DIY kitchen ideas. Do-it-yourself towel holder for the bathroom Shelves for towels from wooden boxes

A clean and tidy apartment is the dream of every housewife. An important attribute of such tidiness is the location of all things in strictly designated places.

Towels are usually stored hanging on hooks. However, due to the current variety of such types of attachment, the question arises which towel hooks to choose. We will talk about this in our article.

Advantages and disadvantages of hooks

These devices are a good option for storing towels, since this method does not contradict the basic requirements of sanitation, and in terms of convenience it suits the hosts and guests.

Towels that hang on hooks, rather than stored on shelves or in other places without access to fresh air, the risk of reproduction and development of colonies of harmful microorganisms is much lower. In addition, they save space, which is especially true for small bathrooms and kitchens in small apartments. And then, these personal hygiene items, hanging in places of direct use, create the necessary comfort for the inhabitants of the home.

Along with looking at the advantages of this type of fastening, there are also opposing opinions based on the possibility of disturbing the design and interior of the room due to hanging towels. But this shortcoming can hardly be true for bathrooms. Here they are always in place, especially since the look of modern bath towels, on the contrary, can only decorate such a room. In the kitchen, it is quite possible to do without hanging means for wiping dishes after washing them. And if there is a dishwasher, then towels in the kitchen are not needed at all.

Product varieties

There is a wide variety of types and types of towel hooks on the market today.

On suction cups

Perfect for those who do not want to violate the integrity of the wall. Perfect for the pre-shower area (where there is not too much humidity). But such holders cannot be recommended, since for a large towel - even a dry one - they are rather weak.


Similar to the previous version, but more reliable (it is known that suction cup mounts often fall off the wall, dropping everything that hung on them). This type is suitable directly for the bathroom.


With the help of self-tapping screws, bolts and other building elements - such products are universal, but not very popular, as they require violation of the integrity of the wall structure.


At home, you can make towel hooks on your own from a variety of materials: stone, wood, leather, or even concrete.

However, one of the most popular, affordable and malleable materials is plywood. Making a towel hook out of this material is not difficult even for a beginner.

  • First you need to sand the plywood of the right size, after which it needs to be primed. This will be the basis for future mounts.
  • Further, only your imagination limits: you can paint the product in your favorite color or apply a pattern to it. So, you can draw a cute face if the hook is for a baby towel.
  • Attach the finished base to the wall in a convenient way.

  • To create a fastener, you can use a rope (from which a loop should be made), a “crocodile” or even ordinary buttons. You can also make a double hook using 2 fasteners. Or you can cut decorative holders of any shape from the same plywood with a jigsaw and glue them into the cuts cut in the base according to the size of the finished holders. All details, of course, should be processed and then painted.
  • The fixture can be given a touch of elegance by painting it in a single color tone (e.g. beige or white).

Such a plywood towel rack is suitable for a dry room, as the material will not withstand high humidity.

What is the best height to hang?

You can hang hooks for towels at any height convenient for you. The distance from the floor by 190-200 centimeters is considered standard. But here it is also important to consider the growth of households. For example, if a child will use the towels located on this mount, then the height should be reduced to match his height. It is worth remembering that if you have pets, you do not need to hang towels too low.

The towel hook in the bathroom, being a very insignificant detail, can become an important component of the interior of the room. If you like to be original - make a homemade hook from the right material. This can not only give an interesting twist to the design, but also save money.

An interesting idea for making a towel hook is in the video below.

The bathroom is a room in which everything should be located compactly. Each thing must be in its place, otherwise the space will be impractical and non-functional. One of the necessary fixtures is a towel rack in the bathroom. It allows you to store towels in one place and at the same time ensures their full drying, which prevents constant dampness and dampness of towels. Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of products that have a different design and for the manufacture of which they use various materials.

The range of towel racks today is so wide that each customer can choose a design that is suitable for a particular bathroom and harmoniously fits into its interior. The towel holder is not just a functional design, but also acts as a decorative element. The hanger should be chosen so that the empty structure fits into the interior.

The cost of towel racks varies depending on the complexity of the design and the material from which it is made.

The hanger can be a design with hooks or tubular crossbars, or it can be a combination. When choosing a hanger, you should pay attention to how towels will be hung on it. Some hangers can not provide effective hanging of towels - they crumple, which does not allow them to fully dry.

Types of towel racks:

  1. Simple hooks. They can be single or double. The option belongs to an affordable price category and does not differ in special quality, functionality and practicality. Such hooks cannot provide towels with complete drying and ventilation.
  2. Hanger with a set of hooks. This design is hung on the wall. It can accommodate several towels at once, but at the same time they are so close to each other that they do not have time to dry enough.
  3. Floor construction. May consist of hooks or tubular crossbars. The arrangement of towels on the rails is more efficient - they dry much faster on them, which prevents the appearance of an unpleasant rotten smell.
  4. tubular structures. It is a ladder structure that ensures complete drying of the towels.
  5. Pinwheel. It consists of movable tubes that can be folded when nothing dries on them.

