Why do we need sawdust in the production of expanded clay concrete blocks. The device of a mini-factory for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks. Manufacturers, characteristics and cost of industrial equipment

Expanded clay concrete is a granular material that is made by mixing cement, sand and expanded clay in a certain proportion of 1:2:3.

Perfect for making fireplaces or chimneys, as well as for the construction of residential premises.

Technical characteristics of expanded clay concrete

Expanded clay concrete is a light and environmentally friendly material.

Its use in the construction of walls or floors of a dwelling significantly reduce the cost of construction as a whole. Almost any building material can be combined with expanded clay concrete blocks.

Speaking about the properties of the material, it is worth mentioning its technical characteristics:

  • block strength 25-150 kg/cm²;
  • thermal conductivity of the material 0.15-0.45 W/mºC (depending on density);
  • shrinkage is absent;
  • water absorption - 50%;
  • frost resistance - up to 200 cycles of freezing and thawing;
  • fire resistant.

1.1 Manufacturing technology

The production of expanded clay concrete blocks affects the structure of the material. They can be monolithic or slotted (hollow).

The composition of expanded clay concrete: cement, sand, expanded clay in a certain proportion - 1:2:3. Production consists of 5 main stages:

  • connection of all components;
  • pouring the solution into the mold;
  • solidification and hardening of blocks;
  • drying (at least 2 days);
  • warehousing.

The density of the material will depend on the proportion in which the components are mixed. The composition of expanded clay concrete may be non-standard, selection: for 1 part of cement, you need to take 2 parts of dry sand, add 1 part of water and from 1 to 6 parts of expanded clay.

It is possible that the resulting mixture will be too dry. To do this, replace the water with a special mixture, for example, Peskobeton.

A vibropress is used to harden the material and this will take at least one day.

The production of expanded clay concrete blocks is also possible at home. The difference lies not only in the manufacturing process itself, but also in the composition of the materials. The proportions of claydite concrete made by hand are as follows:

  • expanded clay gravel - 8 parts;
  • pure sand (without impurities) fine - 2 parts;
  • water according to the calculation - 225 l per 1 m³ of the produced mixture.

It is also worth considering that a little more sand will be required, since 3 parts will need to be used when forming the textured layer of blocks.

For those who make material with their own hands, it is worth considering one important point - washing powder is used in the production process with their own hands! Even 1 teaspoon of powder gives a certain plasticity to the finished material (it is dissolved in water).

When making claydite concrete with your own hands, it is worth considering that the solution (cement milk) should resemble plasticine before solidification. This can be done if you follow the rules for the manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks. Dry components must be combined with each other, and only after that add water with washing powder.

The production of expanded clay concrete by yourself (with your own hands) can be mastered quite quickly. It is important not to deviate from the technology, as well as to correctly make the proportions of high-quality expanded clay concrete per 1 m².

Making a good plastic mixture (cement milk) is half the battle. Forming the mixture is the next step in the production of blocks with your own hands. The technology is here too.

Forming is carried out using L-shaped halves of the board, the thickness of which should not exceed 20 mm.

Forming technology affects the size of expanded clay concrete blocks. On average, the weight of the finished block is 16 kg, the dimensions are 390 × 190 × 140 and 190 × 190 × 140 mm.

The selection of the quality of the components is as important as the selection of materials when forming the block. Steel strips acting as a latch, machine oil for lubricating the walls of the formwork, boards for the floor pallet - it would seem a trifle, but they affect the quality of the material produced.

The mixtures must be non-fractional (without fine debris or without sand and silt). It is important to consider technological "secrets". You can make a formwork rammer using a wooden block. When ramming, it is important to observe the appearance of cement "milk", and then level the floor mixture with a trowel.

The curing process is very important. It is the longest, because it can reach 28 days. Please note that expanded clay concrete mixtures must not only be motionless, but they must not dry out at high temperatures.

In this case, the liquid (cement milk) from the mixture will quickly evaporate. As a result, the solution (milk) will crack and will not be durable.

