Growing Peking duck as a business. Income from breeding ducks. Growing food

Keeping ducks on personal plot- a very profitable business. In a year, more than 100 eggs and about 50 ducklings can be obtained from one individual alone. Of course, for meat at home - a procedure that requires compliance with certain rules. In particular, they must be followed by those who decide to breed this bird in order to obtain additional income. In the review, we will tell you what a novice businessman needs to know and how to start a business.

Which breed to choose: Muscovy ducks

Of course, you should start a business with a choice of bird species. One of the reasons for not being very popular duck meat on the market is its fat content. Therefore, in recent times farmers are increasingly paying attention to such a breed as musky. The meat of these ducks is lean and at the same time juicy.

Under the beak or above it, individuals of the musk breed have red leather growths. Their plumage is usually white or black and white. Because of this unusual appearance among the people, these birds were called Indo-ducks. The weight of an adult duck of this breed can reach 2.5 kg. Drakes grow bigger - up to 5 kg. This bird is perfect option in the event that you decide to do such a thing as raising ducks for meat at home. See a photo of an individual of the musk breed below.

Moscow whites

This rather new breed was obtained by crossing Peking ducks with khakikampbellami. One of its distinguishing features is its long head and wide beak. The mass of drakes of this breed can reach 4 kg, ducks - 3.5 kg. One of the undoubted advantages of the Moscow white is delicious tender meat.

Ukrainian breed

These birds are also quite common in household plots. Their color can be gray, clay or white. The last option is the most common. The mass of Ukrainian drakes is on average 3.5 kg, ducks - 2.5 kg. Up to 220 eggs can be obtained from one hen per year.

What should be a poultry house

Of course, raising ducks for meat at home is possible only if you have a fairly spacious shed. The poultry house can be frame, cobbled, stone, etc. The floor in the barn is best made of stone or brick. Small animals - ferrets, mice, rats, etc. - can harm ducks very easily. Before laying bricks, the ground in the poultry house must be carefully compacted.

A soft bedding is arranged over the hard floor. It can be made from hay, straw or sawdust. You can also fill the floor in the shed with dry sand. Be sure to arrange manholes in the duck-house just above the floor. They are necessary so that the bird can freely enter the barn and leave it.

Feeders, drinkers and nests should be installed in the duck house. Next to him arrange a fenced small paddock. Here you also need to put a couple of drinkers and a feeder. The first can be made from buckets (not galvanized) by digging them into the ground. Special troughs are usually installed as feeders. It is important to choose the right size. One head should have about 10 cm of the perimeter of the side. Drinkers should be deep enough for the birds to flush their nasal passages.

The dimensions of the barn are determined based on the fact that 2-3 ducks should account for about one square meter of space.


Farmers who have wondered how to grow ducks for meat at home should also be aware of what nests this bird should have. Ducks lay slightly fewer eggs than hens. However, it is, of course, necessary to provide special places for masonry in the barn. Duck nests are quite big sizes- 50x50x35. They are ordinary boxes with a straw-covered bottom.

Basic content rules

Of course, those who decide to start breeding this bird as a business need to be aware of how to care for it. First of all, it should be borne in mind that raising ducks for meat at home is a procedure that necessarily requires compliance with the regime. The productivity of the bird directly depends on this. Usually in household plots the following method is practiced:

  • In the morning, the bird is released into the pond. You can open the duck house no earlier than 10 hours. Bird eggs are usually laid in the morning.
  • After 5-6 hours, the ducks are driven into a paddock for feeding.
  • Then they are released back into the pond.
  • In the evening, before going to bed, the troughs are again filled with food.

At night, the bird is driven into the barn. Soon the ducks get used to this routine and themselves come from the reservoir to the poultry house at the time of feeding.


Growing ducks for meat as a business is quite profitable. During the season, if desired, you can grow 3-4 broods. The whole summer, ducks, like chickens, are not kept. They are usually slaughtered before the first juvenile molt - at 50-60 days of age. The carcasses of such ducks have a marketable appearance, since there are no hemp on them. There is another reason for such an early slaughter - purely economic. The fact is that up to two months of age, the amount of feed spent on one individual during the month is only about 2.5-5.5 kg, depending on the age of the bird. Older individuals begin to eat a lot, gaining fat. By 3-5 months. ducks should be given up to 20-25 kg of feed. Two-month-old ducklings weigh about two kilograms, six-month-old - 4 kg. Therefore, keep ducks for more than 2.5-3 months. impractical.

