How and where to plant an apple tree. When is the best time to plant apple trees: in spring or autumn. When is the best time to plant

It is perhaps difficult to imagine a garden or summer cottage where there is not a single apple tree. Planting an apple tree is often not limited to one tree, amateur gardeners plant several varieties of apple trees at once, because this is one of the most popular fruit trees. In order for them to develop well, subsequently to please us with a generous harvest, you need to follow the rules of planting and care.

Features of planting an apple tree

The very first thing is the time of planting young trees, here you need to pay attention to what are the climatic features of the region, as well as the characteristics of the variety. The best time to plant apple trees is autumn or spring, if you have snowy winters, then you can plant trees in the fall, if there is little snow, but the frosts are strong enough, then it is better to postpone planting to spring (March-April). This is especially true for apple trees planted in soil with a close occurrence of water.

Most of all, apple trees love loamy soil, if the soil is clayey, then sand, compost or peat must be added. And vice versa: clay, compost, peat, humus should be added to the sandy soil. Soil air exchange is very important for these fruit trees. In the year when planting is made, top dressing should not be applied, but regular watering should be ensured.

Planting an apple tree in autumn - rules, terms

Autumn planting is good for seedlings in that it gives them the opportunity to take root, strengthen the root system, and “settle down” in a new place during the entire winter period. Trees are best planted by the last days of September (the 20th) - until about mid-October (the 14th-17th). If you live in the southern regions, then the autumn planting of apple trees is recommended. The soil for seedlings should be crumbly so that it can pass air and moisture well.

If you do everything according to the rules, then the place for the apple tree must be prepared in advance:

The distance between apple trees during planting should be at least 2.5 meters - this applies to ordinary trees. For grafted, undersized representatives - at least 3.5 meters, if there are a lot of seedlings - they are arranged in rows, the row spacing should be approximately 5 meters.

As for especially tall, tall varieties, the distance between the rows should be at least 6 meters, and the difference between the trees should be at least 4 meters. If you plan to plant one apple tree, then the distance to other trees or bushes should be at least 3.5 meters.

Apple tree - planting in spring

Approximately from the 20th of April, you can start planting apple trees. The advantage of spring planting is that by the onset of winter cold, the tree will already be stronger, it will more comfortably endure wintering. If an apple tree is planted in the spring, at first it needs to be provided with regular abundant watering so that the root system does not dry out.

About a week before planting, it is necessary to prepare a place for a seedling in advance. With soil suitable for the tree, the depth of the pit should be no more than 60 cm, if the soil is problematic, then at least 70 cm. The diameter of the hole should be approximately 60-90 cm.

Before planting, the root system of apple trees must be well moistened; for this, you can first lower the roots of the seedlings in a bucket of water (for a day). After planting, thoroughly fill the hole with water until it stops soaking into the soil. To prevent evaporation of moisture, you can cover the surface of the earth near the seedling with dry grass. When a young apple tree is planted in spring, the planting rules are the same as in autumn (root neck above the soil, peg, etc.).

Planting an apple tree with a high standing groundwater

What to do if groundwater in your area comes very close to the surface of the earth? If under such conditions you plant an apple tree in the usual way, it will simply die due to the contact of the roots with moisture, lack of air. Here it is necessary to set the direction of surface growth to the roots (avoid contact with water). The way out is to plant an apple tree on an artificial hill.

Apple tree - care and planting of seedlings in conditions of close groundwater:

  1. We find the most elevated part of the site with a diameter of about 2 meters, dig it up.
  2. From old wooden boards (old wood will rot faster) we mount a box, approximately a meter × meter, 80 cm in height is enough. We install the structure on an elevation, it will hold the poured earth.
  3. Inside the box, we pour manure, fertilizers (superphosphate) onto the dug up soil, and fill it with fertile soil from above. Here you need to first take care of the presence of soil, since you will need quite a lot of it.
  4. We plant a seedling on the resulting embankment in compliance with all planting rules, after which the structure is covered with earth from all sides.

As the tree will increase in growth, the amount of land should also increase (by pouring). With the onset of winter time, the tree should be provided with additional protection from frost, and in summer - from drought. In this design, the soil freezes, dries out much faster than with conventional planting.

Planting an apple tree at a high level of groundwater is possible using another method - a concrete "cushion". To do this, they first dig a hole about 60-80 cm deep, diameter - 90-100 cm, a concrete slab is equipped at the bottom of this hole. Thus, the roots of the apple tree, having reached the concrete, having met resistance, will grow to the sides (horizontally).

Sometimes gardeners do not resort to digging holes, but simply lay solid materials (slate, board) on the ground, pour a hill of fertile soil up to 70-80 cm high on top - seedlings are planted.

Planting apple tree seedlings with a closed root system

At plant shows or nurseries, apple seedlings are often sold in pots or appropriate containers. Such trees quickly take root in a new place, comfortably endure planting, since their roots are not injured during the process.

Planting apple trees with a closed root system is done in this way:

Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted at any time from spring to autumn.

apple tree care

In the first year of planting, pruning can be done - if the apple seedling is powerful, well developed, has branches at least 40 cm long. If the tree is weak, then pruning should be postponed to the next year. This process is recommended in the spring. Thus, the central conductor is shortened by 2 or 3 buds - this is done so that the side shoots gain strength and grow more actively. Skeletal branches are subordinated to the main conductor - they should be located below it. The subsequent care of the apple tree in the first year of life consists in timely watering and prevention from diseases and pests.

