How to start breeding decorative rabbits at home from scratch? Breeding decorative rabbits for beginners

Breeding little cute fluffies is not only interesting, but also very profitable. In addition, to raise animals so that later they become part of a new loving family, much nicer than growing them for slaughter.

How to choose rabbits for breeding?

start breeding decorative rabbits at home follows with the choice of breed and purchase required amount animals. On the modern market many breeds are represented. But not all of them are grown as decorative animals. Some breeds are bred for fur, some for meat. Therefore, before starting breeding, you should study which breeds are decorative.

Choosing a breed of rabbits for breeding should be based on climatic conditions region. Some animals are poorly adapted to hot climates, some do not tolerate cold or humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what breeds are bred in a given region and, based on this, make a decision.

Breeding dwarf rabbits at home is most popular in temperate regions. They are unpretentious in care, do not take up much space. But they have one drawback - in one pregnancy, the female can bring a maximum of 6 cubs. While others are more large breeds, give birth to 8-10 rabbits.

In addition to dwarf rabbits, the following breeds of rabbits are suitable for decorative breeding:

  • new zealand white;
  • lion-headed rabbit;
  • rex;
  • lop-eared rabbit ram;
  • moth.

As decorative animals, you should not buy a giant flandra. This breed is not intended for living at home and requires special care. They cannot live in normal cages.

Breeding dwarf rabbits

At home, breeding dwarf rabbits is the easiest. This is due to the small size of pets. They don't take up much space. They feed, unlike other breeds, with a small amount of food. It is desirable to buy rabbits for breeding at the age of 2 months. During this period, the animals can already be separated from their mother.

For breeding rabbits, they need to create suitable living conditions. It is advisable to buy a cage with a plastic pallet, closed on all sides. The advantage of such a cell is a continuous non-sheathed floor. Metal cages with a mesh floor are not designed for dwarf animals, as their paws will constantly fall into the mesh, and the rabbits will be injured.

Dwarf rabbits are bred by placing the female in a cage with the male. This can be done only after the female reaches 4 months. But there are times when the female is not ready for mating. This is manifested in aggressive behavior towards the male. In such situations, the animals should be seated and wait another couple of weeks.

If the mating is successful, the female becomes pregnant. A pregnant rabbit must be kept in a separate cage. Pregnancy lasts about a month. You can find out about the approach of childbirth by behavior future mother- she begins to equip a place for future rabbits.

In one round, 4-6 rabbits are born. After giving birth, the female feeds them on her own. Even if she does not have enough milk, nothing should be done. You can separate babies from their mother at the age of 1.5-2 months.

Breeding the New Zealand White Rabbit

You can start breeding decorative rabbits for beginners with the New Zealand White breed. They have a number of advantages over other breeds:

  • popularity in the market;
  • great fertility;
  • the female needs to get pregnant often to always stay healthy;
  • easy to care for.

White albinos are often bought for children. They are large, fluffy, which is why they are very popular. This breed is good with children. Therefore, breeding it, you should not worry about the sale of animals.

During one pregnancy, the female can give birth to up to 12 rabbits. This breed is considered one of the most prolific. At the end of pregnancy, the rabbit feeds the cubs with her milk for a month. Despite the fact that there are a lot of rabbits, the females always have enough milk for all the children.

It is possible to conduct a mating between a female and a male when they reach four or five months of age. The pregnancy of the New Zealand white rabbit lasts, like other breeds, for about a month.

Rex breeding

It is necessary to breed decorative Rex rabbits with extreme caution. Animals are sensitive to change of residence. Therefore, once a female and a male have been acquired, they should be quarantined.

Representatives of this breed require special attention. In the absence of proper care, the animals can injure each other or even bite each other. It is advisable to keep the animals in plastic cages. Pets should always have fresh food and pure water. The cage should always be cleaned. Because of the special reverent care, Rex rabbits got the nickname - "royal rabbits".

The mating of the Rex breed, like other breeds, can be started from the age of four months. Pregnancy also lasts about a month. Fertility is low - 5-7 rabbits are born in one litter. If, after birth, the animals do not receive proper care, they may die. The mother during the period of feeding the cubs should receive more food. One of the reasons why a female rabbit can eat rabbits is the lack of clean water. Therefore, the state of the drinker needs to be given increased attention.

Breeding a lop-eared ram rabbit

If it was decided to breed a lop-eared rabbit, one should be prepared for many difficulties. They require special care and can only breed when created for them. comfortable conditions residence.

A feature of the lop-eared ram rabbit is its ears. They are long and hanging. Therefore, for a comfortable existence and reproduction, the animal needs to buy a spacious cage. In small cages, rabbits will constantly step on their ears and injure themselves.

Reproduction of decorative rabbits of the lop-eared sheep breed should be carried out in cages with a solid bottom. Mesh cages will lead to disease of the legs, as they are small, short and will not be able to bear the weight of the animal on the mesh floor.

Features of breeding lop-eared rabbits:

  • for their reproduction in the room should always be warm;
  • mating can be done when the rabbits reach six months of age;
  • the case of rabbits is necessary the same size, since if the male is much larger than the female, she will be afraid of him;
  • to get rabbits with hanging ears, it is necessary to happen only animals of a lop-eared breed.

Lop-eared rabbits, unlike other breeds, live for more than 10 years. Therefore, they are very popular among animal breeders.

Breeding moth

Moth rabbits are bred in the same way as dwarf rabbits. But unlike them, fireflies should happen as often as possible. The absence of pregnancy for a long time leads to obesity of the animal and the further impossibility of producing offspring.

On the market, rabbits of the firebrand breed are popular because of their bright color. This is one of the most expensive breeds that does not require special care and maintenance. Therefore, in economic terms it is profitable to breed these rabbits.

There are many reasons to get a cute eared lump: an allergy to cats or lack of time to walk the dog. Decorative rabbits are becoming increasingly popular as pets. It is not difficult to keep them, the main thing is to study the needs, rules of care and feeding in advance, and, of course, decide on the breed.

