculations within a small farming.


Many people are familiar with an ordinary duck, but an “Indo-duck” to an uninformed person may seem like some kind of cross between a dog and an elephant. Although this is just a variety, which is otherwise called "musky duck". It differs in plumage color, bright taste of meat and edibility of eggs. In addition, it better adapts to the conditions of home keeping, does without a reservoir, and coexists without conflict with other poultry.

The conditions of keeping are similar to breeding ordinary ducks. The business plan for growing them is presented on our website. Musk breed can be kept both indoors and in a mixed format (poultry house plus free range in an aviary in warm time). The second option is preferable if allowed. climatic conditions. The bird gets a large number of greens, which positively affects the weight gain and taste of meat.

Our plan is focused on the family business. A novice farmer lives in the countryside, owns a plot of land. It is planned to build a poultry house for the simultaneous maintenance of 200 heads of Muscovy ducks. The first batch of ducklings, drakes and adult indo-ducks for offspring will be purchased at the poultry farm.

Distribution channels are provided, agreements with potential clients carried out.

Characteristics of poultry farming

Type of activity: agriculture. Raising poultry for profit. Muscovy duck was chosen at the initial stage, further expansion of livestock species (turkey, chicken, goose) is possible.

OKVED: No. 01.47 "Breeding of agricultural poultry".

Location of the object: farmland in close proximity to the regional center. Necessary communications (water supply, power line) are brought to the site. Ecologically clean area. Isolation from other private courtyards and gardens, which will not cause inconvenience to neighbors.

Form of activity: KFH. The head of the economy has the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Taxation: ESHN.

The farm works on an irregular schedule. The bird requires daily care. At night, Indians rest.

Service list:

  • Raising poultry for meat, for eggs.
  • Retail sale of meat and eggs on the market, through forums and websites of agrarians and farmers.
  • Small wholesale in restaurants, cafes.
  • Implementation of feather, down, litter.

Investment plan

Indochki are resistant to mild frosts, but need comfortable conditions. It is enough to build a classic poultry house, in which nests, drinkers and feeders are equipped. AT winter time heating and ventilation are required if the room cannot maintain the desired temperature. It is necessary to solve the issue of lighting in order to ensure egg laying even with a reduced light day. Equipment is minimal and can be DIY. The main costs at the stage of preparation for the opening of the poultry house will be reflected in the table.

Item of expenses Investments, rub.
Registration of KFH and IP status. Procedures for laboratory conclusion on the quality of meat, eggs 3 thousand
Incubators for hatching chicks 10 thousand
Drinkers, feeders 5 thousand
Building materials, poultry house insulation 20 thousand
Electricity 3 thousand
Boiler 10 thousand
Plumbing for building 2 thousand
Ventilation with air heating 10 thousand
Bird litter 3 thousand
Pen plucking machine 8 thousand
Purchase of the first batch of birds 50 thousand
Equipment for slaughtering ducks and storing carcasses 50 thousand
Feed warehouse equipment 10 thousand
Veterinary procedures 5 thousand
Total 189 thousand

Initial costs may differ from the total shown in the table. Cost of materials, services different regions differs. Therefore, be guided by the price level in the region where the poultry farm is opened.

If the family does not vehicle, then you need to lay the cost of buying a car.

Some farmers expand their profile by growing vegetable crops. You can use part of the crop, tops and waste as food for the Muscovy duck. This will reduce feed costs and allow additional profit after harvest.

A novice farmer will have to spend at least 200 thousand rubles at the stage of preparing for the opening of a poultry house with indo-cats. This is a one-time investment that will pay off in the first year.

Family business - saving on employees

The poultry complex with indo-ducks does not need a large staff. The amount of work can be handled by two adults, such as a husband and wife. Children or other family members will provide assistance if needed. All profits from the farm will be distributed among the participants of the KFH. Individual entrepreneur will bear the cost of taxes and contributions to the PF.

If the activity is successful, it is possible to expand the number of birds and erect new buildings. Then it will take extra hands. A temporary contract will be concluded with employees for a specific season with by the hour and reporting to tax office and other funds.

