Lamp infrared sollux. Physiotherapy with a Sollux lamp: indications for a hardware procedure, application. Brief technical data of the Beurer infrared lamp

Carrying out phototherapy procedures has become very popular in recent years. Health workers use infrared and ultraviolet rays to warm tissues.

The difference between the effects of these two types of rays lies in the effect on tissues: ultraviolet rays have a superficial effect, only with a depth of 0.5 mm. Infrared rays are able to penetrate much deeper into tissues (about 5 cm).

In phototherapy practice, three types of lamps are used:

  1. With infrared rays (infrared reflector).
  2. With ultraviolet rays (mercury-quartz lamps).
  3. With visible, infrared rays (Solux, light bath, Minin lamp).

Consider the principle of operation, indications for the use of the Sollux lamp.

Lamp Sollux

The Sollux lamp is an artificial light source. The device is represented by an incandescent lamp with high power, which was placed in a special reflector. For physiotherapeutic procedures in medicine, two types of lamp are used:

  1. Big Sollux. This is a stationary lamp equipped with a burner, the power of which is in the range of 500 - 1000 watts.
  2. Small Sollux. This is a portable lamp equipped with a burner, the power of which is in the range of 200 - 300 watts.

Naturally, for home use, the “small Sollux” is considered more convenient. Such a lamp can be of two types:

  • desktop. This model is equipped with a tripod, which is mounted on a cast-iron base, good lamps are produced by the UFO company;
  • portable. This model is characterized by the mounting of the tripod on the wall of the suitcase.

Impact on the body

The lamp in question is used for local irradiation on different parts of the body. It is prescribed for a more intense, deep thermal effect on body tissues. Its action surpasses the light physiotherapeutic procedures performed by means of the Minin lamp, an infrared reflector.

In the operation of the Sollux lamp, waves of shorter wavelengths are used than in these lamps. These rays penetrate very deeply. Irradiation with such rays is very simple. To influence a certain part of the body, it is enough to direct the beam of light by tilting the reflector.

The infrared rays of the device are able to penetrate deep under the skin. They have the following actions on the epidermis:

  • warming up;
  • stimulation of blood flow;
  • expansion of blood vessels.

Indications for the procedure

A physiotherapeutic phototherapy procedure is prescribed to patients in the presence of inflammation of the following organs:

In the photo, the Sollux lamp while working with different impact zones


The use of the Sollux lamp is contraindicated if the patient has the following diseases:

How is it carried out

For the procedure, the patient must sit down, take a prone position. In this position, it will be until the end of warming up.

To carry out a physiotherapeutic procedure using a Sollux lamp, it is necessary to install the latter parallel to the irradiated body surface. Also, the lamp can be installed at an angle to the body. In other words, the lamp is located on the side of the patient.

The main thing is that the lamp is not perpendicular to the patient's body. This is a kind of precaution against falling fragments in the event that the lamp bursts. But modern lamps use shatterproof glass.

Due to the tilt of the reflector, you need to direct the beam of light to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body that should be warmed up. During the procedure, the specialist periodically inquires about the patient's heat sensation. The intensity of exposure is regulated due to the approach / removal of the lamp from the patient.

The dosage of the procedure is calculated taking into account such indicators as:

  • distance. It should be selected so that the patient does not experience discomfort during the procedure. Usually it is 20 - 50 cm;
  • duration. Warming up is carried out for 20 - 30 minutes.

The entire course of physiotherapy includes 20 - 25 procedures, they can be carried out daily, every other day.

About the treatment with an infrared lamp Sollux in our video:

Physiotherapeutic value

Most often, the Sollux lamp is used for pain in the throat, nose (for colds). The procedure is recommended to achieve the following goals:

  1. Decreased pain sensitivity.
  2. Resorption of the infiltrate.
  3. Providing antiseptic action.

Indications and contraindications for the use of physiotherapy "Solux"

Physiotherapy procedures using the Sollux lamp have been enjoying well-deserved popularity for many years now. The technique of such treatment is based on the use of visible infrared radiation. These rays, which are also called thermal, penetrate to a considerable depth of the skin and are absorbed by the tissues. This causes a slight increase in temperature at the site of phototherapy, dilation of blood vessels, which increases both blood flow and lymph flow, and also helps in the fight against foci of inflammation and is a pretty good analgesic method.