The very next year, pruning of branches becomes formative. For the harmonious development of the crown, young shoots are shortened, all branches that grow inside the crown, as well as those that grow from the trunk at an acute angle, are cut out. Almost always, one strong shoot breaks forward, which competes with the central conductor. It should be cut off, and the main conductor should be shortened again by 2-3 kidneys.

Skeletal branches should also be pruned in harmony with other branches. The more branches of the second and third order, the stronger the first order branch will be. This gives a reserve of power for the future, because once the branches will have to withstand the weight of numerous fruits. For the harmonious development of the tree, productivity and long years, annual pruning should be done - crown shaping.

Caring for the near-trunk circle in the first years of a tree's life consists in regular weeding from weeds. Before fruiting, you can mulch the circle with hay, and after that it is allowed to sow a sparse lawn. In summer, young apple trees are watered about once a month, pouring 3 buckets of water under each tree. If the summer is very dry, and the tree grows on sandy soil, then watering should be increased to 1 or 2 times a week. The calculation of water for older apple trees is made in this way: how old is the tree, how many buckets of water it should consume.

For fruit-bearing trees, there is a peculiar irrigation scheme:

  • until the moment of bud break;
  • 20 days after flowering;
  • a month before fruit picking;
  • after the final harvest.

When the fruits are removed from the branches, it is impossible to water the tree - the apples will crack and be poorly stored.

Feeding, fertilizing

In the spring, young trees are given a solution of urea (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) - this is root dressing. For foliar (May-June), "Ideal" or sodium humate, in solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), is well suited. In September, it is recommended to carry out another root feeding with a phosphorus-potassium solution (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

A peculiar seasonal feeding scheme for adult apple trees involves 4 times a day. The first - 500 g of urea is scattered and buried in the soil under each tree, the second - at the beginning of flowering, a mixture of potassium sulfate, urea, superphosphate infused for several days (80/50/100 g per 20 l of water). The third - after the fall of the color, a mixture of nitrophoska, sodium humate (100/2 g per 20 liters of water) and the final one, after removing the fruits - a bucket of humus for each tree.

Preventive treatments against pests and diseases should also take place, they can be combined with fertilizer application. Planting an apple tree is the beginning of a long journey from a young seedling to an adult sprawling tree with bulk sweet fruits.


The topic of choosing the timing of planting apple trees is quite relevant, since they are well-deservedly popular. In most regions of Russia, amateur gardeners tend to grow apple varieties of different ripening times so that they are in the diet almost all year round. To collect good crops during planting, carefully choose a place on the site, properly prepare the soil and seedlings, and follow the rules of care. An important point is the choice of planting dates, which vary depending on the climate, weather, seedling variety, and intended cultivation method.

Choosing the season for planting an apple tree

Ideal planting material takes root in a new place during the dormant period. Trees are completely immersed in sleep in winter, but winter planting in frozen ground is impossible, so it is customary to plant apple trees in the spring before the start of sap flow or in the fall after it ends. Additional information will help determine the timing more accurately.

Landing times by region

So that the root system does not die from the cold and, conversely, the buds do not dry out from the heat, it is necessary to transfer the tree to a permanent place at the optimum air and soil temperature. The following are average data on planting dates in different climatic zones of the country.

  1. Northern regions of Russia. In Siberia, in the Urals, in the Leningrad region, it is advisable to carry out planting work in the spring, from the last decade of April to mid-May. During the growing season, the root system will give new shoots, fortified apple trees will not be afraid of the coming frosts. Planting young animals in winter is fraught with freezing even when hilling and mulching.
  2. The middle lane (it includes, in particular, the suburbs). In principle, both spring and autumn options are possible here. The first is still preferable, since the winter here is characterized by sudden temperature changes and gusty winds, which are harmful to plants that have not taken root. In autumn, it is allowed to carry out planting work, starting from the end of September and no later than mid-October (three weeks before frost).
  3. Southern regions. Equally acceptable spring and autumn planting. Closer to the north, it is preferable to plant trees in the spring (from mid-April), and in the southern regions - in the autumn (from October to mid-November).


When planting apple trees, not only the natural area, but also the weather conditions are taken into account. In the spring, to check the readiness of the thawed soil, you will have to work a little with a shovel. If the bayonet enters the ground without resistance - warming up is sufficient, you can start landing. If the canvas bends, it's not worth the risk: the seedlings may freeze. It is worth starting the check from about mid-April.

In autumn, the soil is already warm enough, it is better not to rush into planting: if you move them by the end of August, the roots will not take root well. Experienced gardeners advise planting apple trees when the foliage begins to fall. In extreme cases, if a summer transplant is necessary, the tree is dug up with a large clod of earth, they pay more attention to watering, and increase the feeding rate.

It is preferable to work on a quiet cloudy day. Under the scorching rays of the sun, young growth can dry out, and gusts of wind can break thin trees. In the spring, evening planting is more favorable: in the morning the soil is cold, and during the day it has time to warm up better.

How to choose apple seedlings

When buying, you should take into account several factors that affect the timing of planting and make adjustments to the care methodology.

  • Tree age. In the spring, young seedlings no older than 2 years have an advantage, and more mature, resistant plants can be planted in the autumn. It is advisable to transplant mature trees closer to winter, when the vegetation has almost completely stopped - this will protect the apple trees from death when changing location.
  • Root system type. Bare-rooted seedlings are more suitable for mild climates. Near St. Petersburg, in the Urals and in Siberia, even for spring planting, it is worth choosing trees in containers.
  • Varietal affiliation. Columnar apple trees with a poorly developed root system are usually planted in spring. During the growing season, the roots "grow" with the soil, and for the winter they will have to be additionally insulated. In dwarf and semi-dwarf trees, the roots are the same as in tall varieties, so they are less whimsical by the time of planting.