Differences between the concepts of decorative and dwarf

If you plan to keep a rabbit in an apartment, you need to take into account the dimensions of the room, determine your personal preferences and familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of existing breeds.

Decorative rabbit is a broad concept. Under this name, eared ones are united, which live with one goal - to please the eye. Therefore, the choice for home conditions is wide.

Very often decorative rabbits are confused with dwarf ones. These small domestic animals confidently take the lead in breeding in apartments. In fact, dwarf rabbits are one of the decorative varieties. These include a large group of eared ones, which are conditionally divided according to the following criteria:

  1. Small, weighing up to 1.5 kg, rabbits with erect ears.
  2. Lop-eared, weighing less than 2.5 kg.

Small rabbits are united by the dwarfism gene and enhanced selection to fix it in heritable traits.

In addition to dwarf ones, even those animals that are usually raised for the sake of beautiful fur, delicious meat or air fluff can be kept in an apartment. At home, they automatically become indoor, decorative and quickly adapt to the new environment. True, in terms of weight, such a rabbit is more massive than ordinary decorative ones - adults can grow more than 8 kg.

The communication skills of rabbits, even frankly agricultural ones, depend on how much time you devote to their care and maintenance.

Animals can be trained, get used to hands, get used to the tray, and if you are a responsible owner, the question of whether decorative rabbits smell becomes irrelevant.

What to look for when choosing a breed

Directly decorative rabbits on this moment about sixty varieties are known, and together with industrial animals - even more. Varieties differ not only in weight and, depending on the quality, length and nature of the growth of the fur, there are:

  1. Shorthair.
  2. Curly "Rex".
  3. Longhaired. Separately, it is worth mentioning the Angora, in which wool is often up to 20 cm long.

Among decorative rabbits there are lions and foxes, named so by their similarity with the corresponding predators. True, at home they look more comical than scary. Lop-eared "rams" stand out as a separate group, which are distinguished by a calm and peaceful disposition.

Germelin is considered the most difficult to keep for beginner rabbit breeders. Males and females have diametrically different temperaments and, constantly staying next to the owner, remain “on their own”. Hermelina's caregiving errors are treated badly.

The most important thing that is required from the owner of a decorative rabbit is care. So take a look at your options:

  1. The smaller the animal, the less space he will need. If you have studio apartment, it does not make sense to buy a large eared one, it is better to look at the small ones.
  2. The decorative rabbit with short hair has an undeniable advantage over its long-haired counterparts: it is much easier to care for it. Although regular cleaning, changing the bedding, full feeding and periodic walking, no one cancels.
  3. Decorative rabbits are contraindicated in hypodynamia. We'll have to allocate time and place for the eared to jump around the apartment to its fullest. Keep in mind that he is happy to try everything in his path. In addition, there is a risk that the rabbit will try to dig a shelter for itself, if not in a flower pot, then in the floor.

If opportunities allow, you know for sure that you will provide the animal with full care and proper conditions, pay attention to:

  1. Pet health. A fancy decorative rabbit should have clean skin, nose, eyes, ears, and anus. Another indicator of health is wool. Ideally shiny and uniform. Pay attention to behavior. It is better to give up a lethargic, sleepy and inactive rabbit.
  2. Age. The rabbits are separated from their mother early. Already in a month and a half, fluffy lumps are ready for independent life. However, the recommended age to move into a new owner is 2–4 months. Then you will have a guarantee that the immune system has been formed, and the rabbit can easily be taught the necessary skills and taught to handle.
  3. Floor. It is recommended to castrate decorative rabbits if there are no plans for further breeding. Otherwise, from the "marks" of the territory and periodic bursts unmotivated aggression you are not insured. The operation for castration of males has practically no complications. The female will need abdominal intervention and long term rehabilitation. Not always successful.

Conditions of detention

How to care for a decorative rabbit can tell the breeder from whom you get eared. However, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the basic rules in advance. Decorative rabbits need to provide the following conditions:

  1. Calm, impassable place. Ushastiki are frightened of the TV or other sources of noise, do not like the neighborhood of animals. They become nervous and eat poorly. Stress contributes to the deterioration of immunity.
  2. Constant hygiene control. Owners who complain that rabbits stink simply do not provide their decorative ears with proper conditions and neglect the rules of care. In such conditions, an unpleasant odor is bound to appear.
  3. Stable temperature regime. Usually, comfortable temperature is within +20°С. Decorative pussies react calmly to a decrease, but an increase is undesirable. Dense fur, thermoregulation through the ears very quickly lead to overheating.
  4. No drafts and direct sunlight. If the cage is close to the window, it needs to be shaded.

  1. Cell. Preferably in galvanized unpainted metal, with a non-slip floor. For decorative rabbits, you need to choose a dwelling in size that is at least 4 times larger than it. In addition to this, the necessary equipment for life support must fit in the dwelling. The more spacious the housing, the more comfortable life for your fluffy.
  2. Inventory. Decorative rabbits are placed in a cage with a tray, a nursery, a feeder, a drinker. Consider having toys and having somewhere to hide. Usually a house is installed for this, but it is also suitable cardboard box which must be periodically replaced with a new one. Agile and curious animals usually move quickly. To prevent this from happening, secure everything you need to the rods. Feeders can be used from heavy materials, with a thick stable bottom.
  3. Tools. Decorative rabbits need to be provided with a variety of combs and combs, and long-haired rabbits will have to buy a mat cutter, a furminator and scissors for cutting. The pet must have its own manicure set - it is impossible to grind the claws in the apartment.
  4. Toys. Cardboard products, special balls, a wheel are suitable.
  5. Expendable materials: veterinary drugs for emergencies, care cosmetics, tray filler or tray mat. It is not recommended to combine them: either the toilet is filled with filler, or the rabbit will shit everywhere.


When the torment of choice and the search for everything you need are left behind, ahead of you lies not only the joy of communicating with a pet, but also caring for a decorative rabbit.