1.2 Production of expanded clay concrete blocks on the machine (video)

2 Scope of expanded clay concrete

The selection of expanded clay concrete blocks is important depending on the area in which they will be used.

corpulent or monolithic blocks are used to form the foundation, during the construction of load-bearing walls, floors.

Hollow blocks are most often used for the construction of non-residential premises or low-rise buildings. The thermal insulation properties of such a material make it very popular.

2.1 Advantages of expanded clay concrete

The main advantages of expanded clay concrete: simplicity and ease of transportation of components for production and finished blocks with your own hands. The material is resistant to temperature changes and retains its properties for many years.

In addition, expanded clay concrete is not subject to corrosion, exposure to harmful substances, adverse weather conditions.

For cold regions, expanded clay concrete is a real salvation. If we compare its consumption with the consumption of cement during the construction of a house, then the consumption indicators will be 2 times less. Properties such as heat retention can significantly save on heaters.

Expanded clay concrete is a material with excellent insulation. In industrial production a special technology for plugging holes is used, due to which such an effect can be achieved. During laying, excessive moisture does not get inside the blocks or on the surface, which prevents the appearance of mold and fungus in the building made of expanded clay concrete.

Despite the fact that the main scope of expanded clay concrete is the construction of walls, there are several other areas of application for this material. For example, making fireplaces, laying the floor.

As noted earlier, such material perfectly conducts and retains heat. What else do you need for a fireplace? Dense expanded clay concrete will not be hot outside, which makes the fireplace safe during its operation. And inside, accordingly, it will heat up quickly enough, and the accumulated heat will be retained for a long time.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are a lightweight building material that is used for laying walls. The products presented on the market, as a rule, are manufactured by one or another plant of expanded clay concrete products (in particular, Aleksinsky). You can also purchase Eurocam products and blocks produced at the expanded clay gravel plant (Vinzili). Despite the fact that expanded clay concrete has a relatively small weight, it has sufficient strength. In addition, the expanded clay concrete surface does not harm the environment, and such a block can be made at home. The production technology of products can significantly reduce financial costs. The quality will be high if good materials are used in their production.

Manufacturing technology

During the construction of low-rise buildings, specialists often erect walls from expanded clay concrete blocks. The use of these building materials promises greater benefits than the purchase of bricks, since the blocks have several advantages. First of all, the laying of expanded clay blocks will require less time and less cement mixture. In addition, the thermal conductivity of the blocks is considered low, due to which the products have high thermal insulation. At the same time, the production of expanded clay concrete blocks is a simple process. The technology for creating expanded clay concrete mix by Eurocam is similar to the methods for manufacturing similar building materials. If there is such a need, then you can make a solution with your own hands or purchase materials made at the factories of Aleksin or expanded clay gravel (Vinzili). The plant of expanded clay products produces high-quality products. To do this, you only need to observe the technology and the proportions of the components. Before starting work, it is important to know in advance about the advantages and disadvantages of expanded clay concrete. The process is divided into several stages:


It is impossible to fill holes inside expanded clay blocks with a mixture - the blocks will lose their insulating characteristics.

Since the first line of masonry is the foundation of the building, the blocks must be distributed especially carefully and accurately. After laying every two or three expanded clay blocks, you need to check how even the masonry is. To do this, you need a building level. Then you should cover the cracks with cement mortar. Each subsequent layer is laid in the same way. It is also important to remember that the seams should not stand out too much. However, it is necessary that they securely hold the remaining blocks. So, the width of the seams can be about one and a half centimeters.

Experts note that it is impossible to fill the holes inside the expanded clay blocks with a mixture. Firstly, you will use a large amount of cement for this, and secondly, the blocks will lose their insulating characteristics. In addition, it is worth taking into account how you will finish the wall. For example, if you plan to clad claydite blocks with bricks, you can not deal with additional wall decoration. And if you do not intend to veneer the surfaces, then do the "joint".