In an effort to acquire high-quality apple trees, you should not choose the largest of them. In nurseries, seedlings are removed from the soil with a plow, which thoroughly injures the roots of large specimens. So that they hurt less during the adaptation period, the branched crown will have to be cut out almost completely. At the same time, unsightly-looking one-year-olds and two-year-olds suffer less when dug up, since their roots are placed more compactly.

Experienced gardeners do not advise buying trees in spontaneous markets, from random traders. In this case, the risk of acquiring ungrafted or non-zoned apple trees increases. It is much safer to turn to nurseries or specialty stores that offer customers high-yielding, winter-hardy or drought-resistant varieties adapted to local environmental conditions.

Landing site preparation

Sometimes it is mistakenly believed that an unpretentious apple tree can grow where it has to. But this culture has certain preferences:

  • abundance of sun in the summer;
  • fertilized soil;
  • lack of swampiness;
  • protection from strong winds and, at the same time, sufficient ventilation of the site.

If there is no place on the plot with a similar combination of conditions, they must be created. A high fence will help to shelter the trees from the wind, enrich the soil with organic fertilizers or green manure, and prevent rotting of the roots from groundwater - drainage. It is undesirable to have young growth where apple trees used to grow. From year to year, plants secrete specific substances that remain in the soil and inhibit the growth of seedlings of the same breed. Good predecessors for apple trees are plum, cherry. In a wasteland, a corner where nettles have grown wildly will be a suitable place for a seedling.

Before planting, find out if the selected variety is self-pollinating. If this is not the case, you should take care of pollinators: set up a garden near the apiary or plant certain varieties of apple trees nearby (found according to the table). In the middle lane, Antonovka is an almost universal pollinator.

Features of the autumn planting of an apple tree

If the climate and weather allow planting apple trees in autumn, it remains to wait for the end of leaf fall, prepare a hole in advance, buy a medium-sized 1-2-year-old seedling and plant it. Until the soil temperature reaches +4 ° C, a plant with a “falling asleep” top will intensively release young roots. The following are the main agricultural practices for the autumn planting of apple trees.

  1. In about a month (in extreme cases, in 10-12 days), they dig a hole 1 x 1 meter, to a depth of about 70 cm. The upper fertile soil layer is laid separately from the rest of the soil. In the middle of the recess, a stake is driven in so that it then protrudes 0.3-0.4 m above ground level.
  2. The deposited upper layer is mixed with the lower infertile soil, 1/3 of this mixture is separated. 3 buckets of rotted manure, 10 tablespoons of wood ash, a glass of superphosphate, 4 tablespoons of potassium salt are added to it and mixed thoroughly. The resulting fertilized mixture is unloaded into the pit, and the remaining 2/3 (unfertilized soil) is poured on top. The landing pit is watered, after settling, the earth is filled up
  3. At the appointed time, the apple tree is planted, after making a hole in a filled hole and adding a little black soil there.
  4. The roots are immersed in a recess, covered with earth in such a way that the root collar remains 5 cm above its level. The tree is tied to a support.
  5. Carry out abundant watering (3-4 buckets of water) so that the soil sticks to the roots better. After that, the hole is covered with earth, ensuring that the root neck is at ground level or a couple of centimeters above it.

After the water has been absorbed, a not too thick layer of humus or peat chips is poured onto the bottom of the hole to prevent moisture from evaporating. With the approach of stable frosts, the mulch layer is increased, the seedlings are wrapped with spruce branches or thick paper - this will help protect them from frost, sunburn in early spring, as well as rodents. In areas where little snow falls in winter, the stems are dug in with earth to a height of up to 20 cm.

Features of the spring planting of an apple tree

  1. After thawing the soil (about 7-10 days before planting), a pit is prepared. In good soil, a depth of 60 cm is sufficient, on poor soils - at least 70 cm. The diameter of the pit can be maintained from 60 to 80 cm.
  2. Thoroughly moisten the root system of seedlings by placing them in a barrel of water for a day. Saturated with moisture, the roots will be protected from drying out.
  3. Planting a seedling in the ground is carried out according to the "autumn" technology. The only difference is the higher watering rate. It is stopped when the soil stops absorbing moisture.
  4. When planting columnar varieties in the ridges, first a strip of 3x3.5 meters is prepared for each plant, digging it up to the depth of the bayonet. A mixture of fertilizers is scattered over the surface: a bucket of compost (humus), 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, 2 tablespoons of potassium salt per 1 m2. The earth is raked with a rake, sprinkled with earth without fertilizers (layer 60-70 cm). Apple trees are planted in 2-3 weeks, in parallel, grooves are dug between the rows to drain groundwater.

Nuances and main mistakes when planting apple trees

As already mentioned, the important point is the correct penetration of the seedling into the pit. If the root neck (the border of the trunk and root) is deep in the ground, the tree will lag behind in growth. With a shallow landing, the roots dry up, because of which the plant may even die. To correctly determine the position of the root collar, wipe the lower part of the main shoot with a wet cloth and visually determine the line where the color of the bark changes from green to brown. Do not confuse the root neck with the grafting site, which is 4-8 cm higher.