Most often, for therapeutic purposes, Sollux lamps are used with a power of 1,000, 700, 500, and 300 watts. At the same time, the lamp itself can be stationary or portable, which allows Sollux physiotherapy for bedridden patients, as well as at home.

The lamp during the procedure must be installed according to the rules. It should not be tilted over the patient. The device should be installed on the side of the person at a certain distance, which can be from 50 cm to one meter, depending on the indications for treatment and the recommendations of the attending physician. The rays during the procedure should be directed only to a certain area of ​​the human body, and the distance from the lamp to the skin will depend on the patient's sensations.

The duration of the procedure depends on the diagnosis and can be minutes. The course is 15-20 procedures, but it also depends on the diagnosis and how the person tolerates the procedure.


This treatment is used for the following indications:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the joints in the chronic stage.
  2. Diseases of the female genital organs.
  3. Diseases of the liver.
  4. Diseases of the biliary tract.
  5. Pleurisy.
  6. Diseases of the urinary system.
  7. Diseases of the paranasal sinuses, especially sinusitis.
  8. Skin diseases.
  9. Pathology of the peripheral nervous system.
  10. Neuritis.
  11. Plexites.
  12. Neuralgia.
  13. Radiculitis.
  14. Lumbago.
  15. Myositis.
  16. Contractures.
  17. Paresis and paralysis.

During treatment, physiotherapy "Solux" helps to get rid of chronic pain syndrome, increase the speed of blood flow in a certain area of ​​the body, increases muscle activity, which means it increases their range of motion, improves tissue nutrition with oxygen and other substances that come with blood. And, of course, this procedure helps to improve tissue regeneration, which helps to reduce the time from the onset of the disease to complete recovery by several times.


This treatment has its contraindications. These should include:

  1. All neoplasms, both benign and malignant.
  2. Bleeding of unknown etiology, as well as a tendency to them.
  3. Heart disease, which is accompanied by circulatory failure.
  4. vascular atherosclerosis.
  5. Increased blood pressure.
  6. Tuberculosis.
  7. Diseases of the central nervous system with impaired skin sensitivity.

Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Equipment Care

Medical lamps "Solux" wear out over time, so the radiation intensity drops, and quite significantly. Such a lamp should definitely be changed, since it no longer has the proper therapeutic effect.

However, with proper use and care, the life of the equipment can be extended several times. You need to know that the lamp starts to work worse with frequent switching on and off, which means that the work of the physiotherapy room should be adjusted so that patients come for treatment one after another, without any interruption. But constant switching on and off will only reduce the life of the equipment.

The device should be protected from dust, as a dusty lamp transmits several times less light, which significantly reduces the therapeutic effect of the procedure. Every day, the irradiator should be wiped with a soft cloth, and once a month - with a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution, and then wiped dry.

It should also be remembered that the emitter must not be touched with fingers, since fingerprints, which will certainly remain, will become an obstacle to the outgoing rays.

After the lamp has worked continuously for three hours, it should be turned off for half an hour and the room well ventilated. If the lamp is portable, then it turns off every hour for 10 - 15 minutes.

By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

  • Free book "TOP 7 Bad Morning Exercises You Should Avoid"
  • Restoration of knee and hip joints with arthrosis - free video recording of the webinar, which was conducted by the doctor of exercise therapy and sports medicine - Alexandra Bonina
  • Free low back pain treatment lessons from a certified exercise therapy doctor. This doctor has developed a unique system for the restoration of all parts of the spine and has already helped more than 2,000 clients with various back and neck problems!
  • Want to learn how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve? Then carefully watch the video at this link.
  • 10 Essential Nutrition Components for a Healthy Spine - In this report, you will learn what your daily diet should be like so that you and your spine are always in a healthy body and spirit. Very useful information!
  • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend that you study effective methods of treating lumbar, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without drugs.