It is a lightweight building material used for building walls. Despite the relatively small mass, the blocks are considered durable. The surface of the material does not harm the environment, and the production of expanded clay concrete blocks can be organized at home. The technological process can significantly reduce financial costs. The quality of the material will be excellent if good raw materials are used for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks.

Manufacturing affects the structure of block elements, which can be monolithic or have voids.

The production of expanded clay blocks consists of five stages:

  • all components are connected;
  • the prepared solution is poured into molds;
  • there is a process of solidification and hardening;
  • blocks are dried for two or more days;
  • finished material is stored.

The density depends on the ratio in which the raw materials are mixed.

It happens that the resulting mass is dryish. In this case, it is recommended to replace the water with a special mixture, for example, “sand concrete”.

To give the material hardness, a vibropress is used.

Those who decide to start manufacturing expanded clay blocks on their own are advised to take into account an important point - washing powder is used in the production process. It is enough to dissolve one spoon of this agent in water so that the finished material receives a certain level of plasticity.

Also note that the solution should become similar to plasticine before it hardens. To achieve this, it is necessary to mix the dry components, to which water containing the powder is then added.

In the independent production of building material, one should adhere to the technology for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks, strictly observe the proportions of the feedstock. Preparing a plastic mixture is only part of the success. Forming is also important.

It is performed using L-shaped halves of a board up to 2 cm thick. The process affects the dimensions of the blocks - 39 x 19 x 14 cm and 19 x 19 x 14 cm. The weight of one block reaches sixteen kilograms.

In the manufacture of a solution for expanded clay concrete blocks, high-quality components are used. Even strips of steel that act as latches, engine oil that lubricates the formwork, boards on a pallet - everything affects the final quality of the material. The mixture must not contain debris, sand, silt, etc.

The hardening process is of great importance. It is the longest in time, while it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the blocks and normal temperature conditions so that the material does not dry out.

The composition of the blocks, their main properties

The main component for filling is expanded clay. It differs by factions, directly affecting the final result. In addition, cement mass, sifted sand, water, additives that improve the quality of the mortar and future block material are used as raw materials. For filling, pumice or slag gravel, crushed stone and algoporite can also be used.

Expanded clay will give the blocks lightness, reduce the degree of thermal conductivity, the cement composition will add strength.

To understand whether expanded clay concrete blocks from the manufacturer are suitable for the construction of your facility, you need to study the characteristics of the material, which include:


High-quality raw materials are considered a guarantee of obtaining a good product.

Expanded clay represents granules which receive in the course of firing of clay of easy melting. Particles at breaks are similar to a frozen foam mass. Due to the density of the baked shell, expanded clay receives a good margin of safety. Granules in diameter range from 4 to 8 mm, differ in irregular shapes and rounded edges. If a finer fraction is used for manufacturing, then expanded clay sand is measured two times less than granular material.

Cement must be perfectly clean and fresh. It is better to give preference to M 400 and M 500.

With the help of additives, the surface of the granules is obtained with a characteristic gloss. An adhesive for stone or tile is added to the composition of the raw material.

Plasticizers achieve an increase in moisture resistance and resistance to frost. They prevent cracking. Quite often, to reduce the mass of products, manufacturers of expanded clay concrete blocks add wood resin.

The proportions of the original components will be determined by what properties of the material you want to get at the output. Knowing these data, you can calculate the cost of one block.

Approximate amount of raw materials:

  • expanded clay - 60%;
  • building sand - 20 - 22%;
  • cement material - 10%;
  • clean water - 8 - 10%.

The sequence of loading materials into the concrete mixer is as follows:

  • water:
  • expanded clay material;
  • cement composition;
  • sand.

Everything is mixed within two minutes, resulting in a strong concrete mass, characterized by low weight and good thermal insulation capabilities.

To give strength, the proportion of cement is increased, but in this case, the thermal conductivity of the material will increase, and the walls will turn out to be colder.

In a simplified version, the composition of expanded clay concrete material is a mixture of a fraction of cement, two parts of sand and three parts of expanded clay.