All summer the same brood can be kept only if the farm is located on the shore of a large reservoir, where the ducks can get enough food for themselves. However, in this case, many owners of such a business prefer to slaughter the bird earlier. At big ducks the meat is usually too fatty.

Growing ducks for meat at home: feeding

As already mentioned, food is usually given to this bird twice a day. In the morning, you can feed concentrated feed (crushed food). Mixes are given in the evening. The latter may consist of fresh grass, root vegetables, vegetables, etc. You can also use kitchen waste, whey, meat and bone or fish meal, mineral supplements, etc.

The share of cereals and mealy in the diet of ducks should be about 80%. The remaining 20% ​​are wet mixers and various additives.

How to get ducklings

The question of how to raise ducks for meat also comes down to how you can get your own young. These birds are not as good as hens. However, some individuals still sit on eggs. A way out of the situation can be found even if not a single duck does this. Very often, eggs are simply placed under chickens. Duck young are hatched just a few days later than chickens.

The chicken will. But young animals brought up by a club are usually not released into the reservoir. The sight of floating "chickens" greatly injures the psyche of the mother hen. In any case, it is impossible to launch babies into a pond if they are grown without a duck until their fluff comes off and real plumage appears. The fact is that very small chicks do not have subcutaneous fat. So they can just forgive.

Sometimes ducklings are also obtained in incubators. In this case, feeding them will be somewhat more difficult. But it's still worth trying. When laying eggs in an incubator, you need to be prepared for the fact that the chicks will hatch far from all of them. The output of young animals in any case (under a duck, chicken or in an incubator) is usually no more than 50%. The fact is that there are no antibacterial substances in the protein of duck eggs. As a result, many embryos die at the development stage.

Duckling care

Of course, the young of this bird, like any other, must be provided optimal conditions for growth and development. Immediately after hatching, ducklings are usually brought into a warm room and kept for several days at a temperature of at least 20-25 degrees. However, it would be better to put them in boxes or cages (20-25 pieces per 1m2), with heating up to at least +30 gr. This air temperature can be achieved using conventional incandescent bulbs. They are installed in the lattice of the cage. After three weeks, the ducklings are seated in different pens so that there are no more than 12 of them per square meter. By this time, the temperature is reduced to 16-18 gr. (gradually). Lighting for newborns is arranged around the clock. By the age of three weeks, its duration should be about 16 hours.

How to raise ducks for meat. What to feed the chicks

The diet of newly hatched ducklings usually includes boiled eggs and very finely crushed oatmeal. From the second - third day of life, cottage cheese is included in the diet, and from 5-6 - finely chopped greens and aquatic vegetation (in a ratio of approximately 0.5x1). From the age of ten days, potatoes and finely chopped root crops can already be added to ducklings in the mash.

At first, babies are given food 6-8 times a day. Starting from the 10th day and up to the age of one month, the number of feedings is reduced to 5-6, then - up to 2-4 times a day.

Private owners grow ducks for meat in the country only in the summer practiced most often. Farmers who breed this bird for the sale of carcasses usually keep it in the winter. At this time of the year, certain rules must be followed for successful cultivation.

They feed the bird in winter not two, but at least three times a day. In the morning and afternoon they give mash, in the evening - cereals. Ducks tolerate cold quite well. However, it is impossible to allow the air temperature in the house to drop below 5 degrees. Ducks should also be protected from drafts. If the bedding in the barn is damp, their egg production will decrease. Therefore, dry hay or sawdust should be periodically sprinkled on the floor in the house. In this case, putrefactive processes with the release of heat will begin to occur in the lower layers.

In the duck bathing pond winter period time can make a hole. The complexity of its equipment lies primarily in the fact that in order to prevent the bird from falling under the ice, its edges will have to be fenced with a net. But you can keep ducks in the cold season and without bathing.

In order for the ducks to rush better, additional lighting should be arranged in the house. The lights are on in the mornings and evenings. Duck egg production will not be reduced in winter only if there is lighting for at least 14 hours a day.