It is assumed that in the first year the individual entrepreneur will have expenses only for himself for taxes and contributions in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.


Experienced farmers recommend starting in poultry farming in early spring. By this time, farms big choice young animals, there is a possibility of a profitable purchase. Animals adapt faster and easier, it becomes possible to keep indouts in an open area.

By the time you buy a musk breed, you need to build a poultry house in which the wards can hide and make a nest. The procedure for equipping the territory does not require long periods. In good weather, with the availability of initial capital, the work can be completed in a month.

The main issue should be client base so as not to be at a loss due to lack of sales. In the table we note suitable timing to start:

Procedure Period
February March April May
Registration of documents for entrepreneurial activity +
Planning the area for the construction of a poultry house, warehouse, communications. Budgeting +
Purchase of equipment, building materials. Start of the brigade +
Equipping the finished poultry house and other premises. Installing a bird fence +
Search indoutok, fodder. Purchase. Accommodation in the poultry house + +
Search for clients for the sale of meat, eggs, fluff, litter. Creation of a page in social networks, placement of ads on sites + + +
Preparation of documents for the sale of products +
First sales +

Indians grown for meat gain the required mass after three months. Carcasses reach 2 kg in weight. The older the bird, the higher the costs. The young are not kept for long. Adult couples are usually left to procreate.

Benefits from poultry farming

The profitability of activities for the maintenance of indoutok depends on some circumstances:

  • An entrepreneur's awareness of the specifics of keeping a Muscovy duck.
  • Proper equipment of the poultry house and selection of the first batch of animals.
  • Absence of disease and mortality among birds.
  • Fast and profitable sale of goods.

The farmer will handle the marketing himself. Wholesale or sale through an intermediary involves a price reduction. This is unprofitable for a small farm. To understand how much income a family can receive, it is necessary to calculate the total revenue and expenses for one year. This is not a seasonal business. Indochka will be grown constantly. The price of products depends on the mass of the ward and the region.

A young chick gains an average weight of 2.5 kg after 10-12 weeks. An adult Indochka lays up to 60 eggs per year. Part goes to the renewal of livestock. The rest is sold on the market or in a catering chain.

A small farm can grow up to 500 heads for meat. The average market price for a farm product is 300 rubles/kg.

For eggs, 20 females are kept, who lay up to 1 thousand pieces per year. Only half can go on sale. Hatching eggs for farmers can be sold at a price of 70-100 rubles apiece. For food, the price is set in relation to chicken. For 10 pieces you can get from 50 to 80 rubles.

The annual revenue of the peasant farm will be about 500 thousand rubles if not only meat and eggs are sold, but also fluff and litter.

Now let's calculate the net income, taking into account the initial investment and current expenses to the mini-farm

So, poultry farming, focused on indoutok, can bring an income of 350 thousand rubles. At the start, 200 thousand rubles were invested. Net profit will amount to 150 thousand rubles. The economy will reach self-sufficiency in 6-7 months. The farmer will receive an income of 12-13 thousand rubles per month. In the second year, the revenue will be higher, because all investments will pay off, and operating expenses are negligible.


The narrow focus of animal husbandry can bring a certain income to a novice farmer, if approached with intelligence and interest. Indians are unpretentious, but without proper care they will not be able to gain the desired mass in short time. Such a business is relevant for rural residents who receive the main income from their land. The farm product is in demand. You just need to secure your reputation. Difficulties arise in the first year of keeping the bird, but in the future, a well-established mechanism gives a positive result.

Muscovy duck meat is in great demand all over the world and especially in European countries, which entails the growth of the Indo-duck farming industry.

This bird is quite calm and peaceful and its breeding, as a rule, does not cause any particular trouble and has a high survival rate. In addition, the breeding process is not at all costly in terms of Maintenance and does not require a special reservoir.

Breeding indoutok for meat

Compared to other species, Muscovy duck grows fast and has very tasty meat. In two months, the duckling gains weight 2-2.4 kilograms. After 70 days of age, the birds stop growing and their further fattening is pointless. It is better to slaughter the bird after molting, as it is very difficult to remove the columns of future feathers.