But there is also a non-standard option, in which two parts of sand are used for one cement part, one part of water is used and from 1 to 6 parts of expanded clay stone are added.

The production of blocks is possible on their own, and in this case, differences will also appear in the feedstock:

  • expanded clay gravel - 8 parts;
  • sifted sand - 2 parts;
  • water - at the rate of 225 liters for each cube of the prepared mixture.

In addition, the business plan must take into account that a little more sand will be needed, since three parts are used to form the texture of the blocks.

Used equipment

For the factory production of blocks, several types of lines can be purchased:

To make blocks on your own, it is enough to have a concrete mixer, a vibropress and molds for the material.

Some purchase a small installation capable of producing up to twenty-five cubic meters of blocks in one day. It all depends on the model and power of the device.

If you need to save money, then make homemade equipment. To do this, you will need certain details and detailed instructions for performing the work, which you will find on the Internet.

Manufacturing process

To make one hollow block, you need 0.01 cubic meters of mortar. The weight of the wet product will be 11 kg, after drying - 9.5 kg.

The prepared mixture is filled in special forms. To ensure reliable hardening, a vibrating machine is used. With the help of such equipment, the containers are shaken, from which the mortar mass is distributed and compacted evenly. Upon completion of the vibration with a steel plate, the excess solution should be removed.

Drying in molds is carried out for two days under natural conditions or in special autoclave chambers. If plasticizer components are added to the expanded clay concrete mortar, drying is reduced to six to eight hours. Then the blocks are removed and placed outdoors for one to one and a half weeks.

The finished material remains to be stored in piles and placed in a dry and ventilated room.

Block material classification

By purpose, the blocks are divided into several groups:

  • wall - used for the construction of walls;
  • partition wall - partitions are erected from such material;
  • ventilation - the blocks have special holes into which communication lines are passed;

  • foundation - differ in strength and density. The group is represented by large-format products, the blocks are corpulent and hollow;
  • for prefabricated monolithic ceilings.


The technological process of manufacturing expanded clay concrete block material is not difficult, it can be easily organized at home. The material, made in compliance with the technologies and properly laid in the masonry, will give the structure a long operational period, practicality and strength.

Expanded clay blocks are a concrete wall material used for building walls of industrial and civil structures.

Expanded clay blocks are similar in properties to concrete blocks, but in their production, not crushed stone, but expanded clay is used. This material is lighter than crushed stone, so the blocks and the building structure itself are much lighter. Expanded clay is obtained from clay. It is porous and has good thermal insulation.

Expanded clay blocks have a lot of advantages: lightness, strength, frost resistance. They are widely used in the construction of various facilities and guarantee a reduction in the load on the foundation.

The expanded clay concrete block production business is a promising and fast-paying business that does not require significant costs.

This is your reliable business. Due to the relative simplicity of the technological process and the small amount of equipment used, writing a business plan is not so difficult.

The following advantages of these blocks stand out:

  • low weight (reduces the load on the foundation by 2.5 times compared to brick);
  • high strength and thermal insulation (heat loss is reduced by 75%);
  • moisture and chemical resistance, breathability;
  • construction speed (the cost of work is reduced by 30-40%);
  • environmental friendliness, strict compliance of the constructed walls with sanitary standards and requirements;
  • no need for additional insulation and wall shrinkage;
  • frost resistance is not lower than the level of a brick (50 cycles).

Thus, this material is suitable for the manufacture of garages, utility rooms or agricultural buildings. It is also suitable for the construction of residential cottages.

Resistance to rotting and burning, the ability of the material to "breathe", due to the porous structure, in many cases makes it an indispensable material. Together with durability and reliability, expanded clay concrete block becomes practically the best material for construction in a wide variety of conditions.

Prices for equipment and calculations are given on average for Russia.

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Consumers and distribution channels

The main consumers of expanded clay concrete blocks are individuals and industrial enterprises, construction organizations, farms and other organizations. Business has long appreciated their advantages, and expanded clay concrete blocks successfully compete with other building materials.