A number of useful tips will help novice gardeners when planting apple trees:

  • Do not exceed the dose of mineral fertilizers. Their excess leads to the death of beneficial bacteria that process beneficial substances for their better absorption by plants.
  • It is unacceptable to lay fresh manure in the planting pit. Being deep in the pit, organic matter without access to oxygen decomposes very slowly with the release of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. These compounds inhibit the roots of the seedling, slow down the survival rate.
  • Before planting, the damaged tips of the roots are cut off at the seedling, and if they are dry, the tree is placed in water for 1-2 days. To improve contact with the soil, the root system is dipped in a liquid water mixture of red clay (3 parts) and mullein (1 part). It is desirable to add a rooter to this composition - Grandis, Rival, Epin.
  • Lowering the seedling into the pit, all root processes should be directed downward or horizontally.
  • After sprinkling the roots with earth, it is gently crushed with a shovel or hands. Do not trample down the hole with your feet or use a rammer.
  • When tying a tree to a peg, the twine is twisted in the form of a figure eight so that the stem sways less during the wind and does not split at the same time. Under the twine, a roofing felt lining is put on the trunk so that the bark is not damaged due to friction.

apple tree care

It is not difficult to take care of a seedling in the first years: you need to remove weeds and periodically moisten the soil. There are different opinions about the condition of the trunk circles. They can be kept under black fallow and constantly loosened to avoid cracking the soil. The second option is mulching with dry grass or straw. Aisles are sown with green manure in the summer, mowed in the fall and embedded in the soil as organic matter.

After the autumn planting, watering the tree is done once, since the water evaporates slowly during the cold season. An apple tree planted in spring is watered 2-3 times a week until it takes root. After that, on clay soils, watering is reduced to once a month, and during a drought on sandy soils, it is carried out at least once a week. Irrigation rate - 2-3 buckets per plant, the water must be settled and warm.

Shelter from spruce branches, strips of paper, mulching with manure or hilling for the winter spend the first five years after planting, until the trees get stronger. Crown formation begins in the second year, in early spring. They cut off branches growing in the trunk area, shorten strongly growing shoots (more than half a meter long) - this technique helps to restrain the growth of trees in height and activate the development of side branches. For the first two years, all flowers are cut off on young apple trees, and then the load is regulated, leaving 1-2 apples in fruit clusters.

Planting apple seedlings will give good results if they are chosen correctly. It is not recommended to buy those seedlings that have leaves and that were dug up before the beginning of October. After all, they did not have time to prepare for the winter, nutrients did not accumulate in them - such young animals are unlikely to survive.

The apple tree has many varieties, each of which is bred for certain climatic conditions. Do not rush to be tempted by a picture with beautiful fruits, find out if the climatic conditions of your region meet the needs of a particular variety. Choosing blindly will lead to the fact that the apple tree simply will not bear fruit, or even die altogether.

When buying a seedling, pay attention to its length. The optimal value for a young tree is considered to be a length within 125 centimeters. If the plant is shorter, then it was poorly cared for or dug up ahead of time. Conversely, if the seedling is taller than necessary, it is unlikely to take root. Most likely, such a plant will not survive even the first frost.

When choosing planting material, it is necessary to inspect it from all sides. Pay special attention to the root system - it must be wet! The roots should be light, and the bark intact and intact. When moving a seedling, transporting it, the roots are wrapped in a damp cloth and a plastic bag.

How to plant an apple tree seedling - choosing a place

Consider the nuances of how to properly plant apple seedlings so that your efforts are not in vain. First of all, you need to prepare a place for planting a tree. The apple tree loves loose soil, does not tolerate swampy and rocky soil. In the event that you are going to plant a whole apple orchard, leave at 3-4 meters, and the interval between rows should be at least 5 meters.

The pit in which the young tree will be planted is prepared in advance, 30 days before planting. Its depth should be no more than 0.8 meters, and its diameter should be about a meter.

We drive a wooden stake into the middle of the dug hole, the length of which is at least 50 centimeters above the ground. It should be burned with fire from below so that it does not begin to rot ahead of time. When the recess for the tree is ready, care should be taken to fertilize the soil. It is necessary to mix the earth with humus, manure, compost and organic fertilizers.

Pour the prepared mixture into the hole so that it is completely filled. It is good if a tubercle of useful soil rises above the hole. A mound is needed, because the soil will compact and sit down. And since the landing is planned only in a month, the earth will noticeably settle before that time. So, the recess is ready, it remains to figure out how to plant apple tree seedlings.

How and when is it better to plant apple tree seedlings?

Let's learn step by step how to properly plant an apple tree seedling. In the hole, which we prepared and fertilized in advance, we make a recess. The diameter and depth must match the root system of the seedling. We insert the seedling into the hole and fill it with earth, which we tamp down with our palms.

The apple tree is one of the most popular fruit and berry trees in the summer cottage. Having bought several varietal seedlings, you can turn your backyard into a real orchard. Despite the fact that the tree is unpretentious, many novice gardeners cannot decide on the time of planting, fearing that a seedling rooted in autumn will die from the cold. However, professionals convince that specimens planted on the eve of winter are more hardy and take root better. When to plant apple trees in a summer cottage? It is recommended to consider the features of planting at different times of the year and choose the most suitable option.

When is the best time to plant apple trees outdoors?

Planting time largely depends on the climatic features of the region, for example, residents of the southern regions prefer to plant in the fall, without fear of freezing seedlings. In general, an apple tree is a hardy and resistant plant, knowing how to properly provide further care, you can plant a seedling on a site in spring, autumn and even summer.

