How to properly raise ducklings breeds of large ducks. Growing ducks for meat at home: feeding. Requirements for the premises

Among the species poultry duck is the most precocious, its young grow faster than chickens and goslings. Already a month after hatching, the ducks increase their weight by 15-20 times (up to 2 kg), depending on the breed. By this time, they can already be slaughtered for personal use, and for meat, for commercial sale, optimal age slaughter - 55 days, when the weight of the bird is maximum and is equal to the size of broiler chickens (4-5 kg).

Further maintenance of ducks becomes economically unprofitable, as the bird survives the first molt and loses valuable down, and body weight stops increasing.

For the growth of a new feather, the bird needs an increase in the diet. Therefore, the cost of feeding ducks increases almost three times. For this reason, in the future it is best to leave only the parent flock: laying ducks and 1-2 drakes of producers.

Features of growing ducks

Growing ducklings for meat is still preferable because the consumption per kilogram of weight is less than for chickens and geese, since in the presence of pasture and a reservoir, they find almost 50% of their food for themselves.

Of the special requirements that ducks need at home - any body of water. It can be a lake, a natural or artificial pool, even just a dug-in trough or an old bathtub.

Although, now the closed keeping of ducklings without walking is gaining popularity. To do this, special cages with mesh floors or aviaries with deep litter are built in the barn. AT summer time ducklings are kept on feedlots with shelter for the night and from bad weather. In this case, an intensive technology for fattening ducks of meat breeds is used, which makes it possible to obtain an elite bird of 5-6 kg in live weight by the 50th day. Such carcasses high price buying up restaurants High Quality breast and liver.

Brief overview of breeds

Not all breeds are suitable for growing ducklings for meat. The greatest increase in weight is given by white Moscow, Peking, Ukrainian ducks, as well as some crosses - ducklings old 53, mulard, medeo, black and white breast, Blagovarsky, super M4, agidel, cherry valley and Indian runners.

Muscovy ducks and mulards

Ducklings mulards and indouts differ from other breeds in that they do not have a voice - they can only hiss. Another advantage of this French cross is a quick weight gain: at two months, the bird's weight is always above 4 kg. Moulards are unpretentious, feel good on pasture, it is enough for them to build a small pool right in the courtyard.

Of the minuses, only one can be named - it is impossible to breed mulards on their own (they are self-infertile), hatching eggs or day old ducklings must be bought in nurseries, and their price is quite high. The cost of a mulard egg is from 50 rubles, a duckling is over 200 rubles.

Peking ducks

The breed, bred more than 200 years ago in China, was improved in the USA and received the name Cross Star 53. Ducklings gain weight faster than other broiler breeds - by day 50, the carcass weighs up to 4 kg, about 30% of them are dietary brisket.

White Moscow ducks

The breed was bred on the basis of the Beijing breed, the weight of the bird for slaughter reaches 3.5 kg of very valuable, dietary meat. In addition, laying hens can produce up to 150 eggs per year. They are the most delicious among ducks.

Broilers Agidel

Two new, very promising crosses of domestic selection - Agidel 34 and Agidel 345, have already won over many farmers and private traders. Duck meat is lean, the carcass reaches 3 kg of weight, a laying hen produces up to 120 dietary eggs per year. The ducks of this cross are excellent mother hens, they can breed 2 times a year, the hatchability of chicks is almost 60%, which is an excellent indicator for ducks. The bird is completely unpretentious, adapted to our climatic conditions. A big plus is that this cross is not focused on predominant feeding with compound feeds, like foreign breeds. Already from 3 weeks they can be transferred to whole grains.

Duckling care

The easiest way to grow with a hen. But most breeds meat ducks do not sit well on eggs, so incubation or the acquisition of day old chicks is more often used. Regardless of the breeding method, the feeding period is divided into two stages: up to 30 days and up to 50-60 (before slaughter). And since the growth rate of ducklings is very high, there should be no errors in care - this will lead to weight loss or diseases.

Cultivation of young ducks up to 30 days

From the day of hatching until 10 days old, ducklings should only be kept in brooders or multi-tiered cages in a heated room. And further, at least up to 20-25 days they should sleep in a warm place.