The main advantages of breeding indoutok:

  • They have the highest survival rate. As a rule, when good care, 95%, or even 100% of the birds go on sale
  • Undemanding, they can be grown in common room provided it is well ventilated and heated
  • Indians do well without a pool or pond. Gutters with water will be enough for them
  • When strangers appear, they do not make noise and do not create discomfort
  • Indoch eggs are edible. In a year, one bird produces about 100 large eggs (70 grams each)
  • Muscovy ducks growing very fast
  • It is cost-effective not only to breed indo-ducks for slaughter, but it is also profitable to breed birds and sell eggs and ducklings

Initially, it is worth buying ducks at the age of one year, which will soon be able to bring their first offspring. It is best to buy indoutok for breeding in early or mid-autumn.

Although the birds usually get along well with other animals (pheasants or chickens), it is still better to house them separately, as they eat less and do not grow well when crowded. In the dwelling of ducks it should be cool in summer and warm in winter, it is desirable that windows and doors face south, and it is better to make the northern wall deaf, protecting the duck house from northern winds. The size of the barn depends on the number of birds, the optimal density is three adult birds and eight ducklings per square meter.

Muscovy ducks start laying eggs from April, when enough warm weather. In one clutch there are usually up to 20 eggs. Ducklings hatch from eggs in a month.

Indo-ducks fly well enough, so on the first day of life they cut off the last joint on the wings. The wound is disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate solution. Of course, you can approach this issue less radically and trim the feathers on the wings, but this will need to be done after each molt.

Egg incubation

Unlike other birds, indoch eggs have the longest incubation period (32-35 days). The hatching rate will be faster if the eggs are stored for 15-18 days at room temperature + 15 ° C before laying in the incubator. To prevent the eggs from losing a lot of water before hatching, place a basin of water in the room.

Incubation mode:

Please note that 20% more eggs can be laid in vertical incubators, but the best result is in incubators with a horizontal hatch.

Food for indo

Like any other bird, the Muscovy duck needs a nutritious diet. The basic component of nutrition is feed grain, as well as:

  • wheat, barley and other grains (especially corn);
  • vegetables;
  • herbs;
  • production waste (molasses, fodder yeast, bran and cake)

The diet varies depending on the nesting season of the ducks.

The norm of daily feeding indoutok:

It is important to use food with a moisture content of at least 18%. Although ducks love moist mixtures of porridge and green herbs, you should not give them too much. After all, their favorite food consists of insects and worms.

How to feed an indochka in the first days of life?

Ducklings born in an incubator do not know how to eat or drink on their own. Therefore, or give them up for education adult duck, or refer to their reflexes. On the first day of life, sprinkle their backs with minced boiled eggs. Ducklings are very curious and will reflexively pick up and swallow moving food. To teach them to drink, you will need to lightly soak the ducklings' noses in water.

On the second day, you can prepare a mixture of milk, boiled eggs and bran.

On the fourth day, ducklings can be fed with the following mixture:

  • cottage cheese;
  • finely chopped onion;
  • spinach;
  • crushed grain.

After the first four days, add boiled vegetables to the minced meat. On the tenth day, add boiled potatoes to the mixture.

How profitable is the breeding of indoutas

In order to get a fairly tangible profit, you need to buy 100 Muscovy ducks for breeding.

The Indian has tender, dietary meat. Considering that more and more people are turning to natural and organic products, you will not have any problems with the sale of products. At first, you can sell meat and eggs in a store or market. You can also offer your product to city restaurants and large supermarkets. You can sell Muscovy ducks well in your own online store.

With the right planning and thoughtful approach, your household with a duck population of 100 head can bring you $ 250 per month in net profit.


Both the experts and the farmers themselves unanimously agree that indoutok breeding as a business has great potential and is an excellent choice for a beginner poultry breeder. There are many reasons for this, and all of them somehow come from the specific features of these wonderful birds. Almost every moment speaks in favor of them commercial breeding. To avoid unfounded statements, it is worth considering this issue in more detail.

