Share wallpaper. Ideas for pasting walls with different wallpapers in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the hall. How different wallpapers in the same room change the space

Wallpaper for walls is a very flexible finishing material, which makes it possible to fantasize and be creative from the heart. They are used not only as the main wall decoration, but also for accentuation, decoration, ennobling. Wallpaper helps to create the desired mood, highlight the desired areas, create visual effects. Wallpaper can be used in different ways: on the entire wall or in a small area, in whole strips or pieces, one sheet or several.

Wallpaper art, among other things, allows you to save money. Stores often sell leftover wallpaper at bargain prices. You can buy interesting samples for a penny and arrange them together. For some people, this turns into a hobby: they buy wallpaper one roll at a time and use it not for basic decoration, but for decoration and decoration. Fortunately, there are many ways, and here are just a few of them.

1. One vertical stripe

This is a pretty bold move. Used to bring color or thematic notes to the interior. It creates an external variety, relieves a smooth plain wall of visual emptiness. Wallpaper is preferably bright, active.

2. Several vertical stripes in different areas

Single lanes can be located at a distance from each other or even on different walls. This technique helps to emphasize or designate symmetry. For example, stripes can be glued on two sides of a sofa, bed, wardrobe.

3. Combination of different wallpapers on one sheet

The composition of unequal wallpapers is spectacular and very unusual. It is recommended to combine wallpaper sheets that have something in common. For example, only pastels or only saturated ones, etc. You can take different wallpapers with the same background color.

They usually combine two or four sheets, thereby creating a small accent fragment behind a sofa or bed.

But sometimes a series of different wallpapers is allowed along the entire wall or only along its lower side. If you managed to collect a luxurious wallpaper collection, why not go “breaking bad”?

4. Wallpaper patchwork

Another option for collectors. If a fair amount of different wallpapers has accumulated, you can turn the wall or its fragment into a “patchwork quilt”.

This design method is most suitable for vintage and “shabby” interiors (country, Provence, shabby chic). But if desired, and with a suitable wallpaper design, you can fit patchwork into a modern setting.

5. Wallpaper panels and imitation panels

This is a popular and very common wall decor option. The method consists in sticking wallpaper fragments on the wall with their subsequent framing. To create frames, moldings or planks made of wood, polyurethane, plastic, aluminum are used. Framed wallpapers can look like decorative panels or classic panels.

Wallpaper panels and false panels are an inexpensive and easy-to-implement technique that allows you to bring classic features to the interior and quickly refresh the atmosphere without a global rework.

6. Wallpaper friezes

The interior frieze is a wide border located under the ceiling. Internal friezes are typical for classic, traditional interiors, but they are often found in modern design. With the help of a frieze, you can visually lower an excessively high ceiling and visually expand the room.

Friezes are overhead (for example, plaster or wood) and simulated. Friezes are imitated by applying paint or wallpapering. Wallpaper friezes are especially interesting and expressive. They can become a real decoration and highlight of the interior.

7. Wallpaper sheets are not back to back, but at a distance

This technique allows you to be a little original and save a little on wallpaper - it takes significantly less of them than with classic solid wall pasting. The step between the wallpaper can be narrow or wide, up to the width of the wallpaper sheet.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to save a lot, because you have to spend money on paint for basic surface preparation - the gaps between the wallpaper should be perfect. However, instead of paint, you can use simple plain wallpaper that reproduces the texture of a painted wall.

8. Catchy wallpaper on the ceiling

Light plain wallpaper is glued to the ceiling quite often, but colorful samples with a pattern or ornament are almost never found here. It looks unusual and impressive. The ceiling, pasted over with expressive wallpaper, persistently attracts attention and has a huge impact on the perception of the interior. Walls and floors with such a ceiling should be restrained and calm.

9. Wallpaper in niches

Wall and furniture niches "play" in a new way, being highlighted in color or pattern. They deepen, separate, acquire "character".

If there are several niches in the room, you can decorate them with different wallpapers. This will not only enliven the situation, but also zone it.

Sometimes different wallpapers are pasted over the niches of the rack. Furniture a la patchwork (with niches, drawers and doors of various colors) is very relevant today. Such items are accents, so the rest of the furniture adjacent to the "patchwork" should be "quiet and modest."

Combining different types is a relatively new technique, but designers quickly fell in love with it and became widespread.

Countless combinations allow you to make your wildest dreams come true, expand the space, divide the room into zones and give the interior a fantastic look.

Wallpaper manufacturers keep up with the times and combine wallpapers that are suitable in style into collections that will help those who decide to do a combined design make a choice.

