Make money on the services of an idea. Interesting and profitable options for business ideas for the provision of services

Business ideas in the service sector

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Service Business Ideas

What are profitable business service ideas? No one can answer the question about the profitability of a particular business idea. You have to try and understand for yourself this business or unprofitable undertaking. What are the benefits of a service business? First, in that this species business does not require large financial investments. And this is a significant factor for aspiring entrepreneurs with a limited budget. The second plus is that a person who decides to organize a business in the service sector does not need to spend time on training. Surely each of you already knows something, you just need to competently sell your services to other people for money. Correctly organized business in the service sector has every chance of becoming successful. Wish you a quick profit!

Today special attention deserve business ideas in the service sector, as entrepreneurial activity in this direction has a number of undeniable advantages. Actually initial stage you can do without investments if you do all the work yourself, but in any case, funds will be required for development.

Services are provided to both individuals and organizations. The scope in this plane for the implementation of ideas is simply huge. Next, we invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting ideas that can be implemented.

Photographers Service

People try to capture various events of their lives so that the memory of them remains. In this regard, the services of a professional photographer are quite in demand. Such a specialist is invited to anniversaries, weddings, birthdays and other important events. Photos are also taken in the salon.

First you need to decide on the direction. If it is supposed to do only trips, then there is no need to rent a room. Materials can be processed at home. However, for stationary work you need a full studio. It should not be less than 30-40 square meters. Transport accessibility plays an important role.

Approximate calculations:

  • for the purchase of photographic equipment and additional accessories, you will have to spend about 100,000 rubles;
  • on average, profits range from 30-50 thousand rubles per month;
  • business usually fully pays off in 3 months.

Attention: if necessary, you can take if your own funds are not enough. However, this should be done only after drawing up a detailed business plan.

Development of interior projects

Statistics show that cities in Russian Federation gradually grow. New residential areas appear on their territories. Many owners of apartments and houses often resort to the services of designers for arranging the interior space.

This business idea in the service sector is very promising, since at the initial stage it is not necessary to rent a separate studio. You can work at home, coordinating all actions with clients in neutral territory. The premises will be needed when expanding the business.

The following calculations are obtained (excluding investments in rent):

  • to purchase a license software, computer and additional equipment will take about 80,000 rubles;
  • average monthly profit is 45,000 rubles;
  • business payback - 2 months.

Gift Wrapping Studio

People want to do nice things for those who have an anniversary, birthday, wedding day or any other celebration. For them, they choose various gifts, which, according to the rules of etiquette, should have beautiful packaging. You can open a place where they will be processed. This is good.

Definitely need space. It is best to choose a small branch in mall or any other public place. The gift wrapping point should be clearly visible. To organize the process, consumables will be required in the form of high-quality film, ribbons and paper.

As for the calculations, they are approximately the following:

  • about 120,000 rubles will have to be spent on the purchase and design;
  • can be expected monthly profit in the amount of 30,000 rubles;
  • invested funds will pay off in 4 months.

Important: people who do not want to spend money on renting a room can take note. There are quite promising projects that allow developing in such conditions.

Installation of satellite dishes

Television is now available in various formats. The number of channels is constantly increasing. Broadcasting via satellite systems is gaining more and more popularity. The process of installing such antennas is not difficult, but ordinary citizens prefer to turn to professionals. For customers, not only the installation of antennas is carried out, but also additional work for repair and maintenance.

This one too may work, but should target wider areas with large quantity residents. It is not worth renting premises at the initial stage, but over time it can be done. By the way, there are no special requirements for it.

Approximate calculations:

  • about 180,000 rubles will be spent on equipment and other expenses (without renting a room);
  • the average profit per month is 60,000 rubles;
  • The initial investment pays off in 3 months.

dating service

Organizing a dating service is not so easy, but with a competent approach, you can make a good profit. Modern people are busy with work, career and other things, so there is little time left to find a loved one. The task of such services is to simplify this process.

It is best to rent a room with an area of ​​​​25 square meters or more closer to the city center so that participants can get to it without unnecessary problems. It needs to create cozy atmosphere which will facilitate easy conversation. All communications must be

Approximate calculations:

  • to start a business, you will have to invest about 160,000 rubles;
  • the average profit in this area is 30,000 rubles per month;
  • The business pays off in about 6 months.

On a note: for start-up entrepreneurs can be useful. They will help you learn the most important points one activity or another.

Nail salon

The business is completely focused on female representatives. Manicure services can be offered not only through the salon - many girls order private masters at home or in the office. This saves time. If necessary, the range of services can be significantly expanded.

Basic calculations:

  • about 350,000 rubles will have to be spent on manicure accessories, various boxes, forms, accessories and other acquisitions;
  • monthly profit - about 60,000 rubles;
  • manicure business pays off in 6 months.

Carpet cleaning

In many houses and apartments, carpets are used in the interior. It is problematic to qualitatively clean them from contaminants at home. This requires expensive equipment that ordinary citizens do not make much sense to acquire.