Indo-ducks, also known as "musky ducks", have a lot of advantages in themselves, which greatly facilitate their stable and fast breeding. If we talk briefly about the main advantages, then it is worth noting the following:

  • high levels of vitality and immunity;
  • unpretentiousness in terms of nutrition;
  • a well-preserved instinct for caring for your ducklings;
  • calm and friendly character;
  • a quiet hiss instead of a loud quack;
  • lean and healthy meat;
  • high egg production.

All these points lead to the fact that the cultivation and breeding of indo is not particularly difficult, even a novice poultry farmer can handle this. Of course, a certain set of knowledge and training is needed here as well.

Content Features

Now we should talk about what is required for the arrangement comfortable conditions maintenance and cultivation of indoutok. This is necessary in order for the birds to effectively gain weight and lay eggs well. These points are the main sources of income for the poultry farm, so their importance can not be overestimated.


The first point is the diet and diet of ducks. According to the reviews of farmers, it has proven itself best combined option. Like almost all other birds and animals, Indochkas need a variety of food. Their diet should include:

  • compound feed (with small granules);
  • wet mixers (as the main source of mass gain);
  • green fodder (wheat, barley, millet, oats, corn and other grain waste);
  • succulent feed (beets, potatoes, turnips, turnips);
  • mineral feed (shell, chalk, table salt, eggshell, gravel).

With all these components of the diet, ducks will feel much better. However, there is a moment, in the absence of which the benefits of them will completely come to naught. This is water. No wonder they say about a person who always drinks food, "eats like a duck." Mallards, regardless of breed, are in great need of this life-giving liquid and cannot even swallow food normally without washing it down.


Despite their unpretentiousness, indo-woks do not tolerate dampness quite well, therefore, when equipping a room for them, this point must be taken into account. The usual semblance of a chicken coop will not work here, since chickens are somewhat hardier in this regard, and keeping ducks is much more difficult.

The best option would be to build a log shed and for additional insulation to overlay it from the outside with a brick, but this is a rather difficult task for a person who is not familiar with such work. Even the presence of photo schemes, materials, tools, coupled with a training video, does not guarantee a positive result.

As an alternative at home, you can use a regular plank shed, which often already exists on the plots, or build one. This task is somewhat easier. Tow, hay or even plywood with sawdust are often used as insulation materials.

Now a few words about interior arrangement rooms for indoouts. Of course, it is necessary to have warm bedding here, which will protect the paws of birds from hypothermia. You need to change it at least once every two or three days, and preferably daily.

Work inventory

For the efficient and comfortable maintenance of indoutok, the poultry breeder needs certain items that make this task easier. They are united by a capacious and short name: inventory.

The first items on the list here will be items for feeding and watering poultry: feeders and drinkers. Bunker, automated, converted from a trough or bowl - it doesn’t matter, there are a lot of designs. The main thing is that they are available, easy to use and safe for birds.

The second is housekeeping. Brooms, rakes, scoops, brooms - there are many options, and among them you can find both purchased and home-made ones. Here again, everything depends on the preferences and capabilities of the poultry breeder.

Third - optional consumables. Medicines and bandages, cleaning products, items for repairing damaged perches, and the like. So that when keeping birds there are no serious difficulties, the farmer must be prepared for any kind of surprises.

Breeding features

Of course, it is impossible to count on a flourishing poultry business without breeding. If the livestock does not increase, there is nowhere to come from, so every farmer who decides to take on the creation of this business needs to know how to properly breed their pets.

Nest breeding

One poultry house for breeding indoutas is not enough. They need a well-equipped nest, which can be made from an ordinary cardboard box, on the bottom of which any natural fabric should be laid, up to burlap. Synthetics are not acceptable here.

When the duck sits on the eggs for two days, you can put another 1.5-2 dozen eggs in it. In the immediate vicinity of the nest, it is imperative to place a drinking bowl in which the female can both drink and swim - this is especially important on hot summer days.

In no case should ducklings from other broods be allowed to the hen. Otherwise, she, guided by maternal instinct, can go for a walk with them and forget about her own. This is one of the few shortcomings of Muscovy ducks that must always be taken into account.