Before you go to the store, it is useful to study the advice of professionals and understand the basics of combining wallpaper in the interior.

Types of combination of coatings

You can combine not only colors and their shades, but also ornaments, patterns and wallpaper textures, or play with different textures within the same color. Below are some of these combinations.


The spectrum is understood as a combination of several shades within the same color. For example, one wall can be made with a gradient, when one color, for example, soft beige, turns into dark brown after several colors. Another example is four walls painted in different shades of the same color, for example, from light gray to black.

You can place them clockwise or counterclockwise, as long as the colors gradually move from one to another.


The basis of this technique is a combination of complex wallpapers with intricate ornaments and simple plain ones, the color of which repeats the color of the complex wallpaper pattern.

A combination of opposites

This technique is perfect for decorating a teenager's room. The idea is to combine wallpaper in contrasting shades according to the color wheel.

So that such a combination does not put pressure on the psyche, it is better not to decorate the room in active opposite colors, let one of them dominate, while the others passively balance the overall impression.

Game of textures

To emphasize the difference in wallpaper textures, it is better to decorate the room in one color. In this case, it will turn out to bring the idea to life and focus on textures.

Practical application of combination

Before buying wallpapers, it is important to decide what kind of tasks you want to solve with them.

Masking uneven walls. With the help of a bright strip on a light background, which is located on the opposite wall, you can distract the observer's attention from various defects.

Using this technique, you can also disguise communications and details that spoil the interior. Using wallpapers of different colors, you can easily, without resorting to additional costs for arches and partitions, divide the room into zones.

Resizing the room. By highlighting one wall with bright wallpaper or a print, you can visually expand the room.

Decoration. With the help of bright accents, you can define the general idea of ​​the whole room, set the mood for textiles and other decorative elements.

You can highlight one object and thereby make it the main one in the room, for example, with several stripes of contrasting wallpaper of the same color, highlight the bed area in the bedroom.

Important combination rules

It may seem to you that buying several types of wallpaper is as easy as shelling pears, but it is not. Here is a little reminder for those who start choosing wallpaper.

The difference in textures and the difference in wallpaper thickness are not the same thing.

It is better to choose wallpapers of the same thickness so that joints are not noticeable after gluing. Do not combine more than two colorful patterns and more than three colors in one room.

More shades are allowed only in one shade range, for example, from beige to brown.

Combine bright colors with soothing pastels. In order to fully determine the color, attach two wallpaper samples to each other in natural, best street lighting. Glue the wallpaper only on well-prepared, even walls.

Combination methods

There are many ways to combine wallpapers, your room should tell you which one to choose.

Patchwork technique. With this method, pieces of wallpaper of a simple or more complex shape are combined into an original panel. It can occupy the entire wall or be part of it. For example, an area with a TV can be highlighted in an original way using a wallpaper mosaic.

Wallpaper can be an independent decorative element in this technique. horizontal combination. One of the most popular methods in the West and in America, in our country it has not received such wide distribution.

Perhaps this is due to the strong association with the hospital or the entrance, where the walls are traditionally painted in two colors. In fact, this combination looks very comfortable, here you just need to follow a few rules:

  • the top wallpaper should be lighter than the bottom;
  • the ornament is best used only for the top row of wallpaper;
  • the border dividing the borders should be below the middle of the height of the room and not divide the walls in half.

In a room with low ceilings, it is better not to use this technique at all, but to choose wallpaper with horizontal stripes, they will visually move the ceiling up.

Accent. The current trend is highlighting one wall with bright wallpaper with a geometric pattern or a bright print. In this case, the other three walls must be decorated in a calm range.

Disguise. If you want to hide unwanted elements of the room, such as a niche or a functional box, this can be done with dark or colorful wallpapers. In the same way, you can mask the unevenness of the walls, which could not be eliminated in the process of preparing for wallpapering.

Ornaments. If you want to divide the rooms into zones, you can use the technique of combining wallpapers in similar colors, but with different ornaments. It is important here not to deviate from the chosen palette so as not to overload the room with color.

There are a lot of ideas for combining wallpapers, you can make your choice by searching the Internet for photos of combined wallpapers in the interior. Feel free to let your imagination run wild, but remember that it should always be combined with a sense of proportion and style.

Photo of combining wallpaper in the interior

Sooner or later, we all think about changes in life: about changing jobs, places of residence, or maybe not about such global ones, for example, about repairs. Renovation is a serious step, even if you decide to freshen up only one room. This is not only the investment and effort, the time spent, but also the complexity of the choice.

So that the results of the renovation do not disappoint you, you need to pay attention to the size of the room and its functionality. There is a huge variety of finishing materials, but wallpaper has rightfully taken a leading position for many years.