To ensure the health of fluffy, and for yourself pleasure, you will have to work hard. Care includes:

When caring for a decorative rabbit, you need to remember that it is absolutely impossible to take it by the ears. Short-term fixation - behind the scruff. Then you can pick it up, but try not to injure and, of course, not to drop it. It is not recommended to leave fluffies with small children or alone with large animals.


Pet stores usually have a good choice feed for ornamental rabbits. On an ongoing basis, the pet's menu should contain:

  1. Compound feed, which is most often produced in granular form. Depending on the nutritional value consumption may vary. However, you should not increase the portions recommended on the package. For rabbits, compound feed is left in constant access for up to about six months, or they are fed 1 tbsp three times a day. l. For adults, the number of feedings is reduced to two, and feed is given up to 1.5 tbsp. l.
  2. Hay as the main source nutrients. Mandatory in free access fixed in the manger.
  3. Tree twigs - for grinding teeth. Fruit or coniferous trees are well suited.
  4. Mineral stones - to compensate for the deficiency of minerals.
  5. Fresh water, room temperature.

Feeders and drinkers are thoroughly washed daily, and once a week they are also disinfected.

In addition to a constant diet, fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs and grass can be included in the menu of a decorative rabbit. Rinse and pat dry with paper towels before use. Rabbits are omnivores, but there is a list of foods that should not be given:

  • human food;
  • nightshade;
  • citrus;
  • White cabbage;
  • plums;
  • herbs rich in essential oils.

Carefully fed with sweet fruits and berries. Due to their calorie content, it is recommended to give them only as a treat or supplement.

Introduce new foods with caution. Especially juicy. Watch the reaction carefully. If the stool is relaxed or there are other manifestations of indigestion, the new food is canceled.


If you are interested in breeding decorative rabbits, then there are many nuances. Some varieties ripen very early (not uncommon - at 3 months). This manifests itself in different ways, most often in the form of:

  • unmotivated aggression;
  • imitation of sexual intercourse by the male;
  • territory label. The tray becomes redundant;
  • rabbits are actively equipping themselves with housing and trying to dig additional holes.

Males and females need to be kept separate. At the time of sexual hunting, the rabbit is placed next to a decorative rabbit. Pregnancy lasts up to 35 days. As a result, completely helpless rabbits appear, naked and blind. There are 1 to 8 of them in a litter.

Purebred decorative rabbits are bred exclusively within the breed, and a partner is selected in advance.

To breed decorative eared ears at home, especially in an apartment, experience and patience are required. If you are not ready to waste your time, then it is better to castrate rabbits. Optimal age– 10 weeks. Later, animals tolerate the rehabilitation period worse.


Proper content and proper care for a decorative rabbit - the basis of health. The most common diseases (myxomatosis, pasteurellosis, rabies, paratyphoid, listeriosis, viral hemorrhagic disease) can be prevented by timely vaccination, then care errors will entail:

  • disorders in the digestive tract (from bloating to diarrhea or constipation);
  • problems with the oral cavity;
  • otitis;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • obesity or malnutrition. As a result - a violation of the work of internal organs. Decorative rabbits have diabetes mellitus;
  • breach of integrity skin, hair problems.

Fearful kids or good-natured eared giants are able to add new colors to life. Having provided care, you will not regret the time spent on decorative rabbits. The main thing is to accustom to hands, then a sociable and active companion is provided to you.

The ancestor of the domestic ornamental rabbit is the wild rabbit, although the relationship is often mistakenly attributed to hares. They have been kept as pets since the Stone Age. They are bred for meat and fur. Over time and in accordance with the needs, breeds appeared - meat, meat-woolen and woolen. Later, decorative rabbits of various breeds began to appear. They are easy to keep at home, unpretentious, and positive emotions give a lot.

The ancestor of decorative breeds was a wild rabbit, not a hare

Decorative rabbits were bred in England in late XIX century, after their selection began to be engaged in Holland, Germany. In connection with the outbreak of World War II, work on their breeding was forced to stop.

At the end of the Great Patriotic War, the selection of dwarf rabbits resumed, the number of animals was restored and increased.

Types of decorative rabbits

Now in the world there are about 200 breeds of rabbits. Rabbits are classified by weight, their purpose - meat breed, woolen meat, decorative. There are many breeds of decorative rabbits, and these fluffy beauties managed to win the hearts of many animal lovers.

Rabbit breed Dwarf ram

The most popular breeds of rabbits:

  • Dwarf rabbit ram. In babies, the ears are erect for the first months, like those of ordinary rabbits, and then they go down, giving the face a very funny look and similarity to lambs. The most famous are the Dutch Fold, one of the oldest breeds of dwarf rabbits. Their weight is up to 1.5 kilograms. Unpretentious, hardy, calm disposition. Color - front of the body white color and ears, cheeks and rear end the other - black, brown, blue, etc. Fertile.
  • Satin dwarf rabbits. The coat is of medium length, finer than other breeds, giving it a satin sheen. The problem with this breed is extremely fast growth teeth throughout life. Therefore, they are recommended coarse, special food for grinding teeth.
  • Rex dwarf rabbits. The coat is short. The outer hair above the down rises only a centimeter by 2.
  • Angora, fox. These dwarf rabbits have long hair and tassels at the tips of their ears. Long-haired rabbits, in order to avoid the formation of tangles, need to be combed often.
  • Hermelins or ermine dwarf rabbits. They have white fluffy fur, blue and sometimes red eyes.
  • Lion dwarf rabbit. The coat is very long and fluffy. They need frequent trimming of the muzzle and ears, otherwise the hair hangs over the eyes and the rabbits cannot see. There are two types of them - the angora rabbit lion and the decorative rabbit lion's head, its face is similar in appearance to the head of a lion. Owners of lush wool, which does not need to be combed out, it does not roll and does not get tangled.

Hermelin rabbit

Features of keeping dwarf rabbits

The mass of dwarf rabbits varies from 1 to 3 kilograms. They are very sensitive to food, they must be High Quality, to drafts, a number of breeds are easily exposed to infectious diseases.