Features of the autumn planting of an apple tree

Answering the question of when it is better to plant apple trees, experts, without hesitation, recommend autumn. Pros and cons of pre-winter landing:

  • a properly planted seedling will take root well before the onset of frost, get stronger over the winter and start growing with the advent of warm spring days;
  • "Autumn" seedlings are much more hardy, have strong immunity, they are no longer afraid of spring frosts;
  • in spring, with the melting of snow, plants will receive a large amount of moisture and, accordingly, nutrients;
  • for the winter, young seedlings will need to be securely covered with spruce branches and the soil should be mulched with cut grass or peat so that the roots and shoots do not suffer from frost.

The most favorable time for planting in the fall is from September 25 to October 20. Autumn comes to each region at different times, so the gardener is advised to focus on leaf fall, as soon as it passes, you can plan land work. An apple tree will need 15–25 days of good, frost-free weather to establish itself securely.

Features of the spring planting of an apple tree

When to plant apple trees in spring? Planting apple trees is planned only after the earth has warmed up well. As a rule, ground work begins on the 20th of April and can continue until mid-May. Pros and cons of planting in the spring:

  • rooting a seedling in the spring, the gardener can no longer be afraid that the plant will suffer from the winter cold, a healthy apple tree will soon begin to grow;
  • when planted in spring, the plants will need to be watered abundantly and often, as a lot of moisture will be required for successful rooting.
  • in spring it is not so easy to find quality planting material, in addition, at this time it costs a little more.

When planting in the spring, the main problem for the gardener will be maintaining soil moisture at the proper level. In order for the roots to be saturated with moisture, it is recommended to hold them for a day in a bucket of water before planting in a pit. After planting, it is imperative to mulch the near-stem circle with humus or dry grass, this will not only prevent the top layer of the earth from drying out, but also protect against excessive growth of weeds.

Features of the summer planting of an apple tree

When answering the question of when it is better to plant apple trees, it is unlikely that any of the experienced gardeners will recommend the summer months. But sometimes situations arise that the tree needs to be urgently rooted or transplanted to another place. Summer planting is dangerous because the plant will not be able to get enough moisture and nutrients. After planting, it is recommended to shade the seedling at noon, regularly moisten the soil and apply mineral fertilizers of low concentration. Be sure to mulch the near-stem circle with humus, compost or mowed grass.

Does the choice of planting time depend on the age of the apple tree?

When deciding when to plant apple trees, the age of the tree should also be taken into account. Even very young plants germinated from seeds are suitable for planting in the spring. Over the summer, they will have time to get stronger and steadfastly endure the coming winter.

In autumn, trees are planted at the age of 1-2 years and a little older. Their root system is already quite mature and quickly adapts to new conditions. Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant adult specimens that are 3–5 years old, in which case it is worth giving preference to planting carried out in late autumn or even winter. A dormant tree will better tolerate a change of location, and the chances of survival will be much higher.

How to plant an apple tree?

Planting an apple tree is a slow process and will require certain knowledge and skills from the gardener. Regardless of what time of year the tree is planted, the planting hole should be prepared in advance (at least 4-5 weeks in advance). A pit for planting is dug with a size of 50x50x70 cm, where 70 cm is the depth. A strong wooden peg is driven in the center, its diameter must be at least 5 cm. It must rise 45 cm above ground level. In order to prevent rotting of the lower part, it is fired.

If the seedling is planted no earlier than a month and a half later, then organic and mineral fertilizers can be applied to the ground, during which time they will have time to partially decompose and will not cause a burn of the root system.

For one planting pit, the following quantity is required:

  • humus, compost or peat - 20–30 kg (depending on how depleted the soil on the site is),
  • wood ash - 200-250 g,
  • superphosphate - 200-300 g,
  • potassium sulfate - 100–125 g.

After thoroughly mixing fertilizers with garden soil, the pit is filled with the resulting mixture, in this state the site will remain until the day the plant is planted.

If the ground on the site is quite dense and heavy, then drainage from broken bricks, small stones, crumpled cans or nails is placed at the bottom of the landing pit.

At the appointed time, a small hole is made in the soil and black soil is poured onto the bottom, having built a small mound. The roots of the seedling are carefully examined, dried or rotten are cut, and then placed in the hole, carefully distributing the root system along the embankment. It is important to plant the plant in such a way that the root collar rises above the ground at a level of 5 cm. If it is located lower, then the apple tree will not take root for a long time and subsequently its fruiting will be irregular. Having landed higher, the tree will suffer from a lack of moisture. During planting, the earth is poured into the hole in small portions, carefully compacting each layer so that there are no air cavities left. Having planted a seedling, it is tied to a driven peg with twine. The loop should be free, in the form of a figure eight, this is done so that the seedling does not settle and does not suffer from gusts of strong wind. Further, the near-stem circle is well moistened (it will take 3 buckets of water) and the soil is mulched (a layer of about 5 cm).

Further care of the apple tree depends on the time of planting. So, rooting a seedling in spring or summer, frequent watering will be required. In autumn, on the eve of frosts, it will be necessary to increase the mulch layer to 20 cm, and in regions with a harsh climate, organize additional shelter from spruce branches, rags or agrofibre.

When is the best time to plant apple trees - in spring or on the eve of winter? Each gardener determines for himself. If you follow the planting technology, then the seedling will take root well at any time of the year, and in a few years it will delight you with tasty and fragrant fruits.