What should be the pond

Sometimes this bird is also kept on land (in cages or aviaries). It is this method that is practiced if ducks are grown for meat in industrial conditions. But for small farms, free range is still considered preferable. The reservoir intended for this bird should have a rather vast area and a small depth. Ducks dive very well and can get food from the bottom up to 1 m. It is not recommended to arrange very deep reservoirs on the site. In this case, duck droppings, sinking to the bottom - where the layers of water do not mix - begin to rot with the release of methane. As a result, the lake "blooms". In flowing ponds, the stocking density of ducks can be significantly reduced.

  • The daily routine for ducks must be observed without fail. Otherwise, the bird will reduce productivity.
  • Do not transfer ducks to another room when the laying period begins. Otherwise, the bird may begin to molt. At the same time, duck eggs will stop laying.
  • The bird is very shy. Therefore, it must be handled with care.

As you can see, raising ducks for meat at home is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to arrange a comfortable shed for the bird, develop a diet correctly and follow the regimen. In this case, you can get tens of kilograms of delicious, environmentally friendly and expensive duck meat per season.

Breeding ducks as a business is a promising direction for creating your own business for a novice entrepreneur. This activity does not require big investments. The right approach to starting a business will help to avoid initial miscalculations.

In the article, we will consider many questions that help a businessman at the initial stage to properly organize his own business. Experts will give advice on organizing a poultry house and its equipment, how to choose a breed, what to feed. Every year, only one bird can bring about 100 eggs and give birth to up to 50 ducklings, ─ this is about the prospect of a business.

The duck business has its own subtleties, which include regular maintenance of the number of individuals on the created farm. Breeding ducks as a business is profitable or not, when the farm is designed for only 270-300 individuals?

You have two ways to maintain livestock:

    purchase of young animals on the side;

    organization of their own breeding.

If there is no territorial possibility for organizing the conditions for breeding breeding ducks, ducklings must be purchased annually for 60-70 pieces. It is more profitable for a farmer to grow them himself.

The prospect of developing a farm depends on which duck breed you have chosen. For meat breeds rapid weight gain is characteristic, bought young animals already after 60 days, subject to proper feeding, each duck gains 2.5 - 3 kilograms of weight, and even in the long run to carry up to 40 eggs. Experts recommend keeping several breeding ducks to replenish the herd with this breed, they will be enough to reproduce the herd.

Egg-laying ducks do not gain weight as quickly, but they bring more eggs. Common duck breeds can lay eggs and have good quality meat. Be sure to choose high-quality representatives of the selected breed for breeding.

It is recommended by experts to start a business to purchase a Peking duck, as it has good egg production, up to 170 eggs per year, you can maintain livestock in the herd with 2 males (drakes) and 10 ducks for them, this will be 2 duck families.

Beginningduck breeding as a business, you need to define goals for yourself, these are:

    Arrangement of a farm for growing and selling duck meat.

    Realize additional income from the processing of down and feathers.

    Organization waste-free production, which brings a stable profit.

Each poultry house understands that the organization of a zero-waste farm is the sale of: meat, down, feathers. Duck meat is healthy, has a set of trace elements necessary for a person, and down and feathers are natural fillers. Feeding birds does not apply to special kind feeding, they can be said to be omnivores, they take plant and animal feed well. There are disadvantages in business:

    in natural environment ducks breed and grow faster;

    when they are contained in cells, fat is quickly deposited in them, the quality of meat deteriorates;

    a large herd can quickly spoil the nearest pond, losing its aesthetic appearance;

    the reservoir can be covered with duck down, along the perimeter there will be duck prints, droppings.

For these reasons, the farmer must monitor the nearest reservoir, clean it.

How to choose a breed for breeding

Breeding ducks at home, to organize your own business, begins with the choice of breed:

duck breed


Peking duck

It belongs to the meat breed, quickly gaining weight, the drake has 4 kilograms of weight, the duck is smaller, the breed does not require special care. Ducklings after 60 days can gain up to 3 kilograms of weight. A duck carries up to 140 eggs per year weighing about 85 grams.

The color is white, short legs, a small beak, the length of the neck is medium.