Tribal individuals

In any poultry farm, whether domestic or industrial, most of the eggs go immediately for sale in food industry, however, too high a percentage of such a "transfer" will lead to a gradual decrease in the number of livestock. In order to avoid such a development of events, one must not forget about such a moment as the selection of a bird for a tribe.

Ideally, the "tribe" requires a separate house, which, with the exception of size, does not differ from the standard design. Smaller dimensions are due to the smaller number of ducks living there, and nothing more.

The strongest and healthiest birds with the most developed features of the breed should be selected for the tribe. In this case, you can guarantee the same quality young stock.

Business setup

In order for a farm for breeding and raising indouts at home to generate income, the poultry farmer needs to decide several points. The first is to get acquainted with the features of their maintenance and breeding, as already mentioned above. Now it's time to address two more: reducing costs and increasing the profits of the future business.

Cost reduction

So, how can a poultry farmer reduce the cost of setting up and maintaining his farm. The answer lies in two simple things: knowledge and skills. How more people knows and knows how to do it on his own, the less his expenses will be. A few examples to support this point.

You can start with the poultry house. You can refer to construction companies or handy neighbors. In this case, you will have to pay not only for materials, but also to make a considerable allowance for work. Often this amount approaches the amount spent on consumables, and even exceeds it. If the poultry farmer masters this craft on his own, spending at this point will be at least halved.

Now regarding drinkers and feeders. The same story. You can buy ready-made ones, but they will cost twice or three times more than the used materials. If you assemble them yourself, turning to the training photos and videos in the first couple, then you can avoid unnecessary expenses.

Finally, there is a fairly simple way to save on the treatment of ducks. To do this, you just need to keep them healthy. Which, in turn, will require three things: proper feeding and watering, regular cleaning in cages and periodic inspections of the birds for abnormalities. In the latter case, it will not be superfluous to consult a veterinarian, but most of the main symptoms can be seen on early stage even on your own.

Increasing profits

Now about how to increase the level of income from your farm. The first recommendation seems obvious, but in modern realities it is not used by everyone and not always: first you need to protect yourself from the legislative side by filling out all the necessary papers. Surprisingly, not everyone fulfills this point, and then rush about, paying fines and solving problems at the last moment, instead of calmly doing the farm.

The second is careful selection and care of the tribe. It is the breeding individuals that are literally the future of the farm, so their maintenance should be given special attention. If you do not stint here on the arrangement of the premises and a high-quality diet, then the birds will “pay back” with healthy, strong and numerous young animals. By the way, in industrial scale to remove the latter, incubators are often used.

And finally, the third - hiring qualified and diligent workers. In a fairly large farm, it is unrealistic to cope alone. Help with raising birds will be required, otherwise the difficulties will begin to snowball. Even simple cleaning of cages can take a lot of time and effort, dulling the attention of an exhausted poultry farmer, and in this case it is easy to miss the emergence of a real problem in the household, like an infectious disease.


So, is it profitable or not growing indoo at home as a business? The answer to this question is quite simple. If you do everything wisely, in accordance with the recommendations of experienced farmers and poultry farmers, yes, the farm will quickly begin to bring a fairly good income. If you do all the work carelessly, without paying enough attention to the birds, you can’t count on success.

- popular recently with Russian farmers, has always been considered profitable business. In today's article, it is proposed to consider breeding ducks as a business.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:180-225 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:for the countryside
Situation in the industry:average competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: up to 1 year

Breeding ducks as a business: advantages and disadvantages

A few years ago, before the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia in 2014, poultry farming developed rapidly in the country on a huge scale in large poultry farms. Today the situation has changed radically. Feeding thousands of birds is becoming an overwhelming task for large enterprises. But for small farms and private farmsteads, the demand for poultry breeding has grown significantly.

The point is not only that it is much easier and cheaper to keep a small number of birds, but also that in recent times the popularity of real organic products, the production of which is hardly possible with large-scale poultry farming, has grown dramatically.

Is it profitable to breed ducks? The undoubted advantages of breeding ducks include:

  • undemanding in careful care and unpretentiousness in maintenance;
  • active breeding of birds and rapid increase livestock;
  • their omnivorous nature, which means low feed costs;
  • the sale of not only duck eggs and meat, but also down and feathers.