    Solux lamp method of treatment and application

    A small (desk) lamp solux (Fig. 238) is used mainly for heating small areas on the head. The patient sits on a chair and brings the area to be irradiated closer to the lamp.

    Rice. 237. Local light bath desktop model.

    Rice. 238. Solux lamp (for shoulder and shoulder joint.).

    The intensity of heat is adjusted by removing or bringing the lamp closer to the patient.

    A large solux lamp (Fig. 239) consists of a tripod, a rheostat and a reflector, and the latter can rotate in different planes, which is extremely important, because it makes it possible to adapt the lamp to any part of the body in any position of the patient. The light source is a half-watt lamp; at 1000 watts. This lamp is designed to irradiate large areas of the body, but when attached to the tube reflector, it can be used to irradiate small areas.

    The patient takes the procedure while sitting or lying down for 10-25 minutes. Sessions daily or every other day, and in some cases twice a day.

    Apparatus "Solux"

    The Sollux apparatus (from the Latin sol - "sun" and lux - "light") is a phototherapy apparatus, which is an incandescent lamp placed in a reflector. Infrared radiation penetrates deeper into the tissues of the body than other types of light energy, which causes heating of the entire thickness of the skin and partly of the subcutaneous tissues.

    The technique is based on the use of visible and infrared rays. Penetrating to the entire depth of the skin and being absorbed by tissues, visible and infrared rays cause an increase in local temperature, reflex expansion of blood vessels, increased blood and lymph flow and metabolism, promote the resolution of inflammatory foci, pain relief.

    The Solux lamp is a stationary lamp designed for general and local light and thermal procedures in physiotherapy rooms of medical institutions. With local irradiation, the lamp is placed on the side of the patient, at a distance of 50 cm - 1 m from him, and the rays are directed to the corresponding part of the body, inquiring about the patient's heat sensation. The duration of the procedure is minutes. To achieve an effective result, it is necessary to complete the entire course of treatment, which includes procedures.

    Indications for the use of the apparatus "Solux":

    • chronic inflammatory processes of the joints;
    • diseases of the female genital organs;
    • diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
    • diseases of the pleura;
    • diseases of the urinary tract;
    • diseases of the accessory cavities of the nose;
    • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
    • skin diseases.

    Contraindications to the use of the apparatus "Solux":

    • neoplasms;
    • tendency to bleed;
    • heart disease with circulatory failure;
    • severe atherosclerosis and hypertension;
    • tuberculosis;
    • diseases of the central nervous system with impaired sensitivity.

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    Infrared lamp Sollux

    Product description

    The infrared lamp Solux emits infrared rays that penetrate deep under the skin. As a result, the skin warms up, blood vessels expand, and blood flow is stimulated. Blood brings with it substances for the restoration and nutrition of body tissues and removes substances formed during active muscular work faster. These properties make the Sollux lamp effective for both therapeutic and cosmetic purposes.

    Sollux lamp (lat. sol sun + lux light; syn. lamp-sollux) - a lamp with an incandescent lamp with a reflector;

    The use of infrared lamp Solux in phototherapy

    The technique is based on the use of visible and infrared rays. Visible and infrared rays (thermal), penetrating the entire depth of the skin and being absorbed by tissues, cause an increase in local temperature, reflex expansion of blood vessels, increased blood and lymph flow and metabolism, promote resorption of inflammatory foci, pain relief.

    Application in cosmetology of the Solux lamp:

    Before your warm-up session, remove all make-up from your face for optimal results. The Sollux lamp opens the pores under the influence of infrared rays, improving the effect of the hydrating gel or replacing it.