It should be noted that the behavior, character of animals also depends on their gender. Contrary to popular belief, females, especially during gestation and lactation, can be aggressive.

At home, it is very important to follow all the rules for keeping decorative rabbits so that your pets will delight you with their playfulness and affection. Pets should be kept in cages at least 80 centimeters in size, but preferably 1 meter, the bottom of which is covered with pressed sawdust, hay, the layer should be from three to five centimeters. The cage should be placed in a place protected from cold, drafts. Since decorative rabbits are very mobile, it is better to purchase a heavy feeder that is resistant to turning over, you can hang it, and an automatic drinker is better.

It is good to install a house in a cage, there home pet will feel protected.

Rabbits need a strong cage

The diet is specialized for breeds of feed, which can be bought at pet stores. In summer, you can add herbs, cereals, sprigs of aspen, maple, willow. Not earlier than from 4 months, oats and wheat are added. In winter - hay, vegetables, fruits. Be sure to have constant clean water. Juicy food is given to adult pets. Little pussies get from 1-1.5 months, it is better to start subcorking babies with juicy food with carrots and apples. And cabbage - not earlier than 4 months. There must be twigs in the cage, a mineral stone - pets have nowhere to grind their teeth.

The filler should be changed twice a week. Wash with a special shampoo for rabbits, choosing it specifically for the breed that lives with you. Often it is not recommended to wash, which cannot be said about white rabbits, they quickly get dirty, preferably dry with a hairdryer, but not with a very hot air stream. Longhairs are brushed frequently. A dwarf rabbit can and should be let out of the cage, but keep an eye on the pet, no matter what it gets hurt, do not pick up anything harmful from the floor. It is impossible to allow accuracy in the cage, carefully remove the remnants of uneaten food, regularly disinfect and rinse the cage, feeders, drinkers.

Vision in rabbits is worse than the sense of smell. Sometimes, when changing food, they sniff at it for a long time, they may not immediately accept it.

Important! Rabbits are not to be taken by the ears! At first, accustom him to yourself gradually. Your pets are very susceptible to stress. They can be walked, but preferably on a harness, because these little domestic naughty are very active and can run away.

Rabbits should not be grabbed by the ears, they are very easily damaged

How to determine the sex of a rabbit?

To tell the truth, without special skills, experience, it is almost impossible to determine the exact gender.

When buying sexually mature individuals, it is possible to determine the sex by primary sexual characteristics. With small rabbits up to one month old, this is more difficult. Only a specialist can determine the gender during this period. Rabbit breeders can determine the sex, starting from the age of 2-2.5 months. It is during this period that they are weaned from their mother. It is better to buy from an experienced breeder, preferably on the basis of recommendations or, according to reviews on the website on the Internet.

When buying, immediately ask the breeder to determine the gender of the baby you like.

How to independently determine the sex of a rabbit?

Sex determination is mandatory if you are planning to breed ornamental rabbits. To determine the sex, place the pet on a hard surface, the lighting should be sufficient. With one hand, hold him by the withers, with the other gently bring him to a reclining position on his back.

For breeding rabbits, it is important to be able to determine their gender.

Holding with one hand, with the other gently slightly stretching the skin near the anus and the location of the genital organs, lightly press. In the female you will see the genital slit, it is located in the immediate vicinity of the anus, in males - a small rounded opening, located away from the anus.

Be careful, the animal is unlikely to like your actions, and the animal can injure you with its claws, but only in this way can you reliably find out the gender of your pet.

Breeding rabbits

No wonder they say - "Breed like rabbits." Breeding decorative rabbits is not a difficult process if you create the conditions for this. Dwarf rabbits differ from ordinary ones in earlier puberty and at 6 months they are already sexually mature and capable of reproduction. If the female begins to behave restlessly, builds a nest, then you can plant her with the male. In the event that she is not yet ready for the breeding process, this can be determined by her behavior, she will lead aggressively towards the male, run away, hide. The case of decorative rabbits takes place in several stages. If a mating has occurred, then the female should not be removed immediately, it is necessary that another 1-2 matings pass.

During the bearing of offspring, the rabbit needs to be well fed.

After two weeks, you can check the pregnancy. Gently checking the belly. Or visually, because the way she behaves - does not let the male in, eats with increased appetite. If pregnancy has occurred, then the female must be transplanted. Complications during childbirth are extremely rare. During pregnancy and lactation, strengthen the female's diet. The pet store sells food for pregnant females. Be sure to add vegetables, apples, sprouted oats to the feed. At good conditions content, proper food, the kids will be healthy, strong.

After giving birth, the rabbit is immediately ready for breeding and you can fertilize her again on the first day.

Raising offspring

Pregnancy lasts a month, the female gives birth to 4 to 8 small cubs. Before giving birth, she equips a nest, forming it from hay, warming it with her own fluff, which she plucks from her stomach and neck. Childbirth usually takes place without complications. Dwarf rabbits good moms. But, in the period up to two months, it is better not to pick up rabbits. Basically visual control - activity, filled tummies. If there are folds on the tummy, there may not be enough milk.

You can also check this by pressing on the rabbit's nipple. If there is enough milk, then it appears in large drops or splashes in a trickle.

In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the feeding of the rabbit, consult with a specialist.

Female pygmy ram with ringed

In rabbits best milk, a large number of it appears after the fourth birth. If the rabbit is not active or overfed, then problems with milk may arise. In addition, an obese rabbit is not always capable of childbearing. In this case, grain feeds are reduced and more juicy ones are given to her.

Fluff appears in rabbits in the first week, eyes open on the 10th day. From the 3rd week they eat on their own, but they do not stop drinking mother's milk. Milk teeth change on the 18th day, and during the first month they are completely replaced by permanent ones.

Your pets have long and sharp claws that grow very quickly and should be trimmed periodically. Otherwise, they may experience a number of diseases of the paws, joint pain, pododermatitis, pain in the paws when stepped on, and others.

The first signs that it's time to cut the claws - clings to the carpet, upholstery with its paws.