Modern materials

Oddly enough, fabric is considered the oldest ancestor of modern wallpaper; it was used to decorate the walls in the houses of the nobility. But progress does not stand still, over time, the fabric coating was replaced with a more affordable paper one. Along with traditional paper materials, many synthetic analogues are used.

Of course, it is not so easy to decide among the many proposed materials:

The leader among other options are undoubtedly paper wallpapers, they are the most environmentally friendly, although not so practical.

A more practical choice would be in favor of vinyl wallpaper. This is the same paper, but applied to a PVC base, which makes such a material more durable. They can be cleaned using a damp cloth.

Perhaps this is the most suitable solution for a bathroom or kitchen. You can find vinyl wallpapers in hardware stores that look like fabric, they are known as silkscreens.

Non-woven wallpaper is considered the most progressive and rather expensive coating. Fleece is a cellulose-based non-woven material, you can even say that it is an improved paper counterpart. Several layers of cellulose soldered together make a very durable, moisture-resistant and, importantly for living quarters, breathable fabric.

Such wallpapers are made both smooth and embossed, they are often used for painting. Coatings are also produced not entirely from non-woven fabric, but only on its basis with various surfaces, both paper, vinyl and even fabric. Their price is much cheaper.

DIY repair

If you decide to glue the wallpaper in the room without resorting to the help of specialists, then you just need to use the recommendations of the leading masters.

The first step is to prepare the walls. Old wallpaper needs to be removed. Note that different materials have features when they are removed. Vinyl and non-woven are removed without difficulty, just pull the bottom of the canvas, but paper ones are better to pre-wet or steam with a steam generator.

If, after removing the old coating, you find bumps or cracks, then it is best to plaster the walls. The final step before pasting the walls with new wallpaper will be a primer.

The next point to consider is that the glue should be used exclusively for the selected type of wallpaper, otherwise they may simply peel off. Glue consumption depends on how much wallpaper you need per room.

This is truly an unpredictable occupation of repair, who would have thought that you would need not only aesthetic taste and knowledge of the basics of interior design, but also a trite knowledge of mathematics! After all, in order to avoid unnecessary spending on materials that are not needed or remain superfluous, you need to determine their exact amount.

First, you need to decide on the parameters of the wallpaper roll: the width is usually standard 50 cm or 1 m, but the length (number per roll) can vary from 7 m to 18 m, these data are presented on the label.

Second, take measurements of the room. Height from ceiling to floor and the perimeter of the walls to be glued.

And finally, do some simple calculations. The perimeter of the room must be multiplied by the height of the walls, we get the area to cover without deducting window and door openings. Now divide the resulting product by the area of ​​​​the roll (length times width) and get the required number of rolls. If you don’t really want to do this kind of calculation, there are ready-made tables or online calculators.

I would like to note one more important point, such a rough calculation is suitable for plain wallpaper or with an asymmetrical pattern, but if the pattern is selected joint to joint, add 20% to your calculations.

Wallpaper selection features

Before deciding which wallpaper to choose for a room, you must first take into account the functionality and style in which the room as a whole is made. The size of the room is also of great importance, because with the help of wallpaper you can visually correct errors in layout and lighting.

Small areas are best covered with wallpaper in light colors without rich and catchy patterns, otherwise bright walls will visually reduce the already modest area. Low ceilings will visually lift the vertical pattern.

Add warm cheerful colors to a cold and gloomy room. Spacious bright rooms sometimes lack comfort, and this situation can be corrected by the design of wallpaper with floral embossing.

Large rooms

In general, large and spacious rooms are a great option for a flight of creative imagination. The most ideal place to experiment with color and texture. You can safely combine bright colors with a large pattern and plain canvases, varying the combinations.

Most often, the largest room in the apartment is the hall. But it also happens that the most spacious room is the only one and includes a living room, a bedroom, and an office.

In this case, such a design technique as zoning will come to the rescue. You can highlight the recreation area, marking it with a bright print against the background of plain walls in the same color scheme. You can also note the intricate texture of the niches and columns in the room.

Another interesting technique used for spacious areas is wallpaper with a 3D effect. These are canvases with a printed three-dimensional pattern, and interspersed with reflective particles create a three-dimensional image.

Such wallpapers are used when zoning space. The paintings look realistic and creative, but due to the significant cost, they are not available to everyone.

Photo wallpapers in a modern interior

If 3D wallpapers are best suited for spacious rooms (in small rooms it is difficult to achieve a three-dimensional effect), then classic photo wallpapers are a universal solution. Moreover, the variety of existing options is amazing and it is quite easy to get confused when choosing themes for photo wallpapers.