Video how to plant an apple tree

A well-kept garden that regularly bears fruit is the pride of any gardener. But in order to achieve this, you must initially work hard, taking into account all the features of planting and care.

The main part of each garden, as a rule, is made up of apple trees, because. they are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and good survival in almost any conditions.

Therefore, if you decide to plant an apple tree in the spring, the following detailed material on when and how to do it correctly so that the seedling takes root quickly will be useful to you.

The optimal time for planting an apple tree in spring in a permanent place is the period before the buds open on the tree (that is, the plant should still be sleeping).

At the same time, an important condition for spring planting is already a positive air temperature, and not only during the day (it should already be +5), but also at night.

You should not wait until the ground has completely thawed, it is very good to plant seedlings with an open root system immediately after the snow melts, but the ground will not have time to warm up much.

Thus, it is highly desirable to have time to plant while the seedlings are still “at rest”, otherwise this will necessarily negatively affect their survival and disrupt the natural development cycle.

As for the approximate dates, depending on the climatic features of the region, it is recommended to plant an apple tree in spring from the end of March-April to the beginning of May.

Advice! The best time for planting seedlings is cloudy and calm weather, early morning or late evening.

When is the best time to plant - spring or autumn

It is believed that all fruit trees, including apple trees, are still better to plant, because. during this period, only the roots grow by plants, which means that the seedling will definitely not vegetate. Moreover, it is recommended to do this before the onset of stable frosts, that is, you should have about a month (3-4 weeks) in stock.

Important! Planting an apple tree too early in the autumn is also not recommended, because. shoots must have time to mature well in order to successfully survive the winter.

However, if you are late, and frosts are expected within 1-2 weeks, then it is better to play it safe and postpone planting the apple tree until spring (you can save the seedling by digging in the garden, or by planting it in a container and putting it in the basement).

Thus, the approximate dates for planting an apple tree in the fall in different regions are the second half of September - the end of October.

By the way! It is also believed that pome crops - apples and pears are best planted in the fall, and stone fruits - cherries, plums, apricots - in the spring.

In general, due to the fact that the apple tree is a fairly winter-hardy crop, it can be planted both in autumn and in spring.

However, the spring planting of an apple tree has its advantages:

  1. Throughout the season, you will have the opportunity to respond in time to any negative factors that hinder the development of the seedling (drought, diseases, pests) and take measures to eliminate them.
  2. A sufficient amount of moisture in the soil in spring improves the survival of the tree, which shortens the period of its adaptation to a new place.
  3. When planting in the spring, you can prepare the site and the planting hole in advance (since autumn), the soil in which will completely settle by spring, and therefore the possibility of deepening the root neck of the seedling will be excluded.

Thus, when planting in the spring, the apple tree has excellent chances to get stronger during the season and be well prepared for the coming winter.

Note! Apple tree seedlings with a closed root system can be planted all year round - from April to October, unless it is recommended to do this in the middle of summer, when it is very hot.

Video: when is it better to plant seedlings of fruit and berry crops

Planting dates in spring in different regions

Naturally, depending on climatic features, the timing of spring planting of apple trees in different regions will differ:

  • So, in the South of Russia, you can plant an apple tree already in the second half of March and early April.
  • But gardeners in the Middle Strip (Moscow region) should wait until the 2nd decade of April.
  • In Siberia and the Urals, apple seedlings should be planted in open ground only in late April or early May.

According to the lunar calendar in 2020

Choosing the best date for planting seedlings can help you moon calendar.

So, favorable days for the spring planting of an apple tree in 2020, according to the lunar calendar, are:

  • in March - 26-29;
  • in April - 11-15, 24, 25;
  • in May - 2-10.

Of course, it is not always possible to get to the dacha exactly on the appropriate days, so the main thing is not to plant an apple tree and any other crops on unfavorable dates according to the lunar calendar (days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because this barren and dry sign - italicized).

Unfavorable days, according to the lunar calendar, for 2020 for planting apple seedlings in the spring are the following dates:

  • in March - 9, 19-21 , 24;
  • in April - 8, 15-17 , 23;
  • in May - 7, 13-14 , 22;
  • in June - 5, 9-11 , 21.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for a Summer Resident".

Algorithm for the spring planting of an apple tree: how to plant a seedling correctly

So that in the end the tree quickly adapts, takes root and grows, you should carefully prepare for planting.

Seedling selection and preparation for planting

When choosing a seedling, it is necessary to give preference to varieties that have proven themselves well in the conditions of your region, in other words, you should purchase exactly zoned apple varieties that have a sufficient level of winter hardiness for the climate of your area.

Worth knowing! Seedlings can be either with an open root system (OCS) or with a closed one (in a container).

Of course, it is better for beginners to take seedlings in a container, and experienced gardeners can also purchase with OKS.

Also, the apple tree seedling must comply with the following main criteria:

  • The overall appearance of the seedling should be healthy, with no signs of wilting, disease or pest damage.
  • The seedling itself should not be older than 2 years, as at this age it adapts faster.
  • The height of the seedling should be within 1-1.5 m (weak growth below, vigorous growth above): any deviation up or down indicates improper care or excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers.
  • It should have a well-developed root system (without any outgrowths and neoplasms), that is, in addition to the main root, there should be several more lateral ones (the older the seedling, the more roots it has), the length of which can be about 20-25 cm, at the same time, they should not be overdried and broken;

Even if you buy a seedling with a closed root system, the lateral roots tend to stick out of the container.