Indian runners

It belongs to the egg-laying breed, the weight is only up to 2 kilograms, up to 200 eggs are produced per year. Excellent for crossing with meat breeds.

The gait is vertical, the neck and legs are long, the body is also long. The color is different: piebald, black, white, red, and others.


Among people, this breed is called Indo-duck, it is the most beautiful. They carry up to 120 eggs per year, ducks weigh about 3 kilograms, and males reach 6 kilograms of weight. Good ability to organize the family, they raise ducklings well. This breed is silent, does not grow quickly, can fly, wings need to be trimmed.

Color is black and white, brown, black. Paws of dark color, long body.

Black white-breasted

Outwardly, they resemble musky ducks, but less in weight, they belong to egg-meat breeds.

The weight adult reaches 4 kilograms, egg production up to 130 pieces per year.

It is necessary to choose a breed according to the purpose of their breeding. Distinctive features group variety of ducks:

    the meat breed has the ability to gain up to 3 kilograms of weight in 60 days;

    egg breeds, the weight is less than meat, but they carry more eggs, up to 200 pieces per year;

    meat-egg breed, gaining up to 2 kilograms of weight in 60 days, carrying up to 130 eggs per year.

    Prepare the necessary documentation for opening a farm.

    Make the right poultry house or choose the right room.

    Buy the equipment required in the work.

    Hire hired workers.

    Buy the selected breed of ducks.

    Carry out feeding and care according to the technological process.

    Think about the sale of products.

Starting a business, you need to count everything from building poultry houses to transport costs. Consider why to build a room for young animals?

Breeding ducks, a business plan that was developed in the early stages of the business, recommends keeping young animals in separate room. They don't need to build large rooms, it is enough to observe the height parameters: 180 centimeters is the front wall, and the back is 100 centimeters. The area of ​​​​the poultry house is calculated from the livestock, so about 1 square meter is needed for 3 ducks. If we have 300 young animals, then the room should be 100 square meters.

Experts recommend growing ducks in 5 periods, each lasting 60 days, and distributing them in such a way that the initial stage (period) falls on December-January, and the last one in autumn. This can achieve savings in electricity for heating the house of young ducklings. The room for young animals should be well ventilated, therefore it is additionally equipped exhaust ventilation and the supply of warm air into the room.

When it gets warmer outside, young ducks will spend most of the day in a paddock (walking aviary). It is necessary to think over the litter in the room, based on one individual up to 6 kilograms per winter time, in the summer it practically does not change.

The presence of a paddock for young animals is an important issue, its area is simply calculated, a square meter is needed for 2 individuals, then the territory is fenced, it is undesirable to equip a pond (ducks will trample, and there will be a dirty puddle), it should be located separately.

How to make a room for breeding ducks

Muscovy duck breeding, as a business of 300 individuals on a farm, involves the production of meat breeds, and hence the replenishment of the herd with young animals. Of course, there is nothing easier if you buy them, to regularly maintain such a population, you will need about 60 ducklings to periodically take, which will lead to additional costs, which at the beginning of the business will become tangible.

The calculation is simple, this is growth until the duckling is sold, it grows up, and the required amount will be spent, so it is advisable and profitable to keep breeding ducks on the farm. The Musk breed is distinguished by its ability to raise offspring, and one duck carries up to 120 eggs per year. Among other things, ─ meat breed.

A distinctive feature of the poultry house for breeding ducks will be the presence of light in it, the longer the light period, the higher the productivity. By overall dimensions the poultry house is the same as for young animals, except for the area. It is recommended to organize 2 families for breeding ducks, these are 2 males (drakes) and 3 ducks for each, you will need 6 square meters. They can bring up to 250 ducklings to the farm in a year.

What equipment is needed

Business plan for breeding ducks, should take into account the acquisition necessary equipment. It can be partly made and partly bought. It is necessary to carry out the selection of inventory and equipment competently, avoiding unnecessary expenses. Feeders can be made from a board with a thickness of at least 20 millimeters; an upper bar is required, which will prevent the duck from climbing into the feeder and trampling on the food. The plank carries still additional function, this is the handle for which the feeder is transferred, the feeder itself should have 2 compartments, for shells and limestone.