Hangers can be decorative, made in the form of a ring. When choosing a design, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom should be taken into account. Bulky designs will be effective, but rather out of place in a small bathroom. It is very convenient to install a heated towel rail, which serves at the same time for hanging towels and drying them efficiently.

Ways to install the towel rack

When choosing holders, it is important to pay attention not only to their design, but also to the materials from which they are made. Mostly they are made of plastic or iron. There are also combined designs. Plastic holders do not look as impressive as metal ones.

In order for the design to serve for a long time, you should buy a metal holder. However, when buying, it is important to pay attention to its quality.

Poor-quality metal holders can begin to peel off after a while, which spoils their appearance and makes them less practical. After the purchase, it is fashionable to determine the location and method of attaching the holder. You can completely install it yourself.

Installation options:

  1. Open. In this way, hooks and hangers with hooks are attached. Usually such holders are attached to the wall using special holes and self-tapping screws. The hanger is applied to a certain place, the place for drilling holes is determined, into which self-tapping screws will later be screwed.
  2. Hidden. To install the holder, use an embedded part. At the same time, the hanging process looks standard, but after attaching the holder, the place where the hanger is attached is closed with a decorative screw.
  3. On the sucker or Velcro. Basically, this option is used to attach plastic hangers to the surface of the tile. This method is an unreliable fastening, since the suction cups have the ability to fall off from time to time, which creates great discomfort.

Of all the methods, installation with hidden fasteners is the most popular - it has a more aesthetic appearance. Anyone can do the installation themselves. But it is better when two people participate in the work, then someone will be able to hold the hanger. And someone to take measurements and screw in the screws.

Wall-mounted towel rack for the bathroom

The most convenient are wall holders. They can be hung anywhere in the bathroom, where it will be convenient to use. Will not interfere with movement and use of other interior items. Wall towel holder is a convenient and multifunctional design.

Today in the bathroom you can pick up a wall holder in the form of hooks, hangers, rings, half rings and tubular crossbars.

Electronic dryers that operate from the mains are very popular. Their temperature and heating level are adjustable, which allows for fast and high-quality drying of towels. The height of the electronic dryer can be selected depending on the area of ​​the bathroom, as well as on how many towels will be dried on it.

Benefits of wall dryer:

  • Does not take up much space;
  • Easy to mount;
  • Functional and practical;
  • Has a beautiful appearance;
  • Harmoniously combined with the overall interior of the room.

An interesting solution may be to install a towel holder on the door. This option will be convenient for a bathroom with a very small area. For high-quality drying of towels, tubular holders are most suitable.

How to make DIY towel hooks

There are a wide variety of towel holders on the market today. All of them have a different shape, size and are made of different types of materials. But many sometimes do not want to spend money on buying such a design or want to make something unique that will become one of the main decorations of the bathroom.

Hooks on your own or a full-fledged hanger can be made from materials of various types, and it is fashionable to decorate the finished product with different techniques.

Mostly wood is used for self-production. A creative approach will help you come up with your own unique design. The main thing is that the product is not only beautiful, but also functional.

DIY options:

  • Take a wooden board. It is good to process it, cover it with acrylic paints and varnish, you can decoupage the plank. Attach the required number of hooks to it.
  • As hooks for towels, you can use clothespins, previously attached to a board or a tight rope.

The holder can be made from wooden coat hangers. To do this, it is attached upside down to the wall. The towel can be broadcast both on a wooden bar and on a metal hook.

Options for towel racks in the bathroom (video)

Towel holders are an important element that allows you to dry towels after taking a bath or shower. You can also hang a towel on a simple hook. But then it will not dry, which will lead to its constant moisture and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The most convenient are tubular wall and floor holders.

Let's go on an excursion to the nearest construction supermarket. Hooks for towels in it - dozens of the most diverse, if not hundreds at once! Big, small, individual, on a hanger, red, black, white, curly, simple, whatever you want! In the conditions of such consumer splendor, the question arises: why do DIY towel hooks, if you can easily choose and buy what you want. The question, of course, is somewhat rhetorical: any creative person who lives by needlework will look at you in bewilderment: they say, the answer is so obvious that there is no point in voicing it. You better tell me why buy them when you can easily make your own towel racks! In general, everyone has their own truth, but if the second question is closer to you, check out our small selection of ideas. homemade towel hooks You will definitely find something that will hook you!

How to make a towel hook with your own hands - 5 master classes:

1. Stone hook

Often the best things are those that come from materials that are literally under your feet. Stylish towel hooks can be made if you choose beautiful stones for this. Yes, yes, the very ones that we walk on, which are lying on the ground, which can be collected almost a carload. A little magic - and you have cool hangers ready.