Advice! To check that the seedling is really with a closed root system, you need to take it by the trunk and shake it. If it sits tight - everything is fine.

  • In the lower part, on the trunk, you should clearly see the place of grafting (connection of rootstock and scion), which will guarantee that this is a varietal tree, and not a wild one.

As a rule, grafting is done (they also say “grafted with an eye”), less often with a cutting (i.e., copulation).

  • It is also worth evaluating the quality of the upper part of the trunk (grafted part). The wood must be mature and strong, without any mechanical damage, sunburn, frost cracks and bark cracks, and the trunk itself must be even and not twisted.

Important! It is highly desirable that a seedling with ACS does not have any signs of the beginning of vegetation, i.e. was in a dormant stage (there were no leaves on it).

However, closed-rooted container seedlings (CCS) are often sold in the spring already in the vegetative stage. In this case, you also need to carefully evaluate their appearance, especially the color of the leaves.

Video: how to choose the right apple seedling

Preparing for landing

Immediately before planting, the roots of the seedling should be washed from the old soil, then dipped in a clay mash, and then renew the tips of the roots, slightly cutting them. This is all the more necessary if they are too long, or you notice that there are damaged, sick and broken (to a healthy place).

Some gardeners recommend completely soaking the seedling in water (possible with the addition of Kornevin) for a day or at least an hour, which will help restore biological processes in the roots and saturate them with moisture, especially if you see that the roots are slightly dry (and this is not under no circumstances should it be allowed).

Suitable place in the garden

Choosing a good place to plant a seedling is another important factor for successful tree growing. So, apple trees (like many other fruit trees) grow well in open and sunny areas, but at the same time well protected from drafts.

An ideal option for planting an apple tree would be a place that will be protected from the withering winter winds on the north side. It can be your country house, some outbuilding or a fence.

In this case, the tree itself, of course, should be placed on the south side, so it will receive the maximum amount of sunlight.

Also culture not very fond of lowlands (but endure) and especially wetlands, so it is better to plant it in more elevated areas (even better right on the mounds).

In other words, at the landing site moisture should not stagnate in the spring when the snow melts. Otherwise, the root collar will simply support the plant, and it will die.

By the way! Despite the fact that pome crops (apple and pear) are crops with fairly “strong” root collars (compared to stone fruits, the same apricots and peaches), it is better to plant them on a hill (hill) in the zone of risky farming.

The location of groundwater is also of great importance when planting an apple tree. They should be no closer than 1.5 meters to the soil surface.

If groundwater is close, then you have no choice but to make an artificial embankment and plant a seedling already on it.

Important! Of course, apple trees should not be planted near large spreading trees (especially hazelnuts), as this will negatively affect their growth and yield (if the seedling can grow and bear fruit at all).

How far to plant

The distance between apple seedlings is of great importance and affects the stability of the crop and the life of the apple tree in the future. Therefore, in order to properly plant, it is necessary to first draw up a layout for the placement of trees, taking into account their strength of growth and crown growth.

So, apple trees on a vigorous rootstock are planted at a distance of at least 5-7 meters from each other (usually 5 by 4), on a medium-sized one - 3-4 m (usually 4 by 3), on a weak-growing rootstock - 1-3 m (semi-dwarf - 3 by 2, dwarf - 3 by 1.5).

By the way! Column apple trees (columnar apple trees) are sometimes even planted according to the scheme of 0.5 m in a row and 1 m in row spacing.

Remember! The closer you plant trees, the more difficult it will be for you to control their crown in the future, in other words, you will need regular and mandatory pruning, including summer.

Required soil

The best land for growing apple trees is loam, although it will also grow well on sandy soil and light chernozem.

Thus, the soil should be distinguished by a light mechanical composition (be loose, warm up well, it is easy to pass water and air to the roots) and neutral level of acidity.

Of course, less successful for growing apple trees is sandy and clay soil but if you can create when landing in such a land good drainage, then the culture will take root and will successfully grow even under such conditions.

Important! When planting an apple tree seedling in excessively sandy soil, add a little clay and more compost to it, and sand to clay soil, which will help balance the composition of the soil.

Advice! In a cold and harsh climate, and also if the earth is heavy, or the site is very waterlogged and groundwater lies very close, then an apple tree (and any other fruit trees) is recommended to be planted on gentle hillocks("according to Zhelezov").

Planting hole preparation: when to dig and what size (depth)

To plant a tree, it is necessary to prepare in advance (dig and fill with nutrient soil) a planting hole, having done this since the fall or at least 1-2 weeks before the procedure. During this period, the soil will just have time to settle to the desired level.

Important! When digging a planting hole, the top layer of soil is thrown aside for further use.

Planting hole depth for an apple tree should be within 50-80 cm, width - 60-100 cm (on average they make 60 by 60).

As a rule, a planting hole for a seedling with a closed root system make it easy 2-3 times larger than the container itself.

Fits right to the bottom drainage layer of 10-15 cm from broken bricks or small stones (the same crushed limestone or expanded clay), and then the prepared nutrient mixture is poured.

Important! If you have to plant in clay soil, then in addition to the obligatory drainage layer, you also definitely need to dig the deepest possible hole.

How to prepare a nutrient mixture (substrate) or how to fill a planting hole

So that the apple tree can easily adapt to a new place and strengthen for further growth, when planting, it is recommended to fill the planting hole with a nutrient substrate, in other words, to introduce the whole complex of macro- and partly microelements.