It is necessary to think over a drinking bowl for birds, the water must be clean. Recommended for self-manufacturing to make it wooden or metal and in volume based on the livestock, one duck drinks 600 milliliters of water per day. The height of the drinker is 200 millimeters.

For nests, experts advise using plywood in the darkened corners of the house, based on the dimensions per nest 400 millimeters by 500 millimeters, height 500 millimeters. It is necessary to think over their location so that you can easily collect eggs. Recommended! Equip each nest with a threshold, this will prevent the eggs from rolling, and it will be better to lay the litter. Nests are arranged on the basis of: one nest for 3 ducks.

Equipment that can be purchased additionally:

    home incubator;

    special machine for plucking;


How to register a business

Breeding ducks at home, how a business must be registered, the form by which it is necessary to register depends on the indicators:

    Livestock of ducks on the farm.

    What is the area of ​​the farm.

    What volume finished products planned to be implemented.

If you are planning own business production of duck meat in large volumes, you can register as an individual entrepreneur. When registered as an enterprise of agricultural importance, these are additional tax benefits that are established at the regional level.

When your business plan is designed for breeding ducks in an average number, it is better to register it as a subsidiary farm (LPS), this will save money at the paperwork stage. To do this, you only need a certificate of ownership land plot. The advantage of this registration is the absence of a tax collection, but the disadvantage is the prohibition of the sale of volumes of finished products, only the sale of surplus from personal use is allowed. You can find out how to register an IP in the material on.

How to combine geese and ducks

A business plan for breeding geese and ducks implies a properly organized farming. It is necessary to exclude the free movement of air (drafts) in the equipment of the premises, to provide for spending on ventilation and heating. It is important, when starting this business, to immediately understand where the feed will be bought, their cost and what types of feed can be harvested on their own.

Geese, like ducks, can forage on their own from spring to autumn. Proper feeding is the presence in the diet of compound feed with elements:

    from different types grain crops, peas, shells, milk powder, salt, industrial fat, premix;

    green additive;

    mineral constituents.

It should be noted that the goose gains weight 10 kilograms more slowly than the commercial weight of the duck. For this reason, pooled farming provides a steady income, but such a farm requires care and staff. A family business can solve the issue of personnel, if this option is not possible, then third-party workers must be hired.

The staff is responsible for the following:

    bird care, observation;

    livestock feeding;

    cleaning of poultry houses;

    transportation of products to the place of sale.

What documents are needed to sell products

Breeding ducks for meat must be confirmed necessary documents that allow the sale of meat products. It is recommended to slaughter ducks in the presence of a veterinarian who examines the livestock before slaughter and issues a certificate of health. After the slaughter, a second certificate is issued, which reflects that the event was held in compliance with the rules.

When you sell meat products, it is advisable to put the stamp of the district veterinarian on carcasses, and he also takes a certificate for transporting meat. If the product is placed on the market, the final approval is issued by the market veterinary laboratory. Rarely, but it happens that a doctor in the market, due to doubts, may ask for an additional examination of meat products. It should be noted that the procedure for obtaining the necessary certificates differs regionally.

What are the ways to sell products

Breeding ducks in an incubator speaks of the serious intentions of the entrepreneur in the sale of meat products. It should be noted that this is a popular product. There are several ways to sell, which must be pre-negotiated:

    the presence of cafes and restaurants in your region, you need to conclude a supply agreement, usually payment occurs upon delivery of the required volume of poultry;

    organization of its own point of sale on the market, profit is higher, but regular checks by the market laboratory of products;

    sell products to another seller, wholesale.

There are other types of selling their products on the farm, these include organizing a roadside cafe with a meat menu, barbecue and other dishes. You can rent down or open your own enterprise, a sewing workshop for blankets and pillows, where duck down will be the filler.

Duck farm profitability

Breeding ducks as a business, the profitability of which depends on the organization of the enterprise and the preliminary calculations. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question, how much money will be needed for this type of activity? Each region has its own prices for feed and building materials.

    how much money will be needed to breed ducks;

    what way to sell products, and at what cost;

    how many young animals are in demand in the region if they are bred in an incubator for sale.

Consider the approximate profitability of a farm where ducks are bred for sale for meat, the livestock of this farm is 1500 individuals. We take into account winter and summer feeding, we take the average value that one individual will need 10 kilograms of feed for 60 days, a total of 15 tons per herd for 1 calculation cycle.