Minimum box dimensions:

  • width and length 65x65 cm;
  • height 45 cm.

The following indicators testify to the health of the chicks:

  • mobility and energy;
  • healed umbilical cord;
  • soft small belly;
  • even smooth fluff;
  • fast response to sound;
  • a good appetite.

Age in weeks Temperature Lighting time in hours Fluid volume per head per day Number of chicks per 1 m2

The first feeding must be done no later than the first 18-24 hours of life. The first time to feed ducklings is to give a hard-boiled egg, and then cook wet mash with the addition of cereals and fresh herbs. And if you are going to feed the bird with ready-made feed, then you can immediately take a complete starter feed.

Table. Feeding rates and weight of ducklings - average indicators


Age of ducklings in days

1-10 11-20 21-20 31-40 41-50 51-60
Chick weight 250 550 950 1500 2000 2500
Feed units in g 35 85 130 220 240 250
Digestible protein 5 13 20 29 30,5 33,3
Calcium (lg) 700 1860 3000 4010 4400 5000
Phosphorus (lg) 350 930 1500 2000 2200 2500
Sodium (mg) 180 480 720 990 1030 1270

The diet for the first month should include the following components:

  • wholemeal flour and small cereals from 3-5 grains - 30-40%;
  • bran - at least 10% by weight;
  • crushed green vitamin feed (clover, nettle, alfalfa) - 30-35%;
  • hay flour - 5%;
  • ground chalk or shells - up to 1%;
  • grated carrots - 3-5%;
  • beer (or baker's) yeast - 3-5%;
  • up to 1.5% fish oil.

Such a diet should be followed up to 10 days, then the amount of green fodder can be increased up to 40%. And from day 16, ducklings can be transferred to adult duck food, in which the corn content can reach half the amount of grain. It is strongly not recommended to give bread to ducklings and adult ducks - they get bloating and indigestion from this, which inhibits weight gain.

The first 3 days you need to feed ducklings 5-6 a day, then they should have constant access to food and they themselves will regulate the number of feedings.

Chicks should have fresh water at all times. The first days of the drinker should be such that the ducklings reach the bottom with a key, otherwise they may choke. For the first week, it is recommended to add a pinch of sugar to the water - this will increase the vitality of the chicks.

The fact that ducks are water birds does not mean that they will immediately swim - this is what their mother duck teaches them. And if it is not, then you can take on this role. To do this, you need to make a pool next to a brooder from a shallow basin and let the ducklings swim several times a day. They should not be left alone, as they may drown. It is necessary to pour water into the pool at about 28-30 degrees, run the chicks for a few minutes, then take them out, wipe them with a towel and send them to the brooder again. The fact is that down to 9 weeks the ducklings get wet and if they are left wet, they can catch a cold.

In order for the chicks to grow strong and healthy, they should be given prophylactic drugs and vitamins. Schedule and names of drugs - in the table:

Age of chicks

Name of the drug

Dose and type of treatment

The action of the drug

Before brooding

2% solution, aerosol, 1 spray

Prevention of viral and bacterial diseases

1 to 4 days

Vitamin preparation with anti-stress effect

Day 5 to Day 9

Entroflokacin 10%

Entroxil 10%

Daily drinking of 0.5-0.1 ml per liter of water

For the prevention of stomach and colds

10 to 14 days

Daily drinking of 0.3-0.5 ml per liter of water

Strengthening immunity

Thereafter once a week

0.5 ml per liter of water

Health Support

Growing ducklings up to 60 days

At the second stage, the chicks can be transferred to adult content. In winter, it is better to do this from 30, and in summer it is possible from 20 days. Winter maintenance is mandatory in a warm and heated room. In summer, you can transfer ducklings to pens with canopies.

Important point! Ducklings are very vulnerable to predators. Enclosures must be carefully strengthened, including from cats and dogs, and from above - from birds of prey, which can easily catch them.

Even crows prey on small ducklings. During the day, chicks can be let out for walks, even taken to a pond (preferably under supervision). Often strange old ducks try to attack the young and can injure the chicks.

The diet for ducklings of the second month of life is presented in the table. There should always be enough water near the food - the chicks constantly drink food to swallow it. Without water, they can even choke.