Most popular options:

  • Various landscapes: majestic mountains, exciting sea or noble forbs of Provence;
  • Urban themes, it can be both a modern metropolis and a quiet cozy courtyard;
  • Bright large floral motifs, with the help of modern laser printing, a rather realistic effect is achieved.
  • Fairy-tale characters will delight your kids in the nursery.

Wall murals really will be a win-win solution in the interior of a room with wallpaper, but a couple of tips should be taken into service. First, do not choose too bright a palette of colors and too dynamic image, it can soon get boring. And, secondly, do not clutter up the wall with wallpaper of this kind with furniture.

Bedroom wallpaper

The bedroom is the most intimate and inaccessible room for strangers. When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, we strive to follow the principle of peace and tranquility, because where else if not in this room you want to relax and unwind. But at the same time, I don’t want to fall into the trap of clichés and clichés, but to make the design cozy and unique.

The main principle of choosing wallpaper in the bedroom is environmental friendliness. When choosing a color scheme, it is best to focus on soothing tones, and if you want to add a twist, then zoning with a bright print on one of the walls or unusual textiles in contrasting tones to the wallpaper would be a great solution.

Wallpaper in the nursery

The main principle of choosing a wall covering for a nursery, of course, is environmental friendliness and safety! As for the design, as we can see in the photo of the wallpaper in the children's room, the flight of fantasy has no limits. And yet, no matter how bright and festive atmosphere you would like to create for your baby, remember that in this room he will not only play and have fun, but also relax and do his homework.

You can visually divide the room with the help of the above-mentioned photo wallpapers, your favorite cartoon characters will be wonderful companions in the play area of ​​the room. And leave the part of the room reserved for relaxation in soothing colors with discreet patterns.

The palette, of course, should be chosen based on the gender of the child and his preferences, but too flashy shades in large quantities should be avoided.

When creating a room design on your own or trusting your choice to a designer, do not forget that renovating a room is a responsible event that can both please with novelty and freshness, and upset with deceived expectations.

Consult with all the inhabitants of the room being renovated, come to a common decision and let the new decoration bring only positive emotions.

Wallpaper photo in the room

Designers have been using wallpaper for a long time. With their help, design is carried out in the kitchen, in the hall, in the hallway (in the photo - an example of decorating walls in the kitchen with different wallpaper).

Different wallpapers can give the room exclusivity. Let's analyze some interesting ideas for using wallpaper in the kitchen, in the hall (in the photo - interesting ideas for repairs in the kitchen and in the hall).

About the color combination

The most important thing in the process of wallpapering in the bedroom is the creation of a well-thought-out project, drawing up a detailed plan for pasting the walls. It is important to decide before gluing the walls with wallpaper, their quantity, color, adhesive material. Modern design allows gluing in the hall with different materials (in the photo - wallpapering the walls in the bedroom).

Advice! If you decide to create a combination of different wallpapers, consider the combination of colors and shades.

Professionals suggest that you first analyze the graphical representation of flowers in the form of a circle, which is divided into several circles. With different colors of the sectors that are located nearby, you can make such a design in a modern bedroom, in which you can fully relax (option in the photo).

With a combination of colors located in opposite directions, you can get interesting ideas for gluing the walls in the kitchen (a sample of decorating the walls in the kitchen using contrasting wallpapers in the photo).

This combination brings additional positive energy to the design. Considering various ideas for combining different colors of wallpaper, consider not only the fashion trends of the season, but also personal taste preferences (in the photo - design in the bedroom with multi-colored wallpaper).

Advice! Professional designers advise decorating the walls in the bedroom with beige, golden, white wallpaper (the photo shows a variant of wallpapering the walls in the bedroom).

Innovative Ideas

Currently, when decorating the walls in the bedroom or in the kitchen (pictured), you can use a lot of interesting ideas related to wallpaper:

  • graphic arts;
  • color palette;
  • geometric and floral motifs;
  • classic and modern wall design indoors with wallpaper.

For those who have decided to carry out self-gluing the walls in the hallway or in the kitchen, he offers some ideas that will help to carry out a full-fledged design. You can combine 2-4 types of different wallpapers with different patterns. A similar design is interesting with materials that have a similar color scheme (in the photo - an example of such a solution in the kitchen).

If desired, using wallpaper, you can create a patchwork on the work surface. Three canvases of wallpaper with different lengths, widths, having a different design are glued to the walls (example in the photo). The joints of the wallpaper are decorated with a decorative tape, matching it in tone to the color of the decorative plinth.