Planned capital expenditures about 2 million rubles, which include:

    construction of a warm room with an area of ​​700 square meters - 1 million 100 thousand rubles;

    equipment ventilation system and heating devices, — 0.1 million rubles;

    systems: hatching birds, cages, bedding, lighting, incubation - 0.25 million rubles;

    automatic feeding systems, drinkers - 0.15 million rubles;

    slaughterhouse ( cold rooms, special equipment) — 0.35 million rubles.

Capital circulating 0.4 million rubles:

    purchase of ducklings - 0.15 million rubles;

    creation of a forage base - 0.2 million rubles;

    unplanned expenses - 0.05 million rubles;

    about 5 third-party, hired workers.

Performance calculation:

    From the sale of meat products (250 rubles per kilogram) - 3 million 750 thousand rubles per calendar year.

    Additionally, the sale of by-products is 135 thousand per calendar year.

The main parameters are:

    investment in business up to 2.3 million rubles;

    the area for the farm is 700 square meters;

    employment of employees, up to 5 people;

    monthly planned profit, up to 90 thousand rubles;

    payback period of the project is 2 years;

    monthly planned revenue from production at the end of the first year of operation, from 330 thousand rubles.

When production is properly organized, the profitability of the farm will be up to 70%, experts say that if you build a farm from “0” (zero), only using new materials, you can achieve its payback in 12 months. The main thing is to make the right choice on the breed and do it at a lower cost (without outside help, family contract).

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Duck breeding business. Duck farm. If you have a house in the village with a grazing area and a pond, then this perfect place for duck business. Basic food for ducks green grass, and for the season from May to October, the duck gains a live weight of about 2.5 kilograms. average price 1 kg of duck is about 200 - 250 rubles, dressed carcass will pull 400 - 500 rubles.


From this article you will learn how to organize a small duck farm and make money selling duck meat, hatching eggs and day old young.

Breeding ducks business. Duck farm.

Ducks are not demanding on the conditions of detention, it is enough ordinary premises with good bedding, fenced range and small pond. As for the pond, you can do without a pond, it is enough to install bathing containers on the paddock, but if there is a pond, ducks also receive additional food from small algae and plankton.

The main food for ducks is green grass, but grass alone is not enough for the normal growth of ducks, they need to be fed every day with compound feed and wheat grain. Compound feed is best given to ducks in the form of wet mash with the addition of grated beets, boiled potatoes and other additives.

In the summer, ducks spend the whole day in the aviary, they are driven into the room only at night.

Duck farm. Beijing ducks.

By autumn, the ducks are gaining marketable weight of more than 2 kg, the livestock is allowed to be slaughtered in batches for sale. Several individuals are selected and left for the tribe at the rate of 1 male for 3 - 4 females. It should be remembered that in order to get good, healthy offspring, you need to renew males every year, you can change males or buy from farmers or households.

During the winter period at low temperatures ducks are kept indoors, so you need to regularly update the bedding on the floor, add heated water to the drinkers, and give warm mixers. When the temperature is above zero outside, during the day the ducks are released into the aviary for walking.

In the spring, females begin laying eggs, you need to install nests (boxes with hay) in advance in the room, each female must have its own nest, otherwise the females will start to fight among themselves. Nests should be installed in secluded places fenced off with boards or pieces of plywood.

Ducks are good hens and often hatch their own offspring, but you can use a regular incubator. The incubation period lasts up to 36 days, depending on the type of duck.

Daily young animals require special conditions of detention, as the chicks appear from the eggs, they are taken from the mother hen and kept in warm room in cardboard boxes with heating pads, lights and a drinker. Chicks should be fed with starter feed, millet, crushed boiled egg, finely chopped onion (feather).

When the entire brood dries up and begins to actively eat food, it can be allowed near their mother hen. Young growth can also be kept separately from the mother hen.

With a large livestock on farms, eggs are incubated in incubators.

Duck breeding business: choice of breed.

Ducks are divided into several groups according to productivity - meat, meat and egg and egg breeds. It is most profitable to engage in breeding meat breeds.

Meat breeds include Peking ducks, black white-breasted, Ukrainian gray, Moscow white, Rouen ducks.