Ducklings should not be given:

  • bread;
  • dairy products (except cottage cheese);
  • flour;
  • boiled cereals (except oatmeal);
  • berries (strawberries, raspberries, any others);
  • grape;
  • silage;
  • fresh nettle (it must be dried or doused with boiling water);
  • cabbage;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • chicken feed;
  • maple leaves (causes intestinal blockage and death of chicks).

You can feed corn, peas, legumes, oats, cake, meal, wheat, rye, barley, tomatoes, carrots, grass, give mineral supplements (chalk, shell rock, bone meal, coarse sand, crushed shells). Vegetables must be crushed and it is best to fill with water. The bird also loves aquatic vegetation, insects and worms. Small fish can only be given after the ducklings have swum in open water.

Closer to spring, the issue of breeding ducks at home for beginners will be relevant. This bird is not picky, grows quickly and does not require special conditions for keeping. It is easy to grow in the country. In a couple of months, you can provide yourself with meat for a whole year.

In addition, you can get not only meat from a duck, if you try you can get eggs from them, and duck feathers and down are well valued, you can make pillows and blankets from them yourself or rent them to resellers.

Whatever one may say, the bird is profitable, besides, it is not picky in food, although it eats a lot (almost always), but everything is in a row. It is not difficult to grow such a bird, you just need to take into account its features and requirements for keeping conditions.

Breeding ducks at home, where to start?

It’s always a little scary to start someone up for the first time, I want to take everything into account, not to miss a single one. important detail It's not at all clear which is more important. And in the end it always turns out that the most important thing was still missed. It happens to all beginners, it happened to me too. This is because the unknown is the unknown. The main thing here is not to panic.

Site preparation

Yes, that's where you need to start. Breeding any living creature, no matter who you bring home, needs a specially prepared place. And sometimes it happens, they brought chickens, ducklings, and someone else, and they don’t know where to put them, so the poor sit in a cramped box for the first days. And the first days for day old babies are the most important and at this time the biggest case occurs due to improper maintenance.

For the first time, a regular box will be enough for ducklings. Enough for 20 pieces. square meter area, for a week of age. Then, as it grows, the area will need to be increased. I do not recommend immediately using spacious pens or rooms, in such they will be colder and the bird will grow more slowly.

For the warm season, they will need to prepare a paddock. I have built small house and several meters around it are fenced off with an ordinary mesh netting. Such a building should be done on sunny place and that there are no drafts. From above it is necessary to stretch the fishing net, because the magpies and neighboring cats will immediately smell the prey and few will be left of the brood.

The box for day old ducklings can be made of cardboard, plastic or plywood. If the box is tall, there should be air holes. You can make an ordinary fence from the boards, only so that there are no gaps, the kids can find them and go for a walk.

I always cover the bottom polyethylene film or oilcloth, and on top I pour sawdust, dust from hay, in a layer of three cm, so that the little fluffies are warm. It’s so convenient to clean the chicks, rolled up the bedding and shook it out, then the oilcloth is covered again and a layer of sawdust is poured again. It is very important to change them at least once a day, then the ducklings will be dry and there will be no unpleasant odor.

What else needs to be prepared immediately, before buying the chicks, is a lamp that will heat and illuminate the babies, a thermometer, a drinking bowl, convenient, designed so that there is access for everyone and a feeder. You can make your own feeder out of a sheet of stainless steel, cut out a long rectangle and bend it into a chute so that the ducklings can't climb into it and trample down the food.

Breed selection

Yes, when everything is ready for the arrival of new pets, decide on the breed. For beginners, it is best to start someone simpler, without any special pretensions. Plus, keep in mind why you need all this farming, just for meat or to also rush well.

You can get an ordinary mallard, they are unpretentious and grow quickly, rush well. Of the domestic meats, I like Peking ducks the most. Just do not confuse, Peking duck and Peking duck are two different things. They are a little more demanding on the content, but in two months you will be roasting duck with apples. It is during this time that they grow up to 3 kg.

Buying ducklings, how to choose the right one

And now the day has come when you go for ducklings. Choose a reliable seller, preferably a poultry farm, which is located nearby in your area.