To do this, the planting pit is filled with a specially prepared soil mixture (which is thoroughly mixed to a uniform consistency), which may include the following components (mineral and organic fertilizers):

  • all top fertile soil (upper 20-30 cm) that you removed when digging a hole;
  • a bucket or two (8-16 kg) of good humus or compost;
  • a bucket (8-9 kg) of non-acidic peat (if possible);
  • a bucket (8-9 kg) of sand (if you have relatively heavy soil);
  • 1-2 cups (200-500 grams) or 400-600 grams of bone meal (an organic analogue of phosphate fertilizer);
  • half or 1 cup of potassium sulfate (100-200 grams) or 2-4 cups (200-400 grams) (an organic analogue of potash fertilizer).

Or instead of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, just use 300-400 grams of nitroammophoska (it contains 16% nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) or even better diammophoska.

Worth knowing! When planting a tree (even in spring), you do not need to specifically add nitrogen fertilizers (another matter if it is a complex fertilizer), as they stimulate vegetation at the expense of root development (especially when planting in northern regions).

Important! However, many gardeners do not at all recommend laying mineral fertilizers in the planting pit, but applying them in the future as top dressing.

After filling the pit with a nutrient substrate, it is necessary to drive a wooden stake, which will serve as a support for a young seedling.

Direct landing

Planting an apple tree in the spring, carried out in accordance with all the rules, will enable the tree to quickly settle in a new place and grow. As a result, the seedling will be able to safely take root during the season and fully prepare for wintering.

Step-by-step instructions for planting an apple tree in spring:

  • Fill the planting hole with fertile soil in advance, leaving a recess the size of the root system of the seedling.
  • In the case of planting a seedling with an open root system, pour a small mound in the center of the planting hole.

If you are planting a seedling with a closed root system, then you do not need to make any mounds, but simply place it in a prepared planting hole without disturbing the earthen coma.

  • Drive in a wooden support (peg) (if you did not do this in advance).
  • Set the seedling in the center of the mound and spread the roots along its (mound) sides down (the roots should in no case stick up!).

Important! If you have a seedling that was, then the place of budding (eye = a new shoot that grew from the graft) should face north, and the cut point should face south.

  • Sprinkle the roots with earth, while shaking the seedling to eliminate voids between the roots.
  • Compact (tamp) the soil, starting from the edges at the base of the seedling.

At the same time, the root neck (the place where the first root leaves the trunk, not to be confused with the graft, it is even higher - on the trunk) should be located 3-5 cm (you can simply attach 2-3 fingers) above the soil surface. After the tree settles in loose soil, the root neck will in any case take its normal position.

If you deepen the root collar, then the tree will grow poorly and gradually die (because the root collar will swell). On the contrary, plant too high - the roots of the seedling will be bare and may simply dry out in the heat of summer or freeze in winter.

  • Next, you need to make a hole (roller) along the diameter (perimeter) of the near-stem circle 5-10 cm high.
  • Pour abundantly with water, pouring out at least 2-3 buckets (pouring gradually - waiting for it to be absorbed and topping up more).
  • Tie the seedling to the prepared support with soft twine and secure in the correct position.
  • Level the roller, loosen the soil in the trunk circle and mulch it with peat, humus or compost.

Mulch will help prevent drying out of the roots and excessive evaporation of moisture.

Worth knowing! Mulch should not be laid close to the trunk of the seedling, as this can cause the bark to warm up, and therefore the cause of the development of fungal diseases.

Video: how to plant an apple seedling

Further care of the apple tree after planting in the spring

Immediately after planting, an apple tree seedling must cut to level the root system with the above-ground part (this is done for a kind of “resuscitation” of the seedling after planting, since any planting and transplanting is trauma and stress for the plant).

Video: planting and pruning an apple tree

In the future, for the successful rooting of the apple tree, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and, if necessary, depending on the weather conditions (in spring and autumn, you can water 2-3 times a month, and in a hot and dry period - 1 time per week) carry out abundant watering. And then (after each watering), if you have not mulched the near-stem circle, be sure to loosen the soil at the base to improve oxygen access to the roots.

Important! Either make a new hole every year, or initially not very deep, so that moisture does not accumulate in it in the early spring and the root neck does not get wet.

At the same time, the soil should not be allowed to dry out, but it should not be flooded (especially waterlogging is harmful at the end of the growing season - the month of August, because it delays the ripening of annual shoots, and the plants do not have time to prepare for winter).

Advice! To determine that an apple tree needs watering, you can do the following: dig a hole on a shovel bayonet (25-30 cm), and then take a handful of earth from the bottom of the hole - if it is dry, then urgent and abundant watering is required.

Additional top dressing this year it is not worth carrying out, since the seedling has already received all the necessary complex of nutrients during planting, which should be enough for the next 2-3 years.

And in the future, in any case, you will need to conduct annual treatments of apple trees with fungicides and insecticides, to protect the tree from diseases and pests.

Important! If in the future you notice that apples began to rot right on the tree, then, most likely, your apple tree was struck. And the second most popular fungal disease of the apple tree is.

By the way! 2-3 year old apple seedlings can give a signal crop. However, this should not be allowed (pick off the flowers), because. the seedling in the first year after planting should focus on settling down in a new place, and not immediately begin to bear fruit.

By the way! In the future, if you do not like the planted variety, you can.

Video: how to care for apple seedlings

Thus, a properly carried out spring planting of an apple tree is the main condition for its future full growth and early fruiting.

Video: how to choose a seedling and plant an apple tree in spring

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