Among the meat breeds, the Beijing breed has won the greatest popularity due to its high precocity and fertility, by two months Peking ducks gain weight 2 kg, adult females reach a weight of 3-3.5 kg, males up to 4 kg. Egg laying of females is 80 - 120 eggs per year.

Beijing ducks.

Muscovy ducks are also no less popular in households, which, although they are inferior to Peking ducks in terms of precocity, but the meat of musky ducks has a lower fat content compared to the meat of Peking ducks, tender meat has high taste qualities and, of course, dietary.

Muscovy ducks.

The mass of adult males reaches 5 kg, females up to 2 - 3 kg. Egg laying of females is 70 - 120 eggs per year. The incubation period lasts 36 days. Muscovy ducks are also called mute ducks, instead of the usual duck quacking, musky ducks make hissing sounds. Muscovy ducks are unpretentious, hardy and rarely get sick.

Duck business.

With small volumes of growing ducks, register entrepreneurial activity not necessarily, it will be a personal subsidiary farm, with such activities you don’t need to pay any taxes, you just need to get a certificate from the village council that you have land and a subsidiary farm. This is necessary for the sale of duck meat on the market.

But if you plan to sell your products through large retail chains, then there you will need to register as a KFK or IP. With large volumes of products, it is better to additionally consult with the tax office to find out what form of taxation your activity falls under.

But with small volumes, it is unnecessary to register anything and you do not need to pay any taxes, and you can sell your products on the markets.

To sell duck carcasses on the market, you will need the following documents:

  • Certificate from the village council stating that you have a personal subsidiary plot.
  • Certificate from a veterinarian for livestock.
  • Sanitary book of the seller.

A complete list of the necessary information must be found in the SES, which is located on the market, each market has its own rules and requirements.

But besides meat, you can make good money selling hatching eggs and day old ducklings. During the spring period, the demand for day-old young animals in the markets is very high and the price of ducklings is always high.

Russian Agriculture remains one of the most profitable niches for starting a business. Farmers today have a steady income from breeding animals and birds, both at home and on a large scale. In today's article, we will look at one of the available species business for breeding poultry - ducks. Breeding ducks as a business is considered a promising direction for many aspiring entrepreneurs from the outback. You can start a similar business with minimal cost even in your own area. The leading breeds for breeding are Peking and Muscovy ducks (“Indo-ducks”).

Any business, even a small one, requires the registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Since it is planned to breed ducks at home, it will be enough to register as individual entrepreneur. The procedure will take a little time and money, you will need to pay a state fee of 800 rubles and certification of documents by a notary - 1500 rubles.

Next, you need to prepare the room and the area where the ducks will be bred. This room must be checked by the sanitary and epidemiological station, veterinarians and fire service to obtain a further certificate of product quality. The certification procedure takes place within two weeks, the cost is no more than 10 thousand rubles.

After obtaining permits, you can get down to business, or rather, the equipment of a poultry house for young ducks.

Poultry house arrangement

Ducks, unlike chickens, lead a terrestrial lifestyle, so they do not need a lot of space. Usually the poultry house is made no more than 1.8 meters along one wall and 1 meter along the other wall, the main goal of such an unusual house is to save on building materials, as well as reducing the cost of heating the poultry house. After all, duck breeding covers 5 cycles of 2 months, that is, the first and last cycles fall on the winter months. At this time, the entrepreneur will have to heat the poultry house around the clock, a small poultry house will be faster and easier to heat.

Ducks lead a terrestrial lifestyle, so the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe poultry house for 50 heads will be no more than 25 square meters

It is also necessary to take care of good ventilation and bedding in the house. Ventilation will be needed in the cold season to supply warm air. For bedding, you need to make the following calculation: 1 duck (from birth to slaughter) = 6 kilograms of bedding. In the summer season, there is almost no need for bedding, since additional heat is not required.

The area of ​​​​the poultry house is calculated on the basis that three ducks occupy 1 square meter of the room. That is, for a small home production you need 20-30 square meters of area. Next to the poultry house, it is necessary to equip a walking area, isolated by a fence, with an area of ​​​​at least 30 square meters. As well as a canopy with an area of ​​​​8-10 squares.