Think about how you will carry the young, especially if the road is long. Toddlers do not like heat and crowding and may die on the road. You need to take a box with bedding with you so that it opens, just in case, a drinking bowl and clean water. If you drive for several hours, ducklings on the road will need to be watered.

Choosing kids is simple, there are several criteria:

  • Put food in your hand and bring it to the ducklings, even if they just ate, they will still pounce on food. This is a sign of health and good appetite.
  • Pay attention to the eyes, they should shine, no clouding and dragging.
  • Check the plumage, or rather the presence of fluff, it should be uniform, if it is absent or small on the stomach, it is better not to take such a duck.
  • Buttocks are clean! No diarrhea.
  • The paws should be even without defects, it often happens that one paw is bent inward, although the duckling is completely healthy in appearance. It will be more difficult for him to move further and he will lag behind in growth. Clubfoot is welcome, this is their normal "gait".
  • Healthy ducklings are mobile and noisy, very curious. if you pick him up, he will try to explore you all and look into all your pockets.
  • Noisiness does not apply to nutmeg ducks, they are nimble, but silent.

In general, three things are especially important for all little chicks:

  1. Balanced feed in sufficient quantity
  2. Warmly

Yes, despite the fact that ducklings are from the waterfowl family, dampness during maintenance can kill them.

For little ducklings, it is important to keep the litter clean and fresh air. The room where they are located must be ventilated, but not drafty.

Feeders should be located conveniently so that everyone can eat food at the same time. Access to water should also be free. It is also important to ensure that there is always water, they manage to spit it out very quickly.

Ducklings are as thermophilic as small ones. In the first week, they need to maintain a temperature of 30 degrees, no less, but no more. Then every week the temperature should be reduced by two degrees, bringing it to 20.

By the way, do not keep ducklings, even already grown ones, together with adult ducks. They will be driven away from food and water and will take longer to grow. If only they are with mother duck.

About the reservoir. some breeds, for example, nutmeg ducks, no matter whether he is or not. If there is a safe reservoir nearby, it’s a sin not to use it, ducks grow faster on the water. but they need to be let into the water only when they completely change the fluff to the feather. the fluff quickly gets wet and the ducklings get hypothermia, but the instinct for them is stronger and they rush as fast as they see any puddle.

Feeding little ducklings

From the first day, babies are fed wet food. It can be a cereal mash, preferably slightly cooked, or a starter feed for young animals.

In the first days, I cook corn grits, chopped, millet, artek. You can alternate grains. Be sure from the first days of life I give wet bran and boiled eggs, finely chopped. A week later, I begin to introduce greens and peas soaked and twisted in a meat grinder - this good source vegetable protein, ducklings quickly rise on it.

From the third week, yeast can be introduced into the diet, I give the usual fresh raw for baking. The norm per day should be no more than 3%. They are necessary for the bird to grow and it has been observed that the bird that receives the yeast does not fall to its feet.

In general, from the third week, vegetables should also be in the diet, they need to be finely chopped or rubbed. Ducklings love young nettles and zucchini. I rub zucchini on a coarse grater and mix it with chopped, add fish oil there. according to the instructions, cottage cheese or eggs.

According to the daily rate, it turns out:

  • grain 45%
  • protein food 15%
  • greens and vegetables 20%
  • food additives 25%

This proportion of the diet should be throughout the entire period of growth of ducks. The amount of grain will need to be increased in order for growth to be faster.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Ducks are quite resistant to disease if kept properly, but some precautions are still needed for prevention. From a week of age, antibiotics should be given to the water, twice a week is enough, it can be grizin, a wide spectrum of action.

Also, for good development, I definitely add fish oil to my food every day. I finish giving a month before the bird is removed for meat, so that there is no smell later.

Usually, with a weight of 3 kg, the bird needs to be removed for meat, keeping them longer is not cost-effective. It happens that ducks suddenly start to get sick, rather this is due to unsanitary conditions of detention, then it makes sense to drink them with antibiotics. But then it will take another month not to inject them, so that all the medicines come out.

If you decide to create home-based business on ducks, keep in mind that it makes sense to start with large volumes, it is not profitable to keep the bird in small batches.

There are some peculiarities in the process of their cultivation, which must be taken into account when breeding birds.