Flaws this business are not specific, and are inherent in any business in the field of agriculture:

  • the need for a large land plot for walking birds and a pond for their bathing;
  • constant bird watching;
  • the need to pass the quality control of meat and egg products, the execution of a package of documents.

When organizing a business, close attention is paid to the choice of breed of poultry for breeding. If the duck farm plan provides for the sale of meat products, it is necessary to purchase meat breeds of ducklings. Egg-bearing breeds gain less weight, but carry much more eggs, which are also in great demand for sale.

What types of ducks are beneficial for breeding

Meat breeds of ducks gain their "commercial" weight in about 2-2.5 months, the number of eggs they lay reaches 40-80 pieces per year. Egg-bearers will reach the same weight in 3-4 months, but the number of eggs that they will give in a year will reach 140-180 pieces.

The most popular duck breeds for breeding among Russian farmers are:

  • Beijing breed. Considers one of the best in the meat direction. By the time of slaughter peking ducks reach 4-4.5 kg - drakes, females are 500-700 g lighter. One of the advantages of this breed is that they freely interbreed with other breeds. "Hybrids", for example, mulards, today are champions in weight gain and the most popular "suppliers" of the delicacy liver, from which famous dish foie gras.
  • Muscovy ducks or indo-ducks - meat breed. Drakes can reach up to 5 kg in weight, females are twice as light. Calm birds, perfectly enduring the absence of a nearby reservoir.
  • The White Moscow breed is a "hybrid" obtained from crossing a Peking duck and a Khaki Campbell duck. It perfectly tolerates any climatic conditions and gains weight up to 3.5-4 kg.
  • Another meat breed is Rouen. It has a delicate taste of meat, reaches a weight of up to 5 kg.
  • Ukrainian gray breed - refers to the meat and egg breed. Drakes reach a weight of up to 3.5 kg, females - up to 3 kg. Egg production - from 120 to 250 eggs per year.
  • Black white-breasted breed of the egg direction. Full weight - 4 kg reaches only six months of maintenance. Slaughter is usually carried out at the age of 3 months, when ducks weigh 2.2-2.5 kg. Laying hens give up to 140 large eggs weighing 80-90 g per year.
  • The Agidel breed is the record holder for the meat and egg direction. At the age of 7-8 weeks, these ducks can reach a weight of 3 kg; in a year, the female can lay up to 230-240 eggs weighing from 90 g.
  • Breed Star 53 - meat ducks. Another breed that is grown specifically to obtain liver for making foie gras. By the age of 50 days, they reach a weight of 3.5-3.7 kg.

Muscovy and Peking ducks are the most popular for poultry breeding as a business among other meat breeds. By the way, the cultivation of ducks for meat as a business prevails over the egg direction, giving farmers who decide to choose egg-laying ducks for breeding, slight advantage, due to the relative emptiness of this niche.

Business registration

Currently, domestic legislation provides for three forms of doing business for poultry breeding:

  1. OOO. Suitable for organizing a large farm with large volumes of products. More information on how to register an LLC can be found at the link.
  2. IP. Best suited for those entrepreneurs who are planning to open small business with hired workers and a relatively small volume of production. Read how to open an IP.
  3. LPH (personal subsidiary plot). Registration of private household plots is registration with local governments after the provision of documents confirming the ownership of land plot and expressing a desire to engage in farming. Only members of the same family can open private household plots. Sale of products can be carried out only in the form of the sale of surplus left after personal consumption, i.e. in very limited quantities. Of course, no one keeps records of sales, but it is undesirable and fraught with large fines to abuse violations of the law by passing off individual entrepreneurs as private household plots.

In order to sell their products, private household plots need to register with a veterinary clinic, get a veterinary certificate there, with which it will be possible to receive veterinary certificates of Form No. 2, which can be used to sell excess products.

For individual entrepreneurs, paperwork follows the same scheme, plus you will have to issue a certificate of conformity of products to GOSTs and a quality certificate. You will also need to register with the tax office. What taxes an individual entrepreneur pays can be found in this.