    Also, as a result of exposure to infrared rays, creams and masks penetrate deeper and are absorbed faster.

    With local irradiation, the Solux lamp is placed on the side of the patient (not above the patient) at a distance of 50 cm - 1 m from him and the rays are directed to the corresponding part of the body, clarifying the patient's sensations.

    Duration from 15 to 30 minutes; a course of 10-15 procedures.

    Contraindications to the use of the Sollux lamp: neoplasms, a tendency to bleeding, heart disease with circulatory failure, severe atherosclerosis and hypertension, tuberculosis, diseases of the central nervous system with impaired sensitivity.

    Solux lamp

    The solux lamp consists of a parabolic reflector mounted on a tripod, which can be installed in any position, which makes it possible to irradiate various parts of the body. In the lamps of previous releases, there was a rheostat on the bottom of the tripod to adjust the degree of incandescence of the lamp.

    The solux lamp is usually used for local irradiation of various parts of the body. A truncated cone-shaped tube attached to the reflector allows limiting the irradiation surface.

    The source of radiation is an incandescent lamp with a power of 500-1000 W, consisting of a tungsten filament placed in a glass cylinder filled with nitrogen. The temperature of the filament can be brought up to 2500-2800°. The action of the solux lamp is due to the infrared and visible parts of the spectrum and is reduced to heating the irradiated area.

    To irradiate small areas, a small model of a solux lamp is used, in which a 300-watt incandescent lamp serves as a radiation source.

    The solux lamp irradiation technique is simple. A beam of light is directed to the irradiated area of ​​the body. When setting the distance from the patient's body to the lamp, one should be guided by the sensations of the patient, who should experience uniform, pleasant warmth all the time.

    A patient who is exposed to radiation for the first time should be warned that if he feels a burning sensation, he should immediately report it in order to avoid burns. The degree of exposure is regulated by changing the temperature of the filament with the help of a rheostat, and in new models of lamps - by changing the distance of the lamp from the patient's body. Irradiation duration 15-30 minutes; irradiated daily or every other day.

    Sollux lamp application

    Solux lamp Minin lamp. It is used for thermal effects on a limited surface of the body in case of muscular and neuralgic pains, otitis media, lymphadenitis, etc. This is the simplest reflector mounted in a wooden handle. In the center of it is an ordinary electric light bulb with a power of 60-100 watts. A wooden rim is fastened along the outer edge of the reflector to prevent burns on the patient. For irradiation in this device, a blue-colored lamp is often used. The blue filter transmits shorter rays, while the red filter transmits longer ones. The reflector is installed at a distance of 10-15 cm from the inflammatory focus. School-age children can hold the reflector on their own. Irradiation is carried out for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a day.

    Minin lamp (Blue lamp) Lamp of infrared rays. For phototherapy, an infrared lamp with a metal spiral wound on a ceramic cone-shaped base and installed in the center of the reflector is also used. When an electric current passes through the spiral, it heats up and emits a large amount of thermal red and infrared rays. This lamp is often used as a heater over a place where a weakened child is swaddled. For thermal procedures, a portable lamp with a reflector mounted on a tripod with a wide base is often used. The lamp is installed at a distance of 50-75 cm from the irradiated part of the body. The thermal procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day, its duration is 10-30 minutes.

    Infra-red lamp Local light baths. Used to warm large areas of the body. The light bath is a wooden box, on the inside of which 4-8-12 electric lamps with a power of 50-100 W are fixed. Nickel-plated plates mounted on the inner surface of the box serve as reflectors that reflect light from the lamp towards the diseased part of the body. The air under the bath hood can be heated up to 80°C. The bath is installed over the diseased part of the body and is connected to the network. Then, several switches on the surface of the box turn on the light bulbs located on the inside. A blanket is thrown over the top of the bath. The duration of the session is from 10-15 to 20-30 minutes. The procedure is performed daily or every other day.