For the normal growth of a bird, it is necessary to provide the bird with not only the correct diet and diet, but also good conditions content. In the first 3 weeks of life, ducklings are especially sensitive to the temperature of the room in which they are kept.

Optimum temperature rooms in the first weeks of life of ducklings:

  • In the first week - 27-30°C;
  • In the second week - 23-26°C;
  • In the third week - 19-22°C.
Adult ducks can easily tolerate the natural temperature, but in winter it should not be kept below -5°C.

Should always have a deep dry bedding. Despite the fact that the duck belongs to waterfowl, dampness is one of the causes of various bird diseases. For bedding use hay, straw and sawdust. Relative Humidity air in the house should be in the range of 65-70%.

The area of ​​​​the room for keeping ducks is calculated based on the norm 1 sq. m for 2 birds. When keeping a large number of birds, the room is divided into sections, each of which can contain from 25 to 75 ducks. For 4-5 ducks, 1 nest is installed in the room. They are open cells with a size of 50 * 30 cm. Optimal Height such nests is 20 cm.

Duration daylight hours for normal development and growth of ducklings in the first weeks of life should be at least 20 hours. In order to achieve this indicator, additional lighting systems are arranged in the room. The best option for and space heating can be LED lamps with a power of 50 watts. 5 such lamps are installed for 10 birds. They are fixed on the wall of the house at a height of 2 m. When the duck reaches the age of one month, the daylight hours necessary for its normal growth are reduced to 12 hours.

For air circulation in the house, it is not necessary to arrange a special one. To do this, it is enough to equip the room small windows which can be used for ventilation. For walking ducks, special pens are made. They are located on the south side of the house. At the age of 3 weeks, goslings can be released along with adult ducks into the pond.

Necessary equipment and supplies

  • Feeders. They must be stable and have a top bar that limits the ability of the bird to trample and scatter food.
  • Drinkers. They are selected with the calculation of at least 0.6 liters per 1 bird. Their device must ensure the stability and preservation of the purity of the water poured into them.
  • Nests. For their device, you can use wooden boxes filled with hay.

To clean the house, you will need rakes, shovels and buckets.

Pasture Requirements

The presence of grazing for ducks can significantly reduce the amount of feed needed for their cultivation and avoid many. On pastures, ducks enrich their body with protein and vitamins. When grazing ducks on pastures, they can only be fed with grain waste. The pasture area depends on the composition of the herbage.

Pastures should not be located on waterlogged soils. On pastures intended for walking birds, sown perennial herbs. Legume-cereal mixtures are best suited for these purposes.

Reservoir Requirements

If there is no pond and river near the breeding place for ducks, then for swimming the birds set special baths or arrange swimming pools. The water temperature in them should not be lower than +14°C. The area of ​​the reservoir is calculated based on the norm of 1 ha per 200 ducks.


Ducks are very unpretentious birds. In one year, 1 duck can bring more than 100 eggs to a person and hatch fifty ducklings. Each type of bird requires its own diet, but there are conditions common to all types of ducks.


From the first days of life, ducklings need to be fed at the same time. Weight gain and growth in ducks occur very quickly if their diet is properly composed. In the first week of life, ducklings are fed 6-8 times a day.

The first portion of food is given to them in the early morning, the last before dusk. At this age, they can be given fat-free cottage cheese and boiled eggs. Drinkers should always have pure water, to which a little manganese is added.

After 5 days of life, ducklings begin to give mash. They are prepared from cottage cheese and eggs, to which ground corn and wheat turd are added. At a week of age, greens are added to the mixture. At the age of 2 weeks, eggs and cottage cheese are removed from the duck's diet and duckweed is included in it. From the same age, birds can switch to "dry" feeding. On sale you can always find feed intended for different ages birds.

From one month until the moment of slaughter, the duck is fed with grain, millet. Add to the mix bone meal, shells, chalk, as well as sunflower cake and fodder yeast. The feed should contain 40% dirt and 30% greens. In the absence of grass, special vitamins are added to the feed.


Ducks may be exposed various diseases. Depending on the type of disease, medications are prescribed, which can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy. The most common drugs used in the treatment of poultry are such as:

  • tetracycline;
  • oxytetracycline;
  • sulfadimethoxine;
  • trimerazine and others.

They are given to the bird along with food or drink.