Finished products are sold through two main distribution channels:

  • construction shops and wholesale construction depots;
  • mass media (ads, poster advertising, Internet).

The popularity of this material is so high that it does not require the creation of a particularly complex implementation plan. The expanded clay concrete block business is able to generate a steady income, as there is a constant demand for cheap and affordable building materials. The production of this material is year-round, but the business plan must take into account seasonal demand factors.

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The production process includes the following steps.

  1. Mixing of components: expanded clay, cement, sand, water (the composition is determined individually according to GOST and TU).
  2. Molding (giving the necessary shapes and sizes).
  3. Hardening with vibropress.
  4. Drying.
  5. Packing for storage and transportation.

The production technology involves the process of vibrocompression of several components. The preparation of the solution is a critical step and must exclude errors. The mortar uses cement grade M500 or M400. Sometimes a natural stone or tile adhesive is added to give the product a glossy finish.

The components are mixed in certain proportions, then they go to molding, after which they acquire the necessary sizes and shapes. Their hardening is provided by special equipment: a vibropress and a hardening chamber. After simple manipulations, the hardened product is dried and placed on pallets.

The finished block hardens within a day. It takes 7 days to receive a completely finished block.

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Equipment and conditions for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks

To organize the production process for the production of expanded clay blocks, the following equipment and conditions are required:

  • heated, ventilated room with electricity and a flat floor for work throughout the year;
  • open area for drying and storage of products;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibropress (vibration machine).

The vibropress is the main equipment in the production of expanded clay blocks.

Interchangeable molds and a machine for the production of expanded clay blocks are installed on the vibrating table. The mechanism is very simple and reliable. Designs are usually designed for one or more forms. They are low cost and high performance.

Machines equipped with a non-removable block form are more complex designs. Work on them is easier, and the share of manual labor is minimized. Vibration enters the mold. The release punch guarantees a perfectly even and smooth surface of the block.

At first, to save money, you can prepare the mixture by hand. With the expansion of production, you can switch to the use of an electric concrete mixer. Most of these devices have a drum with powerful internal blades, their output volume is from 125 liters.

When choosing machines, pay attention to modern technological innovations. For example, you can purchase a detachable form with a locking connection, which makes it possible to remove the block without damaging its surface.

Most modern vibratory machines are very efficient and allow the production of up to 1 thousand blocks in 1 working day (8 hours of work). The machine can be operated by 2 workers. The payback period of funds invested in the purchase of a machine is several months.

In addition to the production of claydite blocks, this equipment is used for the production of products from slag, sawdust, crushed stone and other substances. The vibropress operates on a voltage of 220 and 380 volts. Power averages 3.1 kW.

The machine is compact in size (usually 230-11-165 cm) and weighs about 500 kg. It can be placed in a small room.

We offer several ways to complete the technological line for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks. A business plan may have several options, since production can be differentiated depending on the type of equipment used.

Method number 1. Economical

  1. Vibrating table EV-346 - 35,400 rubles.
  2. Molding pallets - 4000 rubles / piece.

Alternative option - Vibropressing plant STROM-press
Productivity - up to 600 expanded clay blocks.
One cycle ensures the production of 2 blocks.
Price - 75,000 rubles.

The vibrating press produces much higher quality blocks compared to the vibrating table.

Method number 2. Turnkey line. KVADR 1SO2

Main kit:

  1. Vibro-press KVADR 1SO2.
  2. Concrete mixer KVADR BP2G-375 or BP1V-375.
  3. Installation platform.
  4. Shaping equipment.

Productivity for one change - 10 cubic meters.
The required area is 120 square meters.
The height of the room is 5 meters.
Personnel - 1 worker.
Price - 1,215,813 rubles.

Method number 3. own line

  1. Concrete mixer SGS-M245 - 98,000 rubles.
  2. Vibropress K-01.
  3. Technological pallets - 2 pieces.
  4. Hydroelectric station with hydrodistributing and RVD.