Becomes passive, eats poorly. Shearing begins at two months of age.

Rabbits need to trim their nails

When you pick up a rabbit, ask the breeder to trim the claws of the baby and familiarize yourself with this procedure.

Small rabbits can cut their claws with ordinary manicure scissors, and for adult a special tool is required.

Side cutters with a limiter will do. You can contact the veterinarian.

Dwarf rabbits are amazingly beautiful animals. Not all breeds of dwarf rabbits are quickly tamed to humans, but with your love and kindness, you can overcome the distrust of the pet and then get a true friend who will live with you for six or even twelve years.

When choosing a rabbit, find out its age. You should not buy a pet if he is less than 1.5 months old. A good rabbit is of average fatness, not lethargic, not drowsy. The pet's coat should be without bald spots, shiny, the skin should not have swelling, pustules.

Choosing a breed of decorative rabbits for beginner rabbit breeders

Decorative breeds of rabbits can be kept in an apartment. It is better to choose short-haired breeds in order to spend less time grooming pets. Especially popular is the rabbit "lop-eared ram", which has long hanging ears. Decorative rabbits are devoted to their owners, they do not damage furniture, they live a long time, they do not need to be walked every day, they are pleasant to touch, they behave quietly. The life expectancy of a decorative rabbit is 12 years. You can castrate such a rabbit even in early age, and then keeping such a pet at home will not bring problems.

The following are the breeds of decorative rabbits:

  • Short-haired colored dwarfs with a glossy coat and small ears;
  • with plush fur;
  • "Lop-eared sheep" with a calm character and drooping ears;
  • Angora dwarfs with fur up to twenty centimeters long (you will need good care behind such wool).
  • For beginner rabbit breeders, it is better not to start hermelins, because the females have a rather difficult character. Males of hermelins (white ornamental rabbit or ermine) have an excellent fur coat, but due to the fact that the wool is very dense, it is difficult for them to endure the elevated air temperature in the apartment, and by their nature, the hermelins are exceptionally lazy.

Keeping a decorative rabbit requires a serious approach, responsibility and considerable knowledge of care. The key rule will be to initially purchase a cage and necessary equipment and only then the rabbit. These pets do not tolerate overheating, direct sunlight, stuffiness, and at a temperature of -20 ° C they will feel great. Excessive content of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide in the air, dampness, high humidity, drafts. By the way, these animals do not sweat. The most comfortable temperature for them: + 18-20 ° С, humidity 50%. Heat is transferred through the veins in the ears. If the pet does not tolerate heat well, then you can wipe his ears with a cloth dipped in cold water. If the ears are cooled, then the rabbit itself will feel better. The cage can be covered wet towel, and you can also put a plastic bottle in the cage with the addition of pieces of ice.

At home, the rabbit should be kept in a cage. These are timid animals, with a fragile spine, hold them tightly in your arms. A rabbit can even die if a person releases it from a certain height. The animal does not need to communicate with a cat and a dog, because they can start chasing a pet, and such races are harmful to him. You should not get a pet if there is a baby in the family. The curiosity of children pushes them to the fact that they grab the animal by the ears, by the skin, as a result, the rabbit, having survived such shocks, can get sick.

Since decorative rabbits are gentle creatures, they can instantly catch a cold from a draft, and die from stuffiness. Don't put your rabbit cage in the sun. The animal can make noise, so you need to fix a grain feeder, a tray, a hay nursery in the cage in the morning. If the equipment is badly attached - it will be played by the feeder and everything else. There should always be dry bedding in the cage, it must be laid on the bottom of the cage. Straw or sawdust is suitable for bedding. At least 3 times a week you need to clean and change the bedding. Stomach diseases are often caused by dirty and wet bedding.

Rabbits are clean, so you should wash the tray daily. Know that the pet will not go to a dirty tray, but will equip a new toilet nearby. Some people do not like the smell of a pet, however, if you take care of it, then there will be no smell.

The thickness of the litter layer in the cage should be three to five centimeters, the cage should be in a place protected from drafts and cold. Hay or hay is perfect for bedding. sawdust. In young rabbits, there is a tendency to turn the feeder over. Get your pet a hanging feeder or a ceramic feeder (the latter will be heavier and harder to flip).

Decorative rabbits constantly need clean fresh water. It would be ideal to install an automatic drinker for rodents in the cage. Pets do not need walks, however, in warm time years they can be taken out for a walk on the grass (put them on leashes).

When you open the cage and let the animal out, you will need to close all doors and windows to avoid drafts. When your pet walks, watch him so that he does not inadvertently get injured. Remember that if the rabbit runs around the apartment, then get ready to clean up after him. Be sure to clean the cage on time, otherwise there will be a strong smell both in the room and from the animal itself.

To prevent tangles in long-haired rabbits, comb their hair periodically.

The cage should be spacious - four times the size of the animal. There should be enough space in the cage for a tray, drinkers, feeders, a house for rest. Get a plastic cage tray. A slatted pallet will not work because the rabbit's paws will not be able to accommodate such a pallet. Do not put sawdust or straw on the bottom of the cage so that the rabbit does not constantly go to the toilet all over the cage. The cage must have a non-slip bottom. Straw, paper, sawdust, shavings from deciduous trees. A heavy ceramic bowl is suitable for grain feed. Fasten the autodrinker and the hay manger to the bars of the cage.

Cages for a decorative rabbit

Decorative rabbits do not need a huge cage. Standard size cells for them - 1m. The size of the cage for the largest individuals should be up to 140 cm. Over time, the animal grows, and if you bought a small cage, then the pet will feel cramped, get sick from sitting still. Keep in mind that an adult pet spends a lot of time in a cage, and not just spends the night. To maintain the hygiene of the animal, you will definitely need a grid on the pallet. You will also need convenient drinkers, feeders, hay. You can install a house in a cage, but it makes sense to do this only in spacious cages where dwarf rabbits live. For a pregnant rabbit, you can temporarily install a house in a cage, in which she will arrange a place for rabbits.