In this case, it will not be possible to do without investments, but such a business quickly pays off, since cleaning is not cheap. To begin with, a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bat least 20 square meters is suitable. Some amount will be spent on its arrangement.

Basic Calculations:

  • to start, you need to invest about 200,000 rubles;
  • this business idea in the service sector will bring an average of 90,000 rubles per month;
  • payback - a little more than 2 months.

Note: it must be understood that even without preliminary planning and clear calculations, it will not be able to bring the maximum benefit to the entrepreneur.

Holiday Agency

It is quite possible to earn money by organizing festive events. Many companies and business people have no time to deal with this issue, so they entrust it to third parties. A creative approach is of great importance - it will not be possible to do without it. The main task is not to leave the client dissatisfied. For this it is necessary to create unique programs following all customer requirements.

Initial calculations:

  • to open an agency, an amount of about 150,000 rubles will be required;
  • average profit - about 30,000 rubles per month;
  • payback - 5 months.

landscape design

A good business idea in the service sector is the improvement of territories adjacent to houses and public buildings. You can do without investments only at the initial stage. However, for proper organization process cash necessary.

Preliminary calculations:

  • about 300,000 rubles will have to be spent on the purchase of equipment, registration of a business, renting premises and attracting personnel;
  • average profit - about 60,000 rubles per month;
  • investment will pay off in 5 months.

Reference: entrepreneurs should know what is provided. If necessary, you can use one or another program in order to finance the project.

Car tinting

Window tinting service Vehicle enjoys high popularity, regardless of the season. The main disadvantage is a large number of competitors. However, a lot depends on the chosen direction, because there are many options for car tinting.

The calculations are as follows:

  • about 300,000 rubles will be spent on renting premises, attracting specialists, advertising, consumables and other acquisitions;
  • on average, a car tinting point brings its owners 90,000 rubles a month;
  • payback - 4 months.

City tours

The success of this enterprise largely depends on the ability to analyze and negotiate with customers. Minimum financial expenses are key advantage. Before opening a business, you should carefully read the routes of competitors, and then determine which option is not yet covered.

Excursions are able to bring a decent income in the conditions of large and small cities. To search for clients, it is recommended to actively work with museums, hotels, entertainment centers and other institutions that are in demand among tourists.

Approximate calculations:

  • you will have to invest about 150,000 rubles;
  • average profit - 30,000 rubles per month;
  • payback - 5 months.

Additionally: many aspire, because then the target audience cannot be limited geographic location. This is a very important advantage.

Making clothes for dogs

Tailoring for small dog breeds is promising event. At some point, many were surprised by this, but now the situation has changed. Owners for their pets often purchase different kinds clothes. Before you start a business, you should make sure that the market in this direction is not too saturated.

Let's make an example calculation:

  • it will take about 120,000 rubles to open a business;
  • monthly profit - 25,000 rubles;
  • payback - 5 months.

Summing up

The listed business ideas in the service sector are working, but they must be correctly implemented. Some of them can be implemented at the initial stage without investments, but further development will still require funds.

It is advisable to start with a certain capital in order to acquire everything necessary equipment and well organized advertising campaign, on which the number of clients will depend.

A section about small business in the services and services sector: ideas from scratch, profitability, new and relevant technologies in the industry, risks, analytics and tips for beginners in this field. Here we will analyze all possible business ideas in the service sector, as well as reveal questions about how to start a business, which one is better to choose and where to start.

The service industry is a part of the economy that includes all types of commercial and non-commercial services; consolidated general category, including reproduction various kinds services provided by organizations and individuals.

Best Service Business Ideas

We will try to reveal all types of services on which you can earn.

In the north of the UK, in a small Scottish village called Thornhill, an unusual Helicopter Glamping room has opened at the Mains Farm Hotel, in which guests are accommodated in a decommissioned Sikorsky Sea King military helicopter. The room has two double beds and one single bed,...

Opening of a dance school

Through numerous TV shows and competitions, recent times dance became much more popular. There are more and more people who want to learn how to dance every day. And, accordingly, building a dance business has become much more profitable. Costs and important...

It is believed that this particular area of ​​​​business is one of the most difficult to start. After all, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account. These include all possible licenses and permits. It is simply not possible for an ordinary person to know about all of them at the initial stage. For this, business ideas in the service sector were collected with all the necessary information to start your own business. Our site presents only the most effective and practical methods that, with the use of minimal investments, are able to develop entrepreneurial activity from scratch. Here are collected best recommendations on necessary documentation, competent business plans were drawn up, the necessary equipment was described.

Services are in demand, and most importantly, an infinitely profitable field of activity. Undoubtedly, a certain financial contribution will be required to start (not always), but our employees select exclusively cost-effective offers, which, in as soon as possible make your business in demand. Using these ideas and methods, any person will soon be able to become a financially independent owner of their favorite business.