Disease prevention

The main prophylactic drugs used in the cultivation of ducks are probiotics. These drugs suppress the pathogenic microflora of the bird's intestines and help strengthen its immunity. You can give the drug to ducklings at any age.

Conclusion and features

Ducks are very greedy. Most of their diseases occur due to improperly formulated feeding rations and violations of poultry conditions. The presence of a pond for ducks is prerequisite their cultivation.

When getting eggs from them, you need to know that the duck may stop laying if it is transferred to another poultry house. The very best meat breeds considered Muscovy ducks and mulards.

People who decide to start raising birds are often interested in how profitable duck breeding is. This is a profitable poultry industry, because in 3-4 months you can get carcasses weighing about 2.5-3.5 kg. But in order to grow a large healthy bird, novice poultry farmers need to understand the nuances of duck breeding in private farms.

It is easier and more profitable to engage in duck breeding for people who have natural reservoirs near their homes with abundant vegetation and the presence of animal feed (frogs, tadpoles). But do not refuse to breed ducks in subsidiary farms, near which there are no reservoirs. You can grow them on a dry range, organizing the necessary conditions for the growth and development of waterfowl.

It can be difficult for novice poultry farmers to get a healthy bird population that is gaining weight well. Experienced farmers recommend that you understand in advance the basic rules for growing ducks:

  • before buying, you need to decide on the breed, you need to focus on the yield of meat products, growth rate, adaptability to the climatic features of the region;
  • buy ducklings better in spring, the time is calculated so that before the cold snap and the decrease in the amount of natural feed, they had already reached the age of 4-5 months and were ready for slaughter;
  • a place for the bird must be prepared in advance; for small ducklings, a box made of cardboard, plastic, plywood is suitable; grown-up chicks must be transferred to the poultry house;
  • you should prepare in advance not only the room, but also containers for water, food, bedding;
  • attention is paid to the lighting of the poultry house, setting the temperature regime.

Most often, ducks of such breeds are chosen for growing at home:

  • Moscow white;
  • Beijing;
  • khaki campbell;
  • musky (known as indouka);
  • Bashkir;
  • Ukrainian grey.

Birds of these breeds are gaining weight very well, so they are suitable for people who decide to raise ducks for meat. Representatives of the Moscow White breed are also distinguished by good egg production, and peking ducks the instinct for breeding offspring is well developed. For those who want to next year to get your ducklings, and not to buy them, it is advised to leave several large females and drakes for the winter.

Reference! Creating suitable conditions for wintering birds is a laborious process, so many people prefer to acquire young chicks every spring.

It is most profitable to buy daily ducklings. But beginner poultry farmers need to know in advance what conditions they should create, what feeds to prepare.

Video - Breeding ducks as a business

Rules for breeding and raising ducklings for beginners

Experienced farmers advise a responsible approach to the process of choosing ducklings. You need to buy only active and mobile chicks. Lethargy, poor appetite are signs of illness. In healthy ducklings:

  • shiny eyes, turbidity indicate problems;
  • uniform plumage;
  • the abdomen is covered with fluff;
  • feathers and fluff around the cloaca are clean (this indicates the absence of diarrhea in the chick);
  • straight paws, no visible defects.

Important! Healthy ducklings actively react to the proposed food. Even if the chicks have recently eaten, new food should be of interest.

Having chosen healthy chicks, it is necessary to correctly organize their maintenance. Although ducks are unpretentious birds, you still need to follow the recommended rules.

In the first few days of life, ducklings can be placed in a box with a dense bottom. The recommended density is up to 16 heads per m2. From 4-5 days of life, young animals are transferred to a special cage or an equipped poultry house. In the first week of life it is necessary that the air temperature was 30°C. Then it begins to gradually decrease. For ducklings at the age of 2 weeks, it is enough that the room is about 20 ° C.

Beginning poultry farmers should pay special attention to lighting. From 1 to 7 days of life, ducklings should have 18-20 hours of light per day. Then the duration of daylight hours is reduced every week by 1-2 hours. But the main condition for getting a healthy bird is proper organization nutrition.