Location selection

You should not put a cage with a rabbit near the battery, near air conditioners. For these pets, any overheating carries a danger. At a temperature of + 20 ° C, rabbits will be very comfortable. Animals are afraid of other pets, computer, TV, bright sunlight, drafts.

It would be ideal to place the cage away from sources of noise and from a window. It is important that the place is bright and calm. The hallway, kitchen, corridor will not work. Ventilate the room - avoid drafts. If you put the cage on the loggia, then increase the likelihood of overheating of the animal. Keep in mind that the loggia should have good ventilation and a suitable temperature regime.

For owners of private houses, you can make an aviary with a canopy and enclose it with a small fence. So the animal will not be afraid of either rain or overheating, and you will be able to let the rabbit out for a walk in the summer on the street.

Cleaning the rabbit cage

The cage should be cleaned regularly. Clean out the litter box a couple of times a week. In the tray, you need to sweep and replace the filler. Periodically wash the cage using a disinfectant. Outdoor cages should be cleaned weekly. Due to the fact that the mud is attractive to flies, the cages are washed more often in the summer. To simplify cleaning - put a pot in the cage, wash it regularly. Every day you need to carry out surface cleaning. While the rabbit is walking, clean the cage. It is important to remove excess wool and hay, wash the drinker, shake the hay.

For thorough cleaning use disinfectants However, it is important to understand that pets are highly sensitive to chemicals.

Delegol is perfect for cell cleansing. Instructions are included with it. Before cleansing the cell with chemicals- move the pets to another cage or to another place.

A rabbit may develop a runny nose, sneezing, tearing - and all because of uncleaned wool in time. The owner of a rabbit can become allergic to dust and dirt. Flies also have no place in a cage. Pets need to be taken care of.


The rabbit is a clean animal. There is almost no smell from the rabbit. The cage may smell like bedding and food. The owners will need to regularly clean and disinfect the cage, change the bedding in the sleeping house, as well as the filler in the toilet area. If the rabbit reaches puberty, the stool is disturbed, or the cleaning regimen is not observed, then the smell of the rabbit becomes more noticeable. There is nothing to be done about the smell from a sexually mature rabbit, and other causes are easy to eliminate. Having matured, individuals (both females and males) mark the territory, scatter feces around the cage and around the apartment.

Bathing pets will not get rid of the smell, because secretions, not skin secretions, are the sources of the smell. The rabbit can independently clean its fur from the smell or from any pollution.

If you do not intend to breed pets, then you can sterilize them. If you want offspring, clean in cages more often. For cleaning, a solution of potassium permanganate is suitable. Laundry detergents, dishwashing detergents, and cleaning products are not suitable for cleaning cages - their use will adversely affect the health of the rabbit.


Walking rabbit at home

Movement is essential to a rabbit's health. Even a huge cage will limit the pet's mobility, and this will lead to nervous disorders, joint diseases, and a decrease in immunity. For the animal to be healthy, let him walk around the apartment for at least 20 minutes a day. Make sure that there are no cans with detergents, cords, electrical cables, poisonous houseplants. Make sure there are no small gaps, because a curious animal can get stuck there. Constantly monitor the movement of the pet, especially if you do not know his addictions and behavior. And even old rabbits do not leave unattended for a long time.

The rabbit needs toys, otherwise he will find toys for himself from household items. As a result, various objects gnawed into pieces will be lying around in the apartment.

You can increase the area for walking daily, but usually one room is enough for him. It is quite difficult to absolutely secure the entire apartment.

During a walk, the cage should be kept open - if the pet needs something, then it should easily get home. The tray can be taken out of the cage. It is important to teach the rabbit to go to the toilet in the tray.

On the street, the rabbit must be walked exclusively in clean places, otherwise it may eat dirty grass. Check your rabbit for ticks after the walk.

The basis of the diet should be hay, clean water, feed, branches, special mineral stones. Compound feed is granules with a complex essential substances. When choosing between special feeds and compound feeds, give preference to the latter. In order for pets to grow well, they are given not only compound feed. A decorative rabbit may not immediately eat the pellets, because he will first feast on delicious grains, and then on all the rest. It is important not to discard the pellets as they regulate digestion and are important for the rabbit's teeth. Rabbits are given 1 tablespoon of compound feed 3 times a day. Adult rabbits are given 1-1.5 tablespoons 2 times a day. There should be a lot of hay in the cage. Make sure there is always hay in the cage. The use of hay forms good feces, helps grind teeth. May occasionally be given white cracker. Sprigs of pear, birch, willow, apple, oak, poplar, aspen are suitable for grinding teeth. In summer, you can give some deciduous twigs with leaves, in winter - coniferous branches. Rinse and dry the branches well, and collect them in uncontaminated places. Chalk, salt or vitamin stone will provide the rabbit with minerals and vitamins. Chilled boiled water is the perfect addition to your pet's diet. Water must be clean and always present. Water should be changed every 1-1.5 days. Rabbits are not fed parsley and dill due to high content essential oils. Chamomile, yarrow, mouse peas are suitable for a decorative rabbit. It is not worth giving a lot of alfalfa. Herbs are introduced into the diet one leaf at a time. If you find an upset stomach - immediately remove the herbs from the diet. Herbs and fruits are fed to rabbits from 4 months. Herbs should be divided into small bunches, and fruits should be cut into miniature pieces.

Diseases and mandatory vaccinations for rabbits

Vaccinations for rabbits

It will not be superfluous to vaccinate pets against paratyphoid, rabies, listeriosis, pasteurellosis. Mandatory (viral hemorrhagic disease) and. There are vaccines that help protect against several diseases at once.

Once a year, you need to do a comprehensive vaccination against mycomatosis and VGBK. It can be done using one ampoule. When there are outbreaks of other diseases in the region, then vaccinate the decorative rabbit.

At six weeks, rabbits receive their first VGBV vaccination. If there is a threat of an epidemic, then four-week-old pets can also be vaccinated. Three months later, the next vaccination against VGBK is done. Vaccination should be repeated every six months.