    Lamp "Solux" ( analogue)

    Price 44 euro Delivery in Moscow

    Infrared irradiator Beurer IL 30 "Solux"

    The infrared lamp "Solux" Beurer IL 30 emits infrared rays that penetrate deep under the skin. As a result, the skin warms up, blood vessels expand, and blood flow is stimulated. Blood brings with it substances for the restoration and nutrition of body tissues and accelerates the removal of decomposition products from tissues. The infrared lamp "Solux" Beurer IL 30 with a power of 150 W is designed for heating and stimulating blood circulation.

    This allows you to use the Beurer IL 30 infrared irradiator for both medical and cosmetic purposes.

    The 150W infrared lamp is designed to stimulate blood circulation. It is used as an accompanying therapy for colds, in the treatment of diseases of the ears, throat, nose, to alleviate muscle pain.

    Cosmetic use of the Solux lamp Before the warm-up session, remove all cosmetics from the face in order to obtain optimal results. The Beurer IL 30 infrared irradiator helps keep your skin healthy and clean, thanks to its stimulating effect on blood circulation.

    The pores of the skin open under the influence of infrared rays. As a result, more effective cleaning of the skin is possible.

    • 4 adjustable lamp positions
    • Timer from 1 to 12 minutes.
    • Automatic shutdown in any mode after 12 minutes.
    • shaped glass
    • Power 150 Watts
    • Non-slip stand
    • Philips infrared filament lamp is used

    Infrared irradiator Philips "Solux" Infraphil HP 3616 was supplied earlier

    Infrared lamp "Solux" Philips Infraphil HP 3616 with a power of 150 W, designed to warm up and stimulate blood circulation. Includes an incandescent element to soothe sore muscles.

    The Solux Infraphil lamp is ideal for treating muscle pain or a cold. It will also keep and maintain the cleanliness and perfect condition of your skin.

    The infrared lamp "Solux" Infraphil emits infrared rays that penetrate deep under the skin. As a result, the skin warms up, blood vessels expand, and blood flow is stimulated. Blood brings with it substances for the restoration and nutrition of body tissues and removes substances formed during active muscular work faster. These properties make the Solux Infraphil lamp the most suitable for both therapeutic and cosmetic purposes.

    Before your warm-up session, remove all make-up from your face for optimal results. The Solux Infraphil lamp helps keep your skin healthy and clear by stimulating blood circulation.

    The pores of the skin are opened under the influence of infrared rays. As a result, more effective cleaning of the skin is possible.

    As a result of exposure to infrared rays, creams and other skin care products are better and faster absorbed.

    Special incandescent element in the Solux lamp

    Infrared rays penetrate deep into the skin, dilating blood vessels and stimulating blood flow, and help relieve muscle pain and cold symptoms.

    Various options for the location of the Solux lamp facilitate its use.

    Safety glass ensures safety.

    The main characteristics of the Solux lamp

    Special incandescent element to relieve muscle pain

    Various accommodation options

    Technical characteristics of the Solux lamp

    Depth: approx. 20 cm

    Height: Approx 21.5cm

    Lamp life: 750 x 10 minute sessions

    Material: Body: linear polyester.

    Safety: complies with European CENELEC standard

    Voltage: (power supply) 220/230V or 240/250V or 120V AC/DC

    Weight: 0.98 (with packaging) kg

    Width: Approx 13.5cm

    Filter: Transfers heat, warms the skin, dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood flow.

    Convenient location: lamps make it easy to use the device. prismatic rings.

    Cord storage compartment: allows you to store the cord neatly.

    Reflective layer: inside the lamp, focuses the light and heat from the lamp onto the user.

  • The solux lamp consists of a parabolic reflector mounted on a tripod, which can be installed in any position, which makes it possible to irradiate various parts of the body. In the lamps of previous releases, there was a rheostat on the bottom of the tripod to adjust the degree of incandescence of the lamp.

    The solux lamp is usually used for local irradiation of various parts of the body. A truncated cone-shaped tube attached to the reflector allows limiting the irradiation surface.