Specifications (business plan of production):

Productivity makes 110 pieces/hour (1.6 cubic meters) - for 1 working shift 12.8 cubic meters.
Dimensions - 800*840*1350 mm.
Weight - 420 kg.
Personnel - 3 employees.
The cost is 248,000 rubles.

Additionally required:

  • roller table (for receiving products) - 5900 rubles;
  • form kit - 50,220 rubles.

In total, the costs for the second version of the line are 402,120 rubles.

With almost the same performance, the costs for the third option are much lower. Therefore, we will consider them basic when planning the production of expanded clay concrete blocks.

For the third method, you can purchase a model of the VP5M vibropress (lower by 40,000 rubles). On average, the payback period for the production of expanded clay blocks is 6 months.

Expanded clay blocks are blocks of expanded clay concrete - a variety of "light" concrete. This material has replaced the previously popular cinder blocks. The composition and manufacturing technology of expanded clay and cinder blocks are almost identical. The only difference is that blast-furnace slag served as a filler in slag concrete, which negatively affected the frost resistance and strength of the masonry. After replacing the slag with expanded clay, they improved many times over, as did the degree of its environmental friendliness.

Expanded clay concrete is an artificial material made on the basis of cement, water and expanded clay. Expanded clay is obtained by firing fusible clay.

It is a round or oval irregular granules that have a diameter of 4-8 mm. Smaller granules are called expanded clay sand.

A expanded clay granule at a break is similar in structure to a frozen foam. Due to the sintered shell, the granules are particularly durable.

The line for the production of turnkey blocks includes:

  • vibropress with control panel;
  • concrete mixer;
  • overpass for installation of a concrete mixer with a receiving tray;
  • shaping equipment;
  • molding trays.

The manufacturing technology of expanded clay blocks is significantly different from the production process of foam blocks. This leads to the fact that expanded clay concrete has the best technical qualities. It does not need additional insulation, and when the temperature difference does not form condensate.

The technological process can be divided into the following stages:

  • mixture preparation;
  • molding;
  • hardening using a vibrating machine;
  • drying products;
  • transportation to the warehouse.

Calculations and technology do not differ fundamentally from the construction of the house itself. The only condition is the implementation of a separate foundation.

How to properly perform the laying of expanded clay blocks with your own hands during suburban construction can be found in the article.

Preparing the mixture

The production of one block will require 0.01 m3 of solution. How to prepare the mixture and from what is determined by GOST and TU and may vary somewhat.

Approximate proportions are as follows:

  • expanded clay - 60%;
  • sand - 20-22%;
  • cement - 10%;
  • water - 8-10%.

Subject to such proportions, a strong material is obtained, which is light in weight and has good thermal insulation. The weight of the finished block in its raw form is 11 kg, in dry form - 9.5 kg.

In order for the blocks to be as strong and durable as possible, more cement must be added to the expanded clay mixture. But it should be noted that in this case the thermal conductivity of the material will increase, so the walls will be somewhat colder.

Cement for the production of blocks must be fresh and perfectly clean. It is advisable to take cement grade M400 or M500. Expanded clay sand must be taken 2 times less than expanded clay. This will ensure the optimal density of the material.

To get a glossy surface, glue for stone or tiles can be added to the solution. But at the same time, the environmental safety of the material is reduced. Also, special air-entraining additives are added to the solution. As a rule, wood saponified resin is used for this.

To increase the strength of the material, a plasticizer is added to it (about 5 g per 1 block). Such material is characterized by higher water resistance and frost resistance. It is more resistant to cracking and block abrasion.

Preparation of a mixture for expanded clay blocks in a pear-type concrete mixer:


After mixing the components, the solution is sent to the molding, where the future blocks are given the desired shape and size.

Vibrating machine hardening

To ensure the hardening of the solution, a vibrating machine is used. Due to vibrations, the solution in the molds becomes more dense and acquires the required structure. When the solution reaches its maximum density, the excess mixture is removed with a steel plate.

Drying products

Blocks are sent to dry directly in the molds. It can be produced naturally or by steaming in a special chamber.