Signature: next to the poultry house, it is necessary to organize a corral with an area of ​​​​at least 30 meters

Opening water bowls and mini-ponds will not help the development of the birds, but rather increase the stress of the ducks. After all, the bathing place will quickly turn into a swamp, a similar situation with open drinkers. It is best to equip drinkers with a drip water supply system.

It is best to equip drinkers with a drip water supply system

Buying and feeding birds

For breeding, it is best to purchase musky or Peking ducks. Pekin duck is 7 weeks old and Muscovy duck is 11 weeks old. However, at the same time, Beijing duck meat has 40 percent fat content, musk duck meat is a little leaner - 22 percent fat content.

First you need to buy young animals, a daily Beijing duck costs 100 rubles, and Muscovy duck- 170 rubles per head. In order to grow a duck, you will need the same amount of funds for each individual.

Peking duck egg production is 160 eggs per year, but for this it is necessary to maintain a constant light regime. In order to start breeding poultry, you need to purchase 2 couples - 8-10 adults. One family pair consists of one drake and four females.

In order to start breeding, you need to buy at least 2 couples, consisting of 2 drakes and 8 ducks.

As for the feed of ducks, the basis of the diet are cereal crops. After all, grain is the most important source of carbohydrates for ducks; grain is perfectly absorbed by poultry organisms. Also high nutritional value brings wheat, barley, oats and corn. In winter, you need to feed the ducks three times a day, and in the summer, give them more to drink. Ducks should consume at least one liter of water per day.

Ducks prefer grains and cereals, they are a source of carbohydrates, and are well absorbed by bird organisms.

Necessary equipment

In order for the farm to be profitable, you will have to invest in equipment that will help in raising and slaughtering poultry. For this you will need: an incubator, a feather plucking machine and a freezer.

A standard incubator holds about 60 duck eggs, its price varies from 4.5 to 6 thousand rubles.

For a small farm, it is enough to buy a standard incubator for 60 duck eggs

A plucking machine will cost 6 thousand rubles, but it will significantly speed up the plucking process.

To speed up the process of plucking birds, you need to purchase a special machine

It is possible to store both eggs and carcasses only in a freezer, which costs from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Sales of products

The main sales products are duck meat and young animals. A kilogram of duck meat costs about two hundred rubles, two-month-old ducks reach an average weight of 2 kilograms. That is, one carcass will cost about four hundred rubles. The breeding cycle is from 7 to 11 weeks.

The most acceptable places to sell duck meat are restaurants and markets. Restaurants and cafes are willing to buy duck meat, as duck dishes are in great demand. The price in the market will be much lower than the purchase price in the restaurant, in addition, for the sale, you will need to obtain a number of trade permits. First of all, it is necessary to carry out a clinical examination of carcasses by a veterinarian, who will give a certificate of pre-slaughter inspection, and after slaughter, a certificate of compliance with the rules and health of the bird will be required.

After that, it is necessary to obtain from the veterinary station a document authorizing the transportation of goods to the market, as well as the conclusion of a veterinary and sanitary examination of a batch of meat.

Expenses and income

For a small farm of 250 birds, an initial capital of 25-30 thousand rubles will be needed annually. The calculation is made as follows: a two-month-old duck consumes 10 kilograms of feed in its life, costing 8 rubles per kilogram. We also add the cost of electricity and transportation costs - 20 rubles for each duck. Total 100 rubles per duck.

We also add to the expenses the arrangement of a poultry house for about 5 thousand rubles, the purchase of 2 families of ducks - 4,000 rubles, the purchase of equipment - from 40 to 60 thousand rubles. Total initial costs amount to 75-100 thousand rubles. We exclude rental payments and personnel costs due to small volumes and home breeding.

Now about income. The average price of 1 kilogram of duck meat is 200 rubles, the carcass weighs about 2-2.5 kilograms, which means the cost of a head is 400-500 rubles. If we multiply 250 ducks by 400 rubles, then we get an income of 100 thousand rubles. Therefore, a mini-farm for growing ducks will pay off in the first year of operation.

As we can see, duck breeding is a promising and profitable occupation for a novice entrepreneur, but his annual income is too small to be engaged in this type of business only. Therefore, it can act as additional income or become a starting point, after which you can open several more similar farms with the same income.