    The source of radiation is an incandescent lamp with a power of 500-1000 W, consisting of a tungsten filament placed in a glass cylinder filled with nitrogen. The temperature of the filament can be brought up to 2500-2800°. The action of the solux lamp is due to the infrared and visible parts of the spectrum and is reduced to heating the irradiated area.

    To irradiate small areas, a small model of a solux lamp is used, in which a 300-watt incandescent lamp serves as a radiation source.

    The solux lamp irradiation technique is simple. A beam of light is directed to the irradiated area of ​​the body. When setting the distance from the patient's body to the lamp, one should be guided by the sensations of the patient, who should experience uniform, pleasant warmth all the time.

    A patient who is exposed to radiation for the first time should be warned that if he feels a burning sensation, he should immediately report it in order to avoid burns. The degree of exposure is regulated by changing the temperature of the filament with the help of a rheostat, and in new models of lamps - by changing the distance of the lamp from the patient's body. Irradiation duration 15-30 minutes; irradiated daily or every other day.

    Physiotherapy procedures using the Sollux lamp have been enjoying well-deserved popularity for many years now. The technique of such treatment is based on the use of visible infrared radiation. These rays, which are also called thermal, penetrate to a considerable depth of the skin and are absorbed by the tissues. This causes a slight increase in temperature at the site of phototherapy, dilation of blood vessels, which increases both blood flow and lymph flow, and also helps in the fight against foci of inflammation and is a pretty good analgesic method.

    Most often, for therapeutic purposes, Sollux lamps are used with a power of 1,000, 700, 500, and 300 watts. At the same time, the lamp itself can be stationary or portable, which allows Sollux physiotherapy for bedridden patients, as well as at home.

    The lamp during the procedure must be installed according to the rules. It should not be tilted over the patient. The device should be installed on the side of the person at a certain distance, which can be from 50 cm to one meter, depending on the indications for treatment and the recommendations of the attending physician. The rays during the procedure should be directed only to a certain area of ​​the human body, and the distance from the lamp to the skin will depend on the patient's sensations.

    The duration of the procedure depends on the diagnosis and can be 20-30 minutes. The course is 15-20 procedures, but it also depends on the diagnosis and how the person tolerates the procedure.


    This treatment is used for the following indications:

    1. Inflammatory diseases of the joints in the chronic stage.
    2. Diseases of the female genital organs.
    3. Diseases of the liver.
    4. Diseases of the biliary tract.
    5. Pleurisy.
    6. Diseases of the urinary system.
    7. Diseases of the paranasal sinuses, especially sinusitis.
    8. Skin diseases.
    9. Pathology of the peripheral nervous system.
    10. Neuritis.
    11. Neuralgia.
    12. Contractures.
    13. Paresis and paralysis.

    During treatment, physiotherapy "Solux" helps to get rid of chronic pain syndrome, increase the speed of blood flow in a certain area of ​​the body, increases muscle activity, which means it increases their range of motion, improves tissue nutrition with oxygen and other substances that come with blood. And, of course, this procedure helps to improve tissue regeneration, which helps to reduce the time from the onset of the disease to complete recovery by several times.


    This treatment has its contraindications. These should include:

    1. All neoplasms, both benign and malignant.
    2. Bleeding of unknown etiology, as well as a tendency to them.
    3. Heart disease, which is accompanied by circulatory failure.
    4. Increased blood pressure.
    5. Tuberculosis.
    6. Diseases of the central nervous system with impaired skin sensitivity.

    Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

    Equipment Care

    Medical lamps "Solux" wear out over time, so the radiation intensity drops, and quite significantly. Such a lamp should definitely be changed, since it no longer has the proper therapeutic effect.

    However, with proper use and care, the life of the equipment can be extended several times. You need to know that the lamp starts to work worse with frequent switching on and off, which means that the work of the physiotherapy room should be adjusted so that patients come for treatment one after another, without any interruption. But constant switching on and off will only reduce the life of the equipment.