Vaccination against myxomatosis should be carried out from April to October, since this disease is transmitted by fleas, mosquitoes, and other blood-sucking insects in the warm season. There is no need to vaccinate a pet in the winter against myxomatosis. At least two weeks should elapse between vaccinations with separate myxomatosis and HBV vaccines. It is undesirable to vaccinate lactating females and pregnant rabbits. If the pet has become infected, then it is pointless to vaccinate, because this will not have an effect on the disease. Only healthy animals can be vaccinated. After vaccination, you need to keep the decorative rabbit in quarantine for two weeks - during this time the vaccine will begin to act, and the animal will not become infected. It is advisable to deworm your pet ten days before vaccination. or go to the vet. But, if you are vaccinating a rabbit, then by all means follow the vaccination schedule.

Sexual issue in rabbits

Key signs of puberty:

  • The pet has become aggressive, overly active;
  • Goes to the toilet not in the tray, but wherever he wants;
  • Females and males begin to actively dig the floor, the bottom of the cage, the carpet;
  • They mark the territory;
  • The manifestation of a false pregnancy: the rabbit can pull out fluff from herself, carry hay to a certain place;
  • A pet can stick to pets, to a person.
  • So far, there are no drugs to reduce the sexual activity of rabbits. Exit: castration or sterilization.
  • Castration can also be done on a ten-week-old rabbit, but veterinarians recommend doing it on a five-month-old animal. Castration is a simple operation. Sterilization can only be carried out on a six-month-old rabbit. This operation involves the removal of the uterus, both ovaries.
  • It is better to perform the operation on a young rabbit, since he has few health problems. The operation procedure will be dangerous for the old rabbit. Due to the fact that rabbits are difficult to tolerate anesthesia, these operations were previously considered incredibly dangerous. But now there is a new generation of anesthetics for this purpose.

The value of the game for rabbits

The rabbit needs to play daily. If there is no entertainment, he will peel off the wallpaper. You can’t let your pet run around the apartment unattended - it can get hurt or go to the toilet in the corner. There are different toys for decorative rabbits: balloon, a ball with a rattle inside, a cardboard box with holes, a linen or cotton rag, a wooden carrot for a point of teeth, a cardboard component toilet paper. For a rabbit, you can organize a fenced aviary or playpen.

Funny, fluffy and soft like plush toys - decorative rocks are now popular as pets. What you need to know about domestic rabbits, their maintenance and care of animals will be discussed in this article.

Choosing the Right Breed

When choosing a breed for keeping a house, one should take into account the features - caring for long-haired animals is distinguished by daily combing. This procedure needs to be given time and attention, otherwise the animal will have tangles that will cause him inconvenience, it is impossible to comb them, only cut them off. So think about whether you will have time for scrupulous care.

After reviewing all the nuances of caring for decorative rabbits, it’s up to the choice of breed, the photo below shows the most popular of them.

Obtained by crossing the Swedish fox and the Dutch dwarf rabbit. These animals can have several color options, the “mane” on the head unites the breed. Thick fur grows on the muzzle, around the ears and neck, requiring care. The character is even, easy to get along with other animals, friendly.
- This is a sociable and calm animal, likes to show curiosity, not aggressive. The animal quickly gets used to people, recognizing the owner and running after him like a dog. Female lambs are caring and gentle mothers.
colored dwarfs- babies with erect ears, the coat is short and does not require special care. They love attention and affection, scratching between the ears. During puberty (age 5-9 months) they become aggressive, but this disappears by one and a half years.
- Long haired babies. Curious, friendly, quickly become attached to the owner. Despite the fact that the coat is long, the hair is quite hard, guard hair, so you can comb it not daily, but once a week.
need care, their hairline is like fluff up to 20 cm long. The animal needs to be combed out every three days, and during molting every other day. Such a miracle in fluff looks like a small breed, the animal is calm and affectionate.
Rabbits "rex" have a velvety short coat of different colors from black to red and even spotted. Their body is compact, the ears are slightly longer than those of colored dwarfs. The animal is calm, not aggressive.
- funny little animals with a big head and short ears. The color is white, but they also have differences - the color of the eyes in animals can be red and blue. Affectionate, attached to the owner, amenable to training.

Which one to choose: female or male

It is believed that males are more playful and restless than females. This is not how you initially start raising a pet, this is how he will behave.

Another misconception is that only males mark territory. Females also have glands that secrete "odorous" compounds. In nature, animals mark territory as if they were their own or to attract a mating partner. In females, the marks are located on the chin and do not have such a pungent odor as in the male.

Boys, on the other hand, often mark their territory with urine, but this problem can be solved with the help of castration. Females may have another problem, if she is not mated, then uterine cancer may occur, so either find her a partner or spend

Females during puberty begin to build "nests", using for construction any material that has fallen on the tooth: paper, wires, matter. Interestingly, males have the same instinct - they "dig" holes in the floor of the cage.

Whom to choose a male or female, there is no fundamental difference. If you are not going to have an animal, then some habits during puberty can be eliminated by sterilizing the animal, but the rest depends on the behavior instilled in the animal during care and play with it.

Purchase rules

a gentle animal that requires special care. When buying, it is advisable to contact nurseries or professional breeders involved in selection and breeding of breeds. In an ordinary pet store, there is no guarantee that the animal is exactly the one for whom it is given out and at the same time it is healthy. In the nursery, the animal has documents confirming its health and belonging to a particular breed. In addition, determining the sex is not so easy, and the breeder will cope with this task on duty.

Important!How to find out if an animal is healthy: activity, cleanliness (hair, eyes, nose and ears), appetite are signs of a healthy animal. Apathy, a dull appearance in the coat, sneezing or even coughing are a sign of illness.

It is recommended to read the relevant literature about animal care, features and description of the breed you want to buy before buying.

cage requirements

It is recommended to buy a cage based on the fact that the pet is growing rapidly, it need a house four times the size of it. The height is calculated for full growth (on the hind legs), a feeder should be placed on the territory of the cage, sleeping place and toilet. In addition, there should be a resting place where the baby can stretch out in length.