Video - Keeping ducks

Organization of feeding

Only hatched ducklings begin to give food immediately after drying. If ducklings do not eat well, then experienced farmers advise giving them boiled yolk, pouring it on the backs of the chicks. Thanks to such feeding, it is possible to launch natural instincts, interest in the world around us and food.

Purchased day old ducklings already have a good appetite. In the first few days, their diet consists of boiled yolk, special compound feed, a mash of boiled cereals, low-fat cottage cheese. You can add wet bran, crushed grains of oats, barley, wheat to the menu. In the first days, chicks should be offered food every 2 hours; by 5 days of life, 5 meals a day are enough.

After 5-6 days, the diet is expanded. At this age, greens are added to ducklings:

  • legumes;
  • swans;
  • clover
  • nettles;
  • dandelion.

Birds prefer soft aquatic vegetation. If possible, hornwort, duckweed, elodea are added to food. It is not advisable to stock up on greens in advance; during long-term storage, everything useful material are destroyed.

Clean water for ducklings should always be freely available. On the first day of life, you can help the chicks by giving them water through a pipette. From 2-3 days they begin to drink on their own. It is better for kids to put vacuum drinkers, consisting of a can and a special tray (saucer), into which water is drawn.

As ducklings grow and develop, the requirements for maintenance, nutrition and space organization change.

Growing grown up young

For grown ducklings, the norms of accommodation and nutrition are changing. For monthly birds, the content is organized in such a way that there were no more than 8-10 heads per 1 m 2 of the room.

A week before the planned date of the transfer of ducklings to the poultry house, it must be washed and disinfected. The floor is covered with fluffy lime on the basis that 0.5 kg is needed per 1 m 2. Then the litter is laid out in an even layer 7-10 cm thick.

Feeding one month old chicks

You can feed the grown young animals with complete feed or wet mash. In the first case, it is better to use automatic feeders made of plastic or metal, in the second - grooved feeders. For chicks aged 10-30 days, feeders up to 1 m long, 15-18 cm wide with a side height of 5-6 cm will be optimal.

When feeding with mash, the menu of grown ducklings should include:

  • ground grains (corn, millet, barley, oats, wheat);
  • bran;
  • legume greens;
  • salt;
  • chalk, shells;
  • vitamin premixes;
  • green marsh grasses;
  • nettle, clover and other plants;
  • yeast;
  • food waste.

Attention! From the 10th day of life, eggs are removed from the chicks' menu. Saturate the body of ducklings necessary elements, vitamins allow mash made from cottage cheese and grass.

It is difficult for beginner poultry farmers to determine how much feed to give the birds. You should be guided by such recommendations: ducks should completely eat the poured mash in 20-30 minutes. If in the first 2-4 weeks of life the chicks are fed 4-6 times a day, then after a month of age they need to be transferred to 3 meals a day.

Space organization

In summer, it is recommended to organize access to the pasture for birds. Free range has a positive effect on the condition of the ducks. On the pasture it is necessary to organize a shaded area where the birds can hide from the scorching rays of the sun.

The rate of weight gain and bird health depend on the presence of a reservoir. The chicks are released to swim after changing from down to feathers. For domestic ducks, it is considered optimal if the diameter of the reservoir is about 15 m.

Comment! When planning to grow birds on an ongoing basis, you can do artificial pond for poultry, in the presence of natural reservoirs, it is desirable to fence off small plot for swimming birds.

The older the ducks become, the easier it is for poultry farmers. Adult birds are not picky about temperature (with the exception of winter period), lighting. It is enough to properly organize food and walking.

How to keep adult ducks at home?

Having raised the chicks to 2-3 months of age, farmers can relax a bit. After all, there are fewer problems with keeping adult birds. But to get large individuals, one must remember the importance of compiling the right menu.

feeding ducks

In conditions industrial cultivation ducks are given mainly mixed fodder. It covers all the needs of a growing bird in nutrients, vitamins.

In conditions home growing ducks are given mainly mash. They include:

  • ground grains;
  • powdered milk;
  • meat and bone meal;
  • sunflower meal;
  • premixes;
  • fish flour;
  • salt.

The mash is given to birds on the basis that 1 duck needs 200-300 g of food. Ducks can eat more, but then their meat will become very fatty. In cold weather, birds are fed three times a day. In the summer, they are transferred to two meals a day, provided that they have Free access to green pastures.