    The device should be protected from dust, as a dusty lamp transmits several times less light, which significantly reduces the therapeutic effect of the procedure. Every day, the irradiator should be wiped with a soft cloth, and once a month - with a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution, and then wiped dry.

    It should also be remembered that the emitter must not be touched with fingers, since fingerprints, which will certainly remain, will become an obstacle to the outgoing rays.

    After the lamp has worked continuously for three hours, it should be turned off for half an hour and the room well ventilated. If the lamp is portable, then it turns off every hour for 10 - 15 minutes.

    By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

    • Free books: "TOP 7 Bad Morning Exercises You Should Avoid" | "6 Rules for Effective and Safe Stretching"
    • Restoration of knee and hip joints with arthrosis- free video recording of the webinar, which was conducted by the doctor of exercise therapy and sports medicine - Alexandra Bonina
    • Free Low Back Pain Treatment Lessons from a Certified Physical Therapist. This doctor has developed a unique system for the restoration of all parts of the spine and has already helped over 2000 clients with various back and neck problems!
    • Want to learn how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve? Then carefully watch the video on this link.
    • 10 Essential Nutrition Components for a Healthy Spine- in this report you will find out what your daily diet should be so that you and your spine are always in a healthy body and spirit. Very useful information!
    • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend that you study effective methods of treating lumbar, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without medication.

    Carrying out phototherapy procedures has become very popular in recent years. Health workers use infrared and ultraviolet rays to warm tissues. The difference between the effects of these two types of rays lies in the effect on tissues: ultraviolet rays have a superficial effect, only with a depth of 0.5 mm. Infrared rays are able to penetrate much deeper into tissues (about 5 cm).

    In phototherapy practice, three types of lamps are used:

    1. With infrared rays (infrared reflector).
    2. With ultraviolet rays (mercury-quartz lamps).
    3. With visible, infrared rays (Solux, light bath, Minin lamp).

    Consider the principle of operation, indications for the use of the Sollux lamp.

    Lamp Sollux

    The Sollux lamp is an artificial light source. The device is represented by an incandescent lamp with high power, which was placed in a special reflector. For physiotherapeutic procedures in medicine, two types of lamp are used:

    1. Big Sollux. This is a stationary lamp equipped with a burner, the power of which is in the range of 500 - 1000 watts.
    2. Small Sollux. This is a portable lamp equipped with a burner, the power of which is in the range of 200 - 300 watts.

    Naturally, for home use, the “small Sollux” is considered more convenient. Such a lamp can be of two types:

    • desktop. This model is equipped with a tripod, which is mounted on a cast-iron base, good lamps are produced by the UFO company;
    • portable. This model is characterized by the mounting of the tripod on the wall of the suitcase.

    Impact on the body

    The lamp in question is used for local irradiation on different parts of the body. It is prescribed for a more intense, deep thermal effect on body tissues.. Its action surpasses the light physiotherapeutic procedures performed by means of the Minin lamp, an infrared reflector.

    In the operation of the Sollux lamp, waves of shorter wavelengths are used than in these lamps. These rays penetrate very deeply. Irradiation with such rays is very simple. To influence a certain part of the body, it is enough to direct the beam of light by tilting the reflector.

    The infrared rays of the device are able to penetrate deep under the skin. They have the following actions on the epidermis:

    • warming up;
    • stimulation of blood flow;
    • expansion of blood vessels.

    Thanks to the stimulation of blood flow, tissue nutrition is restored, and substances formed during active muscular work are eliminated faster. Considering such actions, the Sollux lamp has become indispensable in medicine and cosmetology.

    Indications for the procedure

    A physiotherapeutic phototherapy procedure is prescribed to patients in the presence of inflammation of the following organs:

    • joints;
    • liver;
    • muscles;
    • female genital organs;
    • biliary tract;
    • pleura.