Drying takes about two days. If a plasticizer was added to the mixture, the drying time is reduced to 6-8 hours.

Transportation to the warehouse

Finished blocks are stored in a dry room. After drying, they are ready for sale and use.

Do-it-yourself expanded clay block production

Since the production technology is quite simple and does not involve significant investments, it is possible to organize the manufacture of the material at home. All that is required for this is to purchase raw materials and special equipment. At the same time, the cost of one block will be only 18-20 rubles.

Block Making Equipment

To ensure the minimum production process for the production of expanded clay blocks, you will need:

  • vibrating table;
  • concrete mixer;
  • molding trays made of metal.

You can purchase a vibrocompression unit that replaces the vibrating table and molds.

You will also need a room with a flat floor, a power supply, ventilation and heating system and an open area that can be used for drying and storing products.

Some brands of vibropresses produce up to 120 blocks per hour, others - up to 70. There are small machines that can be stored in a utility room and used to produce blocks in small volumes.

At the initial stage of manufacturing expanded clay blocks, you can limit yourself to equipment with a capacity of about 0.6 kW and a capacity of 20 blocks per hour. You can buy it for about 2 thousand rubles. The price of more powerful machines is much more expensive - about 30 thousand rubles.

In the photo - the most popular machines for the independent production of expanded clay blocks:

How to independently make a machine for the production of expanded clay concrete

A machine for the production of expanded clay blocks can be made by hand. At the same time, its cost will be 10 times cheaper than that of the factory one.

The most elementary version of the machine is performed according to the "laying hen" scheme. It consists of a molding box without a bottom (matrix) and a vibrator, which is located on the side wall. To make the matrix easy to remove, it should be equipped with handles.

The standard size of one block is 390*190*188mm. The percentage of voidness is not more than 30%. The voids may be rectangular or round. The main thing is that the void former has a taper so that the mold can be easily removed from the block.

To make a matrix, you need to cut a blank in the form of a block of sheet metal from 3 mm thick. In this case, you need to make a 5 cm margin for tamping. From the workpiece, you need to make a through box that does not have a bottom. The welding seam must be done from the outside.

To make the machine more stable, strips of thin shaped pipes should be welded from the ends and rubber upholstery should be made around the perimeter of the base. To prevent the solution from waking up, it is necessary to make a fringing apron.

The vibrator can be made from an electric motor from a washing machine with a power of 150 watts. To do this, you need to perform a center shift. On the shaft you need to attach a metal bar with a hole from the edge - an eccentric. The parameters of the eccentric are determined experimentally.

An example of a drawing of a machine for the production of expanded clay blocks

Computer model of a machine for expanded clay concrete blocks

A brief description of the process of manufacturing claydite blocks at home

Prepare the mixture. The kneading process should have the following sequence:

  • water is poured;
  • cement is poured (with continuous stirring) and mixed with water;
  • a small aggregate is added, after that - a large one;
  • the mass is mixed until semi-dry.

It is possible to produce blocks with various fillers: expanded clay, brick waste, sawdust, polystyrene foam, etc.

At first, kneading can be done manually. As production expands, it will be possible to buy a special concrete mixer. The output volume of such a device is about 125 liters.

Place the solution in molds and send it for pressing. The properties of the finished material largely depend on the density of the solution, so it will not be possible to do without a vibrating machine.

Send blocks to dry. It is most convenient to store them in pyramidal piles with a clearance of 2-3 cm between the blocks. In order for the product to acquire greater strength, it is advisable to keep the blocks in the air for about a week.

Get ready-made blocks from the forms. It is advisable to purchase molds with removable sides so that you can remove the products without damage. Place finished products in a warehouse or immediately send for sale.

On the video - all the stages of the process of producing a claydite block with your own hands, as well as a description of the machine required for this:

Making expanded clay concrete blocks on your own is quite simple, and production has a high level of profitability due to the low cost of materials. Therefore, the manufacture of expanded clay concrete is a great idea for start-up entrepreneurs.