But just watching your diet is not enough. It is important to remember other nuances of raising birds.

Content Rules

If there is no natural reservoir near the housing of a beginner poultry breeder and there is no possibility to make an artificial one, then it is necessary to organize a place for bathing the bird. Many recommend simply burying an old unnecessary bath in the ground, leaving small sides. Some dig a shallow hole and cover it with dense polyethylene, its edges can be pressed down with stones.

Important! When growing large ducks it is necessary to monitor the air temperature in the house only during the cold season. It is undesirable that it falls below +7 °С, but the ideal temperature is +10..+14 °С.

Disease Prevention

Poultry farmers should monitor the immunity of ducks and add foods that are a source of vitamins to the diet. To form strong individuals, the menu should include meat and bone meal, carrots, pumpkin, beets, and potatoes.

To prevent diseases, it is not enough to organize good nutrition. It is necessary to regularly clean the house, ventilate and disinfect it. Birds for full development require sunbathing and access to a reservoir.

The right approach to organizing the keeping of birds gives its results. They are rapidly gaining weight. If you leave part of the herd for breeding, then next year you can already get chicks.

Breeding ducks at home: practical recommendations

To obtain eggs from which ducklings can hatch, it is necessary to correctly form the parent flock. For him, strong individuals are selected so that there is 1 male for 5-8 females. The optimal weight of ducks is 3 kg, drakes - 3.5 kg. Good egg production in ducks lasts about 3-4 years, after which they are changed to young ones.

To get offspring, you need to organize the following conditions of detention:

  • daylight hours should be more than 16 hours;
  • a balanced diet that includes mineral supplements;
  • temperature 18-20 °C;
  • calm environment, lack of sources of irritation (loud noise, bright light).

There are 2 ways to get offspring: incubation by a mother duck or laying in an incubator. Many people use both methods at the same time. At the time when the duck sits down to plant offspring, an incubator with eggs is placed at home. Hatched and dried healthy chicks are placed in a hen.

Video - Breeding ducks from A to Z

In order for a duck to incubate eggs, it is necessary to organize a nest 50 * 50 cm in size. It is best to make 3-4 nests in a row so that several ducks can be planted on the eggs at the same time. In the nests make low sides (6-8 cm). Their height is calculated so that it is possible to equip a nest, there is a place for eggs, but at the same time, ducks can safely enter and exit it.

Food and drink is organized so that the duck can leave the place of incubation of eggs for a short time. The feeder and drinker are placed near the nest, they feed the hens at the time when the rest of the ducks leave the house.

Raising birds is a troublesome business. But poultry farming has many advantages.

Pros and cons of duck breeding

Novice poultry farmers opt for breeding ducks. But this type of poultry farming has both advantages and disadvantages.

Table. Pros and cons of breeding ducks

Ducks quickly gain weight.In the absence of places for free range, ducks begin to actively lay fat.
Birds do not require special care, it is enough to change the litter and organize the lighting of the house.Cellular content degrades the quality of meat.
Birds are omnivores, in the presence of pastures it is enough to feed them twice a day, they will get the rest of the food for themselves.The waters that ducks use are quickly polluted (there will be a large number of litter, and in the water - fluff, feathers).
Ducks are clean.In the cold season, the poultry house must be heated.
Duck meat is a source of trace elements necessary for the body. It has a delicate taste.-
Poultry farmers can sell duck eggs from parent stock. After slaughter, you can sell not only meat, but also fluff and feathers.-

At adverse conditions for rearing, birds begin to gain weight worse, adults may stop laying eggs. Organize suitable conditions content is possible if you correctly approach the issue of building a poultry house.

Rules for the construction of a convenient poultry house for ducks

The room in which the poultry farmer plans to keep ducks should not be too large. In addition, a small poultry house in winter will be much easier to insulate. A room is quite suitable for birds, the height of the front wall of which is 1.8 m, and the back wall is 1 m. If finished house for ducks, then you can build it, focusing on such instructions.

Subject to all established rules growing ducks you can get large healthy individuals. Experienced farmers recommend that beginners turn their attention to duck breeding, because this is a profitable poultry industry. You can read more about keeping ducks at home at.