Currently, a service business is considered to be such a type. entrepreneurial activity, which does not require significant initial investment. To get started, just use your home PC and mobile phone(better with two SIM-cards). If we evaluate the business in relation to these insignificant costs, then mathematically we obtain a significant profitability. With all this, mind you, you do not need to rent an office, pay for advertising.

The main mission of such a business is to effectively bring the seller with the buyer, the customer with a specialist who performs repair, construction, plumbing, etc. work that is in demand in everyday life. Thus, the basis of its creation are professional services to the population provided by specialists. The accumulated percentage of the intermediary is the income in such a business.

However, on the other hand, if we take into account absolute figures, i.e., count in rubles, then the start of such an entrepreneurship is not associated with high revenue, it grows gradually, not as fast as in the investment business.

It is based on a business idea, the relevance of which is proved by the entrepreneur if his work gives a result: the business sprout planted by him is gaining strength and becomes a dynamic entrepreneurship that has its own market and creates jobs.

Top 10 ideas

Which service business should an entrepreneur choose? The question is clearly rhetorical, since it does not imply a universal answer. Around us there is an invisibly market of demanded household services where you can and should make money.

How to define it? Take a look at the ads - offers of personal services. Among the most demanded are the following: repair and installation of plumbing, electrician services, tutoring, Courier services, professional cleaning of premises, tailoring, gardening services, babysitting services, pet care, window and door installation.

What should a future entrepreneur do with this list next? You should choose only one, but quite often demanded service, and concentrate on it as much as possible. The market for this service will become your service area, on the basis of which you will have to create your own business. In it you have to become a professional.

How to grow an electrical business

Here is one of the thousands of possible examples. In a city, for example, there is a consistently high demand for the services of private electricians. However, many of them, in addition to good days there are periods of downtime when their professional skills remain unclaimed. It is under such circumstances, when information from customers does not reach the performers, that business on services shows its potential.

The business idea is universal: first you form a database of specialists, and then you carry out an operational search and provide them with orders.

In order for a pure intermediary to become successful, he must become a recognized dock in the study of demand, find customers an order of magnitude more efficient than the specialist himself can do. This is the know-how of the service business.

Service entrepreneurship as information service

As mentioned above, it is possible to make money on the services of specialists with their high-quality information support. To do this, at this stage, a gentleman's agreement is concluded with them to transfer the percentage of the intermediary. At the same time, you must evaluate the qualifications of specialists, as well as stipulate the terms of cooperation. Each of them should:

  • individually determine the percentage of profit that they agree to pay you (preferably 30%, but 20% can be a start);
  • draw up a range of services and prices;
  • discuss ways to communicate.

At the first stage (we will describe it later), after publishing several advertisements in the press, you yourself receive customer orders on your mobile phone and transfer them to professionals. It is recommended for the same purpose to periodically post ads such as "electrician services" in the city.

Professional Tariffs - The Entrepreneur's Handbook

Cooperating with specialists (in our case, with electricians), the entrepreneur sets average market rates for services. With the help of such a price mechanism, one of the levels of organization of the future business is built: tariffs for servicing the population.

Here is a working example of such tariffication:

  1. Chasing in concrete for electrical wiring - 300 rubles / m.p.
  2. Chasing in brick for electrical wiring - 250 rubles / m.p.
  3. Installation of a cable with a cross section of up to 3.0 mm 2 - 50 rubles / m.p.
  4. Installation of a cable with a cross section of 3.0–10.0 mm 2 - 100 rubles / r.m.
  5. Installation of the box - 100 rubles / m.p.
  6. Setting the corrugation - 50 rubles / m.p.
  7. Outdoor el. point - 230 rubles.
  8. Internal email point in concrete - 600 rubles.
  9. Internal email point in a brick - 500 rubles.
  10. Replacing a socket, switch - 350 rubles.
  11. Installation of a chandelier - from 500 rubles.
  12. Installation of household electrical appliances - from 500 rubles.
  13. Installation (assembly) el. shield - from 3500 rubles.
  14. Change circuit breaker- from 350 rubles.
  15. Installing the counter - from 760 rubles.

It is advisable, when talking with a client, to clarify the approximate cost of the order and, transferring it to an electrician for execution, indicate the customer’s contact phone number, a list of works to be performed and a list of Supplies to purchase.

Stages of business development

The business activity we are considering has two clearly defined stages of development: amateur and professional. The first should be taken as a test of the maturity of the future business. The criterion is the profit made up of the subscription fee.

At the amateur stage, you register completed orders in a convenient universal program, such as Excel. There should be enough orders to provide specialists with a full working day. The best - give more profitable tasks.

If suddenly extra orders drop out, i.e., which your electricians cannot physically serve, try rescheduling them for another day. If this is not possible, look for extraneous electricians in the directory yourself, offer them a job, and at the same time recruit specialists under your flag.