2. Wooden hooks

Wood is another wonderful material for creativity, which was invented by Nature. Accessible, "alive", amazing in its diversity and uniqueness, it allows you to create things that breathe and have character. To implement such an idea, certain skills in working with wood are required, however, there is nothing complicated.

3. Leather hooks

In general, natural materials are a special joy in work. With them it is very interesting and pleasant to create new and unusual things, because, perhaps, no matter how unfounded it sounds, they have the main thing - the soul. Let not in its classical sense, but there is definitely something alive. Try to make leather hooks - you will definitely feel this magic.

4. Concrete hooks

Well, ok, if you don't want to work with cement - take any self-hardening mass, it will be easier, but no less interesting. In general, in this case, the main thing is to choose the correct and "correct" form for pouring a decorative element. If you choose something that will respond inside with something warm and joyful, the project will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Every day, a person spends a significant part of the time in the kitchen, preparing food or washing dishes. One of the everyday problems is the lack of hooks for towels. You wash your hands, but there is nothing to wipe. No hook, nowhere to hang. You are constantly looking for a towel, thinking where to make this hook, and how.

The kitchen has a fresh renovation, new furniture, and I don’t want to spoil it all with Velcro for hooks, traces of which will be very difficult to remove. Installing, for example, roof rails is expensive, you still need to choose and install it. There is absolutely no time for this.

The towel should hang next to the sink, each time not to fill the floor with water from wet hands in an attempt to get to the cherished towel. I washed my hands and dried them immediately.

If the kitchen has a place where you can hang a hook, but sculpting it is scary, in view of the consequences for furniture, you should incline your choice in favor of hooks with a vacuum suction cup. This product adheres securely to wood and tiles, and, most importantly, does not leave marks.

But it happens that there is nowhere to hang the hook, or you don’t want to constantly cling to it with clothes. Fortunately, there is a way to solve the problem once and for all and in just a few minutes. For fastening you will need:

    • Sturdy clothespin, can be dyed to match, or left as is.
    • 20-25 centimeters of cable (old headphones, charger, etc.).

That's all it takes. Now the main thing is to build this simple structure. Let's get started:

    1. Cut the wire, thread it into a clothespin under an iron ring (if there is none, make a small hole in one of the darlings, which will be slightly larger than the diameter of the cable) and tie a strong knot from the two ends of the wire.
    2. Hang a loop with a clothespin in a convenient place in the kitchen: in the cabinet above the sink, hook it onto the dish grate, attach it to the cabinet handle, etc. Picking up is quite simple, for this you need to loop around the handle or crossbar, thread the clothespin into the loop and tighten.

In this case, a piece of double-sided tape must be glued to the clothespin, and already the clothespin to the tile. Do not forget to degrease the surfaces before joining, this will strengthen the bond. If, however, hooks are preferable, in addition to the factory adhesive tape, glue double-sided tape and connect to the tile.

These simple towel holders can be made by anyone. Which one to choose depends on preferences and the amount of free space in the kitchen.

In this note, I want to share with you a little experience in giving new life to old things - a small master class on repainting an old metal towel rack.

A little background: in the apartment we bought from the previous owners, an old Soviet hook in the form of a dog remained. At first we wanted to throw it away, but the handicraft wave that has overwhelmed us in recent years did not allow us to do this and it was decided to renew the hook.

So let's go.

After the hook was unscrewed from the tiled wall in the kitchen, the first step was to sand the product from the old paint and the “delay of time”. This is what the hook looked like right after we removed it from the wall:

Kitchen hook "Dog" before processing (front view)

back view:

Kitchen hook "Dog" before processing

Cleaning is done with an ordinary sandpaper of not very large grains. Some areas may have to be cleaned with a knife or file, but the usual skin was enough for me.

After stripping the hook, the dog began to look like this:

Kitchen hook "Dog" after sanding

The next step is to prime the product. This can be done using either acrylic primer paints or spray paint. My choice is spray paint. The hook was covered with an even layer of white paint, after which it was left to dry so that it could be painted. If you also decide to paint from a spray can, then it is better to do it outside the living quarters, since the paint from the spray gun is sprayed not only on the product but also into the air, which is not very good, especially if you have children. You can paint, for example, on a well-ventilated balcony after tightly closing the door and windows or on the landing.

So after painting, we have a hook that looks like this:

Kitchen hook "Dog" after priming

After the primer dries, you can start painting the product. To do this, you will need acrylic paints, water and a thin brush, for convenience, a palette also does not hurt. We squeeze out a small amount of paint on the required colors onto the palette and then it's up to your imagination! Since my dog ​​was painted white, it was decided that it would be a Dalmatian 😉