How to build a duck farm

Since duck breeding as a business involves its conduct in rural areas, the villagers should not have any special problems finding premises. Even if it becomes necessary to build a poultry house, special costs this step is not required. You can build a poultry house from used boards or boards of the second or third grade. You can insulate the nets with any cheap building materials- Styrofoam, mineral wool or something similar. The plank floor can be lined with grass or hay.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room must be calculated based on their content of three ducks per square meter. meter. The poultry house must also be divided into at least three zones:

  1. For keeping the young.
  2. For the maintenance of breeding individuals
  3. For keeping other birds.

You will also need to organize a paddock for walking with an area of ​​ten square meters. meters per duck. Keeping ducks exclusively in cages is undesirable - the bird swims in fat and, accordingly, its meat falls in price.

The poultry house must be equipped with lighting and a ventilation system for ventilation in winter period. A small artificial pond can be dug in the paddock if there is no natural body of water nearby.

Equipment and inventory

The equipment and inventory required on any poultry farm, no matter what scale, include:

  • feeders and drinkers, which you can either build yourself or purchase at any pet store or agricultural store;
  • incubator for breeding chicks;
  • lamps with red light for installation in the poultry house;
  • heater in the poultry house. The best cheap option would be to install a conventional potbelly stove with a water circuit around the perimeter.

To process carcasses you will need:

  • machine for plucking feathers and down;
  • meat freezers and egg coolers.

In total, the purchase of equipment for breeding ducks with a population of up to 60-70 individuals will cost from 80 to 100 thousand rubles.

How to choose and buy young animals

Having identified one or more breeds of ducks for breeding, future entrepreneur can buy ducklings in any nearby household plot or on a duck farm. The price of a daily weekly age of ducklings ranges from 90 to 110 rubles per piece. Two- or three-week-old chicks will cost a little more.

When buying, you must visually inspect the ducklings for diseases. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to conduct another survey when buying, and you will have to be guided only by the honest word of the seller. By the way, it is for this reason that it is better to buy ducklings already grown up, albeit a little more expensive. Optimal time to buy - autumn.

duck care

Ducks do not require any special grooming. The main thing is to ensure that there is always food in the feeders, water in the drinkers, and the room is cleaned on time. Ducks are fed compound feed, fresh juicy greens. The composition of the diet of birds may include:

  • any grain crops;
  • crushed river shells;
  • powdered milk;
  • various mineral supplements;
  • animal and vegetable fat;
  • salt.

If it is possible to collect lake or marsh duckweed for feeding ducks - small plants that cover the surface of the water, you need to do this - duckweed is a delicacy for ducks. Usually ducks are sent for slaughter at the age of 2-3 months. During this time, they eat from 10 to 12 kg of feed. Consequently, a herd of 100 ducks needs from 1 to 1.2 tons of feed for this time. At a cost of 1 kg of about 10 rubles, total costs for food will be from 10 to 12 thousand rubles.

How to find a distribution channel for products

Taste qualities duck meat and duck eggs create a great demand for it from catering establishments - cafes, restaurants, etc., who buy products from duck farms in bulk. The main channels for marketing duck farm products can be considered:

  • production facilities engaged in the manufacture of semi-finished products;
  • markets;
  • the shops;
  • or open your own branded outlet.

Down and feathers can be sold to factories producing down clothes, pillows, etc. Among other things, eggs and young ducklings for start-up entrepreneurs will also be used for sale, manure - as a fertilizer for a garden for summer residents.

Profitability of a business idea

Opening a small duck farm of one hundred heads will require the following expenses:

  • arrangement of a poultry house - 40-50 thousand rubles (building from scratch will require an amount of 300-350 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of equipment - 100-120 thousand rubles;
  • the purchase of ducklings - 9-11 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of feed - 10-12 thousand rubles;
  • for unforeseen expenses, an amount of 20-30 thousand rubles should be planned.

In total, organizing a business will require from 180 to 225 thousand rubles (subject to the availability of premises for a poultry house). The payback of the business, even with the most “modest” estimates, will be no more than one year. Based on the experience of successfully operating duck farms, you can plan a plus profit starting from 7-8 months of operation.