Secrets of the patchwork technique

Alternating the harmony of bright colors, you can get an alternation of colors and directions of the tapestries. To create such an unusual design, several striped wallpapers are chosen for gluing. For example, for gluing three walls, canvases with vertical stripes are purchased, and for gluing the fourth wall, canvases with horizontal wide stripes are purchased. The video clip describes interesting ideas for wallpapering indoor walls

A universal method of gluing is considered to be a combination of several paper or vinyl sheets. This option of pasting the walls makes the room exclusive, brings harmony and comfort to it. Such ideas are suitable not only for pasting walls, but also for decorating the ceiling in the room.

Wall cladding options

Before embarking on an independent process of wallpapering walls or ceilings, try to choose the right materials for the job. On the modern construction market there are various options for trellis:

  • paper single-layer materials;
  • velor fabrics;
  • washable wallpaper;
  • satin fabrics;
  • non-woven and vinyl models;
  • foam wallpaper.

Advice! Do you want to get beautiful and functional surfaces after the renovation is completed? Stock up on patience, creative imagination, the necessary materials and tools, and feel free to get to work.

Preparatory work

After you decide on the design option, start seriously preparing the work surface for gluing. To begin with, it is important to get rid of the old coating, check for serious cracks, bumps, scratches on the surface to be decorated.

For any type of canvas chosen for wall gluing, pre-plastering, gluing paper or paper wallpaper, followed by application of the selected finish coating is assumed.

Attention! It is important to thoroughly clean the treated surface from all old coatings (paint, wallpaper). This is especially true when working with non-woven and fabric canvases.

To remove dust from the surface of the walls, you can use a primer layer. In this case, you will not only get rid of dirt and dust, but will also be able to increase the adhesion of the wall to the glued finishing material.

Gluing satin fabrics should be done on a perfectly smooth and even surface, otherwise all defects will be visible on the wall. When working with non-woven and vinyl materials, it is enough to apply glue to the wall surface.

wall cladding technology

Found an interesting idea for decorating the walls in the hallway or bedroom with wallpaper? In this case, first familiarize yourself with the technological features that are expected when working with such materials. First you need to prepare strips of wallpaper of the required length. In order for them to be enough for the entire length of the wall to be decorated, do not forget about a margin of 5-10 centimeters. When choosing glue, consider the type of wallpaper.

Advice! Manufacturers of all types of finishing materials on the packaging of their products indicate the type of glue, follow their recommendations.

After you prepare the glue mixture, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. During this time, all adhesive particles will swell completely, the finished solution will be ready for direct use.

When gluing the first strip, you will need a plumb line or building level. The process of pasting a room with any type of wallpaper starts from the window, in which case the joints between the canvases will not be visible. In order for the wallpaper to adhere to the wall with high quality, use a construction roller.

Design solutions

Nowadays, when using wallpaper, the owners of city apartments are no longer limited to canvases with flowers, geometric patterns. Manufacturers of modern wall finishing materials offer a huge range of rolled wall materials that differ in their manufacturing technology, external characteristics, and composition. If desired, you can purchase tapestries made of bamboo, natural cork, with imitation of the structure of wood, leather, natural stone. Among the latest fashion trends in the field of decorating living spaces, the combination of different types of tapestries is of interest.

For example, you can pick up coatings in similar colors, differing in the presence (absence of a pattern). Manufacturers, anticipating such a design decision, often offer 2-3 options for paintings in one collection at once. Have not lost relevance in modern design and wallpaper. More and more often in modern design there are photo wallpapers with a 3d effect. They give images printed on the surface of the ceiling or walls realism.

Such materials are optimal for modern, high-tech, they are appropriate for the design of a children's room, they fit perfectly into the interior of the living room and hallway. For example, on a dark background in the corridor, you can stick voluminous white applications, giving the room a solemn look.

In this case, you will receive not only the original version of the design, but also be able to fully enjoy the functionality of the result achieved. Dark wallpaper for the living room, underlined in white, is ideal.


Do-it-yourself apartment design is a great way to organize joint leisure, to show your talents to each family member. In order for the final result to really please you, work out the initial design project for your apartment or country house. Turning to professional designers, you can choose together felt, holographic, metallized, velvet coverings so that your hallway or living room is not only beautiful and comfortable, but also unusual.

If you have enough material resources, you can purchase handmade tapestries made from expensive natural materials. With the help of such finishing materials, you will bring new notes into the room, visually expand the space, create a small paradise in your apartment for relaxation. Looking through the design options for different rooms in the apartment, offered on the websites of design studios, you are sure to pick up the sample that fits perfectly into your home or city apartment.