The bottom of the cage should be solid, the animal will be extremely uncomfortable on the slatted floor. Attach automatic drinkers and feeders to the bars of the cage.

Place the tray under the toilet in the opposite place from the "bedroom" and feeders. The dimensions of the grate in the toilet should allow the litter to fall down onto the tray.

A place in the house for fluffy

decorative animals gentle creatures, but this does not mean that they need to be kept in greenhouse conditions.

Important!You can not put a cage near heating appliances, under scorching sun and in no case in a place where a draft is possible.

The best would be a bright place, on a small hill (you can build something like a podium). Animals are extremely sensitive to stuffiness, sudden changes in temperature and high humidity. These factors can cause illness in your pets.
It is difficult to tolerate heat, in a hot period one should cover the cage with a damp cloth, and you can cool the pet by wiping the ears with a damp handkerchief. But do it carefully - the ears are a very sensitive place.

pet care

In an apartment, it is better to keep the animal in a cage, if a private house, in the warm season, you can let your pet out into the garden, into a large walking aviary. It is undesirable to start such a timid creature if there are small children in the family they will perceive him as a toy and may injure him by awkwardly picking him up.


The main thing in the diet is hay, it must be left in the manger, in no case on the floor. The product must be fresh, dry, free of musty or moldy odors.

In order for the animal to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, they are gradually introduced into the feed. mixed fodder, vegetables and fruits, grain. Can you give crackers? white bread, porridge, but without salt. Vegetables, fruits and green grass are introduced into the diet no earlier than two months old. Do not give tropical fruits, sweet and starchy foods.

Rabbits grow incisors throughout their lives, they definitely need to gnaw something to grind them down. Pet stores sell special mineral stones for this purpose, also give your pet twigs fruit bushes and trees: pear, currant, apple, mountain ash.

Do not collect fresh grass for your pet along the roads it accumulates harmful emissions. Before pouring water into the drinkers, it is better to defend, and wipe the drinkers themselves from time to time with alcohol, removing microbes. Immediately after eating, it is highly not recommended to pick up, the baby's digestion process should not be disturbed by sudden movements.

Games and walks

rabbits active animals, to maintain health they need walks and games. Before releasing the animal for a walk in the conditions of the apartment, remove everything that he can gnaw. You should not leave him alone, the animal is shy, any sharp sound can drive him into any gap, from which it will then be problematic to get him out.

In the warm season, you can take your pet outside; for a walk, you should take a leash. Perfect option - vest with harnesses, in this case, the animal will not be able to injure its neck or spine even if, in a strong fright, it sharply recoils to the side.

In order for the pet not to get bored in the cage, install a wheel or any toys for it (in pet stores big choice). You can try as a game, rabbits are not stupid at all, they can pleasantly surprise you with their abilities.

Cosmetic procedures

Consider how to care for the appearance of a decorative rabbit. Mandatory procedures are cutting incisors and nails. You can carry out the procedure at home by purchasing special tools, but it is better to contact the veterinarian.
A long-haired pet once every 3-5 days needs comb out wool. This should be done with a soft brush, in the direction of hair growth. The pet needs to be laid on a non-slip surface, talk to him and stroke him with soothing movements so that he does not feel fear of the procedure.

Let's see if it's possible wash rabbits ornamental breeds and how to do it. These animals are very clean, but there are times when they need help, for example, in extreme heat or if the animal has diarrhea. At the time of bathing and until the animal dries, you need to close all the windows to protect against drafts. It is advisable to blot the coat with a soft towel, as wool with down dries for a long time. Avoid getting water in your ears.

Did you know?The span of a rabbit's whiskers is the width of its body. This is the most perfect organ of touch, which allows the animal to bypass all obstacles even in the dark, touches the animal not only with its mustache, but also with the hairs on the eyebrows.

Cell cleaning

The bedding at the bottom of the cage should always be clean and dry and changed three times a week. The toilet tray is washed daily, otherwise the pet will arrange a toilet nearby.
Drinkers and feeders are washed daily, the cage is removed as it gets dirty, but spring-cleaning required every two weeks. The cleanliness of the cage is the health of your pet and the absence of an unpleasant odor.


Many owners neglect vaccinations, explaining that the pet does not walk on the street. The two most dangerous diseases for rabbits myxomatosis and hemorrhoidal virus they can become infected without being outside the apartment. These diseases are transmitted by insects (mosquitoes), the infection can be brought along with hay or even on clothes. Therefore, the pet must undergo at least two vaccinations.

The first is carried out for an animal at 45 days old, the condition is a weight of 500 g; the second 10-12 days after the first. If you are going to travel with your pet, he will need a rabies vaccination, which is given at the age of two months.

Did you know?Rabbits have been kept and bred by many famous historical figures. King Frederick of Prussia kept a rabbit kennel on an island near Berlin. Napoleon lll also loved these animals and was a famous breeder of his time. The son of US President Abraham Lincoln also kept rabbits among his pets.

Mating domestic rabbits

Mating pets requires some knowledge. Decorative indoor individuals are not as healthy as their wild counterparts or specimens for commercial breeding. After 4-5 births, the health of the female weakens, the level of health of the offspring decreases.

For successful breeding, you should know the following subtleties:

  • puberty 3-3.5 months, if you have a couple, it should be separated from this age;
  • age for mating - from seven months to a year;
  • if the female has not been mated for up to a year, this should no longer be done;
  • you should not mate individuals of the same litter, this leads to pathologies in their children;
  • do not cross a female with a larger male - it will be difficult for her to give birth;
  • both animals must be healthy at the moment.
In conclusion, we note that the average life expectancy of pets is 5-7 years, but some can live up to 10-12 years. How long decorative rabbits live at home depends on several factors: diet, care and conditions of detention, characteristics of the breed. In order for the little animal to live as long as possible, she needs a mobile lifestyle, a well-designed diet (minerals, vitamins) and, of course, care and attention.