    In the photo, the Sollux lamp while working with different impact zones


    The use of the Sollux lamp is contraindicated if the patient has the following diseases:

    • tendency to bleed;
    • , in which there is a violation of sensitivity;
    • manifested in circulatory failure;

    How is it carried out

    For the procedure, the patient must sit down, take a prone position. In this position, it will be until the end of warming up.

    To carry out a physiotherapeutic procedure using a Sollux lamp, it is necessary to install the latter parallel to the irradiated body surface. Also, the lamp can be installed at an angle to the body. In other words, the lamp is located on the side of the patient.

    The main thing is that the lamp is not perpendicular to the patient's body. This is a kind of precaution against falling fragments in the event that the lamp bursts. But modern lamps use shatterproof glass.

    Due to the tilt of the reflector, you need to direct the beam of light to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body that should be warmed up. During the procedure, the specialist periodically inquires about the patient's heat sensation. The intensity of exposure is regulated due to the approach / removal of the lamp from the patient.

    The dosage of the procedure is calculated taking into account such indicators as:

    • distance. It should be selected so that the patient does not experience discomfort during the procedure. Usually it is 20 - 50 cm;
    • duration. Warming up is carried out for 20 - 30 minutes.

    After the procedure is stopped, redness remains on the epidermis, it lasts for some time. Sweating is usually weak, may be absent altogether. The reaction from the respiratory system is practically not observed.

    The entire course of physiotherapy includes 20 - 25 procedures, they can be carried out daily, every other day.

    About the treatment with an infrared lamp Sollux in our video:

    Physiotherapeutic value

    Most often, the Sollux lamp is used for pain in the throat, nose (for colds). The procedure is recommended to achieve the following goals:

    1. Decreased pain sensitivity.
    2. Resorption of the infiltrate.
    3. Providing antiseptic action.

    Infrared lamp Beurer IL-11 It is intended only for irradiating the human body, where heat is transferred to the human body through irradiation with infrared rays.

    Previously, similar infrared irradiator lamps were also called: Solux lamp (Solux) or Minin reflector.

    An area of ​​the patient's skin irradiated with a Beurer infrared lamp is intensively supplied with blood, and in the area of ​​elevated temperature, the volume of metabolism increases.

    Brief specificationsbeurer infrared lamp:

    • The device has 5 steps of inclination of the lampshade (there is a photo below)
    • The lamp is powered by a household AC voltage of 220-230 V
    • The lamp has a rated power input of 100 W
    • Possible article numbers 4211125/614.00/3 and EAN code 4211125614003
    • The Beurer IL 11 infrared lamp is made in Germany

    Other technical characteristics and operating recommendations can be found in the operating instructions for the infrared lamp. (this manual you can always download from our website (link below).

    Also, thanks to the action of the infrared lamp-irradiator Beurer IL-11 begins in the body healing process, which, if necessary, can be purposefully supported from the outside.

    For example, the light of an infrared lamp (Beurer IL11 irradiator) can be used as an accompanying therapy in the treatment of diseases of the ears, throat and nose, as well as as part of skin care measures ( especially unclean) face and body.

    However should be consulted with the attending physician, whether it is medically advisable to use infrared lamp radiation in each particular case.


  • Do not use the device to treat people who are not sensitive to heat.
  • Heat sensitivity may be increased or decreased in the following cases:
    - in diabetics, people suffering from drowsiness, dementia or impaired attention;
    - in persons with skin changes resulting from diseases;
    - in persons with healed areas of the skin in the irradiation zone;
    - in people with allergies, in many children or in the elderly;
    - after taking certain medications or drinking alcohol.

  • In acute inflammatory processes, it is recommended to irradiate with an infrared lamp only after consulting a doctor.
  • It is always necessary to limit the duration of exposure to an infrared lamp and constantly monitor the reaction of the skin.
  • Under certain circumstances, medications, cosmetics, or certain foods may cause skin sensitivity or an allergic reaction. In this case, you should immediately stop the session of irradiation with an infrared lamp.